[pLog-svn] r1337 - plog/trunk/locale

oscar at devel.plogworld.net oscar at devel.plogworld.net
Sun Mar 6 22:21:38 GMT 2005

Author: oscar
Date: 2005-03-06 22:21:38 +0000 (Sun, 06 Mar 2005)
New Revision: 1337

added a working french locale and the beginnings of the spanish one

Added: plog/trunk/locale/locale_es_ES.php
--- plog/trunk/locale/locale_es_ES.php	2005-03-06 22:13:57 UTC (rev 1336)
+++ plog/trunk/locale/locale_es_ES.php	2005-03-06 22:21:38 UTC (rev 1337)
@@ -0,0 +1,889 @@
+// set this to the encoding that should be used to display the pages correctly
+$messages['encoding'] = 'iso-8859-1';
+$messages['locale_description'] = 'Traducción al español de pLog';
+// locale format, see Locale::formatDate for more information
+$messages['date_format'] = '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M';
+// days of the week
+$messages['days'] = Array( 'Domingo', 'Lunes', 'Martes', 'Miércoles', 'Jueves', 'Viernes', 'Sábado' );
+// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
+$messages['Monday'] = $messages['days'][1];
+$messages['Tuesday'] = $messages['days'][2];
+$messages['Wednesday'] = $messages['days'][3];
+$messages['Thursday'] = $messages['days'][4];
+$messages['Friday'] = $messages['days'][5];
+$messages['Saturday'] = $messages['days'][6];
+$messages['Sunday'] = $messages['days'][0];
+// abbreviations
+$messages['daysshort'] = Array( 'Do', 'Lu', 'Ma', 'Mi', 'Ju', 'Vi', 'Sa' );
+// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
+$messages['Mo'] = $messages['daysshort'][1];
+$messages['Tu'] = $messages['daysshort'][2];
+$messages['We'] = $messages['daysshort'][3];
+$messages['Th'] = $messages['daysshort'][4];
+$messages['Fr'] = $messages['daysshort'][5];
+$messages['Sa'] = $messages['daysshort'][6];
+$messages['Su'] = $messages['daysshort'][0];
+// months of the year
+$messages['months'] = Array( 'Enero', 'Febrero', 'Marzo', 'Abril', 'Mayo', 'Junio', 'Julio', 'Agosto', 'Septiembre', 'Octubre', 'Noviembre', 'Diciembre' );
+// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
+$messages['January'] = $messages['months'][0];
+$messages['February'] = $messages['months'][1];
+$messages['March'] = $messages['months'][2];
+$messages['April'] = $messages['months'][3];
+$messages['May'] = $messages['months'][4];
+$messages['June'] = $messages['months'][5];
+$messages['July'] = $messages['months'][6];
+$messages['August'] = $messages['months'][7];
+$messages['September'] = $messages['months'][8];
+$messages['October'] = $messages['months'][9];
+$messages['November'] = $messages['months'][10];
+$messages['December'] = $messages['months'][11];
+$messages['message'] = 'Mensaje';
+$messages['error'] = 'Error';
+$messages['date'] = 'Fecha';
+// miscellaneous texts
+$messages['of'] = 'de';
+$messages['recently'] = 'recientemente...';
+$messages['comments'] = 'comentarios';
+$messages['comment on this'] = 'Comentario';
+$messages['my_links'] = 'mis enlaces';
+$messages['archives'] = 'archivos';
+$messages['search'] = 'buscar';
+$messages['calendar'] = 'calendario';
+$messages['search_s'] = 'Buscar';
+$messages['search_this_blog'] = 'Buscar en esta bitácora:';
+$messages['about_myself'] = 'Quién soy?';
+$messages['permalink_title'] = 'Enlace permanente a los archivos';
+$messages['permalink'] = 'Enlace';
+$messages['posted_by'] = 'Escrito por';
+$messages['reply'] = 'Responder';
+// add comment form
+$messages['add_comment'] = 'Añadir comentario';
+$messages['comment_topic'] = 'Título';
+$messages['comment_text'] = 'Texto';
+$messages['comment_username'] = 'Tu nombre';
+$messages['comment_email'] = 'Dirección de correo (opcional)';
+$messages['comment_url'] = 'Página personal (opcional)';
+$messages['comment_send'] = 'Enviar';
+$messages['comment_added'] = 'Comentario añadido!';
+$messages['comment_add_error'] = 'Hubo un error añadiendo el comentario';
+$messages['article_does_not_exist'] = 'El artículo no existe';
+$messages['no_posts_found'] = 'No se encontraron artículos';
+$messages['user_has_no_posts_yet'] = 'El usuario todavía no ha escrito ningun artículo';
+$messages['back'] = 'Atrás';
+$messages['post'] = 'artículo';
+$messages['trackbacks_for_article'] = 'Retroenlaces del artículo: ';
+$messages['trackback_excerpt'] = 'Fragmento';
+$messages['trackback_weblog'] = 'Bitácora';
+$messages['search'] = 'Buscar';
+$messages['search_results'] = 'Resultados de la búsqueda';
+$messages['search_matching_results'] = 'Los siguientes artículos han sido encontrados: ';
+$messages['search_no_matching_posts'] = 'No se encontraron artículos';
+$messages['read_more'] = '(Más)';
+$messages['syndicate'] = 'Agregar';
+$messages['main'] = 'Principal';
+$messages['about'] = 'Acerca de';
+$messages['download'] = 'Descargar';
+////// error messages /////
+$messages['error_fetching_article'] = 'El artículo especificado no existe.';
+$messages['error_fetching_articles'] = 'No se encontraron artículos';
+$messages['error_trackback_no_trackback'] = 'El artículo no ha recibido ningun retroenlace';
+$messages['error_incorrect_article_id'] = 'El identificador del artículo no es correcto';
+$messages['error_incorrect_blog_id'] = 'El identificador de la bitácora no es correcto';
+$messages['error_comment_without_text'] = 'El texto del comentario está vacío.';
+$messages['error_comment_without_name'] = 'Es necesario que dé su nombre o apodo.';
+$messages['error_adding_comment'] = 'Hubo un error añadiendo el comentario.';
+$messages['error_incorrect_parameter'] = 'Parámetro incorrecto.';
+$messages['error_parameter_missing'] = 'Falta un parámetro.';
+$messages['error_comments_not_enabled'] = 'Los comentarios han sido desactivados en esta bitácora.';
+$messages['error_incorrect_search_terms'] = 'Los términos de la búsqueda son incorrectos.';
+$messages['error_no_search_results'] = 'No se encontraros artículos que se correspondan con los términos de la búsqueda.';
+$messages['error_no_albums_defined'] = 'No hay ningun álbum disponible en esta bitácora.';
+/////////////////                                          //////////////////
+///////////////// STRINGS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION INTERFACE //////////////////
+/////////////////                                          //////////////////
+// login page
+$messages['login'] = 'Entrar';
+$messages['welcome_message'] = 'Bienvenido a pLog';
+$messages['error_incorrect_username_or_password'] = 'El nombre de usuario o password es incorrecto.';
+$messages['error_dont_belong_to_any_blog'] = 'Su usuario no pertenece a ninguna bitácora todavía.';
+$messages['logout_message'] = 'Ha sido desconectado correctamente';
+$messages['logout_message_2'] = 'Haga clic <a href="%1$s">aquí</a> para ir a %2$s</a>.';
+$messages['error_access_forbidden'] = 'Acceso no permitido. Debe primero verificar su usuario aquí';
+$messages['username'] = 'Usuario';
+$messages['password'] = 'Password';
+// dashboard
+$messages['dashboard'] = 'Perspectiva';
+// menu options
+$messages['newPost'] = 'Nuevo Artículo';
+$messages['Manage'] = 'Contenido';
+$messages['managePosts'] = 'Artículos';
+$messages['editPosts'] = 'Artículos';
+$messages['editArticleCategories'] = 'Categorias';
+$messages['newArticleCategory'] = 'Nueva Categoria';
+$messages['manageLinks'] = 'Enlaces';
+$messages['editLinks'] = 'Enlaces';
+$messages['newLink'] = 'Nuevo Enlace';
+$messages['editLink'] = 'Editar Enlace';
+$messages['editLinkCategories'] = 'Editar Categorías de Enlaces';
+$messages['newLinkCategory'] = 'Nueva Categoría de Enlaces';
+$messages['editLinkCategory'] = 'Editar Categoría de Enlace';
+$messages['manageCustomFields'] = 'Manage Custom Fields';
+$messages['blogCustomFields'] = 'Custom Fields';
+$messages['newCustomField'] = 'New Custom Field';
+$messages['resourceCenter'] = 'Ficheros';
+$messages['resources'] = 'Ficheros';
+$messages['newResourceAlbum'] = 'Nuevo Álbum';
+$messages['newResource'] = 'Nuevo Fichero';
+$messages['controlCenter'] = 'Configuración';
+$messages['manageSettings'] = 'Configuración';
+$messages['blogSettings'] = 'Configuración de la Bitácora';
+$messages['userSettings'] = 'Configuración del Usuario';
+$messages['pluginCenter'] = 'Plugins';
+$messages['Stats'] = 'Estadísticas';
+$messages['manageBlogUsers'] = 'Usuarios de la Bitácora';
+$messages['newBlogUser'] = 'Invitar Usuario';
+$messages['showBlogUsers'] = 'Usuarios de la Bitácora';
+$messages['manageBlogTemplates'] = 'Plantillas';
+$messages['newBlogTemplate'] = 'Añadir Plantilla';
+$messages['blogTemplates'] = 'Plantillas de la Bitácora';
+$messages['adminSettings'] = 'Administración';
+$messages['Users'] = 'Usuarios';
+$messages['createUser'] = 'Nuevo Usuario';
+$messages['editSiteUsers'] = 'Usuarios';
+$messages['Blogs'] = 'Bitácoras';
+$messages['createBlog'] = 'Nueva Bitácora';
+$messages['editSiteBlogs'] = 'Bitácoras';
+$messages['Locales'] = 'Traducciones';
+$messages['newLocale'] = 'Nueva Traducción';
+$messages['siteLocales'] = 'Traducciones';
+$messages['Templates'] = 'Plantillas';
+$messages['newTemplate'] = 'Añadir Plantilla';
+$messages['siteTemplates'] = 'Plantillas';
+$messages['GlobalSettings'] = 'Configuración General';
+$messages['editSiteSettings'] = 'General';
+$messages['summarySettings'] = 'Portal';
+$messages['templateSettings'] = 'Plantillas';
+$messages['urlSettings'] = 'Direcciones';
+$messages['emailSettings'] = 'Email';
+$messages['uploadSettings'] = 'Transferencias de Ficheros';
+$messages['helpersSettings'] = 'Herramientas';
+$messages['interfacesSettings'] = 'Interfícies';
+$messages['securitySettings'] = 'Seguridad';
+$messages['bayesianSettings'] = 'Filtro Bayesiano';
+$messages['resourcesSettings'] = 'Ficheros';
+$messages['searchSettings'] = 'Búsquedas';
+$messages['cleanUpSection'] = 'Limpieza';
+$messages['cleanUp'] = 'Limpieza';
+$messages['editResourceAlbum'] = 'Editar Álbum';
+$messages['resourceInfo'] = 'Editar Fichero';
+$messages['editBlog'] = 'Editar Plantilla';
+// new post
+$messages['topic'] = 'Título';
+$messages['topic_help'] = 'Título del artículo';
+$messages['text'] = 'Texto';
+$messages['text_help'] = 'Texto del artículo. Esta parte siempre aparecerá en la página principal de la bitácora';
+$messages['extended_text'] = 'Texto extra';
+$messages['extended_text_help'] = 'Texto extra del artículo. Esta parte puede aparecer o bien siempre en la primera página o en la página del artículo. Esto es configurable en la página de configuración de la bitácora';
+$messages['post_slug'] = 'Slug';
+$messages['post_slug_help'] = 'El slug será usado para generar enlaces permanentes más bonitos';
+$messages['date'] = 'Fecha';
+$messages['post_date_help'] = 'Fecha cuando este artículo debería ser publicado';
+$messages['status'] = 'Estado';
+$messages['post_status_help'] = 'Elija uno de los siguientes estados';
+$messages['post_status_published'] = 'Publicado';
+$messages['post_status_draft'] = 'Borrador';
+$messages['post_status_deleted'] = 'Eliminado';
+$messages['categories'] = 'Categorías';
+$messages['post_categories_help'] = 'Seleccione una o más categorías';
+$messages['post_comments_enabled_help'] = 'Activar comentarios';
+$messages['send_notification_help'] = 'Enviar una notificación cuando se reciban nuevos comentarios o retroenlaces';
+$messages['send_trackback_pings_help'] = 'Envíar retroenlaces';
+$messages['send_xmlrpc_pings_help'] = 'Enviar pings vía XMLRPC';
+$messages['save_draft_and_continue'] = 'Guardar Borrador';
+$messages['preview'] = 'Vista Previa';
+$messages['add_post'] = 'Añadir!';
+$messages['error_saving_draft'] = 'Hubo un error guardando el borrador';
+$messages['draft_saved_ok'] = 'Borrador guardado correctamente';
+$messages['error_sending_request'] = 'Hubo un error enviando la petición';
+$messages['error_no_category_selected'] = 'Debe seleccionar por lo menos una categoría';
+$messages['error_missing_post_topic'] = 'El título del artículo está vacío';
+$messages['error_missing_post_text'] = 'El texto del artículo está vacío';
+$messages['error_adding_post'] = 'Hubo un error guardando el artículo';
+$messages['post_added_not_published'] = 'El artículo ha sido guardado correctamente pero no aparecerá en la página principal';
+$messages['post_added_ok'] = 'El artículo ha sido guardado correctamente.';
+$messages['send_notifications_ok'] = 'Se enviará un mensaje cada vez que se reciba un comentario o retroenlace';
+// send trackbacks
+$messages['error_sending_trackbacks'] = 'Hubo un error enviando un retroenlace a los siguientes sitios';
+$messages['send_trackbacks_help'] = 'Seleccione las direcciones a las que quiere enviar un retroenlace. Asegúrese de que las direcciones soportan retroenlaces.';
+$messages['send_trackbacks'] = 'Enviar retroenlaces';
+$messages['ping_selected'] = 'Enviar retroenlaces';
+$messages['trackbacks_sent_ok'] = 'Los retroenlaces fueron enviados correctamente a las direcciones seleccionadas';
+// posts page
+$messages['show_by'] = 'Mostrar';
+$messages['category'] = 'Categoría';
+$messages['author'] = 'Autor';
+$messages['post_status_all'] = 'Todos';
+$messages['author_all'] = 'Todos';
+$messages['search_terms'] = 'Búsqueda';
+$messages['show'] = 'Mostrar';
+$messages['delete'] = 'Eliminar';
+$messages['actions'] = 'Acciones';
+$messages['all'] = 'Todos';
+$messages['category_all'] = 'Todas';
+$messages['error_incorrect_article_id'] = 'El identificador de artículo es incorrecto.';
+$messages['error_deleting_article'] = 'Hubo un error eliminando el artículo "%s"';
+$messages['article_deleted_ok'] = 'El artículo "%s" fue eliminado correctamente';
+$messages['articles_deleted_ok'] = '%s articulos fueron eliminados correctamente';
+$messages['error_deleting_article2'] = 'Hubo un error eliminando el artículo cuyo identificador es "%s"';
+// edit post page
+$messages['update'] = 'Actualizar';
+$messages['editPost'] = 'Editar Artículo';
+$messages['error_fetching_post'] = 'Hubo un error cargando el artículo';
+$messages['post_updated_ok'] = 'El artículo "%s" fue actualizado corrrectamente';
+$messages['error_updating_post'] = 'Hubo un error actualizando el artículo';
+$messages['notification_added'] = 'Se enviará un mensaje cada vez que se reciba un comentario o retroenlace';
+$messages['notification_removed'] = 'No se enviarán mensajes en caso de comentarios o retroenlaces';
+// post comments
+$messages['url'] = 'Dirección';
+$messages['comment_status_all'] = 'Todos';
+$messages['comment_status_spam'] = 'Spam';
+$messages['comment_status_nonspam'] = 'No Spam';
+$messages['error_fetching_comments'] = 'Hubo un error cargando los artículos del comentario';
+$messages['error_deleting_comments'] = 'Hubo un error eliminando los comentarios o no se seleccionó ningún comentario a eliminar';
+$messages['comment_deleted_ok'] = 'El comentario "%s" fue eliminado correctamente';
+$messages['comments_deleted_ok'] = '%s comentarios eliminados correctamente';
+$messages['error_deleting_comment'] = 'Hubo un error eliminando el comentario "%s"';
+$messages['error_deleting_comment2'] = 'Hubo un error eliminando el comentario cuyo identificador es %s';
+$messages['editComments'] = 'Comentarios';
+$messages['mark_as_spam'] = 'Marcar como spam';
+$messages['mark_as_no_spam'] = 'Marcar como no spam';
+$messages['error_incorrect_comment_id'] = 'El identificador del comentario no es correcto';
