[pLog-svn] r5997 - plog/branches/lifetype-1.2

jondaley at devel.lifetype.net jondaley at devel.lifetype.net
Mon Oct 22 13:36:58 EDT 2007

Author: jondaley
Date: 2007-10-22 13:36:58 -0400 (Mon, 22 Oct 2007)
New Revision: 5997

this isn't needed

Deleted: plog/branches/lifetype-1.2/wizard.php
--- plog/branches/lifetype-1.2/wizard.php	2007-10-22 15:32:27 UTC (rev 5996)
+++ plog/branches/lifetype-1.2/wizard.php	2007-10-22 17:36:58 UTC (rev 5997)
@@ -1,2367 +0,0 @@
-    if (!defined( "PLOG_CLASS_PATH" )) {
-        define( "PLOG_CLASS_PATH", dirname(__FILE__)."/");
-    }
-    set_time_limit (5 * 3600);
-    //
-    // enable this for debugging purposes
-    //
-    define( "DB_WIZARD_DEBUG", false );
-    //
-    // in case you're having problems with time outs while upgrading (probably too
-    // many records) lower this figure
-    //
-    define( "WIZARD_MAX_RECORDS_PER_STEP", 75 );
-    //
-    // minimum php version required
-    //
-    define( "MIN_PHP_VERSION", "4.2.0" );
-    //
-    // whether data transformers should fail on error by default
-    // It might be convenient to set this to 'false' if we're running
-    // the wizard on top of an already updated installation
-    //
-    // many hosts don't have this enabled and we, for the time being, need it...
-    ini_set("arg_seperator.output", "&amp;");
-    include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/bootstrap.php" );
-    lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/controller/controller.class.php" );
-    lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/template/templateservice.class.php" );
-    lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/action/action.class.php" );
-    lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/database/db.class.php" );
-    lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/template/template.class.php" );
-    lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/view/view.class.php" );
-    lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/data/validator/usernamevalidator.class.php" );
-    lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/data/validator/stringvalidator.class.php" );
-    lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/data/validator/integervalidator.class.php" );
-    lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/data/validator/emailvalidator.class.php" );
-    lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/data/validator/passwordvalidator.class.php" );
-    lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/data/timestamp.class.php" );    
-    lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/net/http/httpvars.class.php" );
-    lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/misc/version.class.php" );
-    lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/file/file.class.php" );
-    lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/file/finder/filefinder.class.php" );
-    lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/gallery/resizers/gddetector.class.php" );
-    lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/config/configfilestorage.class.php" );
-    lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/data/textfilter.class.php" );
-    lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/locale/locales.class.php" );
-    lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/locale/localefinder.class.php" );
-    lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/template/templatesets/templatesets.class.php" );
-    lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/bloginfo.class.php" );
-    lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/users.class.php" );
-    lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/blogs.class.php" );
-    lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/articlecategories.class.php" );
-    lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/articles.class.php" );
-    lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/mylinkscategories.class.php" );
-    lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/userpermissions.class.php" );
-    lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/blogcategories.class.php" );
-    lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/globalarticlecategories.class.php" );
-    lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/gallery/dao/galleryalbums.class.php" );     
-	lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/permissions.class.php" );
-	lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/userpermissions.class.php" );
-	lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/permission.class.php" );
-	lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/userpermission.class.php" );
-	lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/userinfo.class.php" );
-	lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/misc/integritychecker.class.php" );
-    // table schemas
-    include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."install/dbschemas.properties.php" );
-    // default configuration values for 1.1
-    include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."install/defaultconfig.properties.php" );
-    define( "TEMP_FOLDER", "./tmp" );
-    // maps used to map requests with actions
-    $_actionMap["Checks"] = "WizardChecks";
-    $_actionMap["Default"] = "WizardChecks";
-    $_actionMap["Intro"] = "WizardIntro";
-    $_actionMap["Step1"] = "WizardStepOne";
-    $_actionMap["Step2"] = "WizardStepTwo";
-    $_actionMap["Step3"] = "WizardStepThree";
-    $_actionMap["Step4"] = "WizardStepFour";
-    $_actionMap["Step5"] = "WizardStepFive";
-    $_actionMap["Update1"] = "UpdateStepOne";
-    $_actionMap["Update2"] = "UpdateStepTwo";
-    $_actionMap["Update3"] = "UpdateStepThree";
-    $_actionMap["Fix120"] = "Fix120StepOne";
-    /**
-     * Open a connection to the database
-     */
-     function connectDb( $ignoreError = false , $selectDatabase = true )
-     {
-        $config = new ConfigFileStorage();
-        // open a connection to the database
-        //$db = NewADOConnection('mysql');
-        $db = PDb::getDriver('mysql');
-        if ( $selectDatabase ) {
-            $res = $db->Connect($config->getValue( "db_host" ), $config->getValue( "db_username" ), $config->getValue( "db_password" ), $config->getValue( "db_database" ), $config->getValue( "db_character_set" ));
-        } else {
-            $res = $db->Connect($config->getValue( "db_host" ), $config->getValue( "db_username" ), $config->getValue( "db_password" ), null, $config->getValue( "db_character_set" ));
-        }
-        if( DB_WIZARD_DEBUG )
-            $db->debug = true;
-        // return error
-        if( $ignoreError )
-            return $db;
-        if( !$res )
-            return false;
-        return $db;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns the database prefix
-     */
-    function getDbPrefix()
-    {
-        $config = new ConfigFileStorage();
-        return $config->getValue( "db_prefix" );
-    }
-    /**
-     * some useful little functions
-     */
-    class WizardTools
-    {
-       /**
-        * returns true if plog has already been installed before or
-        * false otherwise
-        */
-       function isNewInstallation()
-       {
-           $configFile = new ConfigFileStorage();
-           // if plog hasn't been installed, this file will have empty settings
-           if( $configFile->getValue( "db_host") == "" && $configFile->getValue( "db_username") == "" &&
-               $configFile->getValue( "db_database") == "" && $configFile->getValue( "db_prefix" ) == "" &&
-               $configFile->getValue( "db_password" ) == "" )
-               $isNew = true;
-           else
-               $isNew = false;
-           return( $isNew );
-       }
-		/**
-		 * Clean up the default temporary folder
-		 */
-		function cleanTmpFolder()
-		{
-			// remove the files recursively, but only files, do not do anything to directories
-			File::deleteDir( TEMP_FOLDER, true, true, array(".svn", ".htaccess") );
-		}
-    }
-    /**
-     * Renders a template file.
-     */
-    class WizardView extends View
-    {
-        var $_templateName;
-        function WizardView( $templateName )
-        {
-            $this->View();
-            $this->_templateName = $templateName;
-        }
-        function render()
-        {
-            // build the file name
-            $templateFileName = "wizard/".$this->_templateName.".template";
-            //$t = new Template( $templateFileName, "" );
-            $t = new Smarty();
-            $v = new Version();
-            $this->_params->setValue( "version", $v->getVersion());
-            $this->_params->setValue( "projectPage", $v->getProjectPage());
-            $this->_params->setValue( "safeMode", ini_get("safe_mode"));
-            $t->assign( $this->_params->getAsArray());
-            $t->template_dir    = "./templates";
-            $t->compile_dir     = TEMP_FOLDER;
-            $t->cache_dir       = TEMP_FOLDER;
-            $t->use_sub_dirs    = false;
-            $t->caching = false;
-            print $t->fetch( $templateFileName );
-        }
-    }
-    class WizardAction extends Action
-    {
-        function WizardAction( $actionInfo, $request )
-        {
-            $this->Action( $actionInfo, $request );
-        }
-    }    
-    class WizardValidator
-    {
-        var $_desc;
-        var $_critical;
-        var $_valid;
-        var $_solution;
-        function WizardValidator( $desc = "", $solution = "", $critical = true )
-        {            
-            $this->_desc = $desc;
-            $this->_critical = $critical;
-            $this->_valid = false;
-            $this->_solution = $solution;
-        }
-        function isCritical()
-        {
-            return( $this->_critical );
-        }
-        function getDesc()
-        {
-            return( $this->_desc );
-        }
-        function isValid()
-        {
-            return( $this->_valid );
-        }
-        function getSolution()
-        {
-            return( $this->_solution );
-        }
-        function validate() 
-        {
-            return( $this->_valid );
-        }        
-    }
-    class WizardPhpVersionValidator extends WizardValidator
-    {
-        function WizardPhpVersionValidator( $minVersion = MIN_PHP_VERSION )
-        {
-            $this->WizardValidator( "Checking if the installed <b>PHP</b> version is at least $minVersion", 
-                                    "Please upgrade your version of PHP to $minVersion or newer",
-                                    true );
-            $this->_minVersion = $minVersion;
-        }
-        function validate()
-        {
-            $this->_valid = version_compare( phpversion(), $this->_minVersion ) >= 0;
-            return( parent::validate());
-        }
-    }
-    class WizardWritableFileValidator extends WizardValidator
-    {
-        var $_file;
-        function WizardWritableFileValidator( $file )
-        {
-            $this->WizardValidator( "Checking if file/folder <b>$file</b> is writable", 
-                                    "Please make sure that the file is writable by the web server",
-                                    true );
-            $this->_file = $file;
-        }
-        function validate()
-        {
-            $this->_valid = File::isWritable( $this->_file );
-            return( parent::validate());
-        }
-    }
-    class WizardSessionFunctionsAvailableValidator extends WizardValidator
