[pLog-svn] r3090 - in plog/trunk: class/dao/userdata config

reto at devel.lifetype.net reto at devel.lifetype.net
Mon Mar 20 20:56:16 GMT 2006

Author: reto
Date: 2006-03-20 20:56:15 +0000 (Mon, 20 Mar 2006)
New Revision: 3090

This Simple Postnuke user data provider is written for Postnuke version 0.7.6 but is should work with about every postnuke version as the integration is fairly simple and only involves reading the usertable of PN once if the user is not available as LifeType user.
Please take a look at the documentation (http://wiki.lifetype.net/index.php/User_data_providers) which needs some more content, of course ;)

BTW: This one is named "simple" to explicitly let room for more advanced integration with PostNuke using their API.

Added: plog/trunk/class/dao/userdata/simplepostnukeuserdataprovider.class.php
--- plog/trunk/class/dao/userdata/simplepostnukeuserdataprovider.class.php	2006-03-20 04:37:17 UTC (rev 3089)
+++ plog/trunk/class/dao/userdata/simplepostnukeuserdataprovider.class.php	2006-03-20 20:56:15 UTC (rev 3090)
@@ -0,0 +1,513 @@
+    include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/userdata/baseuserdataprovider.class.php" );
+    include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/database/db.class.php" );
+    include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/userinfo.class.php" );
+    include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/userstatus.class.php" );
+    /**
+    * Model representing the users in our application. Provides the methods such as
+    * authentication and querying for users.
+	*
+	* \ingroup User_Data_Providers
+    */
+    class SimplePostNukeUserDataProvider extends BaseUserDataProvider
+    {
+	    var $_dbc;
+	    var $_postnukedbprefix;
+        var $_blogtitle_postfix;
+        /**
+        * Initializes the model
+        */
+        function SimplePostNukeUserDataProvider( $providerConfig )
+        {
+            $this->BaseUserDataProvider( $providerConfig );
+            $this->table = $this->getPrefix()."users";
+            // disable all caching for userdata
+            CacheManager::disableCache( CACHE_USERINFO );
+            // initialize the database connection based on our parameters
+            $config = $this->getProviderConfiguration();
+            $user = $config->getValue( "user" );
+            $pass = $config->getValue( "password" );
+            $host = $config->getValue( "host" );
+            $db = $config->getValue( "database" );
+            $this->_postnukedbprefix = $config->getValue( "prefix" );
+            $this->_dbc =& Db::getNewDb( $host, $user, $pass, $db );
+            $this->_blogtitle_postfix = $config->getValue( "blogtitle_postfix" );                   
+        }
+        /**
+        * Returns true if the user is in the database and the username
+        * and password match
+        *
+        * First, we check if the user exists as a standard lt user. If not, we check if he
+        * has an PostNuke account, validate username/password and open a lt account for him.
+        * This is the only time we interact with the postnuke db. Password changes, user removal and 
+        * and everything else possible within LifeType does not affect the PostNuke database in any way.
+        *
+        * @param username Username of the user who we'd like to authenticate
+        * @param pass Password of the user
+        * @return true if user and password correct or false otherwise.
+        */
+        function authenticateUser( $username, $pass )
+        {
+        	// Check if we find the user in the LifeType DB
+            $user = $this->getUserInfoFromUsername( $username );			
+        	if( $user ) {
+                return( $user->getPassword() == md5($pass));
+	        }
+            // Check if the user is available in the PostNuke database...
