[pLog-svn] Suggestion: Smarty upgrade

Christoph Feddersen feddersen at herr-der-ringe-film.de
Wed Feb 1 10:46:55 GMT 2006

I think it would be a good idea to update Smarty to the newest version,
mainly for PHP 5.1.x compability. Currently, 2.6.2 is used, most recent
version is 2.6.12.

I manually updated my local lifetype (1.0.3) without any problems.


Most relevant fixes:

 - fix improper use of references in the compiler handling cached
   attributes and in compiled code handling block plugins (messju)
 - make Smarty::_read_file() work on latest php (messju)
  - fixed nocache-handling with nested includes (Lars Jankowfsky, messju)

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