-    {
-        function WizardSessionFunctionsAvailableValidator()
-        {
-            $this->WizardValidator( "Checking if <b>session</b> functions are available", 
-                                    "LifeType requires support for sessions to be part of your PHP installation",
-                                    true );
-        }
-        function validate()
-        {
-            $this->_valid = function_exists( "session_start" ) &&
-                            function_exists( "session_destroy" ) &&
-                            function_exists( "session_cache_limiter" ) &&
-                            function_exists( "session_name" ) &&
-                            function_exists( "session_set_cookie_params" ) &&
-                            function_exists( "session_save_path" );
-            return( parent::validate());            
-        }
-    }
-    class WizardSessionSettingsValidator extends WizardValidator
-    {
-        function WizardSessionSettingsValidator()
-        {
-            $this->WizardValidator( "Checking if <b>session.auto_start</b> is disabled", 
-                                    "LifeType can only run when session.auto_start is disabled.",           
-                                    true );
-        }    
-        function validate()
-        {
-            $this->_valid = (ini_get( "session.auto_start" ) == "0");
-            return( parent::validate());    
-        }
-    }
-    class WizardMySQLFunctionsAvailableValidator extends WizardValidator
-    {
-        function WizardMySQLFunctionsAvailableValidator()
-        {
-            $this->WizardValidator( "Checking if <b>MySQL</b> functions are available", 
-                                    "LifeType requires support for MySQL to be part of your PHP installation",
-                                    true );
-        }
-        function validate()
-        {
-            $this->_valid = function_exists( "mysql_select_db" ) &&
-                            function_exists( "mysql_query" ) &&
-                            function_exists( "mysql_connect" ) &&
-                            function_exists( "mysql_fetch_assoc" ) &&
-                            function_exists( "mysql_num_rows" ) &&
-                            function_exists( "mysql_free_result" );
-            return( parent::validate());                            
-        }        
-    }
-    class WizardXmlFunctionsAvailableValidator extends WizardValidator
-    {
-        function WizardXmlFunctionsAvailableValidator()
-        {
-            $this->WizardValidator( "Checking if <b>XML</b> functions are available", 
-                                    "LifeType requires support for XML to be part of your PHP installation",
-                                    true );
-        }    
-        function validate()
-        {
-            $this->_valid = function_exists( "xml_set_object" ) &&
-                            function_exists( "xml_set_element_handler" ) &&
-                            function_exists( "xml_parser_create" ) &&
-                            function_exists( "xml_parser_set_option" ) &&
-                            function_exists( "xml_parse" ) &&
-                            function_exists( "xml_parser_free" );
-            return( parent::validate());                            
-        }        
-    }
-    class WizardSafeModeValidator extends WizardValidator
-    {
-        function WizardSafeModeValidator()
-        {
-            $this->WizardValidator( "Checking if <b>safe mode</b> is disabled", 
-                                    "LifeType can run when PHP's safe mode is enabled, but it may cause some problems.",           
-                                    false );
-        }    
-        function validate()
-        {
-            $this->_valid = (ini_get( "safe_mode" ) == "");
-            return( parent::validate());    
-        }
-    }
-    class WizardIconvFunctionsAvailableValidator extends WizardValidator
-    {
-        function WizardIconvFunctionsAvailableValidator()
-        {
-            $this->WizardValidator( "Checking if <b>iconv</b> functions are available", 
-                                    "LifeType requires support for some resource metadata conversion and some LifeType plugins requires support for multi-byte language encoding/decoding.",
-                                    false );
-        }
-        function validate()
-        {
-            $this->_valid = function_exists( "iconv" );
-            return( parent::validate());                            
-        }        
-    }
-    class WizardMbstringFunctionsAvailableValidator extends WizardValidator
-    {
-        function WizardMbstringFunctionsAvailableValidator()
-        {
-            $this->WizardValidator( "Checking if <b>mbstring</b> functions are available", 
-                                    "Some LifeType plugins requires support for multi-byte language encoding/decoding.",
-                                    false );
-        }
-        function validate()
-        {
-            $this->_valid = function_exists( "mb_convert_encoding" );
-            return( parent::validate());                            
-        }        
-    }
-    class WizardGdFunctionsAvailableValidator extends WizardValidator
-    {
-        function WizardGdFunctionsAvailableValidator()
-        {
-            $this->WizardValidator( "Checking if <b>gd</b> or <b>gd2</b> functions are available", 
-                                    "LifeType requires support for generating image thumbnail.",
-                                    false );
-        }
-        function validate()
-        {
-            $this->_valid = function_exists( "imagecopyresampled" ) &&
-            				function_exists( "imagecopyresized" );
-            return( parent::validate());                            
-        }        
-    }
-    class WizardFileUploadsValidator extends WizardValidator
-    {
-        function WizardFileUploadsValidator()
-        {
-            $this->WizardValidator( "Checking if <b>file_uploads</b> is enabled", 
-                                    "LifeType requires support for uploading resources.",
-                                    true );
-        }    
-        function validate()
-        {
-            $this->_valid = (ini_get( "file_uploads" ) == 1);
-            return( parent::validate());    
-        }
-    }
-    class WizardFileIntegrityValidator extends WizardValidator
-    {
-        function WizardFileIntegrityValidator()
-        {
-            $this->WizardValidator( "Checking that all files have been correctly uploaded", 
-                                    "will be set later on...",
-                                    false );
-        }    
-        function validate()
-        {
-			include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."install/files.properties.php");
-			$result = IntegrityChecker::checkIntegrity( 
-				$data
-			);	
-            $this->_valid = ( count( $result ) == 0 );
-			if( !$this->_valid ) {
-				/* let's modify a private attribute... */
-				$fileList = implode( "<br/>", array_keys( $result ));
-				$this->_solution = "The current version of the following is not the expected one. Installation can proceed but please make sure that all files were uploaded correctly:"."<br/>".$fileList;				
-			}
-            return( parent::validate());
-        }
-    }
-    class WizardCtypeFunctionsAvailableValidator extends WizardValidator
-    {
-        function WizardCtypeFunctionsAvailableValidator()
-        {
-            $this->WizardValidator( "Checking if <b>ctype</b> functions are available", 
-                                    "Some LifeType plugins requires support for variable type validation.",
-                                    false );
-        }
-        function validate()
-        {
-            $this->_valid = function_exists( "ctype_digit" );
-            return( parent::validate());                            
-        }        
-    }               
-    class WizardChecks extends WizardAction
-    {        
-        function perform()
-        {
-            // build the array with checks
-            $checkGroups['File checks'] = Array(
-               "writeConfigFile" => new WizardWritableFileValidator( "config/config.properties.php" ),
-               "writeTmpFolder" => new WizardWritableFileValidator( "tmp" ),
-               "writeGalleryFolder" => new WizardWritableFileValidator( "gallery" ),
-			   "fileVersionCheck" => new WizardFileIntegrityValidator()
-            );
-            $checkGroups['PHP version checking'] = Array(
-               "php" => new WizardPhpVersionValidator()
-            );
-            $checkGroups['PHP configuration checking'] = Array(
-               "sessionSettings" => new WizardSessionSettingsValidator(),
-               "safemode" => new WizardSafeModeValidator(),
-               "fileUploads" => new WizardFileUploadsValidator()
-            );
-            $checkGroups['PHP functions availability checking'] = Array(
-               "sessions" => new WizardSessionFunctionsAvailableValidator(),
-               "mysql" => new WizardMySQLFunctionsAvailableValidator(),
-               "xml" => new WizardXmlFunctionsAvailableValidator(),
-               "iconv" => new WizardIconvFunctionsAvailableValidator(),
-               "mbstring" => new WizardMbstringFunctionsAvailableValidator(),
-               "gd" => new WizardGdFunctionsAvailableValidator(),
-               "ctype" => new WizardCtypeFunctionsAvailableValidator()
-            );                                    
-            // run the checks
-            $ok = true;
-            foreach( $checkGroups as $checkGroup => $checks ) {
-	            foreach( $checks as $id => $check ) {
-	                $valid = $checkGroups[$checkGroup][$id]->validate();
-	                // if it doesn't validate but it's not critical, then we can proced too
-	                if( !$checkGroups[$checkGroup][$id]->isCritical())
-	                    $valid = true;  
-	                $ok = ($ok && $valid);
-	            }
-	        }
-            // create the view and pass the results
-            $this->_view = new WizardView( "checks" );
-            $this->_view->setValue( "ok", $ok );
-            $this->_view->setValue( "checkGroups", $checkGroups );
-            if( WizardTools::isNewInstallation())
-                $this->_view->setValue( "mode", "install" );
-            else
-                $this->_view->setValue( "mode", "update" );
-            return true;
-        }
-    }
-    class WizardPagedAction extends WizardAction
-    {
-        var $willRefresh;
-        function WizardPagedAction( $actionInfo, $request ) 
-        {
-            $this->WizardAction( $actionInfo, $request );
-            $this->willRefresh = false;
-        }
-        /**
-         * @private
-         */
-        function getPageFromRequest()
-        {
-            lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/data/validator/integervalidator.class.php");    	
-			// get the value from the request
-			$page = HttpVars::getRequestValue( "page" );
-			// but first of all, validate it
-			$val = new IntegerValidator();
-			if( !$val->validate( $page ))
-				$page = 1;			
-			return $page;        
-        }
-        /**
-         * @private
-         */
-        function willRefresh()
-        {
-            return( $this->willRefresh );
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the information about the database from the user.
