[pLog-svn] r3223 - in plog/trunk: locale templates/summary

Mark Wu markplace at gmail.com
Tue Apr 11 03:17:24 GMT 2006

Hi Oscar:

See my answer below:

> do we really need these min() and max() methods?
> I am thinking that they may be unnecessarily adding a few 
> extra SQL queries. I have been looking at the code and they 
> are only being used to display the article category names in 
> different sizes but isn't there any way to avoid these extra 
> queries? You can already get the number of articles assigned 
> to any global category via 
> GlobalArticleCategory::getNumActiveArticles(), isn't there 
> any other calculation we can perform to obtain this data?

Yes, the only one problem is I have to go through all objects. Do you think
the perfomance is okay?

My original idea is not go through all global article category objects,
that's why I make two new metod.

> Also, can we make it so that when clicking an article 
> category link, it is still displayed in the front page 
> instead of the "post list"
> page? That way we could have different front pages depending 
> on the category being displayed. There could be a "more..." 
> link at the bottom of the list of most recent posts that 
> would point to the page with all posts, as it is done now.

Mmm.... Yes, I think it is possible. Need some little changes :D

** But does those readest blogs, readestr post , most commented post also
need to follow the change? If yes, then it is not a lttile change.. :)

Becase I need to modify the summarystats to adapt "global article category"
and pages... 

How do you tihnk?

> Last but not least, another idea I had about the summary is 
> that we could move the calls to load the data to the template 
> itself. Instead of loading the most read blogs, most 
> commented articles, etc in summarydefaultaction.class.php, we 
> would just initialize an object of type SummaryStats and make 
> it available to all templates. Now, displaying the list of 
> most active blogs would be something like:
>     {foreach from=$stats->getMostActiveBlogs() item=blog}
> 	    {assign var="url" value=$blog->getBlogRequestGenerator()}
>         <li class="item"><a
> href="{$url->blogLink()}">{$blog->getBlog()|strip_tags}</a></li>
>     {/foreach}
> I know this kind of breaks the idea of separating logic from 
> templates, but doing so, users who only want to display the 
> list of most recent posts would not need to load every other 
> list. The summary definitely is the busiest page in all sites 
> and anything we can do to help its performance will help.

I see. I will take care of that.

> Oscar

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