[pLog-svn] r2763 - in plog/trunk: class/action/admin class/controller js js/prototype js/ui locale templates/admin templates/admin/xml

mark at devel.lifetype.net mark at devel.lifetype.net
Tue Jan 10 10:38:39 GMT 2006

Author: mark
Date: 2006-01-10 10:38:38 +0000 (Tue, 10 Jan 2006)
New Revision: 2763

LifeType, powerd by Ajax now.

I just rewrite/rename the adminxmlsavedraftaction.class.php to admin/adminsavedraftarticleajaxaction.class.php with prototype Ajax library ( http://prototype.conio.net ). And it reduce the complexity of original plogui.js dramatically.

I also add a new feature addArticleCategoryAjax -- admin/adminaddarticlecategoryajaxaction.class.php. It can allow user to add a new article category when he is writing post, he doesn't need to change to addArticleCategory page. (I learned this idea from wordpress 2.0).

And, I also think this skill can used in dynamic content, it is easier than hacking smarty {dynamic} tags.

Discuss: I think the addArticleCategoryAjax for newpost is enough, do you need it available in editpost?

Added: plog/trunk/class/action/admin/adminaddarticlecategoryajaxaction.class.php
--- plog/trunk/class/action/admin/adminaddarticlecategoryajaxaction.class.php	2006-01-08 17:43:16 UTC (rev 2762)
+++ plog/trunk/class/action/admin/adminaddarticlecategoryajaxaction.class.php	2006-01-10 10:38:38 UTC (rev 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/action/admin/adminaction.class.php" );
+    include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/articlecategories.class.php" );
+	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/data/textfilter.class.php" );	
+	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/view/admin/adminxmlview.class.php" );
+    /**
+     * \ingroup Action
+     * @private
+     *
+     * Action that adds a new article category to the database.
+     */
+    class AdminAddArticleCategoryAjaxAction extends AdminAction 
+	{
+    	var $_categoryName;
+        var $_categoryUrl;
+		var $_properties;
+		var $_categoryDescription;
+    	/**
+         * Constructor. If nothing else, it also has to call the constructor of the parent
+         * class, BlogAction with the same parameters
+         */
+        function AdminAddArticleCategoryAjaxAction( $actionInfo, $request )
+        {
+        	$this->AdminAction( $actionInfo, $request );
+        }
+        function validate()
+        {
+			// fetch the data, we already know it's valid and that we can trust it!
+        	$this->_categoryName     = Textfilter::filterAllHTML($this->_request->getValue( "categoryName" ));
+            $this->_categoryUrl      = "";
+            $this->_categoryInMainPage = 1;
+			$this->_categoryDescription = $this->_categoryName;
+			$this->_properties = "";	       
+            // check if there's any file to upload
+            if( empty($this->_categoryName) || $this->_categoryName == "" ) {
+	            $this->_view = new AdminXmlView( $this->_blogInfo, "response" );				
+	            $this->_view->setValue( "method", "addCategoryAjax" );
+            	$this->_view->setValue( "success", "0" );
+            	$this->_view->setValue( "message", $this->_locale->tr("error_adding_article_category") );    	            
+                return false;
+            }               
+            return true;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Carries out the specified action
+         */
+        function perform()
+        {
+			// create the object...
+            $categories = new ArticleCategories();
+            $category   = new ArticleCategory( $this->_categoryName,
+                                               $this->_categoryUrl,
+                                               $this->_blogInfo->getId(),
+                                               $this->_categoryInMainPage,
+											   $this->_categoryDescription,
+											   0,
+											   $this->_properties );
+			// fire the pre event...
+			$this->notifyEvent( EVENT_PRE_CATEGORY_ADD, Array( "category" => &$category ));
+			$this->_view = new AdminXmlView( $this->_blogInfo, "response" );				
+			$this->_view->setValue( "method", "addCategoryAjax" );	
+            // once we have built the object, we can add it to the database!
+            $catId = $categories->addArticleCategory( $category );
+            // once we have built the object, we can add it to the database
+            $this->_view = new AdminXmlView( $this->_blogInfo, "response" );				
+            $this->_view->setValue( "method", "addCategoryAjax" );
+            if( $catId )
+            {
+            	$this->_view->setValue( "success", "1" );
+            	$this->_view->setValue( "message", $this->_locale->pr("category_added_ok", $this->_categoryName) );           	
+                $result = '<id>'.$catId.'</id>';
+                $result .= '<name>'.$this->_categoryName.'</name>';
+                $this->_view->setValue( "result", $result );
+				// fire the post event
+				$this->notifyEvent( EVENT_POST_CATEGORY_ADD, Array( "category" => &$category ));
+			}             
+            else
+            {
+            	$this->_view->setValue( "success", "0" );
+            	$this->_view->setValue( "message", $this->_locale->tr("error_adding_article_category") );              	 
+            }
+            return true;	
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file

