[pLog-svn] r2803 - in plog/trunk/js: . JSCookMenu JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice

mark at devel.lifetype.net mark at devel.lifetype.net
Tue Jan 17 18:15:31 GMT 2006

Author: mark
Date: 2006-01-17 18:15:30 +0000 (Tue, 17 Jan 2006)
New Revision: 2803

Import the JSCookMenu again. Previous "jscookmenu" can work for windows but not linux, becasue linux is case senstive.

Added: plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/JSCookMenu.js
--- plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/JSCookMenu.js	2006-01-17 18:13:15 UTC (rev 2802)
+++ plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/JSCookMenu.js	2006-01-17 18:15:30 UTC (rev 2803)
@@ -0,0 +1,1146 @@
+	JSCookMenu v1.4.4.  (c) Copyright 2002-2005 by Heng Yuan
+	Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+	copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+	to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+	the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+	and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+	Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+	The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+	in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+// Globals
+var _cmIDCount = 0;
+var _cmIDName = 'cmSubMenuID';		// for creating submenu id
+var _cmTimeOut = null;			// how long the menu would stay
+var _cmCurrentItem = null;		// the current menu item being selected;
+var _cmNoAction = new Object ();	// indicate that the item cannot be hovered.
+var _cmNoClick = new Object ();		// similar to _cmNoAction but does not respond to mouseup/mousedown events
+var _cmSplit = new Object ();		// indicate that the item is a menu split
+var _cmItemList = new Array ();		// a simple list of items
+// default node properties
+var _cmNodeProperties =
+  	// main menu display attributes
+  	//
+  	// Note.  When the menu bar is horizontal,
+  	// mainFolderLeft and mainFolderRight are
+  	// put in <span></span>.  When the menu
+  	// bar is vertical, they would be put in
+  	// a separate TD cell.
+  	// HTML code to the left of the folder item
+  	mainFolderLeft: '',
+  	// HTML code to the right of the folder item
+  	mainFolderRight: '',
+	// HTML code to the left of the regular item
+	mainItemLeft: '',
+	// HTML code to the right of the regular item
+	mainItemRight: '',
+	// sub menu display attributes
+	// HTML code to the left of the folder item
+	folderLeft: '',
+	// HTML code to the right of the folder item
+	folderRight: '',
+	// HTML code to the left of the regular item
+	itemLeft: '',
+	// HTML code to the right of the regular item
+	itemRight: '',
+	// cell spacing for main menu
+	mainSpacing: 0,
+	// cell spacing for sub menus
+	subSpacing: 0,
+	// auto disappear time for submenus in milli-seconds
+	delay: 500,
+	// act on click to open sub menu
+	// not yet implemented
+	// 0 : use default behavior
+	// 1 : hover open in all cases
+	// 2 : click on main, hover on sub
+	// 3 : click open in all cases
+	clickOpen: 1
+// Drawing Functions and Utility Functions
+// produce a new unique id
+function cmNewID ()
+	return _cmIDName + (++_cmIDCount);
+// return the property string for the menu item
+function cmActionItem (item, prefix, isMain, idSub, orient, nodeProperties)
+	var clickOpen = _cmNodeProperties.clickOpen;
+	if (nodeProperties.clickOpen)
+		clickOpen = nodeProperties.clickOpen;
+	// var index = _cmItemList.push (item) - 1;
+	_cmItemList[_cmItemList.length] = item;
+	var index = _cmItemList.length - 1;
+	idSub = (!idSub) ? 'null' : ('\'' + idSub + '\'');
+	orient = '\'' + orient + '\'';
+	prefix = '\'' + prefix + '\'';
+	var onClick = (clickOpen == 3) || (clickOpen == 2 && isMain);
+	var returnStr;
+	if (onClick)
+		returnStr = ' onmouseover="cmItemMouseOver (this,' + prefix + ',' + isMain + ',' + idSub + ',' + index + ')" onmousedown="cmItemMouseDownOpenSub (this,' + index + ',' + prefix + ',' + orient + ',' + idSub + ')"';
+	else
+		returnStr = ' onmouseover="cmItemMouseOverOpenSub (this,' + prefix + ',' + isMain + ',' + idSub + ',' + orient + ',' + index + ')" onmousedown="cmItemMouseDown (this,' + index + ')"';
+	return returnStr + ' onmouseout="cmItemMouseOut (this,' + nodeProperties.delay + ')" onmouseup="cmItemMouseUp (this,' + index + ')"';
+// this one is used by _cmNoClick to only take care of onmouseover and onmouseout
+// events which are associated with menu but not actions associated with menu clicking/closing
+function cmNoClickItem (item, prefix, isMain, idSub, orient, nodeProperties)
+	// var index = _cmItemList.push (item) - 1;
+	_cmItemList[_cmItemList.length] = item;
+	var index = _cmItemList.length - 1;
+	idSub = (!idSub) ? 'null' : ('\'' + idSub + '\'');
+	orient = '\'' + orient + '\'';
+	prefix = '\'' + prefix + '\'';
+	return ' onmouseover="cmItemMouseOver (this,' + prefix + ',' + isMain + ',' + idSub + ',' + index + ')" onmouseout="cmItemMouseOut (this,' + nodeProperties.delay + ')"';
