[pLog-svn] r3991 - in plog/branches/lifetype-1.1.1: . class/net/xmlrpc class/test/tests/net class/test/tests/net/xmlrpc

oscar at devel.lifetype.net oscar at devel.lifetype.net
Mon Sep 18 22:10:25 GMT 2006

Author: oscar
Date: 2006-09-18 22:10:25 +0000 (Mon, 18 Sep 2006)
New Revision: 3991

fixing mantis issue 1047 (http://bugs.lifetype.net/view.php?id=1047) where the XML responses were not using the right character encoding proved to be a lot more difficult than I thought, so I ended up reorganizing the code that makes up the XMLRPC server a bit and moved it to its own class. 

In order to make sure that everything still works as expected, I have written a full Blogger XMLRPC test suite and I am almost done with the metaWeblog one. These test suites have already proven invaluable as they helped detect plenty of inconsistencies in the API implementation and I was able to get rid of those nasty global objects once and for all.

Added: plog/branches/lifetype-1.1.1/class/net/xmlrpc/xmlrpcserver.class.php
--- plog/branches/lifetype-1.1.1/class/net/xmlrpc/xmlrpcserver.class.php	2006-09-18 22:04:10 UTC (rev 3990)
+++ plog/branches/lifetype-1.1.1/class/net/xmlrpc/xmlrpcserver.class.php	2006-09-18 22:10:25 UTC (rev 3991)
@@ -0,0 +1,842 @@
+	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/net/xmlrpc/IXR_Library.lib.php" );
+	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/config/config.class.php" );
+	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/database/db.class.php" );
+	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/users.class.php");
+	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/article.class.php");
+	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/articles.class.php");
+	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/articlecategories.class.php");
+	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/users.class.php" );
+	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/blogs.class.php" );
+	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/template/cachecontrol.class.php" );
+	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/gallery/dao/galleryalbums.class.php" );
+	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/gallery/dao/galleryresources.class.php" );
+	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/plugin/pluginmanager.class.php" );	
+	class XmlRpcServer extends IXR_Server
+	{
+		function XmlRpcServer()
+		{
+			$config =& Config::getConfig();
+		    if ($config->getValue("xmlrpc_api_enabled"))
+		    {
+				$this->IXR_Server(
+			    	    array (
+			        	"blogger.newPost"           => "this:newPost",
+			        	"blogger.getUserInfo"       => "this:getUserInfo",
+			        	"blogger.getPost"           => "this:getPost",
+			        	"blogger.editPost"          => "this:editPost",
+			        	"blogger.deletePost"        => "this:deletePost",
+			        	"blogger.getRecentPosts"    => "this:getRecentPosts",
+			        	"blogger.getUserInfo"       => "this:getUserInfo",
+			        	"blogger.getUsersBlogs"     => "this:getUsersBlogs",
+			            "metaWeblog.newPost"        => "this:metaWeblogNewPost",
+			            "metaWeblog.editPost"       => "this:metaWeblogEditPost",
+			            "metaWeblog.getPost"        => "this:metaWeblogGetPost",
+			            "metaWeblog.getRecentPosts" => "this:metaWeblogGetRecentPosts",
+			            "metaWeblog.getCategories"  => "this:metaWeblogGetCategories",
+			            "metaWeblog.newMediaObject" => "this:metaWeblogNewMediaObject"			
+			    	    ));
+			} 
+			else {
+				// xmlrpc_api disabled, no methods configured
+				$this->IXR_Server( Array ());
+		    }			
+		}
+		function newPost( $args )
+		{
+			$users = new Users();
+			$articles = new Articles();
+			$category = new ArticleCategories();
+			$blogsG = new Blogs();
+	        $appkey     = $args[0];
+	        $blogid     = $args[1];
+	        $username   = $args[2];
+	        $password   = $args[3];
+	        $content    = $args[4];
+	        $publish    = $args[5]; // true post&publish | false post only
+	        /*
+	         int postid
+	        */
+	        // -mhe todo security
+	        $auth = $users->authenticateUser( $username, $password );
+	        if ($auth)
+	        {
+	            if ($publish)
+	            {
+	                $status = POST_STATUS_PUBLISHED;
+	            } else
+	            {
+	                $status = POST_STATUS_DRAFT;
+	            }
+	            // Get the default category
+	            $cats = $category->getBlogCategories($blogid);
+				// some protection again blogs without categories
+				if( !$cats ) {				
+					return new IXR_Error(-1, 'This blog does not have categories!');				
+				}
+	            foreach($cats as $cat)
+	            {
+	                $idCategory = $cat->getId();
+	                // Stop here, we have a category
+	                break;
+	            }
+				// ecto sends the topic as <title>blah blah</title>rest of the body
+				if( preg_match( "/<title>(.*)<\/title>(.*)/i", $content, $matches )) {
+					$title = $matches[1];
+					$content = $matches[2];
+				}
+				else {
+		            $dummy = explode("\n", $content);
+					if( count( $dummy ) == 1 ) {
+						$title = substr( $content, 0, 60 );
+					}
+					else {
+			            $title = $dummy[0];
+			            unset($dummy[0]);
+			            $content = implode("\n", $dummy);
+			            unset($dummy);
+					}
+				}
+	            $userInfo = $users->getUserInfoFromUsername( $username );
+	            $article = new Article(
+	                $title,
+	                $content, // text
+	                Array( $idCategory ), // catid
+	                $userInfo->getId(), // userid
+	                $blogid, // blogid
+	                $status,
+	                0, // numread
+	                Array( "comments_enabled" => true ) // enable comments
+	            );
+	            $article->setDate(date("YmdHis"));
+	            $blogInfo = $blogsG->getBlogInfo( $blogid );
+	            // Get the plugin manager
+	            $plugMgr =& PluginManager::getPluginManager();
+	            $plugMgr->setBlogInfo( $blogInfo);
+	            $plugMgr->setUserInfo( $userInfo );
+	            $plugMgr->loadPlugins();
+	            // Send the PRE_POST_POST_ADD message
+	            $plugMgr->notifyEvent( EVENT_PRE_POST_ADD, Array( "article" => &$article ));            
+	            $postid = $articles->addArticle($article);
+	            if ($postid != 0) {
+	                // The post was successful
+	                // Send the EVENT_POST_POST_ADD messages to the plugins
+	                $plugMgr->notifyEvent( EVENT_POST_POST_ADD, Array( "article" => &$article ));               
+	                CacheControl::resetBlogCache( $blogid );
+	                $blogSettings = $blogInfo->getSettings();
+	                // Add article notifcations if this is specified by the default setting.
+	                if ($blogSettings->getValue( "default_send_notification" ))
+	                {
+	                    require_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/articlenotifications.class.php" );
+	                    $artNotifications = new ArticleNotifications();
+	                    $artNotifications->addNotification( $postid, $blogid, $userInfo->getId());
+	                }
+					$this->setResponseCharset( $blogInfo );
+	                return sprintf( "%d", $postid );
+	            } 
+	            else {
+	                return new IXR_Error(-1, 'Internal error occured creating your post!');
+	            }
+	        } 
+	        else {
+	            return new IXR_Error(-1, 'You did not provide the correct password');
+	        }
+		}
+		/**
+		 * @private
+		 * sets the character set for responses
+		 */
+		function setResponseCharset( $blog )
+		{
+			$locale = $blog->getLocale();
+			$this->defencoding = $locale->getCharset();
+		}
+	    function metaWeblogGetCategories($args)
+	    {
+			$users = new Users();
+			$category = new ArticleCategories();
+			$blogsG = new Blogs();
+	        $blogid     = $args[0];
+	        $username   = $args[1];
+	        $password   = $args[2];
+	        $auth = $users->authenticateUser( $username, $password );
+	        if ($auth)
+	        {
+                $blogInfo = $blogsG->getBlogInfo( $blogid );
+				if( !$blogInfo ) {
+					return new IXR_Error(-1, 'Incorrect blog id');
+				}
+	            $cats = $category->getBlogCategories($blogid);
+				$url = $blogInfo->getBlogRequestGenerator();
+	            $ret = array();	
+	            foreach($cats as $cat)
+	            {
+	                $dummy                   = array();
+	                $dummy["description"]    = $cat->getDescription();
+	                // disable the generation of xhtml content or else the IXR_XMLRPC library will
+	                // escape things twice!