Added: plog/trunk/class/action/admin/adminsavedraftarticleajaxaction.class.php
--- plog/trunk/class/action/admin/adminsavedraftarticleajaxaction.class.php	2006-01-08 17:43:16 UTC (rev 2762)
+++ plog/trunk/class/action/admin/adminsavedraftarticleajaxaction.class.php	2006-01-10 10:38:38 UTC (rev 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/action/admin/adminaction.class.php" );
+	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/view/admin/adminxmlview.class.php" );
+	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/data/timestamp.class.php");
+    include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/articles.class.php" );
+    /**
+     * \ingroup Action
+     * @private
+     */
+	class AdminSaveDraftArticleAjaxAction extends AdminAction
+	{
+		function AdminSaveDraftArticleAjaxAction( $actionInfo, $request )
+		{
+			$this->AdminAction( $actionInfo, $request );
+		}
+		function validate()
+		{
+        	$this->_postText     = $this->_request->getValue( "postText" );
+            $this->_postExtendedText = $this->_request->getValue( "postExtendedText" );
+            $this->_postTopic    = $this->_request->getValue( "postTopic" );
+            // if there is no text, extended text or topic there is no point in saving anything
+            if( $this->_postText == "" && $this->_postExtendedTExt == "" &&
+                $this->_postTopic == "" ) {
+                // nothing to do yet, so let's quit
+                $this->_view = new AdminXmlView( $this->_blogInfo, "response" );
+                $this->_view->setValue( "method", "saveDraftArticleAjax" );
+                $this->_view->setValue( "success", "0" );
+                $this->_view->setValue( "message", $this->_locale->tr( "error_saving_draft" ) );                
+                return false;
+            }
+            $this->_postCategories = $this->_request->getValue( "postCategories" );
+            $this->_postStatus   = $this->_request->getValue( "postStatus" );
+			$this->_postSlug = $this->_request->getValue( "postSlug" );
+            $this->_sendNotification = $this->_request->getValue( "sendNotification" );
+            $this->_sendTrackbacks = $this->_request->getValue( "sendTrackbacks" );
+            $this->_sendPings = $this->_request->getValue( "sendPings" );
+			$this->_postId = $this->_request->getValue( "postId" );
+            $this->_commentsEnabled = $this->_request->getValue( "commentsEnabled" );
+            if( $this->_commentsEnabled != 1 )
+            	$this->_commentsEnabled = false;
+            else
+            	$this->_commentsEnabled = true;
+			// fetch the custom fields
+			$this->_customFields = $this->_request->getValue( "customField" );
+            // fetch the timestamp that the post will have
+            if( $this->_config->getValue( "disable_javascript_calendar")) {
+            	$this->_postDay = $this->_request->getValue( "postDay" );
+                $this->_postMonth = $this->_request->getValue( "postMonth" );
+                $this->_postHour = $this->_request->getValue( "postHour" );
+                $this->_postMinutes = $this->_request->getValue( "postMinutes" );
+                $this->_postYear = $this->_request->getValue( "postYear" );
+            }
+            else {
+            	$postDateTime = $this->_request->getValue( "postDateTime" );
+                $dateTimeParts = explode(" ", $postDateTime);
+                $dateParts = explode("/", $dateTimeParts[0] );
+                $timeParts = explode(":",$dateTimeParts[1] );
+                $this->_postDay = $dateParts[0];
+                $this->_postMonth = $dateParts[1];
+                $this->_postYear = $dateParts[2];
+                $this->_postHour = $timeParts[0];
+                $this->_postMinutes = $timeParts[1];
+            }
+            $this->_postTimestamp = new Timestamp();
+            $this->_postTimestamp->setMinutes( $this->_postMinutes );
+            $this->_postTimestamp->setHour( $this->_postHour );
+            $this->_postTimestamp->setDay( $this->_postDay );
+            $this->_postTimestamp->setMonth( $this->_postMonth );
+            $this->_postTimestamp->setYear( $this->_postYear );
+            return true;		
+		}
+		function perform()
+		{		
+            $status = POST_STATUS_DRAFT;
+            $articles = new Articles();
+            $postText = Textfilter::xhtmlize($this->_postText).POST_EXTENDED_TEXT_MODIFIER.Textfilter::xhtmlize($this->_postExtendedText);
+            $article  = new Article( $this->_postTopic, $postText, $this->_postCategories, $this->_userInfo->getId(), 
+                                     $this->_blogInfo->getId(), $status, 0, Array(), $this->_postSlug );
+            // set also the date before it's too late
+            $article->setDateObject( $this->_postTimestamp );
+            $article->setCommentsEnabled( $this->_commentsEnabled );
+            // prepare the custom fields
+            $fields = Array();
+            if( is_array($this->_customFields)) {
+                foreach( $this->_customFields as $fieldId => $fieldValue ) {
+                    // 3 of those parameters are not really need when creating a new object... it's enough that
+                    // we know the field definition id.
+                    $customField = new CustomFieldValue( $fieldId, $fieldValue, "", -1, "", $artId, $this->_blogInfo->getId(), -1);
+                    array_push( $fields, $customField );
+                }
+                $article->setFields( $fields );
+            }
+            // in case the post is already in the db
+            if( $this->_postId != "" ) {
+                $article->setId( $this->_postId );
+                $postSavedOk = $articles->updateArticle( $article );
+                if( $postSavedOk )
+                    $artId = $this->_postId;
+                else
+                    $artId = false;
+            }
+            else {
+                $artId = $articles->addArticle( $article );
+            }
+            // once we have built the object, we can add it to the database
+            $this->_view = new AdminXmlView( $this->_blogInfo, "response" );				
+            $this->_view->setValue( "method", "saveDraftArticleAjax" );				
+            if( $artId )
+            {
+                $this->_view->setValue( "success", "1" );
+                $this->_view->setValue( "message", $this->_locale->pr( "draft_saved_ok", $this->_postTopic ) );
+                $result = '<id>'.$artId.'</id>';
+                $this->_view->setValue( "result", $result );                
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                $this->_view->setValue( "success", "0" );
+                $this->_view->setValue( "message", $this->_locale->tr( "error_saving_draft" ) );            	
+            }
+            return true;			
+		}
+    }
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: plog/trunk/class/action/admin/adminxmlsavedraftaction.class.php
--- plog/trunk/class/action/admin/adminxmlsavedraftaction.class.php	2006-01-08 17:43:16 UTC (rev 2762)
+++ plog/trunk/class/action/admin/adminxmlsavedraftaction.class.php	2006-01-10 10:38:38 UTC (rev 2763)