+function cmNoActionItem (item, prefix)
+	return item[1];
+function cmSplitItem (prefix, isMain, vertical)
+	var classStr = 'cm' + prefix;
+	if (isMain)
+	{
+		classStr += 'Main';
+		if (vertical)
+			classStr += 'HSplit';
+		else
+			classStr += 'VSplit';
+	}
+	else
+		classStr += 'HSplit';
+	return eval (classStr);
+// draw the sub menu recursively
+function cmDrawSubMenu (subMenu, prefix, id, orient, nodeProperties)
+	var str = '<div class="' + prefix + 'SubMenu" id="' + id + '"><table summary="sub menu" cellspacing="' + nodeProperties.subSpacing + '" class="' + prefix + 'SubMenuTable">';
+	var strSub = '';
+	var item;
+	var idSub;
+	var hasChild;
+	var i;
+	var classStr;
+	for (i = 5; i < subMenu.length; ++i)
+	{
+		item = subMenu[i];
+		if (!item)
+			continue;
+		if (item == _cmSplit)
+			item = cmSplitItem (prefix, 0, true);
+		hasChild = (item.length > 5);
+		idSub = hasChild ? cmNewID () : null;
+		str += '<tr class="' + prefix + 'MenuItem"';
+		if (item[0] != _cmNoClick)
+			str += cmActionItem (item, prefix, 0, idSub, orient, nodeProperties);
+		else
+			str += cmNoClickItem (item, prefix, 0, idSub, orient, nodeProperties);
+		str += '>'
+		if (item[0] == _cmNoAction || item[0] == _cmNoClick)
+		{
+			str += cmNoActionItem (item, prefix);
+			str += '</tr>';
+			continue;
+		}
+		classStr = prefix + 'Menu';
+		classStr += hasChild ? 'Folder' : 'Item';
+		str += '<td class="' + classStr + 'Left">';
+		if (item[0] != null)
+			str += item[0];
+		else
+			str += hasChild ? nodeProperties.folderLeft : nodeProperties.itemLeft;
+		str += '</td><td class="' + classStr + 'Text">' + item[1];
+		str += '</td><td class="' + classStr + 'Right">';
+		if (hasChild)
+		{
+			str += nodeProperties.folderRight;
+			strSub += cmDrawSubMenu (item, prefix, idSub, orient, nodeProperties);
+		}
+		else
+			str += nodeProperties.itemRight;
+		str += '</td></tr>';
+	}
+	str += '</table></div>' + strSub;
+	return str;
+// The function that builds the menu inside the specified element id.
+// @param	id	id of the element
+//		orient	orientation of the menu in [hv][ab][lr] format
+//		menu	the menu object to be drawn
+//		nodeProperties	properties for each menu node
+function cmDraw (id, menu, orient, nodeProperties, prefix)
+	var obj = cmGetObject (id);
+	if (!nodeProperties)
+		nodeProperties = _cmNodeProperties;
+	if (!prefix)
+		prefix = '';
+	var str = '<table summary="main menu" class="' + prefix + 'Menu" cellspacing="' + nodeProperties.mainSpacing + '">';
+	var strSub = '';
+	if (!orient)
+		orient = 'hbr';
+	var orientStr = String (orient);
+	var orientSub;
+	var vertical;
+	// draw the main menu items
+	if (orientStr.charAt (0) == 'h')
+	{
+		// horizontal menu
+		orientSub = 'v' + orientStr.substr (1, 2);
+		str += '<tr>';
+		vertical = false;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		// vertical menu
+		orientSub = 'v' + orientStr.substr (1, 2);
+		vertical = true;
+	}
+	var i;
+	var item;
+	var idSub;
+	var hasChild;
+	var classStr;
+	for (i = 0; i < menu.length; ++i)
+	{
+		item = menu[i];
+		if (!item)
+			continue;
+		str += vertical ? '<tr' : '<td';
+		str += ' class="' + prefix + 'MainItem"';
+		hasChild = (item.length > 5);
+		idSub = hasChild ? cmNewID () : null;
+		str += cmActionItem (item, prefix, 1, idSub, orient, nodeProperties) + '>';
+		if (item == _cmSplit)
+			item = cmSplitItem (prefix, 1, vertical);
+		if (item[0] == _cmNoAction || item[0] == _cmNoClick)
+		{
+			str += cmNoActionItem (item, prefix);
+			str += vertical? '</tr>' : '</td>';
+			continue;
+		}
+		classStr = prefix + 'Main' + (hasChild ? 'Folder' : 'Item');
+		str += vertical ? '<td' : '<span';
+		str += ' class="' + classStr + 'Left">';
+		str += (item[0] == null) ? (hasChild ? nodeProperties.mainFolderLeft : nodeProperties.mainItemLeft)
+					 : item[0];
+		str += vertical ? '</td>' : '</span>';
+		str += vertical ? '<td' : '<span';
+		str += ' class="' + classStr + 'Text">';
+		str += item[1];
+		str += vertical ? '</td>' : '</span>';
+		str += vertical ? '<td' : '<span';
+		str += ' class="' + classStr + 'Right">';
+		str += hasChild ? nodeProperties.mainFolderRight : nodeProperties.mainItemRight;
+		str += vertical ? '</td>' : '</span>';
+		str += vertical ? '</tr>' : '</td>';
+		if (hasChild)
+			strSub += cmDrawSubMenu (item, prefix, idSub, orientSub, nodeProperties);
+	}
+	if (!vertical)
+		str += '</tr>';
+	str += '</table>' + strSub;
+	obj.innerHTML = str;
+	//document.write ("<xmp>" + str + "</xmp>");
+// The function builds the menu inside the specified element id.
+// This function is similar to cmDraw except that menu is taken from HTML node
+// rather a javascript tree.  This feature allows links to be scanned by search
+// bots.
+// This function basically converts HTML node to a javascript tree, and then calls
+// cmDraw to draw the actual menu, replacing the hidden menu tree.
