[pLog-svn] Smarty caching problem

Christoph Feddersen feddersen at herr-der-ringe-film.de
Sun Jan 29 10:08:24 GMT 2006

Jon Daley wrote:
>> On Sat, 28 Jan 2006, Christoph Feddersen wrote:
>>> Just curious, because the {dynamic} blogs and non cacheable plugins
>>> obviously don't work with PHP 5.1.x.
>     What does this mean?  The documentation doesn't say anything about
> it, does it?

According to their changelog, they're currently working on PHP 5.1
support: http://smarty.php.net/misc/NEWS

 - fix improper use of references in the compiler handling cached
   attributes and in compiled code handling block plugins (messju)

> Can you put {dynamic} in your template code and put
> something that prints out the date inside, and see if it changes?

I'm not sure if my test case can be used for plugins also, but here's my


$smarty = new Smarty;
$smarty->caching = true;

function smarty_block_dynamic($param, $content, &$smarty) {
    return $content;
$smarty->register_block('dynamic', 'smarty_block_dynamic', false);


Page created: {"0"|date_format:"%D %H:%M:%S"}
<br />

Now is: {"0"|date_format:"%D %H:%M:%S"}

... do other stuff ...

<br />
Now including template a:
{include file="a.tpl" }


I'm template "a.tpl" <br />

Page created: {"0"|date_format:"%D %H:%M:%S"}
 <br />

Now is: {"0"|date_format:"%D %H:%M:%S"} <br />

... do other stuff ...


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