[pLog-svn] r5191 - in plugins/branches/lifetype-1.2: . technoratitagcloud technoratitagcloud/class technoratitagcloud/class/action technoratitagcloud/class/ducksoup technoratitagcloud/class/view technoratitagcloud/locale technoratitagcloud/templates
oscar at devel.lifetype.net
oscar at devel.lifetype.net
Sun Mar 25 16:08:15 EDT 2007
Author: oscar
Date: 2007-03-25 16:08:15 -0400 (Sun, 25 Mar 2007)
New Revision: 5191
Added a plugin to display your technorati tag cloud, as provided in http://bugs.lifetype.net/view.php?id=1232 (thanks to user 'spollo')
Added: plugins/branches/lifetype-1.2/technoratitagcloud/Readme.txt
--- plugins/branches/lifetype-1.2/technoratitagcloud/Readme.txt (rev 0)
+++ plugins/branches/lifetype-1.2/technoratitagcloud/Readme.txt 2007-03-25 20:08:15 UTC (rev 5191)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+This is a plugin that I wrote using Duck Soup(http://kailashnadh.name/ducksoup/), the great API library developed by Kailash Nadh.
+In order for it to work you will need to get a Developer Key from Technorati(http://www.technorati.com/developers/apikey.html).
+This plugin will download your technorati tags (using your developer key) and display them in a tag cloud, assigning the font-size and font-weight properties depending on the occurrences of those tags in you technorati account. The units for font-size are in .em and the valid values for font-weight is any number between 100 and 900.
+The setup is pretty straight-forward, just enter your API key, how many tags you want to be downloaded from technorati and the font-size and font-weight properties. The plugin creates a file on lifetype's temp folder and stores/read the cloud from there. The tag cloud is regenerated everytime there is a post-add, post-edit and post-delete event, as well as everytime there are changes to the plugin settings.
+You will need to edit your template and add the following code where you want your cloud to appear:
+{if $technoratitagcloud->isEnabled()}
+<div id="technoraticloud">
+This plugin has been tested to work with the latest development version of LT 1.2.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
Added: plugins/branches/lifetype-1.2/technoratitagcloud/class/action/plugintechnoratitagcloudconfigaction.class.php
--- plugins/branches/lifetype-1.2/technoratitagcloud/class/action/plugintechnoratitagcloudconfigaction.class.php (rev 0)
+++ plugins/branches/lifetype-1.2/technoratitagcloud/class/action/plugintechnoratitagcloudconfigaction.class.php 2007-03-25 20:08:15 UTC (rev 5191)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/action/admin/adminaction.class.php" );
+ lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/view/admin/adminplugintemplatedview.class.php" );
+ lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."plugins/technoratitagcloud/class/view/plugintechnoratitagcloudconfigview.class.php" );
+ /**
+ * shows a form with the current configuration
+ */
+ class PluginTechnoratiTagCloudConfigAction extends AdminAction
+ {
+ function PluginTechnoratiTagCloudConfigAction( $actionInfo, $request )
+ {
+ $this->AdminAction( $actionInfo, $request );
+ }
+ function perform()
+ {
+ $this->_view = new PluginTechnoratiTagCloudConfigView( $this->_blogInfo );
+ $this->setCommonData();
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
Added: plugins/branches/lifetype-1.2/technoratitagcloud/class/action/plugintechnoratitagcloudupdateconfigaction.class.php
--- plugins/branches/lifetype-1.2/technoratitagcloud/class/action/plugintechnoratitagcloudupdateconfigaction.class.php (rev 0)
+++ plugins/branches/lifetype-1.2/technoratitagcloud/class/action/plugintechnoratitagcloudupdateconfigaction.class.php 2007-03-25 20:08:15 UTC (rev 5191)
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+ lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/action/admin/adminaction.class.php" );
+ lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/view/admin/adminplugintemplatedview.class.php" );
+ lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."plugins/technoratitagcloud/class/view/plugintechnoratitagcloudconfigview.class.php" );
+ /**
+ * updates the plugin configuration
+ */
+ class PluginTechnoratiTagCloudUpdateConfigAction extends AdminAction
+ {
+ var $_pluginEnabled;
+ var $_apikey;
+ var $_showtags;
+ var $_maxsize;
+ var $_minsize;
+ var $_maxweight;
+ var $_minweight;
+ function PluginTechnoratiTagCloudUpdateConfigAction( $actionInfo, $request )
+ {
+ $this->AdminAction( $actionInfo, $request );
+ }
+ function validate()
+ {
+ $errorMessages = array();