+// Format:
+//	<div id="menu">
+//		<ul style="visibility: hidden">
+//			<li><span>icon</span><a href="link" title="description">main menu text</a>
+//				<ul>
+//					<li><span>icon</span><a href="link" title="description">submenu item</a>
+//					</li>
+//				</ul>
+//			</li>
+//		</ul>
+//	</div>
+function cmDrawFromText (id, orient, nodeProperties, prefix)
+	var domMenu = cmGetObject (id);
+	var menu = null;
+	for (var currentDomItem = domMenu.firstChild; currentDomItem; currentDomItem = currentDomItem.nextSibling)
+	{
+		if (!currentDomItem.tagName || currentDomItem.tagName.toLowerCase () != 'ul')
+			continue;
+		menu = cmDrawFromTextSubMenu (currentDomItem);
+		break;
+	}
+	if (menu)
+		cmDraw (id, menu, orient, nodeProperties, prefix);
+// a recursive function that build menu tree structure
+function cmDrawFromTextSubMenu (domMenu)
+	var items = new Array ();
+	for (var currentDomItem = domMenu.firstChild; currentDomItem; currentDomItem = currentDomItem.nextSibling)
+	{
+		if (!currentDomItem.tagName || currentDomItem.tagName.toLowerCase () != 'li')
+			continue;
+		if (currentDomItem.firstChild == null)
+		{
+			items[items.length] = _cmSplit;
+			continue;
+		}
+		var item = new Array ();
+		var currentItem = currentDomItem.firstChild;
+		for (; currentItem; currentItem = currentItem.nextSibling)
+		{
+			// scan for span tag
+			if (!currentItem.tagName || currentItem.tagName.toLowerCase () != 'span')
+				continue;
+			if (!currentItem.firstChild)
+				item[0] = null;
+			else
+				item[0] = currentItem.innerHTML;
+			break;
+		}
+		if (!currentItem)
+			continue;
+		for (; currentItem; currentItem = currentItem.nextSibling)
+		{
+			// scan for span tag
+			if (!currentItem.tagName || currentItem.tagName.toLowerCase () != 'a')
+				continue;
+			item[1] = currentItem.innerHTML;
+			item[2] = currentItem.href;
+			item[3] = currentItem.target;
+			item[4] = currentItem.title;
+			if (item[4] == '')
+				item[4] = null;
+			break;
+		}
+		for (; currentItem; currentItem = currentItem.nextSibling)
+		{
+			// scan for span tag
+			if (!currentItem.tagName || currentItem.tagName.toLowerCase () != 'ul')
+				continue;
+			var subMenuItems = cmDrawFromTextSubMenu (currentItem);
+			for (i = 0; i < subMenuItems.length; ++i)
+				item[i + 5] = subMenuItems[i];
+			break;
+		}
+		items[items.length] = item;
+	}
+	return items;
+// Mouse Event Handling Functions
+// action should be taken for mouse moving in to the menu item
+// Here we just do things concerning this menu item, w/o opening sub menus.
+function cmItemMouseOver (obj, prefix, isMain, idSub, index)
+	clearTimeout (_cmTimeOut);
+	if (!obj.cmPrefix)
+	{
+		obj.cmPrefix = prefix;
+		obj.cmIsMain = isMain;
+	}
+	var thisMenu = cmGetThisMenu (obj, prefix);
+	// insert obj into cmItems if cmItems doesn't have obj
+	if (!thisMenu.cmItems)
+		thisMenu.cmItems = new Array ();
+	var i;
+	for (i = 0; i < thisMenu.cmItems.length; ++i)
+	{
+		if (thisMenu.cmItems[i] == obj)
+			break;
+	}
+	if (i == thisMenu.cmItems.length)
+	{
+		//thisMenu.cmItems.push (obj);
+		thisMenu.cmItems[i] = obj;
+	}
+	// hide the previous submenu that is not this branch
+	if (_cmCurrentItem)
+	{
+		// occationally, we get this case when user
+		// move the mouse slowly to the border
+		if (_cmCurrentItem == obj || _cmCurrentItem == thisMenu)
+		{
+			var item = _cmItemList[index];
+			cmSetStatus (item);
+			return;
+		}
+		var thatPrefix = _cmCurrentItem.cmPrefix;
+		var thatMenu = cmGetThisMenu (_cmCurrentItem, thatPrefix);
+		if (thatMenu != thisMenu.cmParentMenu)
+		{
+			if (_cmCurrentItem.cmIsMain)
+				_cmCurrentItem.className = thatPrefix + 'MainItem';
+			else
+				_cmCurrentItem.className = thatPrefix + 'MenuItem';
+			if (thatMenu.id != idSub)
+				cmHideMenu (thatMenu, thisMenu, thatPrefix);
+		}
+	}
+	// okay, set the current menu to this obj
+	_cmCurrentItem = obj;
+	// just in case, reset all items in this menu to MenuItem
+	cmResetMenu (thisMenu, prefix);
+	var item = _cmItemList[index];
+	var isDefaultItem = cmIsDefaultItem (item);
+	if (isDefaultItem)
+	{
+		if (isMain)
+			obj.className = prefix + 'MainItemHover';
+		else
+			obj.className = prefix + 'MenuItemHover';
+	}
+	cmSetStatus (item);
+// action should be taken for mouse moving in to the menu item
+// This function also opens sub menu
+function cmItemMouseOverOpenSub (obj, prefix, isMain, idSub, orient, index)
+	cmItemMouseOver (obj, prefix, isMain, idSub, index);
+	if (idSub)
+	{
+		var subMenu = cmGetObject (idSub);
+		cmShowSubMenu (obj, prefix, subMenu, orient);
+	}
+// action should be taken for mouse moving out of the menu item
+function cmItemMouseOut (obj, delayTime)
+	if (!delayTime)
+		delayTime = _cmNodeProperties.delay;
+	_cmTimeOut = window.setTimeout ('cmHideMenuTime ()', delayTime);
+	window.defaultStatus = '';
+// action should be taken for mouse button down at a menu item
