[pLog-svn] Contributing

Jon Daley plogworld at jon.limedaley.com
Mon Mar 19 09:01:46 EDT 2007

On Mon, 19 Mar 2007, Ammar Ibrahim wrote:
>> - Private templates
> Almost :) The idea is that in our service sometimes we design  some
> templates for a specific NGO, or user. We don't want other people to see
> these templates. We didn't create an interface for it. We just manage it
> through configuration files. Creating an admin interface should be very
> easy. We'll do that once we migrate to 1.2 and share this feature if needed.

 	I see.  But the templates are shared between multiple users, and 
not just one user, right?

>> - Domain name support
> We're running a hacked version of 1.0, I didn't check 1.1 yet. But I'll take
> a look at of course. If you check our service, you can see that we have a
> directory. In the directory, when a blog is displayed we take into
> consideration if the blog has a domain. does {blogdomain} allow for such
> features? and would it return the domain of the blog in the blog DAO? How
> does it work?

 	Right.  You can type in any domain you want (see 
blogs.limedaley.com)  There is a getCustomDomain function, though I see it 
returns the mangled_blogname if the custom domain has not been set.  That 
is probably just to prevent a null from being returned in all cases.

> Changes & new items. The new items might be specific to us. But the changes
> could be very useful to the project. I suggest you create a free account on
> our service and tell me what you think if you have time.
> We have also changed the ugly calendar, and reorganized a lot of menus. The
> way you upload files changed a lot. I think the project can benefit from our
> experience. The service is under heavy development. It should be stable in
> 2-3 months.
 	The calendar would probably be nice.  I suggest you take a look at 
1.2 to see what changes have been made on our side too.  Not too much, 
although there are a couple easier ways to upload resources while adding a 
new post.

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