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GnuCash / Debian update – November 14, 2005 (read more)

I guess I am asking for it, running the gnucash source (1.8.9), but running everything else from Debian testing. I upgraded like usual, somewhere around every week, and didn't think anything of it, because aptitude/Debian always takes care of everything for me. But yesterday, Heather discovered that gnucash wouldn't run any more. oops.

SMTP Authentication – November 08, 2005 (read more)

Like so many other articles on this subject, I will start by saying that I looked at various documents, but none of them worked perfectly for me, so I will write up my own steps. Most of the regular readers of this blog will not care at all about SMTP authentication, TLS, SSL, port 25, 465, 587, postfix (the oldstable postfix-tls) or Debian, though search engines should nicely find those keywords for those people who do care about them.

Readable Code – August 03, 2005 (read more)

I think this is the worst code I have ever seen, except where people were trying to make code hard to read. This code is in a video driver, written by Silicon Motion.

Email Random Signature Generation – May 25, 2005 (read more)

I wrote a random signature generator for Pine, my email client. It worked great for a number of years, but with a recent upgrade of Pine, it started having trouble a couple of times a day, where the signature would be correctly rotated, but Pine would hang prior to sending the message, and would not save the content of the message either.

PHP Zip Uploader Script – January 17, 2005 (read more)

I wrote this script a while back to upload (via HTTP) a zip file full of .pbm files, convert all the pictures to bitmaps, put the bitmaps in a zip file, and then send it back to the user.

Mail Statistics – January 14, 2005

I finally got around to fixing up the mail statistics graph, after I accidentally erased all of our personal email for the past year.

Plog Template Update – December 13, 2004 (read more)

It had always annoyed me that you couldn't use smarty commands in the stylesheet files in plog. It turns out it wasn't that hard to figure out, and the original authors had it basically done, but if you believe the comments, didn't think it worked yet.

Version Manager Setup – December 01, 2004 (read more)

Whether you know the program as Merant, Serena or PVCS, the setup is difficult, and despite the sales department insistence that you don't need a full-time person to run their servers, I am starting to doubt it. Here are the instructions to setup a new project using the file server model with split archives.

Test Director Problems – November 17, 2004 (read more)

For those of you who have successfully installed Mercury's Test Director, and have it die suddenly, you need to check the IIS/NTFS permissions. (Note, for those of you asking questions, you should read all four pages of comments - there are various questions and answers given throughout the comments, and you will be able to get your answer quicker than waiting for someone to see your question)

Spam: In Perspective – November 04, 2004

A friend of ours was complaining about spam, and Heather agreed, and said she had been getting tons of spam lately. I questioned her on that, since I am in charge of the filters that filter our spam, and I think they do a pretty good job: maybe 15-20 spams got through in the last two years.
She said, well, I got one yesterday, and one today.
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