[pLog-general] Italian locale ready + a few question regarding strings

Oscar Renalias phunkphorce at gmail.com
Tue Apr 26 06:20:50 GMT 2005

> I have finished preparing italian locale. I based on the previous work,
> however there have been tons of changes, and many, many error corrections. I
> have spell-checked it, so I hope most of the errors are gone... 
> This is the preview version. I miss the slug thing, so it's not final, but
> quite. Rename to php before use ;-) 
> http://www.netpalantir.it/resserver.php?blogId=1&resource=locale_it_IT.txt
Added to the plog-1.0.1 branch!

> I have just a few questions. 
> 1. What is the slug? Even the dictionary could not help me ;-) and the
> "help" message doesn't say anything more than repeating the same word: "The
> slug will be used to generate nice permanent links". 

if you look at the dictionary, it will be even less useful :-)

The slug is using for generating nicer permalinks. Users can type a
post topic and plog will format it a bit so that it can be used wtih
'custom urls' . For example if you look at this post:


The topic of the post is "The situation regarding plogworld.org" but
the permalink is "the_situation_regarding_plogworldorg" so basically
plog removed all punctuation, spaces, etc, and used the title of the
post as part of the permalink (to make it more human readable)

In case users prefer to use a shorter "slug" than the one that plog
generates by default, it is also possible to type a custom one to get
for example a shorter version of the slug. This can also be used in
the case of other character encodings (chinese, cyrillic, etc), where
the function that generates slugs based on the title won't work due to
some php limitation so that users of other encodings can also use
'custom urls'.

Hope this helped...

> 2. This message seems to me wrong (in english): 
> help_template_compile_check: If disabled, Smarty will check every time if
> template files have changed and if so, use the new version. Set this to
> disabled for higher performance. 

Sounds good to me. This comes from here:

> As a base, I have used a svn version of a few days before the 1.0 release. I
> have checked it out again a few days ago and I have merged the changes
> (added a few messages, but didn't remove the few which were removed). I have
> put it in my 1.0 svn setup and it seems to work... 

There hasn't been any change to the locale since 1.0 so whatever you
got should be good enough!

Let us know when you think that the locale is ready.


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