+function cmItemMouseDown (obj, index)
+	if (cmIsDefaultItem (_cmItemList[index]))
+	{
+		if (obj.cmIsMain)
+			obj.className = obj.cmPrefix + 'MainItemActive';
+		else
+			obj.className = obj.cmPrefix + 'MenuItemActive';
+	}
+// action should be taken for mouse button down at a menu item
+// this is one also opens submenu if needed
+function cmItemMouseDownOpenSub (obj, index, prefix, orient, idSub)
+	cmItemMouseDown (obj, index);
+	if (idSub)
+	{
+		var subMenu = cmGetObject (idSub);
+		cmShowSubMenu (obj, prefix, subMenu, orient);
+	}
+// action should be taken for mouse button up at a menu item
+function cmItemMouseUp (obj, index)
+	var item = _cmItemList[index];
+	var link = null, target = '_self';
+	if (item.length > 2)
+		link = item[2];
+	if (item.length > 3 && item[3])
+		target = item[3];
+	if (link != null)
+	{
+		window.open (link, target);
+	}
+	var prefix = obj.cmPrefix;
+	var thisMenu = cmGetThisMenu (obj, prefix);
+	var hasChild = (item.length > 5);
+	if (!hasChild)
+	{
+		if (cmIsDefaultItem (item))
+		{
+			if (obj.cmIsMain)
+				obj.className = prefix + 'MainItem';
+			else
+				obj.className = prefix + 'MenuItem';
+		}
+		cmHideMenu (thisMenu, null, prefix);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		if (cmIsDefaultItem (item))
+		{
+			if (obj.cmIsMain)
+				obj.className = prefix + 'MainItemHover';
+			else
+				obj.className = prefix + 'MenuItemHover';
+		}
+	}
+// Mouse Event Support Utility Functions
+// move submenu to the appropriate location
+// @param	obj	the menu item that opens up the subMenu
+//		subMenu	the sub menu to be shown
+//		orient	the orientation of the subMenu
+function cmMoveSubMenu (obj, subMenu, orient)
+	var mode = String (orient);
+	var p = subMenu.offsetParent;
+	var subMenuWidth = cmGetWidth (subMenu);
+	var horiz = cmGetHorizontalAlign (obj, mode, p, subMenuWidth);
+	if (mode.charAt (0) == 'h')
+	{
+		if (mode.charAt (1) == 'b')
+			subMenu.style.top = (cmGetYAt (obj, p) + cmGetHeight (obj)) + 'px';
+		else
+			subMenu.style.top = (cmGetYAt (obj, p) - cmGetHeight (subMenu)) + 'px';
+		if (horiz == 'r')
+			subMenu.style.left = (cmGetXAt (obj, p)) + 'px';
+		else
+			subMenu.style.left = (cmGetXAt (obj, p) + cmGetWidth (obj) - subMenuWidth) + 'px';
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		if (horiz == 'r')
+			subMenu.style.left = (cmGetXAt (obj, p) + cmGetWidth (obj)) + 'px';
+		else
+			subMenu.style.left = (cmGetXAt (obj, p) - subMenuWidth) + 'px';
+		if (mode.charAt (1) == 'b')
+			subMenu.style.top = (cmGetYAt (obj, p)) + 'px';
+		else
+			subMenu.style.top = (cmGetYAt (obj, p) + cmGetHeight (obj) - cmGetHeight (subMenu)) + 'px';
+	}
+// automatically re-adjust the menu position based on available screen size.
+function cmGetHorizontalAlign (obj, mode, p, subMenuWidth)
+	var horiz = mode.charAt (2);
+	if (!(document.body))
+		return horiz;
+	var body = document.body;
+	var browserLeft;
+	var browserRight;
+	if (window.innerWidth)
+	{
+		// DOM window attributes
+		browserLeft = window.pageXOffset;
+		browserRight = window.innerWidth + browserLeft;
+	}
+	else if (body.clientWidth)
+	{
+		// IE attributes
+		browserLeft = body.clientLeft;
+		browserRight = body.clientWidth + browserLeft;
+	}
+	else
+		return horiz;
+	if (mode.charAt (0) == 'h')
+	{
+		if (horiz == 'r' && (cmGetXAt (obj) + subMenuWidth) > browserRight)
+			horiz = 'l';
+		if (horiz == 'l' && (cmGetXAt (obj) + cmGetWidth (obj) - subMenuWidth) < browserLeft)
+			horiz = 'r';
+		return horiz;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		if (horiz == 'r' && (cmGetXAt (obj, p) + cmGetWidth (obj) + subMenuWidth) > browserRight)
+			horiz = 'l';
+		if (horiz == 'l' && (cmGetXAt (obj, p) - subMenuWidth) < browserLeft)
+			horiz = 'r';
+		return horiz;
+	}
+// show the subMenu w/ specified orientation
+// also move it to the correct coordinates
+// @param	obj	the menu item that opens up the subMenu
+//		subMenu	the sub menu to be shown
+//		orient	the orientation of the subMenu
+function cmShowSubMenu (obj, prefix, subMenu, orient)
+	if (!subMenu.cmParentMenu)
+	{
+		// establish the tree w/ back edge
+		var thisMenu = cmGetThisMenu (obj, prefix);
+		subMenu.cmParentMenu = thisMenu;
+		if (!thisMenu.cmSubMenu)
+			thisMenu.cmSubMenu = new Array ();
+		//thisMenu.cmSubMenu.push (subMenu);
+		thisMenu.cmSubMenu[thisMenu.cmSubMenu.length] = subMenu;
+	}
+	// position the sub menu
+	cmMoveSubMenu (obj, subMenu, orient);
+	subMenu.style.visibility = 'visible';
+	//
+	// On IE, controls such as SELECT, OBJECT, IFRAME (before 5.5)
+	// are window based controls.  So, if the sub menu and these
+	// controls overlap, sub menu would be hidden behind them.  Thus
+	// one needs to turn the visibility of these controls off when the
+	// sub menu is showing, and turn their visibility back on
+	// when the sub menu is hiding.
