[pLog-svn] Look what I found

Jon Daley plogworld at daley.snurgle.org
Fri Jun 3 12:35:15 GMT 2005

 	When you see "we" just bought a house - does that mean you are 
married?  Get her to drop by...  I suppose the same could be said for my 
wife, an attractive, soft-spoken mechanical engineer/homemaker.  I don't 
know if she would want to spend the time on the forums though.  (:

On Fri, 3 Jun 2005, Oscar Renalias wrote:
> Now I don't think we can't hire a young attractive woman for the
> forums but I can always change my avatar to display a nicer picture in
> there :)

*     Jonathan M. Daley     *  Never replicate a successful  *
*   jondaley at snurgle.org    *           experiment.          *
* www.snurgle.org/~jondaley *                  -- Fett's Law *

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