+ $this->_pluginEnabled = $this->_request->getValue( "pluginEnabled" );
+ $this->_pluginEnabled = ($this->_pluginEnabled != "" );
+ $this->_apikey = $this->_request->getValue( "apikey" );
+ if( $this->_pluginEnabled && empty($this->_apikey) ) {
+ $errorMessages[] = "technoratitagcloud_error_apikey";
+ $isError = true;
+ }
+ $this->_showtags = $this->_request->getValue( "showtags" );
+ if( $this->_pluginEnabled && empty($this->_showtags) ) {
+ $this->_showtags = "20";
+ }
+ $this->_maxsize = $this->_request->getValue( "maxsize" );
+ if( $this->_pluginEnabled && empty($this->_maxsize) ) {
+ $this->_maxsize = "1.5";
+ }
+ $this->_minsize = $this->_request->getValue( "minsize" );
+ if( $this->_pluginEnabled && empty($this->_minsize) ) {
+ $this->_minsize = "0.65";
+ }
+ $this->_maxweight = $this->_request->getValue( "maxweight" );
+ if( $this->_pluginEnabled && empty($this->_maxweight) ) {
+ $this->_maxweight = "200";
+ }
+ $this->_minweight = $this->_request->getValue( "minweight" );
+ if( $this->_pluginEnabled && empty($this->_minweight) ) {
+ $this->_minweight = "100";
+ }
+ if( count($errorMessages) > 0 ) {
+ $this->_view = new PluginTechnoratiTagCloudConfigView( $this->_blogInfo );
+ $allerror='';
+ foreach( $errorMessages as $error ){
+ $allerror .= $this->_locale->tr($error).'<br />';
+ }
+ $this->_view->setErrorMessage( $this->_locale->tr($allerror));
+ $this->setCommonData();
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ function perform()
+ {
+ // // update the plugin configurations to blog setting
+ $blogSettings = $this->_blogInfo->getSettings();
+ $blogSettings->setValue( "plugin_technoratitagcloud_enabled", $this->_pluginEnabled );
+ $blogSettings->setValue( "plugin_technoratitagcloud_apikey", $this->_apikey );
+ $blogSettings->setValue( "plugin_technoratitagcloud_showtags", $this->_showtags );
+ $blogSettings->setValue( "plugin_technoratitagcloud_maxsize", $this->_maxsize );
+ $blogSettings->setValue( "plugin_technoratitagcloud_minsize", $this->_minsize );
+ $blogSettings->setValue( "plugin_technoratitagcloud_maxweight", $this->_maxweight );
+ $blogSettings->setValue( "plugin_technoratitagcloud_minweight", $this->_minweight );
+ $this->_blogInfo->setSettings( $blogSettings );
+ // save the blogs settings
+ $blogs = new Blogs();
+ if( !$blogs->updateBlog( $this->_blogInfo )) {
+ $this->_view = new PluginTechnoratiTagCloudConfigView( $this->_blogInfo );
+ $this->_view->setErrorMessage( $this->_locale->tr("error_updating_settings"));
+ $this->setCommonData();
+ return false;
+ }
+ // if everything went ok...
+ $this->_blogInfo->setSettings( $blogSettings );
+ $this->_session->setValue( "blogInfo", $this->_blogInfo );
+ $this->saveSession();
+ $this->_view = new PluginTechnoratiTagCloudConfigView( $this->_blogInfo );
+ $this->_view->setSuccessMessage( $this->_locale->tr("technoratitagcloud_settings_saved_ok"));
+ $this->setCommonData();
+ // clear the cache
+ CacheControl::resetBlogCache( $this->_blogInfo->getId());
+ //regenerate the cloud
+ $plugins = $this->_pm->getPlugins();
+ $plugin = $plugins["technoratitagcloud"];
+ $plugin->createTechnoratiTagCloud();
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
Added: plugins/branches/lifetype-1.2/technoratitagcloud/class/ducksoup/ducksoup.class.php
--- plugins/branches/lifetype-1.2/technoratitagcloud/class/ducksoup/ducksoup.class.php (rev 0)
+++ plugins/branches/lifetype-1.2/technoratitagcloud/class/ducksoup/ducksoup.class.php 2007-03-25 20:08:15 UTC (rev 5191)
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+// error_reporting(error_reporting() & ~E_STRICT);
+ // helps run on php5. e_strict doesnt do any good anyway ;)
+/* =========================================
+ DuckSoup v1.2 (Technorati API library)
+ October 08 2006
+ Developed by
+ Kailash Nadh
+ mail at kailashnadh.name , http://kailashnadh.name
+ Changes by
+ Yassen Damyanov
+ yassen_tis at yahoo.com
+ DuckSoup website
+ http://kaialshnadh.name/ducksoup
+ Documentation
+ http://kailashnadh.name/ducksoup/docs
+ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+ obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files
+ ("DuckSoup"), to deal in the DuckSoup without restriction,
+ including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
+ publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the DuckSoup,
+ and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
+ subject to the following conditions:
+ DuckSoup (c) 2005-2006, Kailash Nadh (http://kailashnadh.name)
+ The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+ included in all copies or substantial portions of the DuckSoup.