+	//
+	if (document.all)	// it is IE
+	{
+		/* part of Felix Zaslavskiy's fix on hiding controls
+		   not really sure if this part is necessary, but shouldn't
+		   hurt. */
+		if (!subMenu.cmOverlap)
+			subMenu.cmOverlap = new Array ();
+/*@cc_on @*/
+/*@if (@_jscript_version >= 5.5)
+ at else @*/
+		cmHideControl ("IFRAME", subMenu);
+/*@end @*/
+		cmHideControl ("SELECT", subMenu);
+		cmHideControl ("OBJECT", subMenu);
+	}
+// reset all the menu items to class MenuItem in thisMenu
+function cmResetMenu (thisMenu, prefix)
+	if (thisMenu.cmItems)
+	{
+		var i;
+		var str;
+		var items = thisMenu.cmItems;
+		for (i = 0; i < items.length; ++i)
+		{
+			if (items[i].cmIsMain)
+				str = prefix + 'MainItem';
+			else
+				str = prefix + 'MenuItem';
+			if (items[i].className != str)
+				items[i].className = str;
+		}
+	}
+// called by the timer to hide the menu
+function cmHideMenuTime ()
+	if (_cmCurrentItem)
+	{
+		var prefix = _cmCurrentItem.cmPrefix;
+		cmHideMenu (cmGetThisMenu (_cmCurrentItem, prefix), null, prefix);
+		_cmCurrentItem = null;
+	}
+// hide thisMenu, children of thisMenu, as well as the ancestor
+// of thisMenu until currentMenu is encountered.  currentMenu
+// will not be hidden
+function cmHideMenu (thisMenu, currentMenu, prefix)
+	var str = prefix + 'SubMenu';
+	// hide the down stream menus
+	if (thisMenu.cmSubMenu)
+	{
+		var i;
+		for (i = 0; i < thisMenu.cmSubMenu.length; ++i)
+		{
+			cmHideSubMenu (thisMenu.cmSubMenu[i], prefix);
+		}
+	}
+	// hide the upstream menus
+	while (thisMenu && thisMenu != currentMenu)
+	{
+		cmResetMenu (thisMenu, prefix);
+		if (thisMenu.className == str)
+		{
+			thisMenu.style.visibility = 'hidden';
+			cmShowControl (thisMenu);
+		}
+		else
+			break;
+		thisMenu = cmGetThisMenu (thisMenu.cmParentMenu, prefix);
+	}
+// hide thisMenu as well as its sub menus if thisMenu is not
+// already hidden
+function cmHideSubMenu (thisMenu, prefix)
+	if (thisMenu.style.visibility == 'hidden')
+		return;
+	if (thisMenu.cmSubMenu)
+	{
+		var i;
+		for (i = 0; i < thisMenu.cmSubMenu.length; ++i)
+		{
+			cmHideSubMenu (thisMenu.cmSubMenu[i], prefix);
+		}
+	}
+	cmResetMenu (thisMenu, prefix);
+	thisMenu.style.visibility = 'hidden';
+	cmShowControl (thisMenu);
+// hide a control such as IFRAME
+function cmHideControl (tagName, subMenu)
+	var x = cmGetX (subMenu);
+	var y = cmGetY (subMenu);
+	var w = subMenu.offsetWidth;
+	var h = subMenu.offsetHeight;
+	var i;
+	for (i = 0; i < document.all.tags(tagName).length; ++i)
+	{
+		var obj = document.all.tags(tagName)[i];
+		if (!obj || !obj.offsetParent)
+			continue;
+		// check if the object and the subMenu overlap
+		var ox = cmGetX (obj);
+		var oy = cmGetY (obj);
+		var ow = obj.offsetWidth;
+		var oh = obj.offsetHeight;
+		if (ox > (x + w) || (ox + ow) < x)
+			continue;
+		if (oy > (y + h) || (oy + oh) < y)
+			continue;
+		// if object is already made hidden by a different
+		// submenu then we dont want to put it on overlap list of
+		// of a submenu a second time.
+		// - bug fixed by Felix Zaslavskiy
+		if(obj.style.visibility == "hidden")
+			continue;
+		//subMenu.cmOverlap.push (obj);
+		subMenu.cmOverlap[subMenu.cmOverlap.length] = obj;
+		obj.style.visibility = "hidden";
+	}
+// show the control hidden by the subMenu
+function cmShowControl (subMenu)
+	if (subMenu.cmOverlap)
+	{
+		var i;
+		for (i = 0; i < subMenu.cmOverlap.length; ++i)
+			subMenu.cmOverlap[i].style.visibility = "";
+	}
+	subMenu.cmOverlap = null;
+// returns the main menu or the submenu table where this obj (menu item)
+// is in
+function cmGetThisMenu (obj, prefix)
+	var str1 = prefix + 'SubMenu';
+	var str2 = prefix + 'Menu';
+	while (obj)
+	{
+		if (obj.className == str1 || obj.className == str2)
+			return obj;
+		obj = obj.parentNode;
+	}
+	return null;
+// return true if this item is handled using default handlers
+function cmIsDefaultItem (item)
+	if (item == _cmSplit || item[0] == _cmNoAction || item[0] == _cmNoClick)
+		return false;
+	return true;
+// returns the object baring the id
+function cmGetObject (id)
+	if (document.all)
+		return document.all[id];
+	return document.getElementById (id);
+// functions that obtain the width of an HTML element.
