[pLog-svn] r1635 - in templates/trunk: . spring spring/imgs

jondaley at devel.plogworld.net jondaley at devel.plogworld.net
Tue Mar 29 19:37:12 GMT 2005

Author: jondaley
Date: 2005-03-29 19:37:11 +0000 (Tue, 29 Mar 2005)
New Revision: 1635

new template created by 'lurking'

Added: templates/trunk/spring/album.template
--- templates/trunk/spring/album.template	2005-03-29 17:42:20 UTC (rev 1634)
+++ templates/trunk/spring/album.template	2005-03-29 19:37:11 UTC (rev 1635)
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+   		{include file="$blogtemplate/header.template"} 
+<div id="album_list">
+<!-- album contents go here -->
+<div id="album">
+	<div class="clearer">&nbsp;</div>
+	<div class="album">
+	<a href="{$url->parentAlbumLink($album)}">
+    	<img src="{$url->getTemplateFile("imgs/parentfolder.gif")}" alt="{$locale->tr("parent")}" /></a>
+    	<p>{$locale->tr("parent")}</p>
+	</div>
+   		{assign var="counter" value=1}
+   		{assign var=children value=$album->getChildren()}
+   		{foreach from=$children item=childalbum}
+	<div class="album">
+   	<a href="{$url->albumLink($childalbum)}">
+   	<img src="{$url->getTemplateFile("imgs/folder.gif")}" alt="{$childalbum->getName()}" /></a>
+   	<p>{$childalbum->getName()} ({$childalbum->getNumResources()})</p>
+   		{assign var="counter" value="`$counter+1`"}
+   		{if $counter%3 == 0}
+   		{/if}
+	</div>
+   		{/foreach}
+<!-- show the resources here -->
+   		{assign var=resources value=$album->getResources()}
+   		{foreach from=$resources item=resource}
+	<div class="album">
+   		{if $resource->hasPreview()}
+   		{*<a target="_blank" href="resserver.php?blogId={$blog->getId()}&amp;resource={$resource->getFileName()}">*}
+   	<a href="{$url->resourceLink($resource)}">
+    	<img alt="{$resource->getDescription()}" src="{$url->resourcePreviewLink($resource)}" /></a>
+    	<p>{$resource->getFileName()}</p>
+   		{else}
+   	<a href="{$url->resourceLink($resource)}">
+   		{if $resource->isSound()}
+    	<img alt="Sound" src="{$url->getTemplateFile("imgs/sound.gif")}" /></a>
+   		{elseif $resource->isVideo()}
+    	<img alt="Video" src="{$url->getTemplateFile("imgs/video.gif")}" /></a>
+   		{elseif $resource->isZip()}
+    	<img alt="Zip" src="{$url->getTemplateFile("imgs/compressed.gif")}" /></a>  
+   		{else}
+   	<img alt="File" src="{$url->getTemplateFile("imgs/file.gif")}" /></a>
+   		{/if}  
+   	<p>{$resource->getFileName()}</p>
+   		{/if}
+   		{assign var=metadata value=$resource->getMetadataReader()}
+  	<p>{$metadata->getRoundedSize()}</p>
+   		{if $resource->isImage()}
+  	<p>{$metadata->getWidth()} x {$metadata->getHeight()}</p>
+   		{elseif $resource->isSound()}
+  	<p>{$metadata->getFormat()|upper} {$metadata->getSampleRate()} bps</p>
+   		{elseif $resource->isVideo()}
+  	<p>{$metadata->getFormat()|upper} {$metadata->getWidth()} x {$metadata->getHeight()}, {$metadata->getLengthString()}</p>
+   		{elseif $resource->isZip()}
+   	<p>{$metadata->getTotalFiles()} {$locale->tr("files")}</p>
+   		{/if}
+   		{assign var="counter" value="`$counter+1`"}
+   		{if $counter%3 == 0}
+   		{/if}
+  	</div>
+  		{/foreach}
+	<div class="clearer">&nbsp;</div>
+<!-- end of album contents --> 
+		{include file="$blogtemplate/footer.template"} 
\ No newline at end of file

