[pLog-svn] r4136 - in plog/branches/lifetype-1.1.2/js/tinymce: . langs plugins/directionality plugins/emotions plugins/fullscreen plugins/fullscreen/css plugins/fullscreen/langs plugins/inlinepopups plugins/inlinepopups/jscripts plugins/insertdat

Oscar Renalias oscar at renalias.net
Sat Oct 21 21:22:16 GMT 2006

On 21 Oct 2006, at 23:19, BalearWeb wrote:

> Hello, Oscar.
>> One thing I just noticed is that the buttons at the bottom right  
>> corner of every page are not exactly aligned to the right, there's  
>> a bit of space between the right side of the button and the page  
>> (better if you take a look at the attachment) I was wondering if  
>> this is intentional or if the CSS still needs some tweaking
> You are right, that still needs tweaking. I will have a look at that.

Do you think you'll have time to take a look?

>> Another thing that we have to check is the pages that have tables.  
>> So far all columns in tables have a fixed size in pixes, shouldn't  
>> we convert them all to relative sizes in percentages?
> I see what you mean, but the fact is that all the tables do flow quite
> right, I don't really know why. Nevertheless, it would be better to
> review that too.

We have a few tables but I don't think it's that difficult. We know  
the size of the current layout was 700-and-something pixels so all we  
have to do is convert the column sizes to percentages. Even if  
browsers are able to cope with fixed-size tables in a liquid layout,  
it'd be best to do it all properly.

> As for the header, I understand you would like to keep the original
> header, but... wouldn't it be enough to use the LifeType Logo with a
> white background? We would avoid several images that would make the  
> web
> load slower. I guess most of the administrators of weblog communities
> tend to customise the look of the admin pages to suit their own  
> look. I
> think it would be more helpful for them to use just a simple logo/ 
> image
> which they can easily replaced with their own logo. Personally I  
> prefer
> having no image at all to increase the speed of the web. Some of our
> users have complained to us saying that the admin of LifeType 0.3.2  
> was
> much faster than the current one.

Either way, we should have the logo in there :-)

> By the way, there are a couple of templates the administrators of
> weblogs have to manually edit to include the name of their blogging
> community, such as the title of summary RSS templates, if not, it just
> says: "Your site title". It would be nice if the name of the blogging
> community (site title) could be defined within the Admin and then
> automatically used in the RSS templates, the title of summary  
> pages, the
> title of the admin pages, the subject of email messages sent to  
> users...
> Of course this is something to consider in 1.2, not now.
> What do you thing about that?

Perhaps requesting this feature via Mantis is a good place to start.  
I think it's a good idea anyway.

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