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/action/admin/adminaction.class.php" );
-	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/view/admin/adminxmlview.class.php" );
-    /**
-     * \ingroup Action
-     * @private
-     */
-	class AdminXmlSaveDraftAction extends AdminAction
-	{
-		function AdminXmlSaveDraftAction( $actionInfo, $request )
-		{
-			$this->AdminAction( $actionInfo, $request );
-		}
-		function validate()
-		{
-        	$this->_postText     = $this->_request->getValue( "postText" );
-            $this->_postExtendedText = $this->_request->getValue( "postExtendedText" );
-            $this->_postTopic    = $this->_request->getValue( "postTopic" );
-            // if there is no text, extended text or topic there is no point in saving anything
-            if( $this->_postText == "" && $this->_postExtendedTExt == "" &&
-                $this->_postTopic == "" ) {
-                // nothing to do yet, so let's quit
-                $this->_view = new AdminXmlView( $this->_blogInfo, "response" );
-                $this->_view->setValue( "method", "saveXmlDraft" );
-                $this->_view->setValue( "result", "0" );
-                return false;
-            }
-            $this->_postCategories = $this->_request->getValue( "postCategories" );
-            $this->_postStatus   = $this->_request->getValue( "postStatus" );
-			$this->_postSlug = $this->_request->getValue( "postSlug" );
-            $this->_sendNotification = $this->_request->getValue( "sendNotification" );
-            $this->_sendTrackbacks = $this->_request->getValue( "sendTrackbacks" );
-            $this->_sendPings = $this->_request->getValue( "sendPings" );
-			$this->_postId = $this->_request->getValue( "postId" );
-            $this->_commentsEnabled = $this->_request->getValue( "commentsEnabled" );
-            if( $this->_commentsEnabled != 1 )
-            	$this->_commentsEnabled = false;
-            else
-            	$this->_commentsEnabled = true;
-			// fetch the custom fields
-			$this->_customFields = $this->_request->getValue( "customField" );
-            // fetch the timestamp that the post will have
-            if( $this->_config->getValue( "disable_javascript_calendar")) {
-            	$this->_postDay = $this->_request->getValue( "postDay" );
-                $this->_postMonth = $this->_request->getValue( "postMonth" );
-                $this->_postHour = $this->_request->getValue( "postHour" );
-                $this->_postMinutes = $this->_request->getValue( "postMinutes" );
-                $this->_postYear = $this->_request->getValue( "postYear" );
-            }
-            else {
-            	$postDateTime = $this->_request->getValue( "postDateTime" );
-                $dateTimeParts = explode(" ", $postDateTime);
-                $dateParts = explode("/", $dateTimeParts[0] );
-                $timeParts = explode(":",$dateTimeParts[1] );
-                $this->_postDay = $dateParts[0];
-                $this->_postMonth = $dateParts[1];
-                $this->_postYear = $dateParts[2];
-                $this->_postHour = $timeParts[0];
-                $this->_postMinutes = $timeParts[1];
-            }
-            $this->_postTimestamp = new Timestamp();
-            $this->_postTimestamp->setMinutes( $this->_postMinutes );
-            $this->_postTimestamp->setHour( $this->_postHour );
-            $this->_postTimestamp->setDay( $this->_postDay );
-            $this->_postTimestamp->setMonth( $this->_postMonth );
-            $this->_postTimestamp->setYear( $this->_postYear );
-            return true;		
-		}
-		function perform()
-		{		
-            $status = POST_STATUS_DRAFT;
-            $articles = new Articles();
-            $postText = Textfilter::xhtmlize($this->_postText).POST_EXTENDED_TEXT_MODIFIER.Textfilter::xhtmlize($this->_postExtendedText);
-            $article  = new Article( $this->_postTopic, $postText, $this->_postCategories, $this->_userInfo->getId(), 
-                                     $this->_blogInfo->getId(), $status, 0, Array(), $this->_postSlug );
-            // set also the date before it's too late
-            $article->setDateObject( $this->_postTimestamp );
-            $article->setCommentsEnabled( $this->_commentsEnabled );
-            // prepare the custom fields
-            $fields = Array();
-            if( is_array($this->_customFields)) {
-                foreach( $this->_customFields as $fieldId => $fieldValue ) {
-                    // 3 of those parameters are not really need when creating a new object... it's enough that
-                    // we know the field definition id.
-                    $customField = new CustomFieldValue( $fieldId, $fieldValue, "", -1, "", $artId, $this->_blogInfo->getId(), -1);
-                    array_push( $fields, $customField );
-                }
-                $article->setFields( $fields );
-            }
-            // in case the post is already in the db
-            if( $this->_postId != "" ) {
-                $article->setId( $this->_postId );
-                $postSavedOk = $articles->updateArticle( $article );
-                if( $postSavedOk )
-                    $artId = $this->_postId;
-                else
-                    $artId = false;
-            }
-            else {
-                $artId = $articles->addArticle( $article );
-            }
-            // once we have built the object, we can add it to the database
-            $this->_view = new AdminXmlView( $this->_blogInfo, "response" );				
-            $this->_view->setValue( "method", "saveXmlDraft" );				
-            if( $artId )
-                $this->_view->setValue( "result", $artId );
-            else 
-                $this->_view->setValue( "result", "0" );
-            return true;			
-		}
-    }
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: plog/trunk/class/controller/admincontrollermap.properties.php
--- plog/trunk/class/controller/admincontrollermap.properties.php	2006-01-08 17:43:16 UTC (rev 2762)
+++ plog/trunk/class/controller/admincontrollermap.properties.php	2006-01-10 10:38:38 UTC (rev 2763)
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
     $actions["newArticleCategory"] = "AdminNewArticleCategoryAction";
     // adds the category to the db
     $actions["addArticleCategory"] = "AdminAddArticleCategoryAction";
+    // adds the category to the db through Ajax
+    $actions["addArticleCategoryAjax"] = "AdminAddArticleCategoryAjaxAction";    
     // shows the settings of the blog
     $actions["blogSettings"] = "AdminBlogSettingsAction";
     // updates the settings of the blog
@@ -230,7 +232,7 @@
 	$actions["xmlPing"] = "AdminXmlPingAction";
 	// the action below is used in cooperation with the XmlHttpRequest object to
 	// automatically save drafts of posts in the background
-	$actions["saveXmlDraft"] = "AdminXmlSaveDraftAction";
+	$actions["saveDraftArticleAjax"] = "AdminSaveDraftArticleAjaxAction";
 	// remove a trackback
 	$actions["deleteTrackback"] = "AdminDeleteTrackbackAction";
 	$actions["deleteTrackbacks"] = "AdminDeleteTrackbackAction";

