[pLog-svn] r873 - in plog/trunk/locale: . old

oscar at devel.plogworld.net oscar at devel.plogworld.net
Sat Jan 29 15:52:14 GMT 2005

Author: oscar
Date: 2005-01-29 15:52:14 +0000 (Sat, 29 Jan 2005)
New Revision: 873

moved unfinished/incomplete locales to the old/ folder

Deleted: plog/trunk/locale/locale_ca_ES.php
--- plog/trunk/locale/locale_ca_ES.php	2005-01-29 15:29:38 UTC (rev 872)
+++ plog/trunk/locale/locale_ca_ES.php	2005-01-29 15:52:14 UTC (rev 873)
@@ -1,1411 +0,0 @@
-// set this to the encoding that should be used to display the pages correctly
-$messages["encoding"] = "iso-8859-1";
-$messages["locale_description"] = "Fitxer amb els missatges de pLog en català.";
-// days of the week
-$messages["days"] = Array( "Diumenge", "Dilluns", "Dimarts", "Dimecres", "Dijous", "Divendres", "Dissabte" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["Monday"] = $messages["days"][1];
-$messages["Tuesday"] = $messages["days"][2];
-$messages["Wednesday"] = $messages["days"][3];
-$messages["Thursday"] = $messages["days"][4];
-$messages["Friday"] = $messages["days"][5];
-$messages["Saturday"] = $messages["days"][6];
-$messages["Sunday"] = $messages["days"][0];
-// abbreviations
-$messages["daysshort"] = Array( "Di", "Dl", "Dm", "Dx", "Dj", "Dv", "Ds" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["Mo"] = $messages["daysshort"][1];
-$messages["Tu"] = $messages["daysshort"][2];
-$messages["We"] = $messages["daysshort"][3];
-$messages["Th"] = $messages["daysshort"][4];
-$messages["Fr"] = $messages["daysshort"][5];
-$messages["Sa"] = $messages["daysshort"][6];
-$messages["Su"] = $messages["daysshort"][0];
-// months of the year
-$messages["months"] = Array( "Gener", "Febrer", "Març", "Abril", "Maig", "Juny", "Juliol", "Agost", "Setembre", "Octubre", "Novembre", "Desembre" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["January"] = $messages["months"][0];
-$messages["February"] = $messages["months"][1];
-$messages["March"] = $messages["months"][2];
-$messages["April"] = $messages["months"][3];
-$messages["May"] = $messages["months"][4];
-$messages["June"] = $messages["months"][5];
-$messages["July"] = $messages["months"][6];
-$messages["August"] = $messages["months"][7];
-$messages["September"] = $messages["months"][8];
-$messages["October"] = $messages["months"][9];
-$messages["November"] = $messages["months"][10];
-$messages["December"] = $messages["months"][11];
-$messages["message"] = "Missatge";
-$messages["error"] = "Error";
-$messages["date"] = "Data";
-// miscellaneous messages
-$messages["of"] = "de";
-$messages["recently"] = "RECENTMENT...";
-$messages["comments"] = "comentaris";
-$messages["comment on this"] = "Comentar";
-$messages["my_links"] = "ELS MEUS ENLLAÇOS";
-$messages["archives"] = "ARXIUS";
-$messages["search"] = "CERCAR";
-$messages["calendar"] = "CALENDARI";
-$messages["editLinkCategories"] = "CATEGORIES";
-$messages["search_s"] = "Cercar";
-$messages["link_tracker"] = "Link Tracker";
-$messages["search_this_blog"] = "Cercar en aquest bloc:";
-$messages["about_myself"] = "Sobre mi...";
-$messages["permalink_title"] = "Enllaç permanent l'arxiu";
-$messages["permalink"] = "Permalink";
-$messages["posted_by"] = "Enviat per ";
-$messages["on_the"] = "el ";
-$messages["page"] = "pàgina";
-$messages["posted"] = "enviat";
-$messages["reply"] = "Respondre";
-// add comment form
-$messages["add_comment"] = "Afegir comentari";
-$messages["comment_topic"] = "Títol: ";
-$messages["comment_text"] = "Text: ";
-$messages["comment_username"] = "El teu nom: ";
-$messages["comment_email"] = "La teva dirección de correu: ";
-$messages["comment_url"] = "La teva pàgina personal: ";
-$messages["comment_send"] = "Enviar";
-$messages["comment_added"] = "Comentari enviat!";
-$messages["comment_add_error"] = "Error enviant el comentari.";
-$messages["article_does_not_exist"] = "L'article sol·licitat no existeix.";
-$messages["no_posts_found"] = "No s'ha trobat cap article.";
-$messages["user_has_no_posts_yet"] = "Aquest usuari no té cap article encara.";
-$messages["info_about_myself"] = "Informació sobre mi...";
-$messages["back"] = "Tornar";
-$messages["back_top"] = "Tornar a Dalt";
-$messages["post"] = "article";
-$messages["trackbacks_for_article"] = "Trackbacks per l'article";
-$messages["trackback_excerpt"] = "Fragment";
-$messages["trackback_weblog"] = "Weblog";
-$messages["search_results"] = "Resultats de la cerca";
-$messages["search_matching_results"] = "Els següents articles concorden amb els termes de la cerca";
-$messages["search_no_matching_posts"] = "No s'ha trobat cap article que concordi amb els termes de la cerca";
-$messages["see_all_link"] = "(Faci click aquí per a veure tots els seus articles, desde el principi dels temps)";
-$messages["read_more"] = "(Segueix)";
-$messages["anonymous_poster"] = "Anònim";
-$messages["syndicate"] = "ALTRES";
-$messages["main"] = "Inici";
-////// error messages /////
-$messages["error_fetching_article"] = "L'article especificat no s'ha pogut trobar.";
-$messages["error_fetching_articles"] = "Els articles no s'han pogut carregar.";
-$messages["error_trackback_no_trackback"] = "No s'han trobat trackbacks per a l'article especificat.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_article_id"] = "L'identificador de l'article és incorrecte.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_blog_id"] = "L'identificador del diari no és correcte.";
-$messages["error_comment_without_text"] = "Hauries d'escriure alguna com a contingut del comentari.";
-$messages["error_comment_without_name"] = "Hauries de donar almenys el teu nom.";
-$messages["error_adding_comment"] = "Hi ha hagut un error afegint el comentari a la base de dades.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_parameter"] = "Paràmetre incorrecte.";
-$messages["error_parameter_missing"] = "Falta un paràmetre a la petició.";
-$messages["error_blog_has_no_links"] = "Aquest diari encara no té enllaços.";
-$messages["error_comments_not_enabled"] = "La funció de comentar articles has estat desactivada en aquest lloc.";
-/////////////////                                          //////////////////
-///////////////// STRINGS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION INTERFACE //////////////////
-/////////////////                                          //////////////////
-////// help messages for the administration interface /////
-$messages["addPost"] = "<p>S'ha afegit correctament el teu article. Ara pots seleccionar els 
-servidors que vols enviar un ping de trackback, així ells sabran que has escrit sobre ells i podran
-$messages["help_editPosts"] = "<p>Sel·lecciona el títol del article per modificar-lo. També pots fer click
-a la categoria del post per tenir accés a tots els articles de la categoria. Pots aplicar un filtre
-pels articles per autor, estat i categoria usant les llistes desplegables de dalt. Es pot fer qualsevol combinació
-de condicions. Fes click en el numero de comentaris (només disponible si hi ha almenys un comentari) per tenir
-accés a tots els comentaris que has rebut pel article. </p>
-<p>Pots esborrar un o més articles sel·leccionat la casella <b>'Esborrar'</b> i fent click al botó <b>'Esborrar Sel·leccionats'</b>.
-<p>L'enllaç <b>'Estadístiques'</b> et mostrarà algunes dades sobre els articles, com el nombre de visites,
- els pings de trackback rebuts i els adreçes remotes que han enllaçat.</p>";
-$messages["editComments"] = "There are all the comments that have been posted for the given post. Comments
-can not be edited but they can be deleted. The only mandatory field when posting comments is the
-\"name\" field, so the E-mail and Url columns could be empty. The IP Address field is the
-original IP address where this comment was posted from. You can delete
-as many as you need by checking the corresponding <b>'Delete'</b> checkbox and pressing the
-<b>'Delete selected'</b> button.";
-$messages["postStats"] = "<p>These are the statistics about the selected post. The first one is how
-many times this article has been read, but please keep in mind that this statistic might be
-meaningless if you have disabled the <b>'Read more...'</b> feature in the <b>'Blog Settings'</b>
-<p>The referers are the urls of all the hosts that visited this post, and the trackbacks table represents
-how many trackback pings have been received for this post. They can't be deleted or modified.</p>";
-$messages["help_editArticleCategories"] = "<p>This is a listing with all the post categories that
-have been created so far. There must be at least one category before you can add an article, since
-every article has to be categorized under a category. The <b>'Articles'</b> column shows how many
-articles have been categorized under the given category. In the same way, a category can't be deleted
-if it has an article assigned it; you must first remove all the articles and then you will be allowed
-to remove the category.</p>
-<p>You can delete more than one category at the same time by cheching their <b>'Delete'</b> column
-and then clickin on the <b>'Delete Selected'</b> button.</p>";
-$messages["help_newArticleCategory"] = "<p>From here you can add a new post category to the blog. All
-what you need to provide is a name for the new category. Once it has been created, it will be available
-for posts to be categorized under.</p>";
-$messages["help_editLinks"] = "<p>This is a list with all the links that have been added. Like posts, every
-link can be sorted in different categories and then displayed in the main page for visitors to see.</p>
-<p>For every link, you will see here its name, the url where it is pointing to and under which category
-it has been sorted. Finally you can also delete any of the links.</p>";
-$messages["help_newLink"] = "<p>You can add a new link from here. You have to provide at least a valid
-url and a name for the link. The description field is optional but useful to have more information
-about the link. You need at least one link category before you can add any link.</p>";
-$messages["help_editLinkCategories"] = "<p>This is a list with all the link categories that have been
-created. Like with posts, you need at least one link category before you can add any link. Clicking
-on the <b>'Links'</b> column will show all the links that belong to the category.</p>";
-$messages["help_newLinkCategory"] = "<p>The only thing you need to provide in order to have a new
-link category is a descriptive name for the category. Once the link category has been created,
-it will be available for links to be categorized under.</p>";
-$messages["help_blogSettings"] = "<p>From this page you can change some of the settings that control the
-behaviour or appearance of this journal. These are the settings: <ul>
-<li><b>Permanent URL</b>: This is the URL where this blog is running and that can be used to
-link to it. It can't be changed.</li>
-<li><b>Name of the blog</b>: This is a text string with a descriptive name of the blog. If using the
-default templates, it is the text displayed on top of every page.</li>
-<li><b>Long descriptive text about this blog</b>: This is a longer text that can optionally be
-displayed in some kind of page giving more detailed information about the page. It can be left
-blank if not needed.</li>
-<li><b>Language used to display the texts</b>: You can select one of the available languages. This
-language will be used to display the texts (not your own articles!) and format things like dates
-and numbers using the correct settings. More languages can be installed at any time.</li>
-<li><b>Items in the main page</b>: Set this to the number of posts you would like to have
-in the main page. The more posts, the longer it will take for users to download your page. Minimum
-number of posts it one.</li>
-<li><b>Items shown as recent</b>: Set this to the number of posts you would like to be shown as
-<b>'Recent'</b>, that is, the posts that have been posted earlier. Minimun amount is one.</li>
-<li><b>Template used to render the contents</b>: pLog allows to have more than one template
-to show the same content. You can choose here the most appropiate one for you journal, from the ones
-that have been installed by the administrator.</li>
-<li><b>Cut long posts and add a 'More...' link</b>: Set this to <b>'Yes'</b> if you would like pLog
-to automatically add a 'More...' link to your posts on the main page if they are too long (see the
-setting below) This feature is useful since it makes your frontpage less cluttered and also
-smaller. However, it has some problems if there is a lot of HTML code in the page.</li>
-<li><b>Cut posts after how many characters</b>: Set this to the amount of characters you would like
-to allow before adding the 'More...' link. This setting is only meaningful if you enabled the
-feature above.</li>
-<li><b>Enable WYSIWYG edition of texts</b>: Set this to yes if you would like to have the possibility
-to see how your posts look in real time. This feature is only available for users using either
-Internet Explorer 5.5 or higer and Mozilla 1.3b or higher.</li>
-<li><b>Enable comments</b>: Set this to yes if you would like to allow your users to make comments to your
-posts. This will globally affect all your posts and all your users.</li>
-$messages["help_userSettings"] = "<p>Things related to your user profile can be changed from this
-page. Please note that your username cannot be changed.<ul>
-<li><b>Password, Confirm Password</b>: If you would like to change your password, please type it in
-the first text box. Do the same in the second box to confirm that you entered the same password.</li>
-<li><b>Email address</b>: Please set this to a valid email address if you would like to use features
-such as the notification when a comment is received to a post. It is used only for internal
-purposes and will not be publicly displayed.</li>
-<li><b>Bio</b>: You can type here some information about yourself. It can be left empty.</li>
-$messages["help_pluginCenter"] = "<p>From here you can see which plugins have been installed. For every
-plugin, you will see its identifier (the identifier you have to use when developing templates and
-want to make use of the plugin features), the author of the plugin, and some descriptive text with
-various information about the plugin, mainly how to use it.</p>";
-$messages["help_Stats"] = "<p>You can see from here all the referers that have hit this site in the past.
-The <b>'Article'</b> column reflects which article was visited by the referer or the value <b>'0'</b>
-if the referer visited the main page or any other page which was not an article. Finally, the
-<b>'Last hit date'</b> column is the time of the last hit received from that referer.</p>";
-$messages["editArticleCategory"] = "<p>Please provide a new name for the category you are updating.</p>";
-$messages["editLink"] = "<p>You have to provide at least a url and a name for the link. The link must also
-be categorized under a category.</p>";
-$messages["editLinkCategory"] = "Please provide a new name for the link category you are updating.</p>";
-$messages["blogSelect"] = "Please select one of the operations from the menu.";
-$messages["Error"] = "There was an error while executing the requested operation. Please see
-the main page for more information regarding the error.";
-$messages["Message"] = "Please see the main page for more information regarding the message.";
-//////// strings for the administration interface ///////
-$messages["admin_interface_title"] = "Interfície d'Administració de pLog";
-$messages["administration"] = "Administració";
-$messages["help"] = "Ajuda";
-$messages["plog_help"] = "Ajuda de pLog";
-$messages["newPost"] = "Nou Article";
-$messages["editPosts"] = "Articles";
-$messages["editArticleCategories"] = "Categories";
-$messages["admin_links"] = "Enllaços";
-$messages["editLinkCategories"] = "Categories d'Enllaços";
-$messages["settings"] = "Arranjaments";
-$messages["Logout"] = "Sortir";
-// new post page
-$messages["topic"] = "Títol";
-$messages["text"] = "Text";
-$messages["category"]  = "Categoria";
-$messages["status"] = "Estat";
-$messages["post_status_draft"] = "Esborrany";
-$messages["post_status_published"] = "Publicat";
-$messages["post_status_deleted"] = "Esborrat";
-$messages["post_status_all"] = "Tots";
-$messages["send_notification"] = "Avisar-me cada vegada que hi hagi un comentari.";
-$messages["send_trackback_pings"] = "Buscar enllaços a l'article i enviar notificacions de trackback a aquells que ho suportin.";
-$messages["add_post"] = "Afegir!";
-$messages["xmlrpc_ping_ok"] = "Ping XML-RPC enviat correctament a ";
-$messages["error_sending_xmlrpc_ping"] = "Hi ha hagut un error enviant el ping XML-RPC a ";
-$messages["error_sending_xmlrpc_ping_message"] = "El missatge d'error fou: ";
-$messages["preview"] = "Previsualitzar";
-$messages["post_added"] = "L'article ha estat afegit correctament.";
-$messages["you_will_be_notified"] = "També serà notificat cada vegada que s'afegeixi un nou comentari a l'article.";
-$messages["post_added_not_published"] = "Article afegit però no publicat.";
-$messages["error_adding_post"] = "Hi ha hagut un error afegint el missatge!";
-$messages["error_must_fill_all_fields"] = "Hauria d'omplir tots els camps.";
-$messages["error_must_have_one_category"] = "Es necessita com a mínim una categoria abans d'afegir un nou article.";
-// send trackbacks page
-$messages["send_trackback_pings"] = "Enviar notificacions de trackback";
-$messages["links_found"] = "S'han trobat els següents enllaços al seu article. Marqui els que hi desitjaria enviar un
-una notificació de trackback (aquest procés pot trigar una estona)";
-$messages["trackbacks_no_urls_selected"] = "No ha seleccionat cap dels enllaços i per tant no s'ha enviat cap notificació de trackback.";
-$messages["trackbacks_received_ok"] = "Els següents enllaços han rebut la notificació de trackback correctamente:";
-$messages["trackbacks_no_trackback"] = "Els següents enllaços no han especificat una direcció de notificació de trackback:";
-$messages["trackbacks_problems_sending"] = "Hi ha hagut problemes intentant enviar la notificació de trackback als següents enllaços. Pot intentar-ho de nou si així ho desitja.";
-$messages["trackbacks_received_all_hosts"] = "Tots els enllaços han rebut la notificació de trackback correctament.";
-$messages["ping_selected"] = "Notificar enllaços seleccionats";
-// edit posts
-$messages["author"] = "Autor";
-$messages["category_all"] = "Totes";
-$messages["author_all"] = "Tots";
-$messages["update"] = "Actualitzar";
-$messages["date"] = "Data";
-$messages["help_Stats"] = "Estadístiques";
-$messages["delete"] = "Esborrar";
-$messages["delete_selected"] = "Esborrar seleccionats";
-// edit post
-$messages["edit_post"] = "Editar Article";
-$messages["error_getting_post_to_update"] = "Hi ha hagut un error obtenint l'article seleccionat per editar.";
-$messages["error_updating_post_in_database"] = "Hi ha hagut un error actualitzant l'article a la base de dades.";
-$messages["post_successfully_updated"] = "Article actualitzat correctament.";
-$messages["notification_removed"] = "La notificació d'avís de nous comentaris que hi havia activada per aquest article ha estat eliminada.";
-// post statistics
-$messages["statistics_for_post"] = "Estadístiques de l'article ";
-$messages["error_fetching_post"] = "Hi ha hagut un error obtenint l'article.";
-$messages["times_post_has_been_read"] = "Vegades que l'article ha estat llegit: ";
-$messages["referers"] = "Referers";
-$messages["id"] = "Id";
-$messages["url"] = "Url";
-$messages["hits"] = "Vegades";
-$messages["trackbacks"] = "Trackbacks";
-// post comments
-$messages["error_fetching_comments"] = "Hi ha hagut un error obtenint els comentaris de l'article.";
-$messages["comments_for_post"] = "Comentaris de l'article ";
-$messages["email"] = "E-Mail";
-$messages["ip_address"] = "Adreça IP";
-// delete comments
-$messages["error_no_comments_selected"] = "No s'ha seleccionat cap comentari per esborrar.";
-$messages["error_deleting_comment"] = "Hi ha hagut un error esborrant el comentari ";
-$messages["comment_deleted_ok"] = "El comentari amb títol \"%s\" ha estat esborrat correctament.";
-// categories list
-$messages["category_name"] = "Nom";
-// removing posts
-$messages["post_cannot_be_deleted"] = "L'article no es pot esborrar.";
-$messages["no_posts_selected"] = "No s'ha seleccionat cap article per esborrar.";
-// %s = subject of the post, %d = identifier of the post. feel free to change its order
-// but if you remove them there will be no information about which post was removed...
-$messages["error_deleting_post"] = "Hi ha hagut un error esborrant l'article \"%s\" (id = %d)";
-$messages["post_deleted_ok"] = "L'article \"%2\$s\" ha estat esborrat correctament (id = %1\$d)";
-// delete categories
-$messages["no_categories_selected"] = "No s'ha seleccionat cap categoria per esborrar.";
-$messages["error_category_has_articles"] = "No s'ha pogut esborrar la categoria \"%s\" perque hi ha com a mínim un
-article classificat en aquesta categoria. Si us plau elimini aquest(s) article(s) primer i torni-ho a intentar de nou.";
-$messages["error_deleting_category"] = "Hi ha hagut un error esborrant la categoria \"%s\" de la base de dades.";
-$messages["category_deleted_ok"] = "La categoria \"%s\" ha estat esborrada correctament.";
-// add category
-$messages["newArticleCategory"] = "Afegir Nova Categoria";
-$messages["add_new_category_info"] = "Doni si us plau un nom vàlid per a la nova categoria.";
-$messages["category_added_ok"] = "Nova categoria afegida correctament.";
-$messages["error_adding_article_category"] = "Hi ha hagut un error afegint la nova categoria.";
-// edit categories
-$messages["edit_category"] = "Editar Categoria";
-$messages["please_provide_valid_category_name"] = "Doni si us plau un nom vàlid per a la categoria.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_category_id"] = "Identificador d'article incorrecte.";
-// update the category
-$messages["error_fetching_category"] = "Hi ha hagut un error obtenint la categoria.";
-$messages["error_updating_category"] = "Hi ha hagut un error actualitzant la categoria.";
-$messages["error_empty_category_name"] = "Ha de donar un nom valid per a la categoria.";
-$messages["category_updated_ok"] = "Categoria actualitzada correctament.";
-// edit links
-$messages["link_name"] = "Nom";
-$messages["link_url"] = $messages["url"];
-$messages["link_category"] = $messages["category"];
-$messages["link_description"] = "Descripció";
-$messages["editLinks"] = "Enllaços";
-// edit a link
-$messages["error_provide_name_and_url"] = "Ha de donar com a mínim un nom i una adreça per a l'enllaç.";
-$messages["error_invalid_link_id"] = "L'identificador de l'enllaç és incorrecte o no s'ha especificat.";
-$messages["error_fetching_link"] = "Hi ha hagut un error obtenint l'enllaç.";
-$messages["error_updating_link"] = "Hi ha hagut un error actualitzant l'enllaç.";
-$messages["link_updated_ok"] = "L'enllaç ha estat actualitzat correctament.";
-$messages["error_fetching_link_categories"] = "Hi ha hagut un error obtenint les categories d'enllaços.";
-// add a link
-$messages["add_new_link"] = "Afegir Nou Enllaç";
-$messages["newLink"] = "Afegir Enllaç";
-$messages["error_adding_link"] = "Hi ha hagut un error afegint l'enllaç.";
-$messages["link_added_ok"] = "L'enllaç ha estat afegit correctament.";
-$messages["error_provide_name_and_url"] = "Ha de donar com a mínim un nom i una adreça web per a l'enllaç.";
-$messages["error_must_have_one_link_category"] = "Ha de tenir com a mínim una categoria d'enllaços abans d'afegir un nou enllaç";
-// delete a link
-$messages["error_no_links_selected"] = "No s'han seleccionat enllaços per esborrar.";
-$messages["error_removing_link"] = "Hi ha hagut un error eliminant l'enllaç \"%s\" de la base de dades.";
-$messages["link_deleted_ok"] = "L'enllaç \"%s\" ha estat eliminat correctament de la base de dades.";
-// edit link categories
-$messages["newLinkCategory"] = "Afegir Nova Categoria d'Enllaços";
-$messages["link_categories_help"] = "Ha de tenir com a mínim una categoria d'enllaços abans d'afegir un enllaç nou.";
-$messages["link_category_name"] = "Nom";
-$messages["link_category_links"] = "Enllaços";
-// new link category
-$messages["newLinkCategory"] = "Afegir Nova Categoria d'Enllaços";
-$messages["new_link_category_info"]="Les categories d'enllaços l'ajudaràn a classificar els enllaços que afegeixi. Els enllaços i les seves categories podràn ser mostrats després a la pàgina principal.";
-$messages["newLinkCategory"] = "Afegir Categoria d'Enllaços";
-$messages["error_provide_link_category_name"] = "Ha de donar un nom vàlid per a la nova categoria.";
-$messages["error_adding_link_category"] = "Hi ha hagut un error afegint nova categoria d'enllaços.";
-$messages["link_category_added_ok"] = "Categoria d'enllaços afegida correctament.";
-// edit link category
-$messages["edit_link_category"] = "Editar Categoria d'Enllaços";
-$messages["error_updating_link_category"] = "Hi ha hagut un error actualitzant la categoria d'enllaços.";
-$messages["link_category_updated_ok"] = "La categoria d'enllaços ha estat actualitzada correctament.";
-$messages["error_fetching_link_category"] = "Hi ha hagut un error obtenint la categoria d'enllaços.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_link_category_id"] = "L'identificador de categoria d'enllaços és incorrecte.";
-// delete link categories
-$messages["error_no_link_category_selected"] = "No s'ha seleccionat cap categoria d'enllaços per esborrar.";
-$messages["error_links_in_link_category"] = "La category d'enllaços \"%s\" no s'ha pogut eliminar perque té com a mínim un
-enllaç classificat en ella. Esborri primer els enllaços i torni-ho a intentar.";
-$messages["error_removing_link_category"] = "Hi ha hagut un error eliminant la categoria d'enllaços \"%s\".";
-$messages["link_category_deleted_ok"] = "La category d'enllaços \"%s\" ha estat eliminada correctament.";
-// this error is shown when for some reason the category could not be fetched from the database
-// and we can't show its name
-$messages["error_removing_link_category_2"] = "Hi ha hagut un error eliminant la categoria d'enllaços amb identificador = %d";
-// blog settings page
-$messages["blogSettings"] = "Arranjaments del diari";
-$messages["userSettings"] = "Perfil d'Usuari";
-$messages["pluginCenter"] = "Plugins";
-$messages["Stats"] = "Estadístiques";
-$messages["blog_name"] = "Nom del diari";
-$messages["long_blog_name"] = "Text més llarg, descrivint aquest diari";
-$messages["language_used"] = "Llenguatge usat per mostrar els texts";
-$messages["items_main_page"] = "Quants articles li agradaria mostrar a la pàgina principal?";
-$messages["items_as_recent"] = "Quants articles li agradaria mostrar com a \"Recents\"?";
-$messages["template_used"] = "Disseny usat per mostrar el contingut d'aquest diari";
-$messages["cut_posts"] = "Escurçar els articles que siguin massa llargs a la pàgina principal i afegir un enllaç \"Continua\"?";
-$messages["cut_posts_after_characters"] = "Quants caràcters li agradaria mostrar abans d'escurçar l'article?";
-$messages["enable_wysiwyg_edition"] = "Activar l'edició visual de codi HTML? (Només disponible per Internet Explorer 5.5 i Mozilla 1.3b o superiors)";
-$messages["enable_comments"] = "Activar comentaris per tots els articles?";
-$messages["yes"] = "Si";
-$messages["no"] = "No";
-$messages["error_invalid_locale"] = "Valor incorrecte del llenguatge escollit.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_max_recent_items"] = "Ha de donar un nombre vàlid d'articles que li agradaria mostrar com a recents";
-$messages["error_incorrect_number_of_posts"] = "Ha de donar un nombre vàlid d'articles que li agradia mostrar a la pàgina principal.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_template"] = "El disseny especificat per mostrar els continguts és incorrecte.";
-$messages["error_no_blog_name"] = "Ha de donar un nom vàlid per a aquest diari.";
-//$messages["error_incorrect_show_more_threshold"] = "Ha de donar un nombre de caràcters vàlid abans d'escurçar l'article."
-$messages["error_incorrect_show_more_threshold"] = "asdfasf";
-$messages["error_updating_settings"] = "Hi ha hagut un error actualitzant els arranjaments d'aquest diari.";
-$messages["blog_settings_updated_ok"] = "Els arranjaments d'aquest diari han estat actualitzats correctament.";
-$messages["permanent_blog_url"] = "Adreça d'aquest diari (no modificable)";
-// user profile page
-$messages["username"] = "Nom d'usuari";
-$messages["password"] = "Paraula clau";
-$messages["confirm_password"] = "Paraula clau [confirmar]";
-$messages["email_address"] = "Adreça de correu";
-$messages["bio"] = "Sobre mi";
-$messages["empty_no_change"] = "Deixar buit si no es desitja canviar-la";
-$messages["user_settings_updated_ok"] = "El perfil d'usuari ha estat actualitzat correctament.";
-$messages["error_updating_user_settings"] = "Hi ha hagut un error actualitzant el perfil d'usuari.";
-$messages["error_passwords_dont_match"] = "La paraula clau donada i la confirmació no són iguals.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_password"] = "Ho sento, la paraula clau no és vàlida.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_email_address"] = "L'adreça de correu no és vàlida.";
-// plugin center page
-$messages["plugins_available"] = "Aquest és un llistat dels plugins disponibles.";
-$messages["identifier"] = "Identificador";
-$messages["description"] = "Descripció";
-$messages["error_plugins_disabled"] = "El suport per a plugins ha estat desactivat.";
-// statistics page
-$messages["statistics_info"] = "Un identificador de 0 indica que s'ha visitat la pàgina principal i no cap article en concret.";
-$messages["article_id"] = "Id. d'Article";
-$messages["last_hit_date"] = "Data Últim Accés";
-$messages["error_fetching_referers"] = "Error obtenint els referers per a aquest lloc web de la base de dades";
-// login screen
-$messages["login_page_title"] = "Interfície d'Administració de pLog";
-$messages["login"] = "Entrada";
-$messages["welcome_message"] = "Benvingut a pLog";
-$messages["error_incorrect_username_or_password"] = "El nom d'usuari o la paraula clau són incorrectes.";
-$messages["error_dont_belong_to_any_blog"] = "L'usuari és vàlid però no pertany a cap diari.";
-$messages["error_no_username_or_password"] = "Ha de donar un nom d'usuari una paraula clau.";
-$messages["choose_one_blog"] = "Pertany als següents diaris. Esculli un per treballar ara";
-$messages["continue"] = "Continuar";
-$messages["logout_message"] = "El procés de sortida ha acabat correctament.";
-$messages["logout_message_2"] = "<a href=\"admin.php\">Faci clic aqui</a> per tornar a entrar, o
-aqui per anar a <a href=\"%1\$s\">%2\$s</a>.";
-$messages["logout_title"] = "Sortida";
-$messages["error_access_forbidden"] = "Accés no permès. Identifiqui's primer aqui.";
-// new strings added for 0.2
-$messages["site_admin"] = "Administració del web";
-$messages["site_stats"] = "Estadístiques del web";
-$messages["createUser"] = "Afegir usuari";
-$messages["siteUsers"] = "Usuaris";
-$messages["createBlog"] = "Afegir diari";
-$messages["editSiteBlogs"] = "Diaris personals";
-$messages["siteLocales"] = "Idiomes";
-$messages["newLocale"] = "Afegir idioma";
-$messages["siteTemplates"] = "Plantilles";
-$messages["newTemplate"] = "Afegir nova plantilla";
-$messages["editSiteSettings"] = "Configuració general";
-$messages["adminSettings"] = "Configuració del web";
-$messages["help_comments_enabled"] = "Habilita o deshabilita els comentaris de tot el web.";
-$messages["help_beautify_comments_text"] = "Respectar el format del usuari en els comentaris.";
-$messages["help_rdf_enabled"] = "Habilita o deshabilita la generació d'un RDF amb els últims articles.";
-$messages["help_temp_folder"] = "Carpeta que utilitzarà l'aplicació per dur a terme algunes operacions que necessiten un espai temporal.";
-$messages["help_base_url"] = "Aquesta adreça URL s'utilitzarà per generar adreces valides, si us plau posa el valor correcte";
-$messages["help_show_posts_max"] = "Nombre d'articles que es mostren en la pantalla principal per defecte.";
-$messages["help_recent_posts_max"] = "Nombre d'articles que es mostren com recents, per defecte.";
-$messages["help_template_folder"] = "Aquesta carpeta es on l'aplicació ha de buscar les plantilles.";
-$messages["help_default_template"] = "La plantilla per defecte dels nous diaris personals.";
-$messages["help_default_locale"] = "L'idioma per defecte que s'utilitzarà amb els nous diais i a l'entrada d'usuaris a l'administració.";
-$messages["help_html_allowed_tags_in_comments"] = "El codi HTML no serà esborrat dels comentaris que enviïn els usuaris.";
-$messages["help_referer_tracker_enabled"] = "Afegeix informació molt bàsica sobre les peticions a la base de dades, si el client té la informació disponible.";
-$messages["help_rss_parser_enabled"] = "Habilita o deshabilita el parsejador de RSS a les plantilles.";
-$messages["help_show_more_enabled"] = "Habilita o deshabilita la característica \"Segueix...\" per defecte.";
-$messages["help_show_more_threshold"] = "Quants caracters s'han de mostrar per mostrar l'enllaç de \"Segueix...\".";
-$messages["help_update_article_reads"] = "Quan s'ha d'actualitzar o no el contador intern que representa el nombre de vegades que s'ha llegit un article.";
-$messages["help_request_format_mode"] = "Mode \"Normal\" generarà adreces URL normals mentre que \"Search Engine Friendly\" generara adreces més fàcils de llegir i millors pels buscadors. Requereix Apache i la possibilitat de usar un arxiu .htaccess";
-$messages["help_xmlrpc_ping_enabled"] = "Quan s'ha d'enviar una notificació XMLRPC als servidors configurats cada vegada que s'afegeix un article.";
-$messages["help_xmlrpc_ping_hosts"] = "Llista dels servidors que soporten notificacions XMLRPC. Si us plau posa els diferents servidors en diferents linies, tants com vulguis.";
-$messages["help_trackback_server_enabled"] = "Habilita o deshabilita les peticions de trackback.";
-$messages["help_htmlarea_enabled"] = "Habilita o deshabilita l'edició WYSIWYG dels articles.";
-$messages["help_plugin_manager_enabled"] = "Habilita o deshabilita els pluguins.";
-$messages["help_check_email_address_validity"] = "Quan es registra un nou diari, es preguntara als usuaris una adreça e-mail vàlida que serà verificada per autentificar-la que és real.";
-$messages["help_summary_page_show_max"] = "Quants articles s'han de mostrar a la pantalla de resum inicial.";
-$messages["help_minimum_password_length"] = "Quants caràcters ha de tenir com a mínim una paraula clau.";
-$messages["help_users_can_add_templates"] = "Els usuaris poden afegir plantilles específiques pel seu diari?";
-$messages["help_email_service_enabled"] = "Habilita o deshabilita el servei d'email, utilitzat per enviar notificacions de comentaris per exemple.";
-$messages["post_notification_source_address"] = "Adreça de remitent (De:) utilitzada per enviar els correus electrònics.";
-$messages["help_email_service_type"] = "Mètode per a enviar correu electrònic. Si us plau, selecciona'n un i no oblidis de triar els arranjaments de sota.";
-$messages["help_smtp_host"] = "Si utilitzes SMTP com a mètode per enviar, aquest es el servidor que serà utilitzat per enviar els missatges.";
-$messages["help_smtp_port"] = "Port del servidor SMTP especificat.";
-$messages["help_smtp_use_authentication"] = "Si el servidor SMTP soporta autentificació i la vols utilitzar, si us plau activa aquesta característica i omple els següents camps.";
-$messages["help_smtp_username"] = "Nom d'usuari que serà utiltizat quan s'enviïn emails utilitzant SMTP i l'autentificació estigui habilitada.";
-$messages["help_smtp_password"] = "Paraula clau que serà utilitzada quan s'enviïn emails utilitzant SMTP i l'autentificació estigui habilitada.";
-$messages["help_uploads_enabled"] = "Habilita o deshabilita la puajda de fitxers. Aquesta característica afecta a la pujada de noves plantilles i a afegir fitxers a les plantilles existents.";
-$messages["help_maximum_file_upload_size"] = "Tamany màxim en bytes dels fitxers pujats per usuaris.";
-$messages["help_upload_forbidden_files"] = "Llista de les extensions que estan habilitades per pujar. Pots especificar totes les que necessitis separades per un espai en blanc.";
-$messages["help_path_to_tar"] = "Ruta on es troba l'eina 'tar'.";
-$messages["help_path_to_gzip"] = "Ruta on es troba l'eina 'gzip'.";
-$messages["help_path_to_bz2"] = "Ruta on es troba l'eina 'bzip2'.";
-$messages["help_path_to_unzip"] = "Ruta on es troba l'eina 'unzip'.";
-$messages["add_user_give_information"] = "Si us plau, entra la següent informació per a crear un nou usuari.";
-$messages["site_registered_users"] = "Aquests són tots els usuaris registrats en el servidor.";
-$messages["add_blog_give_information"] = "Si us plau, omple la següent informació per a crear un diari nou.";
-$messages["blog_title"] = "Títol del diari";
-$messages["blog_owner"] = "Administrador del diari";
-$messages["site_registered_blogs"] = "Aquest són tots els diaris registrats en aquest web.";
-$messages["editSiteUsers"] = "Modificar Usuaris";
-$messages["upload_locale"] = "Carregar idioma";
-$messages["use_this_form_to_upload_locale"] = "  Utilitza aquest formulari per afegir un nou idioma al servidor. Si no tens la possibilitat de pujar fitxers, si us plau consulta el formulari inferior.";
-$messages["locale_file"] = "Fitxer d'idioma";
-$messages["manually_add_locale"] = "Afegir Idioma de forma manual";
-$messages["use_this_form_if_cant_upload_locale"] = "Utilitza aquest segon formulari si no tens la possibilitat de pujar fitxers al teu servidor. El fitxer s'ha de copiar a la carpeta d'idiomes per defecte abans d'executar aquesta operació. Si no és així es produïra un error.";
-$messages["locale_code"] = "Codi d'idioma";
-$messages["locale_encoding"] = "Codificació";
-$messages["template_will_be_available_for_all"] = "La nova plantilla estarà disponible automaticament a tots els diaris d'aquest web.";
-$messages["use_this_form_to_upload_template"] = "  Utilitza aquest formulari per afegir una nova plantilla al servidor. Si no tens la possibilitat de pujar fitxers, si us plau consulta el formulari inferior. Les plantilles han d'estar comprimiders en un fitxer de tipus .zip, .tar.gz o tar.bz2.";
-$messages["upload_template"] = "Carregar plantilla";
-$messages["manually_add_template"] = "Afegir Plantilla de forma manual";
-$messages["use_this_form_if_cannot_upload_template"] = " Utilitza aquest segon formulari si no tens la possibilitat de pujar fitxers al teu servidor. El fitxer s'ha de copiar a la carpeta de plantilles per defecte abans d'executar aquesta operació. Si no és així es produïra un error.";
-$messages["template_id"] = "Identificador de Plantilla";
-$messages["templates_available_for_all"] = "Aquestes són les plantilles que estan disponibles a tots els diaris del web.";
-$messages["add_file"] = "Afegir Fitxer";
-$messages["setting_name"] = "Nom";
-$messages["setting_value"] = "Valor";
-$messages["setting_description"] = "Descripció";
-$messages["plain"] = "Normal";
-$messages["search_engine_friendly"] = "Search Engine Friendly";
-$messages["general_settings"] = "Configuració general";
-$messages["helper_tools_settings"] = "Configuració d'eines d'ajuda";
-$messages["uploads_settings"] = "Configuració Pujada Fitxers";
-$messages["email_settings"] = "Configuració d'Email";
-$messages["number_blogs"] = "Nombre de diaris";
-$messages["number_users"] = "Nombre d'usuaris";
-$messages["number_posts"] = "Nombre d'articles";
-$messages["number_posts_today"] = "Nombre d'articles avui";
-$messages["number_posts_this_month"] = "Nombre d'articles aquest mes";
-$messages["date"] = "Data";
-$messages["time"] = "Hora";
-$messages["comments_order"] = "Ordre en que apareixen els comentaris:";
-$messages["oldest_first"] = "El més antic primer";
-$messages["newest_first"] = "El més recent primer";
-$messages["blog"] = "Diari personal";
-$messages["blog_id"] = "Identificador Numèric del Diari Personal";
-$messages["showBlogUsers"] = "Usuaris del diari";
-$messages["available_users"] = "Usuaris disponibles";
-$messages["add"] = "Afegir";
-$messages["remove"] = "Esborrar";
-$messages["user_id"] = "Identificador Numèric de l'Usuari";
-$messages["new_password"] = "Nova paraula clau";
-$messages["has_administrator_privileges"] = "Té privilegis d'administrador";
-$messages["related_to_the_following_blogs"] = "Diaris relacionats";
-$messages["add_user_to_blog_form"] = " Aquest formulari serveix per afegir usuaris al teu diari. L'usuari només podrà afegir o modificar articles, però no podrà modificar els arranjaments del diari.";
-$messages["add_user_enter_username"] = " Entra el nom d'usuari que vulguis afegir. L'usuari ha d'estar registrat en aquest servidor, sinó ocasionarà un error.";
-$messages["add_user_send_notification"] = "Enviar notificació per email a l'usuari.";
-$messages["add_user_type_notification"] = "Escriu el text que vulguis enviar a aquest usuari";
-$messages["following_users_have_permissions"] = " Els següents usuaris formen part d'aquest diari. Ells poden afegir, modificar o esborrar articles però no poden canviar res dels arranjaments del diari.";
-$messages["revoke_permissions"] = "Anul·lar Permisos";
-$messages["newBlogTemplate"] = "Afegir Plantilla al Diari";
-$messages["manually_newBlogTemplate"] = "Afegir Plantilla Manualment";
-$messages["template_available_only_for_this_blog"] = "Aquest plantilla només serà disponible per aquest diari.";
-$messages["use_form_to_upload_blog_template"] = "Utilitza aquest formulari per pujar una nova plantilla al servidor. Sino tens la possibilitat de pujar arxius, utiltiza el formulari de sota. Les plantilles han d'estar comprimides en un paquet zip, tar.gz o tar.bz2 per a poder pujar-les.";
-$messages["use_form_if_cannot_upload_blog_template"] = "Use this second form if you don't have the possibility of uploading files to your server. The file must have been copied to the default template folder before executing this operation. Otherwise it will result in an error.";
-$messages["blogTemplates"] = "Blog Templates";
-$messages["templates_only_available_for_this_blog"] = "Les següents plantilles només estaran disponibles en aquest diari.";
-$messages["add_file_to_blog_template"] = "Afegir Fitxer a la Plantilla del Diari"; 
-$messages["upload_file_to_blog_template"] = "Selecciona el fitxer que vols afegir a la plantilla.";
-$messages["error_user_id_incorrect"] = "Identificador d'usuari incorrecte.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_user_id"] = $messages["error_user_id_incorrect"];
-$messages["error_fetching_user_information"] = "S'ha produït un error recuperant la informació de l'usuari.";
-$messages["error_password_incorrect"] = "La paraula clau és massa curta o invàlida.";
-$messages["error_updating_user_settings"] = "No puc actualitzar les característiques de l'usuari seleccionat.";
-$messages["user_settings_updated_ok"] = "Característiques del usuari \"%s\" actualitzades correctament.";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected_to_add"] = "No s'han seleccionat usuaris per afegir.";
-$messages["user_added_to_blog_ok"] = "L'usuari \"%s\" ha estat afegit en aquest diari.";
-$messages["error_adding_user_to_blog"] = "S'ha produït un error afegint l'usuari \"%s\" al diari.";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected_to_remove"] = "No s'han seleccionat usuaris per esborrar.";
-$messages["user_removed_from_blog_ok"] = "L'usuari \"%s\" ha estat exclòs d'aquest diari.";
-$messages["error_removing_user_from_blog"] = "S'ha produït un error esborrant l'usuari \"%s\" d'aquest diari.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_plugin_id"] = "L'identificador del plugin és incorrecte.";
-$messages["error_configuring_plugin"] = "S'ha produït un error configurant el plugin: ";
-$messages["site_config_saved_ok"] = "Les configuración del lloc web han estat guardades correctament.";
-$messages["error_saving_site_config"] = "S'ha produït un error guardant la configuració.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_blog_owner"] = "L'usuari seleccionat com a propietari del diari no existeix.";
-$messages["error_updating_blog_settings"] = "S'ha produit un error actualitzant les característiques del diari \"%s\"";
-$messages["blog_settings_updated_ok"] = "Les característiques del diari \"%s\" s'han actualitzat correctament.";
-$messages["error_fetching_users"] = "S'ha produït un error recuperant els usauris del lloc web.";
-$messages["error_fetching_blogs"] = "S'ha produït un error recuperant els diaris del lloc web.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_template_id"] = "L'identificador de la plantilla no és vàlid o no existeix.";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected"] = "No s'han seleccionat usuaris per a ser esborrats.";
-$messages["error_could_not_find_user"] = "No puc trobar l'usuari \"%s\" en aquest lloc.";
-$messages["error_deleting_user"] = "S'ha produït un error esborrant l'usuari \"%s\"";
-$messages["user_deleted_ok"] = "L'usuari \"%s\" s'ha esborrat correctament.";
-$messages["error_must_give_blog_name"] = "Dóna un nom vàlid pel diari.";
-$messages["error_adding_blog"] = "S'ha produït un error afegint el diari a la base de dades.";
-$messages["blog_added_ok"] = "El nou diari \"%s\" s'ha afegit a la base de dades correctament.";
-$messages["error_template_not_inside_folder"] = "Els fitxers de la plantilla han d'estar dins la carpeta.";
-$messages["error_missing_base_files"] = "Falten alguns dels fitxers basics de la plantilla.";
-$messages["error_unpacking"] = "S'ha produït un error descomprimint el fitxer.";
-$messages["error_forbidden_extensions"] = "Alguns dels fitxers de la plantilla estan prohibits.";
-$messages["error_creating_working_folder"] = "There was an error checking the template set";
-$messages["error_checking_template"] = "There was an error with the template set (code = %s)";
-$messages["error_add_template_disabled"] = "Users are not allowed to add templates in this site.";
-$messages["error_must_upload_file"] = "You must upload a file.";
-$messages["error_no_template_name"] = "You must provide a template name.";
-$messages["error_uploads_disabled"] = "The upload feature has been disabled in this site.";
-$messages["error_installing_template"] = "There was an error installing the template set.";
-$messages["template_installed_ok"] = "The new template set has been successfully installed as \"%s\".";
-$messages["error_adding_template_file"] = "There was an error adding the file to the template set.";
-$messages["error_file_forbidden"] = "Files of this type have been forbidden in this site.";
-$messages["error_file_too_big"] = "The file is too big. Maximum allowed size is \"%s\" bytes.";
-$messages["template_file_added_ok"] = "File added successfully to template \"%s\".";
-$messages["error_plugin_cannot_be_configured"] = "The plugin cannot be configured.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_username"] = "The username is incorrect or already exists.";
-$messages["error_username_already_exists"] = "There is already a user registered with the same username.";
-$messages["error_adding_user"] = "There was an error whiel adding the new user to the database.";
-$messages["user_added_ok"] = "The new user \"%s\" has been successfully added.";
-$messages["error_no_blogs_selected"] = "You must select at least one blog to delete.";
-$messages["error_blog_is_default_blog"] = "\"%s\" cannot be deleted because it is the default blog.";
-$messages["blog_deleted_ok"] = "Blog \"%s\" has been successfully deleted.";
-$messages["error_deleting_blog"] = "There was an error while deleting blog \"%s\".";
-$messages["error_no_templates_selected"] = "No templates were selected to remove.";
-$messages["error_removing_template"] = "There was an error removing the template \"%s\"";
-$messages["template_removed_ok"] = "Template \"%s\" removed successfully.";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected_to_remove_from_blog"] = "No users were selected to remove from this blog.";
-$messages["error_removing_user_from_blog"] = "There was an error removing user \"%s\" from this blog.";
-$messages["user_removed_from_blog_ok"] = "User \"%s\" has been successfully removed from this blog.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_locale_code"] = "The given locale code is not valid.";
-$messages["error_invalid_locale_file"] = "The file does not seem to be a valid locale file.";
-$messages["error_adding_locale_file"] = "There was an error adding the new locale file. Please make sure that the file has been uploaded to the locale folder prior to this operation and that it has correct permissions.";
-$messages["locale_added_ok"] = "The new locale \"%s\" has been successfully added.";
-$messages["error_saving_locale"] = "There was an error saving the new locale file to the locale folder. Please make sure that the folder has the right access permissions.";
-$messages["error_no_locales_selected"] = "No locales were selected to delete.";
-$messages["error_deleting_only_locale"] = "This is the only locale available in the system and therefore it cannot be deleted.";
-$messages["locale_deleted_ok"] = "Locale \"%s\" deleted successfully.";
-$messages["error_deleting_locale"] = "There was an error while deleting locale \"%s\"";
-$messages["error_cant_delete_default_locale"] = "\"%s\" can not be deleted because it is the default locale setting at the moment.";
-$messages["plugin_config"] = "Plugin Configuration";
-$messages["use_read_more_feature"] = "Vol mostrar l'article sencer a la pàgina principal? (Si selecciona 'no', només es mostrarà la part escrita en el requadre 'Text')";
-$messages["extended_text"] = "Aquest text només es mostrarà a la pàgina del article, a no ser que ho desactivis a la pàgina de 'Arranjaments'";
-$messages["error_must_give_post_intro"] = "Has d'introduïr un text introductori a l'article com a mínim.";
-$messages["comment_marked_as_spam_ok"] = "El comentari ha estat marcat com a spam correctament.";
-$messages["comment_marked_as_nonspam_ok"] = "El comentari ha estat marcat com a no spam correctament.";
-$messages["error_marking_comment_as_nonspam"] = "Hi ha hagut un error marcant el comentari com a no spam.";
-$messages["error_marking_comment_as_spam"] = "Hi ha hagut un error marcant el comentari com a spam.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_comment_id"] = "L'identificador del comentari és incorrecte.";
-$messages["error_base_storage_folder_missing_or_unreadable"] = "Hi ha hagut un error mentre es creaven les carpetes necessàries per enmagatzemar els fitxers. La raó 
-podria ser que el seu servidor de PHP tingui el 'safe mode' activat o que l'usuari que s'està fent servir per executar aquest script no tingui permisos suficients per a
-crear directoris. Si ho desitja, pot intentar crear els directoris manualment i assignar els permisos correctes:<br/><br/>%s<br/><br/>Si els directoris ja
-existien, asegúri's de que poden ser llegits i escrits pel servidor de web on aquesta aplicació es troba allotjada.";
-///// new help messages ////
-// note to translators:
-// this is exactly the same as the previous version but an additional item
-// has been added to the list ("order in which comments appear")
-// and one has been removed (the threshold for the 'show more' setting)
-$messages["help_blogSettings"] = "<p>From this page you can change some of the settings that control the
-behaviour or appearance of this journal. These are the settings: <ul>
-<li><b>Permanent URL</b>: This is the URL where this blog is running and that can be used to
-link to it. It can't be changed.</li>
-<li><b>Name of the blog</b>: This is a text string with a descriptive name of the blog. If using the
-default templates, it is the text displayed on top of every page.</li>
-<li><b>Long descriptive text about this blog</b>: This is a longer text that can optionally be
-displayed in some kind of page giving more detailed information about the page. It can be left
-blank if not needed.</li>
-<li><b>Language used to display the texts</b>: You can select one of the available languages. This
-language will be used to display the texts (not your own articles!) and format things like dates
-and numbers using the correct settings. More languages can be installed at any time.</li>
-<li><b>Items in the main page</b>: Set this to the number of posts you would like to have
-in the main page. The more posts, the longer it will take for users to download your page. Minimum
-number of posts it one.</li>
-<li><b>Items shown as recent</b>: Set this to the number of posts you would like to be shown as
-<b>'Recent'</b>, that is, the posts that have been posted earlier. Minimun amount is one.</li>
-<li><b>Template used to render the contents</b>: pLog allows to have more than one template
-to show the same content. You can choose here the most appropiate one for you journal, from the ones
-that have been installed by the administrator.</li>
-<li><b>Show the whole post int he main or only the part that was typed in the 'Text' box?</b>: Set this to <b>'Yes'</b> if you would like pLog
-to automatically add a 'More...' link to your posts on the main page just after the text you typed
-in the text box labeled 'Text'. The text typed in the second text box will only be shown to the user
-when clicking on the
-setting below) This feature is useful since it makes your frontpage less cluttered and also
-smaller. However, it has some problems if there is a lot of HTML code in the page.</li>
-<li><b>Enable WYSIWYG edition of texts</b>: Set this to yes if you would like to have the possibility
-to see how your posts look in real time. This feature is only available for users using either
-Internet Explorer 5.5 or higer and Mozilla 1.3b or higher.</li>
-<li><b>Enable comments</b>: Set this to yes if you would like to allow your users to make comments to your
-posts. This will globally affect all your posts and all your users.</li>
-<li><b>Order in which comments appear</b>: Set it to \"Oldest first\" if you would like to see
-the older comments first in the list, or set it to \"Newest first\" to see them in
-reverse chronological order.</li>
-// translators: this one has changed too since we now have two text boxes: one for the
-// text that we'd like to appear in the main page and another one for the text that
-// will only be shown in the 'post' page (that is, when the users clicks on the
-// permalink, for example)
-$messages["help_newBlogUser"] = "Aquesta opció serveix per a què puguis donar permisos d'edicó a un altre usuari d'aquesta bitàcola.
-Per a fer això, tu només has de coneixer el seu nom d'usuari. Si ja el saps, simplement escriu el text i prem el botó \"Afegir Usuari\".
-Si vols també pots enviar-li un email (si va posar correctament l'adreça quan es va registrar) notificant-li que li has donat
-permís per afegir, modificar i esborrar articles a la teva bitàcola.";
-$messages["help_showBlogUsers"] = "Aquesta es la llista d'usuaris que tenen permisos d'edició per aquesta bitàcola. Podràs veure el seu
-perfil si vols o anul·lar els permisos seleccionat els usuaris i fent click al botó \"Anul·lar Permisos\". Una vegada hagis fet això,
-els usuaris sel·leccionats no podran publicar res més en aquesta bitàcola.";
-// note to translators:
-// added some additional text here to inform about the new "configure" feature
-$messages["help_pluginCenter"] = "<p>From here you can see which plugins have been installed. For every
-plugin, you will see its identifier (the identifier you have to use when developing templates and
-want to make use of the plugin features), the author of the plugin, and some descriptive text with
-various information about the plugin, mainly how to use it.</p>
-<p>Some plugins offer also their own configuration page from wich you can modify some
-aspects of its behaviour. To access such page, please click on the \"configure\" link
-next to every plugin.</p>";
-$messages["configurePlugin"] = "Aquest pluguin conté alguns paràmetres que poden ser configurats per l'usuari.";
-$messages["help_newBlogTemplate"] = "<p>It is possible to easily add new templates to the system. To do
-so, there are two possibilities: the template can either be uploaded as a compressed file
-(tar.gz, tar.bz2 and zip files are supported) to the server or it canbe manually
-uploaded using any available method.</p>
-<p>If the first method is chosen, the contents of the file must have all been packaged
-under a folder which will be the name given to the template.</p>
-<p>If the second method is chosen, simply upload the files to a folder under your blog-specific folder
-and type in the name of the folder in the text box below.</p>
-<p>Plugins added here will only be available to this specific below and will not be able to
-be accessed by other blogs.</p>";
-$messages["help_blogTemplates"] = "<p>This is a list with all the templates that have been added to
-this blog. If you wish to remove any of them, please select them and click on the
-\"Delete Selected\" button below the list. Once a template is deleted it cannot be
-recovered, since it is removed from the disk.</p>";
-$messages["help_adminSettings"] = "<p>Aquí es mostren algunes estadístiques bàsiques sobre aquest web.</p>";
-$messages["help_createUser"] = "<p>We can easily register new users in the system by using this form.
-We only need to provide with a valid username and a password, and optionally an email address.
-Users registered here will not be attached to any blog unless we explicitly do so in the
-\"User\" section or until we create a blog specially for this new user.</p>";
-$messages["editUserProfile"] = "<p>From here we can edit the profile of any user in this blog. We can
-also grant administrator privileges to the user (or revoke them). A list of the blogs to which
-the user belogs is also displayed.</p>";
-$messages["help_editSiteUsers"] = "<p>These are all the users that are registered in this site. You can see and edit
-their profile by clicking on the username or you can delete any of them by clicking on the
-checkbox of the user(s) and then click on the \"Delete Selected\" button. Once a user
-has been deleted, it can <b>not</b> be recovered, so please be careful.</p>";
-$messages["help_createBlog"] = "<p>Unlimited blogs can be added to a single installation of pLog. Users
-can use the registration script provided in the main package but administrator can also
-register new blogs by using this form. The only things needed to know are the name that will
- be given to the blog and the user who will be the owner, having the maximum privileges
- over that blog.</p>";
- $messages["help_editSiteBlogs"] = "<p>This is a list with all the blogs that have been registered
- so far in this site. Any blog can be deleted selecting it and clicking on the \"Delete
- Selected\" button. If we try to delete the blog that has been set as the default one
- (see the \"Global Settings\" tab in \"Site Admin\") we will get an error message.</p>
- <p>We can also edit the settings of any blog by clicking on it.</p>
- <p>Finally, we can edit the users that have permissions on a given blog by clicking
- on the \"Edit Users\" link</p>";
-$messages["editBlog"] = "<p>The settings of the blog can be edited from here in the same way
-a normal user can do. Everything is exactly the same except that administrator users can also
-change who is the owner of the blog, anytime.</p>";
-$messages["editBlogUsers"] = "<p>This feature allows to visually add and remove users from
-any blog. On the left side we will see a list containing all the users that have not
-been given editing privileges in this blog yet, while on the right side we will see a list of the
-users that have already been given privileges. To a user (or more than one if necessary)
-we only have to select them from the list of the left and click on the \"Add\" button. To do
-the opposite process, we will have to select the users from the list of the right and
-click on the \"Remove\" button.</p>
-<p>It is also possible to change the user who is the owner of the blog by selecting
-another from the drop-down list on top.</p>";
-$messages["help_newLocale"] = "<p>Now locales can be easily added to the site using this feature. If
-we have the possibility of uploading files, then we can use the first form, \"Upload Locale\"
-simply pointing the browser to the locale file we'd like to upload. pLog will take care
-of everything else, including copying the file to the folder with the other language files, but
-please bear in mind that the folder must be writable by the user who is running the web server in
-order for this feature to work properly. If the language file already exists, <b>it will
-be overwritten and replaced by the new one</b>.</p>
-<p>If files cannot be uploaded to the server, then the file will have to be
-manually uploaded and placed in the same folder with the other language files. Once the file
-has been placed there, we will have to type in the second form its code omitting the
-<p>Locale files must follow the naming convention of locale_ll_CC, where 'll' is the
-2-digit ISO code for the language, while CC is the 2-digit ISO code for the country. If the file
-does not conform to those rules, it will be rejected as a valid locale file.</p>";
-$messages["help_siteLocales"] = "<p>This is a list with all the language files that have been
-installed in this site. For each one of them, the encoding used by it and a brief
-description can be seen. Also, language files can be removed from the system by selecting
-them and clicking on the \"Delete Selected\" button.</p>";
-$messages["help_newTemplate"] = "<p>It is possible to easily add new templates to the system. To do
-so, there are two possibilities: the template can either be uploaded as a compressed file
-(tar.gz, tar.bz2 and zip files are supported) to the server or it can be manually
-uploaded using any available method.</p>
-<p>If the first method is chosen, the contents of the file must have all been packaged
-under a folder which will be the name given to the template.</p>
-<p>If the second method is chosen, simply upload the files to a folder under your blog-specific folder
-and type in the name of the folder in the text box below.</p>
-<p>Plugins added here will be available to <b>all</b> the blogs in this site.</p>";
-$messages["help_siteTemplates"] = "<p>This is a list with all the templates that are globally
-available to all blogs. If you wish to remove any of them, please select them and click on the
-\"Delete Selected\" button below the list. Once a template is deleted it cannot be
-recovered, since it is removed from the disk.</p>";
-$messages["help_editSiteSettings"] = "Aquestes són les característiques globals que controlen la majoria d'aspectes del pLog.";
-$messages["newBlogTemplateFile"] = "Single files can be added to an already existing template
-set without having to upload the whole set again. Simply find the file you would like to
-upload in your disk and click on the \"Add File\" button.";
-// text is the same, so we can save a few bytes
-$messages["newTemplateFile"] = $messages["newBlogTemplateFile"];
-$messages["show_category_in_main_page"] = "Mostrar aquesta categoria a la pàgina principal";
-$messages["welcome_resource_center"] = "Benvingut a la nova àrea de fitxers (fotos, música, videos, ...) !";
-$messages["resourceCenter"] = "Àrea de Fitxers";
-$messages["resourceAlbums"] = "Àlbums";
-$messages["resources"] = "Fitxers";
-$messages["newResource"] = "Nou Fitxer";
-$messages["newResourceAlbum"] = "Nou Àlbum";
-$messages["album"] = "Àlbum";
-$messages["album_name"] = "Nom";
-$messages["parent_album"] = "Àlbum superior";
-$messages["no_parent_album"] = "No hi ha àlbum superior";
-$messages["resource_info"] = "Informació del fitxer";
-$messages["size"] = "Mida";
-$messages["format"] = "Format";
-$messages["dimensions"] = "Dimensions";
-$messages["bits_per_sample"] = "Bits per pixel";
-$messages["bytes"] = "octets";
-$messages["pixels"] = "pixels";
-$messages["time_offset"] = "Diferència en hores entre aquesta bitàcola i el servidor:";
-$messages["hours"] = "Hores";
-$messages["album_added_ok"] = "El nou àlbum ha estat afegit correctament.";
-$messages["name"] = "Nom";
-$messages["children"] = "Fills";
-$messages["see"] = "Veure";
-$messages["view"] = "Mostrar";
-$messages["number_of_channels"] = "Nombre de canals";
-$messages["length"] = "Durada";
-$messages["number_of_files"] = "Nombre de fitxers";
-$messages["compressed_size"] = "Mida comprimida";
-$messages["uncompressed_size"] = "Mida sense comprimir";
-$messages["resource_file"] = "Fitxer que desitja afegir";
-$messages["add_to_album"] = "Afegeix el fitxer al següent àlbum";
-$messages["edit_resource_album"] = "Editar Àlbum";
-$messages["error_loading_resource_album"] = "S'ha produït un error carregant l'àlbum.";
-$messages["error_album_id_parameter_missing"] = "L'identificador d'àlbum no es correcte.";
-$messages["error_album_parent_id_parameter_missing"] = "L'identificador d'àlbum pare no es correcte.";
-$messages["error_updating_resource_album"] = "S'ha produït un error actualitzant l'àlbum.";
-$messages["resource_album_updated_ok"] = "L'àlbum \"%s\" s'ha actualitzant correctament.";
-$messages["error_must_give_album_name"] = "Ha de donar un nom per a l'àlbum.";
-$messages["error_adding_album"] = "S'ha produït un error afegint el nou àlbum.";
-$messages["album_added_ok"] = "S'ha afegit el nou àlbum \"%s\" correctament.";
-$messages["resource_added_ok"] = "S'ha afegit el nou fitxer correctament.";
-$messages["error_resource_forbidden_extension"] = "No s'accepten aquests tipus de fitxers.";
-$messages["error_resource_too_big"] = "El fitxer no pot afegir-se perquè és massa gran.";
-$messages["error_uploads_disabled"] = "L'opció de pujada de fitxers ha estat desactivata. Disculpeu les molèsties.";
-$messages["error_adding_resource"] = "S'ha produït un error afegint el nou fitxer.";
-$messages["error_loading_resource"] = "S'ha produït un error carregant el fitxer.";
-$messages["error_updating_resource"] = "S'ha produït un error actualitzant el fitxer.";
-$messages["resource_updated_ok"] = "S'ha actualitzat el fitxer \"%s\" correctament.";
-$messages["error_no_resources_selected"] = "No s'ha sel·leccionat cap fitxer per a suprimir.";
-$messages["resource_deleted_ok"] = "S'ha esborrat el fitxer \"%s\" correctament.";
-$messages["error_deleting_resource"] = "S'ha produït un error esborrant el fitxer \"%s\".";
-$messages["error_no_resource_uploaded"] = "No s'ha enviat cap fitxer al servidor.";
-$messages["blockedHosts"] = "Hosts Bloquejats";
-$messages["global_blocked_hosts"] = "Hosts Bloquejats Globalment";
-$messages["newBlockedHost"] = "Bloquejar Host";
-$messages["blogSecurity"] = "Seguridad";
-$messages["security_welcome"] = "Benvingut a la zona de seguretat!";
-$messages["reason"] = "Raó";
-$messages["mask"] = "Màscara";
-$messages["access_blocked"] = "Bloqueig complet d'accés";
-$messages["posting_blocked"] = "Bloqueig d'enviament de comentaris";
-$messages["block_host_intro"] = "Qualsevol host afegit aquí serà bloquejat. El tipus de bloqueig depén del que s'hagi sel·lecionat en \"tipus\". Si us plau, consulta <a href=\"javascript:help_window('admin.php?op=Help?helpId=newBlogBlockedHost');\">l'ajuda</a> per obtenir informació més detallada sobre com funciona el bloqueig d'adreces.";
-$messages["global_block_host_intro"] = "Qualsevol host afegit aquí serà bloquejat en tots els diaris personals d'aquest servidor. El tipus de bloqueig depén del que s'hagi sel·lecionat en \"tipus\". Si us plau, consulta <a href=\"javascript:help_window('admin.php?op=Help?helpId=newBlogBlockedHost');\">l'ajuda</a> per obtenir informació més detallada sobre com funciona el bloqueig d'adreces.";
-$messages["block_type"] = "Tipus de bloqueig";
-$messages["error_invalid_ip_address"] = "L'adreça IP no és vàlida.";
-$messages["error_must_create_album_first"] = "Ha de crear primer un àlbum abans d'afegir cap fitxer.";
-$messages["error_resource_is_not_an_image"] = "El fitxer sel·leccionat no és una imatge.";
-$messages["error_generating_resource_preview"] = "S'ha produït un error regenerant la previsualització de la imatge.";
-$messages["resource_preview_generated_ok"] = "La previsualització de la imatge ha estat generada correctament.";
-$messages["regenerate_preview"] = "Regenerar Previsualització";
-$messages["show_album"] = "Mostrar Àlbum";
-$messages["show_album_when_browsing"] = "Mostrar aquest àlbum als usuaris que visitin la nostra llista de fitxers i àlbums";
-$messages["assigned_to_blog"] = "Assignar l'usuari a la següent bitàcora";
-$messages["clean_up"] = "Netejar";
-$messages["purge_info"] = "La funció de netejar esborrara fisicament tots els articles que han estat marcats com 'Esborrats'. Si no,
-aquests articles seguiran a la base de dades (per si l'usuari es decideix a recuperar algun d'ells!) i poden
-potencialment acabar ocupant molt d'espai. Si està segur que vol eliminar els articles, utilitzi el següent botó.";
-$messages["spam_info"] = "
-Es poden guardar els comentaris guardats com <i>spam</i> a la base de dades amb el propòsit d'utilitzar-los per entrenar el filtre anti-spam.
-Una vegada el filtre ha estat entrenat, no té sentit mantenir-los a la base de dades i si ho desitja pot utilitzar el següent botó:";
-$messages["no_spam"] = "No Spam";
-$messages["spam"] = "Spam";
-$messages["mark_as_spam"] = "Marcar com spam";
-$messages["mark_as_no_spam"] = "Marcar como NO spam";
-$messages["enable_comments_for_post"] = "Permetre comentaris en aquest article";
-$messages["close_window"] = "Tancar";
-$messages["newResource"] = "Afegir Fitxer";
-$messages["add_resource_preview"] = "Afegir Previsualització";
-$messages["newResourceAlbum"] = "Afegir Àlbum";
-$messages["show_main_page"] = "Mostrar en Portada";
-$messages["purge_spam_comments"] = "Esborrar Comentaris Marcats Com Spam";
-$messages["purge_posts"] = "Netejar";
-$messages["keep_spam_comments"] = "Guardar comentaris marcats com spam";
-$messages["throw_away_spam_comments"] = "Refusar comentaris spam";
-$messages["error_adding_blocked_host"] = "S'ha produït un error afegint el nou host.";
-$messages["blocked_host_added_ok"] = "S'ha afegit el host %s a la llista de hosts bloquejats.";
-$messages["error_no_blocked_hosts_selected"] = "No s'ha sel·leccionat cap host per eliminar.";
-$messages["blocked_host_deleted_ok"] = "S'ha esborrat el host \"%s\" correctament.";
-$messages["error_deleting_blocked_host"] = "S'ha produït un error esborrant el host \"%s\"";
-$messages["edit_blocked_host"] = "Editar Host Bloquejat";
-$messages["blocked_host_updated_ok"] = "El host ha estat actualitzat correctament.";
-$messages["error_fetching_blocked_host"] = "S'ha produït un error carregant el host.";
-$messages["error_updating_blocked_host"] = "S'ha produït un error actualitzant el host.";
-$messages["thumbnail_format"] = "Format de la previsualització";
-$messages["same_as_image"] = "El mateix que la imatge original";
-$messages["same"] = $messages["same_as_image"];
-$messages["help_locale_folder"] = "Adreça on estan guardats els fitxers amb les traduccions.";
-$messages["help_default_locale"] = "Llenguatge per defecte que serà utilitzat quan es creï un nova bitàcola.";
-$messages["help_xmlrpc_api_enabled"] = "Activa o desactiva la interfície XMLRPC";
-$messages["default_rss_profile"] = "Versió o perfil de RSS que serà utilitzat per defecte, si no s'especifica un altre.";
-$messages["help_security_pipeline_enabled"] = "Activa les mesures de seguretat. Si es desactiva, també es desactivaràn totes les mesures de seguretat així que es recomanable deixar-ho activat i activar o desactivar les mesures de seguretat individualment.";
-$messages["help_ip_address_filter_enabled"] = "Activa el filtre d'adreces IP.";
-$messages["help_content_filter_enabled"] = "Activa el filtre de contingut molt simple basat en expressions regulars. El filtre bayesià és normalment la millor opció.";
-$messages["help_maximum_comment_size"] = "Tamany màxim que un comentari pot tenir, en octets.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_enabled"] = "Activa o desactiva el filtre bayesià.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_spam_probability_treshold"] = "Valor mínim en què un comentari es considerat spam. Ha de ser un valor entre 0.01 i 0.99";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_nonspam_probability_treshold"] = "Valor màxim en què un comentari es considerat no spam amb total seguretat. Qualsevol comentari amb un valor entre aquests dos límits serà considerat no spam, però tal vegada això succeixi perquè el filtre necessiti més entrenament.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_min_length_token"] = "Mínima longitud d'un token.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_max_length_token"] = "Màxima longitud d'un token.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_number_significant_tokens"] = "Nombre de tokens significatius que un comentari ha de tenir.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_spam_comments_action"] = "Que fer amb els comentaris considerats spam. Poden ser o bé eliminats directament o guardats en la base de dades. La segona opció es recomanable quan el nostre filtre no hagi estat molt entrenat encara i cometi errors de tant en tant.";
-$messages["help_path_to_convert"] = "L'eina 'convert' del paquet ImageMagick es necessària si elegim 'ImageMagick' com sistema per crear les previsualitzacions d'imatges.";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_height"] = "Alçada màxima de les previsualitzacions.";
-$messages["help_resources_folder"] = "Directori on es guarden els fitxers que haguem afegit a la nostra bitàcola. No és necessari que sigui un directori dins de l'estructura del nostre servidor web, si no volem que els usuaris puguin xafardejar els arxius que hi tenim guardats. El servidor de fitxers de pLog s'encarregara de buscar el fitxer i servirlo correctament.";
-$messages["help_thumbnails_keep_aspect_ratio"] = "Mantenir la relació entre alçada i amplada de les previsualitzacions";
-$messages["help_resources_enabled"] = "Activa o desactiva el 'Área de Ficheros'.";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_method"] = "Sistema que se usará para generar previsualizaciones. Si elegimos 'ImageMagic', también habrá que configurar donde encontrar la herramienta 'convert', debajo.";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_width"] = "Amplada màxima de les previsualitzacions.";
-$messages["external_interfaces"] = "Interfícies Externes";
-$messages["none"] = "cap";
-$messages["security_settings"] = "Configuració de Seguretat";
-$messages["bayesian_filter_settings"] = "Configuració del filtre Bayesià";
-$messages["resources_settings"] = "Fitxers i Imatges";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_format"] = "Format per defecte que serà utilitzat per generar les previsualitzacions d'imatges. Si es selecciona 'El mateix que la imatge original', les previsualitzacions seran creades i guardades en el mateix format que la imatge original d'on van ser creades.";
-$messages["edit"] = "Edita";
-$messages["help_disable_javascript_calendar"] = "Desactiva el calendari basat en Javascript i DHTML utilitzat quan es crea o edita un article, en el cas que el navegador del usuari no sigui compatible.";
-$messages["edit_filtered_content"] = "Edita Contingut Filtrat";
-$messages["audio_codec"] = "Codec d'audio";
-$messages["video_codec"] = "Codec de vídeo";
-$messages["sample_rate"] = "Velocitat de mostreig";
-$messages["files"] = "Fitxers";
-$messages["created"] = "Creat";
-$messages["generated"] = "Generat";
-$messages["about"] = "En quant a mi...";
-$messages["menu"] = "Menú";
-$messages["albums"] = "Àlbums";
-$messages["template_file"] = "Fitxer amb la plantilla";
-$messages["download"] = "Descarregar";
-$messages["error_no_albums_defined"] = "No hi ha àlbums disponibles en aquesta bitàcola.";
-$messages["error_fetching_album"] = "S'ha produït un error buscant l'àlbum especificat.";
-// help messages //
-// translators: the following help messages have changed a little since last version, due to a few
-// new features built on top of previous features
-$messages["help_editArticleCategories"] = "<p>This is a listing with all the post categories that
-have been created so far. There must be at least one category before you can add an article, since
-every article has to be categorized under a category. The <b>'Articles'</b> column shows how many
-articles have been categorized under the given category. In the same way, a category can't be deleted
-if it has an article assigned it; you must first remove all the articles and then you will be allowed
-to remove the category.</p>
-<p>You can delete more than one category at the same time by cheching their <b>'Delete'</b> column
-and then clickin on the <b>'Delete Selected'</b> button.</p>
-<p>The <b>'Show In Main Page'</b> column shows whether this category is included in the main page or if alternatively,
-it can also be seen when clicking its link. Edit the category itself to enable/disable this feature.</p>";
-$messages["help_newArticleCategory"] = "<p>From here you can add a new post category to the blog. All
-what you need to provide is a name for the new category. Once it has been created, it will be available
-for posts to be categorized under.</p>
-<p>You can disable the 'Show cateory in main page' checkbox if you don't want this category to be shown in the
-main page of the site. If disabled, posts included in this category will only be shown when browsing this
-specific category, by clicking its link.</p>";
-$messages["editArticleCategory"] = "<p>Please provide a new name for the category you are updating. Also, 
-define whether you would like to show posts belonging to this cateogry in the main page or not.</p>";
-$messages["help_newPost"] = "<p>Utilitza aquesta pàgina per afegir un nou article al diari. Hauras de donar-li un titol 
-i el seu text. Una vegada finalitzat, prem el botó <b>'Afegir'</b> i l'article 
-serà inclòs automàticament a la teva pàgina. Comprova que has establert el estat del article a <b>'Publicat'</b>
-si vols que aparegui a la portada. Utilitza el estat <b>'Esborrany'</b> quan no puguis acabar d'escriure el article
-per recuperar-lo després i poder continuar</p>
-<p>El text que escriguis al primer recuadre gran apareixera sempre a la portada. Pots utilitzar
-el segon recuadre si vols que alguna part del text no estigui inclosa a la pàgina principal però
-que es mostri quan els usuaris facin click a l'enllaç \"Llegir més...\" Aquest enllaç s'afegira
-automàticament al final del text. Aquest camp no es obligatori i es pot desactivar aquesta
-característica al menú \"Arranjaments\"</p>
-<p>També pots classificar un article en alguan de les categories que hagis creat previament.
-Escolleix la <b>'Categoria'</b> a la que més s'adapti.</p>
-<p>Si vols rebre un email de notificació sobre el nou articles, selecciona la casella corresponent.</p>
-<p>Selecciona la casella on posa </b>'Troba els enllaços del article...'</b> si vols que després d'afegir l'article, 
-vols que s'enviï un ping de <i>trackback</i> als servidors que ho soportin. El teu article serà revisat per trobar
-els enllaços i tu tindràs la possibilitat d'escollir als que vols enviar els pings de trackback.</p>
-<p>Pots utilitzar <b>'Afegir Fitxer'</b> per afegir un enllaç a un album o a un fitxer en el teu article.</p>
-Tu pots afegir una previsualització amb l'enllaç o bé el fitxer directament, pot ser una imatge, video o
-qualsevol tipus de fitxer. Utilitza l'<i>'Àrea de Fitxers'</i> per administrar els àlbums.</p>";
-$messages["help_editPosts"] = "<p>Use this page to edit a post from your journal. The information from the
-post has already been provided and now you can make your changes. Once you have finished, press the <b>'Update'</b> button and the post
-will updated. Please note that you have to set the status of the post
-to <b>'Published'</b> if you want it to appear in front page. Use the <b>'Draft'</b> status when you can't finish posting
-now but you would like to save what you have typed so far for later revision.</p>
-<p>If you would like to receive an email notifying about a new post, please check the corresponding
-<p>More information about the different options <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newPost\">here</a>.</p>";
-$messages["help_blogSettings"] = "<p>From this page you can change some of the settings that control the
-behaviour or appearance of this journal. These are the settings: <ul>
-<li><b>Permanent URL</b>: This is the URL where this blog is running and that can be used to
-link to it. It can't be changed.</li>
-<li><b>Name of the blog</b>: This is a text string with a descriptive name of the blog. If using the
-default templates, it is the text displayed on top of every page.</li>
-<li><b>Long descriptive text about this blog</b>: This is a longer text that can optionally be
-displayed in some kind of page giving more detailed information about the page. It can be left
-blank if not needed.</li>
-<li><b>Language used to display the texts</b>: You can select one of the available languages. This
-language will be used to display the texts (not your own articles!) and format things like dates
-and numbers using the correct settings. More languages can be installed at any time.</li>
-<li><b>Items in the main page</b>: Set this to the number of posts you would like to have
-in the main page. The more posts, the longer it will take for users to download your page. Minimum
-number of posts it one.</li>
-<li><b>Items shown as recent</b>: Set this to the number of posts you would like to be shown as
-<b>'Recent'</b>, that is, the posts that have been posted earlier. Minimun amount is one.</li>
-<li><b>Template used to render the contents</b>: pLog allows to have more than one template
-to show the same content. You can choose here the most appropiate one for you journal, from the ones
-that have been installed by the administrator.</li>
-<li><b>Show the whole post int he main or only the part that was typed in the 'Text' box?</b>: Set this to <b>'Yes'</b> if you would like pLog
-to automatically add a 'More...' link to your posts on the main page just after the text you typed
-in the text box labeled 'Text'. The text typed in the second text box will only be shown to the user
-when clicking on the
-setting below) This feature is useful since it makes your frontpage less cluttered and also
-smaller. However, it has some problems if there is a lot of HTML code in the page.</li>
-<li><b>Enable WYSIWYG edition of texts</b>: Set this to yes if you would like to have the possibility
-to see how your posts look in real time. This feature is only available for users using either
-Internet Explorer 5.5 or higer and Mozilla 1.3b or higher.</li>
-<li><b>Enable comments</b>: Set this to yes if you would like to allow your users to make comments to your
-posts. This will globally affect all your posts and all your users.</li>
-<li><b>Order in which comments appear</b>: Set it to \"Oldest first\" if you would like to see
-the older comments first in the list, or set it to \"Newest first\" to see them in
-reverse chronological order.</li>
-<li><b>Time difference in hours between the server and you</b>: You can use this setting to make pLog automatically
-add or substract an amount of hours to each date in the blog. It is useful for example when the server where the blog
-is hosted and the person who is using it are in different time zones. Telling pLog that there is a difference of
-+3 hours, will make that all dates appear with such time difference applied.</li>
-// translators: the ones below are already new
-$messages["help_resourceCenter"] = "Des de l'àrea de fitxers podràs administrar els teus fitxers, agrupar-los en àlbums, 
-administrar aquests albums i modificar qualsevol d'ells.";
-$messages["help_newResourceAlbum"] = "<p>You need at least one album to group your resources. From here you will be allowed
-to add a new album, simply providing a name and a description for it. Only the name field is mandatory, being
-the description field optional.</p>
-<p>Use the <b>'Parent album'</b> field to set whether this is a top-level album or if it is a sub-album and has
-another album as a parent.</p>";
-$messages["help_resourceAlbums"] = "<p>This is a list including all the resource albums that have been created so far
-in this site. For each album, several of its properties can be seen at a glance: its name, a link to its child 
-albums (if any) and its amount, a link to its resources and its amount, whether the album is public or
-private and a checkbox to delete as many of them as needed.</p>
-<p>You can read more on the <b>'Show Album'</b> feature here <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=editResourceAlbum\">here</a></p>";
-$messages["editResourceAlbum"] = "<p>From here you can edit the properties of a resource album. Almost all the fields
-are the same as <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newResourceAlbum\">here</a> except the 
-<b>'Show album to users'</b> checkbox. If enabled, this album will be visible to users who browse our 
-collection of albums and resources. If not, it will not be shown in the public side. This is useful in cases when
-we want to keep some of the albums secret and don't want users peeking at them.</p>";
-$messages["help_newResource"] = "<p>You will be able to upload new resources to your blog from this section. Any kind of file
-can be uploaded to the site but pLog is capable of handling and extracting some useful information from some
-of them, such as images, videos, zip files and music files.</p>
-<p>First of all, find the file you would like to upload. Then, provide a description for it (mandatory field)
-and finally select to which album would you like this resource to belong to. It is not possible to have a resource
-file that does not belong to any album. Once you are ready, click the <b>'Add Resource'</b> button and the file
-will be added to the blog.</p>
-<p>Please keep in mind that uploads need to be enabled for this to work, and if the blog administrator has
-set a list of forbidden file types that cannot be uploaded, the file will not be allowed in the site. The resource
-framework also needs to be enabled. All these settings can be modified by a user with administrator privileges
-from the <b>'Global Settings'</b> section.</p>
-<p>This feature requires a folder with write permission in the web server.</p>";
-$messages["help_resources"] = "<p>From here you will have access to all the resource files that have been uplaoded
-in the blog. Files will be shown under the album to which they belong. For every resource file, it will be
-possible to edit its properties, view it as any normal user will see it and mark it for deletion. Pressing the 
-<b>'Delete Selected'</b> button from the bottom of the screen will delete those resources that have been
-<p>Click the folder icon to navigate to the contents of an albu, or the <b>'Edit'</b> to go to the album
-properties page. Use the <b>'..'</b> link to go up one level. Clicking a resource name or preview (if available)
-will take you to the resource properties page where you will be able to change some of the settings of the 
-selected resource.";
-$messages["help_blogSecurity"] = "From this section you will be able to edit set up some basic security mechanisms that
-are provided by pLog. The changes you make here will only affect your blog and not everybody else's.";
-$messages["help_blogBlockedHosts"] = "This is a list with all the hosts that have been blocked so far in this blog. At
-a glance, it is possible to see for each host the reason why it was blocked, the date when it was blocked and
-the type of the block applied. Lastly, you can also select any of the host blocking rules and press the
-<b>'Delete Selected'</b> button when you are sure that you want to remove those rules.";
-$messages["help_newBlogBlockedHost"] = "<p>This section will allow you to block a specific address or entire subnet from your Blog. You can select if you want them to be able to see it, but unable to post or simply unable to access it at all. Copy the offending address into the spaces provided and choose the proper subnet address space if necessary. Example: To block just the address of you would choose the '32 bits' option to match the entire address. This blocks just this one address and works well for banning someone with a Static IP address. If you're seeing multiple IP Addresses for a particular individual (say,, and then you will want to ban a particular subnet range. Enter one of the IP Addresses that you see and choose '24 bits', '16 bits' or '8 bits'  to match the first 3 sections, first 2 sections or the first section respectively.<br/>
- - 32 bits: Matches only the address<br/>
- - 24 bits: Matches any address that starts with 192.168.1<br/>
- - 16 bits: Matches any address that starts with 192.168<br/>
- - 8 bits: Matches any address that starts with 192<br/>
-<p>The <b>'Block type'</b> drop-down list will allow you to choose whether to block this host from 
-completely accessign the site (an error page will be sent to the client's browser whenever trying to access) or
-simply block it from posting new comments. If the latter is chosen, the host will still be allowed to read
-articles and other people's comments.</p>
-<p>You can also attach a reason/description to this host blocking rule, so that you can remember in the future why
-it was set up.</p>";
-$messages["editBlogBlockedHost"] = "You will be able to edit a host blocking rule from this section. The options
-available are exactly the same as in <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost\">here</a>.";
-$messages["help_blockedHosts"] = "This is a list with all the hosts that have been blocked so far system-wide. 
-Clicking a rule IP address will allow us to edit the settings of that rule. These rules always take
-precedence over blog-speficic rules, so that if one these global rules matches a host, all the other after
-it will be ignored.";
-$messages["help_newBlockedHost"] = "From here it is possible to add a new <b>global</b> host-blocking rule. See
-<a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost\">here</a> for more information about the options
-$messages["editBlockedHost"] = "You will be able to edit a host blocking rule from this section. The options
-available are exactly the same as in <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost\">here</a>.";
-$messages["editFilteredContent"] = "This page will allow you to edit a content filtering rule. The options
-are exactly the same as in <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogFilteredContent\">here</a>.";
-$messages["posts_purged_ok"] = "S'han esborrat correctament tots els articles marcats per esborrar.";
-$messages["blogBlockedHosts"] = $messages["blockedHosts"];
-$messages["newBlogBlockedHost"] = $messages["newBlockedHost"];
-$messages["newBlogUser"] = $messages["createUser"];
-// text of the post that will be added to each blog when they sign-up via the register.php script
-$messages["register_default_category"] = "General";
-$messages["register_default_article_text"] = "If you can read this, it means that your signup and registration was successful and that you can start blogging.";
-$messages["register_default_article_topic"] = "Congratulations, it worked!";
-// summary templates text
-$messages["summary_title"] = "Blogs Summary";
-$messages["summary_section_main"] = "Summary";
-$messages["summary_section_main_link_title"] = "Main Page";
-$messages["summary_section_register"] = "Register!";
-$messages["summary_section_register_link_title"] = "Register a new blog";
-$messages["summary_section_blog_list"] = "Blog list";
-$messages["summary_section_blog_list_link_title"] = "Blogs hosted in this site";
-$messages["summary_section_faq"] = "F.A.Q.";
-$messages["summary_section_faq_link_title"] = "Frequently Asked Questions";
-$messages["summary_welcome_title"] = "Welcome to pLog!";
-$messages["summary_most_active_blogs"] = "Most active blogs";
-$messages["summary_newest_blogs"] = "Newest blogs";
-$messages["summary_most_commented_articles"] = "Most commented articles";
-$messages["summary_most_read_articles"] = "Most read articles";
-$messages["summary_faq"] = "Frequently Asked Questions";
-$messages["summary_faq_question"] = "What is this?";
-$messages["summary_faq_description"] = "You could use this section to add some frequently asked questions about your service. It is all up to you and this is only a suggestion so feel free to make changes :) Edit the file templates/summary/faq.template to change the contents of this page.";
-$messages["summary_login"] = "Log-in";
-$messages["summary_other_stuff"] = "Other Stuff";
-$messages["summary_plog_logo"] = "How about a logo here?";
-$messages["summary_blog_list"] = "Blog List";
-$messages["summary_last_updated"] = "Last Updated";
-$messages["summary_author"] = "Author";
-$messages["summary_articles"] = "articles";
-$messages["summary_reads"] = "reads";
-$messages["summary_welcome_message"] = "<h4 class=\"question\">What is this site?</h4>
-                            <p>You could use this area to give some information about this site.</p>
-                            <ul>
-                                <li>See the following links for more information: <br />
-                                    <a href=\"summary.php?op=Faq\">FAQ</a></li>
-                                <li><a href=\"register.php\">Register a new blog here</a></li>
-                            </ul>";
-$messages["summary_latest_posts"] = "Latest Posts";
-$messages["summary_in"] = "in";
-$messages["summary_posted_by"] = "Posted by";
-// register templates text
-$messages["register_error"] = "Error";
-$messages["register_error_message"] = "There has been an error:";
-$messages["register_errors"] = "There were some errors during the process, please have a look:";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step1_title"] = "Register a new blog (1/3)";
-$messages["register_step1_fill_in_title"] = "Please fill in this form to create a new blog in this site.";
-$messages["register_step1_description"] = "<p>
-First of all, we need to create a user for you. Please choose a username (which should not exist in the system but if it does, we will let you know) This user will be considered as the owner of the blog and will have full powers over it.
-And please do not forget your password! There is no way it can be recovered once you have signed up.
-$messages["register_step1_legend"] = "Please fill in the following fields";
-$messages["register_username"] = "Username:";
-$messages["register_password"] = "Password:";
-$messages["register_password_confirmation"] = "Confirm password:";
-$messages["register_email"] = "Email address:";
-$messages["register_email_comment"] = "(user for notifications of new comments)";
-$messages["register_next"] = "Next &raquo;";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step2_title"] = "Register a new blog (2/3)";
-$messages["register_user_created"] = "Your new user has been successfully created! Now we can proceed and create your new personal blog.";
-$messages["register_step2_description"] = " <p>
-  The only thing we need to know is the name you would like to give to your diary. Later on once this
-  process is complete, you will be able to change things like its description, but now that is not needed.
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step2_blog_name"] = "Name of your new blog:";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step4_title"] = "Thank you! (3/3)";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step3_description"] = "
- <p>
-    Registration is complete. Your new user and diary have been registered successfully in this site,
-    and you can log in now into your blog and start blogging!
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step4_admin_link"] = "
-  <p>
-    Click here <a href=\"admin.php\">to go the admin interface</a>, if you want to start blogging.
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step4_blog_link1"] = "
- <p>
-    Or click <a href=\"";
-$messages["register_step4_blog_link2"] = "
-\">here to go and see your new blog</a>.
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step4_final_message"] = "
- <p>
-  Happy blogging!
- </p>";
-$messages["register_error_incorrect_username"] = "Incorrect user name or user already exists, please try again.<br/>";
-$messages["register_error_incorrect_email"] = "Email address is invalid, please try again. <br/>";
-$messages["register_error_user_already_exist"] = "There is already a user with that name, please try again.<br/>";
-$messages["register_error_incorrect_password"] = "Password is invalid, please try again. <br/>";
-$messages["register_error_passwords_dont_match"] = "Passwords do not match, please try again. <br/>";
-$messages["register_error_adding_user"] = "Error adding the user: ";
-$messages["register_error_creating_blog"] = "There was an error creating the new blog";
-$messages["register_error_blog_name"] = "You should choose a better name for the blog.<br/>" ;

Deleted: plog/trunk/locale/locale_de_DE.php
--- plog/trunk/locale/locale_de_DE.php	2005-01-29 15:29:38 UTC (rev 872)
+++ plog/trunk/locale/locale_de_DE.php	2005-01-29 15:52:14 UTC (rev 873)
@@ -1,660 +0,0 @@
-// German translation by Markus Vortkamp,
-// plog at markus-vortkamp.de
-// Wenn Sie Rechtschreibfehler in diesem Dokument finden, w&auml;re ich Ihnen f&uuml;r eine kurze Nachricht dankbar.
-// F&uuml;r Fragen zu pLog wenden Sie sich bitte an die pLog group unter: http://plog.sourceforge.net/
-// set this to the encoding that should be used to display the pages correctly
-$messages["encoding"] = "iso-8859-1";
-$messages["locale_description"] = "Deutsche (german) Lokalisierung f&uuml;r pLog";
-// days of the week
-$messages["days"] = Array( "Sonntag", "Montag", "Dienstag", "Mittwoch", "Donnerstag", "Freitag", "Samstag" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["Monday"] = $messages["days"][1];
-$messages["Tuesday"] = $messages["days"][2];
-$messages["Wednesday"] = $messages["days"][3];
-$messages["Thursday"] = $messages["days"][4];
-$messages["Friday"] = $messages["days"][5];
-$messages["Saturday"] = $messages["days"][6];
-$messages["Sunday"] = $messages["days"][0];
-// abbreviations
-$messages["daysshort"] = Array( "So", "Mo", "Di", "Mi", "Do", "Fr", "Sa" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["Mo"] = $messages["daysshort"][1];
-$messages["Tu"] = $messages["daysshort"][2];
-$messages["We"] = $messages["daysshort"][3];
-$messages["Th"] = $messages["daysshort"][4];
-$messages["Fr"] = $messages["daysshort"][5];
-$messages["Sa"] = $messages["daysshort"][6];
-$messages["Su"] = $messages["daysshort"][0];
-// months of the year
-$messages["months"] = Array( "Januar", "Februar", "M&auml;rz", "April", "Mai", "Juni", "Juli", "August", "September", "Oktober", "November", "Dezember" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["January"] = $messages["months"][0];
-$messages["February"] = $messages["months"][1];
-$messages["March"] = $messages["months"][2];
-$messages["April"] = $messages["months"][3];
-$messages["May"] = $messages["months"][4];
-$messages["June"] = $messages["months"][5];
-$messages["July"] = $messages["months"][6];
-$messages["August"] = $messages["months"][7];
-$messages["September"] = $messages["months"][8];
-$messages["October"] = $messages["months"][9];
-$messages["November"] = $messages["months"][10];
-$messages["December"] = $messages["months"][11];
-$messages["message"] = "Nachricht";
-$messages["error"] = "Fehler";
-$messages["date"] = "Datum";
-// miscellaneous texts
-$messages["of"] = "von";
-$messages["recently"] = "Aktuell";
-$messages["comments"] = "Kommentare";
-$messages["comment on this"] = "kommentieren";
-$messages["my_links"] = "externe Links";
-$messages["archives"] = "Archiv";
-$messages["search"] = "Suche";
-$messages["calendar"] = "Kalender";
-$messages["editLinkCategories"] = "Kategorien";
-$messages["search_s"] = "Suche";
-$messages["link_tracker"] = "Link Tracker";
-$messages["search_this_blog"] = "Dieses Weblog durchsuchen:";
-$messages["about_myself"] = "Wer bin ich?";
-$messages["permalink_title"] = "Permanenter Link zum Archiv";
-$messages["permalink"] = "Permalink";
-$messages["posted_by"] = "geschrieben von";
-$messages["on_the"] = "am";
-$messages["page"] = "Seite";
-$messages["posted"] = "ver&ouml;ffentlicht";
-$messages["reply"] = "antworten";
-// add comment form
-$messages["add_comment"] = "Artikel kommentieren";
-$messages["comment_topic"] = "Betreff: ";
-$messages["comment_text"] = "Text: ";
-$messages["comment_username"] = "Ihr Name: ";
-$messages["comment_email"] = "Ihre E-Mail Addresse (wenn vorhanden): ";
-$messages["comment_url"] = "Ihre Homepage (wenn vorhanden): ";
-$messages["comment_send"] = "absenden";
-$messages["comment_added"] = "Kommentar hinzugef&uuml;gt.";
-$messages["comment_add_error"] = "Fehler beim ";
-$messages["article_does_not_exist"] = "Dieser Artikel existiert nicht.";
-$messages["no_posts_found"] = "Keine Artikel gefunden.";
-$messages["user_has_no_posts_yet"] = "Der Benutzer hat noch keine Artikel ver&ouml;ffentlicht.";
-$messages["info_about_myself"] = "Einige Informationen &uuml;ber mich...";
-$messages["back"] = "zur&uuml;ck";
-$messages["back_top"] = "zur&uuml;ck nach oben";
-$messages["post"] = "Artikel";
-$messages["trackbacks_for_article"] = "Trackbacks f&uuml;r diesen Artikel";
-$messages["trackback_excerpt"] = "Auszug";
-$messages["trackback_weblog"] = "Weblog";
-$messages["search_results"] = "Suchergebnisse";
-$messages["search_matching_results"] = "Die folgenden Artikel entsprechen Ihrer Suchanfrage: ";
-$messages["search_no_matching_posts"] = "Es wurden keine Artikel gefunden.";
-$messages["see_all_link"] = "Klicken Sie hier um alle bisher ver&ouml;ffentlichten Nachrichten zu sehen.";
-$messages["read_more"] = "&nbsp;&nbsp;...weiter";
-$messages["anonymous_poster"] = "anonym";
-$messages["syndicate"] = "SYNDICATE";
-$messages["main"] = "&Uuml;bersicht";
-////// error messages /////
-$messages["error_fetching_article"] = "Der angegebene Artikel kann nicht gefunden werden.";
-$messages["error_fetching_articles"] = "Die angegebenen Artikel k&ouml;nnen nicht gefunden werden.";
-$messages["error_trackback_no_trackback"] = "F&uuml;r diesen Artikel wurden keine Trackbacks gefunden.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_article_id"] = "Die Artikel-ID ist nicht korrekt.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_blog_id"] = "Die Weblog-ID ist nicht korrekt.";
-$messages["error_comment_without_text"] = "Sie haben keinen Text eingegeben.";
-$messages["error_comment_without_name"] = "Sie sollten zumindest Ihren Namen oder Nick angeben.";
-$messages["error_adding_comment"] = "Beim Hinzuf&uuml;gen des Kommentars ist ein Fehler in der Datenbank aufgetreten.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_parameter"] = "Falsche Parameter.";
-$messages["error_parameter_missing"] = "Es fehlt ein Parameter f&uuml;r diese Anfrage.";
-$messages["error_blog_has_no_links"] = "Dieses Weblog hat bisher keine Links.";
-$messages["error_comments_not_enabled"] = "Die M&ouml;glichkeit Kommentare hinzuzuf&uuml;gen wurde f&uuml;r diese Site gesperrt.";
-/////////////////                                          //////////////////
-///////////////// STRINGS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION INTERFACE //////////////////
-/////////////////                                          //////////////////
-////// help messages for the administration interface /////
-$messages["help_newPost"] = "<p>Hier k&ouml;nnen Sie neue Artikel zu Ihrem Journal hinzuf&uuml;gen. Sie m&uuml;ssen f&uuml;r 
-jeden Artikel ein Betreff und Text eingeben. Wenn Sie die Arbeit am Artikel beenden m&ouml;chten, dr&uuml;cken 
-Sie auf '<b>Artikel hinzuf&uuml;gen</b>' um ihn in der Datenbank zu speichern. Beachten Sie, dass Sie den Status 
-des Artikels auf '<b>ver&ouml;ffentlicht</b>' &auml;ndern m&uuml;ssen, damit er auf der &Uuml;bersichtsseite erscheint. Benutzen 
-Sie den Status '<b>Entwurf</b>', wenn Sie den Artikel noch nicht ver&ouml;ffentlichen m&ouml;chten, er aber in der 
-Datenbank gespeichert werden soll. Sie k&ouml;nnen die Arbeit an diesen Artikel dann jederzeit fortsetzen 
-und ihn sp&auml;ter ver&ouml;ffentlichen.</p>
-<p>Unter '<b>Kategorien</b>' k&ouml;nnen Sie Artikel jeder der Kategorien zuordnen, die Sie zuvor erstellt 
-haben. </p>
-<p>Wenn Sie eine E-Mail Benachrichtigung w&uuml;nschen, falls Kommentare zu Ihrem Artikel ver&ouml;ffentlicht werden,
-markieren Sie bitte die entsprechende Auswahlbox.</p>
-<p>Wenn Sie die Auswahlbox '<b>Trackback Pings senden</b>' markieren, wird Ihr Artikel nach Links gescannt, und Sie 
-haben anschlie&szlig;end die M&ouml;glichkeit auszuw&auml;hlen, zu welchen Sie Pings senden m&ouml;chten.</p>";
-$messages["addPost"] = "<p>Ihre Nachricht wurde erfolgreich in der Datenbank gespeichert. Sie k&ouml;nnen nun w&auml;hlen,
-welchen Hosts Sie Trackback Pings senden m&ouml;chten, so dass der Autor des anderen Artikels wei&szlig;, dass Sie &uuml;ber 
-seinen Artikel geschrieben haben, und er den Ping zur&uuml;ckverfolgen kann.</p>";
-$messages["help_editPosts"] = "<p>Klicken Sie auf die &Uuml;berschrift eines Artikels, um diesen zu bearbeiten. Sie k&ouml;nnen 
-Ihre Artikel zuvor nach Kategorie, Status, oder Autor filtern. Wenn Sie auf die Anzahl der Kommentare klicken, 
-bekommen Sie Zugang zu den entsprechenden Kommentaren. F&uuml;r diese k&ouml;nnen Sie neben den &ouml;ffentlichen Informationen 
-auch die IP-Adresse einsehen. In der Statistik sehen Sie z.B. wie h&auml;ufig ein Artikel aufgerufen wurde, von wo aus 
-ein Link gesetzt wurde oder ob Trackbackpings empfangen wurden.</p>";
-$messages["editPosts"] = "Hier k&ouml;nnen Sie in Ihrem Journal gespeichert Artikel bearbeiten. Wenn die Bearbeitung 
-abgeschlossen ist, klicken Sie auf 'speichern', um die &Auml;nderungen zu sichern. M&ouml;chten Sie einen zuvor als Entwurf 
-gespeicherten Artikel ver&ouml;ffentlichen, denken Sie daran, den Status von 'Entwurf' auf 'ver&ouml;ffentlicht' zu &auml;ndern.</p>";
-$messages["editComments"] = "<p>Hier finden Sie alle Kommentare zum ausgew&auml;hlten Artikel. Kommentare k&ouml;nnen nicht 
-bearbeitet sondern nur gel&ouml;scht werden. Das einzige Pflichtfeld beim kommentieren eines Ihrer Artikel ist das 
-Feld '<b>Ihr Name</b>'. Es ist also m&ouml;glich, dass die Felder E-Mail Adresse und URL leer sind. Im Feld IP Adresse 
-finden Sie die IP Adresse, von der aus der Kommentar geschrieben wurde.</p>
-<p>Sie k&ouml;nnen soviel Kommentare gleichzeitig l&ouml;schen, wie Sie m&ouml;chten. W&auml;hlen Sie die entsprechenden Checkboxen aus 
-und klicken Sie anschlie&szlig;end auf '<b>ausgew&auml;hlte l&ouml;schen</b>'.</p>";
-$messages["postStats"] = "<p>Hier finden Sie die Statistik des ausgew&auml;hlten Artikels. Die Anzahl der Aufrufe gibt an, 
-wie h&auml;ufig ein bestimmter Artikel aufgerufen wurde. Beachten Sie jedoch, dass nur direkte Aufrufe gez&auml;hlt werden,
-d.h. es wird nicht erfasst, wie h&auml;ufig ein Artikel auf der &Uuml;bersichtsseite gelesen wurde.</p>
-<p>Unter 'Referers' sehen Sie von welchen Seiten die Leser des Artikels zu Ihnen gelangt sind, und die 'Trackbacks'
-zeigen Ihnen Informationen &uuml;ber gesetzte Trackback-Pings.</p>";
-$messages["help_editArticleCategories"] = "<p>Hier sehen Sie eine Liste mit allen Artikel Kategorien, die 
-bisher erstellt worden sind. Bevor Sie einen Artikel hinzuf&uuml;gen k&ouml;nnen, mu&szlig; mindestens eine Kategorie 
-eingerichtet sein. Eine Kategorie, der Artikel zugeordnet sind, kann folglich auch nicht gel&ouml;scht 
-werden. Um eine leere Kategorie zu l&ouml;schen, markieren Sie die entsprechende Checkbox und klicken Sie
-anschlie&szlig;end auf '<b>ausgew&auml;hlte l&ouml;schen</b>'.</p>";
-$messages["help_newArticleCategory"] = "<p>Hier k&ouml;nnen Sie eine neue Artikel-Kategorie f&uuml;r Ihr Weblog erstellen.
