[pLog-svn] Lifetype 1.2.8 ...

Mark Wu markplace at gmail.com
Mon May 5 01:00:45 EDT 2008

>  	Can you post an example?  I am still not getting how 
> the server-side is involved. I understand that if I put 
> javascript on the admin's site, the javascript would have 
> access to stuff, but the browser is supposed to block 
> javascript from grabbing stuff from one site and posting it 
> to another, right?  So, somehow he grabs stuff via 
> javascript, posts it to admin.php which then posts stuff to 
> another site?

I have  no idea either. Reto, if you can provide an example here, that willl
very helpful.

>  	Sure, that's fine, but as far as I can tell, all inputs 
> would be susceptible to the same problem, so fixing one 
> variable isn't really a fix.

Not "all" inputs, just those inputs that we use string validator and does
not filtered by htmlfilter( strip tags) or displayed without escape html
special characters ...

I think quite few ..


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