[pLog-svn] r2544 - in plog/branches/plog-1.0.2: imgs locale styles templates/admin

oscar at devel.plogworld.net oscar at devel.plogworld.net
Wed Nov 9 15:31:50 GMT 2005

Author: oscar
Date: 2005-11-09 15:31:50 +0000 (Wed, 09 Nov 2005)
New Revision: 2544

Rebranding stuff. Comments are welcome.

Added: plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/imgs/lt_logo_plant.jpg
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/imgs/lt_logo_plant.jpg
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Deleted: plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/imgs/plog-powered.png
(Binary files differ)

Deleted: plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/imgs/plog-small.gif
(Binary files differ)

Deleted: plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/imgs/top_admin.jpg
(Binary files differ)

Added: plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/imgs/top_admin.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/imgs/top_admin.png
Name: svn:executable
   + *
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Modified: plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_ca_ES.php
--- plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_ca_ES.php	2005-11-09 15:12:23 UTC (rev 2543)
+++ plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_ca_ES.php	2005-11-09 15:31:50 UTC (rev 2544)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 // set this to the encoding that should be used to display the pages correctly
 $messages['encoding'] = 'iso-8859-1';
-$messages['locale_description'] = "Traducció de pLog al català.";
+$messages['locale_description'] = "Traducció de LifeType al català.";
 // locale format, see Locale::formatDate for more information
 $messages['date_format'] = '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M';
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
 // login page
 $messages['login'] = 'Connecta';
-$messages['welcome_message'] = 'Benvingut a pLog';
+$messages['welcome_message'] = 'Benvingut a LifeType';
 $messages["error_incorrect_username_or_password"] = "El nom d'usuari o la paraula clau són incorrectes.";
 $messages["error_dont_belong_to_any_blog"] = "L'usuari és vàlid però no pertany a cap bloc.";
 $messages["logout_message"] = "El procés de sortida ha acabat correctament.";
@@ -607,7 +607,7 @@
 $messages['error_creating_working_folder'] = 'Hi ha hagut un error creant una carpeta temporal per descomprimir els arxius';
 $messages['error_checking_template'] = 'Hi ha hagut un error comprovant la plantilla: %s';
 $messages['template_package'] = 'Paquet de la plantilla';
-$messages['blog_template_package_help']  = 'Utilitza aquest formulari per pujar un nou joc de plantilles, que estarà només disponible pel teu bloc. Si això no és possible, puja el joc de plantilles manualment i col·loca\'l a <b>%s</b>, que és la carpeta del servidor on es guarden les plantilles, i fes clic al botó "<b>Cerca plantilles</b>". pLog buscarà en aquesta carpeta i actualitzarà automàticament les plantilles que trobi.';
+$messages['blog_template_package_help']  = 'Utilitza aquest formulari per pujar un nou joc de plantilles, que estarà només disponible pel teu bloc. Si això no és possible, puja el joc de plantilles manualment i col·loca\'l a <b>%s</b>, que és la carpeta del servidor on es guarden les plantilles, i fes clic al botó "<b>Cerca plantilles</b>". LifeType buscarà en aquesta carpeta i actualitzarà automàticament les plantilles que trobi.';
 $messages['scan_templates'] = 'Cerca plantilles';
 // site users
@@ -684,13 +684,13 @@
 $messages['locale_added_ok'] = 'Localització "%s" afegida correctament';
 $messages['error_saving_locale'] = 'Hi ha hagut un error guardant la nova localització';
 $messages['scan_locales'] = 'Cerca localitzacions';
-$messages['add_locale_help'] = 'Utilitza aquest formulari per pujar un arxiu de localització. Si no pots pujar l\'arxiu mitjançant el formulari, puja l\'arxiu manualment al directori <b>./locales/</b>, que és la carpeta on es guarden les localitzacions, i fes clic al botó  "<b>Cerca localització</b>". pLog mirarà dins la carpeta i actualitzarà tots els idiomes que hagi trobat.';
+$messages['add_locale_help'] = 'Utilitza aquest formulari per pujar un arxiu de localització. Si no pots pujar l\'arxiu mitjançant el formulari, puja l\'arxiu manualment al directori <b>./locales/</b>, que és la carpeta on es guarden les localitzacions, i fes clic al botó  "<b>Cerca localització</b>". LifeType mirarà dins la carpeta i actualitzarà tots els idiomes que hagi trobat.';
 // site templates
 $messages['error_template_is_default'] = 'La plantilla "%s" no es pot esborrar perquè és la plantilla per defecte dels nous blocs';
 // add template
-$messages['global_template_package_help'] = 'Utilitza aquest formulari per pujar un nou joc de plantilles, que estarà només disponible pel teu bloc. Si això no és possible, puja el joc de plantilles manualment i col·loca\'l a <b>%s</b>, que és la carpeta del servidor on es guarden les plantilles, i fes clic al botó "<b>Cerca plantilles</b>". pLog buscarà en aquesta carpeta i actualitzarà automàticament les plantilles que trobi.';
+$messages['global_template_package_help'] = 'Utilitza aquest formulari per pujar un nou joc de plantilles, que estarà només disponible pel teu bloc. Si això no és possible, puja el joc de plantilles manualment i col·loca\'l a <b>%s</b>, que és la carpeta del servidor on es guarden les plantilles, i fes clic al botó "<b>Cerca plantilles</b>". LifeType buscarà en aquesta carpeta i actualitzarà automàticament les plantilles que trobi.';
 // global settings
 $messages['site_config_saved_ok'] = 'Preferències arxivades correctament';
@@ -698,7 +698,7 @@
 /// general settings
 $messages['help_comments_enabled'] = 'Activa o desactiva els comentaris pels nous blocs per defecte';
 $messages['help_beautify_comments_text'] = 'Si està activat, els comentaris introduïts pels usuaris seran formatats, afegint-los paràgrafs i auto-omplenant els enllaços';
-$messages['help_temp_folder'] = 'Carpeta que fa servir pLog per escriure arxius temporals, etc. Utilitza\'n una altra si vols augmentar la seguretat';
+$messages['help_temp_folder'] = 'Carpeta que fa servir LifeType per escriure arxius temporals, etc. Utilitza\'n una altra si vols augmentar la seguretat';
 $messages['help_base_url'] = 'URL de base on està instal·lat aquest bloc';
 $messages['help_subdomains_enabled'] = 'Activa o desactiva subdominis. Mira\'t la documentació per saber-ne més';
 $messages['help_subdomains_base_url'] = 'Si els subdominis estan activats, aquesta URL base es farà servir en comptes de base_url. Utilitza {blogname} per donar nom al bloc i {username} per donar nom a l\'usuari del bloc per tal de generar un enllaç al bloc';
@@ -723,9 +723,9 @@
 $messages['help_htmlarea_enabled'] = 'Activa o desactiva l\'editor gràfic (WYSIWYG) de missatges per defecte als nous blocs';
 $messages['help_plugin_manager_enabled'] = 'Activa o desactiva els plugins';
 $messages['help_minimum_password_length'] = 'Longitud mínima per a les contrasenyes';
-$messages['help_xhtml_converter_enabled'] = 'Si està activat, pLog intentarà convertir tot el codi HTML al codi XHTML més semblant';
-$messages['help_xhtml_converter_aggressive_mode_enabled'] = 'Si està activat, pLog intentarà encara més generar codi XHTML a partir del codi HTML, però serà més propens a errors';
-$messages['help_session_save_path'] = 'Fes servir aquest paràmetre per canviar la carpeta on pLog desa les dades de sessions, a través de la funció de PHP session_save_path(). Assegura\'t de que el servidor té permisos d\'escriptura a la carpeta. Deixi-ho en blanc per fer servir la configuració de PHP per defecte';
+$messages['help_xhtml_converter_enabled'] = 'Si està activat, LifeType intentarà convertir tot el codi HTML al codi XHTML més semblant';
+$messages['help_xhtml_converter_aggressive_mode_enabled'] = 'Si està activat, LifeType intentarà encara més generar codi XHTML a partir del codi HTML, però serà més propens a errors';
+$messages['help_session_save_path'] = 'Fes servir aquest paràmetre per canviar la carpeta on LifeType desa les dades de sessions, a través de la funció de PHP session_save_path(). Assegura\'t de que el servidor té permisos d\'escriptura a la carpeta. Deixi-ho en blanc per fer servir la configuració de PHP per defecte';
 // summary settings
 $messages['help_summary_page_show_max'] = 'Número d\'elements que es mostraran a la pàgina de summari. Aquest paràmetre controla totes les llistes del summari (Missatges recents, Blocs més actius, etc)';
 $messages['help_summary_blogs_per_page'] = 'Número de blocs per pàgina a la llista de blocs';
@@ -741,7 +741,7 @@
 $messages['help_template_compile_check'] = 'Si està desactivat, Smarty comprovarà cada cop si la plantilla ha canviat i en el cas afirmatiu, utilitzarà la nova versió. Desactivar-ho per un rendiment més alt';
 $messages['help_template_cache_enabled'] = 'Permet desar les plantilles a la memòria cau. Si està activat, la versió de la pàgina de la memòria cau serà utilitzada sempre que sigui possible. No caldrà extreure dades de la base de dades ni recomplilar la plantilla';
 $messages['help_template_cache_lifetime'] = 'Vida en segons de la memòria cau. Posar-ho a -1 per forçar que la memòria cau no expiri mai. Si està a 0 la memòria cau estarà desactivada però es recomana desactivar-ho a través de la opció anterior';
-$messages['help_template_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Permet el suport per peticions condicionals de HTTP. Si està activat, pLog tindrà en compte la capcelera HTTP de "If-Modified-Since" i enviarà només el contingut si és estrictament necessàri. Activa això per estalviar ample de banda';
+$messages['help_template_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Permet el suport per peticions condicionals de HTTP. Si està activat, LifeType tindrà en compte la capcelera HTTP de "If-Modified-Since" i enviarà només el contingut si és estrictament necessàri. Activa això per estalviar ample de banda';
 // urls
 $messages['help_request_format_mode'] = 'Selecciona un dels formats URL disponibles. Si usa URLs pròpies, asseguris de configurar els paràmetres següents';
 $messages['plain'] = 'Pla';
@@ -762,7 +762,7 @@
 // email
 $messages['help_check_email_address_validity'] = 'Quan es comprovin adreces de correu electrònic, fer unes comprovacions bàsiques per veure si existeix un MX en el domini especificat i en cas afirmatiu, comprovar si l\'adreça especificada és vàlida';
 $messages['help_email_service_enabled'] = 'Activa o desactiva els correus electrònics de sortida';
-$messages['help_post_notification_source_address'] = 'L\'adreça de correu electrònic que apareixerà en el camp "De:" quan s\'enviin correus des de pLog';
+$messages['help_post_notification_source_address'] = 'L\'adreça de correu electrònic que apareixerà en el camp "De:" quan s\'enviin correus des de LifeType';
 $messages['help_email_service_type'] = 'Quin sistema utilitzar per enviar correus electrònics';
 $messages['help_smtp_host'] = 'Si s\'utilitza el sistema de SMTP, posa-hi el servidor SMTP que es farà servir per enviar els missatges';
 $messages['help_smtp_port'] = 'Si el servidor SMTP funciona en un port diferent del 25, posa\'l aquí';
@@ -809,7 +809,7 @@
 $messages['help_medium_size_thumbnail_height'] = 'Alçada per defecte de les vistes prèvies mitjanes';
 $messages['help_medium_size_thumbnail_width'] = 'Amplada per defecte de les vistes prèvies mitjanes';
 $messages['help_thumbnails_keep_aspect_ratio'] = 'Manté l\'aspecte de ratio al generar les vistes prèvies. Generarà vistes prèvies més grans de les mides especificades però seràn de més bona qualitat';
-$messages['help_thumbnail_generator_force_use_gd1'] = 'Força a pLog a utilitzar només funcions de GD1';
+$messages['help_thumbnail_generator_force_use_gd1'] = 'Força a LifeType a utilitzar només funcions de GD1';
 $messages['help_thumbnail_generator_user_smoothing_algorithm'] = 'Algoritme utilitzat per a suavitzar les vistes prèvies. Només emprat quan el métode triat és GD';
 $messages['help_resources_quota'] = 'Quota global per als recursos dels blocs';
 $messages['help_resource_server_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Permet el suport per a capceleres "If-Modified-Since" i crides de condicional HTTP. Activar-ho per estalviar més ample de banda';

Modified: plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_de_DE.php
--- plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_de_DE.php	2005-11-09 15:12:23 UTC (rev 2543)
+++ plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_de_DE.php	2005-11-09 15:31:50 UTC (rev 2544)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 // set this to the encoding that should be used to display the pages correctly
 $messages['encoding'] = 'iso-8859-1';
-$messages['locale_description'] = 'Deutsche Sprachdatei für pLog';
+$messages['locale_description'] = 'Deutsche Sprachdatei für LifeType';
 // locale format, see Locale::formatDate for more information
 $messages['date_format'] = '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M';
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
 // login page
 $messages['login'] = 'Login';
-$messages['welcome_message'] = 'Willkommen bei pLog';
+$messages['welcome_message'] = 'Willkommen bei LifeType';
 $messages['error_incorrect_username_or_password'] = 'Sie haben einen ung&uuml;ltigen Benutzernamen oder ein ung&uuml;ltiges Kennwort eingegeben. Achten Sie auch auf korrekte Gro&szlig;- und Kleinschreibung.';
 $messages['error_dont_belong_to_any_blog'] = 'Entschuldigung, f&uuml;r Sie ist noch kein Weblog freigeschaltet.';
 $messages['logout_message'] = 'Sie sind erfolgreich abgemeldet worden.';
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@
 $messages['total_size'] = 'Gesamtgr&ouml;&szlig;e';
 $messages['album'] = 'Album';
 $messages['error_incorrect_album_id'] = 'Die ID des Albums ist ung&uuml;ltig.';
-$messages['error_base_storage_folder_missing_or_unreadable'] = 'pLog kann die Verzeichnisse nicht erstellen, in denen die Ressourcen gespeichert werden sollen. Dies kann verschiedene Ursachen haben. Eventuell wird PHP bei Ihnen im "safe mode" ausgef&uuml;hrt, oder Sie haben nicht die erforderlichen Berechtigungen. Sie k&ouml;nnen die Operation eventuell manuell ausf&uuml;hren, indem Sie die folgenden Verzeichnisse anlegen: <br/><br/>%s<br/><br/>. Wenn diese Verzeichnisse bereits existieren, stellen Sie sicher, dass Lese- und Schreibzugriff vorhanden ist.';
+$messages['error_base_storage_folder_missing_or_unreadable'] = 'LifeType kann die Verzeichnisse nicht erstellen, in denen die Ressourcen gespeichert werden sollen. Dies kann verschiedene Ursachen haben. Eventuell wird PHP bei Ihnen im "safe mode" ausgef&uuml;hrt, oder Sie haben nicht die erforderlichen Berechtigungen. Sie k&ouml;nnen die Operation eventuell manuell ausf&uuml;hren, indem Sie die folgenden Verzeichnisse anlegen: <br/><br/>%s<br/><br/>. Wenn diese Verzeichnisse bereits existieren, stellen Sie sicher, dass Lese- und Schreibzugriff vorhanden ist.';
 $messages['items_deleted_ok'] = '%s Positionen erfolgreich gel&ouml;scht.';
 $messages['error_album_has_children'] = 'Das Album "%s" konnte nicht gel&ouml;scht werden, da es Unteralben enth&auml;lt. Wenn Sie das Album wirklich l&ouml;schen m&ouml;chten, entfernen Sie zuerst die Unteralben und versuchen es anschlie&szlig;end erneut.';
 $messages['item_deleted_ok'] = 'Position "%s" erfolgreich gel&ouml;scht.';
@@ -588,7 +588,7 @@
 $messages['error_creating_working_folder'] = 'Beim Erstellen eines tempor&auml;ren Verzeichnisses zum Entpacken der Dateien ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.';
 $messages['error_checking_template'] = 'Beim Pr&uuml;fen des Templates "%s" ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.';
 $messages['template_package'] = 'Template-Set';
-$messages['blog_template_package_help']  = 'Benutzen Sie dieses Formular, um ein Template hochzuladen, dass nur f&uuml;r Ihr Blog verf&uuml;gbar sein soll. Wenn Sie mit diesem Formular kein Template-Set hochladen k&ouml;nnen, laden Sie es manuell in das Verzeichniss <b>%s</b>. In diesem Verzeichniss sind all Ihre Templates gespeichert. Anschlie&szlig;end klicken Sie auf <b>Templates scannen</b>. pLog scannt daraufhin das Verzeichniss und f&uuml;gt automatisch alle neu erkannten Templates der Auswahl zu.';
+$messages['blog_template_package_help']  = 'Benutzen Sie dieses Formular, um ein Template hochzuladen, dass nur f&uuml;r Ihr Blog verf&uuml;gbar sein soll. Wenn Sie mit diesem Formular kein Template-Set hochladen k&ouml;nnen, laden Sie es manuell in das Verzeichniss <b>%s</b>. In diesem Verzeichniss sind all Ihre Templates gespeichert. Anschlie&szlig;end klicken Sie auf <b>Templates scannen</b>. LifeType scannt daraufhin das Verzeichniss und f&uuml;gt automatisch alle neu erkannten Templates der Auswahl zu.';
 $messages['scan_templates'] = 'Templates scannen';
 // site users
@@ -665,13 +665,13 @@
 $messages['locale_added_ok'] = 'Die Sprachdatei %s wurde erfolgreich hinzugef&uuml;gt.';
 $messages['error_saving_locale'] = 'Beim Speichern der neuen Sprachdatei ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.';
 $messages['scan_locales'] = 'Sprachdateien scannen';
-$messages['add_locale_help'] = 'Benutzen Sie dieses Formular, um neue Sprachdateien hinzuzuf&uuml;gen. Wenn Sie mithilfe dieses Formulars keine neuen Dateien hochladen k&ouml;nnen, laden Sie die Sprachdatei manuell in das Standardverzeichniss f&uuml;r Sprachdateien, normalerweise <b>./locales/</b>. Klicken Sie anschlie&szlig;end auf <b>Sprachdateien scannen</b> . pLog scannt dann das Verzeichniss und f&uuml;gt die neuen Sprachdateien automatisch dem System zu.';
+$messages['add_locale_help'] = 'Benutzen Sie dieses Formular, um neue Sprachdateien hinzuzuf&uuml;gen. Wenn Sie mithilfe dieses Formulars keine neuen Dateien hochladen k&ouml;nnen, laden Sie die Sprachdatei manuell in das Standardverzeichniss f&uuml;r Sprachdateien, normalerweise <b>./locales/</b>. Klicken Sie anschlie&szlig;end auf <b>Sprachdateien scannen</b> . LifeType scannt dann das Verzeichniss und f&uuml;gt die neuen Sprachdateien automatisch dem System zu.';
 // site templates
 $messages['error_template_is_default'] = 'Das Template %s kann nicht gel&ouml;scht werden, da es das Standardtemplate f&uuml;r neue Blogs ist.';
 // add template
-$messages['global_template_package_help'] = 'Benutzen Sie dieses Formular, um ein Template hochzuladen, dass f&uuml;r alle Blogs dieser Site verf&uuml;gbar sein soll. Wenn Sie mit diesem Formular kein Template-Set hochladen k&ouml;nnen, laden Sie es manuell in das Verzeichniss <b>%s</b>, dem Verzeichniss f&uuml;r all Ihre Template-Sets. Anschlie&szlig;end klicken Sie auf <b>Templates scannen</b>. pLog scannt daraufhin das Verzeichniss und f&uuml;gt automatisch alle neu erkannten Templates der Auswahl zu.';
+$messages['global_template_package_help'] = 'Benutzen Sie dieses Formular, um ein Template hochzuladen, dass f&uuml;r alle Blogs dieser Site verf&uuml;gbar sein soll. Wenn Sie mit diesem Formular kein Template-Set hochladen k&ouml;nnen, laden Sie es manuell in das Verzeichniss <b>%s</b>, dem Verzeichniss f&uuml;r all Ihre Template-Sets. Anschlie&szlig;end klicken Sie auf <b>Templates scannen</b>. LifeType scannt daraufhin das Verzeichniss und f&uuml;gt automatisch alle neu erkannten Templates der Auswahl zu.';
 // global settings
 $messages['site_config_saved_ok'] = 'Die Einstellungen wurden erfolgreich gespeichert.';
@@ -679,7 +679,7 @@
 /// general settings
 $messages['help_comments_enabled'] = 'Kommentare f&uuml;r neue Blogs als Standard erlauben [Standard = Ja]';
 $messages['help_beautify_comments_text'] = 'In Kommentaren automatisch Abs&auml;tze formatieren und URLs verlinken [Standard = Ja]';
-$messages['help_temp_folder'] = 'Verzeichniss, in das pLog tempor&auml;re Dateien, wie z.B. kompilierte Templates, speichert. Um die Sicherheit zu erh&ouml;hen, k&ouml;nnen Sie ein Verzeichniss ausserhalb des Webserver-Verzeichnissbaums nutzen. [Standard = ./tmp]';
+$messages['help_temp_folder'] = 'Verzeichniss, in das LifeType tempor&auml;re Dateien, wie z.B. kompilierte Templates, speichert. Um die Sicherheit zu erh&ouml;hen, k&ouml;nnen Sie ein Verzeichniss ausserhalb des Webserver-Verzeichnissbaums nutzen. [Standard = ./tmp]';
 $messages['help_base_url'] = 'URL unter dem dieses Blog installiert ist';
 $messages['help_subdomains_enabled'] = 'Subdomains aktivieren oder deaktivieren. Wenn Sie diese Funktion nutzen m&ouml;chten, lesen Sie bitte vorher die Dokumentation! [Standard = Nein]';
 $messages['help_subdomains_base_url'] = 'Wenn Subdomains aktiviert sind, ist dies die URL-Basis. Benutzen Sie {blogname}, um den Blognamen oder {username} um den Benutzernamen zum Generieren des Links zum Blog zu verwenden (z.B. http://{blogname}.yourdomain.com)';
@@ -704,9 +704,9 @@
 $messages['help_htmlarea_enabled'] = 'Den WYSIWYG-Editor f&uuml;r neue Blogs aktivieren oder deaktivieren [Standard = Ja]';
 $messages['help_plugin_manager_enabled'] = 'Die Verwendung von Plugins erm&ouml;glichen [Standard = Ja]';
 $messages['help_minimum_password_length'] = 'Mindestl&auml;nge f&uuml;r Kennw&ouml;rter [Standard = 4]';
-$messages['help_xhtml_converter_enabled'] = 'Wenn aktiviert, versucht pLog s&auml;mtlichen HTML-Code in g&uuml;ltiges XHTML zu konvertieren [Standard = Ja]';
-$messages['help_xhtml_converter_aggressive_mode_enabled'] = 'Wenn aktiviert, versucht pLog s&auml;mtlichen HTML-Code agressiv in g&uuml;ltiges XHTML zu konvertieren (diese Einstellung ist sehr fehleranf&auml;llig und mit Vorsicht zu verwenden). [Standard = Nein]';
-$messages['help_session_save_path'] = 'Verzeichniss, in das pLog Sessiondaten mithilfe der PHP Funktion session_save_path() speichert. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass dieses Verzeichniss f&uuml;r den Webserver beschreibbar ist. Wenn Sie diese Einstellung leer lassen, wird das Standardverzeichniss von PHP benutzt. [Standard = (leer)]';
+$messages['help_xhtml_converter_enabled'] = 'Wenn aktiviert, versucht LifeType s&auml;mtlichen HTML-Code in g&uuml;ltiges XHTML zu konvertieren [Standard = Ja]';
+$messages['help_xhtml_converter_aggressive_mode_enabled'] = 'Wenn aktiviert, versucht LifeType s&auml;mtlichen HTML-Code agressiv in g&uuml;ltiges XHTML zu konvertieren (diese Einstellung ist sehr fehleranf&auml;llig und mit Vorsicht zu verwenden). [Standard = Nein]';
+$messages['help_session_save_path'] = 'Verzeichniss, in das LifeType Sessiondaten mithilfe der PHP Funktion session_save_path() speichert. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass dieses Verzeichniss f&uuml;r den Webserver beschreibbar ist. Wenn Sie diese Einstellung leer lassen, wird das Standardverzeichniss von PHP benutzt. [Standard = (leer)]';
 // summary settings
 $messages['help_summary_page_show_max'] = 'Anzahl der Eintr&auml;ge, die auf der &Uuml;bersichtsseite angezeigt werden. Diese Einstellung gilt f&uuml;r alle Listen auf der &Uuml;bersichtsseite (aktuelle Artikel, aktivste Blogs, usw.) [Standard = 10]';
 $messages['help_summary_blogs_per_page'] = 'Anzahl der Blogs pro Seite in der "Blog Liste" [Standard = 25]';
@@ -722,7 +722,7 @@
 $messages['help_template_compile_check'] = 'Aktivieren Sie diese Funktion, um Dateien durch Smarty automatisch auf aktuellere Versionen pr&uuml;fen zu lassen. Deaktivieren Sie diese Funktion, um die Perfomance zu steigern [Standard = Ja]';
 $messages['help_template_cache_enabled'] = 'Aktivieren des Template-Cache. Wenn aktiviert, wird, falls m&ouml;glich,  eine zwischengespeicherte Version von Seiten benutzt. Dadurch m&uuml;ssen weniger Daten aus der Datenbank abgerufen und Templates seltener neu gerendert werden. [Standard = Ja]';
 $messages['help_template_cache_lifetime'] = 'Verfallszeit des Cache in Sekunden. Setzen Sie den Wert auf -1, um den Cache nie verfallen zu lassen. Wenn Sie den Wert auf 0 setzen, wird der Cache deaktiviert. Setzen Sie hierzu allerdings besser "Aktivieren des Template-Cache" auf "Nein". [Standard = 0]';
-$messages['help_template_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Unterst&uuml;tzung f&uuml;r HTTP-Request aktivieren. Wenn aktiviert, f&uuml;gt pLog dem HTTP-Header "If-Modified-Since"-Informationen zu. So mu&szlig; nur unbedingt erforderlicher Inhalt gesendet werden. Benutzen Sie diese Einstellung, um Bandbreite zu sparen. [Standard = Nein]';
+$messages['help_template_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Unterst&uuml;tzung f&uuml;r HTTP-Request aktivieren. Wenn aktiviert, f&uuml;gt LifeType dem HTTP-Header "If-Modified-Since"-Informationen zu. So mu&szlig; nur unbedingt erforderlicher Inhalt gesendet werden. Benutzen Sie diese Einstellung, um Bandbreite zu sparen. [Standard = Nein]';
 $messages['help_allow_php_code_in_templates'] = 'Nativen PHP-Code in Smarty-Templates innerhalb von {php}...{/php} Bl&ouml;cken erlauben [Standard = Nein]';
 // urls
 $messages['help_request_format_mode'] = 'W&auml;hlen Sie ein URL-Format. Wenn Sie benutzerdefinierte URLs verwenden m&ouml;chten, stellen Sie sicher, dass die folgenden Einstellungen ebenfalls konfiguriert sind. [Standard = einfach]';
@@ -744,7 +744,7 @@
 // email
 $messages['help_check_email_address_validity'] = 'Beim Pr&uuml;fen von E-Mail Adressen pr&uuml;fen, ob unter der angegebenen Domain MX-Records definiert sind und die Adresse auf eine g&uuml;tige Mailbox verweist [Standard = Nein]';
 $messages['help_email_service_enabled'] = 'Versenden von E-Mails erm&ouml;glichen [Standard = Ja]';
-$messages['help_post_notification_source_address'] = 'E-Mail Adresse, die als Absenderadresse erscheint, wenn pLog E-Mails versendet [Standard = noreply at your.host.com]';
+$messages['help_post_notification_source_address'] = 'E-Mail Adresse, die als Absenderadresse erscheint, wenn LifeType E-Mails versendet [Standard = noreply at your.host.com]';
 $messages['help_email_service_type'] = 'System, mit dem E-Mails versendet werden [Standard = PHP]';
 $messages['help_smtp_host'] = 'Wenn Sie SMTP zum Versenden von E-Mails verwenden m&ouml;chten, geben Sie hier den SMTP-Server an, der verwendet werden soll [Standard = (empty)]';
 $messages['help_smtp_port'] = 'Falls der SMTP-Server unter einem anderen Port als 25 l&auml;uft, geben Sie hier den entsprechenden Port an [Standard = (leer)]';
@@ -791,7 +791,7 @@
 $messages['help_medium_size_thumbnail_height'] = 'Standardh&ouml;he f&uuml;r Medium-Thumbnails [Standard = 480]';
 $messages['help_medium_size_thumbnail_width'] = 'Standardbreite f&uuml;r Medium-Thumbnails  [Standard = 640]';
 $messages['help_thumbnails_keep_aspect_ratio'] = 'Seitenverh&auml;hltnis beim Generieren von Thumbnails beibehalten. Generiert eventuell gr&ouml;&szlig;ere Thumbnails als oben eingestellt. [Standard = Ja]';
-$messages['help_thumbnail_generator_force_use_gd1'] = 'pLog zwingen nur GD1Funktionen zu nutzen [Standard = Nein]';
+$messages['help_thumbnail_generator_force_use_gd1'] = 'LifeType zwingen nur GD1Funktionen zu nutzen [Standard = Nein]';
 $messages['help_thumbnail_generator_user_smoothing_algorithm'] = 'Algorithmus um Thumbnails zu gl&auml;tten. Findet nur bei der Erstellung von Thumbnails mit GD Verwendung. [Standard = PHP Imagecopyresampled]';
 $messages['help_resources_quota'] = 'Globales Maximalkontingent f&uuml;r Ressource-Dateien in Bytes (z.B. 5242880 Bytes = 5MB), 0 hebt die Beschr&auml;nkung auf. [Standard = 0]';
 $messages['help_resource_server_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Support f&uuml;r "If-Modified-Since"-Header und HTTP-conditional Requests aktivieren. Aktivieren Sie diese Einstellung f&uuml;r maximale Bandbreiten Einsparung. [Standard = Nein]';