-Geben Sie einen Namen  ein und klicken Sie anschlie&szlig;end auf 'Kategorie hinzuf&uuml;gen'. Einer einmal erstellten 
-Kategorie k&ouml;nnen Sie beliebig viele Artikel (auch &auml;ltere) zuordnen.</p>";
-$messages["help_editLinks"] = "<p>Dies ist die Liste mit allen in der Datenbank gespeicherten Links. Wie die
-Artikel, k&ouml;nnen auch die Links verschiedenen Kategorien zugeordnet werden. F&uuml;r jeden Link sehen Sie in 
-der Liste den Namen, den URL und die Kategorie. Wenn Sie auf den Namen klicken, k&ouml;nnen Sie auch die 
-Beschreibung, die als Tooltip angezeigt wird, &auml;nden.</p>";
-$messages["help_newLink"] = "<p>Hier k&ouml;nnen Sie Links hinzuf&uuml;gen. Sie m&uuml;ssen minddestens einen Namen und den URL 
-angeben. Die Beschreibung ist nicht erforderlich, aber n&uuml;tzlich - sie wird als Tooltip angezeigt, wenn der 
-Beucher mit der Maus &uuml;ber den entsprechenden Link f&auml;hrt.</p>";
-$messages["help_editLinkCategories"] = "<p>Hier sehen Sie alle eingerichteten Link Kategorien. Wie bei 
-den Artikeln m&uuml;ssen Sie auch f&uuml;r die Links mindestens eine Kategorie erstellt haben um Links 
-hinzuf&uuml;gen zu k&ouml;nnen.</p>";
-$messages["help_newLinkCategory"] = "<p>Um eine neue Link Kategorie zu erstellen, ben&ouml;tigen Sie lediglich 
-einen beschreibenden Namen. Einer einmal erstellten Kategorie lassen sich beliebig viele Links 
-$messages["help_blogSettings"] = "   <p>Hier k&ouml;nnen Sie zentral Einstellungen zu Erscheinungsbild und 
-Verhalten Ihres Weblogs ver&auml;ndern: <ul>
-<li><b>Permanenter Link zu diesem Weblog</b>: Der URL unter dem Ihr Weblog erreichbar ist und der als 
-permanenter Link benutzt werden kann. Er kann nicht ver&auml;ndert werden.</li>
-<li><b>Weblogname</b>: Der Name des Weblogs - w&auml;hlen Sie eine kurze beschreibende &Uuml;berschrift f&uuml;r Ihr 
-Weblog. Wenn Sie die Standardtemplates nutzen, wird dieser Name oben auf jeder Seite angezeigt.</li>
-<li><b>L&auml;ngere Beschreibung f&uuml;r dieses Weblog</b>: In diesem Textfeld k&ouml;nnen Sie eine l&auml;ngere Beschreibung 
-f&uuml;r Ihr Weblog eingeben. Diese kann auf einigen Seiten als Zusatzinformation eingeblendet werden. Wenn 
-Sie das Feld nicht ben&ouml;tigen, k&ouml;nnen Sie es einfach freilassen.</li>
-<li><b>Spracheinstellungen</b>: Hier k&ouml;nnen Sie die Sprache des Weblogs einstellen. In dieser Sprache werden
-dann die Standardtexte (nicht Ihre Artikel!) und Formatangaben (z.B. Datum und Uhrzeit) angezeigt.</li>
-<li><b>Eintr&auml;ge auf der &Uuml;bersichtsseite</b>: Hier k&ouml;nnen Sie angeben, wieviele Artikel auf der Startseite 
-angezeigt werden sollen. Beachten Sie, das sich die Ladezeit der Seite mit der Anzahl der Artikel erh&ouml;ht. 
-Mindesteinstellung ist 1.</li>
-<li><b>Als aktuell angezeigte Eintr&auml;ge</b>: Hiermit stellen Sie ein, wieviel Artikel als aktuelle Artikel angezeigt
-werden. Wenn Sie die Standardtemplates nutzen, werden diese mit ihrer &Uuml;berschrift auf der &Uuml;bersichtsseite verlinkt.</li>
-<li><b>Designtemplate</b>: pLog erlaubt einen schnellen Designwechsel mittels Templates. Sie k&ouml;nnen zwischen 
-verschiedenen Templates w&auml;hlen, die den gleichen Inhalt in einem jeweils anderem Design anzeigen.</li>
-<li><b>Sollen lange Artikel abgeschnitten werden und ein 'weiter...'-Link eingef&uuml;gt werden?</b>: Wenn Sie hier 'ja' 
-angeben, werden Ihre Artikel auf der &Uuml;bersichtsseite nach einer bestimmten Anzahl Zeichen (siehe folgende Einstellung) 
-abgeschnitten und ein 'weiter'-Link zum kompletten Artikel wird eingef&uuml;gt. Allerdings kann es einige Probleme bei der 
-Darstellung geben, falls Sie sehr viel HTML Code in Ihren artikeln nutzen.</li>
-<li><b>Nach wieviel Zeichen soll ein Artikel abgeschnitten werden?</b>: Geben Sie hier an, nach wie vielen Zeichen Ihre 
-Artikel abgeschnitten, und entsprechende '...weiter'-Links eingef&uuml;gt werden sollen. Diese Einstellung hat nur Auswirkungen, 
-wenn Sie die vorherige Funktion aktiviert haben.</li>
-<li><b>Soll die WYSIWYG-Bearbeitung der Artikel erlaubt werden?</b>: Aktivieren Sie diese Funktion um bereits beim Erstellen 
-Ihrer Artikel das Aussehen beurteilen zu k&ouml;nnen. Nur m&ouml;glich mit Internet Explorer ab Version 5.5 oder Mozilla ab 
-Version 1.3b.</li>
-<li><b>Kommentare eralauben</b>: Aktivieren oder deaktivieren Sie diese Funktion, um Ihren Besuchern zu erlauben/verbieten 
-Kommentare zu Ihren Artikeln hinzuzuf&uuml;gen. Diese Einstellung gilt f&uuml;r alle Benutzer und alle Artikel.</li>
-$messages["help_userSettings"] = "<p>Hier k&ouml;nnen Sie Ihr Benutzerprofil anpassen. Ihren Benutzernamen k&ouml;nnen Sie
-nicht &auml;ndern.
-<ul><li><b>Kennwort, Kennwort best&auml;tigen</b>: Wenn Sie Ihr Kennwort &auml;ndern m&ouml;chten, geben Sie das neue 
-Kennwort bitte in das erste Feld ein. Sie m&uuml;ssen das neue Kennwort aus Sicherheitsgr&uuml;nden im zweiten Feld 
-<li><b>E-Mail Adresse</b>: Geben Sie ein g&uuml;ltige E-Mail Adresse ein, wenn Sie z.B. Benachrichtigungen &uuml;ber 
-neue Kommentare erhalten m&ouml;chten. Diese E-Mail Adresse wird nur f&uuml;r interne Zwecke benutzt und ist nicht 
-&ouml;ffentlich sichtbar.</li>
-<li><b>Bio</b>: Hier k&ouml;nnen Sie einige Informationen &uuml;ber sich eingeben. Das Feld kann aber auch 
-freigelassen werden.</li></ul></p>";
-$messages["help_pluginCenter"] = "<p>Hier sehen Sie, welche Plugins installiert sind. F&uuml;r jedes Plugin 
-ist der Autor, eine kurze Beschreibung und eine ID angegeben. Diese ID benutzen Sie bitte, um das 
-Plugin in Ihre Templates einzubinden.</p>";
-$messages["help_Stats"] = "<p>Hier k&ouml;nnen Sie sehen, von welchen Seiten Ihre Besucher zu Ihren Artikeln verwiesen 
-worden sind. Die 'Artikel'-Spalte zeigt an, welcher Artikel, von welchem Verweis aus erreicht wurde. Der 
-Wert '0' bedeutet einen direkten Aufruf des Artikels. Unter 'letzter Aufruf' sehen Sie, wann der Artikel zum letzten 
-Mal vom jeweiligen Verweis aufgerufen wurde.</p>";
-$messages["editArticleCategory"] = "<p>Geben Sie bitte einen neuen Namen f&uuml;r die Kategorie ein, die Sie
-&auml;ndern m&ouml;chten.</p>";
-$messages["editLink"] = "<p>Sie m&uuml;ssen mindestens Namen und URL f&uuml;r den Link angeben. Der Link mu&szlig; 
-au&szlig;erdem einer Kategorie zugeordnet werden.</p>";
-$messages["editLinkCategory"] = "<p>Geben Sie bitte einen neuen Namen f&uuml;r die Link Kategorie ein, die Sie
-&auml;ndern m&ouml;chten.</p>";
-$messages["blogSelect"] = "Bitte w&auml;hlen Sie eine Aktion aus.";
-$messages["Error"] = "Beim Ausf&uuml;hren der gew&uuml;nschten Aktion ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. N&auml;here Informationen 
-finden Sie auf der &Uuml;bersichtsseite.";
-$messages["Message"] = "N&auml;here Informationen zu dieser Nachricht finden Sie im Hauptfenster.";
-//////// strings for the administration interface ///////
-$messages["admin_interface_title"] = "pLog Admin Interface";
-$messages["administration"] = "Administration";
-$messages["help"] = "Hilfe";
-$messages["plog_help"] = "pLog Hilfe";
-$messages["newPost"] = "Neuer Artikel";
-$messages["editPosts"] = "Artikel";
-$messages["editArticleCategories"] = "Kategorie";
-$messages["admin_links"] = "Links";
-$messages["editLinkCategories"] = "Link Kategorien";
-$messages["settings"] = "Einstellungen";
-$messages["Logout"] = "Logout";
-// new post page
-$messages["topic"] = "Betreff";
-$messages["text"] = "Text";
-$messages["category"]  = "Kategorien";
-$messages["status"] = "Status";
-$messages["post_status_draft"] = "Entwurf";
-$messages["post_status_published"] = "ver&ouml;ffentlicht";
-$messages["post_status_deleted"] = "gel&ouml;scht";
-$messages["post_status_all"] = "Alle";
-$messages["send_notification"] = "Ich m&ouml;chte benachrichtigt werden, sobald ein Kommentar hinzugef&uuml;gt wird.";
-$messages["send_trackback_pings"] = "Links im Artikel suchen und Trackback Pings an die Links senden, die Trackback Pings unterst&uuml;tzen.";
-$messages["add_post"] = "Artikel hinzufügen";
-$messages["xmlrpc_ping_ok"] = "XML-RPC Ping ist korrekt gesendet worden an: ";
-$messages["error_sending_xmlrpc_ping"] = "There was an error sending an XML-RPC Ping to ";
-$messages["error_sending_xmlrpc_ping_message"] = "Die Fehlermeldung lautet: ";
-$messages["preview"] = "Vorschau";
-$messages["post_added"] = "Artikel ver&ouml;ffentlicht";
-$messages["you_will_be_notified"] = "Sie werden benachrichtigt, sobald zu diesem Artikel Kommentare erscheinen.";
-$messages["post_added_not_published"] = "Artikel gespeichert, aber nicht ver&ouml;ffentlicht";
-$messages["error_adding_post"] = "Fehler beim Speichern des Artikels";
-$messages["error_must_fill_all_fields"] = "Sei m&uuml;ssen alle Felder ausf&uuml;llen";
-$messages["error_must_have_one_category"] = "Sie m&uuml;ssen mindestens eine Artikel-Kategorie eingerichtet haben,
-bevor Sie einen Artikel hinzuf&uuml;gen k&ouml;nnen.";
-// send trackbacks page
-$messages["send_trackback_pings"] = "Trackback Pings senden";
-$messages["links_found"] = "Die folgenden Links wurden in Ihrem Artikel gefunden. Bitte w&auml;hlen Sie diejenigen aus,
-denen Sie einen Trackbackping zusenden m&ouml;chten (Beachten Sie, das dieses eine gewisse Zeit in Anspruch nehmen kann).";
-$messages["trackbacks_no_urls_selected"] = "Es wurden keine URL's ausgew&auml;hlt und keine Trackback Pings gesendet.";
-$messages["trackbacks_received_ok"] = "Die folgenden Hosts haben Ihren Trackbackping erfolgreich empfangen:";
-$messages["trackbacks_no_trackback"] = "Die folgenden Links haben keinen g&uuml;ltigen Trackback URL: ";
-$messages["trackbacks_problems_sending"] = "Beim Senden der Trackback Pings zu den folgenden Hosts gab es Schwierigkeiten.
-Wenn Sie m&ouml;chten, k&ouml;nnen Sie es noch einmal versuchen.";
-$messages["trackbacks_received_all_hosts"] = "Alle Hosts haben den Trackback Ping empfangen.";
-$messages["ping_selected"] = "Ping an ausgew&auml;hlte Sites senden";
-// edit posts
-$messages["author"] = "Autor";
-$messages["category_all"] = "Alle";
-$messages["author_all"] = "Alle";
-$messages["update"] = "speichern";
-$messages["date"] = "Datum";
-$messages["help_Stats"] = "Statistik";
-$messages["delete"] = "L&ouml;schen";
-$messages["delete_selected"] = "ausgew&auml;hlte l&ouml;schen";
-// edit post
-$messages["edit_post"] = "Artikel bearbeiten";
-$messages["error_getting_post_to_update"] = "Beim Ausw&auml;hlen des Artikels ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.";
-$messages["error_updating_post_in_database"] = "Beim Speichern des Artikels ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.";
-$messages["post_successfully_updated"] = "Artikel erfolgreich ge&auml;ndert.";
-$messages["notification_removed"] = "Die Benachrichtigung f&uuml;r diesen Artikel wurde gel&ouml;scht";
-// post statistics
-$messages["statistics_for_post"] = "Statistik f&uuml;r Artikel ";
-$messages["error_fetching_post"] = "Beim Ausw&auml;hlen des Artikels ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.";
-$messages["times_post_has_been_read"] = "Anzahl der Artikelaufrufe: ";
-$messages["referers"] = "Referers";
-$messages["id"] = "ID";
-$messages["url"] = "URL";
-$messages["hits"] = "Aufrufe";
-$messages["trackbacks"] = "Trackbacks";
-// post comments
-$messages["error_fetching_comments"] = "Es wurden keine Kommentare zum Artikel gefunden.";
-$messages["comments_for_post"] = "Kommentare zum Artikel: ";
-$messages["email"] = "E-Mail";
-$messages["ip_address"] = "IP Adresse";
-$messages["error_no_comments_selected"] = "Es wurden keine Kommentare ausgew&auml;hlt.";
-$messages["error_deleting_comment"] = "Beim L&ouml;schen des Kommentars ist ein Fehler aufgetreten";
-$messages["comment_deleted_ok"] = "Kommentar mit Betreff \"%s\" erfolgreich gel&ouml;scht.";
-// categories list
-$messages["category_name"] = "Name";
-// removing posts
-$messages["post_cannot_be_deleted"] = "Artikel kann nicht gel&ouml;scht werden.";
-$messages["no_posts_selected"] = "Es wurden keine Artikel ausgew&auml;hlt.";
-// %s = subject of the post, %d = identifier of the post. feel free to change its order
-// but if you remove them there will be no information about which post was removed...
-$messages["error_deleting_post"] = "Fehler beim L&ouml;schen des Artikels: \"%s\" (id = %d)";
-$messages["post_deleted_ok"] = "Artikel \"%2\$s\" erfolgreich gel&ouml;scht (id = %1\$d)";
-// delete categories
-$messages["no_categories_selected"] = "Es wurden keine Kategorien ausgew&auml;hlt.";
-$messages["error_category_has_articles"] = "Kategorie \"%s\" konnte nicht gel&ouml;scht werden weil ihr 
-noch mindestens ein Artikel zugeordnet ist. L&ouml;schen Sie erst die entsprechenden Artikel und versuchen Sie es erneut.";
-$messages["error_deleting_category"] = "Fehler beim L&ouml;schen der Kategorie \"%s\".";
-$messages["category_deleted_ok"] = "Kategorie \"%s\" erfolgreich gel&ouml;scht.";
-// add category
-$messages["newArticleCategory"] = "Kategorie hinzuf&uuml;gen";
-$messages["add_new_category_info"] = "Bitte w&auml;hlen Sie einen g&uuml;ltigen Namen f&uuml;r die neue Kategorie";
-$messages["category_added_ok"] = "Kategorie erfolgreich hinzugef&uuml;gt.";
-$messages["error_adding_article_category"] = "Beim Hinzuf&uuml;gen der Kategorie ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.";
-// edit categories
-$messages["edit_category"] = "Kategorie bearbeiten";
-$messages["please_provide_valid_category_name"] = "Bitte w&auml;hlen Sie einen g&uuml;ltigen Namen f&uuml;r die neue Kategorie.";
-// edit category
-$messages["error_incorrect_category_id"] = "Falsche Kategorie-ID";
-// update the category
-$messages["error_fetching_category"] = "Beim Ausw&auml;hlen der Kategorie ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.";
-$messages["error_updating_category"] = "Beim &Auml;ndern der Kategorie ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.";
-$messages["error_empty_category_name"] = "Bitte w&auml;hlen Sie einen g&uuml;ltigen Namen f&uuml;r die Kategorie";
-$messages["category_updated_ok"] = "Kategorie erfolgreich ge&auml;ndert.";
-// edit links
-$messages["link_name"] = "Name";
-$messages["link_url"] = $messages["url"];
-$messages["link_category"] = $messages["category"];
-$messages["link_description"] = "Beschreibung";
-$messages["editLinks"] = "Links";
-// edit a link
-$messages["edit_link"] = "Link bearbeiten";
-$messages["error_provide_name_and_url"] = "Sie m&uuml;ssen einen g&uuml;ltigen Namen und einen URL angeben.";
-$messages["error_invalid_link_id"] = "Die Link-ID ist ung&uuml;ltig oder fehlt.";
-$messages["error_fetching_link"] = "Beim Ausw&auml;hlen des Links ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.";
-$messages["error_updating_link"] = "Beim &Auml;ndern des Links ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.";
-$messages["link_updated_ok"] = "Link erfolgreich ge&auml;ndert.";
-$messages["error_fetching_link_categories"] = "Beim Ausw&auml;hlen der Link-Kategorie ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.";
-// add a link
-$messages["add_new_link"] = "Link hinzuf&uuml;gen";
-$messages["newLink"] = "Link hinzuf&uuml;gen";
-$messages["error_adding_link"] = "Beim Hinzuf&uuml;gen des Links ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.";
-$messages["link_added_ok"] = "Link erfolgreich hinzugef&uuml;gt.";
-$messages["error_provide_name_and_url"] = "Sie m&uuml;ssen einen g&uuml;ltigen Namen und URL angeben.";
-$messages["error_must_have_one_link_category"] = "Sie m&uuml;ssen mindestens eine Link-Kategorie eingerichtet haben,
-bevor Sie einen Link hinzuf&uuml;gen k&ouml;nnen.";
-// delete a link
-$messages["error_no_links_selected"] = "Es wurden keine Links ausgew&auml;hlt.";
-$messages["error_removing_link"] = "Beim L&ouml;schen des Links \"%s\" ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.";
-$messages["link_deleted_ok"] = "Link \"%s\" wurde erfolgreich gel&ouml;scht.";
-// edit link categories
-$messages["newLinkCategory"] = "Link-Kategorie hinzuf&uuml;gen";
-$messages["link_categories_help"] = "Sie m&uuml;ssen mindestens eine Link-Kategorie eingerichtet haben,
-bevor Sie einen Link hinzuf&uuml;gen k&ouml;nnen.";
-$messages["link_category_name"] = "Name";
-$messages["link_category_links"] = "Links";
-// new link category
-$messages["new_link_category_info"] = "Link Kategorien sollen Ihnen helfen, einen &Uuml;berblick &uuml;ber Ihre 
-Links zu bealten. In sp&auml;teren Versionen k&ouml;nnen Sie Ihre Links auch auf der &Uuml;bersichtsseite nach diesen Kategorien 
-geordnet anzeigen lassen.";
-$messages["newLinkCategory"] = "Link-Kategorie hinzuf&uuml;gen";
-$messages["error_provide_link_category_name"] = "Sie m&uuml;ssen einen g&uuml;ltigen Namen f&uuml;r die Link-Kategorie angeben.";
-$messages["error_adding_link_category"] = "Beim Hinzuf&uuml;gen der Link-Kategorie ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.";
-$messages["link_category_added_ok"] = "Link-Kategorie erfolgreich hinzugef&uuml;gt.";
-// edit link category
-$messages["edit_link_category"] = "Link-Kategorie bearbeiten";
-$messages["error_updating_link_category"] = "Beim &Auml;ndern der Link-Kategorie ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.";
-$messages["link_category_updated_ok"] = "Link-Kategorie erfolgreich ge&auml;ndert.";
-$messages["error_fetching_link_category"] = "Beim Ausw&auml;hlen der Link-Kategorie ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_link_category_id"] = "Falsche ID f&uuml;r die Link-Kategorie";
-// delete link categories
-$messages["error_no_link_category_selected"] = "Es wurde keine Link-Kategorie ausgew&auml;hlt";
-$messages["error_links_in_link_category"] = "Link-Kategorie \"%s\" konnte nicht gel&ouml;scht werden weil ihr 
-noch mindestens ein Link zugeordnet ist. L&ouml;schen Sie erst die entsprechenden Links und versuchen Sie es erneut.";
-$messages["error_removing_link_category"] = "Fehler beim Entfernen der Kategorie \"%s\".";
-$messages["link_category_deleted_ok"] = "Link-Kategorie \"%s\" erfolgreich gel&ouml;scht.";
-// this error is shown when for some reason the category could not be fetched from the database
-// and we can't show its name
-$messages["error_removing_link_category_2"] = "Fehler beim Entfernen der Kategorie mit der ID = %d";
-// blog settings page
-$messages["blogSettings"] = "Weblogeinstellungen";
-$messages["userSettings"] = "Benutzereinstellungen";
-$messages["pluginCenter"] = "Plugin Center";
-$messages["Stats"] = "Statistiken";
-$messages["blog_name"] = "Weblog Name";
-$messages["long_blog_name"] = "L&auml;ngere Beschreibung f&uuml;r dieses Weblog";
-$messages["language_used"] = "Spracheinstellungen";
-$messages["items_main_page"] = "Eintr&auml;ge sollen auf der &Uuml;bersichtsseite: ";
-$messages["items_as_recent"] = "Als \"aktuell\" angezeigte Eintr&auml;ge: ";
-$messages["template_used"] = "W&auml;hlen Sie ein Template aus, dass das Design Ihres Weblogs bestimmt";
-$messages["cut_posts"] = "Sollen lange Artikel abgeschnitten werden und ein \"...weiter\"-Link eingef&uuml;gt werden?";
-$messages["cut_posts_after_characters"] = "Nach wieviel Zeichen soll ein Artikel abgeschnitten werden?";
-$messages["enable_wysiwyg_edition"] = "Soll die WYSIWYG-Bearbeitung der Artikel (nur mit Internet Explorer ab 5.5 
-und Mozilla ab 1.3b) erlaubt werden?";
-$messages["enable_comments"] = "M&ouml;chten Sie Kommentare zu allen Artikeln erlauben?";
-$messages["yes"] = "ja";
-$messages["no"] = "Nein";
-$messages["error_invalid_locale"] = "Ung&uuml;ltiger Wert f&uuml;r die Spracheinstellung";
-$messages["error_incorrect_max_recent_items"] = "Sie m&uuml;ssen einen g&uuml;ltigen Wert f&uuml;r die Anzahl der Entr&auml;ge, die als 
-\"aktuell\" angezeigt werden sollen, eingeben.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_number_of_posts"] = "Sie m&uuml;ssen einen g&uuml;ltigen Wert f&uuml;r die Anzahl der Entr&auml;ge, die auf 
-der Hauptseite angezeigt werden sollen, eingeben.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_template"] = "Der Wert f&uuml;r das Template ist falsch.";
-$messages["error_no_blog_name"] = "Sie m&uuml;ssen einen g&uuml;ltigen Namen f&uuml;r das Weblog eingeben.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_show_more_threshold"] = "Sie m&uuml;ssen einen g&uuml;ltigen Wert f&uuml;r die Anzahl der Zeichen, nach 
-denen ein Artikel abgeschnitten werden soll, eingeben.";
-$messages["error_updating_settings"] = "Beim &Auml;ndern der Weblogeinstellungen ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.";
-$messages["blog_settings_updated_ok"] = "Weblogeinstellungen wurden erfolgreich ge&auml;ndert.";
-$messages["permanent_blog_url"] = "Permanenter Link zu diesem Weblog";
-// user profile page
-$messages["username"] = "Benutzername";
-$messages["password"] = "Kennwort";
-$messages["confirm_password"] = "Best&auml;tigen Sie das Kennwort";
-$messages["email_address"] = "E-Mail Addresse";
-$messages["bio"] = "Bio";
-$messages["empty_no_change"] = "Lassen Sie die Felder frei, wenn Sie nichts &auml;ndern m&ouml;chten.";
-$messages["user_settings_updated_ok"] = "Benutzereinstellungen wurden erfolgreich ge&auml;ndert.";
-$messages["error_updating_user_settings"] = "Beim &Auml;ndern der Benutzereinstellungen ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.";
-$messages["error_passwords_dont_match"] = "Entschuldigung, die Kennw&ouml;rter stimmen nicht &uuml;berein.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_password"] = "Entschuldigung, das Kennwort ist falsch.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_email_address"] = "Entschuldigung, die angegebene E-Mail Addresse ist ung&uuml;ltig.";
-// plugin center page
-$messages["plugins_available"] = "Dies ist eine Liste mit den f&uuml;r die Templates zur Verf&uuml;gung stehenden Plugins";
-$messages["identifier"] = "ID";
-$messages["description"] = "Beschreibung";
-$messages["error_plugins_disabled"] = "Es werden auf dieser Site keine Plugins unterst&uuml;tzt.";
-// statistics page
-$messages["statistics_info"] = "Wenn die Artikel-ID auf 0 gesetzt ist, werden Besucher zur &Uuml;bersichtsseite und 
-nicht zu einem bestimmten Artikel gef&uuml;hrt.";
-$messages["article_id"] = "Artikel ID";
-$messages["last_hit_date"] = "Datum des letzten Aufrufs";
-$messages["error_fetching_referers"] = "Es konnten keine Links f&uuml;r diese Site gefunden werden.";
-// login screen
-$messages["login_page_title"] = "pLog Administrations-Interface";
-$messages["login"] = "Login";
-$messages["welcome_message"] = "Willkommen bei pLog";
-$messages["error_incorrect_username_or_password"] = "Entschuldigung, falscher Benutzername oder falsches Kennwort.";
-$messages["error_dont_belong_to_any_blog"] = "Entschuldigung, f&uuml;r Sie ist noch ein Weblog freigeschaltet.";
-$messages["error_no_username_or_password"] = "Bitte geben Sie einen g&uuml;ltigen Benutzernamen und ein g&uuml;ltiges Kennwort ein.";
-$messages["choose_one_blog"] = "F&uuml;r Sie sind folgende Weblogs freigeschaltet. Bitte w&auml;hlen Sie, wo Sie arbeiten m&ouml;chten.";
-$messages["continue"] = "Fortsetzen";
-$messages["logout_message"] = "Sie sind erfolgreich abgemeldet worden.";
-$messages["logout_message_2"] = "<a href=\"admin.php\">Klicken Sie hier</a> um sich erneut anzumelden, oder
-<a href=\"%1\$s\">hier um zum %2\$s</a> zu gehen.";
-$messages["logout_title"] = "abgemeldet";
-$messages["error_access_forbidden"] = "Zugang gesch&uuml;tzt, Sie m&uuml;ssen sich erst hier anmelden.";
-$messages["blogFilteredContent"] = $messages["filteredContent"];
-$messages["newBlogFilteredContent"] = $messages["newFilteredContent"];
-$messages["blogBlockedHosts"] = $messages["blockedHosts"];
-$messages["newBlogBlockedHost"] = $messages["newBlockedHost"];
-$messages["newBlogUser"] = $messages["createUser"];
-// text of the post that will be added to each blog when they sign-up via the register.php script
-$messages["register_default_category"] = "General";
-$messages["register_default_article_text"] = "If you can read this, it means that your signup and registration was successful and that you can start blogging.";
-$messages["register_default_article_topic"] = "Congratulations, it worked!";
-// summary templates text
-$messages["summary_title"] = "Blogs Summary";
-$messages["summary_section_main"] = "Summary";
-$messages["summary_section_main_link_title"] = "Main Page";
-$messages["summary_section_register"] = "Register!";
-$messages["summary_section_register_link_title"] = "Register a new blog";
-$messages["summary_section_blog_list"] = "Blog list";
-$messages["summary_section_blog_list_link_title"] = "Blogs hosted in this site";
-$messages["summary_section_faq"] = "F.A.Q.";
-$messages["summary_section_faq_link_title"] = "Frequently Asked Questions";
-$messages["summary_welcome_title"] = "Welcome to pLog!";
-$messages["summary_most_active_blogs"] = "Most active blogs";
-$messages["summary_newest_blogs"] = "Newest blogs";
-$messages["summary_most_commented_articles"] = "Most commented articles";
-$messages["summary_most_read_articles"] = "Most read articles";
-$messages["summary_faq"] = "Frequently Asked Questions";
-$messages["summary_faq_question"] = "What is this?";
-$messages["summary_faq_description"] = "You could use this section to add some frequently asked questions about your service. It is all up to you and this is only a suggestion so feel free to make changes :) Edit the file templates/summary/faq.template to change the contents of this page.";
-$messages["summary_login"] = "Log-in";
-$messages["summary_other_stuff"] = "Other Stuff";
-$messages["summary_plog_logo"] = "How about a logo here?";
-$messages["summary_blog_list"] = "Blog List";
-$messages["summary_last_updated"] = "Last Updated";
-$messages["summary_author"] = "Author";
-$messages["summary_articles"] = "articles";
-$messages["summary_reads"] = "reads";
-$messages["summary_welcome_message"] = "<h4 class=\"question\">What is this site?</h4>
-                            <p>You could use this area to give some information about this site.</p>
-                            <ul>
-                                <li>See the following links for more information: <br />
-                                    <a href=\"summary.php?op=Faq\">FAQ</a></li>
-                                <li><a href=\"register.php\">Register a new blog here</a></li>
-                            </ul>";
-$messages["summary_latest_posts"] = "Latest Posts";
-$messages["summary_in"] = "in";
-$messages["summary_posted_by"] = "Posted by";
-// register templates text
-$messages["register_error"] = "Error";
-$messages["register_error_message"] = "There has been an error:";
-$messages["register_errors"] = "There were some errors during the process, please have a look:";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step1_title"] = "Register a new blog (1/3)";
-$messages["register_step1_fill_in_title"] = "Please fill in this form to create a new blog in this site.";
-$messages["register_step1_description"] = "<p>
-First of all, we need to create a user for you. Please choose a username (which should not exist in the system but if it does, we will let you know) This user will be considered as the owner of the blog and will have full powers over it.
-And please do not forget your password! There is no way it can be recovered once you have signed up.
-$messages["register_step1_legend"] = "Please fill in the following fields";
-$messages["register_username"] = "Username:";
-$messages["register_password"] = "Password:";
-$messages["register_password_confirmation"] = "Confirm password:";
-$messages["register_email"] = "Email address:";
-$messages["register_email_comment"] = "(user for notifications of new comments)";
-$messages["register_next"] = "Next &raquo;";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step2_title"] = "Register a new blog (2/3)";
-$messages["register_user_created"] = "Your new user has been successfully created! Now we can proceed and create your new personal blog.";
-$messages["register_step2_description"] = " <p>
-  The only thing we need to know is the name you would like to give to your diary. Later on once this
-  process is complete, you will be able to change things like its description, but now that is not needed.
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step2_blog_name"] = "Name of your new blog:";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step4_title"] = "Thank you! (3/3)";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step3_description"] = "
- <p>
-    Registration is complete. Your new user and diary have been registered successfully in this site,
-    and you can log in now into your blog and start blogging!
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step4_admin_link"] = "
-  <p>
-    Click here <a href=\"admin.php\">to go the admin interface</a>, if you want to start blogging.
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step4_blog_link1"] = "
- <p>
-    Or click <a href=\"";
-$messages["register_step4_blog_link2"] = "
-\">here to go and see your new blog</a>.
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step4_final_message"] = "
- <p>
-  Happy blogging!
- </p>";
-$messages["register_error_incorrect_username"] = "Incorrect user name, please try again.<br/>";
-$messages["register_error_incorrect_email"] = "Email address is invalid, please try again. <br/>";
-$messages["register_error_user_already_exist"] = "There is already a user with that name, please try again.<br/>";
-$messages["register_error_incorrect_password"] = "Password is invalid, please try again. <br/>";
-$messages["register_error_passwords_dont_match"] = "Passwords do not match, please try again. <br/>";
-$messages["register_error_adding_user"] = "Error adding the user: ";
-$messages["register_error_creating_blog"] = "There was an error creating the new blog";
-$messages["register_error_blog_name"] = "You should choose a better name for the blog.<br/>" ;

Deleted: plog/trunk/locale/locale_en_UK.php
--- plog/trunk/locale/locale_en_UK.php	2005-01-29 15:29:38 UTC (rev 872)
+++ plog/trunk/locale/locale_en_UK.php	2005-01-29 15:52:14 UTC (rev 873)
@@ -1,854 +0,0 @@
-// set this to the encoding that should be used to display the pages correctly
-$messages['encoding'] = 'iso-8859-1';
-$messages['locale_description'] = 'English locale file for pLog';
-// locale format, see Locale::formatDate for more information
-$messages['date_format'] = '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M';
-// days of the week
-$messages['days'] = Array( 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday' );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages['Monday'] = $messages['days'][1];
-$messages['Tuesday'] = $messages['days'][2];
-$messages['Wednesday'] = $messages['days'][3];
-$messages['Thursday'] = $messages['days'][4];
-$messages['Friday'] = $messages['days'][5];
-$messages['Saturday'] = $messages['days'][6];
-$messages['Sunday'] = $messages['days'][0];
-// abbreviations
-$messages['daysshort'] = Array( 'Su', 'Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr', 'Sa' );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages['Mo'] = $messages['daysshort'][1];
-$messages['Tu'] = $messages['daysshort'][2];
-$messages['We'] = $messages['daysshort'][3];
-$messages['Th'] = $messages['daysshort'][4];
-$messages['Fr'] = $messages['daysshort'][5];
-$messages['Sa'] = $messages['daysshort'][6];
-$messages['Su'] = $messages['daysshort'][0];
-// months of the year
-$messages['months'] = Array( "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages['January'] = $messages['months'][0];
-$messages['February'] = $messages['months'][1];
-$messages['March'] = $messages['months'][2];
-$messages['April'] = $messages['months'][3];
-$messages['May'] = $messages['months'][4];
-$messages['June'] = $messages['months'][5];
-$messages['July'] = $messages['months'][6];
-$messages['August'] = $messages['months'][7];
-$messages['September'] = $messages['months'][8];
-$messages['October'] = $messages['months'][9];
-$messages['November'] = $messages['months'][10];
-$messages['December'] = $messages['months'][11];
-$messages['message'] = 'Message';
-$messages['error'] = 'Error';
-$messages['date'] = 'Date';
-// miscellaneous texts
-$messages['of'] = 'of';
-$messages['recently'] = 'recently...';
-$messages['comments'] = 'comments';
-$messages['comment on this'] = 'Comment';
-$messages['my_links'] = 'my Links';
-$messages['archives'] = 'archives';
-$messages['search'] = 'search';
-$messages['calendar'] = 'calendar';
-$messages['search_s'] = 'Search';
-$messages['link_tracker'] = 'Link Tracker';
-$messages['search_this_blog'] = 'Search this blog:';
-$messages['about_myself'] = 'Who am I?';
-$messages['permalink_title'] = 'Permanent link to the archives';
-$messages['permalink'] = 'Permalink';
-$messages['posted_by'] = 'Posted by';
-$messages['on_the'] = 'on the';
-$messages['page'] = 'page';
-$messages['posted'] = 'posted';
-$messages['reply'] = 'Reply';
-// add comment form
-$messages['add_comment'] = 'Add comment';
-$messages['comment_topic'] = 'Topic';
-$messages['comment_text'] = 'Text';
-$messages['comment_username'] = 'Your name';
-$messages['comment_email'] = 'Your email address (if any)';
-$messages['comment_url'] = 'Your personal page (if any)';
-$messages['comment_send'] = 'Send';
-$messages['comment_added'] = 'Comment added!';
-$messages['comment_add_error'] = 'Error adding comment';
-$messages['article_does_not_exist'] = 'The article does not exist';
-$messages['no_posts_found'] = 'No posts were found';
-$messages['user_has_no_posts_yet'] = 'The user does not have any posts yet';
-$messages['info_about_myself'] = 'Some information about myself...';
-$messages['back'] = 'Back';
-$messages['post'] = 'post';
-$messages['trackbacks_for_article'] = 'Trackbacks for the article titled';
-$messages['trackback_excerpt'] = 'Excerpt';
-$messages['trackback_weblog'] = 'Weblog';
-$messages['search'] = 'Search';
-$messages['search_results'] = 'Search Results';
-$messages['search_matching_results'] = 'The following posts match your search terms: ';
-$messages['search_no_matching_posts'] = 'No matching posts were found';
-$messages['see_all_link'] = 'Click here to see all posts, ever';
-$messages['read_more'] = '(More)';
-$messages['syndicate'] = 'SYNDICATE';
-$messages['main'] = 'Main';
-////// error messages /////
-$messages['error_fetching_article'] = 'The article you specified could not be found.';
-$messages['error_fetching_articles'] = 'The articles could not be fetched.';
-$messages['error_trackback_no_trackback'] = 'No trackbacks were found for the article.';
-$messages['error_incorrect_article_id'] = 'The article identifier is not correct.';
-$messages['error_incorrect_blog_id'] = 'The blog identifier is not correct.';
-$messages['error_comment_without_text'] = 'You should at least provide some text.';
-$messages['error_comment_without_name'] = 'You should at least give your name or nickname.';
-$messages['error_adding_comment'] = 'There was an error adding the comment.';
-$messages['error_incorrect_parameter'] = 'Incorrect parameter.';
-$messages['error_parameter_missing'] = 'There is one parameter missing from the request.';
-$messages['error_blog_has_no_links'] = 'This blog has no links yet.';
-$messages['error_comments_not_enabled'] = 'The commenting feature has been disabled in this site.';
-$messages['error_incorrect_search_terms'] = 'The search terms were not valid';
-$messages['error_no_search_results'] = 'No items matching the search terms were found';
-/////////////////                                          //////////////////
-///////////////// STRINGS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION INTERFACE //////////////////
-/////////////////                                          //////////////////
-// login page
-$messages['login'] = 'Login';
-$messages['welcome_message'] = 'Welcome to pLog';
-$messages['error_incorrect_username_or_password'] = 'Sorry, Incorrect username or password.';
-$messages['error_dont_belong_to_any_blog'] = 'Sorry, you do not belong to any blog yet.';
-$messages['logout_message'] = 'You have been successfully logged out.';
-$messages['logout_message_2'] = 'Click <a href="%1$s">here</a> to go to %2$s</a>.';
-$messages['error_access_forbidden'] = 'Access is forbidden. You must authenticate first here.';
-$messages['username'] = 'Username';
-$messages['password'] = 'Password';
-// dashboard
-$messages['dashboard'] = 'Dashboard';
-// menu options
-$messages['newPost'] = 'New Post';
-$messages['Manage'] = 'Manage';
-$messages['managePosts'] = 'Manage Posts';
-$messages['editPosts'] = 'Posts';
-$messages['editArticleCategories'] = 'Categories';
-$messages['newArticleCategory'] = 'New Category';
-$messages['manageLinks'] = 'Manage Links';
-$messages['editLinks'] = 'Links';
-$messages['newLink'] = 'New Link';
-$messages['editLink'] = 'Edit Link';
-$messages['editLinkCategories'] = 'Link Categories';
-$messages['newLinkCategory'] = 'New Link Category';
-$messages['editLinkCategory'] = 'Edit Link Category';
-$messages['manageCustomFields'] = 'Manage Custom Fields';
-$messages['blogCustomFields'] = 'Custom Fields';
-$messages['newCustomField'] = 'New Custom Field';
-$messages['resourceCenter'] = 'Resource Center';
-$messages['resources'] = 'Resources';
-$messages['newResourceAlbum'] = 'New Album';
-$messages['newResource'] = 'New Resource';
-$messages['controlCenter'] = 'Control Center';
-$messages['manageSettings'] = 'Settings';
-$messages['blogSettings'] = 'Blog Settings';
-$messages['userSettings'] = 'User Settings';
-$messages['pluginCenter'] = 'Plugin Center';
-$messages['Stats'] = 'Statistics';
-$messages['manageBlogUsers'] = 'Manage Blog Users';
-$messages['newBlogUser'] = 'New Blog User';
-$messages['showBlogUsers'] = 'Blog Users';
-$messages['manageBlogTemplates'] = 'Blog Templates';
-$messages['newBlogTemplate'] = 'New Blog Template';
-$messages['blogTemplates'] = 'Blog Templates';
-$messages['adminSettings'] = 'Administration';
-$messages['Users'] = 'Users';
-$messages['createUser'] = 'Create User';
-$messages['editSiteUsers'] = 'Site Users';
-$messages['Blogs'] = 'Manage Blogs';
-$messages['createBlog'] = 'Create Blog';
-$messages['editSiteBlogs'] = 'Blogs';
-$messages['Locales'] = 'Manage Locales';
-$messages['newLocale'] = 'New Locale';
-$messages['siteLocales'] = 'Site Locales';
-$messages['Templates'] = 'Manage Templates';
-$messages['newTemplate'] = 'New Template';
-$messages['siteTemplates'] = 'Site Templates';
-$messages['GlobalSettings'] = 'Global Settings';
-$messages['editSiteSettings'] = 'General';
-$messages['summarySettings'] = 'Summary';
-$messages['templateSettings'] = 'Templates';
-$messages['urlSettings'] = 'URLs';
-$messages['emailSettings'] = 'Email';
-$messages['uploadSettings'] = 'Uploads';
-$messages['helpersSettings'] = 'External Helpers';
-$messages['interfacesSettings'] = 'Interfaces';
-$messages['securitySettings'] = 'Security';
-$messages['bayesianSettings'] = 'Bayesian Filter';
-$messages['resourcesSettings'] = 'Resources';
-$messages['searchSettings'] = 'Search';
-$messages['cleanUpSection'] = 'Clean Up';
-$messages['cleanUp'] = 'Clean Up';
-$messages['editResourceAlbum'] = 'Edit Album';
-$messages['resourceInfo'] = 'Edit Resource';
-$messages['editBlog'] = 'Edit Blog';
-// new post
-$messages['topic'] = 'Topic';
-$messages['topic_help'] = 'Title of the post';
-$messages['text'] = 'Text';
-$messages['text_help'] = 'Text of the post. This part will always appear in the front page';
-$messages['extended_text'] = 'Extended Text';
-$messages['extended_text_help'] = 'Extended text of the post. This part can optionally appear only in the post page or in the main page. See the blog settings for more information';
-$messages['post_slug'] = 'Slug';
-$messages['post_slug_help'] = 'The slug will be used to generate nice permanent links';
-$messages['date'] = 'Date';
-$messages['post_date_help'] = 'Date when this post is going to be published';
-$messages['status'] = 'Status';
-$messages['post_status_help'] = 'Select one of these status';
-$messages['post_status_published'] = 'Published';
-$messages['post_status_draft'] = 'Draft';
-$messages['post_status_deleted'] = 'Deleted';
-$messages['categories'] = 'Categories';
-$messages['post_categories_help'] = 'Select one or more categories';
-$messages['post_comments_enabled_help'] = 'Enable comments';
-$messages['send_notification_help'] = 'Notification of new comments';
-$messages['send_trackback_pings_help'] = 'Send trackbacks';
-$messages['send_xmlrpc_pings_help'] = 'Send XMLRPC pings';
-$messages['save_draft_and_continue'] = 'Save draft';
-$messages['preview'] = 'Preview';
-$messages['add_post'] = 'Blog this!';
-$messages['error_saving_draft'] = 'There was an error saving the draft';
-$messages['draft_saved_ok'] = 'Draft saved successfully';
-$messages['error_sending_request'] = 'There was an error sending the request';
-$messages['error_no_category_selected'] = 'Please select at least one category';
-$messages['error_missing_post_topic'] = 'Please type a post topic';
-$messages['error_missing_post_text'] = 'Please type some text for the post';
-$messages['error_adding_post'] = 'There was an error adding the post';
-$messages['post_added_not_published'] = 'Post added successfully but not published';
-$messages['post_added_ok'] = 'Post added successfully.';
-$messages['send_notifications_ok'] = 'A notification will be sent every time there is a new comment or trackback.';
-// posts page
-$messages['show_by'] = 'Show By';
-$messages['category'] = 'Category';
-$messages['author'] = 'Author';
-$messages['post_status_all'] = 'All';
-$messages['author_all'] = 'All';
-$messages['search_terms'] = 'Search terms';
-$messages['show'] = 'Show';
-$messages['delete'] = 'Delete';
-$messages['actions'] = 'Actions';
-$messages['all'] = 'All';
-$messages['category_all'] = 'All';
-$messages['error_incorrect_article_id'] = 'Incorrect article identifier';
-$messages['error_deleting_article'] = 'There was an error deleting post "%s"';
-$messages['article_deleted_ok'] = 'Post "%s" deleted successfully';
-$messages['articles_deleted_ok'] = '%s posts deleted successfully';
-$messages['error_deleting_article2'] = 'There was an error deleting the post with identifier "%s"';
-// edit post page
-$messages['update'] = 'Update';
-$messages['editPost'] = 'Edit Post';
-$messages['error_fetching_post'] = 'There was an error fetching the article';
-$messages['post_updated_ok'] = 'Post "%s" updated successfully';
-$messages['error_updating_post'] = 'There was an error updating the post';
-$messages['notification_added'] = 'You will receive notifications of new comments or trackbacks';
-$messages['notification_removed'] = 'No notifications about new comments or trackbacks will be sent';
-// post comments
-$messages['url'] = 'URL';
-$messages['comment_status_all'] = 'All';
-$messages['comment_status_spam'] = 'Spam';
-$messages['comment_status_nonspam'] = 'No Spam';
-$messages['error_fetching_comments'] = 'There was an error while fetching the article comments';
-$messages['error_deleting_comments'] = 'There was an error removing the comments or there was no comment selected';
-$messages['comment_deleted_ok'] = 'Comment "%s" deleted successfully';
-$messages['comments_deleted_ok'] = '%s comments deleted successfully';
-$messages['error_deleting_comment'] = 'There was an error deleting comment "%s"';
-$messages['error_deleting_comment2'] = 'There was an error deleting comment with identifier %s';
-$messages['editComments'] = 'Comments';
-$messages['mark_as_spam'] = 'Mark as spam';
-$messages['mark_as_no_spam'] = 'Mark as no spam';
-$messages['error_incorrect_comment_id'] = 'The comment identifier is not correct';
-$messages['error_marking_comment_as_spam'] = 'There was an error marking the comment as spam';
-$messages['comment_marked_as_spam_ok'] = 'The comment was marked as spam successfully';
-$messages['error_marking_comment_as_nonspam'] = 'There was an error marking the comment as no spam';
-$messages['comment_marked_as_nonspam_ok'] = 'The comment was marked as no spam successfully';
-// post trackbacks
-$messages['blog'] = 'Blog';
-$messages['excerpt'] = 'Excerpt';
-$messages['error_fetching_trackbacks'] = 'There was an error while fetching the trackbacks';
-$messages['error_deleting_trackbacks'] = 'There was an error deleting the trackbacks or there were no items selected';
-$messages['error_deleting_trackback'] = 'There was an error while deleting trackback "%s"';
-$messages['error_deleting_trackback2'] = 'There was an error while deleting trackback with identifier "%s"';
-$messages['trackback_deleted_ok'] = 'Trackback "%s" deleted successfully';
-$messages['trackbacks_deleted_ok'] = '%s trackbacks deleted successfully';
-$messages['editTrackbacks'] = 'Trackbacks';
-// post statistics
-$messages['referrer'] = 'Referrer';
-$messages['hits'] = 'Hits';
-$messages['error_no_items_selected'] = 'No items were selected to remove';
-$messages['error_deleting_referrer'] = 'There was an error deleting referrer "%s"';
-$messages['error_deleting_referrer2'] = 'There was an error deleting referrer with identifier "%s"';
-$messages['referrer_deleted_ok'] = 'Referrer "%s" deleted successfully';
-$messages['referrers_deleted_ok'] = '%s referrers deleted successfully';
-// categories
-$messages['posts'] = 'Posts';
-$messages['show_in_main_page'] = 'Show in front page';
-$messages['error_incorrect_category_id'] = 'The category identifier is not correct or no items were selected';
-$messages['error_category_has_articles'] = 'Category "%s" is used by some articles. Please edit the articles first and then remove the category';
-$messages['category_deleted_ok'] = 'Category "%s" deleted successfully';
-$messages['categories_deleted_ok'] = '%s categories deleted successfully';
-$messages['error_deleting_category'] = 'There was an error deleting category "%s"';
-$messages['error_deleting_category2'] = 'There was an error deleting category with identifier "%s"';
-$messages['yes'] = 'Yes';
-$messages['no'] = 'No';
-// new category
-$messages['name'] = 'Name';
-$messages['category_name_help'] = 'Name that will be used to display the category';
-$messages['description'] = 'Description';
-$messages['category_description_help'] = 'Longer description for this category';
-$messages['show_in_main_page_help'] = 'Whether posts under this category should be shown in the main page, or only when this particular category is browsed';
-$messages['error_empty_name'] = 'You must provide a name';
-$messages['error_empty_description'] = 'You must provide a description';
-$messages['error_adding_article_category'] = 'There was an error adding the new category. Please check the data and try again';
-$messages['category_added_ok'] = 'Category "%s" was successfully added to the blog';
-$messages['add'] = 'Add';
-$messages['reset'] = 'Reset';
-// update category
-$messages['error_updating_article_category'] = 'There was an error updating the article category';
-$messages['error_fetching_category'] = 'There was an error fetching the category';
-$messages['article_category_updated_ok'] = 'Category "%s" was updated successfully';
-// links
-$messages['feed'] = 'Feed';
-$messages['error_no_links_selected'] = 'The link identifier was incorrect or no items were selected to remove';
-$messages['error_incorrect_link_id'] = 'The link identifier was not correct';
-$messages['error_removing_link'] = 'There was an error removing link "%s"';
-$messages['error_removing_link2'] = 'There was an error removing link with identifier "%s"';
-$messages['link_deleted_ok'] = 'Link "%s" was deleted successfully';
-$messages['links_deleted_ok'] = '%s links deleted successfully';
-// new link
-$messages['link_name_help'] = 'Name given to this link';
-$messages['link_url_help'] = 'Address where this link points';
-$messages['link_description_help'] = 'Brief description of this link';
-$messages['link_feed_help'] = 'A link to any of the RSS or Atom feeds of think can also be provided';
-$messages['link_category_help'] = 'Choose one of the available link categories';
-$messages['error_adding_link'] = 'There was an error adding the link. Please check the data and try again';
-$messages['error_invalid_url'] = 'The address is not correct';
-$messages['link_added_ok'] = 'Link "%s" was successfully added';
-// update link
-$messages['error_updating_link'] = 'There was an error updating the link. Please check the data and try again';
-$messages['error_fetching_link'] = 'There was an error fetching the link';
-$messages['link_updated_ok'] = 'Link "%s" was updated successfully';
-// link categories
-$messages['links'] = 'Links';
-$messages['error_invalid_link_category_id'] = 'The link category identifier was not correct or there was no link category selected';
-$messages['error_links_in_link_category'] = 'Link category "%s" is used by some links. Modify the links first and try again';
-$messages['error_removing_link_category'] = 'There was an error removing link category "%s"';
-$messages['link_category_deleted_ok'] = 'Link category "%s" deleted succesfully';
-$messages['link_categories_deleted_ok'] = '%s link categories deleted succesfully';
-$messages['error_removing_link_category2'] = 'There was an error removing link category with identifier "%s"';
-// new link category
-$messages['link_category_name_help'] = 'Name given to this link category';
-$messages['error_adding_link_category'] = 'There was an error adding the new link category';
-$messages['link_category_added_ok'] = 'Link category "%s" was successfully added';
-// edit link category
-$messages['error_updating_link_category'] = 'There was an error updating the link category. Please check the data and try again';
-$messages['link_category_updated_ok'] = 'Link category "%s" updated successfully';
-$messages['error_fetching_link_category'] = 'There was an error fetching the link category';
-// custom fields
-$messages['type'] = 'Type';
-$messages['hidden'] = 'Hidden';
-$messages['fields_deleted_ok'] = '%s custom fields deleted successfully';
-$messages['field_deleted_ok'] = 'Custom field "%s" deleted successfully';
-$messages['error_deleting_field'] = 'There was an error deleting custom field "%s"';
-$messages['error_deleting_field2'] = 'There was an error deleting custom field with identifier "%s"';
-$messages['error_incorrect_field_id'] = 'The custom field identifier was not valid';
-// new custom field
-$messages['field_name_help'] = 'Identifer that will be used to refer to the value of this field in posts';
-$messages['field_description_help'] = 'Brief description of this field that will be shown when adding or editing posts';
-$messages['field_type_help'] = 'Select one of the available field types';
-$messages['field_hidden_help'] = 'If a field is hidden, it will not be shown when adding a or editing a post. This feature is mainly used by plugins';
-$messages['error_adding_custom_field'] = 'There was an error adding the custom field. Please check the data and try again';
-$messages['custom_field_added_ok'] = 'Custom field "%s" added successfully';
-$messages['text_field'] = 'Text field';
-$messages['text_area'] = 'Text box';
-$messages['checkbox'] = 'Checkbox';
-$messages['date_field'] = 'Date chooser';
-// edit custom field
-$messages['error_fetching_custom_field'] = 'There was an error fetching the custom field';
-$messages['error_updating_custom_field'] = 'There was an error updating the custom field. Please check the data and try again';
-$messages['custom_field_updated_ok'] = 'Custom field "%s" updated successfully';
-// resources
-$messages['root_album'] = 'Root album';
-$messages['num_resources'] = 'Number of resources';
-$messages['total_size'] = 'Total size';
-$messages['album'] = 'Album';
-$messages['error_incorrect_album_id'] = 'The album identifier is not correct';
-$messages['error_base_storage_folder_missing_or_unreadable'] = 'It was not possible for pLog to create the necessary folders where resources are going to be installed. This might be due to several reasons, such as your PHP installation running with safe mode enabled or your user not having enough permissions to do so. You may still try to carry out the operation manually, by creating the following folders: <br/><br/>%s<br/><br/>If these folders already exist please make sure that they can be read and written by the user running the web server.';
-$messages['items_deleted_ok'] = '%s items deleted successfully';
-$messages['error_album_has_children'] = 'Album "%s" has children. Please edit first the album and try again';
-$messages['item_deleted_ok'] = 'Item "%s"deleted successfully';
-$messages['error_deleting_album'] = 'There was an error deleting album "%s"';
-$messages['error_deleting_album2'] = 'There was an error deleting album with identifier "%s"';
-$messages['error_deleting_resource'] = 'There was an error deleting resource "%s"';
-$messages['error_deleting_resource2'] = 'There was an error deleting resource with identifier "%s"';
-$messages['error_no_resources_selected'] = 'No items were selected to delete';
-$messages['resource_deleted_ok'] = 'Resource "%s" was deleted successfully';
-$messages['album_deleted_ok'] = 'Album "%s" was deleted successfully';
-// new album
-$messages['album_name_help'] = 'Short name for the new album';
-$messages['parent'] = 'Parent';
-$messages['no_parent'] = 'No parent';
-$messages['parent_album_help'] = 'Use this to have albums within albums and better organize your files';
-$messages['album_description_help'] = 'Longer description of the contents of this album';
-$messages['error_adding_album'] = 'There was an error adding the new album. Please check the data and try again';
-$messages['album_added_ok'] = 'Album "%s" successfully added';
-// edit album
-$messages['error_incorrect_album_id'] = 'The album identifier is not correct';
-$messages['error_fetching_album'] = 'There was an error fetching the album';
-$messages['error_updating_album'] = 'There was an error updating the album. Please check the data and try again';
-$messages['album_updated_ok'] = 'Album "%s" updated successfully';
-$messages['show_album_help'] = 'If disabled, the album will not be shown in the list of albums available in this blog';
-// new resource
-$messages['file'] = 'File';
-$messages['resource_file_help'] = 'File that will be added to the current blog. Use the "Add field" link to upload more than one file at the same time';
-$messages['add_field'] = 'Add field';
-$messages['resource_description_help'] = 'Longer description of the contents of this file';
-$messages['resource_album_help'] = 'Select the album to which this file will be added';
-$messages['error_no_resource_uploaded'] = 'There was no file selected to upload';
-$messages['resource_added_ok'] = 'Resource "%s" added successfully';
-$messages['error_resource_forbidden_extension'] = 'The file was not added because it is of a forbidden type';
-$messages['error_resource_too_big'] = 'The file was not added because it is too big';
-$messages['error_uploads_disabled'] = 'The file was not added because uploads have been disabled';
-$messages['error_quota_exceeded'] = 'The file was not added because resource quota has been exceeded';
-$messages['error_adding_resource'] = 'There was an error adding the resource file';
-// edit resource
-$messages['information'] = 'Information';
-$messages['size'] = 'Size';
-$messages['format'] = 'Format';
-$messages['dimensions'] = 'Dimensions';
-$messages['bits_per_sample'] = 'Bits per sample';
-$messages['thumbnail_format'] = 'Thumbnail format';
-$messages['regenerate_preview'] = 'Regenerate preview';
-$messages['error_fetching_resource'] = 'There was an error fetching the resource';
-$messages['error_updating_resource'] = 'There was an error updating the resource';
-$messages['resource_updated_ok'] = 'Resource "%s" updated successfully';
-// blog settings
-$messages['blog_link'] = 'Blog link';
-$messages['blog_link_help'] = 'Permanent link to this blog';
-$messages['blog_name_help'] = 'Title for this blog';
-$messages['blog_description_help'] = 'Longer description about the contents of this blog';
-$messages['language'] = 'Language';
-$messages['blog_language_help'] = 'Language used to display the texts of this blog, both in the public and administration side';
-$messages['max_main_page_items'] = 'Number of items in the main page';
-$messages['max_main_mage_items_help'] = 'Number of posts that should be displayed at all times in the main page of the blog';
-$messages['max_recent_items'] = 'Number of recent items';
-$messages['max_recent_items_help'] = 'Maximum number of posts that will be shown as recent in the front page';
-$messages['template'] = 'Template';
-$messages['choose'] = 'Choose';
-$messages['blog_template_help'] = 'Template that will be used to display the contents of the blog. This list includes global templates plus all the templates installed only for this blog';
-$messages['use_read_more'] = 'Use "more..." link in posts';
-$messages['use_read_more_help'] = 'If enabled, only the text typed in the "Text" textbox will be shown in the main page. In order to display the "Extended text", a "more..." link will be added to each post';
-$messages['enable_wysiwyg'] = 'Enable the visual editor of posts';
-$messages['enable_wysiwyg_help'] = 'Enables a more powerful, visual editor of HTML mark up. The editor only works in Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher or Mozilla 1.3 or higher';
-$messages['enable_comments'] = 'Enable comments by default';
-$messages['enable_comments_help'] = 'Enable comments for all posts by default. Comments can still be enabled/disabled for certain posts when creating new posts or editing old ones';
-$messages['show_future_posts'] = 'Show future posts in the calendar';
-$messages['show_future_posts_help'] = 'Whether posts which have a date in the future should appear in the calendar and visible to users';
-$messages['comments_order'] = 'Comments order';
-$messages['comments_order_help'] = 'Order in which comments should be displayed in the front page';
-$messages['oldest_first'] = 'Oldest first';
-$messages['newest_first'] = 'Newest first';
-$messages['categories_order'] = 'Categories order';
-$messages['categories_order_help'] = 'Order in which categories should be displayed in the front page';
-$messages['most_recent_updated_first'] = 'Most recently updated first';
-$messages['alphabetical_order'] = 'Alphabetical order';
-$messages['reverse_alphabetical_order'] = 'Reverse alphabetical order';
-$messages['most_articles_first'] = 'Most articles first';
-$messages['link_categories_order'] = 'Link categories order';
-$messages['link_categories_order_help'] = 'Order in which link categores should appear in the front page';
-$messages['most_links_first'] = 'Most links first';
-$messages['most_links_last'] = 'Most links last';
-$messages['time_offset'] = 'Time offset';
-$messages['time_offset_help'] = 'Time difference in hours that will be dynamically added to each date and time in the blog';
-$messages['close'] = 'Close';
-$messages['select'] = 'Select';
-$messages['error_updating_settings'] = 'There was an error updating the blog settings. Please check the data and try again';
-$messages['error_invalid_number'] = 'The number is not correct';
-$messages['error_incorrect_time_offset'] = 'The time offset is not valid';
-$messages['blog_settings_updated_ok'] = 'Blog settings updated successfully';
-// user settings
-$messages['username_help'] = 'Public username. It cannot be changed';
-$messages['full_name'] = 'Full name';
-$messages['full_name_help'] = 'Complete full name';
-$messages['password_help'] = 'Type and confirm a new password, or leave empty for no change';
-$messages['confirm_password'] = 'Confirm password';
-$messages['email'] = 'Email';
-$messages['email_help'] = 'Email address where notifications will be sent';
-$messages['bio'] = 'Your bio';
-$messages['bio_help'] = 'A longer description of yourself can be provided here';
-$messages['picture'] = 'Picture';
-$messages['user_picture_help'] = 'Please select a picture form the ones uploaded to this blog as your personal picture';
-$messages['error_invalid_password'] = 'The password is not correct. Please make sure that it is not too short';
-$messages['error_passwords_dont_match'] = 'Sorry, passwords do not match';
-$messages['error_incorrect_email_address'] = 'The email address is not correct';
-$messages['error_updating_user_settings'] = 'There was an error updating your user settings. Please check the data and try again';
-$messages['user_settings_updated_ok'] = 'User settings updated successfully';
-// plugin center
-$messages['identifier'] = 'Identifier';
-// blog users
-$messages['revoke_permissions'] = 'Revoke permissions';
-$messages['error_no_users_selected'] = 'There were no users selected';
-$messages['user_removed_from_blog_ok'] = 'User "%s" was removed from this blog successfully';
-$messages['users_removed_from_blog_ok'] = '%s users removed from this blog successfully';
-$messages['error_removing_user_from_blog'] = 'There was an error removing user "%s" from this blog';
-$messages['error_removing_user_from_blog2'] = 'There was an error removing user with identifier "%s" from this blog';
-// new blog user
-$messages['new_blog_username_help'] = 'Username of the user to whom you would like to give access to this blog. New users will only have access to the "Manage" and "Resources" sections.';
-$messages['send_notification'] = 'Send notification';
-$messages['send_user_notification_help'] = 'Send an email notification to this user';
-$messages['notification_text'] = 'Notification Text';
-$messages['notification_text_help'] = 'Text that will be included in the notification message';
-$messages['error_adding_user'] = 'There was an error granting access to the user. Please check the data and try again';
-$messages['error_empty_text'] = 'You must provide some text';
-$messages['error_adding_user'] = 'There was an error adding the user. Please check the data and try again';
-$messages['error_invalid_user'] = 'The user "%s" is not valid or does not exist';
-$messages['user_added_to_blog_ok'] = 'User "%s" has been given access to this blog successfully';
-// blog templates
-$messages['error_no_templates_selected'] = 'There were no templates selected';
-$messages['error_template_is_current'] = 'Template "%s" cannot be deleted because it is the current one';
-$messages['error_removing_template'] = 'There was an error deleting template "%s"';
-$messages['template_removed_ok'] = 'Template "%s" deleted successfully';
-$messages['templates_removed_ok'] = '%s templates deleted successfully';
-// new blog template
-$messages['template_installed_ok'] = 'Template "%s" added succesfully';
-$messages['error_installing_template'] = 'There was an error installing template "%s"';
-$messages['error_missing_base_files'] = 'Some of the template files are missing';
-$messages['error_add_template_disabled'] = 'New templates cannot be added because this feature has been disabled in this site';
-$messages['error_must_upload_file'] = 'There was no template package uploaded';
-$messages['error_uploads_disabled'] = 'Uploads have been disabled in this site';
-$messages['error_no_new_templates_found'] = 'No new templates were found';
-$messages['error_template_not_inside_folder'] = 'The files used in the template set must be inside a folder with the same name as the template set';
-$messages['error_missing_base_files'] = 'Some of the basic template files are missing';
-$messages['error_unpacking'] = 'There was an error unpacking the file';
-$messages['error_forbidden_extensions'] = 'The template set included files with forbidden extensions';
-$messages['error_creating_working_folder'] = 'There was an error creating a temporary folder to unpack the files';
-$messages['error_checking_template'] = 'There was an error checking the template: %s';
-// site users
-$messages['user_status_active'] = 'Active';
-$messages['user_status_disabled'] = 'Disabled';
-$messages['user_status_all'] = 'All';
-$messages['user_status_unconfirmed'] = 'Unconfirmed';
-$messages['error_invalid_user2'] = 'User with identifier "%s" does not exist';
-$messages['error_deleting_user'] = 'There was an error disabling user "%s"';
-$messages['user_deleted_ok'] = 'User "%s" disabled successfully';
-$messages['users_deleted_ok'] = '%s users disabled successfully';
-// create user
-$messages['user_added_ok'] = 'User "%s" added successfully';
-$messages['error_incorrect_username'] = 'The username is not correct or it is already in use';
-$messages['user_status_help'] = 'Current status for this user';
-$messages['user_blog_help'] = 'Blog to which this user will be initially assigned';
-$messages['none'] = 'None';
-// edit user
-$messages['error_invalid_user'] = 'The user identifier is not correct or the user does not exist';
-$messages['error_updating_user'] = 'There was an error updating the user settings. Please check the data and try again';
-$messages['blogs'] = 'Blogs';
-$messages['user_blogs_helps'] = 'Blogs which this user currently owns or where this user has access';
-$messages['site_admin'] = 'Administrator';
-$messages['site_admin_help'] = 'Whether this user has administrator privileges and is allowed to see the "Administration" area and perform administrative tasks';
-$messages['user_updated_ok'] = 'User "%s" updated successfully';
-// site blogs
-$messages['blog_status_all'] = 'All';
-$messages['blog_status_active'] = 'Active';
-$messages['blog_status_disabled'] = 'Disabled';
-$messages['blog_status_unconfirmed'] = 'Unconfirmed';
-$messages['owner'] = 'Owner';
-$messages['quota'] = 'Quota';
-$messages['bytes'] = 'bytes';
-$messages['error_no_blogs_selected'] = 'No blogs were selected to disable';
-$messages['error_blog_is_default_blog'] = 'Blog "%s" cannot be deleted because it is set as the default blog';
-$messages['blog_deleted_ok'] = 'Blog "%s" disabled successfully';
-$messages['blogs_deleted_ok'] = '%s blogs deleted successfully';
-$messages['error_deleting_blog'] = 'There was an error disabling blog "%s"';
-$messages['error_deleting_blog2'] = 'There was an error disabling blog with identifier "%s"';
-// create blog
-$messages['error_adding_blog'] = 'There was an error adding the blog. Please check the data and try again';
-$messages['blog_added_ok'] = 'Blog "%s" successfully added';
-// edit blog
-$messages['blog_status_help'] = 'Blog status';
-$messages['blog_owner_help'] = 'User who will be set as the owner, with full control on the blog settings';
-$messages['users'] = 'Users';
-$messages['blog_quota_help'] = 'Resource quota in bytes. Set as 0 for unlimited or leave empty to make the blog use the global quota';
-$messages['blog_users_help'] = 'Users who have access to this blog. Select a user from the left and move it to the right list in order to give this user access in this blog';
-$messages['edit_blog_settings_updated_ok'] = 'Blog "%s" updated successfully';
-$messages['error_updating_blog_settings'] = 'There was an error updating blog "%s"';
-$messages['error_incorrect_blog_owner'] = 'The user selected as blog owner is not correct';
-$messages['error_fetching_blog'] = 'There was an error fetching the blog';
-$messages['error_updating_blog_settings2'] = 'There was an error updating the blog. Please check the data and try again';
-$messages['add_or_remove'] = 'Add or remove users';
-// site locales
-$messages['locale'] = 'Locale';
-$messages['locale_encoding'] = 'Encoding';
-$messages['locale_deleted_ok'] = 'Locale "%s" deleted successfully';
-$messages['error_no_locales_selected'] = 'There were no locales selected to remove';
-$messages['error_deleting_only_locale'] = 'The locale cannot be deleted because is is the only one left in the system';
-$messages['locales_deleted_ok']= '%s locales deleted successfully';
-$messages['error_deleting_locale'] = 'There was an error deleting locale "%s"';
-$messages['error_locale_is_default'] = 'Locale "%s" cannot be deleted because it is the default locale for new blogs';
-// add locale
-$messages['error_invalid_locale_file'] = 'The locale file is not valid';
-$messages['error_no_new_locales_found'] = 'No new locale files were found';
-$messages['locale_added_ok'] = 'Locale "%s" added successfully';
-$messages['error_saving_locale'] = 'There was an error saving the new locale';
-// site templates
-$messages['error_template_is_default'] = 'Template "%s" cannot be deleted because it is the default one for new blogs';
-// global settings
-$messages['site_config_saved_ok'] = 'Site settings saved successfully';
-$messages['error_saving_site_config'] = 'There was an error saving the site settings';
-/// general settings
-$messages['help_comments_enabled'] = 'Enable or disable comments for new blogs by default';
-$messages['help_beautify_comments_text'] = 'If this is enabled, comments posted by users will be formatted by adding paragraphs and auto-linking all URLs';
-$messages['help_temp_folder'] = 'Folder that pLog can use to write its temporary data such as compiled templates, etc. Use a folder outside the web server tree for incresed security';
-$messages['help_base_url'] = 'Base URL where this blog is installed';
-$messages['help_subdomains_enabled'] = 'Enable or disable subdomains. Please see the documentation for more information regarding subdomains';
-$messages['help_subdomains_base_url'] = 'When subdomains are enabled, this base URL is used instead of base_url. Use {blogname} to get the blog name and {username} to get the name of the user owner of the blog in order to generate a link to a blog';
-$messages['help_include_blog_id_in_url'] = 'Meaningful only when subdomains are enabled and "normal" URLs are enabled, forces internally-generated URLs not to have the "blogId" parameter. Do not change unless you know what you are doing';
-$messages['help_script_name'] = 'Set this if you need to rename index.php to something else';
-$messages['help_show_posts_max'] = 'Maximum number of posts shown in the main page. Only meaningful for new blogs';
-$messages['help_recent_posts_max'] = 'Maximum number of recent posts shown in the main page. Only meaningful for new blogs';
-$messages['help_save_drafts_via_xmlhttprequest_enabled'] = 'Whether the feature that allows to save drafts via Javascript and the XmlHttpRequest is enabled';
-$messages['help_locale_folder'] = 'Folder where the locale files are stored';
-$messages['help_default_locale'] = 'Default language settings for new blogs';
-$messages['help_default_time_offset'] = 'Default time offset for new blogs';
-$messages['help_html_allowed_tags_in_comments'] = 'Space-separated list of the HTML tags that are allowed in comments';
-$messages['help_referer_tracker_enabled'] = 'Enable or disable the feature to save referres to the database. Set to disabled for higher performance';
-$messages['help_show_more_enabled'] = 'Enable or disable the "more..." feature by default for new blogs';
-$messages['help_update_article_reads'] = 'Enable or disable the update of the counter of times that an article has been read is updated or not. Set to disabled for higher performance';
-$messages['help_update_cached_article_reads'] = 'Enable or disable the update of the counter of times that an article has been read is updated, even when caching has been turned on';
-$messages['help_xmlrpc_ping_enabled'] = 'Enable or disable sending XMLRPC pings to sites that support this feature';
-$messages['help_send_xmlrpc_pings_enabled_by_default'] = 'Enable or disable by default this feature when posting or updating an article';
-$messages['help_xmlrpc_ping_hosts'] = 'URL pointing to the XMLRPC interface of sites that support the XMLRPC ping specifictaion. Put each URL in one new line';
-$messages['help_trackback_server_enabled'] = 'Enable or disable the feature to receive incoming trackbacks';
-$messages['help_htmlarea_enabled'] = 'Enable or disable the WYSIWYG post editor by default in new blogs';
-$messages['help_plugin_manager_enabled'] = 'Enable or disable plugins';
-$messages['help_minimum_password_length'] = 'Minimun length for passwords';
-$messages['help_xhtml_converter_enabled'] = 'If enabled, pLog will try to convert all HTML code into proper XHTML code';
-$messages['help_xhtml_converter_aggressive_mode_enabled'] = 'If enabled, pLog will try even harder to generate XHTML out of HTML code, but it will be more prone to errors';
-// summary settings
-$messages['help_summary_page_show_max'] = 'Number of items that will be shown in the summary page. This setting control all lists in the summary page (recent articles, most active blogs, etc)';
-$messages['help_summary_blogs_per_page'] = 'Number of blogs per page in the "Blogs List" section';
-$messages['help_forbidden_usernames'] = 'List of usernames that are not allowed to be registered';
-$messages['help_force_one_blog_per_email_account'] = 'Restrict to only one blog per email account';
-$messages['help_summary_show_agreement'] = 'Show and an agreement text and make users accept it before proceeding to the registration process';
-$messages['help_need_email_confirm_registration'] = 'Force users to confirm their registration by clicking a link embedded in an email sent to their account';
-// templates
-$messages['help_template_folder'] = 'Folder where templates are stored';
-$messages['help_default_template'] = 'Default template for new blogs';
-$messages['help_users_can_add_templates'] = 'Allow users to upload their own custom templates';
-$messages['help_template_compile_check'] = 'If disabled, Smarty will check every request if template files have changed and if so, use the new version. Set this to disabled for higher performance';
-$messages['help_template_cache_enabled'] = 'Enable the template cache. If enabled, cached versions will be used whenever possible and no data will need to be fetched from the database';
-$messages['help_template_cache_lifetime'] = 'Lifetime in seconds of the cache. Set to -1 to force the cache to never expire or set it to 0 to disable the cache';
-$messages['help_template_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Enable support for HTTP conditional requests. If enabled, pLog will take the "If-Modified-Since" HTTP header into account and send only content if strictly needed. Enable this to save bandwidth';
-// urls
-$messages['help_request_format_mode'] = 'Select one of the available URL format. If using custom URLs, make sure to configure the settings below';
-$messages['plain'] = 'Plain';
-$messages['search_engine_friendly'] = 'Search engine friendly';
-$messages['custom_url_format'] = 'Custom URLs';
-$messages['help_permalink_format'] = 'Format for permalinks when usig custom URLs';
-$messages['help_category_link_format'] = 'Format for links to categories when usig custom URLs';
-$messages['help_blog_link_format'] = 'Format for links to blogs when usig custom URLs';
-$messages['help_archive_link_format'] = 'Format for links to archives when usig custom URLs';
-$messages['help_user_posts_link_format'] = 'Format for articles posted by a certain user when usig custom URLs';
-$messages['help_post_trackbacks_link_format'] = 'Format for links to the trackbacks page when usig custom URLs';
-$messages['help_template_link_format'] = 'Format for links to custom static template pages when usig custom URLs';
-$messages['help_album_link_format'] = 'Format for links to resource albums when usig custom URLs';
-$messages['help_resource_link_format'] = 'Format for links to resource pages with files when usig custom URLs';
-$messages['help_resource_preview_link_format'] = 'Format for links to resource previews when usig custom URLs';
-$messages['help_resource_medium_size_preview_link_format'] = 'Format for links to medium-sized resource previews when usig custom URLs';
-$messages['help_resource_download_link_format'] = 'Format for links to files when usig custom URLs';
-// email
-$messages['help_check_email_address_validity'] = 'When checking email addresses, perform some basic checks to see whether an MX record exists in the given domain and if so, if the email address is actually a valid mailbox';
-$messages['help_email_service_enabled'] = 'Enable or disable sending out emails';
-$messages['help_post_notification_source_address'] = 'Email address that will appear in the "From:" field when sending emails from pLog';
-$messages['help_email_service_type'] = 'Which system to use in order to send emails';
-$messages['help_smtp_host'] = 'If using SMTP as the email sending system, set this to the SMTP server that will be used to send out the messages';
-$messages['help_smtp_port'] = 'If the SMTP server is running in a port other than 25, configure this value';
-$messages['help_smtp_use_authentication'] = 'Enable this if the SMTP server requires basic authentication';
-$messages['help_smtp_username'] = 'If the SMTP server requires authentication, set this to the right username';
-$messages['help_smtp_password'] = 'If the SMTP server requires authentication, set this to the password of the username above';
-// helpers
-$messages['help_path_to_tar'] = 'Path to the "tar" tool, needed to unpack template sets in .tar.gz or tar.bz2 formats';
-$messages['help_path_to_gzip'] = 'Path to the "gzip" tool, needed to unpack template sets in .tar.gz format';
-$messages['help_path_to_bz2'] = 'Path to the "bzip2" tool, needed to unpack template sets in .tar.bz2 format';
-$messages['help_path_to_unzip'] = 'Path to the "unzip" tool, needed to unpack template sets in .zip format';
-$messages['help_unzip_use_native_version'] = 'Use a bundled PHP native version to unpack .zip files';
-// uploads
-$messages['help_uploads_enabled'] = 'Whether users are allowed to upload files. This affects the resources section and the upload of custom templates and locales';
-$messages['help_maximum_file_upload_size'] = 'Maximum file size allowed. This limit will never be higher than PHP\'s own limit';
-$messages['help_upload_forbidden_files'] = 'Space-separated list of file types not allowed to be uploaded. Usage of \'*\' and \'?\' is allowed';
-// interfaces
-$messages['help_xmlrpc_api_enabled'] = 'Enable or disable access via XMLRPC to blogs';
-$messages['help_rdf_enabled'] = 'Enable the syndication of contents via Atom or RSS';
-$messages['help_default_rss_profile'] = 'Default version of RSS or Atom used to syndicate contents unless otherwise specified';
-// security
-$messages['security_pipeline_enabled'] = 'Enable or disable the security pipeline and all related filters. This also affects plugins that register new filters';
-$messages['help_ip_address_filter_enabled'] = 'Enable or disable the IP address filter. The security pipeline also needs to be enabled in order for this feature to work';
-$messages['help_content_filter_enabled'] = 'Enable or disable the regular expression-based content filter. The security pipeline also needs to be enabled in order for this feature to work';
-$messages['help_maximum_comment_size'] = 'Maximum size in bytes that a comment can have';
-// bayesian filter
-$messages['help_bayesian_filter_enabled'] = 'Enable or disable the Bayesian filter for improved automatic spam filterting';
-$messages['help_bayesian_filter_spam_probability_treshold'] = 'Maximum threshold before which a comment can be considered spam';
-$messages['help_bayesian_filter_nonspam_probability_treshold'] = 'Minimum threshold after which a post can be considered non-spam';
-$messages['help_bayesian_filter_min_length_token'] = 'Minimum length of a token in order for it to be considered meaningful for the Bayesian filter';
-$messages['help_bayesian_filter_max_length_token'] = 'Maximum length of a token in order for it to be considered meaningful for the Bayesian filter';
-$messages['help_bayesian_filter_number_significant_tokens'] = 'Number of significant tokens';
-$messages['help_bayesian_filter_spam_comments_action'] = 'What to do with comments that are considered spam. Set to "Throw away" only when your filter has been properly trained';
-$messages['keep_spam_comments'] = 'Keep in the database marked as "Spam"';
-$messages['throw_away_spam_comments'] = 'Throw them away (do not save them)';
-// resources
-$messages['help_resources_enabled'] = 'Enable or disable resources';
-$messages['help_resources_folder'] = 'Folder where resource files will be kept. Set outside the web server tree for increased security';
-$messages['help_thumbnail_method'] = 'Method used to generate thumbnails. If using PHP, support for GD is required';
-$messages['help_path_to_convert'] = 'Path to the "convert" tool from the ImageMagick package. Mandatory if the thumbnail method is "ImageMagick"';
-$messages['help_thumbnail_format'] = 'Format in which thumbnails are saved';
-$messages['help_thumbnail_height'] = 'Default height for small thumbnails';
-$messages['help_thumbnail_width'] = 'Default width for small thumbnails';
-$messages['help_medium_size_thumbnail_height'] = 'Default height for medium thumbnails';
-$messages['help_medium_size_thumbnail_width'] = 'Default width for medium thumbnails';
-$messages['help_thumbnails_keep_aspect_ratio'] = 'Keep the aspect ratio when generating thumbnails. Might generate thumbnails bigger than the sizes specified above but quality is better';
-$messages['help_thumbnail_generator_force_use_gd1'] = 'Force pLog to use GD1-only functions';
-$messages['help_thumbnail_generator_user_smoothing_algorithm'] = 'Algorithm used to smooth thumbnails. Only used when the thumbnail method is GD';
-$messages['help_resources_quota'] = 'Global resource quota for blogs';
-$messages['help_resource_server_http_cache_enabled'] = 'Enable support for the "If-Modified-Since" header and HTTP conditional requests. Enable for increased bandwidth savings';
-$messages['help_resource_server_http_cache_lifetime'] = 'Time in microseconds that clients should use the cached version of resources';
-// search
-$messages['help_search_engine_enabled'] = 'Enable or disable the search engine';
-$messages['help_search_in_custom_fields'] = 'Search also in custom fields';
-$messages['help_search_in_comments'] = 'Search also in comments';
-// cleanup
-/// summary ///
-// front page
-$messages['summary'] = 'Summary';
-$messages['register'] = 'Register';
-$messages['summary_welcome'] = 'Welcome!';
-$messages['summary_most_active_blogs'] = 'Most Active Blogs';
-$messages['summary_most_commented_articles'] = 'Most Commented Articles';
-$messages['summary_most_read_articles'] = 'Most Read articles';
-$messages['password_forgotten'] = 'Forgot your password?';
-$messages['summary_newest_blogs'] = 'Newest Blogs';
-$messages['summary_latest_posts'] = 'Latest Posts';
-$messages['summary_search_blogs'] = 'Search Blogs';
-// blog list
-$messages['updated'] = 'Updated';
-$messages['total_reads'] = 'tota';
-// blog profile
-$messages['blog'] = 'Blog';
-$messages['latest_posts'] = 'Latest posts';
-// registration
-$messages['register_step0_title'] = 'Service terms acceptance';
-$messages['decline'] = 'Decline';
-$messages['accept'] = 'Accept';
-$messages['read_service_agreement'] = 'Please read the terms of this service and click the "Accept" button if you agree';
-$messages['register_step1_title'] = 'Create a user [1/4]';
-$messages['register_step1_help'] = 'First you need to create a new user in order to get a blog. This user will be the owner of the blog and will have access to all its functionalities';
-$messages['register_next'] = 'Next';
-$messages['register_back'] = 'Back';
-$messages['register_step2_title'] = 'Create a blog [2/4]';
-$messages['register_blog_name_help'] = 'Name for your new blog';
-$messages['register_step3_title'] = 'Choose a Template [3/4]';
-$messages['step1'] = 'Step 1';
-$messages['step2'] = 'Step 2';
-$messages['step3'] = 'Step 3';
-$messages['register_step3_help'] = 'Please select one of the available templates as the default one for your blog. If you do not like it later on, it can always be changed';
-$messages['error_must_choose_template'] = 'Please select one template';
-$messages['select_template'] = 'Select template';
-$messages['register_step5_title'] = 'Congratulations! [4/4]';
-$messages['finish'] = 'Finish';
-$messages['register_need_confirmation'] = 'An email message including the confirmation has been sent to your email address, please click the link as soon as you receive the message to start blogging!';
-$messages['register_step5_help'] = 'Congratulations, your new user and blog have been successfully created!';
-$messages['register_blog_link'] = 'If you would like to take a look at your new blog, you can go there now: <a href="%2$s">%1$s</a>';
-$messages['register_blog_admin_link'] = 'If you prefer to start posting right away, please click to go to the <a href="admin.php">administration interface</a>';
-$messages['register_error'] = 'There was an error during the process';
-// registration article topic and text
-$messages['register_default_article_topic'] = 'Congratulations!';
-$messages['register_default_article_text'] = 'If you can read this post, it means that the registration process was successful and that you can start blogging';
-$messages['register_default_category'] = 'General';
-// confirmation email
-$messages['register_confirmation_email_text'] = 'Please click the link below in order to activate your blog:\n\n%s\n\nHave a nice day';
-$messages['error_invalid_activation_code'] = 'Sorry, the confirmation code is not valid';
-$messages['blog_activated_ok'] = 'Congratulations, your new user and blog have been successfully validated!';
-// forgot your password?
-$messages['reset_password'] = 'Reset your password';
-$messages['reset_password_username_help'] = 'Name of the user whose password you would like to reset';
-$messages['reset_password_email_help'] = 'Email address which was used to register this user';
-$messages['reset_password_help'] = 'Use this form to reset the password of your user, should you not remember it. Please type the name of the user whose password you would like to reset, as well as the email address that was used to register this user';
-$messages['error_resetting_password'] = 'There was an error resetting the password. Please check the data and try again';
-$messages['reset_password_error_incorrect_email_address'] = 'The email address is not correct or it is not the email address used to register this user';
-$messages['password_reset_message_sent_ok'] = 'An email message with a link has been sent to your email address. Please click the link in order to reset your password';
-$messages['error_incorrect_request'] = 'The parameters in the URL are not correct';
-$messages['change_password'] = 'Set new password';
-$messages['change_password_help'] = 'Please type and confirm your new password';
-$messages['new_password'] = 'New password';
-$messages['new_password_help'] = 'Type here your new password';
-$messages['password_updated_ok'] = 'Your password has been successfully updated';
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: plog/trunk/locale/locale_es_ES.php
--- plog/trunk/locale/locale_es_ES.php	2005-01-29 15:29:38 UTC (rev 872)
+++ plog/trunk/locale/locale_es_ES.php	2005-01-29 15:52:14 UTC (rev 873)
@@ -1,1381 +0,0 @@
-// set this to the encoding that should be used to display the pages correctly
-$messages["encoding"] = "iso-8859-1";
-$messages["locale_description"] = "Mensajes de pLog en español";
-// days of the week
-$messages["days"] = Array( "Domingo", "Lunes", "Martes", "Miércoles", "Jueves", "Viernes", "Sábado" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["Monday"] = $messages["days"][1];
-$messages["Tuesday"] = $messages["days"][2];
-$messages["Wednesday"] = $messages["days"][3];
-$messages["Thursday"] = $messages["days"][4];
-$messages["Friday"] = $messages["days"][5];
-$messages["Saturday"] = $messages["days"][6];
-$messages["Sunday"] = $messages["days"][0];
-// abbreviations
-$messages["daysshort"] = Array( "Do", "Lu", "Ma", "Mi", "Ju", "Vi", "Sa" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["Mo"] = $messages["daysshort"][1];
-$messages["Tu"] = $messages["daysshort"][2];
-$messages["We"] = $messages["daysshort"][3];
-$messages["Th"] = $messages["daysshort"][4];
-$messages["Fr"] = $messages["daysshort"][5];
-$messages["Sa"] = $messages["daysshort"][6];
-$messages["Su"] = $messages["daysshort"][0];
-// months of the year
-$messages["months"] = Array( "Enero", "Febrero", "Marzo", "Abril", "Mayo", "Junio", "Julio", "Agosto", "Septiembre", "Octubre", "Noviembre", "Diciembre" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["January"] = $messages["months"][0];
-$messages["February"] = $messages["months"][1];
-$messages["March"] = $messages["months"][2];
-$messages["April"] = $messages["months"][3];
-$messages["May"] = $messages["months"][4];
-$messages["June"] = $messages["months"][5];
-$messages["July"] = $messages["months"][6];
-$messages["August"] = $messages["months"][7];
-$messages["September"] = $messages["months"][8];
-$messages["October"] = $messages["months"][9];
-$messages["November"] = $messages["months"][10];
-$messages["December"] = $messages["months"][11];
-$messages["message"] = "Mensaje";
-$messages["error"] = "Error";
-$messages["date"] = "Fecha";
-// miscellaneous messages
-$messages["of"] = "de";
-$messages["recently"] = "Lo Último";
-$messages["comments"] = "Comentarios";
-$messages["comment on this"] = "Comentar";
-$messages["my_links"] = "Mis Enlaces";
-$messages["archives"] = "Archivos";
-$messages["search"] = "Buscar";
-$messages["calendar"] = "Calendario";
-$messages["editLinkCategories"] = "Categorias";
-$messages["search_s"] = "Buscar";
-$messages["link_tracker"] = "Link Tracker";
-$messages["search_this_blog"] = "Buscar en este blog:";
-$messages["about_myself"] = "Sobre mí...";
-$messages["permalink_title"] = "Enlance permanente al archivo";
-$messages["permalink"] = "Permalink";
-$messages["posted_by"] = "Enviado por ";
-$messages["on_the"] = "el ";
-$messages["page"] = "página";
-$messages["posted"] = "enviado";
-$messages["reply"] = "Responder";
-// add comment form
-$messages["add_comment"] = "Añadir comentario";
-$messages["comment_topic"] = "Título";
-$messages["comment_text"] = "Texto";
-$messages["comment_username"] = "Tu nombre";
-$messages["comment_email"] = "Tu dirección de correo";
-$messages["comment_url"] = "Tu página personal";
-$messages["comment_send"] = "Enviar";
-$messages["comment_added"] = "Comentario enviado!";
-$messages["comment_add_error"] = "Error enviando el comentario";
-$messages["article_does_not_exist"] = "El artículo solicitado no existe.";
-$messages["no_posts_found"] = "No se encontró ningun artículo.";
-$messages["user_has_no_posts_yet"] = "Este usuario no tiene ningun artículo todavía";
-$messages["info_about_myself"] = "Información acerca de mí...";
-$messages["back"] = "Volver";
-$messages["back_top"] = "Volver Arriba";
-$messages["post"] = "artículo";
-$messages["trackbacks_for_article"] = "Trackbacks para el artículo";
-$messages["trackback_excerpt"] = "Fragmento";
-$messages["trackback_weblog"] = "Weblog";
-$messages["search_results"] = "Resultados de la búsqueda";
-$messages["search_matching_results"] = "Los siguientes artículos concuerdan con los términos de la búsqueda: ";
-$messages["search_no_matching_posts"] = "No se encontró ningun artículo que concuerde con los términos de la búsqueda.";
-$messages["see_all_link"] = "(Haga click aquí para ver todos los artículos, desde el principio)";
-$messages["read_more"] = "(Continua)";
-$messages["anonymous_poster"] = "Anónimo";
-$messages["syndicate"] = "Otros";
-$messages["main"] = "Inicio";
-////// error messages /////
-$messages["error_fetching_article"] = "El artículo especificado no se encontró";
-$messages["error_fetching_articles"] = "Los artículos no se encontraron.";
-$messages["error_trackback_no_trackback"] = "No se encontraron trackbacks para el artículo.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_article_id"] = "El identificador del artículo no es correcto.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_blog_id"] = "El identificador del diario no es correcto.";
-$messages["error_comment_without_text"] = "Deberías escribir algo como contenido del comentario.";
-$messages["error_comment_without_name"] = "Deberías dar almenos tu nombre o apodo.";
-$messages["error_adding_comment"] = "Hubo un error añadiendo el comentario a la base de datos.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_parameter"] = "Parámetro incorrecto.";
-$messages["error_parameter_missing"] = "Falta un parámetro en la petición.";
-$messages["error_blog_has_no_links"] = "Este diario no tiene enlaces todavía.";
-$messages["error_comments_not_enabled"] = "La función de comentar artículos ha sido desactivada en este sitio.";
-/////////////////                                          //////////////////
-///////////////// STRINGS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION INTERFACE //////////////////
-/////////////////                                          //////////////////
-////// help messages for the administration interface /////
-$messages["help_newPost"] = "<p>Use this page to add a new post to your journal. You should provide a topic or subject
-for your post as well as some text for your post. Once you have finished, press the <b>'Add'</b> button and the post
-will automatically be included in your page. Please note that you have to set the status of the post
-to <b>'Published'</b> if you want it to appear in front page. Use the <b>'Draft'</b> status when you can't finish posting
-now but you would like to save what you have typed so far for later revision.</p>
-<p>You can also classify the post under any of the categories you have previously created. Simply set
-the <b>'Category'</b> field to the one you most like.</p>
-<p>If you would like to receive an email notifying about a new post, please check the corresponding
-<p>Check the box where it says </b>'Find links in the post...'</b> if after adding the post, you
-would like to send trackback pings to the hosts that support it. Your post will be scanned for
-links and you will have the possibility to choose which ones to send trackback pings to.</p>";
-$messages["addPost"] = "<p>Your post has been successfully added to the database. Now you can select
-to which hosts you would like to send a trackback ping, so that they know you have written about them
-and can <i>track you back</i>.</p>";
-$messages["help_editPost"] = "<p>Use this page to edit a post from your journal. The information from the
-post has already been provided and now you can make your changes. Once you have finished, press the <b>'Update'</b> button and the post
-will updated. Please note that you have to set the status of the post
-to <b>'Published'</b> if you want it to appear in front page. Use the <b>'Draft'</b> status when you can't finish posting
-now but you would like to save what you have typed so far for later revision.</p>
-<p>If you would like to receive an email notifying about a new post, please check the corresponding
-$messages["editComments"] = "There are all the comments that have been posted for the given post. Comments
-can not be edited but they can be deleted. The only mandatory field when posting comments is the
-\"name\" field, so the E-mail and Url columns could be empty. The IP Address field is the
-original IP address where this comment was posted from. You can delete
-as many as you need by checking the corresponding <b>'Delete'</b> checkbox and pressing the
-<b>'Delete selected'</b> button.";
-$messages["postStats"] = "<p>These are the statistics about the selected post. The first one is how
-many times this article has been read, but please keep in mind that this statistic might be
-meaningless if you have disabled the <b>'Read more...'</b> feature in the <b>'Blog Settings'</b>
-<p>The referrers are the urls of all the hosts that visited this post, and the trackbacks table represents
-how many trackback pings have been received for this post. They can't be deleted or modified.</p>";
-$messages["help_editLinks"] = "<p>This is a list with all the links that have been added. Like posts, every
-link can be sorted in different categories and then displayed in the main page for visitors to see.</p>
-<p>For every link, you will see here its name, the url where it is pointing to and under which category
-it has been sorted. Finally you can also delete any of the links.</p>";
-$messages["help_newLink"] = "<p>You can add a new link from here. You have to provide at least a valid
-url and a name for the link. The description field is optional but useful to have more information
-about the link. You need at least one link category before you can add any link.</p>";
-$messages["help_editLinkCategories"] = "<p>This is a list with all the link categories that have been
-created. Like with posts, you need at least one link category before you can add any link. Clicking
-on the <b>'Links'</b> column will show all the links that belong to the category.</p>";
-$messages["help_newLinkCategory"] = "<p>The only thing you need to provide in order to have a new
-link category is a descriptive name for the category. Once the link category has been created,
-it will be available for links to be categorized under.</p>";
-$messages["help_userSettings"] = "<p>Things related to your user profile can be changed from this
-page. Please note that your username cannot be changed.<ul>
-<li><b>Password, Confirm Password</b>: If you would like to change your password, please type it in
-the first text box. Do the same in the second box to confirm that you entered the same password.</li>
-<li><b>Email address</b>: Please set this to a valid email address if you would like to use features
-such as the notification when a comment is received to a post. It is used only for internal
-purposes and will not be publicly displayed.</li>
-<li><b>Bio</b>: You can type here some information about yourself. It can be left empty.</li>
-$messages["help_pluginCenter"] = "<p>From here you can see which plugins have been installed. For every
-plugin, you will see its identifier (the identifier you have to use when developing templates and
-want to make use of the plugin features), the author of the plugin, and some descriptive text with
-various information about the plugin, mainly how to use it.</p>";
-$messages["help_Stats"] = "<p>You can see from here all the referrers that have hit this site in the past.
