[pLog-svn] Indepth pLog SQL Analysis

Matt matt at woodzy.com
Thu Jun 30 23:01:49 GMT 2005

Oops I forgot to include my sql "explain" file...

Matt (matt\ at\ woodzy.com)       Public Key: woodzy.com/woodzy.gpg.asc
-------------- next part --------------
SELECT * FROM main_config
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_config	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	121	

select version()
No tables used

select version()
No tables used

select version()
No tables used

select version()
No tables used

SELECT * FROM main_blogs WHERE id = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT settings FROM main_blogs WHERE id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count',YEAR(date) AS 'year',MONTH(date) AS 'month',DAYOFMONTH(date) AS 'daymonth' FROM main_articles WHERE status = 1 AND blog_id = 1 AND date <= NOW() GROUP BY YEAR(date),MONTH(date) ORDER BY YEAR(date) DESC,MONTH(date) DESC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles	ALL	blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id,date	NULL	NULL	NULL	676	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort

SELECT a.id as id, a.id, a.date, a.user_id,a.blog_id,a.status,a.properties, a.num_reads, a.slug, 1 AS relevance FROM main_articles a, main_articles_categories c, main_article_categories_link l WHERE a.blog_id = 1 AND c.id = l.category_id AND a.id = l.article_id AND c.in_main_page = 1 AND a.status = '1' AND a.date <= '20050630005609' GROUP BY a.id ORDER BY a.date DESC LIMIT 7
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
a	range	PRIMARY,blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id,date	blog_id	4	NULL	896	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	a.id	1	Using where; Using index
c	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.category_id	1	Using where

SELECT * FROM main_blogs WHERE id = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT u.id AS id, u.user AS user, u.password AS password, u.email AS email, u.about AS about, u.full_name AS full_name, u.properties AS properties, u.resource_picture_id AS resource_picture_id, IF(p.permission_id = 1, 1, 0 ) AS site_admin, u.status AS status FROM main_users u LEFT JOIN main_users_permissions p ON u.id = p.user_id WHERE u.id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
u	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	
p	ref	user_id,user_id_permission_id	user_id_permission_id	4	const	5	Using index

SELECT a.id as article_id, c.id AS id, c.name AS name, c.url AS url, c.blog_id AS blog_id, c.last_modification AS last_modification, c.in_main_page AS in_main_page, c.parent_id AS parent_id, c.properties AS properties, c.description AS description, c.mangled_name AS mangled_name, IF(a.id IS NULL, 0, COUNT(*)) AS num_articles, a.date AS last_update FROM main_articles_categories c LEFT JOIN main_article_categories_link l ON c.id=l.category_id LEFT JOIN main_articles a ON a.id = l.article_id WHERE a.id IN ("901","900","897","896","893","869","868") AND a.blog_id = '1' AND c.blog_id = '1' GROUP BY c.id, a.id
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	2	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	index	NULL	PRIMARY	8	NULL	906	Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY,blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

SELECT article_id,text,topic FROM main_articles_text WHERE article_id IN ("901","900","897","896","893","869","868")
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles_text	range	article_id	article_id	4	NULL	41	Using where

SELECT c.id AS id, c.name AS name, c.blog_id AS blog_id, c.last_modification AS last_modification, c.properties AS properties, IF(l.id IS NULL, 0, COUNT(*)) AS num_links FROM main_mylinks_categories c LEFT JOIN main_mylinks l ON l.blog_id = c.blog_id AND l.category_id = c.id WHERE c.blog_id= 1 GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY c.name ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	2	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	ALL	blog_id,category_id	NULL	NULL	NULL	10	

SELECT * FROM main_mylinks WHERE blog_id = '1' ORDER BY id ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_mylinks	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	12	Using where; Using filesort

SELECT settings FROM main_blogs WHERE id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count', DAYOFMONTH(date) AS 'day', id AS 'id', date AS 'date' FROM main_articles WHERE status = 1 AND blog_id = 1 AND date <= NOW() AND MONTH(date) = 06 AND YEAR(date) = 2005 GROUP BY DAYOFMONTH(date)
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles	ALL	blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id,date	NULL	NULL	NULL	676	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort

SELECT c.id AS id, c.name AS name, c.url AS url, c.blog_id AS blog_id, c.last_modification AS last_modification, c.in_main_page AS in_main_page, c.parent_id AS parent_id, c.description AS description, c.properties AS properties, c.mangled_name AS mangled_name, IF(a.id IS NULL, 0, COUNT(*)) AS num_articles, a.date AS last_update FROM main_articles_categories c LEFT JOIN main_article_categories_link l ON c.id=l.category_id LEFT JOIN main_articles a ON a.id = l.article_id WHERE c.blog_id = '1' GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY last_update DESC, name ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	2	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	index	NULL	PRIMARY	8	NULL	906	Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	

select count(*) as total from main_adrotate_statistics
Select tables optimized away

select * from main_adrotate_statistics limit 9,1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_adrotate_statistics	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	11	

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM main_article_categories_link AS l, main_articles AS a WHERE l.article_id = a.id AND l.category_id = '2' AND a.status = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM main_article_categories_link AS l, main_articles AS a WHERE l.article_id = a.id AND l.category_id = '3' AND a.status = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM main_article_categories_link AS l, main_articles AS a WHERE l.article_id = a.id AND l.category_id = '1' AND a.status = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

select * from main_plogbirthdays where day=30 and month=06
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_plogbirthdays	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	466	Using where

select * from main_plogpoll_polls where active='Y' and blogId='1' limit 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_plogpoll_polls	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	2	Using where

select id from main_plogpoll_voterips where ip='-1062731304' and id='3'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_plogpoll_voterips	ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	12	const,const	1	Using where; Using index

select count(*) as total from main_plogstaticrotator_content where blogid='1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_plogstaticrotator_content	index	NULL	PRIMARY	8	NULL	8	Using where; Using index

select id,blogid,title,content from main_plogstaticrotator_content where blogid='1' limit 7,1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_plogstaticrotator_content	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	8	Using where

select a.id as id, l.category_id as category_id, a.user_id as user_id, a.blog_id as blog_id, t.text as text, t.topic as topic, a.slug as slug from main_articles a, main_article_categories_link l, main_articles_text t where a.blog_id='1' and a.user_id='1' and l.category_id='2' and a.id=l.article_id and a.id=t.id and a.status=1 order by date DESC limit 4
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY,blog_id,user_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where
t	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	a.id	1	Using where

select a.id as id, l.category_id as category_id, a.user_id as user_id, a.blog_id as blog_id, t.text as text, t.topic as topic, a.slug as slug from main_articles a, main_article_categories_link l, main_articles_text t where a.blog_id='1' and a.user_id='1' and l.category_id='3' and a.id=l.article_id and a.id=t.id and a.status=1 order by date DESC limit 2
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY,blog_id,user_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where
t	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	a.id	1	Using where

select a.id as id, l.category_id as category_id, a.user_id as user_id, a.blog_id as blog_id, t.text as text, t.topic as topic, a.slug as slug from main_articles a, main_article_categories_link l, main_articles_text t where a.blog_id='1' and a.user_id='1' and l.category_id='1' and a.id=l.article_id and a.id=t.id and a.status=1 order by date DESC limit 7
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY,blog_id,user_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where
t	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	a.id	1	Using where

SELECT * FROM main_config
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_config	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	121	

select version()
No tables used

select version()
No tables used

select version()
No tables used

select version()
No tables used

SELECT * FROM main_blogs WHERE id = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT * FROM main_articles_categories WHERE id = 1 AND blog_id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles_categories	const	PRIMARY,blog_id	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM main_articles a, main_articles_categories c, main_article_categories_link l WHERE a.blog_id = 1 AND a.id = l.article_id AND l.category_id = 1 AND c.id = l.category_id AND a.status = '1' AND a.date <= '20050630005613' GROUP BY a.id
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY,blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id,date	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

SELECT a.id as id, a.id, a.date, a.user_id,a.blog_id,a.status,a.properties, a.num_reads, a.slug, 1 AS relevance FROM main_articles a, main_articles_categories c, main_article_categories_link l WHERE a.blog_id = 1 AND a.id = l.article_id AND l.category_id = 1 AND c.id = l.category_id AND a.status = '1' AND a.date <= '20050630005613' ORDER BY a.date DESC LIMIT 0, 10
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	Using index; Using filesort
a	range	PRIMARY,blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id,date	blog_id	4	NULL	896	Using where
l	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	a.id,const	1	Using where; Using index

SELECT * FROM main_blogs WHERE id = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT u.id AS id, u.user AS user, u.password AS password, u.email AS email, u.about AS about, u.full_name AS full_name, u.properties AS properties, u.resource_picture_id AS resource_picture_id, IF(p.permission_id = 1, 1, 0 ) AS site_admin, u.status AS status FROM main_users u LEFT JOIN main_users_permissions p ON u.id = p.user_id WHERE u.id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
u	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	
p	ref	user_id,user_id_permission_id	user_id_permission_id	4	const	5	Using index

SELECT a.id as article_id, c.id AS id, c.name AS name, c.url AS url, c.blog_id AS blog_id, c.last_modification AS last_modification, c.in_main_page AS in_main_page, c.parent_id AS parent_id, c.properties AS properties, c.description AS description, c.mangled_name AS mangled_name, IF(a.id IS NULL, 0, COUNT(*)) AS num_articles, a.date AS last_update FROM main_articles_categories c LEFT JOIN main_article_categories_link l ON c.id=l.category_id LEFT JOIN main_articles a ON a.id = l.article_id WHERE a.id IN ("901","897","896","893","869","868","852","847","831","828") AND a.blog_id = '1' AND c.blog_id = '1' GROUP BY c.id, a.id
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	2	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	index	NULL	PRIMARY	8	NULL	906	Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY,blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

SELECT article_id,text,topic FROM main_articles_text WHERE article_id IN ("901","897","896","893","869","868","852","847","831","828")
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles_text	range	article_id	article_id	4	NULL	37	Using where

SELECT settings FROM main_blogs WHERE id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count',YEAR(date) AS 'year',MONTH(date) AS 'month',DAYOFMONTH(date) AS 'daymonth' FROM main_articles WHERE status = 1 AND blog_id = 1 AND date <= NOW() GROUP BY YEAR(date),MONTH(date) ORDER BY YEAR(date) DESC,MONTH(date) DESC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles	ALL	blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id,date	NULL	NULL	NULL	676	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort

SELECT a.id as id, a.id, a.date, a.user_id,a.blog_id,a.status,a.properties, a.num_reads, a.slug, 1 AS relevance FROM main_articles a, main_articles_categories c, main_article_categories_link l WHERE a.blog_id = 1 AND c.id = l.category_id AND a.id = l.article_id AND c.in_main_page = 1 AND a.status = '1' AND a.date <= '20050630005613' GROUP BY a.id ORDER BY a.date DESC LIMIT 7
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
a	range	PRIMARY,blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id,date	blog_id	4	NULL	896	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	a.id	1	Using where; Using index
c	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.category_id	1	Using where

SELECT * FROM main_blogs WHERE id = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT u.id AS id, u.user AS user, u.password AS password, u.email AS email, u.about AS about, u.full_name AS full_name, u.properties AS properties, u.resource_picture_id AS resource_picture_id, IF(p.permission_id = 1, 1, 0 ) AS site_admin, u.status AS status FROM main_users u LEFT JOIN main_users_permissions p ON u.id = p.user_id WHERE u.id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
u	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	
p	ref	user_id,user_id_permission_id	user_id_permission_id	4	const	5	Using index

SELECT a.id as article_id, c.id AS id, c.name AS name, c.url AS url, c.blog_id AS blog_id, c.last_modification AS last_modification, c.in_main_page AS in_main_page, c.parent_id AS parent_id, c.properties AS properties, c.description AS description, c.mangled_name AS mangled_name, IF(a.id IS NULL, 0, COUNT(*)) AS num_articles, a.date AS last_update FROM main_articles_categories c LEFT JOIN main_article_categories_link l ON c.id=l.category_id LEFT JOIN main_articles a ON a.id = l.article_id WHERE a.id IN ("901","900","897","896","893","869","868") AND a.blog_id = '1' AND c.blog_id = '1' GROUP BY c.id, a.id
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	2	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	index	NULL	PRIMARY	8	NULL	906	Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY,blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

SELECT article_id,text,topic FROM main_articles_text WHERE article_id IN ("901","900","897","896","893","869","868")
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles_text	range	article_id	article_id	4	NULL	41	Using where

SELECT c.id AS id, c.name AS name, c.blog_id AS blog_id, c.last_modification AS last_modification, c.properties AS properties, IF(l.id IS NULL, 0, COUNT(*)) AS num_links FROM main_mylinks_categories c LEFT JOIN main_mylinks l ON l.blog_id = c.blog_id AND l.category_id = c.id WHERE c.blog_id= 1 GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY c.name ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	2	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	ALL	blog_id,category_id	NULL	NULL	NULL	10	

SELECT * FROM main_mylinks WHERE blog_id = '1' ORDER BY id ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_mylinks	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	12	Using where; Using filesort

