[pLog-general] It's about time... pLog 1.0 is out :-)

Benjamin Krause ork at orkland.de
Fri Apr 1 15:44:48 GMT 2005

Benjamin Krause wrote:

> I think a lot of lines of code are loaded and executed that must not 
> necessariliy be called. If we are going to implement some caching of db 
> results or

dammit.. if you stop within a sentence for a few minutes, you mail will 
be messed up :)

.. implement some caching of db results or other data loaded by the code 
or by the plugins.
i'm currently working on a plugin and was thinking about how to cache 
the results of some operations for all requests.. i didn't find a way 
except implementing new code. so i thought if we need a caching 
facility, why not place it in the core product and use it for some core 
mechanisms as well.. :)

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