[pLog-svn] r6798 - plog/branches/lifetype-1.2/class/data

jondaley at devel.lifetype.net jondaley at devel.lifetype.net
Fri Feb 13 17:54:23 EST 2009

Author: jondaley
Date: 2009-02-13 17:54:23 -0500 (Fri, 13 Feb 2009)
New Revision: 6798

htmlpurifier requires UTF-8, so we should use it in LT2.0.  InputFilter is easier to use, and works with non-UTF-8 stuff.  It does require a complete set of tags that we allow.  Is that possible to specify?  It takes care of the javascript easily.  Checking this in so you all can see what I've been doing, but I'll revert it in the next revision, since it needs the tags specified

Added: plog/branches/lifetype-1.2/class/data/class.inputfilter.php
--- plog/branches/lifetype-1.2/class/data/class.inputfilter.php	                        (rev 0)
+++ plog/branches/lifetype-1.2/class/data/class.inputfilter.php	2009-02-13 22:54:23 UTC (rev 6798)
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+/** @class: InputFilter (PHP4 & PHP5, with comments)
+  * @project: PHP Input Filter
+  * @date: 10-05-2005
+  * @version: 1.2.2_php4/php5
+  * @author: Daniel Morris
+  * @contributors: Gianpaolo Racca, Ghislain Picard, Marco Wandschneider, Chris Tobin and Andrew Eddie.
+  * @copyright: Daniel Morris
+  * @email: dan at rootcube.com
+  * @license: GNU General Public License (GPL)
+  */
+class InputFilter {
+	var $tagsArray;			// default = empty array
+	var $attrArray;			// default = empty array
+	var $tagsMethod;		// default = 0
+	var $attrMethod;		// default = 0
+	var $xssAuto;           // default = 1
+	var $tagBlacklist = array('applet', 'body', 'bgsound', 'base', 'basefont', 'embed', 'frame', 'frameset', 'head', 'html', 'id', 'iframe', 'ilayer', 'layer', 'link', 'meta', 'name', 'object', 'script', 'style', 'title', 'xml');
+	var $attrBlacklist = array('action', 'background', 'codebase', 'dynsrc', 'lowsrc');  // also will strip ALL event handlers
+	/** 
+	  * Constructor for inputFilter class. Only first parameter is required.
+	  * @access constructor
+	  * @param Array $tagsArray - list of user-defined tags
+	  * @param Array $attrArray - list of user-defined attributes
+	  * @param int $tagsMethod - 0= allow just user-defined, 1= allow all but user-defined
+	  * @param int $attrMethod - 0= allow just user-defined, 1= allow all but user-defined
+	  * @param int $xssAuto - 0= only auto clean essentials, 1= allow clean blacklisted tags/attr
+	  */
+	function inputFilter($tagsArray = array(), $attrArray = array(), $tagsMethod = 0, $attrMethod = 0, $xssAuto = 1) {		
+		// make sure user defined arrays are in lowercase
+		for ($i = 0; $i < count($tagsArray); $i++) $tagsArray[$i] = strtolower($tagsArray[$i]);
+		for ($i = 0; $i < count($attrArray); $i++) $attrArray[$i] = strtolower($attrArray[$i]);
+		// assign to member vars
+		$this->tagsArray = (array) $tagsArray;
+		$this->attrArray = (array) $attrArray;
+		$this->tagsMethod = $tagsMethod;
+		$this->attrMethod = $attrMethod;
+		$this->xssAuto = $xssAuto;
+	}
+	/** 
+	  * Method to be called by another php script. Processes for XSS and specified bad code.
+	  * @access public
+	  * @param Mixed $source - input string/array-of-string to be 'cleaned'
+	  * @return String $source - 'cleaned' version of input parameter
+	  */
+	function process($source) {
+		// clean all elements in this array
+		if (is_array($source)) {
+			foreach($source as $key => $value)
+				// filter element for XSS and other 'bad' code etc.
+				if (is_string($value)) $source[$key] = $this->remove($this->decode($value));
+			return $source;
+		// clean this string
+		} else if (is_string($source)) {
+			// filter source for XSS and other 'bad' code etc.