+ // --- Please see disclaimer.txt for the disclaimer
+ // --- v1.1a changes
+ - added support for 'authority' parameter of 'search' API
+ // --- v1.1 changes
+ - fixed the compatibility problem with PHP4 and PHP5
+ - Added Technorati's new BlogPostTags api
+ ========================================= */
+class duckSoup {
+ var $api_fqdn="api.technorati.com"; // Technorati API server (no http:// and no trailing slash)
+ var $api_key;
+ var $type;
+ var $params;
+ var $query = "";
+ // ============= creates a tree (array) from the given xml data (only for internal use)
+ function xml2array($text) {
+ $reg_exp = '/<(\w+)[^>]*>(.*?)<\/\\1>/s';
+ preg_match_all($reg_exp, $text, $match);
+ foreach ($match[1] as $key=>$val) {
+ if ( preg_match($reg_exp, $match[2][$key]) ) {
+ $array[$val][] = $this->xml2array($match[2][$key]);
+ } else {
+ $array[$val] = $match[2][$key];
+ }
+ }
+ return $array;
+ }
+ // ============= Prepares the query based on the given api/parameters
+ function prepare_query() {
+ // == No API type has been specified
+ if(!$this->type) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // urlencode the parameters
+ if(isset($this->params) && is_array($this->params)) {
+ while(list($key, $value) = each($this->params)) {
+ $this->params[$key]=urlencode($value);
+ }
+ }
+ // These routine prepares the query for each API type
+ switch($this->type) {
+ // ============== Cosmos api
+ case 'cosmos':
+ // == Prepare the parameters for the cosmos api
+ $cosmos['url']=(!isset($this->params['url'])) ? '' : "&url=".$this->params['url'];
+ $cosmos['type']=(!isset($this->params['type'])) ? '' :"&type=".$this->params['type'];
+ $cosmos['limit']=(!isset($this->params['limit'])) ? '' : "&limit=".$this->params['limit'];
+ $cosmos['start']=(!isset($this->params['start'])) ? '' : "&start=".$this->params['start'];
+ $cosmos['current']=(!isset($this->params['current'])) ? '' : "¤t=".$this->params['current'];
+ //$cosmos['format']=(!isset($this->params['format'])) ? '' : "&format=".$this->params['format'];
+ $cosmos['claim']=(!isset($this->params['claim'])) ? '' : "&claim=".$this->params['claim'];
+ $cosmos['highlight']=(!isset($this->params['highlight'])) ? '' : "&highlight=".$this->params['highlight'];
+ // == Prepare the url for cosmos api query
+ $query="/cosmos?key={$this->api_key}{$cosmos['url']}";
+ $url.="{$cosmos['type']}{$cosmos['limit']}{$cosmos['start']}";
+ $url.="{$cosmos['current']}{$cosmos['claim']}{$cosmos['highlight']}";
+ break;
+ // ============== Search api
+ case 'search':
+ // == Prepare the parameters for the search api
+ $search['query']=(!isset($this->params['query'])) ? '' : "&query=".$this->params['query'];
+ $search['start']=(!isset($this->params['start'])) ? '' : "&start=".$this->params['start'];
+ $search['limit']=(!isset($this->params['limit'])) ? '' : "&limit=".$this->params['limit'];
+ //$search['format']=(!isset($this->params['format'])) ? '' : "&format=".$this->params['format'];
+ $search['claim']=(!isset($this->params['claim'])) ? '' : "&claim=".$this->params['claim'];
+ $search['language']=(!isset($this->params['language'])) ? '' : "&claim=".$this->params['language'];
+ $search['authority']=(!isset($this->params['authority'])) ? '' : "&authority=".$this->params['authority'];
+ // == Prepare the url for search api query
+ $query="/search?key={$this->api_key}{$search['query']}";
+ $query.="{$search['limit']}{$search['start']}{$search['claim']}{$search['language']}{$search['authority']}";
+ break;
+ // ============== getinfo api
+ case 'getinfo':
+ // == Prepare the parameters for the getinfo api
+ $getinfo['username']=(!isset($this->params['username'])) ? '' : "&username=".$this->params['username'];
+ //$getinfo['format']=(!isset($this->params['format'])) ? '' : "&format=".$this->params['format'];
+ // == Prepare the url for getinfo api query
+ $query="/getinfo?key={$this->api_key}{$getinfo['username']}";
+ break;
+ // ============== outbound api
+ case 'outbound':
+ // == Prepare the parameters for the getinfo api
+ $outbound['url']=(!isset($this->params['url'])) ? '' : "&url=".$this->params['url'];