+$messages['error_marking_comment_as_spam'] = 'Hubo un error marcando el comentario como spam';
+$messages['comment_marked_as_spam_ok'] = 'El comentario fue marcado como spam correctamente';
+$messages['error_marking_comment_as_nonspam'] = 'Hubo un error marcando el comentario como no spam';
+$messages['comment_marked_as_nonspam_ok'] = 'El comentario fue marcado como no spam correctamente';
+// post trackbacks
+$messages['blog'] = 'Bitácora';
+$messages['excerpt'] = 'Fragmento';
+$messages['error_fetching_trackbacks'] = 'Hubo un error cargando los retroenlaces recibidos';
+$messages['error_deleting_trackbacks'] = 'Hubo un error eliminando los retroenlaces o no se seleccionó ningún retroenlace a eliminar';
+$messages['error_deleting_trackback'] = 'Hubo un error borrando el retroenlace "%s"';
+$messages['error_deleting_trackback2'] = 'Hubo un error eliminando el retroenlace cuyo identificador es "%s"';
+$messages['trackback_deleted_ok'] = 'Retroenlace "%s" eliminado correctamente';
+$messages['trackbacks_deleted_ok'] = '%s retroenlaces eliminados correctamente';
+$messages['editTrackbacks'] = 'Retroenlaces';
+// post statistics
+$messages['referrer'] = 'Referencia';
+$messages['hits'] = 'Hits';
+$messages['error_no_items_selected'] = 'No se seleccionaron referencias a eliminar';
+$messages['error_deleting_referrer'] = 'Hubo un error eliminando la referencia "%s"';
+$messages['error_deleting_referrer2'] = 'Hubo un error eliminando la referencia cuyo identificador es "%s"';
+$messages['referrer_deleted_ok'] = 'La referencia "%s" fue eliminada correctamente';
+$messages['referrers_deleted_ok'] = '%s referencias eliminadas correctamente';
+// categories
+$messages['posts'] = 'Artículos';
+$messages['show_in_main_page'] = 'Incluir en la página principal';
+$messages['error_incorrect_category_id'] = 'El identificador de la categoría no es correcto o no se seleccionaron categorías a borrar';
+$messages['error_category_has_articles'] = 'La categoría "%s" no se puede borrar porque está siendo usada por algunos artículos. Edite primero los artículos y vuelva a intentar eliminar la categoría.';
+$messages['category_deleted_ok'] = 'La categoría "%s" fue eliminada correctamente';
+$messages['categories_deleted_ok'] = '%s categorías eliminadas correctamente';
+$messages['error_deleting_category'] = 'Hubo un error eliminando la categoría "%s"';
+$messages['error_deleting_category2'] = 'Hubo un error eliminando la categoría cuyo identificador es "%s"';
+$messages['yes'] = 'Sí';
+$messages['no'] = 'No';
+// new category
+$messages['name'] = 'Nombre';
+$messages['category_name_help'] = 'Nombre de la categoría tal y como aparecerá en la bitácora';
+$messages['description'] = 'Descripción';
+$messages['category_description_help'] = 'Descripción de la categoría';
+$messages['show_in_main_page_help'] = 'Si se desactiva, los artículos categorizados bajo esta categoría no serán mostrados en la página principal y solo serán visibles en la página propia de la categoría';
+$messages['error_empty_name'] = 'El nombre no puede estar vacío';
+$messages['error_empty_description'] = 'La descripción no puede estar vacía';
+$messages['error_adding_article_category'] = 'Hubo un error añadiendo la categoría. Verifique los datos y vuélvalo a intentar';
+$messages['category_added_ok'] = 'La categoría "%s" fue añadida correctamente a la bitácora';
+$messages['add'] = 'Añadir';
+$messages['reset'] = 'Limpiar';
+// update category
+$messages['error_updating_article_category'] = 'Hubo un error actualizando la categoría';
+$messages['error_fetching_category'] = 'Hubo un error cargando la categoría';
+$messages['article_category_updated_ok'] = 'La categoría "%s" fue actualizada correctamente';
+// links
+$messages['feed'] = 'Contenidos RSS';
+$messages['error_no_links_selected'] = 'The link identifier was incorrect or no items were selected to remove';
+$messages['error_incorrect_link_id'] = 'The link identifier was not correct';
+$messages['error_removing_link'] = 'There was an error removing link "%s"';
+$messages['error_removing_link2'] = 'There was an error removing link with identifier "%s"';
+$messages['link_deleted_ok'] = 'Link "%s" was deleted successfully';
+$messages['links_deleted_ok'] = '%s links deleted successfully';
+// new link
+$messages['link_name_help'] = 'Name given to this link';
+$messages['link_url_help'] = 'Address where this link points';
+$messages['link_description_help'] = 'Brief description of this link';
+$messages['link_feed_help'] = 'A link to any of the RSS or Atom feeds of think can also be provided';
+$messages['link_category_help'] = 'Choose one of the available link categories';
+$messages['error_adding_link'] = 'There was an error adding the link. Please check the data and try again';
+$messages['error_invalid_url'] = 'The address is not correct';
+$messages['link_added_ok'] = 'Link "%s" was successfully added';
+// update link
+$messages['error_updating_link'] = 'There was an error updating the link. Please check the data and try again';
+$messages['error_fetching_link'] = 'There was an error fetching the link';
+$messages['link_updated_ok'] = 'Link "%s" was updated successfully';
+// link categories
+$messages['links'] = 'Links';
+$messages['error_invalid_link_category_id'] = 'The link category identifier was not correct or there was no link category selected';
+$messages['error_links_in_link_category'] = 'Link category "%s" is used by some links. Modify the links first and try again';
+$messages['error_removing_link_category'] = 'There was an error removing link category "%s"';
+$messages['link_category_deleted_ok'] = 'Link category "%s" deleted succesfully';
+$messages['link_categories_deleted_ok'] = '%s link categories deleted succesfully';
+$messages['error_removing_link_category2'] = 'There was an error removing link category with identifier "%s"';
+// new link category
+$messages['link_category_name_help'] = 'Name given to this link category';
+$messages['error_adding_link_category'] = 'There was an error adding the new link category';
+$messages['link_category_added_ok'] = 'Link category "%s" was successfully added';
+// edit link category
+$messages['error_updating_link_category'] = 'There was an error updating the link category. Please check the data and try again';
+$messages['link_category_updated_ok'] = 'Link category "%s" updated successfully';
+$messages['error_fetching_link_category'] = 'There was an error fetching the link category';
+// custom fields
+$messages['type'] = 'Type';
+$messages['hidden'] = 'Hidden';
+$messages['fields_deleted_ok'] = '%s custom fields deleted successfully';
+$messages['field_deleted_ok'] = 'Custom field "%s" deleted successfully';
+$messages['error_deleting_field'] = 'There was an error deleting custom field "%s"';
+$messages['error_deleting_field2'] = 'There was an error deleting custom field with identifier "%s"';
+$messages['error_incorrect_field_id'] = 'The custom field identifier was not valid';
+// new custom field
+$messages['field_name_help'] = 'Identifer that will be used to refer to the value of this field in posts';
+$messages['field_description_help'] = 'Brief description of this field that will be shown when adding or editing posts';
+$messages['field_type_help'] = 'Select one of the available field types';
+$messages['field_hidden_help'] = 'If a field is hidden, it will not be shown when adding a or editing a post. This feature is mainly used by plugins';
+$messages['error_adding_custom_field'] = 'There was an error adding the custom field. Please check the data and try again';
+$messages['custom_field_added_ok'] = 'Custom field "%s" added successfully';
+$messages['text_field'] = 'Text field';
+$messages['text_area'] = 'Text box';
+$messages['checkbox'] = 'Checkbox';
+$messages['date_field'] = 'Date chooser';
+// edit custom field
+$messages['error_fetching_custom_field'] = 'There was an error fetching the custom field';
+$messages['error_updating_custom_field'] = 'There was an error updating the custom field. Please check the data and try again';
+$messages['custom_field_updated_ok'] = 'Custom field "%s" updated successfully';
+// resources
+$messages['root_album'] = 'Root album';
+$messages['num_resources'] = 'Number of resources';
+$messages['total_size'] = 'Total size';
+$messages['album'] = 'Album';
+$messages['error_incorrect_album_id'] = 'The album identifier is not correct';
+$messages['error_base_storage_folder_missing_or_unreadable'] = 'It was not possible for pLog to create the necessary folders where resources are going to be installed. This might be due to several reasons, such as your PHP installation running with safe mode enabled or your user not having enough permissions to do so. You may still try to carry out the operation manually, by creating the following folders: <br/><br/>%s<br/><br/>If these folders already exist please make sure that they can be read and written by the user running the web server.';
+$messages['items_deleted_ok'] = '%s items deleted successfully';
+$messages['error_album_has_children'] = 'Album "%s" has children. Please edit first the album and try again';
+$messages['item_deleted_ok'] = 'Item "%s"deleted successfully';
+$messages['error_deleting_album'] = 'There was an error deleting album "%s"';
+$messages['error_deleting_album2'] = 'There was an error deleting album with identifier "%s"';
+$messages['error_deleting_resource'] = 'There was an error deleting resource "%s"';
+$messages['error_deleting_resource2'] = 'There was an error deleting resource with identifier "%s"';
+$messages['error_no_resources_selected'] = 'No items were selected to delete';
+$messages['resource_deleted_ok'] = 'Resource "%s" was deleted successfully';
+$messages['album_deleted_ok'] = 'Album "%s" was deleted successfully';
+$messages['add_resource'] = 'Add resource';
+$messages['add_resource_preview'] = 'Add preview';
+$messages['add_album'] = 'Add album';
+// new album
+$messages['album_name_help'] = 'Short name for the new album';
+$messages['parent'] = 'Parent';
+$messages['no_parent'] = 'No parent';
+$messages['parent_album_help'] = 'Use this to have albums within albums and better organize your files';
+$messages['album_description_help'] = 'Longer description of the contents of this album';
+$messages['error_adding_album'] = 'There was an error adding the new album. Please check the data and try again';
+$messages['album_added_ok'] = 'Album "%s" successfully added';
+// edit album
+$messages['error_incorrect_album_id'] = 'The album identifier is not correct';
+$messages['error_fetching_album'] = 'There was an error fetching the album';
+$messages['error_updating_album'] = 'There was an error updating the album. Please check the data and try again';
+$messages['album_updated_ok'] = 'Album "%s" updated successfully';
+$messages['show_album_help'] = 'If disabled, the album will not be shown in the list of albums available in this blog';
+// new resource
+$messages['file'] = 'File';
+$messages['resource_file_help'] = 'File that will be added to the current blog. Use the "Add field" link to upload more than one file at the same time';
+$messages['add_field'] = 'Add field';
+$messages['resource_description_help'] = 'Longer description of the contents of this file';
+$messages['resource_album_help'] = 'Select the album to which this file will be added';
+$messages['error_no_resource_uploaded'] = 'There was no file selected to upload';
+$messages['resource_added_ok'] = 'Resource "%s" added successfully';
+$messages['error_resource_forbidden_extension'] = 'The file was not added because it is of a forbidden type';
+$messages['error_resource_too_big'] = 'The file was not added because it is too big';
+$messages['error_uploads_disabled'] = 'The file was not added because uploads have been disabled';
+$messages['error_quota_exceeded'] = 'The file was not added because resource quota has been exceeded';
+$messages['error_adding_resource'] = 'There was an error adding the resource file';
+// edit resource
+$messages['editResource'] = 'Edit Resource';
+$messages['resource_information_help'] = 'Below is some information about this resource file';
+$messages['information'] = 'Information';
+$messages['size'] = 'Size';
+$messages['format'] = 'Format';
+$messages['dimensions'] = 'Dimensions';
+$messages['bits_per_sample'] = 'Bits per sample';
+$messages['sample_rate'] = 'Sample rate';
+$messages['number_of_channels'] = 'Number of channels';
+$messages['legnth'] = 'Length';
+$messages['thumbnail_format'] = 'Thumbnail format';
+$messages['regenerate_preview'] = 'Regenerate preview';
+$messages['error_fetching_resource'] = 'There was an error fetching the resource';
+$messages['error_updating_resource'] = 'There was an error updating the resource';
+$messages['resource_updated_ok'] = 'Resource "%s" updated successfully';
+// blog settings
+$messages['blog_link'] = 'Blog link';
+$messages['blog_link_help'] = 'Permanent link to this blog';
+$messages['blog_name_help'] = 'Title for this blog';
+$messages['blog_description_help'] = 'Longer description about the contents of this blog';
+$messages['language'] = 'Language';
+$messages['blog_language_help'] = 'Language used to display the texts of this blog, both in the public and administration side';
+$messages['max_main_page_items'] = 'Number of items in the main page';
+$messages['max_main_page_items_help'] = 'Number of posts that should be displayed at all times in the main page of the blog';
+$messages['max_recent_items'] = 'Number of recent items';
+$messages['max_recent_items_help'] = 'Maximum number of posts that will be shown as recent in the front page';
+$messages['template'] = 'Template';
+$messages['choose'] = 'Choose';
+$messages['blog_template_help'] = 'Template that will be used to display the contents of the blog. This list includes global templates plus all the templates installed only for this blog';
+$messages['use_read_more'] = 'Use "more..." link in posts';
+$messages['use_read_more_help'] = 'If enabled, only the text typed in the "Text" textbox will be shown in the main page. In order to display the "Extended text", a "more..." link will be added to each post';
+$messages['enable_wysiwyg'] = 'Enable the visual editor of posts';
+$messages['enable_wysiwyg_help'] = 'Enables a more powerful, visual editor of HTML mark up. The editor only works in Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher or Mozilla 1.3 or higher';
+$messages['enable_comments'] = 'Enable comments by default';
+$messages['enable_comments_help'] = 'Enable comments for all posts by default. Comments can still be enabled/disabled for certain posts when creating new posts or editing old ones';
+$messages['show_future_posts'] = 'Show future posts in the calendar';
+$messages['show_future_posts_help'] = 'Whether posts which have a date in the future should appear in the calendar and visible to users';
+$messages['comments_order'] = 'Comments order';
+$messages['comments_order_help'] = 'Order in which comments should be displayed in the front page';
+$messages['oldest_first'] = 'Oldest first';
+$messages['newest_first'] = 'Newest first';
+$messages['categories_order'] = 'Categories order';