Added: templates/trunk/spring/albums.template
--- templates/trunk/spring/albums.template	2005-03-29 17:42:20 UTC (rev 1634)
+++ templates/trunk/spring/albums.template	2005-03-29 19:37:11 UTC (rev 1635)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+		{include file="$blogtemplate/header.template"} 
+ <!-- album contents go here -->
+<div id="album_list"> 
+<div id="album">
+	<div class="clearer">&nbsp;</div>
+		{assign var="counter" value=0}
+  		{foreach from=$albums item=album}
+	<div class="album">
+	<a href="{$url->albumLink($album)}"><img src="{$url->getTemplateFile("imgs/folder.gif")}" alt="{$album->getName()}" /></a>
+  	<p>{$album->getName()} ({$album->getNumResources()})</p>
+  		{assign var="counter" value="`$counter+1`"}
+		{if $counter%3 == 0}
+		{/if}
+	</div>
+		{/foreach}
+	<div class="clearer">&nbsp;</div>
+<!-- end of the albums -->
+		{include file="$blogtemplate/footer.template"} 

Added: templates/trunk/spring/archives.template
--- templates/trunk/spring/archives.template	2005-03-29 17:42:20 UTC (rev 1634)
+++ templates/trunk/spring/archives.template	2005-03-29 19:37:11 UTC (rev 1635)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+		{include file="$blogtemplate/header.template"} 
+<div id="archives_list">
+<div id="Archives">
+	<ul>
+		{foreach from=$archives item=month}
+    	<li><a href="{$month->getUrl()}">{$month->getName()}</a> [{$month->getNumArticles()}]</li>
+    		{/foreach}
+    	</ul>
+   		{include file="$blogtemplate/footer.template"} 
\ No newline at end of file

Added: templates/trunk/spring/commentarticle.template
--- templates/trunk/spring/commentarticle.template	2005-03-29 17:42:20 UTC (rev 1634)
+++ templates/trunk/spring/commentarticle.template	2005-03-29 19:37:11 UTC (rev 1635)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+		{include file="$blogtemplate/header.template"} 
+		{include file="$blogtemplate/commentform.template"}
+		{include file="$blogtemplate/footer.template"} 

Added: templates/trunk/spring/commentform.template
--- templates/trunk/spring/commentform.template	2005-03-29 17:42:20 UTC (rev 1634)
+++ templates/trunk/spring/commentform.template	2005-03-29 19:37:11 UTC (rev 1635)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<div id="CommentForm">
+	<form id="NewComment" name="NewComment" action="{$url->getBaseUrl()}/index.php" method="post">
+	<fieldset>
+ 	<legend>{$locale->tr("add_comment")}</legend>
+   	<div><label for="commentTopic">{$locale->pr("comment_topic")}</label><input type="text" name="commentTopic" id="commentTopic" value="" /></div>
+   	<div><label for="commentText">{$locale->pr("comment_text")}</label><textarea rows="10" cols="30" name="commentText" id="commentText"></textarea></div>
+   	<div><label for="userName">{$locale->pr("comment_username")}</label><input type="text" name="userName" id="userName" value="" /></div>
+   	<div><label for="userEmail">Email</label><input type="text" name="userEmail" id="userEmail" value="" /></div>
+   	<div><label for="userUrl">Web</label><input type="text" name="userUrl" id="userUrl" value="" /></div>
+   	<div id="Submit"><input id="Add" type="submit" value="{$locale->pr("comment_send")}" name="Add" />
+   	<input type="hidden" name="op" value="AddComment" />
+   	<input type="hidden" name="articleId" value="{$post->getId()}" />
+   	<input type="hidden" name="blogId" value="{$blog->getId()}" />
+   	<input type="hidden" name="parentId" value="{$parentId}" /></div>
+	</fieldset>
+  	</form>

