[pLog-general] pings working?

Reto Hugi plog at hugi.to
Thu Apr 7 07:42:05 GMT 2005

Hi Michael

On 05.04.2005 23:49, michael wrote:
> Can anyone else confirm if your XMLRPC pings are working?

Yes, mines are working. Although pLog lost the settings a few times
randomly it now seems to be saved correctly. (the host which I set up to
be pinged)

> Also, has anyone tried technorati tags with success?

aehm, what's that? link? hint? thanks :)

> I have this is settings (though I suppose all I need is pingomatic)

Yes, pingomatic is the only one you need, at least this is the only
resource i'm pinging and I get listed at technorati and all the others
mentioned by pingomatic.
check out

and look for reto's weblog (pinged via pingomatic). I'm listed with my
latest entry there...


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