+$messages['categories_order_help'] = 'Order in which categories should be displayed in the front page';
+$messages['most_recent_updated_first'] = 'Most recently updated first';
+$messages['alphabetical_order'] = 'Alphabetical order';
+$messages['reverse_alphabetical_order'] = 'Reverse alphabetical order';
+$messages['most_articles_first'] = 'Most articles first';
+$messages['link_categories_order'] = 'Link categories order';
+$messages['link_categories_order_help'] = 'Order in which link categores should appear in the front page';
+$messages['most_links_first'] = 'Most links first';
+$messages['most_links_last'] = 'Most links last';
+$messages['time_offset'] = 'Time offset';
+$messages['time_offset_help'] = 'Time difference in hours that will be dynamically added to each date and time in the blog';
+$messages['close'] = 'Close';
+$messages['select'] = 'Select';
+$messages['error_updating_settings'] = 'There was an error updating the blog settings. Please check the data and try again';
+$messages['error_invalid_number'] = 'The number is not correct';
+$messages['error_incorrect_time_offset'] = 'The time offset is not valid';
+$messages['blog_settings_updated_ok'] = 'Blog settings updated successfully';
+// user settings
+$messages['username_help'] = 'Public username. It cannot be changed';
+$messages['full_name'] = 'Full name';
+$messages['full_name_help'] = 'Complete full name';
+$messages['password_help'] = 'Type and confirm a new password, or leave empty for no change';
+$messages['confirm_password'] = 'Confirm password';
+$messages['email'] = 'Email';
+$messages['email_help'] = 'Email address where notifications will be sent';
+$messages['bio'] = 'Your bio';
+$messages['bio_help'] = 'A longer description of yourself can be provided here';
+$messages['picture'] = 'Picture';
+$messages['user_picture_help'] = 'Please select a picture form the ones uploaded to this blog as your personal picture';
+$messages['error_invalid_password'] = 'The password is not correct. Please make sure that it is not too short';
+$messages['error_passwords_dont_match'] = 'Sorry, passwords do not match';
+$messages['error_incorrect_email_address'] = 'The email address is not correct';
+$messages['error_updating_user_settings'] = 'There was an error updating your user settings. Please check the data and try again';
+$messages['user_settings_updated_ok'] = 'User settings updated successfully';
+$messages['resource'] = 'Resource';
+// plugin centre
+$messages['identifier'] = 'Identifier';
+$messages['error_plugins_disabled'] = 'Sorry, Plugins are disabled.';
+// blog users
+$messages['revoke_permissions'] = 'Revoke permissions';
+$messages['error_no_users_selected'] = 'There were no users selected';
+$messages['user_removed_from_blog_ok'] = 'User "%s" was removed from this blog successfully';
+$messages['users_removed_from_blog_ok'] = '%s users removed from this blog successfully';
+$messages['error_removing_user_from_blog'] = 'There was an error removing user "%s" from this blog';
+$messages['error_removing_user_from_blog2'] = 'There was an error removing user with identifier "%s" from this blog';
+// new blog user
+$messages['new_blog_username_help'] = 'Username of the user to whom you would like to give access to this blog. New users will only have access to the "Manage" and "Resources" sections.';
+$messages['send_notification'] = 'Send notification';
+$messages['send_user_notification_help'] = 'Send an email notification to this user';
+$messages['notification_text'] = 'Notification Text';
+$messages['notification_text_help'] = 'Text that will be included in the notification message';
+$messages['error_adding_user'] = 'There was an error granting access to the user. Please check the data and try again';
+$messages['error_empty_text'] = 'You must provide some text';
+$messages['error_adding_user'] = 'There was an error adding the user. Please check the data and try again';
+$messages['error_invalid_user'] = 'The user "%s" is not valid or does not exist';
+$messages['user_added_to_blog_ok'] = 'User "%s" has been given access to this blog successfully';
+// blog templates
+$messages['error_no_templates_selected'] = 'There were no templates selected';
+$messages['error_template_is_current'] = 'Template "%s" cannot be deleted because it is the current one';
+$messages['error_removing_template'] = 'There was an error deleting template "%s"';
+$messages['template_removed_ok'] = 'Template "%s" deleted successfully';
+$messages['templates_removed_ok'] = '%s templates deleted successfully';
+// new blog template
+$messages['template_installed_ok'] = 'Template "%s" added succesfully';
+$messages['error_installing_template'] = 'There was an error installing template "%s"';
+$messages['error_missing_base_files'] = 'Some of the template files are missing';
+$messages['error_add_template_disabled'] = 'New templates cannot be added because this feature has been disabled in this site';
+$messages['error_must_upload_file'] = 'There was no template package uploaded';
+$messages['error_uploads_disabled'] = 'Uploads have been disabled in this site';
+$messages['error_no_new_templates_found'] = 'No new templates were found';
+$messages['error_template_not_inside_folder'] = 'The files used in the template set must be inside a folder with the same name as the template set';
+$messages['error_missing_base_files'] = 'Some of the basic template files are missing';
+$messages['error_unpacking'] = 'There was an error unpacking the file';
+$messages['error_forbidden_extensions'] = 'The template set included files with forbidden extensions';
+$messages['error_creating_working_folder'] = 'There was an error creating a temporary folder to unpack the files';
+$messages['error_checking_template'] = 'There was an error checking the template: %s';
+$messages['template_package'] = 'Template package';
+$messages['blog_template_package_help']  = 'Use this form to upload a new template set, which will only be available to your blog. If it is not possible to upload a template package using this form, upload the template set manually and place it in <b>%s</b>, which is the folder where your blog templates are stored and click the "<b>Scan templates</b>" button. pLog will scan the folder and will automatically add any new template it can find.';
+$messages['scan_templates'] = 'Scan Templates';
+// site users
+$messages['user_status_active'] = 'Active';
+$messages['user_status_disabled'] = 'Disabled';
+$messages['user_status_all'] = 'All';
+$messages['user_status_unconfirmed'] = 'Unconfirmed';
+$messages['error_invalid_user2'] = 'User with identifier "%s" does not exist';
+$messages['error_deleting_user'] = 'There was an error disabling user "%s"';
+$messages['user_deleted_ok'] = 'User "%s" disabled successfully';
+$messages['users_deleted_ok'] = '%s users disabled successfully';
+// create user
+$messages['user_added_ok'] = 'User "%s" added successfully';
+$messages['error_incorrect_username'] = 'The username is not correct or it is already in use';
+$messages['user_status_help'] = 'Current status for this user';
+$messages['user_blog_help'] = 'Blog to which this user will be initially assigned';
+$messages['none'] = 'None';
+// edit user
+$messages['error_invalid_user'] = 'The user identifier is not correct or the user does not exist';
+$messages['error_updating_user'] = 'There was an error updating the user settings. Please check the data and try again';
+$messages['blogs'] = 'Blogs';
+$messages['user_blogs_helps'] = 'Blogs which this user currently owns or where this user has access';
+$messages['site_admin'] = 'Administrator';
+$messages['site_admin_help'] = 'Whether this user has administrator privileges and is allowed to see the "Administration" area and perform administrative tasks';
+$messages['user_updated_ok'] = 'User "%s" updated successfully';
+// site blogs
+$messages['blog_status_all'] = 'All';
+$messages['blog_status_active'] = 'Active';
+$messages['blog_status_disabled'] = 'Disabled';
+$messages['blog_status_unconfirmed'] = 'Unconfirmed';
+$messages['owner'] = 'Owner';
+$messages['quota'] = 'Quota';
+$messages['bytes'] = 'bytes';
+$messages['error_no_blogs_selected'] = 'No blogs were selected to disable';
+$messages['error_blog_is_default_blog'] = 'Blog "%s" cannot be deleted because it is set as the default blog';
+$messages['blog_deleted_ok'] = 'Blog "%s" disabled successfully';
+$messages['blogs_deleted_ok'] = '%s blogs deleted successfully';
+$messages['error_deleting_blog'] = 'There was an error disabling blog "%s"';
+$messages['error_deleting_blog2'] = 'There was an error disabling blog with identifier "%s"';
+// create blog
+$messages['error_adding_blog'] = 'There was an error adding the blog. Please check the data and try again';
+$messages['blog_added_ok'] = 'Blog "%s" successfully added';
+// edit blog
+$messages['blog_status_help'] = 'Blog status';
+$messages['blog_owner_help'] = 'User who will be set as the owner, with full control on the blog settings';
+$messages['users'] = 'Users';
+$messages['blog_quota_help'] = 'Resource quota in bytes. Set as 0 for unlimited or leave empty to make the blog use the global quota';
+$messages['blog_users_help'] = 'Users who have access to this blog. Select a user from the left and move it to the right list in order to give this user access in this blog';
+$messages['edit_blog_settings_updated_ok'] = 'Blog "%s" updated successfully';
+$messages['error_updating_blog_settings'] = 'There was an error updating blog "%s"';
+$messages['error_incorrect_blog_owner'] = 'The user selected as blog owner is not correct';
+$messages['error_fetching_blog'] = 'There was an error fetching the blog';
+$messages['error_updating_blog_settings2'] = 'There was an error updating the blog. Please check the data and try again';
+$messages['add_or_remove'] = 'Add or remove users';
+// site locales
+$messages['locale'] = 'Locale';
+$messages['locale_encoding'] = 'Encoding';
+$messages['locale_deleted_ok'] = 'Locale "%s" deleted successfully';
+$messages['error_no_locales_selected'] = 'There were no locales selected to remove';
+$messages['error_deleting_only_locale'] = 'The locale cannot be deleted because is is the only one left in the system';
+$messages['locales_deleted_ok']= '%s locales deleted successfully';
+$messages['error_deleting_locale'] = 'There was an error deleting locale "%s"';
+$messages['error_locale_is_default'] = 'Locale "%s" cannot be deleted because it is the default locale for new blogs';
+// add locale
+$messages['error_invalid_locale_file'] = 'The locale file is not valid';
+$messages['error_no_new_locales_found'] = 'No new locale files were found';
+$messages['locale_added_ok'] = 'Locale "%s" added successfully';
+$messages['error_saving_locale'] = 'There was an error saving the new locale';
+$messages['scan_locales'] = 'Scan Locales';
+$messages['add_locale_help'] = 'Use this form to upload a new locale file. If it is not possible to upload files using this form, upload the locale file manually and place it in <b>./locales/</b>, which is the folder where locale files are stored and click the "<b>Scan Locales</b>" button. pLog will scan the folder and will automatically add any new locale file can find.';
+// site templates
+$messages['error_template_is_default'] = 'Template "%s" cannot be deleted because it is the default one for new blogs';
+// add template
+$messages['global_template_package_help'] = 'Use this form to upload a new template set, which will be available to all blogs in the site. If it is not possible to upload a template package using this form, upload the template set manually and place it in <b>%s</b>, which is the folder where globally available templates are stored and click the "<b>Scan templates</b>" button. pLog will scan the folder and will automatically add any new template it can find.';
+// global settings
+$messages['site_config_saved_ok'] = 'Site settings saved successfully';
+$messages['error_saving_site_config'] = 'There was an error saving the site settings';
+/// general settings
+$messages['help_comments_enabled'] = 'Enable or disable comments for new blogs by default';
+$messages['help_beautify_comments_text'] = 'If this is enabled, comments posted by users will be formatted by adding paragraphs and auto-linking all URLs';
+$messages['help_temp_folder'] = 'Folder that pLog can use to write its temporary data such as compiled templates, etc. Use a folder outside the web server tree for incresed security';
+$messages['help_base_url'] = 'Base URL where this blog is installed';
+$messages['help_subdomains_enabled'] = 'Enable or disable subdomains. Please see the documentation for more information regarding subdomains';
+$messages['help_subdomains_base_url'] = 'When subdomains are enabled, this base URL is used instead of base_url. Use {blogname} to get the blog name and {username} to get the name of the user owner of the blog in order to generate a link to a blog. (i.e. http://{blogname}.yourdomain.com})';
+$messages['help_include_blog_id_in_url'] = 'Meaningful only when subdomains are enabled and "normal" URLs are enabled, forces internally-generated URLs not to have the "blogId" parameter. Do not change unless you know what you are doing';
+$messages['help_script_name'] = 'Set this if you need to rename index.php to something else';
+$messages['help_show_posts_max'] = 'Maximum number of posts shown in the main page. Only meaningful for new blogs';
+$messages['help_recent_posts_max'] = 'Maximum number of recent posts shown in the main page. Only meaningful for new blogs';
+$messages['help_save_drafts_via_xmlhttprequest_enabled'] = 'Whether the feature that allows to save drafts via Javascript and the XmlHttpRequest is enabled';
+$messages['help_locale_folder'] = 'Folder where the locale files are stored';
+$messages['help_default_locale'] = 'Default language settings for new blogs';
+$messages['help_default_blog_id'] = 'Default blog that will be shown if no other is specified';
+$messages['help_default_time_offset'] = 'Default time offset for new blogs';
+$messages['help_html_allowed_tags_in_comments'] = 'Space-separated list of the HTML tags that are allowed in comments';
+$messages['help_referer_tracker_enabled'] = 'Enable or disable the feature to save referrers to the database. Set to disabled for higher performance';
+$messages['help_show_more_enabled'] = 'Enable or disable the "more..." feature by default for new blogs';
+$messages['help_update_article_reads'] = 'Enable or disable the update of the counter of times that an article has been read is updated or not. Set to disabled for higher performance';
+$messages['help_update_cached_article_reads'] = 'Enable or disable the update of the counter of times that an article has been read is updated, even when caching has been turned on';
+$messages['help_xmlrpc_ping_enabled'] = 'Enable or disable sending XMLRPC pings to sites that support this feature';
+$messages['help_send_xmlrpc_pings_enabled_by_default'] = 'Enable or disable by default this feature when posting or updating an article';
+$messages['help_xmlrpc_ping_hosts'] = 'URL pointing to the XMLRPC interface of sites that support the XMLRPC ping specifictaion. Put each URL in one new line';
