[pLog-general] Templates get cached? + question about actions

Palantir palantir at email.it
Sun Jan 9 19:22:26 GMT 2005

On Sunday 09 January 2005 19:23, Oscar Renalias wrote:
> I've noticed the same behaviour since I made some changes yesterday...
> I got a tip that pages generated by pLog were not being cached by
> reverse proxies (from somebody who had had a problem with proxies) and
> a solution. However, I noticed that the browser was really caching a
> lot more content than it should!
> I have removed those changes (basically, a call to
> session_cache_limiter('public') before every call to session_start())
> and updated the repository. Can you please try again and see if solves
> your problem?

Unfortunately it does not. I have tried also switching back in revisions (cvs 
up trunk --revision #) up to some 680 (which I guess shoud be far before 
yesterday) and still have that caching problem :-(
My installed 0.3.2 doesn't do that (so this is not an apache or browser 
tmp dir has permissions set to 777.

For what concerns the rest, thank you very much for the help and the link to 
the wiki, I'll be porting my plugins in my spare time this week :-) I hope it 
won't be too painful :-)

Palantir     === http://netpalantir.altervista.org
icq:57482808 ===     Jabber:palantir at njs.netlab.cz 
  Nightfall, quietly crept in and changed us all

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