[pLog-general] Wiki status

Oscar Renalias phunkphorce at gmail.com
Tue Dec 14 07:38:35 GMT 2004

> I can do this, a little. Just changing the default template, not
> building a new one from ground up.

my idea was to take the default one and make changes to that one... It
shouldn't be that difficult, we just need to fit the current layout
into a <div> of fixed size plus adding the header and footer from the
new design.

I also had the idea that the different sections in a phpbb forum
("FAQ", "Profile", "Log in", etc) could be additional tabs in the
site, in the same way that when you click the "about" link here
you see a few tabs called "features", "project info", etc. But I'm
pretty sure that this would require some extra php code... so let's
forget about it for the time being.

Anyway, if you're willing to do it, let's start by fitting and
tweaking the current layout by putting into the main <div
id="page">...</div>. You can get the header and footer markup by
looking at the generated code of any of the pages in
devel.plogworld.org. Have you got a phpbb installation that you could
tinker with?


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