-The <b>'Article'</b> column reflects which article was visited by the referrer or the value <b>'0'</b>
-if the referrer visited the main page or any other page which was not an article. Finally, the
-<b>'Last hit date'</b> column is the time of the last hit received from that referrer.</p>";
-$messages["editLink"] = "<p>You have to provide at least a url and a name for the link. The link must also
-be categorized under a category.</p>";
-$messages["editLinkCategory"] = "Please provide a new name for the link category you are updating.</p>";
-$messages["blogSelect"] = "Please select one of the operations from the menu.";
-$messages["Error"] = "There was an error while executing the requested operation. Please see
-the main page for more information regarding the error.";
-$messages["Message"] = "Please see the main page for more information regarding the message.";
-//////// strings for the administration interface ///////
-$messages["admin_interface_title"] = "Interfície de Administración de pLog";
-$messages["administration"] = "Administración";
-$messages["help"] = "Ayuda";
-$messages["plog_help"] = "Ayuda de pLog";
-$messages["newPost"] = "Nuevo Artículo";
-$messages["editPosts"] = "Artículos";
-$messages["editArticleCategories"] = "Categorías";
-$messages["admin_links"] = "Enlaces";
-$messages["editLinkCategories"] = "Categorías de Enlaces";
-$messages["settings"] = "Configuración";
-$messages["Logout"] = "Salir";
-// new post page
-$messages["topic"] = "Tema";
-$messages["text"] = "Texto";
-$messages["category"]  = "Categoría";
-$messages["status"] = "Estado";
-$messages["post_status_draft"] = "Borrador";
-$messages["post_status_published"] = "Publicado";
-$messages["post_status_deleted"] = "Eliminado";
-$messages["post_status_all"] = "Todos";
-$messages["send_notification"] = "Avisarme cada vez que haya un comentario nuevo.";
-$messages["send_trackback_pings"] = "Buscar enlaces en el texto del artículo y enviar notificaciones de 'trackback' a los enlaces que lo soporten.";
-$messages["add_post"] = "Añadir!";
-$messages["xmlrpc_ping_ok"] = "Ping XML-RPC enviado correctamente al servidor ";
-$messages["error_sending_xmlrpc_ping"] = "Se produció un error enviando el Ping XML-RPC a ";
-$messages["error_sending_xmlrpc_ping_message"] = "El mensaje de error fue: ";
-$messages["preview"] = "Vista Previa";
-$messages["post_added"] = "Artículo añadido.";
-$messages["you_will_be_notified"] = "Además, también será notificado cada vez que haya un nuevo comentario.";
-$messages["post_added_not_published"] = "El artículo añadido pero no publicado.";
-$messages["error_adding_post"] = "Hubo un error añadiendo el artículo!";
-$messages["error_must_fill_all_fields"] = "Debe llenar todos los campos para publicar el artículo!";
-$messages["error_must_have_one_category"] = "Es necesario tener por lo menos una categoría antes de poder añadir artículos.";
-// send trackbacks page
-$messages["send_trackback_pings"] = "Enviar Notificaciones de Trackback";
-$messages["links_found"] = "Los siguientes enlaces fueron encontrados en su artículo. Por favor
-seleccione aquellos a los cuales desearía enviarle una notificación de trackback (tenga en cuenta
-que este proceso puede tardar un rato)";
-$messages["trackbacks_no_urls_selected"] = "No seleccionó ningun enlace y por lo tanto no se envió ninguna notificación de trackback";
-$messages["trackbacks_received_ok"] = "La notificación de trackback fue recibida satisfactoriamente por los siguientes enlaces:";
-$messages["trackbacks_no_trackback"] = "Los siguientes enlaces no disponen de una dirección de trackback:";
-$messages["trackbacks_problems_sending"] = "Se encontraron problemas para enviar notificaciones de trackback
-a los siguientes enlaces. Puede intentarlo de nuevo si lo desea.";
-$messages["trackbacks_received_all_hosts"] = "Todos los enlaces recibieron la notificación de trackback correctamente.";
-$messages["ping_selected"] = "Enviar notificación";
-// edit posts
-$messages["author"] = "Autor";
-$messages["category_all"] = "Todas";
-$messages["author_all"] = "Todos";
-$messages["update"] = "Actualizar";
-$messages["date"] = "Fecha";
-$messages["help_Stats"] = "Estadísticas";
-$messages["delete"] = "Borrar";
-$messages["delete_selected"] = "Eliminar Seleccionados";
-// edit post
-$messages["edit_post"] = "Editar Artículo";
-$messages["error_getting_post_to_update"] = "Se produció un error intentando cargar el artículo para editar.";
-$messages["error_updating_post_in_database"] = "Hubo un error actualizando el artículo en la base de datos.";
-$messages["post_successfully_updated"] = "Artículo actualizado correctamente.";
-$messages["notification_removed"] = "La notificación de nuevos comentarios que había activa para este artículo ha sido eliminada. No se recibirán más notificaciones.";
-// post statistics
-$messages["statistics_for_post"] = "Estadísticas del artículo";
-$messages["error_fetching_post"] = "Se produció un error intentando cargar el artículo.";
-$messages["times_post_has_been_read"] = "Veces que este artículo ha sido leído: ";
-$messages["referers"] = "Referrers";
-$messages["id"] = "Id";
-$messages["url"] = "Url";
-$messages["hits"] = "Hits";
-$messages["trackbacks"] = "Trackbacks";
-// post comments
-$messages["error_fetching_comments"] = "Hubo un error cargando los comentarios del artículo.";
-$messages["comments_for_post"] = "Comentarios para el artículo ";
-$messages["email"] = "E-Mail";
-$messages["ip_address"] = "Dir. IP";
-// delete comments
-$messages["error_no_comments_selected"] = "Ningun comentario fue selecctionado para ser eliminado.";
-$messages["error_deleting_comment"] = "Hubo un error eliminando el comentario ";
-$messages["comment_deleted_ok"] = "El comentario \"%s\" fue eliminado correctamente.";
-// categories list
-$messages["category_name"] = "Nombre";
-// removing posts
-$messages["post_cannot_be_deleted"] = "El artículo no pudo ser eliminado.";
-$messages["no_posts_selected"] = "Ningun artículo fue seleccionado para ser eliminado.";
-// %s = subject of the post, %d = identifier of the post. feel free to change its order
-// but if you remove them there will be no information about which post was removed...
-$messages["error_deleting_post"] = "Hubo un error eliminando el artículo \"%s\" (id = %d)";
-$messages["post_deleted_ok"] = "El artículo \"%2\$s\" fue correctamente eliminado (id = %1\$d)";
-// delete categories
-$messages["no_categories_selected"] = "Ninguna categoría fue seleccionada para ser eliminada.";
-$messages["error_category_has_articles"] = "No se pudo eliminar la categoría \"%s\" porque hay por lo menos un
-artículo clasificado en esta categoría. Por favor elimine el/los artículo/s primero e inténtelo de nuevo.";
-$messages["error_deleting_category"] = "Hubo un error eliminando la categoría \"%s\" de la base de datos.";
-$messages["category_deleted_ok"] = "La categoría \"%s\" fue correctamente eliminada.";
-// add category
-$messages["newArticleCategory"] = "Añadir Nueva Categoría";
-$messages["add_new_category_info"] = "Por favor asigne un nombre válido para la nueva categoría.";
-$messages["category_added_ok"] = "Nueva categoria añadida correctamente.";
-$messages["error_adding_article_category"] = "Hubo un error añadiendo la nueva categoría.";
-// edit categories
-$messages["edit_category"] = "Editar Categoría";
-$messages["please_provide_valid_category_name"] = "Por favor asigne un nombre válido para la categoría.";
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-$messages["error_incorrect_category_id"] = "Identificador de categoría incorrecto.";
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-// update the category
-$messages["error_fetching_category"] = "Hubo un error obteniendo la categoría de base de datos.";
-$messages["error_updating_category"] = "Hubo un error actualizando la categoría.";
-$messages["error_empty_category_name"] = "Debe dar un nombre válido a la categoría.";
-$messages["category_updated_ok"] = "La categoría fue actualizada correctamente.";
-// edit links
-$messages["link_name"] = "Nombre";
-$messages["link_url"] = $messages["url"];
-$messages["link_category"] = $messages["category"];
-$messages["link_description"] = "Descripción";
-$messages["editLinks"] = "Enlaces";
-// edit a link
-$messages["error_provide_name_and_url"] = "Debe proporcionar por lo menos un nombre y una dirección para el enlace.";
-$messages["error_invalid_link_id"] = "El identificador del enlace es inválido o no existe.";
-$messages["error_fetching_link"] = "Hubo un error obteniendo el enlace.";
-$messages["error_updating_link"] = "Hubo un error actualizando el enlace.";
-$messages["link_updated_ok"] = "Enlace actualizado correctamente!";
-$messages["error_fetching_link_categories"] = "Hubo un error obteniendo las categorias de enlace.";
-// add a link
-$messages["add_new_link"] = "Añadir nuevo enlace";
-$messages["newLink"] = "Añadir Enlace";
-$messages["error_adding_link"] = "Hubo un error intentando añadir el enlace.";
-$messages["link_added_ok"] = "El enlace fue añadido correctamente.";
-$messages["error_provide_name_and_url"] = "Debe proporcionar por lo menos un nombre y una dirección válidas para el enlace.";
-$messages["error_must_have_one_link_category"] = "Debe tener por lo menos una categoría de enlaces antes de poder añadir un enlace nuevo.";
-// delete a link
-$messages["error_no_links_selected"] = "Ningun enlace fue seleccionado para ser eliminado.";
-$messages["error_removing_link"] = "Hubo un error eliminando el enlace \"%s\" de la base de datos.";
-$messages["link_deleted_ok"] = "El enlace \"%s\" fue correctamente eliminado de la base de datos.";
-// edit link categories
-$messages["newLinkCategory"] = "Añadir Nueva Categoría de Enlaces";
-$messages["link_categories_help"] = "Debe tener por lo menos una categoría de enlaces antes de añadir un nuevo enlace.";
-$messages["link_category_name"] = "Nombre";
-$messages["link_category_links"] = "Enlaces";
-// new link category
-$messages["new_link_category_info"] = "Las categorías de enlaces le ayudarán a clasificar sus diferences enlaces.";
-$messages["error_provide_link_category_name"] = "Debe proporcionar un nombre válido para la nueva categoría de enlaces.";
-$messages["error_adding_link_category"] = "Hubo un error añadiendo la nueva categoría de enlaces.";
-$messages["link_category_added_ok"] = "La categoría de enlaces fue añadida correctamente.";
-// edit link category
-$messages["edit_link_category"] = "Editar Categoría de Enlaces";
-$messages["error_updating_link_category"] = "Hubo un error actualizando la categoría de enlaces.";
-$messages["link_category_updated_ok"] = "Categoría de enlaces actualizada correctamente.";
-$messages["error_fetching_link_category"] = "Hubo un error obteniendo la categoría de enlaces.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_link_category_id"] = "Identificador de categoria de enlace incorrecto.";
-// delete link categories
-$messages["error_no_link_category_selected"] = "Ninguna categoría de enlaces fue seleccionada para ser eliminadao.";
-$messages["error_links_in_link_category"] = "La categoría \"%s\" no puede ser eliminada porque tiene enlaces clasificados bajo
-ella. Por favor elimine primero todos los enlaces e inténtelo de nuevo.";
-$messages["error_removing_link_category"] = "Hubo un error eliminando la categoría \"%s\".";
-$messages["link_category_deleted_ok"] = "La categoría de enlaces \"%s\" ha sido eliminada correctamente.";
-// this error is shown when for some reason the category could not be fetched from the database
-// and we can't show its name
-$messages["error_removing_link_category_2"] = "Error eliminando la categoría de enlaces con identificador = %d";
-// blog settings page
-$messages["blogSettings"] = "Configuración de la bitácora";
-$messages["userSettings"] = "Perfil de Usuario";
-$messages["pluginCenter"] = "Plugins";
-$messages["Stats"] = "Estadísticas";
-$messages["blog_name"] = "Nombre de la bitácora";
-$messages["long_blog_name"] = "Texto más largo y descriptivo sobre esta bitácora";
-$messages["language_used"] = "Idioma usado para mostrar los textos";
-$messages["items_main_page"] = "¿Cuántos artículos le gustaría mostrar en la página principal?";
-$messages["items_as_recent"] = "¿Cuántos artículos le gustaría mostrar como \"recientes\"?";
-$messages["template_used"] = "¿Qué diseño le gustaría usar para su bitácora?";
-$messages["cut_posts"] = "¿Quiere cortar los artículos que sean demasiado largos en la página principal y añadir un enlace \"Más...\" que muestre el resto?";
-$messages["cut_posts_after_characters"] = "¿Cuántos carácteres le gustaría mostrar antes de cortar el artículo?";
-$messages["enable_wysiwyg_edition"] = "¿Activar la edición visual de los artículos? (solo disponible para Internet Explorer 5.5 o Mozilla 1.3b o superiores)";
-$messages["enable_comments"] = "¿Desea permitir comentarios para sus artículos?";
-$messages["yes"] = "Sí";
-$messages["no"] = "No";
-$messages["error_invalid_locale"] = "Ha elegido un idioma incorrecto.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_max_recent_items"] = "Debe dar un valor válido para el número de artículos que le gustaría mostrar como recientes.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_number_of_posts"] = "Debe dar un valor válido para el número de artículos que le gustaría mostrar
-en la página principal.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_template"] = "El diseño que ha elegido no es válido.";
-$messages["error_no_blog_name"] = "Debe elegir un nombre válido para su bitácora.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_show_more_threshold"] = "Debe dar un valor válido para el nombre de carácteres que le gustaría
-mostrar antes de cortar un artículo en la página principal y añadir un enlace al resto.";
-$messages["error_updating_settings"] = "Hubo un error actualizando la configuración de su bitácora.";
-$messages["blog_settings_updated_ok"] = "La configuración de la bitácora fue guardada correctamente!";
-$messages["permanent_blog_url"] = "Direccion permanente de esta bitacora (solo lectura)";
-// user profile page
-$messages["username"] = "Usuario";
-$messages["password"] = "Password";
-$messages["confirm_password"] = "Confirmar password";
-$messages["email_address"] = "Dirección de correo";
-$messages["bio"] = "Sobre mí";
-$messages["empty_no_change"] = "Déjelo vacío si no desea cambiarlo";
-$messages["user_settings_updated_ok"] = "El perfil de usuario fue guardado correctamente.";
-$messages["error_updating_user_settings"] = "Hubo un error guardando el perfil del usuario.";
-$messages["error_passwords_dont_match"] = "Lo siento, los passwords no coinciden";
-$messages["error_incorrect_password"] = "Lo siento, el password no es correcto.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_email_address"] = "Lo siento, la dirección de correo no es válida.";
-// plugin center page
-$messages["plugins_available"] = "Estos son los plugins que hay actualmente instalados.";
-$messages["identifier"] = "Identificador";
-$messages["description"] = "Descripción";
-$messages["error_plugins_disabled"] = "El soporte para plugins ha sido desactivado en este servidor.";
-// statistics page
-$messages["statistics_info"] = "Un identificador de artículo igual a 0 significa que los hits fueron
-dirigidos a la página principal y no a ningun artículo en particular.";
-$messages["article_id"] = "Id de Artículo";
-$messages["last_hit_date"] = "Fecha Último Hit";
-$messages["error_fetching_referers"] = "Error obteniendo los referrers de este sitio web.";
-// login screen
-$messages["login_page_title"] = "Interfaz de Administración de pLog";
-$messages["login"] = "Entrar";
-$messages["welcome_message"] = "Bienvenido a pLog";
-$messages["error_incorrect_username_or_password"] = "Lo siento, el usuario o el password son incorrectos";
-$messages["error_dont_belong_to_any_blog"] = "Lo siento, usted no pertenece a ningun blog todavía.";
-$messages["error_no_username_or_password"] = "Por favor introduzca un username y un password válidos antes de continuar.";
-$messages["choose_one_blog"] = "Pertenece a las siguientes bitácoras. Elija una para administrar ahora.";
-$messages["continue"] = "Continuar";
-$messages["logout_message"] = "Operación de salida correcta.";
-$messages["logout_message_2"] = "<a href=\"admin.php\">Haga click aquí</a> para entrar otra vez, o
-<a href=\"%1\$s\">aquí para ir a %2\$s</a>.";
-$messages["logout_title"] = "Terminar";
-$messages["error_access_forbidden"] = "Acceso denegado. Debe autentificarse primero aquí.";
-// new strings added for 0.2
-$messages["site_admin"] = "Administración";
-$messages["site_stats"] = "Estadísticas";
-$messages["createUser"] = "Añadir Usuario";
-$messages["siteUsers"] = "Usuarios";
-$messages["createBlog"] = "Añadir Bitácora";
-$messages["editSiteBlogs"] = "Bitácoras";
-$messages["siteLocales"] = "Lenguajes";
-$messages["newLocale"] = "Añadir Lenguaje";
-$messages["siteTemplates"] = "Plantillas";
-$messages["newTemplate"] = "Añadir Plantilla";
-$messages["editSiteSettings"] = "Configuración Global";
-$messages["adminSettings"] = "asdf";
-$messages["help_comments_enabled"] = "Activa o desactiva los comentarios.";
-$messages["help_beautify_comments_text"] = "Mantiene el formato dado por el usuario a la hora de escribir comentarios.";
-$messages["help_rdf_enabled"] = "Activa o desactiva la generación de un documento RDF con los artículos más recientes de cada bitácora.";
-$messages["help_temp_folder"] = "Carpeta que será usada por pLog en aquellas operaciones que requieran de un espacio temporal de datos.";
-$messages["help_base_url"] = "URL que será usada para calcular todas las demás URLs del sitio dinámicamente. Por favor déle el valor correcto o de otra forma las URLs serán incorrectas.";
-$messages["help_show_posts_max"] = "Cuántos artículos serán mostrados en la página principal por defecto.";
-$messages["help_recent_posts_max"] = "Cuántos artículos serán mostrados como \"recientes\".";
-$messages["help_template_folder"] = "Directorio donde se guardan las plantillas usadas por pLog.";
-$messages["help_default_template"] = "Plantilla por defecto que tendrán las nuevas bitácoras que se creen.";
-$messages["help_default_locale"] = "El lenguaje por defecto que será usado en las nuevas bitácoras y en la pantalla de entrada a la interfaz de administración.";
-$messages["help_html_allowed_tags_in_comments"] = "Etiquetas HTML que no serán eliminadas de los comentarios hechos por usuarios.";
-$messages["help_referer_tracker_enabled"] = "Añade información muy básica sobre el 'referrer' cada vez que alguien nos visita.";
-$messages["help_rss_parser_enabled"] = "Activa o desactiva el intérprete de RSS que está disponible para las plantillas.";
-$messages["help_show_more_enabled"] = "Activa o desactiva el enlace \"Leer Más...\" por defecto".
-$messages["help_update_article_reads"] = "Actualizar o no un contador interno sobre cuantas veces un artículo ha sido leído.";
-$messages["help_request_format_mode"] = "El modo \"Normal\" generará URLs normales y corrientes, mientras que el modo \"Especial para buscadores\" generará URLs que son más fáciles de leer y recordar, a la vez que serán escaneadas por los buscadores de páginas web. Ésta última requiere Apache y la posibilidad de usar archivos .htaccess";
-$messages["help_xmlrpc_ping_enabled"] = "Enviar una notificación de actualización de contenido vía XMLRPC a los servicios configurados debajo, cada vez que se añade un artículo.";
-$messages["help_xmlrpc_ping_hosts"] = "Lista de servidores que soportan notificaciones de actualización via XMLRPC. Por favor, ponga cada servidor en una línea diferente, tantos como sea necesario.";
-$messages["help_trackback_server_enabled"] = "Activa el servidor de 'trackbacks'";
-$messages["help_htmlarea_enabled"] = "Activa la edición visual de artículos";
-$messages["help_plugin_manager_enabled"] = "Activa o desactiva el soporte para 'plugins'.";
-$messages["help_check_email_address_validity"] = "Se efectuarán comprobaciones a nivel de servidor SMTP cada vez que un usuario se registre e introduzca una dirección de correo para comprobar si es válida si este parámetro está activado. Si está desactivado, simplemente se comprobará que tiene la forma de una dirección de correo correcta.";
-$messages["help_post_notification_source_address"] = "Dirección que se usará como originante en los mensajes electrónicos que se envien.";
-$messages["help_summary_page_show_max"] = "Cuántos artículos deben mostrarse en la página de resumen.";
-$messages["help_minimum_password_length"] = "Número de carácteres que un password debe tener para considerarse válido.";
-$messages["help_users_can_add_templates"] = "Permite a los usuarios añadir nuevas plantillas a sus bitácoras.";
-$messages["help_email_service_enabled"] = "Activa el servicio de correo, usado por ejemplo para enviar notificaciones de comentarios nuevos en un artículo.";
-$messages["post_notification_source_address"] = "Dirección que será usada para el campo 'De:' cuando se envíe algun mensaje de correo.";
-$messages["help_email_service_type"] = "Método que será usado para enviar mejsanes. Dependiendo de el método elegido, por favor compruebe los parámetros siguientes a éste.";
-$messages["help_smtp_host"] = "Si eligió SMTP como método, éste es el servidor que será usado para enviar los mensajes.";
-$messages["help_smtp_port"] = "Puerto del servidor SMTP anteriormente especificado donde el servidor de correo acepta conexiones (por defecto, 25)";
-$messages["help_smtp_use_authentication"] = "Si el servidor SMTP soporta/requiere autentificación y desea usarla, por favor active esto.";
-$messages["help_smtp_username"] = "Nombre de usuario que será usado para autentificarse en el servidor SMTP (solo válido si se ha activado la autentificación de SMTP)";
-$messages["help_smtp_password"] = "Palabra clave que será usada junto con el nombre de usuario anterior para autentificarse en el servidor de correo.";
-$messages["help_uploads_enabled"] = "Activa o desactiva la posibilidad de subir archivos al servidor. Este parámetro afecta la posibilidad de añadir nuevas plantillas, nuevos lenguajes y la posibilidad de añadir nuevos archivos a plantillas ya existentes.";
-$messages["help_maximum_file_upload_size"] = "Tamaño máximo de los archivos que pueden ser subidos al servidor por los usuarios.";
-$messages["help_upload_forbidden_files"] = "Lista de patrones o nombres de archivos que no se permite subir a este sitio. Por ejemplo, *.php *.php3 *.php4. Puede especificar tantas como haga falta separándolas por un espacio en blanco.";
-$messages["help_path_to_tar"] = "Ruta en disco hacia la herramienta 'tar'.";
-$messages["help_path_to_gzip"] = "Ruta en disco hacia la herramienta 'gzip'.";
-$messages["help_path_to_bz2"] = "Ruta en disco hacia la herramienta 'bz2'.";
-$messages["help_path_to_unzip"] = "Ruta en disco hacia la herramienta 'unzip'.";
-$messages["add_user_give_information"] = "Por favor introduzca la siguiente información para crear un nuevo usuario.";
-$messages["site_registered_users"] = "Estos son todos los usuarios registrados en este sitio.";
-$messages["add_blog_give_information"] = "Por favor introduzca la siguiente información para crear una nueva bitácora.";
-$messages["blog_title"] = "Título de la bitácora";
-$messages["blog_owner"] = "Propietario";
-$messages["site_registered_blogs"] = "Estas son todas las bitácoras registradas en este sitio.";
-$messages["editSiteUsers"] = "Editar Usuarios";
-$messages["upload_locale"] = "Subir Lenguaje";
-$messages["use_this_form_to_upload_locale"] = "Use este formulario para subir un nuevo lenguaje. Si no tiene la posibilidad de subir archivos, por favor use el segundo formulario.";
-$messages["locale_file"] = "Archivo del lenguaje";
-$messages["manually_add_locale"] = "Añadir Lenguaje Manualmente";
-$messages["use_this_form_if_cant_upload_locale"] = "Use este segundo formulario si no tiene la posibilidad d de subir archivos a su servidor. El archivo deber haber sido copiado con anterioridad a la carpeta que contiene los demás archivos con lenguajes, o en caso contrario la operación terminará con error.";
-$messages["locale_code"] = "Código del lenguaje";
-$messages["locale_encoding"] = "Codificación";
-$messages["template_will_be_available_for_all"] = "La nueva plantilla estará disponible para todas las bitácoras del sitio.";
-$messages["use_this_form_to_upload_template"] = "Use este formulario para subir una nueva plantilla. Si no tiene la posibilidad de subir archivos a su servidor por favor use el segundo formulario. Los archivos de plantillas deben estar comprimidos en tar.bz2, tar.gz o zip.";
-$messages["template_file"] = "Archivo de plantilla";
-$messages["upload_template"] = "Subir Plantilla";
-$messages["manually_add_template"] = "Añadir Plantilla Manualmente";
-$messages["use_this_form_if_cannot_upload_template"] = "Use este segundo formulario si no tiene la posibilidad de subir archivos a su servidor. Los archivos de la plantilla deben haber sido copiados a la carpeta que contiene las otras plantillas con anterioridad, o de otra forma la operación terminará en error.";
-$messages["template_id"] = "Identificador de la plantilla";
-$messages["templates_available_for_all"] = "Estas plantillas están disponibles para todas las bitácoras de este sitio.";
-$messages["add_file"] = "Añadir Archivo";
-$messages["setting_name"] = "Nombre";
-$messages["setting_value"] = "Valor";
-$messages["setting_description"] = "Descripción";
-$messages["plain"] = "Normal";
-$messages["search_engine_friendly"] = "Fáciles de recordar";
-$messages["general_settings"] = "General";
-$messages["helper_tools_settings"] = "Herramientas Externas";
-$messages["uploads_settings"] = "Subir Archivos";
-$messages["email_settings"] = "Email";
-$messages["number_blogs"] = "Número de bitácoras";
-$messages["number_users"] = "Número de usuarios";
-$messages["number_posts"] = "Número de artículos";
-$messages["number_posts_today"] = "Número de artículos hoy";
-$messages["number_posts_this_month"] = "Número de artículos este mes";
-$messages["date"] = "Fecha";
-$messages["time"] = "Hora";
-$messages["comments_order"] = "Orden en que los comentarios aparecerán:";
-$messages["oldest_first"] = "Viejos primero";
-$messages["newest_first"] = "Nuevos primero";
-$messages["blog"] = "Bitácora";
-$messages["blog_id"] = "Identificador de bitácora";
-$messages["showBlogUsers"] = "Usuarios de la bitácora";
-$messages["available_users"] = "Usuarios disponibles";
-$messages["add"] = "Añadir";
-$messages["remove"] = "Eliminar";
-$messages["user_id"] = "Identificador de usuario";
-$messages["new_password"] = "Nuevo Password";
-$messages["has_administrator_privileges"] = "Tiene privilegios de administrador";
-$messages["related_to_the_following_blogs"] = "Relacionado con las siguientes bitácoras";
-$messages["add_user_to_blog_form"] = " Este formulario le permitirá añadir un usuario a la bitácora. El usuario tendrá privilegios para editar o añadir nuevos artículos, pero no podrá cambiar ningun parámetro de la configuración de la bitácora.";
-$messages["add_user_enter_username"] = " Por favor introduzca el nombre del usuario que desea añadir. El usuario debe haberse registrado en este sitio con anterioridad, de otra forma la operación no funcionará.";
-$messages["add_user_send_notification"] = "Enviar un email informando al usuario que ha sido añadido.";
-$messages["add_user_type_notification"] = "Texto del email de notificación";
-$messages["following_users_have_permissions"] = " Los siguientes usuarios son parte de esta bitácora. Estos usuarios pueden añadir, editar y eliminar artículos pero no pueden cambiar la configuración de la bitácora.";
-$messages["revoke_permissions"] = "Quitar Permisos";
-$messages["newBlogTemplate"] = "Añadir plantilla";
-$messages["manually_newBlogTemplate"] = "Añadir plantilla manualmente";
-$messages["template_available_only_for_this_blog"] = "Esta plantilla estará solamente disponible para esta bitácora.";
-$messages["use_form_to_upload_blog_template"] = "Use este formulario para subir una nueva plantilla a el servidor. Si no tiene la posibilidad de subir archivos, por favor use el formulario que se haya debajo de éste. Las plantillas deben estar empaquetadas en zip, tar.gz o tar.bz2.";
-$messages["use_form_if_cannot_upload_blog_template"] = "Use este segundo formulario si no tiene la posibilidad de subir archivos al servidor. La plantilla debe haberse copiado al directorio que contiene las plantillas antes de ejecutar esta operación.";
-$messages["blogTemplates"] = "Plantillas de la bitácora";
-$messages["templates_only_available_for_this_blog"] = "Las siguientes plantillas están solo disponibles para esta bitácora.";
-$messages["add_file_to_blog_template"] = "Añadir archivo a la plantilla"; $messages["upload_file_to_blog_template"] = "Por favor elija el archivo que le gustaría añadir a la plantilla.";
-$messages["error_user_id_incorrect"] = "Identificador de usuario incorrecto.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_user_id"] = $messages["error_user_id_incorrect"];
-$messages["error_fetching_user_information"] = "Hubo un error cargando la información del usuario.";
-$messages["error_password_incorrect"] = "La palabra clave es demasiado corta o incorrecta.";
-$messages["error_updating_user_settings"] = "La configuración del usuario no se pudo guardar.";
-$messages["user_settings_updated_ok"] = "Configuración del usuario \"%s\" actualizada correctamente.";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected_to_add"] = "No se seleccionaron usuarios para añadir.";
-$messages["user_added_to_blog_ok"] = "El usuario \"%s\" ha sido añadido a la bitácora.";
-$messages["error_adding_user_to_blog"] = "Hubo un error añadiendo el usuario \"%s\" a la bitácora.";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected_to_remove"] = "No se seleccionaron usuarios para eliminar.";
-$messages["user_removed_from_blog_ok"] = "El usuario \"%s\" ha sido eliminado de la bitácora.";
-$messages["error_removing_user_from_blog"] = "Hubo un error eliminando al usuario \"%s\" de la bitácora.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_plugin_id"] = "El identificador del plugin es incorrecto.";
-$messages["error_configuring_plugin"] = "Hubo un error configurando el plugin: ";
-$messages["site_config_saved_ok"] = "La configuración fue guardada correctamente.";
-$messages["error_saving_site_config"] = "Hubo un problema guardando la configuración.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_blog_owner"] = "El usuario elegido como propietario del blog no existe.";
-$messages["error_updating_blog_settings"] = "Hubo un error actualizando la configuración de la bitácora \"%s\"";
-$messages["blog_settings_updated_ok"] = "La configuración de la bitácora \"%s\" fue actualizada correctamente.";
-$messages["error_fetching_users"] = "Hubo un error obteniendo los usuarios de este sitio.";
-$messages["error_fetching_blogs"] = "Hubo un error obteniendo las bitácoras de este sitio.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_template_id"] = "El identificador de la plantilla no es correcto o no existe.";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected"] = "No se seleccionaron usuarios para eliminar.";
-$messages["error_could_not_find_user"] = "El usuario \"%s\" no se encontró en este sitio.";
-$messages["error_deleting_user"] = "Hubo un error eliminando el usuario \"%s\"";
-$messages["user_deleted_ok"] = "El usuario \"%s\" fue eliminado correctamente.";
-$messages["error_must_give_blog_name"] = "El nombre de la bitácora es incorrecto.";
-$messages["error_adding_blog"] = "Hubo un error añadiendo la bitácora a este sitio.";
-$messages["blog_added_ok"] = "La nueva bitácora \"%s\" ha sido añadida correctamente.";
-$messages["error_template_not_inside_folder"] = "Los archivos de la plantilla deben estar dentro de su propia carpeta, que debe tener el mismo nombre que la plantilla.";
-$messages["error_missing_base_files"] = "Algunos de los archivos básica de una plantilla no se encontraron.";
-$messages["error_unpacking"] = "Hubo un error desempaquetando la plantilla.";
-$messages["error_forbidden_extensions"] = "Algunos de los archivos de la plantilla no están permitidos en este sitio.";
-$messages["error_creating_working_folder"] = "Hubo un error comprobando que la plantilla es correcta.";
-$messages["error_checking_template"] = "Hubo un error con la nueva plantilla (código = %s)";
-$messages["error_add_template_disabled"] = "No se permite añadir nuevas plantillas a los usuarios.";
-$messages["error_must_upload_file"] = "Debe subir un archivo.";
-$messages["error_no_template_name"] = "Debe dar el nombre de una plantilla.";
-$messages["error_uploads_disabled"] = "No se pueden subir archivos al servidor.";
-$messages["error_installing_template"] = "Hubo un error instalando la plantilla.";
-$messages["template_installed_ok"] = "La nueva plantilla ha sido instalada como \"%s\".";
-$messages["error_adding_template_file"] = "There was an error adding the file to the template set.";
-$messages["error_file_forbidden"] = "Files of this type have been forbidden in this site.";
-$messages["error_file_too_big"] = "The file is too big. Maximum allowed size is \"%s\" bytes.";
-$messages["template_file_added_ok"] = "Archivo añadido correctamente a la plantilla \"%s\".";
-$messages["error_plugin_cannot_be_configured"] = "El plugin no puede ser considerado.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_username"] = "El nombre de usuario no es válido o ya existe.";
-$messages["error_username_already_exists"] = "Ya hay un usuario registrado con el mismo nombre.";
-$messages["error_adding_user"] = "Hubo un error añadiendo el usuario a la base de datos.";
-$messages["user_added_ok"] = "El nuevo usuario \"%s\" ha sido añadido correctamente.";
-$messages["error_no_blogs_selected"] = "No se seleccionaron bitácoras para eliminar.";
-$messages["error_blog_is_default_blog"] = "No se pudo eliminar la bitácora \"%s\" porque es la bitácora por defecto.";
-$messages["blog_deleted_ok"] = "La bitácora \"%s\" ha sido eliminada correctamente.";
-$messages["error_deleting_blog"] = "Hubo un error eliminando la bitácora \"%s\".";
-$messages["error_no_templates_selected"] = "No se seleccionaron plantillas para eliminar.";
-$messages["error_removing_template"] = "Hubo un error eliminando la plantilla \"%s\"";
-$messages["template_removed_ok"] = "La plantilla \"%s\" ha sido eliminada correctamente.";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected_to_remove_from_blog"] = "No se seleccionaron usuarios para eliminar de esta bitácora.";
-$messages["error_removing_user_from_blog"] = "Hubo un error eliminando el usuario \"%s\" de esta bitácora.";
-$messages["user_removed_from_blog_ok"] = "El usuario \"%s\" ha sido eliminado de esta bitácora.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_locale_code"] = "El código de lenguaje no es correcto.";
-$messages["error_invalid_locale_file"] = "El archivo no tiene el formato de un archivo de lenguaje.";
-$messages["error_adding_locale_file"] = "Hubo un error añadiendo el nuevo archivo de lenguaje. Asegúrese que el archivo ha sido añadido a la carpeta que contiene los otros archivos de lenguaje antes de efectuar esta operación, y que tiene los permisos correctos.";
-$messages["locale_added_ok"] = "El nuevo lenguaje \"%s\" ha sido añadido correctamente.";
-$messages["error_saving_locale"] = "Hubo un error guardando el archivo de lenguaje en la carpeta de archivos de lenguaje. Por favor asegúrese que dicha carpeta tiene los permisos correctos.";
-$messages["error_no_locales_selected"] = "No se seleccionaron lenguajes para eliminar.";
-$messages["error_deleting_only_locale"] = "Éste es el único lenguaje disponible en este sitio y por lo tanto no puede ser eliminado.";
-$messages["locale_deleted_ok"] = "El lenguaje \"%s\" fue eliminado correctamente.";
-$messages["error_deleting_locale"] = "Hubo un error eliminando el lenguaje \"%s\"";
-$messages["error_cant_delete_default_locale"] = "El lenguaje \"%s\" no puede ser eliminado porque es el lenguaje por defecto actualmente.";
-$messages["plugin_config"] = "Configuración del Plugin";
-$messages["use_read_more_feature"] = "¿Desea mostrar todo el artículo en la página principal? (Si elige 'no',  solo se mostrará la parte que escribió como texto introductorio)";
-$messages["extended_text"] = "Este texto solo se mostrará en la página propia del artículo, a no ser que lo desactivemos en la sección de \"Configuración\"";
-$messages["error_must_give_post_intro"] = "Debe escribir por lo menos un breve texto introductorio del artículo.";
-$messages["comment_marked_as_spam_ok"] = "El comentario fue marcado como spam correctamente.";
-$messages["comment_marked_as_nonspam_ok"] = "El comentario fue marcado como no spam correctamente.";
-$messages["error_marking_comment_as_nonspam"] = "Hubo un error marcando en comentario como no spam.";
-$messages["error_marking_comment_as_spam"] = "Hubo un error marcando el comentario como spam.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_comment_id"] = "El identificador del comentario es incorrecto.";
-$messages["error_base_storage_folder_missing_or_unreadable"] = "Hubo un error mientras se creaban las carpetas necesarias para almacenar los archivos. La razón puede que sea debido a que su servidor de PHP está funcionado con el 'safe mode' activado o tal vez el usuario que se está usando para ejecutar este script no tenga suficientes permisos para crear directorios. Si lo desea, puede
-intentar crear los directorios manualmente y asignarles los permisos correctos:<br/><br/>%s<br/><br/>Si los directorios ya existían, asegúrese que pueden ser leídos y escritos por el servidor de web dónde se está ejecutando esta aplicación.";
-///// new help messages ////
-// note to translators:
-// this is exactly the same as the previous version but an additional item
-// has been added to the list ("order in which comments appear")
-// and one has been removed (the threshold for the 'show more' setting)
-$messages["help_blogSettings"] = "<p>From this page you can change some of the settings that control the
-behaviour or appearance of this journal. These are the settings: <ul>
-<li><b>Permanent URL</b>: This is the URL where this blog is running and that can be used to
-link to it. It can't be changed.</li>
-<li><b>Name of the blog</b>: This is a text string with a descriptive name of the blog. If using the
-default templates, it is the text displayed on top of every page.</li>
-<li><b>Long descriptive text about this blog</b>: This is a longer text that can optionally be
-displayed in some kind of page giving more detailed information about the page. It can be left
-blank if not needed.</li>
-<li><b>Language used to display the texts</b>: You can select one of the available languages. This
-language will be used to display the texts (not your own articles!) and format things like dates
-and numbers using the correct settings. More languages can be installed at any time.</li>
-<li><b>Items in the main page</b>: Set this to the number of posts you would like to have
-in the main page. The more posts, the longer it will take for users to download your page. Minimum
-number of posts it one.</li>
-<li><b>Items shown as recent</b>: Set this to the number of posts you would like to be shown as
-<b>'Recent'</b>, that is, the posts that have been posted earlier. Minimun amount is one.</li>
-<li><b>Template used to render the contents</b>: pLog allows to have more than one template
-to show the same content. You can choose here the most appropiate one for you journal, from the ones
-that have been installed by the administrator.</li>
-<li><b>Show the whole post int he main or only the part that was typed in the 'Text' box?</b>: Set this to <b>'Yes'</b> if you would like pLog
-to automatically add a 'More...' link to your posts on the main page just after the text you typed
-in the text box labeled 'Text'. The text typed in the second text box will only be shown to the user
-when clicking on the
-setting below) This feature is useful since it makes your frontpage less cluttered and also
-smaller. However, it has some problems if there is a lot of HTML code in the page.</li>
-<li><b>Enable WYSIWYG edition of texts</b>: Set this to yes if you would like to have the possibility
-to see how your posts look in real time. This feature is only available for users using either
-Internet Explorer 5.5 or higer and Mozilla 1.3b or higher.</li>
-<li><b>Enable comments</b>: Set this to yes if you would like to allow your users to make comments to your
-posts. This will globally affect all your posts and all your users.</li>
-<li><b>Order in which comments appear</b>: Set it to \"Oldest first\" if you would like to see
-the older comments first in the list, or set it to \"Newest first\" to see them in
-reverse chronological order.</li>
-// translators: this one has changed too since we now have two text boxes: one for the
-// text that we'd like to appear in the main page and another one for the text that
-// will only be shown in the 'post' page (that is, when the users clicks on the
-// permalink, for example)
-$messages["updatePost"] = $messages["help_newPost"];
-$messages["help_newBlogUser"] = "This option allows you to easily give editing permissions to other
-users in this blog. To do so, you only have to know its username. If you already know it,
-simply type it in the text field below and press the \"Add User\" button. If you wish, you can
-also send an email to this user (as long as he or she used the right address when
-registering) notifying him or her that he has now been granted permissions to add, edit
-and delete posts in this blog.";
-$messages["help_showBlogUsers"] = "This is a list of the users that have been given editing permissions
-in this blog. You can see their profile if you wish or you can also revoke their permissions
-by selectin them and then clicking on the \"Revoke Permissions\" button. Once you do that,
-the selected users will no longer be able to publish anything in this blog.";
-// note to translators:
-// added some additional text here to inform about the new "configure" feature
-$messages["help_pluginCenter"] = "<p>From here you can see which plugins have been installed. For every
-plugin, you will see its identifier (the identifier you have to use when developing templates and
-want to make use of the plugin features), the author of the plugin, and some descriptive text with
-various information about the plugin, mainly how to use it.</p>
-<p>Some plugins offer also their own configuration page from wich you can modify some
-aspects of its behaviour. To access such page, please click on the \"configure\" link
-next to every plugin.</p>";
-$messages["configurePlugin"] = "This plugin provides some settings that can be configured
-by the user.";
-$messages["help_newBlogTemplate"] = "<p>It is possible to easily add new templates to the system. To do
-so, there are two possibilities: the template can either be uploaded as a compressed file
-(tar.gz, tar.bz2 and zip files are supported) to the server or it canbe manually
-uploaded using any available method.</p>
-<p>If the first method is chosen, the contents of the file must have all been packaged
-under a folder which will be the name given to the template.</p>
-<p>If the second method is chosen, simply upload the files to a folder under your blog-specific folder
-and type in the name of the folder in the text box below.</p>
-<p>Plugins added here will only be available to this specific below and will not be able to
-be accessed by other blogs.</p>";
-$messages["help_blogTemplates"] = "<p>This is a list with all the templates that have been added to
-this blog. If you wish to remove any of them, please select them and click on the
-\"Delete Selected\" button below the list. Once a template is deleted it cannot be
-recovered, since it is removed from the disk.</p>";
-$messages["help_adminSettings"] = "<p>These are some very basic statistics about the site.</p>";
-$messages["help_createUser"] = "<p>We can easily register new users in the system by using this form.
-We only need to provide with a valid username and a password, and optionally an email address.
-Users registered here will not be attached to any blog unless we explicitly do so in the
-\"User\" section or until we create a blog specially for this new user.</p>";
-$messages["editUserProfile"] = "<p>From here we can edit the profile of any user in this blog. We can
-also grant administrator privileges to the user (or revoke them). A list of the blogs to which
-the user belogs is also displayed.</p>";
-$messages["help_editSiteUsers"] = "<p>These are all the users that are registered in this site. You can see and edit
-their profile by clicking on the username or you can delete any of them by clicking on the
-checkbox of the user(s) and then click on the \"Delete Selected\" button. Once a user
-has been deleted, it can <b>not</b> be recovered, so please be careful.</p>";
-$messages["help_createBlog"] = "<p>Unlimited blogs can be added to a single installation of pLog. Users
-can use the registration script provided in the main package but administrator can also
-register new blogs by using this form. The only things needed to know are the name that will
- be given to the blog and the user who will be the owner, having the maximum privileges
- over that blog.</p>";
- $messages["help_editSiteBlogs"] = "<p>This is a list with all the blogs that have been registered
- so far in this site. Any blog can be deleted selecting it and clicking on the \"Delete
- Selected\" button. If we try to delete the blog that has been set as the default one
- (see the \"Global Settings\" tab in \"Site Admin\") we will get an error message.</p>
- <p>We can also edit the settings of any blog by clicking on it.</p>
- <p>Finally, we can edit the users that have permissions on a given blog by clicking
- on the \"Edit Users\" link</p>";
-$messages["editBlog"] = "<p>The settings of the blog can be edited from here in the same way
-a normal user can do. Everything is exactly the same except that administrator users can also
-change who is the owner of the blog, anytime.</p>";
-$messages["editBlogUsers"] = "<p>This feature allows to visually add and remove users from
-any blog. On the left side we will see a list containing all the users that have not
-been given editing privileges in this blog yet, while on the right side we will see a list of the
-users that have already been given privileges. To a user (or more than one if necessary)
-we only have to select them from the list of the left and click on the \"Add\" button. To do
-the opposite process, we will have to select the users from the list of the right and
-click on the \"Remove\" button.</p>
-<p>It is also possible to change the user who is the owner of the blog by selecting
-another from the drop-down list on top.</p>";
-$messages["help_newLocale"] = "<p>Now locales can be easily added to the site using this feature. If
-we have the possibility of uploading files, then we can use the first form, \"Upload Locale\"
-simply pointing the browser to the locale file we'd like to upload. pLog will take care
-of everything else, including copying the file to the folder with the other language files, but
-please bear in mind that the folder must be writable by the user who is running the web server in
-order for this feature to work properly. If the language file already exists, <b>it will
-be overwritten and replaced by the new one</b>.</p>
-<p>If files cannot be uploaded to the server, then the file will have to be
-manually uploaded and placed in the same folder with the other language files. Once the file
-has been placed there, we will have to type in the second form its code omitting the
-<p>Locale files must follow the naming convention of locale_ll_CC, where 'll' is the
-2-digit ISO code for the language, while CC is the 2-digit ISO code for the country. If the file
-does not conform to those rules, it will be rejected as a valid locale file.</p>";
-$messages["help_siteLocales"] = "<p>This is a list with all the language files that have been
-installed in this site. For each one of them, the encoding used by it and a brief
-description can be seen. Also, language files can be removed from the system by selecting
-them and clicking on the \"Delete Selected\" button.</p>";
-$messages["help_newTemplate"] = "<p>It is possible to easily add new templates to the system. To do
-so, there are two possibilities: the template can either be uploaded as a compressed file
-(tar.gz, tar.bz2 and zip files are supported) to the server or it can be manually
-uploaded using any available method.</p>
-<p>If the first method is chosen, the contents of the file must have all been packaged
-under a folder which will be the name given to the template.</p>
-<p>If the second method is chosen, simply upload the files to a folder under your blog-specific folder
-and type in the name of the folder in the text box below.</p>
-<p>Plugins added here will be available to <b>all</b> the blogs in this site.</p>";
-$messages["help_siteTemplates"] = "<p>This is a list with all the templates that are globally
-available to all blogs. If you wish to remove any of them, please select them and click on the
-\"Delete Selected\" button below the list. Once a template is deleted it cannot be
-recovered, since it is removed from the disk.</p>";
-$messages["help_editSiteSettings"] = "These are all the global settings that control many aspects of the
-behaviour of pLog.";
-$messages["newBlogTemplateFile"] = "Single files can be added to an already existing template
-set without having to upload the whole set again. Simply find the file you would like to
-upload in your disk and click on the \"Add File\" button.";
-// text is the same, so we can save a few bytes
-$messages["newTemplateFile"] = $messages["newBlogTemplateFile"];
-$messages["show_category_in_main_page"] = "Mostrar esta categoría en la página principal";
-$messages["welcome_resource_center"] = "Bienvenido al área de archivos!";
-$messages["resourceCenter"] = "Área de Archivos";
-$messages["resourceAlbums"] = "Álbums";
-$messages["resources"] = "Archivos";
-$messages["newResource"] = "Nuevo Archivo";
-$messages["newResourceAlbum"] = "Nuevo Álbum";
-$messages["album"] = "Álbum";
-$messages["album_name"] = "Nombre";
-$messages["parent_album"] = "Álbum superior";
-$messages["no_parent_album"] = "Sin álbum superior";
-$messages["resource_info"] = "Información del archivo";
-$messages["size"] = "Tamaño";
-$messages["format"] = "Formato";
-$messages["dimensions"] = "Dimensiones";
-$messages["bits_per_sample"] = "Bits por pixel";
-$messages["bytes"] = "bytes";
-$messages["pixels"] = "pixels";
-$messages["time_offset"] = "Diferencia en horas entre esta bitácora y el servidor:";
-$messages["hours"] = "Horas";
-$messages["album_added_ok"] = "El nuevo álbum ha sido añadido correctamente.";
-$messages["name"] = "Nombre";
-$messages["children"] = "Hijos";
-$messages["see"] = "Ver";
-$messages["view"] = "Mostrar";
-$messages["number_of_channels"] = "Número de canales";
-$messages["length"] = "Duración";
-$messages["number_of_files"] = "Número de archivos";
-$messages["compressed_size"] = "Tamaño comprimido";
-$messages["uncompressed_size"] = "Tamaño sin comprimir";
-$messages["resource_file"] = "Archivo que desea añadir";
-$messages["add_to_album"] = "Add the file to the following album";
-$messages["edit_resource_album"] = "Editar Álbum";
-$messages["error_loading_resource_album"] = "Se produjo un error cargando el álbum.";
-$messages["error_album_id_parameter_missing"] = "El identificador de álbum no es correcto.";
-$messages["error_album_parent_id_parameter_missing"] = "El identificador de álbum padre no es correcto.";
-$messages["error_updating_resource_album"] = "Se produjo un error actualizando el álbum.";
-$messages["resource_album_updated_ok"] = "El álbum \"%s\" fue actualizado correctamente.";
-$messages["error_must_give_album_name"] = "Debe dar un nombre para el álbum.";
-$messages["error_adding_album"] = "Hubo un error añadiendo el nuevo álbum.";
-$messages["album_added_ok"] = "El nuevo álbum \"%s\" fue añadido correctamente.";
-$messages["resource_added_ok"] = "El nuevo archivo fue añadido correctamente.";
-$messages["error_resource_forbidden_extension"] = "The resource could not be added because it had a forbidden extension.";
-$messages["error_resource_too_big"] = "El archivo no pudo añadirse porque es demasiado grande.";
-$messages["error_uploads_disabled"] = "El archivo no pudo añadirse porque la posibilidad de enviar archivos al servidor ha sido desactivada.";
-$messages["error_adding_resource"] = "Se produjo un error añadiendo el nuevo archivo.";
-$messages["error_loading_resource"] = "Se produjo un error cargando el archivo.";
-$messages["error_updating_resource"] = "Se produjo un error actualizando el archivo.";
-$messages["resource_updated_ok"] = "El archivo \"%s\" fue actualizado correctamente.";
-$messages["error_no_resources_selected"] = "No se seleccionó ningun archivo para eliminar.";
-$messages["resource_deleted_ok"] = "El archivo \"%s\" fue eliminado correctamete.";
-$messages["error_deleting_resource"] = "Se produjo un error eliminando el archivo \"%s\".";
-$messages["error_no_resource_uploaded"] = "No se envió ningun archivo al servidor.";
-$messages["blockedHosts"] = "Hosts Bloqueados";
-$messages["global_blocked_hosts"] = "Hosts Bloqueados Globalmente";
-$messages["newBlockedHost"] = "Bloquear Host";
-$messages["blogSecurity"] = "Seguridad";
-$messages["security_welcome"] = "Bienvenido a la zona de seguridad!";
-$messages["mask"] = "Máscara";
-$messages["reason"] = "Razón";
-$messages["access_blocked"] = "Bloqueo completo de acceso";
-$messages["posting_blocked"] = "Bloqueo de envío de comentarios";
-$messages["block_host_intro"] = "Cualquier host añadido aquí será bloqueado. El tipo de bloqueo depende de lo que sea seleccionado en \"tipo\". Por favor vea <a href=\"javascript:help_window('admin.php?op=Help?helpId=newBlogBlockedHost');\">la Ayuda</a> para obtener información más detallada sobre como funciona el bloqueo de direcciones.";
-$messages["global_block_host_intro"] = "Cualquier host añadido aquí será bloqueado en todos las bitácoras de este servidor. El tipo de bloqueo depende de lo que sea seleccionado en \"tipo\". Por favor vea <a href=\"javascript:help_window('admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost');\">la ayuda relacionada</a> para más información sobre esta funcionalidad.";
-$messages["block_type"] = "Tipo de bloqueo";
-$messages["error_invalid_ip_address"] = "La dirección IP no es válida.";
-$messages["error_must_create_album_first"] = "Debe crear primero un álbum antes de añadir cualquier archivo.";
-$messages["error_resource_is_not_an_image"] = "El archivo seleccionado no es una imágen.";
-$messages["error_generating_resource_preview"] = "Se produjo un error regenerando la preview de esta imágen.";
-$messages["resource_preview_generated_ok"] = "La preview de la imágen fue generada correctamente.";
-$messages["regenerate_preview"] = "Regenerar Preview";
-$messages["show_album"] = "Mostrar Álbum";
-$messages["show_album_when_browsing"] = "Mostrar este álbum a los usuarios que visiten nuestra lista de archivos y álbums";
-$messages["assigned_to_blog"] = "Asignar el usuario a la siguiente bitácora";
-$messages["clean_up"] = "Limpiar";
-$messages["purge_info"] = "La función de limpiar eliminará físicamente todos los artículos que hayan sido marcados como 'Eliminados'. Si no,
-esos artículos seguirán en la base de datos (por si acaso el usuario decidiera recuperar alguno de ellos!) y pueden
-potencialmente terminar ocupando mucho espacio. Si está seguro que desea eliminar dichos artículos, use el siguiente botón.";
-$messages["spam_info"] = "
-Se pueden guardar los comentarios marcados como spam en la base de datos con el propósito de usarlos para 
-entrenar el filtro anti-spam. Una vez el filtro ya ha sido entrenado, no tiene sentido mantenerlos en la base de
-datos y si desea eliminarlos, por favor use el siguiente botón.";
-$messages["no_spam"] = "No Spam";
-$messages["spam"] = "Spam";
-$messages["mark_as_spam"] = "Marcar com spam";
-$messages["mark_as_no_spam"] = "Marcar como no spam";
-$messages["enable_comments_for_post"] = "Permitir comentarios en este artículo";
-$messages["close_window"] = "Cerrar";
-$messages["newResource"] = "Añadir Archivo";
-$messages["add_resource_preview"] = "Añadir Preview";
-$messages["newResourceAlbum"] = "Añadir Álbum";
-$messages["show_main_page"] = "Mostrar en Portada";
-$messages["purge_spam_comments"] = "Eliminar Comentarios Marcados Como Spam";
-$messages["purge_posts"] = "Limpiar";
-$messages["keep_spam_comments"] = "Guardar comentarios marcados como spam";
-$messages["throw_away_spam_comments"] = "Rechazar comentarios spam";
-$messages["error_adding_blocked_host"] = "Se produjo un error añadiendo el nuevo host.";
-$messages["blocked_host_added_ok"] = "El host %s ha sido añadido a la lista de hosts bloqueados.";
-$messages["error_no_blocked_hosts_selected"] = "No se seleccionó ningun host para eliminar.";
-$messages["blocked_host_deleted_ok"] = "Host \"%s\" eliminado correctamente.";
-$messages["error_deleting_blocked_host"] = "Se produjo un error eliminando el host \"%s\"";
-$messages["edit_blocked_host"] = "Editar Host Bloqueado";
-$messages["blocked_host_updated_ok"] = "El host fue actualizado correctamente.";
-$messages["error_fetching_blocked_host"] = "Se produjo un error cargando el host.";
-$messages["error_updating_blocked_host"] = "Se produjo un error actualizando el host.";
-$messages["thumbnail_format"] = "Formato de la previsualización";
-$messages["same_as_image"] = "Mismo que la imágen original";
-$messages["same"] = $messages["same_as_image"];
-$messages["help_locale_folder"] = "Directorio donde están guardados los archivos con las traducciones.";
-$messages["help_default_locale"] = "Lenguaje por defecto que será usado cuando se cree una nueva bitácora.";
-$messages["help_xmlrpc_api_enabled"] = "Activa o desactiva la interfaz XMLRPC";
-$messages["default_rss_profile"] = "Version o perfil de RSS que será usado por defecto, si no se especifica otro.";
-$messages["help_security_pipeline_enabled"] = "Activa las medidas de seguridad. Si se desactiva, se desactivarán también todas las medidas de seguridad así que es recomendable dejarlo activado y activar o desactivar las medidas de seguridad individualmente.";
-$messages["help_ip_address_filter_enabled"] = "Activa el filtro de direcciones IP.";
-$messages["help_content_filter_enabled"] = "Activa un filtro de contenido muy simple basado en expresiones regulares. El filtro bayesiano es normalmente una mejor opción.";
-$messages["help_maximum_comment_size"] = "Tamaño máximo que un comentario puede tener, en bytes.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_enabled"] = "Activa o desactiva el filtro bayesiano.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_spam_probability_treshold"] = "Valor mínimo en el cual un comentario es considerado spam. Debe ser un valor entre 0.01 y 0.99";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_nonspam_probability_treshold"] = "Valor maximo en el cual un comentario es considerado no spam con total seguridad. Cualquier comentario con un valor entre estos dos límites será considerado no spam, pero tal vez eso suceda porque el filtro necesite más entrenamiento.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_min_length_token"] = "Mínima longitud de un token.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_max_length_token"] = "Máxima longitud de un token.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_number_significant_tokens"] = "Número de tokens significativos que un comentario debe tener.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_spam_comments_action"] = "Qué hacer con los comentarios que se consideran spam. Pueden ser o bien eliminados directamente o guardados en la base de datos. La segunda opción es recomendable cuando nuestro filtro no haya sido muy entrenado todavía y cometa errores de vez en cuando.";
-$messages["help_path_to_convert"] = "La herramienta 'convert' del paquete ImageMagick es necesaria si elegimos 'ImageMagick' como sistema para crear las previsualizaciones de imágenes.";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_height"] = "Máxima altura de las previsualizaciones.";
-$messages["help_resources_folder"] = "Directorio donde se guardaran los archivos que hayamos añadido a  nuestra bitácora. No tiene porque necesariamente ser un directorio dentro de la estructura de nuestro servidor web, si no queremos que los usuarios puedan curiosear en los archivos que tengamos ahí guardaados. El servidor de archivos de pLog se encargará de buscar el archivo y servirlo correctamente.";
-$messages["help_thumbnails_keep_aspect_ratio"] = "Mantener la relación entre altura y anchura de las previsualizaciones";
-$messages["help_resources_enabled"] = "Activa o desactiva el 'Área de Archivos'.";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_method"] = "Sistema que se usará para generar previsualizaciones. Si elegimos 'ImageMagic', también habrá que configurar donde encontrar la herramienta 'convert', debajo.";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_width"] = "Anchura máxima de las previsualizaciones.";
-$messages["external_interfaces"] = "Interfícies Externas";
-$messages["none"] = "ninguno";
-$messages["security_settings"] = "Configuración de Seguridad";
-$messages["bayesian_filter_settings"] = "Configuración del filtro Bayesiano";
-$messages["resources_settings"] = "Archivos e Imágenes";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_format"] = "Formato por defecto que será usado para generar las previsualizaciones de imágenes. Si se selecciona 'Mismo que la imágen original', las previsualizaciones serán creaadas y guardadas en el mismo formato que la imágen original de donde fueron creados.";
-$messages["edit"] = "Editar";
-$messages["help_disable_javascript_calendar"] = "Desactiva el calendario basado en Javascript y DHTML usado cuando se crea o edita un artículo, en el caso de que el navegador del usuario no sea compatible.";
-$messages["audio_codec"] = "Codec de audio";
-$messages["video_codec"] = "Codec de vídeo";
-$messages["sample_rate"] = "Velocidad de muestreo";
-$messages["files"] = "Archivos";
-$messages["created"] = "Creado";
-$messages["generated"] = "Generated";
-$messages["about"] = "Sobre mi...";
-$messages["menu"] = "Menú";
-$messages["albums"] = "Álbums";
-$messages["template_file"] = "Archivo con la plantilla";
-$messages["download"] = "Descargar";
-$messages["error_no_albums_defined"] = "No hay álbums disponibles en esta bitácora.";
-$messages["error_fetching_album"] = "Hubo un error buscando el álbum especificado.";
-// help messages //
-// translators: the following help messages have changed a little since last version, due to a few
-// new features built on top of previous features
-$messages["help_editArticleCategories"] = "<p>This is a listing with all the post categories that
-have been created so far. There must be at least one category before you can add an article, since
-every article has to be categorized under a category. The <b>'Articles'</b> column shows how many
-articles have been categorized under the given category. In the same way, a category can't be deleted
-if it has an article assigned it; you must first remove all the articles and then you will be allowed
-to remove the category.</p>
-<p>You can delete more than one category at the same time by cheching their <b>'Delete'</b> column
-and then clickin on the <b>'Delete Selected'</b> button.</p>
-<p>The <b>'Show In Main Page'</b> column shows whether this category is included in the main page or if alternatively,
-it can also be seen when clicking its link. Edit the category itself to enable/disable this feature.</p>";
-$messages["help_newArticleCategory"] = "<p>From here you can add a new post category to the blog. All
-what you need to provide is a name for the new category. Once it has been created, it will be available
-for posts to be categorized under.</p>
-<p>You can disable the 'Show cateory in main page' checkbox if you don't want this category to be shown in the
-main page of the site. If disabled, posts included in this category will only be shown when browsing this
-specific category, by clicking its link.</p>";
-$messages["editArticleCategory"] = "<p>Please provide a new name for the category you are updating. Also, 
-define whether you would like to show posts belonging to this cateogry in the main page or not.</p>";
-$messages["help_newPost"] = "<p>Use this page to add a new post to your journal. You should provide a topic or subject
-for your post as well as some text for your post. Once you have finished, press the <b>'Add'</b> button and the post
-will automatically be included in your page. Please note that you have to set the status of the post
-to <b>'Published'</b> if you want it to appear in front page. Use the <b>'Draft'</b> status when you can't finish posting
-now but you would like to save what you have typed so far for later revision.</p>
-<p>You can also classify the post under any of the categories you have previously created. Simply set
-the <b>'Category'</b> field to the one you most like.</p>
-<p>If you would like to receive an email notifying about a new post, please check the corresponding
-<p>Check the box where it says </b>'Find links in the post...'</b> if after adding the post, you
-would like to send trackback pings to the hosts that support it. Your post will be scanned for
-links and you will have the possibility to choose which ones to send trackback pings to.</p>
-<p>You can use the <b>'Add Resource'</b> links to add a link to an album or to one or more resources in your posts. 
-You can add a preview of the resource with a link to it or even the resource itself, be it an image, video or any
-kind of file. Please use the <i>'Resource Center'</i> section to manage your file resources.</p>
-<p>Use the <b>'Enable comments for this post'</b> checkbox depending on whether you would like to enable or
-disable comments for this post. Some special code in the template is needed for this to work correctly, but it is at
-least known to work with the set of default templates.</p> ";
-$messages["help_editPosts"] = "<p>Use this page to edit a post from your journal. The information from the
-post has already been provided and now you can make your changes. Once you have finished, press the <b>'Update'</b> button and the post
-will updated. Please note that you have to set the status of the post
-to <b>'Published'</b> if you want it to appear in front page. Use the <b>'Draft'</b> status when you can't finish posting
-now but you would like to save what you have typed so far for later revision.</p>
-<p>If you would like to receive an email notifying about a new post, please check the corresponding
-<p>More information about the different options <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newPost\">here</a>.</p>";
-$messages["help_blogSettings"] = "<p>From this page you can change some of the settings that control the
-behaviour or appearance of this journal. These are the settings: <ul>
-<li><b>Permanent URL</b>: This is the URL where this blog is running and that can be used to
-link to it. It can't be changed.</li>
-<li><b>Name of the blog</b>: This is a text string with a descriptive name of the blog. If using the
-default templates, it is the text displayed on top of every page.</li>
-<li><b>Long descriptive text about this blog</b>: This is a longer text that can optionally be
-displayed in some kind of page giving more detailed information about the page. It can be left
-blank if not needed.</li>
-<li><b>Language used to display the texts</b>: You can select one of the available languages. This
-language will be used to display the texts (not your own articles!) and format things like dates
-and numbers using the correct settings. More languages can be installed at any time.</li>
-<li><b>Items in the main page</b>: Set this to the number of posts you would like to have
-in the main page. The more posts, the longer it will take for users to download your page. Minimum
-number of posts it one.</li>
-<li><b>Items shown as recent</b>: Set this to the number of posts you would like to be shown as
-<b>'Recent'</b>, that is, the posts that have been posted earlier. Minimun amount is one.</li>
-<li><b>Template used to render the contents</b>: pLog allows to have more than one template
-to show the same content. You can choose here the most appropiate one for you journal, from the ones
-that have been installed by the administrator.</li>
-<li><b>Show the whole post int he main or only the part that was typed in the 'Text' box?</b>: Set this to <b>'Yes'</b> if you would like pLog
-to automatically add a 'More...' link to your posts on the main page just after the text you typed
-in the text box labeled 'Text'. The text typed in the second text box will only be shown to the user
-when clicking on the
-setting below) This feature is useful since it makes your frontpage less cluttered and also
-smaller. However, it has some problems if there is a lot of HTML code in the page.</li>
-<li><b>Enable WYSIWYG edition of texts</b>: Set this to yes if you would like to have the possibility
-to see how your posts look in real time. This feature is only available for users using either
-Internet Explorer 5.5 or higer and Mozilla 1.3b or higher.</li>
-<li><b>Enable comments</b>: Set this to yes if you would like to allow your users to make comments to your
-posts. This will globally affect all your posts and all your users.</li>
-<li><b>Order in which comments appear</b>: Set it to \"Oldest first\" if you would like to see
-the older comments first in the list, or set it to \"Newest first\" to see them in
-reverse chronological order.</li>
-<li><b>Time difference in hours between the server and you</b>: You can use this setting to make pLog automatically
-add or substract an amount of hours to each date in the blog. It is useful for example when the server where the blog
-is hosted and the person who is using it are in different time zones. Telling pLog that there is a difference of
-+3 hours, will make that all dates appear with such time difference applied.</li>
-// translators: the ones below are already new
-$messages["help_resourceCenter"] = "From the resource center, you will be able to manage your files, group them in albums,
-manage those albums and edit any of them.";
-$messages["help_newResourceAlbum"] = "<p>You need at least one album to group your resources. From here you will be allowed
-to add a new album, simply providing a name and a description for it. Only the name field is mandatory, being
-the description field optional.</p>
-<p>Use the <b>'Parent album'</b> field to set whether this is a top-level album or if it is a sub-album and has
-another album as a parent.</p>";
-$messages["help_resourceAlbums"] = "<p>This is a list including all the resource albums that have been created so far
-in this site. For each album, several of its properties can be seen at a glance: its name, a link to its child 
-albums (if any) and its amount, a link to its resources and its amount, whether the album is public or
-private and a checkbox to delete as many of them as needed.</p>
-<p>You can read more on the <b>'Show Album'</b> feature here <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=editResourceAlbum\">here</a></p>";
-$messages["editResourceAlbum"] = "<p>From here you can edit the properties of a resource album. Almost all the fields
-are the same as <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newResourceAlbum\">here</a> except the 
-<b>'Show album to users'</b> checkbox. If enabled, this album will be visible to users who browse our 
-collection of albums and resources. If not, it will not be shown in the public side. This is useful in cases when
-we want to keep some of the albums secret and don't want users peeking at them.</p>";
-$messages["help_newResource"] = "<p>You will be able to upload new resources to your blog from this section. Any kind of file
-can be uploaded to the site but pLog is capable of handling and extracting some useful information from some
-of them, such as images, videos, zip files and music files.</p>
-<p>First of all, find the file you would like to upload. Then, provide a description for it (mandatory field)
-and finally select to which album would you like this resource to belong to. It is not possible to have a resource
-file that does not belong to any album. Once you are ready, click the <b>'Add Resource'</b> button and the file
-will be added to the blog.</p>
-<p>Please keep in mind that uploads need to be enabled for this to work, and if the blog administrator has
-set a list of forbidden file types that cannot be uploaded, the file will not be allowed in the site. The resource
-framework also needs to be enabled. All these settings can be modified by a user with administrator privileges
-from the <b>'Global Settings'</b> section.</p>
-<p>This feature requires a folder with write permission in the web server.</p>";
-$messages["help_resources"] = "<p>From here you will have access to all the resource files that have been uplaoded
-in the blog. Files will be shown under the album to which they belong. For every resource file, it will be
-possible to edit its properties, view it as any normal user will see it and mark it for deletion. Pressing the 
-<b>'Delete Selected'</b> button from the bottom of the screen will delete those resources that have been
-<p>Click the folder icon to navigate to the contents of an albu, or the <b>'Edit'</b> to go to the album
-properties page. Use the <b>'..'</b> link to go up one level. Clicking a resource name or preview (if available)
-will take you to the resource properties page where you will be able to change some of the settings of the 
-selected resource.";
-$messages["help_blogSecurity"] = "From this section you will be able to edit set up some basic security mechanisms that
-are provided by pLog. The changes you make here will only affect your blog and not everybody else's.";
-$messages["help_blogBlockedHosts"] = "This is a list with all the hosts that have been blocked so far in this blog. At
-a glance, it is possible to see for each host the reason why it was blocked, the date when it was blocked and
-the type of the block applied. Lastly, you can also select any of the host blocking rules and press the
-<b>'Delete Selected'</b> button when you are sure that you want to remove those rules.";
-$messages["help_newBlogBlockedHost"] = "<p>This section will allow you to block a specific address or entire subnet from your Blog. You can select if you want them to be able to see it, but unable to post or simply unable to access it at all. Copy the offending address into the spaces provided and choose the proper subnet address space if necessary. Example: To block just the address of you would choose the '32 bits' option to match the entire address. This blocks just this one address and works well for banning someone with a Static IP address. If you're seeing multiple IP Addresses for a particular individual (say,, and then you will want to ban a particular subnet range. Enter one of the IP Addresses that you see and choose '24 bits', '16 bits' or '8 bits'  to match the first 3 sections, first 2 sections or the first section respectively.<br/>
- - 32 bits: Matches only the address<br/>
- - 24 bits: Matches any address that starts with 192.168.1<br/>
- - 16 bits: Matches any address that starts with 192.168<br/>
- - 8 bits: Matches any address that starts with 192<br/>
-<p>The <b>'Block type'</b> drop-down list will allow you to choose whether to block this host from 
-completely accessign the site (an error page will be sent to the client's browser whenever trying to access) or
-simply block it from posting new comments. If the latter is chosen, the host will still be allowed to read
-articles and other people's comments.</p>
-<p>You can also attach a reason/description to this host blocking rule, so that you can remember in the future why
-it was set up.</p>";
-$messages["editBlogBlockedHost"] = "You will be able to edit a host blocking rule from this section. The options
-available are exactly the same as in <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost\">here</a>.";
-$messages["help_blockedHosts"] = "This is a list with all the hosts that have been blocked so far system-wide. 
-Clicking a rule IP address will allow us to edit the settings of that rule. These rules always take
-precedence over blog-speficic rules, so that if one these global rules matches a host, all the other after
-it will be ignored.";
-$messages["help_newBlockedHost"] = "From here it is possible to add a new <b>global</b> host-blocking rule. See
-<a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost\">here</a> for more information about the options
-$messages["editBlockedHost"] = "You will be able to edit a host blocking rule from this section. The options
-available are exactly the same as in <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost\">here</a>.";
-$messages["editFilteredContent"] = "This page will allow you to edit a content filtering rule. The options
-are exactly the same as in <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogFilteredContent\">here</a>.";
-$messages["blogBlockedHosts"] = $messages["blockedHosts"];
-$messages["newBlogBlockedHost"] = $messages["newBlockedHost"];
-$messages["newBlogUser"] = $messages["createUser"];
-// text of the post that will be added to each blog when they sign-up via the register.php script
-$messages["register_default_category"] = "General";
-$messages["register_default_article_text"] = "If you can read this, it means that your signup and registration was successful and that you can start blogging.";
-$messages["register_default_article_topic"] = "Congratulations, it worked!";
-// summary templates text
-$messages["summary_title"] = "Sumario de blogs";
-$messages["summary_section_main"] = "Portada";
-$messages["summary_section_main_link_title"] = "P·gina principal";
-$messages["summary_section_register"] = "Crea tu blog!";
-$messages["summary_section_register_link_title"] = "Crea un nuevo blog";
-$messages["summary_section_blog_list"] = "Listado blogs";
-$messages["summary_section_blog_list_link_title"] = "Listado de blogs de este sitio";
-$messages["summary_section_faq"] = "Preguntas frecuentes";
-$messages["summary_section_faq_link_title"] = "Preguntas Frecuentes";
-$messages["summary_welcome_title"] = "Bienvenido a pLog!";
-$messages["summary_most_active_blogs"] = "Blogs m·s activos";
-$messages["summary_newest_blogs"] = "Blogs nuevos";
-$messages["summary_most_commented_articles"] = "ArtÌculos m·s comentados";
-$messages["summary_most_read_articles"] = "ArtÌculos m·s leidos";
-$messages["summary_faq"] = "Preguntas frecuentes";
-$messages["summary_faq_question"] = "øQuÈ es esto?";
-$messages["summary_faq_description"] = "DeberÌas usar esta secciÛn para aÒadir algunas de las preguntas m·s frecuentes relativas a tu servicio de blogs. Este apartado sÛlo es una sugerencia y por tanto puedes adaptarlo como quieras. :) Edita el fichero templates/summary/faq.template para cambiar los contenidos de esta p·gina.";
-$messages["summary_login"] = "AdministraciÛn";
-$messages["summary_other_stuff"] = "Otros (para links, ...)";
-$messages["summary_plog_logo"] = "øQuÈ tal el logo del proyecto aquÌ? ;)";
-$messages["summary_blog_list"] = "Listado de blogs";
-$messages["summary_last_updated"] = "?ltima actualizaciÛn";
-$messages["summary_author"] = "Autor:";
-$messages["summary_articles"] = "artÌculos";
-$messages["summary_reads"] = "lecturas";
-$messages["summary_welcome_message"] = "<h4 class=\"question\">QuÈ es este sitio?</h4>
-                            <p>Deberias usar esta zona para dar algo de informaciÛn sobre tu sitio.</p>
-                            <ul>
-                                <li>Sigue los siguientes enlaces para m·s informaciÛn: <br />
-                                    <a href=\"summary.php?op=Faq\">Preguntas frecuentes</a></li>
-                                <li><a href=\"register.php\">Crear un nuevo blog</a></li>
-                            </ul>";
-$messages["summary_latest_posts"] = "?ltimos artÌculos";
-$messages["summary_in"] = "en";
-$messages["summary_posted_by"] = "Escrito por";
-// register templates text
-$messages["register_error"] = "Error";
-$messages["register_error_message"] = "Ha habido un error:";
-$messages["register_errors"] = "Ha habido algunos errores en el proceso, por favor comprueba y corrige los errores:";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step1_title"] = "Crea tu blog (1/3)";
-$messages["register_step1_fill_in_title"] = "Tienes que rellenar este formulario para poder registrar un blog.";
-$messages["register_step1_description"] = "<p>
-Antes que nada necesitas crear un usuario. Elige un nombre de usuario para tu cuenta, este sera considerado como el propietario del blog.
-Por favor no olvides tu password! No hay ning?n mÈtodo autom·tico para recuperarlo.
-$messages["register_step1_legend"] = "Rellena los siguientes campos";
-$messages["register_username"] = "Usuario:";
-$messages["register_password"] = "Password:";
-$messages["register_password_confirmation"] = "ConfirmaciÛn del password:";
-$messages["register_email"] = "Email:";
-$messages["register_email_comment"] = "(para la notificaciÛn de comentarios, ...)";
-$messages["register_next"] = "Siguiente &raquo;";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step2_title"] = "Crea tu blog (2/3)";
-$messages["register_user_created"] = "Tu usuario ha sido creado correctament! Ahora ya podemos registrar tu blog personal.";
-$messages["register_step2_description"] = " <p>
-Simplemente nos tienes que proporcionar un nombre para tu diario. M·s tarde si lo crees oportuno lo puedes cambiar.
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step2_blog_name"] = "Nombre de tu nuevo blog:";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step4_title"] = "Gracias! (3/3)";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step3_description"] = "
- <p>
-    El registro se ha realizado correctamente. Tu nuevo usuario y tu nuevo blog han sido creados correctamente, ahora ya puedes entrar en la zona de admnistraciÛn y empezar a escribir!
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step4_admin_link"] = "
-  <p>
-    Pulsa <a href=\"admin.php\">aquÌ para ir a la administraciÛn</a> si quieres empezar a escribir.
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step4_blog_link1"] = "
- <p>
-    O pula <a href=\"";
-$messages["register_step4_blog_link2"] = "
-aquÌ\">para ir a ver tu nuevo blog.</a>.
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step4_final_message"] = "
- <p>
-  øFeliz blogging!
- </p>";
-$messages["register_error_incorrect_username"] = "Nombre de usuario incorrecto o el usuario ya existe, por favor elija otro.<br/>";
-$messages["register_error_incorrect_email"] = "Email incorrecto. <br/>";
-$messages["register_error_user_already_exist"] = "Ya hay un usuario con este nombre elige otro.<br/>";
-$messages["register_error_incorrect_password"] = "El password no es correcto. <br/>";
-$messages["register_error_passwords_dont_match"] = "Los passwords no coinciden. <br/>";
-$messages["register_error_adding_user"] = "Error creando el usuario: ";
-$messages["register_error_creating_blog"] = "Ha habido un error creando el blog";
-$messages["register_error_blog_name"] = "Debes elegir otro nombre para tu blog.<br/>" ;
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: plog/trunk/locale/locale_et_EE.php
--- plog/trunk/locale/locale_et_EE.php	2005-01-29 15:29:38 UTC (rev 872)
+++ plog/trunk/locale/locale_et_EE.php	2005-01-29 15:52:14 UTC (rev 873)
@@ -1,1285 +0,0 @@
-// Eesti keele fail pLog-le
-// Tõlkisin siis kõik külalisele kuvatavad asjad ära.
-// Admini asi on veel tõlkimata. Palun väga, tõlkige ära keegi.
-// Strom <strom at masendav.org>
-// set this to the encoding that should be used to display the pages correctly
-$messages["encoding"] = "iso-8859-15";
-$messages["locale_description"] = "Eesti keele fail pLog-i jaoks";
-// days of the week
-$messages["days"] = Array( "Pühapäev", "Esmaspäev", "Teisipäev", "Kolmapäev", "Neljapäev", "Reede", "Laupäev" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["Esmaspäev"] = $messages["days"][1];
-$messages["Teisipäev"] = $messages["days"][2];
-$messages["Kolmapäev"] = $messages["days"][3];
-$messages["Neljapäev"] = $messages["days"][4];
-$messages["Reede"] = $messages["days"][5];
-$messages["Laupäev"] = $messages["days"][6];
-$messages["Pühapäev"] = $messages["days"][0];
-// abbreviations
-$messages["daysshort"] = Array( "P", "E", "T", "K", "N", "R", "L" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["E"] = $messages["daysshort"][1];
-$messages["T"] = $messages["daysshort"][2];
-$messages["K"] = $messages["daysshort"][3];
-$messages["N"] = $messages["daysshort"][4];
-$messages["R"] = $messages["daysshort"][5];
-$messages["L"] = $messages["daysshort"][6];
-$messages["P"] = $messages["daysshort"][0];
-// months of the year
-$messages["months"] = Array( "Jaanuar", "Veebruar", "Märts", "April", "Mai", "Juuni", "Juuli", "August", "September", "Oktoober", "November", "Detsember" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["Jaanuar"] = $messages["months"][0];
-$messages["Veebruar"] = $messages["months"][1];
-$messages["Märts"] = $messages["months"][2];
-$messages["April"] = $messages["months"][3];
-$messages["Mai"] = $messages["months"][4];
-$messages["Juuni"] = $messages["months"][5];
-$messages["Juuli"] = $messages["months"][6];
-$messages["August"] = $messages["months"][7];
-$messages["September"] = $messages["months"][8];
-$messages["Oktoober"] = $messages["months"][9];
-$messages["November"] = $messages["months"][10];
-$messages["Detsember"] = $messages["months"][11];
-$messages["message"] = "Teade";
-$messages["error"] = "Viga";
-$messages["date"] = "Kuupäev";
-// miscellaneous texts
-$messages["of"] = "of";
-$messages["recently"] = "Uusimad...";
-$messages["comments"] = "Kommentaarid";
-$messages["comment on this"] = "Kommenteeri";
-$messages["my_links"] = "Minu lingid";
-$messages["archives"] = "Arhiivid";
-$messages["search"] = "Otsi";
-$messages["calendar"] = "Kalender";
-$messages["categories"] = "Kategooriad";
-$messages["search_s"] = "Otsi";
-$messages["link_tracker"] = "Lingi jälgija";
-$messages["search_this_blog"] = "Otsi veebipäevikust:";
-$messages["about_myself"] = "Kes ma olen?";
-$messages["permalink_title"] = "Link arhiividele";
-$messages["permalink"] = "Link";
-$messages["posted_by"] = "Postitas";
-$messages["on_the"] = "on the";
-$messages["page"] = "leht";
-$messages["posted"] = "postitatud";
-$messages["reply"] = "Vasta";
-// add comment form
-$messages["add_comment"] = "Lisa kommentaar";
-$messages["comment_topic"] = "Pealkiri";
-$messages["comment_text"] = "Tekst";
-$messages["comment_username"] = "Nimi";
-$messages["comment_email"] = "E-Mail";
-$messages["comment_url"] = "Koduleht";
-$messages["comment_send"] = "Saada";
-$messages["comment_added"] = "Kommentaar lisatud!";
-$messages["comment_add_error"] = "Viga kommentaari lisades";
-$messages["article_does_not_exist"] = "See artikell ei eksisteeri";
-$messages["no_posts_found"] = "Ühtegi postitust ei leitud";
-$messages["user_has_no_posts_yet"] = "Kasutajal pole veel ühtegi posti";
-$messages["info_about_myself"] = "Natuke informatsiooni mu kohta...";
-$messages["back"] = "Tagasi";
-$messages["back_top"] = "Tagasi ülesse";
-$messages["post"] = "Saada";
-$messages["trackbacks_for_article"] = "Tagasijälitus artiklil";
-$messages["trackback_excerpt"] = "Väljavõte";
-$messages["trackback_weblog"] = "Veebipäevik";
-$messages["search_results"] = "Otsingu tulemused";
-$messages["search_matching_results"] = "Järgnevad postitused sisaldavad sinu otsitut: ";
-$messages["search_no_matching_posts"] = "Ühtegi posti ei leitud";
-$messages["see_all_link"] = "Vajuta siia, et näha kõiki postitusi";
-$messages["read_more"] = "(Veel)";
-$messages["anonymous_poster"] = "Anonüümne postitaja";
-$messages["syndicate"] = "SÜNDIKAAT";
-$messages["main"] = "Esileht";
-////// error messages /////
-$messages["error_fetching_article"] = "Sinu määratud artiklit ei ole.";
-$messages["error_fetching_articles"] = "Viga andmebaasi ühendamisel.";
-$messages["error_trackback_no_trackback"] = "Ühtegi tagasijälitajat ei leitud selle artikli kohta.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_article_id"] = "Artikli identiteet pole õige.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_blog_id"] = "Päeviku identiteet pole õige.";
-$messages["error_comment_without_text"] = "Sa peaksid vähemalt mingi teksti andma.";
-$messages["error_comment_without_name"] = "Sa peaksid vähemalt oma nime andma.";
-$messages["error_adding_comment"] = "Viga ilmnes kommentaari andmebaasi lisamisel.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_parameter"] = "Ebakorrektne parameeter.";
-$messages["error_parameter_missing"] = "Üks parameeter on soovist puudu.";
-$messages["error_blog_has_no_links"] = "Käesoleval veebipäevikul pole veel ühtegi linki.";
-$messages["error_comments_not_enabled"] = "Kommenteerimine on keelatud hetkel.";
-/////////////////                                          //////////////////
-///////////////// STRINGS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION INTERFACE //////////////////
-/////////////////                                          //////////////////
-////// help messages for the administration interface /////
-$messages["newPost"] = "<p>Use this page to add a new post to your journal. You should provide a topic or subject
-for your post as well as some text for your post. Once you have finished, press the <b>'Add'</b> button and the post
-will automatically be included in your page. Please note that you have to set the status of the post
-to <b>'Published'</b> if you want it to appear in front page. Use the <b>'Draft'</b> status when you can't finish posting
-now but you would like to save what you have typed so far for later revision.</p>
-<p>You can also classify the post under any of the categories you have previously created. Simply set
-the <b>'Category'</b> field to the one you most like.</p>
-<p>If you would like to receive an email notifying about a new post, please check the corresponding
-<p>Check the box where it says </b>'Find links in the post...'</b> if after adding the post, you
-would like to send trackback pings to the hosts that support it. Your post will be scanned for
-links and you will have the possibility to choose which ones to send trackback pings to.</p>";
-$messages["addPost"] = "<p>Your post has been successfully added to the database. Now you can select
-to which hosts you would like to send a trackback ping, so that they know you have written about them
-and can <i>track you back</i>.</p>";
-$messages["editComments"] = "There are all the comments that have been posted for the given post. Comments
-can not be edited but they can be deleted. The only mandatory field when posting comments is the
-\"name\" field, so the E-mail and Url columns could be empty. The IP Address field is the
-original IP address where this comment was posted from. You can delete
-as many as you need by checking the corresponding <b>'Delete'</b> checkbox and pressing the
-<b>'Delete selected'</b> button.";
-$messages["postStats"] = "<p>These are the statistics about the selected post. The first one is how
-many times this article has been read, but please keep in mind that this statistic might be
-meaningless if you have disabled the <b>'Read more...'</b> feature in the <b>'Blog Settings'</b>
-<p>The referrers are the urls of all the hosts that visited this post, and the trackbacks table represents
-how many trackback pings have been received for this post. They can't be deleted or modified.</p>";
-$messages["editLinks"] = "<p>This is a list with all the links that have been added. Like posts, every
-link can be sorted in different categories and then displayed in the main page for visitors to see.</p>
-<p>For every link, you will see here its name, the url where it is pointing to and under which category
-it has been sorted. Finally you can also delete any of the links.</p>";
-$messages["newLink"] = "<p>You can add a new link from here. You have to provide at least a valid
-url and a name for the link. The description field is optional but useful to have more information
-about the link. You need at least one link category before you can add any link.</p>";
-$messages["editLinkCategories"] = "<p>This is a list with all the link categories that have been
-created. Like with posts, you need at least one link category before you can add any link. Clicking
-on the <b>'Links'</b> column will show all the links that belong to the category.</p>";
-$messages["newLinkCategory"] = "<p>The only thing you need to provide in order to have a new
-link category is a descriptive name for the category. Once the link category has been created,
-it will be available for links to be categorized under.</p>";
-$messages["userSettings"] = "<p>Things related to your user profile can be changed from this
-page. Please note that your username cannot be changed.<ul>
-<li><b>Password, Confirm Password</b>: If you would like to change your password, please type it in
-the first text box. Do the same in the second box to confirm that you entered the same password.</li>
-<li><b>Email address</b>: Please set this to a valid email address if you would like to use features
-such as the notification when a comment is received to a post. It is used only for internal
-purposes and will not be publicly displayed.</li>
-<li><b>Bio</b>: You can type here some information about yourself. It can be left empty.</li>
-$messages["Stats"] = "<p>You can see from here all the referrers that have hit this site in the past.
-The <b>'Article'</b> column reflects which article was visited by the referrer or the value <b>'0'</b>
-if the referrer visited the main page or any other page which was not an article. Finally, the
-<b>'Last hit date'</b> column is the time of the last hit received from that referrer.</p>";
-$messages["editLink"] = "<p>You have to provide at least a url and a name for the link. The link must also
-be categorized under a category.</p>";
-$messages["editLinkCategory"] = "Please provide a new name for the link category you are updating.</p>";
-$messages["blogSelect"] = "Please select one of the operations from the menu.";
-$messages["Error"] = "There was an error while executing the requested operation. Please see
-the main page for more information regarding the error.";
-$messages["Message"] = "Please see the main page for more information regarding the message.";
-//////// strings for the administration interface ///////
-$messages["admin_interface_title"] = "pLog Administrative Interface";
-$messages["administration"] = "Administration";
-$messages["help"] = "Help";
-$messages["plog_help"] = "pLog Help";
-$messages["new_post"] = "New Post";
-$messages["posts"] = "Posts";
-$messages["admin_categories"] = "Categories";
-$messages["admin_links"] = "Links";
-$messages["link_categories"] = "Link Categories";
-$messages["settings"] = "Settings";
-$messages["logout"] = "Logout";
-// new post page
-$messages["topic"] = "Topic";
-$messages["text"] = "Text";
-$messages["category"]  = "Category";
-$messages["status"] = "Status";
-$messages["status_draft"] = "Draft";
-$messages["status_published"] = "Published";
-$messages["status_deleted"] = "Deleted";
-$messages["status_all"] = "All";
-$messages["send_notification"] = "Notify me every time there is a comment.";
-$messages["send_trackback_pings"] = "Find links in the post and send trackback pings to the links that support the feature.";
-$messages["add_post"] = "Blog this!";
-$messages["xmlrpc_ping_ok"] = "XML-RPC Ping was correctly sent to ";
-$messages["error_sending_xmlrpc_ping"] = "There was an error sending an XML-RPC Ping to ";
-$messages["error_sending_xmlrpc_ping_message"] = "Error message was: ";
-$messages["preview"] = "Preview";
-$messages["post_added"] = "Post added";
-$messages["you_will_be_notified"] = "Additionally, You will be notified whenever there is some activity in this post.";
-$messages["post_added_not_published"] = "Post added but not published.";
-$messages["error_adding_post"] = "Error adding the post!";
-$messages["error_must_fill_all_fields"] = "You  must fill in all the fields!";
-$messages["error_must_have_one_category"] = "You need to have at least one post category before adding a post";
-// send trackbacks page
-$messages["send_trackback_pings"] = "Send Trackback Pings";
-$messages["links_found"] = "The following links were found in your post. Please check the ones you
-would like to try to send a trackback ping (please note that this may take a while)";
-$messages["trackbacks_no_urls_selected"] = "No urls were selected and therefore no trackback pings were sent.";
-$messages["trackbacks_received_ok"] = "The following hosts received the trackback ping successfully:";
-$messages["trackbacks_no_trackback"] = "The following link did not have a valid trackback url: ";
-$messages["trackbacks_problems_sending"] = "There were some problems while sending the trackback pings to the following hosts.
-You can try to reach them again if you wish.";
-$messages["trackbacks_received_all_hosts"] = "All hosts successfully received the trackback ping.";
-$messages["ping_selected"] = "Ping selected sites";
-// edit posts
-$messages["author"] = "Author";
-$messages["category_all"] = "All";
-$messages["author_all"] = "All";
-$messages["update"] = "Update";
-$messages["date"] = "Date";
-$messages["stats"] = "Stats";
-$messages["delete"] = "Delete";
-$messages["delete_selected"] = "Delete Selected";
-// edit post
-$messages["edit_post"] = "Edit Post";
-$messages["error_getting_post_to_update"] = "There was an error fetching the post selected for update.";
-$messages["error_updating_post_in_database"] = "Error updating the post in the database.";
-$messages["post_successfully_updated"] = "Post successfully updated.";
-$messages["notification_removed"] = "The notification you had for this article has been removed.";
-// post statistics
-$messages["statistics_for_post"] = "Statistics for post ";
-$messages["error_fetching_post"] = "There was an error fetching the post.";
-$messages["times_post_has_been_read"] = "Times post has been read: ";
-$messages["referers"] = "Referrers";
-$messages["id"] = "Id";
-$messages["url"] = "Url";
-$messages["hits"] = "Hits";
-$messages["trackbacks"] = "Trackbacks";
-// post comments
-$messages["error_fetching_comments"] = "Error fetching article comments";
-$messages["comments_for_post"] = "Comments for post ";
-$messages["email"] = "E-Mail";
-$messages["ip_address"] = "IP Address";
-// delete comments
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-$messages["error_no_comments_selected"] = "No comments were selected to delete.";
-$messages["error_deleting_comment"] = "There was an error deleting the comment ";
-$messages["comment_deleted_ok"] = "Comment with topic \"%s\" deleted successfully.";
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-// categories list
-$messages["category_name"] = "Name";
-// removing posts
-$messages["post_cannot_be_deleted"] = "Post can not be deleted";
-$messages["no_posts_selected"] = "There were no posts selected to delete.";
-// %s = subject of the post, %d = identifier of the post. feel free to change its order
-// but if you remove them there will be no information about which post was removed...