Added: templates/trunk/spring/error.template
--- templates/trunk/spring/error.template	2005-03-29 17:42:20 UTC (rev 1634)
+++ templates/trunk/spring/error.template	2005-03-29 19:37:11 UTC (rev 1635)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+		{include file="$blogtemplate/header.template"} 
+ 	<h2>{$locale->tr("error")}</h2>
+ 		<div id="error">{$locale->tr($message)}</div>
+		<div id="post"><a href="javascript:history.go(-1)">{$locale->tr("back")}</a></div>
+		{include file="$blogtemplate/footer.template"} 

Added: templates/trunk/spring/footer.template
--- templates/trunk/spring/footer.template	2005-03-29 17:42:20 UTC (rev 1634)
+++ templates/trunk/spring/footer.template	2005-03-29 19:37:11 UTC (rev 1635)
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+<div id="Menu">
+    	<div id="calendar_title"><!--{$locale->tr("calendar")}--></div>
+	<div id="Calendar">
+		{$calendar}
+    	</div>
+	<div id="search_title"><!--{$locale->tr("search")}--></div>
+	<div id="Search">
+	<form id="search_form" method="post" action="{$url->getIndexUrl()}">
+	<fieldset>
+	<label for="searchTerms"><input type="text" id="searchTerms" name="searchTerms" value="" /></label>
+	<input type="submit" name="Search" value="{$locale->tr("search_s")}" class="button" />
+	<input type="hidden" name="op" value="Search" />
+	<input type="hidden" name="blogId" value="{$blog->getId()}" />   
+	</fieldset>
+	</form>
+	</div> 
+	<div id="archives_title"><!--{$locale->tr("archives")}--></div>
+	<div id="Archives">
+	<ul>
+		{foreach from=$archives item=month}
+    	<li><a href="{$month->getUrl()}">{$month->getName()}</a> [{$month->getNumArticles()}]</li>
+    		{/foreach}
+    	</ul>
+	</div>
+	<div id="categories_title"><!--{$locale->tr("categories")}--></div>
+    	<div id="Categories">
+    	<ul>
+    		{foreach from=$articlecategories item=articleCategory}
+    	<li><a title="{$articleCategory->getName()}" href="{$url->categoryLink($articleCategory)}">{$articleCategory->getName()} <abbr title="{$articleCategory->getNumArticles()} {$locale->tr("posts")}">[{$articleCategory->getNumArticles()}]</abbr></a>&nbsp;<a  href="{$url->categoryRssLink($articleCategory)}"><img src="{$url->getUrl("/imgs/rss_logo_small.gif")}" style="border:0px;" align="center" alt="RSS 0.90" /></a></li>
+   		{/foreach}
+  	</ul>
+  	</div>
+  	<div id="recently_title"><!--{$locale->tr("recently")}--></div>
+    	<div id="Recently">
+    	<ul>
+    		{foreach from=$recentposts item=post}
+        <li><a title="{$post->getTopic()}" href="{$url->postLink($post)}">{$post->getTopic()}</a></li>
+    		{/foreach}
+    	</ul>
+   	</div>
+	<div id="links_title"><!--{$locale->tr("my_links")}--></div>
+	<div id="Links">
+  		{foreach from=$mylinkscategories item=linkcategory}
+    	<div id="LinksCategories">{$linkcategory->getName()}</div>
+   	<ul>
+  		{foreach from=$linkcategory->getLinks() item=link}
+  	<li><a href="{$link->getUrl()}" title="{$link->getDescription()}">{$link->getName()}</a></li>
+    		{/foreach}
+  	</ul>
+  		{/foreach}
+  	</div>
+   	<div id="syndicate_title"><!--{$locale->tr("syndicate")}--></div>
+    	<div id="Syndicate">
+    	<ul>
+    	<li><a  title="Link to the RSS 0.90 feed." href="{$url->rssLink("rss090")}"><img src="{$url->getUrl("/imgs/rss090_logo.gif")}" style="border:0px;" alt="RSS 0.90" /></a></li>
+    	<li><a  title="Link to the RSS 1.0 feed." href="{$url->rssLink("rss10")}"><img src="{$url->getUrl("/imgs/rss10_logo.gif")}" style="border:0px;" alt="RSS 1.0" /></a></li>
+    	<li><a  title="Link to the RSS 2.0 feed." href="{$url->rssLink("rss20")}"><img src="{$url->getUrl("/imgs/rss20_logo.gif")}" style="border:0px;" alt="RSS 2.0" /></a></li>
+    	<li><a  title="Link to the Atom 0.3 feed." href="{$url->rssLink("atom")}"><img src="{$url->getUrl("/imgs/atom_logo.png")}" style="border:0px;" alt="Atom 0.3" /></a></li>
+    	</ul>
+    	</div>
+<div class="clearer">&nbsp;</div> 
+<!-- Please leave the credit intact. Thank you. -->
+<div id="Bottom"><a href="http://www.w3.org/WAI/">Accessible</a> and Valid <a href="http://validator.w3.org/check/referer">XHTML 1.0 Strict</a> and <a href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/check/referer">CSS</a> Powered by <a href="http://www.plogworld.net">pLog</a></div>