Modified: plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_en_UK.php
--- plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_en_UK.php	2005-11-09 15:12:23 UTC (rev 2543)
+++ plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_en_UK.php	2005-11-09 15:31:50 UTC (rev 2544)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 // set this to the encoding that should be used to display the pages correctly
 $messages['encoding'] = 'iso-8859-1';
-$messages['locale_description'] = 'English locale file for pLog';
+$messages['locale_description'] = 'English locale file for LifeType';
 // locale format, see Locale::formatDate for more information
 $messages['date_format'] = '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M';
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
 // login page
 $messages['login'] = 'Login';
-$messages['welcome_message'] = 'Welcome to pLog';
+$messages['welcome_message'] = 'Welcome to LifeType';
 $messages['error_incorrect_username_or_password'] = 'Sorry, Incorrect username or password.';
 $messages['error_dont_belong_to_any_blog'] = 'Sorry, you do not belong to any blog yet.';
 $messages['logout_message'] = 'You have been successfully logged out.';
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@
 $messages['send_notifications_ok'] = 'A notification will be sent every time there is a new comment or trackback.';
 $messages['bookmarklet'] = "Bookmarklet";
 $messages['bookmarklet_help'] = "Drag this link to your toolbar or right-click it and choose Add to Favorites or Bookmark.";
-$messages['blogit_to_plog'] = "Blog It to pLog!";
+$messages['blogit_to_plog'] = "Blog It to LifeType!";
 $messages['original_post'] = "(Original Post)";
 // send trackbacks
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@
 $messages['error_adding_link'] = 'There was an error adding the link. Please check the data and try again';
 $messages['error_invalid_url'] = 'The address is not correct';
 $messages['link_added_ok'] = 'Link "%s" was successfully added';
-$messages['bookmarkit_to_plog'] = "Bookmark It to pLog!";
+$messages['bookmarkit_to_plog'] = "Bookmark It to LifeType!";
 // update link
 $messages['error_updating_link'] = 'There was an error updating the link. Please check the data and try again';
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@
 $messages['total_size'] = 'Total size';
 $messages['album'] = 'Album';
 $messages['error_incorrect_album_id'] = 'The album identifier is not correct';
-$messages['error_base_storage_folder_missing_or_unreadable'] = 'It was not possible for pLog to create the necessary folders where resources are going to be installed. This might be due to several reasons, such as your PHP installation running with safe mode enabled or your user not having enough permissions to do so. You may still try to carry out the operation manually, by creating the following folders: <br/><br/>%s<br/><br/>If these folders already exist please make sure that they can be read and written by the user running the web server.';
+$messages['error_base_storage_folder_missing_or_unreadable'] = 'It was not possible for LifeType to create the necessary folders where resources are going to be installed. This might be due to several reasons, such as your PHP installation running with safe mode enabled or your user not having enough permissions to do so. You may still try to carry out the operation manually, by creating the following folders: <br/><br/>%s<br/><br/>If these folders already exist please make sure that they can be read and written by the user running the web server.';
 $messages['items_deleted_ok'] = '%s items deleted successfully';
 $messages['error_album_has_children'] = 'Album "%s" has children. Please edit first the album and try again';
 $messages['item_deleted_ok'] = 'Item "%s"deleted successfully';
@@ -595,7 +595,7 @@
 $messages['error_creating_working_folder'] = 'There was an error creating a temporary folder to unpack the files';
 $messages['error_checking_template'] = 'There was an error checking the template: %s';
 $messages['template_package'] = 'Template package';
-$messages['blog_template_package_help']  = 'Use this form to upload a new template set, which will only be available to your blog. If it is not possible to upload a template package using this form, upload the template set manually and place it in <b>%s</b>, which is the folder where your blog templates are stored and click the "<b>Scan templates</b>" button. pLog will scan the folder and will automatically add any new template it can find.';
+$messages['blog_template_package_help']  = 'Use this form to upload a new template set, which will only be available to your blog. If it is not possible to upload a template package using this form, upload the template set manually and place it in <b>%s</b>, which is the folder where your blog templates are stored and click the "<b>Scan templates</b>" button. LifeType will scan the folder and will automatically add any new template it can find.';
 $messages['scan_templates'] = 'Scan Templates';
 // site users
@@ -672,13 +672,13 @@
 $messages['locale_added_ok'] = 'Locale "%s" added successfully';
 $messages['error_saving_locale'] = 'There was an error saving the new locale';
 $messages['scan_locales'] = 'Scan Locales';
-$messages['add_locale_help'] = 'Use this form to upload a new locale file. If it is not possible to upload files using this form, upload the locale file manually and place it in <b>./locales/</b>, which is the folder where locale files are stored and click the "<b>Scan Locales</b>" button. pLog will scan the folder and will automatically add any new locale file can find.';
+$messages['add_locale_help'] = 'Use this form to upload a new locale file. If it is not possible to upload files using this form, upload the locale file manually and place it in <b>./locales/</b>, which is the folder where locale files are stored and click the "<b>Scan Locales</b>" button. LifeType will scan the folder and will automatically add any new locale file can find.';
 // site templates
 $messages['error_template_is_default'] = 'Template "%s" cannot be deleted because it is the default one for new blogs';
 // add template
-$messages['global_template_package_help'] = 'Use this form to upload a new template set, which will be available to all blogs in the site. If it is not possible to upload a template package using this form, upload the template set manually and place it in <b>%s</b>, which is the folder where globally available templates are stored and click the "<b>Scan templates</b>" button. pLog will scan the folder and will automatically add any new template it can find.';
+$messages['global_template_package_help'] = 'Use this form to upload a new template set, which will be available to all blogs in the site. If it is not possible to upload a template package using this form, upload the template set manually and place it in <b>%s</b>, which is the folder where globally available templates are stored and click the "<b>Scan templates</b>" button. LifeType will scan the folder and will automatically add any new template it can find.';
 // global settings
 $messages['site_config_saved_ok'] = 'Site settings saved successfully';
@@ -686,7 +686,7 @@
 /// general settings
 $messages['help_comments_enabled'] = 'Enable comments for new blogs by default [Default = Yes]';
 $messages['help_beautify_comments_text'] = 'If enabled, comments posted by users will be formatted by adding paragraphs and auto-linking all URLs [Default = Yes]';
-$messages['help_temp_folder'] = 'Folder that pLog can use to write its temporary data such as compiled templates, etc. Use a folder outside the web server tree for increased security [Default = ./tmp]';
+$messages['help_temp_folder'] = 'Folder that LifeType can use to write its temporary data such as compiled templates, etc. Use a folder outside the web server tree for increased security [Default = ./tmp]';
 $messages['help_base_url'] = 'Base URL where this blog is installed';
 $messages['help_subdomains_enabled'] = 'Enable or disable subdomains. Please see the documentation for more information regarding subdomains [Default = No]';
 $messages['help_subdomains_base_url'] = 'When subdomains are enabled, this base URL is used instead of base_url. Use {blogname} to get the blog name and {username} to get the name of the user owner of the blog in order to generate a link to a blog. (i.e. http://{blogname}.yourdomain.com)';
@@ -711,9 +711,9 @@
 $messages['help_htmlarea_enabled'] = 'Enable or disable the WYSIWYG post editor by default in new blogs [Default = Yes';
 $messages['help_plugin_manager_enabled'] = 'Enable or disable plugins [Default = Yes]';
 $messages['help_minimum_password_length'] = 'Minimum length for passwords [Default = 4]';
-$messages['help_xhtml_converter_enabled'] = 'If enabled, pLog will try to convert all HTML code into proper XHTML code [Default = Yes]';
-$messages['help_xhtml_converter_aggressive_mode_enabled'] = 'If enabled, pLog will try even harder to generate XHTML out of HTML code, but it will be more prone to errors [Default = No]';
-$messages['help_session_save_path'] = 'Please use this setting to change the folder where pLog stores its session data, via the PHP function session_save_path() Please make sure that the folder is writable by the web server. Leave empty to use PHP\'s default session folder [Default = (empty)]';
+$messages['help_xhtml_converter_enabled'] = 'If enabled, LifeType will try to convert all HTML code into proper XHTML code [Default = Yes]';
+$messages['help_xhtml_converter_aggressive_mode_enabled'] = 'If enabled, LifeType will try even harder to generate XHTML out of HTML code, but it will be more prone to errors [Default = No]';
+$messages['help_session_save_path'] = 'Please use this setting to change the folder where LifeType stores its session data, via the PHP function session_save_path() Please make sure that the folder is writable by the web server. Leave empty to use PHP\'s default session folder [Default = (empty)]';
 // summary settings
 $messages['help_summary_page_show_max'] = 'Number of items that will be shown in the summary page. This setting control all lists in the summary page (recent articles, most active blogs, etc) [Default = 10]';
 $messages['help_summary_blogs_per_page'] = 'Number of blogs per page in the "Blogs List" section [Default = 25]';
@@ -729,7 +729,7 @@
 $messages['help_template_compile_check'] = 'If enabled, Smarty will check every time if template files have changed and if so, use the new version. Set this to disabled for higher performance [Default = Yes]';
 $messages['help_template_cache_enabled'] = 'Enable the template cache. If enabled, the cached version of a page will be used whenever possible. No data will need to be fetched from the database and templates will not need to be recompiled [Default = Yes]';
 $messages['help_template_cache_lifetime'] = 'Lifetime in seconds of the cache. Set to -1 to force the cache to never expire. If set to 0, the cache will be disabled but it is recommended to set template_cache_enabled to "No" in order to disable the cache [Default = -1]';
-$messages['help_template_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Enable support for HTTP conditional requests. If enabled, pLog will take the "If-Modified-Since" HTTP header into account and send only content if strictly needed. Enable this to save bandwidth [Default = No]';
+$messages['help_template_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Enable support for HTTP conditional requests. If enabled, LifeType will take the "If-Modified-Since" HTTP header into account and send only content if strictly needed. Enable this to save bandwidth [Default = No]';
 $messages['help_allow_php_code_in_templates'] = 'Allows to embed native PHP code in Smarty templates inside {php}...{/php} blocks [Default = No]';
 // urls
 $messages['help_request_format_mode'] = 'Select one of the available URL format. If using custom URLs, make sure to configure the settings below [Default = Plain]';
@@ -751,7 +751,7 @@
 // email
 $messages['help_check_email_address_validity'] = 'When checking email addresses, perform some basic checks to see whether an MX record exists in the given domain and if so, if the email address is actually a valid mailbox [Default = No]';
 $messages['help_email_service_enabled'] = 'Enable or disable sending out emails [Default = Yes]';
-$messages['help_post_notification_source_address'] = 'Email address that will appear in the "From:" field when sending emails from pLog [Default = noreply at your.host.com]';
+$messages['help_post_notification_source_address'] = 'Email address that will appear in the "From:" field when sending emails from LifeType [Default = noreply at your.host.com]';
 $messages['help_email_service_type'] = 'Which system to use in order to send emails [Default = PHP]';
 $messages['help_smtp_host'] = 'If using SMTP as the email sending system, set this to the SMTP server that will be used to send out the messages [Default = (empty)]';
 $messages['help_smtp_port'] = 'If the SMTP server is running in a port other than 25, configure this value [Default = (empty)]';
@@ -798,7 +798,7 @@
 $messages['help_medium_size_thumbnail_height'] = 'Default height for medium thumbnails  [Default = 480]';
 $messages['help_medium_size_thumbnail_width'] = 'Default width for medium thumbnails  [Default = 640]';
 $messages['help_thumbnails_keep_aspect_ratio'] = 'Keep the aspect ratio when generating thumbnails. Might generate thumbnails bigger than the sizes specified above but quality is better [Default = Yes]';
-$messages['help_thumbnail_generator_force_use_gd1'] = 'Force pLog to use GD1-only functions [Default = No]';
+$messages['help_thumbnail_generator_force_use_gd1'] = 'Force LifeType to use GD1-only functions [Default = No]';
 $messages['help_thumbnail_generator_user_smoothing_algorithm'] = 'Algorithm used to smooth thumbnails. Only used when the thumbnail method is GD [Default = PHP Imagecopyresampled]';
 $messages['help_resources_quota'] = 'Global resource quota for blogs in bytes (i.e. 5242880 Bytes = 5MB), or set to 0 for unlimited quota [Default = 0]';
 $messages['help_resource_server_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Enable support for the "If-Modified-Since" header and HTTP conditional requests. Enable for increased bandwidth savings  [Default = No]';

Modified: plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_es_ES.php
--- plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_es_ES.php	2005-11-09 15:12:23 UTC (rev 2543)
+++ plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_es_ES.php	2005-11-09 15:31:50 UTC (rev 2544)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 // set this to the encoding that should be used to display the pages correctly
 $messages['encoding'] = 'iso-8859-1';
-$messages['locale_description'] = 'Traducción al español de pLog';
+$messages['locale_description'] = 'Traducción al español de LifeType';
 // locale format, see Locale::formatDate for more information
 $messages['date_format'] = '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M';
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
 // login page
 $messages['login'] = 'Entrar';
-$messages['welcome_message'] = 'Bienvenido a pLog';
+$messages['welcome_message'] = 'Bienvenido a LifeType';
 $messages['error_incorrect_username_or_password'] = 'El nombre de usuario o password es incorrecto.';
 $messages['error_dont_belong_to_any_blog'] = 'Su usuario no pertenece a ninguna bitácora todavía.';
 $messages['logout_message'] = 'Ha sido desconectado correctamente';
@@ -586,7 +586,7 @@
 $messages['error_creating_working_folder'] = 'Hubo un error creando un directorio temporal para descomprimir la plantilla';
 $messages['error_checking_template'] = 'Hubo un error comprobando que la plantilla es correcta: %s';
 $messages['template_package'] = 'Plantilla';
-$messages['blog_template_package_help']  = 'Use este formulario para enviar nuevas plantillas al servidor. Éstas plantillas solo estarán disponibles para esta bitácora. Si no es posible enviar ficheros, use por ejemplo un cliente de FTP para subir los ficheros y colóquelos en el directorio <b>%s</b> y luego use el botón "<b>Actualizar plantillas</b>" para añadir cualquier plantilla nueva. pLog comprobará el contenido del directorio y añadirá automáticamente todas las plantillas nuevas';
+$messages['blog_template_package_help']  = 'Use este formulario para enviar nuevas plantillas al servidor. Éstas plantillas solo estarán disponibles para esta bitácora. Si no es posible enviar ficheros, use por ejemplo un cliente de FTP para subir los ficheros y colóquelos en el directorio <b>%s</b> y luego use el botón "<b>Actualizar plantillas</b>" para añadir cualquier plantilla nueva. LifeType comprobará el contenido del directorio y añadirá automáticamente todas las plantillas nuevas';
 $messages['scan_templates'] = 'Actualizar plantillas';
 // site users
@@ -663,13 +663,13 @@
 $messages['locale_added_ok'] = 'La traducción "%s" fue añadida correctamente';
 $messages['error_saving_locale'] = 'Hubo un error guardando la nueva traducción';
 $messages['scan_locales'] = 'Actualizar traducciones';
-$messages['add_locale_help'] = 'Use este formulario para añadir nuevas traducciones. Si no es posible enviar ficheros al servidor, suba el fichero al servidor manualmente mediante por ejemplo FTP, guárdelo en el directorio <b>./locales/</b> y use el botón "<b>Actualizar traducciones</b>". pLog leerá el directorio y añadirá automáticamente cualquier nueva traducción';
+$messages['add_locale_help'] = 'Use este formulario para añadir nuevas traducciones. Si no es posible enviar ficheros al servidor, suba el fichero al servidor manualmente mediante por ejemplo FTP, guárdelo en el directorio <b>./locales/</b> y use el botón "<b>Actualizar traducciones</b>". LifeType leerá el directorio y añadirá automáticamente cualquier nueva traducción';
 // site templates
 $messages['error_template_is_default'] = 'La plantilla "%s" no pudo ser eliminada porque es la que se está usando por defecto para nuevas bitácoras';
 // add template
-$messages['global_template_package_help'] = 'Use este formulario para enviar nuevas plantillas al servidor. Éstas plantillas estarán disponibles para todas las bitácoras del servidor. Si no es posible enviar ficheros, use por ejemplo un cliente de FTP para subir los ficheros y colóquelos en el directorio <b>%s</b> y luego use el botón "<b>Actualizar plantillas</b>" para añadir cualquier plantilla nueva. pLog comprobará el contenido del directorio y añadirá automáticamente todas las plantillas nuevas';
+$messages['global_template_package_help'] = 'Use este formulario para enviar nuevas plantillas al servidor. Éstas plantillas estarán disponibles para todas las bitácoras del servidor. Si no es posible enviar ficheros, use por ejemplo un cliente de FTP para subir los ficheros y colóquelos en el directorio <b>%s</b> y luego use el botón "<b>Actualizar plantillas</b>" para añadir cualquier plantilla nueva. LifeType comprobará el contenido del directorio y añadirá automáticamente todas las plantillas nuevas';
 // global settings
 $messages['site_config_saved_ok'] = 'La configuración general fue guardada correctamente';
@@ -677,11 +677,11 @@
 /// general settings
 $messages['help_comments_enabled'] = 'Activar los comentarios en nuevas bitácoras por defecto [Valor por defecto = Sí]';
 $messages['help_beautify_comments_text'] = 'Si se activa, los comentarios enviados por los usuarios serán formateados automáticamente añadiendo párrafos y generando enlaces automáticamente a partir de direcciones [Valor por defecto = Sí]';
-$messages['help_temp_folder'] = 'Carpeta donde el pLog puede escribir sus ficheros temporales de uso interno. Use una carpeta fuera del árbol de directorios del servidor de web para mayor seguridad [Valor por defecto = ./tmp]';
-$messages['help_base_url'] = 'Dirección base donde el pLog está instalado';
+$messages['help_temp_folder'] = 'Carpeta donde el LifeType puede escribir sus ficheros temporales de uso interno. Use una carpeta fuera del árbol de directorios del servidor de web para mayor seguridad [Valor por defecto = ./tmp]';
+$messages['help_base_url'] = 'Dirección base donde el LifeType está instalado';
 $messages['help_subdomains_enabled'] = 'Activar el soporte para subdominios. Vea la sección de la documentación sobre subdominios para más información [Valor por defecto = No]';
 $messages['help_subdomains_base_url'] = 'Cuando los subdominios estan activados, se usará está URL base en lugar de base_url. Use {blogname} para obtener el nombre de la bitácora y {username} para obtener el nombre del usuario, para generar un enlace permanente a la bitácora (p. ej. "http://{blogname}.sudominio.com")';
-$messages['help_include_blog_id_in_url'] = 'Cuando los subdominions están activados conjuntamente con las URLs "normales", esto forzará al pLog a no incluir el parámetro "blogId". No debería alterar este valor si no sabe lo que está haciendo [Valor por defecto = Sí]';
+$messages['help_include_blog_id_in_url'] = 'Cuando los subdominions están activados conjuntamente con las URLs "normales", esto forzará al LifeType a no incluir el parámetro "blogId". No debería alterar este valor si no sabe lo que está haciendo [Valor por defecto = Sí]';
 $messages['help_script_name'] = 'Configure este parámetro si por alguna razón tiene que renombrar index.php [Valor por defecto = index.php]';
 $messages['help_show_posts_max'] = 'Número máximo de artículos en la página principal para nuevas bitácoras [Valor por defecto = 15]';
 $messages['help_recent_posts_max'] = 'Número máximo de artículos recientes mostrados en la página principal para nuevas bitácoras [Valor por defecto = 10]';
@@ -693,7 +693,7 @@
 $messages['help_html_allowed_tags_in_comments'] = 'Lista de entidades HTML, separadas por espacios en blanco, que están permitidas en los comentarios [Valor por defecto = &lt;a&gt;&lt;i&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;br/&gt;&lt;b&gt;]';
 $messages['help_referer_tracker_enabled'] = 'Guardar los "referrers" en la base de datos [Valor por defecto = Sí]';
 $messages['help_show_more_enabled'] = 'Activar el enlace "Más..." por defecto para nuevas bitácoras [Valor por defecto = Sí]';
-$messages['help_update_article_reads'] = 'pLog actualizará el contador de veces que un artículo ha sido leído si se activa [Valor por defecto = Sí]';
+$messages['help_update_article_reads'] = 'LifeType actualizará el contador de veces que un artículo ha sido leído si se activa [Valor por defecto = Sí]';
 $messages['help_update_cached_article_reads'] = 'Igual que update_article_reads, pero además se actualizará el contador aunque la caché esté activada [Valor por defecto = Sí]';
 $messages['help_xmlrpc_ping_enabled'] = 'Activar la posibilidad de enviar pings mediante XMLRPC a los sitios que lo soporten [Valor por defecto = Sí]';
 $messages['help_send_xmlrpc_pings_enabled_by_default'] = 'Activar el soporte para pings XMLRPC por defecto en nuevos artículos [Valor por defecto = Sí]';
@@ -703,8 +703,8 @@
 $messages['help_plugin_manager_enabled'] = 'Activar los plugins [Valor por defecto = Sí]';
 $messages['help_minimum_password_length'] = 'Tamaño mínimo, en carácteres, que un password debe tener [Valor por defecto = 4]';
 $messages['help_xhtml_converter_enabled'] = 'Activa un filtro que intentará convertir el texto de los artículos a XHTML válido automáticamente [Valor por defecto = Sí]';
-$messages['help_xhtml_converter_aggressive_mode_enabled'] = 'pLog intetará corregir casi todo lo que pueda para asegurar que nuestros artículos sean XHTML válido, aunque activando este modo es posible que se cometan más errores [Valor por defecto = No]';
-$messages['help_session_save_path'] = 'Carpeta donde el pLog guarda sus sesiones, mediante la función session_save_path() del PHP. Deje este campo vació para usar el valor por defecto del PHP. Si usa otra carpeta que no sea la por defecto, asegúrese de que puede ser escrita por el usuario ejecutando el servidor de web [Valor por defecto = (vacío)]';
+$messages['help_xhtml_converter_aggressive_mode_enabled'] = 'LifeType intetará corregir casi todo lo que pueda para asegurar que nuestros artículos sean XHTML válido, aunque activando este modo es posible que se cometan más errores [Valor por defecto = No]';
+$messages['help_session_save_path'] = 'Carpeta donde el LifeType guarda sus sesiones, mediante la función session_save_path() del PHP. Deje este campo vació para usar el valor por defecto del PHP. Si usa otra carpeta que no sea la por defecto, asegúrese de que puede ser escrita por el usuario ejecutando el servidor de web [Valor por defecto = (vacío)]';
 // summary settings
 $messages['help_summary_page_show_max'] = 'Número de artículos que se mostrarán en el portal. Este parámetro controla todas las listas del portal (artículos más recientes, bitácoras más activas, etc) [Valor por defecto = 10]';
 $messages['help_summary_blogs_per_page'] = 'Número de bitácoras por página en la sección "Bitácoras" del portal [Valor por defecto = 25]';
@@ -720,7 +720,7 @@
 $messages['help_template_compile_check'] = 'Si se activa, Smarty comprobará si los ficheros de las plantillas han cambiado y si es así, las recompilará [Valor por defecto = Sí]';
 $messages['help_template_cache_enabled'] = 'Activa la cache de plantillas. Si está activada, las páginas de las bitácoras solo se generarán una vez y se usarán hasta que haya algun cambio. De esta forma, no será necesario traer los datos desde la base de datos cada vez [Valor por defecto = Sí]';
 $messages['help_template_cache_lifetime'] = 'Tiempo en segundos de vida de la caché. Asigne -1 para que la caché nucna expire';
-$messages['help_template_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Activar el soporte para las peticiones condicionales vía HTTP. Si se activa, pLog tendrá en cuenta el valor de la cabecera HTTP "If-Modified-Since" y solo enviará los datos en caso de que sea necesario para ahorrar ancho de banda [Valor por defecto = No]';
+$messages['help_template_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Activar el soporte para las peticiones condicionales vía HTTP. Si se activa, LifeType tendrá en cuenta el valor de la cabecera HTTP "If-Modified-Since" y solo enviará los datos en caso de que sea necesario para ahorrar ancho de banda [Valor por defecto = No]';
 $messages['help_allow_php_code_in_templates'] = 'Permite incluir código PHP en las plantillas de Smarty vía {php}...{/php} [Valor por defecto = No]';
 // urls
 $messages['help_request_format_mode'] = 'Elija uno de los siguientes formatos de URLs. Si piensa usar "URLs Personales", configure los formatos de las URLs si es necesario [Valor por defecto = Plain]';
@@ -740,9 +740,9 @@
 $messages['help_resource_medium_size_preview_link_format'] = 'Formato de los enlaces a las vistas previas de tamaño medio cuando las URLs personales están activadas  [Valor por defecto = /blog/{blogname}/resource/{albumname}/preview-med/{resourcename}$]';
 $messages['help_resource_download_link_format'] = 'Formato de los enlaces para descargar ficheros cuando las URLs personales están activadas  [Valor por defecto = /blog/{blogname}/resource/{albumname}/download/{resourcename}$]';
 // email
-$messages['help_check_email_address_validity'] = 'Si se activa, pLog contactará con el servidor de correo especificado en el registro MX del especificado por el servidor DNS del dominio y comprobará si el usuario es válido [Valor por defecto = No]';
+$messages['help_check_email_address_validity'] = 'Si se activa, LifeType contactará con el servidor de correo especificado en el registro MX del especificado por el servidor DNS del dominio y comprobará si el usuario es válido [Valor por defecto = No]';
 $messages['help_email_service_enabled'] = 'Activar el soporte para enviar mensajes [Valor por defecto = Sí]';
-$messages['help_post_notification_source_address'] = 'Dirección que aparecerá en el campo "From:" cuando se envíen mensajes a través del pLog [Valor por defecto = noreply at your.host.com]';
+$messages['help_post_notification_source_address'] = 'Dirección que aparecerá en el campo "From:" cuando se envíen mensajes a través del LifeType [Valor por defecto = noreply at your.host.com]';
 $messages['help_email_service_type'] = 'Sistema que se usará para enviar mensajes [Valor por defecto = PHP]';
 $messages['help_smtp_host'] = 'Si se desea usar un servidor SMTP para enviar mensajes, especifique aquí el nombre del servidor [Valor por defecto = (vacío)]';
 $messages['help_smtp_port'] = 'Si el servidor de SMTP está configurado en un puerto distinto al 25 [Valor por defecto = (vacío)]';