+	                $url->setXHTML( false );
+	                $dummy["htmlUrl"]        = $url->categoryLink( $cat );
+	                $dummy["rssUrl"]         = "http://";
+	                $ret[$cat->getName()]    = $dummy;
+	            }
+				$this->setResponseCharset( $blogInfo );
+	            return $ret;
+	        } else
+	        {
+	            return new IXR_Error(-1, 'You did not provide the correct password');
+	        }
+	    }
+	    function getPost($args)
+	    {
+			$users = new Users();
+			$articles = new Articles();
+	        $appkey     = $args[0];
+	        $postid     = $args[1];
+	        $username   = $args[2];
+	        $password   = $args[3];
+	        /*
+	            "userid" =>
+	            "dateCreated" =>
+	            "content" =>
+	            "postid" =>
+	        */
+	        $auth = $users->authenticateUser($username,$password);
+	        if ($auth)
+	        {
+	            $userInfo = $users->getUserInfoFromUsername( $username );
+	            $item = $articles->getBlogArticle($postid,
+	                                                 -1, // blogId
+	                                                 true, // includeHiddenFields
+	                                                 -1, // date
+	                                                 -1, // categoryId
+	                                                 $userInfo->getId());
+	            $dateObject = $item->getDateObject();
+	            include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/data/timestamp.class.php" );
+	            // Get the unix time stamp 
+	            $time = $dateObject->getTimestamp(DATE_FORMAT_UNIXTIME);
+	            $dummy                  = array();
+				$userInfo               = $item->getUserInfo();
+	            $dummy["userid"]        = $userInfo->getId();
+	            $dummy["dateCreated"]   = new IXR_Date($time);
+	            $dummy["content"]       = $item->getTopic() . "\r\n" . $item->getText() . " ";
+	            $dummy["postid"]        = $item->getId();
+				$blogInfo = $item->getBlogInfo();
+				$this->setResponseCharset( $blogInfo );
+	            return $dummy;
+	        } else
+	        {
+	            return new IXR_Error(-1, 'You did not provide the correct password');
+	        }
+	    }
+	    function metaWeblogGetPost($args)
+	    {
+	        $users = new Users();
+			$articles = new Articles();
+	        $postid     = $args[0];
+	        $username   = $args[1];
+	        $password   = $args[2];
+	        $auth = $users->authenticateUser($username,$password);
+	        if ($auth)
+	        {
+	            include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/data/timestamp.class.php" );
+	            $userInfo = $users->getUserInfoFromUsername( $username );
+	            $item = $articles->getBlogArticle($postid,
+	                                              -1, // blogId
+	                                              true, // includeHiddenFields
+	                                              -1, // date
+	                                              -1, // categoryId
+	                                              $userInfo->getId());
+	            $dateObject = $item->getDateObject();
+	            // Get the unix time stamp 
+	            $time = $dateObject->getTimestamp(DATE_FORMAT_UNIXTIME);
+	            $articleCat = $item->getCategory();
+	            $blogId = $item->getBlog();
+	            $blogs = new Blogs();
+	            $blogInfo = $blogs->getBlogInfo( $blogId );
+	            $url = $blogInfo->getBlogRequestGenerator();
+	            $dummy                  = array();
+				$userInfo               = $item->getUserInfo();
+	            $dummy["userid"]        = $userInfo->getId();
+	            $dummy["dateCreated"]   = new IXR_Date($time);
+	            $dummy["title"]         = $item->getTopic();
+	            $dummy["description"]   = $item->getText();
+	            $dummy["postid"]        = $item->getId();
+	            $dummy["link"]          = $url->postLink( $item );
+	            $dummy["permaLink"]     = $url->postPermalink( $item );
+	            $catArray               = array();
+	            foreach( $item->getCategories() as $category ) {
+	                $catArray[]             = $category->getName();
+	            }
+	            $dummy["categories"]      = $catArray;
+				$this->setResponseCharset( $blogInfo );
+	            return $dummy;
+	        } else
+	        {
+	            return new IXR_Error(-1, 'You did not provide the correct password');
+	        }
+	    }
+	    function editPost($args)
+	    {
+			$users = new Users();
+			$articles = new Articles();
+			$blogsG = new Blogs();
+	        $appkey     = $args[0];
+	        $postid     = $args[1];
+	        $username   = $args[2];
+	        $password   = $args[3];
+	        $content    = $args[4];
+	        $publish    = $args[5];
+	        /*
+	            boolean, true or false
+	        */
+	        $auth = $users->authenticateUser($username,$password);
+	        if ($auth)
+	        {
+	            $userInfo = $users->getUserInfoFromUsername( $username );
+	            if ($publish)
+	            {
+	                $status = POST_STATUS_PUBLISHED;
+	            } else
+	            {
+	                $status = POST_STATUS_DRAFT;
+	            }
+	            // fake topic
+	            $dummy = explode("\n", $content);
+				if( count($dummy) == 1 ) {
+					$title = substr( $content, 0, 60 );
+				}
+				else {
+		            $title = $dummy[0];
+		            unset($dummy[0]);
+		            $content = implode("\n", $dummy);
+		            unset($dummy);
+				}
+	            $article = $articles->getBlogArticle($postid,
+	                                                 -1, // blogId
+	                                                 true, // includeHiddenFields
+	                                                 -1, // date
+	                                                 -1, // categoryId
+	                                                 $userInfo->getId());
+	            $article->setText($content);
+	            $article->setTopic($title);
+	            $article->setStatus($status);
+				// Get the plugin manager
+				$plugMgr =& PluginManager::getPluginManager();
+				$plugMgr->setBlogInfo( $blogsG->getBlogInfo( $article->getBlog() ) );
+				$plugMgr->setUserInfo( $userInfo );
+				$plugMgr->loadPlugins();
+				// Send the EVENT_PRE_POST_UPDATE message
+				$plugMgr->notifyEvent( EVENT_PRE_POST_UPDATE, Array( "article" => &$article ));            
+	            $articles->updateArticle($article);
+	            // Send the EVENT_POST_POST_UPDATE messages to the plugins
+	            $plugMgr->notifyEvent( EVENT_POST_POST_UPDATE, Array( "article" => &$article ));				
+	    		$blogid = $article->getBlog();
+				$blogInfo = $article->getBlogInfo();
+	    		CacheControl::resetBlogCache( $blogid );            
+				$this->setResponseCharset( $blogInfo );
+	            return true;
+	        } else
+	        {
+	            return new IXR_Error(-1, 'You did not provide the correct password');
+	        }
+	    }
+	    function metaWeblogEditPost($args)
+	    {
+			$users = new Users();
+			$articles = new Articles();
+			$category = new ArticleCategories();
+	        $postid     = $args[0];
+	        $username   = $args[1];
+	        $password   = $args[2];
+	        $content    = $args[3];
+	        $publish    = $args[4];
+	        /*
+	            boolean, true or false
+	        */
+	        $auth = $users->authenticateUser($username,$password);
+	        if ($auth)
+	        {
+	            $userInfo = $users->getUserInfoFromUsername( $username );
+	            if ($publish)
+	            {
+	                $status = POST_STATUS_PUBLISHED;
+	            } else
+	            {
+	                $status = POST_STATUS_DRAFT;
+	            }            
+	            $title = $content["title"];
+	            $body = $content["description"];
+	            $article = $articles->getBlogArticle($postid,
+	                                                 -1, // blogId
+	                                                 true, // includeHiddenFields
+	                                                 -1, // date
+	                                                 -1, // categoryId
+	                                                 $userInfo->getId());
+	            $catList = $content["categories"];
+	            //
+	            // :KLUDGE:
+	            // not exactly the smartest and fastest bit of code ever but it seems to work :-)
+	            //
+	            $categories = Array();
+	            $blogid = $article->getBlog();
+				$blogInfo = $article->getBlogInfo();
+	            $cats = $category->getBlogCategories($blogid);
+	            if ( $catList != NULL )
+	            {
+	                foreach( $catList as $categoryName ) {
+	                    foreach( $cats as $blogCategory ) {
+	                        $categoryName = trim($categoryName);
+	                        if ( strcmp( $categoryName, $blogCategory->getName()) == 0 )
+	                        {
+	                            $categories[] = $blogCategory->getId();
+	                        }
+	                    }
+	                }
+	            }
+	            else {
+	                // if no category, let's pick a random one
+	                $blogCategory = array_pop( $cats );
+	                $categories[] = $blogCategory->getId();
+	            }
+	            $article->setText($body);
+	            $article->setTopic($title);
+	            $article->setStatus($status);
+	            $article->setCategoryIds( $categories );
+				// Get the plugin manager
+				$plugMgr =& PluginManager::getPluginManager();
+				$plugMgr->setBlogInfo( $blogInfo );
+				$plugMgr->setUserInfo( $userInfo );
+				$plugMgr->loadPlugins();
+				// Send the EVENT_PRE_POST_UPDATE message
+				$plugMgr->notifyEvent( EVENT_PRE_POST_UPDATE, Array( "article" => &$article ));            
+	            $articles->updateArticle($article);
+	            // Send the EVENT_POST_POST_UPDATE messages to the plugins
+	            $plugMgr->notifyEvent( EVENT_POST_POST_UPDATE, Array( "article" => &$article ));				
+	    		CacheControl::resetBlogCache( $blogid );            
+				$this->setResponseCharset( $blogInfo );
+	            return true;
+	        } else
+	        {
+	            return new IXR_Error(-1, 'You did not provide the correct password');
+	        }
+	    }
+	    function deletePost($args)
+	    {
+			$users = new Users();
+			$articles = new Articles();
+			$blogsG = new Blogs();
+	        $appkey     = $args[0];
+	        $postid     = $args[1];
+	        $username   = $args[2];
+	        $password   = $args[3];
+	        $publish    = $args[4];
+	        // -mhe todo
+	        $auth = $users->authenticateUser($username,$password);
+	        if ($auth)
+	        {
+	            $userInfo = $users->getUserInfoFromUsername( $username );