Added: templates/trunk/spring/header.template
--- templates/trunk/spring/header.template	2005-03-29 17:42:20 UTC (rev 1634)
+++ templates/trunk/spring/header.template	2005-03-29 19:37:11 UTC (rev 1635)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="{$locale->getLanguageId()}" lang="{$locale->getLanguageId()}" dir="{$locale->getDirection()}">
+ <head>
+ <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset={$locale->getCharset()}" />
+ <meta name="generator" content="{$version}" />
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="{$locale->getLanguageId()}" />
+ <title>{$blog->getBlog()}{$postPageTitle}</title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" title="Style" href="{$url->getTemplateFile("style.css")}" />
+ <link rel="alternate" type="application/xml" title="RSS 2.0" href="{$url->rssLink("rss20")}" />
+ <link rel="alternate" type="application/xml" title="RSS 1.0" href="{$url->rssLink("rss10")}" />
+ <link rel="alternate" type="application/xml" title="RSS 0.90" href="{$url->rssLink("rss090")}" />
+ <link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="Atom 0.3" href="{$url->rssLink("atom")}" />  
+ </head>
+  <body> 
+<div id="Container">
+<div id="Title"><h1><a href="{$url->blogLink()}">{$blog->getBlog()}</a></h1><div id="Subtitle">{$blog->getAbout()}</div></div>
+<div id="Subcontainer">  
+<div id="Content">
+<div id="Topmenu">
+    <a href="{$url->blogLink()}">{$locale->tr("main")}</a> /
+    <a href="{$url->templatePage("archives")}">{$locale->tr("archives")}</a> /
+    <a href="{$url->albumLink()}">{$locale->tr("albums")}</a> /
+    <a href="{$url->templatePage("links")}">{$locale->tr("links")}</a> /
+    <a href="{$url->getBaseUrl()}/summary.php">{$locale->tr("summary")}</a> /
+    <a href="{$url->getAdminUrl()}">{$locale->tr("Manage")}</a> /
+ </div>