Modified: plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_fa_IR.php
--- plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_fa_IR.php	2005-11-09 15:12:23 UTC (rev 2543)
+++ plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_fa_IR.php	2005-11-09 15:31:50 UTC (rev 2544)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Persian(Farsi Locale for pLog By FiFiFtHeLeMeNt, admin at irxBlog.com
+// Persian(Farsi Locale for LifeType By FiFiFtHeLeMeNt, admin at irxBlog.com
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // set this to the encoding that should be used to display the pages correctly
 $messages['encoding'] = 'UTF-8';
-$messages['locale_description'] = 'Persian Locale for plog';
+$messages['locale_description'] = 'Persian Locale for LifeType';
 // locale format, see Locale::formatDate for more information
 $messages['date_format'] = '%T:%U %e/%w/%q';

Modified: plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_fi_FI.php
--- plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_fi_FI.php	2005-11-09 15:12:23 UTC (rev 2543)
+++ plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_fi_FI.php	2005-11-09 15:31:50 UTC (rev 2544)
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-// Suomen kieli pLogiin, kääntäjänä Jussi Salomaa http://www.ilmasuojassa.org
+// Suomen kieli LifeTypeiin, kääntäjänä Jussi Salomaa http://www.ilmasuojassa.org
 // aseta tämä koodaustyypiksi, jotta sivut näkyvät oikein
 $messages['encoding'] = 'iso-8859-1';
-$messages['locale_description'] = 'Suomen kieli pLogiin';
+$messages['locale_description'] = 'Suomen kieli LifeTypeiin';
 // aikaformaatti, katso Locale::formatDate lisätietoa varten
 $messages['date_format'] = '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M';
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
 // login page
 $messages['login'] = 'Kirjautuminen';
-$messages['welcome_message'] = 'Tervetuloa pLogiin';
+$messages['welcome_message'] = 'Tervetuloa LifeTypeiin';
 $messages['error_incorrect_username_or_password'] = 'Väärä käyttäjänimi tai salasana';
 $messages['error_dont_belong_to_any_blog'] = 'Sinulle ei ole vielä asetettu mitään blogia';
 $messages['logout_message'] = 'Olet onnistuneesti kirjautunut ulos';
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@
 $messages['total_size'] = 'Kokonaiskoko';
 $messages['album'] = 'Albumi';
 $messages['error_incorrect_album_id'] = 'Albumin tunnus ei ole oikea';
-$messages['error_base_storage_folder_missing_or_unreadable'] = 'pLog ei pystynyt tekemään tarvittavia kansioita resurssien asentamista varten. Tämä voi johtua useista syistä, kuten PHP:n ajamisesta SAFE MODEssa tai käyttäjälläsi ei ole oikeuksia tehdä noita kansioita jne. Voit yrittää tehdä operaation manuaalisesti tekemällä seuraavat kansiot: <br/><br/>%s<br/><br/>Jos nämä kansiot ovat jo olemassa, tarkasta että web serverin käyttäjä voi lukea ja kirjoittaa niihin';
+$messages['error_base_storage_folder_missing_or_unreadable'] = 'LifeType ei pystynyt tekemään tarvittavia kansioita resurssien asentamista varten. Tämä voi johtua useista syistä, kuten PHP:n ajamisesta SAFE MODEssa tai käyttäjälläsi ei ole oikeuksia tehdä noita kansioita jne. Voit yrittää tehdä operaation manuaalisesti tekemällä seuraavat kansiot: <br/><br/>%s<br/><br/>Jos nämä kansiot ovat jo olemassa, tarkasta että web serverin käyttäjä voi lukea ja kirjoittaa niihin';
 $messages['items_deleted_ok'] = '%s kohdetta poistettu onnistuneesti';
 $messages['error_album_has_children'] = 'Albumi "%s" sisältää jotain. Ole hyvä ja tyhjennä albumi ja yritä uudestaan';
 $messages['item_deleted_ok'] = '"%s" poistettu onnistuneesti';
@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@
 $messages['error_creating_working_folder'] = 'Väliaikaisen kansion tekeminen paketin purkamista varten epäonnistui';
 $messages['error_checking_template'] = 'Ulkoasun %s tarkastamisessa tapahtui virhe';
 $messages['template_package'] = 'Ulkoasupaketti';
-$messages['blog_template_package_help']  = 'Käytä tätä vaihtoehtoa lisätäksesi uuden ulkoasun, joka on käytössä vain omassa blogissasi. Jos et pysty lisäämään tällä vaihtoehdolla uutta ulkoasua, lisää ulkoasu käsin ja laita se <b>%s</b>, joka on kansio, jossa blogisi ulkoasut ovat. Klikkaa "<b>Etsi ulkoasuja</b>" nappulaa. pLog tutkii kansion ja lisää löytämänsä uudet ulkoasut automaattisesti';
+$messages['blog_template_package_help']  = 'Käytä tätä vaihtoehtoa lisätäksesi uuden ulkoasun, joka on käytössä vain omassa blogissasi. Jos et pysty lisäämään tällä vaihtoehdolla uutta ulkoasua, lisää ulkoasu käsin ja laita se <b>%s</b>, joka on kansio, jossa blogisi ulkoasut ovat. Klikkaa "<b>Etsi ulkoasuja</b>" nappulaa. LifeType tutkii kansion ja lisää löytämänsä uudet ulkoasut automaattisesti';
 $messages['scan_templates'] = 'Etsi ulkoasuja';
 // Sivuston käyttäjät
@@ -666,13 +666,13 @@
 $messages['locale_added_ok'] = 'Kieli "%s" lisättiin onnistuneesti';
 $messages['error_saving_locale'] = 'Uuden kielen tallentamisessa tapahtui virhe';
 $messages['scan_locales'] = 'Etsi kieliä';
-$messages['add_locale_help'] = 'Käytä tätä vaihtoehtoa lisätäksesi uusia kielitiedostoja. Jos lisääminen ei ole mahdollista tätä vaihtoehtoa käyttäen, lisää kielitiedosto käsin kansioon <b>./locales/</b>, joka on kansio, jonne kielitiedostot tallennetaan. Klikkaa "<b>Etsi kieliä</b>" nappulaa. pLog tutkii kansion ja lisää löytämänsä kielet listaan';
+$messages['add_locale_help'] = 'Käytä tätä vaihtoehtoa lisätäksesi uusia kielitiedostoja. Jos lisääminen ei ole mahdollista tätä vaihtoehtoa käyttäen, lisää kielitiedosto käsin kansioon <b>./locales/</b>, joka on kansio, jonne kielitiedostot tallennetaan. Klikkaa "<b>Etsi kieliä</b>" nappulaa. LifeType tutkii kansion ja lisää löytämänsä kielet listaan';
 // Sivuston ulkoasut
 $messages['error_template_is_default'] = 'Ulkoasua "%s" ei voida poistaa, koska se on asetettu vakioulkoasuksi uusia blogeja varten';
 // Lisää ulkoasu
-$messages['global_template_package_help'] = 'Käytä tätä vaihtoehtoa lisätäksesi uuden ulkoasun, joka on kaikkien blogien käytössä koko sivustolla. Jos lisääminen ei onnistu käyttäen tätä vaihtoehtoa, lisää se käsin <b>%s</b> -kansioon, joka on kansio minne globaalit ulkoasut tallennetaan ja klikkaa "<b>Etsi ulkoasuja</b>" nappulaa. pLog tutkii kansion ja lisää löytämänsä uudet ulkoasut listaan';
+$messages['global_template_package_help'] = 'Käytä tätä vaihtoehtoa lisätäksesi uuden ulkoasun, joka on kaikkien blogien käytössä koko sivustolla. Jos lisääminen ei onnistu käyttäen tätä vaihtoehtoa, lisää se käsin <b>%s</b> -kansioon, joka on kansio minne globaalit ulkoasut tallennetaan ja klikkaa "<b>Etsi ulkoasuja</b>" nappulaa. LifeType tutkii kansion ja lisää löytämänsä uudet ulkoasut listaan';
 // Globaalit asetukset
 $messages['site_config_saved_ok'] = 'Sivuston asetukset tallennettu onnistuneesti';
@@ -680,8 +680,8 @@
 /// general settings
 $messages['help_comments_enabled'] = 'Kommentointi päällä uusissa blogeissa [Vakio = Kyllä]';
 $messages['help_beautify_comments_text'] = 'Jos päällä, käyttäjien kirjoittamat kommentit "kaunistetaan" lisäämällä kappalejako ja linkitys hyperlinkkeihin [Vakio = Kyllä]';
-$messages['help_temp_folder'] = 'pLogin käyttämä väliaikainen temp-kansio. Käytä web-serveripuun (public_html) ulkopuolella olevaa kansiota parannetun turvallisuuden saavuttamiseksi [Vakio = ./tmp]';
-$messages['help_base_url'] = 'PerusURL, jonne pLog on asennettu';
+$messages['help_temp_folder'] = 'LifeTypein käyttämä väliaikainen temp-kansio. Käytä web-serveripuun (public_html) ulkopuolella olevaa kansiota parannetun turvallisuuden saavuttamiseksi [Vakio = ./tmp]';
+$messages['help_base_url'] = 'PerusURL, jonne LifeType on asennettu';
 $messages['help_subdomains_enabled'] = 'Kytke päälle alidomainit. Katso dokumentoinnista lisäinformaatiota alidomaineista [Vakio = Ei]';
 $messages['help_subdomains_base_url'] = 'Kun alidomainit ovat päällä, tätä perusURL:lää käytetään base_urlin sijasta. Käytä {blogname} saadaksesi blogin nimen ja {username} saadaksesi käyttäjän nimen, joka omistaa blogin generoidaksesi linkin blogiin (esim. http://{blogname}.yourdomain.com)';
 $messages['help_include_blog_id_in_url'] = 'Tarvitaan vain kun alidomainit ovat päällä ja "normaalit" URLit ovat päällä. Pakottaa sisäisesti generoidut URLit olemaan ilmane "blogId" -parameteria. Älä vaihda, ellet tiedä mitä teet [Vakio = Kyllä]';
@@ -705,9 +705,9 @@
 $messages['help_htmlarea_enabled'] = 'Käytetäänkö WYSIWYG-editoria uusissa blogeissa? [Vakio = Kyllä]';
 $messages['help_plugin_manager_enabled'] = 'Käytetäänkö plugineita vai ei? [Vakio = Kyllä]';
 $messages['help_minimum_password_length'] = 'Salasanojen minimipituus [Vakio = 4]';
-$messages['help_xhtml_converter_enabled'] = 'Jos laitetaan päälle, pLog yrittää muuntaa HTML-koodin kunnolliseksi XHTML-koodiksi [Vakio = Kyllä]';
-$messages['help_xhtml_converter_aggressive_mode_enabled'] = 'Jos kytketty päälle, pLog yrittää aggressiivisemmin tehdä HTML-koodista XHTML-koodia, mutta koodi on taipuvainen virheisiin [Vakio = Ei]';
-$messages['help_session_save_path'] = 'Käytä tätä asetusta vaihtaaksesi kansiota, jonne pLog tallentaa istunnon tiedot käyttäen PHP-funktiota session_save_path() Tarkasta, että webserveri voi kirjoittaa kansioon. Jätä tyhjäksi käyttääksesi PHP:n vakioistuntokansiota [Vakio = (tyhjä)]';
+$messages['help_xhtml_converter_enabled'] = 'Jos laitetaan päälle, LifeType yrittää muuntaa HTML-koodin kunnolliseksi XHTML-koodiksi [Vakio = Kyllä]';
+$messages['help_xhtml_converter_aggressive_mode_enabled'] = 'Jos kytketty päälle, LifeType yrittää aggressiivisemmin tehdä HTML-koodista XHTML-koodia, mutta koodi on taipuvainen virheisiin [Vakio = Ei]';
+$messages['help_session_save_path'] = 'Käytä tätä asetusta vaihtaaksesi kansiota, jonne LifeType tallentaa istunnon tiedot käyttäen PHP-funktiota session_save_path() Tarkasta, että webserveri voi kirjoittaa kansioon. Jätä tyhjäksi käyttääksesi PHP:n vakioistuntokansiota [Vakio = (tyhjä)]';
 // summary settings
 $messages['help_summary_page_show_max'] = 'Yhteenvetosivulla näytettävien kohteiden määrä. Tämä asetus kontrolloi kaikkia kohteita yhteenvetosivulla (viimeisimmät viestit, aktiivisimmat blogit jne.) [Vakio = 10]';
 $messages['help_summary_blogs_per_page'] = 'Blogien määrä per yksi sivu blogilistassa [Vakio = 25]';
@@ -723,7 +723,7 @@
 $messages['help_template_compile_check'] = 'Jos poissa päältä Smarty tarkastaa joka kerta, jos ulkoasutiedostot ovat muuttuneet. Jos Smarty havaitsee muutoksen, käytetään uudempaa versiota. Ota tämä pois käytöstä paremman suorituskyvyn saavuttamiseksi [Vakio = Kyllä]';
 $messages['help_template_cache_enabled'] = 'Ota käyttöön ulkoasuvälimuisti. Jos tämä on kytketty päälle käytetään välimuistista haettua versiota sivuista. Dataa ei haeta välimuistista ja ulkoasuja ei tarvitse muodostaa uudestaan. [Vakio = Kyllä]';
 $messages['help_template_cache_lifetime'] = 'Välimuistin elinaika sekunteina. Aseta -1:ksi niin välimuisti ei vanhene koskaan. Jos asetettu 0:ksi välimuistia ei käytetä, mutta on suositeltavaa asettaa template_cache_enabled pois päältä ottaaksesi välimuistin pois päältä [Vakio = 0]';
-$messages['help_template_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Salli tuki ehdollisille HTTP-pyynnöille. Jos päällä pLog ottaa "If-Modified-Since" HTTP headerin huomioon ja lähettää sisällön vain jos sitä todella tarvitaan. Salli käyttö säästääksesi kaistaa [Vakio = Ei]';
+$messages['help_template_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Salli tuki ehdollisille HTTP-pyynnöille. Jos päällä LifeType ottaa "If-Modified-Since" HTTP headerin huomioon ja lähettää sisällön vain jos sitä todella tarvitaan. Salli käyttö säästääksesi kaistaa [Vakio = Ei]';
 $messages['help_allow_php_code_in_templates'] = 'Sallii upotetun natiivin PHP-koodin Smarty ulkoasuissa sulkujen {php}...{/php} sisällä [Vakio = Ei]';
 // URLit
 $messages['help_request_format_mode'] = 'Valitse yksi saatavilla olevista URL-formaateista. Jos käytät kustomoituja URL-osoitteita, konfiguroi asetukset alapuolella [Vakio = Tavanomainen]';
@@ -745,7 +745,7 @@
 // Sähköposti
 $messages['help_check_email_address_validity'] = 'Tarkistettaessa sähköpostiosoitetta tee muutamia perustarkastuksia selvittääksesi onko MX record olemassa annetulla domain-nimellä ja onko sähköpostiosoite oikeasti olemassa oleva postilaatikko [Vakio = Ei]';
 $messages['help_email_service_enabled'] = 'Lähetetäänkö sähköpostiviestejä vai ei? [Vakio = Kyllä]';
-$messages['help_post_notification_source_address'] = 'Sähköpostiosoite, joka näkyy sähköpostiviestin saajalla lähettäjänä, kun pLog lähettää viestejä [Vakio = noreply at your.host.com]';
+$messages['help_post_notification_source_address'] = 'Sähköpostiosoite, joka näkyy sähköpostiviestin saajalla lähettäjänä, kun LifeType lähettää viestejä [Vakio = noreply at your.host.com]';
 $messages['help_email_service_type'] = 'Mitä systeemiä käytetään sähköpostiviestien lähettämiseen [Vakio = PHP]';
 $messages['help_smtp_host'] = 'Jos käytetään SMTP:tä sähköpostin lähetykseen, aseta tämä SMTP-serveriksi, jota käytetään viestien lähettämiseen [Vakio = (tyhjä)]';
 $messages['help_smtp_port'] = 'Jos SMTP-serveri käyttää jotain muuta porttia kuin 25, muuta tämä arvo vastaamaan käytettyä porttia [Vakio = (tyhjä)]';
@@ -792,7 +792,7 @@
 $messages['help_medium_size_thumbnail_height'] = 'Keskikokoisten esikatselukuvien korkeus [Vakio = 480]';
 $messages['help_medium_size_thumbnail_width'] = 'Keskikokoisten esikatselukuvien leveys [Vakio = 640]';
 $messages['help_thumbnails_keep_aspect_ratio'] = 'Säilytä kuvasuhde esikatselukuvia generoidessa. Saattaa muodostaa suurempia esikatselukuvia kuin yläpuolella on määritelty, mutta laatu on parempi [Vakio = Kyllä]';
-$messages['help_thumbnail_generator_force_use_gd1'] = 'Pakota pLog käyttämään vain GD1-funktioita [Vakio = Ei]';
+$messages['help_thumbnail_generator_force_use_gd1'] = 'Pakota LifeType käyttämään vain GD1-funktioita [Vakio = Ei]';
 $messages['help_thumbnail_generator_user_smoothing_algorithm'] = 'Kuvien pehmentämistä varten käytettävä algoritmi. Käytetään vain, kun esikatselukuvien muodostamismetodi on GD [Vakio = PHP Imagecopyresampled]';
 $messages['help_resources_quota'] = 'Globaali resurssiquota blogeille bitteinä (esim. 5242880 Bittiä = 5MT), tai käytä 0:llaa rajoittamana quotana [Vakio = 0]';
 $messages['help_resource_server_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Ota käyttöön tuki headerille: "If-Modified-Since" HTTP:n ehdollisille pyynnöille. Säästää siirtokaistaa [Vakio = Ei]';

Modified: plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_fr_FR.php
--- plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_fr_FR.php	2005-11-09 15:12:23 UTC (rev 2543)
+++ plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_fr_FR.php	2005-11-09 15:31:50 UTC (rev 2544)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 // set this to the encoding that should be used to display the pages correctly
 $messages["encoding"] = 'UTF-8';
-$messages["locale_description"] = 'Locale francaise pour pLog';
+$messages["locale_description"] = 'Locale francaise pour LifeType';
 // locale format, see Locale::formatDate for more information
 $messages["date_format"] = '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M';
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
 // login page
 $messages["login"] = "Connexion";
-$messages["welcome_message"] = "Bienvenue sur pLog";
+$messages["welcome_message"] = "Bienvenue sur LifeType";
 $messages["error_incorrect_username_or_password"] = "Désolé, pseudo ou mot de passe incorrect.";
 $messages["error_dont_belong_to_any_blog"] = " Désolé, vous n'êtes membre d'aucuns Blogs encore";
 $messages["logout_message"] = "Déconnexion réussit.";
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@
 $messages["total_size"] = "Taille totale";
 $messages["album"] = "Album";
 $messages["error_incorrect_album_id"] = "ID de l'album invalide";
-$messages["error_base_storage_folder_missing_or_unreadable"] = "It was not possible for pLog to create the necessary folders where resources are going to be installed. This might be due to several reasons, such as your PHP installation running with safe mode enabled or your user not having enough permissions to do so. You may still try to carry out the operation manually, by creating the following folders: <br/><br/>%s<br/><br/>If these folders already exist please make sure that they can be read and written by the user running the web server.";
+$messages["error_base_storage_folder_missing_or_unreadable"] = "It was not possible for LifeType to create the necessary folders where resources are going to be installed. This might be due to several reasons, such as your PHP installation running with safe mode enabled or your user not having enough permissions to do so. You may still try to carry out the operation manually, by creating the following folders: <br/><br/>%s<br/><br/>If these folders already exist please make sure that they can be read and written by the user running the web server.";
 $messages["items_deleted_ok"] = "%s éléments supprimés";
 $messages["error_album_has_children"] = "L'album \"%s\" a un enfant. Veuillez d'abord éditer les albums enfants";
 $messages["item_deleted_ok"] = "Elément \"%s\" supprimé";
@@ -580,7 +580,7 @@
 $messages["error_creating_working_folder"] = "Erreur durant la création du répertoire temporaire nécessaire à la décompression.";
 $messages["error_checking_template"] = "Erreur en vérifiant le template : %s";
 $messages["template_package"] = "Template package";
-$messages["blog_template_package_help"]  = "Use this form to upload a new template set, which will only be available to your blog. If it is not possible to upload a template package using this form, upload the template set manually and place it in <b>%s</b>, which is the folder where your blog templates are stored and click the \"<b>Scanner les Templates</b>\" button. pLog will scan the folder and will automatically add any new template it can find.";
+$messages["blog_template_package_help"]  = "Use this form to upload a new template set, which will only be available to your blog. If it is not possible to upload a template package using this form, upload the template set manually and place it in <b>%s</b>, which is the folder where your blog templates are stored and click the \"<b>Scanner les Templates</b>\" button. LifeType will scan the folder and will automatically add any new template it can find.";
 $messages["scan_templates"] = "Scanner les Templates";
 // site users
@@ -657,13 +657,13 @@
 $messages["locale_added_ok"] = "Locale \"%s\" ajouté";
 $messages["error_saving_locale"] = "Erreur en sauvegardant la nouvelle locale";
 $messages["scan_locales"] = "Scanner les locales";
-$messages["add_locale_help"] = "Use this form to upload a new locale file. If it is not possible to upload files using this form, upload the locale file manually and place it in <b>./locales/</b>, which is the folder where locale files are stored and click the \"<b>Scan Locales</b>\" button. pLog will scan the folder and will automatically add any new locale file can find.";
+$messages["add_locale_help"] = "Use this form to upload a new locale file. If it is not possible to upload files using this form, upload the locale file manually and place it in <b>./locales/</b>, which is the folder where locale files are stored and click the \"<b>Scan Locales</b>\" button. LifeType will scan the folder and will automatically add any new locale file can find.";
 // site templates
 $messages["error_template_is_default"] = "Template \"%s\" ne peut être supprimé car il s'agit du template par défaut";
 // add template
-$messages["global_template_package_help"] = "Use this form to upload a new template set, which will be available to all blogs in the site. If it is not possible to upload a template package using this form, upload the template set manually and place it in <b>%s</b>, which is the folder where globally available templates are stored and click the \"<b>Scan templates</b>\" button. pLog will scan the folder and will automatically add any new template it can find.";
+$messages["global_template_package_help"] = "Use this form to upload a new template set, which will be available to all blogs in the site. If it is not possible to upload a template package using this form, upload the template set manually and place it in <b>%s</b>, which is the folder where globally available templates are stored and click the \"<b>Scan templates</b>\" button. LifeType will scan the folder and will automatically add any new template it can find.";
 // global settings
 $messages["site_config_saved_ok"] = "Paramètres de site sauvegardés";
@@ -671,7 +671,7 @@
 /// general settings
 $messages["help_comments_enabled"] = "Activer ou désactiver les commentaires sur les nouveaux Blogs par défaut";
 $messages["help_beautify_comments_text"] = "Si activé, LEs commentaires postés seront formatés en ajoutant des paragraphes et des liens automatiques pour toutes les URLs";
-$messages["help_temp_folder"] = "Répertoire que pLog peut utiliser pour écrire les données temporaires comme les templates compilés, etc. Utiliser un répertoire hors de cette partie du serveur pour augmenter la sécurité.";
+$messages["help_temp_folder"] = "Répertoire que LifeType peut utiliser pour écrire les données temporaires comme les templates compilés, etc. Utiliser un répertoire hors de cette partie du serveur pour augmenter la sécurité.";
 $messages["help_base_url"] = "URL de base où ce blog est installé";
 $messages["help_subdomains_enabled"] = "Activer ou disactiver les sous-domaines. Veuillez lire la documentation au sujet des sous-domaines pour plus d'informations.";
 $messages["help_subdomains_base_url"] = "Quand les sous-domaines sont activés, cette URL est utilisée à la place de l'URL de base (base_url). Utiliser {blogname} pour donner le nom du blog et {username} pour donner le nom du propriétaire du Blog afin de générer un lien vers le Blog";
@@ -696,9 +696,9 @@
 $messages["help_htmlarea_enabled"] = "Enable or disable the WYSIWYG post editor by default in new blogs";
 $messages["help_plugin_manager_enabled"] = "Enable or disable plugins";
 $messages["help_minimum_password_length"] = "Minimun length for passwords";
-$messages["help_xhtml_converter_enabled"] = "If enabled, pLog will try to convert all HTML code into proper XHTML code";
-$messages["help_xhtml_converter_aggressive_mode_enabled"] = "If enabled, pLog will try even harder to generate XHTML out of HTML code, but it will be more prone to errors";
-$messages["help_session_save_path"] = "Please use this setting to change the folder where pLog stores its session data, via the PHP function session_save_path() Please make sure that the folder is writable by the web server. Leave empty to use PHP\"s default session folder";
+$messages["help_xhtml_converter_enabled"] = "If enabled, LifeType will try to convert all HTML code into proper XHTML code";
+$messages["help_xhtml_converter_aggressive_mode_enabled"] = "If enabled, LifeType will try even harder to generate XHTML out of HTML code, but it will be more prone to errors";
+$messages["help_session_save_path"] = "Please use this setting to change the folder where LifeType stores its session data, via the PHP function session_save_path() Please make sure that the folder is writable by the web server. Leave empty to use PHP\"s default session folder";
 // summary settings
 $messages["help_summary_page_show_max"] = "Number of items that will be shown in the summary page. This setting control all lists in the summary page (recent articles, most active blogs, etc)";
 $messages["help_summary_blogs_per_page"] = "Number of blogs per page in the \"Blogs List\" section";
@@ -714,7 +714,7 @@
 $messages["help_template_compile_check"] = "If disabled, Smarty will check every time if template files have changed and if so, use the new version. Set this to disabled for higher performance";
 $messages["help_template_cache_enabled"] = "Enable the template cache. If enabled, the cached version of a page will be used whenever possible. No data will need to be fetched from the database and templates will not need to be recompiled";
 $messages["help_template_cache_lifetime"] = "Lifetime in seconds of the cache. Set to -1 to force the cache to never expire. If set to 0, the cache will be disabled but it is recommended to set template_cache_enabled to \"No\" in order to disable the cache";
-$messages["help_template_http_cache_enabled"] = "Enable support for HTTP conditional requests. If enabled, pLog will take the \"If-Modified-Since\" HTTP header into account and send only content if strictly needed. Enable this to save bandwidth";
+$messages["help_template_http_cache_enabled"] = "Enable support for HTTP conditional requests. If enabled, LifeType will take the \"If-Modified-Since\" HTTP header into account and send only content if strictly needed. Enable this to save bandwidth";
 $messages["help_allow_php_code_in_templates"] = "Allows to embed native PHP code in Smarty templates inside {php}...{/php} blocks";
 // urls
 $messages["help_request_format_mode"] = "Sélectionner un des formats d'URL disponibles. Si vous utlisez les URLs personnalisées, cofigurez les paramètres ci-dessous";
@@ -783,7 +783,7 @@
 $messages["help_medium_size_thumbnail_height"] = "Hauteur par défaut des aperçus de taille moyenne";
 $messages["help_medium_size_thumbnail_width"] = "Largeur par défaut des aperçus de taille moyenne";
 $messages["help_thumbnails_keep_aspect_ratio"] = "Garde les dimensions de l'aperçu propotionnelles. Pourrait généré des aperçus plus grand que la taille spécifiée au-dessus mais de meilleure qualité.";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_generator_force_use_gd1"] = "Forcer pLog à utiliser les fontions de GD1-only";
+$messages["help_thumbnail_generator_force_use_gd1"] = "Forcer LifeType à utiliser les fontions de GD1-only";
 $messages["help_thumbnail_generator_user_smoothing_algorithm"] = "Algorithme utilisé pour lisser les aperçus. Utilisé uniquement quand la méthode de génération d'aperçu est GD";
 $messages["help_resources_quota"] = "Quota de ressources pour les Blogs par défaut";
 $messages["help_resource_server_http_cache_enabled"] = "Active le support de \"If-Modified-Since\" header et des conditions de requête HTTP. A activer pour réduire l'utilisation de la bande passante.";