+	            $article = $articles->getBlogArticle($postid,
+	                                                 -1, // blogId
+	                                                 true, // includeHiddenFields
+	                                                 -1, // date
+	                                                 -1, // categoryId
+	                                                 $userInfo->getId());
+				// Get the plugin manager
+				$plugMgr =& PluginManager::getPluginManager();
+				$plugMgr->setBlogInfo( $blogsG->getBlogInfo( $article->getBlog() ) );
+				$plugMgr->setUserInfo( $userInfo );
+				$plugMgr->loadPlugins();
+				// Send the EVENT_PRE_POST_DELETE message
+				$plugMgr->notifyEvent( EVENT_PRE_POST_DELETE, Array( "article" => &$article ));            
+	            $articles->deleteArticle(
+	                $postid,
+	                $userInfo->getId(), // userid
+	                $article->getBlog()
+	            );
+	            // Send the EVENT_POST_POST_DELETE messages to the plugins
+	            $plugMgr->notifyEvent( EVENT_POST_POST_DELETE, Array( "article" => &$article ));				
+	    		$blogid = $article->getBlog();
+	    		CacheControl::resetBlogCache( $blogid );
+	        	$blogInfo = $article->getBlogInfo();
+				$this->setResponseCharset( $blogInfo );
+	            return true;
+	        } else
+	        {
+	            return new IXR_Error(-1, 'You did not provide the correct password');
+	        }
+	    }
+	    function getRecentPosts($args)
+	    {
+			$users = new Users();
+			$articles = new Articles();
+			$blogs = new Blogs();
+	        /*
+	            "userid" =>
+	            "dateCreated" =>
+	            "content" =>
+	            "postid" =>
+	        */
+	        $appkey     = $args[0];
+	        $blogid     = $args[1];
+	        $username   = $args[2];
+	        $password   = $args[3];
+	        $number     = $args[4];
+	        $auth = $users->authenticateUser($username,$password);
+	        if ($auth)
+	        {
+				$blogInfo = $blogs->getBlogInfo( $blogid );
+				if( !$blogInfo ) {
+					return new IXR_Error(-1, 'Incorrect blog id');					
+				}
+	            $ret = array();
+	            $list = $articles->getBlogArticles(
+	                $blogid,
+	                -1,
+	                $number,
+	                -1
+	            );
+	            foreach($list as $item)
+	            {
+	                $dateObject = $item->getDateObject();
+	                include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/data/timestamp.class.php" );
+	                // Get the unix time stamp 
+	                $time = $dateObject->getTimestamp(DATE_FORMAT_UNIXTIME);
+	                $dummy                  = array();
+					$userInfo               = $item->getUserInfo();
+	                $dummy["userid"]        = $userInfo->getId();
+	                $dummy["dateCreated"]   = new IXR_Date($time);
+	                $dummy["content"]       = $item->getTopic() . "\r\n" . $item->getText() . " ";
+	                $dummy["postid"]        = $item->getId();
+	                $ret[]                  = $dummy;
+	            }
+				$this->setResponseCharset( $blogInfo );
+	            return $ret;
+	        } else
+	        {
+	            return new IXR_Error(-1, 'You did not provide the correct password');
+	        }
+	    }
+	    function metaWeblogGetRecentPosts($args)
+	    {
+			$users = new Users();
+			$articles = new Articles();
+	        $blogid     = $args[0];
+	        $username   = $args[1];
+	        $password   = $args[2];
+	        $number     = $args[3];
+	        $auth = $users->authenticateUser($username,$password);
+	        if ($auth)
+	        {
+	            $ret = array();
+	            $list = $articles->getBlogArticles(
+	                $blogid,  
+	                -1,  // date
+	                $number, // number of articles
+	                -1  // category id
+	            );
+	            foreach($list as $item)
+	            {
+	                $dateObject = $item->getDateObject();
+	                include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/data/timestamp.class.php" );
+	                // Get the unix time stamp 
+	                $time = $dateObject->getTimestamp(DATE_FORMAT_UNIXTIME);
+	                $articleCat = $item->getCategory();
+	                $dummy                  = array();
+					$userInfo               = $item->getUserInfo();
+	                $dummy["userid"]        = $userInfo->getId();
+	                $dummy["dateCreated"]   = new IXR_Date($time);
+	                $dummy["title"]         = $item->getTopic(); 
+	                $dummy["description"]   = $item->getText();
+	                $dummy["postid"]        = $item->getId();
+	                $blogInfo = $item->getBlogInfo();
+	                $url = $blogInfo->getBlogRequestGenerator();
+	                $dummy["link"]          = $url->postLink( $item );
+	                $dummy["permaLink"]     = $url->postPermalink( $item );
+	                $catArray               = array();
+	                $catArray[]             = $articleCat->getName();
+	                $dummy["categories"]      = $catArray;
+					$this->setResponseCharset( $blogInfo );
+	                $ret[]                  = $dummy;
+	            }
+	            return $ret;
+	        } else
+	        {
+	            return new IXR_Error(-1, 'You did not provide the correct password');
+	        }
+	    }
+	    function metaWeblogNewMediaObject($args)
+	    {
+			$users = new Users();
+			$articles = new Articles();
+			$blogsG = new Blogs();
+	        $blogid     = $args[0];
+	        $username   = $args[1];
+	        $password   = $args[2];
+	        $file       = $args[3];
+	        $auth = $users->authenticateUser($username,$password);
+	        if ($auth)
+	        {
+	            // Save this file to the tmp directory
+	            // Create a temp file
+	            // Get the temp directory
+	            /**if (!$tmp_dir = get_cfg_var('upload_tmp_dir')) {
+	                $tmp_dir = dirname(tempnam('/tmp', ''));
+	            }*/
+				$config =& Config::getConfig();
+				$tmp_dir = $config->getTempFolder();
+	            // Remove all characters that would need to be urlencoded
+	            // This may not be necessary, but this was causing problems when given file
+	            // names with spaces in it.
+	            $tempFile = ereg_replace("[^a-zA-Z0-9._-]", "_", basename($file['name']));
+	            // Make the tmp name
+	            $tempFile = $tmp_dir . '/' . $tempFile;
+	            // Open the file
+	            if (!$handle = fopen( $tempFile, "wb" ) ) {
+	                return new IXR_Error(-1, 'Could not open file');
+	            }    
+	            // It appears that the data has already been decoded, no need to call base64_decode
+	            $decodedBits = $file['bits'];
+	            // Write the data to the file
+	            if ( fwrite( $handle, $decodedBits ) === false ) {
+	                return new IXR_Error(-1, 'Could not write to file');
+	            }
+	            // Close the file
+	            fclose($handle);
+	            // let the gallery library do its work...
+	        	$resources = new GalleryResources();
+	            // Get the first album for this blog
+	            $albums = new GalleryAlbums();
+	            // get the list of albums for this blog
+	            $albumArray = $albums->getUserAlbums( $blogid );
+	            if ( $albumArray == NULL || count( $albumArray ) == 0 ) {
+	                return new IXR_Error(-1, 'Could not find album');
+	            }
+	            // Add the resource to the first album
+	            $resId = $resources->addResourceFromDisk( $blogid, $albumArray[0]->getId(),
+	                                                     basename($file['name']), $tempFile );
+	            // Get the resource from the id
+	            $resource = $resources->getResource( $resId, $blogid, $albumArray[0]->getId() );
+	            // Now we need to get the url for the resource
+	            $blogInfo = $blogsG->getBlogInfo( $blogid );
+	            $url = $blogInfo->getBlogRequestGenerator();
+	            $ret = $url->resourceDownloadLink( $resource );
+				$this->setResponseCharset( $blogInfo );
+	            return $ret;
+	        } 
+			else {
+	            return new IXR_Error(-1, 'You did not provide the correct password');
+	        }
+	    }	
+	    function getUserInfo($args)
+	    {
+	        $appkeyp    = $args[0];
+	        $username   = $args[1];
+	        $password   = $args[2];
+			$users = new Users();
+	        $auth = $users->authenticateUser( $username, $password );
+	        if ($auth)
+	        {
+	            $userInfo = $users->getUserInfoFromUsername( $username );
+	            $ret                = array();
+	            $ret["nickname"]    = $userInfo->getUsername();
+	            $ret["firstname"]   = $userInfo->getUsername();
+	            $ret["lastname"]    = "";
+	            $ret["email"]       = $userInfo->getEmail();
+	            $ret["userid"]      = $userInfo->getId();
+	            $ret["url"]         = "";
+				// set the response encoding according to one of the blogs owned by this user
+				$blogs = $userInfo->getOwnBlogs();
+				if( count($blogs) > 0 ) {
+					$blogInfo = array_pop( $blogs );
+					$this->setResponseCharset( $blogInfo );					
+				}
+	            return $ret;
+	        } else
+	        {
+	            return new IXR_Error(-1, 'You did not provide the correct password');
+	        }
+	    }
+	    function getUsersBlogs($args)
+	    {
+			$users = new Users();
+			$category = new ArticleCategories();
+	        $appkey     = $args[0];
+	        $username   = $args[1];
+	        $password   = $args[2];
+	        /*
+	            "blogName" =>
+	            "url" =>
+	            "blogid" =>
+	        */
+	        $auth = $users->authenticateUser( $username, $password );
+	        if ($auth)
+	        {
+	            $userInfo = $users->getUserInfoFromUsername( $username );
+	            $blogs = $users->getUsersBlogs($userInfo->getId());
+	            $ret = array();
+	            foreach($blogs as $blog)
+	            {
+	                $dummy              = array();
+	                $dummy["blogid"]    = $blog->_id;
+	                $dummy["blogName"]  = $blog->_blog;
+	                $url = $blog->getBlogRequestGenerator();
+	                $dummy["url"]       = $url->blogLink();
+	                $ret[]              = $dummy;
+	            }
+				// set the encoding as long as we've got at least one blog
+				if( count( $blogs ) > 0 ) {
+					$blogInfo = $blogs[0];
+					$this->setResponseCharset( $blogInfo );
+				}
+	            return $ret;
+	        } else
+	        {
+	            return new IXR_Error(-1, 'You did not provide the correct password');
+	        }
+	    }	
+	}
\ No newline at end of file