+$messages['help_trackback_server_enabled'] = 'Enable or disable the feature to receive incoming trackbacks';
+$messages['help_htmlarea_enabled'] = 'Enable or disable the WYSIWYG post editor by default in new blogs';
+$messages['help_plugin_manager_enabled'] = 'Enable or disable plugins';
+$messages['help_minimum_password_length'] = 'Minimun length for passwords';
+$messages['help_xhtml_converter_enabled'] = 'If enabled, pLog will try to convert all HTML code into proper XHTML code';
+$messages['help_xhtml_converter_aggressive_mode_enabled'] = 'If enabled, pLog will try even harder to generate XHTML out of HTML code, but it will be more prone to errors';
+$messages['help_session_save_path'] = 'Please use this setting to change the folder where pLog stores its session data, via the PHP function session_save_path() Please make sure that the folder is writable by the web server. Leave empty to use PHP\'s default session folder';
+// summary settings
+$messages['help_summary_page_show_max'] = 'Number of items that will be shown in the summary page. This setting control all lists in the summary page (recent articles, most active blogs, etc)';
+$messages['help_summary_blogs_per_page'] = 'Number of blogs per page in the "Blogs List" section';
+$messages['help_forbidden_usernames'] = 'List of usernames that are not allowed to be registered';
+$messages['help_force_one_blog_per_email_account'] = 'Restrict to only one blog per email account';
+$messages['help_summary_show_agreement'] = 'Show and an agreement text and make users accept it before proceeding to the registration process';
+$messages['help_need_email_confirm_registration'] = 'Force users to confirm their registration by clicking a link embedded in an email sent to their account';
+$messages['help_summary_disable_registration'] = 'Whether users are allowed to register new blogs in this site';
+// templates
+$messages['help_template_folder'] = 'Folder where templates are stored';
+$messages['help_default_template'] = 'Default template for new blogs';
+$messages['help_users_can_add_templates'] = 'Allow users to upload their own custom templates';
+$messages['help_template_compile_check'] = 'If disabled, Smarty will check every time if template files have changed and if so, use the new version. Set this to disabled for higher performance';
+$messages['help_template_cache_enabled'] = 'Enable the template cache. If enabled, the cached version of a page will be used whenever possible. No data will need to be fetched from the database and templates will not need to be recompiled';
+$messages['help_template_cache_lifetime'] = 'Lifetime in seconds of the cache. Set to -1 to force the cache to never expire. If set to 0, the cache will be disabled but it is recommended to set template_cache_enabled to "No" in order to disable the cache';
+$messages['help_template_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Enable support for HTTP conditional requests. If enabled, pLog will take the "If-Modified-Since" HTTP header into account and send only content if strictly needed. Enable this to save bandwidth';
+$messages['help_allow_php_code_in_templates'] = 'Allows to embed native PHP code in Smarty templates inside {php}...{/php} blocks';
+// urls
+$messages['help_request_format_mode'] = 'Select one of the available URL format. If using custom URLs, make sure to configure the settings below';
+$messages['plain'] = 'Plain';
+$messages['search_engine_friendly'] = 'Search engine friendly';
+$messages['custom_url_format'] = 'Custom URLs';
+$messages['help_permalink_format'] = 'Format for permalinks when using custom URLs';
+$messages['help_category_link_format'] = 'Format for links to categories when using custom URLs';
+$messages['help_blog_link_format'] = 'Format for links to blogs when using custom URLs';
+$messages['help_archive_link_format'] = 'Format for links to archives when using custom URLs';
+$messages['help_user_posts_link_format'] = 'Format for articles posted by a certain user when using custom URLs';
+$messages['help_post_trackbacks_link_format'] = 'Format for links to the trackbacks page when using custom URLs';
+$messages['help_template_link_format'] = 'Format for links to custom static template pages when using custom URLs';
+$messages['help_album_link_format'] = 'Format for links to resource albums when using custom URLs';
+$messages['help_resource_link_format'] = 'Format for links to resource pages with files when using custom URLs';
+$messages['help_resource_preview_link_format'] = 'Format for links to resource previews when using custom URLs';
+$messages['help_resource_medium_size_preview_link_format'] = 'Format for links to medium-sized resource previews when using custom URLs';
+$messages['help_resource_download_link_format'] = 'Format for links to files when using custom URLs';
+// email
+$messages['help_check_email_address_validity'] = 'When checking email addresses, perform some basic checks to see whether an MX record exists in the given domain and if so, if the email address is actually a valid mailbox';
+$messages['help_email_service_enabled'] = 'Enable or disable sending out emails';
+$messages['help_post_notification_source_address'] = 'Email address that will appear in the "From:" field when sending emails from pLog';
+$messages['help_email_service_type'] = 'Which system to use in order to send emails';
+$messages['help_smtp_host'] = 'If using SMTP as the email sending system, set this to the SMTP server that will be used to send out the messages';
+$messages['help_smtp_port'] = 'If the SMTP server is running in a port other than 25, configure this value';
+$messages['help_smtp_use_authentication'] = 'Enable this if the SMTP server requires basic authentication';
+$messages['help_smtp_username'] = 'If the SMTP server requires authentication, set this to the right username';
+$messages['help_smtp_password'] = 'If the SMTP server requires authentication, set this to the password of the username above';
+// helpers
+$messages['help_path_to_tar'] = 'Path to the "tar" tool, needed to unpack template sets in .tar.gz or tar.bz2 formats';
+$messages['help_path_to_gzip'] = 'Path to the "gzip" tool, needed to unpack template sets in .tar.gz format';
+$messages['help_path_to_bz2'] = 'Path to the "bzip2" tool, needed to unpack template sets in .tar.bz2 format';
+$messages['help_path_to_unzip'] = 'Path to the "unzip" tool, needed to unpack template sets in .zip format';
+$messages['help_unzip_use_native_version'] = 'Use a bundled PHP native version to unpack .zip files';
+// uploads
+$messages['help_uploads_enabled'] = 'Whether users are allowed to upload files. This affects the resources section and the upload of custom templates and locales';
+$messages['help_maximum_file_upload_size'] = 'Maximum file size allowed in bytes. This limit will never be higher than PHP\'s own limit';
+$messages['help_upload_forbidden_files'] = 'Space-separated list of file types not allowed to be uploaded. Usage of \'*\' and \'?\' is allowed';
+// interfaces
+$messages['help_xmlrpc_api_enabled'] = 'Enable or disable access via XMLRPC to blogs';
+$messages['help_rdf_enabled'] = 'Enable the syndication of contents via Atom or RSS';
+$messages['help_default_rss_profile'] = 'Default version of RSS or Atom used to syndicate contents unless otherwise specified';
+// security
+$messages['security_pipeline_enabled'] = 'Enable or disable the security pipeline and all related filters. This also affects plugins that register new filters';
+$messages['help_ip_address_filter_enabled'] = 'Enable or disable the IP address filter. The security pipeline also needs to be enabled in order for this feature to work';
+$messages['help_content_filter_enabled'] = 'Enable or disable the regular expression-based content filter. The security pipeline also needs to be enabled in order for this feature to work';
+$messages['help_maximum_comment_size'] = 'Maximum size in bytes that a comment can have';
+// bayesian filter
+$messages['help_bayesian_filter_enabled'] = 'Enable or disable the Bayesian filter for improved automatic spam filterting';
+$messages['help_bayesian_filter_spam_probability_treshold'] = 'Maximum threshold before which a comment can be considered spam';
+$messages['help_bayesian_filter_nonspam_probability_treshold'] = 'Minimum threshold after which a post can be considered non-spam';
+$messages['help_bayesian_filter_min_length_token'] = 'Minimum length of a token in order for it to be considered meaningful for the Bayesian filter';
+$messages['help_bayesian_filter_max_length_token'] = 'Maximum length of a token in order for it to be considered meaningful for the Bayesian filter';
+$messages['help_bayesian_filter_number_significant_tokens'] = 'Number of significant tokens';
+$messages['help_bayesian_filter_spam_comments_action'] = 'What to do with comments that are considered spam. Set to "Throw away" only when your filter has been properly trained';
+$messages['keep_spam_comments'] = 'Keep in the database marked as "Spam"';
+$messages['throw_away_spam_comments'] = 'Throw them away (do not save them)';
+// resources
+$messages['help_resources_enabled'] = 'Enable or disable resources';
+$messages['help_resources_folder'] = 'Folder where resource files will be kept. Set outside the web server tree for increased security';
+$messages['help_thumbnail_method'] = 'Method used to generate thumbnails. If using PHP, support for GD is required';
+$messages['help_path_to_convert'] = 'Path to the "convert" tool from the ImageMagick package. Mandatory if the thumbnail method is "ImageMagick"';
+$messages['help_thumbnail_format'] = 'Format in which thumbnails are saved';
+$messages['help_thumbnail_height'] = 'Default height for small thumbnails';
+$messages['help_thumbnail_width'] = 'Default width for small thumbnails';
+$messages['help_medium_size_thumbnail_height'] = 'Default height for medium thumbnails';
+$messages['help_medium_size_thumbnail_width'] = 'Default width for medium thumbnails';
+$messages['help_thumbnails_keep_aspect_ratio'] = 'Keep the aspect ratio when generating thumbnails. Might generate thumbnails bigger than the sizes specified above but quality is better';
+$messages['help_thumbnail_generator_force_use_gd1'] = 'Force pLog to use GD1-only functions';
+$messages['help_thumbnail_generator_user_smoothing_algorithm'] = 'Algorithm used to smooth thumbnails. Only used when the thumbnail method is GD';
+$messages['help_resources_quota'] = 'Global resource quota for blogs in bytes (i.e. 5242880 Bytes = 5MB)';
+$messages['help_resource_server_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Enable support for the "If-Modified-Since" header and HTTP conditional requests. Enable for increased bandwidth savings';
+$messages['help_resource_server_http_cache_lifetime'] = 'Time in microseconds that clients should use the cached version of resources';
+// search
+$messages['help_search_engine_enabled'] = 'Enable or disable the search engine';
+$messages['help_search_in_custom_fields'] = 'Search also in custom fields';
+$messages['help_search_in_comments'] = 'Search also in comments';
+// cleanup
+$messages['purge'] = 'Purge';
+$messages['cleanup_spam'] = 'Purge Spam';
+$messages['cleanup_spam_help'] = 'This will remove all comments that have been marked as spam by users. It will not be possible to recover them once they have been removed';
+$messages['spam_comments_purged_ok'] = 'Spam comments purged successfully';
+$messages['cleanup_posts'] = 'Purge Posts';
+$messages['cleanup_posts_help'] = 'This will remove all posts that have been deleted by users (marked as "Deleted") It will not be possible to recover them once they have been removed';
+$messages['posts_purged_ok'] = 'Posts purged successfully';
+/// summary ///
+// front page
+$messages['summary'] = 'Summary';
+$messages['register'] = 'Register';
+$messages['summary_welcome'] = 'Welcome!';
+$messages['summary_most_active_blogs'] = 'Most Active Blogs';
+$messages['summary_most_commented_articles'] = 'Most Commented Articles';
+$messages['summary_most_read_articles'] = 'Most Read articles';
+$messages['password_forgotten'] = 'Forgot your password?';
+$messages['summary_newest_blogs'] = 'Newest Blogs';
+$messages['summary_latest_posts'] = 'Latest Posts';
+$messages['summary_search_blogs'] = 'Search Blogs';
+// blog list
+$messages['updated'] = 'Updated';
+$messages['total_reads'] = 'tota';
+// blog profile
+$messages['blog'] = 'Blog';
+$messages['latest_posts'] = 'Latest posts';
+// registration
+$messages['register_step0_title'] = 'Service terms acceptance';
+$messages['decline'] = 'Decline';
+$messages['accept'] = 'Accept';
+$messages['read_service_agreement'] = 'Please read the terms of this service and click the "Accept" button if you agree';
+$messages['register_step1_title'] = 'Create a user [1/4]';
+$messages['register_step1_help'] = 'First you need to create a new user in order to get a blog. This user will be the owner of the blog and will have access to all its functionalities';
+$messages['register_next'] = 'Next';
+$messages['register_back'] = 'Back';
+$messages['register_step2_title'] = 'Create a blog [2/4]';
+$messages['register_blog_name_help'] = 'Name for your new blog';
+$messages['register_step3_title'] = 'Choose a Template [3/4]';
+$messages['step1'] = 'Step 1';
+$messages['step2'] = 'Step 2';
+$messages['step3'] = 'Step 3';
+$messages['register_step3_help'] = 'Please select one of the available templates as the default one for your blog. If you do not like it later on, it can always be changed';
+$messages['error_must_choose_template'] = 'Please select one template';
+$messages['select_template'] = 'Select template';
+$messages['register_step5_title'] = 'Congratulations! [4/4]';
+$messages['finish'] = 'Finish';
+$messages['register_need_confirmation'] = 'An email message including the confirmation has been sent to your email address, please click the link as soon as you receive the message to start blogging!';
+$messages['register_step5_help'] = 'Congratulations, your new user and blog have been successfully created!';
+$messages['register_blog_link'] = 'If you would like to take a look at your new blog, you can go there now: <a href="%2$s">%1$s</a>';
+$messages['register_blog_admin_link'] = 'If you prefer to start posting right away, please click to go to the <a href="admin.php">administration interface</a>';
+$messages['register_error'] = 'There was an error during the process';
+$messages['error_registration_disabled'] = 'Sorry, registration of new blogs in this site has been disabled';
+// registration article topic and text
+$messages['register_default_article_topic'] = 'Congratulations!';
+$messages['register_default_article_text'] = 'If you can read this post, it means that the registration process was successful and that you can start blogging';
+$messages['register_default_category'] = 'General';
+// confirmation email
+$messages['register_confirmation_email_text'] = 'Please click the link below in order to activate your blog:
+Have a nice day';
+$messages['error_invalid_activation_code'] = 'Sorry, the confirmation code is not valid';
+$messages['blog_activated_ok'] = 'Congratulations, your new user and blog have been successfully validated!';
+// forgot your password?