SELECT settings FROM main_blogs WHERE id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count', DAYOFMONTH(date) AS 'day', id AS 'id', date AS 'date' FROM main_articles WHERE status = 1 AND blog_id = 1 AND date <= NOW() AND MONTH(date) = 06 AND YEAR(date) = 2005 GROUP BY DAYOFMONTH(date)
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles	ALL	blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id,date	NULL	NULL	NULL	676	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort

SELECT c.id AS id, c.name AS name, c.url AS url, c.blog_id AS blog_id, c.last_modification AS last_modification, c.in_main_page AS in_main_page, c.parent_id AS parent_id, c.description AS description, c.properties AS properties, c.mangled_name AS mangled_name, IF(a.id IS NULL, 0, COUNT(*)) AS num_articles, a.date AS last_update FROM main_articles_categories c LEFT JOIN main_article_categories_link l ON c.id=l.category_id LEFT JOIN main_articles a ON a.id = l.article_id WHERE c.blog_id = '1' GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY last_update DESC, name ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	2	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	index	NULL	PRIMARY	8	NULL	906	Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	

select count(*) as total from main_adrotate_statistics
Select tables optimized away

select * from main_adrotate_statistics limit 7,1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_adrotate_statistics	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	11	

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM main_article_categories_link AS l, main_articles AS a WHERE l.article_id = a.id AND l.category_id = '2' AND a.status = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM main_article_categories_link AS l, main_articles AS a WHERE l.article_id = a.id AND l.category_id = '3' AND a.status = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM main_article_categories_link AS l, main_articles AS a WHERE l.article_id = a.id AND l.category_id = '1' AND a.status = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

select * from main_plogbirthdays where day=30 and month=06
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_plogbirthdays	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	466	Using where

select * from main_plogpoll_polls where active='Y' and blogId='1' limit 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_plogpoll_polls	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	2	Using where

select id from main_plogpoll_voterips where ip='-1062731304' and id='3'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_plogpoll_voterips	ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	12	const,const	1	Using where; Using index

SELECT id,article_id,topic, text,date,user_email,user_url,user_name,parent_id, client_ip,send_notification,status,spam_rate FROM main_articles_comments WHERE article_id = 901 ORDER BY date ASC
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT * FROM main_trackbacks WHERE article_id = '901'
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT v.id AS id, d.id AS field_id, v.field_value AS field_value, d.field_name AS field_name, d.field_type AS field_type, d.field_description AS field_description FROM main_custom_fields_values v RIGHT OUTER JOIN main_custom_fields_definition d ON v.article_id = 901 AND v.field_id = d.id WHERE d.blog_id = '1' ORDER BY date ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
d	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	1	Using where; Using filesort
v	ref	article_id,field_id	article_id	5	const	3	Using where

SELECT id,article_id,topic, text,date,user_email,user_url,user_name,parent_id, client_ip,send_notification,status,spam_rate FROM main_articles_comments WHERE article_id = 897 ORDER BY date ASC
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT * FROM main_trackbacks WHERE article_id = '897'
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT v.id AS id, d.id AS field_id, v.field_value AS field_value, d.field_name AS field_name, d.field_type AS field_type, d.field_description AS field_description FROM main_custom_fields_values v RIGHT OUTER JOIN main_custom_fields_definition d ON v.article_id = 897 AND v.field_id = d.id WHERE d.blog_id = '1' ORDER BY date ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
d	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	1	Using where; Using filesort
v	ref	article_id,field_id	article_id	5	const	12	Using where

SELECT id,article_id,topic, text,date,user_email,user_url,user_name,parent_id, client_ip,send_notification,status,spam_rate FROM main_articles_comments WHERE article_id = 896 ORDER BY date ASC
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT * FROM main_trackbacks WHERE article_id = '896'
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT v.id AS id, d.id AS field_id, v.field_value AS field_value, d.field_name AS field_name, d.field_type AS field_type, d.field_description AS field_description FROM main_custom_fields_values v RIGHT OUTER JOIN main_custom_fields_definition d ON v.article_id = 896 AND v.field_id = d.id WHERE d.blog_id = '1' ORDER BY date ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
d	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	1	Using where; Using filesort
v	ref	article_id,field_id	article_id	5	const	14	Using where

SELECT id,article_id,topic, text,date,user_email,user_url,user_name,parent_id, client_ip,send_notification,status,spam_rate FROM main_articles_comments WHERE article_id = 893 ORDER BY date ASC
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT * FROM main_trackbacks WHERE article_id = '893'
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT v.id AS id, d.id AS field_id, v.field_value AS field_value, d.field_name AS field_name, d.field_type AS field_type, d.field_description AS field_description FROM main_custom_fields_values v RIGHT OUTER JOIN main_custom_fields_definition d ON v.article_id = 893 AND v.field_id = d.id WHERE d.blog_id = '1' ORDER BY date ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
d	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	1	Using where; Using filesort
v	ref	article_id,field_id	article_id	5	const	21	Using where

SELECT id,article_id,topic, text,date,user_email,user_url,user_name,parent_id, client_ip,send_notification,status,spam_rate FROM main_articles_comments WHERE article_id = 869 ORDER BY date ASC
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT * FROM main_trackbacks WHERE article_id = '869'
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT v.id AS id, d.id AS field_id, v.field_value AS field_value, d.field_name AS field_name, d.field_type AS field_type, d.field_description AS field_description FROM main_custom_fields_values v RIGHT OUTER JOIN main_custom_fields_definition d ON v.article_id = 869 AND v.field_id = d.id WHERE d.blog_id = '1' ORDER BY date ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
d	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	1	Using where; Using filesort
v	ref	article_id,field_id	article_id	5	const	26	Using where

SELECT id,article_id,topic, text,date,user_email,user_url,user_name,parent_id, client_ip,send_notification,status,spam_rate FROM main_articles_comments WHERE article_id = 868 ORDER BY date ASC
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT * FROM main_trackbacks WHERE article_id = '868'
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT v.id AS id, d.id AS field_id, v.field_value AS field_value, d.field_name AS field_name, d.field_type AS field_type, d.field_description AS field_description FROM main_custom_fields_values v RIGHT OUTER JOIN main_custom_fields_definition d ON v.article_id = 868 AND v.field_id = d.id WHERE d.blog_id = '1' ORDER BY date ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
d	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	1	Using where; Using filesort
v	ref	article_id,field_id	article_id	5	const	25	Using where

SELECT id,article_id,topic, text,date,user_email,user_url,user_name,parent_id, client_ip,send_notification,status,spam_rate FROM main_articles_comments WHERE article_id = 852 ORDER BY date ASC
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT * FROM main_trackbacks WHERE article_id = '852'
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT v.id AS id, d.id AS field_id, v.field_value AS field_value, d.field_name AS field_name, d.field_type AS field_type, d.field_description AS field_description FROM main_custom_fields_values v RIGHT OUTER JOIN main_custom_fields_definition d ON v.article_id = 852 AND v.field_id = d.id WHERE d.blog_id = '1' ORDER BY date ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
d	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	1	Using where; Using filesort
v	ref	article_id,field_id	article_id	5	const	27	Using where

SELECT id,article_id,topic, text,date,user_email,user_url,user_name,parent_id, client_ip,send_notification,status,spam_rate FROM main_articles_comments WHERE article_id = 847 ORDER BY date ASC
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT * FROM main_trackbacks WHERE article_id = '847'
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT v.id AS id, d.id AS field_id, v.field_value AS field_value, d.field_name AS field_name, d.field_type AS field_type, d.field_description AS field_description FROM main_custom_fields_values v RIGHT OUTER JOIN main_custom_fields_definition d ON v.article_id = 847 AND v.field_id = d.id WHERE d.blog_id = '1' ORDER BY date ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
d	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	1	Using where; Using filesort
v	ref	article_id,field_id	article_id	5	const	31	Using where

SELECT id,article_id,topic, text,date,user_email,user_url,user_name,parent_id, client_ip,send_notification,status,spam_rate FROM main_articles_comments WHERE article_id = 831 ORDER BY date ASC
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT * FROM main_trackbacks WHERE article_id = '831'
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT v.id AS id, d.id AS field_id, v.field_value AS field_value, d.field_name AS field_name, d.field_type AS field_type, d.field_description AS field_description FROM main_custom_fields_values v RIGHT OUTER JOIN main_custom_fields_definition d ON v.article_id = 831 AND v.field_id = d.id WHERE d.blog_id = '1' ORDER BY date ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
d	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	1	Using where; Using filesort
v	ref	article_id,field_id	article_id	5	const	26	Using where

SELECT id,article_id,topic, text,date,user_email,user_url,user_name,parent_id, client_ip,send_notification,status,spam_rate FROM main_articles_comments WHERE article_id = 828 ORDER BY date ASC
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT * FROM main_trackbacks WHERE article_id = '828'
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT v.id AS id, d.id AS field_id, v.field_value AS field_value, d.field_name AS field_name, d.field_type AS field_type, d.field_description AS field_description FROM main_custom_fields_values v RIGHT OUTER JOIN main_custom_fields_definition d ON v.article_id = 828 AND v.field_id = d.id WHERE d.blog_id = '1' ORDER BY date ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
d	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	1	Using where; Using filesort
v	ref	article_id,field_id	article_id	5	const	24	Using where

SELECT * FROM main_config
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_config	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	121	

select version()
No tables used

select version()
No tables used

select version()
No tables used

select version()
No tables used

SELECT * FROM main_blogs WHERE id = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT id, owner_id, description, name, flags, parent_id, date, properties, show_album FROM main_gallery_albums WHERE id = 1 AND owner_id = 1 AND show_album = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_gallery_albums	const	PRIMARY,owner_id,owner_id_mangled_name	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT id, owner_id, description, name, flags, parent_id, date, properties, show_album FROM main_gallery_albums WHERE parent_id = 1 AND owner_id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_gallery_albums	ref	parent_id,owner_id,owner_id_mangled_name	parent_id	4	const	4	Using where

SELECT id, owner_id, description, name, flags, parent_id, date, properties, show_album FROM main_gallery_albums WHERE parent_id = 2 AND owner_id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_gallery_albums	ref	parent_id,owner_id,owner_id_mangled_name	parent_id	4	const	1	Using where

SELECT album_id, COUNT(*) AS total FROM main_gallery_resources GROUP BY album_id
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_gallery_resources	index	NULL	album_id	4	NULL	21	Using index

SELECT id, owner_id, description, name, flags, parent_id, date, properties, show_album FROM main_gallery_albums WHERE parent_id = 3 AND owner_id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_gallery_albums	ref	parent_id,owner_id,owner_id_mangled_name	parent_id	4	const	1	Using where

SELECT id, owner_id, description, name, flags, parent_id, date, properties, show_album FROM main_gallery_albums WHERE parent_id = 4 AND owner_id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_gallery_albums	ref	parent_id,owner_id,owner_id_mangled_name	parent_id	4	const	1	Using where

SELECT id, owner_id, description, name, flags, parent_id, date, properties, show_album FROM main_gallery_albums WHERE parent_id = 5 AND owner_id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_gallery_albums	ref	parent_id,owner_id,owner_id_mangled_name	parent_id	4	const	1	Using where

SELECT id, owner_id, description, name, flags, parent_id, date, properties, show_album FROM main_gallery_albums WHERE parent_id = 8 AND owner_id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_gallery_albums	ref	parent_id,owner_id,owner_id_mangled_name	parent_id	4	const	1	Using where

SELECT settings FROM main_blogs WHERE id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count',YEAR(date) AS 'year',MONTH(date) AS 'month',DAYOFMONTH(date) AS 'daymonth' FROM main_articles WHERE status = 1 AND blog_id = 1 AND date <= NOW() GROUP BY YEAR(date),MONTH(date) ORDER BY YEAR(date) DESC,MONTH(date) DESC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles	ALL	blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id,date	NULL	NULL	NULL	676	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort

SELECT a.id as id, a.id, a.date, a.user_id,a.blog_id,a.status,a.properties, a.num_reads, a.slug, 1 AS relevance FROM main_articles a, main_articles_categories c, main_article_categories_link l WHERE a.blog_id = 1 AND c.id = l.category_id AND a.id = l.article_id AND c.in_main_page = 1 AND a.status = '1' AND a.date <= '20050630005615' GROUP BY a.id ORDER BY a.date DESC LIMIT 7
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
a	range	PRIMARY,blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id,date	blog_id	4	NULL	896	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	a.id	1	Using where; Using index
c	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.category_id	1	Using where

SELECT * FROM main_blogs WHERE id = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT u.id AS id, u.user AS user, u.password AS password, u.email AS email, u.about AS about, u.full_name AS full_name, u.properties AS properties, u.resource_picture_id AS resource_picture_id, IF(p.permission_id = 1, 1, 0 ) AS site_admin, u.status AS status FROM main_users u LEFT JOIN main_users_permissions p ON u.id = p.user_id WHERE u.id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
u	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	
p	ref	user_id,user_id_permission_id	user_id_permission_id	4	const	5	Using index