+function cmGetWidth (obj)
+	var width = obj.offsetWidth;
+	if (width > 0 || !cmIsTRNode (obj))
+		return width;
+	if (!obj.firstChild)
+		return 0;
+	// use TABLE's length can cause an extra pixel gap
+	//return obj.parentNode.parentNode.offsetWidth;
+	// use the left and right child instead
+	return obj.lastChild.offsetLeft - obj.firstChild.offsetLeft + cmGetWidth (obj.lastChild);
+// functions that obtain the height of an HTML element.
+function cmGetHeight (obj)
+	var height = obj.offsetHeight;
+	if (height > 0 || !cmIsTRNode (obj))
+		return height;
+	if (!obj.firstChild)
+		return 0;
+	// use the first child's height
+	return obj.firstChild.offsetHeight;
+// functions that obtain the coordinates of an HTML element
+function cmGetX (obj)
+	var x = 0;
+	do
+	{
+		x += obj.offsetLeft;
+		obj = obj.offsetParent;
+	}
+	while (obj);
+	return x;
+function cmGetXAt (obj, elm)
+	var x = 0;
+	while (obj && obj != elm)
+	{
+		x += obj.offsetLeft;
+		obj = obj.offsetParent;
+	}
+	if (obj == elm)
+		return x;
+	return x - cmGetX (elm);
+function cmGetY (obj)
+	var y = 0;
+	do
+	{
+		y += obj.offsetTop;
+		obj = obj.offsetParent;
+	}
+	while (obj);
+	return y;
+function cmIsTRNode (obj)
+	var tagName = obj.tagName;
+	return tagName == "TR" || tagName == "tr" || tagName == "Tr" || tagName == "tR";
+// get the Y position of the object.  In case of TR element though,
+// we attempt to adjust the value.
+function cmGetYAt (obj, elm)
+	var y = 0;
+	if (!obj.offsetHeight && cmIsTRNode (obj))
+	{
+		var firstTR = obj.parentNode.firstChild;
+		obj = obj.firstChild;
+		y -= firstTR.firstChild.offsetTop;
+	}
+	while (obj && obj != elm)
+	{
+		y += obj.offsetTop;
+		obj = obj.offsetParent;
+	}
+	if (obj == elm)
+		return y;
+	return y - cmGetY (elm);
+// extract description from the menu item and set the status text
+// @param	item	the menu item
+function cmSetStatus (item)
+	var descript = '';
+	if (item.length > 4)
+		descript = (item[4] != null) ? item[4] : (item[2] ? item[2] : descript);
+	else if (item.length > 2)
+		descript = (item[2] ? item[2] : descript);
+	window.defaultStatus = descript;
+// debug function, ignore :)
+function cmGetProperties (obj)
+	if (obj == undefined)
+		return 'undefined';
+	if (obj == null)
+		return 'null';
+	var msg = obj + ':\n';
+	var i;
+	for (i in obj)
+		msg += i + ' = ' + obj[i] + '; ';
+	return msg;
+/* v1.4.4			1. a quick fix for a bug for _cmSplit checking.  reported by
+						Son Nguyen.
+/* v1.4.3			1. changed how _cmSplit is handled a bit so that _cmNoClick can work
+						properly.  All splits in predefined themes are changed to use
+						_cmNoClick instead of _cmNoAction.
+/* v1.4.2			1. fixed _cmNoClick mouse hoover bug.
+					2. fixed a statusbar text problem that cause text to disappear when
+						hoovering mouse within the same menu item.
+					3. changed the behavior of cmDrawFromText s.t. if the title of the
+						of a link is empty, the actual url is used as text.  To clear
+						this link information, title needs to be ' '.
+/* v1.4.1			1. fixed a problem introduced in 1.4 where re-entering a main menu
+						item which doesn't have a child can disable its hover setting.
+						Apparently I deleted an extra line of code when I was doing
+						cleaning up.  Reported by David Maliachi and a few others.
+/* JSCookMenu v1.4	1. fixed a minor td cell closure problem.  Thanks to Georg Lorenz
+					   <georg at lonux.de> for discovering that.
+					2. added clickOpen to nodeProperties.  See _cmNodeProperties for
+						description.  Basically menus can be opened on click only.
+					3. added an ability to draw menu from an html node instead of a javascript
+						tree, making this script search bot friendly (I hope?).
+/* JSCookMenu v1.31 1. fix a bug on IE with causes submenus to display at the top
+					   left corner due to doctype.  The fix was provided by
+					   Burton Strauss <Burton at ntopsupport.com>.
+/* JSCookMenu v1.3	1. automatically realign (left and right) the submenu when
+					   client space is not enough.
+					2. add _cmNoClick to get rid of menu closing behavior
+					   on the particular menu item, to make it possible for things
+					   such as search box to be inside the menu.
+/* JSCookMenu v1.25	1. fix Safari positioning issue.  The problem is that all TR elements are located
+					   at the top left corner.  Thus, need to obtain the "virtual"
+					   position of these element could be at.