Added: plog/trunk/js/prototype/prototype.js
--- plog/trunk/js/prototype/prototype.js	2006-01-08 17:43:16 UTC (rev 2762)
+++ plog/trunk/js/prototype/prototype.js	2006-01-10 10:38:38 UTC (rev 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,1038 @@
+/*  Prototype JavaScript framework, version 1.3.1
+ *  (c) 2005 Sam Stephenson <sam at conio.net>
+ *
+ *  THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED. When sending patches, please diff
+ *  against the source tree, available from the Prototype darcs repository. 
+ *
+ *  Prototype is freely distributable under the terms of an MIT-style license.
+ *
+ *  For details, see the Prototype web site: http://prototype.conio.net/
+ *
+var Prototype = {
+  Version: '1.3.1',
+  emptyFunction: function() {}
+var Class = {
+  create: function() {
+    return function() { 
+      this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
+    }
+  }
+var Abstract = new Object();
+Object.extend = function(destination, source) {
+  for (property in source) {
+    destination[property] = source[property];
+  }
+  return destination;
+Object.prototype.extend = function(object) {
+  return Object.extend.apply(this, [this, object]);
+Function.prototype.bind = function(object) {
+  var __method = this;
+  return function() {
+    __method.apply(object, arguments);
+  }
+Function.prototype.bindAsEventListener = function(object) {
+  var __method = this;
+  return function(event) {
+    __method.call(object, event || window.event);
+  }
+Number.prototype.toColorPart = function() {
+  var digits = this.toString(16);
+  if (this < 16) return '0' + digits;
+  return digits;
+var Try = {
+  these: function() {
+    var returnValue;
+    for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+      var lambda = arguments[i];
+      try {
+        returnValue = lambda();
+        break;
+      } catch (e) {}
+    }
+    return returnValue;
+  }
+var PeriodicalExecuter = Class.create();
+PeriodicalExecuter.prototype = {
+  initialize: function(callback, frequency) {
+    this.callback = callback;
+    this.frequency = frequency;
+    this.currentlyExecuting = false;
+    this.registerCallback();
+  },
+  registerCallback: function() {
+    setInterval(this.onTimerEvent.bind(this), this.frequency * 1000);
+  },
+  onTimerEvent: function() {
+    if (!this.currentlyExecuting) {
+      try { 
+        this.currentlyExecuting = true;
+        this.callback(); 
+      } finally { 
+        this.currentlyExecuting = false;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+function $() {
+  var elements = new Array();
+  for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+    var element = arguments[i];
+    if (typeof element == 'string')
+      element = document.getElementById(element);
+    if (arguments.length == 1) 
+      return element;
+    elements.push(element);
+  }
+  return elements;
+if (!Array.prototype.push) {
+  Array.prototype.push = function() {
+		var startLength = this.length;
+		for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
+      this[startLength + i] = arguments[i];
+	  return this.length;
+  }
+if (!Function.prototype.apply) {
+  // Based on code from http://www.youngpup.net/
+  Function.prototype.apply = function(object, parameters) {
+    var parameterStrings = new Array();
+    if (!object)     object = window;
+    if (!parameters) parameters = new Array();
+    for (var i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++)
+      parameterStrings[i] = 'parameters[' + i + ']';
+    object.__apply__ = this;
+    var result = eval('object.__apply__(' + 
+      parameterStrings.join(', ') + ')');
+    object.__apply__ = null;
+    return result;
+  }
+  stripTags: function() {
+    return this.replace(/<\/?[^>]+>/gi, '');
+  },
+  escapeHTML: function() {
+    var div = document.createElement('div');
+    var text = document.createTextNode(this);
+    div.appendChild(text);
+    return div.innerHTML;
+  },
+  unescapeHTML: function() {
+    var div = document.createElement('div');
+    div.innerHTML = this.stripTags();
+    return div.childNodes[0].nodeValue;
+  }
+var Ajax = {
+  getTransport: function() {
+    return Try.these(
+      function() {return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP')},
+      function() {return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP')},
+      function() {return new XMLHttpRequest()}
+    ) || false;
+  }
+Ajax.Base = function() {};
+Ajax.Base.prototype = {
+  setOptions: function(options) {
+    this.options = {
+      method:       'post',
+      asynchronous: true,
+      parameters:   ''
+    }.extend(options || {});
+  },
+  responseIsSuccess: function() {
+    return this.transport.status == undefined
+        || this.transport.status == 0 
+        || (this.transport.status >= 200 && this.transport.status < 300);
+  },
+  responseIsFailure: function() {
+    return !this.responseIsSuccess();
+  }
+Ajax.Request = Class.create();
+Ajax.Request.Events = 
+  ['Uninitialized', 'Loading', 'Loaded', 'Interactive', 'Complete'];
+Ajax.Request.prototype = (new Ajax.Base()).extend({
+  initialize: function(url, options) {
+    this.transport = Ajax.getTransport();
+    this.setOptions(options);
+    this.request(url);
+  },
+  request: function(url) {
+    var parameters = this.options.parameters || '';
+    if (parameters.length > 0) parameters += '&_=';
+    try {
+      if (this.options.method == 'get')
+        url += '?' + parameters;
+      this.transport.open(this.options.method, url,
+        this.options.asynchronous);
+      if (this.options.asynchronous) {
+        this.transport.onreadystatechange = this.onStateChange.bind(this);
+        setTimeout((function() {this.respondToReadyState(1)}).bind(this), 10);
+      }
+      this.setRequestHeaders();
+      var body = this.options.postBody ? this.options.postBody : parameters;
+      this.transport.send(this.options.method == 'post' ? body : null);
+    } catch (e) {
+    }
+  },
+  setRequestHeaders: function() {
+    var requestHeaders = 
+      ['X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest',
+       'X-Prototype-Version', Prototype.Version];
+    if (this.options.method == 'post') {
+      requestHeaders.push('Content-type', 
+        'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
+      /* Force "Connection: close" for Mozilla browsers to work around
+       * a bug where XMLHttpReqeuest sends an incorrect Content-length
+       * header. See Mozilla Bugzilla #246651. 
+       */
+      if (this.transport.overrideMimeType)
+        requestHeaders.push('Connection', 'close');
+    }
+    if (this.options.requestHeaders)
+      requestHeaders.push.apply(requestHeaders, this.options.requestHeaders);
+    for (var i = 0; i < requestHeaders.length; i += 2)
+      this.transport.setRequestHeader(requestHeaders[i], requestHeaders[i+1]);
+  },
+  onStateChange: function() {
+    var readyState = this.transport.readyState;
+    if (readyState != 1)
+      this.respondToReadyState(this.transport.readyState);
+  },
+  respondToReadyState: function(readyState) {
+    var event = Ajax.Request.Events[readyState];
+    if (event == 'Complete')
+      (this.options['on' + this.transport.status]
+       || this.options['on' + (this.responseIsSuccess() ? 'Success' : 'Failure')]
+       || Prototype.emptyFunction)(this.transport);
+    (this.options['on' + event] || Prototype.emptyFunction)(this.transport);
+    /* Avoid memory leak in MSIE: clean up the oncomplete event handler */
+    if (event == 'Complete')
+      this.transport.onreadystatechange = Prototype.emptyFunction;
+  }
+Ajax.Updater = Class.create();
+Ajax.Updater.ScriptFragment = '(?:<script.*?>)((\n|.)*?)(?:<\/script>)';
+  initialize: function(container, url, options) {
+    this.containers = {
+      success: container.success ? $(container.success) : $(container),
+      failure: container.failure ? $(container.failure) :
+        (container.success ? null : $(container))
+    }
+    this.transport = Ajax.getTransport();
+    this.setOptions(options);
+    var onComplete = this.options.onComplete || Prototype.emptyFunction;
+    this.options.onComplete = (function() {
+      this.updateContent();
+      onComplete(this.transport);
+    }).bind(this);
+    this.request(url);
+  },
+  updateContent: function() {
+    var receiver = this.responseIsSuccess() ?
+      this.containers.success : this.containers.failure;
+    var match    = new RegExp(Ajax.Updater.ScriptFragment, 'img');
+    var response = this.transport.responseText.replace(match, '');
+    var scripts  = this.transport.responseText.match(match);
+    if (receiver) {
+      if (this.options.insertion) {
+        new this.options.insertion(receiver, response);
+      } else {
+        receiver.innerHTML = response;
+      }
+    }
+    if (this.responseIsSuccess()) {
+      if (this.onComplete)
+        setTimeout((function() {this.onComplete(
+          this.transport)}).bind(this), 10);
+    }
+    if (this.options.evalScripts && scripts) {
+      match = new RegExp(Ajax.Updater.ScriptFragment, 'im');
+      setTimeout((function() {
+        for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++)
+          eval(scripts[i].match(match)[1]);
+      }).bind(this), 10);
+    }
+  }
+Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater = Class.create();
+Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater.prototype = (new Ajax.Base()).extend({