SELECT a.id as article_id, c.id AS id, c.name AS name, c.url AS url, c.blog_id AS blog_id, c.last_modification AS last_modification, c.in_main_page AS in_main_page, c.parent_id AS parent_id, c.properties AS properties, c.description AS description, c.mangled_name AS mangled_name, IF(a.id IS NULL, 0, COUNT(*)) AS num_articles, a.date AS last_update FROM main_articles_categories c LEFT JOIN main_article_categories_link l ON c.id=l.category_id LEFT JOIN main_articles a ON a.id = l.article_id WHERE a.id IN ("901","900","897","896","893","869","868") AND a.blog_id = '1' AND c.blog_id = '1' GROUP BY c.id, a.id
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	2	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	index	NULL	PRIMARY	8	NULL	906	Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY,blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

SELECT article_id,text,topic FROM main_articles_text WHERE article_id IN ("901","900","897","896","893","869","868")
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles_text	range	article_id	article_id	4	NULL	41	Using where

SELECT c.id AS id, c.name AS name, c.blog_id AS blog_id, c.last_modification AS last_modification, c.properties AS properties, IF(l.id IS NULL, 0, COUNT(*)) AS num_links FROM main_mylinks_categories c LEFT JOIN main_mylinks l ON l.blog_id = c.blog_id AND l.category_id = c.id WHERE c.blog_id= 1 GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY c.name ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	2	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	ALL	blog_id,category_id	NULL	NULL	NULL	10	

SELECT * FROM main_mylinks WHERE blog_id = '1' ORDER BY id ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_mylinks	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	12	Using where; Using filesort

SELECT settings FROM main_blogs WHERE id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count', DAYOFMONTH(date) AS 'day', id AS 'id', date AS 'date' FROM main_articles WHERE status = 1 AND blog_id = 1 AND date <= NOW() AND MONTH(date) = 06 AND YEAR(date) = 2005 GROUP BY DAYOFMONTH(date)
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles	ALL	blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id,date	NULL	NULL	NULL	676	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort

SELECT c.id AS id, c.name AS name, c.url AS url, c.blog_id AS blog_id, c.last_modification AS last_modification, c.in_main_page AS in_main_page, c.parent_id AS parent_id, c.description AS description, c.properties AS properties, c.mangled_name AS mangled_name, IF(a.id IS NULL, 0, COUNT(*)) AS num_articles, a.date AS last_update FROM main_articles_categories c LEFT JOIN main_article_categories_link l ON c.id=l.category_id LEFT JOIN main_articles a ON a.id = l.article_id WHERE c.blog_id = '1' GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY last_update DESC, name ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	2	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	index	NULL	PRIMARY	8	NULL	906	Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	

select count(*) as total from main_adrotate_statistics
Select tables optimized away

select * from main_adrotate_statistics limit 9,1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_adrotate_statistics	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	11	

SELECT id, owner_id, album_id, description, date, flags, resource_type, file_path, file_name, metadata, thumbnail_format FROM main_gallery_resources WHERE owner_id = '1' AND album_id = '1' ORDER BY album_id, date ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_gallery_resources	ref	album_id,owner_id,album_id_owner_id	album_id	4	const	1	Using where; Using filesort

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM main_article_categories_link AS l, main_articles AS a WHERE l.article_id = a.id AND l.category_id = '2' AND a.status = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM main_article_categories_link AS l, main_articles AS a WHERE l.article_id = a.id AND l.category_id = '3' AND a.status = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM main_article_categories_link AS l, main_articles AS a WHERE l.article_id = a.id AND l.category_id = '1' AND a.status = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

select * from main_plogbirthdays where day=30 and month=06
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_plogbirthdays	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	466	Using where

select * from main_plogpoll_polls where active='Y' and blogId='1' limit 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_plogpoll_polls	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	2	Using where

select id from main_plogpoll_voterips where ip='-1062731304' and id='3'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_plogpoll_voterips	ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	12	const,const	1	Using where; Using index

SELECT * FROM main_config
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_config	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	121	

select version()
No tables used

select version()
No tables used

select version()
No tables used

select version()
No tables used

SELECT * FROM main_blogs WHERE id = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT id, owner_id, description, name, flags, parent_id, date, properties, show_album FROM main_gallery_albums WHERE id = 3 AND owner_id = 1 AND show_album = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_gallery_albums	const	PRIMARY,owner_id,owner_id_mangled_name	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT id, owner_id, description, name, flags, parent_id, date, properties, show_album FROM main_gallery_albums WHERE parent_id = 3 AND owner_id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_gallery_albums	ref	parent_id,owner_id,owner_id_mangled_name	parent_id	4	const	1	Using where

SELECT album_id, COUNT(*) AS total FROM main_gallery_resources GROUP BY album_id
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_gallery_resources	index	NULL	album_id	4	NULL	21	Using index

SELECT settings FROM main_blogs WHERE id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count',YEAR(date) AS 'year',MONTH(date) AS 'month',DAYOFMONTH(date) AS 'daymonth' FROM main_articles WHERE status = 1 AND blog_id = 1 AND date <= NOW() GROUP BY YEAR(date),MONTH(date) ORDER BY YEAR(date) DESC,MONTH(date) DESC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles	ALL	blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id,date	NULL	NULL	NULL	676	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort

SELECT a.id as id, a.id, a.date, a.user_id,a.blog_id,a.status,a.properties, a.num_reads, a.slug, 1 AS relevance FROM main_articles a, main_articles_categories c, main_article_categories_link l WHERE a.blog_id = 1 AND c.id = l.category_id AND a.id = l.article_id AND c.in_main_page = 1 AND a.status = '1' AND a.date <= '20050630005617' GROUP BY a.id ORDER BY a.date DESC LIMIT 7
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
a	range	PRIMARY,blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id,date	blog_id	4	NULL	896	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	a.id	1	Using where; Using index
c	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.category_id	1	Using where

SELECT * FROM main_blogs WHERE id = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT u.id AS id, u.user AS user, u.password AS password, u.email AS email, u.about AS about, u.full_name AS full_name, u.properties AS properties, u.resource_picture_id AS resource_picture_id, IF(p.permission_id = 1, 1, 0 ) AS site_admin, u.status AS status FROM main_users u LEFT JOIN main_users_permissions p ON u.id = p.user_id WHERE u.id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
u	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	
p	ref	user_id,user_id_permission_id	user_id_permission_id	4	const	5	Using index

SELECT a.id as article_id, c.id AS id, c.name AS name, c.url AS url, c.blog_id AS blog_id, c.last_modification AS last_modification, c.in_main_page AS in_main_page, c.parent_id AS parent_id, c.properties AS properties, c.description AS description, c.mangled_name AS mangled_name, IF(a.id IS NULL, 0, COUNT(*)) AS num_articles, a.date AS last_update FROM main_articles_categories c LEFT JOIN main_article_categories_link l ON c.id=l.category_id LEFT JOIN main_articles a ON a.id = l.article_id WHERE a.id IN ("901","900","897","896","893","869","868") AND a.blog_id = '1' AND c.blog_id = '1' GROUP BY c.id, a.id
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	2	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	index	NULL	PRIMARY	8	NULL	906	Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY,blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

SELECT article_id,text,topic FROM main_articles_text WHERE article_id IN ("901","900","897","896","893","869","868")
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles_text	range	article_id	article_id	4	NULL	41	Using where

SELECT c.id AS id, c.name AS name, c.blog_id AS blog_id, c.last_modification AS last_modification, c.properties AS properties, IF(l.id IS NULL, 0, COUNT(*)) AS num_links FROM main_mylinks_categories c LEFT JOIN main_mylinks l ON l.blog_id = c.blog_id AND l.category_id = c.id WHERE c.blog_id= 1 GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY c.name ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	2	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	ALL	blog_id,category_id	NULL	NULL	NULL	10	

SELECT * FROM main_mylinks WHERE blog_id = '1' ORDER BY id ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_mylinks	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	12	Using where; Using filesort

SELECT settings FROM main_blogs WHERE id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count', DAYOFMONTH(date) AS 'day', id AS 'id', date AS 'date' FROM main_articles WHERE status = 1 AND blog_id = 1 AND date <= NOW() AND MONTH(date) = 06 AND YEAR(date) = 2005 GROUP BY DAYOFMONTH(date)
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles	ALL	blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id,date	NULL	NULL	NULL	676	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort

SELECT c.id AS id, c.name AS name, c.url AS url, c.blog_id AS blog_id, c.last_modification AS last_modification, c.in_main_page AS in_main_page, c.parent_id AS parent_id, c.description AS description, c.properties AS properties, c.mangled_name AS mangled_name, IF(a.id IS NULL, 0, COUNT(*)) AS num_articles, a.date AS last_update FROM main_articles_categories c LEFT JOIN main_article_categories_link l ON c.id=l.category_id LEFT JOIN main_articles a ON a.id = l.article_id WHERE c.blog_id = '1' GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY last_update DESC, name ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	2	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	index	NULL	PRIMARY	8	NULL	906	Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	

select count(*) as total from main_adrotate_statistics
Select tables optimized away

select * from main_adrotate_statistics limit 6,1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_adrotate_statistics	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	11	

SELECT id, owner_id, album_id, description, date, flags, resource_type, file_path, file_name, metadata, thumbnail_format FROM main_gallery_resources WHERE owner_id = '1' AND album_id = '3' ORDER BY album_id, date ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_gallery_resources	ref	album_id,owner_id,album_id_owner_id	album_id	4	const	4	Using where; Using filesort

SELECT id, owner_id, description, name, flags, parent_id, date, properties, show_album FROM main_gallery_albums WHERE id = 3 AND owner_id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_gallery_albums	const	PRIMARY,owner_id,owner_id_mangled_name	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT id, owner_id, description, name, flags, parent_id, date, properties, show_album FROM main_gallery_albums WHERE parent_id = 3 AND owner_id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_gallery_albums	ref	parent_id,owner_id,owner_id_mangled_name	parent_id	4	const	1	Using where

SELECT album_id, COUNT(*) AS total FROM main_gallery_resources GROUP BY album_id
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_gallery_resources	index	NULL	album_id	4	NULL	21	Using index

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM main_article_categories_link AS l, main_articles AS a WHERE l.article_id = a.id AND l.category_id = '2' AND a.status = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM main_article_categories_link AS l, main_articles AS a WHERE l.article_id = a.id AND l.category_id = '3' AND a.status = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM main_article_categories_link AS l, main_articles AS a WHERE l.article_id = a.id AND l.category_id = '1' AND a.status = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

select * from main_plogbirthdays where day=30 and month=06
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_plogbirthdays	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	466	Using where

select * from main_plogpoll_polls where active='Y' and blogId='1' limit 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_plogpoll_polls	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	2	Using where

select id from main_plogpoll_voterips where ip='-1062731304' and id='3'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_plogpoll_voterips	ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	12	const,const	1	Using where; Using index

SELECT * FROM main_config
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_config	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	121	

select version()
No tables used

select version()
No tables used

select version()
No tables used

select version()
No tables used

SELECT * FROM main_blogs WHERE id = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT settings FROM main_blogs WHERE id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count',YEAR(date) AS 'year',MONTH(date) AS 'month',DAYOFMONTH(date) AS 'daymonth' FROM main_articles WHERE status = 1 AND blog_id = 1 AND date <= NOW() GROUP BY YEAR(date),MONTH(date) ORDER BY YEAR(date) DESC,MONTH(date) DESC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles	ALL	blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id,date	NULL	NULL	NULL	676	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort

SELECT a.id as id, a.id, a.date, a.user_id,a.blog_id,a.status,a.properties, a.num_reads, a.slug, 1 AS relevance FROM main_articles a, main_articles_categories c, main_article_categories_link l WHERE a.blog_id = 1 AND c.id = l.category_id AND a.id = l.article_id AND c.in_main_page = 1 AND a.status = '1' AND a.date <= '20050630005619' GROUP BY a.id ORDER BY a.date DESC LIMIT 7
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
a	range	PRIMARY,blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id,date	blog_id	4	NULL	896	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	a.id	1	Using where; Using index
c	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.category_id	1	Using where

SELECT * FROM main_blogs WHERE id = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT u.id AS id, u.user AS user, u.password AS password, u.email AS email, u.about AS about, u.full_name AS full_name, u.properties AS properties, u.resource_picture_id AS resource_picture_id, IF(p.permission_id = 1, 1, 0 ) AS site_admin, u.status AS status FROM main_users u LEFT JOIN main_users_permissions p ON u.id = p.user_id WHERE u.id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
u	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	
p	ref	user_id,user_id_permission_id	user_id_permission_id	4	const	5	Using index

SELECT a.id as article_id, c.id AS id, c.name AS name, c.url AS url, c.blog_id AS blog_id, c.last_modification AS last_modification, c.in_main_page AS in_main_page, c.parent_id AS parent_id, c.properties AS properties, c.description AS description, c.mangled_name AS mangled_name, IF(a.id IS NULL, 0, COUNT(*)) AS num_articles, a.date AS last_update FROM main_articles_categories c LEFT JOIN main_article_categories_link l ON c.id=l.category_id LEFT JOIN main_articles a ON a.id = l.article_id WHERE a.id IN ("901","900","897","896","893","869","868") AND a.blog_id = '1' AND c.blog_id = '1' GROUP BY c.id, a.id
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	2	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	index	NULL	PRIMARY	8	NULL	906	Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY,blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

SELECT article_id,text,topic FROM main_articles_text WHERE article_id IN ("901","900","897","896","893","869","868")
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles_text	range	article_id	article_id	4	NULL	41	Using where