+/* JSCookMenu v1.24	1. fix window based control hiding bug
+					   thanks to Felix Zaslavskiy <felix at bebinary.com> for the fix.
+/* JSCookMenu v1.23	1. correct a position bug when the container is positioned.
+					  thanks to Andre <anders at netspace.net.au> for narrowing down
+					  the problem.
+/* JSCookMenu v1.22	1. change Array.push (obj) call to Array[length] = obj.
+					   Suggestion from Dick van der Kaaden <dick at netrex.nl> to
+					   make the script compatible with IE 5.0
+					2. Changed theme files a little to add z-index: 100 for sub
+					   menus.  This change is necessary for Netscape to avoid
+					   a display problem.
+					3. some changes to the DOM structure to make this menu working
+					   on Netscape 6.0 (tested).  The main reason is that NN6 does
+					   not do absolute positioning with tables.  Therefore an extra
+					   div layer must be put around the table.
+/* JSCookMenu v1.21	1. fixed a bug that didn't add 'px' as part of coordinates.
+					   JSCookMenu should be XHTML validator friendly now.
+					2. removed unnecessary display attribute and corresponding
+					   theme entry to fix a problem that Netscape sometimes
+					   render Office theme incorrectly
+/* JSCookMenu v1.2.	1. fix the problem of showing status in Netscape
+					2. changed the handler parameters a bit to allow
+					   string literals to be passed to javascript based
+					   links
+					3. having null in target field would cause the link
+					   to be opened in the current window, but this behavior
+					   could change in the future releases
+/* JSCookMenu v1.1.		added ability to hide controls in IE to show submenus properly */
+/* JSCookMenu v1.01.	cmDraw generates XHTML code */
+/* JSCookMenu v1.0.		(c) Copyright 2002 by Heng Yuan */

Added: plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/arrow.gif
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/arrow.gif
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/arrowdown.gif
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/arrowdown.gif
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/blank.gif
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/blank.gif
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/copy.gif
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/copy.gif
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/copyshadow.gif
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/copyshadow.gif
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/cut.gif
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/cut.gif
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/cutshadow.gif
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/cutshadow.gif
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/help.gif
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/help.gif
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/helpshadow.gif
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/helpshadow.gif
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/new.gif
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/new.gif
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/open.gif
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/open.gif
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/openshadow.gif
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/openshadow.gif
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/paste.gif
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/paste.gif
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/pasteshadow.gif
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/pasteshadow.gif
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/save.gif
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/save.gif
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/saveshadow.gif
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/saveshadow.gif
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/spacer.gif
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/spacer.gif
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/theme.css
--- plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/theme.css	2006-01-17 18:13:15 UTC (rev 2802)
+++ plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/theme.css	2006-01-17 18:15:30 UTC (rev 2803)
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+/* ThemeOfficeMenu Style Sheet */
+	padding:	0;
+	white-space:	nowrap;
+	cursor:		default;
+	position:	absolute;
+	visibility:	hidden;
+	/*
+	   Netscape/Mozilla renders borders by increasing
+	   their z-index.  The following line is necessary
+	   to cover any borders underneath
+	*/
+	z-index:	100;
+	border:		0;
+	padding:	0;
+	overflow:	visible;
+	border:		1px solid #8C867B;
+	filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(color=#BDC3BD, Direction=135, Strength=4);
+	overflow:	visible;
+	border:		0;
+	cursor:		default;
+	white-space:	nowrap;
+	background-color:	inherit;
+	font-weight: bold;
+	background-color:	#C6D3EF;
+	font-weight: bold;	
+	background-color:	WHITE;
+	background-color:	#C6D3EF;
+/* horizontal main menu */
+	padding:	1px;
+	border:		0;
+	padding:	0px;
+	border:		1px solid #3169C6;
+	background-color:	inherit;
+/* vertical main menu sub components */
+	padding-top:	0px;
+	padding-bottom:	0px;
+	padding-left:	0px;
+	padding-right:	2px;
+	border-top:	1px solid #3169C6;
+	border-bottom:	1px solid #3169C6;
+	border-left:	1px solid #3169C6;
+	background-color:	inherit;
+	padding-top:	0px;