+ //$outbound['format']=(!isset($this->params['format'])) ? '' : "&format=".$this->params['format'];
+ $outbound['start']=(!isset($this->params['start'])) ? '' : "&start=".$this->params['start'];
+ // == Prepare the url for getinfo api query
+ $query="/outbound?key={$this->api_key}{$outbound['url']}{$outbound['start']}";
+ break;
+ // ============== bloginfo api
+ case 'bloginfo':
+ // == Prepare the parameters for the getinfo api
+ $bloginfo['url']=(!isset($this->params['url'])) ? '' : "&url=".$this->params['url'];
+ //$bloginfo['format']=(!isset($this->params['format'])) ? '' : "&format=".$this->params['format'];
+ // == Prepare the url for getinfo api query
+ $query="/bloginfo?key={$this->api_key}{$bloginfo['url']}";
+ break;
+ // ============== taginfo api
+ case 'taginfo':
+ // == Prepare the parameters for the getinfo api
+ $taginfo['tag']=(!isset($this->params['tag'])) ? '' : "&tag=".$this->params['tag'];
+ $taginfo['limit']=(!isset($this->params['limit'])) ? '' : "&limit=".$this->params['limit'];
+ $taginfo['start']=(!isset($this->params['start'])) ? '' : "&start=".$this->params['start'];
+ //$taginfo['format']=(!isset($this->params['format'])) ? '' : "&format=".$this->params['format'];
+ $taginfo['excerptsize']=(!isset($this->params['excerptsize'])) ? '' : "&excerptsize=".$this->params['excerptsize'];
+ $taginfo['topexcerptsize']=(!isset($this->params['topexcerptsize'])) ? '' : "&topexcerptsize=".$this->params['topexcerptsize'];
+ // == Prepare the url for getinfo api query
+ $query="/tag?key={$this->api_key}{$taginfo['tag']}{$taginfo['limit']}";
+ $query.="{$taginfo['start']}{$taginfo['excerptsize']}{$taginfo['topexcerptsize']}";
+ break;
+ // ============== toptags api
+ case 'toptags':
+ // == Prepare the url for getinfo api query
+ $toptags['limit']=(!isset($this->params['limit'])) ? '' : "&limit=".$this->params['limit'];
+ $query="/toptags?key={$this->api_key}{$toptags['limit']}";
+ break;
+ // ============== keyinfo api
+ case 'keyinfo':
+ // == Prepare the url for getinfo api query
+ $query="/keyinfo?key={$this->api_key}";
+ break;
+ // ============== blogPostTags api
+ case 'blogposttags':
+ $blogposttags['url']=(!isset($this->params['url'])) ? '' : "&url=".$this->params['url'];
+ $blogposttags['limit']=(!isset($this->params['limit'])) ? '' : "&limit=".$this->params['limit'];
+ // == Prepare the url for blogPostTags api query
+ $query="/blogposttags?key={$this->api_key}{$blogposttags['url']}{$blogposttags['limit']}";
+ break;
+ // ============== No proper type ?
+ default:
+ return false;
+ break;
+ }
+ $this->query=$query;
+// print "\nQuery: [$query]\n\n";
+ }
+ // ============= Fetches the data over http from Technorati
+ function fetch_content() {
+ // =========== Fetch the data
+ $data="";
+ // Get data by opening a socket connection. If this doesnt work, uncomment and use the routine below
+ $fp = @fsockopen($this->api_fqdn, 80, $errnum, $errstr, 15); // Open a socket connection
+ if($fp) {
+ $fp_data="GET {$this->query} HTTP/1.0\r\n";
+ $fp_data.="Host: {$this->api_fqdn}\r\n";
+ $fp_data.="User-Agent: DuckSoup client\r\n";
+ $fp_data.="Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";
+ fputs($fp, $fp_data);
+ while(!feof($fp)) {
+ $data.=fgets($fp, 512);
+ }
+ fclose($fp);
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Clean up the data by removing the http headers
+ $data=substr($data, strpos($data, "\r\n\r\n"), strlen($data));
+ /* =============================
+ $url="http://".$this->api_fqdn.$this->query;
+ $fp=@fopen($url, "r");
+ if($fp) {
+ while(!feof($fp)) {
+ $data.=fgets($fp, 512);
+ }
+ fclose($fp);
+ } else {
+ return false; // connection failed
+ }
+ ================================ */
+ return $data;
+ }
+ // ============= The core function that processes technorati data
+ function get_content() {
+ // == No API type has been specified
+ if(!$this->type) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $this->prepare_query(); // Prepare the query with all necessary variables
+ $data=$this->fetch_content(); // get data from Technorati
+ if(!$data) return false;
+ $xml_array=$this->xml2array($data);
+ if(!$xml_array) return false;
+ $parent=$xml_array['tapi'][0]['document']['0'];