Added: templates/trunk/spring/imgs/archives.gif
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: templates/trunk/spring/imgs/archives.gif
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: templates/trunk/spring/imgs/bg_today.gif
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: templates/trunk/spring/imgs/bg_today.gif
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: templates/trunk/spring/imgs/bgc.gif
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: templates/trunk/spring/imgs/bgc.gif
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: templates/trunk/spring/imgs/bgtitle.gif
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: templates/trunk/spring/imgs/bgtitle.gif
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: templates/trunk/spring/imgs/calendar.gif
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: templates/trunk/spring/imgs/calendar.gif
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: templates/trunk/spring/imgs/calendar.psd
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: templates/trunk/spring/imgs/calendar.psd
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: templates/trunk/spring/imgs/categories.gif
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: templates/trunk/spring/imgs/categories.gif
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: templates/trunk/spring/imgs/compressed.gif
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: templates/trunk/spring/imgs/compressed.gif
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: templates/trunk/spring/imgs/file.gif
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: templates/trunk/spring/imgs/file.gif
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: templates/trunk/spring/imgs/folder.gif
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: templates/trunk/spring/imgs/folder.gif
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: templates/trunk/spring/imgs/line.jpg
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: templates/trunk/spring/imgs/line.jpg
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: templates/trunk/spring/imgs/line_v.gif
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: templates/trunk/spring/imgs/line_v.gif
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: templates/trunk/spring/imgs/links.gif
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: templates/trunk/spring/imgs/links.gif
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: templates/trunk/spring/imgs/parentfolder.gif
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: templates/trunk/spring/imgs/parentfolder.gif
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: templates/trunk/spring/imgs/recently.gif
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: templates/trunk/spring/imgs/recently.gif
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: templates/trunk/spring/imgs/recently.psd
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: templates/trunk/spring/imgs/recently.psd
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: templates/trunk/spring/imgs/search.gif
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: templates/trunk/spring/imgs/search.gif
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: templates/trunk/spring/imgs/sound.gif
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: templates/trunk/spring/imgs/sound.gif
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: templates/trunk/spring/imgs/syndicate.gif
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: templates/trunk/spring/imgs/syndicate.gif
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: templates/trunk/spring/imgs/title.gif
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: templates/trunk/spring/imgs/title.gif
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: templates/trunk/spring/links.template
--- templates/trunk/spring/links.template	2005-03-29 17:42:20 UTC (rev 1634)
+++ templates/trunk/spring/links.template	2005-03-29 19:37:11 UTC (rev 1635)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+		{include file="$blogtemplate/header.template"} 
+	<h2>{$locale->tr("my_links")}</h2>
+<div id="links_list">
+ <div id="Links">
+	{foreach from=$mylinkscategories item=linkcategory}
+    	<h3>{$linkcategory->getName()}</h3>
+   	<ul>
+  		{foreach from=$linkcategory->getLinks() item=link}
+  	<li><a href="{$link->getUrl()}" title="{$link->getDescription()}">{$link->getName()}</a>: {$link->getDescription()}</li>
+    		{/foreach}
+  	</ul>
+  		{/foreach}
+  	</div>
+		{include file="$blogtemplate/footer.template"} 
\ No newline at end of file

Added: templates/trunk/spring/main.template
--- templates/trunk/spring/main.template	2005-03-29 17:42:20 UTC (rev 1634)
+++ templates/trunk/spring/main.template	2005-03-29 19:37:11 UTC (rev 1635)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+		{include file="$blogtemplate/header.template"} 
+ {if $showAll == 1 && $category}<h2>{$locale->tr("posts")}: {$category->getName()}</h2>{/if} 
+{foreach from=$posts item=post}
+{if $showAll}
+  <!-- showing only the topic of the post, in case we have too many! -->
+<div id="topic"><div id="topic_l"><a href="{$url->postPermalink($post)}">{$post->getTopic()}</a></div>
+<div id="post">
+<div id="line"></div>
+<div id="footer">
+{foreach name=categories from=$post->getCategories() item=postCategory}
+  <a href="{$url->categoryLink($postCategory)}">{$postCategory->getName()}</a>{if !$smarty.foreach.categories.last}, {/if}
+  <!-- show the whole post, as we would normally do -->
+   {include file="$blogtemplate/post.template"}
+		{include file="$blogtemplate/footer.template"} 

Added: templates/trunk/spring/post.template
--- templates/trunk/spring/post.template	2005-03-29 17:42:20 UTC (rev 1634)
+++ templates/trunk/spring/post.template	2005-03-29 19:37:11 UTC (rev 1635)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<div id="topic"><div id="topic_l">{$post->getTopic()}</div>
+		<!-- {$url->postTrackbackLink($post)} -->
+		{assign var="postDate" value=$post->getDateObject()}
+		{assign var="postOwner" value=$post->getUserInfo()}
+<div id="topic_r">{$locale->formatDate($postDate,"%Y/%m/%d,%H:%M")}</div>
+<div id="post">
+<div id="line"></div>
+<div id="footer">
+# Posted by {$postOwner->getUsername()} :: 
+{foreach name=categories from=$post->getCategories() item=postCategory}
+  <a href="{$url->categoryLink($postCategory)}">{$postCategory->getName()}</a>{if !$smarty.foreach.categories.last}, {/if}
+:: <a href="{$url->postPermalink($post)}">{$locale->tr("comment on this")} ({$post->getTotalComments()})</a> :: <a title="{$locale->tr("permalink_title")}" href="{$url->postPermalink($post)}">{$locale->tr("permalink")}</a> :: <a href="{$url->postTrackbackStatsLink($post)}">{$locale->tr("trackbacks")} ({$post->getNumTrackbacks()})</a>