+  initialize: function(container, url, options) {
+    this.setOptions(options);
+    this.onComplete = this.options.onComplete;
+    this.frequency = (this.options.frequency || 2);
+    this.decay = 1;
+    this.updater = {};
+    this.container = container;
+    this.url = url;
+    this.start();
+  },
+  start: function() {
+    this.options.onComplete = this.updateComplete.bind(this);
+    this.onTimerEvent();
+  },
+  stop: function() {
+    this.updater.onComplete = undefined;
+    clearTimeout(this.timer);
+    (this.onComplete || Ajax.emptyFunction).apply(this, arguments);
+  },
+  updateComplete: function(request) {
+    if (this.options.decay) {
+      this.decay = (request.responseText == this.lastText ? 
+        this.decay * this.options.decay : 1);
+      this.lastText = request.responseText;
+    }
+    this.timer = setTimeout(this.onTimerEvent.bind(this), 
+      this.decay * this.frequency * 1000);
+  },
+  onTimerEvent: function() {
+    this.updater = new Ajax.Updater(this.container, this.url, this.options);
+  }
+document.getElementsByClassName = function(className) {
+  var children = document.getElementsByTagName('*') || document.all;
+  var elements = new Array();
+  for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
+    var child = children[i];
+    var classNames = child.className.split(' ');
+    for (var j = 0; j < classNames.length; j++) {
+      if (classNames[j] == className) {
+        elements.push(child);
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return elements;
+if (!window.Element) {
+  var Element = new Object();
+Object.extend(Element, {
+  toggle: function() {
+    for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+      var element = $(arguments[i]);
+      element.style.display = 
+        (element.style.display == 'none' ? '' : 'none');
+    }
+  },
+  hide: function() {
+    for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+      var element = $(arguments[i]);
+      element.style.display = 'none';
+    }
+  },
+  show: function() {
+    for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+      var element = $(arguments[i]);
+      element.style.display = '';
+    }
+  },
+  remove: function(element) {
+    element = $(element);
+    element.parentNode.removeChild(element);
+  },
+  getHeight: function(element) {
+    element = $(element);
+    return element.offsetHeight; 
+  },
+  hasClassName: function(element, className) {
+    element = $(element);
+    if (!element)
+      return;
+    var a = element.className.split(' ');
+    for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
+      if (a[i] == className)
+        return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+  },
+  addClassName: function(element, className) {
+    element = $(element);
+    Element.removeClassName(element, className);
+    element.className += ' ' + className;
+  },
+  removeClassName: function(element, className) {
+    element = $(element);
+    if (!element)
+      return;
+    var newClassName = '';
+    var a = element.className.split(' ');
+    for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
+      if (a[i] != className) {
+        if (i > 0)
+          newClassName += ' ';
+        newClassName += a[i];
+      }
+    }
+    element.className = newClassName;
+  },
+  // removes whitespace-only text node children
+  cleanWhitespace: function(element) {
+    var element = $(element);
+    for (var i = 0; i < element.childNodes.length; i++) {
+      var node = element.childNodes[i];
+      if (node.nodeType == 3 && !/\S/.test(node.nodeValue)) 
+        Element.remove(node);
+    }
+  }
+var Toggle = new Object();
+Toggle.display = Element.toggle;
+Abstract.Insertion = function(adjacency) {
+  this.adjacency = adjacency;
+Abstract.Insertion.prototype = {
+  initialize: function(element, content) {
+    this.element = $(element);
+    this.content = content;
+    if (this.adjacency && this.element.insertAdjacentHTML) {
+      this.element.insertAdjacentHTML(this.adjacency, this.content);
+    } else {
+      this.range = this.element.ownerDocument.createRange();
+      if (this.initializeRange) this.initializeRange();
+      this.fragment = this.range.createContextualFragment(this.content);
+      this.insertContent();
+    }
+  }
+var Insertion = new Object();
+Insertion.Before = Class.create();
+Insertion.Before.prototype = (new Abstract.Insertion('beforeBegin')).extend({
+  initializeRange: function() {
+    this.range.setStartBefore(this.element);
+  },
+  insertContent: function() {
+    this.element.parentNode.insertBefore(this.fragment, this.element);
+  }
+Insertion.Top = Class.create();
+Insertion.Top.prototype = (new Abstract.Insertion('afterBegin')).extend({
+  initializeRange: function() {
+    this.range.selectNodeContents(this.element);
+    this.range.collapse(true);
+  },
+  insertContent: function() {  
+    this.element.insertBefore(this.fragment, this.element.firstChild);
+  }
+Insertion.Bottom = Class.create();
+Insertion.Bottom.prototype = (new Abstract.Insertion('beforeEnd')).extend({
+  initializeRange: function() {
+    this.range.selectNodeContents(this.element);
+    this.range.collapse(this.element);
+  },
+  insertContent: function() {
+    this.element.appendChild(this.fragment);
+  }
+Insertion.After = Class.create();
+Insertion.After.prototype = (new Abstract.Insertion('afterEnd')).extend({
+  initializeRange: function() {
+    this.range.setStartAfter(this.element);
+  },
+  insertContent: function() {
+    this.element.parentNode.insertBefore(this.fragment, 
+      this.element.nextSibling);
+  }
+var Field = {
+  clear: function() {
+    for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
+      $(arguments[i]).value = '';
+  },
+  focus: function(element) {
+    $(element).focus();
+  },
+  present: function() {
+    for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
+      if ($(arguments[i]).value == '') return false;
+    return true;
+  },
+  select: function(element) {
+    $(element).select();
+  },
+  activate: function(element) {
+    $(element).focus();
+    $(element).select();
+  }
+var Form = {
+  serialize: function(form) {
+    var elements = Form.getElements($(form));
+    var queryComponents = new Array();
+    for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
+      var queryComponent = Form.Element.serialize(elements[i]);
+      if (queryComponent)
+        queryComponents.push(queryComponent);
+    }
+    return queryComponents.join('&');
+  },
+  getElements: function(form) {
+    var form = $(form);
+    var elements = new Array();
+    for (tagName in Form.Element.Serializers) {
+      var tagElements = form.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
+      for (var j = 0; j < tagElements.length; j++)
+        elements.push(tagElements[j]);
+    }
+    return elements;
+  },
+  getInputs: function(form, typeName, name) {
+    var form = $(form);
+    var inputs = form.getElementsByTagName('input');
+    if (!typeName && !name)
+      return inputs;
+    var matchingInputs = new Array();
+    for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
+      var input = inputs[i];
+      if ((typeName && input.type != typeName) ||
+          (name && input.name != name)) 
+        continue;
+      matchingInputs.push(input);
+    }
+    return matchingInputs;
+  },
+  disable: function(form) {
+    var elements = Form.getElements(form);
+    for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
+      var element = elements[i];
+      element.blur();
+      element.disabled = 'true';
+    }
+  },
+  enable: function(form) {
+    var elements = Form.getElements(form);
+    for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
+      var element = elements[i];
+      element.disabled = '';
+    }
+  },
+  focusFirstElement: function(form) {
+    var form = $(form);
+    var elements = Form.getElements(form);
+    for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
+      var element = elements[i];
+      if (element.type != 'hidden' && !element.disabled) {
+        Field.activate(element);
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+  },
+  reset: function(form) {
+    $(form).reset();
+  }
+Form.Element = {
+  serialize: function(element) {
+    var element = $(element);
+    var method = element.tagName.toLowerCase();
+    var parameter = Form.Element.Serializers[method](element);
+    if (parameter)
+      return encodeURIComponent(parameter[0]) + '=' + 
+        encodeURIComponent(parameter[1]);                   
+  },
+  getValue: function(element) {
+    var element = $(element);
+    var method = element.tagName.toLowerCase();
+    var parameter = Form.Element.Serializers[method](element);
+    if (parameter) 
+      return parameter[1];
+  }
+Form.Element.Serializers = {
+  input: function(element) {
+    switch (element.type.toLowerCase()) {
+      case 'submit':
+      case 'hidden':
+      case 'password':
+      case 'text':
+        return Form.Element.Serializers.textarea(element);
+      case 'checkbox':  
+      case 'radio':
+        return Form.Element.Serializers.inputSelector(element);
+    }
+    return false;
+  },
+  inputSelector: function(element) {
+    if (element.checked)
+      return [element.name, element.value];
+  },
+  textarea: function(element) {
+    return [element.name, element.value];
+  },
+  select: function(element) {
+    var value = '';
+    if (element.type == 'select-one') {