-     */
-    class WizardIntro extends WizardAction
-    {
-        function WizardIntro( $actionInfo, $request )
-        {
-            $this->WizardAction( $actionInfo, $request );
-        }
-        function perform()
-        {
-            // we can detect whether plog is already installed or not and direct users to the right
-            // place
-            if( WizardTools::isNewInstallation())
-                $this->_view = new WizardView( "intro" );
-            else {
-                Controller::setForwardAction( "Update1" );
-                return false;
-            }
-            $this->setCommonData();
-            return true;
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     *
-     * Saves data to the configuration file
-     *
-     */
-    class WizardStepOne extends WizardAction
-    {
-        var $_dbServer;
-        var $_dbUser;
-        var $_dbPassword;
-        var $_dbName;
-        var $_dbPrefix;
-        var $_connection;
-        function WizardStepOne( $actionInfo, $request )
-        {
-            $this->WizardAction( $actionInfo, $request );
-            // data validation
-            $this->registerFieldValidator( "dbServer", new StringValidator());
-            $this->registerFieldValidator( "dbUser", new StringValidator());
-            $this->registerFieldValidator( "dbPassword",  new StringValidator(), true );
-            $this->registerFieldValidator( "dbName", new StringValidator());
-            $this->registerFieldValidator( "dbPrefix", new StringValidator(), true );
-            $errorView = new WizardView( "intro" );
-            $errorView->setErrorMessage( "Some data was incorrect or missing." );
-            $this->setValidationErrorView( $errorView );
-        }
-        function perform()
-        {
-            // fetch the data needed from the request
-            $this->_dbServer   = $this->_request->getValue( "dbServer" );
-            $this->_dbUser     = $this->_request->getValue( "dbUser" );
-            $this->_dbPassword = $this->_request->getValue( "dbPassword" );
-            $this->_dbName     = $this->_request->getValue( "dbName" );
-            $this->_skipThis   = $this->_request->getValue( "skipDbInfo" );
-            $this->_dbPrefix   = $this->_request->getValue( "dbPrefix", DEFAULT_DB_PREFIX );
-            // we should now save the data to the configuration file, just before
-            // we read it
-            $configFile = new ConfigFileStorage();
-            // we expect everything to be fine
-            $errors = false;
-            // before doing anything, we should check of the configuration file is
-            // writable by this script, or else, throw an error and bail out gracefully
-            $configFileName = $configFile->getConfigFileName();
-            if( !File::exists( $configFileName )) {
-                if (! File::touch( $configFileName ) ) {
-                    $this->_view = new WizardView( "intro" );
-                    $message = "Could not create the LifeType configuration file $configFileName. Please make sure
-                                that the file can be created by the user running the webserver. It is needed to
-                                store the database configuration settings.";
-                    $this->_view->setErrorMessage( $message );
-                    $this->setCommonData( true );
-                    return false;
-                } else {
-                    ConfigFileStorage::createConfigFile( $configFileName );
-                }
-            }
-            if( File::exists( $configFileName ) && !File::isWritable( $configFileName )) {
-                $this->_view = new WizardView( "intro" );
-                $message = "Please make sure that the file $configFileName can be written by this script during
-                            the installation process. It is needed to store the database configuration settings. Once the
-                            installation is complete, please revert the permissions to no writing possible.";
-                $this->_view->setErrorMessage( $message );
-                $this->setCommonData( true );
-                return false;
-            }
-            // continue if everything went fine
-            if( !$configFile->saveValue( "db_username", $this->_dbUser ) ||
-                !$configFile->saveValue( "db_password", $this->_dbPassword ) ||
-                !$configFile->saveValue( "db_host", $this->_dbServer ) ||
-                !$configFile->saveValue( "db_database", $this->_dbName ) ||
-                !$configFile->saveValue( "db_prefix", $this->_dbPrefix )) {
-                $errors = true;
-            }
-            if( $errors ) {
-                $message = "Could not save values to the configuration file. Please make sure it is available and
-                            that has write permissions for the user under your web server is running.";
-                $this->_view = new WizardView( "intro" );
-                $this->_view->setErrorMessage( $message );
-                return( false );
-            }
-            else {
-                $connectionEsablished = false;
-                $this->_connection = @mysql_connect( $this->_dbServer, $this->_dbUser, $this->_dbPassword );
-                if( $this->_connection ) {
-                    $connectionEsablished = true;
-                } else {
-                    $connectionEsablished = false;
-                    $message = "There was an error connecting to the database. Please check your settings.";
-                }
-                if ( !$connectionEsablished ) {
-                    $this->_view = new WizardView( "step1" );
-                    $this->_view->setErrorMessage( $message );
-                    $this->setCommonData( true );
-                    return false;
-                } else {
-                	$this->_view = new WizardView( "step1" );
-	                $availableCharacterSets = $this->getAvailableCharacterSets();
-	                $defaultCharacterSet = $this->getDatabaseCharacterSet();
-	                $createDatabase = false;
-	                if( empty( $defaultCharacterSet ) )
-	                {
-	                	$defaultCharacterSet = $this->getServerCharacterSet();
-	                	$createDatabase = true;
-	                }
-	                $this->_view->setValue( "availableCharacterSets", $availableCharacterSets );
-	                $this->_view->setValue( "defaultCharacterSet", $defaultCharacterSet );
-	                $this->_view->setValue( "createDatabase", $createDatabase );
-	                // now we better read the information from the config file to make sure that
-	                // it has been correctly saved
-	                $this->setCommonData( true );
-	                return true;
-	            }
-            }
-        }
-	    function getAvailableCharacterSets()
-	    {
-	        // check mysql version first. Version lower than 4.1 doesn't support utf8
-	        $serverVersion = mysql_get_server_info( $this->_connection );
-	        $version = explode( '.', $serverVersion );
-	        if ( $version[0] < 4 ) return false;
-	        if ( ( $version[0] == 4 ) && ( $version[1] == 0 ) ) return false;
-	        // check if utf8 support was compiled in
-	        $result = mysql_query( "SHOW CHARACTER SET", $this->_connection );
-	        if( $result )
-	        {
-		        if( mysql_num_rows($result) > 0 ) {
-		            // iterate through resultset
-		            $availableCharacterSets = array();
-		            while( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result, MYSQL_ASSOC ) )
-		            {
-						array_push( $availableCharacterSets, $row['Charset'] );
-		            }
-		            return $availableCharacterSets;
-		        }
-		    }
-	        return false;
-	    }
-	    function getDatabaseCharacterSet()
-	    {
-			if( !@mysql_select_db( $this->_dbName, $this->_connection ) ) {
-				return false;
-			}
-	        // We use a SHOW CREATE DATABASE command to show the original
-	        // SQL character set when DB was created.
-	        $result = mysql_query( "SHOW CREATE DATABASE `".$this->_dbName."`", $this->_connection );
-	        if( $result )
-	        {
-		        if( mysql_num_rows( $result ) < 0 ) {
-		            // The specified db name is wrong!
-		            return false;
-		        }
-		        $dbInfo = mysql_fetch_row( $result );
-		        $pattern = '/40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET (\w+) /';
-		        if( ( preg_match( $pattern, $dbInfo[1], $match ) > 0 ) ) {
-		            return $match[1];
-		        }
-		    }
-	        return false;
-	    }
-	    function getServerCharacterSet(){
-	        // We use a SHOW CREATE DATABASE command to show the original
-	        // SQL character set when DB was created.
-	        $result = mysql_query( "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_server'", $this->_connection );
-	        if( $result )
-	        {
-		        if( mysql_num_rows( $result ) > 0 ) {
-		            $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result, MYSQL_ASSOC );
-		            return $row['Value'];
-		        }
-			}
-	        return false;
-	    }
-    }
-    /**
-     *
-     * Second step where we connect to the database and create the tables.
-     *
-     */
-    class WizardStepTwo extends WizardAction
-    {
-        var $_db;
-        var $_database;
-        var $_dbCharacterSet;
-        var $_createDatabase;
-        function setDbConfigValues( &$view )
-        {
-            $configFile = new ConfigFileStorage();
-            $configFile->reload();
-            $view->setValue( "dbUser", $configFile->getValue( "db_username" ));
-            $view->setValue( "dbPassword", $configFile->getValue( "db_password" ));
-            $view->setValue( "dbServer", $configFile->getValue( "db_host" ));
-            $view->setValue( "dbName", $configFile->getValue( "db_database" ));
-            $view->setValue( "dbPrefix", $configFile->getValue( "db_prefix" ));
-            $view->setValue( "dbCharacterSet", $configFile->getValue( "db_character_set" ));
-            return true;
-        }
-        function perform()
-        {
-            global $Tables;
-            global $Inserts;
-			$this->_dbCharacterSet = $this->_request->getValue( "dbCharacterSet" );
-            $configFile = new ConfigFileStorage();
-			$configFileName = $configFile->getConfigFileName();
-            if( File::exists( $configFileName ) && !File::isWritable( $configFileName )) {
-                $this->_view = new WizardView( "step1" );
-                $message = "Please make sure that the file $configFileName can be written by this script during
-                            the installation process. It is needed to store the database configuration settings. Once the
-                            installation is complete, please revert the permissions to no writing possible.";
-                $this->_view->setErrorMessage( $message );
-                $this->setCommonData( true );
-                return false;
-            }
-            // continue if everything went fine
-            if( !$configFile->saveValue( "db_character_set", $this->_dbCharacterSet ) ) {
-                $message = "Could not save values to the configuration file. Please make sure it is available and
-                            that has write permissions for the user under your web server is running.";
-                $this->_view = new WizardView( "step1" );
-                $this->_view->setErrorMessage( $message );
-                return false;
-            }
-            $createDb = $this->_request->getValue( "createDatabase" );
-            $message = '';
-            // only check for errors in case the database table should already exist!
-            if( !$createDb ) {
-                $connectionEsablished = false;
-                // Lets check the 'everything is fine' case first..
-                $this->_db = connectDb();
-                if( $this->_db ) {
-                     $connectionEsablished = true;
-                } else {
-                     $connectionEsablished = false;
-                     $message = "There was an error selecting the database. Please verify the database was already created or check the 'Create database' checkbox.";
-                }
-                // We were unable to connect to the db and select the right db.. lets try
-                // just to connect.. maybe the database needs to be created (even though the
-                // user did not check the appropriate box).
-                if ( !$connectionEsablished ) {
-                    $this->_db = connectDb( true, false );
-                    if( !$this->_db ) {
-                         $message = "There was an error connecting to the database. Please check your settings.";
-                    }
-                }
-                if ( !$connectionEsablished ) {
-                    $this->_view = new WizardView( "step1" );
-                    $this->setDbConfigValues( $this->_view );
-                    $this->_view->setErrorMessage( $message );
-                    $this->setCommonData( true );
-                    return false;
-                }
-            }
-            $config = new ConfigFileStorage();
-            $this->_database = $config->getValue( "db_database" );
-            $this->_dbPrefix = $config->getValue( "db_prefix" );
-            // create the database
-            if( $createDb ) {
-                $this->_db = connectDb( false, false );
-				if( !$this->_db ) {
-                    $this->_view = new WizardView( "step1" );
-                    $this->setDbConfigValues( $this->_view );
-                    $this->_view->setErrorMessage( $message );
-                    $this->setCommonData( true );
-                    return false;					
-				}
-                if( !$this->_db->Execute( "CREATE DATABASE ".$this->_database )) {
-                    $message = "Error creating the database: ".$this->_db->ErrorMsg();
-					$message .= "<br/><br/>If the database already exists, go back to Step 2 and use a new database name.";
-                    $this->_view = new WizardView( "step1" );
-                    $this->setDbConfigValues( $this->_view );
-                    $this->_view->setErrorMessage( $message );
-                    $this->setCommonData( true );
-                    return false;
-                } else {
-                    $message = "Database created successfully.<br/>";
-                }
-            }
-            // reconnect using the new database.
-            $config = new ConfigFileStorage();
-            $this->_db->Connect( $config->getValue( "db_host" ), 
-                                 $config->getValue( "db_username" ), 
-                                 $config->getValue( "db_password" ), 
-                                 $config->getValue( "db_database" ));
-            // create a data dictionary to give us the right sql code needed to create the tables
-            $dict = NewPDbDataDictionary( $this->_db );
-           // create the tables
-            $errors = false;            
-            foreach( $Tables as $name => $table ) {
-            	$upperName = $dict->upperName;
-            	$tableSchema = $table["schema"];
-            	if ( isset( $table["options"] ) )
-            	{
-            		$tableOptions = $table["options"];
-            		$options = array ( $upperName => $tableOptions );
-            	} else {
-            		$options = array ();
-                }
-                $sqlarray = $dict->CreateTableSQL( $this->_dbPrefix.$name, $tableSchema, $options );
-                // each table may need more than one sql query because of indexes, triggers, etc...
