[pLog-svn] Memory Usage pLog 1.0.1 / 1.1

Oscar Renalias oscar at renalias.net
Sun May 29 15:53:59 GMT 2005

On 29 May 2005, at 04:01, Benjamin Krause wrote:

> Hey ..
>> 1) ADOdb seems to be *really* heavy (it's always the first entry  
>> in  the uncached top 10!!) I just realised that we're using, what,  
>> 10% of  its potential? Perhaps we could get rid of it and  
>> implement our own  DB abstraction layer? We'd need to implement a  
>> mysql backend class  and  a ResultSet class that maintains the  
>> same interface as ADOdb's  ResultSet. Either that, or we trim the  
>> code and remove what we don't  need.
> radical choise, but i agree.. i would strongly suggest to use dbx  
> as a replacement. we will be db independent though, we can start by  
> only supporting mysql and postgresql. i can do all the postgresql  
> checks, mysql is evil, believe me ;)
> pLog 1.2 or 2.0 is the question :)

If possible, as early as possible... Why wait? :)

By the way, what's dbx? I tried googling for it but I only found some  
sort of C extension to PHP. Is that what you meant?

>> 3) Try to get rid of TimeZone.class.php. It's got 124kb worth of   
>> timezones... and we don't use them. Why not remove all of them but  
>> UTC?
> why did you include it then in the first place? :) we will get rid  
> of it .. :)

I didn't notice that it was so big and that it was taking so long to  
process... :(

>> 4) I don't see what we're loading class.phpmailer.php in the  
>> uncached  DefaultBlogView. Perhaps this could be improved in your  
>> 1.1 branch?
> i'll take a look

Thanks :)

>> 5) I don't think that having each one of the objects in our code   
>> inherit from a base Object class is doing any good (other than  
>> being  theoretically correct) We could also get rid of that if  
>> needed.
> i really like the concept of inheriting from object/model/etc. it  
> is especially useful if you want to turn debugging or logging on.  
> so i would not want to change this. and i dont see a real benefit  
> in speed/memory if we get rid of them.
>> 7) Try going through our API and removing all the stuff we don't   
>> need. I'm sure there's some :)

Yup, I need to take a look at it myself. I am right now busy with  
something else, but I will get working on this as soon as I can!


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