[pLog-svn] r3385 - inplog/trunk:class/action/adminjs/tinymcejs/uilocale templates/admin

lss lsslss at gmail.com
Sat May 13 04:52:49 GMT 2006

2006/5/13, Oscar Renalias <oscar at renalias.net>:
> If that's what you're trying to do... Have you ever tried using
> custom URLs but instead of /blog/{whatever}/{whateverelse} using /
> blog.php/{whatever}/{whateverelse}? I think it's exactly what you're
> trying to achieve here.

hi Oscar:

like what mark sayed "Not all VHS can support .htaccess ... But user still
want to have a nice
looking url when they install lifetype in those VHS ...."

custom url mode must .htaccess support. isn't it true?

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