Added: plog/branches/lifetype-1.1.1/class/test/tests/net/xmlrpc/xmlrpcserver_test.class.php
--- plog/branches/lifetype-1.1.1/class/test/tests/net/xmlrpc/xmlrpcserver_test.class.php	2006-09-18 22:04:10 UTC (rev 3990)
+++ plog/branches/lifetype-1.1.1/class/test/tests/net/xmlrpc/xmlrpcserver_test.class.php	2006-09-18 22:10:25 UTC (rev 3991)
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/test/helpers/lifetypetestcase.class.php" );
+	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/config/config.class.php" );
+	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/blogs.class.php" );
+	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/bloginfo.class.php" );	
+	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/users.class.php" );
+	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/userinfo.class.php" );	
+	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/articlecategories.class.php" );
+	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/articlecategory.class.php" );
+	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/articles.class.php" );
+	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/userstatus.class.php" );	
+	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/net/xmlrpc/IXR_Library.lib.php" );
+	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/net/url.class.php" );
+	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/locale/locales.class.php" );	
+	/**
+	 * Unit test cases for xmlrpc.php
+	 */
+	class XmlRpcServer_Test extends LifeTypeTestCase
+	{
+		/**
+		 * dummy blog we'll be using during the tests
+		 */
+		var $blog;
+		/**
+		 * dummy blog owner
+		 */
+		var $owner;
+		/**
+		 * dummy category
+		 */
+		var $cat;
+		/**
+		 * URL pointing to this server's xmlrpc.php
+		 */
+		function setUp()
+		{
+			// create the blog owner
+			$this->owner = new UserInfo( md5(time()),   // name
+			                             "password",   // password
+			                             "whatever at whatever.com",  // email address
+			             				 "",    // about
+			                             "" );
+			$users = new Users();
+			if( !$users->addUser( $this->owner )) {
+				throw( new Exception( "Error adding test user" ));
+				die();
+			}
+			// load a UTF-8 locale
+			$zhLocale =& Locales::getLocale( "zh_CN" );
+			// create the test blog
+			$blogs = new Blogs();
+			$this->blog = null;
+			$this->blog = new BlogInfo( "test blog",
+			                            $this->owner->getId(),
+			                            "",
+			                            new BlogSettings());
+			$this->blog->setLocale( $zhLocale );
+			if( !$blogs->addBlog( $this->blog )) {
+				throw( new Exception( "Error adding test blog!" ));
+				die();
+			}
+			// add a default category
+			$this->cat = new ArticleCategory( "General", 
+			                            "Description for category General",
+										$this->blog->getId(),
+										true );
+			$cats = new ArticleCategories();
+			if( !$cats->addArticleCategory( $this->cat )) {
+				throw(  new Exception( "Error adding test category!" ));
+				die();
+			}
+			// get the URL pointing to xmlrpc.php
+			$config =& Config::getConfig();
+			$this->url = $config->getValue( "base_url" )."/xmlrpc.php";
+		}
+		function tearDown()
+		{
+			$users = new Users();
+			$users->deleteUser( $this->owner->getId());
+			$blogs = new Blogs();
+			$blogs->deleteBlog( $this->blog->getId());
+			$cats = new ArticleCategories();
+			$cats->deleteCategory( $this->cat->getId(), $this->blog->getId());
+		}
+		/**
+		 * test the blogger.newPost method call
+		 */
+		function testBloggerNewPost()
+		{
+			$c = new IXR_Client( $this->url );
+			$res = $c->query( "blogger.newPost", 
+			           "appkey", 
+					   $this->blog->getId(), 
+					   $this->owner->getUsername(), 
+					   "password", 
+					   "blah blah", 
+					   true );
+			// see that the call was successful
+			$this->assertTrue( $res, "Unable to query ".$this->url." with method blogger.newPost" );
+			// get the post id and check it in the db
+			$artId = $c->getResponse();
+			$articles = new Articles();
+			$article = $articles->getArticle( $artId );
+			$this->assertTrue( $article, "Could not load article with id = ".$artId );
+			if( !$article )
+				return;
+			// check that the post has the expected values
+			$this->assertEquals( "blah blah", $article->getText());
+			$this->assertEquals( "blah blah", $article->getTopic());
+			// delete the article
+			$articles->deleteArticle( $artId, $this->owner->getId(), $this->blog->getId(), true );
+			// get the response and see that it has the right encoding			
+			$this->assertTrue( $this->checkResponseEncoding( $c->message->rawmessage, $this->blog), 
+			                   "The blog encoding and the response of the XMLRPC request did not match!" );
+			/** test the embedded topic feature **/
+			$res = $c->query( "blogger.newPost", 
+			           "appkey", 
+					   $this->blog->getId(), 
+					   $this->owner->getUsername(), 
+					   "password", 
+					   "topic\nblah blah", 
+					   true );
+			// see that the call was successful
+			$this->assertTrue( $res, "Unable to query ".$this->url." with method blogger.newPost" );
+			// get the post id and check it in the db
+			$artId = $c->getResponse();
+			$articles = new Articles();
+			$article = $articles->getArticle( $artId );
+			$this->assertTrue( $article, "Could not load article with id = ".$artId );
+			if( !$article )
+				return;
+			// check that the post has the expected values
+			$this->assertEquals( "blah blah", $article->getText());
+			$this->assertEquals( "topic", $article->getTopic());
+			// delete the article
+			$articles->deleteArticle( $artId, $this->owner->getId(), $this->blog->getId(), true );
+			// get the response and see that it has the right encoding			
+			$this->assertTrue( $this->checkResponseEncoding( $c->message->rawmessage, $this->blog), 
+			                   "The blog encoding and the response of the XMLRPC request did not match!" );
+		}
+		/**
+		 * test the blogger.getUserInfo method cal
+		 */
+		function testBloggerGetUserInfo()
+		{
+			$c = new IXR_Client( $this->url );
+			$res = $c->query( "blogger.getUserInfo", 
+			           "appkey", 
+					   $this->owner->getUsername(), 
+					   "password" );
+			// see that the call was successful
+			$this->assertTrue( $res, "Unable to query ".$this->url." with method blogger.getUserInfo" );
+			// and check the data in the response
+			$userData = $c->getResponse();
+			$this->assertEquals( $this->owner->getUsername(), $userData["nickname"], "The user nickname did not match!" );
+			$this->assertEquals( $this->owner->getUsername(), $userData["firstname"], "The user firstname did not match!" );
+			$this->assertEquals( $this->owner->getEmail(), $userData["email"], "The user email address did not match!" );
+			$this->assertEquals( $this->owner->getId(), $userData["userid"], "The user id did not match!" );			
+			// get the response and see that it has the right encoding
+			$this->assertTrue( $this->checkResponseEncoding( $c->message->rawmessage, $this->blog ), 
+			                   "The blog encoding and the response of the XMLRPC request did not match!" );			
+		}
+		/**
+		 * test the blogger.getUserInfo method call
+		 */
+		function testBloggerGetUsersBlogs()
+		{
+			$c = new IXR_Client( $this->url );
+			$res = $c->query( "blogger.getUsersBlogs", 
+			           "appkey", 
+					   $this->owner->getUsername(), 
+					   "password" );
+			// see that the call was successful
+			$this->assertTrue( $res, "Unable to query ".$this->url." with method blogger.getUsersBlogs" );
+			// and check the data in the response
+			$blogs = $c->getResponse();
+			// there should be only one blog			
+			$this->assertEquals( $this->blog->getId(), $blogs[0]["blogid"] );
+			$this->assertEquals( $this->blog->getBlog(), $blogs[0]["blogName"] );
+			$url = $this->blog->getBlogRequestGenerator();
+			$this->assertEquals( $url->blogLink(), $blogs[0]["url"] );			
+			// get the response and see that it has the right encoding
+			$this->assertTrue( $this->checkResponseEncoding( $c->message->rawmessage, $this->blog ), 
+			                   "The blog encoding and the response of the XMLRPC request did not match!" );			
+		}		
+		/**
+		 * test the blogger.editPost method call
+		 */
+		function testBloggerEditPost()
+		{
+			// create a new post first
+			$article = new Article(
+				"topic",
+				"text",
+				Array( $this->cat->getId()),
+				$this->owner->getId(),
+				$this->blog->getId(),
+				0
+				);
+			$articles = new Articles();
+			$this->assertTrue( $articles->addArticle( $article ), "Unable to add a new article" );
+			// make the method call
+			$c = new IXR_Client( $this->url );
+			$res = $c->query( "blogger.editPost", 
+			           "appkey", 
+					   $article->getId(),
+					   $this->owner->getUsername(), 
+					   "password", 
+					   "updated text", 
+					   true );
+			// see that the call was successful
+			$this->assertTrue( $res, "Unable to query ".$this->url." with method blogger.editPost" );
+			// check the data in the response and make sure we got a 'true'
+			$success = $c->getResponse();
+			$this->assertTrue( $success, "XMLRPC server returned error while updating the post" );
+			// check that the post was successfully updated
+			$updatedArticle = $articles->getArticle( $article->getId());
+			// check that the text is the updated version
+			$this->assertEquals( "updated text", $updatedArticle->getText());
+			$this->assertEquals( "updated text", $updatedArticle->getTopic());
+			// get the response and see that it has the right encoding
+			$this->assertTrue( $this->checkResponseEncoding( $c->message->rawmessage, $this->blog ), 
+			                   "The blog encoding and the response of the XMLRPC request did not match!" );
+			/*** test the embedded topic feature ***/	
+			// make the method call
+			$c = new IXR_Client( $this->url );
+			$res = $c->query( "blogger.editPost", 
+			           "appkey", 
+					   $article->getId(),
+					   $this->owner->getUsername(), 
+					   "password", 
+					   "topic\nupdated text", 
+					   true );
+			// see that the call was successful
+			$this->assertTrue( $res, "Unable to query ".$this->url." with method blogger.editPost" );
+			// check the data in the response and make sure we got a 'true'
+			$success = $c->getResponse();
+			$this->assertTrue( $success, "XMLRPC server returned error while updating the post" );
+			// check that the post was successfully updated
+			$updatedArticle = $articles->getArticle( $article->getId());
+			// check that the text is the updated version
+			$this->assertEquals( "updated text", $updatedArticle->getText(), "Article text did not mach the expected text!" );
+			$this->assertEquals( "topic", $updatedArticle->getTopic(), "Article topic was not set correctly" );
+			// get the response and see that it has the right encoding
