[pLog-general] Raising some eyebrows...

Oscar Renalias oscar at renalias.net
Sun Jan 9 00:21:13 GMT 2005


hope the new year is going well and stuff like that :-)

It's always good to report good news, so here we go.

http://blog.vg.no/ is the new plog powered of the highest traffic site  
in Norway. They're already running 1.0 and have already been helping me  
to pinpoint performance issues. Also, seems like the Norwegian  
community has already noticed that they're using pLog!  
http://huminf.uib.no/~mfl061/blog/arkiv/000330.html, etc (no, I can't  
read Norwegian :-), just search for "plog" in any of the posts!)

http://blog.pixnet.net is the blog for users of the Pixnet  
(http://www.pixnet.net) online photo album and they're also using pLog!  
I managed to notice because of the referrers in plogworld.net and it  
seems like they've got over 100.000 users!! Without a doubt, the  
Chinese community is still the biggest.

One more, try this google search:  
rch ... over 90.000 hits! This roughly means that there are about  
90.000 blogs out there using plain urls... Not too bad if you ask me  

In a related note, testing for 1.0 testing is due to start any time  
soon... What are you waiting for!? ;-)


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