-$messages["error_deleting_post"] = "Error deleting post \"%s\" (id = %d)";
-$messages["post_deleted_ok"] = "Post \"%2\$s\" successfully deleted (id = %1\$d)";
-// delete categories
-$messages["no_categories_selected"] = "There were no categories selected to delete.";
-$messages["error_category_has_articles"] = "Could not delete category \"%s\" because there is at least one
-article categorized under it. Please remove the article(s) first and then try again.";
-$messages["error_deleting_category"] = "Error deleting category \"%s\" from the database.";
-$messages["category_deleted_ok"] = "Category \"%s\" successfully deleted.";
-// add category
-$messages["add_new_category"] = "Add New Category";
-$messages["add_new_category_info"] = "Please provide a valid name for the new category.";
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-$messages["category_added_ok"] = "Article category added successfully.";
-$messages["error_adding_article_category"] = "There wasn an error adding the new article category.";
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-// edit categories
-$messages["edit_category"] = "Edit Category";
-$messages["please_provide_valid_category_name"] = "Please provide a valid name for the category.";
-// edit category
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-$messages["error_incorrect_category_id"] = "Incorrect article category identifier";
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-// update the category
-$messages["error_fetching_category"] = "There was an error fetching the category.";
-$messages["error_updating_category"] = "There was an error while updating the category.";
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-$messages["error_empty_category_name"] = "You must provide a valid name for the category.";
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-$messages["category_updated_ok"] = "Category updated successfully.";
-// edit links
-$messages["link_name"] = "Name";
-$messages["link_url"] = $messages["url"];
-$messages["link_category"] = $messages["category"];
-$messages["link_description"] = "Description";
-$messages["links"] = "Links";
-// edit a link
-$messages["error_provide_name_and_url"] = "You must at least provide a name and an url for the link.";
-$messages["error_invalid_link_id"] = "The link identifier is invalid or missing.";
-$messages["error_fetching_link"] = "There was an rrror fetching the link.";
-$messages["error_updating_link"] = "There was an error updating the link.";
-$messages["link_updated_ok"] = "Link successfully updated!";
-$messages["error_fetching_link_categories"] = "There was an error fetching the link categories.";
-// add a link
-$messages["add_new_link"] = "Add New Link";
-$messages["add_link"] = "Add Link";
-$messages["error_adding_link"] = "There was an error while adding the link.";
-$messages["link_added_ok"] = "Link successfully added.";
-$messages["error_provide_name_and_url"] = "You need to provide at least a valid name and address.";
-$messages["error_must_have_one_link_category"] = "You must have at least one link category before adding any link.";
-// delete a link
-$messages["error_no_links_selected"] = "No links were selected to delete.";
-$messages["error_removing_link"] = "Error removing link \"%s\" from the database.";
-$messages["link_deleted_ok"] = "Link \"%s\" successfully removed from the database.";
-// edit link categories
-$messages["add_link_category"] = "Add New Link Category";
-$messages["link_categories_help"] = "You must have at least one link category before adding any link.";
-$messages["link_category_name"] = "Name";
-$messages["link_category_links"] = "Links";
-// new link category
-$messages["new_link_category_info"] = "Link categories will help you to classify the different links you
-can have. You can also later on show your links grouped using these categories in the main page.";
-$messages["add_link_category"] = "Add Link Category";
-$messages["error_provide_link_category_name"] = "You must provide a valid name for the link category.";
-$messages["error_adding_link_category"] = "There was an error while adding the link category.";
-$messages["link_category_added_ok"] = "Link category successfully added.";
-// edit link category
-$messages["edit_link_category"] = "Edit Link Category";
-$messages["error_updating_link_category"] = "There was an error updating the link category.";
-$messages["link_category_updated_ok"] = "Link category updated successfully.";
-$messages["error_fetching_link_category"] = "Error fetching the link category.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_link_category_id"] = "Incorrecct link category identifier";
-// delete link categories
-$messages["error_no_link_category_selected"] = "No link categories were selected to delete.";
-$messages["error_links_in_link_category"] = "Category \"%s\" can not be deleted because it has links categorized
-under it. Please remove first all the links and then try again.";
-$messages["error_removing_link_category"] = "Error removing the category \"%s\".";
-$messages["link_category_deleted_ok"] = "Link category \"%s\" successfully removed.";
-// this error is shown when for some reason the category could not be fetched from the database
-// and we can't show its name
-$messages["error_removing_link_category_2"] = "Error removing link category with id = %d";
-// blog settings page
-$messages["blog_settings"] = "Blog Settings";
-$messages["user_profile"] = "User Profile";
-$messages["plugin_center"] = "Plugin Center";
-$messages["statistics"] = "Statistics";
-$messages["blog_name"] = "Blog name";
-$messages["long_blog_name"] = "Longer, descriptive text about this blog";
-$messages["language_used"] = "Language used to display the texts and dates";
-$messages["items_main_page"] = "How many items would you like to show in the main page?";
-$messages["items_as_recent"] = "How many items would you like to show as \"Recent\"?";
-$messages["template_used"] = "Choose a template that will define the look of your blog";
-$messages["cut_posts"] = "Cut posts that are too long and and a \"More...\" link?";
-$messages["cut_posts_after_characters"] = "How many characters would you like to allow before cutting the post?";
-$messages["enable_wysiwyg_edition"] = "Enable WYSIWYG edition of texts (only available for Internet Explorer 5.5 or higer and Mozilla 1.3b or higher)?";
-$messages["enable_comments"] = "Enable comments for all posts?";
-$messages["yes"] = "Yes";
-$messages["no"] = "No";
-$messages["error_invalid_locale"] = "Invalid value for the locale settings";
-$messages["error_incorrect_max_recent_items"] = "You must provide a valid value for the number of recent items you
-would like to show.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_number_of_posts"] = "You must provide a valid value for the number of posts you
-would like to show on the main page.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_template"] = "The value for the template is not correct.";
-$messages["error_no_blog_name"] = "You must provide a valid name for your blog.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_show_more_threshold"] = "You must provide a valid value for the
-number of characters to show of a post before cutting it and adding the \"More...\" link.";
-$messages["error_updating_settings"] = "There was an error while updating the settings of the blog.";
-$messages["blog_settings_updated_ok"] = "Blog settings updated succesfully!";
-$messages["permanent_blog_url"] = "Permanent URL for this blog (read only)";
-// user profile page
-$messages["username"] = "Username";
-$messages["password"] = "Password";
-$messages["confirm_password"] = "Confirm Password";
-$messages["email_address"] = "Email address";
-$messages["bio"] = "Bio";
-$messages["empty_no_change"] = "Leave empty for no change";
-$messages["user_settings_updated_ok"] = "User settings updated successfully.";
-$messages["error_updating_user_settings"] = "Error updating user settings.";
-$messages["error_passwords_dont_match"] = "Sorry, passwords do not match.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_password"] = "Sorry, the password is not correct.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_email_address"] = "Email address is not valid.";
-// plugin center page
-$messages["plugins_available"] = "This is a list of the plugins available to use in the templates";
-$messages["identifier"] = "Identifier";
-$messages["description"] = "Description";
-$messages["error_plugins_disabled"] = "Support for plugins has been disabled in this site.";
-// statistics page
-$messages["statistics_info"] = "An article identifier of 0 means that those were incoming hits to the main
-site, not to any particular article.";
-$messages["article_id"] = "Article Id";
-$messages["last_hit_date"] = "Last Hit Date";
-$messages["error_fetching_referers"] = "Error fetching the referrers for this site";
-// login screen
-$messages["login_page_title"] = "pLog Administrative Interface";
-$messages["login"] = "Login";
-$messages["welcome_message"] = "Welcome to pLog";
-$messages["error_incorrect_username_or_password"] = "Sorry, Incorrect username or password.";
-$messages["error_dont_belong_to_any_blog"] = "Sorry, you don't belong to any blog yet.";
-$messages["error_no_username_or_password"] = "Please provide a valid username or password.";
-$messages["choose_one_blog"] = " You belong to the following blogs. Choose one to work on now";
-$messages["continue"] = "Continue";
-$messages["logout_message"] = "You have been successfully logged out.";
-$messages["logout_message_2"] = "<a href=\"admin.php\">Click here</a> to log in again, or
-<a href=\"%1\$s\">here to go to %2\$s</a>.";
-$messages["logout_title"] = "Logged out";
-$messages["error_access_forbidden"] = "Access is forbidden. You must authenticate first here.";
-// new strings added for 0.2
-$messages["site_admin"] = "Site Admin";
-$messages["site_stats"] = "Site Statistics";
-$messages["add_user"] = "Add User";
-$messages["users"] = "Users";
-$messages["add_blog"] = "Add Blog";
-$messages["blogs"] = "Blogs";
-$messages["locales"] = "Locales";
-$messages["add_locale"] = "Add Locale";
-$messages["templates"] = "Templates";
-$messages["add_template"] = "Add Template";
-$messages["global_settings"] = "Global Settings";
-$messages["site_settings"] = "Site Settings";
-$messages["help_comments_enabled"] = "Enables or disables comments for the whole site.";
-$messages["help_beautify_comments_text"] = "Respects user formatting when posting a comment.";
-$messages["help_rdf_enabled"] = "Enables or disables the generation of an RDF feed with the latest posts.";
-$messages["help_temp_folder"] = "Folder that will be used by pLog to carry out some operations that need a temporary folder.";
-$messages["help_base_url"] = "This URL will be used to generate correct URLs, so please set it to the correct value";
-$messages["help_show_posts_max"] = "How many posts will be shown in the main page by default.";
-$messages["help_recent_posts_max"] = "How many posts will be shown as recent, by default.";
-$messages["help_template_folder"] = "This is where the templates used by pLog can be found.";
-$messages["help_default_template"] = "The template that will be given by default to new blogs.";
-$messages["help_default_locale"] = "The default locale settings that will be used for new blogs and in the login page of the administration interface.";
-$messages["help_html_allowed_tags_in_comments"] = "HTML tags that will not be removed from comments posted by users.";
-$messages["help_referer_tracker_enabled"] = "Adds very basic information from about the referrer to the database, if the referrer is available when receiving a request.";
-$messages["help_rss_parser_enabled"] = "Enables or disables the RSS parser that is available in the templates.";
-$messages["help_show_more_enabled"] = "Enables or disables the \"More...\" feature by default.";
-$messages["help_show_more_threshold"] = "How many characters should be left before the more link is added.";
-$messages["help_update_article_reads"] = "Whether to update or not the internal counter representing the number of times each article has been read.";
-$messages["help_request_format_mode"] = "\"Plain\" mode will generate normal URLs while \"Search Engine Friendly\" will generate URLs that are easier to read and that will be parsed by search engines. Requires Apache and the possibility to use a .htaccess file";
-$messages["help_xmlrpc_ping_enabled"] = "Whether to send an XMLRPC notification to the hosts configured below every time a post is added.";
-$messages["help_xmlrpc_ping_hosts"] = "List of hosts that support XMLRPC notifications. Please put different hosts in different lines, as many as needed.";
-$messages["help_trackback_server_enabled"] = "Whether to accept or not incoming trackback requests.";
-$messages["help_htmlarea_enabled"] = "Enables or disables the WYSIWYG editor of posts.";
-$messages["help_plugin_manager_enabled"] = "Enables or disables plugins.";
-$messages["help_check_email_address_validity"] = "When registering a new blog, users are asked for a valid email address which will be verified for authenticity if this is set to true.";
-$messages["help_summary_page_show_max"] = "How many items should be shown in the summary page.";
-$messages["help_minimum_password_length"] = "How many characters should have at least a password.";
-$messages["help_users_can_add_templates"] = "Whether users are allowed to add new blog-specific templates or not to their blogs.";
-$messages["help_email_service_enabled"] = "Enables or disables the email service, used to send for example article notifications.";
-$messages["post_notification_source_address"] = "Address that will be used as the From: field when sending out emails.";
-$messages["help_email_service_type"] = "Method that will be used to send emails. Please choose one of them and do not forget to check the settings below.";
-$messages["help_smtp_host"] = "If using SMTP as the email sending method, this is the host that will be used to send the messages.";
-$messages["help_smtp_port"] = "Port in the host above specified where the SMTP server is running.";
-$messages["help_smtp_use_authentication"] = "If the SMTP server supports authentication and would like to use it, please enable this feature and see the two settings below.";
-$messages["help_smtp_username"] = "Username that will be used when sending emails using SMTP and authentication has been enabled.";
-$messages["help_smtp_password"] = "Password that will be used when sending emails using SMTP and authentication has been enabled.";
-$messages["help_uploads_enabled"] = "Enables or disables the uploading of files. This feature will affect the uploading of new template sets and the adding of files to current existing template sets.";
-$messages["help_maximum_file_upload_size"] = "Maximum size in bytes of files uploaded by users.";
-$messages["help_upload_forbidden_files"] = "List of file patterns that are not allowed to be uploaded. You can specify as many as needed separated by a blank space.";
-$messages["help_path_to_tar"] = "Path where the 'tar' tool can be found.";
-$messages["help_path_to_gzip"] = "Path where the 'gzip' tool can be found.";
-$messages["help_path_to_bz2"] = "Path where the 'bzip2' tool can be found.";
-$messages["help_path_to_unzip"] = "Path where the 'unzip' tool can be found.";
-$messages["add_user_give_information"] = "Please enter the following information to create a new user.";
-$messages["site_registered_users"] = "These are all the users registered in this server.";
-$messages["add_blog_give_information"] = "Please enter the following information to create a new blog.";
-$messages["blog_title"] = "Blog title";
-$messages["blog_owner"] = "Blog owner";
-$messages["site_registered_blogs"] = "These are all the blogs registered in this site.";
-$messages["edit_users"] = "Edit Users";
-$messages["upload_locale"] = "Upload locale";
-$messages["use_this_form_to_upload_locale"] = "  Use this form to upload a new locale file to this server. If you don't have the possibilityto upload files, please see the form below.";
-$messages["locale_file"] = "Locale file";
-$messages["manually_add_locale"] = "Manually Add Locale";
-$messages["use_this_form_if_cant_upload_locale"] = "Use this second form if you don't have the possibility of uploading files to your server. The file must have been copied to the default locale folder before executing this operation. Otherwise it will result in an error.";
-$messages["locale_code"] = "Locale code";
-$messages["locale_encoding"] = "Encoding";
-$messages["template_will_be_available_for_all"] = "The new template will automatically become available to all the blogs in this site.";
-$messages["use_this_form_to_upload_template"] = "  Use this form to upload a new template set file to this server. If you don't have the possibility to upload files, please see the form below . Template sets must be packed in zip, tar.gz or tar.bz2 files in order to be uploaded.";
-$messages["locale_file"] = "Locale file";
-$messages["upload_template"] = "Upload template";
-$messages["manually_add_template"] = "Manually Add Template";
-$messages["use_this_form_if_cannot_upload_template"] = " Use this second form if you don't have the possibility of uploading files to your server. The file must have been copied to the default template folder before executing this operation. Otherwise it will result in an error.";
-$messages["template_id"] = "Template Identifier";
-$messages["templates_available_for_all"] = "This templates are available to all the blogs in this site.";
-$messages["add_file"] = "Add File";
-$messages["setting_name"] = "Name";
-$messages["setting_value"] = "Value";
-$messages["setting_description"] = "Description";
-$messages["plain"] = "Plain";
-$messages["search_engine_friendly"] = "Search Engine Friendly";
-$messages["general_settings"] = "General Settings";
-$messages["helper_tools_settings"] = "Helper Tools Settings";
-$messages["uploads_settings"] = "Uploads Settings";
-$messages["email_settings"] = "Email Settings";
-$messages["number_blogs"] = "Number of blogs";
-$messages["number_users"] = "Number of users";
-$messages["number_posts"] = "Number of posts";
-$messages["number_posts_today"] = "Number of posts today";
-$messages["number_posts_this_month"] = "Number of posts this month";
-$messages["date"] = "Date";
-$messages["time"] = "Time";
-$messages["comments_order"] = "Order in which comments appear:";
-$messages["oldest_first"] = "Oldest first";
-$messages["newest_first"] = "Newest first";
-$messages["blog"] = "Blog";
-$messages["blog_id"] = "Blog Numerical Identifier";
-$messages["blog_users"] = "Blog Users";
-$messages["available_users"] = "Available Users";
-$messages["add"] = "Add";
-$messages["remove"] = "Remove";
-$messages["user_id"] = "User Numerical Identifier";
-$messages["new_password"] = "New Password";
-$messages["has_administrator_privileges"] = "Has administrator privileges";
-$messages["related_to_the_following_blogs"] = "Related to the following blogs";
-$messages["add_user_to_blog_form"] = " This form will allow you to add a user to your blog. The user will only be allowed to add or edit posts, but he or she will not be allowed to change any of the blog settings.";
-$messages["add_user_enter_username"] = " Please enter the username of the user you would like to add. The user must have registered in this server, otherwise this will cause an error.";
-$messages["add_user_send_notification"] = "Send a notification email to this user.";
-$messages["add_user_type_notification"] = "Type some text here to be sent to this user";
-$messages["following_users_have_permissions"] = " The following users are part of this blog. They can add, edit and remove posts but cannot change any of the settings and behaviour of this site.";
-$messages["revoke_permissions"] = "Revoke Permissions";
-$messages["add_blog_template"] = "Add Blog Template";
-$messages["manually_add_blog_template"] = "Manually Add Blog Template";
-$messages["template_available_only_for_this_blog"] = "This template will be made available only for this blog.";
-$messages["use_form_to_upload_blog_template"] = "Use this form to upload a new template set file to this server. If you don't have the possibility to upload files, please see the form below. Template sets must be packed in zip, tar.gz or tar.bz2 files in order to be uploaded.";
-$messages["use_form_if_cannot_upload_blog_template"] = "Use this second form if you don't have the possibility of uploading files to your server. The file must have been copied to the default template folder before executing this operation. Otherwise it will result in an error.";
-$messages["blog_templates"] = "Blog Templates";
-$messages["templates_only_available_for_this_blog"] = "The following templates are only available to this blog.";
-$messages["add_file_to_blog_template"] = "Add File to Blog Template"; $messages["upload_file_to_blog_template"] = "Please upload the file you would like to add to the template set.";
-$messages["error_user_id_incorrect"] = "Incorrect user identifier.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_user_id"] = $messages["error_user_id_incorrect"];
-$messages["error_fetching_user_information"] = "There was an error fetching the user information.";
-$messages["error_password_incorrect"] = "The password is too short or invalid.";
-$messages["error_updating_user_settings"] = "I could not update the settings for the given user.";
-$messages["user_settings_updated_ok"] = "Settings for user \"%s\" updated successfully.";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected_to_add"] = "No users were selected to add.";
-$messages["user_added_to_blog_ok"] = "The user \"%s\" has been added to the blog.";
-$messages["error_adding_user_to_blog"] = "There was an error adding the user \"%s\" to the blog.";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected_to_remove"] = "No users were selected to remove.";
-$messages["user_removed_from_blog_ok"] = "The user \"%s\" has been removed from the blog.";
-$messages["error_removing_user_from_blog"] = "There was an error removing the user \"%s\" from the blog.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_plugin_id"] = "The plugin identifier is incorrect.";
-$messages["error_configuring_plugin"] = "There was an error configuring the plugin: ";
-$messages["site_config_saved_ok"] = "Site configuration was successfully saved.";
-$messages["error_saving_site_config"] = "There was a problem saving the configuration.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_blog_owner"] = "The user chosen as the blog owner does not exist.";
-$messages["error_updating_blog_settings"] = "There was an error while updating the settings for blog \"%s\"";
-$messages["blog_settings_updated_ok"] = "The settings for blog \"%s\" were updated successfully.";
-$messages["error_fetching_users"] = "There was an error while fetching the users in this site.";
-$messages["error_fetching_blogs"] = "There was an error while fetching the blogs in this site.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_template_id"] = "The template identifier is not valid or does not exist.";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected"] = "No users were selected to delete.";
-$messages["error_could_not_find_user"] = "I could not find user \"%s\" in this site.";
-$messages["error_deleting_user"] = "There was an error deleting user \"%s\"";
-$messages["user_deleted_ok"] = "User \"%s\" successfully deleted.";
-$messages["error_must_give_blog_name"] = "You must give a valid name for the blog.";
-$messages["error_adding_blog"] = "There was an error while adding the blog to the database.";
-$messages["blog_added_ok"] = "The new blog \"%s\" has been successfully added to the database.";
-$messages["error_template_not_inside_folder"] = "The template files must be inside a folder.";
-$messages["error_missing_base_files"] = "Some of the basic files are missing from the set.";
-$messages["error_unpacking"] = "There was an error unpacking the file.";
-$messages["error_forbidden_extensions"] = "Some files inside the template have been forbidden.";
-$messages["error_creating_working_folder"] = "There was an error checking the template set";
-$messages["error_checking_template"] = "There was an error with the template set (code = %s)";
-$messages["error_add_template_disabled"] = "Users are not allowed to add templates in this site.";
-$messages["error_must_upload_file"] = "You must upload a file.";
-$messages["error_no_template_name"] = "You must provide a template name.";
-$messages["error_uploads_disabled"] = "The upload feature has been disabled in this site.";
-$messages["error_installing_template"] = "There was an error installing the template set.";
-$messages["template_installed_ok"] = "The new template set has been successfully installed as \"%s\".";
-$messages["error_adding_template_file"] = "There was an error adding the file to the template set.";
-$messages["error_file_forbidden"] = "Files of this type have been forbidden in this site.";
-$messages["error_file_too_big"] = "The file is too big. Maximum allowed size is \"%s\" bytes.";
-$messages["template_file_added_ok"] = "File added successfully to template \"%s\".";
-$messages["error_plugin_cannot_be_configured"] = "The plugin cannot be configured.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_username"] = "The username is incorrect.";
-$messages["error_username_already_exists"] = "There is already a user registered with the same username.";
-$messages["error_adding_user"] = "There was an error whiel adding the new user to the database.";
-$messages["user_added_ok"] = "The new user \"%s\" has been successfully added.";
-$messages["error_no_blogs_selected"] = "You must select at least one blog to delete.";
-$messages["error_blog_is_default_blog"] = "\"%s\" cannot be deleted because it is the default blog.";
-$messages["blog_deleted_ok"] = "Blog \"%s\" has been successfully deleted.";
-$messages["error_deleting_blog"] = "There was an error while deleting blog \"%s\".";
-$messages["error_no_templates_selected"] = "No templates were selected to remove.";
-$messages["error_removing_template"] = "There was an error removing the template \"%s\"";
-$messages["template_removed_ok"] = "Template \"%s\" removed successfully.";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected_to_remove_from_blog"] = "No users were selected to remove from this blog.";
-$messages["error_removing_user_from_blog"] = "There was an error removing user \"%s\" from this blog.";
-$messages["user_removed_from_blog_ok"] = "User \"%s\" has been successfully removed from this blog.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_locale_code"] = "The given locale code is not valid.";
-$messages["error_invalid_locale_file"] = "The file does not seem to be a valid locale file.";
-$messages["error_adding_locale_file"] = "There was an error adding the new locale file. Please make sure that the file has been uploaded to the locale folder prior to this operation and that it has correct permissions.";
-$messages["locale_added_ok"] = "The new locale \"%s\" has been successfully added.";
-$messages["error_saving_locale"] = "There was an error saving the new locale file to the locale folder. Please make sure that the folder has the right access permissions.";
-$messages["error_no_locales_selected"] = "No locales were selected to delete.";
-$messages["error_deleting_only_locale"] = "This is the only locale available in the system and therefore it cannot be deleted.";
-$messages["locale_deleted_ok"] = "Locale \"%s\" deleted successfully.";
-$messages["error_deleting_locale"] = "There was an error while deleting locale \"%s\"";
-$messages["error_cant_delete_default_locale"] = "\"%s\" can not be deleted because it is the default locale setting at the moment.";
-$messages["plugin_config"] = "Plugin Configuration";
-$messages["use_read_more_feature"] = "Show only the first part of the post in the main page? (If you select 'No', the whole post will be shown)";
-$messages["extended_text"] = "This text will be only shown in the post page, unless we disable the feature in the 'Settings' tab";
-$messages["error_must_give_post_intro"] = "You must at least provide an introductory text to the post.";
-$messages["error_no_albums_defined"] = "There are no albums available in this blog.";
-$messages["error_fetching_album"] = "There was an error fetching the requested album";
-$messages["comment_marked_as_spam_ok"] = "Comment marked as spam successfully.";
-$messages["comment_marked_as_nonspam_ok"] = "Comment marked as non spam successfully.";
-$messages["error_marking_comment_as_nonspam"] = "There was an error marking the comment as non spam.";
-$messages["error_marking_comment_as_spam"] = "There was an error marking the comment as spam.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_comment_id"] = "The comment identifier was incorrect.";
-$messages["error_base_storage_folder_missing_or_unreadable"] = "It was not possible for pLog to create the necessary folders where resources are going to be installed. This might be due to several reasons, such as your PHP installation running with safe mode enabled or your user not having enough permissions to do so. You may still try to carry out the operation manually, by creating
-the following folders: <br/><br/>%s<br/><br/>If these folders already exist please make sure that they can be read and written by the user running the web server.";
-///// new help messages ////
-// translators: this one has changed too since we now have two text boxes: one for the
-// text that we'd like to appear in the main page and another one for the text that
-// will only be shown in the 'post' page (that is, when the users clicks on the
-// permalink, for example)
-$messages["newPost"] = "<p>Use this page to add a new post to your journal. You should provide a topic or subject
-for your post as well as some text for your post. Once you have finished, press the <b>'Add'</b> button and the post
-will automatically be included in your page. Please note that you have to set the status of the post
-to <b>'Published'</b> if you want it to appear in front page. Use the <b>'Draft'</b> status when you can't finish posting
-now but you would like to save what you have typed so far for later revision.</p>
-<p>The text typed in the first text box will always appear in the main page. You can use
-the second text box if you want to have some text not to be included in the main page
-but that should be shown once the users clicks on the permalink or on the
-\"Read More...\" link. This link will be automatically added to the end of the text. This
-field is not mandatory and its behaviour can be controlled in the \"Settings\" tab,
-where you can force both text text boxes to be shown in the main page.</p>
-<p>You can also classify the post under any of the categories you have previously created. Simply set
-the <b>'Category'</b> field to the one you most like.</p>
-<p>If you would like to receive an email notifying about a new post, please check the corresponding
-<p>Check the box where it says </b>'Find links in the post...'</b> if after adding the post, you
-would like to send trackback pings to the hosts that support it. Your post will be scanned for
-links and you will have the possibility to choose which ones to send trackback pings to.</p>";
-$messages["updatePost"] = $messages["newPost"];
-$messages["newBlogUser"] = "This option allows you to easily give editing permissions to other
-users in this blog. To do so, you only have to know its username. If you already know it,
-simply type it in the text field below and press the \"Add User\" button. If you wish, you can
-also send an email to this user (as long as he or she used the right address when
-registering) notifying him or her that he has now been granted permissions to add, edit
-and delete posts in this blog.";
-$messages["showBlogUsers"] = "This is a list of the users that have been given editing permissions
-in this blog. You can see their profile if you wish or you can also revoke their permissions
-by selectin them and then clicking on the \"Revoke Permissions\" button. Once you do that,
-the selected users will no longer be able to publish anything in this blog.";
-// note to translators:
-// added some additional text here to inform about the new "configure" feature
-$messages["pluginCenter"] = "<p>From here you can see which plugins have been installed. For every
-plugin, you will see its identifier (the identifier you have to use when developing templates and
-want to make use of the plugin features), the author of the plugin, and some descriptive text with
-various information about the plugin, mainly how to use it.</p>
-<p>Some plugins offer also their own configuration page from wich you can modify some
-aspects of its behaviour. To access such page, please click on the \"configure\" link
-next to every plugin.</p>";
-$messages["configurePlugin"] = "This plugin provides some settings that can be configured
-by the user.";
-$messages["newBlogTemplate"] = "<p>It is possible to easily add new templates to the system. To do
-so, there are two possibilities: the template can either be uploaded as a compressed file
-(tar.gz, tar.bz2 and zip files are supported) to the server or it canbe manually
-uploaded using any available method.</p>
-<p>If the first method is chosen, the contents of the file must have all been packaged
-under a folder which will be the name given to the template.</p>
-<p>If the second method is chosen, simply upload the files to a folder under your blog-specific folder
-and type in the name of the folder in the text box below.</p>
-<p>Plugins added here will only be available to this specific below and will not be able to
-be accessed by other blogs.</p>";
-$messages["blogTemplates"] = "<p>This is a list with all the templates that have been added to
-this blog. If you wish to remove any of them, please select them and click on the
-\"Delete Selected\" button below the list. Once a template is deleted it cannot be
-recovered, since it is removed from the disk.</p>";
-$messages["adminSettings"] = "<p>These are some very basic statistics about the site.</p>";
-$messages["createUser"] = "<p>We can easily register new users in the system by using this form.
-We only need to provide with a valid username and a password, and optionally an email address.
-Users registered here will not be attached to any blog unless we explicitly do so in the
-\"User\" section or until we create a blog specially for this new user.</p>";
-$messages["editUserProfile"] = "<p>From here we can edit the profile of any user in this blog. We can
-also grant administrator privileges to the user (or revoke them). A list of the blogs to which
-the user belogs is also displayed.</p>";
-$messages["editSiteUsers"] = "<p>These are all the users that are registered in this site. You can see and edit
-their profile by clicking on the username or you can delete any of them by clicking on the
-checkbox of the user(s) and then click on the \"Delete Selected\" button. Once a user
-has been deleted, it can <b>not</b> be recovered, so please be careful.</p>";
-$messages["createBlog"] = "<p>Unlimited blogs can be added to a single installation of pLog. Users
-can use the registration script provided in the main package but administrator can also
-register new blogs by using this form. The only things needed to know are the name that will
- be given to the blog and the user who will be the owner, having the maximum privileges
- over that blog.</p>";
- $messages["editSiteBlogs"] = "<p>This is a list with all the blogs that have been registered
- so far in this site. Any blog can be deleted selecting it and clicking on the \"Delete
- Selected\" button. If we try to delete the blog that has been set as the default one
- (see the \"Global Settings\" tab in \"Site Admin\") we will get an error message.</p>
- <p>We can also edit the settings of any blog by clicking on it.</p>
- <p>Finally, we can edit the users that have permissions on a given blog by clicking
- on the \"Edit Users\" link</p>";
-$messages["editBlog"] = "<p>The settings of the blog can be edited from here in the same way
-a normal user can do. Everything is exactly the same except that administrator users can also
-change who is the owner of the blog, anytime.</p>";
-$messages["editBlogUsers"] = "<p>This feature allows to visually add and remove users from
-any blog. On the left side we will see a list containing all the users that have not
-been given editing privileges in this blog yet, while on the right side we will see a list of the
-users that have already been given privileges. To a user (or more than one if necessary)
-we only have to select them from the list of the left and click on the \"Add\" button. To do
-the opposite process, we will have to select the users from the list of the right and
-click on the \"Remove\" button.</p>
-<p>It is also possible to change the user who is the owner of the blog by selecting
-another from the drop-down list on top.</p>";
-$messages["newLocale"] = "<p>Now locales can be easily added to the site using this feature. If
-we have the possibility of uploading files, then we can use the first form, \"Upload Locale\"
-simply pointing the browser to the locale file we'd like to upload. pLog will take care
-of everything else, including copying the file to the folder with the other language files, but
-please bear in mind that the folder must be writable by the user who is running the web server in
-order for this feature to work properly. If the language file already exists, <b>it will
-be overwritten and replaced by the new one</b>.</p>
-<p>If files cannot be uploaded to the server, then the file will have to be
-manually uploaded and placed in the same folder with the other language files. Once the file
-has been placed there, we will have to type in the second form its code omitting the
-<p>Locale files must follow the naming convention of locale_ll_CC, where 'll' is the
-2-digit ISO code for the language, while CC is the 2-digit ISO code for the country. If the file
-does not conform to those rules, it will be rejected as a valid locale file.</p>";
-$messages["siteLocales"] = "<p>This is a list with all the language files that have been
-installed in this site. For each one of them, the encoding used by it and a brief
-description can be seen. Also, language files can be removed from the system by selecting
-them and clicking on the \"Delete Selected\" button.</p>";
-$messages["newTemplate"] = "<p>It is possible to easily add new templates to the system. To do
-so, there are two possibilities: the template can either be uploaded as a compressed file
-(tar.gz, tar.bz2 and zip files are supported) to the server or it can be manually
-uploaded using any available method.</p>
-<p>If the first method is chosen, the contents of the file must have all been packaged
-under a folder which will be the name given to the template.</p>
-<p>If the second method is chosen, simply upload the files to a folder under your blog-specific folder
-and type in the name of the folder in the text box below.</p>
-<p>Plugins added here will be available to <b>all</b> the blogs in this site.</p>";
-$messages["siteTemplates"] = "<p>This is a list with all the templates that are globally
-available to all blogs. If you wish to remove any of them, please select them and click on the
-\"Delete Selected\" button below the list. Once a template is deleted it cannot be
-recovered, since it is removed from the disk.</p>";
-$messages["editSiteSettings"] = "These are all the global settings that control many aspects of the
-behaviour of pLog.";
-$messages["newBlogTemplateFile"] = "Single files can be added to an already existing template
-set without having to upload the whole set again. Simply find the file you would like to
-upload in your disk and click on the \"Add File\" button.";
-// text is the same, so we can save a few bytes
-$messages["newTemplateFile"] = $messages["newBlogTemplateFile"];
-$messages["show_category_in_main_page"] = "Show this category in the main page";
-$messages["welcome_resource_center"] = "Welcome to the resource center!";
-$messages["resource_center"] = "Resource Center";
-$messages["resource_albums"] = "Resource Albums";
-$messages["resources"] = "Resources";
-$messages["add_resource"] = "Add Resource";
-$messages["add_album"] = "Add Album";
-$messages["album"] = "Album";
-$messages["album_name"] = "Album name";
-$messages["parent_album"] = "Parent album";
-$messages["no_parent_album"] = "No parent album";
-$messages["resource_info"] = "Resource Information";
-$messages["size"] = "Size";
-$messages["format"] = "Format";
-$messages["dimensions"] = "Dimensions";
-$messages["bits_per_sample"] = "Bits per pixel";
-$messages["bytes"] = "bytes";
-$messages["pixels"] = "pixels";
-$messages["time_offset"] = "Time difference in hours between the server and you:";
-$messages["hours"] = "Hours";
-$messages["album_added_ok"] = "The new album has been successfully added.";
-$messages["name"] = "Name";
-$messages["children"] = "Children";
-$messages["see"] = "See";
-$messages["view"] = "View";
-$messages["resource_info"] = "Resource Information";
-$messages["number_of_channels"] = "Number of channels";
-$messages["length"] = "Length";
-$messages["number_of_files"] = "Number of files";
-$messages["compressed_size"] = "Compressed size";
-$messages["uncompressed_size"] = "Uncompressed size";
-$messages["resource_file"] = "File that you would like to add";
-$messages["add_to_album"] = "Add the file to the following album";
-$messages["edit_resource_album"] = "Edit Resource Album";
-$messages["error_loading_resource_album"] = "There was an error fetching the resource album.";
-$messages["error_album_id_parameter_missing"] = "The album identifier is incorrect.";
-$messages["error_album_parent_id_parameter_missing"] = "Parent album identifier not found.";
-$messages["error_updating_resource_album"] = "There was an error updating the resource album.";
-$messages["resource_album_updated_ok"] = "The resource album \"%s\" was updated successfully.";
-$messages["error_must_give_album_name"] = "You must provide with a name for the album.";
-$messages["error_adding_album"] = "There was an error adding the resource album.";
-$messages["album_added_ok"] = "The new album \"%s\" was successfully added.";
-$messages["resource_added_ok"] = "The new resource was successfully added.";
-$messages["error_resource_forbidden_extension"] = "The resource could not be added because it had a forbidden extension.";
-$messages["error_resource_too_big"] = "The resource could not be added because it was too big.";
-$messages["error_uploads_disabled"] = "The resource could not be added because uploads have been disabled in this site.";
-$messages["error_adding_resource"] = "There was an error adding the resource.";
-$messages["error_loading_resource"] = "There was an error fetching the resource";
-$messages["error_updating_resource"] = "There was an error updating the resource.";
-$messages["resource_updated_ok"] = "Resource \"%s\" was updated successfully.";
-$messages["error_no_resources_selected"] = "There were no resources selected to delete.";
-$messages["resource_deleted_ok"] = "Resource \"%s\" was successfully removed.";
-$messages["error_deleting_resource"] = "There was an error deleting resource \"%s\".";
-$messages["error_no_resource_uploaded"] = "There was no resource file uploaded.";
-$messages["filtered_content"] = "Filtered Content";
-$messages["global_filtered_content"] = "Global Filtered Content";
-$messages["block_content"] = "Filter Content";
-$messages["blocked_hosts"] = "Blocked Hosts";
-$messages["global_blocked_hosts"] = "Globally Blocked Hosts";
-$messages["block_host"] = "Block Host";
-$messages["security"] = "Security";
-$messages["security_welcome"] = "Welcome to the security area!";
-$messages["filtered_content_intro"] = "The following content/regular expressions have been blocked in this blog.";
-$messages["global_filtered_content_intro"] = "The following content/regular expressions have been globally blocked.";
-$messages["content"] = "Content";
-$messages["reason"] = "Reason";
-$messages["add_filtered_content"] = "Add Filtered Content";
-$messages["add_filtered_content_intro"] = "Anything added here will not be allowed as valid text in a comment, and any attempt by a casual user to post a comment with blocked content will block the comment. Regular expressions or a simple string can be used. Regular expressions are much more powerful but they're also much more complex and you should be careful with them, because you could potentially block all content with the wrong regular expression.";
-$messages["global_add_filtered_content_intro"] = "Anything added here will not be allowed as valid text in a comment in any of the blogs available in this site. Any attempt by a casual user to post a comment with blocked content will block the comment. Regular expressions or a simple string can be used. Regular expressions are much more powerful but they're also much more complex and you should be careful with them, because you could potentially block all content with the wrong regular expression.";
-$messages["content_to_block"] = "Content that you would like to block";
-$messages["block_this"] = "Block This";
-$messages["mask"] = "Mask";
-$messages["access_blocked"] = "Access Blocked";
-$messages["posting_blocked"] = "Posting Blocked";
-$messages["block_host_intro"] = "Hosts added here will be blocked from accessiny only this blog. Please see <a href=\"javascript:help_window('admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost');\">Help</a> for more detailed information about this feature.";
-$messages["global_block_host_intro"] = "Hosts added here will be blocked from accessing any blog in this site. Please see this related <a href=\"javascript:help_window('admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost');\">help item</a> for more information about this feature.";
-$messages["block_type"] = "Block type";
-$messages["error_invalid_ip_address"] = "The IP address is not valid.";
-$messages["error_provide_content_to_block"] = "You must provide some content to block.";
-$messages["error_must_create_album_first"] = "You must create an album before adding any resource.";
-$messages["error_resource_is_not_an_image"] = "The chosen resource is not an image.";
-$messages["error_generating_resource_preview"] = "There was an error regenerating the preview for this resource.";
-$messages["resource_preview_generated_ok"] = "The preview for this resource was successfully generated.";
-$messages["regenerate_preview"] = "Regenerate Preview";
-$messages["show_album"] = "Show Album";
-$messages["show_album_when_browsing"] = "Show this album to users";
-$messages["assigned_to_blog"] = "Assign user to the following blog";
-$messages["clean_up"] = "Clean-Up";
-$messages["purge_info"] = "The purge function will physically remove all posts that have been marked as 'Deleted'. Otherwise,
-  those posts are kept in the database (in case the user would like to restore some of them) and they
-  may end up being a considerable amount, uselessly enlarging the size of the database. If you are
-  sure that you would like to remove such posts, please press the button below.";
-$messages["spam_info"] = "Comments marked as spam can be kept in the database in order to train the filter. Once the function
-  has been accomplished, they are useless and if you wish the remove the comments marked as
-  spam from the database, please use the button below.";
-$messages["no_spam"] = "No Spam";
-$messages["spam"] = "Spam";
-$messages["mark_as_spam"] = "Mark as spam";
-$messages["mark_as_no_spam"] = "Mark as no spam";
-$messages["enable_comments_for_post"] = "Enable comments for this post";
-$messages["close_window"] = "Close Window";
-$messages["add_resource"] = "Add Resource";
-$messages["add_resource_preview"] = "Add Preview";
-$messages["add_album"] = "Add Album";
-$messages["show_main_page"] = "Show in Main Page";
-$messages["purge_spam_comments"] = "Purge Spam Comments";
-$messages["purge_posts"] = "Purge Posts";
-$messages["keep_spam_comments"] = "Keep Spam Comments";
-$messages["throw_away_spam_comments"] = "Throw Away Spam Comments";
-$messages["error_adding_blocked_host"] = "There was an error blocking the given host.";
-$messages["blocked_host_added_ok"] = "Host %s added successfully to the list of blocked hosts.";
-$messages["error_no_blocked_hosts_selected"] = "There were no hosts selected to remove.";
-$messages["blocked_host_deleted_ok"] = "Host \"%s\" deleted successfully.";
-$messages["error_deleting_blocked_host"] = "There was an error deleting blocked host \"%s\"";
-$messages["edit_blocked_host"] = "Edit Blocked Host";
-$messages["error_fetching_blocked_host"] = "There was an error fetching the blocked host.";
-$messages["error_updating_blocked_host"] = "There was an error updating the blocked host.";
-$messages["thumbnail_format"] = "Thumbnail format";
-$messages["same_as_image"] = "Same as original image";
-$messages["same"] = $messages["same_as_image"];
-$messages["help_locale_folder"] = "Folder where language files are located.";
-$messages["help_default_locale"] = "Default language settings that will be used when creating new blogs.";
-$messages["help_xmlrpc_api_enabled"] = "Enables or disables the XMLRPC interface, for posting from your desktop.";
-$messages["default_rss_profile"] = "RSS/RDF profile that will be used by default to generate feeds, if no special profile is specified";
-$messages["help_security_pipeline_enabled"] = "Enables the security features. Disabling this will disable all the security features so it is recommended to enable it and disable those features that we do not need.";
-$messages["help_ip_address_filter_enabled"] = "Enables the IP address filter, for blocking certain hosts of accessing our site.";
-$messages["help_content_filter_enabled"] = "Enables a very simple regular expression-based content filter for blocking comments that contain certain words or expressions. The Bayesian filter might be a better solution.";
-$messages["help_maximum_comment_size"] = "Maximum allowed length in bytes for comments.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_enabled"] = "Enables or disables the bayesian filter.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_spam_probability_treshold"] = "Minimum value at which a comment is considered spam. Should be between 0.01 and 0.99";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_nonspam_probability_treshold"] = "Maximum value at which a comment is safely considered as non spam. Anything between these two tresholds will still be considered non spam but it will perhaps require some additional training";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_min_length_token"] = "Minimum length that a token can have to be handled by the parser as a valid token.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_max_length_token"] = "Maximum length that a token can have.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_number_significant_tokens"] = "How many significant tokens a message must have";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_spam_comments_action"] = "What to with comments marked as spam. They can either be rejected and thrown away (won't even be stored in the database) or kept but marked as spam. The second option is recommended when our filter hasn't been trained much and still makes mistakes from time to time.";
-$messages["help_path_to_convert"] = "The 'convert' tool from the ImageMagick package is needed if using ImageMagick as the backend to generate thumbnails.";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_height"] = "Maximum height that thumbnails will have.";
-$messages["help_resources_folder"] = "Folder where the resources will be stored. Does not have to be in the web server tree, if you don't feel like letting people browse your resources folder. The resource server will take care of serving
-the files wherever they are.";
-$messages["help_thumbnails_keep_aspect_ratio"] = "Whether to keep the aspect ratio of thumbnails or not.";
-$messages["help_resources_enabled"] = "Enables or disables the 'Resource Center' feature.";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_method"] = "Backend system that will be used to generate thumbnails from image files. If using ImageMagick, please see below as some external tools are needed.";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_width"] = "Maximum width that thumbnails will have.";
-$messages["external_interfaces"] = "External Interfaces";
-$messages["security_settings"] = "Security Settings";
-$messages["bayesian_filter_settings"] = "Bayesian Filter Settings";
-$messages["resources_settings"] = "Resources Settings";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_format"] = "Default format that will be used when generating previews of images. If set to 'Same as original image', then thumbnails will be saved in the same format as the original image form which they were generated.";
-$messages["edit"] = "Edit";
-$messages["blocked_content_added_ok"] = "Blocked content added successfully.";
-$messages["blocked_content_updated_ok"] = "Blocked content updated successfully";
-$messages["help_disable_javascript_calendar"] ="Disables the javascript and DHTML-based calendar used to
-pick a date when editing or adding a post, should the user's browser be not compatible.";
-$messages["edit_filtered_content"] = "Edit Filtered Content";
-$messages["error_updating_blocked_content"] = "There was an error updating the blocked content.";
-$messages["audio_codec"] = "Audio Codec";
-$messages["video_codec"] = "Video Codec";
-$messages["sample_rate"] = "Sample rate";
-$messages["files"] = "Files";
-$messages["created"] = "Created";
-$messages["generated"] = "Generated";
-$messages["about"] = "About";
-$messages["menu"] = "Menu";
-$messages["albums"] = "Albums";
-$messages["template_file"] = "Template file";
-$messages["download"] = "Download";
-$messages["error_you_have_been_blocked"] = "You are not allowed to proceed with this request.";
-// help messages //
-// translators: the following help messages have changed a little since last version, due to a few
-// new features built on top of previous features
-$messages["editArticleCategories"] = "<p>This is a listing with all the post categories that
-have been created so far. There must be at least one category before you can add an article, since
-every article has to be categorized under a category. The <b>'Articles'</b> column shows how many
-articles have been categorized under the given category. In the same way, a category can't be deleted
-if it has an article assigned it; you must first remove all the articles and then you will be allowed
-to remove the category.</p>
-<p>You can delete more than one category at the same time by cheching their <b>'Delete'</b> column
-and then clickin on the <b>'Delete Selected'</b> button.</p>
-<p>The <b>'Show In Main Page'</b> column shows whether this category is included in the main page or if alternatively,
-it can also be seen when clicking its link. Edit the category itself to enable/disable this feature.</p>";
-$messages["newArticleCategory"] = "<p>From here you can add a new post category to the blog. All
-what you need to provide is a name for the new category. Once it has been created, it will be available
-for posts to be categorized under.</p>
-<p>You can disable the 'Show cateory in main page' checkbox if you don't want this category to be shown in the
-main page of the site. If disabled, posts included in this category will only be shown when browsing this
-specific category, by clicking its link.</p>";
-$messages["editArticleCategory"] = "<p>Please provide a new name for the category you are updating. Also, 
-define whether you would like to show posts belonging to this cateogry in the main page or not.</p>";
-$messages["editPost"] = "<p>Use this page to edit a post from your journal. The information from the
-post has already been provided and now you can make your changes. Once you have finished, press the <b>'Update'</b> button and the post
-will updated. Please note that you have to set the status of the post
-to <b>'Published'</b> if you want it to appear in front page. Use the <b>'Draft'</b> status when you can't finish posting
-now but you would like to save what you have typed so far for later revision.</p>
-<p>If you would like to receive an email notifying about a new post, please check the corresponding
-<p>More information about the different options <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newPost\">here</a>.</p>";
-$messages["blogSettings"] = "<p>From this page you can change some of the settings that control the
-behaviour or appearance of this journal. These are the settings: <ul>
-<li><b>Permanent URL</b>: This is the URL where this blog is running and that can be used to
-link to it. It can't be changed.</li>
-<li><b>Name of the blog</b>: This is a text string with a descriptive name of the blog. If using the
-default templates, it is the text displayed on top of every page.</li>
-<li><b>Long descriptive text about this blog</b>: This is a longer text that can optionally be
-displayed in some kind of page giving more detailed information about the page. It can be left
-blank if not needed.</li>
-<li><b>Language used to display the texts</b>: You can select one of the available languages. This
-language will be used to display the texts (not your own articles!) and format things like dates
-and numbers using the correct settings. More languages can be installed at any time.</li>
-<li><b>Items in the main page</b>: Set this to the number of posts you would like to have
-in the main page. The more posts, the longer it will take for users to download your page. Minimum
-number of posts it one.</li>
-<li><b>Items shown as recent</b>: Set this to the number of posts you would like to be shown as
-<b>'Recent'</b>, that is, the posts that have been posted earlier. Minimun amount is one.</li>
-<li><b>Template used to render the contents</b>: pLog allows to have more than one template
-to show the same content. You can choose here the most appropiate one for you journal, from the ones
-that have been installed by the administrator.</li>
-<li><b>Show the whole post int he main or only the part that was typed in the 'Text' box?</b>: Set this to <b>'Yes'</b> if you would like pLog
-to automatically add a 'More...' link to your posts on the main page just after the text you typed
-in the text box labeled 'Text'. The text typed in the second text box will only be shown to the user
-when clicking on the
-setting below) This feature is useful since it makes your frontpage less cluttered and also
-smaller. However, it has some problems if there is a lot of HTML code in the page.</li>
-<li><b>Enable WYSIWYG edition of texts</b>: Set this to yes if you would like to have the possibility
-to see how your posts look in real time. This feature is only available for users using either
-Internet Explorer 5.5 or higer and Mozilla 1.3b or higher.</li>
-<li><b>Enable comments</b>: Set this to yes if you would like to allow your users to make comments to your
-posts. This will globally affect all your posts and all your users.</li>
-<li><b>Order in which comments appear</b>: Set it to \"Oldest first\" if you would like to see
-the older comments first in the list, or set it to \"Newest first\" to see them in
-reverse chronological order.</li>
-<li><b>Time difference in hours between the server and you</b>: You can use this setting to make pLog automatically
-add or substract an amount of hours to each date in the blog. It is useful for example when the server where the blog
-is hosted and the person who is using it are in different time zones. Telling pLog that there is a difference of
-+3 hours, will make that all dates appear with such time difference applied.</li>
-// translators: the ones below are already new
-$messages["resourceCenter"] = "From the resource center, you will be able to manage your files, group them in albums,
-manage those albums and edit any of them.";
-$messages["newResourceAlbum"] = "<p>You need at least one album to group your resources. From here you will be allowed
-to add a new album, simply providing a name and a description for it. Only the name field is mandatory, being
-the description field optional.</p>
-<p>Use the <b>'Parent album'</b> field to set whether this is a top-level album or if it is a sub-album and has
-another album as a parent.</p>";
-$messages["resourceAlbums"] = "<p>This is a list including all the resource albums that have been created so far
-in this site. For each album, several of its properties can be seen at a glance: its name, a link to its child 
-albums (if any) and its amount, a link to its resources and its amount, whether the album is public or
-private and a checkbox to delete as many of them as needed.</p>
-<p>You can read more on the <b>'Show Album'</b> feature here <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=editResourceAlbum\">here</a></p>";
-$messages["editResourceAlbum"] = "<p>From here you can edit the properties of a resource album. Almost all the fields
-are the same as <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newResourceAlbum\">here</a> except the 
-<b>'Show album to users'</b> checkbox. If enabled, this album will be visible to users who browse our 
-collection of albums and resources. If not, it will not be shown in the public side. This is useful in cases when
-we want to keep some of the albums secret and don't want users peeking at them.</p>";
-$messages["newResource"] = "<p>You will be able to upload new resources to your blog from this section. Any kind of file
-can be uploaded to the site but pLog is capable of handling and extracting some useful information from some
-of them, such as images, videos, zip files and music files.</p>
-<p>First of all, find the file you would like to upload. Then, provide a description for it (mandatory field)
-and finally select to which album would you like this resource to belong to. It is not possible to have a resource
-file that does not belong to any album. Once you are ready, click the <b>'Add Resource'</b> button and the file
-will be added to the blog.</p>
-<p>Please keep in mind that uploads need to be enabled for this to work, and if the blog administrator has
-set a list of forbidden file types that cannot be uploaded, the file will not be allowed in the site. The resource
-framework also needs to be enabled. All these settings can be modified by a user with administrator privileges
-from the <b>'Global Settings'</b> section.</p>
-<p>This feature requires a folder with write permission in the web server.</p>";
-$messages["Resources"] = "<p>From here you will have access to all the resource files that have been uplaoded
-in the blog. Files will be shown under the album to which they belong. For every resource file, it will be
-possible to edit its properties, view it as any normal user will see it and mark it for deletion. Pressing the 
-<b>'Delete Selected'</b> button from the bottom of the screen will delete those resources that have been
-<p>Click the folder icon to navigate to the contents of an albu, or the <b>'Edit'</b> to go to the album
-properties page. Use the <b>'..'</b> link to go up one level. Clicking a resource name or preview (if available)
-will take you to the resource properties page where you will be able to change some of the settings of the 
-selected resource.";
-$messages["blogSecurity"] = "From this section you will be able to edit set up some basic security mechanisms that
-are provided by pLog. The changes you make here will only affect your blog and not everybody else's.";
-$messages["blogFilteredContent"] = "<p>This is a list of all the rules for content filtering that have been added 
-to this particular blog. Clicking any of them will take you to a page where you will be able to edit any of them.
-Use the <b>'Delete'</b> checkbox to mark any of them for deletion, and press the <b>'Delete Selected'</b> button
-once you are sure you want to delete those.</p>";
-$messages["newBlogFilteredContent"] = "<p>You can add here a new rule for blocking undesired content from being
-included in comments. You can use here single words or sentence or if you wish, you can use the power
-of regular expressions if you know how to use them. You can also add a description to the rule so that you remember
-in the future what it is about, but it is not a mandatory field.</p>";
-$messages["blogBlockedHosts"] = "This is a list with all the hosts that have been blocked so far in this blog. At
-a glance, it is possible to see for each host the reason why it was blocked, the date when it was blocked and
-the type of the block applied. Lastly, you can also select any of the host blocking rules and press the
-<b>'Delete Selected'</b> button when you are sure that you want to remove those rules.";
-$messages["newBlogBlockedHost"] = "<p>This section will allow you to block a specific address or entire subnet from your Blog. You can select if you want them to be able to see it, but unable to post or simply unable to access it at all. Copy the offending address into the spaces provided and choose the proper subnet address space if necessary. Example: To block just the address of you would choose the '32 bits' option to match the entire address. This blocks just this one address and works well for banning someone with a Static IP address. If you're seeing multiple IP Addresses for a particular individual (say,, and then you will want to ban a particular subnet range. Enter one of the IP Addresses that you see and choose '24 bits', '16 bits' or '8 bits'  to match the first 3 sections, first 2 sections or the first section respectively.<br/>
- - 32 bits: Matches only the address<br/>
- - 24 bits: Matches any address that starts with 192.168.1<br/>
- - 16 bits: Matches any address that starts with 192.168<br/>
- - 8 bits: Matches any address that starts with 192<br/>
-<p>The <b>'Block type'</b> drop-down list will allow you to choose whether to block this host from 
-completely accessign the site (an error page will be sent to the client's browser whenever trying to access) or
-simply block it from posting new comments. If the latter is chosen, the host will still be allowed to read
-articles and other people's comments.</p>
-<p>You can also attach a reason/description to this host blocking rule, so that you can remember in the future why
-it was set up.</p>";
-$messages["editBlogBlockedHost"] = "You will be able to edit a host blocking rule from this section. The options
-available are exactly the same as in <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost\">here</a>.";
-$messages["editBlogFilteredContent"] = "This page will allow you to edit a content filtering rule. The options
-are exactly the same as in <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogFilteredContent\">here</a>.";
-$messages["filteredContent"] = "<p>This is a list of all the rules for content filtering that have been added 
-to this site. These rules are site-wide and take precedence before any blog-specific rule that may have been
-set by blog owners. The options and its meaning is the same as 
-<a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=blogFilteredContent\">here</a>.";
-$messages["newFilteredContent"] = "<p>You can add here a new rule for blocking undesired content from being
-included in comments. This rule will be used system-wide and will take preference before blog-specific
-rules. See <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogFilteredContent\">this</a> for more information
-on the options.";
-$messages["blockedHosts"] = "This is a list with all the hosts that have been blocked so far system-wide. 
-Clicking a rule IP address will allow us to edit the settings of that rule. These rules always take
-precedence over blog-speficic rules, so that if one these global rules matches a host, all the other after
-it will be ignored.";
-$messages["newBlockedHost"] = "From here it is possible to add a new <b>global</b> host-blocking rule. See
-<a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost\">here</a> for more information about the options
-$messages["editBlockedHost"] = "You will be able to edit a host blocking rule from this section. The options
-available are exactly the same as in <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost\">here</a>.";
-$messages["editFilteredContent"] = "This page will allow you to edit a content filtering rule. The options
-are exactly the same as in <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogFilteredContent\">here</a>.";
-// text of the post that will be added to each blog when they sign-up via the register.php script
-$messages["register_default_category"] = "General";
-$messages["register_default_article_text"] = "If you can read this, it means that your signup and registration was successful and that you can start blogging.";
-$messages["register_default_article_topic"] = "Congratulations, it worked!";
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: plog/trunk/locale/locale_fi_FI.php
--- plog/trunk/locale/locale_fi_FI.php	2005-01-29 15:29:38 UTC (rev 872)
+++ plog/trunk/locale/locale_fi_FI.php	2005-01-29 15:52:14 UTC (rev 873)
@@ -1,1391 +0,0 @@
-// set this to the encoding that should be used to display the pages correctly
-$messages["encoding"] = "iso-8859-1";
-$messages["locale_description"] = "Finnish locale file for pLog";
-// days of the week
-$messages["days"] = Array( "Sunnuntai", "Maanantai", "Tiistai", "Keskiviikko", "Torstai", "Perjantai", "Lauantai" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["Maanantai"] = $messages["days"][1];
-$messages["Tiistai"] = $messages["days"][2];
-$messages["Keskiviikko"] = $messages["days"][3];
-$messages["Torstai"] = $messages["days"][4];
-$messages["Perjantai"] = $messages["days"][5];
-$messages["Lauantai"] = $messages["days"][6];
-$messages["Sunnuntai"] = $messages["days"][0];
-// abbreviations
-$messages["daysshort"] = Array( "Su", "Ma", "Ti", "Ke", "To", "Pe", "La" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["Ma"] = $messages["daysshort"][1];
-$messages["Ti"] = $messages["daysshort"][2];
-$messages["Ke"] = $messages["daysshort"][3];
-$messages["To"] = $messages["daysshort"][4];
-$messages["Pe"] = $messages["daysshort"][5];
-$messages["La"] = $messages["daysshort"][6];
-$messages["Su"] = $messages["daysshort"][0];
-// months of the year
-$messages["months"] = Array( "Tammikuu", "Helmikuu", "Maaliskuu", "Huhtikuu", "Toukokuu", "Kesäkuu", "Heinäkuu", "Elokuu", "Syyskuu", "Lokakuu", "Marraskuu", "Joulukuu" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["Tammikuu"] = $messages["months"][0];
-$messages["Helmikuu"] = $messages["months"][1];
-$messages["Maaliskuu"] = $messages["months"][2];
-$messages["Huhtikuu"] = $messages["months"][3];
-$messages["Toukokuu"] = $messages["months"][4];
-$messages["Kesäkuu"] = $messages["months"][5];
-$messages["Heinäkuu"] = $messages["months"][6];
-$messages["Elokuu"] = $messages["months"][7];
-$messages["Syyskuu"] = $messages["months"][8];
-$messages["Lokakuu"] = $messages["months"][9];
-$messages["Marraskuu"] = $messages["months"][10];
-$messages["Joulukuu"] = $messages["months"][11];
-$messages["message"] = "Viesti";
-$messages["error"] = "Virhe";
-$messages["date"] = "Pvm";
-// miscellaneous texts
-$messages["of"] = "of";
-$messages["recently"] = "Äskettäin...";
-$messages["comments"] = "Kommentit";
-$messages["comment on this"] = "Kommentoi";
-$messages["my_links"] = "Linkit";
-$messages["archives"] = "Arkisto";
-$messages["search"] = "Etsi";
-$messages["calendar"] = "Kalenteri";
-$messages["categories"] = "Kategoriat";
-$messages["search_s"] = "Etsi";
-$messages["link_tracker"] = "Linkin jäljitys";
-$messages["search_this_blog"] = "Etsi tästä blogista:";
-$messages["about_myself"] = "Minä?";
-$messages["permalink_title"] = "Permlinkki arkistoon";
-$messages["permalink"] = "Permlink";
-$messages["posted_by"] = "Kirjoittanut";
-$messages["on_the"] = "";
-$messages["page"] = "sivu";
-$messages["posted"] = "lähetetty";
-$messages["reply"] = "Vastaa";
-// add comment form
-$messages["add_comment"] = "Lisää kommentti";
-$messages["comment_topic"] = "Otsikko";
-$messages["comment_text"] = "Viesti";
-$messages["comment_username"] = "Nimesi";
-$messages["comment_email"] = "Sähköposti (jos on)";
-$messages["comment_url"] = "Kotisivut/blogi (jos on)";
-$messages["comment_send"] = "Lähetä";
-$messages["comment_added"] = "Kommentti lisätty!";
-$messages["comment_add_error"] = "Virhe lisättäessä kommenttia!";
-$messages["article_does_not_exist"] = "Tätä viestiä ei ole";
-$messages["no_posts_found"] = "Ei osumia";
-$messages["user_has_no_posts_yet"] = "Kirjoittajalla ei ole vielä yhtään viestiä";
-$messages["info_about_myself"] = "Tietoa minusta...";
-$messages["back"] = "Takaisin";
-$messages["back_top"] = "Huipulle";
-$messages["post"] = "Viesti";
-$messages["trackbacks_for_article"] = "Trackbackit tälle artikkelille";
-$messages["trackback_excerpt"] = "Lainaus";
-$messages["trackback_weblog"] = "Weblog";
-$messages["search_results"] = "Haun tulokset";
-$messages["search_matching_results"] = "Seuraavat viestit sopivat hakusanoihisi: ";
-$messages["search_no_matching_posts"] = "Ei osumia";
-$messages["see_all_link"] = "Klikkaa tästä nähdäksesi kaikki viestit";
-$messages["read_more"] = "(Lisää)";
-$messages["anonymous_poster"] = "Nimetön kirjoittaja";
-$messages["syndicate"] = "Feedit";
-$messages["main"] = "Etusivulle";
-////// error messages /////
-$messages["error_fetching_article"] = "Tätä viestiä ei löytynyt.";
-$messages["error_fetching_articles"] = "Viestejä ei voitu hakea.";
-$messages["error_trackback_no_trackback"] = "No trackbacks were found for the article.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_article_id"] = "Viestin ID ei ole oikea.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_blog_id"] = "Blogin ID ei ole oikea.";
-$messages["error_comment_without_text"] = "Kommentissasi ei ole tekstiä.";
-$messages["error_comment_without_name"] = "Kommentissasi ei ole nimeä/nikkiä.";
-$messages["error_adding_comment"] = "Virhe lisättäessä kommenttia tietokantaan.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_parameter"] = "Väärä banaani?!.";
-$messages["error_parameter_missing"] = "Jotain puuttuu.";
-$messages["error_blog_has_no_links"] = "Ei linkkejä.";
-$messages["error_comments_not_enabled"] = "Kommentointi on poissa päältä.";
-/////////////////                                          //////////////////
-///////////////// STRINGS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION INTERFACE //////////////////
-/////////////////                                          //////////////////
-////// help messages for the administration interface /////
-$messages["newPost"] = "<p>Use this page to add a new post to your journal. You should provide a topic or subject
-for your post as well as some text for your post. Once you have finished, press the <b>'Add'</b> button and the post
-will automatically be included in your page. Please note that you have to set the status of the post
-to <b>'Published'</b> if you want it to appear in front page. Use the <b>'Draft'</b> status when you can't finish posting
-now but you would like to save what you have typed so far for later revision.</p>
-<p>You can also classify the post under any of the categories you have previously created. Simply set
-the <b>'Category'</b> field to the one you most like.</p>
-<p>If you would like to receive an email notifying about a new post, please check the corresponding
-<p>Check the box where it says </b>'Find links in the post...'</b> if after adding the post, you
-would like to send trackback pings to the hosts that support it. Your post will be scanned for
-links and you will have the possibility to choose which ones to send trackback pings to.</p>";
-$messages["addPost"] = "<p>Your post has been successfully added to the database. Now you can select
-to which hosts you would like to send a trackback ping, so that they know you have written about them
-and can <i>track you back</i>.</p>";
-$messages["editComments"] = "There are all the comments that have been posted for the given post. Comments
-can not be edited but they can be deleted. The only mandatory field when posting comments is the
-\"name\" field, so the E-mail and Url columns could be empty. The IP Address field is the
-original IP address where this comment was posted from. You can delete
-as many as you need by checking the corresponding <b>'Delete'</b> checkbox and pressing the
-<b>'Delete selected'</b> button.";
-$messages["postStats"] = "<p>These are the statistics about the selected post. The first one is how
-many times this article has been read, but please keep in mind that this statistic might be
-meaningless if you have disabled the <b>'Read more...'</b> feature in the <b>'Blog Settings'</b>
-<p>The referrers are the urls of all the hosts that visited this post, and the trackbacks table represents
-how many trackback pings have been received for this post. They can't be deleted or modified.</p>";
-$messages["editLinks"] = "<p>This is a list with all the links that have been added. Like posts, every
-link can be sorted in different categories and then displayed in the main page for visitors to see.</p>
-<p>For every link, you will see here its name, the url where it is pointing to and under which category
-it has been sorted. Finally you can also delete any of the links.</p>";
-$messages["newLink"] = "<p>You can add a new link from here. You have to provide at least a valid
-url and a name for the link. The description field is optional but useful to have more information
-about the link. You need at least one link category before you can add any link.</p>";
-$messages["editLinkCategories"] = "<p>This is a list with all the link categories that have been
-created. Like with posts, you need at least one link category before you can add any link. Clicking
-on the <b>'Links'</b> column will show all the links that belong to the category.</p>";
-$messages["newLinkCategory"] = "<p>The only thing you need to provide in order to have a new
-link category is a descriptive name for the category. Once the link category has been created,
-it will be available for links to be categorized under.</p>";
-$messages["userSettings"] = "<p>Things related to your user profile can be changed from this
-page. Please note that your username cannot be changed.<ul>
-<li><b>Password, Confirm Password</b>: If you would like to change your password, please type it in
-the first text box. Do the same in the second box to confirm that you entered the same password.</li>
-<li><b>Email address</b>: Please set this to a valid email address if you would like to use features
-such as the notification when a comment is received to a post. It is used only for internal
-purposes and will not be publicly displayed.</li>
-<li><b>Bio</b>: You can type here some information about yourself. It can be left empty.</li>
-$messages["Stats"] = "<p>You can see from here all the referrers that have hit this site in the past.
-The <b>'Article'</b> column reflects which article was visited by the referrer or the value <b>'0'</b>
-if the referrer visited the main page or any other page which was not an article. Finally, the
-<b>'Last hit date'</b> column is the time of the last hit received from that referrer.</p>";
-$messages["editLink"] = "<p>You have to provide at least a url and a name for the link. The link must also
-be categorized under a category.</p>";
-$messages["editLinkCategory"] = "Please provide a new name for the link category you are updating.</p>";
-$messages["blogSelect"] = "Please select one of the operations from the menu.";
-$messages["Error"] = "There was an error while executing the requested operation. Please see
-the main page for more information regarding the error.";
-$messages["Message"] = "Please see the main page for more information regarding the message.";
-//////// strings for the administration interface ///////
-$messages["admin_interface_title"] = "pLog Administrative Interface";
-$messages["administration"] = "Administration";
-$messages["help"] = "Help";
-$messages["plog_help"] = "pLog Help";
-$messages["new_post"] = "New Post";
-$messages["posts"] = "Posts";
-$messages["admin_categories"] = "Categories";
-$messages["admin_links"] = "Links";
-$messages["link_categories"] = "Link Categories";
-$messages["settings"] = "Settings";
-$messages["logout"] = "Logout";
-// new post page
-$messages["topic"] = "Topic";
-$messages["text"] = "Text";
-$messages["category"]  = "Category";
-$messages["status"] = "Status";
-$messages["status_draft"] = "Draft";
-$messages["status_published"] = "Published";
-$messages["status_deleted"] = "Deleted";
-$messages["status_all"] = "All";
-$messages["send_notification"] = "Notify me every time there is a comment.";
-$messages["send_trackback_pings"] = "Find links in the post and send trackback pings to the links that support the feature.";
-$messages["add_post"] = "Blog this!";
-$messages["xmlrpc_ping_ok"] = "XML-RPC Ping was correctly sent to ";
-$messages["error_sending_xmlrpc_ping"] = "There was an error sending an XML-RPC Ping to ";
-$messages["error_sending_xmlrpc_ping_message"] = "Error message was: ";
-$messages["preview"] = "Preview";
-$messages["post_added"] = "Post added";
-$messages["you_will_be_notified"] = "Additionally, You will be notified whenever there is some activity in this post.";
-$messages["post_added_not_published"] = "Post added but not published.";
-$messages["error_adding_post"] = "Error adding the post!";
-$messages["error_must_fill_all_fields"] = "You  must fill in all the fields!";
-$messages["error_must_have_one_category"] = "You need to have at least one post category before adding a post";
-// send trackbacks page
-$messages["send_trackback_pings"] = "Send Trackback Pings";
-$messages["links_found"] = "The following links were found in your post. Please check the ones you
-would like to try to send a trackback ping (please note that this may take a while)";
-$messages["trackbacks_no_urls_selected"] = "No urls were selected and therefore no trackback pings were sent.";
-$messages["trackbacks_received_ok"] = "The following hosts received the trackback ping successfully:";
-$messages["trackbacks_no_trackback"] = "The following link did not have a valid trackback url: ";
-$messages["trackbacks_problems_sending"] = "There were some problems while sending the trackback pings to the following hosts.
-You can try to reach them again if you wish.";
-$messages["trackbacks_received_all_hosts"] = "All hosts successfully received the trackback ping.";
-$messages["ping_selected"] = "Ping selected sites";
-// edit posts
-$messages["author"] = "Author";
-$messages["category_all"] = "All";
-$messages["author_all"] = "All";
-$messages["update"] = "Update";
-$messages["date"] = "Date";
-$messages["stats"] = "Stats";
-$messages["delete"] = "Delete";
-$messages["delete_selected"] = "Delete Selected";
-// edit post
-$messages["edit_post"] = "Edit Post";
-$messages["error_getting_post_to_update"] = "There was an error fetching the post selected for update.";
-$messages["error_updating_post_in_database"] = "Error updating the post in the database.";
-$messages["post_successfully_updated"] = "Post successfully updated.";
-$messages["notification_removed"] = "The notification you had for this article has been removed.";
-// post statistics
-$messages["statistics_for_post"] = "Statistics for post ";
-$messages["error_fetching_post"] = "There was an error fetching the post.";
-$messages["times_post_has_been_read"] = "Times post has been read: ";
-$messages["referers"] = "Referrers";
-$messages["id"] = "Id";
-$messages["url"] = "Url";
-$messages["hits"] = "Hits";
-$messages["trackbacks"] = "Trackbacks";
-// post comments
-$messages["error_fetching_comments"] = "Error fetching article comments";
-$messages["comments_for_post"] = "Comments for post ";
-$messages["email"] = "E-Mail";
-$messages["ip_address"] = "IP Address";
-// delete comments
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-$messages["error_no_comments_selected"] = "No comments were selected to delete.";
-$messages["error_deleting_comment"] = "There was an error deleting the comment ";
-$messages["comment_deleted_ok"] = "Comment with topic \"%s\" deleted successfully.";
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-// categories list
-$messages["category_name"] = "Name";
-// removing posts
-$messages["post_cannot_be_deleted"] = "Post can not be deleted";
-$messages["no_posts_selected"] = "There were no posts selected to delete.";
-// %s = subject of the post, %d = identifier of the post. feel free to change its order
-// but if you remove them there will be no information about which post was removed...
-$messages["error_deleting_post"] = "Error deleting post \"%s\" (id = %d)";
-$messages["post_deleted_ok"] = "Post \"%2\$s\" successfully deleted (id = %1\$d)";
-// delete categories
-$messages["no_categories_selected"] = "There were no categories selected to delete.";
-$messages["error_category_has_articles"] = "Could not delete category \"%s\" because there is at least one
-article categorized under it. Please remove the article(s) first and then try again.";
-$messages["error_deleting_category"] = "Error deleting category \"%s\" from the database.";
-$messages["category_deleted_ok"] = "Category \"%s\" successfully deleted.";
-// add category
-$messages["add_new_category"] = "Add New Category";
-$messages["add_new_category_info"] = "Please provide a valid name for the new category.";
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-$messages["category_added_ok"] = "Article category added successfully.";
-$messages["error_adding_article_category"] = "There wasn an error adding the new article category.";
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-// edit categories
-$messages["edit_category"] = "Edit Category";
-$messages["please_provide_valid_category_name"] = "Please provide a valid name for the category.";
-// edit category
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-$messages["error_incorrect_category_id"] = "Incorrect article category identifier";
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-// update the category
-$messages["error_fetching_category"] = "There was an error fetching the category.";
-$messages["error_updating_category"] = "There was an error while updating the category.";
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-$messages["error_empty_category_name"] = "You must provide a valid name for the category.";
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-$messages["category_updated_ok"] = "Category updated successfully.";
-// edit links
-$messages["link_name"] = "Name";
-$messages["link_url"] = $messages["url"];
-$messages["link_category"] = $messages["category"];
-$messages["link_description"] = "Description";
-$messages["links"] = "Links";
-// edit a link
-$messages["error_provide_name_and_url"] = "You must at least provide a name and an url for the link.";
-$messages["error_invalid_link_id"] = "The link identifier is invalid or missing.";
-$messages["error_fetching_link"] = "There was an rrror fetching the link.";
-$messages["error_updating_link"] = "There was an error updating the link.";
-$messages["link_updated_ok"] = "Link successfully updated!";
-$messages["error_fetching_link_categories"] = "There was an error fetching the link categories.";
-// add a link
-$messages["add_new_link"] = "Add New Link";
-$messages["add_link"] = "Add Link";
-$messages["error_adding_link"] = "There was an error while adding the link.";
-$messages["link_added_ok"] = "Link successfully added.";
-$messages["error_provide_name_and_url"] = "You need to provide at least a valid name and address.";
-$messages["error_must_have_one_link_category"] = "You must have at least one link category before adding any link.";
-// delete a link
-$messages["error_no_links_selected"] = "No links were selected to delete.";
-$messages["error_removing_link"] = "Error removing link \"%s\" from the database.";
-$messages["link_deleted_ok"] = "Link \"%s\" successfully removed from the database.";
-// edit link categories
-$messages["add_link_category"] = "Add New Link Category";
-$messages["link_categories_help"] = "You must have at least one link category before adding any link.";
-$messages["link_category_name"] = "Name";
-$messages["link_category_links"] = "Links";
-// new link category
-$messages["new_link_category_info"] = "Link categories will help you to classify the different links you
-can have. You can also later on show your links grouped using these categories in the main page.";
-$messages["add_link_category"] = "Add Link Category";
-$messages["error_provide_link_category_name"] = "You must provide a valid name for the link category.";
-$messages["error_adding_link_category"] = "There was an error while adding the link category.";
-$messages["link_category_added_ok"] = "Link category successfully added.";
-// edit link category
-$messages["edit_link_category"] = "Edit Link Category";
-$messages["error_updating_link_category"] = "There was an error updating the link category.";
-$messages["link_category_updated_ok"] = "Link category updated successfully.";
-$messages["error_fetching_link_category"] = "Error fetching the link category.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_link_category_id"] = "Incorrecct link category identifier";
-// delete link categories
-$messages["error_no_link_category_selected"] = "No link categories were selected to delete.";
-$messages["error_links_in_link_category"] = "Category \"%s\" can not be deleted because it has links categorized
-under it. Please remove first all the links and then try again.";
-$messages["error_removing_link_category"] = "Error removing the category \"%s\".";
-$messages["link_category_deleted_ok"] = "Link category \"%s\" successfully removed.";
-// this error is shown when for some reason the category could not be fetched from the database
-// and we can't show its name
-$messages["error_removing_link_category_2"] = "Error removing link category with id = %d";
-// blog settings page
-$messages["blog_settings"] = "Blog Settings";
-$messages["user_profile"] = "User Profile";
-$messages["plugin_center"] = "Plugin Center";
-$messages["statistics"] = "Statistics";
-$messages["blog_name"] = "Blog name";
-$messages["long_blog_name"] = "Longer, descriptive text about this blog";
-$messages["language_used"] = "Language used to display the texts and dates";
-$messages["items_main_page"] = "How many items would you like to show in the main page?";
-$messages["items_as_recent"] = "How many items would you like to show as \"Recent\"?";
-$messages["template_used"] = "Choose a template that will define the look of your blog";
-$messages["cut_posts"] = "Cut posts that are too long and and a \"More...\" link?";
-$messages["cut_posts_after_characters"] = "How many characters would you like to allow before cutting the post?";
-$messages["enable_wysiwyg_edition"] = "Enable WYSIWYG edition of texts (only available for Internet Explorer 5.5 or higer and Mozilla 1.3b or higher)?";
-$messages["enable_comments"] = "Enable comments for all posts?";
-$messages["yes"] = "Yes";
-$messages["no"] = "No";
-$messages["error_invalid_locale"] = "Invalid value for the locale settings";
-$messages["error_incorrect_max_recent_items"] = "You must provide a valid value for the number of recent items you
-would like to show.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_number_of_posts"] = "You must provide a valid value for the number of posts you
-would like to show on the main page.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_template"] = "The value for the template is not correct.";
-$messages["error_no_blog_name"] = "You must provide a valid name for your blog.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_show_more_threshold"] = "You must provide a valid value for the
-number of characters to show of a post before cutting it and adding the \"More...\" link.";
-$messages["error_updating_settings"] = "There was an error while updating the settings of the blog.";
-$messages["blog_settings_updated_ok"] = "Blog settings updated succesfully!";
-$messages["permanent_blog_url"] = "Permanent URL for this blog (read only)";
-// user profile page
-$messages["username"] = "Username";
-$messages["password"] = "Password";
-$messages["confirm_password"] = "Confirm Password";
-$messages["email_address"] = "Email address";
-$messages["bio"] = "Bio";
-$messages["empty_no_change"] = "Leave empty for no change";
-$messages["user_settings_updated_ok"] = "User settings updated successfully.";
-$messages["error_updating_user_settings"] = "Error updating user settings.";
-$messages["error_passwords_dont_match"] = "Sorry, passwords do not match.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_password"] = "Sorry, the password is not correct.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_email_address"] = "Email address is not valid.";
-// plugin center page
-$messages["plugins_available"] = "This is a list of the plugins available to use in the templates";
-$messages["identifier"] = "Identifier";
-$messages["description"] = "Description";
-$messages["error_plugins_disabled"] = "Support for plugins has been disabled in this site.";
-// statistics page
-$messages["statistics_info"] = "An article identifier of 0 means that those were incoming hits to the main
-site, not to any particular article.";
-$messages["article_id"] = "Article Id";
-$messages["last_hit_date"] = "Last Hit Date";
-$messages["error_fetching_referers"] = "Error fetching the referrers for this site";
-// login screen
-$messages["login_page_title"] = "pLog Administrative Interface";
-$messages["login"] = "Login";
-$messages["welcome_message"] = "Welcome to pLog";
-$messages["error_incorrect_username_or_password"] = "Sorry, Incorrect username or password.";
-$messages["error_dont_belong_to_any_blog"] = "Sorry, you don't belong to any blog yet.";
-$messages["error_no_username_or_password"] = "Please provide a valid username or password.";
-$messages["choose_one_blog"] = " You belong to the following blogs. Choose one to work on now";
-$messages["continue"] = "Continue";
-$messages["logout_message"] = "You have been successfully logged out.";
-$messages["logout_message_2"] = "<a href=\"admin.php\">Click here</a> to log in again, or
-<a href=\"%1\$s\">here to go to %2\$s</a>.";
-$messages["logout_title"] = "Logged out";
-$messages["error_access_forbidden"] = "Access is forbidden. You must authenticate first here.";
-// new strings added for 0.2
-$messages["site_admin"] = "Site Admin";
-$messages["site_stats"] = "Site Statistics";
-$messages["add_user"] = "Add User";
-$messages["users"] = "Users";
-$messages["add_blog"] = "Add Blog";
-$messages["blogs"] = "Blogs";
-$messages["locales"] = "Locales";
-$messages["add_locale"] = "Add Locale";
-$messages["templates"] = "Templates";
-$messages["add_template"] = "Add Template";
-$messages["global_settings"] = "Global Settings";
-$messages["site_settings"] = "Site Settings";
-$messages["help_comments_enabled"] = "Enables or disables comments for the whole site.";
-$messages["help_beautify_comments_text"] = "Respects user formatting when posting a comment.";
-$messages["help_rdf_enabled"] = "Enables or disables the generation of an RDF feed with the latest posts.";
-$messages["help_temp_folder"] = "Folder that will be used by pLog to carry out some operations that need a temporary folder.";
-$messages["help_base_url"] = "This URL will be used to generate correct URLs, so please set it to the correct value";
-$messages["help_show_posts_max"] = "How many posts will be shown in the main page by default.";
-$messages["help_recent_posts_max"] = "How many posts will be shown as recent, by default.";
-$messages["help_template_folder"] = "This is where the templates used by pLog can be found.";
-$messages["help_default_template"] = "The template that will be given by default to new blogs.";
-$messages["help_defalut_locale"] = "The default locale settings that will be used for new blogs and in the login page of the administration interface.";
-$messages["help_html_allowed_tags_in_comments"] = "HTML tags that will not be removed from comments posted by users.";
-$messages["help_referer_tracker_enabled"] = "Adds very basic information from about the referrer to the database, if the referrer is available when receiving a request.";
-$messages["help_rss_parser_enabled"] = "Enables or disables the RSS parser that is available in the templates.";
-$messages["help_show_more_enabled"] = "Enables or disables the \"More...\" feature by default.";
-$messages["help_show_more_threshold"] = "How many characters should be left before the more link is added.";
-$messages["help_update_article_reads"] = "Whether to update or not the internal counter representing the number of times each article has been read.";
-$messages["help_request_format_mode"] = "\"Plain\" mode will generate normal URLs while \"Search Engine Friendly\" will generate URLs that are easier to read and that will be parsed by search engines. Requires Apache and the possibility to use a .htaccess file";
-$messages["help_xmlrpc_ping_enabled"] = "Whether to send an XMLRPC notification to the hosts configured below every time a post is added.";
-$messages["help_xmlrpc_ping_hosts"] = "List of hosts that support XMLRPC notifications. Please put different hosts in different lines, as many as needed.";
-$messages["help_trackback_server_enabled"] = "Whether to accept or not incoming trackback requests.";
-$messages["help_htmlarea_enabled"] = "Enables or disables the WYSIWYG editor of posts.";
-$messages["help_plugin_manager_enabled"] = "Enables or disables plugins.";
-$messages["help_check_email_address_validity"] = "When registering a new blog, users are asked for a valid email address which will be verified for authenticity if this is set to true.";
-$messages["help_summary_page_show_max"] = "How many items should be shown in the summary page.";
-$messages["help_minimum_password_length"] = "How many characters should have at least a password.";
-$messages["help_users_can_add_templates"] = "Whether users are allowed to add new blog-specific templates or not to their blogs.";
-$messages["help_email_service_enabled"] = "Enables or disables the email service, used to send for example article notifications.";
-$messages["post_notification_source_address"] = "Address that will be used as the From: field when sending out emails.";
-$messages["help_email_service_type"] = "Method that will be used to send emails. Please choose one of them and do not forget to check the settings below.";
-$messages["help_smtp_host"] = "If using SMTP as the email sending method, this is the host that will be used to send the messages.";
-$messages["help_smtp_port"] = "Port in the host above specified where the SMTP server is running.";
-$messages["help_smtp_use_authentication"] = "If the SMTP server supports authentication and would like to use it, please enable this feature and see the two settings below.";
-$messages["help_smtp_username"] = "Username that will be used when sending emails using SMTP and authentication has been enabled.";
-$messages["help_smtp_password"] = "Password that will be used when sending emails using SMTP and authentication has been enabled.";
-$messages["help_uploads_enabled"] = "Enables or disables the uploading of files. This feature will affect the uploading of new template sets and the adding of files to current existing template sets.";
-$messages["help_maximum_file_upload_size"] = "Maximum size in bytes of files uploaded by users.";
-$messages["help_upload_forbidden_files"] = "List of file patterns that are not allowed to be uploaded. You can specify as many as needed separated by a blank space.";
-$messages["help_path_to_tar"] = "Path where the 'tar' tool can be found.";
-$messages["help_path_to_gzip"] = "Path where the 'gzip' tool can be found.";
-$messages["help_path_to_bz2"] = "Path where the 'bzip2' tool can be found.";
-$messages["help_path_to_unzip"] = "Path where the 'unzip' tool can be found.";
-$messages["add_user_give_information"] = "Please enter the following information to create a new user.";
-$messages["site_registered_users"] = "These are all the users registered in this server.";
-$messages["add_blog_give_information"] = "Please enter the following information to create a new blog.";
-$messages["blog_title"] = "Blog title";
-$messages["blog_owner"] = "Blog owner";
-$messages["site_registered_blogs"] = "These are all the blogs registered in this site.";
-$messages["edit_users"] = "Edit Users";
-$messages["upload_locale"] = "Upload locale";
-$messages["use_this_form_to_upload_locale"] = "  Use this form to upload a new locale file to this server. If you don't have the possibilityto upload files, please see the form below.";
-$messages["locale_file"] = "Locale file";
-$messages["manually_add_locale"] = "Manually Add Locale";
-$messages["use_this_form_if_cant_upload_locale"] = "Use this second form if you don't have the possibility of uploading files to your server. The file must have been copied to the default locale folder before executing this operation. Otherwise it will result in an error.";
-$messages["locale_code"] = "Locale code";
-$messages["locale_encoding"] = "Encoding";
-$messages["template_will_be_available_for_all"] = "The new template will automatically become available to all the blogs in this site.";
-$messages["use_this_form_to_upload_template"] = "  Use this form to upload a new template set file to this server. If you don't have the possibility to upload files, please see the form below . Template sets must be packed in zip, tar.gz or tar.bz2 files in order to be uploaded.";
-$messages["locale_file"] = "Locale file";
-$messages["upload_template"] = "Upload template";
-$messages["manually_add_template"] = "Manually Add Template";
-$messages["use_this_form_if_cannot_upload_template"] = " Use this second form if you don't have the possibility of uploading files to your server. The file must have been copied to the default template folder before executing this operation. Otherwise it will result in an error.";
-$messages["template_id"] = "Template Identifier";
-$messages["templates_available_for_all"] = "This templates are available to all the blogs in this site.";
-$messages["add_file"] = "Add File";
-$messages["setting_name"] = "Name";
-$messages["setting_value"] = "Value";
-$messages["setting_description"] = "Description";
-$messages["plain"] = "Plain";
-$messages["search_engine_friendly"] = "Search Engine Friendly";
-$messages["general_settings"] = "General Settings";
-$messages["helper_tools_settings"] = "Helper Tools Settings";
-$messages["uploads_settings"] = "Uploads Settings";
-$messages["email_settings"] = "Email Settings";
-$messages["number_blogs"] = "Number of blogs";
-$messages["number_users"] = "Number of users";
-$messages["number_posts"] = "Number of posts";
-$messages["number_posts_today"] = "Number of posts today";
-$messages["number_posts_this_month"] = "Number of posts this month";
-$messages["date"] = "Date";
-$messages["time"] = "Time";
-$messages["comments_order"] = "Order in which comments appear:";
-$messages["oldest_first"] = "Oldest first";
-$messages["newest_first"] = "Newest first";
-$messages["blog"] = "Blog";
-$messages["blog_id"] = "Blog Numerical Identifier";
-$messages["blog_users"] = "Blog Users";
-$messages["available_users"] = "Available Users";
-$messages["add"] = "Add";
-$messages["remove"] = "Remove";
-$messages["user_id"] = "User Numerical Identifier";
-$messages["new_password"] = "New Password";
-$messages["has_administrator_privileges"] = "Has administrator privileges";
-$messages["related_to_the_following_blogs"] = "Related to the following blogs";
-$messages["add_user_to_blog_form"] = " This form will allow you to add a user to your blog. The user will only be allowed to add or edit posts, but he or she will not be allowed to change any of the blog settings.";
-$messages["add_user_enter_username"] = " Please enter the username of the user you would like to add. The user must have registered in this server, otherwise this will cause an error.";
-$messages["add_user_send_notification"] = "Send a notification email to this user.";
-$messages["add_user_type_notification"] = "Type some text here to be sent to this user";
-$messages["following_users_have_permissions"] = " The following users are part of this blog. They can add, edit and remove posts but cannot change any of the settings and behaviour of this site.";
-$messages["revoke_permissions"] = "Revoke Permissions";
-$messages["add_blog_template"] = "Add Blog Template";
-$messages["manually_add_blog_template"] = "Manually Add Blog Template";
-$messages["template_available_only_for_this_blog"] = "This template will be made available only for this blog.";
-$messages["use_form_to_upload_blog_template"] = "Use this form to upload a new template set file to this server. If you don't have the possibility to upload files, please see the form below. Template sets must be packed in zip, tar.gz or tar.bz2 files in order to be uploaded.";
-$messages["use_form_if_cannot_upload_blog_template"] = "Use this second form if you don't have the possibility of uploading files to your server. The file must have been copied to the default template folder before executing this operation. Otherwise it will result in an error.";
-$messages["blog_templates"] = "Blog Templates";
-$messages["templates_only_available_for_this_blog"] = "The following templates are only available to this blog.";
-$messages["add_file_to_blog_template"] = "Add File to Blog Template"; $messages["upload_file_to_blog_template"] = "Please upload the file you would like to add to the template set.";
-$messages["error_user_id_incorrect"] = "Incorrect user identifier.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_user_id"] = $messages["error_user_id_incorrect"];
-$messages["error_fetching_user_information"] = "There was an error fetching the user information.";
-$messages["error_password_incorrect"] = "The password is too short or invalid.";
-$messages["error_updating_user_settings"] = "I could not update the settings for the given user.";
-$messages["user_settings_updated_ok"] = "Settings for user \"%s\" updated successfully.";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected_to_add"] = "No users were selected to add.";
-$messages["user_added_to_blog_ok"] = "The user \"%s\" has been added to the blog.";
-$messages["error_adding_user_to_blog"] = "There was an error adding the user \"%s\" to the blog.";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected_to_remove"] = "No users were selected to remove.";
-$messages["user_removed_from_blog_ok"] = "The user \"%s\" has been removed from the blog.";
-$messages["error_removing_user_from_blog"] = "There was an error removing the user \"%s\" from the blog.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_plugin_id"] = "The plugin identifier is incorrect.";
-$messages["error_configuring_plugin"] = "There was an error configuring the plugin: ";
-$messages["site_config_saved_ok"] = "Site configuration was successfully saved.";
-$messages["error_saving_site_config"] = "There was a problem saving the configuration.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_blog_owner"] = "The user chosen as the blog owner does not exist.";
-$messages["error_updating_blog_settings"] = "There was an error while updating the settings for blog \"%s\"";
-$messages["blog_settings_updated_ok"] = "The settings for blog \"%s\" were updated successfully.";
-$messages["error_fetching_users"] = "There was an error while fetching the users in this site.";
-$messages["error_fetching_blogs"] = "There was an error while fetching the blogs in this site.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_template_id"] = "The template identifier is not valid or does not exist.";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected"] = "No users were selected to delete.";
-$messages["error_could_not_find_user"] = "I could not find user \"%s\" in this site.";
-$messages["error_deleting_user"] = "There was an error deleting user \"%s\"";
-$messages["user_deleted_ok"] = "User \"%s\" successfully deleted.";
-$messages["error_must_give_blog_name"] = "You must give a valid name for the blog.";
-$messages["error_adding_blog"] = "There was an error while adding the blog to the database.";
-$messages["blog_added_ok"] = "The new blog \"%s\" has been successfully added to the database.";
-$messages["error_template_not_inside_folder"] = "The template files must be inside a folder.";
-$messages["error_missing_base_files"] = "Some of the basic files are missing from the set.";
-$messages["error_unpacking"] = "There was an error unpacking the file.";
-$messages["error_forbidden_extensions"] = "Some files inside the template have been forbidden.";
-$messages["error_creating_working_folder"] = "There was an error checking the template set";
-$messages["error_checking_template"] = "There was an error with the template set (code = %s)";
-$messages["error_add_template_disabled"] = "Users are not allowed to add templates in this site.";
-$messages["error_must_upload_file"] = "You must upload a file.";
-$messages["error_no_template_name"] = "You must provide a template name.";
-$messages["error_uploads_disabled"] = "The upload feature has been disabled in this site.";
-$messages["error_installing_template"] = "There was an error installing the template set.";
-$messages["template_installed_ok"] = "The new template set has been successfully installed as \"%s\".";
-$messages["error_adding_template_file"] = "There was an error adding the file to the template set.";
-$messages["error_file_forbidden"] = "Files of this type have been forbidden in this site.";
-$messages["error_file_too_big"] = "The file is too big. Maximum allowed size is \"%s\" bytes.";
-$messages["template_file_added_ok"] = "File added successfully to template \"%s\".";
-$messages["error_plugin_cannot_be_configured"] = "The plugin cannot be configured.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_username"] = "The username is incorrect.";
-$messages["error_username_already_exists"] = "There is already a user registered with the same username.";
-$messages["error_adding_user"] = "There was an error whiel adding the new user to the database.";
-$messages["user_added_ok"] = "The new user \"%s\" has been successfully added.";
-$messages["error_no_blogs_selected"] = "You must select at least one blog to delete.";
-$messages["error_blog_is_default_blog"] = "\"%s\" cannot be deleted because it is the default blog.";
-$messages["blog_deleted_ok"] = "Blog \"%s\" has been successfully deleted.";
-$messages["error_deleting_blog"] = "There was an error while deleting blog \"%s\".";
-$messages["error_no_templates_selected"] = "No templates were selected to remove.";
-$messages["error_removing_template"] = "There was an error removing the template \"%s\"";
-$messages["template_removed_ok"] = "Template \"%s\" removed successfully.";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected_to_remove_from_blog"] = "No users were selected to remove from this blog.";
-$messages["error_removing_user_from_blog"] = "There was an error removing user \"%s\" from this blog.";
-$messages["user_removed_from_blog_ok"] = "User \"%s\" has been successfully removed from this blog.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_locale_code"] = "The given locale code is not valid.";
-$messages["error_invalid_locale_file"] = "The file does not seem to be a valid locale file.";
-$messages["error_adding_locale_file"] = "There was an error adding the new locale file. Please make sure that the file has been uploaded to the locale folder prior to this operation and that it has correct permissions.";
-$messages["locale_added_ok"] = "The new locale \"%s\" has been successfully added.";
-$messages["error_saving_locale"] = "There was an error saving the new locale file to the locale folder. Please make sure that the folder has the right access permissions.";
-$messages["error_no_locales_selected"] = "No locales were selected to delete.";
-$messages["error_deleting_only_locale"] = "This is the only locale available in the system and therefore it cannot be deleted.";
-$messages["locale_deleted_ok"] = "Locale \"%s\" deleted successfully.";
-$messages["error_deleting_locale"] = "There was an error while deleting locale \"%s\"";
-$messages["error_cant_delete_default_locale"] = "\"%s\" can not be deleted because it is the default locale setting at the moment.";
-$messages["plugin_config"] = "Plugin Configuration";
-$messages["use_read_more_feature"] = "Show the whole post in the main page? (If you select 'No', or only the part that was typed in the 'Text' box will be shown in the main page)";
-$messages["extended_text"] = "This text will be only shown in the post page, unless we disable the feature in the 'Settings' tab";
-$messages["error_must_give_post_intro"] = "You must at least provide an introductory text to the post.";
-$messages["error_no_albums_defined"] = "There are no albums available in this blog.";
-$messages["error_fetching_album"] = "There was an error fetching the requested album";
-$messages["comment_marked_as_spam_ok"] = "Comment marked as spam successfully.";
-$messages["comment_marked_as_nonspam_ok"] = "Comment marked as non spam successfully.";
-$messages["error_marking_comment_as_nonspam"] = "There was an error marking the comment as non spam.";
-$messages["error_marking_comment_as_spam"] = "There was an error marking the comment as spam.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_comment_id"] = "The comment identifier was incorrect.";
-$messages["error_base_storage_folder_missing_or_unreadable"] = "It was not possible for pLog to create the necessary folders where resources are going to be installed. This might be due to several reasons, such as your PHP installation running with safe mode enabled or your user not having enough permissions to do so. You may still try to carry out the operation manually, by creating
-the following folders: <br/><br/>%s<br/><br/>If these folders already exist please make sure that they can be read and written by the user running the web server.";
-///// new help messages ////
-// translators: this one has changed too since we now have two text boxes: one for the
-// text that we'd like to appear in the main page and another one for the text that
-// will only be shown in the 'post' page (that is, when the users clicks on the
-// permalink, for example)
-$messages["newPost"] = "<p>Use this page to add a new post to your journal. You should provide a topic or subject
-for your post as well as some text for your post. Once you have finished, press the <b>'Add'</b> button and the post
-will automatically be included in your page. Please note that you have to set the status of the post
-to <b>'Published'</b> if you want it to appear in front page. Use the <b>'Draft'</b> status when you can't finish posting
-now but you would like to save what you have typed so far for later revision.</p>
-<p>The text typed in the first text box will always appear in the main page. You can use
-the second text box if you want to have some text not to be included in the main page
-but that should be shown once the users clicks on the permalink or on the
-\"Read More...\" link. This link will be automatically added to the end of the text. This
-field is not mandatory and its behaviour can be controlled in the \"Settings\" tab,
-where you can force both text text boxes to be shown in the main page.</p>
-<p>You can also classify the post under any of the categories you have previously created. Simply set
-the <b>'Category'</b> field to the one you most like.</p>
-<p>If you would like to receive an email notifying about a new post, please check the corresponding
-<p>Check the box where it says </b>'Find links in the post...'</b> if after adding the post, you
-would like to send trackback pings to the hosts that support it. Your post will be scanned for
-links and you will have the possibility to choose which ones to send trackback pings to.</p>";
-$messages["updatePost"] = $messages["newPost"];
-$messages["newBlogUser"] = "This option allows you to easily give editing permissions to other
-users in this blog. To do so, you only have to know its username. If you already know it,
-simply type it in the text field below and press the \"Add User\" button. If you wish, you can
-also send an email to this user (as long as he or she used the right address when
-registering) notifying him or her that he has now been granted permissions to add, edit
-and delete posts in this blog.";
-$messages["showBlogUsers"] = "This is a list of the users that have been given editing permissions
-in this blog. You can see their profile if you wish or you can also revoke their permissions
-by selectin them and then clicking on the \"Revoke Permissions\" button. Once you do that,
-the selected users will no longer be able to publish anything in this blog.";
-// note to translators:
-// added some additional text here to inform about the new "configure" feature
-$messages["pluginCenter"] = "<p>From here you can see which plugins have been installed. For every
-plugin, you will see its identifier (the identifier you have to use when developing templates and
-want to make use of the plugin features), the author of the plugin, and some descriptive text with
-various information about the plugin, mainly how to use it.</p>
-<p>Some plugins offer also their own configuration page from wich you can modify some
-aspects of its behaviour. To access such page, please click on the \"configure\" link
-next to every plugin.</p>";
-$messages["configurePlugin"] = "This plugin provides some settings that can be configured
-by the user.";
-$messages["newBlogTemplate"] = "<p>It is possible to easily add new templates to the system. To do
-so, there are two possibilities: the template can either be uploaded as a compressed file
-(tar.gz, tar.bz2 and zip files are supported) to the server or it canbe manually
-uploaded using any available method.</p>
-<p>If the first method is chosen, the contents of the file must have all been packaged
-under a folder which will be the name given to the template.</p>
-<p>If the second method is chosen, simply upload the files to a folder under your blog-specific folder
-and type in the name of the folder in the text box below.</p>
-<p>Plugins added here will only be available to this specific below and will not be able to
-be accessed by other blogs.</p>";
-$messages["blogTemplates"] = "<p>This is a list with all the templates that have been added to
-this blog. If you wish to remove any of them, please select them and click on the
-\"Delete Selected\" button below the list. Once a template is deleted it cannot be
-recovered, since it is removed from the disk.</p>";
-$messages["adminSettings"] = "<p>These are some very basic statistics about the site.</p>";
-$messages["createUser"] = "<p>We can easily register new users in the system by using this form.
-We only need to provide with a valid username and a password, and optionally an email address.