+$messages['reset_password'] = 'Reset your password';
+$messages['reset_password_username_help'] = 'Name of the user whose password you would like to reset';
+$messages['reset_password_email_help'] = 'Email address which was used to register this user';
+$messages['reset_password_help'] = 'Use this form to reset the password of your user, should you not remember it. Please type the name of the user whose password you would like to reset, as well as the email address that was used to register this user';
+$messages['error_resetting_password'] = 'There was an error resetting the password. Please check the data and try again';
+$messages['reset_password_error_incorrect_email_address'] = 'The email address is not correct or it is not the email address used to register this user';
+$messages['password_reset_message_sent_ok'] = 'An email message with a link has been sent to your email address. Please click the link in order to reset your password';
+$messages['error_incorrect_request'] = 'The parameters in the URL are not correct';
+$messages['change_password'] = 'Set new password';
+$messages['change_password_help'] = 'Please type and confirm your new password';
+$messages['new_password'] = 'New password';
+$messages['new_password_help'] = 'Type here your new password';
+$messages['password_updated_ok'] = 'Your password has been successfully updated';
+// Suggested by BCSE, some useful messages that not available in official locale
+$messages['upgrade_information'] = 'This page looks plain and unstyled because you\'re using a non-standard compliant browser. To see it in its best form, please <a href="http://www.webstandards.org/upgrade/" title="The Web Standards Project\'s Browser Upgrade initiative">upgrade</a> to a browser that supports web standards. It\'s free and painless.';
+$messages['jump_to_navigation'] = 'Jump to Navigation.';
+$messages['comment_email_never_display'] = 'Line and paragraph breaks automatic, e-mail address never displayed.';
+$messages['comment_html_allowed'] = '<acronym title="Hypertext Markup Language">HTML</acronym> allowed: &lt;<acronym title="Hyperlink">a</acronym> href=&quot;&quot; title=&quot;&quot; rel=&quot;&quot;&gt; &lt;<acronym title="Acronym Description">acronym</acronym> title=&quot;&quot;&gt; &lt;<acronym title="Quote">blockquote</acronym> cite=&quot;&quot;&gt; &lt;<acronym title="Strike">del</acronym>&gt; &lt;<acronym title="Italic">em</acronym>&gt; &lt;<acronym title="Underline">ins</acronym>&gt; &lt;<acronym title="Bold">strong</acronym>&gt;';
+$messages['trackback_uri'] = 'The <acronym title="Uniform Resource Identifier">URI</acronym> to trackback this entry is: ';
+$messages['previous_post'] = 'Previous';
+$messages['next_post'] = 'Next';
+$messages['comment_default_title'] = '(Untitled)';
+$messages['guestbook'] = 'Guestbook';
+$messages['trackbacks'] = 'Trackbacks';
+$messages['menu'] = 'Menu';
+$messages['albums'] = 'Albums';
\ No newline at end of file

Added: plog/trunk/locale/locale_fr_FR.php
--- plog/trunk/locale/locale_fr_FR.php	2005-03-06 22:13:57 UTC (rev 1336)
+++ plog/trunk/locale/locale_fr_FR.php	2005-03-06 22:21:38 UTC (rev 1337)
@@ -0,0 +1,892 @@
+// set this to the encoding that should be used to display the pages correctly
+$messages["encoding"] = 'UTF-8';
+$messages["locale_description"] = 'Locale francaise pour pLog';
+// locale format, see Locale::formatDate for more information
+$messages["date_format"] = '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M';
+// days of the week
+$messages["days"] = Array( "Dimanche", "Lundi", "Mardi", "Mercredi", "Jeudi", "Vendredi", "Samedi" );
+// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
+$messages["Monday"] = $messages["days"][1];
+$messages["Tuesday"] = $messages["days"][2];
+$messages["Wednesday"] = $messages["days"][3];
+$messages["Thursday"] = $messages["days"][4];
+$messages["Friday"] = $messages["days"][5];
+$messages["Saturday"] = $messages["days"][6];
+$messages["Sunday"] = $messages["days"][0];
+// abbreviations
+$messages["daysshort"] = Array( "Di", "Lu", "Ma", "Me", "Je", "Ve", "Sa" );
+// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
+$messages["Mo"] = $messages["daysshort"][1];
+$messages["Tu"] = $messages["daysshort"][2];
+$messages["We"] = $messages["daysshort"][3];
+$messages["Th"] = $messages["daysshort"][4];
+$messages["Fr"] = $messages["daysshort"][5];
+$messages["Sa"] = $messages["daysshort"][6];
+$messages["Su"] = $messages["daysshort"][0];
+// months of the year
+$messages["months"] = Array( "Janvier", "Février", "Mars", "Avril", "Mai", "Juin", "Juillet", "Août", "Septembre", "Octobre", "Novembre", "Décembre" );
+// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
+$messages["January"] = $messages["months"][0];
+$messages["February"] = $messages["months"][1];
+$messages["March"] = $messages["months"][2];
+$messages["April"] = $messages["months"][3];
+$messages["May"] = $messages["months"][4];
+$messages["June"] = $messages["months"][5];
+$messages["July"] = $messages["months"][6];
+$messages["August"] = $messages["months"][7];
+$messages["September"] = $messages["months"][8];
+$messages["October"] = $messages["months"][9];
+$messages["November"] = $messages["months"][10];
+$messages["December"] = $messages["months"][11];
+$messages["message"] = "Message";
+$messages["error"] = "Erreur";
+$messages["date"] = "Date";
+// miscellaneous texts
+$messages["of"] = "of";
+$messages["recently"] = "Récemment ...";
+$messages["comments"] = "Commentaires";
+$messages["comment on this"] = "Commenter";
+$messages["my_links"] = "Mes Liens";
+$messages["archives"] = "Archives";
+$messages["search"] = "Recherche";
+$messages["calendar"] = "Calendrier";
+$messages["search_s"] = "Recherches";
+$messages["search_this_blog"] = "Rechercher dans ce Blog:";
+$messages["about_myself"] = "Qui suis-je ?";
+$messages["permalink_title"] = "PermaLink vers Archives";
+$messages["permalink"] = "Permalink";
+$messages["posted_by"] = "Posté par";
+$messages["reply"] = "Répondre";
+// add comment form
+$messages["add_comment"] = "Commenter";
+$messages["comment_topic"] = "Sujet";
+$messages["comment_text"] = "Texte";
+$messages["comment_username"] = "Votre nom";
+$messages["comment_email"] = "Votre adresse eMail (option)";
+$messages["comment_url"] = "Votre page web (option)";
+$messages["comment_send"] = "Envoyer";
+$messages["comment_added"] = "Commentaire ajouté !";
+$messages["comment_add_error"] = "Erreur lors de l'ajout";
+$messages["article_does_not_exist"] = "Entrée inexistante";
+$messages["no_posts_found"] = "Aucunes Entrées trouvées";
+$messages["user_has_no_posts_yet"] = "Ce Membre n'a pas encore d'Entrées";
+$messages["back"] = "Retour";
+$messages["back_top"] = "Retour haut de page";
+$messages["trackbacks_for_article"] = "TrackBacks pour l'Entrée";
+$messages["trackback_excerpt"] = "Extrait";
+$messages["trackback_weblog"] = "Blog";
+$messages["search"] = "Recherche";
+$messages["search_results"] = "Résultats";
+$messages["search_matching_results"] = "Entrées correspondantes: ";
+$messages["search_no_matching_posts"] = "Aucunes Entées";
+$messages["read_more"] = "(Suite)";
+$messages["syndicate"] = "Syndicquer";
+$messages["main"] = "Principal";
+$messages["about"] = "A propos";
+$messages["download"] = "Télécharger";
+////// error messages /////
+$messages["error_fetching_article"] = "Entrée introuvable.";
+$messages["error_fetching_articles"] = "Entrées introuvables.";
+$messages["error_trackback_no_trackback"] = "Aucuns TrackBacks.";
+$messages["error_incorrect_article_id"] = "ID Entrée incorrect.";
+$messages["error_incorrect_blog_id"] = "Blog ID incorrect.";
+$messages["error_comment_without_text"] = "Texte obligatoire.";
+$messages["error_comment_without_name"] = "Nom et surnom obligatoires..";
+$messages["error_adding_comment"] = "Erreur lors de l'ajout du commentaire à la BDD.";
+$messages["error_incorrect_parameter"] = "Paramètre incorrect.";
+$messages["error_parameter_missing"] = "Paramètre manquant.";
+$messages["error_blog_has_no_links"] = "Le Blog n'a pas encore de liens.";
+$messages["error_comments_not_enabled"] = "Commentaires désactivés sur ce site.";
+$messages["error_incorrect_search_terms"] = "Les mots clès ne sont pas valides";
+$messages["error_no_search_results"] = "Recherche infructueuse";
+$messages["error_no_albums_defined"] = "Il n'y a pas d'album valide dans ce Blog";
+/////////////////                                          //////////////////
+///////////////// STRINGS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION INTERFACE //////////////////
+/////////////////                                          //////////////////
+// login page
+$messages["login"] = "Connexion";
+$messages["welcome_message"] = "Bienvenue sur pLog";
+$messages["error_incorrect_username_or_password"] = "Désolé, pseudo ou mot de passe incorrect.";
+$messages["error_dont_belong_to_any_blog"] = " Désolé, vous n'êtes membre d'aucuns Blogs encore";
+$messages["logout_message"] = "Déconnexion réussit.";
+$messages["logout_message_2"] = "<a href=\"admin.php\">Cliquez ici</a>pour vous reconnecter, 
+ou <a href=\"%1\$s\">ici pour aller %2\$s</a>.";
+$messages["error_access_forbidden"] = "Accès interdit, vous devez vous identifier <a href=\"admin.php\">ici</a> avant .";
+$messages["username"] = "Pseudo";
+$messages["password"] = "Mot de passe";
+// dashboard
+$messages["dashboard"] = "Panneau de Configuration";
+// menu options
+$messages["newPost"] = "Nouveau";
+$messages["Manage"] = "Editer";
+$messages["managePosts"] = "Articles";
+$messages["editPosts"] = "Articles";
+$messages["editArticleCategories"] = "Catégories";
+$messages["newArticleCategory"] = "Nouvelle Categorie";
+$messages["manageLinks"] = "Liens";
+$messages["editLinks"] = "Liens";
+$messages["newLink"] = "Nouveau Lien";
+$messages["editLink"] = "Editer un Lien";
+$messages["editLinkCategories"] = "Catégorie de Liens";
+$messages["newLinkCategory"] = "Nouvelle Catégorie de Liens";
+$messages["editLinkCategory"] = "Editer une Catégorie de Liens";
+$messages["manageCustomFields"] = "Champ personnalisés";
+$messages["blogCustomFields"] = "Champs personnalisés";
+$messages["newCustomField"] = "Nouveau Champ personnalisé";
+$messages["resourceCenter"] = "Centrale Ressources";
+$messages["resources"] = "Ressources";
+$messages["newResourceAlbum"] = "Nouvel Album";
+$messages["newResource"] = "Nouvelle Ressource";
+$messages["controlCenter"] = "Réglages";
+$messages["manageSettings"] = "Paramètres";
+$messages["blogSettings"] = "Paramètres du Blog";
+$messages["userSettings"] = "Paramètres du Membre";
+$messages["pluginCenter"] = "Centre des Plugins";
+$messages["Stats"] = "Statistiques";
+$messages["manageBlogUsers"] = "Gerer les Memebres";
+$messages["newBlogUser" ] = "Nouveau Membre";
+$messages["showBlogUsers"] = "Membres";
+$messages["manageBlogTemplates"] = "Templates";
+$messages["newBlogTemplate"] = "Nouveau Template";
+$messages["blogTemplates"] = "Templates";
+$messages["adminSettings"] = "Administration";
+$messages["Users"] = "Membres";
+$messages["createUser"] = "Créer Membre";
+$messages["editSiteUsers"] = "Membres";
+$messages["Blogs"] = "Blogs";
+$messages["createBlog"] = "Créer un Blog";
+$messages["editSiteBlogs"] = "Blogs";
+$messages["Locales"] = "Locales";
+$messages["newLocale"] = "Nouvelle locale";
+$messages["siteLocales"] = "Locales";
+$messages["Templates"] = "Templates";
+$messages["newTemplate"] = "Nouveau Template";
+$messages["siteTemplates"] = "Templates";
+$messages["GlobalSettings"] = "Paramètres";
+$messages["editSiteSettings"] = "Général";
+$messages["summarySettings"] = "Sommaire";
+$messages["templateSettings"] = "Templates";
+$messages["urlSettings"] = "URLs";
+$messages["emailSettings"] = "Email";
+$messages["uploadSettings"] = "Uploads";
+$messages["helpersSettings"] = "External Helpers";
+$messages["interfacesSettings"] = "Interfaces";
+$messages["securitySettings"] = "Securité";
+$messages["bayesianSettings"] = "Filtre Bayesian";
+$messages["resourcesSettings"] = "Ressources";
+$messages["searchSettings"] = "Recherche";
+$messages["cleanUpSection"] = "Nettoyer";
+$messages["cleanUp"] = "Nettoyer";
+$messages["editResourceAlbum"] = "Editer un Album";
+$messages["resourceInfo"] = "Editer une Resource";
+$messages["editBlog"] = "Editer un Blog";
+$messages["hours"] = "heures";
+// new post
+$messages["topic"] = "Sujet";
+$messages["topic_help"] = "Titre de l'article";
+$messages["text"] = "Texte";
+$messages["text_help"] = "Texte de l'article. Cette partie apparaîtra sur la page principale";
+$messages["extended_text"] = "Texte étendu";
+$messages["extended_text_help"] = "Texte étendu de l'article. Cette partie peut optionellement apparaître sur la page des articles ou sur la page principale. Voir les paramètres du Blog pour plus d'information";
+$messages["post_slug"] = "Slug";
+$messages["post_slug_help"] = "Le slug sera utilisé pour généré de beaux liens permanents";
+$messages["date"] = "Date";
+$messages["post_date_help"] = "Date à laquelle l'article a été posté";
+$messages["status"] = "Statut";
+$messages["post_status_help"] = "Selectionner un de ces statuts";
+$messages["post_status_published"] = "Publié";
+$messages["post_status_draft"] = "Ebauche";
+$messages["post_status_deleted"] = "Supprimé";
+$messages["categories"] = "Catégories";
+$messages["post_categories_help"] = "Selectenez une ou plusieurs catégories";
+$messages["post_comments_enabled_help"] = "Commentaires autorisés";
+$messages["send_notification_help"] = "Notification de nouveaux commentaires";
+$messages["send_trackback_pings_help"] = "Envoyer des trackbacks";
+$messages["send_xmlrpc_pings_help"] = "Envoyer des XMLRPC pings";
+$messages["save_draft_and_continue"] = "Sauvegarder l'ébauche";
+$messages["preview"] = "Prévisualiser";
+$messages["add_post"] = "Envoyer!";
+$messages["error_saving_draft"] = "Il y a eu une erreur lors de la saugarde de l'ébauche";
+$messages["draft_saved_ok"] = "Ebauche sauvegardée";
+$messages["error_sending_request"] = "Il y a eu une erreur en envoyant la requête.";
+$messages["error_no_category_selected"] = "Veuillez choisir au moins une catégorie.";
+$messages["error_missing_post_topic"] = "Veuillez taper un titre";
+$messages["error_missing_post_text"] = "Article vide";
+$messages["error_adding_post"] = "Il y a eu une erreur en envoyant l'article.";
+$messages["post_added_not_published"] = "Article correctement ajouté mais pas publié.";
+$messages["post_added_ok"] = "Article correctement ajouté.";
+$messages["send_notifications_ok"] = "Une notification vous sera envoyé par mail à chaque nouveau commentaire ou trackback.";
+// send trackbacks
+$messages["error_sending_trackbacks"] = "Il y a eu une erreur en envoyant les trackbacks suivants";
+$messages["send_trackbacks_help"] = "Veuillez sélectionner les URLs où vous souhaitez envoyer des Trackback Pings. Veuillez vérifier que ces sites supportent les Trackbacks.";
+$messages["send_trackbacks"] = "Envoyer des Trackbacks";
+$messages["ping_selected"] = "Pinguer les sites sélectionnés";
+$messages["trackbacks_sent_ok"] = "Trackbacks correctement envoyés au URLs sélectionnées";
+// posts page
+$messages["show_by"] = "Trier par";
+$messages["category"] = "Categorie";
+$messages["author"] = "Auteur";
+$messages["post_status_all"] = "Tous";
+$messages["author_all"] = "Tous";
+$messages["search_terms"] = "Recherche";
+$messages["show"] = "Montrer";
+$messages["delete"] = "Supprimer";
+$messages["actions"] = "Actions";
+$messages["all"] = "Tous";
+$messages["category_all"] = "Tous";
+$messages["error_incorrect_article_id"] = "Incorrect ID d'article";
+$messages["error_deleting_article"] = "Il y a eu une erreur en supprimant l'article \"%s\"";
+$messages["article_deleted_ok"] = "Article \"%s\" supprimé";
+$messages["articles_deleted_ok"] = "%s articles supprimés";
+$messages["error_deleting_article2"] = "Il y a eu une erreur en supprimant l'article d'ID \"%s\"";
+// edit post page
+$messages["update"] = "Mettre à jour";
+$messages["editPost"] = "Editer l'article";
+$messages["error_fetching_post"] = "Erreur en récupérant l'Entrée.";
