[pLog-svn] Fwd: Codango Lab Review of LifeType

Reto Hugi plog at hugi.to
Tue Jul 17 17:11:21 EDT 2007

On 07/17/2007 10:56 PM, Jon Daley wrote:
>  	I haven't used authimage in a long time, and I haven't gotten any 
> spam that wasn't caught by badbehavior, hiddeninput and the bayesian 
> filter.  I think it would be nice to not install authimage by default, but 
> maybe hiddeninput instead?  People are probably more likely to find 
> authimage, since they might go looking for it, but wouldn't think to look 
> for hidden input.

I totally agree with jon. I'm using hiddeninput and validate trackback,
deactivated the bayesian filter for db-performance reasons (very bad db
performance with my host). havn't seen spam for a couple of months....


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