+			return $this->remove($this->decode($source));
+		// return parameter as given
+		} else return $source;	
+	}
+	/** 
+	  * Internal method to iteratively remove all unwanted tags and attributes
+	  * @access protected
+	  * @param String $source - input string to be 'cleaned'
+	  * @return String $source - 'cleaned' version of input parameter
+	  */
+	function remove($source) {
+		$loopCounter=0;
+		// provides nested-tag protection
+		while($source != $this->filterTags($source)) {
+			$source = $this->filterTags($source);
+			$loopCounter++;
+		}
+		return $source;
+	}	
+	/** 
+	  * Internal method to strip a string of certain tags
+	  * @access protected
+	  * @param String $source - input string to be 'cleaned'
+	  * @return String $source - 'cleaned' version of input parameter
+	  */
+	function filterTags($source) {
+		// filter pass setup
+		$preTag = NULL;
+		$postTag = $source;
+		// find initial tag's position
+		$tagOpen_start = strpos($source, '<');
+		// interate through string until no tags left
+		while($tagOpen_start !== FALSE) {
+			// process tag interatively
+			$preTag .= substr($postTag, 0, $tagOpen_start);
+			$postTag = substr($postTag, $tagOpen_start);
+			$fromTagOpen = substr($postTag, 1);
+			// end of tag
+			$tagOpen_end = strpos($fromTagOpen, '>');
+			if ($tagOpen_end === false) break;
+			// next start of tag (for nested tag assessment)
+			$tagOpen_nested = strpos($fromTagOpen, '<');
+			if (($tagOpen_nested !== false) && ($tagOpen_nested < $tagOpen_end)) {
+				$preTag .= substr($postTag, 0, ($tagOpen_nested+1));
+				$postTag = substr($postTag, ($tagOpen_nested+1));
+				$tagOpen_start = strpos($postTag, '<');
+				continue;
+			} 
+			$tagOpen_nested = (strpos($fromTagOpen, '<') + $tagOpen_start + 1);
+			$currentTag = substr($fromTagOpen, 0, $tagOpen_end);
+			$tagLength = strlen($currentTag);
+			if (!$tagOpen_end) {
+				$preTag .= $postTag;
+				$tagOpen_start = strpos($postTag, '<');			
+			}
+			// iterate through tag finding attribute pairs - setup
+			$tagLeft = $currentTag;
+			$attrSet = array();
+			$currentSpace = strpos($tagLeft, ' ');
+			// is end tag
+			if (substr($currentTag, 0, 1) == "/") {
+				$isCloseTag = TRUE;
+				list($tagName) = explode(' ', $currentTag);
+				$tagName = substr($tagName, 1);
+			// is start tag
+			} else {
+				$isCloseTag = FALSE;
+				list($tagName) = explode(' ', $currentTag);
+			}		
+			// excludes all "non-regular" tagnames OR no tagname OR remove if xssauto is on and tag is blacklisted
+			if ((!preg_match("/^[a-z][a-z0-9]*$/i",$tagName)) || (!$tagName) || ((in_array(strtolower($tagName), $this->tagBlacklist)) && ($this->xssAuto))) { 				
+				$postTag = substr($postTag, ($tagLength + 2));
+				$tagOpen_start = strpos($postTag, '<');
+				// don't append this tag
+				continue;
+			}
+			// this while is needed to support attribute values with spaces in!