+$messages["post_updated_ok"] = "Article \"%s\" mis à jour";
+$messages["error_updating_post"] = "Il y a eu une erreur en mettant à jour l'article";
+$messages["notification_added"] = "Une notification vous sera envoyé par mail à chaque nouveau commentaire ou trackback.";
+$messages["notification_removed"] = "Aucune notification ne vous sera envoyé par mail à chaque nouveau commentaire ou trackback.";
+// post comments
+$messages["url"] = "URL";
+$messages["comment_status_all"] = "Tous";
+$messages["comment_status_spam"] = "Spam";
+$messages["comment_status_nonspam"] = "Pas de Spam";
+$messages["error_fetching_comments"] = "Erreur en récupérant les commentaires.";
+$messages["error_deleting_comments"] = "Erreur en supprimant les commentaires ou il n'y avait pas de commentaires sélectionnés";
+$messages["comment_deleted_ok"] = "Commentaire \"%s\" supprimé";
+$messages["comments_deleted_ok"] = "%s commentaires supprimés";
+$messages["error_deleting_comment"] = "Erreur en supprimant le commentaire \"%s\"";
+$messages["error_deleting_comment2"] = "Erreur en supprimant le commentaire d'ID %s";
+$messages["editComments"] = "Commentaires";
+$messages["mark_as_spam"] = "Marquer comme spam";
+$messages["mark_as_no_spam"] = "Marquer comme non-spam";
+$messages["error_incorrect_comment_id"] = "ID commentaire incorrect.";
+$messages["error_marking_comment_as_spam"] = "Erreur marquage commentaire comme spam.";
+$messages["comment_marked_as_spam_ok"] = "Commentaire bien marqué comme spam.";
+$messages["error_marking_comment_as_nonspam"] = "Erreur marquage commentaire comme non-spam.";
+$messages["comment_marked_as_nonspam_ok"] = "Commentaire bien marqué comme non-spam.";
+// post trackbacks
+$messages["blog"] = "Blog";
+$messages["excerpt"] = "Extrait";
+$messages["error_fetching_trackbacks"] = "Erreur en récupérant les trackbacks";
+$messages["error_deleting_trackbacks"] = "Erreur en supprimant les trackbacks ou il n'y avait pas d'éléments sélentionnés";
+$messages["error_deleting_trackback"] = "Erreur en supprimant le trackback \"%s\"";
+$messages["error_deleting_trackback2"] = "Erreur en supprimant le trackback d'ID \"%s\"";
+$messages["trackback_deleted_ok"] = "Trackback \"%s\" supprimé";
+$messages["trackbacks_deleted_ok"] = "%s trackbacks supprimés";
+$messages["editTrackbacks"] = "Trackbacks";
+// post statistics
+$messages["referrer"] = "Referrer";
+$messages["hits"] = "Hits";
+$messages["error_no_items_selected"] = "Aucun élément sélectionné pour être supprimé";
+$messages["error_deleting_referrer"] = "Erreur en supprimant le referrer \"%s\"";
+$messages["error_deleting_referrer2"] = "Erreur en supprimant le referrer d'ID \"%s\"";
+$messages["referrer_deleted_ok"] = "Referrer \"%s\" supprimé";
+$messages["referrers_deleted_ok"] = "%s referrers supprimés";
+// categories
+$messages["posts"] = "Article";
+$messages["show_in_main_page"] = "Montrer sur la page principale";
+$messages["error_incorrect_category_id"] = "L'ID de la catégorie n'est pas correct ou aucun élément sélectionné";
+$messages["error_category_has_articles"] = "La categorie \"%s\" est utilisée par plusieurs articles. Editez les articles d'abord.";
+$messages["category_deleted_ok"] = "Categorie \"%s\" supprimée";
+$messages["categories_deleted_ok"] = "%s categories supprimées";
+$messages["error_deleting_category"] = "Erreur en supprimant la catégorie \"%s\"";
+$messages["error_deleting_category2"] = "Erreur en supprimant la catégorie d'ID \"%s\"";
+$messages["yes"] = "Oui";
+$messages["no"] = "Non";
+// new category
+$messages["name"] = "Nom";
+$messages["category_name_help"] = "Nom qui représantera la catégorie";
+$messages["description"] = "Description";
+$messages["category_description_help"] = "Longue description pour cette catégorie";
+$messages["show_in_main_page_help"] = "Montrer les articles dans la page principale ou seulement quand cette categorie particulière est passée en revue ";
+$messages["error_empty_name"] = "Vous devez choisir un nom";
+$messages["error_empty_description"] = "Vous devez entrer une description";
+$messages["error_adding_article_category"] = "Erreur en ajoutant la catégorie. Verifiez les données entrées";
+$messages["category_added_ok"] = "Categorie \"%s\" correctement ajoutée au blog";
+$messages["add"] = "Ajouter";
+$messages["reset"] = "Effacer";
+// update category
+$messages["error_updating_article_category"] = "Erreur en mettant à jour la catégorie de l'article.";
+$messages["error_fetching_category"] = "Erreur en récupérant la catégorie.";
+$messages["article_category_updated_ok"] = "Categorie \"%s\" correctement mise à jour";
+// links
+$messages["feed"] = "Flux";
+$messages["error_no_links_selected"] = "L'ID du lien est incorrect ou aucun élément sélectionné pour être supprimé";
+$messages["error_incorrect_link_id"] = "L'ID du lien est incorrect";
+$messages["error_removing_link"] = "Erreur en supprimant le lien \"%s\"";
+$messages["error_removing_link2"] = "Erreur en supprimant le lien d'ID \"%s\"";
+$messages["link_deleted_ok"] = "Lien \"%s\" supprimé";
+$messages["links_deleted_ok"] = "%s liens supprimés";
+// new link
+$messages["link_name_help"] = "Nom donné à ce lien";
+$messages["link_url_help"] = "Adresse vers laquelle ce lien pointe";
+$messages["link_description_help"] = "Brève description du lien";
+$messages["link_feed_help"] = "Un lien vers un flux RSS or Atom peut être ajouté";
+$messages["link_category_help"] = "Choisissez une catégorie de lien valide";
+$messages["error_adding_link"] = "Erreur en ajoutant le lien. Vérifiez les données entrées et recommencez.";
+$messages["error_invalid_url"] = "Adresse incorrecte";
+$messages["link_added_ok"] = "Lien \"%s\" ajouté";
+// update link
+$messages["error_updating_link"] = "Erreur en mettant à jour le lien. Vérifiez les données entrées et recommencez";
+$messages["error_fetching_link"] = "Erreur en récupérant le lien";
+$messages["link_updated_ok"] = "Lien \"%s\" mis à jour";
+// link categories
+$messages["links"] = "Liens";
+$messages["error_invalid_link_category_id"] = "Catégorie de lien incorrecte ou aucune catégorie de lien sélectionnée.";
+$messages["error_links_in_link_category"] = "Catégorie \"%s\" ne peut être supprimer parce qu'elle contient des liens.";
+$messages["error_removing_link_category"] = "Erreur suppression catégorie \"%s\".";
+$messages["link_category_deleted_ok"] = "Catégorie \"%s\" bien supprimée.";
+$messages["link_categories_deleted_ok"] = "%s catégories supprimées.";
+$messages["error_removing_link_category2"] = "Erreur suppression catégorie ID = %d";
+// new link category
+$messages["link_category_name_help"] = "Nom donné à cette catégorie de lien";
+$messages["error_adding_link_category"] = "Erreur en ajoutant la nouvelle catégorie";
+$messages["link_category_added_ok"] = "Catégorie \"%s\" bien ajoutée.";
+// edit link category
+$messages["error_updating_link_category"] = "Erreur en mettant à jour la catégorie de liens. Vérifiez les données entrées et recommencez";
+$messages["link_category_updated_ok"] = "Catégorie de liens \"%s\" bien mise à jour.";
+$messages["error_fetching_link_category"] = "Erreur en récupérant la catégorie de liens.";
+// custom fields
+$messages["type"] = "Type";
+$messages["hidden"] = "Caché";
+$messages["fields_deleted_ok"] = "%s champs personnalisés supprimés";
+$messages["field_deleted_ok"] = "Champ personnalisé \"%s\" supprimé";
+$messages["error_deleting_field"] = "Erreur en suprimant le champ \"%s\"";
+$messages["error_deleting_field2"] = "Erreur en suprimant le champ d'ID \"%s\"";
+$messages["error_incorrect_field_id"] = "ID du champ non valide.";
+// new custom field
+$messages["field_name_help"] = "Nom faisant référence à la valeur du champ dans l'article";
+$messages["field_description_help"] = "Courte description du champ.";
+$messages["field_type_help"] = "Selectionnez un type de champ";
+$messages["field_hidden_help"] = "Si ce champ est caché, il ne sera pas visible lors de l'ajout ou de l'édition d'un article. Fonction principalement utilisée par les plugins";
+$messages["error_adding_custom_field"] = "Erreur en ajoutant un champ. Vérifiez les données entrées et recommencez";
+$messages["custom_field_added_ok"] = "Champ personnalisé \"%s\" ajouté";
+$messages["text_field"] = "Champ de text";
+$messages["text_area"] = "Boite de texte";
+$messages["checkbox"] = "Cases à cocher";
+$messages["date_field"] = "Champs de date";
+// edit custom field
+$messages["error_fetching_custom_field"] = "Erreur en récupérant le champ";
+$messages["error_updating_custom_field"] = "Erreur en mettant à jour le champ. Vérifiez les données entrées et recommencez";
+$messages["custom_field_updated_ok"] = "Champ personnalisé \"%s\" mis à jour";
+// resources
+$messages["root_album"] = "Album racine";
+$messages["num_resources"] = "Nombre de ressources";
+$messages["total_size"] = "Taille totale";
+$messages["album"] = "Album";
+$messages["error_incorrect_album_id"] = "ID de l'album invalide";
+$messages["error_base_storage_folder_missing_or_unreadable"] = "It was not possible for pLog to create the necessary folders where resources are going to be installed. This might be due to several reasons, such as your PHP installation running with safe mode enabled or your user not having enough permissions to do so. You may still try to carry out the operation manually, by creating the following folders: <br/><br/>%s<br/><br/>If these folders already exist please make sure that they can be read and written by the user running the web server.";
+$messages["items_deleted_ok"] = "%s éléments supprimés";
+$messages["error_album_has_children"] = "L'album \"%s\" a un enfant. Veuillez d'abord éditer les albums enfants";
+$messages["item_deleted_ok"] = "Elément \"%s\" supprimé";
+$messages["error_deleting_album"] = "Erreur en supprimant l'album \"%s\"";
+$messages["error_deleting_album2"] = "Erreur en supprimant l'album d'ID \"%s\"";
+$messages["error_deleting_resource"] = "Erreur en supprimant la ressource \"%s\"";
+$messages["error_deleting_resource2"] = "Erreur en supprimant la ressource d'ID \"%s\"";
+$messages["error_no_resources_selected"] = "Aucun élément sélectionné pour être supprimé";
+$messages["resource_deleted_ok"] = "Ressource \"%s\" supprimée";
+$messages["album_deleted_ok"] = "Album \"%s\" supprimé";
+$messages["add_resource"] = "Ajouter la ressource";
+$messages["add_resource_preview"] = "Ajouter l'aperçu";
+$messages["add_album"] = "Ajouter l'album";
+// new album
+$messages["album_name_help"] = "Nom court du nouvel album";
+$messages["parent"] = "Parent";
+$messages["no_parent"] = "Pas de parent";
+$messages["parent_album_help"] = "Utilisez ceci pour imbriquer des albums les uns dans les autres afin de mieux organiser vos fichiers";
+$messages["album_description_help"] = "Longue description du contenu de l'album";
+$messages["error_adding_album"] = "Erreur en ajoutant le nouvel album. Vérifiez les données entrées et recommencez";
+$messages["album_added_ok"] = "Album \"%s\" ajouté";
+// edit album
+$messages["error_incorrect_album_id"] = "Id de l'album incorrect.";
+$messages["error_fetching_album"] = "Erreur en récupérant l'album.";
+$messages["error_updating_album"] = "Erreur en mettant l'album à jour. Vérifiez les données entrées et recommencez";
+$messages["album_updated_ok"] = "Album \"%s\" mis à jour";
+$messages["show_album_help"] = "Si c'est disactivé, cet album ne sera pas visibke dans la liste des album disponible sur ce Blog";
+// new resource
+$messages["file"] = "Fichier";
+$messages["resource_file_help"] = "Fichier qui sera ajouté au blog. Utilisez le lien \"Ajouter\" pour ajouter plusieurs fichiers en même temps.";
+$messages["add_field"] = "Ajouter";
+$messages["resource_description_help"] = "Longue description du fichier";
+$messages["resource_album_help"] = "Sélectionnez l'album auquel le fichier sera ajouté";
+$messages["error_no_resource_uploaded"] = "Aucun fichier sélectionné pour être ajouté";
+$messages["resource_added_ok"] = "Ressource \"%s\" ajoutée";
+$messages["error_resource_forbidden_extension"] = "Type de fichier interdit";
+$messages["error_resource_too_big"] = "Fichier trop gros";
+$messages["error_uploads_disabled"] = "Uploads désactivés";
+$messages["error_quota_exceeded"] = "Quota dépassé";
+$messages["error_adding_resource"] = "Erreur en ajoutant le fichier";
+// edit resource
+$messages["editResource"] = "Editer la Ressource";
+$messages["resource_information_help"] = "Quelques information à propos du fichier";
+$messages["information"] = "Information";
+$messages["size"] = "Taille";
+$messages["format"] = "Format";
+$messages["dimensions"] = "Dimensions";
+$messages["bits_per_sample"] = "Bits par échantillon";
+$messages["sample_rate"] = "Taux de l'échantillon";
+$messages["number_of_channels"] = "Nombre de canaux";
+$messages["legnth"] = "Longueur";
+$messages["thumbnail_format"] = "Taille de l'aperçu";
+$messages["regenerate_preview"] = "Regénérer l'arpeçu";
+$messages["error_fetching_resource"] = "Erreur en récupérant la ressource";
+$messages["error_updating_resource"] = "Erreur en mettant à jour la ressource";
+$messages["resource_updated_ok"] = "Ressource \"%s\" mise à jour";
+// blog settings
+$messages["blog_link"] = "Lien vers le Blog";
+$messages["blog_link_help"] = "PermaLink vers ce Blog";
+$messages["blog_name_help"] = "Titre du blog";
+$messages["blog_description_help"] = "Longue description du contenu de ce Blog";
+$messages["language"] = "Langue";
+$messages["blog_language_help"] = "Langue utilisée pour afficher les textes dans le Blog et dans la partie Administration.";
+$messages["max_main_page_items"] = "Nombre d'éléments sur la page principale";
+$messages["max_main_page_items_help"] = "Nombre d'éléments qui peuvent être affichés à chaque fois sur la page principale de ce Blog.";
+$messages["max_recent_items"] = "Nombre d'éléments recents";
+$messages["max_recent_items_help"] = "Nombre maximum d'articles affichés comment récents sur la page principale.";
+$messages["template"] = "Template";
+$messages["choose"] = "Choisir";
+$messages["blog_template_help"] = "Template qui sera utilisé pour afficher le contenu de ce Blog. Cette liste contient les templates généraux et ceux installés uniquement pour ce Blog";
+$messages["use_read_more"] = 'Utiliser le lien "suite..." dans les articles';
+$messages["use_read_more_help"] = 'Si activé, seulement le texte tapé dans "Text" sera affiché sur la page principale. Et pour afficher le texte tapé dans "Extended text", un lien "suite..." sera ajouté à chaque article.';
+$messages["enable_wysiwyg"] = "Activer l'éditeur visuel pour les articles";
+$messages["enable_wysiwyg_help"] = "Active un éditeur HTML complet pour l'édition des articles. L'éditeur fonctionne seulement si Mozilla 1.3 et ultérieur, IE 5.5 et ultérieur.";
+$messages["enable_comments"] = "Active les commentaires par défaut.";
+$messages["enable_comments_help"] = "Active les commentaires pour tout les articles par défaut. Les commentaires pourront être activés ou désactivé pour un article particulier durant sa création ou son édition.";
+$messages["show_future_posts"] = "Montre les articles futurs dans le calendrier.";
+$messages["show_future_posts_help"] = "Les articles dont la date de publication n'est pas passée pourront apparaître dans le calendrier et donc seront visibles par les visiteurs.";
+$messages["comments_order"] = "Ordre des commentaires";
+$messages["comments_order_help"] = "Ordre dans lequel les commentaires apparaîtront dans la page principale.";
+$messages["oldest_first"] = "Les plus vieux en premier";
+$messages["newest_first"] = "Les plus recents en premier";
+$messages["categories_order"] = "Ordre des catégories";
+$messages["categories_order_help"] = "Ordre dans lequel les catégories apparaîtront dans la page principale.";
+$messages["most_recent_updated_first"] = "Les plus récemment mises à jour en premier";
+$messages["alphabetical_order"] = "Ordre alphabetique";
+$messages["reverse_alphabetical_order"] = "Ordre alphabetique inverse";
+$messages["most_articles_first"] = "Le plus d'articles en premier";
