[pLog-svn] Roadmap/performance

Christoph Feddersen feddersen at herr-der-ringe-film.de
Tue Jan 17 20:22:58 GMT 2006

Jon Daley wrote:
>     The problem with both number 1 and 2 is the html is cached (and you 
> really want it to be - pages are much faster if caching is on).
>     So, if the first person to view your page is an admin, the 
> administrative link will be cached for the second person.
>     I think the key is to either use an ajax method, (Mark has been 
> looking into that some) or to get the {dynamic} tag to work with 
> plugins, but I spent a couple hours a couple weeks ago, and could not 
> trick smarty into letting me have a plugin object within a {dynamic} 
> block.  It works fine if you allow {php} blocks in your templates, that 
> isn't cached, or at least, you have have the {php} blocks enclosed in a 
> {dynamic} block.

I don't think that it's a good idea to rely on ajax magic for this. If 
you can provide me a short example of the what you tried to do with 
{dynamic} in the plugins, I'll have a look at it.
It should be possible to load non cacheable data into smarty templates. 
Maybe a custom plugin for smarty can do this.

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