-                $ok = true;
-                foreach( $sqlarray as $sql ) {
-                    $ok = ( $ok && $this->_db->Execute( $sql ));
-                }
-                if( $ok )
-                    $message .= "Table <strong>$name</strong> created successfully.<br/>";
-                else {
-                    $message .= "Error creating table $name: ".$this->_db->ErrorMsg()."<br/>";
-                    $errors = true;
-                }                    
-            }
-            if( $errors ) {
-                $message = "There was an error creating the tables in the database. Please make sure that the user chosen to connect to the database has enough permissions to create tables.<br/><br/>$message";
-                $this->_view = new WizardView( "step1" );
-                $this->_view->setErrorMessage( $message );
-                $this->setDbConfigValues( $this->_view );
-                $this->setCommonData();
-                return false;
-            }
-             // try to guess the url where plog is running
-             $httpProtocol = (array_key_exists("HTTPS", $_SERVER) && $_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") ? "https://" : "http://";
-             $httpHost = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"];
-             $requestUrl = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
-             $requestUrl = str_replace( "/wizard.php", "", $requestUrl );
-             $plogUrl = $httpProtocol.$httpHost.$requestUrl;
-            // Find some of the tools we are going to need (last one is for os x, with fink installed)
-            // TBD: support for Windows specific directories
-            $folders = Array( "/bin/", "/usr/bin/", "/usr/local/bin/", "/sw/bin/" );
-            $finder = new FileFinder();
-            $pathToUnzip = $finder->findBinary( "unzip", $folders );
-            $pathToTar = $finder->findBinary( "tar", $folders);
-            $pathToGzip = $finder->findBinary( "gzip", $folders);
-            $pathToBzip2 = $finder->findBinary( "bzip2", $folders);
-            $pathToConvert = $finder->findBinary( "convert", $folders);
-            // and execute some insert's
-            foreach( $Inserts as $insert ) {
-                $query = str_replace( "{dbprefix}", $this->_dbPrefix, $insert );
-                $query = str_replace( "{plog_base_url}", $plogUrl, $query );
-                // replace also the placeholders for the paths to the tools
-                $query = str_replace( "{path_to_tar}", $pathToTar, $query );
-                $query = str_replace( "{path_to_unzip}", $pathToUnzip, $query );
-                $query = str_replace( "{path_to_bz2}", $pathToBzip2, $query );
-                $query = str_replace( "{path_to_gzip}", $pathToGzip, $query );
-                $query = str_replace( "{path_to_convert}", $pathToConvert, $query );
-                $query = str_replace( "{path_to_convert}", $pathToConvert, $query );
-                if( !$this->_db->Execute( $query )) {
-                    $message .= "Error executing code: ".$this->_db->ErrorMsg()."<br/>";
-                    $errors = true;
-                }
-            }
-            //
-            // show some information regarding the helper tools we're going to need
-            // and wether they were found or not
-            //
-            $message .= "<br/><b>-- Helper tools --</b><br/>";
-            if( $pathToTar == "" )
-                $message .= "The helper tool 'tar' was not found<br/>";
-            else
-                $message .= "The helper tool 'tar' was found in $pathToTar<br/>";
-            if( $pathToGzip == "" )
-                $message .= "The helper tool 'gzip' was not found<br/>";
-            else
-                $message .= "The helper tool 'gzip' was found in $pathToGzip<br/>";
-            if( $pathToUnzip == "" )
-                $message .= "The helper tool 'unzip' was not found<br/>";
-            else
-                $message .= "The helper tool 'unzip' was found in $pathToUnzip<br/>";
-            if( $pathToBzip2 == "" )
-                $message .= "The helper tool 'bzip2' was not found<br/>";
-            else
-                $message .= "The helper tool 'bzip2' was found in $pathToTar<br/>";
-            if( $pathToConvert == "" )
-                $message .= "The helper tool 'convert' (from the ImageMagick package) was not found<br/>";
-            else
-                $message .= "The helper tool 'convert' (from the ImageMagick package) was found in $pathToConvert<br/>";
-            // Scan for locales
-            $locales = new Locales();
-            // find all the new locales that we have not yet stored
-            $f = new LocaleFinder();
-            $newLocaleCodes = $f->find();
-            foreach( $newLocaleCodes as $newLocaleCode ) {
-                $res = $locales->addLocale( $newLocaleCode );
-            }
-			// load the core permissions
-		    include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."install/corepermissions.properties.php" );
-		    // process permissions
-		    $total = 0;		
-		    foreach( $permissions as $perm ) {
-			    // check if it already exists
-			    $query = "SELECT * FROM ".Db::getPrefix()."permissions WHERE permission = '".$perm[0]."'";
-			    $result = $this->_db->Execute( $query );
-			    if( !$result || $result->RowCount() < 1 ) {
-				   	// permission needs to be added
-					$corePerm = ( $perm[2] == true ? 1 : 0 );
-					$adminOnly = ( $perm[3] == true ? 1 : 0 );
-					$query = "INSERT INTO ".Db::getPrefix()."permissions (permission,description,core_perm,admin_only) ".
-					          "VALUES ('".$perm[0]."','".$perm[1]."','".$corePerm."','".$adminOnly."')";
-					$this->_db->Execute( $query );
-					$total++;
-			    }
-		    }
-			// show some feedback
-            if( $errors ) {
-                $this->_view = new WizardView( "step1" );
-                $this->setDbConfigValues( $this->_view );
-                $message = "There was an error initializing some of the tables. Please make sure that the user chosen to connect to the database has enough permissions to add records to the database.<br/><br/>$message";
-                $this->_view->setErrorMessage( $message );
-                $this->setCommonData();
-            }
-            else {
-                $this->_view = new WizardView( "step2" );
-                $this->_view->setValue( "message", $message );
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     *
-     * this action only shows some feedback
-     *
-     */
-    class WizardStepThree extends WizardAction
-    {
-        function perform()
-        {
-            $this->_view = new WizardView( "step3" );
-            $this->setCommonData();
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     *
-     * Create the first user in the database
-     *
-     */
-    class WizardStepFour extends WizardAction
-    {
-        var $_userName;
-        var $_userPassword;
-        var $_confirmPassword;
-        var $_userEmail;
-        var $_userFullName;
-        function WizardStepFour( $actionInfo, $request )
-        {
-            $this->WizardAction( $actionInfo, $request );
-            $this->registerFieldValidator( "userName", new UsernameValidator());
-            $this->registerFieldValidator( "userPassword", new PasswordValidator());
-            $this->registerFieldValidator( "userPasswordCheck", new PasswordValidator());
-            $this->registerFieldValidator( "userEmail", new EmailValidator());
-            $this->registerField( "userFullName" );
-            $view = new WizardView( "step3" );
-            $view->setErrorMessage( "Some data is missing or incorrect" );
-            $this->setValidationErrorView( $view );
-        }
-        // creates the user
-        function perform()
-        {
-            $this->_userName = $this->_request->getValue( "userName" );
-            $this->_userPassword = $this->_request->getValue( "userPassword" );
-            $this->_confirmPassword = $this->_request->getValue( "userPasswordCheck" );
-            $this->_userEmail = $this->_request->getValue( "userEmail" );
-            $this->_userFullName = $this->_request->getValue( "userFullName" );
-            $db = connectDb();
-            if( !$db ) {
-                $this->_view = new WizardView( "step3" );
-                $this->_view->setErrorMessage( "There was an error connecting to the database. Please check your settings." );
-                $this->setCommonData();
-                return false;
-            }
-            if( $this->_confirmPassword != $this->_userPassword ) {
-                $this->_view = new WizardView( "step3" );
-                $this->_form->setFieldValidationStatus( "userPasswordCheck", false );
-                $this->setCommonData( true );
-                return false;
-            }
-            $dbPrefix = Db::getPrefix();
-            $users = new Users();
-            $user = new UserInfo( $this->_userName,
-                                  $this->_userPassword,
-                                  $this->_userEmail,
-                                  "",
-                                  $this->_userFullName);
-			// set the user as an administrator
-			$user->setSiteAdmin( true );
-			// and add this record to the db
-            $userId = $users->addUser( $user );
-            if( !$userId ) {
-                $this->_view = new WizardView( "step3" );
-				$db =& Db::getDb();
-                $message = "There was an error adding the user. Make sure that the user does not already exist in the database (".$db->ErrorMsg().")";
-                $this->_view->setErrorMessage( $message );
-                $this->setCommonData();
-                return false;
-            }
-			// since this user is an administrator, he must be granted all the administrator
-			// permissions available
-			$perms = new Permissions();
-			$userPerms = new UserPermissions();
-			foreach( $perms->getAllPermissions() as $perm ) {
-				if( $perm->isAdminOnlyPermission()) {
-					// if it's an admin permission, add it
-					$p = new UserPermission( $userId, 0, $perm->getId());
-					$userPerms->grantPermission( $p );
-					//print("granting permission: ".$perm->getName()."<br/>");
-				}
-			}
-            $this->_view = new Wizardview( "step4" );
-            $this->_view->setValue( "ownerid", $userId );
-            $this->_view->setValue( "siteLocales", Locales::getLocales());
-            $this->_view->setValue( "defaultLocale", Locales::getDefaultLocale());
-            $ts = new TemplateSets();
-            $this->_view->setValue( "siteTemplates", $ts->getGlobalTemplateSets());
-            $this->setCommonData();
-            return true;
-        }
-    }
-    class WizardStepFive extends WizardAction
-    {
-        var $_blogName;
-        var $_ownerId;
-        var $_blogProperties;
-        function WizardStepFive( $actionInfo, $request )
-        {
-              $this->WizardAction( $actionInfo, $request );