+	padding-bottom:	0px;
+	padding-left:	5px;
+	padding-right:	5px;
+	border-top:	1px solid #3169C6;
+	border-bottom:	1px solid #3169C6;
+	background-color:	inherit;
+	white-space:	nowrap;
+	padding-top:	0px;
+	padding-bottom:	0px;
+	padding-left:	0px;
+	padding-right:	0px;
+	border-top:	1px solid #3169C6;
+	border-bottom:	1px solid #3169C6;
+	border-right:	1px solid #3169C6;
+	background-color:	inherit;
+tr.ThemeOfficeMainItem td.ThemeOfficeMainFolderLeft,
+tr.ThemeOfficeMainItem td.ThemeOfficeMainItemLeft
+	padding-top:	1px;
+	padding-bottom:	1px;
+	padding-left:	1px;
+	padding-right:	2px;
+	white-space:	nowrap;
+	border:		0;
+	background-color:	inherit;
+tr.ThemeOfficeMainItem td.ThemeOfficeMainFolderText,
+tr.ThemeOfficeMainItem td.ThemeOfficeMainItemText
+	padding-top:	1px;
+	padding-bottom:	1px;
+	padding-left:	5px;
+	padding-right:	5px;
+	border:		0;
+	background-color:	inherit;
+tr.ThemeOfficeMainItem td.ThemeOfficeMainItemRight,
+tr.ThemeOfficeMainItem td.ThemeOfficeMainFolderRight
+	padding-top:	1px;
+	padding-bottom:	1px;
+	padding-left:	0px;
+	padding-right:	1px;
+	border:		0;
+	background-color:	inherit;
+/* sub menu sub components */
+	padding-top:	0px;
+	padding-bottom:	0px;
+	padding-left:	1px;
+	padding-right:	3px;
+	border-top:	1px solid #3169C6;
+	border-bottom:	1px solid #3169C6;
+	border-left:	1px solid #3169C6;
+	background-color:	inherit;
+	white-space:	nowrap;
+	padding-top:	0px;
+	padding-bottom:	0px;
+	padding-left:	5px;
+	padding-right:	5px;
+	border-top:	1px solid #3169C6;
+	border-bottom:	1px solid #3169C6;
+	background-color:	inherit;
+	white-space:	nowrap;
+	padding-top:	0px;
+	padding-bottom:	0px;
+	padding-left:	0px;
+	padding-right:	0px;
+	border-top:	1px solid #3169C6;
+	border-bottom:	1px solid #3169C6;
+	border-right:	1px solid #3169C6;
+	background-color:	inherit;
+	white-space:	nowrap;
+.ThemeOfficeMenuItem .ThemeOfficeMenuFolderLeft,
+.ThemeOfficeMenuItem .ThemeOfficeMenuItemLeft
+	padding-top:	1px;
+	padding-bottom:	1px;
+	padding-left:	2px;
+	padding-right:	3px;
+	white-space:	nowrap;
+	border:		0;
+	background-color:	#EFEFDE;
+.ThemeOfficeMenuItem .ThemeOfficeMenuFolderText,
+.ThemeOfficeMenuItem .ThemeOfficeMenuItemText
+	padding-top:	1px;
+	padding-bottom:	1px;
+	padding-left:	5px;
+	padding-right:	5px;
+	border:		0;
+	background-color:	inherit;
+.ThemeOfficeMenuItem .ThemeOfficeMenuFolderRight,
+.ThemeOfficeMenuItem .ThemeOfficeMenuItemRight
+	padding-top:	1px;
+	padding-bottom:	1px;
+	padding-left:	0px;
+	padding-right:	1px;
+	border:		0;
+	background-color:	inherit;
+/* menu splits */
+	margin:		2px;
+	height:		1px;
+	overflow:	hidden;
+	background-color:	inherit;
+	border-top:	1px solid #C6C3BD;
+/* image shadow animation */
+	seq1:	image for normal
+	seq2:	image for hover and active
+	To use, in the icon field, input the following:
+	<img class="seq1" src="normal.gif" /><img class="seq2" src="hover.gif" />
+.ThemeOfficeMenuItem img.seq1
+	display:	inline;
+.ThemeOfficeMenuItemHover seq2,
+.ThemeOfficeMenuItemActive seq2
+	display:	inline;
+.ThemeOfficeMenuItem .seq2,
+.ThemeOfficeMenuItemHover .seq1,
+.ThemeOfficeMenuItemActive .seq1
+	display:	none;

Added: plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/theme.js
--- plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/theme.js	2006-01-17 18:13:15 UTC (rev 2802)
+++ plog/trunk/js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/theme.js	2006-01-17 18:15:30 UTC (rev 2803)
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+// directory of where all the images are
+var cmThemeOfficeBase = 'js/JSCookMenu/ThemeOffice/';
+// the follow block allows user to re-define theme base directory
+// before it is loaded.
+	if (myThemeOfficeBase)
+	{
+		cmThemeOfficeBase = myThemeOfficeBase;
+	}
+catch (e)
+var cmThemeOffice =
+  	// main menu display attributes
+  	//
+  	// Note.  When the menu bar is horizontal,
+  	// mainFolderLeft and mainFolderRight are
+  	// put in <span></span>.  When the menu
+  	// bar is vertical, they would be put in
+  	// a separate TD cell.
+  	// HTML code to the left of the folder item
+  	mainFolderLeft: '&nbsp;',
+  	// HTML code to the right of the folder item
+  	mainFolderRight: '&nbsp;',
+	// HTML code to the left of the regular item
+	mainItemLeft: '&nbsp;',
+	// HTML code to the right of the regular item
+	mainItemRight: '&nbsp;',
+	// sub menu display attributes
+	// 0, HTML code to the left of the folder item
+	folderLeft: '<img alt="" src="' + cmThemeOfficeBase + 'spacer.gif">',
+	// 1, HTML code to the right of the folder item
+	folderRight: '<img alt="" src="' + cmThemeOfficeBase + 'arrow.gif">',
+	// 2, HTML code to the left of the regular item
+	itemLeft: '<img alt="" src="' + cmThemeOfficeBase + 'spacer.gif">',
+	// 3, HTML code to the right of the regular item
+	itemRight: '<img alt="" src="' + cmThemeOfficeBase + 'blank.gif">',
+	// 4, cell spacing for main menu
+	mainSpacing: 0,
+	// 5, cell spacing for sub menus
+	subSpacing: 0,
+	// 6, auto dispear time for submenus in milli-seconds
+	delay: 500
+// for horizontal menu split
+var cmThemeOfficeHSplit = [_cmNoClick, '<td class="ThemeOfficeMenuItemLeft"></td><td colspan="2"><div class="ThemeOfficeMenuSplit"></div></td>'];
+var cmThemeOfficeMainHSplit = [_cmNoClick, '<td class="ThemeOfficeMainItemLeft"></td><td colspan="2"><div class="ThemeOfficeMenuSplit"></div></td>'];
+var cmThemeOfficeMainVSplit = [_cmNoClick, '|'];

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