-Users registered here will not be attached to any blog unless we explicitly do so in the
-\"User\" section or until we create a blog specially for this new user.</p>";
-$messages["editUserProfile"] = "<p>From here we can edit the profile of any user in this blog. We can
-also grant administrator privileges to the user (or revoke them). A list of the blogs to which
-the user belogs is also displayed.</p>";
-$messages["editSiteUsers"] = "<p>These are all the users that are registered in this site. You can see and edit
-their profile by clicking on the username or you can delete any of them by clicking on the
-checkbox of the user(s) and then click on the \"Delete Selected\" button. Once a user
-has been deleted, it can <b>not</b> be recovered, so please be careful.</p>";
-$messages["createBlog"] = "<p>Unlimited blogs can be added to a single installation of pLog. Users
-can use the registration script provided in the main package but administrator can also
-register new blogs by using this form. The only things needed to know are the name that will
- be given to the blog and the user who will be the owner, having the maximum privileges
- over that blog.</p>";
- $messages["editSiteBlogs"] = "<p>This is a list with all the blogs that have been registered
- so far in this site. Any blog can be deleted selecting it and clicking on the \"Delete
- Selected\" button. If we try to delete the blog that has been set as the default one
- (see the \"Global Settings\" tab in \"Site Admin\") we will get an error message.</p>
- <p>We can also edit the settings of any blog by clicking on it.</p>
- <p>Finally, we can edit the users that have permissions on a given blog by clicking
- on the \"Edit Users\" link</p>";
-$messages["editBlog"] = "<p>The settings of the blog can be edited from here in the same way
-a normal user can do. Everything is exactly the same except that administrator users can also
-change who is the owner of the blog, anytime.</p>";
-$messages["editBlogUsers"] = "<p>This feature allows to visually add and remove users from
-any blog. On the left side we will see a list containing all the users that have not
-been given editing privileges in this blog yet, while on the right side we will see a list of the
-users that have already been given privileges. To a user (or more than one if necessary)
-we only have to select them from the list of the left and click on the \"Add\" button. To do
-the opposite process, we will have to select the users from the list of the right and
-click on the \"Remove\" button.</p>
-<p>It is also possible to change the user who is the owner of the blog by selecting
-another from the drop-down list on top.</p>";
-$messages["newLocale"] = "<p>Now locales can be easily added to the site using this feature. If
-we have the possibility of uploading files, then we can use the first form, \"Upload Locale\"
-simply pointing the browser to the locale file we'd like to upload. pLog will take care
-of everything else, including copying the file to the folder with the other language files, but
-please bear in mind that the folder must be writable by the user who is running the web server in
-order for this feature to work properly. If the language file already exists, <b>it will
-be overwritten and replaced by the new one</b>.</p>
-<p>If files cannot be uploaded to the server, then the file will have to be
-manually uploaded and placed in the same folder with the other language files. Once the file
-has been placed there, we will have to type in the second form its code omitting the
-<p>Locale files must follow the naming convention of locale_ll_CC, where 'll' is the
-2-digit ISO code for the language, while CC is the 2-digit ISO code for the country. If the file
-does not conform to those rules, it will be rejected as a valid locale file.</p>";
-$messages["siteLocales"] = "<p>This is a list with all the language files that have been
-installed in this site. For each one of them, the encoding used by it and a brief
-description can be seen. Also, language files can be removed from the system by selecting
-them and clicking on the \"Delete Selected\" button.</p>";
-$messages["newTemplate"] = "<p>It is possible to easily add new templates to the system. To do
-so, there are two possibilities: the template can either be uploaded as a compressed file
-(tar.gz, tar.bz2 and zip files are supported) to the server or it can be manually
-uploaded using any available method.</p>
-<p>If the first method is chosen, the contents of the file must have all been packaged
-under a folder which will be the name given to the template.</p>
-<p>If the second method is chosen, simply upload the files to a folder under your blog-specific folder
-and type in the name of the folder in the text box below.</p>
-<p>Plugins added here will be available to <b>all</b> the blogs in this site.</p>";
-$messages["siteTemplates"] = "<p>This is a list with all the templates that are globally
-available to all blogs. If you wish to remove any of them, please select them and click on the
-\"Delete Selected\" button below the list. Once a template is deleted it cannot be
-recovered, since it is removed from the disk.</p>";
-$messages["editSiteSettings"] = "These are all the global settings that control many aspects of the
-behaviour of pLog.";
-$messages["newBlogTemplateFile"] = "Single files can be added to an already existing template
-set without having to upload the whole set again. Simply find the file you would like to
-upload in your disk and click on the \"Add File\" button.";
-// text is the same, so we can save a few bytes
-$messages["newTemplateFile"] = $messages["newBlogTemplateFile"];
-$messages["show_category_in_main_page"] = "Show this category in the main page";
-$messages["welcome_resource_center"] = "Welcome to the resource center!";
-$messages["resource_center"] = "Resource Center";
-$messages["resource_albums"] = "Resource Albums";
-$messages["resources"] = "Resources";
-$messages["add_resource"] = "Add Resource";
-$messages["add_album"] = "Add Album";
-$messages["album"] = "Album";
-$messages["album_name"] = "Album name";
-$messages["parent_album"] = "Parent album";
-$messages["no_parent_album"] = "No parent album";
-$messages["resource_info"] = "Resource Information";
-$messages["size"] = "Size";
-$messages["format"] = "Format";
-$messages["dimensions"] = "Dimensions";
-$messages["bits_per_sample"] = "Bits per pixel";
-$messages["bytes"] = "bytes";
-$messages["pixels"] = "pixels";
-$messages["time_offset"] = "Time difference in hours between the server and you:";
-$messages["hours"] = "Hours";
-$messages["album_added_ok"] = "The new album has been successfully added.";
-$messages["name"] = "Name";
-$messages["children"] = "Children";
-$messages["see"] = "See";
-$messages["view"] = "View";
-$messages["resource_info"] = "Resource Information";
-$messages["number_of_channels"] = "Number of channels";
-$messages["length"] = "Length";
-$messages["number_of_files"] = "Number of files";
-$messages["compressed_size"] = "Compressed size";
-$messages["uncompressed_size"] = "Uncompressed size";
-$messages["resource_file"] = "File that you would like to add";
-$messages["add_to_album"] = "Add the file to the following album";
-$messages["edit_resource_album"] = "Edit Resource Album";
-$messages["error_loading_resource_album"] = "There was an error fetching the resource album.";
-$messages["error_album_id_parameter_missing"] = "The album identifier is incorrect.";
-$messages["error_album_parent_id_parameter_missing"] = "Parent album identifier not found.";
-$messages["error_updating_resource_album"] = "There was an error updating the resource album.";
-$messages["resource_album_updated_ok"] = "The resource album \"%s\" was updated successfully.";
-$messages["error_must_give_album_name"] = "You must provide with a name for the album.";
-$messages["error_adding_album"] = "There was an error adding the resource album.";
-$messages["album_added_ok"] = "The new album \"%s\" was successfully added.";
-$messages["resource_added_ok"] = "The new resource was successfully added.";
-$messages["error_resource_forbidden_extension"] = "The resource could not be added because it had a forbidden extension.";
-$messages["error_resource_too_big"] = "The resource could not be added because it was too big.";
-$messages["error_uploads_disabled"] = "The resource could not be added because uploads have been disabled in this site.";
-$messages["error_adding_resource"] = "There was an error adding the resource.";
-$messages["error_loading_resource"] = "There was an error fetching the resource";
-$messages["error_updating_resource"] = "There was an error updating the resource.";
-$messages["resource_updated_ok"] = "Resource \"%s\" was updated successfully.";
-$messages["error_no_resources_selected"] = "There were no resources selected to delete.";
-$messages["resource_deleted_ok"] = "Resource \"%s\" was successfully removed.";
-$messages["error_deleting_resource"] = "There was an error deleting resource \"%s\".";
-$messages["error_no_resource_uploaded"] = "There was no resource file uploaded.";
-$messages["filtered_content"] = "Filtered Content";
-$messages["global_filtered_content"] = "Global Filtered Content";
-$messages["block_content"] = "Filter Content";
-$messages["blocked_hosts"] = "Blocked Hosts";
-$messages["global_blocked_hosts"] = "Globally Blocked Hosts";
-$messages["block_host"] = "Block Host";
-$messages["security"] = "Security";
-$messages["security_welcome"] = "Welcome to the security area!";
-$messages["filtered_content_intro"] = "The following content/regular expressions have been blocked in this blog.";
-$messages["global_filtered_content_intro"] = "The following content/regular expressions have been globally blocked.";
-$messages["content"] = "Content";
-$messages["reason"] = "Reason";
-$messages["add_filtered_content"] = "Add Filtered Content";
-$messages["add_filtered_content_intro"] = "Anything added here will not be allowed as valid text in a comment, and any attempt by a casual user to post a comment with blocked content will block the comment. Regular expressions or a simple string can be used. Regular expressions are much more powerful but they're also much more complex and you should be careful with them, because you could potentially block all content with the wrong regular expression.";
-$messages["global_add_filtered_content_intro"] = "Anything added here will not be allowed as valid text in a comment in any of the blogs available in this site. Any attempt by a casual user to post a comment with blocked content will block the comment. Regular expressions or a simple string can be used. Regular expressions are much more powerful but they're also much more complex and you should be careful with them, because you could potentially block all content with the wrong regular expression.";
-$messages["content_to_block"] = "Content that you would like to block";
-$messages["block_this"] = "Block This";
-$messages["mask"] = "Mask";
-$messages["access_blocked"] = "Access Blocked";
-$messages["posting_blocked"] = "Posting Blocked";
-$messages["block_host_intro"] = "Hosts added here will be blocked from accessiny only this blog. Please see <a href=\"javascript:help_window('admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost');\">Help</a> for more detailed information about this feature.";
-$messages["global_block_host_intro"] = "Hosts added here will be blocked from accessing any blog in this site. Please see this related <a href=\"javascript:help_window('admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost');\">help item</a> for more information about this feature.";
-$messages["block_type"] = "Block type";
-$messages["error_invalid_ip_address"] = "The IP address is not valid.";
-$messages["error_provide_content_to_block"] = "You must provide some content to block.";
-$messages["error_must_create_album_first"] = "You must create an album before adding any resource.";
-$messages["error_resource_is_not_an_image"] = "The chosen resource is not an image.";
-$messages["error_generating_resource_preview"] = "There was an error regenerating the preview for this resource.";
-$messages["resource_preview_generated_ok"] = "The preview for this resource was successfully generated.";
-$messages["regenerate_preview"] = "Regenerate Preview";
-$messages["show_album"] = "Show Album";
-$messages["show_album_when_browsing"] = "Show this album to users";
-$messages["assigned_to_blog"] = "Assign user to the following blog";
-$messages["clean_up"] = "Clean-Up";
-$messages["purge_info"] = "The purge function will physically remove all posts that have been marked as 'Deleted'. Otherwise,
-  those posts are kept in the database (in case the user would like to restore some of them) and they
-  may end up being a considerable amount, uselessly enlarging the size of the database. If you are
-  sure that you would like to remove such posts, please press the button below.";
-$messages["spam_info"] = "Comments marked as spam can be kept in the database in order to train the filter. Once the function
-  has been accomplished, they are useless and if you wish the remove the comments marked as
-  spam from the database, please use the button below.";
-$messages["no_spam"] = "No Spam";
-$messages["spam"] = "Spam";
-$messages["mark_as_spam"] = "Mark as spam";
-$messages["mark_as_no_spam"] = "Mark as no spam";
-$messages["enable_comments_for_post"] = "Enable comments for this post";
-$messages["close_window"] = "Close Window";
-$messages["add_resource"] = "Add Resource";
-$messages["add_resource_preview"] = "Add Preview";
-$messages["add_album"] = "Add Album";
-$messages["show_main_page"] = "Show in Main Page";
-$messages["purge_spam_comments"] = "Purge Spam Comments";
-$messages["purge_posts"] = "Purge Posts";
-$messages["keep_spam_comments"] = "Keep Spam Comments";
-$messages["throw_away_spam_comments"] = "Throw Away Spam Comments";
-$messages["error_adding_blocked_host"] = "There was an error blocking the given host.";
-$messages["blocked_host_added_ok"] = "Host %s added successfully to the list of blocked hosts.";
-$messages["error_no_blocked_hosts_selected"] = "There were no hosts selected to remove.";
-$messages["blocked_host_deleted_ok"] = "Host \"%s\" deleted successfully.";
-$messages["error_deleting_blocked_host"] = "There was an error deleting blocked host \"%s\"";
-$messages["edit_blocked_host"] = "Edit Blocked Host";
-$messages["error_fetching_blocked_host"] = "There was an error fetching the blocked host.";
-$messages["error_updating_blocked_host"] = "There was an error updating the blocked host.";
-$messages["thumbnail_format"] = "Thumbnail format";
-$messages["same_as_image"] = "Same as original image";
-$messages["same"] = $messages["same_as_image"];
-$messages["help_locale_folder"] = "Folder where language files are located.";
-$messages["help_default_locale"] = "Default language settings that will be used when creating new blogs.";
-$messages["help_xmlrpc_api_enabled"] = "Enables or disables the XMLRPC interface, for posting from your desktop.";
-$messages["default_rss_profile"] = "RSS/RDF profile that will be used by default to generate feeds, if no special profile is specified";
-$messages["help_security_pipeline_enabled"] = "Enables the security features. Disabling this will disable all the security features so it is recommended to enable it and disable those features that we do not need.";
-$messages["help_ip_address_filter_enabled"] = "Enables the IP address filter, for blocking certain hosts of accessing our site.";
-$messages["help_content_filter_enabled"] = "Enables a very simple regular expression-based content filter for blocking comments that contain certain words or expressions. The Bayesian filter might be a better solution.";
-$messages["help_maximum_comment_size"] = "Maximum allowed length in bytes for comments.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_enabled"] = "Enables or disables the bayesian filter.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_spam_probability_treshold"] = "Minimum value at which a comment is considered spam. Should be between 0.01 and 0.99";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_nonspam_probability_treshold"] = "Maximum value at which a comment is safely considered as non spam. Anything between these two tresholds will still be considered non spam but it will perhaps require some additional training";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_min_length_token"] = "Minimum length that a token can have to be handled by the parser as a valid token.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_max_length_token"] = "Maximum length that a token can have.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_number_significant_tokens"] = "How many significant tokens a message must have";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_spam_comments_action"] = "What to with comments marked as spam. They can either be rejected and thrown away (won't even be stored in the database) or kept but marked as spam. The second option is recommended when our filter hasn't been trained much and still makes mistakes from time to time.";
-$messages["help_path_to_convert"] = "The 'convert' tool from the ImageMagick package is needed if using ImageMagick as the backend to generate thumbnails.";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_height"] = "Maximum height that thumbnails will have.";
-$messages["help_resources_folder"] = "Folder where the resources will be stored. Does not have to be in the web server tree, if you don't feel like letting people browse your resources folder. The resource server will take care of serving
-the files wherever they are.";
-$messages["help_thumbnails_keep_aspect_ratio"] = "Whether to keep the aspect ratio of thumbnails or not.";
-$messages["help_resources_enabled"] = "Enables or disables the 'Resource Center' feature.";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_method"] = "Backend system that will be used to generate thumbnails from image files. If using ImageMagick, please see below as some external tools are needed.";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_width"] = "Maximum width that thumbnails will have.";
-$messages["external_interfaces"] = "External Interfaces";
-$messages["security_settings"] = "Security Settings";
-$messages["bayesian_filter_settings"] = "Bayesian Filter Settings";
-$messages["resources_settings"] = "Resources Settings";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_format"] = "Default format that will be used when generating previews of images. If set to 'Same as original image', then thumbnails will be saved in the same format as the original image form which they were generated.";
-$messages["edit"] = "Edit";
-$messages["blocked_content_added_ok"] = "Blocked content added successfully.";
-$messages["blocked_content_updated_ok"] = "Blocked content updated successfully";
-$messages["help_disable_javascript_calendar"] ="Disables the javascript and DHTML-based calendar used to
-pick a date when editing or adding a post, should the user's browser be not compatible.";
-$messages["edit_filtered_content"] = "Edit Filtered Content";
-$messages["error_updating_blocked_content"] = "There was an error updating the blocked content.";
-$messages["audio_codec"] = "Audio Codec";
-$messages["video_codec"] = "Video Codec";
-$messages["sample_rate"] = "Sample rate";
-$messages["files"] = "Files";
-$messages["created"] = "Created";
-$messages["generated"] = "Generated";
-$messages["about"] = "About";
-$messages["menu"] = "Menu";
-$messages["albums"] = "Galleriat";
-$messages["template_file"] = "Template file";
-$messages["download"] = "Download";
-$messages["error_you_have_been_blocked"] = "You are not allowed to proceed with this request.";
-// help messages //
-// translators: the following help messages have changed a little since last version, due to a few
-// new features built on top of previous features
-$messages["editArticleCategories"] = "<p>This is a listing with all the post categories that
-have been created so far. There must be at least one category before you can add an article, since
-every article has to be categorized under a category. The <b>'Articles'</b> column shows how many
-articles have been categorized under the given category. In the same way, a category can't be deleted
-if it has an article assigned it; you must first remove all the articles and then you will be allowed
-to remove the category.</p>
-<p>You can delete more than one category at the same time by cheching their <b>'Delete'</b> column
-and then clickin on the <b>'Delete Selected'</b> button.</p>
-<p>The <b>'Show In Main Page'</b> column shows whether this category is included in the main page or if alternatively,
-it can also be seen when clicking its link. Edit the category itself to enable/disable this feature.</p>";
-$messages["newArticleCategory"] = "<p>From here you can add a new post category to the blog. All
-what you need to provide is a name for the new category. Once it has been created, it will be available
-for posts to be categorized under.</p>
-<p>You can disable the 'Show cateory in main page' checkbox if you don't want this category to be shown in the
-main page of the site. If disabled, posts included in this category will only be shown when browsing this
-specific category, by clicking its link.</p>";
-$messages["editArticleCategory"] = "<p>Please provide a new name for the category you are updating. Also, 
-define whether you would like to show posts belonging to this cateogry in the main page or not.</p>";
-$messages["editPost"] = "<p>Use this page to edit a post from your journal. The information from the
-post has already been provided and now you can make your changes. Once you have finished, press the <b>'Update'</b> button and the post
-will updated. Please note that you have to set the status of the post
-to <b>'Published'</b> if you want it to appear in front page. Use the <b>'Draft'</b> status when you can't finish posting
-now but you would like to save what you have typed so far for later revision.</p>
-<p>If you would like to receive an email notifying about a new post, please check the corresponding
-<p>More information about the different options <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newPost\">here</a>.</p>";
-$messages["blogSettings"] = "<p>From this page you can change some of the settings that control the
-behaviour or appearance of this journal. These are the settings: <ul>
-<li><b>Permanent URL</b>: This is the URL where this blog is running and that can be used to
-link to it. It can't be changed.</li>
-<li><b>Name of the blog</b>: This is a text string with a descriptive name of the blog. If using the
-default templates, it is the text displayed on top of every page.</li>
-<li><b>Long descriptive text about this blog</b>: This is a longer text that can optionally be
-displayed in some kind of page giving more detailed information about the page. It can be left
-blank if not needed.</li>
-<li><b>Language used to display the texts</b>: You can select one of the available languages. This
-language will be used to display the texts (not your own articles!) and format things like dates
-and numbers using the correct settings. More languages can be installed at any time.</li>
-<li><b>Items in the main page</b>: Set this to the number of posts you would like to have
-in the main page. The more posts, the longer it will take for users to download your page. Minimum
-number of posts it one.</li>
-<li><b>Items shown as recent</b>: Set this to the number of posts you would like to be shown as
-<b>'Recent'</b>, that is, the posts that have been posted earlier. Minimun amount is one.</li>
-<li><b>Template used to render the contents</b>: pLog allows to have more than one template
-to show the same content. You can choose here the most appropiate one for you journal, from the ones
-that have been installed by the administrator.</li>
-<li><b>Show the whole post int he main or only the part that was typed in the 'Text' box?</b>: Set this to <b>'Yes'</b> if you would like pLog
-to automatically add a 'More...' link to your posts on the main page just after the text you typed
-in the text box labeled 'Text'. The text typed in the second text box will only be shown to the user
-when clicking on the
-setting below) This feature is useful since it makes your frontpage less cluttered and also
-smaller. However, it has some problems if there is a lot of HTML code in the page.</li>
-<li><b>Enable WYSIWYG edition of texts</b>: Set this to yes if you would like to have the possibility
-to see how your posts look in real time. This feature is only available for users using either
-Internet Explorer 5.5 or higer and Mozilla 1.3b or higher.</li>
-<li><b>Enable comments</b>: Set this to yes if you would like to allow your users to make comments to your
-posts. This will globally affect all your posts and all your users.</li>
-<li><b>Order in which comments appear</b>: Set it to \"Oldest first\" if you would like to see
-the older comments first in the list, or set it to \"Newest first\" to see them in
-reverse chronological order.</li>
-<li><b>Time difference in hours between the server and you</b>: You can use this setting to make pLog automatically
-add or substract an amount of hours to each date in the blog. It is useful for example when the server where the blog
-is hosted and the person who is using it are in different time zones. Telling pLog that there is a difference of
-+3 hours, will make that all dates appear with such time difference applied.</li>
-// translators: the ones below are already new
-$messages["resourceCenter"] = "From the resource center, you will be able to manage your files, group them in albums,
-manage those albums and edit any of them.";
-$messages["newResourceAlbum"] = "<p>You need at least one album to group your resources. From here you will be allowed
-to add a new album, simply providing a name and a description for it. Only the name field is mandatory, being
-the description field optional.</p>
-<p>Use the <b>'Parent album'</b> field to set whether this is a top-level album or if it is a sub-album and has
-another album as a parent.</p>";
-$messages["resourceAlbums"] = "<p>This is a list including all the resource albums that have been created so far
-in this site. For each album, several of its properties can be seen at a glance: its name, a link to its child 
-albums (if any) and its amount, a link to its resources and its amount, whether the album is public or
-private and a checkbox to delete as many of them as needed.</p>
-<p>You can read more on the <b>'Show Album'</b> feature here <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=editResourceAlbum\">here</a></p>";
-$messages["editResourceAlbum"] = "<p>From here you can edit the properties of a resource album. Almost all the fields
-are the same as <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newResourceAlbum\">here</a> except the 
-<b>'Show album to users'</b> checkbox. If enabled, this album will be visible to users who browse our 
-collection of albums and resources. If not, it will not be shown in the public side. This is useful in cases when
-we want to keep some of the albums secret and don't want users peeking at them.</p>";
-$messages["newResource"] = "<p>You will be able to upload new resources to your blog from this section. Any kind of file
-can be uploaded to the site but pLog is capable of handling and extracting some useful information from some
-of them, such as images, videos, zip files and music files.</p>
-<p>First of all, find the file you would like to upload. Then, provide a description for it (mandatory field)
-and finally select to which album would you like this resource to belong to. It is not possible to have a resource
-file that does not belong to any album. Once you are ready, click the <b>'Add Resource'</b> button and the file
-will be added to the blog.</p>
-<p>Please keep in mind that uploads need to be enabled for this to work, and if the blog administrator has
-set a list of forbidden file types that cannot be uploaded, the file will not be allowed in the site. The resource
-framework also needs to be enabled. All these settings can be modified by a user with administrator privileges
-from the <b>'Global Settings'</b> section.</p>
-<p>This feature requires a folder with write permission in the web server.</p>";
-$messages["Resources"] = "<p>From here you will have access to all the resource files that have been uplaoded
-in the blog. Files will be shown under the album to which they belong. For every resource file, it will be
-possible to edit its properties, view it as any normal user will see it and mark it for deletion. Pressing the 
-<b>'Delete Selected'</b> button from the bottom of the screen will delete those resources that have been
-<p>Click the folder icon to navigate to the contents of an albu, or the <b>'Edit'</b> to go to the album
-properties page. Use the <b>'..'</b> link to go up one level. Clicking a resource name or preview (if available)
-will take you to the resource properties page where you will be able to change some of the settings of the 
-selected resource.";
-$messages["blogSecurity"] = "From this section you will be able to edit set up some basic security mechanisms that
-are provided by pLog. The changes you make here will only affect your blog and not everybody else's.";
-$messages["blogFilteredContent"] = "<p>This is a list of all the rules for content filtering that have been added 
-to this particular blog. Clicking any of them will take you to a page where you will be able to edit any of them.
-Use the <b>'Delete'</b> checkbox to mark any of them for deletion, and press the <b>'Delete Selected'</b> button
-once you are sure you want to delete those.</p>";
-$messages["newBlogFilteredContent"] = "<p>You can add here a new rule for blocking undesired content from being
-included in comments. You can use here single words or sentence or if you wish, you can use the power
-of regular expressions if you know how to use them. You can also add a description to the rule so that you remember
-in the future what it is about, but it is not a mandatory field.</p>";
-$messages["blogBlockedHosts"] = "This is a list with all the hosts that have been blocked so far in this blog. At
-a glance, it is possible to see for each host the reason why it was blocked, the date when it was blocked and
-the type of the block applied. Lastly, you can also select any of the host blocking rules and press the
-<b>'Delete Selected'</b> button when you are sure that you want to remove those rules.";
-$messages["newBlogBlockedHost"] = "<p>This section will allow you to block a specific address or entire subnet from your Blog. You can select if you want them to be able to see it, but unable to post or simply unable to access it at all. Copy the offending address into the spaces provided and choose the proper subnet address space if necessary. Example: To block just the address of you would choose the '32 bits' option to match the entire address. This blocks just this one address and works well for banning someone with a Static IP address. If you're seeing multiple IP Addresses for a particular individual (say,, and then you will want to ban a particular subnet range. Enter one of the IP Addresses that you see and choose '24 bits', '16 bits' or '8 bits'  to match the first 3 sections, first 2 sections or the first section respectively.<br/>
- - 32 bits: Matches only the address<br/>
- - 24 bits: Matches any address that starts with 192.168.1<br/>
- - 16 bits: Matches any address that starts with 192.168<br/>
- - 8 bits: Matches any address that starts with 192<br/>
-<p>The <b>'Block type'</b> drop-down list will allow you to choose whether to block this host from 
-completely accessign the site (an error page will be sent to the client's browser whenever trying to access) or
-simply block it from posting new comments. If the latter is chosen, the host will still be allowed to read
-articles and other people's comments.</p>
-<p>You can also attach a reason/description to this host blocking rule, so that you can remember in the future why
-it was set up.</p>";
-$messages["editBlogBlockedHost"] = "You will be able to edit a host blocking rule from this section. The options
-available are exactly the same as in <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost\">here</a>.";
-$messages["editBlogFilteredContent"] = "This page will allow you to edit a content filtering rule. The options
-are exactly the same as in <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogFilteredContent\">here</a>.";
-$messages["filteredContent"] = "<p>This is a list of all the rules for content filtering that have been added 
-to this site. These rules are site-wide and take precedence before any blog-specific rule that may have been
-set by blog owners. The options and its meaning is the same as 
-<a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=blogFilteredContent\">here</a>.";
-$messages["newFilteredContent"] = "<p>You can add here a new rule for blocking undesired content from being
-included in comments. This rule will be used system-wide and will take preference before blog-specific
-rules. See <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogFilteredContent\">this</a> for more information
-on the options.";
-$messages["blockedHosts"] = "This is a list with all the hosts that have been blocked so far system-wide. 
-Clicking a rule IP address will allow us to edit the settings of that rule. These rules always take
-precedence over blog-speficic rules, so that if one these global rules matches a host, all the other after
-it will be ignored.";
-$messages["newBlockedHost"] = "From here it is possible to add a new <b>global</b> host-blocking rule. See
-<a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost\">here</a> for more information about the options
-$messages["editBlockedHost"] = "You will be able to edit a host blocking rule from this section. The options
-available are exactly the same as in <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost\">here</a>.";
-$messages["editFilteredContent"] = "This page will allow you to edit a content filtering rule. The options
-are exactly the same as in <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogFilteredContent\">here</a>.";
-// text of the post that will be added to each blog when they sign-up via the register.php script
-$messages["register_default_category"] = "General";
-$messages["register_default_article_text"] = "If you can read this, it means that your signup and registration was successful and that you can start blogging.";
-$messages["register_default_article_topic"] = "Congratulations, it worked!";
-// summary templates text
-$messages["summary_title"] = "Blogs Summary";
-$messages["summary_section_main"] = "Summary";
-$messages["summary_section_main_link_title"] = "Main Page";
-$messages["summary_section_register"] = "Register!";
-$messages["summary_section_register_link_title"] = "Register a new blog";
-$messages["summary_section_blog_list"] = "Blog list";
-$messages["summary_section_blog_list_link_title"] = "Blogs hosted in this site";
-$messages["summary_section_faq"] = "F.A.Q.";
-$messages["summary_section_faq_link_title"] = "Frequently Asked Questions";
-$messages["summary_welcome_title"] = "Welcome to pLog!";
-$messages["summary_most_active_blogs"] = "Most active blogs";
-$messages["summary_newest_blogs"] = "Newest blogs";
-$messages["summary_most_commented_articles"] = "Most commented articles";
-$messages["summary_most_read_articles"] = "Most read articles";
-$messages["summary_faq"] = "Frequently Asked Questions";
-$messages["summary_faq_question"] = "What is this?";
-$messages["summary_faq_description"] = "You could use this section to add some frequently asked questions about your service. It is all up to you and this is only a suggestion so feel free to make changes :) Edit the file templates/summary/faq.template to change the contents of this page.";
-$messages["summary_login"] = "Log-in";
-$messages["summary_other_stuff"] = "Other Stuff";
-$messages["summary_plog_logo"] = "How about a logo here?";
-$messages["summary_blog_list"] = "Blog List";
-$messages["summary_last_updated"] = "Last Updated";
-$messages["summary_author"] = "Author";
-$messages["summary_articles"] = "articles";
-$messages["summary_reads"] = "reads";
-$messages["summary_welcome_message"] = "<h4 class=\"question\">What is this site?</h4>
-                            <p>You could use this area to give some information about this site.</p>
-                            <ul>
-                                <li>See the following links for more information: <br />
-                                    <a href=\"summary.php?op=Faq\">FAQ</a></li>
-                                <li><a href=\"register.php\">Register a new blog here</a></li>
-                            </ul>";
-$messages["summary_latest_posts"] = "Latest Posts";
-$messages["summary_in"] = "in";
-$messages["summary_posted_by"] = "Posted by";
-// register templates text
-$messages["register_error"] = "Error";
-$messages["register_error_message"] = "There has been an error:";
-$messages["register_errors"] = "There were some errors during the process, please have a look:";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step1_title"] = "Register a new blog (1/3)";
-$messages["register_step1_fill_in_title"] = "Please fill in this form to create a new blog in this site.";
-$messages["register_step1_description"] = "<p>
-First of all, we need to create a user for you. Please choose a username (which should not exist in the system but if it does, we will let you know) This user will be considered as the owner of the blog and will have full powers over it.
-And please do not forget your password! There is no way it can be recovered once you have signed up.
-$messages["register_step1_legend"] = "Please fill in the following fields";
-$messages["register_username"] = "Username:";
-$messages["register_password"] = "Password:";
-$messages["register_password_confirmation"] = "Confirm password:";
-$messages["register_email"] = "Email address:";
-$messages["register_email_comment"] = "(user for notifications of new comments)";
-$messages["register_next"] = "Next &raquo;";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step2_title"] = "Register a new blog (2/3)";
-$messages["register_user_created"] = "Your new user has been successfully created! Now we can proceed and create your new personal blog.";
-$messages["register_step2_description"] = " <p>
-  The only thing we need to know is the name you would like to give to your diary. Later on once this
-  process is complete, you will be able to change things like its description, but now that is not needed.
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step2_blog_name"] = "Name of your new blog:";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step4_title"] = "Thank you! (3/3)";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step3_description"] = "
- <p>
-    Registration is complete. Your new user and diary have been registered successfully in this site,
-    and you can log in now into your blog and start blogging!
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step4_admin_link"] = "
-  <p>
-    Click here <a href=\"admin.php\">to go the admin interface</a>, if you want to start blogging.
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step4_blog_link1"] = "
- <p>
-    Or click <a href=\"";
-$messages["register_step4_blog_link2"] = "
-\">here to go and see your new blog</a>.
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step4_final_message"] = "
- <p>
-  Happy blogging!
- </p>";
-$messages["register_error_incorrect_username"] = "Incorrect user name, please try again.<br/>";
-$messages["register_error_incorrect_email"] = "Email address is invalid, please try again. <br/>";
-$messages["register_error_user_already_exist"] = "There is already a user with that name, please try again.<br/>";
-$messages["register_error_incorrect_password"] = "Password is invalid, please try again. <br/>";
-$messages["register_error_passwords_dont_match"] = "Passwords do not match, please try again. <br/>";
-$messages["register_error_adding_user"] = "Error adding the user: ";
-$messages["register_error_creating_blog"] = "There was an error creating the new blog";
-$messages["register_error_blog_name"] = "You should choose a better name for the blog.<br/>" ;
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: plog/trunk/locale/locale_fr_FR.php
--- plog/trunk/locale/locale_fr_FR.php	2005-01-29 15:29:38 UTC (rev 872)
+++ plog/trunk/locale/locale_fr_FR.php	2005-01-29 15:52:14 UTC (rev 873)
@@ -1,1386 +0,0 @@
-// set this to the encoding that should be used to display the pages correctly
-$messages["encoding"] = "utf-8";
-$messages["locale_description"] = "Fichier Langue Fran&#231;aise pour pLog";
-// days of the week
-$messages["days"] = Array( "Dimanche", "Lundi", "Mardi", "Mercredi", "Jeudi", "Vendredi", "Samedi" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["Monday"] = $messages["days"][1];
-$messages["Tuesday"] = $messages["days"][2];
-$messages["Wednesday"] = $messages["days"][3];
-$messages["Thursday"] = $messages["days"][4];
-$messages["Friday"] = $messages["days"][5];
-$messages["Saturday"] = $messages["days"][6];
-$messages["Sunday"] = $messages["days"][0];
-// abbreviations
-$messages["daysshort"] = Array( "Dim", "Lun", "Mar", "Mer", "Jeu", "Ven", "Sam" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["Mo"] = $messages["daysshort"][1];
-$messages["Tu"] = $messages["daysshort"][2];
-$messages["We"] = $messages["daysshort"][3];
-$messages["Th"] = $messages["daysshort"][4];
-$messages["Fr"] = $messages["daysshort"][5];
-$messages["Sa"] = $messages["daysshort"][6];
-$messages["Su"] = $messages["daysshort"][0];
-// months of the year
-$messages["months"] = Array( "Janvier", "F&#233;vrier", "Mars", "Avril", "Mai", "Juin", "Juillet", "Ao&#219;t", "Septembre", "Octobre", "Novembre", "D&#233;cembre" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["January"] = $messages["months"][0];
-$messages["February"] = $messages["months"][1];
-$messages["March"] = $messages["months"][2];
-$messages["April"] = $messages["months"][3];
-$messages["May"] = $messages["months"][4];
-$messages["June"] = $messages["months"][5];
-$messages["July"] = $messages["months"][6];
-$messages["August"] = $messages["months"][7];
-$messages["September"] = $messages["months"][8];
-$messages["October"] = $messages["months"][9];
-$messages["November"] = $messages["months"][10];
-$messages["December"] = $messages["months"][11];
-$messages["message"] = "Message";
-$messages["error"] = "Erreur";
-$messages["date"] = "Date";
-// miscellaneous texts
-$messages["of"] = "of";
-$messages["recently"] = "r&#233;cemment...";
-$messages["comments"] = "commentaires";
-$messages["comment on this"] = "Commenter";
-$messages["my_links"] = "Quelques Adresses";
-$messages["archives"] = "archives";
-$messages["search"] = "recherche";
-$messages["calendar"] = "calendrier";
-$messages["categories"] = "cat&#233;gories";
-$messages["search_s"] = "Recherche";
-$messages["link_tracker"] = "Recherche d'adresses";
-$messages["search_this_blog"] = "Chercher dans ce blog:";
-$messages["about_myself"] = "Qui suis-je?";
-$messages["permalink_title"] = "Lien permanent vers les archives";
-$messages["permalink"] = "Permalink";
-$messages["posted_by"] = "Post&#233; par";
-$messages["on_the"] = "le";
-$messages["page"] = "page";
-$messages["posted"] = "post&#233;";
-$messages["reply"] = "R&#233;pondre";
-// add comment form
-$messages["add_comment"] = "Ajouter un commentaire";
-$messages["comment_topic"] = "Sujet";
-$messages["comment_text"] = "Texte";
-$messages["comment_username"] = "Votre nom";
-$messages["comment_email"] = "Votre adresse eMail (si d&#233;sir&#233;)";
-$messages["comment_url"] = "Votre site web (si d&#233;sir&#233;)";
-$messages["comment_send"] = "Envoyer";
-$messages["comment_added"] = "Commentaire ajout&#233;!";
-$messages["comment_add_error"] = "Erreur en ajoutant le commentaire";
-$messages["article_does_not_exist"] = "Cet article n'existe pas";
-$messages["no_posts_found"] = "Aucun message trouv&#233;";
-$messages["user_has_no_posts_yet"] = "Cet usager n'a encore &#233;crit aucun article";
-$messages["info_about_myself"] = "Quelques informations sur moi...";
-$messages["back"] = "Retour";
-$messages["back_top"] = "Retour en haut de page";
-$messages["post"] = "article";
-$messages["trackbacks_for_article"] = "Suivi (<em>Trackbacks</em>) pour cet article titr&#233;";
-$messages["trackback_excerpt"] = "Extrait";
-$messages["trackback_weblog"] = "Weblog";
-$messages["search_results"] = "R&201;sultats de Recherche";
-$messages["search_matching_results"] = "Les articles suivants r&#233;pondent aux crit&#232;res de votre recherche: ";
-$messages["search_no_matching_posts"] = "Aucun article trouv&#233;";
-$messages["see_all_link"] = "Clicker ici pour voir tous les articles &#192; ce jour";
-$messages["read_more"] = "(Plus)";
-$messages["anonymous_poster"] = "Envois anonyme";
-$messages["syndicate"] = "SYNDICALISATION";
-$messages["main"] = "Principale";
-////// error messages /////
-$messages["error_adding_comment"] = "There was an error adding the comment to the database.";
-$messages["error_blog_has_no_links"] = "Ce blog n'a aucune adresse en banque.";
-$messages["error_comment_without_name"] = "Vous devez au moins ajouter votre Nom ou Alias.";
-$messages["error_comment_without_text"] = "Vous devez au moins inscrire un commentaire.";
-$messages["error_comments_not_enabled"] = "Les commentaires ont &#233;t&#233; d&#233;sactiv&#233; dans ce blog.";
-$messages["error_fetching_article"] = "L'article recherch&#233; ne se retrouve pas en banque.";
-$messages["error_fetching_articles"] = "Il n'y a actuellement aucun article a afficher.  Probablement que ce membre n'a pas encore &#233;crit dans son blog.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_article_id"] = "L'identifiant de l'article est incorrect.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_blog_id"] = "L'identifiant du blog est incorrect.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_parameter"] = "Param&#232;tre incorrect.";
-$messages["error_parameter_missing"] = "Il y a un Param&#232;tre incorrect dans cette requ&#234;te.";
-$messages["error_trackback_no_trackback"] = "Aucun Suivi (<em>Trackbacks</em>) pour cet article.";
-/////////////////                                          //////////////////
-///////////////// STRINGS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION INTERFACE //////////////////
-/////////////////                                          //////////////////
-////// help messages for the administration interface /////
-$messages["newPost"] = "<p>Use this page to add a new post to your journal. You should provide a topic or subject
-for your post as well as some text for your post. Once you have finished, press the <b>'Add'</b> button and the post
-will automatically be included in your page. Please note that you have to set the status of the post
-to <b>'Published'</b> if you want it to appear in front page. Use the <b>'Draft'</b> status when you can't finish posting
-now but you would like to save what you have typed so far for later revision.</p>
-<p>You can also classify the post under any of the categories you have previously created. Simply set
-the <b>'Category'</b> field to the one you most like.</p>
-<p>If you would like to receive an email notifying about a new post, please check the corresponding
-<p>Check the box where it says </b>'Find links in the post...'</b> if after adding the post, you
-would like to send trackback pings to the hosts that support it. Your post will be scanned for
-links and you will have the possibility to choose which ones to send trackback pings to.</p>";
-$messages["addPost"] = "<p>Your post has been successfully added to the database. Now you can select
-to which hosts you would like to send a trackback ping, so that they know you have written about them
-and can <i>track you back</i>.</p>";
-$messages["editComments"] = "There are all the comments that have been posted for the given post. Comments
-can not be edited but they can be deleted. The only mandatory field when posting comments is the
-\"name\" field, so the E-mail and Url columns could be empty. The IP Address field is the
-original IP address where this comment was posted from. You can delete
-as many as you need by checking the corresponding <b>'Delete'</b> checkbox and pressing the
-<b>'Delete selected'</b> button.";
-$messages["postStats"] = "<p>These are the statistics about the selected post. The first one is how
-many times this article has been read, but please keep in mind that this statistic might be
-meaningless if you have disabled the <b>'Read more...'</b> feature in the <b>'Blog Settings'</b>
-<p>The referrers are the urls of all the hosts that visited this post, and the trackbacks table represents
-how many trackback pings have been received for this post. They can't be deleted or modified.</p>";
-$messages["editLinks"] = "<p>This is a list with all the links that have been added. Like posts, every
-link can be sorted in different categories and then displayed in the main page for visitors to see.</p>
-<p>For every link, you will see here its name, the url where it is pointing to and under which category
-it has been sorted. Finally you can also delete any of the links.</p>";
-$messages["newLink"] = "<p>You can add a new link from here. You have to provide at least a valid
-url and a name for the link. The description field is optional but useful to have more information
-about the link. You need at least one link category before you can add any link.</p>";
-$messages["editLinkCategories"] = "<p>This is a list with all the link categories that have been
-created. Like with posts, you need at least one link category before you can add any link. Clicking
-on the <b>'Links'</b> column will show all the links that belong to the category.</p>";
-$messages["newLinkCategory"] = "<p>The only thing you need to provide in order to have a new
-link category is a descriptive name for the category. Once the link category has been created,
-it will be available for links to be categorized under.</p>";
-$messages["userSettings"] = "<p>Things related to your user profile can be changed from this
-page. Please note that your username cannot be changed.<ul>
-<li><b>Password, Confirm Password</b>: If you would like to change your password, please type it in
-the first text box. Do the same in the second box to confirm that you entered the same password.</li>
-<li><b>Email address</b>: Please set this to a valid email address if you would like to use features
-such as the notification when a comment is received to a post. It is used only for internal
-purposes and will not be publicly displayed.</li>
-<li><b>Bio</b>: You can type here some information about yourself. It can be left empty.</li>
-$messages["Stats"] = "<p>You can see from here all the referrers that have hit this site in the past.
-The <b>'Article'</b> column reflects which article was visited by the referrer or the value <b>'0'</b>
-if the referrer visited the main page or any other page which was not an article. Finally, the
-<b>'Last hit date'</b> column is the time of the last hit received from that referrer.</p>";
-$messages["editLink"] = "<p>You have to provide at least a url and a name for the link. The link must also
-be categorized under a category.</p>";
-$messages["editLinkCategory"] = "Please provide a new name for the link category you are updating.</p>";
-$messages["blogSelect"] = "Please select one of the operations from the menu.";
-$messages["Error"] = "There was an error while executing the requested operation. Please see
-the main page for more information regarding the error.";
-$messages["Message"] = "Please see the main page for more information regarding the message.";
-//////// strings for the administration interface ///////
-$messages["admin_interface_title"] = "pLog Administrative Interface";
-$messages["administration"] = "Administration";
-$messages["help"] = "Help";
-$messages["plog_help"] = "pLog Help";
-$messages["new_post"] = "New Post";
-$messages["posts"] = "Posts";
-$messages["admin_categories"] = "Categories";
-$messages["admin_links"] = "Links";
-$messages["link_categories"] = "Link Categories";
-$messages["settings"] = "Settings";
-$messages["logout"] = "Logout";
-// new post page
-$messages["topic"] = "Topic";
-$messages["text"] = "Text";
-$messages["category"] = "Category";
-$messages["status"] = "Status";
-$messages["status_draft"] = "Draft";
-$messages["status_published"] = "Published";
-$messages["status_deleted"] = "Deleted";
-$messages["status_all"] = "All";
-$messages["send_notification"] = "Notify me every time there is a comment.";
-$messages["send_trackback_pings"] = "Find links in the post and send trackback pings to the links that support the feature.";
-$messages["add_post"] = "Blog this!";
-$messages["xmlrpc_ping_ok"] = "XML-RPC Ping was correctly sent to ";
-$messages["error_sending_xmlrpc_ping"] = "There was an error sending an XML-RPC Ping to ";
-$messages["error_sending_xmlrpc_ping_message"] = "Error message was: ";
-$messages["preview"] = "Preview";
-$messages["post_added"] = "Post added";
-$messages["you_will_be_notified"] = "Additionally, You will be notified whenever there is some activity in this post.";
-$messages["post_added_not_published"] = "Post added but not published.";
-$messages["error_adding_post"] = "Error adding the post!";
-$messages["error_must_fill_all_fields"] = "You  must fill in all the fields!";
-$messages["error_must_have_one_category"] = "You need to have at least one post category before adding a post";
-// send trackbacks page
-$messages["send_trackback_pings"] = "Send Trackback Pings";
-$messages["links_found"] = "The following links were found in your post. Please check the ones you
-would like to try to send a trackback ping (please note that this may take a while)";
-$messages["trackbacks_no_urls_selected"] = "No urls were selected and therefore no trackback pings were sent.";
-$messages["trackbacks_received_ok"] = "The following hosts received the trackback ping successfully:";
-$messages["trackbacks_no_trackback"] = "The following link did not have a valid trackback url: ";
-$messages["trackbacks_problems_sending"] = "There were some problems while sending the trackback pings to the following hosts.
-You can try to reach them again if you wish.";
-$messages["trackbacks_received_all_hosts"] = "All hosts successfully received the trackback ping.";
-$messages["ping_selected"] = "Ping selected sites";
-// edit posts
-$messages["author"] = "Author";
-$messages["category_all"] = "All";
-$messages["author_all"] = "All";
-$messages["update"] = "Update";
-$messages["date"] = "Date";
-$messages["stats"] = "Stats";
-$messages["delete"] = "Delete";
-$messages["delete_selected"] = "Delete Selected";
-// edit post
-$messages["edit_post"] = "Edit Post";
-$messages["error_getting_post_to_update"] = "There was an error fetching the post selected for update.";
-$messages["error_updating_post_in_database"] = "Error updating the post in the database.";
-$messages["post_successfully_updated"] = "Post successfully updated.";
-$messages["notification_removed"] = "The notification you had for this article has been removed.";
-// post statistics
-$messages["statistics_for_post"] = "Statistics for post ";
-$messages["error_fetching_post"] = "There was an error fetching the post.";
-$messages["times_post_has_been_read"] = "Times post has been read: ";
-$messages["referers"] = "Referrers";
-$messages["id"] = "Id";
-$messages["url"] = "Url";
-$messages["hits"] = "Hits";
-$messages["trackbacks"] = "Trackbacks";
-// post comments
-$messages["error_fetching_comments"] = "Error fetching article comments";
-$messages["comments_for_post"] = "Comments for post ";
-$messages["email"] = "E-Mail";
-$messages["ip_address"] = "IP Address";
-// delete comments
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-$messages["error_no_comments_selected"] = "No comments were selected to delete.";
-$messages["error_deleting_comment"] = "There was an error deleting the comment ";
-$messages["comment_deleted_ok"] = "Comment with topic \"%s\" deleted successfully.";
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-// categories list
-$messages["category_name"] = "Name";
-// removing posts
-$messages["post_cannot_be_deleted"] = "Post can not be deleted";
-$messages["no_posts_selected"] = "There were no posts selected to delete.";
-// %s = subject of the post, %d = identifier of the post. feel free to change its order
-// but if you remove them there will be no information about which post was removed...
-$messages["error_deleting_post"] = "Error deleting post \"%s\" (id = %d)";
-$messages["post_deleted_ok"] = "Post \"%2\$s\" successfully deleted (id = %1\$d)";
-// delete categories
-$messages["no_categories_selected"] = "There were no categories selected to delete.";
-$messages["error_category_has_articles"] = "Could not delete category \"%s\" because there is at least one
-article categorized under it. Please remove the article(s) first and then try again.";
-$messages["error_deleting_category"] = "Error deleting category \"%s\" from the database.";
-$messages["category_deleted_ok"] = "Category \"%s\" successfully deleted.";
-// add category
-$messages["add_new_category"] = "Add New Category";
-$messages["add_new_category_info"] = "Please provide a valid name for the new category.";
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-$messages["category_added_ok"] = "Article category added successfully.";
-$messages["error_adding_article_category"] = "There wasn an error adding the new article category.";
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-// edit categories
-$messages["edit_category"] = "Edit Category";
-$messages["please_provide_valid_category_name"] = "Please provide a valid name for the category.";
-// edit category
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-$messages["error_incorrect_category_id"] = "Incorrect article category identifier";
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-// update the category
-$messages["error_fetching_category"] = "There was an error fetching the category.";
-$messages["error_updating_category"] = "There was an error while updating the category.";
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-$messages["error_empty_category_name"] = "You must provide a valid name for the category.";
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-$messages["category_updated_ok"] = "Category updated successfully.";
-// edit links
-$messages["link_name"] = "Name";
-$messages["link_url"] = $messages["url"];
-$messages["link_category"] = $messages["category"];
-$messages["link_description"] = "Description";
-$messages["links"] = "Links";
-// edit a link
-$messages["error_provide_name_and_url"] = "You must at least provide a name and an url for the link.";
-$messages["error_invalid_link_id"] = "The link identifier is invalid or missing.";
-$messages["error_fetching_link"] = "There was an rrror fetching the link.";
-$messages["error_updating_link"] = "There was an error updating the link.";
-$messages["link_updated_ok"] = "Link successfully updated!";
-$messages["error_fetching_link_categories"] = "There was an error fetching the link categories.";
-// add a link
-$messages["add_new_link"] = "Add New Link";
-$messages["add_link"] = "Add Link";
-$messages["error_adding_link"] = "There was an error while adding the link.";
-$messages["link_added_ok"] = "Link successfully added.";
-$messages["error_provide_name_and_url"] = "You need to provide at least a valid name and address.";
-$messages["error_must_have_one_link_category"] = "You must have at least one link category before adding any link.";
-// delete a link
-$messages["error_no_links_selected"] = "No links were selected to delete.";
-$messages["error_removing_link"] = "Error removing link \"%s\" from the database.";
-$messages["link_deleted_ok"] = "Link \"%s\" successfully removed from the database.";
-// edit link categories
-$messages["add_link_category"] = "Add New Link Category";
-$messages["link_categories_help"] = "You must have at least one link category before adding any link.";
-$messages["link_category_name"] = "Name";
-$messages["link_category_links"] = "Links";
-// new link category
-$messages["new_link_category_info"] = "Link categories will help you to classify the different links you
-can have. You can also later on show your links grouped using these categories in the main page.";
-$messages["add_link_category"] = "Add Link Category";
-$messages["error_provide_link_category_name"] = "You must provide a valid name for the link category.";
-$messages["error_adding_link_category"] = "There was an error while adding the link category.";
-$messages["link_category_added_ok"] = "Link category successfully added.";
-// edit link category
-$messages["edit_link_category"] = "Edit Link Category";
-$messages["error_updating_link_category"] = "There was an error updating the link category.";
-$messages["link_category_updated_ok"] = "Link category updated successfully.";
-$messages["error_fetching_link_category"] = "Error fetching the link category.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_link_category_id"] = "Incorrecct link category identifier";
-// delete link categories
-$messages["error_no_link_category_selected"] = "No link categories were selected to delete.";
-$messages["error_links_in_link_category"] = "Category \"%s\" can not be deleted because it has links categorized
-under it. Please remove first all the links and then try again.";
-$messages["error_removing_link_category"] = "Error removing the category \"%s\".";
-$messages["link_category_deleted_ok"] = "Link category \"%s\" successfully removed.";
-// this error is shown when for some reason the category could not be fetched from the database
-// and we can't show its name
-$messages["error_removing_link_category_2"] = "Error removing link category with id = %d";
-// blog settings page
-$messages["blog_settings"] = "Blog Settings";
-$messages["user_profile"] = "User Profile";
-$messages["plugin_center"] = "Plugin Center";
-$messages["statistics"] = "Statistics";
-$messages["blog_name"] = "Blog name";
-$messages["long_blog_name"] = "Longer, descriptive text about this blog";
-$messages["language_used"] = "Language used to display the texts and dates";
-$messages["items_main_page"] = "How many items would you like to show in the main page?";
-$messages["items_as_recent"] = "How many items would you like to show as \"Recent\"?";
-$messages["template_used"] = "Choose a template that will define the look of your blog";
-$messages["cut_posts"] = "Cut posts that are too long and and a \"More...\" link?";
-$messages["cut_posts_after_characters"] = "How many characters would you like to allow before cutting the post?";
-$messages["enable_wysiwyg_edition"] = "Enable WYSIWYG edition of texts (only available for Internet Explorer 5.5 or higer and Mozilla 1.3b or higher)?";
-$messages["enable_comments"] = "Enable comments for all posts?";
-$messages["yes"] = "Yes";
-$messages["no"] = "No";
-$messages["error_invalid_locale"] = "Invalid value for the locale settings";
-$messages["error_incorrect_max_recent_items"] = "You must provide a valid value for the number of recent items you
-would like to show.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_number_of_posts"] = "You must provide a valid value for the number of posts you
-would like to show on the main page.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_template"] = "The value for the template is not correct.";
-$messages["error_no_blog_name"] = "You must provide a valid name for your blog.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_show_more_threshold"] = "You must provide a valid value for the
-number of characters to show of a post before cutting it and adding the \"More...\" link.";
-$messages["error_updating_settings"] = "There was an error while updating the settings of the blog.";
-$messages["blog_settings_updated_ok"] = "Blog settings updated succesfully!";
-$messages["permanent_blog_url"] = "Permanent URL for this blog (read only)";
-// user profile page
-$messages["username"] = "Username";
-$messages["password"] = "Password";
-$messages["confirm_password"] = "Confirm Password";
-$messages["email_address"] = "Email address";
-$messages["bio"] = "Bio";
-$messages["empty_no_change"] = "Leave empty for no change";
-$messages["user_settings_updated_ok"] = "User settings updated successfully.";
-$messages["error_updating_user_settings"] = "Error updating user settings.";
-$messages["error_passwords_dont_match"] = "Sorry, passwords do not match.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_password"] = "Sorry, the password is not correct.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_email_address"] = "Email address is not valid.";
-// plugin center page
-$messages["plugins_available"] = "This is a list of the plugins available to use in the templates";
-$messages["identifier"] = "Identifier";
-$messages["description"] = "Description";
-$messages["error_plugins_disabled"] = "Support for plugins has been disabled in this site.";
-// statistics page
-$messages["statistics_info"] = "An article identifier of 0 means that those were incoming hits to the main
-site, not to any particular article.";
-$messages["article_id"] = "Article Id";
-$messages["last_hit_date"] = "Last Hit Date";
-$messages["error_fetching_referers"] = "Error fetching the referrers for this site";
-// login screen
-$messages["login_page_title"] = "pLog Administrative Interface";
-$messages["login"] = "Login";
-$messages["welcome_message"] = "Welcome to pLog";
-$messages["error_incorrect_username_or_password"] = "Sorry, Incorrect username or password.";
-$messages["error_dont_belong_to_any_blog"] = "Sorry, you don't belong to any blog yet.";
-$messages["error_no_username_or_password"] = "Please provide a valid username or password.";
-$messages["choose_one_blog"] = " You belong to the following blogs. Choose one to work on now";
-$messages["continue"] = "Continue";
-$messages["logout_message"] = "You have been successfully logged out.";
-$messages["logout_message_2"] = "<a href=\"admin.php\">Click here</a> to log in again, or
-<a href=\"%1\$s\">here to go to %2\$s</a>.";
-$messages["logout_title"] = "Logged out";
-$messages["error_access_forbidden"] = "Access is forbidden. You must authenticate first here.";
-// new strings added for 0.2
-$messages["site_admin"] = "Site Admin";
-$messages["site_stats"] = "Site Statistics";
-$messages["add_user"] = "Add User";
-$messages["users"] = "Users";
-$messages["add_blog"] = "Add Blog";
-$messages["blogs"] = "Blogs";
-$messages["locales"] = "Locales";
-$messages["add_locale"] = "Add Locale";
-$messages["templates"] = "Templates";
-$messages["add_template"] = "Add Template";
-$messages["global_settings"] = "Global Settings";
-$messages["site_settings"] = "Site Settings";
-$messages["help_comments_enabled"] = "Enables or disables comments for the whole site.";
-$messages["help_beautify_comments_text"] = "Respects user formatting when posting a comment.";
-$messages["help_rdf_enabled"] = "Enables or disables the generation of an RDF feed with the latest posts.";
-$messages["help_temp_folder"] = "Folder that will be used by pLog to carry out some operations that need a temporary folder.";
-$messages["help_base_url"] = "This URL will be used to generate correct URLs, so please set it to the correct value";
-$messages["help_show_posts_max"] = "How many posts will be shown in the main page by default.";
-$messages["help_recent_posts_max"] = "How many posts will be shown as recent, by default.";
-$messages["help_template_folder"] = "This is where the templates used by pLog can be found.";
-$messages["help_default_template"] = "The template that will be given by default to new blogs.";
-$messages["help_defalut_locale"] = "The default locale settings that will be used for new blogs and in the login page of the administration interface.";
-$messages["help_html_allowed_tags_in_comments"] = "HTML tags that will not be removed from comments posted by users.";
-$messages["help_referer_tracker_enabled"] = "Adds very basic information from about the referrer to the database, if the referrer is available when receiving a request.";
-$messages["help_rss_parser_enabled"] = "Enables or disables the RSS parser that is available in the templates.";
-$messages["help_show_more_enabled"] = "Enables or disables the \"More...\" feature by default.";
-$messages["help_show_more_threshold"] = "How many characters should be left before the more link is added.";
-$messages["help_update_article_reads"] = "Whether to update or not the internal counter representing the number of times each article has been read.";
-$messages["help_request_format_mode"] = "\"Plain\" mode will generate normal URLs while \"Search Engine Friendly\" will generate URLs that are easier to read and that will be parsed by search engines. Requires Apache and the possibility to use a .htaccess file";
-$messages["help_xmlrpc_ping_enabled"] = "Whether to send an XMLRPC notification to the hosts configured below every time a post is added.";
-$messages["help_xmlrpc_ping_hosts"] = "List of hosts that support XMLRPC notifications. Please put different hosts in different lines, as many as needed.";
-$messages["help_trackback_server_enabled"] = "Whether to accept or not incoming trackback requests.";
-$messages["help_htmlarea_enabled"] = "Enables or disables the WYSIWYG editor of posts.";
-$messages["help_plugin_manager_enabled"] = "Enables or disables plugins.";
-$messages["help_check_email_address_validity"] = "When registering a new blog, users are asked for a valid email address which will be verified for authenticity if this is set to true.";
-$messages["help_summary_page_show_max"] = "How many items should be shown in the summary page.";
-$messages["help_minimum_password_length"] = "How many characters should have at least a password.";
-$messages["help_users_can_add_templates"] = "Whether users are allowed to add new blog-specific templates or not to their blogs.";
-$messages["help_email_service_enabled"] = "Enables or disables the email service, used to send for example article notifications.";
-$messages["post_notification_source_address"] = "Address that will be used as the From: field when sending out emails.";
-$messages["help_email_service_type"] = "Method that will be used to send emails. Please choose one of them and do not forget to check the settings below.";
-$messages["help_smtp_host"] = "If using SMTP as the email sending method, this is the host that will be used to send the messages.";
-$messages["help_smtp_port"] = "Port in the host above specified where the SMTP server is running.";
-$messages["help_smtp_use_authentication"] = "If the SMTP server supports authentication and would like to use it, please enable this feature and see the two settings below.";
-$messages["help_smtp_username"] = "Username that will be used when sending emails using SMTP and authentication has been enabled.";
-$messages["help_smtp_password"] = "Password that will be used when sending emails using SMTP and authentication has been enabled.";
-$messages["help_uploads_enabled"] = "Enables or disables the uploading of files. This feature will affect the uploading of new template sets and the adding of files to current existing template sets.";
-$messages["help_maximum_file_upload_size"] = "Maximum size in bytes of files uploaded by users.";
-$messages["help_upload_forbidden_files"] = "List of file patterns that are not allowed to be uploaded. You can specify as many as needed separated by a blank space.";
-$messages["help_path_to_tar"] = "Path where the 'tar' tool can be found.";
-$messages["help_path_to_gzip"] = "Path where the 'gzip' tool can be found.";
-$messages["help_path_to_bz2"] = "Path where the 'bzip2' tool can be found.";
-$messages["help_path_to_unzip"] = "Path where the 'unzip' tool can be found.";
-$messages["add_user_give_information"] = "Please enter the following information to create a new user.";
-$messages["site_registered_users"] = "These are all the users registered in this server.";
-$messages["add_blog_give_information"] = "Please enter the following information to create a new blog.";
-$messages["blog_title"] = "Blog title";
-$messages["blog_owner"] = "Blog owner";
-$messages["site_registered_blogs"] = "These are all the blogs registered in this site.";
-$messages["edit_users"] = "Edit Users";
-$messages["upload_locale"] = "Upload locale";
-$messages["use_this_form_to_upload_locale"] = "  Use this form to upload a new locale file to this server. If you don't have the possibilityto upload files, please see the form below.";
-$messages["locale_file"] = "Locale file";
-$messages["manually_add_locale"] = "Manually Add Locale";
-$messages["use_this_form_if_cant_upload_locale"] = "Use this second form if you don't have the possibility of uploading files to your server. The file must have been copied to the default locale folder before executing this operation. Otherwise it will result in an error.";
-$messages["locale_code"] = "Locale code";
-$messages["locale_encoding"] = "Encoding";
-$messages["template_will_be_available_for_all"] = "The new template will automatically become available to all the blogs in this site.";
-$messages["use_this_form_to_upload_template"] = "  Use this form to upload a new template set file to this server. If you don't have the possibility to upload files, please see the form below . Template sets must be packed in zip, tar.gz or tar.bz2 files in order to be uploaded.";
-$messages["locale_file"] = "Locale file";
-$messages["upload_template"] = "Upload template";
-$messages["manually_add_template"] = "Manually Add Template";
-$messages["use_this_form_if_cannot_upload_template"] = " Use this second form if you don't have the possibility of uploading files to your server. The file must have been copied to the default template folder before executing this operation. Otherwise it will result in an error.";
-$messages["template_id"] = "Template Identifier";
-$messages["templates_available_for_all"] = "This templates are available to all the blogs in this site.";
-$messages["add_file"] = "Add File";
-$messages["setting_name"] = "Name";
-$messages["setting_value"] = "Value";
-$messages["setting_description"] = "Description";
-$messages["plain"] = "Plain";
-$messages["search_engine_friendly"] = "Search Engine Friendly";
-$messages["general_settings"] = "General Settings";
-$messages["helper_tools_settings"] = "Helper Tools Settings";
-$messages["uploads_settings"] = "Uploads Settings";
-$messages["email_settings"] = "Email Settings";
-$messages["number_blogs"] = "Number of blogs";
-$messages["number_users"] = "Number of users";
-$messages["number_posts"] = "Number of posts";
-$messages["number_posts_today"] = "Number of posts today";
-$messages["number_posts_this_month"] = "Number of posts this month";
-$messages["date"] = "Date";
-$messages["time"] = "Time";
-$messages["comments_order"] = "Order in which comments appear:";
-$messages["oldest_first"] = "Oldest first";
-$messages["newest_first"] = "Newest first";
-$messages["blog"] = "Blog";
-$messages["blog_id"] = "Blog Numerical Identifier";
-$messages["blog_users"] = "Blog Users";
-$messages["available_users"] = "Available Users";
-$messages["add"] = "Add";
-$messages["remove"] = "Remove";
-$messages["user_id"] = "User Numerical Identifier";
-$messages["new_password"] = "New Password";
-$messages["has_administrator_privileges"] = "Has administrator privileges";
-$messages["related_to_the_following_blogs"] = "Related to the following blogs";
-$messages["add_user_to_blog_form"] = " This form will allow you to add a user to your blog. The user will only be allowed to add or edit posts, but he or she will not be allowed to change any of the blog settings.";
-$messages["add_user_enter_username"] = " Please enter the username of the user you would like to add. The user must have registered in this server, otherwise this will cause an error.";
-$messages["add_user_send_notification"] = "Send a notification email to this user.";
-$messages["add_user_type_notification"] = "Type some text here to be sent to this user";
-$messages["following_users_have_permissions"] = " The following users are part of this blog. They can add, edit and remove posts but cannot change any of the settings and behaviour of this site.";
-$messages["revoke_permissions"] = "Revoke Permissions";
-$messages["add_blog_template"] = "Add Blog Template";
-$messages["manually_add_blog_template"] = "Manually Add Blog Template";
-$messages["template_available_only_for_this_blog"] = "This template will be made available only for this blog.";
-$messages["use_form_to_upload_blog_template"] = "Use this form to upload a new template set file to this server. If you don't have the possibility to upload files, please see the form below. Template sets must be packed in zip, tar.gz or tar.bz2 files in order to be uploaded.";
-$messages["use_form_if_cannot_upload_blog_template"] = "Use this second form if you don't have the possibility of uploading files to your server. The file must have been copied to the default template folder before executing this operation. Otherwise it will result in an error.";
-$messages["blog_templates"] = "Blog Templates";
-$messages["templates_only_available_for_this_blog"] = "The following templates are only available to this blog.";
-$messages["add_file_to_blog_template"] = "Add File to Blog Template"; $messages["upload_file_to_blog_template"] = "Please upload the file you would like to add to the template set.";
-$messages["error_user_id_incorrect"] = "Incorrect user identifier.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_user_id"] = $messages["error_user_id_incorrect"];
-$messages["error_fetching_user_information"] = "There was an error fetching the user information.";
-$messages["error_password_incorrect"] = "The password is too short or invalid.";
-$messages["error_updating_user_settings"] = "I could not update the settings for the given user.";
-$messages["user_settings_updated_ok"] = "Settings for user \"%s\" updated successfully.";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected_to_add"] = "No users were selected to add.";
-$messages["user_added_to_blog_ok"] = "The user \"%s\" has been added to the blog.";
-$messages["error_adding_user_to_blog"] = "There was an error adding the user \"%s\" to the blog.";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected_to_remove"] = "No users were selected to remove.";
-$messages["user_removed_from_blog_ok"] = "The user \"%s\" has been removed from the blog.";
-$messages["error_removing_user_from_blog"] = "There was an error removing the user \"%s\" from the blog.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_plugin_id"] = "The plugin identifier is incorrect.";
-$messages["error_configuring_plugin"] = "There was an error configuring the plugin: ";
-$messages["site_config_saved_ok"] = "Site configuration was successfully saved.";
-$messages["error_saving_site_config"] = "There was a problem saving the configuration.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_blog_owner"] = "The user chosen as the blog owner does not exist.";
-$messages["error_updating_blog_settings"] = "There was an error while updating the settings for blog \"%s\"";
-$messages["blog_settings_updated_ok"] = "The settings for blog \"%s\" were updated successfully.";
-$messages["error_fetching_users"] = "There was an error while fetching the users in this site.";
-$messages["error_fetching_blogs"] = "There was an error while fetching the blogs in this site.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_template_id"] = "The template identifier is not valid or does not exist.";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected"] = "No users were selected to delete.";
-$messages["error_could_not_find_user"] = "I could not find user \"%s\" in this site.";
-$messages["error_deleting_user"] = "There was an error deleting user \"%s\"";
-$messages["user_deleted_ok"] = "User \"%s\" successfully deleted.";
-$messages["error_must_give_blog_name"] = "You must give a valid name for the blog.";
-$messages["error_adding_blog"] = "There was an error while adding the blog to the database.";
-$messages["blog_added_ok"] = "The new blog \"%s\" has been successfully added to the database.";
-$messages["error_template_not_inside_folder"] = "The template files must be inside a folder.";
-$messages["error_missing_base_files"] = "Some of the basic files are missing from the set.";
-$messages["error_unpacking"] = "There was an error unpacking the file.";
-$messages["error_forbidden_extensions"] = "Some files inside the template have been forbidden.";
-$messages["error_creating_working_folder"] = "There was an error checking the template set";
-$messages["error_checking_template"] = "There was an error with the template set (code = %s)";
-$messages["error_add_template_disabled"] = "Users are not allowed to add templates in this site.";
-$messages["error_must_upload_file"] = "You must upload a file.";
-$messages["error_no_template_name"] = "You must provide a template name.";
-$messages["error_uploads_disabled"] = "The upload feature has been disabled in this site.";
-$messages["error_installing_template"] = "There was an error installing the template set.";
-$messages["template_installed_ok"] = "The new template set has been successfully installed as \"%s\".";
-$messages["error_adding_template_file"] = "There was an error adding the file to the template set.";
-$messages["error_file_forbidden"] = "Files of this type have been forbidden in this site.";
-$messages["error_file_too_big"] = "The file is too big. Maximum allowed size is \"%s\" bytes.";
-$messages["template_file_added_ok"] = "File added successfully to template \"%s\".";
-$messages["error_plugin_cannot_be_configured"] = "The plugin cannot be configured.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_username"] = "The username is incorrect.";
-$messages["error_username_already_exists"] = "There is already a user registered with the same username.";
-$messages["error_adding_user"] = "There was an error whiel adding the new user to the database.";
-$messages["user_added_ok"] = "The new user \"%s\" has been successfully added.";
-$messages["error_no_blogs_selected"] = "You must select at least one blog to delete.";
-$messages["error_blog_is_default_blog"] = "\"%s\" cannot be deleted because it is the default blog.";
-$messages["blog_deleted_ok"] = "Blog \"%s\" has been successfully deleted.";
-$messages["error_deleting_blog"] = "There was an error while deleting blog \"%s\".";
-$messages["error_no_templates_selected"] = "No templates were selected to remove.";
-$messages["error_removing_template"] = "There was an error removing the template \"%s\"";
-$messages["template_removed_ok"] = "Template \"%s\" removed successfully.";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected_to_remove_from_blog"] = "No users were selected to remove from this blog.";
-$messages["error_removing_user_from_blog"] = "There was an error removing user \"%s\" from this blog.";
-$messages["user_removed_from_blog_ok"] = "User \"%s\" has been successfully removed from this blog.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_locale_code"] = "The given locale code is not valid.";
-$messages["error_invalid_locale_file"] = "The file does not seem to be a valid locale file.";
-$messages["error_adding_locale_file"] = "There was an error adding the new locale file. Please make sure that the file has been uploaded to the locale folder prior to this operation and that it has correct permissions.";
-$messages["locale_added_ok"] = "The new locale \"%s\" has been successfully added.";
-$messages["error_saving_locale"] = "There was an error saving the new locale file to the locale folder. Please make sure that the folder has the right access permissions.";
-$messages["error_no_locales_selected"] = "No locales were selected to delete.";
-$messages["error_deleting_only_locale"] = "This is the only locale available in the system and therefore it cannot be deleted.";
-$messages["locale_deleted_ok"] = "Locale \"%s\" deleted successfully.";
-$messages["error_deleting_locale"] = "There was an error while deleting locale \"%s\"";
-$messages["error_cant_delete_default_locale"] = "\"%s\" can not be deleted because it is the default locale setting at the moment.";
-$messages["plugin_config"] = "Plugin Configuration";
-$messages["use_read_more_feature"] = "Show the whole post in the main or only the part that was typed in the 'Text' box?";
-$messages["extended_text"] = "This text will be only shown in the post page, unless we disable the feature in the 'Settings' tab";
-$messages["error_must_give_post_intro"] = "You must at least provide an introductory text to the post.";
-$messages["error_no_albums_defined"] = "There are no albums available in this blog.";
-$messages["error_fetching_album"] = "There was an error fetching the requested album";
-$messages["comment_marked_as_spam_ok"] = "Comment marked as spam successfully.";
-$messages["comment_marked_as_nonspam_ok"] = "Comment marked as non spam successfully.";
-$messages["error_marking_comment_as_nonspam"] = "There was an error marking the comment as non spam.";
-$messages["error_marking_comment_as_spam"] = "There was an error marking the comment as spam.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_comment_id"] = "The comment identifier was incorrect.";
-$messages["error_base_storage_folder_missing_or_unreadable"] = "One of the folders required for the storage of the resources was missing or unreadable.";
-///// new help messages ////
-// translators: this one has changed too since we now have two text boxes: one for the
-// text that we'd like to appear in the main page and another one for the text that
-// will only be shown in the 'post' page (that is, when the users clicks on the
-// permalink, for example)
-$messages["newPost"] = "<p>Use this page to add a new post to your journal. You should provide a topic or subject
-for your post as well as some text for your post. Once you have finished, press the <b>'Add'</b> button and the post
-will automatically be included in your page. Please note that you have to set the status of the post
-to <b>'Published'</b> if you want it to appear in front page. Use the <b>'Draft'</b> status when you can't finish posting
-now but you would like to save what you have typed so far for later revision.</p>
-<p>The text typed in the first text box will always appear in the main page. You can use
-the second text box if you want to have some text not to be included in the main page
-but that should be shown once the users clicks on the permalink or on the
-\"Read More...\" link. This link will be automatically added to the end of the text. This
-field is not mandatory and its behaviour can be controlled in the \"Settings\" tab,
-where you can force both text text boxes to be shown in the main page.</p>
-<p>You can also classify the post under any of the categories you have previously created. Simply set
-the <b>'Category'</b> field to the one you most like.</p>
-<p>If you would like to receive an email notifying about a new post, please check the corresponding
-<p>Check the box where it says </b>'Find links in the post...'</b> if after adding the post, you
-would like to send trackback pings to the hosts that support it. Your post will be scanned for
-links and you will have the possibility to choose which ones to send trackback pings to.</p>";
-$messages["updatePost"] = $messages["newPost"];
-$messages["newBlogUser"] = "This option allows you to easily give editing permissions to other
-users in this blog. To do so, you only have to know its username. If you already know it,
-simply type it in the text field below and press the \"Add User\" button. If you wish, you can
-also send an email to this user (as long as he or she used the right address when
-registering) notifying him or her that he has now been granted permissions to add, edit
-and delete posts in this blog.";
-$messages["showBlogUsers"] = "This is a list of the users that have been given editing permissions
-in this blog. You can see their profile if you wish or you can also revoke their permissions
-by selectin them and then clicking on the \"Revoke Permissions\" button. Once you do that,
-the selected users will no longer be able to publish anything in this blog.";
-// note to translators:
-// added some additional text here to inform about the new "configure" feature
-$messages["pluginCenter"] = "<p>From here you can see which plugins have been installed. For every
-plugin, you will see its identifier (the identifier you have to use when developing templates and
-want to make use of the plugin features), the author of the plugin, and some descriptive text with
-various information about the plugin, mainly how to use it.</p>
-<p>Some plugins offer also their own configuration page from wich you can modify some
-aspects of its behaviour. To access such page, please click on the \"configure\" link
-next to every plugin.</p>";
-$messages["configurePlugin"] = "This plugin provides some settings that can be configured
-by the user.";
-$messages["newBlogTemplate"] = "<p>It is possible to easily add new templates to the system. To do
-so, there are two possibilities: the template can either be uploaded as a compressed file
-(tar.gz, tar.bz2 and zip files are supported) to the server or it canbe manually
-uploaded using any available method.</p>
-<p>If the first method is chosen, the contents of the file must have all been packaged
-under a folder which will be the name given to the template.</p>
-<p>If the second method is chosen, simply upload the files to a folder under your blog-specific folder
-and type in the name of the folder in the text box below.</p>
-<p>Plugins added here will only be available to this specific below and will not be able to
-be accessed by other blogs.</p>";
-$messages["blogTemplates"] = "<p>This is a list with all the templates that have been added to
-this blog. If you wish to remove any of them, please select them and click on the
-\"Delete Selected\" button below the list. Once a template is deleted it cannot be
-recovered, since it is removed from the disk.</p>";
-$messages["adminSettings"] = "<p>These are some very basic statistics about the site.</p>";
-$messages["createUser"] = "<p>We can easily register new users in the system by using this form.
-We only need to provide with a valid username and a password, and optionally an email address.
-Users registered here will not be attached to any blog unless we explicitly do so in the
-\"User\" section or until we create a blog specially for this new user.</p>";
-$messages["editUserProfile"] = "<p>From here we can edit the profile of any user in this blog. We can
-also grant administrator privileges to the user (or revoke them). A list of the blogs to which
-the user belogs is also displayed.</p>";
-$messages["editSiteUsers"] = "<p>These are all the users that are registered in this site. You can see and edit
-their profile by clicking on the username or you can delete any of them by clicking on the
-checkbox of the user(s) and then click on the \"Delete Selected\" button. Once a user
-has been deleted, it can <b>not</b> be recovered, so please be careful.</p>";
-$messages["createBlog"] = "<p>Unlimited blogs can be added to a single installation of pLog. Users
-can use the registration script provided in the main package but administrator can also
-register new blogs by using this form. The only things needed to know are the name that will
-be given to the blog and the user who will be the owner, having the maximum privileges
-over that blog.</p>";
-$messages["editSiteBlogs"] = "<p>This is a list with all the blogs that have been registered
-so far in this site. Any blog can be deleted selecting it and clicking on the \"Delete
-Selected\" button. If we try to delete the blog that has been set as the default one
-(see the \"Global Settings\" tab in \"Site Admin\") we will get an error message.</p>
-<p>We can also edit the settings of any blog by clicking on it.</p>
-<p>Finally, we can edit the users that have permissions on a given blog by clicking
-on the \"Edit Users\" link</p>";
-$messages["editBlog"] = "<p>The settings of the blog can be edited from here in the same way
-a normal user can do. Everything is exactly the same except that administrator users can also
-change who is the owner of the blog, anytime.</p>";
-$messages["editBlogUsers"] = "<p>This feature allows to visually add and remove users from
-any blog. On the left side we will see a list containing all the users that have not
-been given editing privileges in this blog yet, while on the right side we will see a list of the
-users that have already been given privileges. To a user (or more than one if necessary)
-we only have to select them from the list of the left and click on the \"Add\" button. To do
-the opposite process, we will have to select the users from the list of the right and
-click on the \"Remove\" button.</p>
-<p>It is also possible to change the user who is the owner of the blog by selecting
-another from the drop-down list on top.</p>";
-$messages["newLocale"] = "<p>Now locales can be easily added to the site using this feature. If
-we have the possibility of uploading files, then we can use the first form, \"Upload Locale\"
-simply pointing the browser to the locale file we'd like to upload. pLog will take care
-of everything else, including copying the file to the folder with the other language files, but
-please bear in mind that the folder must be writable by the user who is running the web server in
-order for this feature to work properly. If the language file already exists, <b>it will
-be overwritten and replaced by the new one</b>.</p>
-<p>If files cannot be uploaded to the server, then the file will have to be
-manually uploaded and placed in the same folder with the other language files. Once the file
-has been placed there, we will have to type in the second form its code omitting the
-<p>Locale files must follow the naming convention of locale_ll_CC, where 'll' is the
-2-digit ISO code for the language, while CC is the 2-digit ISO code for the country. If the file
-does not conform to those rules, it will be rejected as a valid locale file.</p>";
-$messages["siteLocales"] = "<p>This is a list with all the language files that have been
-installed in this site. For each one of them, the encoding used by it and a brief
-description can be seen. Also, language files can be removed from the system by selecting
-them and clicking on the \"Delete Selected\" button.</p>";
-$messages["newTemplate"] = "<p>It is possible to easily add new templates to the system. To do
-so, there are two possibilities: the template can either be uploaded as a compressed file
-(tar.gz, tar.bz2 and zip files are supported) to the server or it can be manually
-uploaded using any available method.</p>
-<p>If the first method is chosen, the contents of the file must have all been packaged
-under a folder which will be the name given to the template.</p>
-<p>If the second method is chosen, simply upload the files to a folder under your blog-specific folder
-and type in the name of the folder in the text box below.</p>
-<p>Plugins added here will be available to <b>all</b> the blogs in this site.</p>";
-$messages["siteTemplates"] = "<p>This is a list with all the templates that are globally
-available to all blogs. If you wish to remove any of them, please select them and click on the
-\"Delete Selected\" button below the list. Once a template is deleted it cannot be
-recovered, since it is removed from the disk.</p>";
-$messages["editSiteSettings"] = "These are all the global settings that control many aspects of the
-behaviour of pLog.";
-$messages["newBlogTemplateFile"] = "Single files can be added to an already existing template
-set without having to upload the whole set again. Simply find the file you would like to
-upload in your disk and click on the \"Add File\" button.";
-// text is the same, so we can save a few bytes
-$messages["newTemplateFile"] = $messages["newBlogTemplateFile"];
-$messages["show_category_in_main_page"] = "Show this category in the main page";
-$messages["welcome_resource_center"] = "Welcome to the resource center!";
-$messages["resource_center"] = "Resource Center";
-$messages["resource_albums"] = "Resource Albums";
-$messages["resources"] = "Resources";
-$messages["add_resource"] = "Add Resource";
-$messages["add_album"] = "Add Album";
-$messages["album"] = "Album";
-$messages["album_name"] = "Album name";
-$messages["parent_album"] = "Parent album";
-$messages["no_parent_album"] = "No parent album";
-$messages["resource_info"] = "Resource Information";
-$messages["size"] = "Size";
-$messages["format"] = "Format";
-$messages["dimensions"] = "Dimensions";
-$messages["bits_per_sample"] = "Bits per pixel";
-$messages["bytes"] = "bytes";
-$messages["pixels"] = "pixels";
-$messages["time_offset"] = "Time difference in hours between the server and you:";
-$messages["hours"] = "Hours";
-$messages["album_added_ok"] = "The new album has been successfully added.";
-$messages["name"] = "Name";
-$messages["children"] = "Children";
-$messages["see"] = "See";
-$messages["view"] = "View";
-$messages["resource_info"] = "Resource Information";
-$messages["number_of_channels"] = "Number of channels";
-$messages["length"] = "Length";
-$messages["number_of_files"] = "Number of files";
-$messages["compressed_size"] = "Compressed size";
-$messages["uncompressed_size"] = "Uncompressed size";
-$messages["resource_file"] = "File that you would like to add";
-$messages["add_to_album"] = "Add the file to the following album";
-$messages["edit_resource_album"] = "Edit Resource Album";
-$messages["error_loading_resource_album"] = "There was an error fetching the resource album.";
-$messages["error_album_id_parameter_missing"] = "The album identifier is incorrect.";
-$messages["error_album_parent_id_parameter_missing"] = "Parent album identifier not found.";
-$messages["error_updating_resource_album"] = "There was an error updating the resource album.";
-$messages["resource_album_updated_ok"] = "The resource album \"%s\" was updated successfully.";
-$messages["error_must_give_album_name"] = "You must provide with a name for the album.";
-$messages["error_adding_album"] = "There was an error adding the resource album.";
-$messages["album_added_ok"] = "The new album \"%s\" was successfully added.";
-$messages["resource_added_ok"] = "The new resource was successfully added.";
-$messages["error_resource_forbidden_extension"] = "The resource could not be added because it had a forbidden extension.";
-$messages["error_resource_too_big"] = "The resource could not be added because it was too big.";
-$messages["error_uploads_disabled"] = "The resource could not be added because uploads have been disabled in this site.";
-$messages["error_adding_resource"] = "There was an error adding the resource.";
-$messages["error_loading_resource"] = "There was an error fetching the resource";
-$messages["error_updating_resource"] = "There was an error updating the resource.";
-$messages["resource_updated_ok"] = "Resource \"%s\" was updated successfully.";
-$messages["error_no_resources_selected"] = "There were no resources selected to delete.";
-$messages["resource_deleted_ok"] = "Resource \"%s\" was successfully removed.";
-$messages["error_deleting_resource"] = "There was an error deleting resource \"%s\".";
-$messages["error_no_resource_uploaded"] = "There was no resource file uploaded.";
-$messages["filtered_content"] = "Filtered Content";
-$messages["global_filtered_content"] = "Global Filtered Content";
-$messages["block_content"] = "Filter Content";
-$messages["blocked_hosts"] = "Blocked Hosts";
-$messages["global_blocked_hosts"] = "Globally Blocked Hosts";
-$messages["block_host"] = "Block Host";
-$messages["security"] = "Security";
-$messages["security_welcome"] = "Welcome to the security area!";
-$messages["filtered_content_intro"] = "The following content/regular expressions have been blocked in this blog.";
-$messages["global_filtered_content_intro"] = "The following content/regular expressions have been globally blocked.";
-$messages["content"] = "Content";
-$messages["reason"] = "Reason";
-$messages["add_filtered_content"] = "Add Filtered Content";
-$messages["add_filtered_content_intro"] = "Anything added here will not be allowed as valid text in a comment, and any attempt by a casual user to post a comment with blocked content will block the comment. Regular expressions or a simple string can be used. Regular expressions are much more powerful but they're also much more complex and you should be careful with them, because you could potentially block all content with the wrong regular expression.";
-$messages["global_add_filtered_content_intro"] = "Anything added here will not be allowed as valid text in a comment in any of the blogs available in this site. Any attempt by a casual user to post a comment with blocked content will block the comment. Regular expressions or a simple string can be used. Regular expressions are much more powerful but they're also much more complex and you should be careful with them, because you could potentially block all content with the wrong regular expression.";
-$messages["content_to_block"] = "Content that you would like to block";
-$messages["block_this"] = "Block This";
-$messages["mask"] = "Mask";
-$messages["access_blocked"] = "Access Blocked";
-$messages["posting_blocked"] = "Posting Blocked";
-$messages["block_host_intro"] = "Hosts added here will be blocked from accessiny only this blog. Please see <a href=\"javascript:help_window('admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost');\">Help</a> for more detailed information about this feature.";
-$messages["global_block_host_intro"] = "Hosts added here will be blocked from accessing any blog in this site. Please see this related <a href=\"javascript:help_window('admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost');\">help item</a> for more information about this feature.";
-$messages["block_type"] = "Block type";
-$messages["error_invalid_ip_address"] = "The IP address is not valid.";
-$messages["error_provide_content_to_block"] = "You must provide some content to block.";
-$messages["error_must_create_album_first"] = "You must create an album before adding any resource.";
-$messages["error_resource_is_not_an_image"] = "The chosen resource is not an image.";
-$messages["error_generating_resource_preview"] = "There was an error regenerating the preview for this resource.";
-$messages["resource_preview_generated_ok"] = "The preview for this resource was successfully generated.";
-$messages["regenerate_preview"] = "Regenerate Preview";
-$messages["show_album"] = "Show Album";
-$messages["show_album_when_browsing"] = "Show this album to users";
-$messages["assigned_to_blog"] = "Assign user to the following blog";
-$messages["clean_up"] = "Clean-Up";
-$messages["purge_info"] = "The purge function will physically remove all posts that have been marked as 'Deleted'. Otherwise,
-  those posts are kept in the database (in case the user would like to restore some of them) and they
-  may end up being a considerable amount, uselessly enlarging the size of the database. If you are
-  sure that you would like to remove such posts, please press the button below.";
-$messages["spam_info"] = "Comments marked as spam can be kept in the database in order to train the filter. Once the function
-  has been accomplished, they are useless and if you wish the remove the comments marked as
-  spam from the database, please use the button below.";
-$messages["no_spam"] = "No Spam";
-$messages["spam"] = "Spam";
-$messages["mark_as_spam"] = "Mark as spam";
-$messages["mark_as_no_spam"] = "Mark as no spam";
-$messages["enable_comments_for_post"] = "Enable comments for this post";
-$messages["close_window"] = "Close Window";
-$messages["add_resource"] = "Add Resource";
-$messages["add_resource_preview"] = "Add Preview";
-$messages["add_album"] = "Add Album";
-$messages["show_main_page"] = "Show in Main Page";
-$messages["purge_spam_comments"] = "Purge Spam Comments";
-$messages["purge_posts"] = "Purge Posts";
-$messages["keep_spam_comments"] = "Keep Spam Comments";
-$messages["throw_away_spam_comments"] = "Throw Away Spam Comments";
-$messages["error_adding_blocked_host"] = "There was an error blocking the given host.";
-$messages["blocked_host_added_ok"] = "Host %s added successfully to the list of blocked hosts.";
-$messages["error_no_blocked_hosts_selected"] = "There were no hosts selected to remove.";
-$messages["blocked_host_deleted_ok"] = "Host \"%s\" deleted successfully.";
-$messages["error_deleting_blocked_host"] = "There was an error deleting blocked host \"%s\"";
-$messages["edit_blocked_host"] = "Edit Blocked Host";
-$messages["error_fetching_blocked_host"] = "There was an error fetching the blocked host.";
-$messages["error_updating_blocked_host"] = "There was an error updating the blocked host.";
-$messages["thumbnail_format"] = "Thumbnail format";
-$messages["same_as_image"] = "Same as original image";
-$messages["same"] = $messages["same_as_image"];
-$messages["help_locale_folder"] = "Folder where language files are located.";
-$messages["help_default_locale"] = "Default language settings that will be used when creating new blogs.";
-$messages["help_xmlrpc_api_enabled"] = "Enables or disables the XMLRPC interface, for posting from your desktop.";
-$messages["default_rss_profile"] = "RSS/RDF profile that will be used by default to generate feeds, if no special profile is specified";
-$messages["help_security_pipeline_enabled"] = "Enables the security features. Disabling this will disable all the security features so it is recommended to enable it and disable those features that we do not need.";
-$messages["help_ip_address_filter_enabled"] = "Enables the IP address filter, for blocking certain hosts of accessing our site.";
-$messages["help_content_filter_enabled"] = "Enables a very simple regular expression-based content filter for blocking comments that contain certain words or expressions. The Bayesian filter might be a better solution.";
-$messages["help_maximum_comment_size"] = "Maximum allowed length in bytes for comments.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_enabled"] = "Enables or disables the bayesian filter.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_spam_probability_treshold"] = "Minimum value at which a comment is considered spam. Should be between 0.01 and 0.99";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_nonspam_probability_treshold"] = "Maximum value at which a comment is safely considered as non spam. Anything between these two tresholds will still be considered non spam but it will perhaps require some additional training";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_min_length_token"] = "Minimum length that a token can have to be handled by the parser as a valid token.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_max_length_token"] = "Maximum length that a token can have.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_number_significant_tokens"] = "How many significant tokens a message must have";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_spam_comments_action"] = "What to with comments marked as spam. They can either be rejected and thrown away (won't even be stored in the database) or kept but marked as spam. The second option is recommended when our filter hasn't been trained much and still makes mistakes from time to time.";
-$messages["help_path_to_convert"] = "The 'convert' tool from the ImageMagick package is needed if using ImageMagick as the backend to generate thumbnails.";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_height"] = "Maximum height that thumbnails will have.";
-$messages["help_resources_folder"] = "Folder where the resources will be stored. Does not have to be in the web server tree, if you don't feel like letting people browse your resources folder. The resource server will take care of serving
-the files wherever they are.";
-$messages["help_thumbnails_keep_aspect_ratio"] = "Whether to keep the aspect ratio of thumbnails or not.";
-$messages["help_resources_enabled"] = "Enables or disables the 'Resource Center' feature.";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_method"] = "Backend system that will be used to generate thumbnails from image files. If using ImageMagick, please see below as some external tools are needed.";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_width"] = "Maximum width that thumbnails will have.";
-$messages["external_interfaces"] = "External Interfaces";
-$messages["security_settings"] = "Security Settings";
-$messages["bayesian_filter_settings"] = "Bayesian Filter Settings";
-$messages["resources_settings"] = "Resources Settings";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_format"] = "Default format that will be used when generating previews of images. If set to 'Same as original image', then thumbnails will be saved in the same format as the original image form which they were generated.";
-$messages["edit"] = "Edit";
-$messages["blocked_content_added_ok"] = "Blocked content added successfully.";
-$messages["blocked_content_updated_ok"] = "Blocked content updated successfully";
-$messages["help_disable_javascript_calendar"] ="Disables the javascript and DHTML-based calendar used to
-pick a date when editing or adding a post, should the user's browser be not compatible.";
-$messages["edit_filtered_content"] = "Edit Filtered Content";
-$messages["error_updating_blocked_content"] = "There was an error updating the blocked content.";
-$messages["audio_codec"] = "Audio Codec";
-$messages["video_codec"] = "Video Codec";
-$messages["sample_rate"] = "Sample rate";
-$messages["files"] = "Files";
-$messages["created"] = "Created";
-$messages["generated"] = "Generated";
-$messages["about"] = "About";
-$messages["menu"] = "Menu";
-$messages["albums"] = "Albums";
-$messages["template_file"] = "Template file";
-$messages["download"] = "Download";
-$messages["error_you_have_been_blocked"] = "You are not allowed to proceed with this request.";
-// help messages //
-// translators: the following help messages have changed a little since last version, due to a few
-// new features built on top of previous features
-$messages["editArticleCategories"] = "<p>This is a listing with all the post categories that
-have been created so far. There must be at least one category before you can add an article, since
-every article has to be categorized under a category. The <b>'Articles'</b> column shows how many
-articles have been categorized under the given category. In the same way, a category can't be deleted
-if it has an article assigned it; you must first remove all the articles and then you will be allowed
-to remove the category.</p>
-<p>You can delete more than one category at the same time by cheching their <b>'Delete'</b> column
-and then clickin on the <b>'Delete Selected'</b> button.</p>
-<p>The <b>'Show In Main Page'</b> column shows whether this category is included in the main page or if alternatively,
-it can also be seen when clicking its link. Edit the category itself to enable/disable this feature.</p>";
-$messages["newArticleCategory"] = "<p>From here you can add a new post category to the blog. All
-what you need to provide is a name for the new category. Once it has been created, it will be available
-for posts to be categorized under.</p>
-<p>You can disable the 'Show cateory in main page' checkbox if you don't want this category to be shown in the
-main page of the site. If disabled, posts included in this category will only be shown when browsing this
-specific category, by clicking its link.</p>";
-$messages["editArticleCategory"] = "<p>Please provide a new name for the category you are updating. Also, 
-define whether you would like to show posts belonging to this cateogry in the main page or not.</p>";
-$messages["editPost"] = "<p>Use this page to edit a post from your journal. The information from the
-post has already been provided and now you can make your changes. Once you have finished, press the <b>'Update'</b> button and the post
-will updated. Please note that you have to set the status of the post
-to <b>'Published'</b> if you want it to appear in front page. Use the <b>'Draft'</b> status when you can't finish posting
-now but you would like to save what you have typed so far for later revision.</p>
-<p>If you would like to receive an email notifying about a new post, please check the corresponding
-<p>More information about the different options <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newPost\">here</a>.</p>";
-$messages["blogSettings"] = "<p>From this page you can change some of the settings that control the
-behaviour or appearance of this journal. These are the settings: <ul>
-<li><b>Permanent URL</b>: This is the URL where this blog is running and that can be used to
-link to it. It can't be changed.</li>
-<li><b>Name of the blog</b>: This is a text string with a descriptive name of the blog. If using the
-default templates, it is the text displayed on top of every page.</li>
-<li><b>Long descriptive text about this blog</b>: This is a longer text that can optionally be
-displayed in some kind of page giving more detailed information about the page. It can be left
-blank if not needed.</li>
-<li><b>Language used to display the texts</b>: You can select one of the available languages. This
-language will be used to display the texts (not your own articles!) and format things like dates
-and numbers using the correct settings. More languages can be installed at any time.</li>
-<li><b>Items in the main page</b>: Set this to the number of posts you would like to have
-in the main page. The more posts, the longer it will take for users to download your page. Minimum
-number of posts it one.</li>
-<li><b>Items shown as recent</b>: Set this to the number of posts you would like to be shown as
-<b>'Recent'</b>, that is, the posts that have been posted earlier. Minimun amount is one.</li>
-<li><b>Template used to render the contents</b>: pLog allows to have more than one template
-to show the same content. You can choose here the most appropiate one for you journal, from the ones
-that have been installed by the administrator.</li>
-<li><b>Show the whole post int he main or only the part that was typed in the 'Text' box?</b>: Set this to <b>'Yes'</b> if you would like pLog
-to automatically add a 'More...' link to your posts on the main page just after the text you typed
-in the text box labeled 'Text'. The text typed in the second text box will only be shown to the user
-when clicking on the
-setting below) This feature is useful since it makes your frontpage less cluttered and also
-smaller. However, it has some problems if there is a lot of HTML code in the page.</li>
-<li><b>Enable WYSIWYG edition of texts</b>: Set this to yes if you would like to have the possibility
-to see how your posts look in real time. This feature is only available for users using either
-Internet Explorer 5.5 or higer and Mozilla 1.3b or higher.</li>
-<li><b>Enable comments</b>: Set this to yes if you would like to allow your users to make comments to your
-posts. This will globally affect all your posts and all your users.</li>
-<li><b>Order in which comments appear</b>: Set it to \"Oldest first\" if you would like to see
-the older comments first in the list, or set it to \"Newest first\" to see them in
-reverse chronological order.</li>
-<li><b>Time difference in hours between the server and you</b>: You can use this setting to make pLog automatically
-add or substract an amount of hours to each date in the blog. It is useful for example when the server where the blog
-is hosted and the person who is using it are in different time zones. Telling pLog that there is a difference of
-+3 hours, will make that all dates appear with such time difference applied.</li>
-// translators: the ones below are already new
-$messages["resourceCenter"] = "From the resource center, you will be able to manage your files, group them in albums,
-manage those albums and edit any of them.";
-$messages["newResourceAlbum"] = "<p>You need at least one album to group your resources. From here you will be allowed
-to add a new album, simply providing a name and a description for it. Only the name field is mandatory, being
-the description field optional.</p>
-<p>Use the <b>'Parent album'</b> field to set whether this is a top-level album or if it is a sub-album and has
-another album as a parent.</p>";
-$messages["resourceAlbums"] = "<p>This is a list including all the resource albums that have been created so far
-in this site. For each album, several of its properties can be seen at a glance: its name, a link to its child 
-albums (if any) and its amount, a link to its resources and its amount, whether the album is public or
-private and a checkbox to delete as many of them as needed.</p>
-<p>You can read more on the <b>'Show Album'</b> feature here <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=editResourceAlbum\">here</a></p>";
-$messages["editResourceAlbum"] = "<p>From here you can edit the properties of a resource album. Almost all the fields
-are the same as <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newResourceAlbum\">here</a> except the 
-<b>'Show album to users'</b> checkbox. If enabled, this album will be visible to users who browse our 
-collection of albums and resources. If not, it will not be shown in the public side. This is useful in cases when
-we want to keep some of the albums secret and don't want users peeking at them.</p>";
-$messages["newResource"] = "<p>You will be able to upload new resources to your blog from this section. Any kind of file
-can be uploaded to the site but pLog is capable of handling and extracting some useful information from some
-of them, such as images, videos, zip files and music files.</p>
-<p>First of all, find the file you would like to upload. Then, provide a description for it (mandatory field)
-and finally select to which album would you like this resource to belong to. It is not possible to have a resource
-file that does not belong to any album. Once you are ready, click the <b>'Add Resource'</b> button and the file
-will be added to the blog.</p>
-<p>Please keep in mind that uploads need to be enabled for this to work, and if the blog administrator has
-set a list of forbidden file types that cannot be uploaded, the file will not be allowed in the site. The resource
-framework also needs to be enabled. All these settings can be modified by a user with administrator privileges
-from the <b>'Global Settings'</b> section.</p>
-<p>This feature requires a folder with write permission in the web server.</p>";
-$messages["Resources"] = "<p>From here you will have access to all the resource files that have been uplaoded
-in the blog. Files will be shown under the album to which they belong. For every resource file, it will be
-possible to edit its properties, view it as any normal user will see it and mark it for deletion. Pressing the 
-<b>'Delete Selected'</b> button from the bottom of the screen will delete those resources that have been
-<p>Click the folder icon to navigate to the contents of an albu, or the <b>'Edit'</b> to go to the album
-properties page. Use the <b>'..'</b> link to go up one level. Clicking a resource name or preview (if available)
-will take you to the resource properties page where you will be able to change some of the settings of the 
-selected resource.";
-$messages["blogSecurity"] = "From this section you will be able to edit set up some basic security mechanisms that
-are provided by pLog. The changes you make here will only affect your blog and not everybody else's.";
-$messages["blogFilteredContent"] = "<p>This is a list of all the rules for content filtering that have been added 
-to this particular blog. Clicking any of them will take you to a page where you will be able to edit any of them.
-Use the <b>'Delete'</b> checkbox to mark any of them for deletion, and press the <b>'Delete Selected'</b> button
-once you are sure you want to delete those.</p>";
-$messages["newBlogFilteredContent"] = "<p>You can add here a new rule for blocking undesired content from being
-included in comments. You can use here single words or sentence or if you wish, you can use the power
-of regular expressions if you know how to use them. You can also add a description to the rule so that you remember
-in the future what it is about, but it is not a mandatory field.</p>";
-$messages["blogBlockedHosts"] = "This is a list with all the hosts that have been blocked so far in this blog. At
-a glance, it is possible to see for each host the reason why it was blocked, the date when it was blocked and
-the type of the block applied. Lastly, you can also select any of the host blocking rules and press the
-<b>'Delete Selected'</b> button when you are sure that you want to remove those rules.";
-$messages["newBlogBlockedHost"] = "<p>This section will allow you to block a specific address or entire subnet from your Blog. You can select if you want them to be able to see it, but unable to post or simply unable to access it at all. Copy the offending address into the spaces provided and choose the proper subnet address space if necessary. Example: To block just the address of you would choose the '32 bits' option to match the entire address. This blocks just this one address and works well for banning someone with a Static IP address. If you're seeing multiple IP Addresses for a particular individual (say,, and then you will want to ban a particular subnet range. Enter one of the IP Addresses that you see and choose '24 bits', '16 bits' or '8 bits'  to match the first 3 sections, first 2 sections or the first section respectively.<br/>
- - 32 bits: Matches only the address<br/>
- - 24 bits: Matches any address that starts with 192.168.1<br/>
- - 16 bits: Matches any address that starts with 192.168<br/>
- - 8 bits: Matches any address that starts with 192<br/>
-<p>The <b>'Block type'</b> drop-down list will allow you to choose whether to block this host from 
-completely accessign the site (an error page will be sent to the client's browser whenever trying to access) or
-simply block it from posting new comments. If the latter is chosen, the host will still be allowed to read
-articles and other people's comments.</p>
-<p>You can also attach a reason/description to this host blocking rule, so that you can remember in the future why
-it was set up.</p>";
-$messages["editBlogBlockedHost"] = "You will be able to edit a host blocking rule from this section. The options
-available are exactly the same as in <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost\">here</a>.";
-$messages["editBlogFilteredContent"] = "This page will allow you to edit a content filtering rule. The options
-are exactly the same as in <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogFilteredContent\">here</a>.";
-$messages["filteredContent"] = "<p>This is a list of all the rules for content filtering that have been added 
-to this site. These rules are site-wide and take precedence before any blog-specific rule that may have been
-set by blog owners. The options and its meaning is the same as 
-<a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=blogFilteredContent\">here</a>.";
-$messages["newFilteredContent"] = "<p>You can add here a new rule for blocking undesired content from being
-included in comments. This rule will be used system-wide and will take preference before blog-specific
-rules. See <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogFilteredContent\">this</a> for more information
-on the options.";
-$messages["blockedHosts"] = "This is a list with all the hosts that have been blocked so far system-wide. 
-Clicking a rule IP address will allow us to edit the settings of that rule. These rules always take
-precedence over blog-speficic rules, so that if one these global rules matches a host, all the other after
-it will be ignored.";
-$messages["newBlockedHost"] = "From here it is possible to add a new <b>global</b> host-blocking rule. See
-<a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost\">here</a> for more information about the options
-$messages["editBlockedHost"] = "You will be able to edit a host blocking rule from this section. The options
-available are exactly the same as in <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost\">here</a>.";
-$messages["editFilteredContent"] = "This page will allow you to edit a content filtering rule. The options
-are exactly the same as in <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogFilteredContent\">here</a>.";
-// summary templates text
-$messages["summary_title"] = "Blogs Summary";
-$messages["summary_section_main"] = "Summary";
-$messages["summary_section_main_link_title"] = "Main Page";
-$messages["summary_section_register"] = "Register!";
-$messages["summary_section_register_link_title"] = "Register a new blog";
-$messages["summary_section_blog_list"] = "Blog list";
-$messages["summary_section_blog_list_link_title"] = "Blogs hosted in this site";
-$messages["summary_section_faq"] = "F.A.Q.";
-$messages["summary_section_faq_link_title"] = "Frequently Asked Questions";
-$messages["summary_welcome_title"] = "Welcome to pLog!";
-$messages["summary_most_active_blogs"] = "Most active blogs";
-$messages["summary_newest_blogs"] = "Newest blogs";
-$messages["summary_most_commented_articles"] = "Most commented articles";
-$messages["summary_most_read_articles"] = "Most read articles";
-$messages["summary_faq"] = "Frequently Asked Questions";
-$messages["summary_faq_question"] = "What is this?";
-$messages["summary_faq_description"] = "You could use this section to add some frequently asked questions about your service. It is all up to you and this is only a suggestion so feel free to make changes :) Edit the file templates/summary/faq.template to change the contents of this page.";
-$messages["summary_login"] = "Log-in";
-$messages["summary_other_stuff"] = "Other Stuff";
-$messages["summary_plog_logo"] = "How about a logo here?";
-$messages["summary_blog_list"] = "Blog List";
-$messages["summary_last_updated"] = "Last Updated";
-$messages["summary_author"] = "Author";
-$messages["summary_articles"] = "articles";
-$messages["summary_reads"] = "reads";
-$messages["summary_welcome_message"] = "<h4 class=\"question\">What is this site?</h4>
-                            <p>You could use this area to give some information about this site.</p>
-                            <ul>
-                                <li>See the following links for more information: <br />
-                                    <a href=\"summary.php?op=Faq\">FAQ</a></li>
-                                <li><a href=\"register.php\">Register a new blog here</a></li>
-                            </ul>";
-$messages["summary_latest_posts"] = "Latest Posts";
-$messages["summary_in"] = "in";
-$messages["summary_posted_by"] = "Posted by";
-// register templates text
-$messages["register_error"] = "Error";
-$messages["register_error_message"] = "There has been an error:";
-$messages["register_errors"] = "There were some errors during the process, please have a look:";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step1_title"] = "Register a new blog (1/3)";
-$messages["register_step1_fill_in_title"] = "Please fill in this form to create a new blog in this site.";
-$messages["register_step1_description"] = "<p>
-First of all, we need to create a user for you. Please choose a username (which should not exist in the system but if it does, we will let you know) This user will be considered as the owner of the blog and will have full powers over it.
-And please do not forget your password! There is no way it can be recovered once you have signed up.
-$messages["register_step1_legend"] = "Please fill in the following fields";
-$messages["register_username"] = "Username:";
-$messages["register_password"] = "Password:";
-$messages["register_password_confirmation"] = "Confirm password:";
-$messages["register_email"] = "Email address:";
-$messages["register_email_comment"] = "(user for notifications of new comments)";
-$messages["register_next"] = "Next &raquo;";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step2_title"] = "Register a new blog (2/3)";
-$messages["register_user_created"] = "Your new user has been successfully created! Now we can proceed and create your new personal blog.";
-$messages["register_step2_description"] = " <p>
-  The only thing we need to know is the name you would like to give to your diary. Later on once this
-  process is complete, you will be able to change things like its description, but now that is not needed.
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step2_blog_name"] = "Name of your new blog:";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step3_title"] = "Thank you! (3/3)";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step3_description"] = "
- <p>
-    Registration is complete. Your new user and diary have been registered successfully in this site,
-    and you can log in now into your blog and start blogging!
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step3_admin_link"] = "
-  <p>
-    Click here <a href=\"admin.php\">to go the admin interface</a>, if you want to start blogging.
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step3_blog_link1"] = "
- <p>
-    Or click <a href=\"";
-$messages["register_step3_blog_link2"] = "
-\">here to go and see your new blog</a>.
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step3_final_message"] = "
- <p>
-  Happy blogging!