-              $this->registerFieldValidator( "blogName", new StringValidator());
-              $this->registerFieldValidator( "ownerid", new IntegerValidator());
-              $this->registerFieldValidator( "blogTemplate", new StringValidator());
-              $this->registerFieldValidator( "blogLocale", new StringValidator());			  
-              $view = new WizardView( "step4" );
-              $view->setErrorMessage( "Some data is missing or incorrect" );
-              $view->setValue( "siteLocales", Locales::getLocales());
-			  $view->setValue( "defaultLocale", Locales::getDefaultLocale());
-              $ts = new TemplateSets();
-              $view->setValue( "siteTemplates", $ts->getGlobalTemplateSets());
-              $this->setValidationErrorView( $view );
-        }
-        function perform()
-        {
-            // Before we add a new blog, we need to add blog category and global article category first
-            // add blog category
-            $blogCategories = new BlogCategories();
-            $blogCategory = new BlogCategory( "General", "General" );
-            $blogCategoryId = $blogCategories->addBlogCategory( $blogCategory );
-            // add global article category
-            $globalArticleCategories = new GlobalArticleCategories();
-            $globalArticleCategory = new GlobalArticleCategory( "General", "General" );
-            $globalArticleCategoryId = $globalArticleCategories->addGlobalArticleCategory( $globalArticleCategory );
-            // retrieve the values from the view
-            $this->_blogName = $this->_request->getValue( "blogName" );
-            $this->_ownerId  = $this->_request->getValue( "ownerid" );
-            $this->_blogProperties = $this->_request->getValue( "properties" );
-            $this->_blogTemplate = $this->_request->getValue( "blogTemplate" );
-            $this->_blogLocale = $this->_request->getValue( "blogLocale" );
-            // configure the blog
-            $blogs = new Blogs();
-            $blog = new BlogInfo( $this->_blogName, $this->_ownerId, "", "" );
-            // set the default BlogCategory id to blog
-            $blog->setBlogCategoryId( $blogCategoryId );
-            $blog->setProperties( $this->_blogProperties );
-            $blog->setStatus( BLOG_STATUS_ACTIVE );
-            $blogSettings = $blog->getSettings();
-            $blogSettings->setValue( "locale", $this->_blogLocale );
-            $blogSettings->setValue( "template", $this->_blogTemplate );
-            $blog->setSettings( $blogSettings );
-            // and now save it to the database
-            $newblogId = $blogs->addBlog( $blog );
-            if( !$newblogId ) {
-                $this->_view = new WizardView( "step4" );
-                $this->_view->setValue( "siteLocales", Locales::getLocales());
-                $ts = new TemplateSets();
-                $this->_view->setValue( "siteTemplates", $ts->getGlobalTemplateSets());
-                $this->_view->setErrorMessage( "There was an error creating the new blog" );
-                $this->setCommonData( true );
-                return false;
-            }
-            // if the blog was created, we can add some basic information
-            // add a category
-            $articleCategories = new ArticleCategories();
-            $articleCategory = new ArticleCategory( "General", "General", $newblogId, true );
-            $catId = $articleCategories->addArticleCategory( $articleCategory );
-            // load the right locale
-            $locale =& Locales::getLocale( $this->_blogLocale );
-            // and load the right text
-            $articleTopic = $locale->tr( "register_default_article_topic" );
-            $articleText  = $locale->tr( "register_default_article_text" );
-            $article = new Article( $articleTopic, $articleText, Array( $catId ), $this->_ownerId, $newblogId, POST_STATUS_PUBLISHED, 0, Array(), "welcome" );
-            // set the default ArticleGlobalCategory id to article
-            $article->setGlobalCategoryId( $globalArticleCategoryId );
-            // set the current time to article
-            $t = new Timestamp();
-            $article->setDateObject( $t );
-            $articles = new Articles();
-            $articles->addArticle( $article );
-            // add a new first album so that users can start uploading stuff right away
-            $t = new Timestamp();
-            $album = new GalleryAlbum( $newblogId,
-                                       "General",
-                                       "General",
-                                       GALLERY_RESOURCE_PREVIEW_AVAILABLE,
-                                       0,
-                                       $t->getTimestamp(),
-                                       Array(),
-                                       true );
-            $albums = new GalleryAlbums();
-            $albums->addAlbum( $album );
-            // add a new default mylinkscategory
-            $linksCategory = new MyLinksCategory( "General", $newblogId );
-            $linksCategories = new MyLinksCategories();
-            $linksCategories->addMyLinksCategory( $linksCategory );         
-            // save a few things in the default configuration
-            $config =& Config::getConfig();
-            // default blog id
-            $config->saveValue( "default_blog_id", (int)$newblogId );
-            // default locale
-            $config->saveValue( "default_locale", $this->_blogLocale );
-            // and finally, the default template
-            $config->saveValue( "default_template", $this->_blogTemplate );
-            //
-            // detect wether we have GD available and set the blog to use it
-            //
-            if( GdDetector::detectGd()) {
-                $config->saveValue( "thumbnail_method", "gd" );
-                $message = "GD has been detected and set as the backend for dealing with images.";
-            }
-            else {
-                $pathToConvert = $config->getValue( "path_to_convert" );
-                if( $pathToConvert ) {
-                    $config->saveValue( "thumbnail_method", "imagemagick" );
-                    $message = "ImageMagick has been detected and set as the backend for dealing with images.";
-                }
-                else {
-                    // nothing was found, so we'll have to do away with the 'null' resizer...
-                    $config->saveValue( "thumbnail_method", "null" );
-                    $message = "Neither GD nor ImageMagick have been detected in this host so it will not be possible to generate thumbnails from images.";
-                }
-            }
-            // clean the data cache to avoid problems when we're done
-            lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/cache/cachemanager.class.php" );
-            $cache =& CacheManager::getCache();
-            $cache->clearCache();
-            WizardTools::cleanTmpFolder();
-            $this->_view = new WizardView( "step5" );
-            $this->_view->setValue( "message", $message );
-            return true;
-        }
-    }
-    class UpdateStepOne extends WizardAction
-    {
-        function perform()
-        {
-            $this->_view = new WizardView( "update1" );
-            WizardStepTwo::setDbConfigValues( $this->_view );
-            $this->setCommonData();
-        }
-    }
-    class UpdateStepTwo extends WizardAction
-    {
-        function perform()
-        {
-			lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/config/config.class.php" );
-			$config =& Config::getConfig();
-			$resourcesNamingRule = $config->getValue( "resources_naming_rule", "original_file_name" );
-            $this->_view = new WizardView( "update2" );
-            $this->_view->setValue( "resourcesNamingRule", $resourcesNamingRule );
-            $this->setCommonData();
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Generic class that performs data updates on the database
-     */
-    class DatabaseDataTransformer extends Model
-    {
-        /**
-         * @public
-         * Public fields, may be accessed by other classes
-         */
-        var $updatedRecords;
-        var $message;
-        var $errorRecords;
-        var $notModifiedRecords;
-        var $failOnError;
-        var $page;
-        var $itemsPerPage;
-        var $dbPrefix;
-        function DatabaseDataTransformer( $page = -1, $itemsPerPage = WIZARD_MAX_RECORDS_PER_STEP )
-        {
-            $this->Model();
-            $this->updatedRecords = 0;
-            $this->errorRecords   = 0;
-            $this->notModifiedRecords = 0;
-            $this->addedRecords = 0;
-            $this->deletedRecords = 0;
-            $this->message = "";
-            $this->page = $page;
-            $this->itemsPerPage = $itemsPerPage;
-            $this->dbPrefix = $this->getPrefix();
-        }
-        /**
-         * Rerforms the transformation. Returns true if the step was successful or false otherwise.
-         * Upon finalization, please check the $message string to get more information. Use the $updatedRecords,
-         * $errorRecords, $notModifiedRecords, $addedRecords and $deletedRecords for some figures regarding the 
-         * previous step
-         */
-        function perform()
-        {
-            // must be implemented by child classes
-            return true;        
-        }
-        /**
-         * Returns true if there is no more data for this transformer to upgrade, or false otherwise
-         *
-         * @return True if ready or false if not
-         */
-        function isComplete()
-        {
-            return( $this->getNumSteps() <= $this->page );
-        }
-        /**
-         * returns the number of steps needed to process this data
-         */
-        function getNumSteps( $table = "" )
-        {
-            // if there is a table name, we can take a shortcut or else we expect child
-            // classes to reimplement this method
-            if( $table ) {
-                $numItems = $this->getNumItems( $this->getPrefix().$table );
-                $numSteps = ceil( $numItems / $this->itemsPerPage );
-            }
-            else {
-                $numSteps = 0;
-            }
-            return( $numSteps );
-        }
-        /**
-         * returns the total number of records processed so far based on the current page and the
-         * number of items per page
-         */
-        function getTotalProcessedRecords()
-        {
-            return( $this->page * $this->itemsPerPage );
-        }
-        /**
-         * returns an approximate percentage of records processed so far
-         */
-        function getPercentProcessed()
-        {
-            $processed = $this->getTotalProcessedRecords();
-            return((int)($processed / ( $this->getNumSteps() * $this->itemsPerPage ) * 100 ));
-        }
-    }
-	/**
-	 * This step takes care of transforming the database schema, one
-	 * table at a time.