SELECT c.id AS id, c.name AS name, c.blog_id AS blog_id, c.last_modification AS last_modification, c.properties AS properties, IF(l.id IS NULL, 0, COUNT(*)) AS num_links FROM main_mylinks_categories c LEFT JOIN main_mylinks l ON l.blog_id = c.blog_id AND l.category_id = c.id WHERE c.blog_id= 1 GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY c.name ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	2	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	ALL	blog_id,category_id	NULL	NULL	NULL	10	

SELECT * FROM main_mylinks WHERE blog_id = '1' ORDER BY id ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_mylinks	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	12	Using where; Using filesort

SELECT settings FROM main_blogs WHERE id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count', DAYOFMONTH(date) AS 'day', id AS 'id', date AS 'date' FROM main_articles WHERE status = 1 AND blog_id = 1 AND date <= NOW() AND MONTH(date) = 06 AND YEAR(date) = 2005 GROUP BY DAYOFMONTH(date)
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles	ALL	blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id,date	NULL	NULL	NULL	676	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort

SELECT c.id AS id, c.name AS name, c.url AS url, c.blog_id AS blog_id, c.last_modification AS last_modification, c.in_main_page AS in_main_page, c.parent_id AS parent_id, c.description AS description, c.properties AS properties, c.mangled_name AS mangled_name, IF(a.id IS NULL, 0, COUNT(*)) AS num_articles, a.date AS last_update FROM main_articles_categories c LEFT JOIN main_article_categories_link l ON c.id=l.category_id LEFT JOIN main_articles a ON a.id = l.article_id WHERE c.blog_id = '1' GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY last_update DESC, name ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	2	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	index	NULL	PRIMARY	8	NULL	906	Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	

select count(*) as total from main_adrotate_statistics
Select tables optimized away

select * from main_adrotate_statistics limit 8,1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_adrotate_statistics	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	11	

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM main_article_categories_link AS l, main_articles AS a WHERE l.article_id = a.id AND l.category_id = '2' AND a.status = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM main_article_categories_link AS l, main_articles AS a WHERE l.article_id = a.id AND l.category_id = '3' AND a.status = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM main_article_categories_link AS l, main_articles AS a WHERE l.article_id = a.id AND l.category_id = '1' AND a.status = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

select * from main_plogbirthdays where day=30 and month=06
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_plogbirthdays	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	466	Using where

select * from main_plogpoll_polls where active='Y' and blogId='1' limit 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_plogpoll_polls	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	2	Using where

select id from main_plogpoll_voterips where ip='-1062731304' and id='3'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_plogpoll_voterips	ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	12	const,const	1	Using where; Using index

select count(*) as total from main_plogstaticrotator_content where blogid='1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_plogstaticrotator_content	index	NULL	PRIMARY	8	NULL	8	Using where; Using index

select id,blogid,title,content from main_plogstaticrotator_content where blogid='1' limit 6,1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_plogstaticrotator_content	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	8	Using where

select a.id as id, l.category_id as category_id, a.user_id as user_id, a.blog_id as blog_id, t.text as text, t.topic as topic, a.slug as slug from main_articles a, main_article_categories_link l, main_articles_text t where a.blog_id='1' and a.user_id='1' and l.category_id='2' and a.id=l.article_id and a.id=t.id and a.status=1 order by date DESC limit 4
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY,blog_id,user_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where
t	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	a.id	1	Using where

select a.id as id, l.category_id as category_id, a.user_id as user_id, a.blog_id as blog_id, t.text as text, t.topic as topic, a.slug as slug from main_articles a, main_article_categories_link l, main_articles_text t where a.blog_id='1' and a.user_id='1' and l.category_id='3' and a.id=l.article_id and a.id=t.id and a.status=1 order by date DESC limit 2
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY,blog_id,user_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where
t	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	a.id	1	Using where

select a.id as id, l.category_id as category_id, a.user_id as user_id, a.blog_id as blog_id, t.text as text, t.topic as topic, a.slug as slug from main_articles a, main_article_categories_link l, main_articles_text t where a.blog_id='1' and a.user_id='1' and l.category_id='1' and a.id=l.article_id and a.id=t.id and a.status=1 order by date DESC limit 7
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY,blog_id,user_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where
t	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	a.id	1	Using where

SELECT * FROM main_config
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_config	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	121	

select version()
No tables used

select version()
No tables used

select version()
No tables used

select version()
No tables used

SELECT * FROM main_blogs WHERE id = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT a.id, a.date, a.user_id,a.blog_id,a.status,a.properties, a.num_reads, a.slug FROM main_articles a WHERE a.id = 657 AND a.blog_id = 1 AND a.status = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
a	const	PRIMARY,blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT * FROM main_blogs WHERE id = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT c.id AS id, c.name AS name, c.url AS url, c.blog_id AS blog_id, c.last_modification AS last_modification, c.in_main_page AS in_main_page, c.parent_id AS parent_id, c.properties AS properties, c.description AS description, c.mangled_name AS mangled_name, IF(a.id IS NULL, 0, COUNT(*)) AS num_articles, a.date AS last_update FROM main_articles_categories c LEFT JOIN main_article_categories_link l ON c.id=l.category_id LEFT JOIN main_articles a ON a.id = l.article_id WHERE a.id = 657 AND a.blog_id = '1' AND c.blog_id = '1' GROUP BY c.id
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
a	const	PRIMARY,blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id	PRIMARY	4	const	1	Using temporary; Using filesort
c	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	2	Using where
l	index	NULL	PRIMARY	8	NULL	906	Using where; Using index

SELECT text,topic FROM main_articles_text WHERE article_id = '657'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles_text	ref	article_id	article_id	4	const	1	Using where

SELECT u.id AS id, u.user AS user, u.password AS password, u.email AS email, u.about AS about, u.full_name AS full_name, u.properties AS properties, u.resource_picture_id AS resource_picture_id, IF(p.permission_id = 1, 1, 0 ) AS site_admin, u.status AS status FROM main_users u LEFT JOIN main_users_permissions p ON u.id = p.user_id WHERE u.id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
u	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	
p	ref	user_id,user_id_permission_id	user_id_permission_id	4	const	5	Using index

SELECT id,article_id,topic, text,date,user_email,user_url,user_name,parent_id, client_ip,send_notification,status,spam_rate FROM main_articles_comments WHERE article_id = 657 ORDER BY date ASC
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT * FROM main_trackbacks WHERE article_id = '657'
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT settings FROM main_blogs WHERE id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count',YEAR(date) AS 'year',MONTH(date) AS 'month',DAYOFMONTH(date) AS 'daymonth' FROM main_articles WHERE status = 1 AND blog_id = 1 AND date <= NOW() GROUP BY YEAR(date),MONTH(date) ORDER BY YEAR(date) DESC,MONTH(date) DESC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles	ALL	blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id,date	NULL	NULL	NULL	676	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort

SELECT a.id as id, a.id, a.date, a.user_id,a.blog_id,a.status,a.properties, a.num_reads, a.slug, 1 AS relevance FROM main_articles a, main_articles_categories c, main_article_categories_link l WHERE a.blog_id = 1 AND c.id = l.category_id AND a.id = l.article_id AND c.in_main_page = 1 AND a.status = '1' AND a.date <= '20050630005620' GROUP BY a.id ORDER BY a.date DESC LIMIT 7
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
a	range	PRIMARY,blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id,date	blog_id	4	NULL	896	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	a.id	1	Using where; Using index
c	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.category_id	1	Using where

SELECT * FROM main_blogs WHERE id = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT u.id AS id, u.user AS user, u.password AS password, u.email AS email, u.about AS about, u.full_name AS full_name, u.properties AS properties, u.resource_picture_id AS resource_picture_id, IF(p.permission_id = 1, 1, 0 ) AS site_admin, u.status AS status FROM main_users u LEFT JOIN main_users_permissions p ON u.id = p.user_id WHERE u.id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
u	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	
p	ref	user_id,user_id_permission_id	user_id_permission_id	4	const	5	Using index

SELECT a.id as article_id, c.id AS id, c.name AS name, c.url AS url, c.blog_id AS blog_id, c.last_modification AS last_modification, c.in_main_page AS in_main_page, c.parent_id AS parent_id, c.properties AS properties, c.description AS description, c.mangled_name AS mangled_name, IF(a.id IS NULL, 0, COUNT(*)) AS num_articles, a.date AS last_update FROM main_articles_categories c LEFT JOIN main_article_categories_link l ON c.id=l.category_id LEFT JOIN main_articles a ON a.id = l.article_id WHERE a.id IN ("901","900","897","896","893","869","868") AND a.blog_id = '1' AND c.blog_id = '1' GROUP BY c.id, a.id
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	2	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	index	NULL	PRIMARY	8	NULL	906	Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY,blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

SELECT article_id,text,topic FROM main_articles_text WHERE article_id IN ("901","900","897","896","893","869","868")
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles_text	range	article_id	article_id	4	NULL	41	Using where

SELECT c.id AS id, c.name AS name, c.blog_id AS blog_id, c.last_modification AS last_modification, c.properties AS properties, IF(l.id IS NULL, 0, COUNT(*)) AS num_links FROM main_mylinks_categories c LEFT JOIN main_mylinks l ON l.blog_id = c.blog_id AND l.category_id = c.id WHERE c.blog_id= 1 GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY c.name ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	2	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	ALL	blog_id,category_id	NULL	NULL	NULL	10	

SELECT * FROM main_mylinks WHERE blog_id = '1' ORDER BY id ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_mylinks	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	12	Using where; Using filesort

SELECT settings FROM main_blogs WHERE id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count', DAYOFMONTH(date) AS 'day', id AS 'id', date AS 'date' FROM main_articles WHERE status = 1 AND blog_id = 1 AND date <= NOW() AND MONTH(date) = 06 AND YEAR(date) = 2005 GROUP BY DAYOFMONTH(date)
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles	ALL	blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id,date	NULL	NULL	NULL	676	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort

SELECT c.id AS id, c.name AS name, c.url AS url, c.blog_id AS blog_id, c.last_modification AS last_modification, c.in_main_page AS in_main_page, c.parent_id AS parent_id, c.description AS description, c.properties AS properties, c.mangled_name AS mangled_name, IF(a.id IS NULL, 0, COUNT(*)) AS num_articles, a.date AS last_update FROM main_articles_categories c LEFT JOIN main_article_categories_link l ON c.id=l.category_id LEFT JOIN main_articles a ON a.id = l.article_id WHERE c.blog_id = '1' GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY last_update DESC, name ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	2	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	index	NULL	PRIMARY	8	NULL	906	Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	

select count(*) as total from main_adrotate_statistics
Select tables optimized away

select * from main_adrotate_statistics limit 7,1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_adrotate_statistics	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	11	

SELECT id,article_id,topic, text,date,user_email,user_url,user_name,parent_id, client_ip,send_notification,status,spam_rate FROM main_articles_comments WHERE article_id = 657 ORDER BY date ASC
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT * FROM main_trackbacks WHERE article_id = '657'
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT v.id AS id, d.id AS field_id, v.field_value AS field_value, d.field_name AS field_name, d.field_type AS field_type, d.field_description AS field_description FROM main_custom_fields_values v RIGHT OUTER JOIN main_custom_fields_definition d ON v.article_id = 657 AND v.field_id = d.id WHERE d.blog_id = '1' ORDER BY date ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
d	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	1	Using where; Using filesort
v	ref	article_id,field_id	article_id	5	const	26	Using where

SELECT id,article_id,topic, text,date,user_email,user_url,user_name,parent_id, client_ip,send_notification,status,spam_rate FROM main_articles_comments WHERE article_id = 657 ORDER BY date ASC
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM main_article_categories_link AS l, main_articles AS a WHERE l.article_id = a.id AND l.category_id = '2' AND a.status = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM main_article_categories_link AS l, main_articles AS a WHERE l.article_id = a.id AND l.category_id = '3' AND a.status = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM main_article_categories_link AS l, main_articles AS a WHERE l.article_id = a.id AND l.category_id = '1' AND a.status = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

select * from main_plogbirthdays where day=30 and month=06
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_plogbirthdays	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	466	Using where

select * from main_plogpoll_polls where active='Y' and blogId='1' limit 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_plogpoll_polls	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	2	Using where

select id from main_plogpoll_voterips where ip='-1062731304' and id='3'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_plogpoll_voterips	ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	12	const,const	1	Using where; Using index

SELECT * FROM main_config
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_config	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	121	

select version()
No tables used

select version()
No tables used

select version()
No tables used

select version()
No tables used

SELECT * FROM main_blogs WHERE id = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT * FROM main_articles_categories WHERE id = 3 AND blog_id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles_categories	const	PRIMARY,blog_id	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM main_articles a, main_articles_categories c, main_article_categories_link l WHERE a.blog_id = 1 AND a.id = l.article_id AND l.category_id = 3 AND c.id = l.category_id AND a.status = '1' AND a.date <= '20050630005622' GROUP BY a.id
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY,blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id,date	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