+$messages["link_categories_order"] = "Ordre des catégories de lien";
+$messages["link_categories_order_help"] = "Ordre dans lequel les catégories de lien apparaîtront dans la page principale.";
+$messages["most_links_first"] = "Le plus de liens en premier";
+$messages["most_links_last"] = "Le plus de liens en dernier";
+$messages["time_offset"] = "Time offset";
+$messages["time_offset_help"] = "Décalage horaire qui sera ajouté dynamiquement à toutes les dates et heures dans le Blog";
+$messages["close"] = "Fermer";
+$messages["select"] = "Selectionner";
+$messages["error_updating_settings"] = "Erreur en mettant à jour les paramètres du blog. Vérifiez les données entrées et recommencez";
+$messages["error_invalid_number"] = "Nombre incorrect";
+$messages["error_incorrect_time_offset"] = "Time offset invalide";
+$messages["blog_settings_updated_ok"] = "Paramètres mis à jour";
+// user settings
+$messages["username_help"] = "Pseudo public. Ne pourra être changé";
+$messages["full_name"] = "Nom complet";
+$messages["full_name_help"] = "Nom complet";
+$messages["password_help"] = "Tapez et confirmez un nouveau mot de passe. Laissez vide pour ne pas le changer";
+$messages["confirm_password"] = "Confirmez le mot de passe";
+$messages["email"] = "E-mail";
+$messages["email_help"] = "E-mail à laquelle les notifications seront envoyées";
+$messages["bio"] = "Votre bio";
+$messages["bio_help"] = "Votre portrait. Longue description de vous-même";
+$messages["picture"] = "Photo";
+$messages["user_picture_help"] = "Sélectionnez une photo parmis celles ajoutées à ce blog comme photo personnelle";
+$messages["error_invalid_password"] = "Mot de passe inccorect. Vérifiez qu'il n'est pas trop court";
+$messages["error_passwords_dont_match"] = "Désolé, mot de passe incorrect";
+$messages["error_incorrect_email_address"] = "E-mail incorrecte";
+$messages["error_updating_user_settings"] = "Erreur en mettant à jour les paramètres Membre. Vérifiez les données entrées et recommencez";
+$messages["user_settings_updated_ok"] = "Paramètres Membre mis à jour";
+$messages["resource"] = "Ressource";
+// plugin center
+$messages["identifier"] = "ID";
+// blog users
+$messages["revoke_permissions"] = "Retirer permissions";
+$messages["error_no_users_selected"] = "Aucuns Membres sélectionnés.";
+$messages["user_removed_from_blog_ok"] = "Membre \"%s\" bien supprimé du Blog.";
+$messages["users_removed_from_blog_ok"] = "%s membres supprimés";
+$messages["error_removing_user_from_blog"] = "Erreur en supprimant le Membre \"%s\" du Blog.";
+$messages["error_removing_user_from_blog2"] = "Erreur en supprimant le Membre d'ID \"%s\" du Blog.";
+// new blog user
+$messages["new_blog_username_help"] = "Pseudo du Membre qui aura accès à ce Blog. Les nouveaus Membres ont seulement accès aux section \"Réglages\" et \"Centrale Ressources\".";
+$messages["send_notification"] = "Envoyer une notification";
+$messages["send_user_notification_help"] = "Envoyer un e-mail de notification à ce Membre";
+$messages["notification_text"] = "Texte de la notification";
+$messages["notification_text_help"] = "Texte qui sera inclu dans le message de notification";
+$messages["error_adding_user"] = "Erreur lors de l'autorisation de l'accès. Vérifiez les données entrées et recommencez";
+$messages["error_empty_text"] = "Vous devez entrer un texte";
+$messages["error_adding_user"] = "Erreur en ajoutant le Membre. Vérifiez les données entrées et recommencez";
+$messages["error_invalid_user"] = "Le Membre \"%s\" n'est pas valide ou n'existe pas";
+$messages["user_added_to_blog_ok"] = "Le Membre \"%s\" a l'autorisation d'accès à ce blog à présent.";
+// blog templates
+$messages["error_no_templates_selected"] = "Aucun template sélectionné";
+$messages["error_template_is_current"] = "Le template \"%s\" ne peut être supprimé car c'est celui qui est utilisé";
+$messages["error_removing_template"] = "Erreur en supprimant le template \"%s\"";
+$messages["template_removed_ok"] = "Template \"%s\" supprimé";
+$messages["templates_removed_ok"] = "%s templates supprimés";
+// new blog template
+$messages["template_installed_ok"] = "Template \"%s\" ajouté";
+$messages["error_installing_template"] = "Erreur durant l'installation du template \"%s\"";
+$messages["error_missing_base_files"] = "Fichier(s) manquant(s)";
+$messages["error_add_template_disabled"] = "Aucun template ne peut être ajouté car cette fonction a été désactivée.";
+$messages["error_must_upload_file"] = "Pas de template à télécharger";
+$messages["error_uploads_disabled"] = "Les uploads ont été désactivés";
+$messages["error_no_new_templates_found"] = "Pas de nouveaux templates trouvés";
+$messages["error_template_not_inside_folder"] = "Les fichiers du template doivent être dans un répertoire du même nom que le template.";
+$messages["error_missing_base_files"] = "Fichier(s) du template basique manquant(s)";
+$messages["error_unpacking"] = "Erreur en décompressant le fichier";
+$messages["error_forbidden_extensions"] = "Des fichiers d'extensions interdites sont inclus dans le template";
+$messages["error_creating_working_folder"] = "Erreur durant la création du répertoire temporaire nécessaire à la décompression.";
+$messages["error_checking_template"] = "Erreur en vérifiant le template : %s";
+$messages["template_package"] = "Template package";
+$messages["blog_template_package_help"]  = "Use this form to upload a new template set, which will only be available to your blog. If it is not possible to upload a template package using this form, upload the template set manually and place it in <b>%s</b>, which is the folder where your blog templates are stored and click the \"<b>Scanner les Templates</b>\" button. pLog will scan the folder and will automatically add any new template it can find.";
+$messages["scan_templates"] = "Scanner les Templates";
+// site users
+$messages["user_status_active"] = "Actif";
+$messages["user_status_disabled"] = "Inactif";
+$messages["user_status_all"] = "Tous";
+$messages["user_status_unconfirmed"] = "non-confirmé";
+$messages["error_invalid_user2"] = "Le Membre d'ID \"%s\" n'existe pas";
+$messages["error_deleting_user"] = "Erreur en supprimant le Membre \"%s\"";
+$messages["user_deleted_ok"] = "Membre \"%s\" supprimé";
+$messages["users_deleted_ok"] = "%s Membres supprimés";
+// create user
+$messages["user_added_ok"] = "Membre \"%s\" ajouté";
+$messages["error_incorrect_username"] = "Pseudo invalide ou utilisé";
+$messages["user_status_help"] = "Statut actuel de le Membre";
+$messages["user_blog_help"] = "Blog avec lequel cet Membre est initialisé";
+$messages["none"] = "Aucun";
+// edit user
+$messages["error_invalid_user"] = "ID du Membre invalide ou le Membre n'exite pas.";
+$messages["error_updating_user"] = "Erreur en mettant à jour les paramètres Membre. Vérifiez les données entrées et recommencez";
+$messages["blogs"] = "Blogs";
+$messages["user_blogs_helps"] = "Blogs du Membre ou ceux auxquels il a accès";
+$messages["site_admin"] = "Administrateur";
+$messages["site_admin_help"] = "Si cet Membre est administrateur, il pourra accéder à la partie \"Administration\" et accomplir des taches administratives.";
+$messages["user_updated_ok"] = "Membre \"%s\" mis à jour";
+// site blogs
+$messages["blog_status_all"] = "Tous";
+$messages["blog_status_active"] = "Actif";
+$messages["blog_status_disabled"] = "Inactif";
+$messages["blog_status_unconfirmed"] = "Non-validé";
+$messages["owner"] = "Propriétaires";
+$messages["quota"] = "Quota";
+$messages["bytes"] = "octets";
+$messages["error_no_blogs_selected"] = "Aucun blog sélectionné pour être désactivé";
+$messages["error_blog_is_default_blog"] = "Le Blog \"%s\" ne peut être supprimé car il s'agit du Blog par défaut.";
+$messages["blog_deleted_ok"] = "Blog \"%s\" désactivé";
+$messages["blogs_deleted_ok"] = "%s Blogs supprimés";
+$messages["error_deleting_blog"] = "Erreur en désactivant le Blog \"%s\"";
+$messages["error_deleting_blog2"] = "Erreur en désactivant le Blog d'ID \"%s\"";
+// create blog
+$messages["error_adding_blog"] = "Erreur en ajoutant le Blog. Vérifiez les données entrées et recommencez";
+$messages["blog_added_ok"] = "Blog \"%s\" ajouté";
+// edit blog
+$messages["blog_status_help"] = "Statut du Blog";
+$messages["blog_owner_help"] = "Membre considéré comme propriétaire du Blog, qui aura un contrôle total des paramètres du Blog";
+$messages["users"] = "Membre";
+$messages["blog_quota_help"] = "Quota de ressource en octet. Mettre à 0 pour illimité ou laisser vide pour utilisé le quota par défaut";
+$messages["blog_users_help"] = "Membre qui ont accès à ce Blogs. Sélectionner un Membre de gauche et le mettre à droite pour qu'il ait des droits d'accès au Blog";
+$messages["edit_blog_settings_updated_ok"] = "Blog \"%s\"mis à jour";
+$messages["error_updating_blog_settings"] = "Erreur en mettant à jour le blog \"%s\"";
+$messages["error_incorrect_blog_owner"] = "Membre sélectionné comme propriétaire, incorrect.";
+$messages["error_fetching_blog"] = "Erreur en récupérant le Blog";
+$messages["error_updating_blog_settings2"] = "Erreur en mettant à jour le blog. Vérifiez les données entrées et recommencez";
+$messages["add_or_remove"] = "Ajouter ou supprimer des Membres";
+// site locales
+$messages["locale"] = "Locale";
+$messages["locale_encoding"] = "Encodage";
+$messages["locale_deleted_ok"] = "Locale \"%s\" supprimée";
+$messages["error_no_locales_selected"] = "Aucune locale sélectionnée pour être supprimée";
+$messages["error_deleting_only_locale"] = "Cette locale ne peut être supprimée car c'est la seule présente sur le système.";
+$messages["locales_deleted_ok"]= "%s locales supprimées";
+$messages["error_deleting_locale"] = "Erreur en supprimant la locale \"%s\"";
+$messages["error_locale_is_default"] = "La locale \"%s\" ne peut être supprimée car il s'agit de la locale par défaut pour les nouveau Blogs";
+// add locale
+$messages["error_invalid_locale_file"] = "Fichier de locale invalide";
+$messages["error_no_new_locales_found"] = "Pas de nouveaux fichiers de locale trouvés";
+$messages["locale_added_ok"] = "Locale \"%s\" ajouté";
+$messages["error_saving_locale"] = "Erreur en sauvegardant la nouvelle locale";
+$messages["scan_locales"] = "Scanner les locales";
+$messages["add_locale_help"] = "Use this form to upload a new locale file. If it is not possible to upload files using this form, upload the locale file manually and place it in <b>./locales/</b>, which is the folder where locale files are stored and click the \"<b>Scan Locales</b>\" button. pLog will scan the folder and will automatically add any new locale file can find.";
+// site templates
+$messages["error_template_is_default"] = "Template \"%s\" ne peut être supprimé car il s'agit du template par défaut";
+// add template
+$messages["global_template_package_help"] = "Use this form to upload a new template set, which will be available to all blogs in the site. If it is not possible to upload a template package using this form, upload the template set manually and place it in <b>%s</b>, which is the folder where globally available templates are stored and click the \"<b>Scan templates</b>\" button. pLog will scan the folder and will automatically add any new template it can find.";
+// global settings
+$messages["site_config_saved_ok"] = "Paramètres de site sauvegardés";
+$messages["error_saving_site_config"] = "Erreur en sauvegardant les paramètres de site";
+/// general settings
+$messages["help_comments_enabled"] = "Activer ou désactiver les commentaires sur les nouveaux Blogs par défaut";
+$messages["help_beautify_comments_text"] = "Si activé, LEs commentaires postés seront formatés en ajoutant des paragraphes et des liens automatiques pour toutes les URLs";
+$messages["help_temp_folder"] = "Répertoire que pLog peut utiliser pour écrire les données temporaires comme les templates compilés, etc. Utiliser un répertoire hors de cette partie du serveur pour augmenter la sécurité.";
+$messages["help_base_url"] = "URL de base où ce blog est installé";
+$messages["help_subdomains_enabled"] = "Activer ou disactiver les sous-domaines. Veuillez lire la documentation au sujet des sous-domaines pour plus d'informations.";
+$messages["help_subdomains_base_url"] = "Quand les sous-domaines sont activés, cette URL est utilisée à la place de l'URL de base (base_url). Utiliser {blogname} pour donner le nom du blog et {username} pour donner le nom du propriétaire du Blog afin de générer un lien vers le Blog";
+$messages["help_include_blog_id_in_url"] = "Meaningful only when subdomains are enabled and \"normal\" URLs are enabled, forces internally-generated URLs not to have the \"blogId\" parameter. Do not change unless you know what you are doing";
+$messages["help_script_name"] = "Set this if you need to rename index.php to something else";
+$messages["help_show_posts_max"] = "Maximum number of posts shown in the main page. Only meaningful for new blogs";
+$messages["help_recent_posts_max"] = "Maximum number of recent posts shown in the main page. Only meaningful for new blogs";
+$messages["help_save_drafts_via_xmlhttprequest_enabled"] = "Whether the feature that allows to save drafts via Javascript and the XmlHttpRequest is enabled";
+$messages["help_locale_folder"] = "Répertoire où sont stockées les locale";
+$messages["help_default_locale"] = "Default language settings for new blogs";
+$messages["help_default_blog_id"] = "Default blog that will be shown if no other is specified";
+$messages["help_default_time_offset"] = "Default time offset for new blogs";
+$messages["help_html_allowed_tags_in_comments"] = "Space-separated list of the HTML tags that are allowed in comments";
+$messages["help_referer_tracker_enabled"] = "Enable or disable the feature to save referres to the database. Set to disabled for higher performance";
+$messages["help_show_more_enabled"] = "Enable or disable the \"more...\" feature by default for new blogs";
+$messages["help_update_article_reads"] = "Enable or disable the update of the counter of times that an article has been read is updated or not. Set to disabled for higher performance";
+$messages["help_update_cached_article_reads"] = "Enable or disable the update of the counter of times that an article has been read is updated, even when caching has been turned on";
+$messages["help_xmlrpc_ping_enabled"] = "Enable or disable sending XMLRPC pings to sites that support this feature";
+$messages["help_send_xmlrpc_pings_enabled_by_default"] = "Enable or disable by default this feature when posting or updating an article";
+$messages["help_xmlrpc_ping_hosts"] = "URL pointing to the XMLRPC interface of sites that support the XMLRPC ping specifictaion. Put each URL in one new line";
+$messages["help_trackback_server_enabled"] = "Enable or disable the feature to receive incoming trackbacks";
+$messages["help_htmlarea_enabled"] = "Enable or disable the WYSIWYG post editor by default in new blogs";
+$messages["help_plugin_manager_enabled"] = "Enable or disable plugins";
+$messages["help_minimum_password_length"] = "Minimun length for passwords";
+$messages["help_xhtml_converter_enabled"] = "If enabled, pLog will try to convert all HTML code into proper XHTML code";
+$messages["help_xhtml_converter_aggressive_mode_enabled"] = "If enabled, pLog will try even harder to generate XHTML out of HTML code, but it will be more prone to errors";
+$messages["help_session_save_path"] = "Please use this setting to change the folder where pLog stores its session data, via the PHP function session_save_path() Please make sure that the folder is writable by the web server. Leave empty to use PHP\"s default session folder";
+// summary settings
+$messages["help_summary_page_show_max"] = "Number of items that will be shown in the summary page. This setting control all lists in the summary page (recent articles, most active blogs, etc)";
+$messages["help_summary_blogs_per_page"] = "Number of blogs per page in the \"Blogs List\" section";
+$messages["help_forbidden_usernames"] = "List of usernames that are not allowed to be registered";