-	 */
-	class DatabaseSchemaDataTransformer extends DatabaseDataTransformer
-	{		
-		function getNumSteps()
-		{
-			global $Tables;			
-			return( count( $Tables ) - 1);
-		}
-		function perform()
-		{
-			global $Tables;
-			$tablesArray = array_keys( $Tables );
-			$curTable = $tablesArray[$this->page-1];
-			$db =& Db::getDb();
-            $dict = NewPDbDataDictionary( $db );
-            $errors = false;
-			$this->message = "Performing changes to the dabase schema, please wait (step %s of %s)<br/>";
-			$errorMessage = "";
-			$table_errors = false;
-			$upperName = $dict->upperName;
-			$tableSchema = $Tables[$curTable]["schema"];
-			if ( isset( $Tables[$curTable]["options"] )) {
-				$tableOptions = $Tables[$curTable]["options"];
-				$options = array ( $upperName => $tableOptions );
-			} 
-			else {
-				$options = array ();
-			}
-			// generate the code with the changes for the table
-			$sqlarray = $dict->ChangeTableSQL( $this->getPrefix().$curTable, $tableSchema, $options );
-			foreach( $sqlarray as $sql ) {
-				// and run the query
-				//print( "sql: ".$sql."<br/>" );
-				if( !$this->Execute( $sql )) {
-					$table_errors = true;
-					$errors = true;
-					$errorMessage .= $this->_db->ErrorMsg()."<br/>";
-				}
-			}
-			if( !$table_errors ) {
-				$this->message .= "Changes to table <strong>$curTable</strong> executed successfully.<br/>";
-				$result = true;
-			}
-			else {
-				$this->message .= "Error modifying table $curTable: ".$errorMessage;
-				$result = false;
-			}
-			return( $result ); 
-		}
-	}
-    /**
-	 * Processes all users and grants the appropriate permissions
-     */
-    class UserPermissionsDataTransformer extends DatabaseDataTransformer
-    {        
-        function getNumSteps()
-        {
-            return( parent::getNumSteps( "tmp_users_permissions" ));
-        }
-        function perform()
-        {
-            $this->message = "Updating user permissions (step %s of %s)<br/>";        
-            $query3 = "SELECT * FROM ".Db::getPrefix()."tmp_users_permissions";
-            $res3 = $this->Execute( $query3, $this->page, $this->itemsPerPage );
-            if( $res3->RecordCount() == 0 ) {
-				$this->message .= "No more records to process";
-				return( true );
-			}
-			$permissions = new Permissions();
-			$userPermissions = new UserPermissions();
-			$allPerms = $permissions->getAllPermissions();
-			$blogOwnerOnlyPerms = Array( "update_blog", 
-			                             "add_blog_user", 
-			                             "update_blog_user", 
-			                             "view_blog_users", 
-			                             "view_blog_stats", 
-			                             "add_blog_template",
-										 "view_blog_templates",
-										 "view_blog_stats" );
-            while( $row = $res3->FetchRow()) {
-            	// grant all the non-admin permissions so that users can still access the blogs to where they still had permissions
-				if( $row["permission_id"] != 3) {
-					foreach( $allPerms as $perm ) {
-						if( !$perm->isAdminOnlyPermission() && !in_array( $perm->getName(), $blogOwnerOnlyPerms )) {
-							//print( "granting perm: ".$perm->getName()." - user: ".$row["user_id"]." - blog id: ".$row["blog_id"]."<br/>");							
-							$perm = new UserPermission( $row["user_id"], $row["blog_id"], $perm->getId());
-							$userPermissions->grantPermission( $perm );
-						}
-					}
-				}
-            }
-            $this->message .= "{$this->updatedRecords} users updated (".$this->getPercentProcessed()."%%)<br/>";
-            $this->Execute("DROP TABLE ".Db::getPrefix()."tmp_users_permissions");
-            return true;
-        }
-    }
-	class PermissionLoader extends DatabaseDataTransformer
-	{
-		//
-		// load the new list of permissions
-		//		
-		function getNumSteps()
-		{
-			return( 0 );
-		}
-		function perform()
-		{
-			// initial message, no errors yet
-            $this->message = "Loading new permissions (step %s of %s)<br/>";			
-			$errors = false;
-			// load the core permissions
-		    include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."install/corepermissions.properties.php" );	
-		    // process permissions
-		    $total = 0;		
-		    foreach( $permissions as $perm ) {
-			    // check if it already exists
-			    $query = "SELECT * FROM ".$this->dbPrefix."permissions WHERE permission = '".$perm[0]."'";
-			    $result = $this->Execute( $query );
-			    if( !$result || $result->RowCount() < 1 ) {				
-				   	// permission needs to be added
-					$corePerm = ( $perm[2] == true ? 1 : 0 );
-					$adminOnly = ( $perm[3] == true ? 1 : 0 );
-					$query = "INSERT INTO ".$this->dbPrefix."permissions (permission,description,core_perm,admin_only) ".
-					          "VALUES ('".$perm[0]."','".$perm[1]."','".$corePerm."','".$adminOnly."')";
-					$this->_db->Execute( $query );
-					$total++;
-			    }
-		    }
-			//
-			// prepare the users_permissions table for the next step
-			//
-            // make sure we are starting with an empty table
-            $this->Execute("DELETE FROM ".Db::getPrefix()."tmp_users_permissions");
-			if( !$this->Execute( "INSERT INTO ".$this->dbPrefix."tmp_users_permissions SELECT * FROM ".$this->dbPrefix."users_permissions WHERE blog_id != 0 AND permission_id != 1" )) {
-				$this->message .= "Error preparing the users_permissions table for transformation";
-				$errors = true;
-			}
-			else {
-				$this->Execute( "DELETE FROM ".$this->dbPrefix."users_permissions" );
-				$this->message .= count($permissions)." permissions successfully loaded";
-				$errors = false;
-			}				
-			return( !$errors );			
-		}	
-	}
-	class ConfigDataTransformer extends DatabaseDataTransformer
-	{
-		function getNumSteps()
-		{
-			return( 0 );
-		}
-		function perform()
-		{
-		    global $Inserts;	
-            $this->message = "Adding new configuration parameters (step %s of %s)<br/>";
-			$errors = false;
-            // Find some of the tools we are going to need (last one is for os x, with fink installed), this will be needed later on
-            $folders = Array( "/bin/", "/usr/bin/", "/usr/local/bin/", "/sw/bin/" );
-            $finder = new FileFinder();
-            $pathToUnzip = $finder->findBinary( "unzip", $folders );
-            $pathToTar = $finder->findBinary( "tar", $folders);
-            $pathToGzip = $finder->findBinary( "gzip", $folders);
-            $pathToBzip2 = $finder->findBinary( "bzip2", $folders);
-            $pathToConvert = $finder->findBinary( "convert", $folders);
-            // check the configuration and add the new configuration settings that were added for 1.2
-            foreach( $Inserts as $key => $insert ) {
-				$checkKeyQuery = "SELECT * FROM ".$this->dbPrefix."config WHERE config_key ='".$key."';";
-				$result = $this->Execute($checkKeyQuery);
-                if(!$result){
-                    $this->message .= "Error executing code: ".$this->_db->ErrorMsg()."<br/>";
-                    $errors = true;
-                }
-				else{
-                    if ($result->RecordCount() == 0) {	
-                        // replace the prefix
-                        $query = str_replace( "{dbprefix}", $this->dbPrefix, $insert );
-                        // replace also the placeholders for the paths to the tools
-                        $query = str_replace( "{path_to_tar}", $pathToTar, $query );
-                        $query = str_replace( "{path_to_unzip}", $pathToUnzip, $query );
-                        $query = str_replace( "{path_to_bz2}", $pathToBzip2, $query );
-                        $query = str_replace( "{path_to_gzip}", $pathToGzip, $query );
-                        $query = str_replace( "{path_to_convert}", $pathToConvert, $query );
-                        $query = str_replace( "{path_to_convert}", $pathToConvert, $query );
-                        if( !$this->Execute( $query )) {
-                            $this->message .= "Error executing code: ".$this->_db->ErrorMsg()."<br/>";
-                            $errors = true;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    $result->Close();
-                }
-            }
-                // check to see if we need to remove duplicates and the id index
-            $query = "SELECT id FROM ".$this->dbPrefix."config LIMIT 1";
-            $result = $this->Execute($query);
-                // if $result is false, id column has already been removed
-            if($result){
-                $result->Close();           
-                    // remove all duplicates in plog_config table
-                    // first create temp table without the duplicates
-                $query = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmptable ".
-                         "SELECT * FROM ".$this->dbPrefix."config WHERE 1 GROUP BY config_key";
-                $result = $this->Execute($query);
-                if($result){
-                    //$result->Close();
-                        // Now delete the old table
-                    $query = "DELETE FROM ".$this->dbPrefix."config";
-                    $result = $this->Execute($query);
-                    if($result) {
-                        //$result->Close();
-                        // Insert the unique rows into the old table
-                        $query = "INSERT INTO ".$this->dbPrefix."config SELECT * FROM tmptable";
-                        $result = $this->Execute($query);
-                    }
-                }
-                /*if(!$result){
-                    $this->message .= "Error removing duplicates in config table<br/>";
-                    $errors = true;
-                }*/
-                if($result){
-                    // remove index id field, we don't need it any more!
-                    $query = "ALTER TABLE ".$this->dbPrefix."config DROP COLUMN id";
-                    $result = $this->Execute($query);
-                    if(!$result){
-                        $this->message .= "Error removing old id column from config table: ".$this->_db->ErrorMsg()."<br/>";
-                        $errors = true;
-                    }
-                }
-            }			
-			if( !$errors ) {
-				$this->message .= "Configuration settings updated successfully";
-			}
-			return( !$errors );
-		}		
-	}
-    /**
-	 * Processes all admin users and grants the appropriate permissions
-     */
-    class AdminUserPermissionsDataTransformer extends DatabaseDataTransformer
-    {        
-        function getNumSteps()
-        {
-            return( parent::getNumSteps( "users" ));
-        }
-        function perform()
-        {
-            $this->message = "Updating admin user permissions (step %s of %s)<br/>";        
-            // load each one of the categories and update them
-            // list of categories
-            /*$query3 = "SELECT id, site_admin FROM ".$this->dbPrefix."users";
-            $res3 = $this->Execute( $query3, $this->page, $this->itemsPerPage );
-            if( $res3->RecordCount() == 0 ) {
-				$this->message .= "No more records to process";
-				return( true );
-			}*/
-			$users = new Users();
-			$allUsers = $users->getAllUsers( USER_STATUS_ALL, "", "", $this->page, $this->itemsPerPage );
-			$permissions = new Permissions();
-			$userPermissions = new UserPermissions();
-			$loginPerm = $permissions->getPermissionByName( "login_perm" );
-			$allPerms = $permissions->getAllPermissions();
-            //while( $row = $res3->FetchRow()) {
-			foreach( $allUsers as $user ) {
-				//print("Processing user: ".$user->getUsername()."<br/>");
-            	//if( $row["site_admin"] > 0 ) {
-				if( $user->isSiteAdmin()) {
-					// it's an admin, let's grant all the appropriate permissions
-					foreach( $allPerms as $perm ) {
-						if( $perm->isAdminOnlyPermission() && $perm->getName() != "login_perm" ) {
-							//$userPerm = new UserPermission( $row["id"], 0, $perm->getId());
-							$userPerm = new UserPermission( $user->getId(), 0, $perm->getId());
-							$userPermissions->grantPermission( $userPerm );
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				// grant the login_perm permission or else users won't be able to log in
-				$newPerm = new UserPermission( $user->getId(), 0, $loginPerm->getId());
-				$userPermissions->grantPermission( $newPerm );
-				$this->updatedRecords++;