SELECT a.id as id, a.id, a.date, a.user_id,a.blog_id,a.status,a.properties, a.num_reads, a.slug, 1 AS relevance FROM main_articles a, main_articles_categories c, main_article_categories_link l WHERE a.blog_id = 1 AND a.id = l.article_id AND l.category_id = 3 AND c.id = l.category_id AND a.status = '1' AND a.date <= '20050630005622' ORDER BY a.date DESC LIMIT 0, 10
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	Using index; Using filesort
a	range	PRIMARY,blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id,date	blog_id	4	NULL	896	Using where
l	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	a.id,const	1	Using where; Using index

SELECT * FROM main_blogs WHERE id = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT u.id AS id, u.user AS user, u.password AS password, u.email AS email, u.about AS about, u.full_name AS full_name, u.properties AS properties, u.resource_picture_id AS resource_picture_id, IF(p.permission_id = 1, 1, 0 ) AS site_admin, u.status AS status FROM main_users u LEFT JOIN main_users_permissions p ON u.id = p.user_id WHERE u.id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
u	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	
p	ref	user_id,user_id_permission_id	user_id_permission_id	4	const	5	Using index

SELECT a.id as article_id, c.id AS id, c.name AS name, c.url AS url, c.blog_id AS blog_id, c.last_modification AS last_modification, c.in_main_page AS in_main_page, c.parent_id AS parent_id, c.properties AS properties, c.description AS description, c.mangled_name AS mangled_name, IF(a.id IS NULL, 0, COUNT(*)) AS num_articles, a.date AS last_update FROM main_articles_categories c LEFT JOIN main_article_categories_link l ON c.id=l.category_id LEFT JOIN main_articles a ON a.id = l.article_id WHERE a.id IN ("657","668","666","489","486","478","475","467","456","452") AND a.blog_id = '1' AND c.blog_id = '1' GROUP BY c.id, a.id
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	2	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	index	NULL	PRIMARY	8	NULL	906	Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY,blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

SELECT article_id,text,topic FROM main_articles_text WHERE article_id IN ("657","668","666","489","486","478","475","467","456","452")
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles_text	range	article_id	article_id	4	NULL	10	Using where

SELECT settings FROM main_blogs WHERE id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count',YEAR(date) AS 'year',MONTH(date) AS 'month',DAYOFMONTH(date) AS 'daymonth' FROM main_articles WHERE status = 1 AND blog_id = 1 AND date <= NOW() GROUP BY YEAR(date),MONTH(date) ORDER BY YEAR(date) DESC,MONTH(date) DESC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles	ALL	blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id,date	NULL	NULL	NULL	676	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort

SELECT a.id as id, a.id, a.date, a.user_id,a.blog_id,a.status,a.properties, a.num_reads, a.slug, 1 AS relevance FROM main_articles a, main_articles_categories c, main_article_categories_link l WHERE a.blog_id = 1 AND c.id = l.category_id AND a.id = l.article_id AND c.in_main_page = 1 AND a.status = '1' AND a.date <= '20050630005622' GROUP BY a.id ORDER BY a.date DESC LIMIT 7
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
a	range	PRIMARY,blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id,date	blog_id	4	NULL	896	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	a.id	1	Using where; Using index
c	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.category_id	1	Using where

SELECT * FROM main_blogs WHERE id = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT u.id AS id, u.user AS user, u.password AS password, u.email AS email, u.about AS about, u.full_name AS full_name, u.properties AS properties, u.resource_picture_id AS resource_picture_id, IF(p.permission_id = 1, 1, 0 ) AS site_admin, u.status AS status FROM main_users u LEFT JOIN main_users_permissions p ON u.id = p.user_id WHERE u.id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
u	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	
p	ref	user_id,user_id_permission_id	user_id_permission_id	4	const	5	Using index

SELECT a.id as article_id, c.id AS id, c.name AS name, c.url AS url, c.blog_id AS blog_id, c.last_modification AS last_modification, c.in_main_page AS in_main_page, c.parent_id AS parent_id, c.properties AS properties, c.description AS description, c.mangled_name AS mangled_name, IF(a.id IS NULL, 0, COUNT(*)) AS num_articles, a.date AS last_update FROM main_articles_categories c LEFT JOIN main_article_categories_link l ON c.id=l.category_id LEFT JOIN main_articles a ON a.id = l.article_id WHERE a.id IN ("901","900","897","896","893","869","868") AND a.blog_id = '1' AND c.blog_id = '1' GROUP BY c.id, a.id
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	2	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	index	NULL	PRIMARY	8	NULL	906	Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY,blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

SELECT article_id,text,topic FROM main_articles_text WHERE article_id IN ("901","900","897","896","893","869","868")
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles_text	range	article_id	article_id	4	NULL	41	Using where

SELECT c.id AS id, c.name AS name, c.blog_id AS blog_id, c.last_modification AS last_modification, c.properties AS properties, IF(l.id IS NULL, 0, COUNT(*)) AS num_links FROM main_mylinks_categories c LEFT JOIN main_mylinks l ON l.blog_id = c.blog_id AND l.category_id = c.id WHERE c.blog_id= 1 GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY c.name ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	2	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	ALL	blog_id,category_id	NULL	NULL	NULL	10	

SELECT * FROM main_mylinks WHERE blog_id = '1' ORDER BY id ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_mylinks	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	12	Using where; Using filesort

SELECT settings FROM main_blogs WHERE id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count', DAYOFMONTH(date) AS 'day', id AS 'id', date AS 'date' FROM main_articles WHERE status = 1 AND blog_id = 1 AND date <= NOW() AND MONTH(date) = 06 AND YEAR(date) = 2005 GROUP BY DAYOFMONTH(date)
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles	ALL	blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id,date	NULL	NULL	NULL	676	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort

SELECT c.id AS id, c.name AS name, c.url AS url, c.blog_id AS blog_id, c.last_modification AS last_modification, c.in_main_page AS in_main_page, c.parent_id AS parent_id, c.description AS description, c.properties AS properties, c.mangled_name AS mangled_name, IF(a.id IS NULL, 0, COUNT(*)) AS num_articles, a.date AS last_update FROM main_articles_categories c LEFT JOIN main_article_categories_link l ON c.id=l.category_id LEFT JOIN main_articles a ON a.id = l.article_id WHERE c.blog_id = '1' GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY last_update DESC, name ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	2	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	index	NULL	PRIMARY	8	NULL	906	Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	

select count(*) as total from main_adrotate_statistics
Select tables optimized away

select * from main_adrotate_statistics limit 5,1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_adrotate_statistics	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	11	

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM main_article_categories_link AS l, main_articles AS a WHERE l.article_id = a.id AND l.category_id = '2' AND a.status = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM main_article_categories_link AS l, main_articles AS a WHERE l.article_id = a.id AND l.category_id = '3' AND a.status = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM main_article_categories_link AS l, main_articles AS a WHERE l.article_id = a.id AND l.category_id = '1' AND a.status = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

select * from main_plogbirthdays where day=30 and month=06
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_plogbirthdays	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	466	Using where

select * from main_plogpoll_polls where active='Y' and blogId='1' limit 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_plogpoll_polls	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	2	Using where

select id from main_plogpoll_voterips where ip='-1062731304' and id='3'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_plogpoll_voterips	ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	12	const,const	1	Using where; Using index

SELECT id,article_id,topic, text,date,user_email,user_url,user_name,parent_id, client_ip,send_notification,status,spam_rate FROM main_articles_comments WHERE article_id = 657 ORDER BY date ASC
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT * FROM main_trackbacks WHERE article_id = '657'
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT v.id AS id, d.id AS field_id, v.field_value AS field_value, d.field_name AS field_name, d.field_type AS field_type, d.field_description AS field_description FROM main_custom_fields_values v RIGHT OUTER JOIN main_custom_fields_definition d ON v.article_id = 657 AND v.field_id = d.id WHERE d.blog_id = '1' ORDER BY date ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
d	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	1	Using where; Using filesort
v	ref	article_id,field_id	article_id	5	const	26	Using where

SELECT id,article_id,topic, text,date,user_email,user_url,user_name,parent_id, client_ip,send_notification,status,spam_rate FROM main_articles_comments WHERE article_id = 668 ORDER BY date ASC
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT * FROM main_trackbacks WHERE article_id = '668'
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT v.id AS id, d.id AS field_id, v.field_value AS field_value, d.field_name AS field_name, d.field_type AS field_type, d.field_description AS field_description FROM main_custom_fields_values v RIGHT OUTER JOIN main_custom_fields_definition d ON v.article_id = 668 AND v.field_id = d.id WHERE d.blog_id = '1' ORDER BY date ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
d	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	1	Using where; Using filesort
v	ref	article_id,field_id	article_id	5	const	24	Using where

SELECT id,article_id,topic, text,date,user_email,user_url,user_name,parent_id, client_ip,send_notification,status,spam_rate FROM main_articles_comments WHERE article_id = 666 ORDER BY date ASC
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT * FROM main_trackbacks WHERE article_id = '666'
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT v.id AS id, d.id AS field_id, v.field_value AS field_value, d.field_name AS field_name, d.field_type AS field_type, d.field_description AS field_description FROM main_custom_fields_values v RIGHT OUTER JOIN main_custom_fields_definition d ON v.article_id = 666 AND v.field_id = d.id WHERE d.blog_id = '1' ORDER BY date ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
d	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	1	Using where; Using filesort
v	ref	article_id,field_id	article_id	5	const	23	Using where

SELECT id,article_id,topic, text,date,user_email,user_url,user_name,parent_id, client_ip,send_notification,status,spam_rate FROM main_articles_comments WHERE article_id = 489 ORDER BY date ASC
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT * FROM main_trackbacks WHERE article_id = '489'
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT v.id AS id, d.id AS field_id, v.field_value AS field_value, d.field_name AS field_name, d.field_type AS field_type, d.field_description AS field_description FROM main_custom_fields_values v RIGHT OUTER JOIN main_custom_fields_definition d ON v.article_id = 489 AND v.field_id = d.id WHERE d.blog_id = '1' ORDER BY date ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
d	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	1	Using where; Using filesort
v	ref	article_id,field_id	article_id	5	const	16	Using where

SELECT id,article_id,topic, text,date,user_email,user_url,user_name,parent_id, client_ip,send_notification,status,spam_rate FROM main_articles_comments WHERE article_id = 486 ORDER BY date ASC
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT * FROM main_trackbacks WHERE article_id = '486'
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT v.id AS id, d.id AS field_id, v.field_value AS field_value, d.field_name AS field_name, d.field_type AS field_type, d.field_description AS field_description FROM main_custom_fields_values v RIGHT OUTER JOIN main_custom_fields_definition d ON v.article_id = 486 AND v.field_id = d.id WHERE d.blog_id = '1' ORDER BY date ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
d	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	1	Using where; Using filesort
v	ref	article_id,field_id	article_id	5	const	17	Using where

SELECT id,article_id,topic, text,date,user_email,user_url,user_name,parent_id, client_ip,send_notification,status,spam_rate FROM main_articles_comments WHERE article_id = 478 ORDER BY date ASC
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT * FROM main_trackbacks WHERE article_id = '478'
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT v.id AS id, d.id AS field_id, v.field_value AS field_value, d.field_name AS field_name, d.field_type AS field_type, d.field_description AS field_description FROM main_custom_fields_values v RIGHT OUTER JOIN main_custom_fields_definition d ON v.article_id = 478 AND v.field_id = d.id WHERE d.blog_id = '1' ORDER BY date ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
d	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	1	Using where; Using filesort
v	ref	article_id,field_id	article_id	5	const	14	Using where

SELECT id,article_id,topic, text,date,user_email,user_url,user_name,parent_id, client_ip,send_notification,status,spam_rate FROM main_articles_comments WHERE article_id = 475 ORDER BY date ASC
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT * FROM main_trackbacks WHERE article_id = '475'
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT v.id AS id, d.id AS field_id, v.field_value AS field_value, d.field_name AS field_name, d.field_type AS field_type, d.field_description AS field_description FROM main_custom_fields_values v RIGHT OUTER JOIN main_custom_fields_definition d ON v.article_id = 475 AND v.field_id = d.id WHERE d.blog_id = '1' ORDER BY date ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
d	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	1	Using where; Using filesort
v	ref	article_id,field_id	article_id	5	const	14	Using where

SELECT id,article_id,topic, text,date,user_email,user_url,user_name,parent_id, client_ip,send_notification,status,spam_rate FROM main_articles_comments WHERE article_id = 467 ORDER BY date ASC
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT * FROM main_trackbacks WHERE article_id = '467'
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT v.id AS id, d.id AS field_id, v.field_value AS field_value, d.field_name AS field_name, d.field_type AS field_type, d.field_description AS field_description FROM main_custom_fields_values v RIGHT OUTER JOIN main_custom_fields_definition d ON v.article_id = 467 AND v.field_id = d.id WHERE d.blog_id = '1' ORDER BY date ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
d	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	1	Using where; Using filesort
v	ref	article_id,field_id	article_id	5	const	18	Using where

SELECT id,article_id,topic, text,date,user_email,user_url,user_name,parent_id, client_ip,send_notification,status,spam_rate FROM main_articles_comments WHERE article_id = 456 ORDER BY date ASC
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT * FROM main_trackbacks WHERE article_id = '456'
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT v.id AS id, d.id AS field_id, v.field_value AS field_value, d.field_name AS field_name, d.field_type AS field_type, d.field_description AS field_description FROM main_custom_fields_values v RIGHT OUTER JOIN main_custom_fields_definition d ON v.article_id = 456 AND v.field_id = d.id WHERE d.blog_id = '1' ORDER BY date ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
d	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	1	Using where; Using filesort
v	ref	article_id,field_id	article_id	5	const	20	Using where