- </p>";
-$messages["register_error_incorrect_username"] = "<li>Incorrect user name, please try again.<br/>";
-$messages["register_error_incorrect_email"] = "<li>Email address is invalid, please try again. <br/>";
-$messages["register_error_user_already_exist"] = "<li>There is already a user with that name, please try again.<br/>";
-$messages["register_error_incorrect_password"] = "<li>Password is invalid, please try again. <br/>";
-$messages["register_error_passwords_dont_match"] = "<li>Passwords do not match, please try again. <br/>";
-$messages["register_error_adding_user"] = "Error adding the user: ";
-$messages["register_error_creating_blog"] = "There was an error creating the new blog";
-$messages["register_error_blog_name"] = "<li>You should choose a better name for the blog.<br/>" ;
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: plog/trunk/locale/locale_hu_HU.php
--- plog/trunk/locale/locale_hu_HU.php	2005-01-29 15:29:38 UTC (rev 872)
+++ plog/trunk/locale/locale_hu_HU.php	2005-01-29 15:52:14 UTC (rev 873)
@@ -1,1253 +0,0 @@
-// set this to the encoding that should be used to display the pages correctly
-$messages["encoding"] = "iso-8859-2";
-$messages["locale_description"] = "pLog magyar nyelvi file";
-// days of the week
-$messages["days"] = Array( "Vasárnap", "Hétfõ", "Kedd", "Szerda", "Csütörtök", "Péntek", "Szombat" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["Monday"] = $messages["days"][1];
-$messages["Tuesday"] = $messages["days"][2];
-$messages["Wednesday"] = $messages["days"][3];
-$messages["Thursday"] = $messages["days"][4];
-$messages["Friday"] = $messages["days"][5];
-$messages["Saturday"] = $messages["days"][6];
-$messages["Sunday"] = $messages["days"][0];
-// abbreviations
-$messages["daysshort"] = Array( "Vas", "Hét", "Ked", "Sze", "Csü", "Pén", "Szo" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["Mo"] = $messages["daysshort"][1];
-$messages["Tu"] = $messages["daysshort"][2];
-$messages["We"] = $messages["daysshort"][3];
-$messages["Th"] = $messages["daysshort"][4];
-$messages["Fr"] = $messages["daysshort"][5];
-$messages["Sa"] = $messages["daysshort"][6];
-$messages["Su"] = $messages["daysshort"][0];
-// months of the year
-$messages["months"] = Array( "Január", "Február", "Március", "Április", "Május", "Június", "Július", "Augusztus", "Szeptember", "Október", "November", "December" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["January"] = $messages["months"][0];
-$messages["February"] = $messages["months"][1];
-$messages["March"] = $messages["months"][2];
-$messages["April"] = $messages["months"][3];
-$messages["May"] = $messages["months"][4];
-$messages["June"] = $messages["months"][5];
-$messages["July"] = $messages["months"][6];
-$messages["August"] = $messages["months"][7];
-$messages["September"] = $messages["months"][8];
-$messages["October"] = $messages["months"][9];
-$messages["November"] = $messages["months"][10];
-$messages["December"] = $messages["months"][11];
-$messages["message"] = "Üzenet";
-$messages["error"] = "Hiba";
-$messages["date"] = "Dátum";
-// miscellaneous texts
-$messages["of"] = "of";
-$messages["recently"] = "Mostanában...";
-$messages["comments"] = "Hozzászólások";
-$messages["comment on this"] = "Hozzászólás";
-$messages["my_links"] = "Saját linkek";
-$messages["archives"] = "Archívum";
-$messages["search"] = "Keresés";
-$messages["calendar"] = "Naptár";
-$messages["categories"] = "Kategóriák";
-$messages["search_s"] = "Keresés";
-$messages["link_tracker"] = "Link Tracker";
-$messages["search_this_blog"] = "Keresés ezen a blogon:";
-$messages["about_myself"] = "Ki vagyok?";
-$messages["permalink_title"] = "Állandó link az archívumra";
-$messages["permalink"] = "Permalink";
-$messages["posted_by"] = "Beküldte:";
-$messages["on_the"] = "on the";
-$messages["page"] = "oldal";
-$messages["posted"] = "beküldve";
-$messages["reply"] = "Válasz";
-// add comment form
-$messages["add_comment"] = "Hozzászólás írása";
-$messages["comment_topic"] = "Téma";
-$messages["comment_text"] = "Szöveg";
-$messages["comment_username"] = "Neved";
-$messages["comment_email"] = "Email címed (ha van)";
-$messages["comment_url"] = "Weboldalad (ha van)";
-$messages["comment_send"] = "Mehet";
-$messages["comment_added"] = "Hozzászólás rögzítve!";
-$messages["comment_add_error"] = "Hiba a hozzászólás rögzítése során";
-$messages["article_does_not_exist"] = "A cikk nem létezik";
-$messages["no_posts_found"] = "Nem található üzenet";
-$messages["user_has_no_posts_yet"] = "A felhasználó még nem küldött üzeneteket";
-$messages["info_about_myself"] = "Némi információ magamról...";
-$messages["back"] = "Vissza";
-$messages["back_top"] = "Ugrás a tetejére";
-$messages["post"] = "post";
-$messages["trackbacks_for_article"] = "Trackback-ek a következõ üzenetben:";
-$messages["trackback_excerpt"] = "Excerpt";
-$messages["trackback_weblog"] = "Weblog";
-$messages["search_results"] = "A keresés eredménye";
-$messages["search_matching_results"] = "Az alábbi üzenetek felelnek meg a keresési feltételeknek: ";
-$messages["search_no_matching_posts"] = "Nincs találat";
-$messages["see_all_link"] = "Kattints ide az összes eddigi üzenet megtekintéséhez";
-$messages["read_more"] = "(Bõvebben)";
-$messages["anonymous_poster"] = "Anonymous Poster";
-$messages["syndicate"] = "SYNDICATE";
-$messages["main"] = "Kezdõ";
-////// error messages /////
-$messages["error_fetching_article"] = "A megadott cikk nem található.";
-$messages["error_fetching_articles"] = "Az üzenetek nem kérhetõek le.";
-$messages["error_trackback_no_trackback"] = "Nem található trackback ezen üzenetben.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_article_id"] = "Érvénytelen üzenet azonosító.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_blog_id"] = "Érvénytelen újság azonosító.";
-$messages["error_comment_without_text"] = "Némi szöveget mindenképpen meg kell adnod.";
-$messages["error_comment_without_name"] = "A neved/beceneved mindenképp meg kell adnod.";
-$messages["error_adding_comment"] = "Hiba a hozzászólás rögzítése során.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_parameter"] = "Érvénytelen paraméter.";
-$messages["error_parameter_missing"] = "Hiányzik egy paraméter a kérelemböl.";
-$messages["error_blog_has_no_links"] = "Még nincsenek linkek.";
-$messages["error_comments_not_enabled"] = "A hozzászólás lehetõsége kikapcsolva.";
-/////////////////                                          //////////////////
-///////////////// STRINGS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION INTERFACE //////////////////
-/////////////////                                          //////////////////
-////// help messages for the administration interface /////
-$messages["newPost"] = "<p>Use this page to add a new post to your journal. You should provide a topic or subject
-for your post as well as some text for your post. Once you have finished, press the <b>'Add'</b> button and the post
-will automatically be included in your page. Please note that you have to set the status of the post
-to <b>'Published'</b> if you want it to appear in front page. Use the <b>'Draft'</b> status when you can't finish posting
-now but you would like to save what you have typed so far for later revision.</p>
-<p>You can also classify the post under any of the categories you have previously created. Simply set
-the <b>'Category'</b> field to the one you most like.</p>
-<p>If you would like to receive an email notifying about a new post, please check the corresponding
-<p>Check the box where it says </b>'Find links in the post...'</b> if after adding the post, you
-would like to send trackback pings to the hosts that support it. Your post will be scanned for
-links and you will have the possibility to choose which ones to send trackback pings to.</p>";
-$messages["addPost"] = "<p>Your post has been successfully added to the database. Now you can select
-to which hosts you would like to send a trackback ping, so that they know you have written about them
-and can <i>track you back</i>.</p>";
-$messages["editComments"] = "There are all the comments that have been posted for the given post. Comments
-can not be edited but they can be deleted. The only mandatory field when posting comments is the
-\"name\" field, so the E-mail and Url columns could be empty. The IP Address field is the
-original IP address where this comment was posted from. You can delete
-as many as you need by checking the corresponding <b>'Delete'</b> checkbox and pressing the
-<b>'Delete selected'</b> button.";
-$messages["postStats"] = "<p>These are the statistics about the selected post. The first one is how
-many times this article has been read, but please keep in mind that this statistic might be
-meaningless if you have disabled the <b>'Read more...'</b> feature in the <b>'Blog Settings'</b>
-<p>The referrers are the urls of all the hosts that visited this post, and the trackbacks table represents
-how many trackback pings have been received for this post. They can't be deleted or modified.</p>";
-$messages["editLinks"] = "<p>Itt találhatod a rögzített linkek listáját. Az üzenetekhez hasonlóan minden
-link kategóriákba sorolható, a fõoldalon történõ megjelenítés érdekében..</p>
-<p>Minden linknél látható a neve az URL ahova mutat, a ketagória. Végül pedig lehetõséged van bármelyik link törlésre is.</p>";
-$messages["newLink"] = "<p>Itt rögzíthetsz új linkeket. Az URL címet és a nevet mindenképp meg kell adnod. 
-A leírás megadása opcionális. Továbbá legalább egy link kategóriával is rendelkezned kell link rögzítése elött.</p>";
-$messages["editLinkCategories"] = "<p>This is a list with all the link categories that have been
-created. Like with posts, you need at least one link category before you can add any link. Clicking
-on the <b>'Links'</b> column will show all the links that belong to the category.</p>";
-$messages["newLinkCategory"] = "<p>The only thing you need to provide in order to have a new
-link category is a descriptive name for the category. Once the link category has been created,
-it will be available for links to be categorized under.</p>";
-$messages["userSettings"] = "<p>Things related to your user profile can be changed from this
-page. Please note that your username cannot be changed.<ul>
-<li><b>Password, Confirm Password</b>: If you would like to change your password, please type it in
-the first text box. Do the same in the second box to confirm that you entered the same password.</li>
-<li><b>Email address</b>: Please set this to a valid email address if you would like to use features
-such as the notification when a comment is received to a post. It is used only for internal
-purposes and will not be publicly displayed.</li>
-<li><b>Bio</b>: You can type here some information about yourself. It can be left empty.</li>
-$messages["Stats"] = "<p>You can see from here all the referrers that have hit this site in the past.
-The <b>'Article'</b> column reflects which article was visited by the referrer or the value <b>'0'</b>
-if the referrer visited the main page or any other page which was not an article. Finally, the
-<b>'Last hit date'</b> column is the time of the last hit received from that referrer.</p>";
-$messages["editLink"] = "<p>You have to provide at least a url and a name for the link. The link must also
-be categorized under a category.</p>";
-$messages["editLinkCategory"] = "Please provide a new name for the link category you are updating.</p>";
-$messages["blogSelect"] = "Please select one of the operations from the menu.";
-$messages["Error"] = "There was an error while executing the requested operation. Please see
-the main page for more information regarding the error.";
-$messages["Message"] = "Please see the main page for more information regarding the message.";
-//////// strings for the administration interface ///////
-$messages["admin_interface_title"] = "pLog Adminisztrációs felület";
-$messages["administration"] = "Adminisztráció";
-$messages["help"] = "Súgó";
-$messages["plog_help"] = "pLog Súgó";
-$messages["new_post"] = "Új üzenet";
-$messages["posts"] = "Üzenetek";
-$messages["admin_categories"] = "Kategóriák";
-$messages["admin_links"] = "Linkek";
-$messages["link_categories"] = "Link kategóriák";
-$messages["settings"] = "Beállítások";
-$messages["logout"] = "Kijelentkezés";
-// new post page
-$messages["topic"] = "Téma";
-$messages["text"] = "Szöveg";
-$messages["category"]  = "Kategória";
-$messages["status"] = "Állapot";
-$messages["status_draft"] = "Piszkozat";
-$messages["status_published"] = "Publikálva";
-$messages["status_deleted"] = "Törölve";
-$messages["status_all"] = "Összes";
-$messages["send_notification"] = "Értesítés minden egyes hozzászólás érkezésekor.";
-$messages["send_trackback_pings"] = "Megkeresi a linkeket az üzenetben és trackback pinget küld azok felé, melyek támogatják ezt a lehetõséget.";
-$messages["add_post"] = "Mehet!";
-$messages["xmlrpc_ping_ok"] = "XML-RPC Ping sikeresen elküdve: ";
-$messages["error_sending_xmlrpc_ping"] = "Hiba az XML-RPC Ping küldése közben: ";
-$messages["error_sending_xmlrpc_ping_message"] = "A hibaüzenet: ";
-$messages["preview"] = "Elõnézet";
-$messages["post_added"] = "Üzenet rögzítve";
-$messages["you_will_be_notified"] = "Továbbá értesítést kapsz minden egyes, ezen üzenethez érkezõ hozzászólásról is.";
-$messages["post_added_not_published"] = "Üzenet rögzítve, de nincs publikálva.";
-$messages["error_adding_post"] = "Hiba az üzenet rögzítése során!";
-$messages["error_must_fill_all_fields"] = "Ki kell töltened az összes mezõt!";
-$messages["error_must_have_one_category"] = "Legalább egy kategóriával rendelkezned kell az üzenet beküldése elött";
-// send trackbacks page
-$messages["send_trackback_pings"] = "Trackback Ping küldése";
-$messages["links_found"] = "Az alábbi linkek találhatóak az üzenetben. Válaszd ki, melyek felé szeretnél trackback pinget küldeni (ez eltarthat egy ideig)";
-$messages["trackbacks_no_urls_selected"] = "Nem lett url kiválasztva, ennélfogva trackback ping se lett küldve.";
-$messages["trackbacks_received_ok"] = "Az alábbi címek fogadták sikeresen a trackback pinget:";
-$messages["trackbacks_no_trackback"] = "Az alábbi címeknek nincs érvényes trackback url címük: ";
-$messages["trackbacks_problems_sending"] = "Problémák voltak a trackback ping küldésével az alábbi címekre.
-Megpróbálhatod késöbb elérni õket.";
-$messages["trackbacks_received_all_hosts"] = "Az összes címre sikeres volt a trackback ping küldése.";
-$messages["ping_selected"] = "A kiválasztott oldalak pingelése";
-// edit posts
-$messages["author"] = "Szerzõ";
-$messages["category_all"] = "Összes";
-$messages["author_all"] = "Összes";
-$messages["update"] = "Frissítés";
-$messages["date"] = "Dátum";
-$messages["stats"] = "Statisztika";
-$messages["delete"] = "Törlés";
-$messages["delete_selected"] = "Kiválasztott törlése";
-// edit post
-$messages["edit_post"] = "Üzenet módosítása";
-$messages["error_getting_post_to_update"] = "Hiba a frissítendõ üzenet lekérése során.";
-$messages["error_updating_post_in_database"] = "Hiba az üzenet frissítése során.";
-$messages["post_successfully_updated"] = "Üzenet sikeresen frissítve.";
-$messages["notification_removed"] = "Ezen üzenetre az értesítés küldés kikapcsolva.";
-// post statistics
-$messages["statistics_for_post"] = "Statisztika: ";
-$messages["error_fetching_post"] = "Hiba az üzenet lekérése közben.";
-$messages["times_post_has_been_read"] = "Olvasások száma: ";
-$messages["referers"] = "Ajánlók";
-$messages["id"] = "Id";
-$messages["url"] = "Url";
-$messages["hits"] = "Találatok";
-$messages["trackbacks"] = "Trackbacks";
-// post comments
-$messages["error_fetching_comments"] = "Hiba a hozzászólások lekérése során";
-$messages["comments_for_post"] = "Hozzászólások: ";
-$messages["email"] = "E-Mail";
-$messages["ip_address"] = "IP cím";
-// delete comments
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-$messages["error_no_comments_selected"] = "Nem lett hozzászólás kijelölve.";
-$messages["error_deleting_comment"] = "Hiba a hozzászólás törlése során: ";
-$messages["comment_deleted_ok"] = "A(z) - \"%s\" - témájú hozzászólás sikeresen törölve.";
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-// categories list
-$messages["category_name"] = "Név";
-// removing posts
-$messages["post_cannot_be_deleted"] = "Üzenet nem törölhetõ";
-$messages["no_posts_selected"] = "Nincsenek törlésre megjelölt üzenetek.";
-// %s = subject of the post, %d = identifier of the post. feel free to change its order
-// but if you remove them there will be no information about which post was removed...
-$messages["error_deleting_post"] = "Hiba a(z) \"%s\" törlése során (id = %d)";
-$messages["post_deleted_ok"] = "\"%2\$s\" sikeresen törölve (id = %1\$d)";
-// delete categories
-$messages["no_categories_selected"] = "Nincsenek törlésre megjelölt kategóriák.";
-$messages["error_category_has_articles"] = "A(Z) \"%s\" kategória nem törölhetõ, mivel legalább egy üzenetet tartalmaz. Töröld az üzenet(ek)et és próbáld újra.";
-$messages["error_deleting_category"] = "Hiba a(z) \"%s\" kategória adatbázisból történõ eltávolítása során.";
-$messages["category_deleted_ok"] = "A(z) \"%s\" kategória sikeresen törölve.";
-// add category
-$messages["add_new_category"] = "Új kategória";
-$messages["add_new_category_info"] = "Adj meg egy érvényes nevet az új kategória számára.";
-$messages["category_added_ok"] = "Kategória sikeresn rögzítve.";
-$messages["error_adding_article_category"] = "Hiba a kategória rögzítése során.";
-// edit categories
-$messages["edit_category"] = "Kategória módosítása";
-$messages["please_provide_valid_category_name"] = "Adj meg egy érvényes nevet a kategória számára.";
-// edit category
-$messages["error_incorrect_category_id"] = "Érvénytelen kategória azonosító";
-// update the category
-$messages["error_fetching_category"] = "Hiba a kategória lekérése során.";
-$messages["error_updating_category"] = "Hiba a kategória frissítése során.";
-$messages["error_empty_category_name"] = "Érvényes nevet kell megadnod a kategória számára.";
-$messages["category_updated_ok"] = "Kategória sikeresen frissítve.";
-// edit links
-$messages["link_name"] = "Név";
-$messages["link_url"] = $messages["url"];
-$messages["link_category"] = $messages["category"];
-$messages["link_description"] = "Leírás";
-$messages["links"] = "Linkek";
-// edit a link
-$messages["error_provide_name_and_url"] = "A link nevét és az url címét mindenképp meg kell adnod.";
-$messages["error_invalid_link_id"] = "Érvénytelen vagy hiányzó link azonosító.";
-$messages["error_fetching_link"] = "Hiba a link lekérése során.";
-$messages["error_updating_link"] = "Hiba a link frissítése során.";
-$messages["link_updated_ok"] = "Link sikeresen frissítve!";
-$messages["error_fetching_link_categories"] = "Hiba a linkkategóriák lekérése során.";
-// add a link
-$messages["add_new_link"] = "Új link";
-$messages["add_link"] = "Mehet";
-$messages["error_adding_link"] = "Hiba a link rögzítése során.";
-$messages["link_added_ok"] = "Link sikeresen rögzítve.";
-$messages["error_provide_name_and_url"] = "Meg kell adnod legalább egy érvényes nevet és címet.";
-$messages["error_must_have_one_link_category"] = "Legalább egy link kategóriával rendelkezned kell a link rögzítéséhez.";
-// delete a link
-$messages["error_no_links_selected"] = "Nincsenek törlésre megjelölt linkek.";
-$messages["error_removing_link"] = "Hiba a(z) \"%s\" link törlése során.";
-$messages["link_deleted_ok"] = "A(z) \"%s\" link sikeresen törölve.";
-// edit link categories
-$messages["add_link_category"] = "Új link kategória";
-$messages["link_categories_help"] = "Legalább egy link kategóriával rendelkezned kell a link rögzítéséhez.";
-$messages["link_category_name"] = "Név";
-$messages["link_category_links"] = "Link(ek)";
-// new link category
-$messages["new_link_category_info"] = "A link kategóriák segítenek osztályozni a meglévõ linkeket. Segítségükkel csoportosíthatva is megjelenítheted õket a fõoldalon.";
-$messages["add_link_category"] = "Új kategória";
-$messages["error_provide_link_category_name"] = "Meg kell adnod egy érvényes nevet.";
-$messages["error_adding_link_category"] = "Hiba a kategória rögzítése során.";
-$messages["link_category_added_ok"] = "Link kategória sikeresen rögzítve.";
-// edit link category
-$messages["edit_link_category"] = "Link kategória módosítása";
-$messages["error_updating_link_category"] = "Hiba a link kategória módosítása során.";
-$messages["link_category_updated_ok"] = "Link kategória sikeresen frissítve.";
-$messages["error_fetching_link_category"] = "Hiba a link kategória lekérése során.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_link_category_id"] = "Érvénytelen azonosító";
-// delete link categories
-$messages["error_no_link_category_selected"] = "Nincsenek törlésre megjelölt kategóriák.";
-$messages["error_links_in_link_category"] = "A(z) \"%s\" kategória nem törölhetõ, mivel linkeket tartalmaz. Elõször távolítsd el a linkeket, majd próbáld újra.";
-$messages["error_removing_link_category"] = "Hiba a(z) \"%s\" kategória törlése során.";
-$messages["link_category_deleted_ok"] = "A(z) \"%s\" kategória sikeresen törölve.";
-// this error is shown when for some reason the category could not be fetched from the database
-// and we can't show its name
-$messages["error_removing_link_category_2"] = "Hiba az alábbi azonosítójú kategória eltávolítása során: id = %d";
-// blog settings page
-$messages["blog_settings"] = "Blog beállítások";
-$messages["user_profile"] = "Felhasználói profil";
-$messages["plugin_center"] = "Pluginok";
-$messages["statistics"] = "Statisztika";
-$messages["blog_name"] = "Blog név";
-$messages["long_blog_name"] = "Hoszabb, részletesebb leírás erröl a blogról";
-$messages["language_used"] = "A használandó nyelv";
-$messages["items_main_page"] = "Hány elem látszódjon a fõoldalon?";
-$messages["items_as_recent"] = "Hány elem látszódjon \"Friss\"-ként?";
-$messages["template_used"] = "Válassz sablont, mely meghatározza a blog kinézetét";
-$messages["cut_posts"] = "A túl hosszú üzenetek két részre osztása egy \"Tovább...\" linkkel?";
-$messages["cut_posts_after_characters"] = "Hány karakter után történjen a két részre osztás?";
-$messages["enable_wysiwyg_edition"] = "A WYSIWYG szerkesztés engedélyezése (csak Internet Explorer 5.5 vagy újabb és Mozilla 1.3b vagy újabb esetén)?";
-$messages["enable_comments"] = "Hozzászólás engedélyezése minden üzenetnél?";
-$messages["yes"] = "Igen";
-$messages["no"] = "Nem";
-$messages["error_invalid_locale"] = "Érvénytelen érték a beállításoknál";
-$messages["error_incorrect_max_recent_items"] = "Érvényes számot adjál meg a friss elemek számának.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_number_of_posts"] = "Érvényes számot adjál meg a fõoldalon megjelenítendõ elemek számának.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_template"] = "Érvénytelen sablon érték.";
-$messages["error_no_blog_name"] = "Érvényes nevet kell megadnod a blog nevének.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_show_more_threshold"] = "Érvényes számot kell megadnod, hogy az üzenet kettévágása rendesen mûködjön.";
-$messages["error_updating_settings"] = "Hiba a beállítások frissítése során.";
-$messages["blog_settings_updated_ok"] = "Blog beállítások sikeresen frissítve!";
-$messages["permanent_blog_url"] = "A blog állandó URL címe (nem módosítható)";
-// user profile page
-$messages["username"] = "Felhasználónév";
-$messages["password"] = "Jelszó";
-$messages["confirm_password"] = "Jelszó megerõsítése";
-$messages["email_address"] = "Email cím";
-$messages["bio"] = "Bio";
-$messages["empty_no_change"] = "Hagyd üresen, ha nem változtatod";
-$messages["user_settings_updated_ok"] = "Felhasználói beállítások sikeresen frissítve.";
-$messages["error_updating_user_settings"] = "Hiba a felhasználói beállítások frissítése során.";
-$messages["error_passwords_dont_match"] = "A két jelszó nem egyezik.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_password"] = "Érvénytelen jelszó.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_email_address"] = "Érvénytelen Email cím.";
-// plugin center page
-$messages["plugins_available"] = "A sablonokban alkalmazható pluginek listája";
-$messages["identifier"] = "Azonosító";
-$messages["description"] = "Leírás";
-$messages["error_plugins_disabled"] = "A pluginek használata letiltva ezen az oldalon.";
-// statistics page
-$messages["statistics_info"] = "A nulla azonosítójú cikk a fõoldalra érkezõ találatot jelenti, és nem egy cikkre vonatkozik.";
-$messages["article_id"] = "Cikk Id";
-$messages["last_hit_date"] = "Utolsó találat idõpontja";
-$messages["error_fetching_referers"] = "Hiba az oldal lekérése során.";
-// login screen
-$messages["login_page_title"] = "pLog Adminisztrációs felület";
-$messages["login"] = "Bejelentkezés";
-$messages["welcome_message"] = "Üdvözöllek a pLog-ban";
-$messages["error_incorrect_username_or_password"] = "Érvénytelen felhasználónév vagy jelszó.";
-$messages["error_dont_belong_to_any_blog"] = "Nem tartozol egyetlen bloghoz sem.";
-$messages["error_no_username_or_password"] = "Kérlek adj meg egy érvényes felhasználónevet és jelszót.";
-$messages["choose_one_blog"] = " Az alábbi blogokhoz férsz hozzá. Válaszd ki amelyiken dolgozni akarsz";
-$messages["continue"] = "Tovább";
-$messages["logout_message"] = "Sikeersen kijelentkeztél.";
-$messages["logout_message_2"] = "<a href=\"admin.php\">Kattints ide</a> az újboli bejelentkezéshez, vagy
-<a href=\"%1\$s\">ide, hogy visszatérj a(z) %2\$s kezdõoldalára</a>.";
-$messages["logout_title"] = "Kijelentkezve";
-$messages["error_access_forbidden"] = "Hozzáférés megtagadva. Elõször azonosítanod kell magad ITT.";
-// new strings added for 0.2
-$messages["site_admin"] = "Oldal Admin";
-$messages["site_stats"] = "Oldal statisztikák";
-$messages["add_user"] = "Új felhasználó/szerkesztõ";
-$messages["users"] = "Felhasználók/Szerkesztõk";
-$messages["add_blog"] = "Új blog";
-$messages["blogs"] = "Blogok";
-$messages["locales"] = "Nyelvi beállítások";
-$messages["add_locale"] = "Új nyelv hozzáadása";
-$messages["templates"] = "Sablonok";
-$messages["add_template"] = "Sablonok hozzáadása";
-$messages["global_settings"] = "Általános beállítások";
-$messages["site_settings"] = "Oldal beállítások";
-$messages["help_comments_enabled"] = "Hozzászólások engedélyezése/tiltása az egész oldalon.";
-$messages["help_beautify_comments_text"] = "A felhasználói szövegformázás engedélyezése.";
-$messages["help_rdf_enabled"] = "RDF folyam engedélyezése a legutóbbi üzenetekhez.";
-$messages["help_temp_folder"] = "A pLog ideiglenes mûveletekhez használt könyvtára.";
-$messages["help_base_url"] = "A helyes címek elõállításához használt URL. Helyes értéket állíts be.";
-$messages["help_show_posts_max"] = "Az alapértelmezés szerint a fõoldalon megjelenített üzenetek száma.";
-$messages["help_recent_posts_max"] = "Az alapértelmezés szerint frissként megjelölt üzenetek száma.";
-$messages["help_template_folder"] = "A pLog által használ sablonok elérési útvonala.";
-$messages["help_default_template"] = "Az alapértelmezett sablon.";
-$messages["help_default_locale"] = "Az alapértelmezett nyelvi file.";
-$messages["help_html_allowed_tags_in_comments"] = "A hozzászólásokban engedélyezett HTML kódok.";
-$messages["help_referer_tracker_enabled"] = "Alapvetõ információk rögzítése az ajánlórol az adatbázisban, ha ez lehetséges.";
-$messages["help_rss_parser_enabled"] = "A sablonban található RSS parser engedélyezése.";
-$messages["help_show_more_enabled"] = "A \"Tovább...\" opció alapértelmezés szerinti engedélyezése.";
-$messages["help_show_more_threshold"] = "Milyen hosszú legyen a szöveg a tördelés elött.";
-$messages["help_update_article_reads"] = "Számolja-e a rendszer a cikkek olvasásának számát?";
-$messages["help_request_format_mode"] = "\"Sima\" mód esetén hagyományos URL címeket generál, míg \"Keresõ barát\" mód keresõ motorok szempontjából elõnyösebb URL címeket hoz létre. Szükséges: Apache és .htaccess file használatának engedélyezése.";
-$messages["help_xmlrpc_ping_enabled"] = "XMLRPC értesítés küldése minden egyes üzenet után a lent beállított címekre.";
-$messages["help_xmlrpc_ping_hosts"] = "XMLRPC értesítés támogatással rendelkezõ címek. Minden egyes cím új sorba kerüljön. Annyit adhatsz meg, amennyi szükséges.";
-$messages["help_trackback_server_enabled"] = "Bejövõ trackback kérelmek fogadásának engedélyezése.";
-$messages["help_htmlarea_enabled"] = "A WYSIWYG szerkesztõ engedélyezése.";
-$messages["help_plugin_manager_enabled"] = "Pluginok engedélyezése.";
-$messages["help_check_email_address_validity"] = "Új blog regisztrálása során a felhasználóktól egy érvényes email cím lesz bekérve, a jóváhagyás érdekében, ha ez az opció engedélyezve van.";
-$messages["help_summary_page_show_max"] = "Az összegzés oldalon megjelenítendõ elemek száma.";
-$messages["help_minimum_password_length"] = "A jelszó minimális hossza.";
-$messages["help_users_can_add_templates"] = "Felhasználók beállíthatnak-e új sablont a blogjuk számára, vagy sem.";
-$messages["help_email_service_enabled"] = "Email küldõ ki/bekapcsolása. Ezen keresztül történik pl. a cikkekre érkezõ hozzászólások jelentése.";
-$messages["post_notification_source_address"] = "Az email küldõjeként feltüntetett cím.";
-$messages["help_email_service_type"] = "Az email küldésének módja. Válassz ki egyet és ne feledd ellenõrizni a lenti beállításokat.";
-$messages["help_smtp_host"] = "SMTP használata esetén ez a host, ami küldeni fogja a leveleket.";
-$messages["help_smtp_port"] = "Az SMTP szerver portja.";
-$messages["help_smtp_use_authentication"] = "Ha az SMTP szerver támogatja az azonosítást, akkor kapcsold be ezt az opciót és ellenõrid lent a két beállítást.";
-$messages["help_smtp_username"] = "Felhasználónév - csak akkor kell, ha az azonosítás be van kapcsolva.";
-$messages["help_smtp_password"] = "Jelszó - csak akkor kell, ha az azonosítás be van kapcsolva.";
-$messages["help_uploads_enabled"] = "Filefeltöltés engedélyezése. Hatással van a sablonok illetve a sablonokhoz utólagosan feltöltendõ kiegészítõk feltöltésre is.";
-$messages["help_maximum_file_upload_size"] = "A felhasználók által feltölthetõ maximális fileméret byte-ban megadva.";
-$messages["help_upload_forbidden_files"] = "Tiltott filetípusok listája. Tetszõleges mennyíséget megadhatsz, szóközzel elválasztva.";
-$messages["help_path_to_tar"] = "A 'tar' elérési útvonala.";
-$messages["help_path_to_gzip"] = "A 'gzip' elérési útvonala.";
-$messages["help_path_to_bz2"] = "A 'bzip2' elérési útvonala.";
-$messages["help_path_to_unzip"] = "Az 'unzip'  elérési útvonala.";
-$messages["add_user_give_information"] = "Add meg az alábbi adatokat új felhasználó regisztrálásához.";
-$messages["site_registered_users"] = "Az összes regisztrált felhasználó.";
-$messages["add_blog_give_information"] = "Add meg az alábbi adatokat új blog létrehozásához.";
-$messages["blog_title"] = "Blog neve";
-$messages["blog_owner"] = "Blog tulajdonosa";
-$messages["site_registered_blogs"] = "Az összes regisztrált blog.";
-$messages["edit_users"] = "Felhasználók módosítása";
-$messages["upload_locale"] = "Nyelvi file feltöltése";
-$messages["use_this_form_to_upload_locale"] = "  Használd ezen mezõt új nyelvi file hozzáadásához. Ha nincs lehetõséged fle feltöltésére, használd a lenti mezõt.";
-$messages["locale_file"] = "File";
-$messages["manually_add_locale"] = "Nyelvi file kézi hozzáadása";
-$messages["use_this_form_if_cant_upload_locale"] = "Használd ezen mezõt, ha nincs lehetõséged file feltöltésére. A file-t fell kell tölteni a nyelvi mappába a mûvelet megkezdése elött.";
-$messages["locale_code"] = "Nyelvi kód";
-$messages["locale_encoding"] = "Kódolás";
-$messages["template_will_be_available_for_all"] = "Az új sablon file elérhetõ lesz az összes blog számára.";
-$messages["use_this_form_to_upload_template"] = "  Használd ezt a mezõt sablon szettek feltöltésére. Ha nincs lehetõséged file-ok feltöltésére, akkor használd a lenti mezõt. A szetteknek zip, tar.gz vagy tar.bz2 formátumban kell lenniük.";
-$messages["locale_file"] = "File";
-$messages["upload_template"] = "Sablon feltöltése";
-$messages["manually_add_template"] = "Sablon hozzáadása kézzel";
-$messages["use_this_form_if_cannot_upload_template"] = " Ha nincs lehetõséged file-ok feltöltésére, akkor használd ezt a mezõt. A file-t be kell másolnod az alapértelmezett sablon mappába a mûvelet megkezdése elött.";
-$messages["template_id"] = "Sablon azonosító";
-$messages["templates_available_for_all"] = "Az oldal összes blogja által elérhetõ sablonok";
-$messages["add_file"] = "File hozzáadása";
-$messages["setting_name"] = "Beállítás";
-$messages["setting_value"] = "Érték";
-$messages["setting_description"] = "Leírás";
-$messages["plain"] = "Sima";
-$messages["search_engine_friendly"] = "Keresõ barát";
-$messages["general_settings"] = "Általános beállítások";
-$messages["helper_tools_settings"] = "A segédeszközök beállításai";
-$messages["uploads_settings"] = "Feltöltéssel kapcsolatos beállítások";
-$messages["email_settings"] = "Email beállítások";
-$messages["number_blogs"] = "Blogok száma";
-$messages["number_users"] = "Felhasználók száma";
-$messages["number_posts"] = "Üzenetek száma";
-$messages["number_posts_today"] = "Üzenetek a mai napon";
-$messages["number_posts_this_month"] = "Üzenetek ezen hónapban";
-$messages["date"] = "Dátum";
-$messages["time"] = "Idõ";
-$messages["comments_order"] = "Hozzászólások sorrendje:";
-$messages["oldest_first"] = "Régebbi elõre";
-$messages["newest_first"] = "Újabb elõre";
-$messages["blog"] = "Blog";
-$messages["blog_id"] = "Numerikus blog azonosító";
-$messages["blog_users"] = "Blog felhasználók";
-$messages["available_users"] = "Elérhetõ felhasználók";
-$messages["add"] = "Hozzáadás";
-$messages["remove"] = "Eltávolítás";
-$messages["user_id"] = "Numerikus felhasználó azonosító";
-$messages["new_password"] = "Új jelszó";
-$messages["has_administrator_privileges"] = "Adminisztrátori privilégiumokkal rendelkezik";
-$messages["related_to_the_following_blogs"] = "A következõ blogokhoz kapcsolódik";
-$messages["add_user_to_blog_form"] = " Ezen oldal segítségével adhatsz új szerkesztõt a bloghoz. Ezen felhasználó írhat új üzeneteket és a meglévõket is módosíthatja, de a blog beállításaihoz nem fér hozzá.";
-$messages["add_user_enter_username"] = " Add meg a leendõ szerkesztõ felhasználói nevét. A felhasználónak már regisztrálva kell lennie a rendszerben, különben hibaüzenetet fogsz kapni.";
-$messages["add_user_send_notification"] = "Felhasználó értesítése emailben.";
-$messages["add_user_type_notification"] = "Az emailben elküldendõ értesítés szövege";
-$messages["following_users_have_permissions"] = " Az alábbi felhasználók képzik a blog szerkesztõségét. Írhatnak és módosíthatnak üzeneteket, de a blog beállításaihoz nem férnek hozzá.";
-$messages["revoke_permissions"] = "Jogosultság visszavonása";
-$messages["add_blog_template"] = "Új sablon";
-$messages["manually_add_blog_template"] = "Sablon hozzáadása kézzel";
-$messages["template_available_only_for_this_blog"] = "Ez a sablon csak ezen blog számára lesz elérhetõ.";
-$messages["use_form_to_upload_blog_template"] = "Használd ezt a mezõt sablon szettek feltöltésére. Ha nincs lehetõséged file-ok feltöltésére, akkor használd a lenti mezõt. A szetteknek zip, tar.gz vagy tar.bz2 formátumban kell lenniük.";
-$messages["use_form_if_cannot_upload_blog_template"] = "Ha nincs lehetõséged file-ok feltöltésére, akkor használd ezt a mezõt. A file-t be kell másolnod az alapértelmezett sablon mappába a mûvelet megkezdése elött.";
-$messages["blog_templates"] = "Blog sablonok";
-$messages["templates_only_available_for_this_blog"] = "Az alábbi sablonok csak ezen blog számára elérhetõek.";
-$messages["add_file_to_blog_template"] = "File hozzáadása sablonhoz"; $messages["upload_file_to_blog_template"] = "Töltsd fel a file-t, amit hozzá akarsz adni a szetthez.";
-$messages["error_user_id_incorrect"] = "Érvénytelen felhasználó azonosító.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_user_id"] = $messages["error_user_id_incorrect"];
-$messages["error_fetching_user_information"] = "Hiba a felhasználói információk lekérése során.";
-$messages["error_password_incorrect"] = "Érvénytelen, vagy túl rövid jelszó.";
-$messages["error_updating_user_settings"] = "A felhasználó beállításainak frissítése sikertelen.";
-$messages["user_settings_updated_ok"] = "A(z) \"%s\" felhasználó beállításai sikeresen frissítve.";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected_to_add"] = "Nem lettek felhasználók kijelölve.";
-$messages["user_added_to_blog_ok"] = "A(z) \"%s\" felhasználó hozzáadva a bloghoz.";
-$messages["error_adding_user_to_blog"] = "Hiba a(z) \"%s\" felhasználó felvétele során.";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected_to_remove"] = "Nincsenek törlésre megjelült felhasználók.";
-$messages["user_removed_from_blog_ok"] = "\"%s\" törölve a blogról.";
-$messages["error_removing_user_from_blog"] = "Hiba a(z) \"%s\" felhasználó törlése során.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_plugin_id"] = "Érvénytelen plugin azonosító.";
-$messages["error_configuring_plugin"] = "Hiba a plugin beállítása során: ";
-$messages["site_config_saved_ok"] = "Az oldal beállításai sikeresen elmentve.";
-$messages["error_saving_site_config"] = "Hiba a beállítások elmentése során.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_blog_owner"] = "A blog tulajdonosénak választott felhasználó nem létezik.";
-$messages["error_updating_blog_settings"] = "Hiba a(z) \"%s\" blog beállításainak frissítése során";
-$messages["blog_settings_updated_ok"] = "A(z) \"%s\" sikeresen frissítve.";
-$messages["error_fetching_users"] = "Hiba a felhasználók lekérése során.";
-$messages["error_fetching_blogs"] = "Hiba a blogok lekérése során.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_template_id"] = "Érvénytelen vagy nem létezõ sablon azonosító.";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected"] = "Nincsenek törlésre megjelölt felhasználók.";
-$messages["error_could_not_find_user"] = "A(z) \"%s\" felhasználó nem található.";
-$messages["error_deleting_user"] = "Hiba a(z) \"%s\" felhasználó törlése során";
-$messages["user_deleted_ok"] = "\"%s\" sikeresen törölve.";
-$messages["error_must_give_blog_name"] = "Érvényes nevet kell adnod a blognak.";
-$messages["error_adding_blog"] = "Hiba a blog rögzítése során.";
-$messages["blog_added_ok"] = "A(z) \"%s\" nevû blog sikeresen létrehozva.";
-$messages["error_template_not_inside_folder"] = "A sablon filejainak egy mappában kell lenniük.";
-$messages["error_missing_base_files"] = "Néhány alapvetõ file hiányzik a szettbõl.";
-$messages["error_unpacking"] = "Hiba a file kicsomagolása során.";
-$messages["error_forbidden_extensions"] = "A sablon bizonyos filejai tiltottak.";
-$messages["error_creating_working_folder"] = "Hiba a sablon szett ellenörzése során";
-$messages["error_checking_template"] = "Hiba van a sablon szettel (code = %s)";
-$messages["error_add_template_disabled"] = "Felhasználók nem rögzíthetnek új sablont.";
-$messages["error_must_upload_file"] = "Meg kell adnod egy file-t.";
-$messages["error_no_template_name"] = "Meg kell adnod a sablon nevét.";
-$messages["error_uploads_disabled"] = "A feltöltés szolgáltatás kikapcsolva ezen az oldalon.";
-$messages["error_installing_template"] = "Hiba a sablon szett telepítése közben.";
-$messages["template_installed_ok"] = "Az új sablon szett sikeresen telepítve, mint: \"%s\".";
-$messages["error_adding_template_file"] = "Hiba a file sablon szetthez történõ hozzáadása során.";
-$messages["error_file_forbidden"] = "Ezen típusú file-ok tiltottak ezen az oldalon.";
-$messages["error_file_too_big"] = "A file túl nagy. A maximális méret \"%s\" byte.";
-$messages["template_file_added_ok"] = "A file sikeresen hozzáadva a(z) \"%s\" sablonhoz.";
-$messages["error_plugin_cannot_be_configured"] = "A plugin nem beállítható.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_username"] = "Érvénytelen felhasználónév";
-$messages["error_username_already_exists"] = "Már van regisztrált tag ilyen felhasználói névvel.";
-$messages["error_adding_user"] = "Hiba az új felhasználó rögzítése során.";
-$messages["user_added_ok"] = "Új felhasználó - \"%s\" - sikeresen rögzítve.";
-$messages["error_no_blogs_selected"] = "Legalább egy blogot meg kell jelölnöd törlendõként.";
-$messages["error_blog_is_default_blog"] = "\"%s\" nem törölhetõ, mivel ez az alapértelmezett blog.";
-$messages["blog_deleted_ok"] = "\"%s\" sikeresen törölve.";
-$messages["error_deleting_blog"] = "Hiba a törlés során: \"%s\".";
-$messages["error_no_templates_selected"] = "Nincsenek törlésre megjelölt sablonok.";
-$messages["error_removing_template"] = "Hiba a(z) \"%s\" sablon törlése során";
-$messages["template_removed_ok"] = "A(z) \"%s\" sablon sikeresen törölve.";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected_to_remove_from_blog"] = "Nem lett felhasználó kiválasztva.";
-$messages["error_removing_user_from_blog"] = "Hiba a(z) \"%s\" felhasználó törlése során.";
-$messages["user_removed_from_blog_ok"] = "A(z) \"%s\" felhasználó sikeresen törölve.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_locale_code"] = "Érvénytelen nyelvi kód";
-$messages["error_invalid_locale_file"] = "A file nem tûnik érvényes nyelvi file-nak";
-$messages["error_adding_locale_file"] = "Hiba a nyelvi file rögzítése során. Bizonyosodj meg róla, hogy a nyelvi file fel legyen töltve a mûvelet megkezdése elött és megfelelõ jogosultságokkal rendelkezzen.";
-$messages["locale_added_ok"] = "Az új nyelv - \"%s\" - sikeresn hozzáadva.";
-$messages["error_saving_locale"] = "Hiba a nyelvi file mentése során. Bizonyosodj meg róla, hogy a nyelvi file-okat tartalmazó mappa megfelelõ jogosultságokkal rendelkezik.";
-$messages["error_no_locales_selected"] = "Nincsenek törlésre megjelölt nyelvi file-ok.";
-$messages["error_deleting_only_locale"] = "Ez az egyetlen rendelkezésre álló nyelvi file, ennélfogva nem törölhetõ.";
-$messages["locale_deleted_ok"] = "\"%s\" nyelvi file sikeresen törölve.";
-$messages["error_deleting_locale"] = "Hiba a(z) \"%s\" nyelvi file törlése során";
-$messages["error_cant_delete_default_locale"] = "\"%s\" nem törölhetõ, mivel jelenleg ez az alapértelmezett nyevi file.";
-$messages["plugin_config"] = "Plugin beállítások";
-$messages["use_read_more_feature"] = "Csak az üzenet elsõ részének megjelenítése a fõoldalon? (Ha a 'Nem' -et választod, akkor az egész üzenet megjelenik";
-$messages["extended_text"] = "Kibõvített hír. Tartalma a fõoldalon csak akkor jelenik meg, ha ezt külön kérjük. ('Beállítások' fül)";
-$messages["error_must_give_post_intro"] = "A bevezetõ szöveget mindenképp meg kell adnod.";
-$messages["error_no_albums_defined"] = "Nincsenek albumok.";
-$messages["error_fetching_album"] = "Hiba a kért album lekérése során";
-$messages["comment_marked_as_spam_ok"] = "Hozzászólás sikeresen megjelölve mint spam.";
-$messages["comment_marked_as_nonspam_ok"] = "Hozzászólás sikeresen megjelülve mint nem spam.";
-$messages["error_marking_comment_as_nonspam"] = "Hiba a hozzászólás nem spamként történõ megjelölése során.";
-$messages["error_marking_comment_as_spam"] = "Hiba a hozzászólás spamként történõ megjelölése során.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_comment_id"] = "Érvénytelen hozzászólás azonosító.";
-$messages["error_base_storage_folder_missing_or_unreadable"] = "A pLog nem tudta létrehozni a tartalom tárolásához szükséges mappákat. Ennek több oka is lehet. Például a PHP telepítés safe mode bekapcsolása mellett fut, vagy a felhasználóidnak nincs megfelelõ jogosultságuk. Megpróbálhatod saját magad létrehozni a következõ mappákat
-: <br/><br/>%s<br/><br/>Ha már léteznek, akkor gyõzõdj meg róla, hogy a webszerver rendelkezik olvasási és írási jogokkal.";
-///// new help messages ////
-// translators: this one has changed too since we now have two text boxes: one for the
-// text that we'd like to appear in the main page and another one for the text that
-// will only be shown in the 'post' page (that is, when the users clicks on the
-// permalink, for example)
-$messages["newPost"] = "<p>Use this page to add a new post to your journal. You should provide a topic or subject
-for your post as well as some text for your post. Once you have finished, press the <b>'Add'</b> button and the post
-will automatically be included in your page. Please note that you have to set the status of the post
-to <b>'Published'</b> if you want it to appear in front page. Use the <b>'Draft'</b> status when you can't finish posting
-now but you would like to save what you have typed so far for later revision.</p>
-<p>The text typed in the first text box will always appear in the main page. You can use
-the second text box if you want to have some text not to be included in the main page
-but that should be shown once the users clicks on the permalink or on the
-\"Read More...\" link. This link will be automatically added to the end of the text. This
-field is not mandatory and its behaviour can be controlled in the \"Settings\" tab,
-where you can force both text text boxes to be shown in the main page.</p>
-<p>You can also classify the post under any of the categories you have previously created. Simply set
-the <b>'Category'</b> field to the one you most like.</p>
-<p>If you would like to receive an email notifying about a new post, please check the corresponding
-<p>Check the box where it says </b>'Find links in the post...'</b> if after adding the post, you
-would like to send trackback pings to the hosts that support it. Your post will be scanned for
-links and you will have the possibility to choose which ones to send trackback pings to.</p>";
-$messages["updatePost"] = $messages["newPost"];
-$messages["newBlogUser"] = "This option allows you to easily give editing permissions to other
-users in this blog. To do so, you only have to know its username. If you already know it,
-simply type it in the text field below and press the \"Add User\" button. If you wish, you can
-also send an email to this user (as long as he or she used the right address when
-registering) notifying him or her that he has now been granted permissions to add, edit
-and delete posts in this blog.";
-$messages["showBlogUsers"] = "This is a list of the users that have been given editing permissions
-in this blog. You can see their profile if you wish or you can also revoke their permissions
-by selectin them and then clicking on the \"Revoke Permissions\" button. Once you do that,
-the selected users will no longer be able to publish anything in this blog.";
-// note to translators:
-// added some additional text here to inform about the new "configure" feature
-$messages["pluginCenter"] = "<p>From here you can see which plugins have been installed. For every
-plugin, you will see its identifier (the identifier you have to use when developing templates and
-want to make use of the plugin features), the author of the plugin, and some descriptive text with
-various information about the plugin, mainly how to use it.</p>
-<p>Some plugins offer also their own configuration page from wich you can modify some
-aspects of its behaviour. To access such page, please click on the \"configure\" link
-next to every plugin.</p>";
-$messages["configurePlugin"] = "This plugin provides some settings that can be configured
-by the user.";
-$messages["newBlogTemplate"] = "<p>It is possible to easily add new templates to the system. To do
-so, there are two possibilities: the template can either be uploaded as a compressed file
-(tar.gz, tar.bz2 and zip files are supported) to the server or it canbe manually
-uploaded using any available method.</p>
-<p>If the first method is chosen, the contents of the file must have all been packaged
-under a folder which will be the name given to the template.</p>
-<p>If the second method is chosen, simply upload the files to a folder under your blog-specific folder
-and type in the name of the folder in the text box below.</p>
-<p>Plugins added here will only be available to this specific below and will not be able to
-be accessed by other blogs.</p>";
-$messages["blogTemplates"] = "<p>This is a list with all the templates that have been added to
-this blog. If you wish to remove any of them, please select them and click on the
-\"Delete Selected\" button below the list. Once a template is deleted it cannot be
-recovered, since it is removed from the disk.</p>";
-$messages["adminSettings"] = "<p>These are some very basic statistics about the site.</p>";
-$messages["createUser"] = "<p>We can easily register new users in the system by using this form.
-We only need to provide with a valid username and a password, and optionally an email address.
-Users registered here will not be attached to any blog unless we explicitly do so in the
-\"User\" section or until we create a blog specially for this new user.</p>";
-$messages["editUserProfile"] = "<p>From here we can edit the profile of any user in this blog. We can
-also grant administrator privileges to the user (or revoke them). A list of the blogs to which
-the user belogs is also displayed.</p>";
-$messages["editSiteUsers"] = "<p>These are all the users that are registered in this site. You can see and edit
-their profile by clicking on the username or you can delete any of them by clicking on the
-checkbox of the user(s) and then click on the \"Delete Selected\" button. Once a user
-has been deleted, it can <b>not</b> be recovered, so please be careful.</p>";
-$messages["createBlog"] = "<p>Unlimited blogs can be added to a single installation of pLog. Users
-can use the registration script provided in the main package but administrator can also
-register new blogs by using this form. The only things needed to know are the name that will
- be given to the blog and the user who will be the owner, having the maximum privileges
- over that blog.</p>";
- $messages["editSiteBlogs"] = "<p>This is a list with all the blogs that have been registered
- so far in this site. Any blog can be deleted selecting it and clicking on the \"Delete
- Selected\" button. If we try to delete the blog that has been set as the default one
- (see the \"Global Settings\" tab in \"Site Admin\") we will get an error message.</p>
- <p>We can also edit the settings of any blog by clicking on it.</p>
- <p>Finally, we can edit the users that have permissions on a given blog by clicking
- on the \"Edit Users\" link</p>";
-$messages["editBlog"] = "<p>The settings of the blog can be edited from here in the same way
-a normal user can do. Everything is exactly the same except that administrator users can also
-change who is the owner of the blog, anytime.</p>";
-$messages["editBlogUsers"] = "<p>This feature allows to visually add and remove users from
-any blog. On the left side we will see a list containing all the users that have not
-been given editing privileges in this blog yet, while on the right side we will see a list of the
-users that have already been given privileges. To a user (or more than one if necessary)
-we only have to select them from the list of the left and click on the \"Add\" button. To do
-the opposite process, we will have to select the users from the list of the right and
-click on the \"Remove\" button.</p>
-<p>It is also possible to change the user who is the owner of the blog by selecting
-another from the drop-down list on top.</p>";
-$messages["newLocale"] = "<p>Now locales can be easily added to the site using this feature. If
-we have the possibility of uploading files, then we can use the first form, \"Upload Locale\"
-simply pointing the browser to the locale file we'd like to upload. pLog will take care
-of everything else, including copying the file to the folder with the other language files, but
-please bear in mind that the folder must be writable by the user who is running the web server in
-order for this feature to work properly. If the language file already exists, <b>it will
-be overwritten and replaced by the new one</b>.</p>
-<p>If files cannot be uploaded to the server, then the file will have to be
-manually uploaded and placed in the same folder with the other language files. Once the file
-has been placed there, we will have to type in the second form its code omitting the
-<p>Locale files must follow the naming convention of locale_ll_CC, where 'll' is the
-2-digit ISO code for the language, while CC is the 2-digit ISO code for the country. If the file
-does not conform to those rules, it will be rejected as a valid locale file.</p>";
-$messages["siteLocales"] = "<p>This is a list with all the language files that have been
-installed in this site. For each one of them, the encoding used by it and a brief
-description can be seen. Also, language files can be removed from the system by selecting
-them and clicking on the \"Delete Selected\" button.</p>";
-$messages["newTemplate"] = "<p>It is possible to easily add new templates to the system. To do
-so, there are two possibilities: the template can either be uploaded as a compressed file
-(tar.gz, tar.bz2 and zip files are supported) to the server or it can be manually
-uploaded using any available method.</p>
-<p>If the first method is chosen, the contents of the file must have all been packaged
-under a folder which will be the name given to the template.</p>
-<p>If the second method is chosen, simply upload the files to a folder under your blog-specific folder
-and type in the name of the folder in the text box below.</p>
-<p>Plugins added here will be available to <b>all</b> the blogs in this site.</p>";
-$messages["siteTemplates"] = "<p>This is a list with all the templates that are globally
-available to all blogs. If you wish to remove any of them, please select them and click on the
-\"Delete Selected\" button below the list. Once a template is deleted it cannot be
-recovered, since it is removed from the disk.</p>";
-$messages["editSiteSettings"] = "These are all the global settings that control many aspects of the
-behaviour of pLog.";
-$messages["newBlogTemplateFile"] = "Single files can be added to an already existing template
-set without having to upload the whole set again. Simply find the file you would like to
-upload in your disk and click on the \"Add File\" button.";
-// text is the same, so we can save a few bytes
-$messages["newTemplateFile"] = $messages["newBlogTemplateFile"];
-$messages["show_category_in_main_page"] = "Megjelenítés a fõoldalon";
-$messages["welcome_resource_center"] = "Welcome to the resource center!";
-$messages["resource_center"] = "Albumok";
-$messages["resource_albums"] = "Albumok";
-$messages["resources"] = "Tartalom";
-$messages["add_resource"] = "Új tartalom";
-$messages["add_album"] = "Új album";
-$messages["album"] = "Album";
-$messages["album_name"] = "Album neve";
-$messages["parent_album"] = "Szülõ album";
-$messages["no_parent_album"] = "Nincs szülõ album";
-$messages["resource_info"] = "Tartalom információ";
-$messages["size"] = "Méret";
-$messages["format"] = "Formátum";
-$messages["dimensions"] = "Méret";
-$messages["bits_per_sample"] = "Bit/pixel";
-$messages["bytes"] = "byte";
-$messages["pixels"] = "pixel";
-$messages["time_offset"] = "Idõeltolódás - órában - a tartózkodási helyed és a szerver között";
-$messages["hours"] = "Óra";
-$messages["album_added_ok"] = "Az új album sikeresen létrehova.";
-$messages["name"] = "Név";
-$messages["children"] = "Gyermek";
-$messages["see"] = "See";
-$messages["view"] = "Megtekintés";
-$messages["resource_info"] = "Tartalom információ";
-$messages["number_of_channels"] = "Csatornák száma";
-$messages["length"] = "Hossza";
-$messages["number_of_files"] = "File-ok száma";
-$messages["compressed_size"] = "Tömörített méret";
-$messages["uncompressed_size"] = "Tömörítetlen méret";
-$messages["resource_file"] = "Hozzáadandó file-ok:";
-$messages["add_to_album"] = "File hozzáadása a következõ albumhoz:";
-$messages["edit_resource_album"] = "Album módosítása";
-$messages["error_loading_resource_album"] = "Hiba az album lekérése során.";
-$messages["error_album_id_parameter_missing"] = "Érvénytelen album azonosító.";
-$messages["error_album_parent_id_parameter_missing"] = "Szülõ album azonosítója nem található.";
-$messages["error_updating_resource_album"] = "Hiba az album frissítése során.";
-$messages["resource_album_updated_ok"] = "A(z) \"%s\" album sikeresen frissítve.";
-$messages["error_must_give_album_name"] = "Meg kell adnod egy nevet.";
-$messages["error_adding_album"] = "Hiba az album rögzítése során.";
-$messages["album_added_ok"] = "A(z) \"%s\" album sikeresen rögzítve.";
-$messages["resource_added_ok"] = "Tartalom hozzáadása sikeres volt.";
-$messages["error_resource_forbidden_extension"] = "A tartalom nem adható az albumhoz, mivel tiltott kiterjesztéssel rendelkezik.";
-$messages["error_resource_too_big"] = "A tartalom túl nagy.";
-$messages["error_uploads_disabled"] = "A tartalom nem rögzíthetõ, mivel a feltöltés le van tiltva.";
-$messages["error_adding_resource"] = "Hiba a tartalom hozzásadása során.";
-$messages["error_loading_resource"] = "Hiba a tartalom lekérése során";
-$messages["error_updating_resource"] = "Hiba a tartalom frissítése során.";
-$messages["resource_updated_ok"] = "Tartalom - \"%s\" - sikeresen frissítve.";
-$messages["error_no_resources_selected"] = "Nincs törlésre megjelölt tartalom.";
-$messages["resource_deleted_ok"] = "Tartalom - \"%s\" - sikeresen törölve.";
-$messages["error_deleting_resource"] = "Hiba a(z) \"%s\" törlése során.";
-$messages["error_no_resource_uploaded"] = "Nincs feltöltött tartalom.";
-$messages["filtered_content"] = "Szûrt tartalom";
-$messages["global_filtered_content"] = "Globálisan szûrt tartalom";
-$messages["block_content"] = "Tartalom szûrése";
-$messages["blocked_hosts"] = "Blokkolt címek";
-$messages["global_blocked_hosts"] = "Globálisan blokkolt címek";
-$messages["block_host"] = "Cím blokkolása";
-$messages["security"] = "Biztonság";
-$messages["security_welcome"] = "Üdvözlet a Biztonság részlegben!";
-$messages["filtered_content_intro"] = "Az alábbi tartalom és reguláris kifejezések kerülnek szûrésre.";
-$messages["global_filtered_content_intro"] = "Az alábbi tartalmak és reguláris kifejezések kerülnek szûrésre globális szinten";
-$messages["content"] = "Tartalom";
-$messages["reason"] = "Ok";
-$messages["add_filtered_content"] = "Szûrendõ tartalom beállítása";
-$messages["add_filtered_content_intro"] = "Az itt felsorolt tartalmak nem kerülnek megjelenítésre a hozzászólásokban. Ha egy sima felhasználó blokkolt tartalmat is tartalmazó hozzászólást ír, akkor az üzenet nem jelenik meg. Reguláris kifejezések éppúgy használhatók, mint egyszerû szavak. A reguláris kifejezések sokkal hatékonyabbak, ugyanakkor sokkal összetettebbek is, éppen ezért használatuk során megfelelõ körültekintéssel járj el, nehogy véletlenül olyan kifejezést szerkesszél, amivel minden hozzászólást blokkolsz.";
-$messages["global_add_filtered_content_intro"] = "Az itt felsorolt tartalmak nem kerülnek megjelenítésre a hozzászólásokban. Ha egy sima felhasználó blokkolt tartalmat is tartalmazó hozzászólást ír, akkor az üzenet nem jelenik meg. Reguláris kifejezések éppúgy használhatók, mint egyszerû szavak. A reguláris kifejezések sokkal hatékonyabbak, ugyanakkor sokkal összetettebbek is, éppen ezért használatuk során megfelelõ körültekintéssel járj el, nehogy véletlenül olyan kifejezést szerkesszél, amivel minden hozzászólást blokkolsz.";
-$messages["content_to_block"] = "Blokkolandó tartalom:";
-$messages["block_this"] = "Hozzáadás";
-$messages["mask"] = "Mask";
-$messages["access_blocked"] = "Hozzáférés tiltása";
-$messages["posting_blocked"] = "Hozzászólás tiltása";
-$messages["block_host_intro"] = "Az itt megadott címek csak ezen blogot nem érik el. Bõvebb információkért nézd át a <a href=\"javascript:help_window('admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost');\">Súgót</a>.";
-$messages["global_block_host_intro"] = "Az itt megadott címekröl érkezõk az oldal egyetlen blogjához sem férnek hozzás. Bõvebb leírásért nézd at a szolgáltatás <a href=\"javascript:help_window('admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost');\">súgóját</a>.";
-$messages["block_type"] = "Blokkolás típusa";
-$messages["error_invalid_ip_address"] = "Érvénytelen IP cím.";
-$messages["error_provide_content_to_block"] = "Meg kell adnod a szûrendõ tartalmat.";
-$messages["error_must_create_album_first"] = "Tartalom hozzáadása elött létre kell hoznod egy albumot.";
-$messages["error_resource_is_not_an_image"] = "A kijelölt tartalom nem kép.";
-$messages["error_generating_resource_preview"] = "Hiba az elõnézet újragenerálása során.";
-$messages["resource_preview_generated_ok"] = "Elõnézet sikeresen létrehozva.";
-$messages["regenerate_preview"] = "Elõnézet újragenerálása";
-$messages["show_album"] = "Album megjelenítése";
-$messages["show_album_when_browsing"] = "Album megjelenítése a felhasználóknak";
-$messages["assigned_to_blog"] = "Beosztás a kijelölt bloghoz";
-$messages["clean_up"] = "Karbantartás";
-$messages["purge_info"] = "A törlés funkció véglegesen kitörli a \"Törölt\" ként megjelölt üzeneteket az adatbázisból. Enélkül ezen üzenetek az adatbázisban maradnak - hátha a felhasználó vissza akarja állítani õket - ennélfogva adott esetben jelentõsen - és nagy valószínûséggel feleslegesen - megnövelik az adatbázis méretét. Ha törölni akarod ezen hozzászólásokat, kattints az alábbi gombra..";
-$messages["spam_info"] = "A spamként megjelölt hozzászólások az adatbázisban tarthatóak, a spam filter bõvítése érdekében. Amint ez megtörtént, már haszontalanok, s ennélfogva célszerû a törlésük. Ha törölni akarod õket kattints az alábbi gombra.";
-$messages["no_spam"] = "Nem Spam";
-$messages["spam"] = "Spam";
-$messages["mark_as_spam"] = "Megjelölés mint spam";
-$messages["mark_as_no_spam"] = "Megjelölés, mint nem spam";
-$messages["enable_comments_for_post"] = "Hozzászólás engedélyezése";
-$messages["close_window"] = "Abalak bezárása";
-$messages["add_resource"] = "Tartalom hozzáadása";
-$messages["add_resource_preview"] = "Elõnézet hozzáadása";
-$messages["add_album"] = "Album hozzáadása";
-$messages["show_main_page"] = "Megjelenítés a fõoldalon";
-$messages["purge_spam_comments"] = "Spam hozzászólások törlése";
-$messages["purge_posts"] = "Hozzászólások törlése";
-$messages["keep_spam_comments"] = "Spam hozzászólások megtartása";
-$messages["throw_away_spam_comments"] = "Spam hozzászólások eldobása";
-$messages["error_adding_blocked_host"] = "Hiba a megadott hoszt blokkolása során.";
-$messages["blocked_host_added_ok"] = "A(z) %s hoszt sikeresen hozzáadva a blokkolandó címek listájához.";
-$messages["error_no_blocked_hosts_selected"] = "Nincsen törlésre megjelölt hoszt.";
-$messages["blocked_host_deleted_ok"] = "A(z) \"%s\" hoszt sikeresen törölve.";
-$messages["error_deleting_blocked_host"] = "Hiba a(z) \"%s\" blokkolt hoszt törlése során.";
-$messages["edit_blocked_host"] = "Blokkolt hosztok módosítása";
-$messages["error_fetching_blocked_host"] = "Hiba a blokkolt hosztok lekérése során.";
-$messages["error_updating_blocked_host"] = "Hiba a blokkolt hosztok frissítése során.";
-$messages["thumbnail_format"] = "Indexkép formátum";
-$messages["same_as_image"] = "Ugyanaz, mint az eredeti";
-$messages["same"] = $messages["same_as_image"];
-$messages["help_locale_folder"] = "A nyelvi file-ok mappája.";
-$messages["help_default_locale"] = "Alapértelmezett nyelvi beállítások új blog regisztrálásakor.";
-$messages["help_xmlrpc_api_enabled"] = "Enables or disables the XMLRPC interface, for posting from your desktop.";
-$messages["default_rss_profile"] = "RSS/RDF profile that will be used by default to generate feeds, if no special profile is specified";
-$messages["help_security_pipeline_enabled"] = "A biztonsági szolgáltatások bekapcsolása. A kikapcsolása az összes biztonsági szolgáltatás kikapcsolsát jelenti. Éppen ezért azt javasoljuk, hogy legyen bekapcsolva, s csak azon szolgáltatásokat kapcsold ki, melyekre nincs szükséged.";
-$messages["help_ip_address_filter_enabled"] = "Az IP szûrés bekapcsolásával megakadályozhatsz bizonyos címeeket az oldal elérésében.";
-$messages["help_content_filter_enabled"] = "Bekapcsol egy nagyon egyszerû reguláris kifejezés alapú tartalom szûrõt. A Bayesian szûrõ jobb választás lehet.";
-$messages["help_maximum_comment_size"] = "A hozzászólások maximális mérete byte-ban megadva.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_enabled"] = "Bayesian szûrõ be/kikapcsolása.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_spam_probability_treshold"] = "Hozzászólás spammé nyílvánításának muinimális értéke. Célszerû 0.01 és 0.99 közé beállítani.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_nonspam_probability_treshold"] = "Maximális érték, melynél a hozzászólás biztosan nem spam. Ezen kát határérték közti hozzászólások sem bizonyulnak spamnek, de elképzelhetõ, hogy további beállítások szükségesek.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_min_length_token"] = "A szövegértelmezõ által érvényesnek tekintett egység minimális hossza.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_max_length_token"] = "Illetve maximális hossza.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_number_significant_tokens"] = "A szükséges, jelentõs egységek száma a hozzászólásban";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_spam_comments_action"] = "Mi történjen a spam -el? Azonnali eldobásra is kerülhetnek - ilyenkor be se kerül az adatbázsiba - de pusztán megjelölhetõek spamként is. Utóbbi lehetõség akkor ajánlott, ha a spam szûrû még tökéletesítés alatt áll, s alakalomadtán még hibázik.";
-$messages["help_path_to_convert"] = "A 'convert' program szükséges, ha az ImageMagick vsomagot használjuk az indexképek elõállítására.";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_height"] = "Indexképek maximális magassága.";
-$messages["help_resources_folder"] = "A különféle file-ok tárolására szolgáló mappaFolder where the resources will be stored. Does not have to be in the web server tree, if you don't feel like letting people browse your resources folder. The resource server will take care of serving
-the files wherever they are.";
-$messages["help_thumbnails_keep_aspect_ratio"] = "Kép oldalarányának megtartása.";
-$messages["help_resources_enabled"] = "'Tartalom albumok' be/kikapcsolása.";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_method"] = "Az indexképek generálásához használt rendszer. Az ImageMagick esetén pár külsõ eszköz is szükséges. Lásd lentebb.";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_width"] = "Indexképek maximális szélessége.";
-$messages["external_interfaces"] = "Külsõ interfészek";
-$messages["security_settings"] = "Biztonsági beállítások";
-$messages["bayesian_filter_settings"] = "Bayesian szûrû beállításai";
-$messages["resources_settings"] = "Tartalom beállítások";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_format"] = "Az indexképek alapértelmezett fileformátuma. 'Ugyanaz, mint az eredeti' esetén az indexkép formátuma az eredeti képével egyezik meg.";
-$messages["edit"] = "Módosítás";
-$messages["blocked_content_added_ok"] = "Blokkolandó tartalom sikeresen rögzítve.";
-$messages["blocked_content_updated_ok"] = "Blokkolandó tartalom sikeresen frissítve.";
-$messages["help_disable_javascript_calendar"] ="A javascript és DHTML-alapú naptár kikapcsolása. Alapértelmezés szerint ez használható a dátum kiválasztásához az üzenetek írásakor/módosításakor, de esetleges kompatibilitási gondokat okozhat bizonyos böngészõk esetén.";
-$messages["edit_filtered_content"] = "Szûrt tartalom módosítása";
-$messages["error_updating_blocked_content"] = "Hiba a szûrt tartalom módosítása során.";
-$messages["audio_codec"] = "Audio Codec";
-$messages["video_codec"] = "Video Codec";
-$messages["sample_rate"] = "Mintavétel";
-$messages["files"] = "File-ok";
-$messages["created"] = "Létrehozva:";
-$messages["generated"] = "Létrehozva:";
-$messages["about"] = "About";
-$messages["menu"] = "Menü";
-$messages["albums"] = "Albumok";
-$messages["template_file"] = "File";
-$messages["download"] = "Letöltés";
-$messages["error_you_have_been_blocked"] = "Nincs jogosultságod ezen kérelemre.";
-// help messages //
-// translators: the following help messages have changed a little since last version, due to a few
-// new features built on top of previous features
-$messages["editArticleCategories"] = "<p>This is a listing with all the post categories that
-have been created so far. There must be at least one category before you can add an article, since
-every article has to be categorized under a category. The <b>'Articles'</b> column shows how many
-articles have been categorized under the given category. In the same way, a category can't be deleted
-if it has an article assigned it; you must first remove all the articles and then you will be allowed
-to remove the category.</p>
-<p>You can delete more than one category at the same time by cheching their <b>'Delete'</b> column
-and then clickin on the <b>'Delete Selected'</b> button.</p>
-<p>The <b>'Show In Main Page'</b> column shows whether this category is included in the main page or if alternatively,
-it can also be seen when clicking its link. Edit the category itself to enable/disable this feature.</p>";
-$messages["newArticleCategory"] = "<p>From here you can add a new post category to the blog. All
-what you need to provide is a name for the new category. Once it has been created, it will be available
-for posts to be categorized under.</p>
-<p>You can disable the 'Show cateory in main page' checkbox if you don't want this category to be shown in the
-main page of the site. If disabled, posts included in this category will only be shown when browsing this
-specific category, by clicking its link.</p>";
-$messages["editArticleCategory"] = "<p>Please provide a new name for the category you are updating. Also, 
-define whether you would like to show posts belonging to this cateogry in the main page or not.</p>";
-$messages["editPost"] = "<p>Use this page to edit a post from your journal. The information from the
-post has already been provided and now you can make your changes. Once you have finished, press the <b>'Update'</b> button and the post
-will updated. Please note that you have to set the status of the post
-to <b>'Published'</b> if you want it to appear in front page. Use the <b>'Draft'</b> status when you can't finish posting
-now but you would like to save what you have typed so far for later revision.</p>
-<p>If you would like to receive an email notifying about a new post, please check the corresponding
-<p>More information about the different options <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newPost\">here</a>.</p>";
-$messages["blogSettings"] = "<p>From this page you can change some of the settings that control the
-behaviour or appearance of this journal. These are the settings: <ul>
-<li><b>Permanent URL</b>: This is the URL where this blog is running and that can be used to
-link to it. It can't be changed.</li>
-<li><b>Name of the blog</b>: This is a text string with a descriptive name of the blog. If using the
-default templates, it is the text displayed on top of every page.</li>
-<li><b>Long descriptive text about this blog</b>: This is a longer text that can optionally be
-displayed in some kind of page giving more detailed information about the page. It can be left
-blank if not needed.</li>
-<li><b>Language used to display the texts</b>: You can select one of the available languages. This
-language will be used to display the texts (not your own articles!) and format things like dates
-and numbers using the correct settings. More languages can be installed at any time.</li>
-<li><b>Items in the main page</b>: Set this to the number of posts you would like to have
-in the main page. The more posts, the longer it will take for users to download your page. Minimum
-number of posts it one.</li>
-<li><b>Items shown as recent</b>: Set this to the number of posts you would like to be shown as
-<b>'Recent'</b>, that is, the posts that have been posted earlier. Minimun amount is one.</li>
-<li><b>Template used to render the contents</b>: pLog allows to have more than one template
-to show the same content. You can choose here the most appropiate one for you journal, from the ones
-that have been installed by the administrator.</li>
-<li><b>Show the whole post int he main or only the part that was typed in the 'Text' box?</b>: Set this to <b>'Yes'</b> if you would like pLog
-to automatically add a 'More...' link to your posts on the main page just after the text you typed
-in the text box labeled 'Text'. The text typed in the second text box will only be shown to the user
-when clicking on the
-setting below) This feature is useful since it makes your frontpage less cluttered and also
-smaller. However, it has some problems if there is a lot of HTML code in the page.</li>
-<li><b>Enable WYSIWYG edition of texts</b>: Set this to yes if you would like to have the possibility
-to see how your posts look in real time. This feature is only available for users using either
-Internet Explorer 5.5 or higer and Mozilla 1.3b or higher.</li>
-<li><b>Enable comments</b>: Set this to yes if you would like to allow your users to make comments to your
-posts. This will globally affect all your posts and all your users.</li>
-<li><b>Order in which comments appear</b>: Set it to \"Oldest first\" if you would like to see
-the older comments first in the list, or set it to \"Newest first\" to see them in
-reverse chronological order.</li>
-<li><b>Time difference in hours between the server and you</b>: You can use this setting to make pLog automatically
-add or substract an amount of hours to each date in the blog. It is useful for example when the server where the blog
-is hosted and the person who is using it are in different time zones. Telling pLog that there is a difference of
-+3 hours, will make that all dates appear with such time difference applied.</li>
-// translators: the ones below are already new
-$messages["resourceCenter"] = "From the resource center, you will be able to manage your files, group them in albums,
-manage those albums and edit any of them.";
-$messages["newResourceAlbum"] = "<p>You need at least one album to group your resources. From here you will be allowed
-to add a new album, simply providing a name and a description for it. Only the name field is mandatory, being
-the description field optional.</p>
-<p>Use the <b>'Parent album'</b> field to set whether this is a top-level album or if it is a sub-album and has
-another album as a parent.</p>";
-$messages["resourceAlbums"] = "<p>This is a list including all the resource albums that have been created so far
-in this site. For each album, several of its properties can be seen at a glance: its name, a link to its child 
-albums (if any) and its amount, a link to its resources and its amount, whether the album is public or
-private and a checkbox to delete as many of them as needed.</p>
-<p>You can read more on the <b>'Show Album'</b> feature here <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=editResourceAlbum\">here</a></p>";
-$messages["editResourceAlbum"] = "<p>From here you can edit the properties of a resource album. Almost all the fields
-are the same as <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newResourceAlbum\">here</a> except the 
-<b>'Show album to users'</b> checkbox. If enabled, this album will be visible to users who browse our 
-collection of albums and resources. If not, it will not be shown in the public side. This is useful in cases when
-we want to keep some of the albums secret and don't want users peeking at them.</p>";
-$messages["newResource"] = "<p>You will be able to upload new resources to your blog from this section. Any kind of file
-can be uploaded to the site but pLog is capable of handling and extracting some useful information from some
-of them, such as images, videos, zip files and music files.</p>
-<p>First of all, find the file you would like to upload. Then, provide a description for it (mandatory field)
-and finally select to which album would you like this resource to belong to. It is not possible to have a resource
-file that does not belong to any album. Once you are ready, click the <b>'Add Resource'</b> button and the file
-will be added to the blog.</p>
-<p>Please keep in mind that uploads need to be enabled for this to work, and if the blog administrator has
-set a list of forbidden file types that cannot be uploaded, the file will not be allowed in the site. The resource
-framework also needs to be enabled. All these settings can be modified by a user with administrator privileges
-from the <b>'Global Settings'</b> section.</p>
-<p>This feature requires a folder with write permission in the web server.</p>";
-$messages["Resources"] = "<p>From here you will have access to all the resource files that have been uplaoded
-in the blog. Files will be shown under the album to which they belong. For every resource file, it will be
-possible to edit its properties, view it as any normal user will see it and mark it for deletion. Pressing the 
-<b>'Delete Selected'</b> button from the bottom of the screen will delete those resources that have been
-<p>Click the folder icon to navigate to the contents of an albu, or the <b>'Edit'</b> to go to the album
-properties page. Use the <b>'..'</b> link to go up one level. Clicking a resource name or preview (if available)
-will take you to the resource properties page where you will be able to change some of the settings of the 
-selected resource.";
-$messages["blogSecurity"] = "From this section you will be able to edit set up some basic security mechanisms that
-are provided by pLog. The changes you make here will only affect your blog and not everybody else's.";
-$messages["blogFilteredContent"] = "<p>This is a list of all the rules for content filtering that have been added 
-to this particular blog. Clicking any of them will take you to a page where you will be able to edit any of them.
-Use the <b>'Delete'</b> checkbox to mark any of them for deletion, and press the <b>'Delete Selected'</b> button
-once you are sure you want to delete those.</p>";
-$messages["newBlogFilteredContent"] = "<p>You can add here a new rule for blocking undesired content from being
-included in comments. You can use here single words or sentence or if you wish, you can use the power
-of regular expressions if you know how to use them. You can also add a description to the rule so that you remember
-in the future what it is about, but it is not a mandatory field.</p>";
-$messages["blogBlockedHosts"] = "This is a list with all the hosts that have been blocked so far in this blog. At
-a glance, it is possible to see for each host the reason why it was blocked, the date when it was blocked and
-the type of the block applied. Lastly, you can also select any of the host blocking rules and press the
-<b>'Delete Selected'</b> button when you are sure that you want to remove those rules.";
-$messages["newBlogBlockedHost"] = "<p>This section will allow you to block a specific address or entire subnet from your Blog. You can select if you want them to be able to see it, but unable to post or simply unable to access it at all. Copy the offending address into the spaces provided and choose the proper subnet address space if necessary. Example: To block just the address of you would choose the '32 bit' option to match the entire address. This blocks just this one address and works well for banning someone with a Static IP address. If you're seeing multiple IP Addresses for a particular individual (say,, and then you will want to ban a particular subnet range. Enter one of the IP Addresses that you see and choose '24 bit', '16 bit' or '8 bit'  to match the first 3 sections, first 2 sections or the first section respectively.<br/>
- - 32 bit: Matches only the address<br/>
- - 24 bit: Matches any address that starts with 192.168.1<br/>
- - 16 bit: Matches any address that starts with 192.168<br/>
- - 8 bit: Matches any address that starts with 192<br/>
-<p>The <b>'Block type'</b> drop-down list will allow you to choose whether to block this host from 
-completely accessign the site (an error page will be sent to the client's browser whenever trying to access) or
-simply block it from posting new comments. If the latter is chosen, the host will still be allowed to read
-articles and other people's comments.</p>
-<p>You can also attach a reason/description to this host blocking rule, so that you can remember in the future why
-it was set up.</p>";
-$messages["editBlogBlockedHost"] = "You will be able to edit a host blocking rule from this section. The options
-available are exactly the same as in <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost\">here</a>.";
-$messages["editBlogFilteredContent"] = "This page will allow you to edit a content filtering rule. The options
-are exactly the same as in <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogFilteredContent\">here</a>.";
-$messages["filteredContent"] = "<p>This is a list of all the rules for content filtering that have been added 
-to this site. These rules are site-wide and take precedence before any blog-specific rule that may have been
-set by blog owners. The options and its meaning is the same as 
-<a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=blogFilteredContent\">here</a>.";
-$messages["newFilteredContent"] = "<p>You can add here a new rule for blocking undesired content from being
-included in comments. This rule will be used system-wide and will take preference before blog-specific
-rules. See <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogFilteredContent\">this</a> for more information
-on the options.";
-$messages["blockedHosts"] = "This is a list with all the hosts that have been blocked so far system-wide. 
-Clicking a rule IP address will allow us to edit the settings of that rule. These rules always take
-precedence over blog-speficic rules, so that if one these global rules matches a host, all the other after
-it will be ignored.";
-$messages["newBlockedHost"] = "From here it is possible to add a new <b>global</b> host-blocking rule. See
-<a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost\">here</a> for more information about the options
-$messages["editBlockedHost"] = "You will be able to edit a host blocking rule from this section. The options
-available are exactly the same as in <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost\">here</a>.";
-$messages["editFilteredContent"] = "This page will allow you to edit a content filtering rule. The options
-are exactly the same as in <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogFilteredContent\">here</a>.";
-// text of the post that will be added to each blog when they sign-up via the register.php script
-$messages["register_default_category"] = "Hírek";
-$messages["register_default_article_text"] = "Ha ezt olvasod, az azt jelenti, hogy a blog regisztráció sikeres volt. Kellemes bloggolást!";
-$messages["register_default_article_topic"] = "Gratulálok, mûködik!";

Deleted: plog/trunk/locale/locale_it_IT.php
--- plog/trunk/locale/locale_it_IT.php	2005-01-29 15:29:38 UTC (rev 872)
+++ plog/trunk/locale/locale_it_IT.php	2005-01-29 15:52:14 UTC (rev 873)
@@ -1,1370 +0,0 @@
-//   Italian translation by Pietro Ricciardi (pricciardi at inwind.it; www.comunedipignataro.it)   *
-// set this to the encoding that should be used to display the pages correctly
-$messages["encoding"] = "iso-8859-1";
-$messages["locale_description"] = "File di localizzazione italiana per pLog";
-// days of the week
-$messages["days"] = Array( "Domenica", "Lunedi", "Martedi", "Mercoledi", "Giovedi", "Venerdi", "Sabato" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["Lunedi"] = $messages["days"][1];
-$messages["Martedi"] = $messages["days"][2];
-$messages["Mercoledi"] = $messages["days"][3];
-$messages["Giovedi"] = $messages["days"][4];
-$messages["Venerdi"] = $messages["days"][5];
-$messages["Sabato"] = $messages["days"][6];
-$messages["Domenica"] = $messages["days"][0];
-// abbreviations
-$messages["daysshort"] = Array( "Do", "Lu", "Ma", "Me", "Gi", "Ve", "Sa" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["Lu"] = $messages["daysshort"][1];
-$messages["Ma"] = $messages["daysshort"][2];
-$messages["Me"] = $messages["daysshort"][3];
-$messages["Gi"] = $messages["daysshort"][4];
-$messages["Ve"] = $messages["daysshort"][5];
-$messages["Sa"] = $messages["daysshort"][6];
-$messages["Do"] = $messages["daysshort"][0];
-// months of the year
-$messages["months"] = Array( "Gennaio", "Febbraio", "Marzo", "Aprile", "Maggio", "Giugno", "Luglio", "Agosto", "Settembre", "Ottobre", "Novembre", "Dicembre" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["Gennaio"] = $messages["months"][0];
-$messages["Febbraio"] = $messages["months"][1];
-$messages["Marzo"] = $messages["months"][2];
-$messages["Aprile"] = $messages["months"][3];
-$messages["Maggio"] = $messages["months"][4];
-$messages["Giugno"] = $messages["months"][5];
-$messages["Luglio"] = $messages["months"][6];
-$messages["Agosto"] = $messages["months"][7];
-$messages["Settembre"] = $messages["months"][8];
-$messages["Ottobre"] = $messages["months"][9];
-$messages["Novembre"] = $messages["months"][10];
-$messages["Dicembre"] = $messages["months"][11];
-$messages["message"] = "Messaggio";
-$messages["error"] = "Spiacente,";
-$messages["date"] = "Data";
-// miscellaneous texts
-$messages["of"] = "di";
-$messages["recently"] = "recenti...";
-$messages["comments"] = "commenti";
-$messages["comment on this"] = "Commenti";
-$messages["my_links"] = "i miei Link";
-$messages["archives"] = "archivi";
-$messages["search"] = "cerca";
-$messages["calendar"] = "calendario";
-$messages["categories"] = "categorie";
-$messages["search_s"] = "Cerca";
-$messages["link_tracker"] = "Link Tracker";
-$messages["search_this_blog"] = "Cerca in questo blog:";
-$messages["about_myself"] = "Chi sono?";
-$messages["permalink_title"] = "Permalink agli archivi";
-$messages["permalink"] = "Permalink";
-$messages["posted_by"] = "Inviato da";
-$messages["on_the"] = "sul";
-$messages["page"] = "pagina";
-$messages["posted"] = "inviato";
-$messages["reply"] = "Rispondi";
-// add comment form
-$messages["add_comment"] = "Commenta";
-$messages["comment_topic"] = "Argomento";
-$messages["comment_text"] = "Testo";
-$messages["comment_username"] = "Il tuo nome";
-$messages["comment_email"] = "La tua e-mail";
-$messages["comment_url"] = "La tua home-page";
-$messages["comment_send"] = "Invia";
-$messages["comment_added"] = "Commento registrato!";
-$messages["comment_add_error"] = "Errore in fase di registrazione";
-$messages["article_does_not_exist"] = "Articolo inesistente";
-$messages["no_posts_found"] = "Nessun articolo troato";
-$messages["user_has_no_posts_yet"] = "L'utente non ha inviato nessun articolo";
-$messages["info_about_myself"] = "Alcune informazioni su di me...";
-$messages["back"] = "Indietro";
-$messages["back_top"] = "Torna Sopra";
-$messages["post"] = "articolo";
-$messages["trackbacks_for_article"] = "Trackbacks per l'articolo intitolato";
-$messages["trackback_excerpt"] = "Brano";
-$messages["trackback_weblog"] = "Weblog";
-$messages["search_results"] = "Risultato ricerca";
-$messages["search_matching_results"] = "Questi articoli soddisfano i tuoi criteri di ricerca: ";
-$messages["search_no_matching_posts"] = "Nessun articolo soddisfa i tuoi criteri di ricerca";
-$messages["see_all_link"] = "Cliccare quì per vedere tutti gli articoli, mai";
-$messages["read_more"] = "(Continua...)";
-$messages["anonymous_poster"] = "Inviato da ANONIMO";
-$messages["syndicate"] = "SYNDICATE";
-$messages["main"] = "Main";
-////// error messages /////
-$messages["error_fetching_article"] = "L'articolo cercato non è stato trovato.";
-$messages["error_fetching_articles"] = "Non ci sono articoli in questo argomento.";
-$messages["error_trackback_no_trackback"] = "Non sono stati trovati trackbacks per l'articolo.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_article_id"] = "Identificativo dell'articolo non corretto.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_blog_id"] = "l'identificativo del blog non è corretto.";
-$messages["error_comment_without_text"] = "E' necesasrio che scrivi almeno del testo.";
-$messages["error_comment_without_name"] = "Devi fornire il tuo nome o nickname.";
-$messages["error_adding_comment"] = "Si è verificato un errore durante la registrazione del commento.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_parameter"] = "Parametro non corretto.";
-$messages["error_parameter_missing"] = "hai mancato un parametro.";
-$messages["error_blog_has_no_links"] = "In questo blog non ci sono ancora links registrati.";
-$messages["error_comments_not_enabled"] = "Commenti non consentiti per questo sito.";
-/////////////////                                          //////////////////
-///////////////// STRINGS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION INTERFACE //////////////////
-/////////////////                                          //////////////////
-////// help messages for the administration interface /////
-$messages["newPost"] = "<p>Usa questa paggina per inserire nuovi post nel tuo blog. Devi selezionare un argomento a cui associare 
-il tuo post, fornire un titolo e, ovviamnte, mettere del contenuto. Quando hai finito, Premi il pulsante <b>'Add'</b> e il pezzo
-comparirà automaticamente nel tuo blog. Fai attenzione, perchè l'articolo compaia devi impostare lo stato dell'articolo
-a <b>'Published'</b>. Usa lo stato <b>'Draft'</b> se vuoi che il pezzo non appaia ancora, magari per revisionarlo in un secondo momento.</p>
-<p>Se vuoi ricevere una e-mail di notifica di commenti al tuo pezzo, seleziona il checkbox apposito.</p>
-<p>Check the box where it says </b>'Find links in the post...'</b> if after adding the post, you
-would like to send trackback pings to the hosts that support it. Your post will be scanned for
-links and you will have the possibility to choose which ones to send trackback pings to.</p>";
-$messages["addPost"] = "<p>Il tuo post è stato aggiunto all'archivio
-to which hosts you would like to send a trackback ping, so that they know you have written about them
-and can <i>track you back</i>.</p>";
-$messages["editComments"] = "Questi sono i commenti al tuo post.
-Non puoi modificali ma puoi eliminarli. Per inserire un commento l'unico campo obbligatorio è 
-\"nome\", quindi E-mail e Url possono essere vuote. L'indirizzo IP rappresenta l'indirizzo da cui è stato inviato il post.
-<br>Per cancellare il commento seleziona il check corrispondente al commento da eliminare presente nella colonna <b>'Delete'</b>
-e clicca sul pulsante <b>'Delete selected'</b>.";
-$messages["postStats"] = "<p>Statistiche per il post selezionato. Il primo corrisponde al numero di letture
-dell'articolo. Attenzione: Se la feature <b>'Continua...'</b> è stata abilitata nelle  <b>'Impostazioni Blog'</b> potrebbe non essere significativo.</p>
-<p>I referrer sono gli url di tutti gli hosts che hanno visitato il post, e la tabella delle trackbacks rappresenta
-quanti ping ha ricevuto questo post. Non è possibile modificare questi dati.</p>";
-$messages["editLinks"] = "<p>This is a list with all the links that have been added. Like posts, every
-link can be sorted in different categories and then displayed in the main page for visitors to see.</p>
-<p>For every link, you will see here its name, the url where it is pointing to and under which category
-it has been sorted. Finally you can also delete any of the links.</p>";
-$messages["newLink"] = "<p>You can add a new link from here. You have to provide at least a valid
-url and a name for the link. The description field is optional but useful to have more information
-about the link. You need at least one link category before you can add any link.</p>";
-$messages["editLinkCategories"] = "<p>This is a list with all the link categories that have been
-created. Like with posts, you need at least one link category before you can add any link. Clicking
-on the <b>'Links'</b> column will show all the links that belong to the category.</p>";
-$messages["newLinkCategory"] = "<p>The only thing you need to provide in order to have a new
-link category is a descriptive name for the category. Once the link category has been created,
-it will be available for links to be categorized under.</p>";
-$messages["userSettings"] = "<p>Things related to your user profile can be changed from this
-page. Please note that your username cannot be changed.<ul>
-<li><b>Password, Confirm Password</b>: If you would like to change your password, please type it in
-the first text box. Do the same in the second box to confirm that you entered the same password.</li>
-<li><b>Email address</b>: Please set this to a valid email address if you would like to use features
-such as the notification when a comment is received to a post. It is used only for internal
-purposes and will not be publicly displayed.</li>
-<li><b>Bio</b>: You can type here some information about yourself. It can be left empty.</li>
-$messages["Stats"] = "<p>You can see from here all the referrers that have hit this site in the past.
-The <b>'Article'</b> column reflects which article was visited by the referrer or the value <b>'0'</b>
-if the referrer visited the main page or any other page which was not an article. Finally, the
-<b>'Last hit date'</b> column is the time of the last hit received from that referrer.</p>";
-$messages["editLink"] = "<p>You have to provide at least a url and a name for the link. The link must also
-be categorized under a category.</p>";
-$messages["editLinkCategory"] = "Please provide a new name for the link category you are updating.</p>";
-$messages["blogSelect"] = "Please select one of the operations from the menu.";
-$messages["Error"] = "There was an error while executing the requested operation. Please see
-the main page for more information regarding the error.";
-$messages["Message"] = "Please see the main page for more information regarding the message.";
-//////// strings for the administration interface ///////
-$messages["admin_interface_title"] = "Funzioni di amministrazione";
-$messages["administration"] = "Amministrazione";
-$messages["help"] = "Aiuto";
-$messages["plog_help"] = "Aiuto";
-$messages["new_post"] = "Nuovo articolo";
-$messages["posts"] = "Articoli";
-$messages["admin_categories"] = "Categorie";
-$messages["admin_links"] = "Link";
-$messages["link_categories"] = "Categorie Link";
-$messages["settings"] = "Impostazioni";
-$messages["logout"] = "Logout";
-// new post page
-$messages["topic"] = "Argomento";
-$messages["text"] = "Testo";
-$messages["category"]  = "Categorie";
-$messages["status"] = "Stato";
-$messages["status_draft"] = "Bozza";
-$messages["status_published"] = "Pubblicato";
-$messages["status_deleted"] = "Cancellato";
-$messages["status_all"] = "Tutto";
-$messages["send_notification"] = "notificami ogni invio di commento.";
-$messages["send_trackback_pings"] = "Cerca i link nel post ed invia ping di trackback verso i link che supportano la funzione.";
-$messages["add_post"] = "Pubblica!";
-$messages["xmlrpc_ping_ok"] = "Ping XML-RPC inviato a ";
-$messages["error_sending_xmlrpc_ping"] = "Errore durante l'invio di un ping XML-RPC Ping a ";
-$messages["error_sending_xmlrpc_ping_message"] = "Il messaggio d'errore è: ";
-$messages["preview"] = "Anteprima";
-$messages["post_added"] = "Post aggiunto";
-$messages["you_will_be_notified"] = "Sarai avvisato a fronte di attività in questo post.";
-$messages["post_added_not_published"] = "Post aggiunto ma non pubblicato.";
-$messages["error_adding_post"] = "Errore in fase di registrazione del post!";
-$messages["error_must_fill_all_fields"] = "Riempi tutti i campi!";
-$messages["error_must_have_one_category"] = "Devi inserire prima un argomento per poter scrivere un articolo";
-// send trackbacks page
-$messages["send_trackback_pings"] = "Invia Ping Trackback";
-$messages["links_found"] = "I seguenti link sono presenti nei tuoi post. Selezina quelli a cui vuoi inviare un ping trackback (può richiedere del tempo)";
-$messages["trackbacks_no_urls_selected"] = "Non sono stati selezionati URL a cui inviare il ping.";
-$messages["trackbacks_received_ok"] = "Questi host hanno ricevito il ping:";
-$messages["trackbacks_no_trackback"] = "I seguenti  link non hanno un trackback url valido: ";
-$messages["trackbacks_problems_sending"] = "Problemi durante l'invio dei ping ai seguenti host.
-Puoi riprovare.";
-$messages["trackbacks_received_all_hosts"] = "Tutti gli host hanno ricevuto il ping.";
-$messages["ping_selected"] = "Pinga i siti selezionati";
-// edit posts
-$messages["author"] = "Autore";
-$messages["category_all"] = "Tutti";
-$messages["author_all"] = "Tutti";
-$messages["update"] = "Aggiorna";
-$messages["date"] = "Data";
-$messages["stats"] = "Statistiche";
-$messages["delete"] = "Cancella";
-$messages["delete_selected"] = "Cancella selezionati";
-// edit post
-$messages["edit_post"] = "Modifica Post";
-$messages["error_getting_post_to_update"] = "Si è verificato un errore nel tentativo di estrarre il post selezionato pe modificarlo.";
-$messages["error_updating_post_in_database"] = "Errore durante l'aggiornamento del post.";
-$messages["post_successfully_updated"] = "Post modificato.";
-$messages["notification_removed"] = "La notifica che avevi attivato per questo post è stata eliminata.";
-// post statistics
-$messages["statistics_for_post"] = "Statistiche per i post ";
-$messages["error_fetching_post"] = "Si è verificato un errore in fase di lettura del post.";
-$messages["times_post_has_been_read"] = "N. letture: ";
-$messages["referers"] = "Referrers";
-$messages["id"] = "Id";
-$messages["url"] = "Url";
-$messages["hits"] = "Letture";
-$messages["trackbacks"] = "Trackbacks";
-// post comments
-$messages["error_fetching_comments"] = "Errore in fase di lettura dei commenti";
-$messages["comments_for_post"] = "Commenti al post ";
-$messages["email"] = "E-Mail";
-$messages["ip_address"] = "Indirizzo IP";
-// delete comments
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-$messages["error_no_comments_selected"] = "Non hai selezionato alcun commento da cancellare.";
-$messages["error_deleting_comment"] = "Si è verificato un errore durante la cancellazione del commento ";
-$messages["comment_deleted_ok"] = "Commento con argomento \"%s\" cancellato correttamente.";
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-// categories list
-$messages["category_name"] = "Nome";
-// removing posts
-$messages["post_cannot_be_deleted"] = "Il post non può essere cancellato";
-$messages["no_posts_selected"] = "Non hai selezionato alcun post da cancellare.";
-// %s = subject of the post, %d = identifier of the post. feel free to change its order
-// but if you remove them there will be no information about which post was removed...