+			$this->assertTrue( $this->checkResponseEncoding( $c->message->rawmessage, $this->blog ), 
+			                   "The blog encoding and the response of the XMLRPC request did not match!" );	
+			// delete the post
+			$articles->deleteArticle( $updatedArticle->getId(), $this->owner->getId(), $this->blog->getId());	
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Test case the blogger.deletePost method call
+		 */
+		function testBloggerDeletePost()
+		{
+			// create a new post first
+			$article = new Article(
+				"topic",
+				"text",
+				Array( $this->cat->getId()),
+				$this->owner->getId(),
+				$this->blog->getId(),
+				0
+				);
+			$articles = new Articles();
+			$this->assertTrue( $articles->addArticle( $article ), "Unable to add a new test article" );
+			// make the method call
+			$c = new IXR_Client( $this->url );
+			$res = $c->query( "blogger.deletePost", 
+			           "appkey", 
+					   $article->getId(),
+					   $this->owner->getUsername(), 
+					   "password", 
+					   true );
+			// see that the call was successful
+			$this->assertTrue( $res, "Unable to query ".$this->url." with method blogger.deletePost" );
+			// make sure that the call returned ok
+			$response = $c->getResponse();
+			$this->assertTrue( $response, "blogger.deletePost did not return true" );
+			// check that the post was marked as 'deleted' in the database
+			$updatedArticle = $articles->getArticle( $article->getId());
+			$this->assertEquals( $updatedArticle->getStatus(), 
+			                     POST_STATUS_DELETED, 
+			                     "Article was not properly deleted after calling blogger.deletePost" );
+			// get the response and see that it has the right encoding
+			$this->assertTrue( $this->checkResponseEncoding( $c->message->rawmessage, $this->blog ), 
+			                   "The blog encoding and the response of the XMLRPC request did not match!" );				
+		}
+		/**
+		 * test case for blogger.getRecentPosts
+		 */
+		function testBloggerGetRecentPosts()
+		{
+			// create a new post first
+			$article = new Article(
+				"topic",
+				"text",
+				Array( $this->cat->getId()),
+				$this->owner->getId(),
+				$this->blog->getId(),
+				0
+				);
+			$articles = new Articles();
+			$this->assertTrue( $articles->addArticle( $article ), "Unable to add the first tet article" );
+			$article2 = new Article(
+				"topic 2",
+				"text 2",
+				Array( $this->cat->getId()),
+				$this->owner->getId(),
+				$this->blog->getId(),
+				0
+				);
+			$this->assertTrue( $articles->addArticle( $article ), "Unable to add the second test article" );
+			// make the method call
+			$c = new IXR_Client( $this->url );
+			$res = $c->query( "blogger.getRecentPosts", 
+			           "appkey", 
+					   $this->blog->getId(),	
+					   $this->owner->getUsername(), 
+					   "password", 
+					   10 );
+			// see that the call was successful
+			$this->assertTrue( $res, "Unable to query ".$this->url." with method blogger.getRecentPosts" );
+			// make sure that the call returned ok
+			$response = $c->getResponse();
+			$this->assertTrue( $response, "blogger.getRecentPosts did not return a valid response" );
+			// and make sure that we got two articles
+			$this->assertEquals( 2, count($response), "The number of articles returned by blogger.getRecentPosts is not correct" );
+			// get the response and see that it has the right encoding
+			$this->assertTrue( $this->checkResponseEncoding( $c->message->rawmessage, $this->blog ), 
+			                   "The blog encoding and the response of the XMLRPC request did not match!" );
+			// delete the articles
+			$articles->deleteArticle( $article->getId(), $this->owner->getId(), $this->blog->getId(), true );
+			$articles->deleteArticle( $article2->getId(), $this->owner->getId(), $this->blog->getId(), true );			
+		}
+		/**
+		 * test case for blogger.getPost
+		 */
+		function testBloggerGetPost()
+		{
+			// create a new post first
+			$article = new Article(
+				"topic",
+				"text",
+				Array( $this->cat->getId()),
+				$this->owner->getId(),
+				$this->blog->getId(),
+				0
+				);
+			$articles = new Articles();
+			$this->assertTrue( $articles->addArticle( $article ), "Unable to add a new test article" );
+			// make the method call
+			$c = new IXR_Client( $this->url );
+			$res = $c->query( "blogger.getPost", 
+			           "appkey", 
+					   $article->getId(),
+					   $this->owner->getUsername(), 
+					   "password" );
+			// see that the call was successful
+			$this->assertTrue( $res, "Unable to query ".$this->url." with method blogger.getPost" );
+			// make sure that the call returned ok
+			$response = $c->getResponse();
+			$this->assertTrue( $response, "blogger.getPost did not return a valid response" );
+			// and now compare that the returned values match with what we expected
+			$this->assertEquals( $this->owner->getId(), $response["userid"], "The user id of the article does not match" );
+			$this->assertEquals( "topic\ntext", $response["content"] );
+			$this->assertEquals( $article->getId(), $response["postid"] );
+			$this->assertTrue( $articles->deleteArticle( $article->getId(), $this->owner->getId(), $this->blog->getId(), true ),
+			                   "Error deleting article" );
+			// get the response and see that it has the right encoding
+			$this->assertTrue( $this->checkResponseEncoding( $c->message->rawmessage, $this->blog ), 
+			                   "The blog encoding and the response of the XMLRPC request did not match!" );			
+		}
+		/** 
+		 * test case for the metaWeblog.getPost method call
+		 */
+		function testMetaWeblogGetPost()
+		{
+			// create a new post first
+			$article = new Article(
+				"topic",
+				"text",
+				Array( $this->cat->getId()),
+				$this->owner->getId(),
+				$this->blog->getId(),
+				0
+				);
+			$articles = new Articles();
+			$this->assertTrue( $articles->addArticle( $article ), "Unable to add a new test article" );
+			// make the method call
+			$c = new IXR_Client( $this->url );
+			$res = $c->query( "metaWeblog.getPost",
+					   $article->getId(),
+					   $this->owner->getUsername(), 
+					   "password" );
+			// see that the call was successful
+			$this->assertTrue( $res, "Unable to query ".$this->url." with method metaweblog.getPost" );
+			// make sure that the call returned ok
+			$response = $c->getResponse();
+			$this->assertTrue( $response, "metaWeblog.getPost did not return a valid response" );
+			// and now compare that the returned values match with what we expected
+			$this->assertEquals( $this->owner->getId(), $response["userid"], "The user id of the article does not match" );
+			$this->assertEquals( "topic", $article->getTopic(), "The topic of the post does not match" );
+			$this->assertEquals( "text", $article->getText(), "The text of the article does not match" );
+			$this->assertEquals( $article->getId(), $response["postid"] );
+			$url = $this->blog->getBlogRequestGenerator();
+			$this->assertEquals( $url->postLink( $article ), $response["link"], "The post permalink does not match" );
+			$this->assertEquals( $url->postPermalink( $article ), $response["permaLink"], "The post permalink does not match" );
+			$this->assertTrue( $articles->deleteArticle( $article->getId(), $this->owner->getId(), $this->blog->getId(), true ),
+			                   "Error deleting article" );
+			// get the response and see that it has the right encoding
+			$this->assertTrue( $this->checkResponseEncoding( $c->message->rawmessage, $this->blog ), 
+			                   "The blog encoding and the response of the XMLRPC request did not match!" );			
+		}
+		/** 
+		 * Test the metaWeblog.getCategories
+		 */
+		function testMetaWeblogGetCategories()
+		{
+			// make the method call
+			$c = new IXR_Client( $this->url );
+			$res = $c->query( "metaWeblog.getCategories",
+					   $this->blog->getId(),
+					   $this->owner->getUsername(), 
+					   "password" );
+			// see that the call was successful
+			$this->assertTrue( $res, "Unable to query ".$this->url." with method metaweblog.getCategories" );
+			// make sure that the call returned ok
+			$response = $c->getResponse();
+			$this->assertTrue( $response, "metaWeblog.getCategories did not return a valid response" );
+			// there should only be one category
+			$this->assertTrue(( count( $response ) == 1 ), "There should only be one category returned by metaWeblog.getCategories" );
+			// check that the category settings are correct
+			$this->assertEquals( $this->cat->getName(), key($response), "The category name did not match" );
+			$this->assertEquals( $this->cat->getDescription(), $response["General"]["description"], "The category description did not match" );
+			$url = $this->blog->getBlogRequestGenerator();
+			$url->setXHTML( false );
+			$this->assertEquals( $url->categoryLink( $this->cat ), $response["General"]["htmlUrl"], "The category link did not match" );
+			// get the response and see that it has the right encoding
+			$this->assertTrue( $this->checkResponseEncoding( $c->message->rawmessage, $this->blog ), 
+			                   "The blog encoding and the response of the XMLRPC request did not match!" );			
+		}
+		function testMetaWeblogGetRecentPosts()
+		{
+		}
+		/**
+		 * @private
+		 */
+		function checkResponseEncoding( $response, $blog )
+		{
+			// check the character encoding in the response
+			$numMatches = preg_match( "/<\\?xml.*version=\"1.0\".*encoding=\"(.*)\".*\?>.*/i", 
+			                        $response,
+			                        $matches );
+			if( $numMatches != 1 )
+				return false;
+			$encoding = $matches[1];
+			// check that the blog encoding and what we got in the response is the same
+			$locale = $this->blog->getLocale();
+			$blogEncoding = $locale->getCharSet();
+			return( $locale->getCharset() == $encoding );
+		}		
+	}
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: plog/branches/lifetype-1.1.1/xmlrpc.php
--- plog/branches/lifetype-1.1.1/xmlrpc.php	2006-09-18 22:04:10 UTC (rev 3990)
+++ plog/branches/lifetype-1.1.1/xmlrpc.php	2006-09-18 22:10:25 UTC (rev 3991)
@@ -4,946 +4,8 @@
     	define( "PLOG_CLASS_PATH", dirname(__FILE__)."/");
-    // include required classes, dont know what, but it works for me :-)
-    include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/net/xmlrpc/IXR_Library.lib.php" );
-    include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/config/config.class.php" );
-    include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/database/db.class.php" );
-    include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/users.class.php");
-    include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/article.class.php");
-    include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/articles.class.php");
-    include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/articlecategories.class.php");
-	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/users.class.php" );