SELECT id,article_id,topic, text,date,user_email,user_url,user_name,parent_id, client_ip,send_notification,status,spam_rate FROM main_articles_comments WHERE article_id = 452 ORDER BY date ASC
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT * FROM main_trackbacks WHERE article_id = '452'
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT v.id AS id, d.id AS field_id, v.field_value AS field_value, d.field_name AS field_name, d.field_type AS field_type, d.field_description AS field_description FROM main_custom_fields_values v RIGHT OUTER JOIN main_custom_fields_definition d ON v.article_id = 452 AND v.field_id = d.id WHERE d.blog_id = '1' ORDER BY date ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
d	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	1	Using where; Using filesort
v	ref	article_id,field_id	article_id	5	const	22	Using where

SELECT * FROM main_config
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_config	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	121	

select version()
No tables used

select version()
No tables used

select version()
No tables used

select version()
No tables used

SELECT * FROM main_blogs WHERE id = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT * FROM main_articles_categories WHERE id = 1 AND blog_id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles_categories	const	PRIMARY,blog_id	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM main_articles a, main_articles_categories c, main_article_categories_link l WHERE a.blog_id = 1 AND a.id = l.article_id AND l.category_id = 1 AND c.id = l.category_id AND a.status = '1' AND a.date <= '20050630005624' GROUP BY a.id
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY,blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id,date	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

SELECT a.id as id, a.id, a.date, a.user_id,a.blog_id,a.status,a.properties, a.num_reads, a.slug, 1 AS relevance FROM main_articles a, main_articles_categories c, main_article_categories_link l WHERE a.blog_id = 1 AND a.id = l.article_id AND l.category_id = 1 AND c.id = l.category_id AND a.status = '1' AND a.date <= '20050630005624' ORDER BY a.date DESC LIMIT 0, 10
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	Using index; Using filesort
a	range	PRIMARY,blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id,date	blog_id	4	NULL	896	Using where
l	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	a.id,const	1	Using where; Using index

SELECT * FROM main_blogs WHERE id = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT u.id AS id, u.user AS user, u.password AS password, u.email AS email, u.about AS about, u.full_name AS full_name, u.properties AS properties, u.resource_picture_id AS resource_picture_id, IF(p.permission_id = 1, 1, 0 ) AS site_admin, u.status AS status FROM main_users u LEFT JOIN main_users_permissions p ON u.id = p.user_id WHERE u.id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
u	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	
p	ref	user_id,user_id_permission_id	user_id_permission_id	4	const	5	Using index

SELECT a.id as article_id, c.id AS id, c.name AS name, c.url AS url, c.blog_id AS blog_id, c.last_modification AS last_modification, c.in_main_page AS in_main_page, c.parent_id AS parent_id, c.properties AS properties, c.description AS description, c.mangled_name AS mangled_name, IF(a.id IS NULL, 0, COUNT(*)) AS num_articles, a.date AS last_update FROM main_articles_categories c LEFT JOIN main_article_categories_link l ON c.id=l.category_id LEFT JOIN main_articles a ON a.id = l.article_id WHERE a.id IN ("901","897","896","893","869","868","852","847","831","828") AND a.blog_id = '1' AND c.blog_id = '1' GROUP BY c.id, a.id
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	2	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	index	NULL	PRIMARY	8	NULL	906	Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY,blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

SELECT article_id,text,topic FROM main_articles_text WHERE article_id IN ("901","897","896","893","869","868","852","847","831","828")
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles_text	range	article_id	article_id	4	NULL	37	Using where

SELECT settings FROM main_blogs WHERE id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count',YEAR(date) AS 'year',MONTH(date) AS 'month',DAYOFMONTH(date) AS 'daymonth' FROM main_articles WHERE status = 1 AND blog_id = 1 AND date <= NOW() GROUP BY YEAR(date),MONTH(date) ORDER BY YEAR(date) DESC,MONTH(date) DESC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles	ALL	blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id,date	NULL	NULL	NULL	676	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort

SELECT a.id as id, a.id, a.date, a.user_id,a.blog_id,a.status,a.properties, a.num_reads, a.slug, 1 AS relevance FROM main_articles a, main_articles_categories c, main_article_categories_link l WHERE a.blog_id = 1 AND c.id = l.category_id AND a.id = l.article_id AND c.in_main_page = 1 AND a.status = '1' AND a.date <= '20050630005624' GROUP BY a.id ORDER BY a.date DESC LIMIT 7
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
a	range	PRIMARY,blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id,date	blog_id	4	NULL	896	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	a.id	1	Using where; Using index
c	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.category_id	1	Using where

SELECT * FROM main_blogs WHERE id = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT u.id AS id, u.user AS user, u.password AS password, u.email AS email, u.about AS about, u.full_name AS full_name, u.properties AS properties, u.resource_picture_id AS resource_picture_id, IF(p.permission_id = 1, 1, 0 ) AS site_admin, u.status AS status FROM main_users u LEFT JOIN main_users_permissions p ON u.id = p.user_id WHERE u.id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
u	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	
p	ref	user_id,user_id_permission_id	user_id_permission_id	4	const	5	Using index

SELECT a.id as article_id, c.id AS id, c.name AS name, c.url AS url, c.blog_id AS blog_id, c.last_modification AS last_modification, c.in_main_page AS in_main_page, c.parent_id AS parent_id, c.properties AS properties, c.description AS description, c.mangled_name AS mangled_name, IF(a.id IS NULL, 0, COUNT(*)) AS num_articles, a.date AS last_update FROM main_articles_categories c LEFT JOIN main_article_categories_link l ON c.id=l.category_id LEFT JOIN main_articles a ON a.id = l.article_id WHERE a.id IN ("901","900","897","896","893","869","868") AND a.blog_id = '1' AND c.blog_id = '1' GROUP BY c.id, a.id
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	2	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	index	NULL	PRIMARY	8	NULL	906	Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY,blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

SELECT article_id,text,topic FROM main_articles_text WHERE article_id IN ("901","900","897","896","893","869","868")
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles_text	range	article_id	article_id	4	NULL	41	Using where

SELECT c.id AS id, c.name AS name, c.blog_id AS blog_id, c.last_modification AS last_modification, c.properties AS properties, IF(l.id IS NULL, 0, COUNT(*)) AS num_links FROM main_mylinks_categories c LEFT JOIN main_mylinks l ON l.blog_id = c.blog_id AND l.category_id = c.id WHERE c.blog_id= 1 GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY c.name ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	2	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	ALL	blog_id,category_id	NULL	NULL	NULL	10	

SELECT * FROM main_mylinks WHERE blog_id = '1' ORDER BY id ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_mylinks	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	12	Using where; Using filesort

SELECT settings FROM main_blogs WHERE id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count', DAYOFMONTH(date) AS 'day', id AS 'id', date AS 'date' FROM main_articles WHERE status = 1 AND blog_id = 1 AND date <= NOW() AND MONTH(date) = 06 AND YEAR(date) = 2005 GROUP BY DAYOFMONTH(date)
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles	ALL	blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id,date	NULL	NULL	NULL	676	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort

SELECT c.id AS id, c.name AS name, c.url AS url, c.blog_id AS blog_id, c.last_modification AS last_modification, c.in_main_page AS in_main_page, c.parent_id AS parent_id, c.description AS description, c.properties AS properties, c.mangled_name AS mangled_name, IF(a.id IS NULL, 0, COUNT(*)) AS num_articles, a.date AS last_update FROM main_articles_categories c LEFT JOIN main_article_categories_link l ON c.id=l.category_id LEFT JOIN main_articles a ON a.id = l.article_id WHERE c.blog_id = '1' GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY last_update DESC, name ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	2	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	index	NULL	PRIMARY	8	NULL	906	Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	

select count(*) as total from main_adrotate_statistics
Select tables optimized away

select * from main_adrotate_statistics limit 7,1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_adrotate_statistics	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	11	

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM main_article_categories_link AS l, main_articles AS a WHERE l.article_id = a.id AND l.category_id = '2' AND a.status = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM main_article_categories_link AS l, main_articles AS a WHERE l.article_id = a.id AND l.category_id = '3' AND a.status = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM main_article_categories_link AS l, main_articles AS a WHERE l.article_id = a.id AND l.category_id = '1' AND a.status = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

select * from main_plogbirthdays where day=30 and month=06
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_plogbirthdays	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	466	Using where

select * from main_plogpoll_polls where active='Y' and blogId='1' limit 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_plogpoll_polls	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	2	Using where

select id from main_plogpoll_voterips where ip='-1062731304' and id='3'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_plogpoll_voterips	ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	12	const,const	1	Using where; Using index

SELECT id,article_id,topic, text,date,user_email,user_url,user_name,parent_id, client_ip,send_notification,status,spam_rate FROM main_articles_comments WHERE article_id = 901 ORDER BY date ASC
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT * FROM main_trackbacks WHERE article_id = '901'
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT v.id AS id, d.id AS field_id, v.field_value AS field_value, d.field_name AS field_name, d.field_type AS field_type, d.field_description AS field_description FROM main_custom_fields_values v RIGHT OUTER JOIN main_custom_fields_definition d ON v.article_id = 901 AND v.field_id = d.id WHERE d.blog_id = '1' ORDER BY date ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
d	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	1	Using where; Using filesort
v	ref	article_id,field_id	article_id	5	const	3	Using where

SELECT id,article_id,topic, text,date,user_email,user_url,user_name,parent_id, client_ip,send_notification,status,spam_rate FROM main_articles_comments WHERE article_id = 897 ORDER BY date ASC
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT * FROM main_trackbacks WHERE article_id = '897'
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT v.id AS id, d.id AS field_id, v.field_value AS field_value, d.field_name AS field_name, d.field_type AS field_type, d.field_description AS field_description FROM main_custom_fields_values v RIGHT OUTER JOIN main_custom_fields_definition d ON v.article_id = 897 AND v.field_id = d.id WHERE d.blog_id = '1' ORDER BY date ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
d	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	1	Using where; Using filesort
v	ref	article_id,field_id	article_id	5	const	12	Using where

SELECT id,article_id,topic, text,date,user_email,user_url,user_name,parent_id, client_ip,send_notification,status,spam_rate FROM main_articles_comments WHERE article_id = 896 ORDER BY date ASC
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT * FROM main_trackbacks WHERE article_id = '896'
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT v.id AS id, d.id AS field_id, v.field_value AS field_value, d.field_name AS field_name, d.field_type AS field_type, d.field_description AS field_description FROM main_custom_fields_values v RIGHT OUTER JOIN main_custom_fields_definition d ON v.article_id = 896 AND v.field_id = d.id WHERE d.blog_id = '1' ORDER BY date ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
d	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	1	Using where; Using filesort
v	ref	article_id,field_id	article_id	5	const	14	Using where

SELECT id,article_id,topic, text,date,user_email,user_url,user_name,parent_id, client_ip,send_notification,status,spam_rate FROM main_articles_comments WHERE article_id = 893 ORDER BY date ASC
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT * FROM main_trackbacks WHERE article_id = '893'
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT v.id AS id, d.id AS field_id, v.field_value AS field_value, d.field_name AS field_name, d.field_type AS field_type, d.field_description AS field_description FROM main_custom_fields_values v RIGHT OUTER JOIN main_custom_fields_definition d ON v.article_id = 893 AND v.field_id = d.id WHERE d.blog_id = '1' ORDER BY date ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
d	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	1	Using where; Using filesort
v	ref	article_id,field_id	article_id	5	const	21	Using where

SELECT id,article_id,topic, text,date,user_email,user_url,user_name,parent_id, client_ip,send_notification,status,spam_rate FROM main_articles_comments WHERE article_id = 869 ORDER BY date ASC
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT * FROM main_trackbacks WHERE article_id = '869'
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT v.id AS id, d.id AS field_id, v.field_value AS field_value, d.field_name AS field_name, d.field_type AS field_type, d.field_description AS field_description FROM main_custom_fields_values v RIGHT OUTER JOIN main_custom_fields_definition d ON v.article_id = 869 AND v.field_id = d.id WHERE d.blog_id = '1' ORDER BY date ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
d	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	1	Using where; Using filesort
v	ref	article_id,field_id	article_id	5	const	26	Using where

SELECT id,article_id,topic, text,date,user_email,user_url,user_name,parent_id, client_ip,send_notification,status,spam_rate FROM main_articles_comments WHERE article_id = 868 ORDER BY date ASC
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT * FROM main_trackbacks WHERE article_id = '868'
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT v.id AS id, d.id AS field_id, v.field_value AS field_value, d.field_name AS field_name, d.field_type AS field_type, d.field_description AS field_description FROM main_custom_fields_values v RIGHT OUTER JOIN main_custom_fields_definition d ON v.article_id = 868 AND v.field_id = d.id WHERE d.blog_id = '1' ORDER BY date ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
d	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	1	Using where; Using filesort
v	ref	article_id,field_id	article_id	5	const	25	Using where

