[pLog-svn] db optimization

Oscar Renalias oscar at renalias.net
Thu Apr 13 18:46:59 GMT 2006

Great findings, this looks very promising and will surely help our performance.

I'd go ahead and implement all suggestions. I will be off-line for the
next 4-5 days so if any of you has any spare time and feels like
giving it a try, go ahead. If not, I will take a look at it.

Regarding the FULLTEXT stuff, let's discuss it a bit further. Weak
support for double-byte encodings is definitely not good for us, most
of user base is using these encodings...


On 4/13/06, Christoph Feddersen <feddersen at herr-der-ringe-film.de> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I examined the provided logfiles and came up with some changes to the
> db-indices. They just improve the performance of several queries without
> changing the db-schema or code.
> I dropped several indices, because there's no need to two indices for a
> single column. It just adds an overhead when inserting/updating/deleting
>  records.
> ALTER TABLE `plog_articles_comments` ADD INDEX ( `blog_id` , `type` );
> ALTER TABLE `plog_articles_comments` DROP INDEX `blog_id`;
> ALTER TABLE `plog_articles_comments` DROP INDEX `article_id`;
> ALTER TABLE `plog_articles_comments` ADD INDEX ( `article_id` , `type`);
> ALTER TABLE `plog_articles` DROP INDEX `blog_id`;
> ALTER TABLE `plog_gallery_albums` DROP INDEX `owner_id`;
> ALTER TABLE `plog_gallery_resources` DROP INDEX `album_id`;
> ALTER TABLE `plog_referers` DROP INDEX `blog_id`;
> ALTER TABLE `plog_users_permissions` DROP INDEX `user_id`;
> ALTER TABLE `plog_articles` DROP INDEX `blog_id_slug`;
> ALTER TABLE `plog_articles` ADD INDEX ( `blog_id` , `status` , `date` );
> Some general advices
> ====================
> Don't use COUNT(*), use COUNT(Primary key field) instead. There's no
> need to load complete record sets when you only want to know the number
> of rows.
> If possible, the conditions of a queries should be in the same order and
>  have an index in exactly that order. There are several queries that use
> the same conditions, but they appear in a different order. Example:
> SELECT date  FROM plog_articles  WHERE status = 1  AND blog_id = 1 AND
> date >= 20060300000000 AND date <= NOW();
> SELECT * FROM plog_articles WHERE blog_id = 1 AND date >
> '20060311172502' AND status = 1 ORDER BY DATE ASC LIMIT 0,1;
> You see that I added a multi column index with:
> ADD INDEX ( `blog_id` , `status` , `date` );
> So the conditions should be order that way:
> SELECT date  FROM plog_articles  WHERE  blog_id = 1 AND status = 1 AND
> date >= 20060300000000 AND date <= NOW();
> SELECT * FROM plog_articles WHERE blog_id = 1  AND status = 1 AND date >
> '20060311172502' ORDER BY DATE ASC LIMIT 0,1;
> Avoid like% statements, they are very slow and can't make use of indices:
> SELECT a.id as id, a.id, a.date,
> a.user_id,a.blog_id,a.status,a.properties, a.num_reads, a.slug, 1 AS
> relevance, a.num_comments AS num_comments, a.num_nonspam_comments AS
> num_nonspam_comments, a.num_trackbacks AS num_trackbacks,
> a.num_nonspam_trackbacks AS num_nonspam_trackbacks,
> a.global_category_id AS global_category_id, a.in_summary_page AS
> in_summary_page
> FROM plog_articles a, plog_articles_categories c,
> plog_article_categories_link l
> WHERE  a.blog_id = 1
> AND c.id = l.category_id AND a.id = l.article_id  AND a.status = '1' AND
> a.date <= '20060402144438'
> GROUP BY a.id
> ORDER BY a.date DESC LIMIT 0, 5;
> Use fulltext index with match against instead of like
> SELECT article_id FROM plog_articles_text WHERE (((normalized_topic LIKE
> 'S') OR (normalized_text LIKE 'S')) OR ((normalized_topic LIKE 'S') OR
> (normalized_text LIKE 'S')));
> I'll take a closer look at queries in the code in the next week. I'll
> need to fill me database with some more data to get better test results.
> That's why I ported the generateData.php to 1.1. Maybe someone can
> enhance it even more so that all database tables will be filled with
> realistic values.
> The overall db-structure is looking good. Regarding the MyISAM vs.
> InnoDB question, there's an article that compares these storage engines:
> http://dev.mysql.com/tech-resources/articles/storage-engine/part_3.html
> I'd stick with MyISAM in the standard distribution. As most people will
> run small installations, it's the simplest and fastest way and you can
> use the FULLTEXT search. Installations with a large database may benefit
> from using InnoDB but I'd leave that up to the admin. Maybe add a notice
> to the documentation that this can be done (beware: InnoDB doesn't
> support fulltext).
> Christoph
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