Modified: plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_it_IT.php
--- plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_it_IT.php	2005-11-09 15:12:23 UTC (rev 2543)
+++ plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_it_IT.php	2005-11-09 15:31:50 UTC (rev 2544)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 // set this to the encoding that should be used to display the pages correctly
 $messages['encoding'] = 'iso-8859-15';
-$messages['locale_description'] = 'File di localizzazione italiano per pLog';
+$messages['locale_description'] = 'File di localizzazione italiano per LifeType';
 // locale format, see Locale::formatDate for more information
 $messages['date_format'] = '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M';
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
 // login page
 $messages['login'] = 'Login';
-$messages['welcome_message'] = 'Benvenuto in pLog';
+$messages['welcome_message'] = 'Benvenuto in LifeType';
 $messages['error_incorrect_username_or_password'] = 'Utente e password errati.';
 $messages['error_dont_belong_to_any_blog'] = 'Spiacente ma non appartieni ancora a nessun blog.';
 $messages['logout_message'] = 'Log out effettuato con successo.';
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@
 $messages['total_size'] = 'Dimensione totale';
 $messages['album'] = 'Album';
 $messages['error_incorrect_album_id'] = 'L\'identificativo del album non è corretto';
-$messages['error_base_storage_folder_missing_or_unreadable'] = 'pLog non è riuscito a creare le cartelle necessarie per le risorse. Ci sono diversi motivi possibili, in particolare, PHP potrebbe essere configurato in modalità sicura (safe mode), oppure il tuo utente potrebbe non avere i permessi per crearle. Puoi comunque provare ad effettuare l\'operazione manualmente, creando le seguenti cartelle: <br/><br/>%s<br/><br/>Se queste cartelle esistono già, controlla che siano leggibili e scrivibili dall\'utente che esegue il server web';
+$messages['error_base_storage_folder_missing_or_unreadable'] = 'LifeType non è riuscito a creare le cartelle necessarie per le risorse. Ci sono diversi motivi possibili, in particolare, PHP potrebbe essere configurato in modalità sicura (safe mode), oppure il tuo utente potrebbe non avere i permessi per crearle. Puoi comunque provare ad effettuare l\'operazione manualmente, creando le seguenti cartelle: <br/><br/>%s<br/><br/>Se queste cartelle esistono già, controlla che siano leggibili e scrivibili dall\'utente che esegue il server web';
 $messages['items_deleted_ok'] = '%s elementi cancellati con successo';
 $messages['error_album_has_children'] = 'L\'album "%s" ha sottoelementi. Modifica l\'album e riprova';
 $messages['item_deleted_ok'] = 'Elemento "%s" eliminato con successo';
@@ -590,7 +590,7 @@
 $messages['error_checking_template'] = 'E\' avvenuto un errore durante il controllo della cornice: %s';
 $messages['template_package'] = 'Pacchetto della cornice';
 $messages['blog_template_package_help']  = '
-Utilizza questo modulo per caricare una nuova cornice, che sarà resa disponibile esclusivamente a questo blog. Se non fosse possibile caricare un pacchetto contenente una cornice mediante questo modulo, carica i file manualmente, e posizionali in <b>%s</b>, cioè nella cartella che contiene le cornici del tuo blog. Quindi clicca sul pulsante "<b>Cerca cornici</b>". pLog effettuerà una ricerca nella cartella, ed aggiungerà automaticamente tutte le cornici trovate.';
+Utilizza questo modulo per caricare una nuova cornice, che sarà resa disponibile esclusivamente a questo blog. Se non fosse possibile caricare un pacchetto contenente una cornice mediante questo modulo, carica i file manualmente, e posizionali in <b>%s</b>, cioè nella cartella che contiene le cornici del tuo blog. Quindi clicca sul pulsante "<b>Cerca cornici</b>". LifeType effettuerà una ricerca nella cartella, ed aggiungerà automaticamente tutte le cornici trovate.';
 $messages['scan_templates'] = 'Cerca cornici';
 // site users
@@ -667,14 +667,14 @@
 $messages['locale_added_ok'] = 'Lingua "%s" inserita con successo';
 $messages['error_saving_locale'] = 'E\' avvenuto un errore durante il salvataggio della nuova lingua';
 $messages['scan_locales'] = 'Cerca lingue';
-$messages['add_locale_help'] = 'Utilizza questo modulo per caricare una nuova lingua. Se non fosse possibile caricare un file mediante questo modulo, caricalo manualmente, e posizionalo in <b>%s</b>, cioè nella cartella che contiene i file di lingua. Quindi clicca sul pulsante "<b>Cerca lingue</b>". pLog effettuerà una ricerca nella cartella, ed aggiungerà automaticamente tutte le lingue trovate.';
+$messages['add_locale_help'] = 'Utilizza questo modulo per caricare una nuova lingua. Se non fosse possibile caricare un file mediante questo modulo, caricalo manualmente, e posizionalo in <b>%s</b>, cioè nella cartella che contiene i file di lingua. Quindi clicca sul pulsante "<b>Cerca lingue</b>". LifeType effettuerà una ricerca nella cartella, ed aggiungerà automaticamente tutte le lingue trovate.';
 // site templates
 $messages['error_template_is_default'] = 'La cornice "%s" non può essere rimossa in quanto è quella predefinita per i nuovi blog';
 // add template
 $messages['global_template_package_help'] = '
-Utilizza questo modulo per caricare una nuova cornice, che sarà resa disponibile a tutti i blog nel sito. Se non fosse possibile caricare un pacchetto contenente una cornice mediante questo modulo, carica i file manualmente, e posizionali in <b>%s</b>, cioè nella cartella che contiene le cornici disponibili a tutti i blog. Quindi clicca sul pulsante "<b>Cerca cornici</b>". pLog effettuerà una ricerca nella cartella, ed aggiungerà automaticamente tutte le cornici trovate.';
+Utilizza questo modulo per caricare una nuova cornice, che sarà resa disponibile a tutti i blog nel sito. Se non fosse possibile caricare un pacchetto contenente una cornice mediante questo modulo, carica i file manualmente, e posizionali in <b>%s</b>, cioè nella cartella che contiene le cornici disponibili a tutti i blog. Quindi clicca sul pulsante "<b>Cerca cornici</b>". LifeType effettuerà una ricerca nella cartella, ed aggiungerà automaticamente tutte le cornici trovate.';
 // global settings
 $messages['site_config_saved_ok'] = 'Le impostazioni del sito sono state salvate';
@@ -682,7 +682,7 @@
 /// general settings
 $messages['help_comments_enabled'] = 'Abilita automaticamente i commenti per i nuovi blog. [Predefinito = Sì]';
 $messages['help_beautify_comments_text'] = 'Se abilitato, i commenti aggiunti dagli utenti verranno formattati aggiungendo i marcatori di paragrafo e rendendo cliccabili gli URL [Predefinito = Sì]';
-$messages['help_temp_folder'] = 'Cartella che pLog può usare per scrivere i propri dati temporanei, come le cornici compilate, ecc. Utilizza una cartella al di fuori di quelle accessibili dal server web, per aumentare la sicurezza. [Predefinito = ./tmp]';
+$messages['help_temp_folder'] = 'Cartella che LifeType può usare per scrivere i propri dati temporanei, come le cornici compilate, ecc. Utilizza una cartella al di fuori di quelle accessibili dal server web, per aumentare la sicurezza. [Predefinito = ./tmp]';
 $messages['help_base_url'] = 'URL di base dove è installato questo blog';
 $messages['help_subdomains_enabled'] = 'Abilita o disabilita i sottodomini. Consulta la documentazione per avere maggiori informazioni su questo argomento [Predefinito = No]';
 $messages['help_subdomains_base_url'] = 'Se i sottodomini sono abilitati, questo URL di base è utilizzato al posto del base_url. Per generare i link al blog, usa {blogname} per il nome del blog, e {username} per il nome dell\'utente a cui il blog appartiene (per esempio: http://{blogname}.yourdomain.com)';
@@ -708,9 +708,9 @@
 $messages['help_htmlarea_enabled'] = 'Abilita l\'editor visuale degli articoli per i nuovi blog in maniera predefinita [Predefinito = Sì]';
 $messages['help_plugin_manager_enabled'] = 'Abilita i plugin [Predefinito = Sì]';
 $messages['help_minimum_password_length'] = 'Lunghezza minima delle password [Predefinito = 4]';
-$messages['help_xhtml_converter_enabled'] = 'Se abilitato, pLog tenterà di convertire il codice HTML in codice XHTML corretto [Predefinito = Sì]';
-$messages['help_xhtml_converter_aggressive_mode_enabled'] = 'Se abilitato, pLog tenterà di convertire il codice HTML in codice XHTML in modo più aggressivo. Questo tuttavia potrà generare errori [Predefinito = No]';
-$messages['help_session_save_path'] = 'Usa questa impostazione per cambiare la cartella nella quale pLog tiene i dati della sessione, mediante la funzione di PHP session_save_path(). Assicurati che la cartella sia scrivibile dal server. Lascia vuoto per utilizzare la cartella delle sessioni predefinita di PHP [Predefinito = (vuoto)]';
+$messages['help_xhtml_converter_enabled'] = 'Se abilitato, LifeType tenterà di convertire il codice HTML in codice XHTML corretto [Predefinito = Sì]';
+$messages['help_xhtml_converter_aggressive_mode_enabled'] = 'Se abilitato, LifeType tenterà di convertire il codice HTML in codice XHTML in modo più aggressivo. Questo tuttavia potrà generare errori [Predefinito = No]';
+$messages['help_session_save_path'] = 'Usa questa impostazione per cambiare la cartella nella quale LifeType tiene i dati della sessione, mediante la funzione di PHP session_save_path(). Assicurati che la cartella sia scrivibile dal server. Lascia vuoto per utilizzare la cartella delle sessioni predefinita di PHP [Predefinito = (vuoto)]';
 // summary settings
 $messages['help_summary_page_show_max'] = 'Numero di elementi che verranno mostrati nella pagina di riepilogo. Questo parametro controlla tutte le lista nella pagina di sommario (articoli recenti, blog più attivi, ecc.) [Predefinito = 10]';
 $messages['help_summary_blogs_per_page'] = 'Numero di blog per pagina nella sezione "Lista dei blog" [Predefinito = 25]';
@@ -726,7 +726,7 @@
 $messages['help_template_compile_check'] = 'Se abilitato, Smarty controllerà ogni volta se i file della cornice sono stati modificati, e, se sì, userà la nuova versione. Disabilitare per aumentare le prestazioni. [Predefinito = Sì]';
 $messages['help_template_cache_enabled'] = 'Abilita la cache delle cornici. Se abilitata, la versione in cache della cornice verrà utilizzata quando possibile. Non sarà necessario estrarre dati dal database, e le cornici non dovranno venire ricompilate [Predefinito = Sì]';
 $messages['help_template_cache_lifetime'] = 'Tempo di validità in secondi della cache. Imposta a -1 per forzare la cache a non scadere mai. Se impostato a 0 la cache verrà disabilitata, per ottenere lo stesso effetto è tuttavia preferibile impostare l\'opzione template_cache_enabled a "No" [Predefinito = -1]';
-$messages['help_template_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Abilita il supporto per le richieste HTTP condizionate. Se abilitate, pLog prenderà in considerazione l\'intestazione HTTP "If-Modified-Since", e spedirà il contenuto solo se strettamente necessario. Abilita per risparmiare banda. [Predefinito = No]';
+$messages['help_template_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Abilita il supporto per le richieste HTTP condizionate. Se abilitate, LifeType prenderà in considerazione l\'intestazione HTTP "If-Modified-Since", e spedirà il contenuto solo se strettamente necessario. Abilita per risparmiare banda. [Predefinito = No]';
 $messages['help_allow_php_code_in_templates'] = 'Permetti di incorporare codice PHP nelle cornici Smarty, racchiudendolo in blocchi {php}...{/php} [Predefinito = No]';
 // urls
 $messages['help_request_format_mode'] = 'Seleziona uno dei formati URL disponibili. Se utilizzi URL personalizzati, imposta le opzioni qui sotto [Predefinito = Normale]';
@@ -748,7 +748,7 @@
 // email
 $messages['help_check_email_address_validity'] = 'Durante il controllo dell\'indirizzo email, esegui alcuni controlli di base per vedere se esiste un record MX nel dominio specificato, e, in tal caso, se la casella è effettivamente valida [Predefinito = No]';
 $messages['help_email_service_enabled'] = 'Abilita la spedizione di email [Predefinito = Sì]';
-$messages['help_post_notification_source_address'] = 'Indirizzo email che compare nel campo "Da:" ("From:") nelle email spedite da pLog [Predefinito = noreply at your.host.com]';
+$messages['help_post_notification_source_address'] = 'Indirizzo email che compare nel campo "Da:" ("From:") nelle email spedite da LifeType [Predefinito = noreply at your.host.com]';
 $messages['help_email_service_type'] = 'Sistema da usare per la spedizione delle email [Predefinito = PHP]';
 $messages['help_smtp_host'] = 'Se viene utilizzato SMTP per la spedizione delle email, imposta qui il server SMTP che verrà utilizzato per la spedizione [Predefinito = (vuoto)]';
 $messages['help_smtp_port'] = 'Se il server SMTP utilizza una porta differente dalla 25, configura qui il suo valore [Predefinito = (vuoto)]';
@@ -795,7 +795,7 @@
 $messages['help_medium_size_thumbnail_height'] = 'Altezza predefinita per le miniature [Predefinito = 480]';
 $messages['help_medium_size_thumbnail_width'] = 'Larghezza predefinita per le miniature medie [Predefinito = 640]';
 $messages['help_thumbnails_keep_aspect_ratio'] = 'Mantieni le proporzioni nella generazione delle anteprime. Se abilitato, le anteprime potrebbero essere di dimensioni maggiori di quanto specificato sopra, tuttavia la qualità è migliore [Predefinito = Sì]';
-$messages['help_thumbnail_generator_force_use_gd1'] = 'Permetti a pLog di usare solamente le funzioni di GD-1 [Predefinito = No]';
+$messages['help_thumbnail_generator_force_use_gd1'] = 'Permetti a LifeType di usare solamente le funzioni di GD-1 [Predefinito = No]';
 $messages['help_thumbnail_generator_user_smoothing_algorithm'] = 'Algoritmo per lo smoothing delle miniature. Utilizzato solamente se il metodo per le miniature è GD [Predefinito = Sì]';
 $messages['help_resources_quota'] = 'Spazio su disco massimo disponibile per i blog in byte (esempio: 5242880 Byte = 5MB). Impostare a 0 per non porre limite [Predefinito = 0]';
 $messages['help_resource_server_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Abilita il supporto per le richieste HTTP condizionate, con intestazione "If-Modified-Since".. Abilita per migliorare il risparmio di banda [Predefinito = No]';

Modified: plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_ja_JP.php
--- plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_ja_JP.php	2005-11-09 15:12:23 UTC (rev 2543)
+++ plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_ja_JP.php	2005-11-09 15:31:50 UTC (rev 2544)
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-// Japanese locale for pLog1.x
+// Japanese locale for LifeType1.x
 // localized by Mayu Hagiuda
-// ¤³¤Î¸À¸ì¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤ÇÄûÀµ¡¦Í×˾²Õ½êÅù¤¬¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤·¤¿¤é°Ê²¼¤ÎURL¤ÎpLog¸ø¼°¥Õ¥©¡¼¥é¥à¤Ø
+// ¤³¤Î¸À¸ì¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤ÇÄûÀµ¡¦Í×˾²Õ½êÅù¤¬¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤·¤¿¤é°Ê²¼¤ÎURL¤ÎLifeType¸ø¼°¥Õ¥©¡¼¥é¥à¤Ø
 // set this to the encoding that should be used to display the pages correctly
 $messages['encoding'] = 'EUC-JP';
-$messages['locale_description'] = 'Japanese locale  for pLog 1.x (EUC-JP)';
+$messages['locale_description'] = 'Japanese locale  for LifeType 1.x (EUC-JP)';
 // locale format, see Locale::formatDate for more information
 $messages['date_format'] = '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M';
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
 // login page
 $messages['login'] = '¥í¥°¥¤¥ó';
-$messages['welcome_message'] = 'pLog¤Ø¤è¤¦¤³¤½';
+$messages['welcome_message'] = 'LifeType¤Ø¤è¤¦¤³¤½';
 $messages['error_incorrect_username_or_password'] = '¥æ¡¼¥¶¡¼Ì¾¤È¥Ñ¥¹¥ï¡¼¥É¤¬°ìÃפ·¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£';
 $messages['error_dont_belong_to_any_blog'] = '¤¢¤Ê¤¿¤ÎBlog¤Ï¤Þ¤À¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£';
 $messages['logout_message'] = '¥í¥°¥¢¥¦¥È¤¬´°Î»¤·¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£';

Modified: plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_nb_NO.php
--- plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_nb_NO.php	2005-11-09 15:12:23 UTC (rev 2543)
+++ plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_nb_NO.php	2005-11-09 15:31:50 UTC (rev 2544)
@@ -12,13 +12,13 @@
 Alle kommentarer og forslag tas imot med takk på ovenstående e-post adresse.
 Meldinger om feilstavinger og annet kan også gjøres på:
 // set this to the encoding that should be used to display the pages correctly
 $messages['encoding'] = 'iso-8859-1';
-$messages['locale_description'] = 'Norsk oversettelse (locale fil) for pLog 1.x';
+$messages['locale_description'] = 'Norsk oversettelse (locale fil) for LifeType 1.x';
 // locale format, see Locale::formatDate for more information
 $messages['date_format'] = '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M';
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
 // login page
 $messages['login'] = 'Logg inn';
-$messages['welcome_message'] = 'Velkommen til pLog';
+$messages['welcome_message'] = 'Velkommen til LifeType';
 $messages['error_incorrect_username_or_password'] = 'Beklager, feil brukernavn og/eller passord';
 $messages['error_dont_belong_to_any_blog'] = 'Beklager, du er ikke registrert i noen blog ennå';
 $messages['logout_message'] = 'Du er nå logget ut';
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@
 $messages['total_size'] = 'Total størrelse';
 $messages['album'] = 'Mappe';
 $messages['error_incorrect_album_id'] = 'Mappe ID er ikke korrekt';
-$messages['error_base_storage_folder_missing_or_unreadable'] = 'Det var ikke mulig for pLog å opprette nødvendige mapper hvor ressursene skal ligge. Dette kan skyldes flere ting. PHP installasjonen kan muligens kjøre i "Safe mode" eller så har ikke brukeren rettigheter til å opprette mapper. Du kan utføre handlingen manuelt ved å opprette følgende mapper: <br/><br/>%s<br/><br/> Hvis disse mappene allerede eksisterer må du sørge for at de kan bli lest og skrevet til av brukeren som kjører web-serveren.';
+$messages['error_base_storage_folder_missing_or_unreadable'] = 'Det var ikke mulig for LifeType å opprette nødvendige mapper hvor ressursene skal ligge. Dette kan skyldes flere ting. PHP installasjonen kan muligens kjøre i "Safe mode" eller så har ikke brukeren rettigheter til å opprette mapper. Du kan utføre handlingen manuelt ved å opprette følgende mapper: <br/><br/>%s<br/><br/> Hvis disse mappene allerede eksisterer må du sørge for at de kan bli lest og skrevet til av brukeren som kjører web-serveren.';
 $messages['items_deleted_ok'] = '%s filer slettet, ok';
 $messages['error_album_has_children'] = 'Mappe "%s" har data i seg. Vennligst rediger mappen og prøv igjen';
 $messages['item_deleted_ok'] = 'Fil "%s" slettet ok';
@@ -606,7 +606,7 @@
 $messages['error_creating_working_folder'] = 'En feil oppsto når mappen "./temp" ble forsøkt opprettet';
 $messages['error_checking_template'] = 'Det oppsto en feil under kontroll av mal: %s';
 $messages['template_package'] = 'Malpakke';
-$messages['blog_template_package_help']  = 'Bruk dette skjemaet for å laste opp en ny blogmal, blogmalen vil kun bli tilgjengelig for din blog. Fungerer ikke denne opplastingen så kan du manuelt plassere filene i <b>%s</b>. Dette er mappen hvor dine blogmaler er lagret. Klikk "<b>Søk etter blogmaler</b>" knappen. pLog vil søke i mappen og automatisk legge til alle nye blogmaler den finner.';
+$messages['blog_template_package_help']  = 'Bruk dette skjemaet for å laste opp en ny blogmal, blogmalen vil kun bli tilgjengelig for din blog. Fungerer ikke denne opplastingen så kan du manuelt plassere filene i <b>%s</b>. Dette er mappen hvor dine blogmaler er lagret. Klikk "<b>Søk etter blogmaler</b>" knappen. LifeType vil søke i mappen og automatisk legge til alle nye blogmaler den finner.';
 $messages['scan_templates'] = 'Søk etter blogmaler';
 // site users
@@ -683,13 +683,13 @@
 $messages['locale_added_ok'] = 'Språk "%s" lagt til, ok';
 $messages['error_saving_locale'] = 'Det oppsto en feil under lagringen av den nye språkfilen';
 $messages['scan_locales'] = 'Søk etter språk';
-$messages['add_locale_help'] = 'Bruk dette skjemaet for å laste opp nye språkfiler. Virker ikke dette skjemaet kan du laste opp filen(e) manuelt og plassere dem i mappen <b>./locales/</b>. Dette er mappen hvor alle språkfiler ligger. Klikk så på "<b>Søk etter språk</b>" knappen. pLog vil da automatisk legge til nye språk den finner';
+$messages['add_locale_help'] = 'Bruk dette skjemaet for å laste opp nye språkfiler. Virker ikke dette skjemaet kan du laste opp filen(e) manuelt og plassere dem i mappen <b>./locales/</b>. Dette er mappen hvor alle språkfiler ligger. Klikk så på "<b>Søk etter språk</b>" knappen. LifeType vil da automatisk legge til nye språk den finner';
 // site templates
 $messages['error_template_is_default'] = 'Blogmal "%s" kan ikke bli slettet fordi den er satt som standard for nye blogger';
 // add template
-$messages['global_template_package_help'] = 'Bruk dette skjemaet til å laste opp nye blogmaler. Blogmaler lastet opp her vil være tilgjengelig globalt. Hvis det ikke er mulig å bruke dette skjemaet kan du laste opp filene manuelt og plassere dem i mappen <b>%s</b>. Dette er standardmappen hvor alle globale blogmaler ligger. Klikk så "<b>Søk etter nye blogmaler</b>" knappen. pLog vil automatisk legge til nye maler den finner';
+$messages['global_template_package_help'] = 'Bruk dette skjemaet til å laste opp nye blogmaler. Blogmaler lastet opp her vil være tilgjengelig globalt. Hvis det ikke er mulig å bruke dette skjemaet kan du laste opp filene manuelt og plassere dem i mappen <b>%s</b>. Dette er standardmappen hvor alle globale blogmaler ligger. Klikk så "<b>Søk etter nye blogmaler</b>" knappen. LifeType vil automatisk legge til nye maler den finner';
 // global settings
 $messages['site_config_saunder_ok'] = 'Globale instillinger lagret, ok';
@@ -697,7 +697,7 @@
 /// general settings
 $messages['help_comments_enabled'] = 'Aktiver eller deaktiver kommentarer for nye blogger som standard. [Standard=Ja]';
 $messages['help_beautify_comments_text'] = 'Hvis aktivert, kommentarer fra brukere vil bli formatert med avsnitt og automatisk lenking av alle URLer [Standard=Ja]';
-$messages['help_temp_folder'] = 'Mappe hvor pLog kan lagre midlertidig data. En mappe utenfor serverstrukturen vil øke sikkerheten [Standard=./tmp]';
+$messages['help_temp_folder'] = 'Mappe hvor LifeType kan lagre midlertidig data. En mappe utenfor serverstrukturen vil øke sikkerheten [Standard=./tmp]';
 $messages['help_base_url'] = 'Basis URL hvor denne bloggen er installert';
 $messages['help_subdomains_enabled'] = 'Aktiver eller deaktiver subdomener. Vennligst se dokumentasjonen for mer info om subdomener [Standard=Nei]';
 $messages['help_subdomains_base_url'] = 'Basis URL for subdomener. Denne URLen blir brukt istedenfor std. basis URL. For å generere en link til en blog så bruk {blogname} for å hente blognavnet og {username} for å hente navnet til den som eier bloggen. (Eks. http://{blogname}.dittdomene.no)';
@@ -722,11 +722,11 @@
 $messages['help_htmlarea_enabled'] = 'Aktiver eller deaktiver den mer avanserte visuelle (HTML) editoren for nye artikler [Standard=Ja]';
 $messages['help_plugin_manager_enabled'] = 'Aktiver eller deaktiver støtte for ekstramoduler [Standard=Ja]';
 $messages['help_minimum_password_length'] = 'Minimum lengde på passord [Standard=4]';
-$messages['help_xhtml_converter_enabled'] = 'pLog vil prøve å konvertere all HTML til korrekt XHTML kode [Standard=Ja]';
-$messages['help_xhtml_converter_aggressive_mode_enabled'] = 'Samme som over, men pLog vil anstrenge seg litt hardere for å lykkes. OBS, feil kan intreffe [Standard=Nei]';
-$messages['help_session_save_path'] = 'Angi hvor pLog lagrer sesjonsdata. Mappen må være skrivbar for webserveren. La det stå tomt for å bruke PHP sin standard mappe for sesjoner [Standard=Ingen]';
+$messages['help_xhtml_converter_enabled'] = 'LifeType vil prøve å konvertere all HTML til korrekt XHTML kode [Standard=Ja]';
+$messages['help_xhtml_converter_aggressive_mode_enabled'] = 'Samme som over, men LifeType vil anstrenge seg litt hardere for å lykkes. OBS, feil kan intreffe [Standard=Nei]';
+$messages['help_session_save_path'] = 'Angi hvor LifeType lagrer sesjonsdata. Mappen må være skrivbar for webserveren. La det stå tomt for å bruke PHP sin standard mappe for sesjoner [Standard=Ingen]';
 // summary settings
-$messages['help_summary_page_show_max'] = 'Antall "aktiviteter" som pLog vil liste opp på oppsumeringssiden (Dashbord) Dette kontrollerer alle lister på dashbordet (nye artikler, mest aktive blogger, osv) [Standard=10]';
+$messages['help_summary_page_show_max'] = 'Antall "aktiviteter" som LifeType vil liste opp på oppsumeringssiden (Dashbord) Dette kontrollerer alle lister på dashbordet (nye artikler, mest aktive blogger, osv) [Standard=10]';
 $messages['help_summary_blogs_per_page'] = 'Antall blogger pr. side i listen over blogger [Standard=25]';
 $messages['help_forbidden_usernames'] = 'Brukernavn du vil nekte registrering. Bruk mellomrom som separator [Standard = admin www blog ftp]';
 $messages['help_force_one_blog_per_email_account'] = 'Godta kun 1 blog pr. e-post adresse [Standard=Nei]';
@@ -740,7 +740,7 @@
 $messages['help_template_compile_check'] = 'Hvis deaktivert, vil Smartymotoren kontrollere hver gang om en mal har endret seg, og hvis ja, vil den bruke den nyeste versjonen. Slå av for høyere ytelse [Standard=Ja]';
 $messages['help_template_cache_enabled'] = 'Aktiver caching av maler. Hvis aktivert så vil en cached utgave av en side bli brukt når mulig. Ingen data trengs å hentes fra databaseserveren og blogmalene trenger ikke å bli re-kompilert [Standard=Ja]';
 $messages['help_template_cache_lifetime'] = 'Hvor lenge, i sekunder, cachede blogmaler skal leve. Angi -1 for å angi "utgår ikke" 0 angir deaktivering av cache, men det er anbefalt å sette template_cache_enabled til "Nei" for å deaktivere cache [Standard=0]';
-$messages['help_template_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Aktiver støtte for "If-Modified-Since" attributt og HTTP "conditional requests" Hvis aktivert så vil pLog lese "If-Modified-Since" HTTP informasjonen og kun sende nødvendig data. Aktiver dette hvis du vil spare på bruken av båndbredde [Standard=Nei]';
+$messages['help_template_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Aktiver støtte for "If-Modified-Since" attributt og HTTP "conditional requests" Hvis aktivert så vil LifeType lese "If-Modified-Since" HTTP informasjonen og kun sende nødvendig data. Aktiver dette hvis du vil spare på bruken av båndbredde [Standard=Nei]';
 // urls
 $messages['help_request_format_mode'] = 'Velg en av de tilgjengelige URL formatene. Hvis du velger "Tilpasset" så må du huske på å konfigurere instillingene under [Standard=Standard]';
 $messages['plain'] = 'Standard';
@@ -761,7 +761,7 @@
 // email
 $messages['help_check_email_address_validity'] = 'Utfør enkel validering av e-post adresser. Om MX data eksisterer i domenet og om e-post adressen faktisk er en gyldig adresse [Standard=Nei]';
 $messages['help_email_service_enabled'] = 'Aktiver eller deaktiver utgående e-post [Standard=Ja]';
-$messages['help_post_notification_source_address'] = 'E-post adresse som blir brukt som "Fra:" adresse når det sendes e-post fra pLog [Standard=noreply at your.host.com]';
+$messages['help_post_notification_source_address'] = 'E-post adresse som blir brukt som "Fra:" adresse når det sendes e-post fra LifeType [Standard=noreply at your.host.com]';
 $messages['help_email_service_type'] = 'Hvilken metode du vil bruke for å sende e-poster [Standard=PHP]';
 $messages['help_smtp_host'] = 'Hvis du vil bruke en SMTP server som vert for utgående e-post så må du skrive in navnet her (eks. smtp.enellerannenserver.no) [Standard=Ingen]';
 $messages['help_smtp_port'] = 'Fyll inn riktig port hvis ikke SMTP serveren bruker standard port 25 [Standard=Ingen]';
@@ -808,7 +808,7 @@
 $messages['help_medium_size_thumbnail_height'] = 'Standard høyde for medium miniatyrbilder [Standard=480]';
 $messages['help_medium_size_thumbnail_width'] = 'Standard bredde for medium miniatyrbilder [Standard=640]';
 $messages['help_thumbnails_keep_aspect_ratio'] = 'Behold vertikal og horisontal innbyrdes skalering under generering av miniatyrbilder [Standard=Ja]';
-$messages['help_thumbnail_generator_force_use_gd1'] = 'Tving pLog til å bare bruke GD1 funksjoner [Standard=Nei]';
+$messages['help_thumbnail_generator_force_use_gd1'] = 'Tving LifeType til å bare bruke GD1 funksjoner [Standard=Nei]';
 $messages['help_thumbnail_generator_user_smoothing_algorithm'] = 'Algoritme som brukes for utjevning av miniatyrbilder. Bare i bruk hvis GD biblioteket er standard for miniatyrbilder [Standard=PHP Imagecopyresampled]';
 $messages['help_resources_quota'] = 'Global allokering av diskplass for blogger, i bytes (5242880 Bytes = 5MB) Sett til 0 for ubegrenset plass [Standard=0]';
 $messages['help_resource_server_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Aktiver støtte for "If-Modified-Since" informasjon og HTTP "conditional requests" Aktiver hvis du vil spare på bruken av båndbredde [Standard=Nei]';