SELECT id,article_id,topic, text,date,user_email,user_url,user_name,parent_id, client_ip,send_notification,status,spam_rate FROM main_articles_comments WHERE article_id = 852 ORDER BY date ASC
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT * FROM main_trackbacks WHERE article_id = '852'
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT v.id AS id, d.id AS field_id, v.field_value AS field_value, d.field_name AS field_name, d.field_type AS field_type, d.field_description AS field_description FROM main_custom_fields_values v RIGHT OUTER JOIN main_custom_fields_definition d ON v.article_id = 852 AND v.field_id = d.id WHERE d.blog_id = '1' ORDER BY date ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
d	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	1	Using where; Using filesort
v	ref	article_id,field_id	article_id	5	const	27	Using where

SELECT id,article_id,topic, text,date,user_email,user_url,user_name,parent_id, client_ip,send_notification,status,spam_rate FROM main_articles_comments WHERE article_id = 847 ORDER BY date ASC
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT * FROM main_trackbacks WHERE article_id = '847'
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT v.id AS id, d.id AS field_id, v.field_value AS field_value, d.field_name AS field_name, d.field_type AS field_type, d.field_description AS field_description FROM main_custom_fields_values v RIGHT OUTER JOIN main_custom_fields_definition d ON v.article_id = 847 AND v.field_id = d.id WHERE d.blog_id = '1' ORDER BY date ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
d	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	1	Using where; Using filesort
v	ref	article_id,field_id	article_id	5	const	31	Using where

SELECT id,article_id,topic, text,date,user_email,user_url,user_name,parent_id, client_ip,send_notification,status,spam_rate FROM main_articles_comments WHERE article_id = 831 ORDER BY date ASC
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT * FROM main_trackbacks WHERE article_id = '831'
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT v.id AS id, d.id AS field_id, v.field_value AS field_value, d.field_name AS field_name, d.field_type AS field_type, d.field_description AS field_description FROM main_custom_fields_values v RIGHT OUTER JOIN main_custom_fields_definition d ON v.article_id = 831 AND v.field_id = d.id WHERE d.blog_id = '1' ORDER BY date ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
d	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	1	Using where; Using filesort
v	ref	article_id,field_id	article_id	5	const	26	Using where

SELECT id,article_id,topic, text,date,user_email,user_url,user_name,parent_id, client_ip,send_notification,status,spam_rate FROM main_articles_comments WHERE article_id = 828 ORDER BY date ASC
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT * FROM main_trackbacks WHERE article_id = '828'
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT v.id AS id, d.id AS field_id, v.field_value AS field_value, d.field_name AS field_name, d.field_type AS field_type, d.field_description AS field_description FROM main_custom_fields_values v RIGHT OUTER JOIN main_custom_fields_definition d ON v.article_id = 828 AND v.field_id = d.id WHERE d.blog_id = '1' ORDER BY date ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
d	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	1	Using where; Using filesort
v	ref	article_id,field_id	article_id	5	const	24	Using where

SELECT * FROM main_config
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_config	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	121	

select version()
No tables used

select version()
No tables used

select version()
No tables used

select version()
No tables used

SELECT * FROM main_blogs WHERE id = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT a.id, a.date, a.user_id,a.blog_id,a.status,a.properties, a.num_reads, a.slug FROM main_articles a WHERE a.id = 901 AND a.blog_id = 1 AND a.status = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
a	const	PRIMARY,blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT * FROM main_blogs WHERE id = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT c.id AS id, c.name AS name, c.url AS url, c.blog_id AS blog_id, c.last_modification AS last_modification, c.in_main_page AS in_main_page, c.parent_id AS parent_id, c.properties AS properties, c.description AS description, c.mangled_name AS mangled_name, IF(a.id IS NULL, 0, COUNT(*)) AS num_articles, a.date AS last_update FROM main_articles_categories c LEFT JOIN main_article_categories_link l ON c.id=l.category_id LEFT JOIN main_articles a ON a.id = l.article_id WHERE a.id = 901 AND a.blog_id = '1' AND c.blog_id = '1' GROUP BY c.id
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
a	const	PRIMARY,blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id	PRIMARY	4	const	1	Using temporary; Using filesort
c	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	2	Using where
l	index	NULL	PRIMARY	8	NULL	906	Using where; Using index

SELECT text,topic FROM main_articles_text WHERE article_id = '901'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles_text	ref	article_id	article_id	4	const	5	Using where

SELECT u.id AS id, u.user AS user, u.password AS password, u.email AS email, u.about AS about, u.full_name AS full_name, u.properties AS properties, u.resource_picture_id AS resource_picture_id, IF(p.permission_id = 1, 1, 0 ) AS site_admin, u.status AS status FROM main_users u LEFT JOIN main_users_permissions p ON u.id = p.user_id WHERE u.id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
u	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	
p	ref	user_id,user_id_permission_id	user_id_permission_id	4	const	5	Using index

SELECT id,article_id,topic, text,date,user_email,user_url,user_name,parent_id, client_ip,send_notification,status,spam_rate FROM main_articles_comments WHERE article_id = 901 ORDER BY date ASC
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT * FROM main_trackbacks WHERE article_id = '901'
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT settings FROM main_blogs WHERE id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count',YEAR(date) AS 'year',MONTH(date) AS 'month',DAYOFMONTH(date) AS 'daymonth' FROM main_articles WHERE status = 1 AND blog_id = 1 AND date <= NOW() GROUP BY YEAR(date),MONTH(date) ORDER BY YEAR(date) DESC,MONTH(date) DESC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles	ALL	blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id,date	NULL	NULL	NULL	676	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort

SELECT a.id as id, a.id, a.date, a.user_id,a.blog_id,a.status,a.properties, a.num_reads, a.slug, 1 AS relevance FROM main_articles a, main_articles_categories c, main_article_categories_link l WHERE a.blog_id = 1 AND c.id = l.category_id AND a.id = l.article_id AND c.in_main_page = 1 AND a.status = '1' AND a.date <= '20050630005626' GROUP BY a.id ORDER BY a.date DESC LIMIT 7
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
a	range	PRIMARY,blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id,date	blog_id	4	NULL	896	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	a.id	1	Using where; Using index
c	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.category_id	1	Using where

SELECT * FROM main_blogs WHERE id = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT u.id AS id, u.user AS user, u.password AS password, u.email AS email, u.about AS about, u.full_name AS full_name, u.properties AS properties, u.resource_picture_id AS resource_picture_id, IF(p.permission_id = 1, 1, 0 ) AS site_admin, u.status AS status FROM main_users u LEFT JOIN main_users_permissions p ON u.id = p.user_id WHERE u.id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
u	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	
p	ref	user_id,user_id_permission_id	user_id_permission_id	4	const	5	Using index

SELECT a.id as article_id, c.id AS id, c.name AS name, c.url AS url, c.blog_id AS blog_id, c.last_modification AS last_modification, c.in_main_page AS in_main_page, c.parent_id AS parent_id, c.properties AS properties, c.description AS description, c.mangled_name AS mangled_name, IF(a.id IS NULL, 0, COUNT(*)) AS num_articles, a.date AS last_update FROM main_articles_categories c LEFT JOIN main_article_categories_link l ON c.id=l.category_id LEFT JOIN main_articles a ON a.id = l.article_id WHERE a.id IN ("901","900","897","896","893","869","868") AND a.blog_id = '1' AND c.blog_id = '1' GROUP BY c.id, a.id
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	2	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	index	NULL	PRIMARY	8	NULL	906	Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY,blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

SELECT article_id,text,topic FROM main_articles_text WHERE article_id IN ("901","900","897","896","893","869","868")
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles_text	range	article_id	article_id	4	NULL	41	Using where

SELECT c.id AS id, c.name AS name, c.blog_id AS blog_id, c.last_modification AS last_modification, c.properties AS properties, IF(l.id IS NULL, 0, COUNT(*)) AS num_links FROM main_mylinks_categories c LEFT JOIN main_mylinks l ON l.blog_id = c.blog_id AND l.category_id = c.id WHERE c.blog_id= 1 GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY c.name ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	2	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	ALL	blog_id,category_id	NULL	NULL	NULL	10	

SELECT * FROM main_mylinks WHERE blog_id = '1' ORDER BY id ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_mylinks	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	12	Using where; Using filesort

SELECT settings FROM main_blogs WHERE id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count', DAYOFMONTH(date) AS 'day', id AS 'id', date AS 'date' FROM main_articles WHERE status = 1 AND blog_id = 1 AND date <= NOW() AND MONTH(date) = 06 AND YEAR(date) = 2005 GROUP BY DAYOFMONTH(date)
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles	ALL	blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id,date	NULL	NULL	NULL	676	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort

SELECT c.id AS id, c.name AS name, c.url AS url, c.blog_id AS blog_id, c.last_modification AS last_modification, c.in_main_page AS in_main_page, c.parent_id AS parent_id, c.description AS description, c.properties AS properties, c.mangled_name AS mangled_name, IF(a.id IS NULL, 0, COUNT(*)) AS num_articles, a.date AS last_update FROM main_articles_categories c LEFT JOIN main_article_categories_link l ON c.id=l.category_id LEFT JOIN main_articles a ON a.id = l.article_id WHERE c.blog_id = '1' GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY last_update DESC, name ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	2	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	index	NULL	PRIMARY	8	NULL	906	Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	

select count(*) as total from main_adrotate_statistics
Select tables optimized away

select * from main_adrotate_statistics limit 1,1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_adrotate_statistics	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	11	

SELECT id,article_id,topic, text,date,user_email,user_url,user_name,parent_id, client_ip,send_notification,status,spam_rate FROM main_articles_comments WHERE article_id = 901 ORDER BY date ASC
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT * FROM main_trackbacks WHERE article_id = '901'
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT v.id AS id, d.id AS field_id, v.field_value AS field_value, d.field_name AS field_name, d.field_type AS field_type, d.field_description AS field_description FROM main_custom_fields_values v RIGHT OUTER JOIN main_custom_fields_definition d ON v.article_id = 901 AND v.field_id = d.id WHERE d.blog_id = '1' ORDER BY date ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
d	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	1	Using where; Using filesort
v	ref	article_id,field_id	article_id	5	const	3	Using where

SELECT id,article_id,topic, text,date,user_email,user_url,user_name,parent_id, client_ip,send_notification,status,spam_rate FROM main_articles_comments WHERE article_id = 901 ORDER BY date ASC
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM main_article_categories_link AS l, main_articles AS a WHERE l.article_id = a.id AND l.category_id = '2' AND a.status = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM main_article_categories_link AS l, main_articles AS a WHERE l.article_id = a.id AND l.category_id = '3' AND a.status = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM main_article_categories_link AS l, main_articles AS a WHERE l.article_id = a.id AND l.category_id = '1' AND a.status = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

select * from main_plogbirthdays where day=30 and month=06
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_plogbirthdays	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	466	Using where

select * from main_plogpoll_polls where active='Y' and blogId='1' limit 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_plogpoll_polls	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	2	Using where

select id from main_plogpoll_voterips where ip='-1062731304' and id='3'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_plogpoll_voterips	ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	12	const,const	1	Using where; Using index

SELECT * FROM main_config
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_config	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	121	

select version()
No tables used

select version()
No tables used

select version()
No tables used

select version()
No tables used

SELECT * FROM main_blogs WHERE id = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT settings FROM main_blogs WHERE id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count',YEAR(date) AS 'year',MONTH(date) AS 'month',DAYOFMONTH(date) AS 'daymonth' FROM main_articles WHERE status = 1 AND blog_id = 1 AND date <= NOW() GROUP BY YEAR(date),MONTH(date) ORDER BY YEAR(date) DESC,MONTH(date) DESC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles	ALL	blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id,date	NULL	NULL	NULL	676	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort

SELECT a.id as id, a.id, a.date, a.user_id,a.blog_id,a.status,a.properties, a.num_reads, a.slug, 1 AS relevance FROM main_articles a, main_articles_categories c, main_article_categories_link l WHERE a.blog_id = 1 AND c.id = l.category_id AND a.id = l.article_id AND c.in_main_page = 1 AND a.status = '1' AND a.date <= '20050630005628' GROUP BY a.id ORDER BY a.date DESC LIMIT 7
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
a	range	PRIMARY,blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id,date	blog_id	4	NULL	896	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	a.id	1	Using where; Using index
c	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.category_id	1	Using where

SELECT * FROM main_blogs WHERE id = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT u.id AS id, u.user AS user, u.password AS password, u.email AS email, u.about AS about, u.full_name AS full_name, u.properties AS properties, u.resource_picture_id AS resource_picture_id, IF(p.permission_id = 1, 1, 0 ) AS site_admin, u.status AS status FROM main_users u LEFT JOIN main_users_permissions p ON u.id = p.user_id WHERE u.id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
u	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	
p	ref	user_id,user_id_permission_id	user_id_permission_id	4	const	5	Using index

