[pLog-svn] r6696 - plog/branches/lifetype-1.2/plugins/badbehavior/bad-behavior

Jon Daley plogworld at jon.limedaley.com
Thu Jul 17 09:12:49 EDT 2008

On Thu, 17 Jul 2008, Reto Hugi wrote:
> On 07/16/2008 11:59 PM, Jon Daley wrote:
>>  	Did you mean to remove our customizations?  And did they change
>> their files to not have DOS carriage returns, or did you do that?  If they
>> did it, that is okay, but if was you, we should probably fix it, so each
>> release doesn't modify every file.
> I was wondering why it replaced every line... I probably didn't add DOS
> carriage returns as I'm on Linux? But I didn't mean to remove the lt
> customizations. I was reading the last couple of commit messages, but I
> was not careful enough, I guess. sorry for that.
 	Upstream changed how they did it for some reason, so that is why 
it was confusing.  I ran dos2unix on the old version, and then copied over 
the new version. Then running "svn diff" showed the two changes that we 
have made.

> would you mind adding the customizations? I fail to see them.
 	post.inc.php are the only changes.

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