Modified: plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_nl_NL.php
--- plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_nl_NL.php	2005-11-09 15:12:23 UTC (rev 2543)
+++ plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_nl_NL.php	2005-11-09 15:31:50 UTC (rev 2544)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // set this to the encoding that should be used to display the pages correctly
 $messages['encoding'] = 'iso-8859-1';
-$messages['locale_description'] = 'Nederlands locale bestand voor pLog';
+$messages['locale_description'] = 'Nederlands locale bestand voor LifeType';
 // locale format, see Locale::formatDate for more information
 $messages['date_format'] = '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M';
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
 // login page
 $messages['login'] = 'Login';
-$messages['welcome_message'] = 'Welkme bij pLog';
+$messages['welcome_message'] = 'Welkme bij LifeType';
 $messages['error_incorrect_username_or_password'] = 'Foutieve inlognaam of wachtwoord.';
 $messages['error_dont_belong_to_any_blog'] = 'Sorry, je bent nog niet aan een blog gekoppeld.';
 $messages['logout_message'] = 'Je bent uitgelogd..';
@@ -590,7 +590,7 @@
 $messages['error_creating_working_folder'] = 'Fout tijdens aanmaken van een tijdelijke map voor het uitpakken van de bestanden';
 $messages['error_checking_template'] = 'Fout tijdens controle van de template %s';
 $messages['template_package'] = 'Templatebestand';
-$messages['blog_template_package_help']  = 'Gebruik dit formulier om nieuwe templates te uploaden. Deze worden alleen beschikbaar voor deze blog. Als het niet mogelijk is om te uploden via dit formulier kan het handmatig worden geplaatst in de <b>%s</b> folder. Klik vervolgens op de "<b>Scan templates</b>" knop. pLog doorloopt deze folder en voegt automatisch alle nieuwe templates toe.';
+$messages['blog_template_package_help']  = 'Gebruik dit formulier om nieuwe templates te uploaden. Deze worden alleen beschikbaar voor deze blog. Als het niet mogelijk is om te uploden via dit formulier kan het handmatig worden geplaatst in de <b>%s</b> folder. Klik vervolgens op de "<b>Scan templates</b>" knop. LifeType doorloopt deze folder en voegt automatisch alle nieuwe templates toe.';
 $messages['scan_templates'] = 'Scan templates';
 // site users
@@ -667,13 +667,13 @@
 $messages['locale_added_ok'] = 'Locale "%s" toegevoegd';
 $messages['error_saving_locale'] = 'Fout tijdens opslaan van de nieuwe locale';
 $messages['scan_locales'] = 'Scan locales';
-$messages['add_locale_help'] = 'Gebruik dit formulier om een nieuwe locale te uploaden. Als het niet mogelijk is om dit via dit formulier te doen, voer het dan handmatig uit door het in de <b>./locales/</b> folder te plaatsen, welke de standaard locatie voor locale bestanden is, en klik op de "<b>Scan locales</b>" knop. pLog doorzoekt deze folder en voegt dan automatich nieuw gevonden locales toe.';
+$messages['add_locale_help'] = 'Gebruik dit formulier om een nieuwe locale te uploaden. Als het niet mogelijk is om dit via dit formulier te doen, voer het dan handmatig uit door het in de <b>./locales/</b> folder te plaatsen, welke de standaard locatie voor locale bestanden is, en klik op de "<b>Scan locales</b>" knop. LifeType doorzoekt deze folder en voegt dan automatich nieuw gevonden locales toe.';
 // site templates
 $messages['error_template_is_default'] = 'Template "%s" kan niet worden verwijderd omdat het de standaard template voor nieuwe blogs is';
 // add template
-$messages['global_template_package_help'] = 'Gebruik dit formulier om een nieuwe templates te uploaden. Als het niet mogelijk is om dit via dit formulier te doen, voer het dan handmatig uit door het in de <b>%s</b> folder te plaatsen, welke de standaard locatie voor globaal beschikbare templates is, en klik op de "<b>Scan templates</b>" knop. pLog doorzoekt deze folder en voegt dan automatich nieuw gevonden templaes toe.';
+$messages['global_template_package_help'] = 'Gebruik dit formulier om een nieuwe templates te uploaden. Als het niet mogelijk is om dit via dit formulier te doen, voer het dan handmatig uit door het in de <b>%s</b> folder te plaatsen, welke de standaard locatie voor globaal beschikbare templates is, en klik op de "<b>Scan templates</b>" knop. LifeType doorzoekt deze folder en voegt dan automatich nieuw gevonden templaes toe.';
 // global settings
 $messages['site_config_saved_ok'] = 'Site instellingen opgeslagen';
@@ -681,7 +681,7 @@
 /// general settings
 $messages['help_comments_enabled'] = 'Standaard toevoegen van commentaar aan nieuwe blogs [Standaard = Ja]';
 $messages['help_beautify_comments_text'] = 'Standaard opmaken van paragrafen en URL links in commentaarberichten [Standaard = Ja]';
-$messages['help_temp_folder'] = 'Folder die pLog gebruikt om tijdelijke data op te slaan, zoals vertaalde templates. Gebruik een folder die niet te benaderen is door de webserver voor extra beveiliging [Standaard = ./tmp]';
+$messages['help_temp_folder'] = 'Folder die LifeType gebruikt om tijdelijke data op te slaan, zoals vertaalde templates. Gebruik een folder die niet te benaderen is door de webserver voor extra beveiliging [Standaard = ./tmp]';
 $messages['help_base_url'] = 'Start-URL voor deze blog';
 $messages['help_subdomains_enabled'] = 'Ondersteuning voor subdomeinen. Zie de documentatie voor meer informatie hierover [Standaard = Nee]';
 $messages['help_subdomains_base_url'] = 'Indien aangeschakeld, gebruik deze start-URL in plaats van base_url. Gebruik {blogname} voor de blognaam en {username} voor de naam van de eigenaar van de blog om de naam te vormen. (bijvoorbeeld http://{blogname}.mijndomein.nl)';
@@ -706,9 +706,9 @@
 $messages['help_htmlarea_enabled'] = 'Toestaan dat de WYSIWYG editor standaard in nieuwe blogs wordt gebruikt [Standaard = Ja]';
 $messages['help_plugin_manager_enabled'] = 'Toestaan dat plugins worden gebruikt [Standaard = Ja]';
 $messages['help_minimum_password_length'] = 'Minimum password lengte [Standaard = 4]';
-$messages['help_xhtml_converter_enabled'] = 'Indien aangeschakeld zal pLog proberen alle HTML code in XHTML code om te zetten [Standaard = Ja]';
-$messages['help_xhtml_converter_aggressive_mode_enabled'] = 'Indien aangeschakeld zal pLog extra goed proberen om XHTML van HTML code te maken. Dit geeft een vergroot risico op fouten [Standaard = Nee]';
-$messages['help_session_save_path'] = 'Pad waar pLog session data opslaat via de PHP functie session_save_path(). Deze folder moet schrijfbaar zijn voor de webserver. Laat leeg om het standaard pad te gebruiken [Standaard = (leeg)]';
+$messages['help_xhtml_converter_enabled'] = 'Indien aangeschakeld zal LifeType proberen alle HTML code in XHTML code om te zetten [Standaard = Ja]';
+$messages['help_xhtml_converter_aggressive_mode_enabled'] = 'Indien aangeschakeld zal LifeType extra goed proberen om XHTML van HTML code te maken. Dit geeft een vergroot risico op fouten [Standaard = Nee]';
+$messages['help_session_save_path'] = 'Pad waar LifeType session data opslaat via de PHP functie session_save_path(). Deze folder moet schrijfbaar zijn voor de webserver. Laat leeg om het standaard pad te gebruiken [Standaard = (leeg)]';
 // summary settings
 $messages['help_summary_page_show_max'] = 'Aantal items dat in de samenvattingspagina getoond wordt. Deze instelling geldt voor alle samengevatte lijsten (recente artikelen, meest actieve blogs etc) [Standaard = 10]';
 $messages['help_summary_blogs_per_page'] = 'Aantal blogs per pagina in de "Blogs lijst" sectie [Standaard = 25]';
@@ -724,7 +724,7 @@
 $messages['help_template_compile_check'] = 'Controleer regelmatig of templates zijn aangepast, en gebruik deze wanneer dat het geval is. Schakel dit uit voor een betere performance [Standaard = Ja]';
 $messages['help_template_cache_enabled'] = 'Schakel template caching in. Dit zorgt ervoor dat er geen gegevens uit de database hoeven worden opgehaald en templates niet opnieuw vertaald te hoeven worden [Standaard = Ja]';
 $messages['help_template_cache_lifetime'] = 'Tijdsduur in seconden voor de template cache. Kies -1 om de cache zoveel mogelijk te benutten. Als de waarde op 0 staat, wordt caching uitgeschakeld. Het wordt echter aangeraden om in plaats daarvan template_cache_enabled op "Nee" te zetten [Standaard = 0]';
-$messages['help_template_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Schakel ondersteuning voor HTTP conditional requests in. Dit zorgt ervoor dat pLog de "If-Modified-Since" HTTP header gebruikt en alleen gegevens verstuurt indien dit strikt noodzakelijk is. Schakel dit aan om bandbreedte te besparen [Standaard = Nee]';
+$messages['help_template_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Schakel ondersteuning voor HTTP conditional requests in. Dit zorgt ervoor dat LifeType de "If-Modified-Since" HTTP header gebruikt en alleen gegevens verstuurt indien dit strikt noodzakelijk is. Schakel dit aan om bandbreedte te besparen [Standaard = Nee]';
 $messages['help_allow_php_code_in_templates'] = 'Sta toe dat PHP code in Smarty templates wordt gebruikt binnen {php}...{/php} blokken [Standaard = Nee]';
 // urls
 $messages['help_request_format_mode'] = 'Selecteer één van onderstaande URL formaten. Als voor aangepaste URLs wordt gekozen, moeten alle onderstaande instellingen worden geconfigureerd [Standaard = Kaal]';
@@ -793,7 +793,7 @@
 $messages['help_medium_size_thumbnail_height'] = 'Standaard hoogte voor middelgrote thumbnails [Standaard = 480]';
 $messages['help_medium_size_thumbnail_width'] = 'Standaard breedte voor middelgrote thumbnails [Standaard = 640]';
 $messages['help_thumbnails_keep_aspect_ratio'] = 'Bewaar de formaatverhouding van het origineel bij het aanmaken van thumbnails. [Standaard = Ja]';
-$messages['help_thumbnail_generator_force_use_gd1'] = 'Forceer pLog om alleen GD1 functies te gebruiken [Standaard = Nee]';
+$messages['help_thumbnail_generator_force_use_gd1'] = 'Forceer LifeType om alleen GD1 functies te gebruiken [Standaard = Nee]';
 $messages['help_thumbnail_generator_user_smoothing_algorithm'] = 'Algoritme om mooie thumbnails te genereren, bij de keuze van GD als methode [Standaard = PHP ImageCopyResampled]';
 $messages['help_resources_quota'] = 'Algemene limiet voor blogs in bytes, of specificeer 0 voor geen limiet [Standaard = 0]';
 $messages['help_resource_server_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Ondersteuning van de "If-Modified-Since" HTTP header en HTTP conditionele verzoeken. Aanschakelen voor efficiënter gebruik van bandbreedte [Standaard = Nee]';

Modified: plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_pt_BR.php
--- plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_pt_BR.php	2005-11-09 15:12:23 UTC (rev 2543)
+++ plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_pt_BR.php	2005-11-09 15:31:50 UTC (rev 2544)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // set this to the encoding that should be used to display the pages correctly
 $messages['encoding'] = 'iso-8859-1';
-$messages['locale_description'] = 'pLog em Português do Brasil';
+$messages['locale_description'] = 'LifeType em Português do Brasil';
 // locale format, see Locale::formatDate for more information
 $messages['date_format'] = '%d/%m/%Y %Hh%Mmin';
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
 // login page
 $messages['login'] = 'Entrar';
-$messages['welcome_message'] = 'Bem-vindo ao pLog';
+$messages['welcome_message'] = 'Bem-vindo ao LifeType';
 $messages['error_incorrect_username_or_password'] = 'Usuário ou senha incorretos.';
 $messages['error_dont_belong_to_any_blog'] = 'Você ainda não pertence a qualquer blog.';
 $messages['logout_message'] = 'Sua sessão foi encerrada com sucesso.';
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@
 $messages['total_size'] = 'Tamanho total';
 $messages['album'] = 'Álbum';
 $messages['error_incorrect_album_id'] = 'O identificador de álbum não está correto';
-$messages['error_base_storage_folder_missing_or_unreadable'] = 'Não foi possível ao pLog criar os diretório necessários onde os recursos serão instalados. Isto pode ter acontecido por uma série de razões, tais como sua instalação do PHP estar configurada com o modo seguro habilitado ou seu usuário não ter permissões suficientes para fazê-lo. Você ainda pode tentar levar a operação adiante manualmente, criando os seguintes diretórios: <br/><br/>%s<br/><br/>Se estes diretórios já existem, certifique-se de que eles podem ser lidos e gravados pelo usuário sob o qual o servidor WEB está sendo executado.';
+$messages['error_base_storage_folder_missing_or_unreadable'] = 'Não foi possível ao LifeType criar os diretório necessários onde os recursos serão instalados. Isto pode ter acontecido por uma série de razões, tais como sua instalação do PHP estar configurada com o modo seguro habilitado ou seu usuário não ter permissões suficientes para fazê-lo. Você ainda pode tentar levar a operação adiante manualmente, criando os seguintes diretórios: <br/><br/>%s<br/><br/>Se estes diretórios já existem, certifique-se de que eles podem ser lidos e gravados pelo usuário sob o qual o servidor WEB está sendo executado.';
 $messages['items_deleted_ok'] = '%s items removidos com sucesso';
 $messages['error_album_has_children'] = 'O álbum "%s" tem filhos. Edite o álbum primeiro e tente novamente';
 $messages['item_deleted_ok'] = 'item "%s" removido com sucesso';
@@ -588,7 +588,7 @@
 $messages['error_creating_working_folder'] = 'Houve erro na criação do diretório temporário para a descompactação dos arquivos';
 $messages['error_checking_template'] = 'Houve erro na verificação do template: %s';
 $messages['template_package'] = 'Pacote de template';
-$messages['blog_template_package_help']  = 'Use este formulário para fazer upload de um arquivo de template, o qual estará disponível somente para o seu blog. Se não é possível fazer upload usando este formulário, faça o upload manualmente e coloque-o em <b>%s</b>, que é o diretório onde os templates são armazenados, e clique no botão "<b>Procurar templates</b>". O pLog vai procurar no diretório e automaticamente cadastrará qualquer novo template que for encontrado.';
+$messages['blog_template_package_help']  = 'Use este formulário para fazer upload de um arquivo de template, o qual estará disponível somente para o seu blog. Se não é possível fazer upload usando este formulário, faça o upload manualmente e coloque-o em <b>%s</b>, que é o diretório onde os templates são armazenados, e clique no botão "<b>Procurar templates</b>". O LifeType vai procurar no diretório e automaticamente cadastrará qualquer novo template que for encontrado.';
 $messages['scan_templates'] = 'Procurar templates';
 // site users
@@ -665,13 +665,13 @@
 $messages['locale_added_ok'] = 'Locale "%s" cadastrado com sucesso';
 $messages['error_saving_locale'] = 'Houve erro no cadastro do novo locale';
 $messages['scan_locales'] = 'Procurar locales';
-$messages['add_locale_help'] = 'Use este formulário para fazer upload de um arquivo de locale. Se não é possível fazer upload usando este formulário, faça o upload manualmente e coloque-o em <b>./locales/</b>, que é o diretório onde os arquivos de locale são armazenados, e clique no botão "<b>Procurar locales</b>". O pLog vai procurar no diretório e automaticamente cadastrará qualquer novo arquivo de locale que for encontrado.';
+$messages['add_locale_help'] = 'Use este formulário para fazer upload de um arquivo de locale. Se não é possível fazer upload usando este formulário, faça o upload manualmente e coloque-o em <b>./locales/</b>, que é o diretório onde os arquivos de locale são armazenados, e clique no botão "<b>Procurar locales</b>". O LifeType vai procurar no diretório e automaticamente cadastrará qualquer novo arquivo de locale que for encontrado.';
 // site templates
 $messages['error_template_is_default'] = 'O template "%s" não pode ser removido porque ele é o template default para novos blogs';
 // add template
-$messages['global_template_package_help'] = 'Use este formulário para fazer upload de um arquivo de template, o qual estará disponível para todos os blogs deste site. Se não é possível fazer upload usando este formulário, faça o upload manualmente e coloque-o em <b>%s</b>, que é o diretório onde os templates são armazenados, e clique no botão "<b>Procurar templates</b>". O pLog vai procurar no diretório e automaticamente cadastrará qualquer novo template que for encontrado.';
+$messages['global_template_package_help'] = 'Use este formulário para fazer upload de um arquivo de template, o qual estará disponível para todos os blogs deste site. Se não é possível fazer upload usando este formulário, faça o upload manualmente e coloque-o em <b>%s</b>, que é o diretório onde os templates são armazenados, e clique no botão "<b>Procurar templates</b>". O LifeType vai procurar no diretório e automaticamente cadastrará qualquer novo template que for encontrado.';
 $messages['scan_templates'] = 'Procurar templates';
@@ -681,7 +681,7 @@
 /// general settings
 $messages['help_comments_enabled'] = 'Habilita ou desabilita comentários para novos blogs por default [Default = Sim]';
 $messages['help_beautify_comments_text'] = 'Se estiver habilitado, comentários postados por usuários serão formatados com a adição de parágrafos e com auto-linking para todas as URLs [Default = Sim]';
-$messages['help_temp_folder'] = 'Diretório que o pLog pode usar para gravar seus arquivos temporários, tais como templates compilados etc. Use um diretório fora da estrutura do servidor WEB para maior segurança [Default = ./tmp]';
+$messages['help_temp_folder'] = 'Diretório que o LifeType pode usar para gravar seus arquivos temporários, tais como templates compilados etc. Use um diretório fora da estrutura do servidor WEB para maior segurança [Default = ./tmp]';
 $messages['help_base_url'] = 'URL base onde este blog encontra-se instalado';
 $messages['help_subdomains_enabled'] = 'Habilita ou desabilita sub-domínios. Veja a documentação para mais informações à respeito de sub-domínios [Default = Não]';
 $messages['help_subdomains_base_url'] = 'Quando sub-domínios estão habilitados, esta URL base é usada ao invés da base_url. Use {blogname} para obter o nome do blog e {username} para obter o nome do dono do blog para gerar um link para o blog. (Por exemplo http://{blogname}.seudominio.com.br})';
@@ -706,9 +706,9 @@
 $messages['help_htmlarea_enabled'] = 'Habilita ou desabilita o editor WYSIWYG por default para novos blogs [Default = Sim]';
 $messages['help_plugin_manager_enabled'] = 'Habilita ou desabilita plugins [Default = Sim]';
 $messages['help_minimum_password_length'] = 'Tamanho mínimo das senhas [Default = 4]';
-$messages['help_xhtml_converter_enabled'] = 'Se habilitado, o pLog vai tentar converter todo o código HTML para XHTML [Default = Sim]';
-$messages['help_xhtml_converter_aggressive_mode_enabled'] = 'Se habilitado, o pLog vai tentar com mais afinco gerar código XHTML a partir do HTML, mas isto será mais propenso a erros [Default = Não]';
-$messages['help_session_save_path'] = 'Use esta configuração para mudar o diretório onde o pLog armazena seus dados de sessão, através da função session_save_path() do PHP. Certifique-se de que o diretório pode ser acessado pelo servidor WEB. Deixe em branco para usar o diretório default do PHP [Default = (vazio)]';
+$messages['help_xhtml_converter_enabled'] = 'Se habilitado, o LifeType vai tentar converter todo o código HTML para XHTML [Default = Sim]';
+$messages['help_xhtml_converter_aggressive_mode_enabled'] = 'Se habilitado, o LifeType vai tentar com mais afinco gerar código XHTML a partir do HTML, mas isto será mais propenso a erros [Default = Não]';
+$messages['help_session_save_path'] = 'Use esta configuração para mudar o diretório onde o LifeType armazena seus dados de sessão, através da função session_save_path() do PHP. Certifique-se de que o diretório pode ser acessado pelo servidor WEB. Deixe em branco para usar o diretório default do PHP [Default = (vazio)]';
 // summary settings
 $messages['help_summary_page_show_max'] = 'Número de itens que serão mostrados na página de resumo. Esta configuração controla todas as listas na página de resumos (artigos recentes, blogs mais ativos etc) [Default = 10]';
 $messages['help_summary_blogs_per_page'] = 'Número de blogs por página na seção "Lista de blogs" [Default = 25]';
@@ -724,7 +724,7 @@
 $messages['help_template_compile_check'] = 'Se desabilitado, o Smarty vai verificar todas as vezes se um template foi alterado e, em caso afirmativo, usará a nova versão. Configure isto como desabilitado para maior performance [Default = Sim]';
 $messages['help_template_cache_enabled'] = 'Habilita o cache de template. Se habilitado, a versão em cache da página será usada sempre que possível. Nenhum dado precisará ser recuperado do banco de dados e os templates não precisarão ser recompilados [Default = Sim]';
 $messages['help_template_cache_lifetime'] = 'Tempo de vida em segundos do cache. Configure para -1 para forçar o cache a nunca expirar. Se configurado para 0, o cache será desabilitado, mas é recomendado configurar o template_cache_enable para "Não" para desabilitar o cache [Default = 0]';
-$messages['help_template_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Habilita suporte para requisições HTTP condicionais. Se habilitado, o pLog vai pegar o cabeçalho HTTP "If-Modified-Since" em conta e enviará conteúdo somente se estritamente necessário. Habilite isto para economizar banda [Default = Não]';
+$messages['help_template_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Habilita suporte para requisições HTTP condicionais. Se habilitado, o LifeType vai pegar o cabeçalho HTTP "If-Modified-Since" em conta e enviará conteúdo somente se estritamente necessário. Habilite isto para economizar banda [Default = Não]';
 $messages['help_allow_php_code_in_templates'] = 'Permite incluir código PHP nativo nos templates do Smarty entre blocos {php}...{/php} [Default = Não]';
 // urls
 $messages['help_request_format_mode'] = 'Selecione um dos formatos de URL disponíveis. Se estiver usando URLs personalizadas, certifique-se de configurar os itens abaixo [Default = Simples]';
@@ -746,7 +746,7 @@
 // email
 $messages['help_check_email_address_validity'] = 'Na verificação de endereços de e-mail, executar algumas verficações básicas para ver se um registro do tipo MX existe no domínio informado e, em caso afirmativo, se o endereço de e-mail é uma caixa postal válida [Default = Não]';
 $messages['help_email_service_enabled'] = 'Habilita ou desabilita envio de e-mails [Default = Sim]';
-$messages['help_post_notification_source_address'] = 'Endereço de e-mail que vai aparecer no campo "De:" dos e-mails enviados pelo pLog [Default = noreply at your.host.com]';
+$messages['help_post_notification_source_address'] = 'Endereço de e-mail que vai aparecer no campo "De:" dos e-mails enviados pelo LifeType [Default = noreply at your.host.com]';
 $messages['help_email_service_type'] = 'Qual sistema usar para enviar e-mails [Default = PHP]';
 $messages['help_smtp_host'] = 'Se for usar o sistema SMTP para enviar e-mails, coloque aqui a identificação do servidor SMTP que será usado para enviar as mensagens [Default = (vazio)]';
 $messages['help_smtp_port'] = 'Se o serviço SMTP está atendendo num porto diferente de 25, coloque seu número [Default = (vazio)]';
@@ -793,7 +793,7 @@
 $messages['help_medium_size_thumbnail_height'] = 'Altura default para thumbnails médios [Default = 480]';
 $messages['help_medium_size_thumbnail_width'] = 'Largura default para thumbnails médios [Default = 640]';
 $messages['help_thumbnails_keep_aspect_ratio'] = 'Manter as proporções na geração de thumbnails. Pode acabar gerando thumbnails maiores que o tamanho especificado acima mas a qualidade é melhor [Default = Sim]';
-$messages['help_thumbnail_generator_force_use_gd1'] = 'Forçar o pLog a usar somente funções GD1 [Default = Não]';
+$messages['help_thumbnail_generator_force_use_gd1'] = 'Forçar o LifeType a usar somente funções GD1 [Default = Não]';
 $messages['help_thumbnail_generator_user_smoothing_algorithm'] = 'Algoritmo usado para suavizar thumbnails. Usado somente quando o método de geração de thumbnails é GD [Default = PHP Imagecopyresampled]';
 $messages['help_resources_quota'] = 'Cota de recursos globais para blogs em bytes (por exemplo, 5242880 bytes = 5MB) [Default = 0]';
 $messages['help_resource_server_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Habilita suporte para o cabeçalho "If-Modified-Since" e requisições de HTTP condicionais. Habilite para aumentar a economia de banda [Default = Não]';