+ // parses and formats data for each API
+ switch($this->type) {
+ // ============= format the cosmos data
+ case 'cosmos':
+ $cosmos_result=$parent['result'][0];
+ if(!isset($cosmos_result['error'])) {
+ // === the base weblog
+ $cosmos_result['weblog']=$cosmos_result['weblog'][0];
+ // ==== Author data if present (when claim=1)
+ if(isset($cosmos_result['weblog']['author']) && is_array($cosmos_result['weblog']['author'])) {
+ $cosmos_result['weblog']['author']=$cosmos_result['weblog']['author'][0];
+ }
+ $result['result']=$cosmos_result;
+ // === linked weblogs
+ if(isset($parent['item']) && is_array($parent['item'])) {
+ $n=0;
+ foreach($parent['item'] as $item) {
+ $item['weblog']=$item['weblog'][0];
+ $result['item'][$n]['weblog']=$item['weblog'][0];
+ // ==== Author data if present (when claim=1)
+ if(isset($item['weblog']['author']) && is_array($item['weblog']['author'])) {
+ $item['weblog']['author']=$item['weblog']['author'][0];
+ }
+ $result['item'][$n]=$item;
+ $n++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ // ============= format search data
+ case 'search':
+ $result['result']=$parent['result'][0];
+ if(!isset($result['error']) && isset($parent['item']) && is_array($parent['item'])) {
+ $n=0;
+ foreach($parent['item'] as $item) {
+ $item['weblog']=$item['weblog'][0];
+ $result['item'][$n]['weblog']=$item['weblog']; //$result['item'][$n]['weblog']=$item['weblog'][0];
+ // === Author data if present (when claim=1)
+ if(isset($item['weblog']['author']) && is_array($item['weblog']['author'])) {
+ $item['weblog']['author']=$item['weblog']['author'][0];
+ }
+ $result['item'][$n]=$item;
+ $n++;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ // ============= format getinfo data
+ case 'getinfo':
+ $result['result']=$parent['result'][0];
+ if(!isset($result['error']) && isset($result['item']) && is_array($result['item'])) {
+ $n=0;
+ foreach($parent['item'] as $item) {
+ $item['weblog']=$item['weblog'][0];
+ $result['item'][$n]['weblog']=$item['weblog'][0];
+ $result['item'][$n]=$item;
+ $n++;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ // ============= format outbound data
+ case 'outbound':
+ $outbound_result=$parent['result'][0];
+ if(!isset($result['error'])) {
+ $outbound_result['weblog']=$outbound_result['weblog'][0];
+ $result['result']=$outbound_result;
+ if(isset($parent['item']) && is_array($parent['item'])) {
+ $n=0;
+ foreach($parent['item'] as $item) {
+ $item['weblog']=$item['weblog'][0];
+ $result['item'][$n]['weblog']=$item['weblog'][0];
+ $result['item'][$n]=$item;
+ $n++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ // ============= format bloginfo data
+ case 'bloginfo':
+ $result['result']=$parent['result'][0];
+ if(!isset($result['error'])) {
+ $result['result']['weblog']=$result['result']['weblog'][0];
+ }
+ break;
+ // ============= format taginfo data
+ case 'taginfo':
+ $result['result']=$parent['result'][0];
+ if(!isset($result['error']) && isset($parent['item']) && is_array($parent['item'])) {
+ $n=0;
+ foreach($parent['item'] as $item) {
+ $item['weblog']=$item['weblog'][0];
+ $result['item'][$n]['weblog']=$item['weblog'][0];
+ $result['item'][$n]=$item;
+ $n++;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ // ============= format toptags data
+ case 'toptags':
+ $result['result']=$parent['result'][0];
+ if(!isset($result['error']) && isset($parent['item']) && is_array($parent['item'])) {
+ $n=0;
+ foreach($parent['item'] as $item) {
+ $result['item'][$n]=$item;
+ $n++;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ // ============= the keyinfo data
+ case 'keyinfo':
+ $result['result']=$parent['result'][0];
+ break;
+ // ============= the blogposttags data
+ case 'blogposttags':
+ $result['result']=$parent['result'][0];
+ if(!isset($result['error']) && isset($parent['item']) && is_array($parent['item'])) {
+ $n=0;
+ foreach($parent['item'] as $item) {
+ $result['item'][$n]=$item;
+ $n++;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Added: plugins/branches/lifetype-1.2/technoratitagcloud/class/view/plugintechnoratitagcloudconfigview.class.php