+            else {
+	        	$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$this->_postnukedbprefix."users WHERE pn_uname = '".Db::qstr( $username )."' AND pn_pass = '".md5( $pass )."'";
+                $result = $this->_dbc->Execute( $query );
+                if( (!$result) || ($result == false) ) {          
+                    return false;
+                }
+                // let's add the user to the lt userbase
+                elseif ( $result->RecordCount() == 1 ) {
+                    $pnUserdata = $this->getUserInfoFromPostNukeUser( $username );
+                    $user = new UserInfo( $pnUserdata["pn_uname"], 
+			                              $pnUserdata["pn_pass"], 
+								          $pnUserdata["pn_email"], 
+								          "", 
+								          $pnUserdata["pn_name"],
+								          0,
+								          serialize(Array())
+                                        );
+                    $user->setStatus( USER_STATUS_ACTIVE );
+                    $newUserId = $this->addUser( $user );
+                    if( !$newUserId ) {
+                        return false;                  
+                    }
+                    //add Blog
+                    $this->_PostNukeAddBlog($username, $newUserId);
+                    return true;
+                }
+                // return false if user authentication failed on both databases
+                return false;
+	        }
+        } // authenticateUser
+        /**
+        *
+        * @param username Username of the user who we'd like to get all info from the PN DB
+        * @return Returns an array with all userinformation
+        */
+        function getUserInfoFromPostNukeUser( $username )
+        {
+            $query = "SELECT * FROM ".$this->_postnukedbprefix."users WHERE pn_uname = '".Db::qstr( $username )."'";
+	        $result = $this->_dbc->Execute( $query );
+	        if( !$result )
+	        	return false;
+	        $row = $result->FetchRow();
+	        return( $row );	        
+        }
+        /**
+        *
+        * @param username Username for having a meaningful Blogname
+        * @param userid UserID to link the blog to the new created user
+        * @return Returns true if blog is created successfully and false otherwise
+        */
+        function _PostNukeAddBlog( &$username, &$userid )
+        {
+		    include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/blogs.class.php" );
+            include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/articles.class.php" );
+            include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/articlecategories.class.php" );
+            $config =& Config::getConfig();
+            $locale =& Locales::getLocale( $config->getValue( "default_locale" ));
+            // create a new blog
+		    $blogs = new Blogs();
+		    $blog = new BlogInfo( $username.$this->_blogtitle_postfix,  // name of the new blog
+		       	                  $userid,  // id of the owner
+		           	              "",  // no about
+		            	          Array()); // no properties either
+		    $newBlogId = $blogs->addBlog( $blog );
+            // add a default category and a default post            
+            $articleCategories = new ArticleCategories();
+            $articleCategory = new ArticleCategory( $locale->tr( "register_default_category" ), "", $newBlogId, true );
+            $catId = $articleCategories->addArticleCategory( $articleCategory );
+            $articleTopic = $locale->tr( "register_default_article_topic" );
+            $articleText  = $locale->tr( "register_default_article_text" );
+            $article = new Article( $articleTopic, 
+                                    $articleText, 
+                                    Array( $catId ), 
+                                    $userid, 
+                                    $newBlogId, 
+                                    POST_STATUS_PUBLISHED, 
+                                    0, 
+                                    Array(), 
+                                    "welcome" ); // slug
+            $t = new Timestamp();
+            $article->setDateObject( $t );
+            $articles = new Articles();
+            $articles->addArticle( $article );
+        }
+        //------------
+        //  NOTE: Everything below is copy&paste from plogUserdataprovider.class.php
+        //------------
+        /**
+        * Retrieves the user information but given only a username
+        *
+        * @param username The username of the user
+        * @return Returns a UserInfo object with the requested information, or false otherwise.
+        */
+        function getUserInfoFromUsername( $username )
+        {
+        	return( $this->get( "user", $username, CACHE_USERIDBYNAME, Array( CACHE_USERINFO => "getId" )));        	
+        }
+        /**
+        * Retrieves the user infromation but given only a userid
+        *
+        * @param userId User ID of the user from whom we'd like to get the information
+        * @return Returns a UserInfo object with the requested information, or false otherwise.
+        */
+        function getUserInfoFromId( $userid )
+        {
+        	return( $this->get( "id", $userid, CACHE_USERINFO, Array( CACHE_USERIDBYNAME => "getUsername" )));
+        }
+        /**
+        * Returns an array with all the users available in the database
+        *
+        * @param status
+        * @param includeExtraInfo
+        * @param searchTerms
+        * @param page
+        * @param itemsPerPage
+        * @return An array containing all the users.