-            }
-            $this->message .= "{$this->updatedRecords} users updated (".$this->getPercentProcessed()."%%)<br/>";
-            return true;        
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * processes all resource files and renames the files to their "real" names
-     */
-    class ResourcesOriginalFileNameDataTransformer extends DatabaseDataTransformer
-    {
-        function getNumSteps()
-        {
-            return( parent::getNumSteps( "gallery_resources" ));
-        }
-        function perform()
-        {
-            $this->message = "Updating resource files with original file naming rule (step %s of %s)<br/>";        
-            $query1 = "SELECT id, owner_id, file_name, resource_type, thumbnail_format FROM ".$this->dbPrefix."gallery_resources";
-			$config =& Config::getConfig();
-			$galleryFolder = $config->getValue( "resources_folder" );
-            // total number of comments
-            $res1 = $this->Execute( $query1, $this->page, $this->itemsPerPage );
-            if( !$res1 ) {
-                $this->message .= "Error performing loading resource data";
-                return false;
-            }
-            if( $res1->RecordCount() == 0 ) {
-				$this->message .= "No more records to process";
-				return( true );            
-            }
-            $numComments = Array();
-            while( $row = $res1->FetchRow()) {
-				//
-				// process each one of the rows and rename the main file
-				//
-				// get the file extension
-				if(( $extPos = strrpos( $row["file_name"], "." )) !== false ) {					
-					$fileExt = substr( $row["file_name"], $extPos+1, strlen( $row["file_name"] ));
-				}
-				else {
-					$fileExt = "";
-				}
-				$fileName = $galleryFolder.$row["owner_id"]."/".$row["owner_id"]."-".$row["id"].".".$fileExt;
-				$destFileName = $galleryFolder.$row["owner_id"]."/".$row["file_name"];
-                    //print( "Renaming file: $fileName --- $destFileName<br/>" );
-                    // skip the rename if we already did it
-				if( File::exists( $fileName )) {
-	                if( !File::exists( $destFileName)) {
-	                    if( !File::rename( $fileName, $destFileName )) {
-	                        $this->message .= "Error updating resource file with id ".$row["id"].", while attempting to rename file from $fileName to $destFileName<br/>";
-	                    }
-					}
-				}
-				// if it's an image, we also need to process the previews
-				if( $row["resource_type"] == "1" ) {
-					// calculate the extension of the preview file, depending on how it was saved
-					if( $row["thumbnail_format"] == "same" ) {
-						$previewExt = strtolower( $fileExt );
-						$destFileName = $row["file_name"];
-					}
-					else {
-						$previewExt = $row["thumbnail_format"];
-						// remove the old extension and put the new one in place
-						//print("file name = ".$row["file_name"]." - file ext = $fileExt - previewExt = $previewExt" );
-						$destFileName = str_replace( $fileExt, $previewExt, $row["file_name"] );
-					}
-					// file names for the preview and medium preview
-					$previewFileName = $galleryFolder.$row["owner_id"]."/previews/".$row["owner_id"]."-".$row["id"].".".$previewExt;
-					$medPreviewFileName = $galleryFolder.$row["owner_id"]."/previews-med/".$row["owner_id"]."-".$row["id"].".".$previewExt;					
-					// destination file names for the preview and medium preview
-					$destPreviewFileName = $galleryFolder.$row["owner_id"]."/previews/".$destFileName;
-					$destMedPreviewFileName = $galleryFolder.$row["owner_id"]."/previews-med/".$destFileName;
-					//print(" -- renaming preview: $previewFileName -- $destPreviewFileName<br/>");
-					//print(" -- renaming medium preview: $medPreviewFileName -- $destMedPreviewFileName<br/>");					
-					if( File::exists( $previewFileName )) {
-                    	if( !File::exists( $destPreviewFileName)) {
-                        	File::rename( $previewFileName, $destPreviewFileName );
-                    	}
-					}
-					if( File::exists( $medPreviewFileName )) {
-	                    if( !File::exists( $destMedPreviewFileName)) {
-	                        File::rename( $medPreviewFileName, $destMedPreviewFileName );
-	                    }
-					}
-				}
-                $this->updatedRecords++;
-            }
-            $res1->Close();
-            $this->message .= "{$this->updatedRecords} resource files updated, ".$this->getTotalProcessedRecords()." processed so far (".$this->getPercentProcessed()."%%)<br/>";
-            return true;        
-        }        
-    }
-    /**
-     * processes all resource files and renames the files to their "encoded" names
-     */
-    class ResourcesEncodedFileNameDataTransformer extends DatabaseDataTransformer
-    {
-        function getNumSteps()
-        {
-            return( parent::getNumSteps( "gallery_resources" ));
-        }
-        function perform()
-        {
-            $this->message = "Updating resource files with encoded file naming rule (step %s of %s)<br/>";        
-            $query1 = "SELECT id, owner_id, file_name, resource_type, thumbnail_format FROM ".$this->dbPrefix."gallery_resources";
-			$config =& Config::getConfig();
-			$galleryFolder = $config->getValue( "resources_folder" );
-            // total number of comments
-            $res1 = $this->Execute( $query1, $this->page, $this->itemsPerPage );
-            if( !$res1 ) {
-                $this->message .= "Error performing loading resource data";
-                return false;
-            }
-            if( $res1->RecordCount() == 0 ) {
-				$this->message .= "No more records to process";
-				return( true );            
-            }
-            $numComments = Array();
-            while( $row = $res1->FetchRow()) {
-				//
-				// process each one of the rows and rename the main file
-				//
-				// get the file extension
-				if(( $extPos = strrpos( $row["file_name"], "." )) !== false ) {					
-					$fileExt = substr( $row["file_name"], $extPos+1, strlen( $row["file_name"] ));
-				}
-				else {
-					$fileExt = "";
-				}
-				$fileName = $galleryFolder.$row["owner_id"]."/".$row["owner_id"]."-".$row["id"].".".$fileExt;
-				$destFileName = $galleryFolder.$row["owner_id"]."/".$row["owner_id"]."-".$row["id"].".".strtolower($fileExt);
-				if( $fileName != $destFileName ) {
-					if( File::exists( $fileName )) {
-		                if( !File::exists( $destFileName)) {
-		                    if( !File::rename( $fileName, $destFileName )) {
-		                        $this->message .= "Error updating resource file with id ".$row["id"].", while attempting to rename file from $fileName to $destFileName<br/>";
-		                    }
-						}
-					}
-				}	
-                $this->updatedRecords++;
-            }
-            $res1->Close();
-            $this->message .= "{$this->updatedRecords} resource files updated, ".$this->getTotalProcessedRecords()." processed so far (".$this->getPercentProcessed()."%%)<br/>";
-            return true;        
-        }        
-    }
-    /**
-     * processes all resource files that we did not convert correctly in 1.2.0
-     */
-    class ResourcesFix120FileNameDataTransformer extends DatabaseDataTransformer
-    {
-        function getNumSteps()
-        {
-            return( parent::getNumSteps( "gallery_resources" ));
-        }
-        function perform()
-        {
-            $this->message = "Fixing resource files with original file naming rule (step %s of %s)<br/>";        
-            $query1 = "SELECT id, owner_id, file_name, resource_type, thumbnail_format FROM ".$this->dbPrefix."gallery_resources";
-			$config =& Config::getConfig();
-			$galleryFolder = $config->getValue( "resources_folder" );
-            // total number of comments
-            $res1 = $this->Execute( $query1, $this->page, $this->itemsPerPage );
-            if( !$res1 ) {
-                $this->message .= "Error performing loading resource data";
-                return false;
-            }
-            if( $res1->RecordCount() == 0 ) {
-				$this->message .= "No more records to process";
-				return( true );            
-            }
-            $numComments = Array();
-            while( $row = $res1->FetchRow()) {
-				//
-				// process each one of the rows and rename the main file
-				//
-				// get the file extension
-				if(( $extPos = strrpos( $row["file_name"], "." )) !== false ) {					
-					$fileExt = substr( $row["file_name"], $extPos+1, strlen( $row["file_name"] ));
-				}
-				else {
-					$fileExt = "";
-				}
-				// Only convert the preview file name if the file extension does not lower case
-				if( strtolower( $fileExt ) != $fileExt ) {
-					// if it's an image, we also need to process the previews
-					if( $row["resource_type"] == "1" ) {
-						// calculate the extension of the preview file, depending on how it was saved
-						if( $row["thumbnail_format"] == "same" ) {
-							$previewExt = strtolower( $fileExt );
-							$destFileName = $row["file_name"];
-						}
-						else {
-							$previewExt = $row["thumbnail_format"];
-							// remove the old extension and put the new one in place
-							//print("file name = ".$row["file_name"]." - file ext = $fileExt - previewExt = $previewExt" );
-							$destFileName = str_replace( $fileExt, $previewExt, $row["file_name"] );
-						}
-						// file names for the preview and medium preview
-						$previewFileName = $galleryFolder.$row["owner_id"]."/previews/".$row["owner_id"]."-".$row["id"].".".$previewExt;
-						$medPreviewFileName = $galleryFolder.$row["owner_id"]."/previews-med/".$row["owner_id"]."-".$row["id"].".".$previewExt;					
-						// destination file names for the preview and medium preview
-						$destPreviewFileName = $galleryFolder.$row["owner_id"]."/previews/".$destFileName;
-						$destMedPreviewFileName = $galleryFolder.$row["owner_id"]."/previews-med/".$destFileName;
-						//print(" -- renaming preview: $previewFileName -- $destPreviewFileName<br/>");
-						//print(" -- renaming medium preview: $medPreviewFileName -- $destMedPreviewFileName<br/>");					
-						if( File::exists( $previewFileName )) {
-	                    	if( !File::exists( $destPreviewFileName)) {
-	                        	File::rename( $previewFileName, $destPreviewFileName );
-	                    	}
-						}
-						if( File::exists( $medPreviewFileName )) {
-		                    if( !File::exists( $destMedPreviewFileName)) {
-		                        File::rename( $medPreviewFileName, $destMedPreviewFileName );
-		                    }
-						}
-					}
-				}
-                $this->updatedRecords++;
-            }
-            $res1->Close();
-            $this->message .= "{$this->updatedRecords} resource files updated, ".$this->getTotalProcessedRecords()." processed so far (".$this->getPercentProcessed()."%%)<br/>";
-            return true;        
-        }        
-    }    
-	// Dummy Transformer
-	class DummyDataTransformer extends DatabaseDataTransformer
-	{
-		function getNumSteps()
-		{
-			return( 0 );
-		}
-		function perform()
-		{
-			return true;
-		}
-	}
-    /**
-     * This class is basically now a "data transformer runner", because now it works
-     * like class that executes data transformers, collects their results and refreshes
-     * the page to execute the next step of the transformer. If the current transformer
-     * reported that its processing is complete, this class will continue with the next
-     * transformer unless there are no more transformer to run.
-     *
-     * In order to coordinate the current step and the current transformer, two parameters
-     * are needed in each request:
-     *
-     * - page
-     * - transformerId
-     *
-     * The 'page' parameter holds the current page, while 'transformerId' is the index of 
-     * the current transformer in the $this->transformers array.
-     *
-     * In order to add new transformers, follow these steps:
-     *
-     * - Create your own transfomer class by extending DatabaseDataTransformer and implementing
-     * the methods DatabaseDataTransformer::perform() and DatabaseDataTransformer::getNumSteps(). The
-     * first does the data processing while the second one returns the number of needed steps to the
-     * class running the transformer.
