[pLog-general] about locale

su baochen subaochen at 126.com
Thu Nov 4 13:45:36 GMT 2004


Below is the code from blogaction.class.php:

            // initialize the locale
            $blogSettings = $this->_blogInfo->getSettings();
            $localeCode = $blogSettings->getValue( 'locale' );
            $this->_locale = Locales::getLocale( $localeCode );

So, you see, in plog world, the locale is defined by the blog owner, not
by the visitors.

I think this is not the real meaning of the "locale". When you visit a
wesite, you'd like to read the site with your own language? 

So, locale is setting by the visitors, not the blog owner. 

Any idea? 

su baochen <subaochen at 126.com>

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