Added: templates/trunk/spring/postandcomments.template
--- templates/trunk/spring/postandcomments.template	2005-03-29 17:42:20 UTC (rev 1634)
+++ templates/trunk/spring/postandcomments.template	2005-03-29 19:37:11 UTC (rev 1635)
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+		{assign var="postPageTitle" value=$post->getTopic()}
+		{assign var="postPageTitle" value=" | $postPageTitle"}
+		{include file="$blogtemplate/header.template"} 
+<p id="Nextpost">
+         {assign var=prevpost value=$post->getPrevArticle()}
+         {if $prevpost == true}
+<a href="{$url->postPermalink($prevpost)}" title="Previous post: {$prevpost->getTopic()}">&laquo; {$prevpost->getTopic()}</a> | <a href="{$url->blogLink()}">Main</a>
+         {/if}
+      {assign var=nextpost value=$post->getNextArticle()}
+      {if $nextpost == true}
+ | <a href="{$url->postPermalink($nextpost)}" title="Next post: {$nextpost->getTopic()}">{$nextpost->getTopic()} &raquo;</a>
+         {/if}
+   		{assign var="poster" value=$post->getUserInfo()}
+   		{include file="$blogtemplate/post.template"}
+   		{foreach from=$comments item=comment}
+<div id="comment">
+	<div id="commentheader"><img src="{$url->getUrl("/imgs/comment_icon1.gif")}" alt="Comment Icon" /> {$comment->getTopic()}</div>
+	<div id="commenttext">{$comment->getText()}</div>
+	<div id="commentposterinfo">
+		{assign var="postDate" value=$comment->getTimestamp()}Posted by:
+		{if $comment->getUserUrl() != ""}<a href="{$comment->getUserUrl()}">{$comment->getUsername()}</a>
+		{else}
+                {$comment->getUsername()}
+                {/if} at {$locale->formatDate($postDate, "%Y/%m/%d, %H:%M")}
+	</div>
+  		{/foreach}
+		{if $blogsettings->getValue("comments_enabled") && $post->getCommentsEnabled()==1}
+		{include file="$blogtemplate/commentform.template"}
+		{/if}
+		{include file="$blogtemplate/footer.template"} 

Added: templates/trunk/spring/posttrackbacks.template
--- templates/trunk/spring/posttrackbacks.template	2005-03-29 17:42:20 UTC (rev 1634)
+++ templates/trunk/spring/posttrackbacks.template	2005-03-29 19:37:11 UTC (rev 1635)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+		{include file="$blogtemplate/header.template"} 
+<div id="trackback_list">		
+<h3>{$locale->tr("trackbacks_for_article")} "<a href="{$url->postLink($post)}">{$post->getTopic()}</a>":</h3>
+			{foreach from=$trackbacks item=trackback}
+<h4><a href="{$trackback->getUrl()}">{$trackback->getTitle()}</a></h4>
+   		{assign var="trackbackDate" value=$trackback->getDateObject()}
+<dd>{$locale->formatDate($trackbackDate, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")}</dd>
+  		{/foreach}
+{include file="$blogtemplate/footer.template"} 