+$messages["help_force_one_blog_per_email_account"] = "Restrict to only one blog per email account";
+$messages["help_summary_show_agreement"] = "Show and an agreement text and make users accept it before proceeding to the registration process";
+$messages["help_need_email_confirm_registration"] = "Force users to confirm their registration by clicking a link embedded in an email sent to their account";
+$messages["help_summary_disable_registration"] = "Whether users are allowed to register new blogs in this site";
+// templates
+$messages["help_template_folder"] = "Folder where templates are stored";
+$messages["help_default_template"] = "Template par défaut pour les nouveaux blogs";
+$messages["help_users_can_add_templates"] = "Allow users to upload their own custom templates";
+$messages["help_template_compile_check"] = "If disabled, Smarty will check every time if template files have changed and if so, use the new version. Set this to disabled for higher performance";
+$messages["help_template_cache_enabled"] = "Enable the template cache. If enabled, the cached version of a page will be used whenever possible. No data will need to be fetched from the database and templates will not need to be recompiled";
+$messages["help_template_cache_lifetime"] = "Lifetime in seconds of the cache. Set to -1 to force the cache to never expire. If set to 0, the cache will be disabled but it is recommended to set template_cache_enabled to \"No\" in order to disable the cache";
+$messages["help_template_http_cache_enabled"] = "Enable support for HTTP conditional requests. If enabled, pLog will take the \"If-Modified-Since\" HTTP header into account and send only content if strictly needed. Enable this to save bandwidth";
+$messages["help_allow_php_code_in_templates"] = "Allows to embed native PHP code in Smarty templates inside {php}...{/php} blocks";
+// urls
+$messages["help_request_format_mode"] = "Sélectionner un des formats d'URL disponibles. Si vous utlisez les URLs personnalisées, cofigurez les paramètres ci-dessous";
+$messages["plain"] = "Simple";
+$messages["search_engine_friendly"] = "Search engine friendly";
+$messages["custom_url_format"] = "URLs personnalisées";
+$messages["help_permalink_format"] = "Format des permalinks lors de l'utilisation des URLs personnalisées";
+$messages["help_category_link_format"] = "Format des liens vers les catégories lors de l'utilisation des URLs personnalisées";
+$messages["help_blog_link_format"] = "Format des liens vers les Blogs lors de l'utilisation des URLs personnalisées";
+$messages["help_archive_link_format"] = "Format des liens vers les archives lors de l'utilisation des URLs personnalisées";
+$messages["help_user_posts_link_format"] = "Format des liens vers des articles postés par certains Membres lors de l'utilisation des URLs personnalisées";
+$messages["help_post_trackbacks_link_format"] = "Format vers les trackbacks page lors de l'utilisation des URLs personnalisées";
+$messages["help_template_link_format"] = "Format des liens vers les pages de templates classiques personnalisées lors de l'utilisation des URLs personnalisées";
+$messages["help_album_link_format"] = "Format des liens vers les albums lors de l'utilisation des URLs personnalisées";
+$messages["help_resource_link_format"] = "format des liens vers les pages de ressources avec des fichiers lors de l'utilisation des URLs personnalisées";
+$messages["help_resource_preview_link_format"] = "Format des liens vers les aperçus des ressources lors de l'utilisation des URLs pérsonnalisées";
+$messages["help_resource_medium_size_preview_link_format"] = "Format des liens vers les aperçus de moyenne taille des ressources lors de l'utilisation des URLs pérsonnalisées";
+$messages["help_resource_download_link_format"] = "Format des liens vers les fichiers lors de l'utilisation des URLs pérsonnalisées";
+// email
+$messages["help_check_email_address_validity"] = "Vérifier l'adresse eMail des nouveaux Membres.";
+$messages["help_email_service_enabled"] = "Activer/Désactiver service eMail.";
+$messages["post_notification_source_address"] = "Adresses eMail de l'expéditeur.";
+$messages["help_email_service_type"] = "Méthode d'envoi des eMails, à bien régler.";
+$messages["help_smtp_host"] = "Adresse SMTP.";
+$messages["help_smtp_port"] = "Port  SMTP du hôte.";
+$messages["help_smtp_use_authentication"] = "Si SMTPS compléter la suite.";
+$messages["help_smtp_username"] = "Pseudo pour SMTPS.";
+$messages["help_smtp_password"] = "MDP pour SMTPS.";
+// helpers
+$messages["help_path_to_tar"] = "Chemin vers 'tar'.";
+$messages["help_path_to_gzip"] = "Chemin vers  'gzip'.";
+$messages["help_path_to_bz2"] = "Chemin vers 'bzip2'.";
+$messages["help_path_to_unzip"] = "Chemin vers 'unzip'.";
+$messages["help_unzip_use_native_version"] = "Utilise une version de paquet PHP natif pour décompresser les fichiers .zip";
+// uploads
+$messages["help_uploads_enabled"] = "Activer/Désactiver upload de TOUS fichiers.";
+$messages["help_maximum_file_upload_size"] = "Taille maximale en Octet des fichiers uploadés.";
+$messages["help_upload_forbidden_files"] = "Liste des extensions de fichiers interdits, séparés par un espace.";
+// interfaces
+$messages["help_xmlrpc_api_enabled"] = "Activer/Désactiver XMLRPC pour poster depuis votre bureau.";
+$messages["help_rdf_enabled"] = "Activer la syndication des contenus via Atom ou RSS";
+$messages["help_default_rss_profile"] = "Flux RSS/RDF généré par défaut";
+// security
+$messages["help_security_pipeline_enabled"] = "Activer les fonctions de sécurité.";
+$messages["help_ip_address_filter_enabled"] = "Activer filtrage IP.";
+$messages["help_content_filter_enabled"] = "Activer filtrage contenu";
+$messages["help_maximum_comment_size"] = "Taille maximum en octets des commentaires.";
+// bayesian filter
+$messages["help_bayesian_filter_enabled"] = "Activer/Désactiver Filtrage Bayesian.";
+$messages["help_bayesian_filter_spam_probability_treshold"] = "Valeur min pour spam (0.01 > 0.99)";
+$messages["help_bayesian_filter_nonspam_probability_treshold"] = "Valeur max pour non-spam.";
+$messages["help_bayesian_filter_min_length_token"] = "Taille minimum d'un token pour être parsé correctement.";
+$messages["help_bayesian_filter_max_length_token"] = "Taille maximum d'un token.";
+$messages["help_bayesian_filter_number_significant_tokens"] = "Nombre de token par commentaire";
+$messages["help_bayesian_filter_spam_comments_action"] = "Enregistrer dans la BDD les commentaires spam pour entraîner le filtre,  ou les rejeter.";
+$messages["keep_spam_comments"] = "Garder dans la base de données marqués comme \"Spam\"";
+$messages["throw_away_spam_comments"] = "Ne pas les sauvegarder";
+// resources
+$messages["help_resources_enabled"] = "Activer ou non les ressources";
+$messages["help_resources_folder"] = "Répertoire où les ressources sont stockées. Mettre hors de la partie du serveur utilisée pour augmenter la sécurité";
+$messages["help_thumbnail_method"] = "méthode de génération d'aperçu. Si vous utilisez PHP, le support de GD est nécessaire.";
+$messages["help_path_to_convert"] = "Répertoire de l'outil \"convert\" du package ImageMagick. Obligatoire si la méthode de génération d'aperçu est \"ImageMagick\"";
+$messages["help_thumbnail_format"] = "Format dans lequel les aperçus seront sauvegardés";
+$messages["help_thumbnail_height"] = "Hauteur par défaut des petits aperçus";
+$messages["help_thumbnail_width"] = "Largeur par défaut des petits aperçus";
+$messages["help_medium_size_thumbnail_height"] = "Hauteur par défaut des aperçus de taille moyenne";
+$messages["help_medium_size_thumbnail_width"] = "Largeur par défaut des aperçus de taille moyenne";
+$messages["help_thumbnails_keep_aspect_ratio"] = "Garde les dimensions de l'aperçu propotionnelles. Pourrait généré des aperçus plus grand que la taille spécifiée au-dessus mais de meilleure qualité.";
+$messages["help_thumbnail_generator_force_use_gd1"] = "Forcer pLog à utiliser les fontions de GD1-only";
+$messages["help_thumbnail_generator_user_smoothing_algorithm"] = "Algorithme utilisé pour lisser les aperçus. Utilisé uniquement quand la méthode de génération d'aperçu est GD";
+$messages["help_resources_quota"] = "Quota de ressources pour les Blogs par défaut";
+$messages["help_resource_server_http_cache_enabled"] = "Active le support de \"If-Modified-Since\" header et des conditions de requête HTTP. A activer pour réduire l'utilisation de la bande passante.";
+$messages["help_resource_server_http_cache_lifetime"] = "Temps en microsecondes durant lequel le Membre peut utiliser une version mise en cache des ressources";
+// search
+$messages["help_search_engine_enabled"] = "Activer ou non le moteur de recherche";
+$messages["help_search_in_custom_fields"] = "Rechercher aussi dans les champs personnalisés";
+$messages["help_search_in_comments"] = "Rechercher aussi dans les commentaires";
+// cleanup
+$messages["purge"] = "Nettoyer";
+$messages["cleanup_spam"] = "Nottyage des Spam";
+$messages["cleanup_spam_help"] = "Ceci supprimera tout les commentaires marqués comme Spam. Ils ne sera pas possible de revenir en arrière";
+$messages["spam_comments_purged_ok"] = "Commentaires-spam nettoyés";
+$messages["cleanup_posts"] = "Nettoyer les articles";
+$messages["cleanup_posts_help"] = "Ceci supprimera physiquement tout les articles supprimés (marqué comme \"supprimé\") It will not be possible to recover them once they have been removed";
+$messages["posts_purged_ok"] = "Articles nettoyés";
+/// summary ///
+// front page
+$messages["summary"] = "Sommaire";
+$messages["register"] = "S'inscrire";
+$messages["summary_welcome"] = "Bienvenu!";
+$messages["summary_most_active_blogs"] = "Blogs les plus actifs";
+$messages["summary_most_commented_articles"] = "Articles les plus commentés";
+$messages["summary_most_read_articles"] = "Articles les plus lue";
+$messages["password_forgotten"] = "Vous avez perdu votre mot de passe?";
+$messages["summary_newest_blogs"] = "Nouveaux Blogs";
+$messages["summary_latest_posts"] = "Derniers Articles";
+$messages["summary_search_blogs"] = "Recherche d'un Blog";
+// blog list
+$messages["updated"] = "mis à jour";
+$messages["total_reads"] = "total";
+// blog profile
+$messages["blog"] = "Blog";
+$messages["latest_posts"] = "Derniers articles";
+// registration
+$messages["register_step0_title"] = "Service d'acceptation des termes";
+$messages["decline"] = "Refuser";
+$messages["accept"] = "Accepter";
+$messages["read_service_agreement"] = "Veuillez lire les termes de ce service et cliquer sur le bouton \"Accepter\" si vous êtes d'accord";
+$messages["register_step1_title"] = "Créer un compte [1/4]";
+$messages["register_step1_help"] = "Vous devez créer un compte pour ensuite avoir un Blog. Ce compte sera le compte principal de ce Blog et aura accès à toutes ses fonctionnalités";
+$messages["register_next"] = "Suivant";
+$messages["register_back"] = "Retour";
+$messages["register_step2_title"] = "Créer un Blog [2/4]";
+$messages["register_blog_name_help"] = "Nom du nouveau blog";
+$messages["register_step3_title"] = "Choisir un template [3/4]";
+$messages["step1"] = "Etape 1";
+$messages["step2"] = "Etape 2";
+$messages["step3"] = "Etape 3";
+$messages["register_step3_help"] = "Sélectionnez un des templates disponibles pour être celui par défaut de votre Blog. Vous pourrez le changer ultérieurement";
+$messages["error_must_choose_template"] = "Vous devez choisir un template";
+$messages["select_template"] = "Sélectionner un template";
+$messages["register_step5_title"] = "Merci! [4/4]";
+$messages["finish"] = "Fin";
+$messages["register_need_confirmation"] = "Un e-mail de confirmation vous a été envoyé, cliquez sur le lien dès que vous recevrez ce message pour démarrer l'édition du Blog";
+$messages["register_step5_help"] = "Merci, votre compte et votre blog ont été créés!";
+$messages["register_blog_link"] = "Si vous voulez voir votre Blog, Vous pouvez aller ici : <a href=\"%2$s\">%1$s</a>";
+$messages["register_blog_admin_link"] = "Si vous préférez rédiger et publier des articles sur votre Glog, cliquez ici pour aller à <a href=\"admin.php\">l'interface d'administration</a>";
+$messages["register_error"] = "Erreur durant la procédure";
+$messages["error_registration_disabled"] = "Désolé, les inscriptions sont suspendues";
+// registration article topic and text
+$messages["register_default_article_topic"] = "Félicitation!";
+$messages["register_default_article_text"] = "Si vous pouvez lire cet article, cela signifie que votre enregistrement s'est déroulé correctement et que vous pouvez démarrer l'édition et la publication d'articles";
+$messages["register_default_category"] = "Général";
+// confirmation email
+$messages["register_confirmation_email_text"] = "Veuillez cliquer sur ce lien pour activer votre compte:
+$messages["error_invalid_activation_code"] = "Désolé, votre numéro de confirmation est invalide.";
+$messages["blog_activated_ok"] = "Félicitation, votre compte et votre Blog ont été activés!";
+// forgot your password?
+$messages["reset_password"] = "Réinitialiser votre mot de passe";
+$messages["reset_password_username_help"] = "Name of the user whose password you would like to reset";
+$messages["reset_password_email_help"] = "Email address which was used to register this user";
+$messages["reset_password_help"] = "Use this form to reset the password of your user, should you not remember it. Please type the name of the user whose password you would like to reset, as well as the email address that was used to register this user";
+$messages["error_resetting_password"] = "There was an error resetting the password. Vérifiez les données entrées et recommencez";
+$messages["reset_password_error_incorrect_email_address"] = "The email address is not correct or it is not the email address used to register this user";
+$messages["password_reset_message_sent_ok"] = "An email message with a link has been sent to your email address. Please click the link in order to reset your password";
+$messages["error_incorrect_request"] = "The parameters in the URL are not correct";
+$messages["change_password"] = "Set new password";
+$messages["change_password_help"] = "Please type and confirm your new password";
+$messages["new_password"] = "New password";
+$messages["new_password_help"] = "Type here your new password";
+$messages["password_updated_ok"] = "Your password has been successfully updated";
+// Suggested by BCSE, some useful messages that not available in official locale
+$messages["upgrade_information"] = "This page looks plain and unstyled because you\"re using a non-standard compliant browser. To see it in its best form, please <a href=\"http://www.webstandards.org/upgrade/\" title=\"The Web Standards Project\"s Browser Upgrade initiative\">upgrade</a> to a browser that supports web standards. It\"s free and painless.";
+$messages["jump_to_navigation"] = "Jump to Navigation.";
+$messages["comment_email_never_display"] = "Line and paragraph breaks automatic, e-mail address never displayed.";
+$messages["comment_html_allowed"] = "<acronym title=\"Hypertext Markup Language\">HTML</acronym> allowed: &lt;<acronym title=\"Hyperlink\">a</acronym> href=&quot;&quot; title=&quot;&quot; rel=&quot;&quot;&gt; &lt;<acronym title=\"Acronym Description\">acronym</acronym> title=&quot;&quot;&gt; &lt;<acronym title=\"Quote\">blockquote</acronym> cite=&quot;&quot;&gt; &lt;<acronym title=\"Strike\">del</acronym>&gt; &lt;<acronym title=\"Italic\">em</acronym>&gt; &lt;<acronym title=\"Underline\">ins</acronym>&gt; &lt;<acronym title=\"Bold\">strong</acronym>&gt;";
+$messages["trackback_uri"] = "The <acronym title=\"Uniform Resource Identifier\">URI</acronym> to trackback this entry is: ";
+$messages["previous_post"] = "Previous";
+$messages["next_post"] = "Next";
+$messages["comment_default_title"] = "(Untitled)";
+$messages["guestbook"] = "Guestbook";
+$messages["trackbacks"] = "Trackbacks";
+$messages["menu"] = "Menu";
+$messages["albums"] = "Albums";
\ No newline at end of file

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