--- plugins/branches/lifetype-1.2/technoratitagcloud/class/view/plugintechnoratitagcloudconfigview.class.php (rev 0)
+++ plugins/branches/lifetype-1.2/technoratitagcloud/class/view/plugintechnoratitagcloudconfigview.class.php 2007-03-25 20:08:15 UTC (rev 5191)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/view/admin/adminplugintemplatedview.class.php" );
+ /**
+ * implements the main view of the technorati tag cloud plugin
+ */
+ class PluginTechnoratiTagCloudConfigView extends AdminPluginTemplatedView
+ {
+ function PluginTechnoratiTagCloudConfigView( $blogInfo )
+ {
+ $this->AdminPluginTemplatedView( $blogInfo, "technoratitagcloud", "technoratitagcloud" );
+ }
+ function render()
+ {
+ // load some configuration settings
+ $blogSettings = $this->_blogInfo->getSettings();
+ $pluginEnabled = $blogSettings->getValue( "plugin_technoratitagcloud_enabled" );
+ $apikey = $blogSettings->getValue( "plugin_technoratitagcloud_apikey");
+ $showtags = $blogSettings->getValue( "plugin_technoratitagcloud_showtags");
+ $maxsize = $blogSettings->getValue( "plugin_technoratitagcloud_maxsize" );
+ $minsize = $blogSettings->getValue( "plugin_technoratitagcloud_minsize" );
+ $maxweight = $blogSettings->getValue( "plugin_technoratitagcloud_maxweight" );
+ $minweight = $blogSettings->getValue( "plugin_technoratitagcloud_minweight" );
+ // create a view and export the settings to the template
+ $this->setValue( "pluginEnabled", $pluginEnabled );
+ $this->setValue( "apikey", $apikey );
+ $this->setValue( "showtags", $showtags );
+ $this->setValue( "maxsize", $maxsize );
+ $this->setValue( "minsize", $minsize );
+ $this->setValue( "maxweight", $maxweight );
+ $this->setValue( "minweight", $minweight );
+ parent::render();
+ }
+ }
Added: plugins/branches/lifetype-1.2/technoratitagcloud/locale/locale_en_UK.php
--- plugins/branches/lifetype-1.2/technoratitagcloud/locale/locale_en_UK.php (rev 0)
+++ plugins/branches/lifetype-1.2/technoratitagcloud/locale/locale_en_UK.php 2007-03-25 20:08:15 UTC (rev 5191)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+$messages["technoratitagcloud"] = "Technorati Tag Cloud";
+$messages["TechnoratiTagCloud"] = "Technorati Tag Cloud";
+$messages["technoratitagcloud_plugin"] = "Technorati Tag Cloud Configuration";
+$messages["technoratitagcloud_plugin_enabled"] = "Enable Technorati Tag Cloud Plugin.";
+$messages["label_apikey"] = "Api Key";
+$messages["technoratitagcloud_apikey"] = "Please fill in your Api Key. You can find this code in Technorati Developer Center.";
+$messages["technoratitagcloud_error_apikey"] = "You must fill in the Api Key.";
+$messages["label_showtags"] = "Show Tags";
+$messages["label_maxsize"] = "Maximum Size";
+$messages["label_minsize"] = "Minimum Size";
+$messages["label_maxweight"] = "Maximum Weight";
+$messages["label_minweight"] = "Minimum Weight";
+$messages["technoratitagcloud_showtags"] = "How many tags you want to show (Default=20).";
+$messages["technoratitagcloud_minsize"] = "Minimum font size for the cloud. (Default=0.65).";
+$messages["technoratitagcloud_maxsize"] = "Maximum font size for the cloud. (Default=1.5).";
+$messages["technoratitagcloud_maxweight"] = "Maximum font size for the cloud. (valid values: 100, 200, ..., 900. Default=200).";
+$messages["technoratitagcloud_minweight"] = "Minimum font size for the cloud. (valid values: 100, 200, ..., 900. Default=100).";
+$messages["technoratitagcloud_error_showtags"] = "You must fill in how many tags.";
+$messages["technoratitagcloud_settings_saved_ok"] = "Technorati Tag Cloud configuration update successed !";
Added: plugins/branches/lifetype-1.2/technoratitagcloud/plugintechnoratitagcloud.class.php
--- plugins/branches/lifetype-1.2/technoratitagcloud/plugintechnoratitagcloud.class.php (rev 0)
+++ plugins/branches/lifetype-1.2/technoratitagcloud/plugintechnoratitagcloud.class.php 2007-03-25 20:08:15 UTC (rev 5191)
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/plugin/pluginbase.class.php" );
+lt_include( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."plugins/technoratitagcloud/class/ducksoup/ducksoup.class.php" );
+* offers features to insert Technorati Tags and display them in a Cloud.