-$messages["error_deleting_post"] = "Errore cancellando il post \"%s\" (id = %d)";
-$messages["post_deleted_ok"] = "Post \"%2\$s\" cancellato con successo (id = %1\$d)";
-// delete categories
-$messages["no_categories_selected"] = "Non hai selezionato alcun argomento da cancellare.";
-$messages["error_category_has_articles"] = "Non è possibile eliminare l'argomento \"%s\" poichè c'è almeno un articolo associato ad esso. Rimuovi prima gli articoli e riprova.";
-$messages["error_deleting_category"] = "Errore nel tentativo di eliminare l'argomento \"%s\".";
-$messages["category_deleted_ok"] = "Argomento \"%s\" cancellato.";
-// add category
-$messages["add_new_category"] = "Aggiungi argomento";
-$messages["add_new_category_info"] = "Inserisci un nome valido per il nuovo argomento.";
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-$messages["category_added_ok"] = "Argomento aggiunto con successo.";
-$messages["error_adding_article_category"] = "Si è verificato un errore durante l'inseriemnto del nuovo argomento.";
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-// edit categories
-$messages["edit_category"] = "Modifica Argoemnto";
-$messages["please_provide_valid_category_name"] = "Dai un nome valido per l'argomento.";
-// edit category
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-$messages["error_incorrect_category_id"] = "Identificativo dell'argoemnto non valido";
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-// update the category
-$messages["error_fetching_category"] = "Errore in fase di lettura dell'argoemnto.";
-$messages["error_updating_category"] = "Errore in fase di modifica dell'argomento.";
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-$messages["error_empty_category_name"] = "Fornisci un nome valido per l'argomento.";
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-$messages["category_updated_ok"] = "Argomento modificato.";
-// edit links
-$messages["link_name"] = "Nome";
-$messages["link_url"] = $messages["url"];
-$messages["link_category"] = $messages["categoria"];
-$messages["link_description"] = "Descrizione";
-$messages["links"] = "Link";
-// edit a link
-$messages["error_provide_name_and_url"] = "Devi almeno inserire un nome e l'url del link.";
-$messages["error_invalid_link_id"] = "Id del link non corretto o mancante.";
-$messages["error_fetching_link"] = "Errore durante la lettura del link.";
-$messages["error_updating_link"] = "Errore durante la modifica del link.";
-$messages["link_updated_ok"] = "Link modificato!";
-$messages["error_fetching_link_categories"] = "Errore durante la lettura degli argomenti dei link.";
-// add a link
-$messages["add_new_link"] = "Aggiungi un nuovo Link";
-$messages["add_link"] = "Aggiungi Link";
-$messages["error_adding_link"] = "Errore durante l'inserimento del link.";
-$messages["link_added_ok"] = "Link aggiunto.";
-$messages["error_provide_name_and_url"] = "Devi inserire un nome ed un indirizzo valido.";
-$messages["error_must_have_one_link_category"] = "Devi avere almeno una Categoria Link prima di poter inserire un link.";
-// delete a link
-$messages["error_no_links_selected"] = "Seleziona un link da cancellare.";
-$messages["error_removing_link"] = "Errore cancellazione link \"%s\".";
-$messages["link_deleted_ok"] = "Link \"%s\" cancellato.";
-// edit link categories
-$messages["add_link_category"] = "Aggiungi un nuova categoria di link";
-$messages["link_categories_help"] = "Devi aver inserito almeno una categoria prima di poter aggiungere dei link.";
-$messages["link_category_name"] = "Nome";
-$messages["link_category_links"] = "Link";
-// new link category
-$messages["new_link_category_info"] = "Link categories will help you to classify the different links you
-can have. You can also later on show your links grouped using these categories in the main page.";
-$messages["add_link_category"] = "Aggiungi Argomento Link";
-$messages["error_provide_link_category_name"] = "Devi inserire un nome valido per la categoria.";
-$messages["error_adding_link_category"] = "Errore durante la creazione della nuova categoria link.";
-$messages["link_category_added_ok"] = "Argomento Link aggiunto.";
-// edit link category
-$messages["edit_link_category"] = "Modifica Categoria Link";
-$messages["error_updating_link_category"] = "Errore durante la modifica della categoria Link.";
-$messages["link_category_updated_ok"] = "Categoria link modificata.";
-$messages["error_fetching_link_category"] = "Errore durante la lettura della categoria link.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_link_category_id"] = "Id categoria link errato";
-// delete link categories
-$messages["error_no_link_category_selected"] = "Non hai selezionato alcuna Categoria Link  da cancellare.";
-$messages["error_links_in_link_category"] = "Categoria \"%s\" non cancellabile, eliminare prima tutti i dati associati alla categoria stessa.";
-$messages["error_removing_link_category"] = "Errore durante la cancellazione della categoria \"%s\".";
-$messages["link_category_deleted_ok"] = "Categoria Link \"%s\" rimossa.";
-// this error is shown when for some reason the category could not be fetched from the database
-// and we can't show its name
-$messages["error_removing_link_category_2"] = "Errore durante la cancellazione della Categoria Link con id = %d";
-// blog settings page
-$messages["blog_settings"] = "Impostazioni Blog";
-$messages["user_profile"] = "Profilo Utente";
-$messages["plugin_center"] = "Gestione Plugin";
-$messages["statistics"] = "Statistiche";
-$messages["blog_name"] = "Nome del Blog";
-$messages["long_blog_name"] = "Descrizione lunga del contenuto del blog";
-$messages["language_used"] = "Linguaggio ustao per mostrare testi e date";
-$messages["items_main_page"] = "Quanti post vuoi vedere nella home page?";
-$messages["items_as_recent"] = "Quanti post vuoi vedere in \"Recenti\"?";
-$messages["template_used"] = "Scegli un template per definire l'aspetto del tuo blog";
-$messages["cut_posts"] = "Taglia post troppo lunghi ed aggiungi link \"Continua...\" ?";
-$messages["cut_posts_after_characters"] = "Numero di caratteri prima del taglio del post ed agginta del  link \"Continua...\" ?";
-$messages["enable_wysiwyg_edition"] = "Abilita interfaccia WYSIWYG per scrivere il contenuto dei post (solo per Internet Explorer 5.5 o sup. e 1.3b o sup.)?";
-$messages["enable_comments"] = "Abilita i commenti per tutti i post?";
-$messages["yes"] = "Si";
-$messages["no"] = "No";
-$messages["error_invalid_locale"] = "Valore non valido per le impostastazione della lingua";
-$messages["error_incorrect_max_recent_items"] = "Devi inserire un numero valido che identifichi quanti post mostrare tra i 'recenti'.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_number_of_posts"] = "Devi inserire un numero valido che identifichi quanti post mostrare in main page.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_template"] = "Il valore per il template non è corretto.";
-$messages["error_no_blog_name"] = "Inserire un nome valido per il blog.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_show_more_threshold"] = "Inserisci un numero valido di carttere da mostrare per un postprima di tagliuaro ed aggiungere il link \"Continua...\".";
-$messages["error_updating_settings"] = "Errore durante l'aggiornamento delel impostazione del blog.";
-$messages["blog_settings_updated_ok"] = "Impostazioni blog aggiornate!";
-$messages["permanent_blog_url"] = "Indirizzo blog (sola lettura)";
-// user profile page
-$messages["username"] = "Utente";
-$messages["password"] = "Password";
-$messages["confirm_password"] = "Conferma la Password";
-$messages["email_address"] = "Indirizzo Email";
-$messages["bio"] = "Bio";
-$messages["empty_no_change"] = "Lascia vuoto se non vuoi modificare";
-$messages["user_settings_updated_ok"] = "Impostazioni modificate.";
-$messages["error_updating_user_settings"] = "Errore in fase di modifica delle impostazioni.";
-$messages["error_passwords_dont_match"] = "Attenzione, le password non corrispondono.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_password"] = "Attenzione, la password non è corretta.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_email_address"] = "L'indirizzo e-mail non è valido.";
-// plugin center page
-$messages["plugins_available"] = "Lista plugins disponibili in questi template";
-$messages["identifier"] = "Identificativo";
-$messages["description"] = "Descrizione";
-$messages["error_plugins_disabled"] = "Il supporto per i plugin è stato disabilitato in questo sito.";
-// statistics page
-$messages["statistics_info"] = "An article identifier of 0 means that those were incoming hits to the main
-site, not to any particular article.";
-$messages["article_id"] = "Id Articolo";
-$messages["last_hit_date"] = "Data ultima lettura";
-$messages["error_fetching_referers"] = "Errore durante la lettura dei referrer per questo sito";
-// login screen
-$messages["login_page_title"] = "Interfaccia di amministrazione";
-$messages["login"] = "Login";
-$messages["welcome_message"] = "Benvenuto";
-$messages["error_incorrect_username_or_password"] = "Spiacente, utente or password non corretta.";
-$messages["error_dont_belong_to_any_blog"] = "Spiacente, non hai nessun blog attivo.";
-$messages["error_no_username_or_password"] = "Inserisci un utente o password valida.";
-$messages["choose_one_blog"] = " Hai i seguenti blog attivi. Scegline uno per lavorarci";
-$messages["continue"] = "Continua";
-$messages["logout_message"] = "Sei uscito dalle funzioni di amministrazione del blog.";
-$messages["logout_message_2"] = "<a href=\"admin.php\">Clicca qui</a> per rientrare, o
-<a href=\"%1\$s\">quì per andare a %2\$s</a>.";
-$messages["logout_title"] = "Uscito";
-$messages["error_access_forbidden"] = "Accesso vietato. Devi prima effettuarte il LOGIN.";
-// new strings added for 0.2
-$messages["site_admin"] = "Amministrazione Sito";
-$messages["site_stats"] = "Statistiche Sito";
-$messages["add_user"] = "Aggiungi utente";
-$messages["users"] = "Utenti";
-$messages["add_blog"] = "Aggiungi Blog";
-$messages["blogs"] = "Blogs";
-$messages["locales"] = "Lingue";
-$messages["add_locale"] = "Aggiungi Locale";
-$messages["templates"] = "Template";
-$messages["add_template"] = "Aggiungi Template";
-$messages["global_settings"] = "Impostazioni Globali";
-$messages["site_settings"] = "Impostazioni Sito";
-$messages["help_comments_enabled"] = "Abilita o disabilita i commenti per l'intero sito.";
-$messages["help_beautify_comments_text"] = "Rispetta la formattazione dell'utente nell'inserimento di un commento.";
-$messages["help_rdf_enabled"] = "Abilita o disabilita la creazione di un file RDF con gli ultimi post.";
-$messages["help_temp_folder"] = "Cartella utilizzata da pLog per le operazioni che richiedono l'uso di file temporanei.";
-$messages["help_base_url"] = "Url del sito usato. (Utilizzato per generare gli url dei blog - valorizzare correttamente)";
-$messages["help_show_posts_max"] = "Numero di post nelle main page di default.";
-$messages["help_recent_posts_max"] = "Numero di post mostrati tra i 'recenti' di default.";
-$messages["help_template_folder"] = "Dove pLog cherca i template.";
-$messages["help_default_template"] = "Template di default per i blog.";
-$messages["help_defalut_locale"] = "Linguaggio di default per i blog e nelle pagine di amministrazione.";
-$messages["help_html_allowed_tags_in_comments"] = "Tag HTML non rimossi dai commenti degli utenti.";
-$messages["help_referer_tracker_enabled"] = "Salva informazioni minimali sui referrer, se deisponibili al ricevimento di una richiesta.";
-$messages["help_rss_parser_enabled"] = "Abilita o disabilita il parser RSS disponibile nei template.";
-$messages["help_show_more_enabled"] = "Abilita o disabilita la funzione \"Continua...\" di default.";
-$messages["help_show_more_threshold"] = "Quanti caratteri lasciare prima di aggiungere il link (Continua...).";
-$messages["help_update_article_reads"] = "Whether to update or not the internal counter representing the number of times each article has been read.";
-$messages["help_request_format_mode"] = "La modalità \"Piano\" genera URL normali, la modatiltà \"Amichevole per i motori id ricerca\" genera URL facili da leggere e che possono essere esaminati dai motori id ricerca. Richiede Apache e la possibilità di usare un file .htaccess";
-$messages["help_xmlrpc_ping_enabled"] = "Whether to send an XMLRPC notification to the hosts configured below every time a post is added.";
-$messages["help_xmlrpc_ping_hosts"] = "Lista degli host che supporatno la notifica XMLRPC. Inserisci un host per ogni linea.";
-$messages["help_trackback_server_enabled"] = "Abilita o disabilita l'editor WYSIWYG per i post.";
-$messages["help_plugin_manager_enabled"] = "Abilita o disabilita i plugin.";
-$messages["help_check_email_address_validity"] = "In caso di creazione di un nuovo blog, agli utenti viene chiesta una caselal e-mail, con questo parametro a 'true' viene verificata la validita della casella.";
-$messages["help_summary_page_show_max"] = "Quanti post mostrare nella pagina summary.php.";
-$messages["help_minimum_password_length"] = "Numero minimo di caratteri di una password.";
-$messages["help_users_can_add_templates"] = "Definisce se gli utenti possono aggiungere template specifici per i propri blog.";
-$messages["help_email_service_enabled"] = "Abilita o disabilita il servizio email, ussato per inviare, ad esempio, notifiche sull'innvio di post.";
-$messages["post_notification_source_address"] = "Indirizzo utilizzato come mittente nell'invio di e-mail.";
-$messages["help_email_service_type"] = "Metodo di invio delle e-mail. Scegliere quello da utilizzare e modificare le impostazioni seguenti.";
-$messages["help_smtp_host"] = "Se si utilizza un servizio SMTP per l'invio di email, qusto è l'host da utilizzare per l'invio.";
-$messages["help_smtp_port"] = "Porta su cui si attesta il servizio  SMTP.";
-$messages["help_smtp_use_authentication"] = "Se il server SMTP supporta l'autenticazione e si desidera utilizzare tale feature, abilitarla e verificare le due impostazioni successive.";
-$messages["help_smtp_username"] = "Utente da usare per l'invio di email tramite SMTP con autenticazione abilitata.";
-$messages["help_smtp_password"] = "Password da usare per l'invio di email tramite SMTP con autenticazione abilitata.";
-$messages["help_uploads_enabled"] = "Abilita o disabilita la possibilità di effettuare l'upload dei file. (necessario per aggiungere estensioni ai template o per caricare nuovi template).";
-$messages["help_maximum_file_upload_size"] = "Dimensione massima in bytes dei file caricati dagli utenti.";
-$messages["help_upload_forbidden_files"] = "Lista dei pattern dei file non autorizzati ad essere caricati sul sito. (separare i tipi con uno spazio).";
-$messages["help_path_to_tar"] = "Path in cui è presente il tool 'tar'.";
-$messages["help_path_to_gzip"] = "Path in cui è presente il tool 'gzip'.";
-$messages["help_path_to_bz2"] = "Path in cui è presente il tool 'bzip2'.";
-$messages["help_path_to_unzip"] = "Path in cui è presente il tool 'unzip'.";
-$messages["add_user_give_information"] = "Inserire le seguenti informazioni per creare un nuovo utente.";
-$messages["site_registered_users"] = "Lista utenti registrati.";
-$messages["add_blog_give_information"] = "Inserire le seguenti informazioni per creare un novo blog.";
-$messages["blog_title"] = "Titolo Blog";
-$messages["blog_owner"] = "Proprietario Blog";
-$messages["site_registered_blogs"] = "Questi sono tutti i blog registrati su questo sito.";
-$messages["edit_users"] = "Modifica utenti";
-$messages["upload_locale"] = "Upload file lingua";
-$messages["use_this_form_to_upload_locale"] = "  Usare questo form per l'upload di un nuivo file di lingua. Se non puoi effettuare l'upload usa il form successivo.";
-$messages["locale_file"] = "File lingua";
-$messages["manually_add_locale"] = "Aggiunta manuale linguaggio";
-$messages["use_this_form_if_cant_upload_locale"] = "Usa questo form se non puoi effettuare l'upload sul server. Il file deve essere caricato nella cartella di default per i file di lingua prima di eseguire l'operazione.";
-$messages["locale_code"] = "Codice lingua";
-$messages["locale_encoding"] = "Encoding";
-$messages["template_will_be_available_for_all"] = "Il nuovo template sarà disponibile per tutti i blog.";
-$messages["use_this_form_to_upload_template"] = "  Usa questo form per l'upload di un nuovo template. Se non puoi effettuare l'upload usa il form successivo. I files cche compongono il template devono essere compressi nel formato zip, tar.gz o tar.bz2.";
-$messages["locale_file"] = "File linguaggio";
-$messages["upload_template"] = "Upload template";
-$messages["manually_add_template"] = "Aggiunta manuale template";
-$messages["use_this_form_if_cannot_upload_template"] = " Usa questo form Se non sei autorizzato ad effettuare l'upload. Il file deve già essere stato copiato nella cartelal di default dei template prima di eseguire questa operazione.";
-$messages["template_id"] = "Id Template";
-$messages["templates_available_for_all"] = "Questi template sono disponibili per tutti i blog.";
-$messages["add_file"] = "Aggiungi File";
-$messages["setting_name"] = "Nome";
-$messages["setting_value"] = "Valore";
-$messages["setting_description"] = "Descrizione";
-$messages["plain"] = "Piano";
-$messages["search_engine_friendly"] = "Amichevole per i Motori id Ricerca";
-$messages["general_settings"] = "Impostazioni Generali";
-$messages["helper_tools_settings"] = "Impostazioni Tool di Help";
-$messages["uploads_settings"] = "Impostazioni Upload";
-$messages["email_settings"] = "Impostazioni Email";
-$messages["number_blogs"] = "Numero di blog";
-$messages["number_users"] = "Numero di utenti";
-$messages["number_posts"] = "Numeri di post";
-$messages["number_posts_today"] = "Numero di posts di oggi";
-$messages["number_posts_this_month"] = "Numero di posts del mese";
-$messages["date"] = "Data";
-$messages["time"] = "Ora";
-$messages["comments_order"] = "Ordinamento in cui compaiono i commenti:";
-$messages["oldest_first"] = "Prima i più vecchi";
-$messages["newest_first"] = "Prima i più nuovi";
-$messages["blog"] = "Blog";
-$messages["blog_id"] = "Identificativo numerico del Blog";
-$messages["blog_users"] = "Utenti Blog";
-$messages["available_users"] = "Utenti registrati ";
-$messages["add"] = "Aggiungi";
-$messages["remove"] = "Cancella";
-$messages["user_id"] = "Identificativo numerico Utente";
-$messages["new_password"] = "Nuova Password";
-$messages["has_administrator_privileges"] = "Ha privilegi di amministratore";
-$messages["related_to_the_following_blogs"] = "Relativo ai seguenti blog";
-$messages["add_user_to_blog_form"] = " Questo form ti consente di aggiungere un utente al tuo blog. L'utente potrà solo aggiungere o modificare i post.";
-$messages["add_user_enter_username"] = " Inserisci il nome utente che intendi aggiunger. l'utente deve essere registrato nel sito.";
-$messages["add_user_send_notification"] = "Invia una mail di notifica all'utente.";
-$messages["add_user_type_notification"] = "Scrivi un messaggio da inviare all'utente";
-$messages["following_users_have_permissions"] = " I seguenti utenti appartengono al blog.";
-$messages["revoke_permissions"] = "Revoca Permessi";
-$messages["add_blog_template"] = "Aggiungi un Template";
-$messages["manually_add_blog_template"] = "Aggiungi manualmente un Template";
-$messages["template_available_only_for_this_blog"] = "Questo template sarà disponibile solo per questo blog.";
-$messages["use_form_to_upload_blog_template"] = "Usa questo form per effettuare l'upload di un nuovo template. Se non hai i permessi di upload, usa il form successivo. I file che compongono il temlate devono essere compressi in un file  zip, tar.gz o  tar.bz2.";
-$messages["use_form_if_cannot_upload_blog_template"] = "Usa questo form  se non puoi effettuare l'upload sul server. Il file deve essere copiato nella cartella di defaulth dei Template prima di eseguire questa operazione.";
-$messages["blog_templates"] = "Template";
-$messages["templates_only_available_for_this_blog"] = "Questi template sono disponibili solo per questo blog.";
-$messages["add_file_to_blog_template"] = "Aggiungi File al Template"; $messages["upload_file_to_blog_template"] = "Effettua l'upload del file che vuoi aggiungere al set del template.";
-$messages["error_user_id_incorrect"] = "Id Utente errata.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_user_id"] = $messages["error_user_id_incorrect"];
-$messages["error_fetching_user_information"] = "Errore duurante la lettura dei dati dell'utente.";
-$messages["error_password_incorrect"] = "Password troppo corta o non valida.";
-$messages["error_updating_user_settings"] = "Impossibile aggiorante le impostazioni dell'utente.";
-$messages["user_settings_updated_ok"] = "Impostazioni dell'utente \"%s\" aggiornate.";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected_to_add"] = "Non è stato selezionato alcun utente da aggiungere.";
-$messages["user_added_to_blog_ok"] = "L'utente \"%s\" è stato aggiunto al blog.";
-$messages["error_adding_user_to_blog"] = "Errore durante il tentativo di aggiungere l'utente \"%s\" al blog.";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected_to_remove"] = "Non è stato selezionato alcun utente da eliminare.";
-$messages["user_removed_from_blog_ok"] = "L'utente \"%s\" è stato rimosso dal blog.";
-$messages["error_removing_user_from_blog"] = "Errore durante la rimozione dell'utente\"%s\" dal blog.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_plugin_id"] = "Id plugin errato";
-$messages["error_configuring_plugin"] = "Errore durante la confifurazione del plugin: ";
-$messages["site_config_saved_ok"] = "Configurazione salvata.";
-$messages["error_saving_site_config"] = "Errore durante il salvataggio della configurazione.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_blog_owner"] = "L'utente selezionato non esiste.";
-$messages["error_updating_blog_settings"] = "Errore durante la modifica delle impostazioni del blog \"%s\"";
-$messages["blog_settings_updated_ok"] = "le impostazioni del blog \"%s\" sono state salvate.";
-$messages["error_fetching_users"] = "Errore durante la lettura degli utenti del sito.";
-$messages["error_fetching_blogs"] = "Errore durante la lettura dei blog del site.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_template_id"] = "L'Id del template non è valido o non esiste.";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected"] = "Non è stato selezionato alcun utente da cancellare.";
-$messages["error_could_not_find_user"] = "Non trovo l'utente \"%s\".";
-$messages["error_deleting_user"] = "Errore durante la cancellazione dell'utente\"%s\"";
-$messages["user_deleted_ok"] = "Utente \"%s\" cancellato.";
-$messages["error_must_give_blog_name"] = "Inserisci un nome valido per il blog.";
-$messages["error_adding_blog"] = "Errore in fase di creazione del blog.";
-$messages["blog_added_ok"] = "Il blog \"%s\" è stato creato.";
-$messages["error_template_not_inside_folder"] = "I file del template devono essere in una cartella.";
-$messages["error_missing_base_files"] = "Mancano alcuni file essenziali dal set.";
-$messages["error_unpacking"] = "Errore durante la decompressione del file.";
-$messages["error_forbidden_extensions"] = "Alcuni file del template sono stati protetti.";
-$messages["error_creating_working_folder"] = "Errore duarnte il controllo del template";
-$messages["error_checking_template"] = "C'è un errore con il  template (code = %s)";
-$messages["error_add_template_disabled"] = "Gli utenti non sono autorizzati ad aggiungere template.";
-$messages["error_must_upload_file"] = "Devi effattuare l'upload di un  file.";
-$messages["error_no_template_name"] = "devi fornire il nome del template.";
-$messages["error_uploads_disabled"] = "L'upload è disabilitato in questo sito.";
-$messages["error_installing_template"] = "Errore durante l'installazione del template.";
-$messages["template_installed_ok"] = "Il nuovo template è stato aggiunto come  \"%s\".";
-$messages["error_adding_template_file"] = "Errore durante l'aggiunta del file di template.";
-$messages["error_file_forbidden"] = "Questo tipo di file non è consentito in questo sito.";
-$messages["error_file_too_big"] = "File troppo grande. domensione massima \"%s\" bytes.";
-$messages["template_file_added_ok"] = "File aggiunto al template \"%s\".";
-$messages["error_plugin_cannot_be_configured"] = "Il plugin non può essere configurato.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_username"] = "Nome utente sbagliato.";
-$messages["error_username_already_exists"] = "Nome utente già presente.";
-$messages["error_adding_user"] = "Errore durante l'inserimento del nuovo utente.";
-$messages["user_added_ok"] = "L'utente \"%s\" è stato aggiunto.";
-$messages["error_no_blogs_selected"] = "Seleziona almeno un blog da cancellare.";
-$messages["error_blog_is_default_blog"] = "\"%s\" non può essere eliminato poichè è il blog di default.";
-$messages["blog_deleted_ok"] = "Blog \"%s\"eliminato.";
-$messages["error_deleting_blog"] = "Errore durante la cancellazione del blog \"%s\".";
-$messages["error_no_templates_selected"] = "Non sono stati selezionati template da rimuovere.";
-$messages["error_removing_template"] = "Errore durante la cancellazione del template \"%s\"";
-$messages["template_removed_ok"] = "Template \"%s\" eliminato.";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected_to_remove_from_blog"] = "Non sono stati selezionati utenti da rimuovere dal blog.";
-$messages["error_removing_user_from_blog"] = "Errore durante la rimozione dell'utente \"%s\" dal blog.";
-$messages["user_removed_from_blog_ok"] = "Utente \"%s\" rimosso dal blog blog.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_locale_code"] = "Codice localizzazione non valido.";
-$messages["error_invalid_locale_file"] = "Il file non sembra essere un valido file di linguaggio.";
-$messages["error_adding_locale_file"] = "Errore durante l'aggiunta del nuovo file di linguaggio. Verificare la disponibilità del file e l'autorizzazione ad effettuare l'operazione.";
-$messages["locale_added_ok"] = "Linguaggio \"%s\"aggiunto.";
-$messages["error_saving_locale"] = "Errore durante il salvataggio del file di linguaggio. Verificare che la cartella abbia i permessi giusti.";
-$messages["error_no_locales_selected"] = "Non è stato selezionato alcun linguaggio da eliminare.";
-$messages["error_deleting_only_locale"] = "Non è possibile eliminare l'unico linguaggio presente nel sistema.";
-$messages["locale_deleted_ok"] = "Linguaggio \"%s\" eliminato.";
-$messages["error_deleting_locale"] = "Errore durante la cancellazione del file di linguaggio \"%s\"";
-$messages["error_cant_delete_default_locale"] = "\"%s\" poichè è il file di linguaggio di default.";
-$messages["plugin_config"] = "Configurazione Plugin";
-$messages["use_read_more_feature"] = "Mostrare l'intero contenuto del post nella main page? ";
-$messages["extended_text"] = "Questo testo sarà mostrato solo nella pagina del post";
-$messages["error_must_give_post_intro"] = "Devi fornire almeno un'introduzione al post.";
-$messages["error_no_albums_defined"] = "Non ci sono album in questo blog.";
-$messages["error_fetching_album"] = "Errore durante la lettura dell'album";
-$messages["comment_marked_as_spam_ok"] = "Commento marcato come spam.";
-$messages["comment_marked_as_nonspam_ok"] = "Commento marcato come non spam.";
-$messages["error_marking_comment_as_nonspam"] = "Errore durante la marcatura del commento.";
-$messages["error_marking_comment_as_spam"] = "Errore durante la marcatura del commento.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_comment_id"] = "Id commento errato.";
-$messages["error_base_storage_folder_missing_or_unreadable"] = "pLog non può creare la struttura delle cartelle dove installare le risorse. PHP potrebbe sessere installato con la modalità 'safe mode' impostata ad 'ON' o non hai i permessi per effettuare l'operazione. Puoi provare ad effettuare l'operazione manualmente, creando
-Le seguenti cartelle: <br/><br/>%s<br/><br/>Se dovessero già esistere verificahj che la tua utenza vi possa leggere e scrivere.";
-///// new help messages ////
-// translators: this one has changed too since we now have two text boxes: one for the
-// text that we'd like to appear in the main page and another one for the text that
-// will only be shown in the 'post' page (that is, when the users clicks on the
-// permalink, for example)
-$messages["newPost"] = "<p>Use this page to add a new post to your journal. You should provide a topic or subject
-for your post as well as some text for your post. Once you have finished, press the <b>'Add'</b> button and the post
-will automatically be included in your page. Please note that you have to set the status of the post
-to <b>'Published'</b> if you want it to appear in front page. Use the <b>'Draft'</b> status when you can't finish posting
-now but you would like to save what you have typed so far for later revision.</p>
-<p>The text typed in the first text box will always appear in the main page. You can use
-the second text box if you want to have some text not to be included in the main page
-but that should be shown once the users clicks on the permalink or on the
-\"Read More...\" link. This link will be automatically added to the end of the text. This
-field is not mandatory and its behaviour can be controlled in the \"Settings\" tab,
-where you can force both text text boxes to be shown in the main page.</p>
-<p>You can also classify the post under any of the categories you have previously created. Simply set
-the <b>'Category'</b> field to the one you most like.</p>
-<p>If you would like to receive an email notifying about a new post, please check the corresponding
-<p>Check the box where it says </b>'Find links in the post...'</b> if after adding the post, you
-would like to send trackback pings to the hosts that support it. Your post will be scanned for
-links and you will have the possibility to choose which ones to send trackback pings to.</p>";
-$messages["updatePost"] = $messages["newPost"];
-$messages["newBlogUser"] = "This option allows you to easily give editing permissions to other
-users in this blog. To do so, you only have to know its username. If you already know it,
-simply type it in the text field below and press the \"Add User\" button. If you wish, you can
-also send an email to this user (as long as he or she used the right address when
-registering) notifying him or her that he has now been granted permissions to add, edit
-and delete posts in this blog.";
-$messages["showBlogUsers"] = "This is a list of the users that have been given editing permissions
-in this blog. You can see their profile if you wish or you can also revoke their permissions
-by selectin them and then clicking on the \"Revoke Permissions\" button. Once you do that,
-the selected users will no longer be able to publish anything in this blog.";
-// note to translators:
-// added some additional text here to inform about the new "configure" feature
-$messages["pluginCenter"] = "<p>From here you can see which plugins have been installed. For every
-plugin, you will see its identifier (the identifier you have to use when developing templates and
-want to make use of the plugin features), the author of the plugin, and some descriptive text with
-various information about the plugin, mainly how to use it.</p>
-<p>Some plugins offer also their own configuration page from wich you can modify some
-aspects of its behaviour. To access such page, please click on the \"configure\" link
-next to every plugin.</p>";
-$messages["configurePlugin"] = "This plugin provides some settings that can be configured
-by the user.";
-$messages["newBlogTemplate"] = "<p>It is possible to easily add new templates to the system. To do
-so, there are two possibilities: the template can either be uploaded as a compressed file
-(tar.gz, tar.bz2 and zip files are supported) to the server or it canbe manually
-uploaded using any available method.</p>
-<p>If the first method is chosen, the contents of the file must have all been packaged
-under a folder which will be the name given to the template.</p>
-<p>If the second method is chosen, simply upload the files to a folder under your blog-specific folder
-and type in the name of the folder in the text box below.</p>
-<p>Plugins added here will only be available to this specific below and will not be able to
-be accessed by other blogs.</p>";
-$messages["blogTemplates"] = "<p>This is a list with all the templates that have been added to
-this blog. If you wish to remove any of them, please select them and click on the
-\"Delete Selected\" button below the list. Once a template is deleted it cannot be
-recovered, since it is removed from the disk.</p>";
-$messages["adminSettings"] = "<p>These are some very basic statistics about the site.</p>";
-$messages["createUser"] = "<p>We can easily register new users in the system by using this form.
-We only need to provide with a valid username and a password, and optionally an email address.
-Users registered here will not be attached to any blog unless we explicitly do so in the
-\"User\" section or until we create a blog specially for this new user.</p>";
-$messages["editUserProfile"] = "<p>From here we can edit the profile of any user in this blog. We can
-also grant administrator privileges to the user (or revoke them). A list of the blogs to which
-the user belogs is also displayed.</p>";
-$messages["editSiteUsers"] = "<p>These are all the users that are registered in this site. You can see and edit
-their profile by clicking on the username or you can delete any of them by clicking on the
-checkbox of the user(s) and then click on the \"Delete Selected\" button. Once a user
-has been deleted, it can <b>not</b> be recovered, so please be careful.</p>";
-$messages["createBlog"] = "<p>Unlimited blogs can be added to a single installation of pLog. Users
-can use the registration script provided in the main package but administrator can also
-register new blogs by using this form. The only things needed to know are the name that will
- be given to the blog and the user who will be the owner, having the maximum privileges
- over that blog.</p>";
- $messages["editSiteBlogs"] = "<p>This is a list with all the blogs that have been registered
- so far in this site. Any blog can be deleted selecting it and clicking on the \"Delete
- Selected\" button. If we try to delete the blog that has been set as the default one
- (see the \"Global Settings\" tab in \"Site Admin\") we will get an error message.</p>
- <p>We can also edit the settings of any blog by clicking on it.</p>
- <p>Finally, we can edit the users that have permissions on a given blog by clicking
- on the \"Edit Users\" link</p>";
-$messages["editBlog"] = "<p>The settings of the blog can be edited from here in the same way
-a normal user can do. Everything is exactly the same except that administrator users can also
-change who is the owner of the blog, anytime.</p>";
-$messages["editBlogUsers"] = "<p>This feature allows to visually add and remove users from
-any blog. On the left side we will see a list containing all the users that have not
-been given editing privileges in this blog yet, while on the right side we will see a list of the
-users that have already been given privileges. To a user (or more than one if necessary)
-we only have to select them from the list of the left and click on the \"Add\" button. To do
-the opposite process, we will have to select the users from the list of the right and
-click on the \"Remove\" button.</p>
-<p>It is also possible to change the user who is the owner of the blog by selecting
-another from the drop-down list on top.</p>";
-$messages["newLocale"] = "<p>Now locales can be easily added to the site using this feature. If
-we have the possibility of uploading files, then we can use the first form, \"Upload Locale\"
-simply pointing the browser to the locale file we'd like to upload. pLog will take care
-of everything else, including copying the file to the folder with the other language files, but
-please bear in mind that the folder must be writable by the user who is running the web server in
-order for this feature to work properly. If the language file already exists, <b>it will
-be overwritten and replaced by the new one</b>.</p>
-<p>If files cannot be uploaded to the server, then the file will have to be
-manually uploaded and placed in the same folder with the other language files. Once the file
-has been placed there, we will have to type in the second form its code omitting the
-<p>Locale files must follow the naming convention of locale_ll_CC, where 'll' is the
-2-digit ISO code for the language, while CC is the 2-digit ISO code for the country. If the file
-does not conform to those rules, it will be rejected as a valid locale file.</p>";
-$messages["siteLocales"] = "<p>This is a list with all the language files that have been
-installed in this site. For each one of them, the encoding used by it and a brief
-description can be seen. Also, language files can be removed from the system by selecting
-them and clicking on the \"Delete Selected\" button.</p>";
-$messages["newTemplate"] = "<p>It is possible to easily add new templates to the system. To do
-so, there are two possibilities: the template can either be uploaded as a compressed file
-(tar.gz, tar.bz2 and zip files are supported) to the server or it can be manually
-uploaded using any available method.</p>
-<p>If the first method is chosen, the contents of the file must have all been packaged
-under a folder which will be the name given to the template.</p>
-<p>If the second method is chosen, simply upload the files to a folder under your blog-specific folder
-and type in the name of the folder in the text box below.</p>
-<p>Plugins added here will be available to <b>all</b> the blogs in this site.</p>";
-$messages["siteTemplates"] = "<p>This is a list with all the templates that are globally
-available to all blogs. If you wish to remove any of them, please select them and click on the
-\"Delete Selected\" button below the list. Once a template is deleted it cannot be
-recovered, since it is removed from the disk.</p>";
-$messages["editSiteSettings"] = "These are all the global settings that control many aspects of the
-behaviour of pLog.";
-$messages["newBlogTemplateFile"] = "Single files can be added to an already existing template
-set without having to upload the whole set again. Simply find the file you would like to
-upload in your disk and click on the \"Add File\" button.";
-// text is the same, so we can save a few bytes
-$messages["newTemplateFile"] = $messages["newBlogTemplateFile"];
-$messages["show_category_in_main_page"] = "Mostra questo argomento nella home page";
-$messages["welcome_resource_center"] = "Bemnvenuto nel centro risorse!";
-$messages["resource_center"] = "Centro Risorse";
-$messages["resource_albums"] = "Risorse Album";
-$messages["resources"] = "Risorse";
-$messages["add_resource"] = "Aggiungi Risorsa";
-$messages["add_album"] = "Aggiungi Album";
-$messages["album"] = "Album";
-$messages["album_name"] = "Nome Album";
-$messages["parent_album"] = "Album superiore";
-$messages["no_parent_album"] = "No album superiore";
-$messages["resource_info"] = "Informazioni Risorsa";
-$messages["size"] = "Grandezza";
-$messages["format"] = "Formato";
-$messages["dimensions"] = "Dimensioni";
-$messages["bits_per_sample"] = "Bits per pixel";
-$messages["bytes"] = "bytes";
-$messages["pixels"] = "pixels";
-$messages["time_offset"] = "Differenza oraria tra il server e te:";
-$messages["hours"] = "Ore";
-$messages["album_added_ok"] = "Nuovo album inserito.";
-$messages["name"] = "Nome";
-$messages["children"] = "Figlio";
-$messages["see"] = "Vedi";
-$messages["view"] = "Vista";
-$messages["resource_info"] = "Informazione Risorsa";
-$messages["number_of_channels"] = "Numero canali";
-$messages["length"] = "Lunghezza";
-$messages["number_of_files"] = "Numero di file";
-$messages["compressed_size"] = "Dimensione compressa";
-$messages["uncompressed_size"] = "Dimensione non compressa";
-$messages["resource_file"] = "File che vuoi aggiungere";
-$messages["add_to_album"] = "Aggiungi il file al seguente album";
-$messages["edit_resource_album"] = "Edita Risorse Album";
-$messages["error_loading_resource_album"] = "Errore durante la lettura dell'album.";
-$messages["error_album_id_parameter_missing"] = "Id Album non corretto.";
-$messages["error_album_parent_id_parameter_missing"] = "Id album superiore non trovato.";
-$messages["error_updating_resource_album"] = "Errore durante l'aggiornamento dell'album.";
-$messages["resource_album_updated_ok"] = "Album \"%s\" aggiornato.";
-$messages["error_must_give_album_name"] = "Inserire il nome dell'album.";
-$messages["error_adding_album"] = "Errore durante l'aggiunta dell'album.";
-$messages["album_added_ok"] = "Album \"%s\" aggiunto.";
-$messages["resource_added_ok"] = "Risorsa aggiunta.";
-$messages["error_resource_forbidden_extension"] = "Non è possibile aggiungere la risorsa poichè ha un'estensione proibita.";
-$messages["error_resource_too_big"] = "Non è possibile aggiungere la risorsa poichè troppo grande.";
-$messages["error_uploads_disabled"] = "Non è possibile aggiungere la risorsa poichè gli upload sono disabilitati in questo sito.";
-$messages["error_adding_resource"] = "Errore durante l'aggiunta della risorsa.";
-$messages["error_loading_resource"] = "Errore durante la lettura della risorsa";
-$messages["error_updating_resource"] = "Errore durante l'aggiornamento della risorsa.";
-$messages["resource_updated_ok"] = "Risorsa \"%s\" aggiornata.";
-$messages["error_no_resources_selected"] = "Nessuna risorsa selezionata da cancellare.";
-$messages["resource_deleted_ok"] = "Risorsa \"%s\" eliminata.";
-$messages["error_deleting_resource"] = "Errore durante la cancellazione della risorsa \"%s\".";
-$messages["error_no_resource_uploaded"] = "Non ci sono file di risorse caricati.";
-$messages["filtered_content"] = "Contenuti Filtrati";
-$messages["global_filtered_content"] = "Contenuti Filtrati Globalmente";
-$messages["block_content"] = "Filtra Contenuti";
-$messages["blocked_hosts"] = "Host Blocccati";
-$messages["global_blocked_hosts"] = "Host Bloccati Globalmente";
-$messages["block_host"] = "Blocca Host";
-$messages["security"] = "Sicurezza";
-$messages["security_welcome"] = "Benvenuto nell'area della sicurezza!";
-$messages["filtered_content_intro"] = "I seguenti contenuti/espressioni regolari sono bloccati in questo blog.";
-$messages["global_filtered_content_intro"] = "I seguenti contenuti/espressioni regolari sono bloccati a livello globale.";
-$messages["content"] = "Contenuto";
-$messages["reason"] = "Ragione";
-$messages["add_filtered_content"] = "Aggiungi Contenuti Filterati";
-$messages["add_filtered_content_intro"] = "Le parole aggiunte quì non saranno consentite in nessun commento.";
-$messages["global_add_filtered_content_intro"] = "Le parole aggiunte quì non saranno consentite in nessun commento di qualsiasi blog del sito.";
-$messages["content_to_block"] = "Contento che vuoi bloccare";
-$messages["block_this"] = "Blocca Questo";
-$messages["mask"] = "Maschera";
-$messages["access_blocked"] = "Accesso Blocccato";
-$messages["posting_blocked"] = "Posting Blocccato";
-$messages["block_host_intro"] = "Gli host agginti quì non potranno accedere solo a questo blog. Leggere l'help <a href=\"javascript:help_window('admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost');\">cliccando quì</a> per ulteriori informazioni.";
-$messages["global_block_host_intro"] = "Gli host aggiunti quì non potranno accedere al sito. Leggere l'help <a href=\"javascript:help_window('admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost');\">cliccando quì</a> per ulteriori informazioni.";
-$messages["block_type"] = "Tipo di Blocco";
-$messages["error_invalid_ip_address"] = "Indirizzo IP non valido.";
-$messages["error_provide_content_to_block"] = "Inserisci i contenuti da bloccare.";
-$messages["error_must_create_album_first"] = "Devi creare un album prima di aggiungere una risorsa.";
-$messages["error_resource_is_not_an_image"] = "La risorsa selezionata non è un'immagine.";
-$messages["error_generating_resource_preview"] = "Errore in fase di rigenerazione dell'anteprima.";
-$messages["resource_preview_generated_ok"] = "L'anteprima di questa risorsa è stata generata.";
-$messages["regenerate_preview"] = "Rigenera Anteprima";
-$messages["show_album"] = "Mostra Album";
-$messages["show_album_when_browsing"] = "Mostra questo album agli utenti";
-$messages["assigned_to_blog"] = "Assegna utente al seguente blog";
-$messages["clean_up"] = "Epurazione";
-$messages["purge_info"] = "La funzione di cancellazione elimina fisicamentetutti i post marcati come 'Cancellato'.";
-$messages["spam_info"] = "I commenti marcati come spam possono essere tenuti nel DB per ''addestrare'' i filtri. Appena completato il tunig dei filtri è possibile eliminarli.";
-$messages["no_spam"] = "No Spam";
-$messages["spam"] = "Spam";
-$messages["mark_as_spam"] = "Marca come spam";
-$messages["mark_as_no_spam"] = "Marca come no spam";
-$messages["enable_comments_for_post"] = "Abilita i commenti per questo post";
-$messages["close_window"] = "Chiudi Finestra";
-$messages["add_resource"] = "Aggiungi Risorsa";
-$messages["add_resource_preview"] = "Aggiungi Preview";
-$messages["add_album"] = "Aggiungi Album";
-$messages["show_main_page"] = "Mostra in Main Page";
-$messages["purge_spam_comments"] = "Cancella i commenti marcati come Spam";
-$messages["purge_posts"] = "Cancella i Posts";
-$messages["keep_spam_comments"] = "Conserva i commenti marcati come Spam";
-$messages["throw_away_spam_comments"] = "Elimina i Commenti marcati come Spam";
-$messages["error_adding_blocked_host"] = "Errore durante il bloccaggio dell'host.";
-$messages["blocked_host_added_ok"] = "Host %s aggiunto alla lista di quelli bloccati.";
-$messages["error_no_blocked_hosts_selected"] = "Non è stato selezionato alcun host da cancellare.";
-$messages["blocked_host_deleted_ok"] = "Host \"%s\" cancellato.";
-$messages["error_deleting_blocked_host"] = "Errore in fase di cancellazione dell'host bloccato \"%s\"";
-$messages["edit_blocked_host"] = "Edita Host Bloccato";
-$messages["error_fetching_blocked_host"] = "Errore leggendo l'host blocccato.";
-$messages["error_updating_blocked_host"] = "Errore in aggiornamento dell'host blocccato.";
-$messages["thumbnail_format"] = "Formato anteprima";
-$messages["same_as_image"] = "Come immagine originale";
-$messages["same"] = $messages["same_as_image"];
-$messages["help_locale_folder"] = "Cartella per i file di localizzazione (lingua).";
-$messages["help_default_locale"] = "Lingua di default per i nuovi blog.";
-$messages["help_xmlrpc_api_enabled"] = "Abilita o disabilita l'interfaccia XMLRPC per l'invio dei post direttaemnte dal desktop.";
-$messages["default_rss_profile"] = "RSS/RDF profile that will be used by default to generate feeds, if no special profile is specified";
-$messages["help_security_pipeline_enabled"] = "Abilita le funzioni di sicurezza.";
-$messages["help_ip_address_filter_enabled"] = "Abilita il banning di un indirizzo IP impedendogli di accedere al sito.";
-$messages["help_content_filter_enabled"] = "Abilita un semplice filtro basato su espressioni regolari per  bloccare  commenti che contengono determinate perole o espressioni. Il filtro  Bayesiano può essere più efficiente.";
-$messages["help_maximum_comment_size"] = "Dimensione massima dei commenti.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_enabled"] = "Abilita o disabilita i filtri bayesiani.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_spam_probability_treshold"] = "Valore minimo a cui un commento è considerato come spam. Deve essere compreso tra 0.01 e 0.99";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_nonspam_probability_treshold"] = "Valore massimo Maximum a cui un commento è considerato non spam. Per valori compresi fra questi due sarà il commento sarà considerato non Spam ma forse richiederà un affianmento ulteriore";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_min_length_token"] = "Minima lunghezza di un token.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_max_length_token"] = "Massima lunghezza di un token.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_number_significant_tokens"] = "Quanti token significativi deve avere un messaggio";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_spam_comments_action"] = "Come gestire i commenti marcati come spam. Possono essere tenuti o respinti. La seconda opzione è preferibile.";
-$messages["help_path_to_convert"] = "il tool 'convert' di ImageMagick è richiesto nel caso in cui si utilizzi ImageMagick come software per la generazione delle anteprime.";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_height"] = "Altezza massima delel anteprime.";
-$messages["help_resources_folder"] = "Cartella in cui salvare le risorse. Puù non essere nell'albero delle cartelle pubbliche.";
-$messages["help_thumbnails_keep_aspect_ratio"] = "Mantenere la proporzione dell'immagine nell'anteprima.";
-$messages["help_resources_enabled"] = "Abilita o disabilita la funzione 'Risorse'.";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_method"] = "Software per la generazione delle anteprime. Se si utilizza ImageMagick, guardare di seguito (servono tools aggiuntivi).";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_width"] = "Larghezza massima anteprime.";
-$messages["external_interfaces"] = "Interfacce Esterne";
-$messages["security_settings"] = "Impostazioni Sicurezza";
-$messages["bayesian_filter_settings"] = "Impostazioni Filtri Bayesiani";
-$messages["resources_settings"] = "Impostazioni Risorse";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_format"] = "Formato di default che sarà usato durante la generazione delle anteprime.";
-$messages["edit"] = "Edita";
-$messages["blocked_content_added_ok"] = "Contenuti Bloccati aggiunti.";
-$messages["blocked_content_updated_ok"] = "Contenuti Blocccati aggiornati";
-$messages["help_disable_javascript_calendar"] ="Disabilita il calendario  realizzato con javascript e DHTML usato per
-selezionare una data in fase di editing o aggiunta di un nuovo post.";
-$messages["edit_filtered_content"] = "Edita Contenuti Filtrati";
-$messages["error_updating_blocked_content"] = "Errore durante l'aggiornamento dei contenuti bloccati.";
-$messages["audio_codec"] = "Audio Codec";
-$messages["video_codec"] = "Video Codec";
-$messages["sample_rate"] = "Sample rate";
-$messages["files"] = "Files";
-$messages["created"] = "Creato";
-$messages["generated"] = "Generato";
-$messages["about"] = "About";
-$messages["menu"] = "Menu";
-$messages["albums"] = "Album";
-$messages["template_file"] = "File di Template";
-$messages["download"] = "Download";
-$messages["error_you_have_been_blocked"] = "Non sei autorizzato ad effetuare questa operazione.";
-// help messages //
-// translators: the following help messages have changed a little since last version, due to a few
-// new features built on top of previous features
-$messages["editArticleCategories"] = "<p>This is a listing with all the post categories that
-have been created so far. There must be at least one category before you can add an article, since
-every article has to be categorized under a category. The <b>'Articles'</b> column shows how many
-articles have been categorized under the given category. In the same way, a category can't be deleted
-if it has an article assigned it; you must first remove all the articles and then you will be allowed
-to remove the category.</p>
-<p>You can delete more than one category at the same time by cheching their <b>'Delete'</b> column
-and then clickin on the <b>'Delete Selected'</b> button.</p>
-<p>The <b>'Show In Main Page'</b> column shows whether this category is included in the main page or if alternatively,
-it can also be seen when clicking its link. Edit the category itself to enable/disable this feature.</p>";
-$messages["newArticleCategory"] = "<p>From here you can add a new post category to the blog. All
-what you need to provide is a name for the new category. Once it has been created, it will be available
-for posts to be categorized under.</p>
-<p>You can disable the 'Show cateory in main page' checkbox if you don't want this category to be shown in the
-main page of the site. If disabled, posts included in this category will only be shown when browsing this
-specific category, by clicking its link.</p>";
-$messages["editArticleCategory"] = "<p>Please provide a new name for the category you are updating. Also, 
-define whether you would like to show posts belonging to this cateogry in the main page or not.</p>";
-$messages["editPost"] = "<p>Use this page to edit a post from your journal. The information from the
-post has already been provided and now you can make your changes. Once you have finished, press the <b>'Update'</b> button and the post
-will updated. Please note that you have to set the status of the post
-to <b>'Published'</b> if you want it to appear in front page. Use the <b>'Draft'</b> status when you can't finish posting
-now but you would like to save what you have typed so far for later revision.</p>
-<p>If you would like to receive an email notifying about a new post, please check the corresponding
-<p>More information about the different options <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newPost\">here</a>.</p>";
-$messages["blogSettings"] = "<p>From this page you can change some of the settings that control the
-behaviour or appearance of this journal. These are the settings: <ul>
-<li><b>Permanent URL</b>: This is the URL where this blog is running and that can be used to
-link to it. It can't be changed.</li>
-<li><b>Name of the blog</b>: This is a text string with a descriptive name of the blog. If using the
-default templates, it is the text displayed on top of every page.</li>
-<li><b>Long descriptive text about this blog</b>: This is a longer text that can optionally be
-displayed in some kind of page giving more detailed information about the page. It can be left
-blank if not needed.</li>
-<li><b>Language used to display the texts</b>: You can select one of the available languages. This
-language will be used to display the texts (not your own articles!) and format things like dates
-and numbers using the correct settings. More languages can be installed at any time.</li>
-<li><b>Items in the main page</b>: Set this to the number of posts you would like to have
-in the main page. The more posts, the longer it will take for users to download your page. Minimum
-number of posts it one.</li>
-<li><b>Items shown as recent</b>: Set this to the number of posts you would like to be shown as
-<b>'Recent'</b>, that is, the posts that have been posted earlier. Minimun amount is one.</li>
-<li><b>Template used to render the contents</b>: pLog allows to have more than one template
-to show the same content. You can choose here the most appropiate one for you journal, from the ones
-that have been installed by the administrator.</li>
-<li><b>Show the whole post int he main or only the part that was typed in the 'Text' box?</b>: Set this to <b>'Yes'</b> if you would like pLog
-to automatically add a 'More...' link to your posts on the main page just after the text you typed
-in the text box labeled 'Text'. The text typed in the second text box will only be shown to the user
-when clicking on the
-setting below) This feature is useful since it makes your frontpage less cluttered and also
-smaller. However, it has some problems if there is a lot of HTML code in the page.</li>
-<li><b>Enable WYSIWYG edition of texts</b>: Set this to yes if you would like to have the possibility
-to see how your posts look in real time. This feature is only available for users using either
-Internet Explorer 5.5 or higer and Mozilla 1.3b or higher.</li>
-<li><b>Enable comments</b>: Set this to yes if you would like to allow your users to make comments to your
-posts. This will globally affect all your posts and all your users.</li>
-<li><b>Order in which comments appear</b>: Set it to \"Oldest first\" if you would like to see
-the older comments first in the list, or set it to \"Newest first\" to see them in
-reverse chronological order.</li>
-<li><b>Time difference in hours between the server and you</b>: You can use this setting to make pLog automatically
-add or substract an amount of hours to each date in the blog. It is useful for example when the server where the blog
-is hosted and the person who is using it are in different time zones. Telling pLog that there is a difference of
-+3 hours, will make that all dates appear with such time difference applied.</li>
-// translators: the ones below are already new
-$messages["resourceCenter"] = "From the resource center, you will be able to manage your files, group them in albums,
-manage those albums and edit any of them.";
-$messages["newResourceAlbum"] = "<p>You need at least one album to group your resources. From here you will be allowed
-to add a new album, simply providing a name and a description for it. Only the name field is mandatory, being
-the description field optional.</p>
-<p>Use the <b>'Parent album'</b> field to set whether this is a top-level album or if it is a sub-album and has
-another album as a parent.</p>";
-$messages["resourceAlbums"] = "<p>This is a list including all the resource albums that have been created so far
-in this site. For each album, several of its properties can be seen at a glance: its name, a link to its child 
-albums (if any) and its amount, a link to its resources and its amount, whether the album is public or
-private and a checkbox to delete as many of them as needed.</p>
-<p>You can read more on the <b>'Show Album'</b> feature here <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=editResourceAlbum\">here</a></p>";
-$messages["editResourceAlbum"] = "<p>From here you can edit the properties of a resource album. Almost all the fields
-are the same as <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newResourceAlbum\">here</a> except the 
-<b>'Show album to users'</b> checkbox. If enabled, this album will be visible to users who browse our 
-collection of albums and resources. If not, it will not be shown in the public side. This is useful in cases when
-we want to keep some of the albums secret and don't want users peeking at them.</p>";
-$messages["newResource"] = "<p>You will be able to upload new resources to your blog from this section. Any kind of file
-can be uploaded to the site but pLog is capable of handling and extracting some useful information from some
-of them, such as images, videos, zip files and music files.</p>
-<p>First of all, find the file you would like to upload. Then, provide a description for it (mandatory field)
-and finally select to which album would you like this resource to belong to. It is not possible to have a resource
-file that does not belong to any album. Once you are ready, click the <b>'Add Resource'</b> button and the file
-will be added to the blog.</p>
-<p>Please keep in mind that uploads need to be enabled for this to work, and if the blog administrator has
-set a list of forbidden file types that cannot be uploaded, the file will not be allowed in the site. The resource
-framework also needs to be enabled. All these settings can be modified by a user with administrator privileges
-from the <b>'Global Settings'</b> section.</p>
-<p>This feature requires a folder with write permission in the web server.</p>";
-$messages["Resources"] = "<p>From here you will have access to all the resource files that have been uplaoded
-in the blog. Files will be shown under the album to which they belong. For every resource file, it will be
-possible to edit its properties, view it as any normal user will see it and mark it for deletion. Pressing the 
-<b>'Delete Selected'</b> button from the bottom of the screen will delete those resources that have been
-<p>Click the folder icon to navigate to the contents of an albu, or the <b>'Edit'</b> to go to the album
-properties page. Use the <b>'..'</b> link to go up one level. Clicking a resource name or preview (if available)
-will take you to the resource properties page where you will be able to change some of the settings of the 
-selected resource.";
-$messages["blogSecurity"] = "From this section you will be able to edit set up some basic security mechanisms that
-are provided by pLog. The changes you make here will only affect your blog and not everybody else's.";
-$messages["blogFilteredContent"] = "<p>This is a list of all the rules for content filtering that have been added 
-to this particular blog. Clicking any of them will take you to a page where you will be able to edit any of them.
-Use the <b>'Delete'</b> checkbox to mark any of them for deletion, and press the <b>'Delete Selected'</b> button
-once you are sure you want to delete those.</p>";
-$messages["newBlogFilteredContent"] = "<p>You can add here a new rule for blocking undesired content from being
-included in comments. You can use here single words or sentence or if you wish, you can use the power
-of regular expressions if you know how to use them. You can also add a description to the rule so that you remember
-in the future what it is about, but it is not a mandatory field.</p>";
-$messages["blogBlockedHosts"] = "This is a list with all the hosts that have been blocked so far in this blog. At
-a glance, it is possible to see for each host the reason why it was blocked, the date when it was blocked and
-the type of the block applied. Lastly, you can also select any of the host blocking rules and press the
-<b>'Delete Selected'</b> button when you are sure that you want to remove those rules.";
-$messages["newBlogBlockedHost"] = "<p>This section will allow you to block a specific address or entire subnet from your Blog. You can select if you want them to be able to see it, but unable to post or simply unable to access it at all. Copy the offending address into the spaces provided and choose the proper subnet address space if necessary. Example: To block just the address of you would choose the '32 bits' option to match the entire address. This blocks just this one address and works well for banning someone with a Static IP address. If you're seeing multiple IP Addresses for a particular individual (say,, and then you will want to ban a particular subnet range. Enter one of the IP Addresses that you see and choose '24 bits', '16 bits' or '8 bits'  to match the first 3 sections, first 2 sections or the first section respectively.<br/>
- - 32 bits: Matches only the address<br/>
- - 24 bits: Matches any address that starts with 192.168.1<br/>
- - 16 bits: Matches any address that starts with 192.168<br/>
- - 8 bits: Matches any address that starts with 192<br/>
-<p>The <b>'Block type'</b> drop-down list will allow you to choose whether to block this host from 
-completely accessign the site (an error page will be sent to the client's browser whenever trying to access) or
-simply block it from posting new comments. If the latter is chosen, the host will still be allowed to read
-articles and other people's comments.</p>
-<p>You can also attach a reason/description to this host blocking rule, so that you can remember in the future why
-it was set up.</p>";
-$messages["editBlogBlockedHost"] = "You will be able to edit a host blocking rule from this section. The options
-available are exactly the same as in <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost\">here</a>.";
-$messages["editBlogFilteredContent"] = "This page will allow you to edit a content filtering rule. The options
-are exactly the same as in <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogFilteredContent\">here</a>.";
-$messages["filteredContent"] = "<p>This is a list of all the rules for content filtering that have been added 
-to this site. These rules are site-wide and take precedence before any blog-specific rule that may have been
-set by blog owners. The options and its meaning is the same as 
-<a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=blogFilteredContent\">here</a>.";
-$messages["newFilteredContent"] = "<p>You can add here a new rule for blocking undesired content from being
-included in comments. This rule will be used system-wide and will take preference before blog-specific
-rules. See <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogFilteredContent\">this</a> for more information
-on the options.";
-$messages["blockedHosts"] = "This is a list with all the hosts that have been blocked so far system-wide. 
-Clicking a rule IP address will allow us to edit the settings of that rule. These rules always take
-precedence over blog-speficic rules, so that if one these global rules matches a host, all the other after
-it will be ignored.";
-$messages["newBlockedHost"] = "From here it is possible to add a new <b>global</b> host-blocking rule. See
-<a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost\">here</a> for more information about the options
-$messages["editBlockedHost"] = "You will be able to edit a host blocking rule from this section. The options
-available are exactly the same as in <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost\">here</a>.";
-$messages["editFilteredContent"] = "This page will allow you to edit a content filtering rule. The options
-are exactly the same as in <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogFilteredContent\">here</a>.";
-// summary templates text
-$messages["summary_title"] = "Blogs Summary";
-$messages["summary_section_main"] = "Summary";
-$messages["summary_section_main_link_title"] = "Main Page";
-$messages["summary_section_register"] = "Register!";
-$messages["summary_section_register_link_title"] = "Register a new blog";
-$messages["summary_section_blog_list"] = "Blog list";
-$messages["summary_section_blog_list_link_title"] = "Blogs hosted in this site";
-$messages["summary_section_faq"] = "F.A.Q.";
-$messages["summary_section_faq_link_title"] = "Frequently Asked Questions";
-$messages["summary_welcome_title"] = "Welcome to pLog!";
-$messages["summary_most_active_blogs"] = "Most active blogs";
-$messages["summary_newest_blogs"] = "Newest blogs";
-$messages["summary_most_commented_articles"] = "Most commented articles";
-$messages["summary_most_read_articles"] = "Most read articles";
-$messages["summary_faq"] = "Frequently Asked Questions";
-$messages["summary_faq_question"] = "What is this?";
-$messages["summary_faq_description"] = "You could use this section to add some frequently asked questions about your service. It is all up to you and this is only a suggestion so feel free to make changes :) Edit the file templates/summary/faq.template to change the contents of this page.";
-$messages["summary_login"] = "Log-in";
-$messages["summary_other_stuff"] = "Other Stuff";
-$messages["summary_plog_logo"] = "How about a logo here?";
-$messages["summary_blog_list"] = "Blog List";
-$messages["summary_last_updated"] = "Last Updated";
-$messages["summary_author"] = "Author";
-$messages["summary_articles"] = "articles";
-$messages["summary_reads"] = "reads";
-$messages["summary_welcome_message"] = "<h4 class=\"question\">What is this site?</h4>
-                            <p>You could use this area to give some information about this site.</p>
-                            <ul>
-                                <li>See the following links for more information: <br />
-                                    <a href=\"summary.php?op=Faq\">FAQ</a></li>
-                                <li><a href=\"register.php\">Register a new blog here</a></li>
-                            </ul>";
-$messages["summary_latest_posts"] = "Latest Posts";
-$messages["summary_in"] = "in";
-$messages["summary_posted_by"] = "Posted by";
-// register templates text
-$messages["register_error"] = "Error";
-$messages["register_error_message"] = "There has been an error:";
-$messages["register_errors"] = "There were some errors during the process, please have a look:";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step1_title"] = "Register a new blog (1/3)";
-$messages["register_step1_fill_in_title"] = "Please fill in this form to create a new blog in this site.";
-$messages["register_step1_description"] = "<p>
-First of all, we need to create a user for you. Please choose a username (which should not exist in the system but if it does, we will let you know) This user will be considered as the owner of the blog and will have full powers over it.
-And please do not forget your password! There is no way it can be recovered once you have signed up.
-$messages["register_step1_legend"] = "Please fill in the following fields";
-$messages["register_username"] = "Username:";
-$messages["register_password"] = "Password:";
-$messages["register_password_confirmation"] = "Confirm password:";
-$messages["register_email"] = "Email address:";
-$messages["register_email_comment"] = "(user for notifications of new comments)";
-$messages["register_next"] = "Next &raquo;";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step2_title"] = "Register a new blog (2/3)";
-$messages["register_user_created"] = "Your new user has been successfully created! Now we can proceed and create your new personal blog.";
-$messages["register_step2_description"] = " <p>
-  The only thing we need to know is the name you would like to give to your diary. Later on once this
-  process is complete, you will be able to change things like its description, but now that is not needed.
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step2_blog_name"] = "Name of your new blog:";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step4_title"] = "Thank you! (3/3)";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step3_description"] = "
- <p>
-    Registration is complete. Your new user and diary have been registered successfully in this site,
-    and you can log in now into your blog and start blogging!
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step4_admin_link"] = "
-  <p>
-    Click here <a href=\"admin.php\">to go the admin interface</a>, if you want to start blogging.
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step4_blog_link1"] = "
- <p>
-    Or click <a href=\"";
-$messages["register_step4_blog_link2"] = "
-\">here to go and see your new blog</a>.
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step4_final_message"] = "
- <p>
-  Happy blogging!
- </p>";
-$messages["register_error_incorrect_username"] = "Incorrect user name, please try again.<br/>";
-$messages["register_error_incorrect_email"] = "Email address is invalid, please try again. <br/>";
-$messages["register_error_user_already_exist"] = "There is already a user with that name, please try again.<br/>";
-$messages["register_error_incorrect_password"] = "Password is invalid, please try again. <br/>";
-$messages["register_error_passwords_dont_match"] = "Passwords do not match, please try again. <br/>";
-$messages["register_error_adding_user"] = "Error adding the user: ";
-$messages["register_error_creating_blog"] = "There was an error creating the new blog";
-$messages["register_error_blog_name"] = "You should choose a better name for the blog.<br/>" ;

Deleted: plog/trunk/locale/locale_ja_JP.php
--- plog/trunk/locale/locale_ja_JP.php	2005-01-29 15:29:38 UTC (rev 872)
+++ plog/trunk/locale/locale_ja_JP.php	2005-01-29 15:52:14 UTC (rev 873)
@@ -1,1387 +0,0 @@
-// Japanese locale file for pLog0.3
-// localized by CMS-Labo CMS¸¦µæ½ê http://www.chipmunk.gr.jp/
-// ¤³¤ÎpLog0.3ÍÑÆüËܸì¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤ÇÉÔÈ÷¤ÊÅÀ¤¬¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤·¤¿¤é¡¢¾åµ­¥µ¥¤¥È¤Þ¤Ç¤´Ï¢Íí²¼¤µ¤¤¡£
-// set this to the encoding that should be used to display the pages correctly
-$messages["encoding"] = "EUC-JP";
-$messages["locale_description"] = "pLog0.3 Japanese locale file for EUC-JP Version";
-// days of the week
-$messages["days"] = Array( "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["Monday"] = $messages["days"][1];
-$messages["Tuesday"] = $messages["days"][2];
-$messages["Wednesday"] = $messages["days"][3];
-$messages["Thursday"] = $messages["days"][4];
-$messages["Friday"] = $messages["days"][5];
-$messages["Saturday"] = $messages["days"][6];
-$messages["Sunday"] = $messages["days"][0];
-// abbreviations
-$messages["daysshort"] = Array( "Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["Mo"] = $messages["daysshort"][1];
-$messages["Tu"] = $messages["daysshort"][2];
-$messages["We"] = $messages["daysshort"][3];
-$messages["Th"] = $messages["daysshort"][4];
-$messages["Fr"] = $messages["daysshort"][5];
-$messages["Sa"] = $messages["daysshort"][6];
-$messages["Su"] = $messages["daysshort"][0];
-// months of the year
-$messages["months"] = Array( "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["January"] = $messages["months"][0];
-$messages["February"] = $messages["months"][1];
-$messages["March"] = $messages["months"][2];
-$messages["April"] = $messages["months"][3];
-$messages["May"] = $messages["months"][4];
-$messages["June"] = $messages["months"][5];
-$messages["July"] = $messages["months"][6];
-$messages["August"] = $messages["months"][7];
-$messages["September"] = $messages["months"][8];
-$messages["October"] = $messages["months"][9];
-$messages["November"] = $messages["months"][10];
-$messages["December"] = $messages["months"][11];
-$messages["message"] = "¥á¥Ã¥»¡¼¥¸";
-$messages["error"] = "¥¨¥é¡¼";
-$messages["date"] = "Date";
-// miscellaneous texts
-$messages["of"] = "of";
-$messages["recently"] = "ºÇ¿·µ­»ö...";
-$messages["comments"] = "¥³¥á¥ó¥È";
-$messages["comment on this"] = "¥³¥á¥ó¥È";
-$messages["my_links"] = "my Links";
-$messages["archives"] = "¥¢¡¼¥«¥¤¥ô";
-$messages["search"] = "¸¡º÷";
-$messages["calendar"] = "¥«¥ì¥ó¥À¡¼";
-$messages["editLinkCategories"] = "¥«¥Æ¥´¥ê¡¼";
-$messages["search_s"] = "¸¡º÷";
-$messages["link_tracker"] = "Link Tracker";
-$messages["search_this_blog"] = "blogÆâ¤Î¸¡º÷¡§";
-$messages["about_myself"] = "»ä¤Ïï¡©";
-$messages["permalink_title"] = "Permanent link to the archives";
-$messages["permalink"] = "Permalink";
-$messages["posted_by"] = "Åê¹Æ¼Ô";
-$messages["on_the"] = "on the";
-$messages["page"] = "¥Ú¡¼¥¸";
-$messages["posted"] = "posted";
-$messages["reply"] = "ÊÖ¿®";
-// add comment form
-$messages["add_comment"] = "¥³¥á¥ó¥ÈºîÀ®";
-$messages["comment_topic"] = "¥È¥Ô¥Ã¥¯";
-$messages["comment_text"] = "¥Æ¥­¥¹¥È";
-$messages["comment_username"] = "¤¢¤Ê¤¿¤Î̾Á°";
-$messages["comment_email"] = "E-Mail¡Ê¤¢¤ì¤Ð¡Ë";
-$messages["comment_url"] = "URL¡Ê¤¢¤ì¤Ð¡Ë";
-$messages["comment_send"] = "Á÷¿®";
-$messages["comment_added"] = "¥³¥á¥ó¥È¤ò¼õÉÕ¤±¤Þ¤·¤¿¡ª";
-$messages["comment_add_error"] = "¥¨¥é¡¼¡§¥³¥á¥ó¥È¤òºîÀ®¤Ç¤­¤Þ¤»¤ó¤Ç¤·¤¿";
-$messages["article_does_not_exist"] = "µ­»ö¤Ï¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤»¤ó";
-$messages["no_posts_found"] = "Åê¹Æµ­»ö¤Ï¸«ÉÕ¤«¤ê¤Þ¤»¤ó¤Ç¤·¤¿";
-$messages["user_has_no_posts_yet"] = "Åê¹Æ¤·¤¿¤â¤Î¤Ï¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤»¤ó";
-$messages["info_about_myself"] = "¤½¤Î¾¤Î¾ðÊó...";
-$messages["back"] = "Ìá¤ë";
-$messages["back_top"] = "¥È¥Ã¥×¤ËÌá¤ë";
-$messages["post"] = "post";
-$messages["trackbacks_for_article"] = "¥È¥é¥Ã¥¯¥Ð¥Ã¥¯¤Îµ­»ö¥¿¥¤¥È¥ë";
-$messages["trackback_excerpt"] = "Excerpt";
-$messages["trackback_weblog"] = "Weblog";
-$messages["search_results"] = "¸¡º÷·ë²Ì";
-$messages["search_matching_results"] = "¼¡¤Îµ­»ö¤Ï¡¢¤¢¤Ê¤¿¤Î¸¡º÷¸ì¤È°ìÃפ·¤Þ¤·¤¿¡§";
-$messages["search_no_matching_posts"] = "°ìÃפ¹¤ëµ­»ö¤Ï¸«ÉÕ¤«¤ê¤Þ¤»¤ó¤Ç¤·¤¿";
-$messages["see_all_link"] = "Á´¤Æ¤Îµ­»ö¤ò¸«¤ë¤Ë¤Ï¡¢¤³¤³¤ò¥¯¥ê¥Ã¥¯¤·¤Æ²¼¤µ¤¤";
-$messages["read_more"] = "¡Ê³¤­...¡Ë";
-$messages["anonymous_poster"] = "ƿ̾Åê¹Æ¼Ô";
-$messages["syndicate"] = "SYNDICATE";
-$messages["main"] = "Main";
-////// error messages /////
-$messages["error_fetching_article"] = "»ØÄꤷ¤¿µ­»ö¤ò¸«¤Ä¤±¤ë¤³¤È¤¬¤Ç¤­¤Þ¤»¤ó¤Ç¤·¤¿¡£";
-$messages["error_fetching_articles"] = "µ­»ö¤ò¼èÆÀ¤¹¤ë»ö¤¬½ÐÍè¤Þ¤»¤ó¤Ç¤·¤¿¡£";
-$messages["error_trackback_no_trackback"] = "¤³¤Îµ­»ö¤ËTrackback¤Ï¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£";
-$messages["error_incorrect_article_id"] = "µ­»ö¤ò¸«¤Ä¤±¤ë»ö¤¬½ÐÍè¤Þ¤»¤ó¤Ç¤·¤¿¡£";
-$messages["error_incorrect_blog_id"] = "¥¸¥ã¡¼¥Ê¥ë¤ò¸«¤Ä¤±¤ë»ö¤¬½ÐÍè¤Þ¤»¤ó¤Ç¤·¤¿¡£";
-$messages["error_comment_without_text"] = "¥Æ¥­¥¹¥È¤òÆþÎϤ·¤Æ²¼¤µ¤¤¡£";
-$messages["error_comment_without_name"] = "̾Á°¤òÆþÎϤ·¤Æ²¼¤µ¤¤¡£";
-$messages["error_adding_comment"] = "¥¨¥é¡¼¡§¥³¥á¥ó¥È¤òºîÀ®¤¹¤ë»ö¤¬½ÐÍè¤Þ¤»¤ó¤Ç¤·¤¿¡£";
-$messages["error_incorrect_parameter"] = "¥Ñ¥é¥á¡¼¥¿¡¼¤¬Àµ¤·¤¯¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£";
-$messages["error_parameter_missing"] = "Í׵ᤵ¤ì¤¿Ãæ¤ËÀµ¤·¤¯¤Ê¤¤¥Ñ¥é¥á¡¼¥¿¡¼¤¬Â¸ºß¤·¤Þ¤¹¡£";
-$messages["error_blog_has_no_links"] = "¤³¤Îblog¤Ë¥ê¥ó¥¯¤Ï¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£";
-$messages["error_comments_not_enabled"] = "¤³¤Î¥µ¥¤¥È¤Ç¤Ï¥³¥á¥ó¥È¤¬Ìµ¸ú¤È¤Ê¤Ã¤Æ¤Þ¤¹¡£";
-/////////////////                                          //////////////////
-///////////////// STRINGS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION INTERFACE //////////////////
-/////////////////                                          //////////////////
-////// help messages for the administration interface /////
-$messages["help_newPost"] = "<p>Use this page to add a new post to your journal. You should provide a topic or subject
-for your post as well as some text for your post. Once you have finished, press the <b>'Add'</b> button and the post
-will automatically be included in your page. Please note that you have to set the status of the post
-to <b>'Published'</b> if you want it to appear in front page. Use the <b>'Draft'</b> status when you can't finish posting
-now but you would like to save what you have typed so far for later revision.</p>
-<p>You can also classify the post under any of the categories you have previously created. Simply set
-the <b>'Category'</b> field to the one you most like.</p>
-<p>If you would like to receive an email notifying about a new post, please check the corresponding
-<p>Check the box where it says </b>'Find links in the post...'</b> if after adding the post, you
-would like to send trackback pings to the hosts that support it. Your post will be scanned for
-links and you will have the possibility to choose which ones to send trackback pings to.</p>";
-$messages["addPost"] = "<p>Your post has been successfully added to the database. Now you can select
-to which hosts you would like to send a trackback ping, so that they know you have written about them
-and can <i>track you back</i>.</p>";
-$messages["editComments"] = "There are all the comments that have been posted for the given post. Comments
-can not be edited but they can be deleted. The only mandatory field when posting comments is the
-\"name\" field, so the E-mail and Url columns could be empty. The IP Address field is the
-original IP address where this comment was posted from. You can delete
-as many as you need by checking the corresponding <b>'Delete'</b> checkbox and pressing the
-<b>'Delete selected'</b> button.";
-$messages["postStats"] = "<p>These are the statistics about the selected post. The first one is how
-many times this article has been read, but please keep in mind that this statistic might be
-meaningless if you have disabled the <b>'Read more...'</b> feature in the <b>'Blog Settings'</b>
-<p>The referers are the urls of all the hosts that visited this post, and the trackbacks table represents
-how many trackback pings have been received for this post. They can't be deleted or modified.</p>";
-$messages["help_editLinks"] = "<p>This is a list with all the links that have been added. Like posts, every
-link can be sorted in different categories and then displayed in the main page for visitors to see.</p>
-<p>For every link, you will see here its name, the url where it is pointing to and under which category
-it has been sorted. Finally you can also delete any of the links.</p>";
-$messages["help_newLink"] = "<p>You can add a new link from here. You have to provide at least a valid
-url and a name for the link. The description field is optional but useful to have more information
-about the link. You need at least one link category before you can add any link.</p>";
-$messages["help_editLinkCategories"] = "<p>This is a list with all the link categories that have been
-created. Like with posts, you need at least one link category before you can add any link. Clicking
-on the <b>'Links'</b> column will show all the links that belong to the category.</p>";
-$messages["help_newLinkCategory"] = "<p>The only thing you need to provide in order to have a new
-link category is a descriptive name for the category. Once the link category has been created,
-it will be available for links to be categorized under.</p>";
-$messages["help_userSettings"] = "<p>Things related to your user profile can be changed from this
-page. Please note that your username cannot be changed.<ul>
-<li><b>Password, Confirm Password</b>: If you would like to change your password, please type it in
-the first text box. Do the same in the second box to confirm that you entered the same password.</li>
-<li><b>Email address</b>: Please set this to a valid email address if you would like to use features
-such as the notification when a comment is received to a post. It is used only for internal
-purposes and will not be publicly displayed.</li>
-<li><b>Bio</b>: You can type here some information about yourself. It can be left empty.</li>
-$messages["help_Stats"] = "<p>You can see from here all the referers that have hit this site in the past.
-The <b>'Article'</b> column reflects which article was visited by the referer or the value <b>'0'</b>
-if the referer visited the main page or any other page which was not an article. Finally, the
-<b>'Last hit date'</b> column is the time of the last hit received from that referer.</p>";
-$messages["editLink"] = "<p>You have to provide at least a url and a name for the link. The link must also
-be categorized under a category.</p>";
-$messages["editLinkCategory"] = "Please provide a new name for the link category you are updating.</p>";
-$messages["blogSelect"] = "¥á¥Ë¥å¡¼¤«¤é¥ª¥Ú¥ì¡¼¥·¥ç¥ó¤Î1¤Ä¤òÁª¤ó¤Ç¤¯¤À¤µ¤¤¡£";
-$messages["Error"] = "Í׵ᤵ¤ì¤¿¥ª¥Ú¥ì¡¼¥·¥ç¥óÃæ¤Ë¥¨¥é¡¼¤¬¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£ ¥¨¥é¡¼¤Ë´Ø¤¹¤ë¤è¤ê¿¤¯¤Î¾ðÊó¤Ï¥á¥¤¥ó¥Ú¡¼¥¸¤ò¸«¤Æ²¼¤µ¤¤¡£";
-$messages["Message"] = "¥á¥Ã¥»¡¼¥¸¤Ë´Ø¤¹¤ë¤è¤ê¿¤¯¤Î¾ðÊó¤Ï¥á¥¤¥ó¥Ú¡¼¥¸¤ò¸«¤Æ¤¯¤À¤µ¤¤¡£";
-//////// strings for the administration interface ///////
-$messages["admin_interface_title"] = "pLog ´ÉÍý¼Ô²èÌÌ";
-$messages["administration"] = "´ÉÍýÀßÄê";
-$messages["help"] = "Help";
-$messages["plog_help"] = "pLog Help";
-$messages["newPost"] = "¿·µ¬Åê¹Æ";
-$messages["editPosts"] = "Åê¹Æ°ìÍ÷";
-$messages["editArticleCategories"] = "¥«¥Æ¥´¥ê¡¼";
-$messages["admin_links"] = "¥ê¥ó¥¯";
-$messages["editLinkCategories"] = "¥ê¥ó¥¯ ¥«¥Æ¥´¥ê¡¼";
-$messages["settings"] = "ÀßÄê";
-$messages["Logout"] = "¥í¥°¥¢¥¦¥È";
-// new post page
-$messages["topic"] = "¥È¥Ô¥Ã¥¯";
-$messages["text"] = "¥Æ¥­¥¹¥È";
-$messages["category"]  = "¥«¥Æ¥´¥ê¡¼";
-$messages["status"] = "¥¹¥Æ¡¼¥¿¥¹";
-$messages["post_status_draft"] = "Èó¸ø³«";
-$messages["post_status_published"] = "¸ø³«";
-$messages["post_status_deleted"] = "ºï½ü";
-$messages["post_status_all"] = "Á´¤Æ";
-$messages["send_notification"] = "¥³¥á¥ó¥È¤¬¤¢¤ì¤Ð¥á¡¼¥ëÄÌÃΤ¹¤ë";
-$messages["send_trackback_pings"] = "Åê¹ÆÆâÍƤ«¤é¥ê¥ó¥¯¤ò¸«ÉÕ¤±¤ÆTrackback ping¤òÁ÷¤ê¤Þ¤¹¡£";
-$messages["add_post"] = "Åê¹Æ¤¹¤ë";
-$messages["xmlrpc_ping_ok"] = "XML-RPC Ping¤ÏÁ÷¤é¤ì¤Þ¤·¤¿ ";
-$messages["error_sending_xmlrpc_ping"] = "¥¨¥é¡¼¡§XML-RPC Ping¤ÏÁ÷¤é¤ì¤Þ¤»¤ó¤Ç¤·¤¿ ";
-$messages["error_sending_xmlrpc_ping_message"] = "¥¨¥é¡¼¥á¥Ã¥»¡¼¥¸¡§ ";
-$messages["preview"] = "¥×¥ì¥Ó¥å¡¼";
-$messages["post_added"] = "Åê¹Æ¤ò¼õÉÕ¤±¤Þ¤·¤¿";
-$messages["you_will_be_notified"] = "¾°¡¢¤³¤ÎÅê¹Æ¤Ë¥³¥á¥ó¥È¤¬Á÷¤é¤ì¤¿¾ì¹ç¤Ï¡¢¤¢¤Ê¤¿¤Ë¥á¡¼¥ëÄÌÃΤµ¤ì¤Þ¤¹¡£";
-$messages["post_added_not_published"] = "Åê¹Æ¤Ï¼õÉÕ¤±¤Þ¤·¤¿¤¬¸ø³«¤µ¤ì¤Þ¤»¤ó¤Ç¤·¤¿¡£";
-$messages["error_adding_post"] = "¥¨¥é¡¼¡§Åê¹Æ¤ò¼õÉÕ¤±¤ë»ö¤¬½ÐÍè¤Þ¤»¤ó¤Ç¤·¤¿¡ª";
-$messages["error_must_fill_all_fields"] = "Á´¤Æ¤Î¹àÌܤ˵­Æþ¤·¤Æ²¼¤µ¤¤¡ª";
-$messages["error_must_have_one_category"] = "Åê¹Æ¤òºîÀ®¤¹¤ëÁ°¤Ë¡¢¾¯¤Ê¤¯¤È¤â£±¤Ä¤Î¥«¥Æ¥´¥ê¡¼¤òºîÀ®¤·¤Ê¤±¤ì¤Ð¤Ê¤ê¤Þ¤»¤ó";
-// send trackbacks page
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-$messages["error_fetching_users"] = "¤³¤Î¥µ¥¤¥È¤Î¥æ¡¼¥¶¡¼¼èÆÀ¤Ë¥¨¥é¡¼¤¬¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£";
-$messages["error_fetching_blogs"] = "¤³¤Î¥µ¥¤¥È¤Îblog¼èÆÀ¤Ë¥¨¥é¡¼¤¬¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£";
-$messages["error_incorrect_template_id"] = "¥Æ¥ó¥×¥ì¡¼¥ÈIDÍ­¸ú¤Ç¤Ê¤¯Â¸ºß¤·¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected"] = "ºï½ü¤¹¤ë¥æ¡¼¥¶¡¼¤¬ÁªÂò¤µ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£";
-$messages["error_could_not_find_user"] = "¥æ¡¼¥¶¡¼ \"%s\" ¤ò¸«ÉÕ¤±¤ë¤³¤È¤¬½ÐÍè¤Þ¤»¤ó¤Ç¤·¤¿¡£";
-$messages["error_deleting_user"] = "¥æ¡¼¥¶¡¼ \"%s\" ¤Îºï½ü¤Ë¥¨¥é¡¼¤¬¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£";
-$messages["user_deleted_ok"] = "¥æ¡¼¥¶¡¼ \"%s\" ¤òºï½ü¤·¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£";
-$messages["error_must_give_blog_name"] = "blog¤ËÍ­¸ú¤Ê̾Á°¤òÍ¿¤¨¤Ê¤±¤ì¤Ð¤Ê¤ê¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£";
-$messages["error_adding_blog"] = "¥Ç¡¼¥¿¥Ù¡¼¥¹¤Ëblog¤òÄɲ乤ë´Ö¤Ë¡¢¥¨¥é¡¼¤¬¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£";
-$messages["blog_added_ok"] = "¥Ç¡¼¥¿¥Ù¡¼¥¹¤Ë¿·¤·¤¤blog \"%s\" ¤òÄɲä·¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£";
-$messages["error_template_not_inside_folder"] = "¥Æ¥ó¥×¥ì¡¼¥È¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤¬¥Õ¥©¥ë¥À¡¼Æâ¤Ë¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£";
-$messages["error_missing_base_files"] = "´ðËÜŪ¤Ê¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤Î¤¤¤¯¤Ä¤«¤¬¸«¤¢¤¿¤ê¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£";
-$messages["error_unpacking"] = "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤Î²òÅà»þ¤Ë¥¨¥é¡¼¤¬¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£";
-$messages["error_forbidden_extensions"] = "¥Æ¥ó¥×¥ì¡¼¥ÈÆâ¤Î¤¤¤¯¤Ä¤«¤Î¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤¬¶Ø»ß¤µ¤ì¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£";
-$messages["error_creating_working_folder"] = "¥Æ¥ó¥×¥ì¡¼¥È¡¦¥»¥Ã¥È¤Î¥Á¥§¥Ã¥¯Ãæ¤Ë¥¨¥é¡¼¤¬¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£";
-$messages["error_checking_template"] = "¥Æ¥ó¥×¥ì¡¼¥È¡¦¥»¥Ã¥ÈÃæ¤Î¥¨¥é¡¼ (code = %s)";
-$messages["error_add_template_disabled"] = "¥æ¡¼¥¶¡¼¤Ï¡¢¤³¤Î¥µ¥¤¥È¤Î¥Æ¥ó¥×¥ì¡¼¥ÈÄɲ䬵ö²Ä¤µ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£";
-$messages["error_must_upload_file"] = "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤ò¥¢¥Ã¥×¥í¡¼¥É¤·¤Æ²¼¤µ¤¤¡£";
-$messages["error_no_template_name"] = "¥Æ¥ó¥×¥ì¡¼¥È̾¤òÍ¿¤¨¤Æ²¼¤µ¤¤¡£";
-$messages["error_uploads_disabled"] = "¥¢¥Ã¥×¥í¡¼¥Éµ¡Ç½¤Ï¡¢¤³¤Î¥µ¥¤¥È¤Ç̵¸ú¤Ë¤µ¤ì¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£";
-$messages["error_installing_template"] = "¥Æ¥ó¥×¥ì¡¼¥È¡¦¥»¥Ã¥È¤Î¥¤¥ó¥¹¥È¡¼¥ë¤Ë¥¨¥é¡¼¤¬¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£";
-$messages["template_installed_ok"] = "¿·¤·¤¤¥Æ¥ó¥×¥ì¡¼¥È¡¦¥»¥Ã¥È¤Ï \"%s\" ¤È¤·¤Æ¥¤¥ó¥¹¥È¡¼¥ë¤µ¤ì¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£";
-$messages["error_adding_template_file"] = "¥Æ¥ó¥×¥ì¡¼¥È¡¦¥»¥Ã¥È¤Ë¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤òÄɲ乤ë´Ö¤Ë¥¨¥é¡¼¤¬¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£";
-$messages["error_file_forbidden"] = "¤³¤Î¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤Î¥¿¥¤¥×¤Ï¡¢¤³¤Î¥µ¥¤¥È¤Ç¤Ï¶Ø»ß¤µ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤¹¡£";
-$messages["error_file_too_big"] = "¤³¤Î¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤ÏÂ礭¤¹¤®¤Þ¤¹¡£µö²Ä¤µ¤ì¤Æ¤ëºÇÂ祵¥¤¥º¤Ï \"%s\" byte¤Þ¤Ç¤Ç¤¹¡£";
-$messages["template_file_added_ok"] = "¥Æ¥ó¥×¥ì¡¼¥È \"%s\" ¤ÏÄɲ䵤ì¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£";
-$messages["error_plugin_cannot_be_configured"] = "¥×¥é¥°¥¤¥ó¤ò·ÁÀ®¤¹¤ë¤³¤È¤¬½ÐÍè¤Þ¤»¤ó¤Ç¤·¤¿¡£";
-$messages["error_incorrect_username"] = "¤³¤Î¥æ¡¼¥¶¡¼Ì¾¤ÏÀµ¤·¤¯¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£";
-$messages["error_username_already_exists"] = "Ʊ¤¸¥æ¡¼¥¶¡¼Ì¾¤ÇÅÐÏ¿¤µ¤ì¤¿¥æ¡¼¥¶¡¼¤¬´û¤Ë¸ºß¤·¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤¹¡£";
-$messages["error_adding_user"] = "¥Ç¡¼¥¿¥Ù¡¼¥¹¤Ë¥æ¡¼¥¶¡¼¤òÄɲ乤ë´Ö¤Ë¥¨¥é¡¼¤¬¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£";
-$messages["user_added_ok"] = "¿·µ¬¥æ¡¼¥¶¡¼ \"%s\" ¤ÏÄɲ䵤ì¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£";
-$messages["error_no_blogs_selected"] = "¾¯¤Ê¤¯¤È¤âºï½ü¤¹¤ëblog¤ò£±¤Ä¤ÏÁªÂò¤·¤Æ²¼¤µ¤¤¡£";
-$messages["error_blog_is_default_blog"] = "\"%s\" ¤Ï¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥È¤Îblog¤Î¤¿¤á¡¢ºï½ü¤¹¤ë»ö¤¬½ÐÍè¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£";
-$messages["blog_deleted_ok"] = "Blog \"%s\" ¤Ïºï½ü¤µ¤ì¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£";
-$messages["error_deleting_blog"] = "blog \"%s\" ¤òºï½ü¤¹¤ë´Ö¤Ë¥¨¥é¡¼¤¬¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£";
-$messages["error_no_templates_selected"] = "ºï½ü¤¹¤ë¥Æ¥ó¥×¥ì¡¼¥È¤¬ÁªÂò¤µ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£";
-$messages["error_removing_template"] = "¥Æ¥ó¥×¥ì¡¼¥È \"%s\" ¤òºï½ü¤¹¤ë´Ö¤Ë¥¨¥é¡¼¤¬¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£";
-$messages["template_removed_ok"] = "¥Æ¥ó¥×¥ì¡¼¥È \"%s\" ¤òºï½ü¤·¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected_to_remove_from_blog"] = "¤³¤Îblog¤«¤éºï½ü¤¹¤ë¥æ¡¼¥¶¡¼¤¬ÁªÂò¤µ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£";
-$messages["error_removing_user_from_blog"] = "¤³¤Îblog¤«¤é¥æ¡¼¥¶¡¼ \"%s\" ¤òºï½ü¤¹¤ë´Ö¤Ë¥¨¥é¡¼¤¬¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£";
-$messages["user_removed_from_blog_ok"] = "¤³¤Îblog¤«¤é¥æ¡¼¥¶¡¼ \"%s\" ¤òºï½ü¤·¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£";
-$messages["error_incorrect_locale_code"] = "¤³¤Î¸À¸ì¥³¡¼¥É¤ÏÍ­¸ú¤Ç¤Ï¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£";
-$messages["error_invalid_locale_file"] = "¤³¤Î¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤ÏÍ­¸ú¤Ê¸À¸ì¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤Ç¤Ï¤Ê¤¤¤è¤¦¤Ç¤¹¡£";
-$messages["error_adding_locale_file"] = "¿·¤·¤¤¸À¸ì¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤òÄɲ乤ë´Ö¤Ë¥¨¥é¡¼¤¬¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£¤³¤Î¥ª¥Ú¥ì¡¼¥·¥ç¥ó¤ËÀèΩ¤Ã¤Ælocale¥Õ¥©¥ë¥À¡¼¤Ë¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤¬¥¢¥Ã¥×¥í¡¼¥É¤µ¤ì¤Æ¤ª¤ê¡¢Àµ¤·¤¤µö²Ä¤òÆÀ¤Æ¤¤¤ë¤³¤È¤ò³Îǧ¤·¤Æ²¼¤µ¤¤¡£";
-$messages["locale_added_ok"] = "¿·¤·¤¤¸À¸ì \"%s\" ¤òÄɲä·¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£";
-$messages["error_saving_locale"] = "¿·¤·¤¤¸À¸ì¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤òlocale¥Õ¥©¥ë¥À¡¼¤ËÊݸ¤¹¤ë´Ö¤Ë¥¨¥é¡¼¤¬¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£¥Õ¥©¥ë¥À¡¼¤¬Àµ¤·¤¤¥¢¥¯¥»¥¹¸¢¤ò»ý¤Ã¤Æ¤¤¤ë¤³¤È¤ò³Îǧ¤·¤Æ¤¯¤À¤µ¤¤¡£";
-$messages["error_no_locales_selected"] = "ºï½ü¤¹¤ë¸À¸ì¤¬ÁªÂò¤µ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£";
-$messages["error_deleting_only_locale"] = "¤³¤Î¸À¸ì¤Ï¥·¥¹¥Æ¥à¤Ë¤ª¤¤¤ÆÍøÍѲÄǽ¤Ê¤¿¤À£±¤Ä¤Î¸À¸ì¤Ç¤¹¡£¤·¤¿¤¬¤Ã¤Æºï½ü¤¹¤ë»ö¤¬¤Ç¤­¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£";
-$messages["locale_deleted_ok"] = "¸À¸ì \"%s\" ¤òºï½ü¤·¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£";
-$messages["error_deleting_locale"] = "¸À¸ì \"%s\" ¤òºï½ü¤¹¤ë´Ö¤Ë¥¨¥é¡¼¤¬¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£";
-$messages["error_cant_delete_default_locale"] = "\"%s\" ¤Ï¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥È¤ÇÀßÄꤵ¤ì¤¿¸À¸ì¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤Ê¤Î¤Çºï½ü¤¹¤ë»ö¤¬½ÐÍè¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£";
-$messages["plugin_config"] = "¥×¥é¥°¥¤¥ó ¥³¥ó¥Õ¥£¥®¥å¥ì¡¼¥·¥ç¥ó";
-$messages["use_read_more_feature"] = "¥Æ¥­¥¹¥È¤ò2Ãʳ¬É½¼¨¤Ë¤¹¤ë¡ÊËÜʸÃæ¤Ë\"³¤­...\"¤È¤·¤Æµ­»ö¤òʬ³ä¤·¤Þ¤¹¡Ë";
-$messages["extended_text"] = "¡ØÀßÄê¡Ù¥¿¥Ö¤Ç2Ãʳ¬É½¼¨¤ò̵¸ú¤Ë¤¹¤ë¤È¡¢¤³¤Î¥Æ¥­¥¹¥ÈBOX¤ËÆþÎϤµ¤ì¤¿¥Æ¥­¥¹¥È¤Ïɽ¼¨¤µ¤ì¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£";
-$messages["error_must_give_post_intro"] = "¾¯¤Ê¤¯¤È¤âƳÆþ¥Æ¥­¥¹¥È¤òÍ¿¤¨¤Ê¤±¤ì¤Ð¤Ê¤ê¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£";
-$messages["error_no_albums_defined"] = "¤³¤Îblog¤ÇÍøÍѲÄǽ¤Ê¥¢¥ë¥Ð¥à¤Ï¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£";
-$messages["error_fetching_album"] = "¥¢¥ë¥Ð¥à¤Î¼èÆÀÃæ¤Ë¥¨¥é¡¼¤¬¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤·¤¿";
-$messages["comment_marked_as_spam_ok"] = "¥³¥á¥ó¥È¤ò¥¹¥Ñ¥à ¥Þ¡¼¥¯¤·¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£";
-$messages["comment_marked_as_nonspam_ok"] = "¥³¥á¥ó¥È¤Î¥¹¥Ñ¥à ¥Þ¡¼¥¯¤ò²ò½ü¤·¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£";
-$messages["error_marking_comment_as_nonspam"] = "¥¹¥Ñ¥à ¥Þ¡¼¥¯²ò½üÃæ¤Ë¥¨¥é¡¼¤¬¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£";
-$messages["error_marking_comment_as_spam"] = "¥³¥á¥ó¥È¤Î¥¹¥Ñ¥à ¥Þ¡¼¥¯Ãæ¤Ë¥¨¥é¡¼¤¬¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£";
-$messages["error_incorrect_comment_id"] = "¥³¥á¥ó¥ÈID¤¬Àµ¤·¤¯¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£";
-///// new help messages ////
-// translators: this one has changed too since we now have two text boxes: one for the
-// text that we'd like to appear in the main page and another one for the text that
-// will only be shown in the 'post' page (that is, when the users clicks on the
-// permalink, for example)
-$messages["help_newPost"] = "<p>Use this page to add a new post to your journal. You should provide a topic or subject
-for your post as well as some text for your post. Once you have finished, press the <b>'Add'</b> button and the post
-will automatically be included in your page. Please note that you have to set the status of the post
-to <b>'Published'</b> if you want it to appear in front page. Use the <b>'Draft'</b> status when you can't finish posting
-now but you would like to save what you have typed so far for later revision.</p>
-<p>The text typed in the first text box will always appear in the main page. You can use
-the second text box if you want to have some text not to be included in the main page
-but that should be shown once the users clicks on the permalink or on the
-\"Read More...\" link. This link will be automatically added to the end of the text. This
-field is not mandatory and its behaviour can be controlled in the \"Settings\" tab,
-where you can force both text text boxes to be shown in the main page.</p>
-<p>You can also classify the post under any of the categories you have previously created. Simply set
-the <b>'Category'</b> field to the one you most like.</p>
-<p>If you would like to receive an email notifying about a new post, please check the corresponding
-<p>Check the box where it says </b>'Find links in the post...'</b> if after adding the post, you
-would like to send trackback pings to the hosts that support it. Your post will be scanned for
-links and you will have the possibility to choose which ones to send trackback pings to.</p>";
-$messages["updatePost"] = $messages["help_newPost"];
-$messages["help_newBlogUser"] = "This option allows you to easily give editing permissions to other
-users in this blog. To do so, you only have to know its username. If you already know it,
-simply type it in the text field below and press the \"Add User\" button. If you wish, you can
-also send an email to this user (as long as he or she used the right address when
-registering) notifying him or her that he has now been granted permissions to add, edit
-and delete posts in this blog.";
-$messages["help_showBlogUsers"] = "This is a list of the users that have been given editing permissions
-in this blog. You can see their profile if you wish or you can also revoke their permissions
-by selectin them and then clicking on the \"Revoke Permissions\" button. Once you do that,
-the selected users will no longer be able to publish anything in this blog.";
-// note to translators:
-// added some additional text here to inform about the new "configure" feature
-$messages["help_pluginCenter"] = "<p>From here you can see which plugins have been installed. For every
-plugin, you will see its identifier (the identifier you have to use when developing templates and
-want to make use of the plugin features), the author of the plugin, and some descriptive text with
-various information about the plugin, mainly how to use it.</p>
-<p>Some plugins offer also their own configuration page from wich you can modify some
-aspects of its behaviour. To access such page, please click on the \"configure\" link
-next to every plugin.</p>";
-$messages["configurePlugin"] = "This plugin provides some settings that can be configured
-by the user.";
-$messages["help_newBlogTemplate"] = "<p>It is possible to easily add new templates to the system. To do
-so, there are two possibilities: the template can either be uploaded as a compressed file
-(tar.gz, tar.bz2 and zip files are supported) to the server or it canbe manually
-uploaded using any available method.</p>
-<p>If the first method is chosen, the contents of the file must have all been packaged
-under a folder which will be the name given to the template.</p>
-<p>If the second method is chosen, simply upload the files to a folder under your blog-specific folder
-and type in the name of the folder in the text box below.</p>
-<p>Plugins added here will only be available to this specific below and will not be able to
-be accessed by other blogs.</p>";
-$messages["help_blogTemplates"] = "<p>This is a list with all the templates that have been added to
-this blog. If you wish to remove any of them, please select them and click on the
-\"Delete Selected\" button below the list. Once a template is deleted it cannot be
-recovered, since it is removed from the disk.</p>";
-$messages["help_adminSettings"] = "<p>These are some very basic statistics about the site.</p>";
-$messages["help_createUser"] = "<p>We can easily register new users in the system by using this form.
-We only need to provide with a valid username and a password, and optionally an email address.
