[pLog-svn] r5284 - in plog/branches/lifetype-1.2: install locale/admin

jondaley at devel.lifetype.net jondaley at devel.lifetype.net
Sat Apr 7 15:13:32 EDT 2007

Author: jondaley
Date: 2007-04-07 15:13:31 -0400 (Sat, 07 Apr 2007)
New Revision: 5284

enabled HTTP cache by default.  Is there any reason this wasn't enabled before? Mark - I don't know how to update the zh_* locales; I think I did the rest of the languages correctly

Modified: plog/branches/lifetype-1.2/install/defaultconfig.properties.php
--- plog/branches/lifetype-1.2/install/defaultconfig.properties.php	2007-04-07 19:02:28 UTC (rev 5283)
+++ plog/branches/lifetype-1.2/install/defaultconfig.properties.php	2007-04-07 19:13:31 UTC (rev 5284)
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
 $Inserts['summary_show_agreement'] 							= "INSERT INTO {dbprefix}config (config_key, config_value, value_type) VALUES ('summary_show_agreement', '1', 1);";
 $Inserts['default_time_offset'] 							= "INSERT INTO {dbprefix}config (config_key, config_value, value_type) VALUES ('default_time_offset', '0', 3);";
 $Inserts['template_cache_enabled'] 							= "INSERT INTO {dbprefix}config (config_key, config_value, value_type) VALUES ('template_cache_enabled', '1', 1);";
-$Inserts['template_http_cache_enabled'] 					= "INSERT INTO {dbprefix}config (config_key, config_value, value_type) VALUES ('template_http_cache_enabled', '0', 1);";
+$Inserts['template_http_cache_enabled'] 					= "INSERT INTO {dbprefix}config (config_key, config_value, value_type) VALUES ('template_http_cache_enabled', '1', 1);";
 $Inserts['template_compile_check'] 							= "INSERT INTO {dbprefix}config (config_key, config_value, value_type) VALUES ('template_compile_check', '1', 1);";
 $Inserts['update_cached_article_reads'] 					= "INSERT INTO {dbprefix}config (config_key, config_value, value_type) VALUES ('update_cached_article_reads', '1', 1);";
 $Inserts['allow_php_code_in_templates'] 					= "INSERT INTO {dbprefix}config (config_key, config_value, value_type) VALUES ('allow_php_code_in_templates', '0', 1);";

Modified: plog/branches/lifetype-1.2/locale/admin/locale_de_DE.php
--- plog/branches/lifetype-1.2/locale/admin/locale_de_DE.php	2007-04-07 19:02:28 UTC (rev 5283)
+++ plog/branches/lifetype-1.2/locale/admin/locale_de_DE.php	2007-04-07 19:13:31 UTC (rev 5284)
@@ -616,7 +616,7 @@
 $messages['help_template_compile_check'] = 'Aktivieren Sie diese Funktion, um Dateien durch Smarty automatisch auf aktuellere Versionen prüfen zu lassen. Deaktivieren Sie diese Funktion, um die Perfomance zu steigern [Standard = Ja]';
 $messages['help_template_cache_enabled'] = 'Aktivieren des Template-Cache. Wenn aktiviert, wird, falls möglich,  eine zwischengespeicherte Version von Seiten benutzt. Dadurch müssen weniger Daten aus der Datenbank abgerufen und Templates seltener neu gerendert werden. [Standard = Ja]';
 $messages['help_template_cache_lifetime'] = 'Verfallszeit des Cache in Sekunden. Setzen Sie den Wert auf -1, um den Cache nie verfallen zu lassen. Wenn Sie den Wert auf 0 setzen, wird der Cache deaktiviert. Setzen Sie hierzu allerdings besser "Aktivieren des Template-Cache" auf "Nein". [Standard = -1]';
-$messages['help_template_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Unterstützung für HTTP-Request aktivieren. Wenn aktiviert, fügt LifeType dem HTTP-Header "If-Modified-Since"-Informationen zu. So muß nur unbedingt erforderlicher Inhalt gesendet werden. Benutzen Sie diese Einstellung, um Bandbreite zu sparen. [Standard = Nein]';
+$messages['help_template_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Unterstützung für HTTP-Request aktivieren. Wenn aktiviert, fügt LifeType dem HTTP-Header "If-Modified-Since"-Informationen zu. So muß nur unbedingt erforderlicher Inhalt gesendet werden. Benutzen Sie diese Einstellung, um Bandbreite zu sparen. [Standard = Ja]';
 $messages['help_allow_php_code_in_templates'] = 'Nativen PHP-Code in Smarty-Templates innerhalb von {php}...{/php} Blöcken erlauben [Standard = Nein]';
 // urls
 $messages['help_request_format_mode'] = 'Wählen Sie ein URL-Format. Wenn Sie benutzerdefinierte URLs verwenden möchten, stellen Sie sicher, dass die folgenden Einstellungen ebenfalls konfiguriert sind. [Standard = einfach]';