Modified: plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_ru_RU.php
--- plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_ru_RU.php	2005-11-09 15:12:23 UTC (rev 2543)
+++ plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_ru_RU.php	2005-11-09 15:31:50 UTC (rev 2544)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 	Ðóññêèé ïåðåâîä âûïîëíåí Ïèôôàðè Âàëåðèåé www.italiano-russo.it
 	Äëÿ çàìå÷àíèé è ïðåäëîæåíèé admin at italia-ru.it 
-	Àäðåñ ýëåêòðîííîé ïî÷òû óêàçàí äëÿ òîãî, ÷òîáû ìîæíî áûëî ñîîáùàòü ìíå îá 	îøèáêàõ ïåðåâîäà. Çà òåõíè÷åñêîé ïîääåðæêîé îáðàùàéòåñü, ïîæàëóéñòà, íà 	îôèöèàëüíûé ñàéò http://www.plogworld.net 
+	Àäðåñ ýëåêòðîííîé ïî÷òû óêàçàí äëÿ òîãî, ÷òîáû ìîæíî áûëî ñîîáùàòü ìíå îá 	îøèáêàõ ïåðåâîäà. Çà òåõíè÷åñêîé ïîääåðæêîé îáðàùàéòåñü, ïîæàëóéñòà, íà 	îôèöèàëüíûé ñàéò http://www.LifeTypeworld.net 
 // Åñëè âîçíèêàþò ïðîáëåìû ñ îïðåäåëåíèåì êîäèðîâêè, ðàñêîìåíòèðóéòå ýòó ñòðîêó
@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@
 $messages['total_size'] = 'Ïîëíûé ðàçìåð';
 $messages['album'] = 'Àëüáîì';
 $messages['error_incorrect_album_id'] = 'Íåïðàâèëüíûé èäåíòèôèêàòîð àëüáîìà';
-$messages['error_base_storage_folder_missing_or_unreadable'] = 'pLog íå ìîæåò ñîçäàòü íåîáõîäèìûå äèðåêòîðèè, êóäà áóäóò ïîìåùåíû ôàéëû. Ýòî ìîæåò áûòü ïî ðàçíûì ïðè÷èíàì, íàïðèìåð, âàøè óñòàíîâêè PHP ðàáîòàþò ñ âêëþ÷åííûì áåçîïàñíûì ðåæèìîì èëè âàø ïîëüçîâàòåëü íå èìååò äîñòóïà ê ýòîé îïöèè. Âû ìîæåòå ïîïûòàòüñÿ ïðîâåñòè îïåðàöèþ âðó÷íóþ, ñîçäàâ ñëåäóþùèå äèðåêòîðèè: <br/><br/>%s<br/><br/>Åñëè ýòè äèðåêòîðèè óæå ñóùåñòâóþò, óáåäèòåñü, ÷òî íà íèõ âûñòàâëåíû ïðàâèëüíûå ïðàâà.';
+$messages['error_base_storage_folder_missing_or_unreadable'] = 'LifeType íå ìîæåò ñîçäàòü íåîáõîäèìûå äèðåêòîðèè, êóäà áóäóò ïîìåùåíû ôàéëû. Ýòî ìîæåò áûòü ïî ðàçíûì ïðè÷èíàì, íàïðèìåð, âàøè óñòàíîâêè PHP ðàáîòàþò ñ âêëþ÷åííûì áåçîïàñíûì ðåæèìîì èëè âàø ïîëüçîâàòåëü íå èìååò äîñòóïà ê ýòîé îïöèè. Âû ìîæåòå ïîïûòàòüñÿ ïðîâåñòè îïåðàöèþ âðó÷íóþ, ñîçäàâ ñëåäóþùèå äèðåêòîðèè: <br/><br/>%s<br/><br/>Åñëè ýòè äèðåêòîðèè óæå ñóùåñòâóþò, óáåäèòåñü, ÷òî íà íèõ âûñòàâëåíû ïðàâèëüíûå ïðàâà.';
 $messages['items_deleted_ok'] = '%s ýëåìåíòû óñïåøíî óäàëåíû';
@@ -620,7 +620,7 @@
 $messages['error_creating_working_folder'] = 'Îøèáêà ïðè ñîçäàíèè âðåìåííîé ïàïêè äëÿ ðàñïàêîâêè ôàéëîâ';
 $messages['error_checking_template'] = 'Îøèáêà ïðè ïðîâåðêå øàáëîíà: %s';
 $messages['template_package'] = 'Íàáîð øàáëîíîâ';
-$messages['blog_template_package_help']  = 'Èñïîëüçóé	òå ýòîò ìîäóëü äëÿ çàãðóçêè íîâûõ øàáëîíîâ, êîòîðûå áóäóò äîñòóïíû òîëüêî äëÿ âàøåãî äíåâíèêà. Åñëè íåâîçìîæíî çàãðóçèòü ïàêåò øàáëîíîâ ÷åðåç ýòîò ìîäóëü, çàãðóçèòå íàáîð øàáëîíîâ âðó÷íóþ è óñòàíîâèòå åãî â <b>%s</b>, êîòîðàÿ ÿâëÿåòñÿ ïàïêîé õðàíåíèÿ øàáëîíîâ âàøåãî äíåâíèêà è íàæìèòå êíîïêó "<b>Ñêàíèðîâàíèå øàáëîíîâ</b>". pLog îòñêàíèðóåò ïàïêó è àâòîìàòè÷åñêè äîáàâèò íîûå íàéäåííûå øàáëîíû.';
+$messages['blog_template_package_help']  = 'Èñïîëüçóé	òå ýòîò ìîäóëü äëÿ çàãðóçêè íîâûõ øàáëîíîâ, êîòîðûå áóäóò äîñòóïíû òîëüêî äëÿ âàøåãî äíåâíèêà. Åñëè íåâîçìîæíî çàãðóçèòü ïàêåò øàáëîíîâ ÷åðåç ýòîò ìîäóëü, çàãðóçèòå íàáîð øàáëîíîâ âðó÷íóþ è óñòàíîâèòå åãî â <b>%s</b>, êîòîðàÿ ÿâëÿåòñÿ ïàïêîé õðàíåíèÿ øàáëîíîâ âàøåãî äíåâíèêà è íàæìèòå êíîïêó "<b>Ñêàíèðîâàíèå øàáëîíîâ</b>". LifeType îòñêàíèðóåò ïàïêó è àâòîìàòè÷åñêè äîáàâèò íîûå íàéäåííûå øàáëîíû.';
 $messages['scan_templates'] = 'Ñêàíèðîâàíèå øàáëîíîâ';
 // site users
@@ -699,13 +699,13 @@
 $messages['locale_added_ok'] = 'Ëîêàëèçàöèÿ "%s" óñïåøíî äîáàâëåíà';
 $messages['error_saving_locale'] = 'Îøèáêà ïðè ñîõðàíåíèè íîâîé ëîêàëèçàöèè';
 $messages['scan_locales'] = 'Ñêàíèðîâàíèå ëîêàëèçàöèè';
-$messages['add_locale_help'] = 'Èñïîëüçóéòå ýòîò ìîäóëü äëÿ çàãðóçêè íîâûõ ôàéëîâ ëîêàëèçàöèè. Åñëè íåâîçìîæíî çàãðóçèòü ôàéëû ÷åðåç ýòîò ìîäóëü, çàãðóçèòå ôàéëû âðó÷íóþ è óñòàíîâèòå èõ â <b>./locales/</b>, êîòîðàÿ ÿâëÿåòñÿ äèðåêòîðèåé õðàíåíèÿ ôàéëîâ ëîêàëèçàöèè, è íàæìèòå êíîïêó "<b>Ñêàíèðîâàíèå ëîêàëèçàöèè</b>". pLog îòñêàíèðóåò ïàïêó è àâòîìàòè÷åñêè äîáàâèò íàéäåííûå ôàéëû  ëîêàëèçàöèè';
+$messages['add_locale_help'] = 'Èñïîëüçóéòå ýòîò ìîäóëü äëÿ çàãðóçêè íîâûõ ôàéëîâ ëîêàëèçàöèè. Åñëè íåâîçìîæíî çàãðóçèòü ôàéëû ÷åðåç ýòîò ìîäóëü, çàãðóçèòå ôàéëû âðó÷íóþ è óñòàíîâèòå èõ â <b>./locales/</b>, êîòîðàÿ ÿâëÿåòñÿ äèðåêòîðèåé õðàíåíèÿ ôàéëîâ ëîêàëèçàöèè, è íàæìèòå êíîïêó "<b>Ñêàíèðîâàíèå ëîêàëèçàöèè</b>". LifeType îòñêàíèðóåò ïàïêó è àâòîìàòè÷åñêè äîáàâèò íàéäåííûå ôàéëû  ëîêàëèçàöèè';
 // site templates
 $messages['error_template_is_default'] = 'Øàáëîí "%s" íå ìîæåò áûòü óäàëåí, òàê êàê îí óñòàíîâëåí ïî óìîë÷àíèþ äëÿ íîâûõ äíåâíèêîâ';
 // add template
-$messages['global_template_package_help'] = 'Èñïîëüçóéòå ýòî ìîäóëü äëÿ çàãðóçêè a new template set, êîòîðûå áóäóò äîñòóïíû âñåì äíåâíèêàì íà ýòîì ñàéòå. Åñëè íåâîçìîæíî çàãðóçèòü ïàêåò øàáëîíîâ ÷åðåç ýòîò ìîäóëü, çàãðóçèòå íàáîð øàáëîíîâ âðó÷íóþ è óñòàíîâèòå åãî â <b>%s</b>, êîòîðûé ÿâëÿåòñÿ äèðåêòîðèåé õðàíåíèÿ îáùèõ äîñòóïíûõ øàáëîíîâ è íàæìèòå êíîïêó "<b>Ñêàíèðîâàíèå øàáëîíîâ</b>". pLog îòñêàíèðóåò ïàïêó è àâòîìàòè÷åñêè äîáàâèò íàéäåííûå øàáëîíû.';
+$messages['global_template_package_help'] = 'Èñïîëüçóéòå ýòî ìîäóëü äëÿ çàãðóçêè a new template set, êîòîðûå áóäóò äîñòóïíû âñåì äíåâíèêàì íà ýòîì ñàéòå. Åñëè íåâîçìîæíî çàãðóçèòü ïàêåò øàáëîíîâ ÷åðåç ýòîò ìîäóëü, çàãðóçèòå íàáîð øàáëîíîâ âðó÷íóþ è óñòàíîâèòå åãî â <b>%s</b>, êîòîðûé ÿâëÿåòñÿ äèðåêòîðèåé õðàíåíèÿ îáùèõ äîñòóïíûõ øàáëîíîâ è íàæìèòå êíîïêó "<b>Ñêàíèðîâàíèå øàáëîíîâ</b>". LifeType îòñêàíèðóåò ïàïêó è àâòîìàòè÷åñêè äîáàâèò íàéäåííûå øàáëîíû.';
 // global settings
 $messages['site_config_saved_ok'] = 'Íàñòðîéêè ñàéòà óñïåøíî ñîõðàíåíû';
@@ -713,7 +713,7 @@
 /// general settings
 $messages['help_comments_enabled'] = 'Âêëþ÷åíèå êîììåíòàðèåâ äëÿ íîâûõ äíåâíèêîâ ïî óìîë÷àíèþ [Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ = Äà]';
 $messages['help_beautify_comments_text'] = 'Åñëè âêëþ÷åíî, êîììåíòàðèè, âíîñèìûå ïîëüçîâàòåëÿìè áóäóò ôîðìàòèðîâàíû äîáàâëåíèåì ïàðàãðàôîâ è àâòî-ñâÿçêîé àäðåñîâ [Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ = Äà]';
-$messages['help_temp_folder'] = 'Ïàïêà, êîòîðóþ pLog ìîæåò èñïîëüçîâàòü äëÿ çàïèñè âðåìåííûõ äàííûõ òàêèõ êàê ñîáðàííûå øàáëîíû è òàê äàëåå. Èñïîëüçóéòå ïàïêè  äèðåêòîðèè âíå ñâîåãî âåá ñåðâåðà, ÷òîáû óâåëè÷èòü áåçîïàñíîñòü [Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ = ./tmp]';
+$messages['help_temp_folder'] = 'Ïàïêà, êîòîðóþ LifeType ìîæåò èñïîëüçîâàòü äëÿ çàïèñè âðåìåííûõ äàííûõ òàêèõ êàê ñîáðàííûå øàáëîíû è òàê äàëåå. Èñïîëüçóéòå ïàïêè  äèðåêòîðèè âíå ñâîåãî âåá ñåðâåðà, ÷òîáû óâåëè÷èòü áåçîïàñíîñòü [Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ = ./tmp]';
 $messages['help_base_url'] = 'Îñíîâíàÿ ññûëêà ìåñòîíàõîæäåíèÿ ýòîãî äíåâíèêà óñòàíîâëåíà';
 $messages['help_subdomains_enabled'] = 'Âêëþ÷èòü èëè îòêëþ÷èòü ñóáäîìåíû. Ïîñìîòðèòå äîêóìåíòàöèþ äëÿ ïîáðîáíîé èíôîðìàöèè ïî ñóáäîìåíàì [Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ = Íåò]';
 $messages['help_subdomains_base_url'] = 'Êîãäà ñóáäîìåíû âêëþ÷åíû, ýòà îñíîâíàÿ ññûëêà èñïîëüçóåòñÿ âìåñòî áàçîâûõ ññûëîê. Èñïîëüçóéòå {blogname} äëÿ ïîëó÷åíèÿ èìåíè äíåâíèêà è {username} äëÿ ïîëó÷åíèÿ èìåíè âëàäåëüöà äíåâíèêà, ÷òîáû ñãåíåðèðîâàòü ññûëêó ê äíåâíèêó. (òî åñòü http://{blogname}.yourdomain.com})';
@@ -738,9 +738,9 @@
 $messages['help_htmlarea_enabled'] = 'Âêëþ÷èòü èëè îòêëþ÷èòü WYSIWYG âèçóàëüíûé ðåäàêòîð ïî óìîë÷àíèþ â íîâûõ äíåâíèêàõ [Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ = Äà]';
 $messages['help_plugin_manager_enabled'] = 'Âêëþ÷èòü èëè îòêëþ÷èòü ïëàãèíû [Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ = Äà]';
 $messages['help_minimum_password_length'] = 'Ìèíèìàëüíàÿ äëèíà ïàðîëÿ [Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ = 4]';
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-$messages['help_xhtml_converter_aggressive_mode_enabled'] = 'Åñëè âêëþ÷åíî, pLog ïîïûòàåòñÿ ôîðñèðîâàííî ñêîíâåðòèðîâàòü XHTML èç HTML, íî â íåì ìîãóò ïðèñóòñòâîâàòü îøèáêè [Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ = Íåò]';
-$messages['help_session_save_path'] = 'Èñïîëüçóéòå ýòó íàñòðîéêó, ÷òîáû èçìåíèòü äèðåêòîðèþ, ãäå pLog õðàíèò èíôîðìàöèþ î ñåññèè, ñ ïîìîùüþ ôóíêöèè PHP session_save_path() Óáåäèòåñü, ÷òî çàïèñü â ýòó äèðåêòîðèþ ðàçðåøåíà. Îñòàâèòü ïóñòûì, ÷òîáû èñïîëüçîâàòü íàñòðîéêè PHP ïî óìîë÷àíèþ [Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ = (ïóñòî)]';
+$messages['help_xhtml_converter_enabled'] = 'Åñëè âêëþ÷åíî, LifeType ïîïûòàåòñÿ êîíâåðòèðîâàòü HTML â XHTML [Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ = Äà]';
+$messages['help_xhtml_converter_aggressive_mode_enabled'] = 'Åñëè âêëþ÷åíî, LifeType ïîïûòàåòñÿ ôîðñèðîâàííî ñêîíâåðòèðîâàòü XHTML èç HTML, íî â íåì ìîãóò ïðèñóòñòâîâàòü îøèáêè [Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ = Íåò]';
+$messages['help_session_save_path'] = 'Èñïîëüçóéòå ýòó íàñòðîéêó, ÷òîáû èçìåíèòü äèðåêòîðèþ, ãäå LifeType õðàíèò èíôîðìàöèþ î ñåññèè, ñ ïîìîùüþ ôóíêöèè PHP session_save_path() Óáåäèòåñü, ÷òî çàïèñü â ýòó äèðåêòîðèþ ðàçðåøåíà. Îñòàâèòü ïóñòûì, ÷òîáû èñïîëüçîâàòü íàñòðîéêè PHP ïî óìîë÷àíèþ [Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ = (ïóñòî)]';
 // summary settings
 $messages['help_summary_page_show_max'] = 'Êîëè÷åñòâî ýëåìåíòîâ, êîòîðûå áóäóò îòîáðàæåíû íà ãëàâíîé ñòðàíèöå. Ýòà íàñòðîéêà óïðàâëÿåò âñåìè ñïèñêàìè íà ãëàâíîé ñòðàíèöå (ïîñëåäíèå çàïèñè, íàèáîëåå àêòèâíûå äíåâíèêè, è òàê äàëåå) [Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ = 10]';
 $messages['help_summary_blogs_per_page'] = 'Êîëè÷åñòâî äíåâíèêîâ íà ñòðàíèöó â ðàçäåëå "Ñïèñîê äíåâíèêîâ" [Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ = 25]';
@@ -756,7 +756,7 @@
 $messages['help_template_compile_check'] = 'Åñëè âêëþ÷åíî, Smarty áóäåò ïðîâåðÿòü êàæäûé ðàç, áûëè ëè èçìåíåíû ôàéëû øàáëîíà è, åñëè äà, òî áóäåò èñïîëüçîâàíà íîâàÿ âåðñèÿ. Âûêëþ÷èòü, ÷òîáû óñêîðèòü ðàáîòó ñêðèïòà [Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ = Äà]';
 $messages['help_template_cache_enabled'] = 'Âêëþ÷èòü êýøèðîâàíèå øàáëîíîâ. Åñëè âêëþ÷åíî, âåçäå áóäåò èñïîëüçîâàòüñÿ êýøèðîâàíàÿ âåðñèÿ. Äàííûå íå áóäóò âûáèðàòüñÿ èç áàçû äàííûõ è øàáëîíû íå áóäóò ïåðåêîìïèëèðîâàíû [Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ = Äà]';
 $messages['help_template_cache_lifetime'] = 'Ïðîäîëæèòåëüíîñòü êýøà â ñåêóíäàõ. Óñòàíîâèòü íà -1 äëÿ òîãî, ÷òîáû êýø âñåãäà ðàáîòàë. Åñëè óñòàíîâëåíî íà 0, êýø áóäåò îòêëþ÷åí, íî ðåêîìåíäóåòñÿ óñòàíîâèòü template_cache_enabled íà "Íåò", ÷òîáû îòêëþ÷èòü êýøèðîâàíèå [Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ = -1]';
-$messages['help_template_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Âêëþ÷èòü ïîääåðæêó äëÿ óñëîâíûõ çàïðîñîâ HTTP. Åñëè âêëþ÷åíî, pLog ïðèìåò "If-Modified-Since" çàãîëîâîê HTTP âî âíèìàíèå è îòïðàâèò ïðè íåîáõîäèìîñòè òîëüêî ñîäåðæàíèå. Âêëþ÷èòü ýòó îïöèþ äëÿ ñîõðàíåíèÿ òðàôôèêà [Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ = Íåò]';
+$messages['help_template_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Âêëþ÷èòü ïîääåðæêó äëÿ óñëîâíûõ çàïðîñîâ HTTP. Åñëè âêëþ÷åíî, LifeType ïðèìåò "If-Modified-Since" çàãîëîâîê HTTP âî âíèìàíèå è îòïðàâèò ïðè íåîáõîäèìîñòè òîëüêî ñîäåðæàíèå. Âêëþ÷èòü ýòó îïöèþ äëÿ ñîõðàíåíèÿ òðàôôèêà [Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ = Íåò]';
 $messages['help_allow_php_code_in_templates'] = 'Ðàçðåøàåò âñòðîåííûé PHP êîä äëÿ îáðàáîò÷èêà øàáëîíîâ Smarty âíóòðè êîíòåéíåðîâ {php}...{/php} [Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ = Íåò]';
 // urls
 $messages['help_request_format_mode'] = 'Âûáðàòü îäèí èç äîñòóïíûõ ôîðìàòîâ ññûëîê. Åñëè èñïîëüçóþòñÿ ïåðñîíàëèçèðîâàííûå ññûëêè, óáåäèòåñü â êîíôèãóðàöèè íàñòðîåê ïðèâåäåííûõ íèæå [Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ = Ïðîñòûå]';
@@ -778,7 +778,7 @@
 // email
 $messages['help_check_email_address_validity'] = 'Ïðè ïðîâåðêå àäðåñà ýëåêòðîííîé ïî÷òû, ïðîâåðèòü ñóùåñòâîâàíèå àêêàóíòà (MX record) íà äàííîì äîìåíå, è ÿâëÿåòñÿ ëè îí âåðíûì [Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ = Íåò]';
 $messages['help_email_service_enabled'] = 'Âêëþ÷èòü èëè âûêëþ÷èòü îòïðàâêó ñîîáùåíèé [Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ = Äà]';
-$messages['help_post_notification_source_address'] = 'Àäðåñ ýëåêòðîííîé ïî÷òû, êîòîðûé áóäåò ïîêàçûâàòüñÿ â ïîëå "Îò:" ïðè îòïðàâêå ïèñåì ñ pLog [Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ = noreply at your.host.com]';
+$messages['help_post_notification_source_address'] = 'Àäðåñ ýëåêòðîííîé ïî÷òû, êîòîðûé áóäåò ïîêàçûâàòüñÿ â ïîëå "Îò:" ïðè îòïðàâêå ïèñåì ñ LifeType [Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ = noreply at your.host.com]';
 $messages['help_email_service_type'] = 'Êàêîé ñåðâèñ èñïîëüçîâàòü ïðè îòïðàâêå ïèñåì [Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ = PHP]';
 $messages['help_smtp_host'] = 'Åñëè èñïîëüçóåòñÿ SMTP, ââåäèòå SMTP ñåðâåð, êîòîðûé áóäåò èñïîëüçîâàòüñÿ äëÿ îòïðàâêè ñîîáùåíèé [Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ = (ïóñòî)]';
 $messages['help_smtp_port'] = 'Åñëè SMTP ñåðâåð íàñòðîåí íå íà 25 ïîðò, òî íàñòðîéòå ýòî çíà÷åíèå [Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ = (ïóñòî)]';
@@ -825,7 +825,7 @@
 $messages['help_medium_size_thumbnail_height'] = 'Âûñîòà ïî óìîë÷àíèþ äëÿ ñðåäíèõ ýñêèçîâ  [Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ = 480]';
 $messages['help_medium_size_thumbnail_width'] = 'Øèðèíà ïî óìîë÷àíèþ äëÿ ñðåäíèõ ýñêèçîâ  [Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ = 640]';
 $messages['help_thumbnails_keep_aspect_ratio'] = 'Ñîõðàíÿòü ïðîïîðöèè ïðè ñîçäàíèè ýñêèçîâ. Ìîæåò ñîçäàâàòü ýñêèçû áîëüøèõ ðàçìåðîâ, ÷åì óêàçàííûå âûøå, íî êà÷åñòâî áóäåò ëó÷øå [Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ = Äà]';
-$messages['help_thumbnail_generator_force_use_gd1'] = 'Îáÿçàòü pLog èñïîëüçîâàòü òîëüêî ôóíêöèè GD1 [Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ = Íåò]';
+$messages['help_thumbnail_generator_force_use_gd1'] = 'Îáÿçàòü LifeType èñïîëüçîâàòü òîëüêî ôóíêöèè GD1 [Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ = Íåò]';
 $messages['help_thumbnail_generator_user_smoothing_algorithm'] = 'Àëãîðèòì èñïîëüçóåìûé äëÿ ñãëàæèâàíèÿ ýñêèçîâ. Èñïîëüçóåòñÿ òîëüêî, åñëè ýñêèçû ñîçäàþòñÿ ïðè ïîìîùè GD [Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ = PHP Imagecopyresampled]';
 $messages['help_resources_quota'] = 'Îáùàÿ êâîòà, âûäåëåííàÿ äëÿ äíåâíèêîâ â áàéòàõ (òî åñòü 5242880 Bytes = 5MB), èëè óñòàíîâèòü íà 0 äëÿ íåîãðàíè÷åííîé êâîòû [Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ = 0]';
 $messages['help_resource_server_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Âêëþ÷èòü ïîääåðæêó "If-Modified-Since" çàãîëîâêà è óñëîâíûõ çàïðîñîâ HTTP. Âêëþ÷èòü äëÿ ñîõðàíåíèÿ òðàôôèêà  [Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ = Íåò]'; 