+        */
+        function getAllUsers( $status = USER_STATUS_ALL, 
+		                      $searchTerms = "", 
+							  $page = DEFAULT_PAGING_ENABLED, 
+							  $itemsPerPage = DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_PAGE )
+        {   		
+	    	$where = "";
+	    	if( $status != USER_STATUS_ALL )
+	    		$where = "status = '".Db::qstr($status)."'";
+	    	if( $searchTerms != "" ) {
+				if( $where != "" )
+					$where .= " AND ";
+	    	    $where = $this->getSearchConditions( $searchTerms );
+			}
+			if( $where != "" )
+				$where = "WHERE $where";
+            $query = "SELECT * FROM ".$this->getPrefix()."users $where ORDER BY id ASC";
+            $result = $this->Execute( $query, $page, $itemsPerPage );
+            $users = Array();			
+			if( !$result )
+				return $users;
+            while ($row = $result->FetchRow()) {
+				$user = $this->mapRow( $row );
+                $users[] = $user;
+				// cache the data for later use
+				$this->_cache->setData( $user->getId(), CACHE_USERINFO, $user );
+				$this->_cache->setData( $user->getUsername(), CACHE_USERIDBYNAME, $user );
+			}
+            return $users;
+        }
+        /**
+        * @see Model::buildSearchCondition
+        */
+        function buildSearchCondition( $searchTerms )
+        {
+            $searchTerms = trim( $searchTerms );
+            $searchCond = "(user LIKE '%".Db::qstr($searchTerms)."%' 
+                           OR full_name LIKE '%".Db::qstr($searchTerms)."%' OR 
+                           email LIKE '%".Db::qstr($searchTerms)."%')";
+            return( $searchCond );
+        }
+        /**
+        * Updates the information related to a user
+        *
+        * @param userInfo An UserInfo object containing the <b>already udpated</b> information of the
+        * user we would like to update.
+        * @return Returns true if ok or false otherwise.
+        */
+        function updateUser( $user )
+        {
+        	$result = $this->update( $user );
+			if( $result ) {
+				// remove the old data
+	            $this->_cache->removeData( $user->getId(), CACHE_USERINFO );
+    	        $this->_cache->removeData( $user->getUsername(), CACHE_USERIDBYNAME );
+    	    }
+            BaseUserDataProvider::updateUser( $user );
+            return $result;
+        }
+        /**
+        * Adds a user to the database.
+        *
+        * @param user An UserInfo object with the necessary information
+        * @return Returns the identifier assigned to the user, or false if there was any error. It will also modify the
+        * UserInfo object passed by parameter and set its database id.
+        */
+        function addUser( &$user )
+        {
+        	$userId = $this->add( $user );
+			if( $userId ) {
+				// 1. We need to set the password again in this initial UserInfo object, because 
+				//    current password is plain password. Through setPassword() we can encrpyt the password
+				//    and make the UserInfo object right, then we can cache it. Or user can not login even
+				//    we addUser() successfully.
+				// 2. Another easy way to solve this is remove the cache code below, don't cache the UserInfo
+				//    Object in the first time. Let it cache later.
+				$user->setMD5Password( $user->getPassword() );
+	        	$this->_cache->setData( $user->getId(), CACHE_USERINFO, $user );
+    	    	$this->_cache->setData( $user->getUsername(), CACHE_USERIDBYNAME, $user );
+    	    }
+        	return( $userId );
+        }
+        /**
+        * Returns an array with all the users that belong to the given
+        * blog.
+        *
+        * @param blogId The blog identifier.
+        * @param includeOwner Wether to include the owner of the blog or not.
+        * @param status
+        * @param searchTerms
+        * @return An array with the information about the users who belong in
+        * one way or another to that blog.
+        */
+        function getBlogUsers( $blogId, $includeOwner = true, $status = USER_STATUS_ALL, $searchTerms = "" )
+        {
+            $users = Array();
+	        $prefix = $this->getPrefix();
+            // get the information about the owner, if requested so
+            if( $includeOwner ) {
+                $query = "SELECT {$prefix}users.* FROM {$prefix}users, {$prefix}blogs 
+                          WHERE {$prefix}users.id = {$prefix}blogs.owner_id AND {$prefix}blogs.id = '".Db::qstr($blogId)."';";
+                $result = $this->Execute( $query );
+                if( !$result )
+                    return false;
+                $row = $result->FetchRow();
+                array_push( $users, $this->mapRow( $row ));
+            }
+            // now get the other users who have permission for that blog.