+class PluginTechnoratiTagCloud extends PluginBase {
+ var $pluginEnabled;
+ var $apikey;
+ var $showtags;
+ function PluginTechnoratiTagCloud($source = ""){
+ $this->PluginBase($source);
+ $this->id = "technoratitagcloud";
+ $this->author = "Omar Romero";
+ $this->desc = "This plugin will download your technorati tags and display them as a tag cloud.";
+ $this->version = "20070315";
+ $this->locales = Array( "en_UK" );
+ if( $source == "admin" )
+ $this->initAdmin();
+ else
+ $this->init();
+ }
+ function init(){
+ // register the events we want
+ $this->registerNotification( EVENT_POST_POST_ADD );
+ $this->registerNotification( EVENT_POST_POST_UPDATE );
+ $this->registerNotification( EVENT_POST_POST_DELETE );
+ }
+ function initAdmin(){
+ $this->init();
+ $this->registerAdminAction( "technoratitagcloud", "PluginTechnoratiTagCloudConfigAction" );
+ $this->registerAdminAction( "updatetechnoratitagcloud", "PluginTechnoratiTagCloudUpdateConfigAction" );
+ $menu =& Menu::getMenu();
+ $this->addMenuEntry( "/menu/controlCenter/manageSettings", "TechnoratiTagCloud", "?op=technoratitagcloud");
+ }
+ function register(){
+ $blogSettings = $this->blogInfo->getSettings();
+ $this->pluginEnabled = $blogSettings->getValue( "plugin_technoratitagcloud_enabled" );
+ $this->apikey = $blogSettings->getValue( "plugin_technoratitagcloud_apikey" );
+ $this->showtags = $blogSettings->getValue( "plugin_technoratitagcloud_showtags" );
+ $this->maxsize = $blogSettings->getValue( "plugin_technoratitagcloud_maxsize" );
+ $this->minsize = $blogSettings->getValue( "plugin_technoratitagcloud_minsize" );
+ $this->maxweight = $blogSettings->getValue( "plugin_technoratitagcloud_maxweight" );
+ $this->minweight = $blogSettings->getValue( "plugin_technoratitagcloud_minweight" );
+ //TODO: add values for the max and min weight and size
+ $config =& Config::getConfig();
+ $this->cacheFolder = $config->getValue('temp_folder');
+ $this->cacheFolder = $this->cacheFolder.'/technoratitagcloud/'.$this->blogInfo->getId();
+ if( !File::exists( $this->cacheFolder ))
+ File::createDir( $this->cacheFolder, 0755 );
+ }
+ function isEnabled(){
+ return $this->pluginEnabled;
+ }
+ function process( $eventType, $params ){
+ // make sure we're processing the right event!
+ if( $eventType != EVENT_POST_POST_ADD &&
+ $eventType != EVENT_POST_POST_UPDATE &&
+ $eventType != EVENT_POST_POST_DELETE ){
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Load all of the settings for this blog
+ $this->register();
+ // make sure that the plugin is enabled
+ if(!$this->isEnabled())
+ return true;
+ // Update the Technorati Tag Cloud
+ $this->createTechnoratiTagCloud();
+ return true;
+ }
+ function createTechnoratiTagCloud(){
+ $maxSize = $this->maxsize;
+ $maxWeight = $this->maxweight;
+ $minSize = $this->minsize;
+ $minWeight = $this->minweight;
+ $rg = $this->blogInfo->getBlogRequestGenerator();
+ $url = $rg->getBaseUrl();
+ $api = new duckSoup;
+ $api->api_key= $this->apikey;
+ $api->type = 'blogposttags';
+ $api->params = array('url' => $url, 'limit' => $this->showtags);
+ $items = $api->get_content();
+ if(!isset($items[item]))
+ return true;
+ foreach ($items[item] as $item)
+ $tagData[$item['tag']] = $item['posts'] ;
+ arsort($tagData);
+ reset($tagData);
+ $max = current($tagData);
+ $min = end($tagData);
+ // Normalize the maximum values
+ $max = $max - $min;
+ // avoid a divide by zero if all of the words in our group
+ // occur exactly the same number of times.
