[pLog-svn] r7006 - misc/lifetype.net-template-sources/template

jondaley at devel.lifetype.net jondaley at devel.lifetype.net
Fri Jul 30 21:09:45 EDT 2010

Author: jondaley
Date: 2010-07-30 21:09:45 -0400 (Fri, 30 Jul 2010)
New Revision: 7006

unused stuff

Deleted: misc/lifetype.net-template-sources/template/index_lt.html
--- misc/lifetype.net-template-sources/template/index_lt.html	2010-07-30 22:53:09 UTC (rev 7005)
+++ misc/lifetype.net-template-sources/template/index_lt.html	2010-07-31 01:09:45 UTC (rev 7006)
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-<title>LifeType - OpenSource Blogging Platform</title>
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-                In ac tellus a sem pellentesque tempor.<br /><br />
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-		<td width="265" style="padding-left:70;padding-right:20" background="images/back_left.jpg"><p align="justify">
-		Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. In sagittis orci ut dolor. Pellentesque vestibulum. 
-		Curabitur fringilla lorem nec odio. Sed id lacus eget tortor aliquet semper. In ac tellus a sem pellentesque 
-		tempor.<br/><br/>
-		<a href="http://www.lifetype.de/blog/index.php?blogId=34">Hyperlink goes here&nbsp;
-		<img src="images/small.jpg" align="absbottom" border="0" width="11" height="10" alt=""></a></p></td>
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-		<p align="justify">
-		Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. In sagittis orci ut dolor. 
-		Pellentesque vestibulum. Curabitur fringilla lorem nec odio. Sed id lacus eget tortor aliquet semper. 
-		In ac tellus a sem pellentesque tempor.<br/><br/><br/>
-		<a href="http://www.lifetype.de/blog/index.php?blogId=34">Hyperlink goes here&nbsp;
-		<img src="images/small.jpg" align="absbottom" border="0" width="11" height="10" alt=""></a></p></td>
-		<td background="images/back_right.jpg"  width="238" style="padding-left:40;padding-right:20">
-		<p align="justify">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. In sagittis orci ut dolor. 
-		Pellentesque vestibulum. Curabitur fringilla lorem nec odio. Sed id lacus eget tortor aliquet semper. 
-		1In ac tellus a sem pellentesque tempor.<br /><br />
-		<a href="http://www.lifetype.de/blog/index.php?blogId=34">Hyperlink goes here&nbsp;
-		<img src="images/small.jpg" align="absbottom" border="0" width="11" height="10" alt=""></a></p></td>
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-		<map name="Map">
-			<area shape="rect" coords="240,71,292,86" href="http://www.lifetype.de/blog/index.php?blogId=39" alt="Weblog">
-			<area shape="rect" coords="118,106,149,120" href="http://www.lifetype.de/blog/index.php?blogId=39" alt="RSS">
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-      <area shape="rect" coords="245,251,470,311" href="http://www.lifetype.de/blog/index.php?blogId=34" alt="State-of-the-art Blogging Solutions">
-		</map>
-	</body>

Deleted: misc/lifetype.net-template-sources/template/svnupdate.php
--- misc/lifetype.net-template-sources/template/svnupdate.php	2010-07-30 22:53:09 UTC (rev 7005)
+++ misc/lifetype.net-template-sources/template/svnupdate.php	2010-07-31 01:09:45 UTC (rev 7006)
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-$dirs[] = "/home/lifetype/www/templates/LifeType/";
-// did someone hit the update button?
-  $locallyModified = checkSvnStatus(false, true, $dirs);
-  if(!$locallyModified){
-    print "You might know what you are doing, but I'll assume you don't
-      and take the safe route and not do anything since there are
-      locally modified files.<br/><br/><br/>";
-  }
-  else{
-    svnUpdate(true, $dirs);
-  }
-$check = checkSvnStatus(true, false, $dirs);
-  print "Everything is up to date<br/>";
-  print "<form action='svnupdate.php' method='POST'>
-         <input type='submit' name='update' value='Update'></form>";
-function svnUpdate($print, $dirs){
-  $success = true;
-  if($print){
-    print "Updating...<br/>";
-  }
-  foreach($dirs as $dir){
-    $cmd = "svn up $dir";
-    if($print)
-      print "$dir<br/>";
-    unset($output); unset($ret);
-    exec($cmd, $output, $ret);
-    if($ret){
-      if($print){
-        print "Error: $ret!";
-      }
-      $success = false;
-    }
-    if(count($output) == 0)
-      $success = false;
-    if($print){
-      foreach($output as $line){
-        print $line."<br/>";
-      }
-      print "<br/>";
-    }
-  }
-  return $success;
-function checkSvnStatus($print, $localOnly, $dirs){
-  $success = true;
-  $cmd = "svn status";
-  if(!$localOnly)
-    $cmd .= " -u";
-  foreach($dirs as $dir){
-    if($print)
-      print "$dir<br/>";
-    unset($output);
-    exec($cmd." ".$dir, $output, $ret);
-    if($ret){
-      if($print){
-        print "Error: $ret!";
-      }
-      $success = false;
-    }
-    if(count($output) != ($localOnly ? 0 : 1))
-      $success = false;
-    if($print){
-      print "<pre>";
-      foreach($output as $line){
-        print $line."\n";
-      }
-      print "</pre>";
-      print "<br/>";
-    }
-  }
-  return $success;

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