+      var index = element.selectedIndex;
+      if (index >= 0)
+        value = element.options[index].value || element.options[index].text;
+    } else {
+      value = new Array();
+      for (var i = 0; i < element.length; i++) {
+        var opt = element.options[i];
+        if (opt.selected)
+          value.push(opt.value || opt.text);
+      }
+    }
+    return [element.name, value];
+  }
+var $F = Form.Element.getValue;
+Abstract.TimedObserver = function() {}
+Abstract.TimedObserver.prototype = {
+  initialize: function(element, frequency, callback) {
+    this.frequency = frequency;
+    this.element   = $(element);
+    this.callback  = callback;
+    this.lastValue = this.getValue();
+    this.registerCallback();
+  },
+  registerCallback: function() {
+    setInterval(this.onTimerEvent.bind(this), this.frequency * 1000);
+  },
+  onTimerEvent: function() {
+    var value = this.getValue();
+    if (this.lastValue != value) {
+      this.callback(this.element, value);
+      this.lastValue = value;
+    }
+  }
+Form.Element.Observer = Class.create();
+Form.Element.Observer.prototype = (new Abstract.TimedObserver()).extend({
+  getValue: function() {
+    return Form.Element.getValue(this.element);
+  }
+Form.Observer = Class.create();
+Form.Observer.prototype = (new Abstract.TimedObserver()).extend({
+  getValue: function() {
+    return Form.serialize(this.element);
+  }
+Abstract.EventObserver = function() {}
+Abstract.EventObserver.prototype = {
+  initialize: function(element, callback) {
+    this.element  = $(element);
+    this.callback = callback;
+    this.lastValue = this.getValue();
+    if (this.element.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'form')
+      this.registerFormCallbacks();
+    else
+      this.registerCallback(this.element);
+  },
+  onElementEvent: function() {
+    var value = this.getValue();
+    if (this.lastValue != value) {
+      this.callback(this.element, value);
+      this.lastValue = value;
+    }
+  },
+  registerFormCallbacks: function() {
+    var elements = Form.getElements(this.element);
+    for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++)
+      this.registerCallback(elements[i]);
+  },
+  registerCallback: function(element) {
+    if (element.type) {
+      switch (element.type.toLowerCase()) {
+        case 'checkbox':  
+        case 'radio':
+          element.target = this;
+          element.prev_onclick = element.onclick || Prototype.emptyFunction;
+          element.onclick = function() {
+            this.prev_onclick(); 
+            this.target.onElementEvent();
+          }
+          break;
+        case 'password':
+        case 'text':
+        case 'textarea':
+        case 'select-one':
+        case 'select-multiple':
+          element.target = this;
+          element.prev_onchange = element.onchange || Prototype.emptyFunction;
+          element.onchange = function() {
+            this.prev_onchange(); 
+            this.target.onElementEvent();
+          }
+          break;
+      }
+    }    
+  }
+Form.Element.EventObserver = Class.create();
+Form.Element.EventObserver.prototype = (new Abstract.EventObserver()).extend({
+  getValue: function() {
+    return Form.Element.getValue(this.element);
+  }
+Form.EventObserver = Class.create();
+Form.EventObserver.prototype = (new Abstract.EventObserver()).extend({
+  getValue: function() {
+    return Form.serialize(this.element);
+  }
+if (!window.Event) {
+  var Event = new Object();
+Object.extend(Event, {
+  KEY_TAB:       9,
+  KEY_RETURN:   13,
+  KEY_ESC:      27,
+  KEY_LEFT:     37,
+  KEY_UP:       38,
+  KEY_RIGHT:    39,
+  KEY_DOWN:     40,
+  KEY_DELETE:   46,
+  element: function(event) {
+    return event.target || event.srcElement;
+  },
+  isLeftClick: function(event) {
+    return (((event.which) && (event.which == 1)) ||
+            ((event.button) && (event.button == 1)));
+  },
+  pointerX: function(event) {
+    return event.pageX || (event.clientX + 
+      (document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft));
+  },
+  pointerY: function(event) {
+    return event.pageY || (event.clientY + 
+      (document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop));
+  },
+  stop: function(event) {
+    if (event.preventDefault) { 
+      event.preventDefault(); 
+      event.stopPropagation(); 
+    } else {
+      event.returnValue = false;
+    }
+  },
+  // find the first node with the given tagName, starting from the
+  // node the event was triggered on; traverses the DOM upwards
+  findElement: function(event, tagName) {
+    var element = Event.element(event);
+    while (element.parentNode && (!element.tagName ||
+        (element.tagName.toUpperCase() != tagName.toUpperCase())))
+      element = element.parentNode;
+    return element;
+  },
+  observers: false,
+  _observeAndCache: function(element, name, observer, useCapture) {
+    if (!this.observers) this.observers = [];
+    if (element.addEventListener) {
+      this.observers.push([element, name, observer, useCapture]);
+      element.addEventListener(name, observer, useCapture);
+    } else if (element.attachEvent) {
+      this.observers.push([element, name, observer, useCapture]);
+      element.attachEvent('on' + name, observer);
+    }
+  },
+  unloadCache: function() {
+    if (!Event.observers) return;
+    for (var i = 0; i < Event.observers.length; i++) {
+      Event.stopObserving.apply(this, Event.observers[i]);
+      Event.observers[i][0] = null;
+    }
+    Event.observers = false;
+  },
+  observe: function(element, name, observer, useCapture) {
+    var element = $(element);
+    useCapture = useCapture || false;
+    if (name == 'keypress' &&
+        ((navigator.appVersion.indexOf('AppleWebKit') > 0) 
+        || element.attachEvent))
+      name = 'keydown';
+    this._observeAndCache(element, name, observer, useCapture);
+  },
+  stopObserving: function(element, name, observer, useCapture) {
+    var element = $(element);
+    useCapture = useCapture || false;
+    if (name == 'keypress' &&
+        ((navigator.appVersion.indexOf('AppleWebKit') > 0) 
+        || element.detachEvent))
+      name = 'keydown';
+    if (element.removeEventListener) {
+      element.removeEventListener(name, observer, useCapture);
+    } else if (element.detachEvent) {
+      element.detachEvent('on' + name, observer);
+    }
+  }
+/* prevent memory leaks in IE */
+Event.observe(window, 'unload', Event.unloadCache, false);
+var Position = {
+  // set to true if needed, warning: firefox performance problems
+  // NOT neeeded for page scrolling, only if draggable contained in
+  // scrollable elements
+  includeScrollOffsets: false, 
+  // must be called before calling withinIncludingScrolloffset, every time the
+  // page is scrolled
+  prepare: function() {
+    this.deltaX =  window.pageXOffset 
+                || document.documentElement.scrollLeft 
+                || document.body.scrollLeft 
+                || 0;
+    this.deltaY =  window.pageYOffset 
+                || document.documentElement.scrollTop 
+                || document.body.scrollTop 
+                || 0;
+  },
+  realOffset: function(element) {
+    var valueT = 0, valueL = 0;
+    do {
+      valueT += element.scrollTop  || 0;
+      valueL += element.scrollLeft || 0; 
+      element = element.parentNode;
+    } while (element);
+    return [valueL, valueT];
+  },
+  cumulativeOffset: function(element) {
+    var valueT = 0, valueL = 0;
+    do {
+      valueT += element.offsetTop  || 0;
+      valueL += element.offsetLeft || 0;
+      element = element.offsetParent;
+    } while (element);
+    return [valueL, valueT];
+  },
+  // caches x/y coordinate pair to use with overlap
+  within: function(element, x, y) {
+    if (this.includeScrollOffsets)
+      return this.withinIncludingScrolloffsets(element, x, y);
+    this.xcomp = x;
+    this.ycomp = y;
+    this.offset = this.cumulativeOffset(element);
+    return (y >= this.offset[1] &&
+            y <  this.offset[1] + element.offsetHeight &&
+            x >= this.offset[0] && 
+            x <  this.offset[0] + element.offsetWidth);
+  },
+  withinIncludingScrolloffsets: function(element, x, y) {
+    var offsetcache = this.realOffset(element);
+    this.xcomp = x + offsetcache[0] - this.deltaX;
+    this.ycomp = y + offsetcache[1] - this.deltaY;
+    this.offset = this.cumulativeOffset(element);
+    return (this.ycomp >= this.offset[1] &&
+            this.ycomp <  this.offset[1] + element.offsetHeight &&
+            this.xcomp >= this.offset[0] && 
+            this.xcomp <  this.offset[0] + element.offsetWidth);
+  },
+  // within must be called directly before
+  overlap: function(mode, element) {  
+    if (!mode) return 0;  
+    if (mode == 'vertical') 
+      return ((this.offset[1] + element.offsetHeight) - this.ycomp) / 
+        element.offsetHeight;
+    if (mode == 'horizontal')
+      return ((this.offset[0] + element.offsetWidth) - this.xcomp) / 
+        element.offsetWidth;
+  },
+  clone: function(source, target) {
+    source = $(source);
+    target = $(target);
+    target.style.position = 'absolute';
+    var offsets = this.cumulativeOffset(source);
+    target.style.top    = offsets[1] + 'px';
+    target.style.left   = offsets[0] + 'px';
+    target.style.width  = source.offsetWidth + 'px';
+    target.style.height = source.offsetHeight + 'px';
+  }

