[pLog-svn] Database layout

Ayalon ayalon at blog.nl
Sat May 20 13:12:48 GMT 2006

Hi All,

New version needs immediate temp tables in mysql for the following queries,
maybe it's a mysql bug, but anyway there's in my 2 configs no possibility
not to have them written to disk (also with a clear cache on the server a
clean /tmp and a mysql temp table size of 512mb)

SELECT a.id as id, a.id, a.date,
                             a.num_reads, a.slug, 1 AS relevance,
a.num_comments AS num_comments,
a.num_nonspam_comments AS num_nonspam_comments, a.num_trackbacks AS
a.num_nonspam_trackbacks AS num_nonspam_trackbacks, 
a.global_category_id AS global_category_id,
AS in_summary_page
							 FROM plog_articles
a, plog_articles_categories c, 
                             plog_article_categories_link l WHERE  a.blog_id
= 3 AND c.id = l.category_id AND a.id = l.article_id AND c.in_main_page = 1
AND a.status = '1' AND a.date <= '20060520150501' GROUP BY a.id  ORDER BY
a.date DESC LIMIT 10;

SELECT a.id as id, a.id, a.date,
                             a.num_reads, a.slug, 1 AS relevance,
a.num_comments AS num_comments,
a.num_nonspam_comments AS num_nonspam_comments, a.num_trackbacks AS
a.num_nonspam_trackbacks AS num_nonspam_trackbacks, 
a.global_category_id AS global_category_id,
AS in_summary_page
							 FROM plog_articles
a, plog_articles_categories c, 
                             plog_article_categories_link l WHERE  a.blog_id
= 3 AND c.id = l.category_id AND a.id = l.article_id AND c.in_main_page = 1
AND a.status = '1' AND a.date <= '20060520150500' GROUP BY a.id  ORDER BY
a.date DESC LIMIT 0, 15

SELECT COUNT(id) AS 'count',
                                                YEAR(date) AS 'year',
                                                MONTH(date) AS 'month'
                                              FROM plog_articles
                                              WHERE status = 1 AND blog_id =
                                              AND date <= NOW() 
                                              GROUP BY
                                              ORDER BY YEAR(date)

These queries came up by only accessing the main page of the blog, in plain
url's. Also it almost looks like 2 queries are doing almost the same thing,
is this a misconfig in the template on my site? Or different functions,
diferrent things to look for?


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