[pLog-general] Re: pLog 1.0 testing plan

Oscar Renalias phunkphorce at gmail.com
Mon Jan 24 13:06:53 GMT 2005

Hi Brad,

> The format looks nice, but really the timetable should be set by you
> and you alone (unless others are suddenly handling a large portion of
> the technical backend work).

yeah, the one handling the work is probably just me alone...

> I guess there are a few questions I have about the release testing
> schedule.  If we generate a large user base in the first week that is
> steadily reporting bugs, helping to troubleshoot, duplicate errors,
> and things of that nature, the testing schedule should be firmly
> revised to more specific features per week/day.  Say focussing only on
> the features of the dashboard (which is just a quick-view for the blog
> owner or site admin, right?) over specific dates.  By more directed
> testing bugs should be worked out that much faster.

I've created a page in the wiki including all the information in my
previous email, plus specified a bit more clearly what needs to be
done in each phase:


Obviously if phase 1 generates too much work then we will have to
extend it and also be more precise on what should be tested... It
would be great if we could be as precise as to say on the Xth we will
test posting new articles, on the Yth we will test trackbacks and on
the Zth we will test something else but I've learnt that people
usually are quite unreliable and this wouldn't work (and I might no be
available either for whatever reason) so I would end up as always...
working pretty much on my own.

Rants aside, it's also a bit difficult to foresee what is going to
generate the most work. I could say that subdomains is one likely
candidate. Not because it doesn't work (it does! check out
www.blogseh.ca) but because it's not easy to configure... But we'll
see, what I posted is a tentative plan and things might change.

> Could you help lay out sections you want to see completed in the wiki
> for people hoping to help out?  I'm needing some direction on what
> you'd like the wiki to transform into, what data you think is the most
> important.

to be sincere, I've got no idea how to organize the wiki. I was happy
to see a few months ago that somebody was actually going to take care
of the wiki but looks lke that it was a 2-week fad...

I've recently been working on the "Developers section" which is one
that should be ready very soon if we want people to start porting
their old plugins and creating new ones before 1.0 comes out:


It's coming along nicely but there is still a lot of work to do...
specially what concerns to sections like
and http://wiki.plogworld.net/index.php/PLog_1.0/Porting_Plugins.

I would be more than happy to receive suggestions for the wiki
structure. I like the current front page "getting started", "for
developers", "for template designers", etc but I am not sure what to
do with things like http://wiki.plogworld.net/index.php/PLog_1.0...

Any ideas?


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