SELECT a.id as article_id, c.id AS id, c.name AS name, c.url AS url, c.blog_id AS blog_id, c.last_modification AS last_modification, c.in_main_page AS in_main_page, c.parent_id AS parent_id, c.properties AS properties, c.description AS description, c.mangled_name AS mangled_name, IF(a.id IS NULL, 0, COUNT(*)) AS num_articles, a.date AS last_update FROM main_articles_categories c LEFT JOIN main_article_categories_link l ON c.id=l.category_id LEFT JOIN main_articles a ON a.id = l.article_id WHERE a.id IN ("901","900","897","896","893","869","868") AND a.blog_id = '1' AND c.blog_id = '1' GROUP BY c.id, a.id
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	2	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	index	NULL	PRIMARY	8	NULL	906	Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY,blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

SELECT article_id,text,topic FROM main_articles_text WHERE article_id IN ("901","900","897","896","893","869","868")
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles_text	range	article_id	article_id	4	NULL	41	Using where

SELECT c.id AS id, c.name AS name, c.blog_id AS blog_id, c.last_modification AS last_modification, c.properties AS properties, IF(l.id IS NULL, 0, COUNT(*)) AS num_links FROM main_mylinks_categories c LEFT JOIN main_mylinks l ON l.blog_id = c.blog_id AND l.category_id = c.id WHERE c.blog_id= 1 GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY c.name ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	2	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	ALL	blog_id,category_id	NULL	NULL	NULL	10	

SELECT * FROM main_mylinks WHERE blog_id = '1' ORDER BY id ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_mylinks	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	12	Using where; Using filesort

SELECT settings FROM main_blogs WHERE id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count', DAYOFMONTH(date) AS 'day', id AS 'id', date AS 'date' FROM main_articles WHERE status = 1 AND blog_id = 1 AND date <= NOW() AND MONTH(date) = 06 AND YEAR(date) = 2005 GROUP BY DAYOFMONTH(date)
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles	ALL	blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id,date	NULL	NULL	NULL	676	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort

SELECT c.id AS id, c.name AS name, c.url AS url, c.blog_id AS blog_id, c.last_modification AS last_modification, c.in_main_page AS in_main_page, c.parent_id AS parent_id, c.description AS description, c.properties AS properties, c.mangled_name AS mangled_name, IF(a.id IS NULL, 0, COUNT(*)) AS num_articles, a.date AS last_update FROM main_articles_categories c LEFT JOIN main_article_categories_link l ON c.id=l.category_id LEFT JOIN main_articles a ON a.id = l.article_id WHERE c.blog_id = '1' GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY last_update DESC, name ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	2	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	index	NULL	PRIMARY	8	NULL	906	Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	

select count(*) as total from main_adrotate_statistics
Select tables optimized away

select * from main_adrotate_statistics limit 8,1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_adrotate_statistics	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	11	

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM main_article_categories_link AS l, main_articles AS a WHERE l.article_id = a.id AND l.category_id = '2' AND a.status = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM main_article_categories_link AS l, main_articles AS a WHERE l.article_id = a.id AND l.category_id = '3' AND a.status = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM main_article_categories_link AS l, main_articles AS a WHERE l.article_id = a.id AND l.category_id = '1' AND a.status = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

select * from main_plogbirthdays where day=30 and month=06
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_plogbirthdays	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	466	Using where

select * from main_plogpoll_polls where active='Y' and blogId='1' limit 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_plogpoll_polls	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	2	Using where

select id from main_plogpoll_voterips where ip='-1062731304' and id='3'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_plogpoll_voterips	ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	12	const,const	1	Using where; Using index

select count(*) as total from main_plogstaticrotator_content where blogid='1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_plogstaticrotator_content	index	NULL	PRIMARY	8	NULL	8	Using where; Using index

select id,blogid,title,content from main_plogstaticrotator_content where blogid='1' limit 0,1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_plogstaticrotator_content	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	8	Using where

select a.id as id, l.category_id as category_id, a.user_id as user_id, a.blog_id as blog_id, t.text as text, t.topic as topic, a.slug as slug from main_articles a, main_article_categories_link l, main_articles_text t where a.blog_id='1' and a.user_id='1' and l.category_id='2' and a.id=l.article_id and a.id=t.id and a.status=1 order by date DESC limit 4
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY,blog_id,user_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where
t	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	a.id	1	Using where

select a.id as id, l.category_id as category_id, a.user_id as user_id, a.blog_id as blog_id, t.text as text, t.topic as topic, a.slug as slug from main_articles a, main_article_categories_link l, main_articles_text t where a.blog_id='1' and a.user_id='1' and l.category_id='3' and a.id=l.article_id and a.id=t.id and a.status=1 order by date DESC limit 2
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY,blog_id,user_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where
t	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	a.id	1	Using where

select a.id as id, l.category_id as category_id, a.user_id as user_id, a.blog_id as blog_id, t.text as text, t.topic as topic, a.slug as slug from main_articles a, main_article_categories_link l, main_articles_text t where a.blog_id='1' and a.user_id='1' and l.category_id='1' and a.id=l.article_id and a.id=t.id and a.status=1 order by date DESC limit 7
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY,blog_id,user_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where
t	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	a.id	1	Using where

SELECT * FROM main_config
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_config	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	121	

select version()
No tables used

select version()
No tables used

select version()
No tables used

select version()
No tables used

SELECT * FROM main_blogs WHERE id = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT a.id, a.date, a.user_id,a.blog_id,a.status,a.properties, a.num_reads, a.slug FROM main_articles a WHERE a.id = 898 AND a.blog_id = 1 AND a.status = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
a	const	PRIMARY,blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT * FROM main_blogs WHERE id = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT c.id AS id, c.name AS name, c.url AS url, c.blog_id AS blog_id, c.last_modification AS last_modification, c.in_main_page AS in_main_page, c.parent_id AS parent_id, c.properties AS properties, c.description AS description, c.mangled_name AS mangled_name, IF(a.id IS NULL, 0, COUNT(*)) AS num_articles, a.date AS last_update FROM main_articles_categories c LEFT JOIN main_article_categories_link l ON c.id=l.category_id LEFT JOIN main_articles a ON a.id = l.article_id WHERE a.id = 898 AND a.blog_id = '1' AND c.blog_id = '1' GROUP BY c.id
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
a	const	PRIMARY,blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id	PRIMARY	4	const	1	Using temporary; Using filesort
c	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	2	Using where
l	index	NULL	PRIMARY	8	NULL	906	Using where; Using index

SELECT text,topic FROM main_articles_text WHERE article_id = '898'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles_text	ref	article_id	article_id	4	const	9	Using where

SELECT u.id AS id, u.user AS user, u.password AS password, u.email AS email, u.about AS about, u.full_name AS full_name, u.properties AS properties, u.resource_picture_id AS resource_picture_id, IF(p.permission_id = 1, 1, 0 ) AS site_admin, u.status AS status FROM main_users u LEFT JOIN main_users_permissions p ON u.id = p.user_id WHERE u.id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
u	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	
p	ref	user_id,user_id_permission_id	user_id_permission_id	4	const	5	Using index

SELECT id,article_id,topic, text,date,user_email,user_url,user_name,parent_id, client_ip,send_notification,status,spam_rate FROM main_articles_comments WHERE article_id = 898 ORDER BY date ASC
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT * FROM main_trackbacks WHERE article_id = '898'
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT settings FROM main_blogs WHERE id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count',YEAR(date) AS 'year',MONTH(date) AS 'month',DAYOFMONTH(date) AS 'daymonth' FROM main_articles WHERE status = 1 AND blog_id = 1 AND date <= NOW() GROUP BY YEAR(date),MONTH(date) ORDER BY YEAR(date) DESC,MONTH(date) DESC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles	ALL	blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id,date	NULL	NULL	NULL	676	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort

SELECT a.id as id, a.id, a.date, a.user_id,a.blog_id,a.status,a.properties, a.num_reads, a.slug, 1 AS relevance FROM main_articles a, main_articles_categories c, main_article_categories_link l WHERE a.blog_id = 1 AND c.id = l.category_id AND a.id = l.article_id AND c.in_main_page = 1 AND a.status = '1' AND a.date <= '20050630005629' GROUP BY a.id ORDER BY a.date DESC LIMIT 7
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
a	range	PRIMARY,blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id,date	blog_id	4	NULL	896	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	a.id	1	Using where; Using index
c	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.category_id	1	Using where

SELECT * FROM main_blogs WHERE id = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT u.id AS id, u.user AS user, u.password AS password, u.email AS email, u.about AS about, u.full_name AS full_name, u.properties AS properties, u.resource_picture_id AS resource_picture_id, IF(p.permission_id = 1, 1, 0 ) AS site_admin, u.status AS status FROM main_users u LEFT JOIN main_users_permissions p ON u.id = p.user_id WHERE u.id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
u	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	
p	ref	user_id,user_id_permission_id	user_id_permission_id	4	const	5	Using index

SELECT a.id as article_id, c.id AS id, c.name AS name, c.url AS url, c.blog_id AS blog_id, c.last_modification AS last_modification, c.in_main_page AS in_main_page, c.parent_id AS parent_id, c.properties AS properties, c.description AS description, c.mangled_name AS mangled_name, IF(a.id IS NULL, 0, COUNT(*)) AS num_articles, a.date AS last_update FROM main_articles_categories c LEFT JOIN main_article_categories_link l ON c.id=l.category_id LEFT JOIN main_articles a ON a.id = l.article_id WHERE a.id IN ("901","900","897","896","893","869","868") AND a.blog_id = '1' AND c.blog_id = '1' GROUP BY c.id, a.id
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	2	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	index	NULL	PRIMARY	8	NULL	906	Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY,blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

SELECT article_id,text,topic FROM main_articles_text WHERE article_id IN ("901","900","897","896","893","869","868")
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles_text	range	article_id	article_id	4	NULL	41	Using where

SELECT c.id AS id, c.name AS name, c.blog_id AS blog_id, c.last_modification AS last_modification, c.properties AS properties, IF(l.id IS NULL, 0, COUNT(*)) AS num_links FROM main_mylinks_categories c LEFT JOIN main_mylinks l ON l.blog_id = c.blog_id AND l.category_id = c.id WHERE c.blog_id= 1 GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY c.name ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	2	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	ALL	blog_id,category_id	NULL	NULL	NULL	10	

SELECT * FROM main_mylinks WHERE blog_id = '1' ORDER BY id ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_mylinks	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	12	Using where; Using filesort

SELECT settings FROM main_blogs WHERE id = 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_blogs	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count', DAYOFMONTH(date) AS 'day', id AS 'id', date AS 'date' FROM main_articles WHERE status = 1 AND blog_id = 1 AND date <= NOW() AND MONTH(date) = 06 AND YEAR(date) = 2005 GROUP BY DAYOFMONTH(date)
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_articles	ALL	blog_id,blog_id_slug,blog_id_slug_category_id,date	NULL	NULL	NULL	676	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort

SELECT c.id AS id, c.name AS name, c.url AS url, c.blog_id AS blog_id, c.last_modification AS last_modification, c.in_main_page AS in_main_page, c.parent_id AS parent_id, c.description AS description, c.properties AS properties, c.mangled_name AS mangled_name, IF(a.id IS NULL, 0, COUNT(*)) AS num_articles, a.date AS last_update FROM main_articles_categories c LEFT JOIN main_article_categories_link l ON c.id=l.category_id LEFT JOIN main_articles a ON a.id = l.article_id WHERE c.blog_id = '1' GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY last_update DESC, name ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
c	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	2	Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
l	index	NULL	PRIMARY	8	NULL	906	Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	

select count(*) as total from main_adrotate_statistics
Select tables optimized away

select * from main_adrotate_statistics limit 4,1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_adrotate_statistics	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	11	

SELECT id,article_id,topic, text,date,user_email,user_url,user_name,parent_id, client_ip,send_notification,status,spam_rate FROM main_articles_comments WHERE article_id = 898 ORDER BY date ASC
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT * FROM main_trackbacks WHERE article_id = '898'
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT v.id AS id, d.id AS field_id, v.field_value AS field_value, d.field_name AS field_name, d.field_type AS field_type, d.field_description AS field_description FROM main_custom_fields_values v RIGHT OUTER JOIN main_custom_fields_definition d ON v.article_id = 898 AND v.field_id = d.id WHERE d.blog_id = '1' ORDER BY date ASC
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
d	ref	blog_id	blog_id	4	const	1	Using where; Using filesort
v	ref	article_id,field_id	article_id	5	const	13	Using where

SELECT id,article_id,topic, text,date,user_email,user_url,user_name,parent_id, client_ip,send_notification,status,spam_rate FROM main_articles_comments WHERE article_id = 898 ORDER BY date ASC
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM main_article_categories_link AS l, main_articles AS a WHERE l.article_id = a.id AND l.category_id = '2' AND a.status = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM main_article_categories_link AS l, main_articles AS a WHERE l.article_id = a.id AND l.category_id = '3' AND a.status = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM main_article_categories_link AS l, main_articles AS a WHERE l.article_id = a.id AND l.category_id = '1' AND a.status = '1'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
l	index	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	8	NULL	680	Using where; Using index
a	eq_ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	l.article_id	1	Using where

select * from main_plogbirthdays where day=30 and month=06
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_plogbirthdays	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	466	Using where

select * from main_plogpoll_polls where active='Y' and blogId='1' limit 1
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_plogpoll_polls	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	2	Using where

select id from main_plogpoll_voterips where ip='-1062731304' and id='3'
table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
main_plogpoll_voterips	ref	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	12	const,const	1	Using where; Using index

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