-	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/blogs.class.php" );
-	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/template/cachecontrol.class.php" );
-	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/gallery/dao/galleryalbums.class.php" );
-	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/gallery/dao/galleryresources.class.php" );
-	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/plugin/pluginmanager.class.php" );	
+	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/net/xmlrpc/xmlrpcserver.class.php" );
+	$server = new XmlRpcServer();
-    // init database
-    $_db = new Db;
-    $adodb = $_db->getDb();
-    // config object
-    $config =& Config::getConfig();
-    // users object
-    $users = new Users;
-    // articles object
-    $articles = new Articles;
-    // category object
-    $category = new ArticleCategories;
-    // blog object
-    $blogsG = new Blogs;
-    function newPost($args)
-    {	    	
-	    global $users, $articles, $category, $blogsG;
-        $appkey     = $args[0];
-        $blogid     = $args[1];
-        $username   = $args[2];
-        $password   = $args[3];
-        $content    = $args[4];
-        $publish    = $args[5]; // true post&publish | false post only
-        /*
-         int postid
-        */
-        // -mhe todo security
-        $auth = $users->authenticateUser( $username, $password );
-        if ($auth)
-        {
-            if ($publish)
-            {
-                $status = POST_STATUS_PUBLISHED;
-            } else
-            {
-                $status = POST_STATUS_DRAFT;
-            }
-            // Get the default category
-            $cats = $category->getBlogCategories($blogid);
-			// some protection again blogs without categories
-			if( !$cats ) {				
-				return new IXR_Error(-1, 'This blog does not have categories!');				
-			}
-            foreach($cats as $cat)
-            {
-                $idCategory = $cat->getId();
-                // Stop here, we have a category
-                break;
-            }
-			// ecto sends the topic as <title>blah blah</title>rest of the body
-			if( preg_match( "/<title>(.*)<\/title>(.*)/i", $content, $matches )) {
-				$title = $matches[1];
-				$content = $matches[2];
-			}
-			else {
-	            $dummy = explode("\n", $content);
-	            $title = $dummy[0];
-	            unset($dummy[0]);
-	            $content = implode("\n", $dummy);
-	            unset($dummy);
-			}
-            $userInfo = $users->getUserInfoFromUsername( $username );
-            $article = new Article(
-                $title,
-                $content, // text
-                Array( $idCategory ), // catid
-                $userInfo->getId(), // userid
-                $blogid, // blogid
-                $status,
-                0, // numread
-                Array( "comments_enabled" => true ) // enable comments
-            );
-            $article->setDate(date("YmdHis"));
-            $blogInfo = $blogsG->getBlogInfo( $blogid );
-            // Get the plugin manager
-            $plugMgr =& PluginManager::getPluginManager();
-            $plugMgr->setBlogInfo( $blogInfo);
-            $plugMgr->setUserInfo( $userInfo );
-            $plugMgr->loadPlugins();
-            // Send the PRE_POST_POST_ADD message
-            $plugMgr->notifyEvent( EVENT_PRE_POST_ADD, Array( "article" => &$article ));            
-            $postid = $articles->addArticle($article);
-            if ($postid != 0) {
-                // The post was successful
-                // Send the EVENT_POST_POST_ADD messages to the plugins
-                $plugMgr->notifyEvent( EVENT_POST_POST_ADD, Array( "article" => &$article ));               
-                CacheControl::resetBlogCache( $blogid );
-                $blogSettings = $blogInfo->getSettings();
-                // Add article notifcations if this is specified by the default setting.
-                if ($blogSettings->getValue( "default_send_notification" ))
-                {
-                    require_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/articlenotifications.class.php" );
-                    $artNotifications = new ArticleNotifications();
-                    $artNotifications->addNotification( $postid, $blogid, $userInfo->getId());
-                }
-                return sprintf( "%d", $postid );
-            } 
-            else {
-                return new IXR_Error(-1, 'Internal error occured creating your post!');
-            }
-        } 
-        else {
-            return new IXR_Error(-1, 'You did not provide the correct password');
-        }
-    }
-    function metaWeblogNewPost($args)
-    {
-        global $users, $articles, $category, $blogsG;
-        $blogid     = $args[0];
-        $username   = $args[1];
-        $password   = $args[2];
-        $content    = $args[3];
-        $publish    = $args[4]; // true post&publish | false post only
-        /*
-         int postid
-        */
-        // -mhe todo security
-        $auth = $users->authenticateUser( $username, $password);
-        if ($auth)
-        {
-            if ($publish)
-            {
-                $status = POST_STATUS_PUBLISHED;
-            } else
-            {
-                $status = POST_STATUS_DRAFT;
-            }
-            // Get the default category
-            //$cats = $category->getBlogCategories($blogid);
-            //foreach($cats as $cat)
-            //{
-            //    $idCategory = $cat->_id;
-            //    // Stop here, we have a category
-            //    break;
-            //}
-            $title = $content["title"];
-            $body = $content["description"];
-            $catList = $content["categories"];
-            $categoryName = NULL;
-            //
-            // :KLUDGE:
-            // not exactly the smartest and fastest bit of code ever but it seems to work :-)
-            //
-            $categories = Array();
-            $cats = $category->getBlogCategories($blogid);            
-			// some protection again blogs without categories
-			if( !$cats ) {
-				return new IXR_Error(-1, 'This blog does not have categories!');				
-			}
-            if ( $catList != NULL )
-            {
-                foreach( $catList as $categoryName ) {
-                    foreach( $cats as $blogCategory ) {
-                        $categoryName = trim($categoryName);
-                        if ( strcmp( $categoryName, $blogCategory->getName()) == 0 )
-                        {
-                            $categories[] = $blogCategory->getId();
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            else {
-                // if no category, let's pick a random one
-                $blogCategory = array_pop( $cats );
-                $categories[] = $blogCategory->getId();
-            }
-            $userInfo = $users->getUserInfoFromUsername( $username );
-            $article = new Article(
-                $title,
-                $body, // text
-                $categories, // catid
-                $userInfo->getId(), // userid
-                $blogid, // blogid
-                $status,
-                0, // numread
-                Array( "comments_enabled" => true ) // enable comments
-            );
-           $dateCreated = $content['dateCreated'];
-           // there must be a bug in the xmlrpc library, we're getting an object in $dateCreated
-           // that does not have a type or anyhting, but it still is an object... kinda weird. Anyway,
-           // clients like ecto do not allow to change the time an article is posted so this is not 
-           // too annoying, *yet*
-            if (!empty($dateCreated))
-            {
-               // Convert the UTC time to local time, since articleDate is in local time
-               $ar = localtime ( $dateCreated->getTimestamp() );
-               $ar[5] += 1900; $ar[4]++;
-               $localTimeStamp = gmmktime ( $ar[2], $ar[1], $ar[0], $ar[4], $ar[3], $ar[5], $ar[8] );
-               $articleDate = date("YmdHis", $localTimeStamp);
-            } else
-            {
-               $articleDate = date("YmdHis");
-            }
-            $article->setDate($articleDate);
-            $blogInfo = $blogsG->getBlogInfo( $blogid );
-            // Get the plugin manager
-            $plugMgr =& PluginManager::getPluginManager();
-            $plugMgr->setBlogInfo( $blogInfo );
-            $plugMgr->setUserInfo( $userInfo );
-            $plugMgr->loadPlugins();
-            // Send the PRE_POST_POST_ADD message
-            $plugMgr->notifyEvent( EVENT_PRE_POST_ADD, Array( "article" => &$article ));            
-            $postid = $articles->addArticle($article);
-            if ($postid != 0)
-            {
-                // The post was successful
-                // Send the EVENT_POST_POST_ADD messages to the plugins
-                $plugMgr->notifyEvent( EVENT_POST_POST_ADD, Array( "article" => &$article ));
-                CacheControl::resetBlogCache( $blogid );
-                $blogSettings = $blogInfo->getSettings();
-                // Add article notifcations if this is specified by the default setting.
-                if ($blogSettings->getValue( "default_send_notification" ))
-                {
-                    require_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/articlenotifications.class.php" );
-                    $artNotifications = new ArticleNotifications();
-                    $artNotifications->addNotification( $postid, $blogid, $userInfo->getId());
-                }
-                return sprintf( "%d", $postid );
-            } else
-            {
-            return new IXR_Error(-1, 'Internal error occured creating your post!');
-            }
-        } else
-        {
-            return new IXR_Error(-1, 'You did not provide the correct password');
-        }
-    }
-    function metaWeblogGetCategories($args)
-    {
-        global $users, $category, $blogsG;
-        $blogid     = $args[0];
-        $username   = $args[1];
-        $password   = $args[2];
-        /*
-         "description" =>
-         "htmlUrl" =>
-         "rssUrl" =>
-        */
-        $auth = $users->authenticateUser( $username, $password );
-        if ($auth)
-        {
-            $cats = $category->getBlogCategories($blogid);
-            $ret = array();
-            foreach($cats as $cat)
-            {
-                $dummy                   = array();
-                $dummy["description"]    = $cat->_name;
-                // We can't use $cat->_url becuase it is not set, so 
-                // we have to do this in long way
-                $blogInfo = $blogsG->getBlogInfo( $blogid );
-                $url = $blogInfo->getBlogRequestGenerator();
-                // disable the generation of xhtml content or else the IXR_XMLRPC library will
-                // escape things twice!