Added: templates/trunk/spring/resource.template
--- templates/trunk/spring/resource.template	2005-03-29 17:42:20 UTC (rev 1634)
+++ templates/trunk/spring/resource.template	2005-03-29 19:37:11 UTC (rev 1635)
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+		{include file="$blogtemplate/header.template"} 
+<div id="album_list">
+		{assign var=metadata value=$resource->getMetadataReader()}
+		{assign var=updated value=$resource->getTimestamp()}
+<div id="album">
+	<h3>{$resource->getFileName()}</h3>
+	<div id="Resource-Desc">
+    	<a href="{$url->resourceDownloadLink($resource)}">{$locale->tr("download")}</a> 
+    	({$metadata->getRoundedSize()}) | {$locale->tr("created")} {$locale->formatDate($updated,"%d %b, %Y")}</div>
+ 	<div id="Resource">    
+  	<p>{$resource->getDescription()}</p>
+  		{if $resource->isImage()}
+   	<img src="{$url->resourceMediumSizePreviewLink($resource)}" alt="{$resource->getFileName()}, {$metadata->getRoundedSize()}" />
+  		{else}
+     	<a href="{$url->resourceDownloadLink($resource)}">
+   		{* show some information about the file *}
+   		{if $resource->isSound()}
+     	<img alt="Sound" src="{$url->getTemplateFile("imgs/sound.gif")}" /></a>
+     	<p>{$resource->getFileName()}</p>
+     	<p>{$locale->tr("format")}: {$metadata->getFormat()|upper}</p>
+     	<p>{$locale->tr("length")}: {$metadata->getLengthString()}</p>
+     	<p>{$locale->tr("sample_rate")}: {$metadata->getSampleRate()} Khz</p>
+   		{elseif $resource->isVideo()}
+     	<img alt="Sound" src="{$url->getTemplateFile("imgs/video.gif")}" /></a>
+     	<p>{$resource->getFileName()}</p>
+     	<p>{$locale->tr("format")}: {$metadata->getFormat()|upper}</p>
+    	<p>{$locale->tr("size")}: {$metadata->getHeight()} x {$metadata->getWidth()}</p>
+    	<p>{$locale->tr("length")}: {$metadata->getLengthString()}</p>
+    	<p>{$locale->tr("video_codec")}: {$metadata->getVideoCodec()}</p>
+    	<p>{$locale->tr("audio_codec")}: {$metadata->getAudioCodec()}</p>
+   		{elseif $resource->isZip()}
+     	<img alt="Zip" src="{$url->getTemplateFile("imgs/compressed.gif")}" /></a>
+     	<p>{$resource->getFileName()}</p> 
+    	<p>{$metadata->getTotalFiles()} {$locale->tr("files")}</p>
+    	<p>{$locale->tr("uncompressed_size")}: {$metadata->getRoundedUncompressedSize()}</p>
+   		{else}
+     	<img alt="File" src="{$url->getTemplateFile("imgs/file.gif")}" /></a>
+     	<p>{$resource->getFileName()}</p>
+   		{/if}   
+  		{/if}
+ 	</div>
+		{assign var=album value=$resource->getAlbum()} 
+	<p><a href="{$url->albumLink($album)}">{$locale->tr("parent")}</a></p>
+{include file="$blogtemplate/footer.template"} 

Added: templates/trunk/spring/searchresults.template
--- templates/trunk/spring/searchresults.template	2005-03-29 17:42:20 UTC (rev 1634)
+++ templates/trunk/spring/searchresults.template	2005-03-29 19:37:11 UTC (rev 1635)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+{include file="$blogtemplate/header.template"} 
+   <h2>{$locale->tr("search_results")}: {foreach from=$searchterms item=term}{$term} {/foreach}</h2>
+   <div id="SearchResults">
+    {foreach from=$searchresults item=result}
+      {assign var=article value=$result->getArticle()}
+      {if $urlmode == 2}
+      <div id="topic"><div id="topic_l"><a href="{$url->postPermalink($article)}?searchTerms={foreach from=$searchterms item=term}{$term|escape:"hex"}%20{/foreach}">{$article->getTopic()}</a></div></div>
+      {else}
+      <div id="topic"><div id="topic_l"><a href="{$url->postPermalink($article)}&searchTerms={foreach from=$searchterms item=term}{$term|escape:"hex"}%20{/foreach}">{$article->getTopic()}</a></div></div>
+      {/if}
+      <div id="post">
+      {$article->getText()|strip_tags|truncate:300:"...":false}
+      </div>
+      <div id="line"></div>
+	<div id="footer">
+		{foreach name=categories from=$article->getCategories() item=postCategory}
+ 			<a href="{$url->categoryLink($postCategory)}">{$postCategory->getName()}</a>{if !$smarty.foreach.categories.last}, {/if}
+		{/foreach}
+	</div>
+    {/foreach}
+   </div> 
+{include file="$blogtemplate/footer.template"} 