Modified: plog/branches/lifetype-1.2/locale/admin/locale_en_UK.php
--- plog/branches/lifetype-1.2/locale/admin/locale_en_UK.php	2007-04-07 19:02:28 UTC (rev 5283)
+++ plog/branches/lifetype-1.2/locale/admin/locale_en_UK.php	2007-04-07 19:13:31 UTC (rev 5284)
@@ -617,7 +617,7 @@
 $messages['help_template_compile_check'] = 'If enabled, Smarty will check every time if template files have changed and if so, use the new version. Set this to disabled for higher performance. [Default = Yes]';
 $messages['help_template_cache_enabled'] = 'Enable the template cache. If enabled, the cached version of a page will be used whenever possible. No data will need to be fetched from the database and templates will not need to be recompiled. [Default = Yes]';
 $messages['help_template_cache_lifetime'] = 'Lifetime in seconds of the cache. Set to -1 to force the cache to never expire. If set to 0, the cache will be disabled but it is recommended to set template_cache_enabled to "No" in order to disable the cache. [Default = -1]';
-$messages['help_template_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Enable support for HTTP conditional requests. If enabled, LifeType will take the "If-Modified-Since" HTTP header into account and send only content if strictly needed. Enable this to save bandwidth [Default = No]';
+$messages['help_template_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Enable support for HTTP conditional requests. If enabled, LifeType will take the "If-Modified-Since" HTTP header into account and send only content if strictly needed. Enable this to save bandwidth [Default = Yes]';
 $messages['help_allow_php_code_in_templates'] = 'Allows to embed native PHP code in Smarty templates inside {php}...{/php} blocks. [Default = No]';
 // urls
 $messages['help_request_format_mode'] = 'Select one of the available URL format. If using custom URLs, make sure to configure the settings below. [Default = Plain]';

Modified: plog/branches/lifetype-1.2/locale/admin/locale_es_ES.php
--- plog/branches/lifetype-1.2/locale/admin/locale_es_ES.php	2007-04-07 19:02:28 UTC (rev 5283)
+++ plog/branches/lifetype-1.2/locale/admin/locale_es_ES.php	2007-04-07 19:13:31 UTC (rev 5284)
@@ -607,7 +607,7 @@
 $messages['help_template_compile_check'] = 'Si se activa, Smarty comprobará si los ficheros de las plantillas han cambiado y si es así, las recompilará [Valor por defecto = Sí]';
 $messages['help_template_cache_enabled'] = 'Activa la cache de plantillas. Si está activada, las páginas de las bitácoras solo se generarán una vez y se usarán hasta que haya algun cambio. De esta forma, no será necesario traer los datos desde la base de datos cada vez [Valor por defecto = Sí]';
 $messages['help_template_cache_lifetime'] = 'Tiempo en segundos de vida de la caché. Asigne -1 para que la caché nucna expire';
-$messages['help_template_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Activar el soporte para las peticiones condicionales vía HTTP. Si se activa, LifeType tendrá en cuenta el valor de la cabecera HTTP "If-Modified-Since" y solo enviará los datos en caso de que sea necesario para ahorrar ancho de banda [Valor por defecto = No]';
+$messages['help_template_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Activar el soporte para las peticiones condicionales vía HTTP. Si se activa, LifeType tendrá en cuenta el valor de la cabecera HTTP "If-Modified-Since" y solo enviará los datos en caso de que sea necesario para ahorrar ancho de banda [Valor por defecto = Sí]';
 $messages['help_allow_php_code_in_templates'] = 'Permite incluir código PHP en las plantillas de Smarty vía {php}...{/php} [Valor por defecto = No]';
 // urls
 $messages['help_request_format_mode'] = 'Elija uno de los siguientes formatos de URLs. Si piensa usar "URLs Personales", configure los formatos de las URLs si es necesario [Valor por defecto = Plain]';