-                $url->setXHTML( false );
-                $dummy["htmlUrl"]        = $url->categoryLink( $cat );
-                $dummy["rssUrl"]         = "http://";
-                $ret[$cat->_name]              = $dummy;
-            }
-            return $ret;
-        } else
-        {
-            return new IXR_Error(-1, 'You did not provide the correct password');
-        }
-    }
-    function getPost($args)
-    {
-        global $users, $articles;
-        $appkey     = $args[0];
-        $postid     = $args[1];
-        $username   = $args[2];
-        $password   = $args[3];
-        /*
-            "userid" =>
-            "dateCreated" =>
-            "content" =>
-            "postid" =>
-        */
-        $auth = $users->authenticateUser($username,$password);
-        if ($auth)
-        {
-            $userInfo = $users->getUserInfoFromUsername( $username );
-            $item = $articles->getBlogArticle($postid,
-                                                 -1, // blogId
-                                                 true, // includeHiddenFields
-                                                 -1, // date
-                                                 -1, // categoryId
-                                                 $userInfo->getId());
-            $dateObject = $item->getDateObject();
-            include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/data/timestamp.class.php" );
-            // Get the unix time stamp 
-            $time = $dateObject->getTimestamp(DATE_FORMAT_UNIXTIME);
-            $dummy                  = array();
-            $dummy["userid"]        = $item->_userInfo->_id;
-            $dummy["dateCreated"]   = new IXR_Date($time);
-            $dummy["content"]       = $item->_topic . "\r\n" . $item->_text . " ";
-            $dummy["postid"]        = $item->_id;
-            return $dummy;
-        } else
-        {
-            return new IXR_Error(-1, 'You did not provide the correct password');
-        }
-    }
-    function metaWeblogGetPost($args)
-    {
-        global $users, $articles;
-        $postid     = $args[0];
-        $username   = $args[1];
-        $password   = $args[2];
-        /*
-            "userid" =>
-            "dateCreated" =>
-            "content" =>
-            "postid" =>
-        */
-        $auth = $users->authenticateUser($username,$password);
-        if ($auth)
-        {
-            include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/data/timestamp.class.php" );
-            $userInfo = $users->getUserInfoFromUsername( $username );
-            $item = $articles->getBlogArticle($postid,
-                                              -1, // blogId
-                                              true, // includeHiddenFields
-                                              -1, // date
-                                              -1, // categoryId
-                                              $userInfo->getId());
-            $dateObject = $item->getDateObject();
-            // Get the unix time stamp 
-            $time = $dateObject->getTimestamp(DATE_FORMAT_UNIXTIME);
-            $articleCat = $item->getCategory();
-            $blogId = $item->getBlog();
-            $blogs = new Blogs();
-            $blogInfo = $blogs->getBlogInfo( $blogId );
-            $url = $blogInfo->getBlogRequestGenerator();
-            $dummy                  = array();
-            $dummy["userid"]        = $item->_userInfo->_id;
-            $dummy["dateCreated"]   = new IXR_Date($time);
-            $dummy["title"]         = $item->_topic;
-            $dummy["description"]   = $item->_text;
-            $dummy["postid"]        = $item->_id;
-            $dummy["link"]          = $url->postLink( $item );
-            $dummy["permaLink"]     = $url->postPermalink( $item );
-            $catArray               = array();
-            foreach( $item->getCategories() as $category ) {
-                $catArray[]             = $category->getName();
-            }
-            $dummy["categories"]      = $catArray;
-            return $dummy;
-        } else
-        {
-            return new IXR_Error(-1, 'You did not provide the correct password');
-        }
-    }
-    function editPost($args)
-    {
-        global $users, $articles, $blogsG;
-        $appkey     = $args[0];
-        $postid     = $args[1];
-        $username   = $args[2];
-        $password   = $args[3];
-        $content    = $args[4];
-        $publish    = $args[5];
-        /*
-            boolean, true or false
-        */
-        $auth = $users->authenticateUser($username,$password);
-        if ($auth)
-        {
-            $userInfo = $users->getUserInfoFromUsername( $username );
-            if ($publish)
-            {
-                $status = POST_STATUS_PUBLISHED;
-            } else
-            {
-                $status = POST_STATUS_DRAFT;
-            }
-            // fake topic
-            $dummy = explode("\n", $content);
-            $title = $dummy[0];
-            unset($dummy[0]);
-            $content = implode("\n", $dummy);
-            unset($dummy);
-            $article = $articles->getBlogArticle($postid,
-                                                 -1, // blogId
-                                                 true, // includeHiddenFields
-                                                 -1, // date
-                                                 -1, // categoryId
-                                                 $userInfo->getId());
-            $article->setText($content);
-            $article->setTopic($title);
-            $article->setStatus($status);
-			// Get the plugin manager
-			$plugMgr =& PluginManager::getPluginManager();
-			$plugMgr->setBlogInfo( $blogsG->getBlogInfo( $article->getBlog() ) );
-			$plugMgr->setUserInfo( $userInfo );
-			$plugMgr->loadPlugins();
-			// Send the EVENT_PRE_POST_UPDATE message
-			$plugMgr->notifyEvent( EVENT_PRE_POST_UPDATE, Array( "article" => &$article ));            
-            $articles->updateArticle($article);
-            // Send the EVENT_POST_POST_UPDATE messages to the plugins
-            $plugMgr->notifyEvent( EVENT_POST_POST_UPDATE, Array( "article" => &$article ));				
-    		$blogid = $article->getBlog();
-    		CacheControl::resetBlogCache( $blogid );            
-            return true;
-        } else
-        {
-            return new IXR_Error(-1, 'You did not provide the correct password');
-        }
-    }
-    function metaWeblogEditPost($args)
-    {
-        global $users, $articles, $category, $blogsG;
-        $postid     = $args[0];
-        $username   = $args[1];
-        $password   = $args[2];
-        $content    = $args[3];
-        $publish    = $args[4];
-        /*
-            boolean, true or false
-        */
-        $auth = $users->authenticateUser($username,$password);
-        if ($auth)
-        {
-            $userInfo = $users->getUserInfoFromUsername( $username );
-            if ($publish)
-            {
-                $status = POST_STATUS_PUBLISHED;
-            } else
-            {
-                $status = POST_STATUS_DRAFT;
-            }            
-            $title = $content["title"];
-            $body = $content["description"];
-            $article = $articles->getBlogArticle($postid,
-                                                 -1, // blogId
-                                                 true, // includeHiddenFields
-                                                 -1, // date
-                                                 -1, // categoryId
-                                                 $userInfo->getId());
-            $catList = $content["categories"];
-            //
-            // :KLUDGE:
-            // not exactly the smartest and fastest bit of code ever but it seems to work :-)
-            //
-            $categories = Array();
-            $blogid = $article->getBlog();
-            $cats = $category->getBlogCategories($blogid);
-            if ( $catList != NULL )
-            {
-                foreach( $catList as $categoryName ) {
-                    foreach( $cats as $blogCategory ) {
-                        $categoryName = trim($categoryName);
-                        if ( strcmp( $categoryName, $blogCategory->getName()) == 0 )
-                        {
-                            $categories[] = $blogCategory->getId();
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            else {
-                // if no category, let's pick a random one
-                $blogCategory = array_pop( $cats );
-                $categories[] = $blogCategory->getId();
-            }
-            $article->setText($body);
-            $article->setTopic($title);
-            $article->setStatus($status);
-            $article->setCategoryIds( $categories );
-			// Get the plugin manager
-			$plugMgr =& PluginManager::getPluginManager();
-			$plugMgr->setBlogInfo( $blogsG->getBlogInfo( $blogid ) );
-			$plugMgr->setUserInfo( $userInfo );
-			$plugMgr->loadPlugins();
-			// Send the EVENT_PRE_POST_UPDATE message
-			$plugMgr->notifyEvent( EVENT_PRE_POST_UPDATE, Array( "article" => &$article ));            
-            $articles->updateArticle($article);
-            // Send the EVENT_POST_POST_UPDATE messages to the plugins
-            $plugMgr->notifyEvent( EVENT_POST_POST_UPDATE, Array( "article" => &$article ));				
-    		CacheControl::resetBlogCache( $blogid );            
-            return true;
-        } else
-        {
-            return new IXR_Error(-1, 'You did not provide the correct password');
-        }
-    }
-    function deletePost($args)
-    {
-        global $users, $articles, $blogsG;
-        $appkey     = $args[0];
-        $postid     = $args[1];
-        $username   = $args[2];
-        $password   = $args[3];
-        $publish    = $args[4];
-        // -mhe todo
-        $auth = $users->authenticateUser($username,$password);
-        if ($auth)
-        {
-            $userInfo = $users->getUserInfoFromUsername( $username );
-            $article = $articles->getBlogArticle($postid,
-                                                 -1, // blogId
-                                                 true, // includeHiddenFields
-                                                 -1, // date
-                                                 -1, // categoryId
-                                                 $userInfo->getId());
-			// Get the plugin manager
-			$plugMgr =& PluginManager::getPluginManager();
-			$plugMgr->setBlogInfo( $blogsG->getBlogInfo( $article->getBlog() ) );