Modified: plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_tr_TR.php
--- plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_tr_TR.php	2005-11-09 15:12:23 UTC (rev 2543)
+++ plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_tr_TR.php	2005-11-09 15:31:50 UTC (rev 2544)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 // set this to the encoding that should be used to display the pages correctly
 $messages['encoding'] = 'windows-1254';
-$messages['locale_description'] = 'pLog için Türkçe Dil Dosyasý';
+$messages['locale_description'] = 'LifeType için Türkçe Dil Dosyasý';
 // locale format, see Locale::formatDate for more information
 $messages['date_format'] = '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M';
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
 // login page
 $messages['login'] = 'Kullanýcý adý';
-$messages['welcome_message'] = 'pLog`a hoþgeldiniz.';
+$messages['welcome_message'] = 'LifeType`a hoþgeldiniz.';
 $messages['error_incorrect_username_or_password'] = 'Özür Dileriz. Yanlýþ Kullanýcý adý veya parola girdiniz.';
 $messages['error_dont_belong_to_any_blog'] = 'Henüz, bir günlüðe sahip deðilsiniz.';
 $messages['logout_message'] = 'Çýkýþýnýz baþarýyla tamamlandý.';
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@
 $messages['total_size'] = 'Total size';
 $messages['album'] = 'Album';
 $messages['error_incorrect_album_id'] = 'The album identifier is not correct';
-$messages['error_base_storage_folder_missing_or_unreadable'] = 'It was not possible for pLog to create the necessary folders where resources are going to be installed. This might be due to several reasons, such as your PHP installation running with safe mode enabled or your user not having enough permissions to do so. You may still try to carry out the operation manually, by creating the following folders: <br/><br/>%s<br/><br/>If these folders already exist please make sure that they can be read and written by the user running the web server.';
+$messages['error_base_storage_folder_missing_or_unreadable'] = 'It was not possible for LifeType to create the necessary folders where resources are going to be installed. This might be due to several reasons, such as your PHP installation running with safe mode enabled or your user not having enough permissions to do so. You may still try to carry out the operation manually, by creating the following folders: <br/><br/>%s<br/><br/>If these folders already exist please make sure that they can be read and written by the user running the web server.';
 $messages['items_deleted_ok'] = '%s items deleted successfully';
 $messages['error_album_has_children'] = 'Album "%s" has children. Please edit first the album and try again';
 $messages['item_deleted_ok'] = 'Item "%s"deleted successfully';
@@ -588,7 +588,7 @@
 $messages['error_creating_working_folder'] = 'There was an error creating a temporary folder to unpack the files';
 $messages['error_checking_template'] = 'There was an error checking the template: %s';
 $messages['template_package'] = 'Template package';
-$messages['blog_template_package_help']  = 'Use this form to upload a new template set, which will only be available to your blog. If it is not possible to upload a template package using this form, upload the template set manually and place it in <b>%s</b>, which is the folder where your blog templates are stored and click the "<b>Scan templates</b>" button. pLog will scan the folder and will automatically add any new template it can find.';
+$messages['blog_template_package_help']  = 'Use this form to upload a new template set, which will only be available to your blog. If it is not possible to upload a template package using this form, upload the template set manually and place it in <b>%s</b>, which is the folder where your blog templates are stored and click the "<b>Scan templates</b>" button. LifeType will scan the folder and will automatically add any new template it can find.';
 $messages['scan_templates'] = 'Scan Templates';
 // site users
@@ -665,13 +665,13 @@
 $messages['locale_added_ok'] = 'Locale "%s" added successfully';
 $messages['error_saving_locale'] = 'There was an error saving the new locale';
 $messages['scan_locales'] = 'Scan Locales';
-$messages['add_locale_help'] = 'Use this form to upload a new locale file. If it is not possible to upload files using this form, upload the locale file manually and place it in <b>./locales/</b>, which is the folder where locale files are stored and click the "<b>Scan Locales</b>" button. pLog will scan the folder and will automatically add any new locale file can find.';
+$messages['add_locale_help'] = 'Use this form to upload a new locale file. If it is not possible to upload files using this form, upload the locale file manually and place it in <b>./locales/</b>, which is the folder where locale files are stored and click the "<b>Scan Locales</b>" button. LifeType will scan the folder and will automatically add any new locale file can find.';
 // site templates
 $messages['error_template_is_default'] = 'Template "%s" cannot be deleted because it is the default one for new blogs';
 // add template
-$messages['global_template_package_help'] = 'Use this form to upload a new template set, which will be available to all blogs in the site. If it is not possible to upload a template package using this form, upload the template set manually and place it in <b>%s</b>, which is the folder where globally available templates are stored and click the "<b>Scan templates</b>" button. pLog will scan the folder and will automatically add any new template it can find.';
+$messages['global_template_package_help'] = 'Use this form to upload a new template set, which will be available to all blogs in the site. If it is not possible to upload a template package using this form, upload the template set manually and place it in <b>%s</b>, which is the folder where globally available templates are stored and click the "<b>Scan templates</b>" button. LifeType will scan the folder and will automatically add any new template it can find.';
 // global settings
 $messages['site_config_saved_ok'] = 'Site settings saved successfully';
@@ -679,7 +679,7 @@
 /// general settings
 $messages['help_comments_enabled'] = 'Enable comments for new blogs by default [Default = Yes]';
 $messages['help_beautify_comments_text'] = 'If enabled, comments posted by users will be formatted by adding paragraphs and auto-linking all URLs [Default = Yes]';
-$messages['help_temp_folder'] = 'Folder that pLog can use to write its temporary data such as compiled templates, etc. Use a folder outside the web server tree for increased security [Default = ./tmp]';
+$messages['help_temp_folder'] = 'Folder that LifeType can use to write its temporary data such as compiled templates, etc. Use a folder outside the web server tree for increased security [Default = ./tmp]';
 $messages['help_base_url'] = 'Base URL where this blog is installed';
 $messages['help_subdomains_enabled'] = 'Enable or disable subdomains. Please see the documentation for more information regarding subdomains [Default = No]';
 $messages['help_subdomains_base_url'] = 'When subdomains are enabled, this base URL is used instead of base_url. Use {blogname} to get the blog name and {username} to get the name of the user owner of the blog in order to generate a link to a blog. (i.e. http://{blogname}.yourdomain.com})';
@@ -704,9 +704,9 @@
 $messages['help_htmlarea_enabled'] = 'Enable or disable the WYSIWYG post editor by default in new blogs [Default = Yes';
 $messages['help_plugin_manager_enabled'] = 'Enable or disable plugins [Default = Yes]';
 $messages['help_minimum_password_length'] = 'Minimum length for passwords [Default = 4]';
-$messages['help_xhtml_converter_enabled'] = 'If enabled, pLog will try to convert all HTML code into proper XHTML code [Default = Yes]';
-$messages['help_xhtml_converter_aggressive_mode_enabled'] = 'If enabled, pLog will try even harder to generate XHTML out of HTML code, but it will be more prone to errors [Default = No]';
-$messages['help_session_save_path'] = 'Please use this setting to change the folder where pLog stores its session data, via the PHP function session_save_path() Please make sure that the folder is writable by the web server. Leave empty to use PHP\'s default session folder [Default = (empty)]';
+$messages['help_xhtml_converter_enabled'] = 'If enabled, LifeType will try to convert all HTML code into proper XHTML code [Default = Yes]';
+$messages['help_xhtml_converter_aggressive_mode_enabled'] = 'If enabled, LifeType will try even harder to generate XHTML out of HTML code, but it will be more prone to errors [Default = No]';
+$messages['help_session_save_path'] = 'Please use this setting to change the folder where LifeType stores its session data, via the PHP function session_save_path() Please make sure that the folder is writable by the web server. Leave empty to use PHP\'s default session folder [Default = (empty)]';
 // summary settings
 $messages['help_summary_page_show_max'] = 'Number of items that will be shown in the summary page. This setting control all lists in the summary page (recent articles, most active blogs, etc) [Default = 10]';
 $messages['help_summary_blogs_per_page'] = 'Number of blogs per page in the "Blogs List" section [Default = 25]';
@@ -722,7 +722,7 @@
 $messages['help_template_compile_check'] = 'If enabled, Smarty will check every time if template files have changed and if so, use the new version. Set this to disabled for higher performance [Default = Yes]';
 $messages['help_template_cache_enabled'] = 'Enable the template cache. If enabled, the cached version of a page will be used whenever possible. No data will need to be fetched from the database and templates will not need to be recompiled [Default = Yes]';
 $messages['help_template_cache_lifetime'] = 'Lifetime in seconds of the cache. Set to -1 to force the cache to never expire. If set to 0, the cache will be disabled but it is recommended to set template_cache_enabled to "No" in order to disable the cache [Default = -1]';
-$messages['help_template_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Enable support for HTTP conditional requests. If enabled, pLog will take the "If-Modified-Since" HTTP header into account and send only content if strictly needed. Enable this to save bandwidth [Default = No]';
+$messages['help_template_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Enable support for HTTP conditional requests. If enabled, LifeType will take the "If-Modified-Since" HTTP header into account and send only content if strictly needed. Enable this to save bandwidth [Default = No]';
 $messages['help_allow_php_code_in_templates'] = 'Allows to embed native PHP code in Smarty templates inside {php}...{/php} blocks [Default = No]';
 // urls
 $messages['help_request_format_mode'] = 'Select one of the available URL format. If using custom URLs, make sure to configure the settings below [Default = Plain]';
@@ -744,7 +744,7 @@
 // email
 $messages['help_check_email_address_validity'] = 'When checking email addresses, perform some basic checks to see whether an MX record exists in the given domain and if so, if the email address is actually a valid mailbox [Default = No]';
 $messages['help_email_service_enabled'] = 'Enable or disable sending out emails [Default = Yes]';
-$messages['help_post_notification_source_address'] = 'Email address that will appear in the "From:" field when sending emails from pLog [Default = noreply at your.host.com]';
+$messages['help_post_notification_source_address'] = 'Email address that will appear in the "From:" field when sending emails from LifeType [Default = noreply at your.host.com]';
 $messages['help_email_service_type'] = 'Which system to use in order to send emails [Default = PHP]';
 $messages['help_smtp_host'] = 'If using SMTP as the email sending system, set this to the SMTP server that will be used to send out the messages [Default = (empty)]';
 $messages['help_smtp_port'] = 'If the SMTP server is running in a port other than 25, configure this value [Default = (empty)]';
@@ -791,7 +791,7 @@
 $messages['help_medium_size_thumbnail_height'] = 'Default height for medium thumbnails  [Default = 480]';
 $messages['help_medium_size_thumbnail_width'] = 'Default width for medium thumbnails  [Default = 640]';
 $messages['help_thumbnails_keep_aspect_ratio'] = 'Keep the aspect ratio when generating thumbnails. Might generate thumbnails bigger than the sizes specified above but quality is better [Default = Yes]';
-$messages['help_thumbnail_generator_force_use_gd1'] = 'Force pLog to use GD1-only functions [Default = No]';
+$messages['help_thumbnail_generator_force_use_gd1'] = 'Force LifeType to use GD1-only functions [Default = No]';
 $messages['help_thumbnail_generator_user_smoothing_algorithm'] = 'Algorithm used to smooth thumbnails. Only used when the thumbnail method is GD [Default = PHP Imagecopyresampled]';
 $messages['help_resources_quota'] = 'Global resource quota for blogs in bytes (i.e. 5242880 Bytes = 5MB), or set to 0 for unlimited quota [Default = 0]';
 $messages['help_resource_server_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Enable support for the "If-Modified-Since" header and HTTP conditional requests. Enable for increased bandwidth savings  [Default = No]';

Modified: plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_zh_CN.php
--- plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_zh_CN.php	2005-11-09 15:12:23 UTC (rev 2543)
+++ plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_zh_CN.php	2005-11-09 15:31:50 UTC (rev 2544)
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
 // login page
 $messages['login'] = '登陆';
-$messages['welcome_message'] = '欢迎进入Plog';
+$messages['welcome_message'] = '欢迎进入LifeType';
 $messages['error_incorrect_username_or_password'] = '对不起,您的用户名或者密码不正确。';
 $messages['error_dont_belong_to_any_blog'] = '对不起,您尚未加入任何博客。';
 $messages['logout_message'] = '您已经成功退出。';
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@
 $messages['send_notifications_ok'] = '有新评论或引用时将向您发送通告。';
 $messages['bookmarklet'] = "书签小程式";
 $messages['bookmarklet_help'] = "把下面的连结拉到你工具列,或是按下滑鼠右键把连结加到我的最爱。";
-$messages['blogit_to_plog'] = "把文章加到 pLog!";
+$messages['blogit_to_LifeType'] = "把文章加到 LifeType!";
 $messages['original_post'] = "(原文)";
 // send trackbacks
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@
 $messages['error_adding_link'] = '添加链接时出错,请检查数据并重试';
 $messages['error_invalid_url'] = '地址错';
 $messages['link_added_ok'] = '链接 "%s" 添加成功';
-$messages['bookmarkit_to_plog'] = "把书签加到 pLog!";
+$messages['bookmarkit_to_LifeType'] = "把书签加到 LifeType!";
 // update link
 $messages['error_updating_link'] = '修改链接时出错,请检查数据并重试。';
@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@
 $messages['total_size'] = '总使用空间';
 $messages['album'] = '文件夹';
 $messages['error_incorrect_album_id'] = '资源标识出错';
-$messages['error_base_storage_folder_missing_or_unreadable'] = 'plog中不能创建必要的存放资源的文件夹。这可能由多种原因造成,比如你的php使用安全模式安装运行或者你的用户没有足够权限。你仍然可以手动进行操作,创建文件夹: <br/><br/>%s<br/><br/>如果这些文件夹已经存在,请确定她们可通过用户运行web服务器进行读写。';
+$messages['error_base_storage_folder_missing_or_unreadable'] = 'LifeType中不能创建必要的存放资源的文件夹。这可能由多种原因造成,比如你的php使用安全模式安装运行或者你的用户没有足够权限。你仍然可以手动进行操作,创建文件夹: <br/><br/>%s<br/><br/>如果这些文件夹已经存在,请确定她们可通过用户运行web服务器进行读写。';
 $messages['items_deleted_ok'] = '项目%s删除成功';
 $messages['error_album_has_children'] = '文件夹 "%s" 有子文件夹. 请先编辑该文件夹再重试。';
 $messages['item_deleted_ok'] = '项目%s删除成功';
@@ -596,7 +596,7 @@
 $messages['error_creating_working_folder'] = '创建临时文件夹解压缩文件时出错';
 $messages['error_checking_template'] = '模板发生错误 (code = %s)';
 $messages['template_package'] = '模板安裝包';
-$messages['blog_template_package_help']  = '您可以用此表单,上传一个新的模板安裝包,该模板只有您的博客才能够使用。如果您无法用浏览器上传,请手动上传模板并将它放置于您的博客模板文件夹<b>%s</b>下,然后按下 "<b>扫描模板</b>" 按钮。 pLog 会扫描该文件夹并自动添加所找到的新模板。';
+$messages['blog_template_package_help']  = '您可以用此表单,上传一个新的模板安裝包,该模板只有您的博客才能够使用。如果您无法用浏览器上传,请手动上传模板并将它放置于您的博客模板文件夹<b>%s</b>下,然后按下 "<b>扫描模板</b>" 按钮。 LifeType 会扫描该文件夹并自动添加所找到的新模板。';
 $messages['scan_templates'] = '扫描模板';
 // site users
@@ -673,13 +673,13 @@
 $messages['locale_added_ok'] = '语言包 "%s" 添加成功';
 $messages['error_saving_locale'] = '存储新语言包时发生错误。请检查是否有语言包文件夹的写入权限。';
 $messages['scan_locales'] = '扫描语言包';
-$messages['add_locale_help'] = '您可以用此表单上传一个新的语言包。如果您无法用浏览器上传,请手动上传语言包并将它放置于 <b>./locales/</b>下,然后按下 "<b>扫描语言包</b>" 按钮。 pLog 会扫描该文件夹并自动添加新找到的语言包。 ';
+$messages['add_locale_help'] = '您可以用此表单上传一个新的语言包。如果您无法用浏览器上传,请手动上传语言包并将它放置于 <b>./locales/</b>下,然后按下 "<b>扫描语言包</b>" 按钮。 LifeType 会扫描该文件夹并自动添加新找到的语言包。 ';
 // site templates
 $messages['error_template_is_default'] = '模板 "%s" 是新博客默认模板,不能被删除。';
 // add template
-$messages['global_template_package_help'] = '您可以用此表单,上传一个新的模板安裝包,该模板将提供給博客站点的所有博客使用。如果您无法用浏览器上传,请手动上传模板并将它放置于您的博客模板文件夹<b>%s</b>下,然后按下 "<b>扫描模板</b>" 按钮。 pLog 会扫描该文件夹并自动添加所找到的新模板。';
+$messages['global_template_package_help'] = '您可以用此表单,上传一个新的模板安裝包,该模板将提供給博客站点的所有博客使用。如果您无法用浏览器上传,请手动上传模板并将它放置于您的博客模板文件夹<b>%s</b>下,然后按下 "<b>扫描模板</b>" 按钮。 LifeType 会扫描该文件夹并自动添加所找到的新模板。';
 // global settings
 $messages['site_config_saved_ok'] = '站点设置保存成功';
@@ -687,7 +687,7 @@
 /// general settings
 $messages['help_comments_enabled'] = '默认启用或禁用新博客的评论功能';
 $messages['help_beautify_comments_text'] = '启动该项,允许评论中添加图片和链接';
-$messages['help_temp_folder'] = 'pLog系统执行某些操作时要用到的临时文件夹路径。';
+$messages['help_temp_folder'] = 'LifeType系统执行某些操作时要用到的临时文件夹路径。';
 $messages['help_base_url'] = '博客站点的基本链接地址';
 $messages['help_subdomains_enabled'] = '启用或禁用二级域名.欲了解更多关于二级域名的信息请查阅帮助文档。';
 $messages['help_subdomains_base_url'] = '当启用二级域名后,该基本地址将代替原有的地址,使用{blogname}和{username}标签来获得博客名和博客管理员的用户名';
@@ -713,8 +713,8 @@
 $messages['help_plugin_manager_enabled'] = '是否启用插件功能';
 $messages['help_minimum_password_length'] = '密码最小长度';
 $messages['help_xhtml_converter_enabled'] = '是否将HTML代码转换成XHTML代码';
-$messages['help_xhtml_converter_aggressive_mode_enabled'] = '是否让plog生成XHTML代码,但这将更可能出错';
-$messages['help_session_save_path'] = '使用PHP的session_save_path()函数,來更改pLog存放session的文件夹。请确认该文件夹被HTTP服务程序(如APACHE)拥有写权限。如果您要使用PHP预设的session存放路径,设定为空白即可。';
+$messages['help_xhtml_converter_aggressive_mode_enabled'] = '是否让LifeType生成XHTML代码,但这将更可能出错';
+$messages['help_session_save_path'] = '使用PHP的session_save_path()函数,來更改LifeType存放session的文件夹。请确认该文件夹被HTTP服务程序(如APACHE)拥有写权限。如果您要使用PHP预设的session存放路径,设定为空白即可。';
 // summary settings
 $messages['help_summary_page_show_max'] = '在汇总(SUMMARY)页面中要显示多少项目。';
 $messages['help_summary_blogs_per_page'] = '汇总的博客列表中每页显示的博客数';

Modified: plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_zh_TW.php
--- plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_zh_TW.php	2005-11-09 15:12:23 UTC (rev 2543)
+++ plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/locale/locale_zh_TW.php	2005-11-09 15:31:50 UTC (rev 2544)
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
 // login page
 $messages['login'] = '登入';
-$messages['welcome_message'] = '歡迎來到 pLog';
+$messages['welcome_message'] = '歡迎來到 LifeType';
 $messages['error_incorrect_username_or_password'] = '很抱歉,您輸入的帳號或密碼錯誤。';
 $messages['error_dont_belong_to_any_blog'] = '很抱歉,您沒有使用系統中任何一個網誌站台的權限。';
 $messages['logout_message'] = '您已經順利登出系統。';
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@
 $messages['send_notifications_ok'] = '當有新的迴響或是引用時,便向我發送電子郵件通知';
 $messages['bookmarklet'] = "書籤小程式";
 $messages['bookmarklet_help'] = "把下面的連結拉到你工具列,或是按下滑鼠右鍵把連結加到我的最愛。";
-$messages['blogit_to_plog'] = "把文章加到 pLog!";
+$messages['blogit_to_LifeType'] = "把文章加到 LifeType!";
 $messages['original_post'] = "(原文)";
 // send trackbacks
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@
 $messages['error_adding_link'] = '新增網站連結時發生錯誤。請檢查輸入的資料,再重試一次。';
 $messages['error_invalid_url'] = '網址不正確';
 $messages['link_added_ok'] = '網站連結「%s」已順利新增';
-$messages['bookmarkit_to_plog'] = "把書籤加到 pLog!";
+$messages['bookmarkit_to_LifeType'] = "把書籤加到 LifeType!";
 // update link
 $messages['error_updating_link'] = '更新網站連結時發生錯誤。請檢查輸入的資料,再重試一次。';
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@
 $messages['total_size'] = '檔案大小';
 $messages['album'] = '資料夾';
 $messages['error_incorrect_album_id'] = '資料夾ID不正確';
-$messages['error_base_storage_folder_missing_or_unreadable'] = 'pLog無法建立檔案存檔所必需的資料夾。 原因可能是因為PHP以安全模式在執行或是你沒有足夠的權限上傳檔案。 你可以試著手動建立下列資料夾: <br/><br/>%s<br/><br/>如果這些資料夾已經存在,請確定你可以使用瀏覽器來進行讀寫。';
+$messages['error_base_storage_folder_missing_or_unreadable'] = 'LifeType無法建立檔案存檔所必需的資料夾。 原因可能是因為PHP以安全模式在執行或是你沒有足夠的權限上傳檔案。 你可以試著手動建立下列資料夾: <br/><br/>%s<br/><br/>如果這些資料夾已經存在,請確定你可以使用瀏覽器來進行讀寫。';
 $messages['items_deleted_ok'] = '「%s」已順利刪除';
 $messages['error_album_has_children'] = '「%s」資料夾裡面還有檔案或子資料夾。請將檔案或資料夾移除後在重試一次。';
 $messages['item_deleted_ok'] = '「%s」已順利刪除';
@@ -595,7 +595,7 @@
 $messages['error_creating_working_folder'] = '在檢查模版設置時發生錯誤。';
 $messages['error_checking_template'] = '模版設置發生錯誤 (code = %s)';
 $messages['template_package'] = '模版安裝包';
-$messages['blog_template_package_help']  = '您可以用這個表單,上傳一個新的模版安裝包,該模版將只有你的網誌能夠使用。如果您沒有辦法用瀏覽器上傳,請手動上傳該模版並將它放置於你的網誌模板資料夾<b>%s</b>下,然後按下 "<b>掃描模版</b>" 按紐。 pLog 會掃描該資料夾並自動新增所找到的新模版。';
+$messages['blog_template_package_help']  = '您可以用這個表單,上傳一個新的模版安裝包,該模版將只有你的網誌能夠使用。如果您沒有辦法用瀏覽器上傳,請手動上傳該模版並將它放置於你的網誌模板資料夾<b>%s</b>下,然後按下 "<b>掃描模版</b>" 按紐。 LifeType 會掃描該資料夾並自動新增所找到的新模版。';
 $messages['scan_templates'] = '掃描模版';
 // site users
@@ -672,13 +672,13 @@
 $messages['locale_added_ok'] = '語系「%s」已經順利新增';
 $messages['error_saving_locale'] = '在將新的語系檔案儲存至語系檔案目錄時發生錯誤。請檢查檔案目錄的寫入權限是否正確。';
 $messages['scan_locales'] = '掃描語系檔';
-$messages['add_locale_help'] = '您可以用這個表單,上傳一個新的語系檔。如果您沒有辦法用瀏覽器上傳,請手動上傳該檔案並將它放置於 <b>./locales/</b>下,然後按下 "<b>掃描語系檔</b>" 按紐。 pLog 會掃描該資料夾並自動新增所找到的語系檔。 ';
+$messages['add_locale_help'] = '您可以用這個表單,上傳一個新的語系檔。如果您沒有辦法用瀏覽器上傳,請手動上傳該檔案並將它放置於 <b>./locales/</b>下,然後按下 "<b>掃描語系檔</b>" 按紐。 LifeType 會掃描該資料夾並自動新增所找到的語系檔。 ';
 // site templates
 $messages['error_template_is_default'] = '您不可以刪除「%s」模版,因為這是新網誌目前的預設模版。';
 // add template
-$messages['global_template_package_help'] = '您可以用這個表單,上傳一個新的模版安裝包,該模版將提供給網站上所有網誌使用。如果您沒有辦法用瀏覽器上傳,請手動上傳該模版並將它放置於你的網誌模板資料夾<b>%s</b>下,然後按下 "<b>掃描模版</b>" 按紐。 pLog 會掃描該資料夾並自動新增所找到的新模版。';
+$messages['global_template_package_help'] = '您可以用這個表單,上傳一個新的模版安裝包,該模版將提供給網站上所有網誌使用。如果您沒有辦法用瀏覽器上傳,請手動上傳該模版並將它放置於你的網誌模板資料夾<b>%s</b>下,然後按下 "<b>掃描模版</b>" 按紐。 LifeType 會掃描該資料夾並自動新增所找到的新模版。';
 // global settings
 $messages['site_config_saved_ok'] = '站台設定已順利儲存。';
@@ -686,7 +686,7 @@
 /// general settings
 $messages['help_comments_enabled'] = '啟用或停用全站的迴響留言功能。';
 $messages['help_beautify_comments_text'] = '在使用者發表迴響留言時,使用他所輸入的文字格式。';
-$messages['help_temp_folder'] = 'pLog系統用來儲存暫存檔案用的目錄。';
+$messages['help_temp_folder'] = 'LifeType系統用來儲存暫存檔案用的目錄。';
 $messages['help_base_url'] = '這個網誌安裝的網址,這個項目務必要正確,請小心輸入。';
 $messages['help_subdomains_enabled'] = '啟用或停用次網域設定。';
 $messages['help_subdomains_base_url'] = '當次網域設定啟用時,這個網址將用來替代系統網址。使用 {blogname}來取得網誌名稱及{username}取得網誌使用者名稱,用來產生連結到網誌的網址。';
@@ -711,9 +711,9 @@
 $messages['help_htmlarea_enabled'] = '啟用或停用即視即所得(WYSIWYG)文章編輯。';
 $messages['help_plugin_manager_enabled'] = '啟用或停用外掛程式。';
 $messages['help_minimum_password_length'] = '密碼最短需要多少字元。';
-$messages['help_xhtml_converter_enabled'] = '如果啟用此功能,pLog會試著將所有的HTML轉換為適當的XHTML。';
-$messages['help_xhtml_converter_aggressive_mode_enabled'] = '如果啟用此功能,pLOG會試著將HTML進一步轉換為XHTML,但這樣可能會導致更多的錯誤。';
-$messages['help_session_save_path'] = '此設定將使用PHP的session_save_path()函數,來更改pLog存放session的資料夾。請確定該資料夾可以透過網站伺服器進行寫入動作。如果你要使用PHP預設的session存放路徑,請將此設定空白。';
+$messages['help_xhtml_converter_enabled'] = '如果啟用此功能,LifeType會試著將所有的HTML轉換為適當的XHTML。';
+$messages['help_xhtml_converter_aggressive_mode_enabled'] = '如果啟用此功能,LifeType會試著將HTML進一步轉換為XHTML,但這樣可能會導致更多的錯誤。';
+$messages['help_session_save_path'] = '此設定將使用PHP的session_save_path()函數,來更改LifeType存放session的資料夾。請確定該資料夾可以透過網站伺服器進行寫入動作。如果你要使用PHP預設的session存放路徑,請將此設定空白。';
 // summary settings
 $messages['help_summary_page_show_max'] = '在摘要頁面中要顯示多少項目。此選項控制在摘要頁面中列出的所有項目。(包括最新文章數目、最活躍網誌等)';
 $messages['help_summary_blogs_per_page'] = '在[網誌列表]中每一頁要顯示多少網誌。';
@@ -729,7 +729,7 @@
 $messages['help_template_compile_check'] = '停用此功能時,Smarty只有在模版有更改時才會重新產生頁面。停用此功能可以提高系統效能。';
 $messages['help_template_cache_enabled'] = '啟用模版快取功能。啟用此功能,快取的版本將會持續被使用,而不需要對資料庫進行資料存取的動作。';
 $messages['help_template_cache_lifetime'] = '快取存活時間(單位:秒).設為-1快取將永不過期,或設為0來關閉快取功能。';
-$messages['help_template_http_cache_enabled'] = '是否啟用對HTTP連結要求的快取支援。啟用此功能pLog只會傳送必要的內容,可以節省網路頻寬。';
+$messages['help_template_http_cache_enabled'] = '是否啟用對HTTP連結要求的快取支援。啟用此功能LifeType只會傳送必要的內容,可以節省網路頻寬。';
 $messages['help_allow_php_code_in_templates'] = '允許在Smarty 模版中的{php}...{/php}區塊置入原生PHP程式碼(native PHP code)';
 // urls
 $messages['help_request_format_mode'] = '如果您設定為「一般網址」,那麼系統所呈現的網址,就會使用將參數以get方式傳入的一般方式。如果您選用「讓搜尋引擎易於搜尋的簡潔網址」,那麼就會讓網址變得簡潔,搜尋引擎也容易取得您網站上的內容,不過您的Apache伺服器必須要能夠接受.htaccess檔案中的覆寫設定。如果使用自訂網址,請調整下方的設定。';
@@ -798,7 +798,7 @@
 $messages['help_medium_size_thumbnail_height'] = '中型縮圖預設高度';
 $messages['help_medium_size_thumbnail_width'] = '中型縮圖預設寬度';
 $messages['help_thumbnails_keep_aspect_ratio'] = '縮圖是否保持原始比例。';
-$messages['help_thumbnail_generator_force_use_gd1'] = '是否強迫pLog使用GD1函數來產生縮圖';
+$messages['help_thumbnail_generator_force_use_gd1'] = '是否強迫LifeType使用GD1函數來產生縮圖';
 $messages['help_thumbnail_generator_user_smoothing_algorithm'] = '是否使用演算法來使縮圖畫面更平順。只有當縮圖產生工具是GD時才適用。';
 $messages['help_resources_quota'] = '全域檔案容量限額';
 $messages['help_resource_server_http_cache_enabled'] = '當HTTP請求檔頭為"If-Modified-Since"啟用快取支援。啟用此功能來節省網路頻寬。';