Modified: plog/branches/lifetype-1.2/locale/admin/locale_it_IT.php
--- plog/branches/lifetype-1.2/locale/admin/locale_it_IT.php	2007-04-07 19:02:28 UTC (rev 5283)
+++ plog/branches/lifetype-1.2/locale/admin/locale_it_IT.php	2007-04-07 19:13:31 UTC (rev 5284)
@@ -614,7 +614,7 @@
 $messages['help_template_compile_check'] = 'Se abilitato, Smarty controllerà ogni volta se i file dello stile sono stati modificati, e, se sì, userà la nuova versione. Disabilitare per aumentare le prestazioni. [Predefinito = Sì]';
 $messages['help_template_cache_enabled'] = 'Abilita la cache degli stili. Se abilitata, la versione in cache dello stile verrà utilizzata quando possibile. Non sarà necessario estrarre dati dal database, e gli stili non dovranno venire ricompilati [Predefinito = Sì]';
 $messages['help_template_cache_lifetime'] = 'Tempo di validità in secondi della cache. Imposta a -1 per forzare la cache a non scadere mai. Se impostato a 0 la cache verrà disabilitata, per ottenere lo stesso effetto è tuttavia preferibile impostare l\'opzione template_cache_enabled a "No" [Predefinito = -1]';
-$messages['help_template_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Abilita il supporto per le richieste HTTP condizionate. Se abilitate, pLog prenderà in considerazione l\'intestazione HTTP "If-Modified-Since", e spedirà il contenuto solo se strettamente necessario. Abilita per risparmiare banda. [Predefinito = No]';
+$messages['help_template_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Abilita il supporto per le richieste HTTP condizionate. Se abilitate, pLog prenderà in considerazione l\'intestazione HTTP "If-Modified-Since", e spedirà il contenuto solo se strettamente necessario. Abilita per risparmiare banda. [Predefinito = Sì]';
 $messages['help_allow_php_code_in_templates'] = 'Permetti di incorporare codice PHP negli stili Smarty, racchiudendolo in blocchi {php}...{/php} [Predefinito = No]';
 // urls
 $messages['help_request_format_mode'] = 'Seleziona uno dei formati URL disponibili. Se utilizzi URL personalizzati, imposta le opzioni qui sotto [Predefinito = Normale]';

Modified: plog/branches/lifetype-1.2/locale/admin/locale_nl_NL.php
--- plog/branches/lifetype-1.2/locale/admin/locale_nl_NL.php	2007-04-07 19:02:28 UTC (rev 5283)
+++ plog/branches/lifetype-1.2/locale/admin/locale_nl_NL.php	2007-04-07 19:13:31 UTC (rev 5284)
@@ -648,7 +648,7 @@
 $messages['help_template_compile_check'] = 'Controleer regelmatig of templates zijn aangepast, en gebruik deze wanneer dat het geval is. Schakel dit uit voor een betere performance [Standaard = Ja]';
 $messages['help_template_cache_enabled'] = 'Schakel template caching in. Dit zorgt ervoor dat er geen gegevens uit de database hoeven worden opgehaald en templates niet opnieuw vertaald te hoeven worden [Standaard = Ja]';
 $messages['help_template_cache_lifetime'] = 'Tijdsduur in seconden voor de template cache. Kies -1 om de cache zoveel mogelijk te benutten. Als de waarde op 0 staat, wordt caching uitgeschakeld. Het wordt echter aangeraden om in plaats daarvan template_cache_enabled op "Nee" te zetten [Standaard = 0]';
-$messages['help_template_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Schakel ondersteuning voor HTTP conditional requests in. Dit zorgt ervoor dat SP Communitiez de "If-Modified-Since" HTTP header gebruikt en alleen gegevens verstuurt indien dit strikt noodzakelijk is. Schakel dit aan om bandbreedte te besparen [Standaard = Nee]';
+$messages['help_template_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Schakel ondersteuning voor HTTP conditional requests in. Dit zorgt ervoor dat SP Communitiez de "If-Modified-Since" HTTP header gebruikt en alleen gegevens verstuurt indien dit strikt noodzakelijk is. Schakel dit aan om bandbreedte te besparen [Standaard = Ja]';
 $messages['help_allow_php_code_in_templates'] = 'Sta toe dat PHP code in Smarty templates wordt gebruikt binnen {php}...{/php} blokken [Standaard = Nee]';
 // urls
 $messages['help_request_format_mode'] = 'Selecteer één van onderstaande URL formaten. Als voor aangepaste URLs wordt gekozen, moeten alle onderstaande instellingen worden geconfigureerd [Standaard = Kaal]';

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