+            $query2 = "SELECT {$prefix}users.* FROM {$prefix}users, {$prefix}users_permissions 
+                       WHERE {$prefix}users.id = {$prefix}users_permissions.user_id 
+                       AND {$prefix}users_permissions.blog_id = '".Db::qstr($blogId)."';";
+            $result2 = $this->Execute( $query2 );
+            if( !$result2 ) // if error, return what we have so far...
+                return $users;
+            while( $row = $result2->FetchRow()) {
+                array_push( $users, $this->mapRow($row));
+            }
+            return $users;
+        }
+        /**
+        * Removes users from the database
+        *
+        * @param userId The identifier of the user we are trying to remove
+        */
+        function deleteUser( $userId )
+        {
+            // first, delete all of his/her permissions
+            if( $this->delete( $userId )) {            
+	    		include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/userpermissions.class.php" );
+    	        $perms = new UserPermissions();
+        	    $perms->revokeUserPermissions( $userId );
+        	    $this->_cache->removeData( $userId, CACHE_USERINFO );                        
+            }
+            else
+            	return( false );
+        }  
+        /**
+        * removes all users that have 'deleted' status
+        *
+        * @return Returns true if all users were deleted or false otherwise.
+        */        
+        function purgeUsers()
+        {
+            // we first need to delete all resources/album belong to the blog, 
+            // we don't need to care if the ablum has sub album, resource, we
+            // just delete all albums, resources that belong the blog which is
+            // being deleted as a result of deleting the blog's owner
+            // first delete all resources
+    		include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/gallery/dao/galleryresources.class.php" );              
+            $galleryresources = new GalleryResources();
+            $r_query = "SELECT gr.id AS id, gr.owner_id as owner_id 
+            					  FROM ".$this->getPrefix()."gallery_resources AS gr, ".$this->getPrefix()."blogs AS b, ".$this->getPrefix()."users AS u
+            					  WHERE gr.owner_id=b.id AND b.owner_id=u.id AND u.status = 2";            					 
+            $r_result = $this->Execute( $r_query );     
+            if( !$r_result )
+                return false;
+            while( $r_row = $r_result->FetchRow()) {
+            	$galleryresources->deleteResource( $r_row["id"], $r_row["owner_id"] );
+            }
+            // now delete album
+            $galleryalbums = new GalleryAlbums();
+            $al_query = "SELECT ga.id AS id, ga.owner_id as owner_id 
+            					  FROM ".$this->getPrefix()."gallery_albums AS ga, ".$this->getPrefix()."blogs AS b, ".$this->getPrefix()."users AS u
+            					  WHERE ga.owner_id=b.id AND b.owner_id=u.id AND u.status = 2";            				   
+            $al_result = $this->Execute( $al_query );     
+            if( !$al_result )
+                return false;
+            while( $al_row = $al_result->FetchRow()) {
+            	$galleryalbums->deleteAlbum( $al_row["id"], $al_row["owner_id"] );
+            }
+            // check if the deleted user owns any blog, if they does, delete the blog
+            // the deleteBlog function will take care of deleting articles etc...            
+    		include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/blogs.class.php" );            
+            $blogs = new Blogs();             
+            $userfolder = new GalleryResourceStorage();                        
+            $b_query = "SELECT b.id 
+            					  FROM ".$this->getPrefix()."blogs AS b, ".$this->getPrefix()."users AS u 
+            					  WHERE b.owner_id=u.id AND u.status = 2";            					
+            $b_result = $this->Execute( $b_query );     
+            if( !$b_result )
+                return false;
+            while( $b_row = $b_result->FetchRow()) {
+            	$blogs->deleteBlog( $b_row["id"] );            	
+            	// since the deleteResource doesn't take care of deleting all the user folder
+            	// and now that we have the blog id here, we can use the deleteDir function
+            	// to delete all uder folders and sub folders :)
+            	$filePath = $userfolder->getUserFolder( $b_row["id"] );  
+            	File::deleteDir( $filePath, true, false );
+            }            
+            // now we need to check if user belong to any other blog and have made any posts
+            // at the moment, we cannot dertermine which resource was posted by which user
+            // so when user is deleted, resource posted by him/her will stay intact in the blog
+            // maybe we should notify the blog owner that his member was deleted?						