-			$plugMgr->setUserInfo( $userInfo );
-			$plugMgr->loadPlugins();
-			// Send the EVENT_PRE_POST_DELETE message
-			$plugMgr->notifyEvent( EVENT_PRE_POST_DELETE, Array( "article" => &$article ));            
-            $articles->deleteArticle(
-                $postid,
-                $userInfo->getId(), // userid
-                $article->getBlog()
-            );
-            // Send the EVENT_POST_POST_DELETE messages to the plugins
-            $plugMgr->notifyEvent( EVENT_POST_POST_DELETE, Array( "article" => &$article ));				
-    		$blogid = $article->getBlog();
-    		CacheControl::resetBlogCache( $blogid );            
-            return true;
-        } else
-        {
-            return new IXR_Error(-1, 'You did not provide the correct password');
-        }
-    }
-    function getRecentPosts($args)
-    {
-        global $users, $articles;
-        /*
-            "userid" =>
-            "dateCreated" =>
-            "content" =>
-            "postid" =>
-        */
-        $appkey     = $args[0];
-        $blogid     = $args[1];
-        $username   = $args[2];
-        $password   = $args[3];
-        $number     = $args[4];
-        $auth = $users->authenticateUser($username,$password);
-        if ($auth)
-        {
-            $ret = array();
-            $list = $articles->getBlogArticles(
-                $blogid,
-                -1,
-                $number,
-                -1
-            );
-            foreach($list as $item)
-            {
-                $dateObject = $item->getDateObject();
-                include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/data/timestamp.class.php" );
-                // Get the unix time stamp 
-                $time = $dateObject->getTimestamp(DATE_FORMAT_UNIXTIME);
-                $dummy                  = array();
-                $dummy["userid"]        = $item->_userInfo->_id;
-                $dummy["dateCreated"]   = new IXR_Date($time);
-                $dummy["content"]       = $item->_topic . "\r\n" . $item->_text . " ";
-                $dummy["postid"]        = $item->_id;
-                $ret[]                  = $dummy;
-            }
-            return $ret;
-        } else
-        {
-            return new IXR_Error(-1, 'You did not provide the correct password');
-        }
-    }
-    function metaWeblogGetRecentPosts($args)
-    {
-        global $users, $articles;
-        /*
-            "userid" =>
-            "dateCreated" =>
-            "content" =>
-            "postid" =>
-        */
-        $blogid     = $args[0];
-        $username   = $args[1];
-        $password   = $args[2];
-        $number     = $args[3];
-        $auth = $users->authenticateUser($username,$password);
-        if ($auth)
-        {
-            $ret = array();
-            $list = $articles->getBlogArticles(
-                $blogid,  
-                -1,  // date
-                $number, // number of articles
-                -1  // category id
-            );
-            foreach($list as $item)
-            {
-                $dateObject = $item->getDateObject();
-                include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/data/timestamp.class.php" );
-                // Get the unix time stamp 
-                $time = $dateObject->getTimestamp(DATE_FORMAT_UNIXTIME);
-                $articleCat = $item->getCategory();
-                $dummy                  = array();
-                $dummy["userid"]        = $item->_userInfo->_id;
-                $dummy["dateCreated"]   = new IXR_Date($time);
-                $dummy["title"]         = $item->_topic; 
-                $dummy["description"]   = $item->_text;
-                $dummy["postid"]        = $item->_id;
-                $blogId = $item->getBlog();
-                $blogs = new Blogs();
-                $blogInfo = $blogs->getBlogInfo( $blogId );
-                $url = $blogInfo->getBlogRequestGenerator();
-                $dummy["link"]          = $url->postLink( $item );
-                $dummy["permaLink"]     = $url->postPermalink( $item );
-                $catArray               = array();
-                $catArray[]             = $articleCat->getName();
-                $dummy["categories"]      = $catArray;
-                $ret[]                  = $dummy;
-            }
-            return $ret;
-        } else
-        {
-            return new IXR_Error(-1, 'You did not provide the correct password');
-        }
-    }
-    function metaWeblogNewMediaObject($args)
-    {
-        global $users, $articles, $blogsG;
-        /*
-            "userid" =>
-            "dateCreated" =>
-            "content" =>
-            "postid" =>
-        */
-        $blogid     = $args[0];
-        $username   = $args[1];
-        $password   = $args[2];
-        $file       = $args[3];
-        $auth = $users->authenticateUser($username,$password);
-        if ($auth)
-        {
-            // Save this file to the tmp directory
-            // Create a temp file
-            // Get the temp directory
-            /**if (!$tmp_dir = get_cfg_var('upload_tmp_dir')) {
-                $tmp_dir = dirname(tempnam('/tmp', ''));
-            }*/
-			$config =& Config::getConfig();
-			$tmp_dir = $config->getTempFolder();
-            // Remove all characters that would need to be urlencoded
-            // This may not be necessary, but this was causing problems when given file
-            // names with spaces in it.
-            $tempFile = ereg_replace("[^a-zA-Z0-9._-]", "_", basename($file['name']));
-            // Make the tmp name
-            $tempFile = $tmp_dir . '/' . $tempFile;
-            // Open the file
-            if (!$handle = fopen( $tempFile, "wb" ) ) {
-                return new IXR_Error(-1, 'Could not open file');
-            }    
-            // It appears that the data has already been decoded, no need to call base64_decode
-            $decodedBits = $file['bits'];
-            // Write the data to the file
-            if ( fwrite( $handle, $decodedBits ) === false ) {
-                return new IXR_Error(-1, 'Could not write to file');
-            }
-            // Close the file
-            fclose($handle);
-            // let the gallery library do its work...
-        	$resources = new GalleryResources();
-            // Get the first album for this blog
-            $albums = new GalleryAlbums();
-            // get the list of albums for this blog
-            $albumArray = $albums->getUserAlbums( $blogid );
-            if ( $albumArray == NULL || count( $albumArray ) == 0 ) {
-                return new IXR_Error(-1, 'Could not find album');
-            }
-            // Add the resource to the first album
-            $resId = $resources->addResourceFromDisk( $blogid, $albumArray[0]->getId(),
-                                                     basename($file['name']), $tempFile );
-            // Get the resource from the id
-            $resource = $resources->getResource( $resId, $blogid, $albumArray[0]->getId() );
-            // Now we need to get the url for the resource
-            $blogInfo = $blogsG->getBlogInfo( $blogid );
-            $url = $blogInfo->getBlogRequestGenerator();
-            $ret = $url->resourceDownloadLink( $resource );
-            return $ret;
-        } else
-        {
-            return new IXR_Error(-1, 'You did not provide the correct password');
-        }
-    }	
-    function getUserInfo($args)
-    {
-        $appkeyp    = $args[0];
-        $username   = $args[1];
-        $password   = $args[2];
-        /*
-        "nickname" =>
-        "firstname" =>
-        "lastname" =>
-        "email" =>
-        "userid" =>
-        "url" =>
-        */
-		$users = new Users();
-        $auth = $users->authenticateUser( $username, $password );
-        if ($auth)
-        {
-            $userInfo = $users->getUserInfoFromUsername( $username );
-            $ret                = array();
-            $ret["nickname"]    = $userInfo->getUsername();
-            $ret["firstname"]   = $userInfo->getUsername();
-            $ret["lastname"]    = "";
-            $ret["email"]       = $userInfo->getEmail();
-            $ret["userid"]      = $userInfo->getId();
-            $ret["url"]         = "";
-            return $ret;
-        } else
-        {
-            return new IXR_Error(-1, 'You did not provide the correct password');
-        }
-    }
-    function getUsersBlogs($args)
-    {
-        global $users, $category;
-        $appkey     = $args[0];
-        $username   = $args[1];
-        $password   = $args[2];
-        /*
-            "blogName" =>
-            "url" =>
-            "blogid" =>
-        */
-        $auth = $users->authenticateUser( $username, $password );
-        if ($auth)
-        {
-            $userInfo = $users->getUserInfoFromUsername( $username );
-            $blogs = $users->getUsersBlogs($userInfo->getId());
-            $ret = array();
-            foreach($blogs as $blog)
-            {
-                $dummy              = array();
-                $dummy["blogid"]    = $blog->_id;
-                $dummy["blogName"]  = $blog->_blog;
-                $url = $blog->getBlogRequestGenerator();
-                $dummy["url"]       = $url->blogLink();
-                $ret[]              = $dummy;
-            }
-            return $ret;
-        } else
-        {
-            return new IXR_Error(-1, 'You did not provide the correct password');
-        }
-    }
-    if ($config->getValue("xmlrpc_api_enabled"))
-    {
-	$xmlrpc = new IXR_Server(
-    	    array (
-        	"blogger.newPost"           => "newPost",
-        	"blogger.getUserInfo"       => "getUserInfo",
-        	"blogger.getPost"           => "getPost",
-        	"blogger.editPost"          => "editPost",
-        	"blogger.deletePost"        => "deletePost",
-        	"blogger.getRecentPosts"    => "getRecentPosts",
-        	"blogger.getUserInfo"       => "getUserInfo",
-        	"blogger.getUsersBlogs"     => "getUsersBlogs",
-            "metaWeblog.newPost"        => "metaWeblogNewPost",
-            "metaWeblog.editPost"       => "metaWeblogEditPost",
-            "metaWeblog.getPost"        => "metaWeblogGetPost",
-            "metaWeblog.getRecentPosts" => "metaWeblogGetRecentPosts",
-            "metaWeblog.getCategories"  => "metaWeblogGetCategories",
-            "metaWeblog.newMediaObject" => "metaWeblogNewMediaObject"			
-    	    )
-	);
-    } else
-    {
-	// xmlrpc_api disabled, no methods configured
-	$xmlrpc = new IXR_Server(
-    	    array (
-    	    )
-	);
-    }

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