+ if($max == 0)
+ $max = 1;
+ if (sizeof($tagData)) {
+ ksort($tagData);
+ $tags_string = "";
+ // Create the Cloud
+ foreach( $tagData as $k=>$v) {
+ $link = urlencode($k);
+ $link = str_replace("%2F", "/", $link);
+ $disp = htmlspecialchars($k);
+ $value = $v - $min;
+ $size = (($value *$maxSize)/$max) + $minSize;
+ $weight = (($value *$maxWeight)/$max) + $minWeight;
+ if ($size > $maxSize) $size = $maxSize;
+ if ($weight > $maxWeight) $weight = $maxWeight;
+ $weight = floor($weight / 100) * 100;
+ $tags_string .= "<a rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"http://technorati.com/tag/".$link."?from=".$url."\" style=\"font-size: ".$size."em; font-weight: ".$weight."; line-height: 90%\">".$disp."</a>...\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $saveFile = $this->cacheFolder."/tagcloud";
+ $fh = fopen( $saveFile, "w");
+ if ($fh){
+ fwrite($fh, $tags_string);
+ File::chMod($saveFile, 0644);
+ }
+ }
+ function gettechnoratiTagCloud(){
+ $saveFile = $this->cacheFolder."/tagcloud";
+ $Cloud = '';
+ if(File::isReadable($saveFile)){
+ $fh = fopen( $saveFile, "r");
+ if ($fh){
+ $Cloud = fread($fh, filesize($saveFile));
+ fclose($fh);
+ }
+ }
+ return $Cloud;
+ }
Added: plugins/branches/lifetype-1.2/technoratitagcloud/templates/technoratitagcloud.template
--- plugins/branches/lifetype-1.2/technoratitagcloud/templates/technoratitagcloud.template (rev 0)
+++ plugins/branches/lifetype-1.2/technoratitagcloud/templates/technoratitagcloud.template 2007-03-25 20:08:15 UTC (rev 5191)
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+{include file="$admintemplatepath/header.template"}
+{include file="$admintemplatepath/navigation.template" showOpt=TechnoratiTagCloud title=$locale->tr("technoratitagcloud_plugin")}
+<form name="technoratitagcloudPluginConfig" method="post">
+ <fieldset class="inputField">
+ <legend>{$locale->tr("label_configuration")}</legend>
+ {include file="$admintemplatepath/successmessage.template"}
+ {include file="$admintemplatepath/errormessage.template"}
+ <div class="field">
+ <label for="pluginEnabled">{$locale->tr("label_enable")}</label>
+ <span class="required"></span>
+ <div class="formHelp">
+ <input class="checkbox" type="checkbox" name="pluginEnabled" id="pluginEnabled" {if $pluginEnabled} checked="checked" {/if} value="1" />{$locale->tr("technoratitagcloud_plugin_enabled")}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="field">
+ <label for="apikey">{$locale->tr("label_apikey")}</label>
+ <span class="required">*</span>
+ <div class="formHelp">{$locale->tr("technoratitagcloud_apikey")}</div>
+ <input class="text" type="text" name="apikey" id="apikey" value="{$apikey}" width="20" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="field">
+ <label for="showtags">{$locale->tr("label_showtags")}</label>
+ <span class="required">*</span>
+ <div class="formHelp">{$locale->tr("technoratitagcloud_showtags")}</div>
+ <input class="text" type="text" name="showtags" id="showtags" value="{$showtags}" width="20" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="field">
+ <label for="maxsize">{$locale->tr("label_maxsize")}</label>
+ <div class="formHelp">{$locale->tr("technoratitagcloud_maxsize")}</div>
+ <input class="text" type="text" name="maxsize" id="maxsize" value="{$maxsize}" width="20" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="field">
+ <label for="showtags">{$locale->tr("label_minsize")}</label>
+ <div class="formHelp">{$locale->tr("technoratitagcloud_minsize")}</div>
+ <input class="text" type="text" name="minsize" id="minsize" value="{$minsize}" width="20" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="field">
+ <label for="showtags">{$locale->tr("label_maxweight")}</label>
+ <div class="formHelp">{$locale->tr("technoratitagcloud_maxweight")}</div>
+ <input class="text" type="text" name="maxweight" id="maxweight" value="{$maxweight}" width="20" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="field">
+ <label for="showtags">{$locale->tr("label_minweight")}</label>
+ <div class="formHelp">{$locale->tr("technoratitagcloud_minweight")}</div>
+ <input class="text" type="text" name="minweight" id="minweight" value="{$minweight}" width="20" />
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="buttons">
+ <input type="hidden" name="op" value="updatetechnoratitagcloud" />
+ <input type="reset" name="{$locale->tr("reset")}" />
+ <input type="submit" name="{$locale->tr("update_settings")}" value="{$locale->tr("update")}" />
+ </div>
+{include file="$admintemplatepath/footernavigation.template"}
+{include file="$admintemplatepath/footer.template"}
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