Added: templates/trunk/spring/style.css
--- templates/trunk/spring/style.css	2005-03-29 17:42:20 UTC (rev 1634)
+++ templates/trunk/spring/style.css	2005-03-29 19:37:11 UTC (rev 1635)
@@ -0,0 +1,554 @@
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+	}
+#Nextpost a:hover,#Nextpost a:active{
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+	text-decoration:none;
+	}
+/********************* comment *************/	
+#comment {
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+	border-top: 1px solid #aed6b3;
+	border-bottom: 1px solid #aed6b3;
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+	padding: 5px;
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+	float:left;
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+	margin-bottom:0px;
+	}
+#CommentForm input {
+	margin-top:
+	8px;margin-bottom:8px;
+	}
+#Submit {
+	margin-top:8px;
+	margin-bottom:8px;
+	margin-left:6em;
+	}
+#CommentForm textarea {
+	margin-top:8px;
+	margin-bottom:0px;
+	}
+/* ******************  column b  *************** */
+#Menu   {
+	width: 170px;
+	float: left;
+	font:12px/1.5 trebuchet ms, verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
+	color:#666;
+	text-align:left;
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+	font:12px/1.5 trebuchet ms, verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
+	text-align: center;
+	color: #333;
+	background: #d8f5d9;
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+	background:url(imgs/calendar.gif) #fff no-repeat;
+	width:170px;
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+	}
+#Calendar {
+	width:95%;
+	}
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+	list-style:none; 
+	font-size:small;
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+#Categories ul, #Syndicate ul, #Recently ul, #Sections ul {
+	margin:0;
+	padding:1px 10px; 
+	list-style:none; 
+	font-size:small;
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+	}
+#Categories a:link, #Syndicate a:link, #Recently a:link, #Links a:link, #Sections a:link,
+#Categories a:visited, #Syndicate a:visited, #Recently a:visited, #Links a:visited, #Sections a:visited{
+	text-decoration: underline;
+	color:#333;
+	}
+#Categories a:hover, #Syndicate a:hover, #Recently a:hover, #Links a:hover, #Sections a:hover, 
+#Categories a:focus, #Syndicate a:focus, #Recently a:focus, #Links a:focus, #Sections a:hover,
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+	color:#ff0000;
+	}
+/* ******************  footer  *************** */
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+	background-color:#002f64;
+	color:#fff;
+	padding:3px 15px 3px 15px;
+	}
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+	color: #CCFF99;
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+	}
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+	margin:10px 50px;
+	color:#000;
+	}
+/* ******************  albums  *************** */
+div.album {
+	text-align: center;
+        float: left;
+        width:150px;
+        margin-bottom:20px;
+  	}
+.album p {
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+   	margin:0;
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+a img {border:none;}
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+/* ******************  trakbacks  *************** */
+h4 {
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+	}
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+/* ******************  to float elements  *************** */
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+.floatright {float: right;padding:2px 0px 10px 10px;}
+/* ******************  to highlight text  *************** */
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+.underline {text-decoration:underline}
+.quote {
+  margin: 0px 20px 0px 30px;
+  padding: 0 0 0 4px;
+	border-left: 2px dotted #aed6b3;
+  color:#666;
+  font-size: 12px;
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+	margin: 10px; padding: 5px; color: #333333;
+	font-family: 'Courier New','ËÎÌå';
+	background-color: #d8f5d9;
+	}
\ No newline at end of file

Added: templates/trunk/spring/video.gif
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: templates/trunk/spring/video.gif
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

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