Modified: plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/styles/admin.css
--- plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/styles/admin.css	2005-11-09 15:12:23 UTC (rev 2543)
+++ plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/styles/admin.css	2005-11-09 15:31:50 UTC (rev 2544)
@@ -1,886 +1,902 @@
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Common stuff and basic page layout                             */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
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-    padding          : 0px;
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-    margin-right     : auto;
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-    width            : 100%;
-    background       : #FFFFFF url("../imgs/top_admin.jpg") no-repeat right;
-    padding          : 0px;
-    margin           : 0px;
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-    float: left;
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-    margin-top: 5px;
-#header span
-    display          : none;
-#header h1
-    margin           : 0;
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-    width            : 100%;
-    display          : block;
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-    padding          : 0;
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-/*-- Accessibility Tweaks --*/
-    position         : absolute;
-    left             : -9999px;
-    font-size        : small;
-#skipNav a:focus
-    display          : block;
-    position         : absolute;
-    top              : 20px;
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-    background       : #fff;
-    border           : solid 2px #1B6BD8;
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-#skipNav a:active
-    display          : block;
-    position         : absolute;
-    top              : 20px;
-    left             : 10020px;
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-    background       : #fff;
-    border           : solid 2px #1B6BD8;
-    padding          : 10px;
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-    display          : none;
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Navigation/menu bar                                            */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
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-    height           : 20px;
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-    padding-top      : 1px;
-    padding-bottom   : 1px;
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-    padding         : .2em 0;
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-    list-style-type : none;
-    color           : #FFF;
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-    position         : relative;
-    padding          : 0;
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-    display          : inline;
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-    font-family      : verdana, tahoma, sans-serif;
-    font-size        : 0.83em;
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-#menu a, #menu a:link, #menu a:visited
-    padding          : .2em 1em;
-    color            : #0E3862;
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-#menu a:hover
-    background       : #818181;
-    color            : #FFFFFF;
-#menu li.selected
-    display          : block;
-    width            : auto;
-    padding          : 2px 7px;
-    background       : #FFFFFF;
-    color            : #000000;
-    border-bottom    : 1px solid #FFFFFF;
-#menu br
-    clear: both;
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Section title and navigation history bar                       */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    margin-left      : auto;
-    margin-right     : auto;
-    width            : 100%;
-    margin-bottom    : 15px;
-    border-bottom    : 1px dotted #DEDEDE;
-    float            : left;
-    width            : 39%;
-#section_title h2
-    color            : #588BCA;
-    font-weight      : bold;
-    font-family      : trebuchet ms, tahoma, sans-serif;
-    font-size        : 1.5em;
-    letter-spacing   : 0.08em;
-    margin           : 0;
-    padding-left     : 4px;
-    float            : right;
-    width            : 60%;
-    text-align       : right;
-    padding-top      : 7px;
-    font-family      : verdana, tahoma, sans-serif;
-    font-size        : 0.85em;
-    letter-spacing   : 0.09em;
-    padding-right    : 2px;
-#navigation a
-    color            : #000000;
-    text-decoration  : none;
-#navigation a:hover
-    color            : #5583BE;
-    text-decoration  : none;
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Admin Tabbed Ul's                                              */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    padding          : 3px 0;
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-    font             : 11px trebuchet ms, verdana, tahoma, arial, sans-serif;
-    border-bottom    : 1px solid #DEDEDE;
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-#tablist li a:link
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-#tablist li a:visited
-    color            : #667;
-#tablist li a:hover
-    color            : #000;
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-    border-color     : #DEDEDE;
-#tablist li a#tab_current
-    background       : white;
-    border-bottom    : 1px solid white;
-.menuTop_level1 ul, li
-    list-decoration: none;
-.menuTop_level1 ul
-  list-style-type: disc;
-  list-style-image: url(../imgs/bullet.gif);
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Form controls (input, ...)                                     */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    margin           : 0px;
-    border           : 1px solid #DEDEDE;
-    color            : #000000;
-    font-family      : verdana, tahoma, sans-serif;
-    font-size        : 0.90em;
-    padding-bottom   : 0px;
-    margin           : 0px;
-textarea, input, select
-    background       : #FFFFFF;
-    border           : 1px solid #b2b2b2;
-    color            : #000000;
-    font-family      : verdana, tahoma, sans-serif;
-    font-size        : 0.95em;
-input:focus, textarea:focus, label:focus
-    border           : 1px solid #5583BE;
-.checkbox, .radio
-    border           : 0px;
-    /*margin-left      : 4px;*/
-.list_action_button a img
-    border           : 0px;
-    padding          : 0px;
-.list_action_button a:hover img
-    filter            : alpha(opacity=60);
-    -moz-opacity      : 0.6;
-    top              : 0;
-    left             : 0;
-    margin           : 0 1em 1em 0;
-.field .field
-    margin           : 1em 0 0 0;
-.field label
-    font-size        : 100%;
-    font-weight      : bold;
-    top              : 0;
-    left             : 0;
-.field_checkbox label
-    font-size        : 100%;
-    font-size        : 90%;
-    color            : #76797c;
-    margin           : 0 0 0.2em 0;
-.formHelp a
-    text-decoration  : underline;
-    color            : Black;
-    cursor           : default;
-    border           : 1px solid #8cacbb;
-    margin           : 1em 0em 1em 0em;
-    padding          : 0em 1em 1em 1em;
-    line-height      : 1.5em;
-    width            : auto;
-    width: 85%;
-    margin-left: auto;
-    margin-right: auto;
-    background-color: #FCFCFF;
-    border: 1px solid #DEDEDE;
-    width: 88%;
-    margin-left: auto;
-    margin-right: auto;
-    text-align: right;
-.inputField input
-    width:100%;
-.inputField legend
-    font-weight: bold;
-.inputField .dateTime
-   width: 80%;
-.inputField .checkbox, .inputField .button, .inputField .radio
-   width: auto;
-.inputField .file
-   width: auto;
-    float:left;
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Data lists parameters & search bar                             */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    margin-left      : auto;
-    margin-right     : auto;
-    width            : 98%;
-    background-color : #F3F1FF;
-    padding-bottom   : 4px;
-    padding-left     : 4px;
-    padding-right    : 4px;
-    margin-bottom    : 10px;
-    border           : 0px solid #DEDEDE;
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-    border           : 1px solid #DEDEDE;
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-    font-size        : 0.90em;
-    padding          : 0px;
-    margin           : 0px;
-    height           : 60px;
-    float            : left;
-    width            : 100%;
-    text-align       : center;
-    float            : left;
-    width            : 30%;
-    text-align       : center;
-    float            : left;
-    text-align       : left;
-    padding          : 0px 4px 4px 4px;
-    margin-left      : 5px;
-#list_nav_bar legend
-    font-family      : trebuchet ms, tahoma, sans-serif;
-    font-size        : 1.1em;
-    font-weight      : bold;
-    letter-spacing   : 0.08em;
-#list_nav_select label
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Data lists table format                                        */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    margin-left      : auto;
-    margin-right     : auto;
-    margin-bottom    : 10px;
-    width            : 775px;
-    border-collapse  : collapse;
-    border-bottom    : 4px solid #DEDEDE;
-    border-spacing   : 0px;
-.info th
-    font-family      : trebuchet ms, tahoma, sans-serif;
-    font-size        : 1.1em;
-    font-weight      : bold;
-    letter-spacing   : 0.08em;
-    vertical-align   : bottom;
-    border-bottom    : 1px solid #DEDEDE;
-    padding          : 4px;
-    text-align       : left;
-.info th a
-    color           : #000000;
-    text-decoration : none;
-.info th a:hover
-    color           : #5583BE;
-    text-decoration : none;
-    background       : #F7F7F7;
-   background: #EFEFEF;
-.info td
-    color            : #888888;
-    border-bottom    : 1px solid #DEDEDE;
-    vertical-align   : middle;
-    padding          : 4px;
-    /*border:1px solid black;*/
-.info td a
-    color           : #888888;
-    text-decoration : none;
-.info td a img {
-    border: 0px;
-.info td a:hover
-    color           : #5583BE;
-    text-decoration : none;
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Specific column format                                         */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    font-weight      : bold;
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Data lists bottom actions bar                                  */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    margin-left      : auto;
-    margin-right     : auto;
-    width            : 768px;
-    padding          : 4px;
-    text-align       : right;
-    /*background-color : #F3F1FF;*/
-    margin-bottom    : 10px;
-    /*border           : 1px dashed #DEDEDE;*/
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Positive or negative feedback messages                         */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#list #FormError
-    padding-left: 10px;
-    align: left;
-    padding-top: 0px;
-#list #FormInfo
-    padding-left: 10px;
-    align: left;
-    padding-top: 0px;
-    float:left;
-    clear:left;
-    margin-top:3px;
-    color:green;
-    padding-left:20px;
-    padding-top:3px;
-    color:red;
-    padding-left:20px;
-    padding-top:3px;
- * login screen
- */
-  width: 300px;
-  margin-top: 25px;
-  margin-left: auto;
-  margin-right: auto;
-h4, fieldset h4
-    font-family      : trebuchet ms, tahoma, sans-serif;
-    font-size        : 1.1em;
-    font-weight      : bold;
-    letter-spacing   : 0.08em;
-    vertical-align   : bottom;
-    border-bottom    : 1px solid #DEDEDE;
-    padding          : 0px;
-    text-align       : left;
-    text-transform   : capitalize;
-    font-size: 1.3em;
-.welcomeMessage {
-  margin-bottom: 10px;
- * styles for the 'manage' page and similar.
- */
-#content .menuTop
-    list-style-type : none;
-    padding-left: 45px;
-    padding-right: 45px;
-    margin: 0px;
-#content .menuTop ul
- padding: 0px;
- margin: 0px;
-#content .menuTop .Level_1
-    font-family      : trebuchet ms, tahoma, sans-serif;
-    font-size        : 1.0em;
-    font-weight      : bold;
-    letter-spacing   : 0.08em;
-    border-bottom    : 1px solid #DEDEDE;
-    padding-top      : 10px;
-    text-align       : left;
-#content .menuTop .Level_0
-    padding-left: 10px;
-    font-weight      : normal;
-#content .menuTop .Level_0 a
-    color           : #888888;
-    text-decoration : none;
-#content .menuTop .Level_0 a:hover
-    color           : #5583BE;
-    text-decoration : none;
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Dashboard                                                      */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#dashboard h2
-    color            : #588BCA;
-    font-weight      : bold;
-    font-family      : verdana, arial, tahoma, sans-serif;
-    font-size        : 1.4em;
-    letter-spacing   : 0.08em;
-    margin           : 0;
-    padding-left     : 4px;
-#dashboard h2 a
-    color            : #32609B;
-    font-weight      : bold;
-    font-family      : verdana, arial, tahoma, sans-serif;
-    margin           : 0;
-    padding-left     : 4px;
-    text-decoration  : none;
-#dashboard h2 a:hover
-    text-decoration  : underline;
-#dashboard h3
-    color            : #588BCA;
-    font-weight      : bold;
-    font-family      : verdana, arial, tahoma, sans-serif;
-    font-size        : 1.1em;
-    margin           : 0;
-    margin-top       : 12px;
-    margin-bottom    : 4px;
-    padding-left     : 12px;
-#dashboard table
-    margin-left     : 12px;
-    width           : 100%;
-#dashboard th
-#dashboard td
-#dashboard a
-    color            : #8A8A8A;
-    text-decoration  : none;
-    color            : #8A8A8A;
-#dashboard .dashboard_blog
-    border           : 1px solid #DEDEDE;
-    padding          : 4px;
-    background-color : #FCFCFF;
-    margin-top       : 10px;
-#dashboard .dashboard_blog_layout
-    margin           : 0;
-    width            : 100%;
-    background-color : #FFFFFF;
-#dashboard .dashboard_blog_layout tr
-#dashboard .dashboard_blog_layout td
-#dashboard .dashboard_data_table
-    width           : 98%;
-#dashboard .dashboard_data_table th
-    border-bottom   : 2px solid #DEDEDE;
-    height          : 20px;
-    text-align      : left;
-#dashboard .dashboard_data_table td
-    border-bottom    : 1px solid #DEDEDE;
-    height           : 20px;
-#dashboard .dashboard_data_table_statistics
-    width           : 98%;
-#dashboard .dashboard_data_table_statistics th, td
-    border-bottom    : 1px solid #DEDEDE;
-    height           : 20px;
-    text-align       : left;
-.dashboard_logout_link a
-	float: right;	
-	padding-right: 5px;
-	padding-top: 3px;
-	text-transform: capitalize;
-    color            : #32609B;
-    font-weight      : bold;
-    font-family      : verdana, arial, tahoma, sans-serif;
-    margin           : 0;
-    padding-left     : 4px;
-    text-decoration  : none;	
-.dashboard_logout_link a:hover
-	text-decoration: underline;	
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Common stuff and basic page layout                             */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+html, body
+    margin           : 0px;
+    padding          : 0px;
+    text-align       : center;
+    font             : 12px verdana, tahoma, arial, sans-serif;
+    background       : #EEEEEE url("../imgs/bg_main.jpg") repeat-y center;
+    width            : 786px;
+    text-align       : left;
+    margin-left      : auto;
+    margin-right     : auto;
+    height           : 60px;
+    width            : 100%;
+    background       : #FFFFFF url("../imgs/top_admin.png") no-repeat right;
+    padding          : 0px;
+    margin           : 0px;
+#header #blogLink
+    float: left;
+    width : 786px;
+    height: 58px;
+    margin-top: 2px;
+#header span
+    display          : none;
+#header h1
+    margin           : 0;
+    position         : relative;
+    width            : 100%;
+    display          : block;
+    margin           : 0;
+    padding          : 0;
+ * for the login page, almost the same as the one above
+ */
+    position         : relative;
+    width            : 100%;
+    display          : block;
+    margin           : 0;
+    padding          : 0;
+    background       : #FFFFFF url("../imgs/lt_logo_plant.jpg") no-repeat left; 
+    padding-left     : 1em;
+    padding-right    : 1em;
+    clear            : both;
+/*-- Accessibility Tweaks --*/
+    position         : absolute;
+    left             : -9999px;
+    font-size        : small;
+#skipNav a:focus
+    display          : block;
+    position         : absolute;
+    top              : 20px;
+    left             : 10020px;
+    font-size        : large;
+    background       : #fff;
+    border           : solid 2px #1B6BD8;
+    padding          : 10px;
+    width            : 15em;
+    z-index          : 1;
+#skipNav a:hover
+    color            : #029EDE;
+#skipNav a:active
+    display          : block;
+    position         : absolute;
+    top              : 20px;
+    left             : 10020px;
+    font-size        : large;
+    background       : #fff;
+    border           : solid 2px #1B6BD8;
+    padding          : 10px;
+    width            : 15em;
+    z-index          : 1;
+    display          : none;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Navigation/menu bar                                            */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    margin-bottom    : 10px;
+    background       : #FFFFFF url("../imgs/bg_menu.jpg") repeat-x;
+    height           : 20px;
+    padding-top      : 1px;
+    padding-bottom   : 1px;
+/* 	border-bottom    : 1px solid #DEDEDE; */
+#menu ul
+    padding         : .2em 0;
+    margin          : 0;
+    list-style-type : none;
+    color           : #FFF;
+    width           : 100%;
+    text-align      : center;
+#menu li
+    position         : relative;
+    padding          : 0;
+    border-left      : 0px solid #B4B4B4;
+    display          : inline;
+    font-weight      : bold;
+    font-family      : verdana, tahoma, sans-serif;
+    font-size        : 0.83em;
+    letter-spacing   : 0.20em;
+    text-transform   : uppercase;
+#menu a, #menu a:link, #menu a:visited
+    padding          : .2em 1em;
+    color            : #0E3862;
+    text-decoration  : none;
+#menu a:hover
+    background       : #818181;
+    color            : #FFFFFF;
+#menu li.selected
+    display          : block;
+    width            : auto;
+    padding          : 2px 7px;
+    background       : #FFFFFF;
+    color            : #000000;
+    border-bottom    : 1px solid #FFFFFF;
+#menu br
+    clear: both;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Section title and navigation history bar                       */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    margin-left      : auto;
+    margin-right     : auto;
+    width            : 100%;
+    margin-bottom    : 15px;
+    border-bottom    : 1px dotted #DEDEDE;
+    float            : left;
+    width            : 39%;
+#section_title h2
+    color            : #588BCA;
+    font-weight      : bold;
+    font-family      : trebuchet ms, tahoma, sans-serif;
+    font-size        : 1.5em;
+    letter-spacing   : 0.08em;
+    margin           : 0;
+    padding-left     : 4px;
+    float            : right;
+    width            : 60%;
+    text-align       : right;
+    padding-top      : 7px;
+    font-family      : verdana, tahoma, sans-serif;
+    font-size        : 0.85em;
+    letter-spacing   : 0.09em;
+    padding-right    : 2px;
+#navigation a
+    color            : #000000;
+    text-decoration  : none;
+#navigation a:hover
+    color            : #5583BE;
+    text-decoration  : none;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Admin Tabbed Ul's                                              */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    padding          : 3px 0;
+    margin-left      : 0;
+    font             : 11px trebuchet ms, verdana, tahoma, arial, sans-serif;
+    border-bottom    : 1px solid #DEDEDE;
+#tablist li
+    list-style       : none;
+    margin           : 0;
+    display          : inline;
+#tablist li a
+    padding          : 3px 0.5em;
+    margin-left      : 3px;
+    border           : 1px solid #DEDEDE;
+    background       : #F0F0F0;
+    text-decoration  : none;
+#tablist li a:link
+    color            : #448;
+#tablist li a:visited
+    color            : #667;
+#tablist li a:hover
+    color            : #000;
+    background       : #FFFFFF;
+    border-color     : #DEDEDE;
+#tablist li a#tab_current
+    background       : white;
+    border-bottom    : 1px solid white;
+.menuTop_level1 ul, li
+    list-decoration: none;
+.menuTop_level1 ul
+  list-style-type: disc;
+  list-style-image: url(../imgs/bullet.gif);
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Form controls (input, ...)                                     */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    margin           : 0px;
+    border           : 1px solid #DEDEDE;
+    color            : #000000;
+    font-family      : verdana, tahoma, sans-serif;
+    font-size        : 0.90em;
+    padding-bottom   : 0px;
+    margin           : 0px;
+textarea, input, select
+    background       : #FFFFFF;
+    border           : 1px solid #b2b2b2;
+    color            : #000000;
+    font-family      : verdana, tahoma, sans-serif;
+    font-size        : 0.95em;
+input:focus, textarea:focus, label:focus
+    border           : 1px solid #5583BE;
+.checkbox, .radio
+    border           : 0px;
+    /*margin-left      : 4px;*/
+.list_action_button a img
+    border           : 0px;
+    padding          : 0px;
+.list_action_button a:hover img
+    filter            : alpha(opacity=60);
+    -moz-opacity      : 0.6;
+    top              : 0;
+    left             : 0;
+    margin           : 0 1em 1em 0;
+.field .field
+    margin           : 1em 0 0 0;
+.field label
+    font-size        : 100%;
+    font-weight      : bold;
+    top              : 0;
+    left             : 0;
+.field_checkbox label
+    font-size        : 100%;
+    font-size        : 90%;
+    color            : #76797c;
+    margin           : 0 0 0.2em 0;
+.formHelp a
+    text-decoration  : underline;
+    color            : Black;
+    cursor           : default;
+    border           : 1px solid #8cacbb;
+    margin           : 1em 0em 1em 0em;
+    padding          : 0em 1em 1em 1em;
+    line-height      : 1.5em;
+    width            : auto;
+    width: 85%;
+    margin-left: auto;
+    margin-right: auto;
+    background-color: #FCFCFF;
+    border: 1px solid #DEDEDE;
+    width: 88%;
+    margin-left: auto;
+    margin-right: auto;
+    text-align: right;
+.inputField input
+    width:100%;
+.inputField legend
+    font-weight: bold;
+.inputField .dateTime
+   width: 80%;
+.inputField .checkbox, .inputField .button, .inputField .radio
+   width: auto;
+.inputField .file
+   width: auto;
+    float:left;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Data lists parameters & search bar                             */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    margin-left      : auto;
+    margin-right     : auto;
+    width            : 98%;
+    background-color : #F3F1FF;
+    padding-bottom   : 4px;
+    padding-left     : 4px;
+    padding-right    : 4px;
+    margin-bottom    : 10px;
+    border           : 0px solid #DEDEDE;
+#list_nav_bar fieldset
+    border           : 1px solid #DEDEDE;
+    color            : #000000;
+    font-family      : verdana, tahoma, sans-serif;
+    font-size        : 0.90em;
+    padding          : 0px;
+    margin           : 0px;
+    height           : 60px;
+    float            : left;
+    width            : 100%;
+    text-align       : center;
+    float            : left;
+    width            : 30%;
+    text-align       : center;
+    float            : left;
+    text-align       : left;
+    padding          : 0px 4px 4px 4px;
+    margin-left      : 5px;
+#list_nav_bar legend
+    font-family      : trebuchet ms, tahoma, sans-serif;
+    font-size        : 1.1em;
+    font-weight      : bold;
+    letter-spacing   : 0.08em;
+#list_nav_select label
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Data lists table format                                        */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    margin-left      : auto;
+    margin-right     : auto;
+    margin-bottom    : 10px;
+    width            : 775px;
+    border-collapse  : collapse;
+    border-bottom    : 4px solid #DEDEDE;
+    border-spacing   : 0px;
+.info th
+    font-family      : trebuchet ms, tahoma, sans-serif;
+    font-size        : 1.1em;
+    font-weight      : bold;
+    letter-spacing   : 0.08em;
+    vertical-align   : bottom;
+    border-bottom    : 1px solid #DEDEDE;
+    padding          : 4px;
+    text-align       : left;
+.info th a
+    color           : #000000;
+    text-decoration : none;
+.info th a:hover
+    color           : #5583BE;
+    text-decoration : none;
+    background       : #F7F7F7;
+   background: #EFEFEF;
+.info td
+    color            : #888888;
+    border-bottom    : 1px solid #DEDEDE;
+    vertical-align   : middle;
+    padding          : 4px;
+    /*border:1px solid black;*/
+.info td a
+    color           : #888888;
+    text-decoration : none;
+.info td a img {
+    border: 0px;
+.info td a:hover
+    color           : #5583BE;
+    text-decoration : none;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Specific column format                                         */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    font-weight      : bold;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Data lists bottom actions bar                                  */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    margin-left      : auto;
+    margin-right     : auto;
+    width            : 768px;
+    padding          : 4px;
+    text-align       : right;
+    /*background-color : #F3F1FF;*/
+    margin-bottom    : 10px;
+    /*border           : 1px dashed #DEDEDE;*/
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Positive or negative feedback messages                         */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#list #FormError
+    padding-left: 10px;
+    align: left;
+    padding-top: 0px;
+#list #FormInfo
+    padding-left: 10px;
+    align: left;
+    padding-top: 0px;
+    float:left;
+    clear:left;
+    margin-top:3px;
+    color:green;
+    padding-left:20px;
+    padding-top:3px;
+    color:red;
+    padding-left:20px;
+    padding-top:3px;
+ * login screen
+ */
+  width: 300px;
+  margin-top: 25px;
+  margin-left: auto;
+  margin-right: auto;
+h4, fieldset h4
+    font-family      : trebuchet ms, tahoma, sans-serif;
+    font-size        : 1.1em;
+    font-weight      : bold;
+    letter-spacing   : 0.08em;
+    vertical-align   : bottom;
+    border-bottom    : 1px solid #DEDEDE;
+    padding          : 0px;
+    text-align       : left;
+    text-transform   : capitalize;
+    font-size: 1.3em;
+.welcomeMessage {
+  margin-bottom: 10px;
+ * styles for the 'manage' page and similar.
+ */
+#content .menuTop
+    list-style-type : none;
+    padding-left: 45px;
+    padding-right: 45px;
+    margin: 0px;
+#content .menuTop ul
+ padding: 0px;
+ margin: 0px;
+#content .menuTop .Level_1
+    font-family      : trebuchet ms, tahoma, sans-serif;
+    font-size        : 1.0em;
+    font-weight      : bold;
+    letter-spacing   : 0.08em;
+    border-bottom    : 1px solid #DEDEDE;
+    padding-top      : 10px;
+    text-align       : left;
+#content .menuTop .Level_0
+    padding-left: 10px;
+    font-weight      : normal;
+#content .menuTop .Level_0 a
+    color           : #888888;
+    text-decoration : none;
+#content .menuTop .Level_0 a:hover
+    color           : #5583BE;
+    text-decoration : none;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Dashboard                                                      */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#dashboard h2
+    color            : #588BCA;
+    font-weight      : bold;
+    font-family      : verdana, arial, tahoma, sans-serif;
+    font-size        : 1.4em;
+    letter-spacing   : 0.08em;
+    margin           : 0;
+    padding-left     : 4px;
+#dashboard h2 a
+    color            : #32609B;
+    font-weight      : bold;
+    font-family      : verdana, arial, tahoma, sans-serif;
+    margin           : 0;
+    padding-left     : 4px;
+    text-decoration  : none;
+#dashboard h2 a:hover
+    text-decoration  : underline;
+#dashboard h3
+    color            : #588BCA;
+    font-weight      : bold;
+    font-family      : verdana, arial, tahoma, sans-serif;
+    font-size        : 1.1em;
+    margin           : 0;
+    margin-top       : 12px;
+    margin-bottom    : 4px;
+    padding-left     : 12px;
+#dashboard table
+    margin-left     : 12px;
+    width           : 100%;
+#dashboard th
+#dashboard td
+#dashboard a
+    color            : #8A8A8A;
+    text-decoration  : none;
+    color            : #8A8A8A;
+#dashboard .dashboard_blog
+    border           : 1px solid #DEDEDE;
+    padding          : 4px;
+    background-color : #FCFCFF;
+    margin-top       : 10px;
+#dashboard .dashboard_blog_layout
+    margin           : 0;
+    width            : 100%;
+    background-color : #FFFFFF;
+#dashboard .dashboard_blog_layout tr
+#dashboard .dashboard_blog_layout td
+#dashboard .dashboard_data_table
+    width           : 98%;
+#dashboard .dashboard_data_table th
+    border-bottom   : 2px solid #DEDEDE;
+    height          : 20px;
+    text-align      : left;
+#dashboard .dashboard_data_table td
+    border-bottom    : 1px solid #DEDEDE;
+    height           : 20px;
+#dashboard .dashboard_data_table_statistics
+    width           : 96%;
+#dashboard .dashboard_data_table_statistics th, td
+    border-bottom    : 1px solid #DEDEDE;
+    height           : 20px;
+    text-align       : left;
+.dashboard_logout_link a
+	float: right;	
+	padding-right: 5px;
+	padding-top: 3px;
+	text-transform: capitalize;
+    color            : #32609B;
+    font-weight      : bold;
+    font-family      : verdana, arial, tahoma, sans-serif;
+    margin           : 0;
+    padding-left     : 4px;
+    text-decoration  : none;	
+.dashboard_logout_link a:hover
+	text-decoration: underline;	

Added: plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/styles/login.css
--- plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/styles/login.css	2005-11-09 15:12:23 UTC (rev 2543)
+++ plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/styles/login.css	2005-11-09 15:31:50 UTC (rev 2544)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Common stuff and basic page layout                             */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    margin		     : 0px;
+    padding     	 : 0px;
+    text-align       : center;
+    font             : 12px verdana, tahoma, arial, sans-serif;
+    background       : none;
+    height           : 10px;
+    width            : 100%;
+    background       : none;
+    padding          : 0px;
+    margin           : 0px;
+    position         : relative;
+    width            : 100%;
+    display          : block;
+    margin           : 0;
+    padding          : 0;
+    background       : #FFFFFF url("../imgs/pflanze_lp_admin_narrow.jpg") no-repeat left; 
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/templates/admin/default.template
--- plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/templates/admin/default.template	2005-11-09 15:12:23 UTC (rev 2543)
+++ plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/templates/admin/default.template	2005-11-09 15:31:50 UTC (rev 2544)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 {include file="$blogtemplate/simpleheader.template"}
-	<div class="loginBox">
+	<div class="loginBox" style="padding-top: 300px;">
 	   <form name="loginForm" method="post" action="admin.php">
 		  <fieldset class="inputField">
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 		<div class="buttons">
-         <input type="submit" class="button" name="Login" value="{$locale->tr("login")}" tabindex="3"/>
+         <input type="submit" class="button" name="Login" value="{$locale->tr("login")}" tabindex="3" />
          <input type="hidden" name="op" value="Login"/>		 

Modified: plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/templates/admin/simpleheader.template
--- plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/templates/admin/simpleheader.template	2005-11-09 15:12:23 UTC (rev 2543)
+++ plog/branches/plog-1.0.2/templates/admin/simpleheader.template	2005-11-09 15:31:50 UTC (rev 2544)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en" >
 <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset={$locale->getCharset()}" />
-<title>pLog Admin</title>
+<title>LifeType Admin</title>
 <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css" />
 <meta name="generator" content="{$version}" />
 {if $locale->getDirection()=="rtl"}
@@ -13,14 +13,47 @@
 <!--[if IE ]>
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/admin-ie.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
 <![endif] -->
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/login.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
 <script type="text/javascript" src="js/ui/default.js"></script>
+{if $templatename=="default"}{** only to be used in the login page! **}
+    margin		     : 0px;
+    padding     	 : 0px;
+    text-align       : center;
+    font             : 12px verdana, tahoma, arial, sans-serif;
+    background       : none;
+    height           : 10px;
+    width            : 100%;
+    background       : none;
+    padding          : 0px;
+    margin           : 0px;
+    position         : relative;
+    width            : 100%;
+    display          : block;
+    margin           : 0;
+    padding          : 0;
+    background       : #FFFFFF url("./imgs/pflanze_lp_admin_narrow.jpg") no-repeat left; 
 <div id="container" >
     <div id="header" >
-        <h1><span>pLog Admin</span></h1>
+        <h1><span>LifeType Admin</span></h1>

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