+			while ($currentSpace !== FALSE) {
+				$fromSpace = substr($tagLeft, ($currentSpace+1));
+				$nextSpace = strpos($fromSpace, ' ');
+				$openQuotes = strpos($fromSpace, '"');
+				$closeQuotes = strpos(substr($fromSpace, ($openQuotes+1)), '"') + $openQuotes + 1;
+				// another equals exists
+				if (strpos($fromSpace, '=') !== FALSE) {
+					// opening and closing quotes exists
+					if (($openQuotes !== FALSE) && (strpos(substr($fromSpace, ($openQuotes+1)), '"') !== FALSE))
+						$attr = substr($fromSpace, 0, ($closeQuotes+1));
+					// one or neither exist
+					else $attr = substr($fromSpace, 0, $nextSpace);
+				// no more equals exist
+				} else $attr = substr($fromSpace, 0, $nextSpace);
+				// last attr pair
+				if (!$attr) $attr = $fromSpace;
+				// add to attribute pairs array
+				$attrSet[] = $attr;
+				// next inc
+				$tagLeft = substr($fromSpace, strlen($attr));
+				$currentSpace = strpos($tagLeft, ' ');
+			}
+			// appears in array specified by user
+			$tagFound = in_array(strtolower($tagName), $this->tagsArray);			
+			// remove this tag on condition
+			if ((!$tagFound && $this->tagsMethod) || ($tagFound && !$this->tagsMethod)) {
+				// reconstruct tag with allowed attributes
+				if (!$isCloseTag) {
+					$attrSet = $this->filterAttr($attrSet);
+					$preTag .= '<' . $tagName;
+					for ($i = 0; $i < count($attrSet); $i++)
+						$preTag .= ' ' . $attrSet[$i];
+					// reformat single tags to XHTML
+					if (strpos($fromTagOpen, "</" . $tagName)) $preTag .= '>';
+					else $preTag .= ' />';
+				// just the tagname
+			    } else $preTag .= '</' . $tagName . '>';
+			}
+			// find next tag's start
+			$postTag = substr($postTag, ($tagLength + 2));
+			$tagOpen_start = strpos($postTag, '<');			
+		}
+		// append any code after end of tags
+		$preTag .= $postTag;
+		return $preTag;
+	}
+	/** 
+	  * Internal method to strip a tag of certain attributes
+	  * @access protected
+	  * @param Array $attrSet
+	  * @return Array $newSet
+	  */
+	function filterAttr($attrSet) {	
+		$newSet = array();
+		// process attributes
+		for ($i = 0; $i <count($attrSet); $i++) {
+			// skip blank spaces in tag
+			if (!$attrSet[$i]) continue;
+			// split into attr name and value
+			$attrSubSet = explode('=', trim($attrSet[$i]));
+			list($attrSubSet[0]) = explode(' ', $attrSubSet[0]);
+			// removes all "non-regular" attr names AND also attr blacklisted
+			if ((!eregi("^[a-z]*$",$attrSubSet[0])) || (($this->xssAuto) && ((in_array(strtolower($attrSubSet[0]), $this->attrBlacklist)) || (substr($attrSubSet[0], 0, 2) == 'on')))) 
+				continue;
+			// xss attr value filtering
+			if ($attrSubSet[1]) {
+				// strips unicode, hex, etc
+				$attrSubSet[1] = str_replace('&#', '', $attrSubSet[1]);
+				// strip normal newline within attr value
+				$attrSubSet[1] = preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $attrSubSet[1]);
+				// strip double quotes
+				$attrSubSet[1] = str_replace('"', '', $attrSubSet[1]);
+				// [requested feature] convert single quotes from either side to doubles (Single quotes shouldn't be used to pad attr value)
+				if ((substr($attrSubSet[1], 0, 1) == "'") && (substr($attrSubSet[1], (strlen($attrSubSet[1]) - 1), 1) == "'"))
+					$attrSubSet[1] = substr($attrSubSet[1], 1, (strlen($attrSubSet[1]) - 2));
+				// strip slashes
+				$attrSubSet[1] = stripslashes($attrSubSet[1]);
+			}
+			// auto strip attr's with "javascript:
+			if (	((strpos(strtolower($attrSubSet[1]), 'expression') !== false) &&	(strtolower($attrSubSet[0]) == 'style')) ||
+					(strpos(strtolower($attrSubSet[1]), 'javascript:') !== false) ||
+					(strpos(strtolower($attrSubSet[1]), 'behaviour:') !== false) ||
+					(strpos(strtolower($attrSubSet[1]), 'vbscript:') !== false) ||
+					(strpos(strtolower($attrSubSet[1]), 'mocha:') !== false) ||
+					(strpos(strtolower($attrSubSet[1]), 'livescript:') !== false) 
+			) continue;
+			// if matches user defined array
+			$attrFound = in_array(strtolower($attrSubSet[0]), $this->attrArray);
+			// keep this attr on condition
+			if ((!$attrFound && $this->attrMethod) || ($attrFound && !$this->attrMethod)) {
+				// attr has value
+				if ($attrSubSet[1]) $newSet[] = $attrSubSet[0] . '="' . $attrSubSet[1] . '"';
+				// attr has decimal zero as value
