[pLog-svn] r4136 - in plog/branches/lifetype-1.1.2/js/tinymce: . langs plugins/directionality plugins/emotions plugins/fullscreen plugins/fullscreen/css plugins/fullscreen/langs plugins/inlinepopups plugins/inlinepopups/jscripts plugins/insertdat

BalearWeb balearweb at balearweb.com
Sat Oct 21 20:19:33 GMT 2006

Hello, Oscar.

> One thing I just noticed is that the buttons at the bottom right 
> corner of every page are not exactly aligned to the right, there's a 
> bit of space between the right side of the button and the page (better 
> if you take a look at the attachment) I was wondering if this is 
> intentional or if the CSS still needs some tweaking

You are right, that still needs tweaking. I will have a look at that.

> Another thing that we have to check is the pages that have tables. So 
> far all columns in tables have a fixed size in pixes, shouldn't we 
> convert them all to relative sizes in percentages?

I see what you mean, but the fact is that all the tables do flow quite
right, I don't really know why. Nevertheless, it would be better to
review that too.

As for the header, I understand you would like to keep the original
header, but... wouldn't it be enough to use the LifeType Logo with a
white background? We would avoid several images that would make the web
load slower. I guess most of the administrators of weblog communities
tend to customise the look of the admin pages to suit their own look. I
think it would be more helpful for them to use just a simple logo/image
which they can easily replaced with their own logo. Personally I prefer
having no image at all to increase the speed of the web. Some of our
users have complained to us saying that the admin of LifeType 0.3.2 was
much faster than the current one.

By the way, there are a couple of templates the administrators of
weblogs have to manually edit to include the name of their blogging
community, such as the title of summary RSS templates, if not, it just
says: "Your site title". It would be nice if the name of the blogging
community (site title) could be defined within the Admin and then
automatically used in the RSS templates, the title of summary pages, the
title of the admin pages, the subject of email messages sent to users...
Of course this is something to consider in 1.2, not now.

What do you thing about that?

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