Modified: plog/trunk/js/ui/plogui.js
--- plog/trunk/js/ui/plogui.js	2006-01-08 17:43:16 UTC (rev 2762)
+++ plog/trunk/js/ui/plogui.js	2006-01-10 10:38:38 UTC (rev 2763)
@@ -1,166 +1,100 @@
- * when adding a new form, checks that there is at least one category selected
+ * this function is the one called when clicking the "save draft and continue" button
-function submitNewPost(form)
+function saveDraftArticleAjax()
-	if( form.postCategories.selectedIndex == -1 ) {
-		// we have no category selected!
-		window.alert(msgErrorNoCategorySelected);
+	// if there is no category selected, then we won't save a draft!
+	form = document.getElementById( "newPost" );
+	if( form.postTopic.value == '' ) {
+		window.alert( msgErrorPostTopic );
 		return false;
-    }  
+	}
+    // Can't use form.postText.value, becasue the form.postText.value still "null"
+    if( htmlAreaEnabled ) {
+		postText = tinyMCE.getContent('postText');
+	} else {
+		postText = form.postText.value;
+    }
-	return true;
+    if (postText == '') {
+		window.alert( msgErrorPostText );
+		return false;
+	}
+	if( !submitNewPost( form ))
+		return false;	
+    var formData = getPostEditFormElements( "newPost" );
+	var url = plogAdminBaseUrl;
+	var params = 'op=saveDraftArticleAjax&'+formData;
+	var myAjax = new Ajax.Request(
+					url,
+					{method: 'post', parameters: params, onComplete: saveDraftArticleResponse}
+					);    
-// object that we're going to use 
-var xmlhttp;
-xmlhttp = false;
- * the following functions take care of sending requests to
- * save drafts of the current post using the XmlHttpRequest object
- *
- * @param req A valid XmlHttpRequest object
- * @param url The url to which we'd like to send the data
- * @param data The data we'd like to send
- * @return Returns always true, please see the processResponse method
+ * this function is the one called when clicking the "save draft and continue" button
-function sendData(url, data) 
+function saveDraftArticleResponse(originalRequest)
-	xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = processResponse;
-	xmlhttp.open("POST", url, true, null, null);
-	xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); 
-    xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Length", data.length); 
-	xmlhttp.send(data);
-	return true;
+	//put returned XML in the textarea
+	var xmldoc = originalRequest.responseXML;
+	var message = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('message')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
+	window.alert(message);
- * sets the 'xmlhttp' var as an XmlHttpRequest obejct or 'false' if it is not supported
- *
- * @return nothing
+ * when adding a new form, checks that there is at least one category selected
-function initXmlHttpRequestObject()
+function submitNewPost(form)
-	// --
-	// the code below uses IE's conditional compilation via jscript... it should
-	// not affect other browsers such as Safari or Mozilla
-	// --
-	/*@cc_on @*/
-	/*@if (@_jscript_version >= 5)
-	// JScript gives us Conditional compilation, we can cope with old IE versions.
-	// and security blocked creation of the objects.
-	 try {
-	  xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
-	 } catch (e) {
-	  try {
-	   xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
-	  } catch (E) {
-	   xmlhttp = false;
-	  }
-	 }
-	@end @*/
-	if (!xmlhttp && typeof XMLHttpRequest!='undefined' && xmlHttpRequestSupportEnabled ) {
-	  xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
-	}
+	if( form.postCategories.selectedIndex == -1 ) {
+		// we have no category selected!
+		window.alert(msgErrorNoCategorySelected);
+		return false;
+    }  
 	return true;
- * handler that processes asynchronous responses
+ * this function is the one called when clicking the "add category" button
-function processResponse()
+function addArticleCategoryAjax()
-    // only if req shows "loaded"
-    if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4) {
-        // only if "OK"
-        if (xmlhttp.status == 200) {
-			// response successful, let's process the return message
-			processResponseMessage( xmlhttp.responseText );
-        } else {
-            window.status = msgErrorMakingRequest;
-            alert("There was a problem retrieving the XML data:\n" + xmlhttp.statusText);
-        }
-    }
+	var categoryName = $F('newCategory');
+	var url = plogAdminBaseUrl;
+	var params = 'op=addArticleCategoryAjax' + '&categoryName=' + encodeURIComponent(categoryName);
+	var myAjax = new Ajax.Request(
+					url,
+					{method: 'get', parameters: params, onComplete: addArticleCategoryOption}
+					);
- * processes a successful xml message
+ * this function is the one called when clicking the "add category" button
-function processResponseMessage( message )
+function addArticleCategoryOption(originalRequest)
-	// define the regexp... we should problaby be using the dom model for parsing this but I'm too lazy to 
-	// learn dom. Besides, in this case the format of the response is very easy :)
-	var regexp = /^.*<\?xml version="1.0"\?>\n* *<response>\n* *<method>saveXmlDraft<\/method>\n* *<result>(.*)<\/result>\n* *<\/response>$/ig;
-	// execute the regexp and get the results
-	matches = regexp.exec( message );
-	if( !matches ) {
-		postId = "";
-		//window.alert( "There was an error in the following response message:\n" + message );
-		window.alert( msgErrorSavingDraft );
-		window.status = msgErrorSavingDraft;
+	//put returned XML in the textarea
+	var xmldoc = originalRequest.responseXML;
+	var success = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('success')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
+	var message = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('message')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
+	if (!success) {
+		window.alert(message);
-	else {
-		postId = matches[1];
-		if( postId > 0 ) {
-			// set the value of the new post identifier
-			document.newPost.postId.value = postId;
-			// show a message
-			window.alert( msgDraftSavedOk + " ( id = " + postId + ")" );
-			// and update the status bar
-			window.status = msgDraftSavedOk + " ( id = " + postId + ")";
-		}
+	else
+	{
+		var catId = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('id')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
+		var catName = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('name')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
+	    $( 'postCategories' ).options.add( new Option( catName, catId ), 0 );
+	    for(i=0; i<$( 'postCategories' ).length; i++)
+	    {
+			$( 'postCategories' ).options[i].selected = false;
+	    }
+	    $( 'postCategories' ).options[0].selected = true;
- * this function is the one called when clicking the "save draft and continue" button
- */
-function saveDraft()
-	// if there is no category selected, then we won't save a draft!
-	form = document.getElementById( "newPost" );
-	if( form.postTopic.value == '' ) {
-		window.alert( msgErrorPostTopic );
-		return false;
-	}
-    // Can't use form.postText.value, becasue the form.postText.value still "null"
-    if( htmlAreaEnabled ) {
-		postText = tinyMCE.getContent('postText');
-	} else {
-		postText = form.postText.value;
-    }
-    if (postText == '') {
-		window.alert( msgErrorPostText );
-		return false;
-	}
-	if( !submitNewPost( form ))
-		return false;	
-	// check if xmlhttprequest is supported in our browser by initializing the object
-	initXmlHttpRequestObject();
-	if( !xmlhttp ) {
-		// if there is no support for xmlhttprequest, then there's nothing to do!
-		window.alert("XmlHttpRequest is not available in this browser!");
-		return false;
-	}
-	// if not, then continue as usual...
-    var formData = getPostEditFormElements( "newPost" );
-	// build up the final url
-    url = plogAdminBaseUrl;
-    data = "op=saveXmlDraft&"+formData; 
-    //window.alert(url);
-    sendData( url, data );
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: plog/trunk/locale/locale_en_UK.php
--- plog/trunk/locale/locale_en_UK.php	2006-01-08 17:43:16 UTC (rev 2762)
+++ plog/trunk/locale/locale_en_UK.php	2006-01-10 10:38:38 UTC (rev 2763)
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@
 $messages['preview'] = 'Preview';
 $messages['add_post'] = 'Blog this!';
 $messages['error_saving_draft'] = 'There was an error saving the draft';
-$messages['draft_saved_ok'] = 'Draft saved successfully';
+$messages['draft_saved_ok'] = 'Draft article %s saved successfully';
 $messages['error_sending_request'] = 'There was an error sending the request';
 $messages['error_no_category_selected'] = 'Please select at least one category';
 $messages['error_missing_post_topic'] = 'Please type a post topic';