+						$articles = new Articles();
+						$a_query = "SELECT a.id AS id, a.user_id AS user_id, a.blog_id AS blog_id
+											  FROM ".$this->getPrefix()."articles AS a, ".$this->getPrefix()."users AS u 
+					 						  WHERE a.user_id=u.id AND u.status = 2";   
+            $a_result = $this->Execute( $a_query );
+            if( !$a_result )
+                return false;
+            while( $a_row = $a_result->FetchRow()) {
+            	$articles->deleteArticle( $a_row["id"], $a_row["user_id"], $a_row["blog_id"], true );          	
+            }            
+            // finally remove the user                                 
+            $u_query = "SELECT * FROM ".$this->getPrefix()."users WHERE status = 2";
+            $u_result = $this->Execute( $u_query );
+            if( !$u_result )
+                return false;
+            while( $u_row = $u_result->FetchRow()) {
+                $this->deleteUser( $u_row["id"] );
+            }            
+            return true;
+    	}
+        /**
+        * returns the total number of users
+        *
+        * @return total number of users
+        */
+        function getNumUsers( $status = USER_STATUS_ALL, $searchTerms = "" )
+        {
+            $table = $this->getPrefix()."users";
+	    	if( $status != USER_STATUS_ALL )
+	    		$where = "status = '".Db::qstr($status)."'";
+			$where = "";
+	    	if( $searchTerms != "" ) {
+				if( $where != "" )
+					$where .= " AND ";
+	    	    $where = $this->getSearchConditions( $searchTerms );
+			}
+			return( $this->getNumItems( $table, $where ));
+        }
+        /**
+        * check if the email account has been registered
+        * @return true if the email account has been registered
+        */
+        function emailExists($email) 
+		{
+            $query = "SELECT email 
+                      FROM ".$this->getPrefix()."users 
+                      WHERE email = '".Db::qstr($email)."'";
+            $result = $this->Execute($query);
+            if($result && $result->RecordCount() >= 1)
+                return true;
+            else 
+                return false;
+        }
+		/**
+		 * @see Model::getSearchConditions
+		 */
+		function getSearchConditions( $searchTerms )
+		{
+			include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/searchengine.class.php" );			
+			// prepare the query string
+			$searchTerms = SearchEngine::adaptSearchString( $searchTerms );
+			return( "(user LIKE '%".$searchTerms."%' OR full_name LIKE '%".$searchTerms."%')");
+		}
+    }

Modified: plog/trunk/config/userdata.properties.php
--- plog/trunk/config/userdata.properties.php	2006-03-20 04:37:17 UTC (rev 3089)
+++ plog/trunk/config/userdata.properties.php	2006-03-20 20:56:15 UTC (rev 3090)
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
+# Please do not edit these configuration settings unless you have read
+# and fully understood the documentation for user data providers:
+# http://wiki.lifetype.net/index.php/User_data_providers
 # Default user data provider, plog's own one
@@ -8,14 +13,35 @@
-# PHPBB2 user data provider -- Not implemented yet
+# PHPBB2 user data provider
 /*$config = Array( 
   "provider" => "PhpBB2UserDataProvider",
   "createBlogIfNotExisting" => true,
   "database" => "phpbb2",
-  "user" => "xxx",
-  "password" => "yyy",
+  "user" => "root",
+  "password" => "",
   "prefix" => "phpbb_"
+# Simple PostNuke user data provider
+/*$config = Array( 
+  // general
+  "provider" => "SimplePostNukeUserDataProvider",
+  "createBlogIfNotExisting" => true,
+  // PostNuke db connection
+  "host" => "localhost",
+  "database" => "postnuke76",
+  "user" => "root",
+  "password" => "",
+  "prefix" => "pn_",
+  // This string gets appended to the username and results
+  // in "Username's Weblog"
+  "blogtitle_postfix" => "'s Weblog"
\ No newline at end of file

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