-     * - Add the name of the transformer class to the the UpdateStepThree::transformers array,
-     * and the class will take care of everything else. 
-     */
-    class UpdateStepThree extends WizardPagedAction
-    {
-        var $resourcesNamingRule;
-        var $message;  
-        var $currentTransformerId;
-        var $totalTransformers;
-        function UpdateStepThree( $actionInfo, $httpRequest )
-        {
-            $this->WizardPagedAction( $actionInfo, $httpRequest );
-            // data validation
-            $this->registerFieldValidator( "resourcesNamingRule", new StringValidator());
-			$errorView = new WizardView( "update2" );
-            $errorView->setErrorMessage( "Some data was incorrect or missing." );
-            $this->setValidationErrorView( $errorView );
-            /**
-             * array with the data transformers that will be run
-             */
-			$this->resourcesNamingRule = $this->_request->getValue( "resourcesNamingRule" );
-			if( $this->resourcesNamingRule == 'encoded_file_name' ) {
-	            $this->transformers = Array(
-					"DatabaseSchemaDataTransformer",
-					"PermissionLoader",
-					"AdminUserPermissionsDataTransformer",
-					"UserPermissionsDataTransformer",
-					"ConfigDataTransformer",
-					"ResourcesEncodedFileNameDataTransformer",
-					"DummyDataTransformer"
-	            );
-	        }
-	        else {
-	            $this->transformers = Array(
-					"DatabaseSchemaDataTransformer",
-					"PermissionLoader",
-					"AdminUserPermissionsDataTransformer",
-					"UserPermissionsDataTransformer",
-					"ConfigDataTransformer",
-					"ResourcesOriginalFileNameDataTransformer",
-					"DummyDataTransformer"
-	            );
-	    	}
-            $this->currentTransformerId = $this->getTransformerIdFromRequest();
-            $this->totalTransformers = count( $this->transformers ) - 1;
-        }
-        /**
-         * gets the id of the transformer from the request. If it is not available, it
-         * will return the id of the first transformer available (which is '0')
-         *
-         * @private
-         */
-        function getTransformerIdFromRequest()
-        {    	
-			$id = HttpVars::getRequestValue( "transformerId" );
-			$val = new IntegerValidator();
-			if( !$val->validate( $id ))
-				$id = 0;
-			return $id;        
-        }        
-       function perform()
-       {
-            $step = $this->getPageFromRequest();
-            // get the current transformer class so that we can continue where we left
-            $transformerClass = $this->transformers[$this->currentTransformerId];
-            $transformer = new $transformerClass( $step );
-            $result = $transformer->perform();
-            $complete = $transformer->isComplete();
-            $message = $transformer->message;
-            $message = sprintf( $message, $this->currentTransformerId + 1, $this->totalTransformers );
-            //print("transformer = $transformerClass<br/>");
-            // error during processing and the processor is configured
-            // to fail on error   
-            if( !$result && $transformer->failOnError ) {
-                //print("Error in step = $step<br/>");
-                $this->_view = new WizardView( "update3" );
-                $this->_view->setValue( "resourcesNamingRule", $this->resourcesNamingRule );
-                // current and next step
-                $this->_view->setValue( "currentStep", $step );
-                $this->_view->setValue( "nextStep", $step+1 );                
-                // whether this transformer is ready
-                $this->_view->setValue( "complete", $complete );
-                // transformer id
-                $this->_view->setValue( "transformerId", $this->currentTransformerId );            
-                $this->_view->setValue( "error", true );
-                if( $transformer->DbError() != "" ) {
-                    $message .= "<br/>The database error message was: ".$transformer->DbError()."<br/>";
-                }
-                $this->_view->setErrorMessage( $message );
-            }                
-            else {
-                if( !$complete ) {
-                    //print("it's not complete! step = $step<br/>");
-                    $this->_view = new WizardView( "update3" );
-                    $this->_view->setValue( "resourcesNamingRule", $this->resourcesNamingRule );
-                    // current and next step
-                    $this->_view->setValue( "currentStep", $step );
-                    $this->_view->setValue( "nextStep", $step+1 );                
-                    // whether this transformer is ready
-                    $this->_view->setValue( "complete", $complete );
-                    // transformer id
-                    $this->_view->setValue( "transformerId", $this->currentTransformerId );
-                }            
-                else {
-                    // have we already been through all transformers?
-                    //print("transformer complete! - num transformers = ".count($this->transformers)."<br/>");
-                    $moreTransformers = ( $this->currentTransformerId+1 < count( $this->transformers ));
-                    if( $moreTransformers ) {
-                        //print("Starting new transformer!<br/>");
-                        $this->_view = new WizardView( "update3" );
-                        $this->_view->setValue( "resourcesNamingRule", $this->resourcesNamingRule );
-                        // current and next step
-                        $this->_view->setValue( "currentStep", 0 );
-                        $this->_view->setValue( "nextStep", 1 );  
-                        // whether this transformer is ready
-                        $this->_view->setValue( "complete", false );
-                        // transformer id
-                        $this->_view->setValue( "transformerId", $this->currentTransformerId+1 );
-                    }
-                    else {
-                        // no more data to transform, we can finalize the installation!
-						// delete the contents of the temporary folder
-						lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/config/config.class.php" );
-						$config =& Config::getConfig();
-						$tmpFolder = $config->getValue( "temp_folder", TEMP_FOLDER );
-                        WizardTools::cleanTmpFolder();
-                        // save the resources naming rule to config table
-						$config->saveValue( "resources_naming_rule", $this->resourcesNamingRule );
-                        $this->_view = new WizardView( "update4" );
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            $this->_view->setValue( "message", $message );            
-            return true;
-        }
-    }
-	// Fix those resources that we did not convert correctly in 1.2.0
-    class Fix120StepOne extends WizardPagedAction
-    {
-        var $message;  
-        var $currentTransformerId;
-        var $totalTransformers;
-        function Fix120StepOne( $actionInfo, $httpRequest )
-        {
-            $this->WizardPagedAction( $actionInfo, $httpRequest );
-            /**
-             * array with the data transformers that will be run
-             */
-            $this->transformers = Array(
-				"ResourcesFix120FileNameDataTransformer",
-				"DummyDataTransformer"
-            );
-            $this->currentTransformerId = $this->getTransformerIdFromRequest();
-            $this->totalTransformers = count( $this->transformers ) - 1;
-        }
-        /**
-         * gets the id of the transformer from the request. If it is not available, it
-         * will return the id of the first transformer available (which is '0')
-         *
-         * @private
-         */
-        function getTransformerIdFromRequest()
-        {    	
-			$id = HttpVars::getRequestValue( "transformerId" );
-			$val = new IntegerValidator();
-			if( !$val->validate( $id ))
-				$id = 0;
-			return $id;        
-        }        
-       function perform()
-       {
-            $step = $this->getPageFromRequest();
-            // get the current transformer class so that we can continue where we left
-            $transformerClass = $this->transformers[$this->currentTransformerId];
-            $transformer = new $transformerClass( $step );
-            $result = $transformer->perform();
-            $complete = $transformer->isComplete();
-            $message = $transformer->message;
-            $message = sprintf( $message, $this->currentTransformerId + 1, $this->totalTransformers );
-            //print("transformer = $transformerClass<br/>");
-            // error during processing and the processor is configured
-            // to fail on error   
-            if( !$result && $transformer->failOnError ) {
-                //print("Error in step = $step<br/>");
-                $this->_view = new WizardView( "update3" );
-                // current and next step
-                $this->_view->setValue( "currentStep", $step );
-                $this->_view->setValue( "nextStep", $step+1 );                
-                // whether this transformer is ready
-                $this->_view->setValue( "complete", $complete );
-                // transformer id
-                $this->_view->setValue( "transformerId", $this->currentTransformerId );            
-                $this->_view->setValue( "error", true );
-                if( $transformer->DbError() != "" ) {
-                    $message .= "<br/>The database error message was: ".$transformer->DbError()."<br/>";
-                }
-                $this->_view->setErrorMessage( $message );
-            }                
-            else {
-                if( !$complete ) {
-                    //print("it's not complete! step = $step<br/>");
-                    $this->_view = new WizardView( "fix120" );
-                    // current and next step
-                    $this->_view->setValue( "currentStep", $step );
-                    $this->_view->setValue( "nextStep", $step+1 );                
-                    // whether this transformer is ready
-                    $this->_view->setValue( "complete", $complete );
-                    // transformer id
-                    $this->_view->setValue( "transformerId", $this->currentTransformerId );
-                }            
-                else {
-                    // have we already been through all transformers?
-                    //print("transformer complete! - num transformers = ".count($this->transformers)."<br/>");
-                    $moreTransformers = ( $this->currentTransformerId+1 < count( $this->transformers ));
-                    if( $moreTransformers ) {
-                        //print("Starting new transformer!<br/>");
-                        $this->_view = new WizardView( "fix120" );
-                        // current and next step
-                        $this->_view->setValue( "currentStep", 0 );
-                        $this->_view->setValue( "nextStep", 1 );  
-                        // whether this transformer is ready
-                        $this->_view->setValue( "complete", false );
-                        // transformer id
-                        $this->_view->setValue( "transformerId", $this->currentTransformerId+1 );
-                    }
-                    else {
-                        // no more data to transform, we can finalize the installation!
-						// delete the contents of the temporary folder
-						lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/config/config.class.php" );
-						$config =& Config::getConfig();
-						$tmpFolder = $config->getValue( "temp_folder", TEMP_FOLDER );
-                        WizardTools::cleanTmpFolder();
-                        // User upgrade LifeType from 1.1.x to 1.2.0, they have to use "original_file_name",
-                        // becasue there is no option for user to choose he want to use encoded file name
-                        // or original file name.
-                        // save the resources naming rule to config table
-						$config->saveValue( "resources_naming_rule", "original_file_name" );
-                        $this->_view = new WizardView( "update4" );
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            $this->_view->setValue( "message", $message );            
-            return true;
-        }
-    }
-    // check if the "./tmp" folder is writable by us, otherwise
-    // throw an error before the user gets countless errors
-    // from Smarty
-    if( !File::isWritable( TEMP_FOLDER ) || !File::isDir( TEMP_FOLDER )) {
-        print("<span style=\"color:red; font-size: 14px;\">Error</span><br/><br/>This wizard needs the ".TEMP_FOLDER." folder to be writable by the web server user.<br/><br/>Please correct it and try again.");
-        die();
-    }
-    //// main part ////
-    $controller = new Controller( $_actionMap, "nextStep" );
-    $controller->process( HttpVars::getRequest());

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