+				else if ($attrSubSet[1] == "0") $newSet[] = $attrSubSet[0] . '="0"';
+				// reformat single attributes to XHTML
+				else $newSet[] = $attrSubSet[0] . '="' . $attrSubSet[0] . '"';
+			}	
+		}
+		return $newSet;
+	}
+	/** 
+	  * Try to convert to plaintext
+	  * @access protected
+	  * @param String $source
+	  * @return String $source
+	  */
+	function decode($source) {
+		// url decode
+		$source = html_entity_decode($source, ENT_QUOTES, "ISO-8859-1");
+		// convert decimal
+		$source = preg_replace('/&#(\d+);/me',"chr(\\1)", $source);				// decimal notation
+		// convert hex
+		$source = preg_replace('/&#x([a-f0-9]+);/mei',"chr(0x\\1)", $source);	// hex notation
+		return $source;
+	}
+	/** 
+	  * Method to be called by another php script. Processes for SQL injection
+	  * @access public
+	  * @param Mixed $source - input string/array-of-string to be 'cleaned'
+	  * @param Buffer $connection - An open MySQL connection
+	  * @return String $source - 'cleaned' version of input parameter
+	  */
+	function safeSQL($source, &$connection) {
+		// clean all elements in this array
+		if (is_array($source)) {
+			foreach($source as $key => $value)
+				// filter element for SQL injection
+				if (is_string($value)) $source[$key] = $this->quoteSmart($this->decode($value), $connection);
+			return $source;
+		// clean this string
+		} else if (is_string($source)) {
+			// filter source for SQL injection
+			if (is_string($source)) return $this->quoteSmart($this->decode($source), $connection);
+		// return parameter as given
+		} else return $source;	
+	}
+	/** 
+	  * @author Chris Tobin
+	  * @author Daniel Morris
+	  * @access protected
+	  * @param String $source
+	  * @param Resource $connection - An open MySQL connection
+	  * @return String $source
+	  */
+	function quoteSmart($source, &$connection) {
+		// strip slashes
+		if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) $source = stripslashes($source);
+		// quote both numeric and text
+		$source = $this->escapeString($source, $connection);
+		return $source;
+	}
+	/** 
+	  * @author Chris Tobin
+	  * @author Daniel Morris
+	  * @access protected
+	  * @param String $source
+	  * @param Resource $connection - An open MySQL connection
+	  * @return String $source
+	  */	
+	function escapeString($string, &$connection) {
+		// depreciated function
+		if (version_compare(phpversion(),"4.3.0", "<")) mysql_escape_string($string);
+		// current function
+		else mysql_real_escape_string($string);
+		return $string;
+	}
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: plog/branches/lifetype-1.2/class/data/textfilter.class.php
--- plog/branches/lifetype-1.2/class/data/textfilter.class.php	2009-02-13 21:07:12 UTC (rev 6797)
+++ plog/branches/lifetype-1.2/class/data/textfilter.class.php	2009-02-13 22:54:23 UTC (rev 6798)
@@ -48,8 +48,9 @@
         function filterJavaScript( $text )
                 // convert text first, to get "hidden" javascript
+                // NOTE: this breaks UTF languages, and also &lt; in posts.
             $text = Textfilter::htmlDecode($text);
                 // Strip all of the Javascript in script tags out...
                 $text = preg_replace('/<SCRIPT.*?<\/SCRIPT>/ims',"",$text);
@@ -500,17 +501,14 @@
             lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/config/config.class.php" );
             $config =& Config::getConfig();
             if( $config->getValue( "xhtml_converter_enabled" )) {
-               	lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/data/kses.class.php" );		      
-                $kses = new kses( true, $config->getValue( "xhtml_converter_aggresive_mode_enabled"));
-                $result = $kses->Parse( $string );
-                    // if balanceTags wasn't broken, we could use it...
-                    //$result = Textfilter::balanceTags( $result );		          
+               	lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/data/class.inputfilter.php" );		      
+                $if = new InputFilter(
+                    Array("p", "a"),
+                    Array("href"));
+                $string = $if->process($string);
-            else
-                $result = $string;
-            return $result;
+            return $string;

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