Modified: plog/trunk/locale/locale_zh_TW.php
--- plog/trunk/locale/locale_zh_TW.php	2006-01-08 17:43:16 UTC (rev 2762)
+++ plog/trunk/locale/locale_zh_TW.php	2006-01-10 10:38:38 UTC (rev 2763)
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@
 $messages['preview'] = '預覽';
 $messages['add_post'] = '發表!';
 $messages['error_saving_draft'] = '儲存草稿發生錯誤!';
-$messages['draft_saved_ok'] = '草稿已順利儲存';
+$messages['draft_saved_ok'] = '草稿 「%s」 已順利儲存';
 $messages['error_sending_request'] = '傳送要求時發生錯誤';
 $messages['error_no_category_selected'] = '你沒有選擇任何分類';
 $messages['error_missing_post_topic'] = '請輸入文章標題!';

Modified: plog/trunk/templates/admin/header.template
--- plog/trunk/templates/admin/header.template	2006-01-08 17:43:16 UTC (rev 2762)
+++ plog/trunk/templates/admin/header.template	2006-01-10 10:38:38 UTC (rev 2763)
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
+<script type="text/javascript" src="js/prototype/prototype.js"></script>

Modified: plog/trunk/templates/admin/newpost.template
--- plog/trunk/templates/admin/newpost.template	2006-01-08 17:43:16 UTC (rev 2762)
+++ plog/trunk/templates/admin/newpost.template	2006-01-10 10:38:38 UTC (rev 2763)
@@ -24,8 +24,6 @@
   // some messages that we are going to need in the functions above
-  var msgErrorSavingDraft = "{$locale->tr("error_saving_draft")}";
-  var msgDraftSavedOk = "{$locale->tr("draft_saved_ok")}";
   var msgErrorMakingRequest = "{$locale->tr("error_sending_request")}";
   var msgErrorNoCategorySelected = "{$locale->tr("error_no_category_selected")}";
   var xmlHttpRequestSupportEnabled = '{$xmlHttpRequestSupportEnabled}';
@@ -134,6 +132,8 @@
            <option value="{$category->getId()}" {if $smarty.foreach.categories.first} selected="selected" {/if}>{$category->getName()}</option>
+         <input type="text" name="newCategory" id="newCategory" style="width:70%; margin-top:3px;" size="16" value="" />
+         <input type="button" name="addCategory" style="width:20%; margin-top:3px;" value="{$locale->tr("add")}" onclick="javascript:addArticleCategoryAjax()" />
         {include file="$admintemplatepath/validate.template" field=postCategories message=$locale->tr("error_no_category_selected")}	   
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
     <div class="buttons">
 		{if $browser->has_feature("xmlhttpreq")}
-		<input type="button" name="saveDraftAndContinue" value="{$locale->tr("save_draft_and_continue")}" onclick="javascript:saveDraft()" />
+		<input type="button" name="saveDraftAndContinue" value="{$locale->tr("save_draft_and_continue")}" onclick="javascript:saveDraftArticleAjax()" />
 		<input type="button" name="previewPost" value="{$locale->tr("preview")}" onclick="javascript:previewNewPost()" />
 		<input type="submit" name="addPost" value="{$locale->tr("add_post")}"/>		

Modified: plog/trunk/templates/admin/xml/response.template
--- plog/trunk/templates/admin/xml/response.template	2006-01-08 17:43:16 UTC (rev 2762)
+++ plog/trunk/templates/admin/xml/response.template	2006-01-10 10:38:38 UTC (rev 2763)
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <success>{$success}</success>
+ <message><![CDATA[{$message}]]></message>
\ No newline at end of file

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