-Users registered here will not be attached to any blog unless we explicitly do so in the
-\"User\" section or until we create a blog specially for this new user.</p>";
-$messages["editUserProfile"] = "<p>From here we can edit the profile of any user in this blog. We can
-also grant administrator privileges to the user (or revoke them). A list of the blogs to which
-the user belogs is also displayed.</p>";
-$messages["help_editSiteUsers"] = "<p>These are all the users that are registered in this site. You can see and edit
-their profile by clicking on the username or you can delete any of them by clicking on the
-checkbox of the user(s) and then click on the \"Delete Selected\" button. Once a user
-has been deleted, it can <b>not</b> be recovered, so please be careful.</p>";
-$messages["help_createBlog"] = "<p>Unlimited blogs can be added to a single installation of pLog. Users
-can use the registration script provided in the main package but administrator can also
-register new blogs by using this form. The only things needed to know are the name that will
- be given to the blog and the user who will be the owner, having the maximum privileges
- over that blog.</p>";
- $messages["help_editSiteBlogs"] = "<p>This is a list with all the blogs that have been registered
- so far in this site. Any blog can be deleted selecting it and clicking on the \"Delete
- Selected\" button. If we try to delete the blog that has been set as the default one
- (see the \"Global Settings\" tab in \"Site Admin\") we will get an error message.</p>
- <p>We can also edit the settings of any blog by clicking on it.</p>
- <p>Finally, we can edit the users that have permissions on a given blog by clicking
- on the \"Edit Users\" link</p>";
-$messages["editBlog"] = "<p>The settings of the blog can be edited from here in the same way
-a normal user can do. Everything is exactly the same except that administrator users can also
-change who is the owner of the blog, anytime.</p>";
-$messages["editBlogUsers"] = "<p>This feature allows to visually add and remove users from
-any blog. On the left side we will see a list containing all the users that have not
-been given editing privileges in this blog yet, while on the right side we will see a list of the
-users that have already been given privileges. To a user (or more than one if necessary)
-we only have to select them from the list of the left and click on the \"Add\" button. To do
-the opposite process, we will have to select the users from the list of the right and
-click on the \"Remove\" button.</p>
-<p>It is also possible to change the user who is the owner of the blog by selecting
-another from the drop-down list on top.</p>";
-$messages["help_newLocale"] = "<p>Now locales can be easily added to the site using this feature. If
-we have the possibility of uploading files, then we can use the first form, \"Upload Locale\"
-simply pointing the browser to the locale file we'd like to upload. pLog will take care
-of everything else, including copying the file to the folder with the other language files, but
-please bear in mind that the folder must be writable by the user who is running the web server in
-order for this feature to work properly. If the language file already exists, <b>it will
-be overwritten and replaced by the new one</b>.</p>
-<p>If files cannot be uploaded to the server, then the file will have to be
-manually uploaded and placed in the same folder with the other language files. Once the file
-has been placed there, we will have to type in the second form its code omitting the
-<p>Locale files must follow the naming convention of locale_ll_CC, where 'll' is the
-2-digit ISO code for the language, while CC is the 2-digit ISO code for the country. If the file
-does not conform to those rules, it will be rejected as a valid locale file.</p>";
-$messages["help_siteLocales"] = "<p>This is a list with all the language files that have been
-installed in this site. For each one of them, the encoding used by it and a brief
-description can be seen. Also, language files can be removed from the system by selecting
-them and clicking on the \"Delete Selected\" button.</p>";
-$messages["help_newTemplate"] = "<p>It is possible to easily add new templates to the system. To do
-so, there are two possibilities: the template can either be uploaded as a compressed file
-(tar.gz, tar.bz2 and zip files are supported) to the server or it can be manually
-uploaded using any available method.</p>
-<p>If the first method is chosen, the contents of the file must have all been packaged
-under a folder which will be the name given to the template.</p>
-<p>If the second method is chosen, simply upload the files to a folder under your blog-specific folder
-and type in the name of the folder in the text box below.</p>
-<p>Plugins added here will be available to <b>all</b> the blogs in this site.</p>";
-$messages["help_siteTemplates"] = "<p>This is a list with all the templates that are globally
-available to all blogs. If you wish to remove any of them, please select them and click on the
-\"Delete Selected\" button below the list. Once a template is deleted it cannot be
-recovered, since it is removed from the disk.</p>";
-$messages["help_editSiteSettings"] = "These are all the global settings that control many aspects of the
-behaviour of pLog.";
-$messages["newBlogTemplateFile"] = "Single files can be added to an already existing template
-set without having to upload the whole set again. Simply find the file you would like to
-upload in your disk and click on the \"Add File\" button.";
-// text is the same, so we can save a few bytes
-$messages["newTemplateFile"] = $messages["newBlogTemplateFile"];
-$messages["show_category_in_main_page"] = "¥á¥¤¥ó¥Ú¡¼¥¸¤Ë¡¢¤³¤Î¥«¥Æ¥´¥ê¡¼¤òɽ¼¨¤¹¤ë";
-$messages["welcome_resource_center"] = "¥ê¥½¡¼¥¹ ¥»¥ó¥¿¡¼¤Ø¤è¤¦¤³¤½¡ª";
-$messages["resourceCenter"] = "¥ê¥½¡¼¥¹ ¥»¥ó¥¿¡¼";
-$messages["resourceAlbums"] = "¥ê¥½¡¼¥¹ ¥¢¥ë¥Ð¥à";
-$messages["resources"] = "¥ê¥½¡¼¥¹";
-$messages["newResource"] = "¥ê¥½¡¼¥¹¤ÎÄɲÃ";
-$messages["newResourceAlbum"] = "¥¢¥ë¥Ð¥à¤ÎÄɲÃ";
-$messages["album"] = "¥¢¥ë¥Ð¥à";
-$messages["album_name"] = "¥¢¥ë¥Ð¥à̾";
-$messages["parent_album"] = "¿Æ¥¢¥ë¥Ð¥à";
-$messages["no_parent_album"] = "¿Æ¥¢¥ë¥Ð¥à¤Ê¤·";
-$messages["resource_info"] = "¥ê¥½¡¼¥¹¾ðÊó";
-$messages["size"] = "¥µ¥¤¥º";
-$messages["format"] = "¥Õ¥©¡¼¥Þ¥Ã¥È";
-$messages["dimensions"] = "Â礭¤µ";
-$messages["bits_per_sample"] = "¥Ó¥Ã¥È/¥Ô¥¯¥»¥ë";
-$messages["bytes"] = "¥Ð¥¤¥È";
-$messages["pixels"] = "¥Ô¥¯¥»¥ë";
-$messages["time_offset"] = "¥¿¥¤¥à ¥ª¥Õ¥»¥Ã¥È¡Ê¥µ¡¼¥Ð¡¼´Ö¤Î»þº¹¤òÄ´À°¡Ë¡§";
-$messages["hours"] = "»þ´Ö";
-$messages["album_added_ok"] = "¿·µ¬¥¢¥ë¥Ð¥à¤òÄɲä·¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£";
-$messages["name"] = "̾Á°";
-$messages["children"] = "»Ò";
-$messages["see"] = "¸«¤ë";
-$messages["view"] = "ɽ¼¨";
-$messages["resource_info"] = "¥ê¥½¡¼¥¹¾ðÊó";
-$messages["number_of_channels"] = "¥Á¥ã¥ó¥Í¥ë¿ô";
-$messages["length"] = "Ťµ";
-$messages["number_of_files"] = "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¿ô";
-$messages["compressed_size"] = "°µ½Ì¤µ¤ì¤¿¥µ¥¤¥º";
-$messages["uncompressed_size"] = "̤°µ½Ì¤Î¥µ¥¤¥º";
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-$messages["template_file"] = "¥Æ¥ó¥×¥ì¡¼¥È ¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë";
-$messages["download"] = "¥À¥¦¥ó¥í¡¼¥É";
-$messages["error_you_have_been_blocked"] = "¤¢¤Ê¤¿¤ÎÍ×ÀÁ¤Ïµö²Ä¤µ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£";
-$messages["error_base_storage_folder_missing_or_unreadable"] = "pLog¤Ë¤è¤ë¥ê¥½¡¼¥¹ÍÑ¥Õ¥©¥ë¥À¤ÎºîÀ®¤Ï½ÐÍè¤Þ¤»¤ó¤Ç¤·¤¿¡£¤³¤ì¤Ï¡¢¤¢¤Ê¤¿¤Î¥µ¡¼¥Ð¡¼¤¬PHP¤¬safe mode¤Ç±¿ÍѤµ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤ë¤«¡¢¥æ¡¼¥¶¡¼¤Ë½½Ê¬¤Êµö²Ä¤òÍ¿¤¨¤é¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤Ê¤¤¤«¤Ê¤É¡¢¤¤¤¯¤Ä¤«¤ÎÍýͳ¤Ë¤è¤ë¤«¤â¤·¤ì¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£¼¡¤Î¥Õ¥©¥ë¥À¡¼¤ò¼êÆ°¤ÇºîÀ®¤·¡¢¥ª¥Ú¥ì¡¼¥·¥ç¥ó¤ò¼Â¹Ô¤¹¤ë»ö¤â²Äǽ¤Ç¤¹¡§<br/><br/>%s<br/><br/>¾åµ­¤Î¥Õ¥©¥ë¥À¡¼¤¬´û¤Ë¸ºß¤¹¤ë¾ì¹ç¡¢Web¥µ¡¼¥Ð¡¼¤ò¼Â¹Ô¤¹¤ë¥æ¡¼¥¶¡¼¤ËÆɤ߽ñ¤­¤¹¤ë¸¢¸Â¤¬¤¢¤ë¤«³Îǧ¤·¤Æ²¼¤µ¤¤¡£";
-// help messages //
-// translators: the following help messages have changed a little since last version, due to a few
-// new features built on top of previous features
-$messages["help_editArticleCategories"] = "<p>This is a listing with all the post categories that
-have been created so far. There must be at least one category before you can add an article, since
-every article has to be categorized under a category. The <b>'Articles'</b> column shows how many
-articles have been categorized under the given category. In the same way, a category can't be deleted
-if it has an article assigned it; you must first remove all the articles and then you will be allowed
-to remove the category.</p>
-<p>You can delete more than one category at the same time by cheching their <b>'Delete'</b> column
-and then clickin on the <b>'Delete Selected'</b> button.</p>
-<p>The <b>'Show In Main Page'</b> column shows wether this category is included in the main page or if alternatively,
-it can also be seen when clicking its link. Edit the category itself to enable/disable this feature.</p>";
-$messages["help_newArticleCategory"] = "<p>From here you can add a new post category to the blog. All
-what you need to provide is a name for the new category. Once it has been created, it will be available
-for posts to be categorized under.</p>
-<p>You can disable the 'Show cateory in main page' checkbox if you don't want this category to be shown in the
-main page of the site. If disabled, posts included in this category will only be shown when browsing this
-specific category, by clicking its link.</p>";
-$messages["editArticleCategory"] = "<p>Please provide a new name for the category you are updating. Also, 
-define wether you would like to show posts belonging to this cateogry in the main page or not.</p>";
-$messages["help_editPosts"] = "<p>Use this page to edit a post from your journal. The information from the
-post has already been provided and now you can make your changes. Once you have finished, press the <b>'Update'</b> button and the post
-will updated. Please note that you have to set the status of the post
-to <b>'Published'</b> if you want it to appear in front page. Use the <b>'Draft'</b> status when you can't finish posting
-now but you would like to save what you have typed so far for later revision.</p>
-<p>If you would like to receive an email notifying about a new post, please check the corresponding
-<p>More information about the different options <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newPost\">here</a>.</p>";
-$messages["help_blogSettings"] = "<p>From this page you can change some of the settings that control the
-behaviour or appearance of this journal. These are the settings: <ul>
-<li><b>Permanent URL</b>: This is the URL where this blog is running and that can be used to
-link to it. It can't be changed.</li>
-<li><b>Name of the blog</b>: This is a text string with a descriptive name of the blog. If using the
-default templates, it is the text displayed on top of every page.</li>
-<li><b>Long descriptive text about this blog</b>: This is a longer text that can optionally be
-displayed in some kind of page giving more detailed information about the page. It can be left
-blank if not needed.</li>
-<li><b>Language used to display the texts</b>: You can select one of the available languages. This
-language will be used to display the texts (not your own articles!) and format things like dates
-and numbers using the correct settings. More languages can be installed at any time.</li>
-<li><b>Items in the main page</b>: Set this to the number of posts you would like to have
-in the main page. The more posts, the longer it will take for users to download your page. Minimum
-number of posts it one.</li>
-<li><b>Items shown as recent</b>: Set this to the number of posts you would like to be shown as
-<b>'Recent'</b>, that is, the posts that have been posted earlier. Minimun amount is one.</li>
-<li><b>Template used to render the contents</b>: pLog allows to have more than one template
-to show the same content. You can choose here the most appropiate one for you journal, from the ones
-that have been installed by the administrator.</li>
-<li><b>Show the whole post int he main or only the part that was typed in the 'Text' box?</b>: Set this to <b>'Yes'</b> if you would like pLog
-to automatically add a 'More...' link to your posts on the main page just after the text you typed
-in the text box labeled 'Text'. The text typed in the second text box will only be shown to the user
-when clicking on the
-setting below) This feature is useful since it makes your frontpage less cluttered and also
-smaller. However, it has some problems if there is a lot of HTML code in the page.</li>
-<li><b>Enable WYSIWYG edition of texts</b>: Set this to yes if you would like to have the possibility
-to see how your posts look in real time. This feature is only available for users using either
-Internet Explorer 5.5 or higer and Mozilla 1.3b or higher.</li>
-<li><b>Enable comments</b>: Set this to yes if you would like to allow your users to make comments to your
-posts. This will globally affect all your posts and all your users.</li>
-<li><b>Order in which comments appear</b>: Set it to \"Oldest first\" if you would like to see
-the older comments first in the list, or set it to \"Newest first\" to see them in
-reverse chronological order.</li>
-<li><b>Time difference in hours between the server and you</b>: You can use this setting to make pLog automatically
-add or substract an amount of hours to each date in the blog. It is useful for example when the server where the blog
-is hosted and the person who is using it are in different time zones. Telling pLog that there is a difference of
-+3 hours, will make that all dates appear with such time difference applied.</li>
-// translators: the ones below are already new
-$messages["help_resourceCenter"] = "From the resource center, you will be able to manage your files, group them in albums,
-manage those albums and edit any of them.";
-$messages["help_newResourceAlbum"] = "<p>You need at least one album to group your resources. From here you will be allowed
-to add a new album, simply providing a name and a description for it. Only the name field is mandatory, being
-the description field optional.</p>
-<p>Use the <b>'Parent album'</b> field to set wether this is a top-level album or if it is a sub-album and has
-another album as a parent.</p>";
-$messages["help_resourceAlbums"] = "<p>This is a list including all the resource albums that have been created so far
-in this site. For each album, several of its properties can be seen at a glance: its name, a link to its child 
-albums (if any) and its amount, a link to its resources and its amount, wether the album is public or
-private and a checkbox to delete as many of them as needed.</p>
-<p>You can read more on the <b>'Show Album'</b> feature here <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=editResourceAlbum\">here</a></p>";
-$messages["editResourceAlbum"] = "<p>From here you can edit the properties of a resource album. Almost all the fields
-are the same as <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newResourceAlbum\">here</a> except the 
-<b>'Show album to users'</b> checkbox. If enabled, this album will be visible to users who browse our 
-collection of albums and resources. If not, it will not be shown in the public side. This is useful in cases when
-we want to keep some of the albums secret and don't want users peeking at them.</p>";
-$messages["help_newResource"] = "<p>You will be able to upload new resources to your blog from this section. Any kind of file
-can be uploaded to the site but pLog is capable of handling and extracting some useful information from some
-of them, such as images, videos, zip files and music files.</p>
-<p>First of all, find the file you would like to upload. Then, provide a description for it (mandatory field)
-and finally select to which album would you like this resource to belong to. It is not possible to have a resource
-file that does not belong to any album. Once you are ready, click the <b>'Add Resource'</b> button and the file
-will be added to the blog.</p>
-<p>Please keep in mind that uploads need to be enabled for this to work, and if the blog administrator has
-set a list of forbidden file types that cannot be uploaded, the file will not be allowed in the site. The resource
-framework also needs to be enabled. All these settings can be modified by a user with administrator privileges
-from the <b>'Global Settings'</b> section.</p>
-<p>This feature requires a folder with write permission in the web server.</p>";
-$messages["help_resources"] = "<p>From here you will have access to all the resource files that have been uplaoded
-in the blog. Files will be shown under the album to which they belong. For every resource file, it will be
-possible to edit its properties, view it as any normal user will see it and mark it for deletion. Pressing the 
-<b>'Delete Selected'</b> button from the bottom of the screen will delete those resources that have been
-<p>Click the folder icon to navigate to the contents of an albu, or the <b>'Edit'</b> to go to the album
-properties page. Use the <b>'..'</b> link to go up one level. Clicking a resource name or preview (if available)
-will take you to the resource properties page where you will be able to change some of the settings of the 
-selected resource.";
-$messages["help_blogSecurity"] = "From this section you will be able to edit set up some basic security mechanisms that
-are provided by pLog. The changes you make here will only affect your blog and not everybody else's.";
-$messages["help_blogFilteredContent"] = "<p>This is a list of all the rules for content filtering that have been added 
-to this particular blog. Clicking any of them will take you to a page where you will be able to edit any of them.
-Use the <b>'Delete'</b> checkbox to mark any of them for deletion, and press the <b>'Delete Selected'</b> button
-once you are sure you want to delete those.</p>";
-$messages["help_newBlogFilteredContent"] = "<p>You can add here a new rule for blocking undesired content from being
-included in comments. You can use here single words or sentence or if you wish, you can use the power
-of regular expressions if you know how to use them. You can also add a description to the rule so that you remember
-in the future what it is about, but it is not a mandatory field.</p>";
-$messages["help_blogBlockedHosts"] = "This is a list with all the hosts that have been blocked so far in this blog. At
-a glance, it is possible to see for each host the reason why it was blocked, the date when it was blocked and
-the type of the block applied. Lastly, you can also select any of the host blocking rules and press the
-<b>'Delete Selected'</b> button when you are sure that you want to remove those rules.";
-$messages["help_newBlogBlockedHost"] = "<p>This section will allow you to block a specific address or entire subnet from your Blog. You can select if you want them to be able to see it, but unable to post or simply unable to access it at all. Copy the offending address into the spaces provided and choose the proper subnet address space if necessary. Example: To block just the address of you would choose the '32 bits' option to match the entire address. This blocks just this one address and works well for banning someone with a Static IP address. If you're seeing multiple IP Addresses for a particular individual (say,, and then you will want to ban a particular subnet range. Enter one of the IP Addresses that you see and choose '24 bits', '16 bits' or '8 bits'  to match the first 3 sections, first 2 sections or the first section respectively.<br/>
- - 32 bits: Matches only the address<br/>
- - 24 bits: Matches any address that starts with 192.168.1<br/>
- - 16 bits: Matches any address that starts with 192.168<br/>
- - 8 bits: Matches any address that starts with 192<br/>
-<p>The <b>'Block type'</b> drop-down list will allow you to choose wether to block this host from 
-completely accessign the site (an error page will be sent to the client's browser whenever trying to access) or
-simply block it from posting new comments. If the latter is chosen, the host will still be allowed to read
-articles and other people's comments.</p>
-<p>You can also attach a reason/description to this host blocking rule, so that you can remember in the future why
-it was set up.</p>";
-$messages["editBlogBlockedHost"] = "You will be able to edit a host blocking rule from this section. The options
-available are exactly the same as in <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost\">here</a>.";
-$messages["editBlogFilteredContent"] = "This page will allow you to edit a content filtering rule. The options
-are exactly the same as in <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogFilteredContent\">here</a>.";
-$messages["help_filteredContent"] = "<p>This is a list of all the rules for content filtering that have been added 
-to this site. These rules are site-wide and take precedence before any blog-specific rule that may have been
-set by blog owners. The options and its meaning is the same as 
-<a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=blogFilteredContent\">here</a>.";
-$messages["help_newFilteredContent"] = "<p>You can add here a new rule for blocking undesired content from being
-included in comments. This rule will be used system-wide and will take preference before blog-specific
-rules. See <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogFilteredContent\">this</a> for more information
-on the options.";
-$messages["help_blockedHosts"] = "This is a list with all the hosts that have been blocked so far system-wide. 
-Clicking a rule IP address will allow us to edit the settings of that rule. These rules always take
-precedence over blog-speficic rules, so that if one these global rules matches a host, all the other after
-it will be ignored.";
-$messages["help_newBlockedHost"] = "From here it is possible to add a new <b>global</b> host-blocking rule. See
-<a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost\">here</a> for more information about the options
-$messages["editBlockedHost"] = "You will be able to edit a host blocking rule from this section. The options
-available are exactly the same as in <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost\">here</a>.";
-$messages["editFilteredContent"] = "This page will allow you to edit a content filtering rule. The options
-are exactly the same as in <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogFilteredContent\">here</a>.";
-$messages["blogFilteredContent"] = $messages["filteredContent"];
-$messages["newBlogFilteredContent"] = $messages["newFilteredContent"];
-$messages["blogBlockedHosts"] = $messages["blockedHosts"];
-$messages["newBlogBlockedHost"] = $messages["newBlockedHost"];
-$messages["newBlogUser"] = $messages["createUser"];
-// text of the post that will be added to each blog when they sign-up via the register.php script
-$messages["register_default_category"] = "General";
-$messages["register_default_article_text"] = "If you can read this, it means that your signup and registration was successful and that you can start blogging.";
-$messages["register_default_article_topic"] = "Congratulations, it worked!";
-// summary templates text
-$messages["summary_title"] = "Blogs Summary";
-$messages["summary_section_main"] = "Summary";
-$messages["summary_section_main_link_title"] = "Main Page";
-$messages["summary_section_register"] = "Register!";
-$messages["summary_section_register_link_title"] = "Register a new blog";
-$messages["summary_section_blog_list"] = "Blog list";
-$messages["summary_section_blog_list_link_title"] = "Blogs hosted in this site";
-$messages["summary_section_faq"] = "F.A.Q.";
-$messages["summary_section_faq_link_title"] = "Frequently Asked Questions";
-$messages["summary_welcome_title"] = "Welcome to pLog!";
-$messages["summary_most_active_blogs"] = "Most active blogs";
-$messages["summary_newest_blogs"] = "Newest blogs";
-$messages["summary_most_commented_articles"] = "Most commented articles";
-$messages["summary_most_read_articles"] = "Most read articles";
-$messages["summary_faq"] = "Frequently Asked Questions";
-$messages["summary_faq_question"] = "What is this?";
-$messages["summary_faq_description"] = "You could use this section to add some frequently asked questions about your service. It is all up to you and this is only a suggestion so feel free to make changes :) Edit the file templates/summary/faq.template to change the contents of this page.";
-$messages["summary_login"] = "Log-in";
-$messages["summary_other_stuff"] = "Other Stuff";
-$messages["summary_plog_logo"] = "How about a logo here?";
-$messages["summary_blog_list"] = "Blog List";
-$messages["summary_last_updated"] = "Last Updated";
-$messages["summary_author"] = "Author";
-$messages["summary_articles"] = "articles";
-$messages["summary_reads"] = "reads";
-$messages["summary_welcome_message"] = "<h4 class=\"question\">What is this site?</h4>
-                            <p>You could use this area to give some information about this site.</p>
-                            <ul>
-                                <li>See the following links for more information: <br />
-                                    <a href=\"summary.php?op=Faq\">FAQ</a></li>
-                                <li><a href=\"register.php\">Register a new blog here</a></li>
-                            </ul>";
-$messages["summary_latest_posts"] = "Latest Posts";
-$messages["summary_in"] = "in";
-$messages["summary_posted_by"] = "Posted by";
-// register templates text
-$messages["register_error"] = "Error";
-$messages["register_error_message"] = "There has been an error:";
-$messages["register_errors"] = "There were some errors during the process, please have a look:";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step1_title"] = "Register a new blog (1/3)";
-$messages["register_step1_fill_in_title"] = "Please fill in this form to create a new blog in this site.";
-$messages["register_step1_description"] = "<p>
-First of all, we need to create a user for you. Please choose a username (which should not exist in the system but if it does, we will let you know) This user will be considered as the owner of the blog and will have full powers over it.
-And please do not forget your password! There is no way it can be recovered once you have signed up.
-$messages["register_step1_legend"] = "Please fill in the following fields";
-$messages["register_username"] = "Username:";
-$messages["register_password"] = "Password:";
-$messages["register_password_confirmation"] = "Confirm password:";
-$messages["register_email"] = "Email address:";
-$messages["register_email_comment"] = "(user for notifications of new comments)";
-$messages["register_next"] = "Next &raquo;";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step2_title"] = "Register a new blog (2/3)";
-$messages["register_user_created"] = "Your new user has been successfully created! Now we can proceed and create your new personal blog.";
-$messages["register_step2_description"] = " <p>
-  The only thing we need to know is the name you would like to give to your diary. Later on once this
-  process is complete, you will be able to change things like its description, but now that is not needed.
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step2_blog_name"] = "Name of your new blog:";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step3_title"] = "Thank you! (3/3)";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step3_description"] = "
- <p>
-    Registration is complete. Your new user and diary have been registered successfully in this site,
-    and you can log in now into your blog and start blogging!
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step3_admin_link"] = "
-  <p>
-    Click here <a href=\"admin.php\">to go the admin interface</a>, if you want to start blogging.
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step3_blog_link1"] = "
- <p>
-    Or click <a href=\"";
-$messages["register_step3_blog_link2"] = "
-\">here to go and see your new blog</a>.
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step3_final_message"] = "
- <p>
-  Happy blogging!
- </p>";
-$messages["register_error_incorrect_username"] = "<li>Incorrect user name, please try again.<br/>";
-$messages["register_error_incorrect_email"] = "<li>Email address is invalid, please try again. <br/>";
-$messages["register_error_user_already_exist"] = "<li>There is already a user with that name, please try again.<br/>";
-$messages["register_error_incorrect_password"] = "<li>Password is invalid, please try again. <br/>";
-$messages["register_error_passwords_dont_match"] = "<li>Passwords do not match, please try again. <br/>";
-$messages["register_error_adding_user"] = "Error adding the user: ";
-$messages["register_error_creating_blog"] = "There was an error creating the new blog";
-$messages["register_error_blog_name"] = "<li>You should choose a better name for the blog.<br/>" ;
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: plog/trunk/locale/locale_ko_KR.php
--- plog/trunk/locale/locale_ko_KR.php	2005-01-29 15:29:38 UTC (rev 872)
+++ plog/trunk/locale/locale_ko_KR.php	2005-01-29 15:52:14 UTC (rev 873)
@@ -1,1369 +0,0 @@
-// ¹Ì¹ø¿ª ºÎºÐ
-// 145
-// 487
-// 732
-// 1015
-// 1070
-// ¶óÀαÙó
-// set this to the encoding that should be used to display the pages correctly
-$messages["encoding"] = "euc-kr";
-$messages["locale_description"] = "Çѱ¹¾î ·ÎÄÉÀÏ(Korean locale file for pLog 0.3)";
-// days of the week
-$messages["days"] = Array( "ÀÏ¿äÀÏ", "¿ù¿äÀÏ", "È­¿äÀÏ", "¼ö¿äÀÏ", "¸ñ¿äÀÏ", "±Ý¿äÀÏ", "Åä¿äÀÏ" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["Monday"] = $messages["days"][1];
-$messages["Tuesday"] = $messages["days"][2];
-$messages["Wednesday"] = $messages["days"][3];
-$messages["Thursday"] = $messages["days"][4];
-$messages["Friday"] = $messages["days"][5];
-$messages["Saturday"] = $messages["days"][6];
-$messages["Sunday"] = $messages["days"][0];
-// abbreviations
-$messages["daysshort"] = Array( "ÀÏ", "¿ù", "È­", "¼ö", "¸ñ", "±Ý", "Åä" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["Mo"] = $messages["daysshort"][1];
-$messages["Tu"] = $messages["daysshort"][2];
-$messages["We"] = $messages["daysshort"][3];
-$messages["Th"] = $messages["daysshort"][4];
-$messages["Fr"] = $messages["daysshort"][5];
-$messages["Sa"] = $messages["daysshort"][6];
-$messages["Su"] = $messages["daysshort"][0];
-// months of the year
-$messages["months"] = Array( "1¿ù", "2¿ù", "3¿ù", "4¿ù", "5¿ù", "6¿ù", "7¿ù", "8¿ù", "9¿ù", "10¿ù", "11¿ù", "12¿ù" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["January"] = $messages["months"][0];
-$messages["February"] = $messages["months"][1];
-$messages["March"] = $messages["months"][2];
-$messages["April"] = $messages["months"][3];
-$messages["May"] = $messages["months"][4];
-$messages["June"] = $messages["months"][5];
-$messages["July"] = $messages["months"][6];
-$messages["August"] = $messages["months"][7];
-$messages["September"] = $messages["months"][8];
-$messages["October"] = $messages["months"][9];
-$messages["November"] = $messages["months"][10];
-$messages["December"] = $messages["months"][11];
-$messages["message"] = "¸Þ¼¼Áö";
-$messages["error"] = "¿¡·¯";
-$messages["date"] = "³¯Â¥";
-// miscellaneous texts
-$messages["of"] = "of";
-$messages["recently"] = "ÃÖ±Ù ±Û";
-$messages["comments"] = "ÄÚ¸àÆ®";
-$messages["comment on this"] = "ÄÚ¸àÆ®";
-$messages["my_links"] = "³» ¸µÅ©";
-$messages["archives"] = "ÀúÀå¼Ò";
-$messages["search"] = "°Ë»ö";
-$messages["calendar"] = "´Þ·Â";
-$messages["categories"] = "Ä«Å×°í¸®";
-$messages["search_s"] = "°Ë»ö";
-$messages["link_tracker"] = "¸µÅ© ÃßÀû";
-$messages["search_this_blog"] = "ÀÌ ºí·Î±×¿¡¼­ ã±â:";
-$messages["about_myself"] = "³»¼Ò°³?";
-$messages["permalink_title"] = "Permanent link to the archives";
-$messages["permalink"] = "Permalink";
-$messages["posted_by"] = "±Û¾´ÀÌ";
-$messages["on_the"] = "on the";
-$messages["page"] = "ÆäÀÌÁö";
-$messages["posted"] = "posted";
-$messages["reply"] = "´ä±Û";
-// add comment form
-$messages["add_comment"] = "ÄÚ¸àÆ® Ãß°¡";
-$messages["comment_topic"] = "Á¦¸ñ";
-$messages["comment_text"] = "³»¿ë";
-$messages["comment_username"] = "À̸§";
-$messages["comment_email"] = "À̸ÞÀÏ ÁÖ¼Ò(»ý·«°¡´É)";
-$messages["comment_url"] = "ȨÆäÀÌÁö/ºí·Î±×(»ý·«°¡´É)";
-$messages["comment_send"] = "ÀÔ·Â";
-$messages["comment_added"] = "ÄÚ¸àÆ®°¡ Ãß°¡µÇ¾ú½À´Ï´Ù!";
-$messages["comment_add_error"] = "ÄÚ¸àÆ® Ãß°¡Áß ¿¡·¯¹ß»ý";
-$messages["article_does_not_exist"] = "±ÛÀÌ Á¸ÀçÇÏÁö ¾Ê½À´Ï´Ù";
-$messages["no_posts_found"] = "±ÛÀ» ãÁö ¸øÇß½À´Ï´Ù";
-$messages["user_has_no_posts_yet"] = "»ç¿ëÀÚ°¡ ±ÛÀ» ¿Ã¸°ÀûÀÌ ¾ø½À´Ï´Ù";
-$messages["info_about_myself"] = "³» Á¤º¸";
-$messages["back"] = "µ¹¾Æ°¡±â";
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-///////////////// STRINGS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION INTERFACE //////////////////
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-$messages["newPost"] = "<p>ÀÌ ÆäÀÌÁö¿¡¼­ ºí·Î±×¿¡ »õ ±ÛÀ» ¿Ã¸± ¼ö ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù. Á¦¸ñÀ» ÀÔ·ÂÇؾßÇÕ´Ï´Ù. ±ÛÀ» ´Ù ¾´ ÈÄ¿¡ <b>'µî·Ï'</b>¹öÆ°À» ´­·¯¼­ ±ÛÀ» ¿Ã¸®¸é µË´Ï´Ù. ±ÛÀÇ »óŸ¦ <b>'°ø°³'</b>·Î ÇØ¾ß ¸ÞÀÎÆäÀÌÁö¿¡ º¸ÀÌ°Ô µË´Ï´Ù. ±ÛÀÌ ¹Ì¿Ï¼ºÀ̶ó¸é <b>'ºñ°ø°³'</b>·Î ÇÑ µÚ ³ªÁß¿¡ ¼öÁ¤Çؼ­ °ø°³ÇÒ ¼ö ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù.
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-$messages["editLinkCategory"] = "¸µÅ©Ä«Å×°í¸®¿¡ »ç¿ëÇÒ »õ À̸§À» ³Ö¾î ÁֽʽÿÀ.</p>";
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-$messages["Message"] = "´õ ¸¹Àº Á¤º¸¸¦ º¸·Á¸é ¸ÞÀÎÆäÀÌÁö·Î °¡½Ê½Ã¿À.";
-//////// strings for the administration interface ///////
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-¿øÇÑ´Ù¸é ³ªÁß¿¡ ´Ù½Ã º¸³¾ ¼ö ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù..";
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-// but if you remove them there will be no information about which post was removed...
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-// this error is shown when for some reason the category could not be fetched from the database
-// and we can't show its name
-$messages["error_removing_link_category_2"] = "¸µÅ©Ä«Å×°í¸®¸¦ »èÁ¦ÇÏ´ø µµÁß ¿¡·¯°¡ ¹ß»ýÇß½À´Ï´Ù id = %d";
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-// statistics page
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-$messages["error_fetching_referers"] = "ÂüÁ¶ÁÖ¼Ò¸¦ °¡Á®¿À´Â µ¿¾È ¿¡·¯°¡ ¹ß»ýÇß½À´Ï´Ù";
-// login screen
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-$messages["error_no_username_or_password"] = "¿Ã¹Ù¸¥ »ç¿ëÀÚÀ̸§/ºñ¹Ð¹øÈ£°¡ ¾Æ´Õ´Ï´Ù.";
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-$messages["logout_title"] = "·Î±×¾Æ¿ô";
-$messages["error_access_forbidden"] = "Á¢±ÙÀÌ ±ÝÁöµÇ¾î ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù. here¸¦ Ŭ¸¯Çؼ­ ·Î±×ÀÎ ÇØ ÁֽʽÿÀ..";
-// new strings added for 0.2
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-$messages["help_recent_posts_max"] = "How many posts will be shown as recent, by default.";
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-$messages["help_show_more_threshold"] = "How many characters should be left before the more link is added.";
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-$messages["help_xmlrpc_ping_enabled"] = "Whether to send an XMLRPC notification to the hosts configured below every time a post is added.";
-$messages["help_xmlrpc_ping_hosts"] = "List of hosts that support XMLRPC notifications. Please put different hosts in different lines, as many as needed.";
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-$messages["help_smtp_port"] = "Port in the host above specified where the SMTP server is running.";
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-ÅÛÇø´Àº ¹Ýµå½Ã zip, tar.gz, tar.bz2ÀÇ ÇüÅ·Π¿Ã·Á¾ß ÇÕ´Ï´Ù.";
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-$messages["error_password_incorrect"] = "ºñ¹Ð¹øÈ£°¡ ³Ê¹« ª°Å³ª ¹Ù¸£Áö ¾Ê½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_updating_user_settings"] = "Áö±Ý »ç¿ëÀÚ´Â ¼³Á¤À» º¯°æÇÒ ¼ö ¾ø½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["user_settings_updated_ok"] = "»ç¿ëÀÚ \"%s\"¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ¼³Á¤ÀÌ º¯°æµÇ¾ú½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected_to_add"] = "¼±ÅÃÇÑ »ç¿ëÀÚ°¡ ¾ø½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["user_added_to_blog_ok"] = "»ç¿ëÀÚ \"%s\"°¡ ºí·Î±×¿¡ Ãß°¡µÇ¾ú½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_adding_user_to_blog"] = "»ç¿ëÀÚ \"%s\"¸¦ ºí·Î±×¿¡ Ãß°¡ÇÏ´ø µµÁß ¿¡·¯°¡ ¹ß»ýÇß½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected_to_remove"] = "»èÁ¦Çϱâ À§ÇØ ¼±ÅÃÇÑ »ç¿ëÀÚ°¡ ¾ø½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["user_removed_from_blog_ok"] = "»ç¿ëÀÚ \"%s\"°¡ ÀÌ ºí·Î±×¿¡¼­ »èÁ¦µÇ¾ú½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_removing_user_from_blog"] = "»ç¿ëÀÚ \"%s\"¸¦ ºí·Î±×¿¡¼­ Á¦°ÅÇÏ´ø µµÁß ¿¡·¯°¡ ¹ß»ýÇß½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_plugin_id"] = "Ç÷¯±×ÀÎ id°¡ ¿Ã¹Ù¸£Áö ¾Ê½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_configuring_plugin"] = "Ç÷¯±×ÀÎ ¼³Á¤Áß ¿¡·¯°¡ ¹ß»ýÇß½À´Ï´Ù: ";
-$messages["site_config_saved_ok"] = "»çÀÌÆ® ¼³Á¤ÀÌ ¹«»çÈ÷ ÀúÀåµÇ¾ú½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_saving_site_config"] = "¼³Á¤À» ÀúÀåÇϴµ¥ ¹®Á¦°¡ ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_blog_owner"] = "¼±ÅÃµÈ À¯Àú°¡ Á¸ÀçÇÏÁö ¾Ê½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_updating_blog_settings"] = "ºí·Î±× \"%s\" ¼³Á¤À» º¯°æÇÏ´øÁß ¿¡·¯°¡ ¹ß»ýÇß½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["blog_settings_updated_ok"] = "ºí·Î±× \"%s\"ÀÇ ¼³Á¤ÀÌ ¹«»çÈ÷ º¯°æµÇ¾ú½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_fetching_users"] = "»ç¿ëÀÚ Á¤º¸¸¦ °¡Á®¿À´øÁß ¿¡·¯°¡ ¹ß»ýÇß½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_fetching_blogs"] = "ºí·Î±× Á¤º¸¸¦ °¡Á®¿À´øÁß ¿¡·¯°¡ ¹ß»ýÇß½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_template_id"] = "ÅÛÇø´ id°¡ ¿Ã¹Ù¸£Áö ¾Ê°Å³ª Á¸ÀçÇÏÁö ¾Ê½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected"] = "»èÁ¦Çϱâ À§ÇØ ¼±ÅÃµÈ »ç¿ëÀÚ°¡ ¾ø½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_could_not_find_user"] = "»ç¿ëÀÚ \"%s\"¸¦ ãÀ» ¼ö ¾ø½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_deleting_user"] = "»ç¿ëÀÚ \"%s\"¸¦ »èÁ¦ÇÏ´øÁß ¿¡·¯°¡ ¹ß»ýÇß½À´Ï´Ù";
-$messages["user_deleted_ok"] = "»ç¿ëÀÚ \"%s\"°¡ ¹«»çÈ÷ »èÁ¦µÇ¾ú½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_must_give_blog_name"] = "ºí·Î±×¿¡ ÀûÇÕÇÑ À̸§À» ³Ö¾î ÁÖ¼¼¿ä.";
-$messages["error_adding_blog"] = "ºí·Î±×¸¦ Ãß°¡ÇÏ´øÁß µ¥ÀÌÅͺ£À̽º¿¡¼­ ¿¡·¯°¡ ¹ß»ýÇß½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["blog_added_ok"] = "»õ ºí·Î±× \"%s\"°¡ ¹«»çÈ÷ Ãß°¡µÇ¾ú½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_template_not_inside_folder"] = "ÅÛÇø´ ÆÄÀÏÀº Æú´õ¿¡ µé¾îÀÖ¾î¾ß¸¸ ÇÕ´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_missing_base_files"] = "±âº»ÆÄÀÏÀÌ ¾ø½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_unpacking"] = "ÆÄÀÏÀ» Ç®´øÁß ¿¡·¯°¡ ¹ß»ýÇß½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_forbidden_extensions"] = "¸î¸î ÆÄÀÏÀÇ È®ÀåÀÚ°¡ ±ÝÁöµÈ È®ÀåÀÚÀÔ´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_creating_working_folder"] = "ÅÛÇø´¿¡¼­ ¿¡·¯°¡ ¹ß»ýÇß½À´Ï´Ù";
-$messages["error_checking_template"] = "ÅÛÇø´¿¡¼­ ¿¡·¯°¡ ¹ß»ýÇß½À´Ï´Ù (code = %s)";
-$messages["error_add_template_disabled"] = "ÀÏ¹Ý »ç¿ëÀÚ´Â ÅÛÇø´À» Ãß°¡ÇÒ ¼ö ¾ø½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_must_upload_file"] = "ÆÄÀÏÀÌ ¾ø½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_no_template_name"] = "ÅÛÇø´ À̸§ÀÌ ¾ø½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_uploads_disabled"] = "ÀÌ »çÀÌÆ®´Â ¾÷·Îµå°¡ ºÒ°¡´É ÇÕ´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_installing_template"] = "ÅÛÇø´À» ¼³Ä¡ÇÏ´Â µ¿¾È ¿¡·¯°¡ ¹ß»ýÇß½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["template_installed_ok"] = "ÅÛÇø´ \"%s\"ÀÌ(°¡) ¹«»çÈ÷ ¼³Ä¡µÇ¾ú½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_adding_template_file"] = "ÅÛÇø´ ÆÄÀÏÀ» Ãß°¡ÇÏ´ø µµÁß¿¡·¯°¡ ¹ß»ýÇß½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_file_forbidden"] = "ÀÌ À¯ÇüÀÇ ÆÄÀÏÀº ±ÝÁöµÇ¾î ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_file_too_big"] = "ÆÄÀÏÀÌ ³Ê¹« Å®´Ï´Ù. ÆÄÀÏÀÇ ÃÖ´ë ¿ë·®Àº \"%s\" bytes ÀÔ´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["template_file_added_ok"] = "ÅÛÇø´ \"%s\"ÀÌ(°¡) ¹«»çÈ÷ ¼³Ä¡µÇ¾ú½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_plugin_cannot_be_configured"] = "Ç÷¯±×ÀÎ ¼³Á¤À» ÇÒ ¼ö ¾ø½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_username"] = "»ç¿ëÀÚ°¡ ºÎÁ¤È®ÇÕ´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_username_already_exists"] = "°°Àº À̸§À¸·Î µî·ÏÇÑ »ç¿ëÀÚ°¡ ÀÌ¹Ì ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_adding_user"] = "»õ »ç¿ëÀÚ¸¦ µî·ÏÇÏ´Â µ¿¾È ¿¡·¯°¡ ¹ß»ýÇß½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["user_added_ok"] = "»õ »ç¿ëÀÚ \"%s\"¸¦ ¹«»çÈ÷ Ãß°¡Çß½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_no_blogs_selected"] = "Áö¿ï ºí·Î±×¸¦ ¼±ÅÃÇØ¾ß ÇÕ´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_blog_is_default_blog"] = "\"%s\"´Â ±âº»ºí·Î±×·Î ¼³Á¤µÇ¾î À־, Áö¿ï ¼ö ¾ø½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["blog_deleted_ok"] = "ºí·Î±× \"%s\"¸¦ ¹«»çÈ÷ Áö¿ü½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_deleting_blog"] = "ºí·Î±× \"%s\"¸¦ Áö¿ì´Â µ¿¾È ¿¡·¯°¡ ¹ß»ýÇß½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_no_templates_selected"] = "Á¦°ÅÇÒ ÅÛÇø´À» ¼±ÅÃÇØ ÁֽʽÿÀ.";
-$messages["error_removing_template"] = "ÅÛÇø´ \"%s\"¸¦ Á¦°ÅÇÏ´Â µ¿¾È ¿¡·¯°¡ ¹ß»ýÇß½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["template_removed_ok"] = "ÅÛÇø´ \"%s\"¸¦ ¹«»çÈ÷ Á¦°ÅÇß½À´Ï´Ù..";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected_to_remove_from_blog"] = "ÀÌ ºí·Î±×¿¡¼­ Á¦°ÅÇÒ »ç¿ëÀÚ¸¦ ¼±ÅÃÇØ ÁֽʽÿÀ..";
-$messages["error_removing_user_from_blog"] = "ÀÌ ºí·Î±×¿¡¼­ »ç¿ëÀÚ \"%s\"¸¦ Á¦°ÅÇÏ´Â µ¿¾È ¿¡·¯°¡ ¹ß»ýÇß½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["user_removed_from_blog_ok"] = "ÀÌ ºí·Î±×¿¡¼­ »ç¿ëÀÚ \"%s\"¸¦ ¹«»çÈ÷ Á¦°ÅÇß½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_locale_code"] = "Á¦°øµÇ´Â ·ÎÄÉÀÏÀÌ ¹Ù¸£Áö ¾Ê½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_invalid_locale_file"] = "¿Ã¹Ù¸¥ ·ÎÄÉÀÏ ÆÄÀÏÀÌ ¾Æ´Õ´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_adding_locale_file"] = "»õ ·ÎÄÉÀÏ ÆÄÀÏÀ» Ãß°¡ÇÏ´Â µ¿¾È ¿¡·¯°¡ ¹ß»ýÇß½À´Ï´Ù. ·ÎÄÉÀÏ µð·ºÅ丮ÀÇ Æ۹̼ÇÀ» È®ÀÎÇØ ÁֽʽÿÀ.";
-$messages["locale_added_ok"] = "»õ ·ÎÄÉÀÏ \"%s\"¸¦ ¹«»çÈ÷ Ãß°¡Çß½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_saving_locale"] = "»õ ·ÎÄÉÀÏÀ» ÀúÀåÇÏ´Â µ¿¾È ¿¡·¯°¡ ¹ß»ýÇß½À´Ï´Ù. ·ÎÄÉÀÏÆú´õÀÇ Æ۹̼ÇÀ» È®ÀÎÇØ ÁֽʽÿÀ.";
-$messages["error_no_locales_selected"] = "Á¦°ÅÇÒ ·ÎÄÉÀÏÀ» ¼±ÅÃÇØ ÁֽʽÿÀ.";
-$messages["error_deleting_only_locale"] = "·ÎÄÉÀÏÀº ÃÖ¼Ò 1°³ ÀÌ»ó ÀÖ¾î¾ß ÇÕ´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["locale_deleted_ok"] = "·ÎÄÉÀÏ \"%s\"¸¦ ¹«»çÈ÷ Á¦°ÅÇß½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_deleting_locale"] = "·ÎÄÉÀÏ \"%s\"¸¦ Á¦°ÅÇÏ´Â µ¿¾È ¿¡·¯°¡ ¹ß»ýÇß½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_cant_delete_default_locale"] = "·ÎÄÉÀÏ \"%s\"´Â ±âº» ·ÎÄÉÀÏÀ̱⠶§¹®¿¡ Áö¿ï ¼ö ¾ø½À´Ï´Ù. »èÁ¦ÇÏ·Á¸é ±âº» ·ÎÄÉÀÏÀ» º¯°æÇϽʽÿÀ.";
-$messages["plugin_config"] = "Ç÷¯±×ÀÎ ¼³Á¤";
-$messages["use_read_more_feature"] = "¸ÞÀÎ ÆäÀÌÁö¿¡¼­ ±ÛÀÇ ³»¿ëÀ» ¸ðµÎ º¸¿©ÁֽðڽÀ´Ï±î?('¾Æ´Ï¿À'¸¦ °í¸£¸é '³»¿ë'ºÎºÐ¿¡ ÀÖ´Â ±Û¸¸ ¸ÞÀÎÆäÀÌÁö¿¡¼­ º¸ÀÔ´Ï´Ù).";
-$messages["extended_text"] = "¿©±â¿¡ ¾²´Â ±ÛÀº ±Û Àб⠿¡¼­¸¸ º¸ÀÔ´Ï´Ù. '¼³Á¤'¿¡¼­ º¯°æÇÒ ¼ö ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_must_give_post_intro"] = "±Û ³»¿ëÀ» ÀÔ·ÂÇØ ÁֽʽÿÀ.";
-$messages["error_no_albums_defined"] = "ÀÌ ºí·Î±×¿¡¼­ »ç¿ë °¡´ÉÇÑ ¾Ù¹üÀÌ ¾ø½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_fetching_album"] = "¾Ù¹üÀ» °¡Á®¿À´Â µ¿¾È ¿¡·¯°¡ ¹ß»ýÇß½À´Ï´Ù";
-$messages["comment_marked_as_spam_ok"] = "ÄÚ¸àÆ®¸¦ ½ºÆÔÀ¸·Î ¼³Á¤Çß½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["comment_marked_as_nonspam_ok"] = "ÄÚ¸àÆ®¸¦ ½ºÆÔ¿¡¼­ ÇØÁ¦Çß½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_marking_comment_as_nonspam"] = "ÄÚ¸àÆ®¸¦ ½ºÆÔ¿¡¼­ ÇØÁ¦ÇÏ´Â µµÁß ¿¡·¯°¡ ¹ß»ýÇß½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_marking_comment_as_spam"] = "ÄÚ¸àÆ®¸¦ ½ºÆÔÀ¸·Î ¼³Á¤ÇÏ´Â µµÁß ¿¡·¯°¡ ¹ß»ýÇß½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_comment_id"] = "ÄÚ¸àÆ® id°¡ ¿Ã¹Ù¸£Áö¾Ê½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_base_storage_folder_missing_or_unreadable"] = "pLog°¡ ÇÊ¿äÇÑ Æú´õ¸¦ ¸¸µé ¼ö ¾ø½À´Ï´Ù. PHP°¡ ¾ÈÀü¸ðµå(safe mode)·Î ÀÛµ¿ÇÏ°í Àְųª Æú´õ¿¡ ±ÇÇÑÀÌ ¾ø½À´Ï´Ù. Æú´õ¸¦ ¼öµ¿À¸·Î ¸¸µé¾î¼­ ÁøÇàÇÒ ¼öµµ ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù : <br/><br/>%s<br/><br/> ¸¸¾à ÀÌ Æú´õ°¡ ÀÌ¹Ì ÀÖ´Ù¸é Æú´õ¸¦ À¥¼­¹ö¿¡¼­ ÀÐ°í ¾µ¼ö ÀÖ°Ô ¸¸µé¾î ÁֽʽÿÀ.";
-///// new help messages ////
-// translators: this one has changed too since we now have two text boxes: one for the
-// text that we'd like to appear in the main page and another one for the text that
-// will only be shown in the 'post' page (that is, when the users clicks on the
-// permalink, for example)
-$messages["newPost"] = "<p>Use this page to add a new post to your journal. You should provide a topic or subject
-for your post as well as some text for your post. Once you have finished, press the <b>'Add'</b> button and the post
-will automatically be included in your page. Please note that you have to set the status of the post
-to <b>'Published'</b> if you want it to appear in front page. Use the <b>'Draft'</b> status when you can't finish posting
-now but you would like to save what you have typed so far for later revision.</p>
-<p>The text typed in the first text box will always appear in the main page. You can use
-the second text box if you want to have some text not to be included in the main page
-but that should be shown once the users clicks on the permalink or on the
-\"Read More...\" link. This link will be automatically added to the end of the text. This
-field is not mandatory and its behaviour can be controlled in the \"Settings\" tab,
-where you can force both text text boxes to be shown in the main page.</p>
-<p>You can also classify the post under any of the categories you have previously created. Simply set
-the <b>'Category'</b> field to the one you most like.</p>
-<p>If you would like to receive an email notifying about a new post, please check the corresponding
-<p>Check the box where it says </b>'Find links in the post...'</b> if after adding the post, you
-would like to send trackback pings to the hosts that support it. Your post will be scanned for
-links and you will have the possibility to choose which ones to send trackback pings to.</p>";
-$messages["updatePost"] = $messages["newPost"];
-$messages["newBlogUser"] = "This option allows you to easily give editing permissions to other
-users in this blog. To do so, you only have to know its username. If you already know it,
-simply type it in the text field below and press the \"Add User\" button. If you wish, you can
-also send an email to this user (as long as he or she used the right address when
-registering) notifying him or her that he has now been granted permissions to add, edit
-and delete posts in this blog.";
-$messages["showBlogUsers"] = "This is a list of the users that have been given editing permissions
-in this blog. You can see their profile if you wish or you can also revoke their permissions
-by selectin them and then clicking on the \"Revoke Permissions\" button. Once you do that,
-the selected users will no longer be able to publish anything in this blog.";
-// note to translators:
-// added some additional text here to inform about the new "configure" feature
-$messages["pluginCenter"] = "<p>From here you can see which plugins have been installed. For every
-plugin, you will see its identifier (the identifier you have to use when developing templates and
-want to make use of the plugin features), the author of the plugin, and some descriptive text with
-various information about the plugin, mainly how to use it.</p>
-<p>Some plugins offer also their own configuration page from wich you can modify some
-aspects of its behaviour. To access such page, please click on the \"configure\" link
-next to every plugin.</p>";
-$messages["configurePlugin"] = "This plugin provides some settings that can be configured
-by the user.";
-$messages["newBlogTemplate"] = "<p>It is possible to easily add new templates to the system. To do
-so, there are two possibilities: the template can either be uploaded as a compressed file
-(tar.gz, tar.bz2 and zip files are supported) to the server or it canbe manually
-uploaded using any available method.</p>
-<p>If the first method is chosen, the contents of the file must have all been packaged
-under a folder which will be the name given to the template.</p>
-<p>If the second method is chosen, simply upload the files to a folder under your blog-specific folder
-and type in the name of the folder in the text box below.</p>
-<p>Plugins added here will only be available to this specific below and will not be able to
-be accessed by other blogs.</p>";
-$messages["blogTemplates"] = "<p>This is a list with all the templates that have been added to
-this blog. If you wish to remove any of them, please select them and click on the
-\"Delete Selected\" button below the list. Once a template is deleted it cannot be
-recovered, since it is removed from the disk.</p>";
-$messages["adminSettings"] = "<p>These are some very basic statistics about the site.</p>";
-$messages["createUser"] = "<p>We can easily register new users in the system by using this form.
-We only need to provide with a valid username and a password, and optionally an email address.
-Users registered here will not be attached to any blog unless we explicitly do so in the
-\"User\" section or until we create a blog specially for this new user.</p>";
-$messages["editUserProfile"] = "<p>From here we can edit the profile of any user in this blog. We can
-also grant administrator privileges to the user (or revoke them). A list of the blogs to which
-the user belogs is also displayed.</p>";
-$messages["editSiteUsers"] = "<p>These are all the users that are registered in this site. You can see and edit
-their profile by clicking on the username or you can delete any of them by clicking on the
-checkbox of the user(s) and then click on the \"Delete Selected\" button. Once a user
-has been deleted, it can <b>not</b> be recovered, so please be careful.</p>";
-$messages["createBlog"] = "<p>Unlimited blogs can be added to a single installation of pLog. Users
-can use the registration script provided in the main package but administrator can also
-register new blogs by using this form. The only things needed to know are the name that will
- be given to the blog and the user who will be the owner, having the maximum privileges
- over that blog.</p>";
- $messages["editSiteBlogs"] = "<p>This is a list with all the blogs that have been registered
- so far in this site. Any blog can be deleted selecting it and clicking on the \"Delete
- Selected\" button. If we try to delete the blog that has been set as the default one
- (see the \"Global Settings\" tab in \"Site Admin\") we will get an error message.</p>
- <p>We can also edit the settings of any blog by clicking on it.</p>
- <p>Finally, we can edit the users that have permissions on a given blog by clicking
- on the \"Edit Users\" link</p>";
-$messages["editBlog"] = "<p>The settings of the blog can be edited from here in the same way
-a normal user can do. Everything is exactly the same except that administrator users can also
-change who is the owner of the blog, anytime.</p>";
-$messages["editBlogUsers"] = "<p>This feature allows to visually add and remove users from
-any blog. On the left side we will see a list containing all the users that have not
-been given editing privileges in this blog yet, while on the right side we will see a list of the
-users that have already been given privileges. To a user (or more than one if necessary)
-we only have to select them from the list of the left and click on the \"Add\" button. To do
-the opposite process, we will have to select the users from the list of the right and
-click on the \"Remove\" button.</p>
-<p>It is also possible to change the user who is the owner of the blog by selecting
-another from the drop-down list on top.</p>";
-$messages["newLocale"] = "<p>Now locales can be easily added to the site using this feature. If
-we have the possibility of uploading files, then we can use the first form, \"Upload Locale\"
-simply pointing the browser to the locale file we'd like to upload. pLog will take care
-of everything else, including copying the file to the folder with the other language files, but
-please bear in mind that the folder must be writable by the user who is running the web server in
-order for this feature to work properly. If the language file already exists, <b>it will
-be overwritten and replaced by the new one</b>.</p>
-<p>If files cannot be uploaded to the server, then the file will have to be
-manually uploaded and placed in the same folder with the other language files. Once the file
-has been placed there, we will have to type in the second form its code omitting the
-<p>Locale files must follow the naming convention of locale_ll_CC, where 'll' is the
-2-digit ISO code for the language, while CC is the 2-digit ISO code for the country. If the file
-does not conform to those rules, it will be rejected as a valid locale file.</p>";
-$messages["siteLocales"] = "<p>This is a list with all the language files that have been
-installed in this site. For each one of them, the encoding used by it and a brief
-description can be seen. Also, language files can be removed from the system by selecting
-them and clicking on the \"Delete Selected\" button.</p>";
-$messages["newTemplate"] = "<p>It is possible to easily add new templates to the system. To do
-so, there are two possibilities: the template can either be uploaded as a compressed file
-(tar.gz, tar.bz2 and zip files are supported) to the server or it can be manually
-uploaded using any available method.</p>
-<p>If the first method is chosen, the contents of the file must have all been packaged
-under a folder which will be the name given to the template.</p>
-<p>If the second method is chosen, simply upload the files to a folder under your blog-specific folder
-and type in the name of the folder in the text box below.</p>
-<p>Plugins added here will be available to <b>all</b> the blogs in this site.</p>";
-$messages["siteTemplates"] = "<p>This is a list with all the templates that are globally
-available to all blogs. If you wish to remove any of them, please select them and click on the
-\"Delete Selected\" button below the list. Once a template is deleted it cannot be
-recovered, since it is removed from the disk.</p>";
-$messages["editSiteSettings"] = "These are all the global settings that control many aspects of the
-behaviour of pLog.";
-$messages["newBlogTemplateFile"] = "Single files can be added to an already existing template
-set without having to upload the whole set again. Simply find the file you would like to
-upload in your disk and click on the \"Add File\" button.";
-// text is the same, so we can save a few bytes
-$messages["newTemplateFile"] = $messages["newBlogTemplateFile"];
-$messages["show_category_in_main_page"] = "ÀÌ Ä«Å×°í¸®¸¦ ¸ÞÀÎÈ­¸é¿¡¼­ Ç¥½Ã";
-$messages["welcome_resource_center"] = "¸®¼Ò½º ¼¾ÅÍÀÔ´Ï´Ù!";
-$messages["resource_center"] = "¸®¼Ò½º ¼¾ÅÍ";
-$messages["resource_albums"] = "¸®¼Ò½º ¾Ù¹ü";
-$messages["resources"] = "¸®¼Ò½º";
-$messages["add_resource"] = "¸®¼Ò½º Ãß°¡";
-$messages["add_album"] = "¾Ù¹üÃß°¡";
-$messages["album"] = "¾Ù¹ü";
-$messages["album_name"] = "¾Ù¹üÀ̸§";
-$messages["parent_album"] = "»óÀ§¾Ù¹ü";
-$messages["no_parent_album"] = "»óÀ§¾Ù¹ü¾øÀ½";
-$messages["resource_info"] = "¸®¼Ò½º Á¤º¸";
-$messages["size"] = "Å©±â";
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-$messages["global_block_host_intro"] = "»çÀÌÆ® Àüü¿¡¼­ Â÷´ÜÇÒ IP¸¦ ³Ö¾î ÁֽʽÿÀ. ¿©±â¿¡ °üÇØ Àß ¸ð¸£¸é <a href=\"javascript:help_window('admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost');\">µµ¿ò¸»</a>À» Âü°íÇϽʽÿÀ.";
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-ºñ¿ì±â¸¦ ½ÇÇàÇϸé '»èÁ¦µÊ'À¸·Î µÇ¾îÀÖ´Â ¸ðµç ±ÛÀÌ DB¿¡¼­ Áö¿öÁý´Ï´Ù. ºñ¿ì±â·Î Áö¿î ±ÛÀº º¹±¸µÇÁö ¾Ê½À´Ï´Ù. '»èÁ¦µÊ'À¸·Î µÇ¾î ÀÖ´Â ±ÛµéÀ» ¿µ±¸È÷ Áö¿ì·Á¸é ¾Æ·¡ÀÇ ¹öÆ°À» ´­·¯ÁֽʽÿÀ.";
-$messages["spam_info"] = "½ºÆÔÇÊÅÍÀÇ ÈÆ·ÃÀ» À§ÇØ ÄÚ¸àÆ®´Â Áö¿öÁöÁö ¾Ê½À´Ï´Ù. ÈÆ·ÃÈÄ¿¡´Â ¾µ¸ð°¡ ¾ø½À´Ï´Ù. ½ºÆÔÀ¸·Î Ç¥½ÃµÇ¾îÀÖ´Â ÄÚ¸àÆ®¸¦ DB¿¡¼­ Áö¿ì·Á¸é ¾Æ·¡ÀÇ ¹öÆ°À» ´­·¯ÁֽʽÿÀ. ";
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-$messages["add_resource"] = "¸®¼Ò½ºÃß°¡";
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-$messages["purge_spam_comments"] = "½ºÆÔ ÄÚ¸àÆ® »èÁ¦";
-$messages["purge_posts"] = "ºñ¿ì±â";
-$messages["keep_spam_comments"] = "½ºÆÔ ÄÚ¸àÆ® À¯Áö";
-$messages["throw_away_spam_comments"] = "½ºÆÔ ÄÚ¸àÆ® »èÁ¦";
-$messages["error_adding_blocked_host"] = "IP Â÷´Ü ÀÛ¾÷À» ÇÏ´øÁß ¿¡·¯°¡ ¹ß»ýÇß½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["blocked_host_added_ok"] = "\"%s\"¸¦ Â÷´ÜÇÕ´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_no_blocked_hosts_selected"] = "»èÁ¦ÇÒ Â÷´Ü IP¸¦ ¼±ÅÃÇØ ÁֽʽÿÀ.";
-$messages["blocked_host_deleted_ok"] = "\"%s\"°¡ »èÁ¦µÇ¾ú½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_deleting_blocked_host"] = "Â÷´Ü IP \"%s\"¸¦ »èÁ¦ÇÏ´ø µµÁß ¿¡·¯°¡ ¹ß»ýÇß½À´Ï´Ù";
-$messages["edit_blocked_host"] = "Â÷´ÜIP¼öÁ¤";
-$messages["error_fetching_blocked_host"] = "Â÷´ÜIPÁ¤º¸¸¦ °¡Á®¿À´Â µµÁß ¿¡·¯°¡ ¹ß»ýÇß½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["error_updating_blocked_host"] = "Â÷´ÜIPÁ¤º¸¸¦ ¼öÁ¤ÇÏ´Â µµÁß ¿¡·¯°¡ ¹ß»ýÇß½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["thumbnail_format"] = "½æ³×ÀÏ Æ÷¸Ë";
-$messages["same_as_image"] = "¿øº»À̹ÌÁö¿Í °°°Ô";
-$messages["same"] = $messages["same_as_image"];
-$messages["help_locale_folder"] = "·ÎÄÉÀÏ ÆÄÀÏÀÌ ÀÖ´Â Æú´õ.";
-$messages["help_default_locale"] = "»õ ºí·Î±×¸¦ ¸¸µé¾î¶§ ¼±ÅõǴ ±âº»·ÎÄÉÀÏ.";
-$messages["help_xmlrpc_api_enabled"] = "Enables or disables the XMLRPC interface, for posting from your desktop.";
-$messages["default_rss_profile"] = "RSS/RDF profile that will be used by default to generate feeds, if no special profile is specified";
-$messages["help_security_pipeline_enabled"] = "Enables the security features. Disabling this will disable all the security features so it is recommended to enable it and disable those features that we do not need.";
-$messages["help_ip_address_filter_enabled"] = "Enables the IP address filter, for blocking certain hosts of accessing our site.";
-$messages["help_content_filter_enabled"] = "Enables a very simple regular expression-based content filter for blocking comments that contain certain words or expressions. The Bayesian filter might be a better solution.";
-$messages["help_maximum_comment_size"] = "Maximum allowed length in bytes for comments.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_enabled"] = "Enables or disables the bayesian filter.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_spam_probability_treshold"] = "Minimum value at which a comment is considered spam. Should be between 0.01 and 0.99";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_nonspam_probability_treshold"] = "Maximum value at which a comment is safely considered as non spam. Anything between these two tresholds will still be considered non spam but it will perhaps require some additional training";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_min_length_token"] = "Minimum length that a token can have to be handled by the parser as a valid token.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_max_length_token"] = "Maximum length that a token can have.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_number_significant_tokens"] = "How many significant tokens a message must have";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_spam_comments_action"] = "What to with comments marked as spam. They can either be rejected and thrown away (won't even be stored in the database) or kept but marked as spam. The second option is recommended when our filter hasn't been trained much and still makes mistakes from time to time.";
-$messages["help_path_to_convert"] = "The 'convert' tool from the ImageMagick package is needed if using ImageMagick as the backend to generate thumbnails.";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_height"] = "½æ³×ÀÏÀÇ ÃÖ´ë ¼¼·Î±æÀÌ..";
-$messages["help_resources_folder"] = "¸®¼Ò½º°¡ ÀúÀåµÇ´Â Æú´õ.
-Folder where the resources will be stored. Does not have to be in the web server tree, if you don't feel like letting people browse your resources folder. The resource server will take care of serving
-the files wherever they are.";
-$messages["help_thumbnails_keep_aspect_ratio"] = "Whether to keep the aspect ratio of thumbnails or not.";
-$messages["help_resources_enabled"] = "'¸®¼Ò½º ¼¾ÅÍ'ÀÇ »ç¿ë °¡´É/ºÒ°¡´É ¼³Á¤ÇÕ´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_method"] = "½æ³×ÀÏÀ» ¸¸µé±â À§ÇÑ ¹é¿£µå ½Ã½ºÅÛÀ» ¼±ÅÃÇÕ´Ï´Ù. ImageMagickÀ» ¼±ÅÃÇÒ °æ¿ì ¸î°¡Áö Ãß°¡ÀûÀÎ ÅøÀÌ ÇÊ¿äÇÕ´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_width"] = "½æ³×ÀÏÀÇ ÃÖ´ë °¡·Î±æÀÌ.";
-$messages["external_interfaces"] = "External Interfaces";
-$messages["security_settings"] = "º¸¾È¼³Á¤";
-$messages["bayesian_filter_settings"] = "Bayesian ÇÊÅͼ³Á¤";
-$messages["resources_settings"] = "¸®¼Ò½º ¼³Á¤";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_format"] = "¹Ì¸®º¸±â À̹ÌÁö¸¦ ¸¸µé¶§ »ç¿ëÇÒ ±âº»Æ÷¸ËÀ» ¼³Á¤ ÇÕ´Ï´Ù. '¿ø·¡À̹ÌÁö¿Í °°°Ô'¸¦ ¼±ÅÃÇÏ¸é ½æ³×ÀÏÀº ¿ø·¡ÀÇ À̹ÌÁö¿Í °°Àº Æ÷¸ËÀ¸·Î ÀúÀåµË´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["edit"] = "¼öÁ¤";
-$messages["blocked_content_added_ok"] = "ÇÊÅ͸µÇÒ ³»¿ëÀÌ Ãß°¡µÇ¾ú½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["blocked_content_updated_ok"] = "ÇÊÅ͸µÇÒ ³»¿ëÀÌ ¼öÁ¤µÇ¾ú½À´Ï´Ù";
-$messages["help_disable_javascript_calendar"] ="»ç¿ëÀÚ ºê¶ó¿ìÀú°¡ ÀÚ¹Ù½ºÅ©¸³Æ®¿Í ±ÛÀ» ¿Ã¸±¶§ »ç¿ëÇÏ´Â ´Þ·ÂÀ» »ç¿ëÇÒ ¼ö ¾ø°Ô µÇ¾îÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["edit_filtered_content"] = "ÇÊÅͼöÁ¤";
-$messages["error_updating_blocked_content"] = "ÇÊÅ͸µÇÒ ³»¿ëÀ» ¼öÁ¤ÇÏ´øÁß ¿¡·¯°¡ ¹ß»ýÇß½À´Ï´Ù.";
-$messages["audio_codec"] = "¿Àµð¿À ÄÚµ¦";
-$messages["video_codec"] = "ºñµð¿À ÄÚµ¦";
-$messages["sample_rate"] = "Sample rate";
-$messages["files"] = "Files";
-$messages["created"] = "Created";
-$messages["generated"] = "Generated";
-$messages["about"] = "About";
-$messages["menu"] = "¸Þ´º";
-$messages["albums"] = "¾Ù¹ü";
-$messages["template_file"] = "ÀÓ½ÃÆÄÀÏ";
-$messages["download"] = "´Ù¿î·Îµå";
-$messages["error_you_have_been_blocked"] = "ÀÌ ¿äûÀ» ¼öÇàÇÒ ±ÇÇÑÀÌ ¾ø½À´Ï´Ù.";
-// help messages //
-// translators: the following help messages have changed a little since last version, due to a few
-// new features built on top of previous features
-$messages["editArticleCategories"] = "<p>This is a listing with all the post categories that
-have been created so far. There must be at least one category before you can add an article, since
-every article has to be categorized under a category. The <b>'Articles'</b> column shows how many
-articles have been categorized under the given category. In the same way, a category can't be deleted
-if it has an article assigned it; you must first remove all the articles and then you will be allowed
-to remove the category.</p>
-<p>You can delete more than one category at the same time by cheching their <b>'Delete'</b> column
-and then clickin on the <b>'Delete Selected'</b> button.</p>
-<p>The <b>'Show In Main Page'</b> column shows whether this category is included in the main page or if alternatively,
-it can also be seen when clicking its link. Edit the category itself to enable/disable this feature.</p>";
-$messages["newArticleCategory"] = "<p>From here you can add a new post category to the blog. All
-what you need to provide is a name for the new category. Once it has been created, it will be available
-for posts to be categorized under.</p>
-<p>You can disable the 'Show cateory in main page' checkbox if you don't want this category to be shown in the
-main page of the site. If disabled, posts included in this category will only be shown when browsing this
-specific category, by clicking its link.</p>";
-$messages["editArticleCategory"] = "<p>Please provide a new name for the category you are updating. Also, 
-define whether you would like to show posts belonging to this cateogry in the main page or not.</p>";
-$messages["editPost"] = "<p>Use this page to edit a post from your journal. The information from the
-post has already been provided and now you can make your changes. Once you have finished, press the <b>'Update'</b> button and the post
-will updated. Please note that you have to set the status of the post
-to <b>'Published'</b> if you want it to appear in front page. Use the <b>'Draft'</b> status when you can't finish posting
-now but you would like to save what you have typed so far for later revision.</p>
-<p>If you would like to receive an email notifying about a new post, please check the corresponding
-<p>More information about the different options <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newPost\">here</a>.</p>";
-$messages["blogSettings"] = "<p>From this page you can change some of the settings that control the
-behaviour or appearance of this journal. These are the settings: <ul>
-<li><b>Permanent URL</b>: This is the URL where this blog is running and that can be used to
-link to it. It can't be changed.</li>
-<li><b>Name of the blog</b>: This is a text string with a descriptive name of the blog. If using the
-default templates, it is the text displayed on top of every page.</li>
-<li><b>Long descriptive text about this blog</b>: This is a longer text that can optionally be
-displayed in some kind of page giving more detailed information about the page. It can be left
-blank if not needed.</li>
-<li><b>Language used to display the texts</b>: You can select one of the available languages. This
-language will be used to display the texts (not your own articles!) and format things like dates
-and numbers using the correct settings. More languages can be installed at any time.</li>
-<li><b>Items in the main page</b>: Set this to the number of posts you would like to have
-in the main page. The more posts, the longer it will take for users to download your page. Minimum
-number of posts it one.</li>
-<li><b>Items shown as recent</b>: Set this to the number of posts you would like to be shown as
-<b>'Recent'</b>, that is, the posts that have been posted earlier. Minimun amount is one.</li>
-<li><b>Template used to render the contents</b>: pLog allows to have more than one template
-to show the same content. You can choose here the most appropiate one for you journal, from the ones
-that have been installed by the administrator.</li>
-<li><b>Show the whole post int he main or only the part that was typed in the 'Text' box?</b>: Set this to <b>'Yes'</b> if you would like pLog
-to automatically add a 'More...' link to your posts on the main page just after the text you typed
-in the text box labeled 'Text'. The text typed in the second text box will only be shown to the user
-when clicking on the
-setting below) This feature is useful since it makes your frontpage less cluttered and also
-smaller. However, it has some problems if there is a lot of HTML code in the page.</li>
-<li><b>Enable WYSIWYG edition of texts</b>: Set this to yes if you would like to have the possibility
-to see how your posts look in real time. This feature is only available for users using either
-Internet Explorer 5.5 or higer and Mozilla 1.3b or higher.</li>
-<li><b>Enable comments</b>: Set this to yes if you would like to allow your users to make comments to your
-posts. This will globally affect all your posts and all your users.</li>
-<li><b>Order in which comments appear</b>: Set it to \"Oldest first\" if you would like to see
-the older comments first in the list, or set it to \"Newest first\" to see them in
-reverse chronological order.</li>
-<li><b>Time difference in hours between the server and you</b>: You can use this setting to make pLog automatically
-add or substract an amount of hours to each date in the blog. It is useful for example when the server where the blog
-is hosted and the person who is using it are in different time zones. Telling pLog that there is a difference of
-+3 hours, will make that all dates appear with such time difference applied.</li>
-// translators: the ones below are already new
-$messages["resourceCenter"] = "From the resource center, you will be able to manage your files, group them in albums,
-manage those albums and edit any of them.";
-$messages["newResourceAlbum"] = "<p>You need at least one album to group your resources. From here you will be allowed
-to add a new album, simply providing a name and a description for it. Only the name field is mandatory, being
-the description field optional.</p>
-<p>Use the <b>'Parent album'</b> field to set whether this is a top-level album or if it is a sub-album and has
-another album as a parent.</p>";
-$messages["resourceAlbums"] = "<p>This is a list including all the resource albums that have been created so far
-in this site. For each album, several of its properties can be seen at a glance: its name, a link to its child 
-albums (if any) and its amount, a link to its resources and its amount, whether the album is public or
-private and a checkbox to delete as many of them as needed.</p>
-<p>You can read more on the <b>'Show Album'</b> feature here <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=editResourceAlbum\">here</a></p>";
-$messages["editResourceAlbum"] = "<p>From here you can edit the properties of a resource album. Almost all the fields
-are the same as <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newResourceAlbum\">here</a> except the 
-<b>'Show album to users'</b> checkbox. If enabled, this album will be visible to users who browse our 
-collection of albums and resources. If not, it will not be shown in the public side. This is useful in cases when
-we want to keep some of the albums secret and don't want users peeking at them.</p>";
-$messages["newResource"] = "<p>You will be able to upload new resources to your blog from this section. Any kind of file
-can be uploaded to the site but pLog is capable of handling and extracting some useful information from some
-of them, such as images, videos, zip files and music files.</p>
-<p>First of all, find the file you would like to upload. Then, provide a description for it (mandatory field)
-and finally select to which album would you like this resource to belong to. It is not possible to have a resource
-file that does not belong to any album. Once you are ready, click the <b>'Add Resource'</b> button and the file
-will be added to the blog.</p>
-<p>Please keep in mind that uploads need to be enabled for this to work, and if the blog administrator has
-set a list of forbidden file types that cannot be uploaded, the file will not be allowed in the site. The resource
-framework also needs to be enabled. All these settings can be modified by a user with administrator privileges
-from the <b>'Global Settings'</b> section.</p>
-<p>This feature requires a folder with write permission in the web server.</p>";
-$messages["Resources"] = "<p>From here you will have access to all the resource files that have been uplaoded
-in the blog. Files will be shown under the album to which they belong. For every resource file, it will be
-possible to edit its properties, view it as any normal user will see it and mark it for deletion. Pressing the 
-<b>'Delete Selected'</b> button from the bottom of the screen will delete those resources that have been
-<p>Click the folder icon to navigate to the contents of an albu, or the <b>'Edit'</b> to go to the album
-properties page. Use the <b>'..'</b> link to go up one level. Clicking a resource name or preview (if available)
-will take you to the resource properties page where you will be able to change some of the settings of the 
-selected resource.";
-$messages["blogSecurity"] = "From this section you will be able to edit set up some basic security mechanisms that
-are provided by pLog. The changes you make here will only affect your blog and not everybody else's.";
-$messages["blogFilteredContent"] = "<p>This is a list of all the rules for content filtering that have been added 
-to this particular blog. Clicking any of them will take you to a page where you will be able to edit any of them.
-Use the <b>'Delete'</b> checkbox to mark any of them for deletion, and press the <b>'Delete Selected'</b> button
-once you are sure you want to delete those.</p>";
-$messages["newBlogFilteredContent"] = "<p>You can add here a new rule for blocking undesired content from being
-included in comments. You can use here single words or sentence or if you wish, you can use the power
-of regular expressions if you know how to use them. You can also add a description to the rule so that you remember
-in the future what it is about, but it is not a mandatory field.</p>";
-$messages["blogBlockedHosts"] = "This is a list with all the hosts that have been blocked so far in this blog. At
-a glance, it is possible to see for each host the reason why it was blocked, the date when it was blocked and
-the type of the block applied. Lastly, you can also select any of the host blocking rules and press the
-<b>'Delete Selected'</b> button when you are sure that you want to remove those rules.";
-$messages["newBlogBlockedHost"] = "<p>This section will allow you to block a specific address or entire subnet from your Blog. You can select if you want them to be able to see it, but unable to post or simply unable to access it at all. Copy the offending address into the spaces provided and choose the proper subnet address space if necessary. Example: To block just the address of you would choose the '32 bits' option to match the entire address. This blocks just this one address and works well for banning someone with a Static IP address. If you're seeing multiple IP Addresses for a particular individual (say,, and then you will want to ban a particular subnet range. Enter one of the IP Addresses that you see and choose '24 bits', '16 bits' or '8 bits'  to match the first 3 sections, first 2 sections or the first section respectively.<br/>
- - 32 bits: Matches only the address<br/>
- - 24 bits: Matches any address that starts with 192.168.1<br/>
- - 16 bits: Matches any address that starts with 192.168<br/>
- - 8 bits: Matches any address that starts with 192<br/>
-<p>The <b>'Block type'</b> drop-down list will allow you to choose whether to block this host from 
-completely accessign the site (an error page will be sent to the client's browser whenever trying to access) or
-simply block it from posting new comments. If the latter is chosen, the host will still be allowed to read
-articles and other people's comments.</p>
-<p>You can also attach a reason/description to this host blocking rule, so that you can remember in the future why
-it was set up.</p>";
-$messages["editBlogBlockedHost"] = "You will be able to edit a host blocking rule from this section. The options
-available are exactly the same as in <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost\">here</a>.";
-$messages["editBlogFilteredContent"] = "This page will allow you to edit a content filtering rule. The options
-are exactly the same as in <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogFilteredContent\">here</a>.";
-$messages["filteredContent"] = "<p>This is a list of all the rules for content filtering that have been added 
-to this site. These rules are site-wide and take precedence before any blog-specific rule that may have been
-set by blog owners. The options and its meaning is the same as 
-<a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=blogFilteredContent\">here</a>.";
-$messages["newFilteredContent"] = "<p>You can add here a new rule for blocking undesired content from being
-included in comments. This rule will be used system-wide and will take preference before blog-specific
-rules. See <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogFilteredContent\">this</a> for more information
-on the options.";
-$messages["blockedHosts"] = "This is a list with all the hosts that have been blocked so far system-wide. 
-Clicking a rule IP address will allow us to edit the settings of that rule. These rules always take
-precedence over blog-speficic rules, so that if one these global rules matches a host, all the other after
-it will be ignored.";
-$messages["newBlockedHost"] = "From here it is possible to add a new <b>global</b> host-blocking rule. See
-<a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost\">here</a> for more information about the options
-$messages["editBlockedHost"] = "You will be able to edit a host blocking rule from this section. The options
-available are exactly the same as in <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost\">here</a>.";
-$messages["editFilteredContent"] = "This page will allow you to edit a content filtering rule. The options
-are exactly the same as in <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogFilteredContent\">here</a>.";
-// text of the post that will be added to each blog when they sign-up via the register.php script
-$messages["register_default_category"] = "General";
-$messages["register_default_article_text"] = "If you can read this, it means that your signup and registration was successful and that you can start blogging.";
-$messages["register_default_article_topic"] = "Congratulations, it worked!";
-// summary templates text
-$messages["summary_title"] = "Blogs Summary";
-$messages["summary_section_main"] = "Summary";
-$messages["summary_section_main_link_title"] = "Main Page";
-$messages["summary_section_register"] = "Register!";
-$messages["summary_section_register_link_title"] = "Register a new blog";
-$messages["summary_section_blog_list"] = "Blog list";
-$messages["summary_section_blog_list_link_title"] = "Blogs hosted in this site";
-$messages["summary_section_faq"] = "F.A.Q.";
-$messages["summary_section_faq_link_title"] = "Frequently Asked Questions";
-$messages["summary_welcome_title"] = "Welcome to pLog!";
-$messages["summary_most_active_blogs"] = "Most active blogs";
-$messages["summary_newest_blogs"] = "Newest blogs";
-$messages["summary_most_commented_articles"] = "Most commented articles";
-$messages["summary_most_read_articles"] = "Most read articles";
-$messages["summary_faq"] = "Frequently Asked Questions";
-$messages["summary_faq_question"] = "What is this?";
-$messages["summary_faq_description"] = "You could use this section to add some frequently asked questions about your service. It is all up to you and this is only a suggestion so feel free to make changes :) Edit the file templates/summary/faq.template to change the contents of this page.";
-$messages["summary_login"] = "Log-in";
-$messages["summary_other_stuff"] = "Other Stuff";
-$messages["summary_plog_logo"] = "How about a logo here?";
-$messages["summary_blog_list"] = "Blog List";
-$messages["summary_last_updated"] = "Last Updated";
-$messages["summary_author"] = "Author";
-$messages["summary_articles"] = "articles";
-$messages["summary_reads"] = "reads";
-$messages["summary_welcome_message"] = "<h4 class=\"question\">What is this site?</h4>
-                            <p>You could use this area to give some information about this site.</p>
-                            <ul>
-                                <li>See the following links for more information: <br />
-                                    <a href=\"summary.php?op=Faq\">FAQ</a></li>
-                                <li><a href=\"register.php\">Register a new blog here</a></li>
-                            </ul>";
-$messages["summary_latest_posts"] = "Latest Posts";
-$messages["summary_in"] = "in";
-$messages["summary_posted_by"] = "Posted by";
-// register templates text
-$messages["register_error"] = "Error";
-$messages["register_error_message"] = "There has been an error:";
-$messages["register_errors"] = "There were some errors during the process, please have a look:";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step1_title"] = "Register a new blog (1/3)";
-$messages["register_step1_fill_in_title"] = "Please fill in this form to create a new blog in this site.";
-$messages["register_step1_description"] = "<p>
-First of all, we need to create a user for you. Please choose a username (which should not exist in the system but if it does, we will let you know) This user will be considered as the owner of the blog and will have full powers over it.
-And please do not forget your password! There is no way it can be recovered once you have signed up.
-$messages["register_step1_legend"] = "Please fill in the following fields";
-$messages["register_username"] = "Username:";
-$messages["register_password"] = "Password:";
-$messages["register_password_confirmation"] = "Confirm password:";
-$messages["register_email"] = "Email address:";
-$messages["register_email_comment"] = "(user for notifications of new comments)";
-$messages["register_next"] = "Next &raquo;";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step2_title"] = "Register a new blog (2/3)";
-$messages["register_user_created"] = "Your new user has been successfully created! Now we can proceed and create your new personal blog.";
-$messages["register_step2_description"] = " <p>
-  The only thing we need to know is the name you would like to give to your diary. Later on once this
-  process is complete, you will be able to change things like its description, but now that is not needed.
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step2_blog_name"] = "Name of your new blog:";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step4_title"] = "Thank you! (3/3)";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step3_description"] = "
- <p>
-    Registration is complete. Your new user and diary have been registered successfully in this site,
-    and you can log in now into your blog and start blogging!
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step4_admin_link"] = "
-  <p>
-    Click here <a href=\"admin.php\">to go the admin interface</a>, if you want to start blogging.
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step4_blog_link1"] = "
- <p>
-    Or click <a href=\"";
-$messages["register_step4_blog_link2"] = "
-\">here to go and see your new blog</a>.
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step4_final_message"] = "
- <p>
-  Happy blogging!
- </p>";
-$messages["register_error_incorrect_username"] = "Incorrect user name, please try again.<br/>";
-$messages["register_error_incorrect_email"] = "Email address is invalid, please try again. <br/>";
-$messages["register_error_user_already_exist"] = "There is already a user with that name, please try again.<br/>";
-$messages["register_error_incorrect_password"] = "Password is invalid, please try again. <br/>";
-$messages["register_error_passwords_dont_match"] = "Passwords do not match, please try again. <br/>";
-$messages["register_error_adding_user"] = "Error adding the user: ";
-$messages["register_error_creating_blog"] = "There was an error creating the new blog";
-$messages["register_error_blog_name"] = "You should choose a better name for the blog.<br/>" ;

Deleted: plog/trunk/locale/locale_nl_BE.php
--- plog/trunk/locale/locale_nl_BE.php	2005-01-29 15:29:38 UTC (rev 872)
+++ plog/trunk/locale/locale_nl_BE.php	2005-01-29 15:52:14 UTC (rev 873)
@@ -1,1423 +0,0 @@
- * This translation was made by Koen Calliauw (info at versys.be)
- *
- */
-// set this to the encoding that should be used to display the pages correctly
-$messages["encoding"] = "iso-8859-15";
-$messages["locale_description"] = "Nederlands taalbestand voor pLog";
-// days of the week
-$messages["days"] = Array( "Zondag", "Maandag", "Dinsdag", "Woensdag", "Donderdag", "Vrijdag", "Zaterdag" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["Monday"] = $messages["days"][1];
-$messages["Tuesday"] = $messages["days"][2];
-$messages["Wednesday"] = $messages["days"][3];
-$messages["Thursday"] = $messages["days"][4];
-$messages["Friday"] = $messages["days"][5];
-$messages["Saturday"] = $messages["days"][6];
-$messages["Sunday"] = $messages["days"][0];
-// abbreviations
-$messages["daysshort"] = Array( "Zo", "Ma", "Di", "Wo", "Do", "Vr", "Za" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["Mo"] = $messages["daysshort"][1];
-$messages["Tu"] = $messages["daysshort"][2];
-$messages["We"] = $messages["daysshort"][3];
-$messages["Th"] = $messages["daysshort"][4];
-$messages["Fr"] = $messages["daysshort"][5];
-$messages["Sa"] = $messages["daysshort"][6];
-$messages["Su"] = $messages["daysshort"][0];
-// months of the year
-$messages["months"] = Array( "Januari", "Februari", "Maart", "April", "Mei", "Juni", "Juli", "Augustus", "September", "Oktober", "November", "December" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["January"] = $messages["months"][0];
-$messages["February"] = $messages["months"][1];
-$messages["March"] = $messages["months"][2];
-$messages["April"] = $messages["months"][3];
-$messages["May"] = $messages["months"][4];
-$messages["June"] = $messages["months"][5];
-$messages["July"] = $messages["months"][6];
-$messages["August"] = $messages["months"][7];
-$messages["September"] = $messages["months"][8];
-$messages["October"] = $messages["months"][9];
-$messages["November"] = $messages["months"][10];
-$messages["December"] = $messages["months"][11];
-$messages["message"] = "Bericht";
-$messages["error"] = "Fout";
-$messages["date"] = "Datum";
-// miscellaneous texts
-$messages["of"] = "van";
-$messages["recently"] = "recent...";
-$messages["comments"] = "commentaar";
-$messages["comment on this"] = "Commentaar";
-$messages["my_links"] = "mijn Links";
-$messages["archives"] = "archieven";
-$messages["search"] = "zoeken";
-$messages["calendar"] = "kalendar";
-$messages["editLinkCategories"] = "categorieën";
-$messages["search_s"] = "Zoeken";
-$messages["link_tracker"] = "Link Tracker";
-$messages["search_this_blog"] = "Doorzoek deze blog:";
-$messages["about_myself"] = "Wie ben ik?";
-$messages["permalink_title"] = "Permanent linken aan de archieven";
-$messages["permalink"] = "Permalink";
-$messages["posted_by"] = "Geplaatst door";
-$messages["on_the"] = "op de";
-$messages["page"] = "pagina";
-$messages["posted"] = "geplaatst";
-$messages["reply"] = "Beantwoorden";
-// add comment form
-$messages["add_comment"] = "Commentaar toevoegen";
-$messages["comment_topic"] = "Onderwerp";
-$messages["comment_text"] = "Tekst";
-$messages["comment_username"] = "Uw naam";
-$messages["comment_email"] = "Uw emailadres (indien van toepassing)";
-$messages["comment_url"] = "Uw persoonlijke pagina (Indien van toepassing)";
-$messages["comment_send"] = "Verstuur";
-$messages["comment_added"] = "Commentaar toegevoegd!";
-$messages["comment_add_error"] = "Fout bij het plaatsen van uw bericht";
-$messages["article_does_not_exist"] = "Dit artikel bestaat niet";
-$messages["no_posts_found"] = "Er werden geen berichten gevonden";
-$messages["user_has_no_posts_yet"] = "De gebruiker heeft nog geen berichten";
-$messages["info_about_myself"] = "Wat informatie over mezelf...";
-$messages["back"] = "Terug";
-$messages["back_top"] = "Naar Boven";
-$messages["post"] = "bericht";
-$messages["trackbacks_for_article"] = "Trackbacks voor het artikel getiteld";
-$messages["trackback_excerpt"] = "Uittreksel";
-$messages["trackback_weblog"] = "Weblog";
-$messages["search_results"] = "Zoekresultaten";
-$messages["search_matching_results"] = "De volgende berichten komen overeen met uw zoekcriteria: ";
-$messages["search_no_matching_posts"] = "Geen overeenkomende berichten gevonden";
-$messages["see_all_link"] = "Klik hier om alle berichten ooit geplaatst te zien";
-$messages["read_more"] = "(Meer)";
-$messages["anonymous_poster"] = "Anonieme Plaatser";
-$messages["syndicate"] = "SYNDICAAT";
-$messages["main"] = "Hoofd";
-////// error messages /////
-$messages["error_fetching_article"] = "Het gespecifieerde bericht kon niet worden gevonden.";
-$messages["error_fetching_articles"] = "De artikelen konden niet worden opgehaald.";
-$messages["error_trackback_no_trackback"] = "Er werden geen Trackbacks gevonden voor het artikel";
-$messages["error_incorrect_article_id"] = "Het artikelid is niet juist.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_blog_id"] = "Het journaalid is niet juist.";
-$messages["error_comment_without_text"] = "U dient minstens wat tekst op te geven.";
-$messages["error_comment_without_name"] = "U dient minstens uw naam of bijnaam op te geven.";
-$messages["error_adding_comment"] = "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het toevoegen van uw commentaar aan de databank.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_parameter"] = "Incorrecte parameter.";
-$messages["error_parameter_missing"] = "Er is een ontbrekende parameter in de aanvraag.";
-$messages["error_blog_has_no_links"] = "Deze blog heeft nog geen links.";
-$messages["error_comments_not_enabled"] = "De optie om commentaar te geven werd uitgeschakeld voor deze site.";
-/////////////////                                          //////////////////
-///////////////// STRINGS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION INTERFACE //////////////////
-/////////////////                                          //////////////////
-////// help messages for the administration interface /////
-$messages["help_newPost"] = "<p>Gebruik deze pagina om een nieuw bericht toe te voegen aan het journaal.
-U dient een onderwerp op te geven voor uw bericht alsook wat tekst ervoor.
-Eenaam afgewerkt, klik op de <b>'Toevoegen'</b> knop en het bericht zal automatisch worden opengenomen
-op de pagina. Gelieve er notie van te nemen dat u de status van het bericht op <b>'Gepubliceerd'</b>
-zet indien u wil dat het bericht verschijnt op de hoofdpagina. Gebruik de <b>'Klad'</b> status als u
-het typen van het bericht niet kunt afwerken. Hiermee kunt u later het bericht herzien of afwerken.</p>
-<p>U kan het bericht ook classificeren onder de categorieën die u voordien hebt aangemaakt. Hiervoor
-dient u gewoon het <b>'Categorie'</b> veld zetten op de categorie u het meest gepast lijkt.</p>
-<p>Indien u een emailbericht wilt ontvangen over nieuwe commentaren, gelieve dan het corresponderende
-vinkje aan te zetten.</p>
-<p>Zet het vinkje aan dat zegt <b>'Vind links in het bericht...'</b> als u na het toevoegen
-van het bericht, trackback pings wilt versturen naar de machines die dit ondersteunen. Uw bericht
-zal worden gescand voor links en u zal de mogelijkheid hebben om te kiezen naar welke machines u
-trackback pings wil sturen.</p>";
-$messages["addPost"] = "<p>Uw bericht wed toegevoegd aan de databank. Nu kunt u selecteren naar
-welke machines u een trackback ping wilt sturen, zodat ze weten dat u over hen hebt geschreven en
-zodat ze u kunnen <i>terugvinden</i>.</p>";
-$messages["editComments"] = "Dit zijn alle commentaren die werden geplaatst voor een
-gegeven bericht. Commentaren kunnen niet worden aangepast maar ze kunnen wel worden verwijderd.
-Het enige verplicte veld bij het versturen van het commentaar is het \"Naam\" veld, dus Email
-en URL kunnen leeg zijn. Het IP-Adres veld is het originele IP-adres waar dit commentaar van
-geplaatst werd. U kunt zoveel verwijderen als u wil door het corresponderende <b>'Verwijder'</b>
-vankje aan te zetten en de <b>'Verwijder geselecteerde'</b> aan te klikken.";
-$messages["postStats"] = "<p>Dit zijn de statistieken van het geselecteerde bericht. De eerste
-is hoeveel keer dit artikel reeds werd gelezen, maar houd er rekening mee dat deze statistiek
-betekenisloos kan zijn als als u de 'Lees meer...' optie in 'Blog Instellingen' hebt uitgeschakeld.</p>
-<p>De refereerders zijn de urls van alle machines die dit bericht hebben bezocht, en de trackbacks-tabel
-representeert het aantal trackback-pings die werden ontvangen voor dit bericht. Deze kunnen niet worden
-verwijderd of aangepast.</p>";
-$messages["help_editLinks"] = "<p>Dit is een lijst met de links die werden toegevoegd. Zoals berichten, kan
-iedere link worden onderverdeeld in categoriën en dan worden uitgestald op de hoofdpagina zodat bezoekers
-deze kunnen zien.</p>
-<p>U zal zien dat voor iedere link, u een naam zal zien, de url waarnaar ze verwijst en onder welke
-categorie ze werd onderverdeeld. Tot slot kunt u ook de geselecteerde links verwijderen.</p>";
-$messages["help_newLink"] = "<p>Van hier kunt u een nieuwe link toevoegen. U moet minimum een geldige
-link opgeven en een naam voor de link. Het beschrijvingsveld is optioneel maar kan zeer nuttige
-informatie over de link bevatten. U hebt minimum één link-categorie nodig voordat u links kunt
-$messages["help_editLinkCategories"] = "<p>Dit is een lijst met alle link-categorieën die werden
-aangemaakt. Zoals bij berichten, hebt u minimaal één link-categorie nodig voordat u links kan
-toevoegen. Door te klikken op de <b>'Links'</b> kolom zal u alle links te zien krijgen die
-behoren tot die categorie.</p>";
-$messages["help_newLinkCategory"] = "<p>Het enige dat u dient op te geven om een nieuwe link
-toe te voegen is een beschrijvende naam van de categorie. Eenmaal de link-categorie werd aangemaakt,
-is ze automatisch beschikbaar om links in onder te verdelen.</p>";
-$messages["help_userSettings"] = "<p>Zaken gerelateerd met uw gebruikersprofiel, kunnen op deze
-pagina worden veranderd. Gelieve er notie van te nemen dat uw gebruikersnaam niet kan worden veranderd.<ul>
-<li><b>Wachtwoord, Bevestig wachtwoord</b>: Als u uw wachtwoord wil veranderen, gelieve het
-dan in de eerste tekstbox in te typen, doe hetzelfde in de tweede box om te bevestigen dat u
-hetzelfde wachtwoord hebt ingegeven.</li>
-<li><b>Emailadres</b>: Gelieve een geldig emailadres op te geven indien u de opties zoals
-commentaarnotificatie wil gebruiken. Dit adres wordt enkel gebruikt voor interne doeleinden
-en zal nooit publiekelijk worden weergegeven.</li>
-<li><b>Bio</b>: U kunt hier wat informatie opgeven over uzelf. Dit is optioneel.</li>
-$messages["help_Stats"] = "<p>Hier kan u alle refereerders zien die deze website hebben bezocht
-in het verleden. De <b>'Artikel'</b> kolom reflecteert welk artikel werd bezocht door de refereerder,
-ofwel de waarde '0' als de refereerder de hoofdpagina bezocht of een andere pagina die geen artikel
-was. Tot laatst de <b>'Laatste bezoekdatum'</b> geeft de datum weer waarop de refereerder laatst
-de website bezocht.</p>";
-$messages["editLink"] = "<p>U dient minstens een geldige url en een naam voor de link op te geven.
-De link moet ook worden onderverdeeld in een categorie.</p>";
-$messages["editLinkCategory"] = "Gelieve een nieuwe naam op te geven voor de link-categorie die u wil aanpassen.</p>";
-$messages["blogSelect"] = "Gelieve een van de bewerkingen te kiezen uit het menu.";
-$messages["Error"] = "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het uitvoeren van de gevraagde bewerking. Gelieve
-op de hoofdpagina te kijken voor informatie over deze fout.";
-$messages["Message"] = "Gelieve op de hoofdpagina te kijken voor meer informatie over deze fout.";
-//////// strings for the administration interface ///////
-$messages["admin_interface_title"] = "pLog Administratieve Interface";
-$messages["administration"] = "Administratie";
-$messages["help"] = "Help";
-$messages["plog_help"] = "pLog Help";
-$messages["newPost"] = "Nieuw Bericht";
-$messages["editPosts"] = "Berichten";
-$messages["editArticleCategories"] = "Categorieën";
-$messages["admin_links"] = "Links";
-$messages["editLinkCategories"] = "Link Categorieën";
-$messages["settings"] = "Instellingen";
-$messages["Logout"] = "Afmelden";
-// new post page
-$messages["topic"] = "Onderwerk";
-$messages["text"] = "Tekst";
-$messages["category"]  = "Categorie";
-$messages["status"] = "Status";
-$messages["post_status_draft"] = "Klad";
-$messages["post_status_published"] = "Gepubliceerd";
-$messages["post_status_deleted"] = "Verwijderd";
-$messages["post_status_all"] = "Alle";
-$messages["send_notification"] = "Houd me of de hoogte telkens er een commentaar is.";
-$messages["send_trackback_pings"] = "Zoek links in het bericht en stuur trackback pings naar de links die deze optie ondersteunen.";
-$messages["add_post"] = "Blog dit!";
-$messages["xmlrpc_ping_ok"] = "XML-RPC Ping werd verstuurd naar ";
-$messages["error_sending_xmlrpc_ping"] = "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het zenden van een XML-RPC Ping naar ";
-$messages["error_sending_xmlrpc_ping_message"] = "Foutbericht was: ";
-$messages["preview"] = "Voorbeeld";
-$messages["post_added"] = "Bericht toegevoegd";
-$messages["you_will_be_notified"] = "Aanvullend zult u nog worden op hoogte gehouden van activiteit binnen dit bericht.";
-$messages["post_added_not_published"] = "Bericht toegevoegd, maar niet gepubliceerd.";
-$messages["error_adding_post"] = "Fout bij het toevoegen van het bericht!";
-$messages["error_must_fill_all_fields"] = "U dient alle velden in te vullen!";
-$messages["error_must_have_one_category"] = "U dient minstens één berichtcategorie te maken alvorens een bericht te maken.";
-// send trackbacks page
-$messages["send_trackback_pings"] = "Stuur Trackback Pings";
-$messages["links_found"] = "De volgende linsk werden gevonden in uw bericht. Klik deze aan
-waarnaar u trackback pings wil versturen (houd er rekening mee dat dit proces even kan duren)";
-$messages["trackbacks_no_urls_selected"] = "Er werden geen urls geselecteerd, danig werden er geen pings gestuurd.";
-$messages["trackbacks_received_ok"] = "De volgende links hebben succesvol de trackback ping ontvangen:";
-$messages["trackbacks_no_trackback"] = "De volgende link heeft geen gevalideerde trackback url: ";
-$messages["trackbacks_problems_sending"] = "Er waren problemen bij het versturen van de trackback pings
-naar de volgende machines. U kan het proces opnieuw proberen indien u dit wenst.";
-$messages["trackbacks_received_all_hosts"] = "Alle machines ontvingen succesvol de trackback ping.";
-$messages["ping_selected"] = "Ping geselecteerde sites";
-// edit posts
-$messages["author"] = "Auteur";
-$messages["category_all"] = "Alle";
-$messages["author_all"] = "Alle";
-$messages["update"] = "Aanpassen";
-$messages["date"] = "Datum";
-$messages["help_Stats"] = "Statistieken";
-$messages["delete"] = "Verwijder";
-$messages["delete_selected"] = "Verwijder geselecteerde";
-// edit post
-$messages["edit_post"] = "Bericht aanpassen";
-$messages["error_getting_post_to_update"] = "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het ophalen van het bericht voor bewerking.";
-$messages["error_updating_post_in_database"] = "Fout bij het aanpassen van het bericht in de databank.";
-$messages["post_successfully_updated"] = "Bericht goed aangepast.";
-$messages["notification_removed"] = "De notificatiestatus die u had voor dit bericht, werd verwijderd.";
-// post statistics
-$messages["statistics_for_post"] = "Statistieken voor bericht ";
-$messages["error_fetching_post"] = "Er was een fout bij het ophalen van het bericht.";
-$messages["times_post_has_been_read"] = "Aantal keren dat bericht werd gelezen: ";
-$messages["referers"] = "Refereerders";
-$messages["id"] = "Id";
-$messages["url"] = "Url";
-$messages["hits"] = "Bezoeken";
-$messages["trackbacks"] = "Trackbacks";
-// post comments
-$messages["error_fetching_comments"] = "Fout bij het ophalen van artikelcommentaar";
-$messages["comments_for_post"] = "Commentaar voor bericht ";
-$messages["email"] = "EMail";
-$messages["ip_address"] = "IP-Adres";
-// delete comments
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-$messages["error_no_comments_selected"] = "Geen commentaren werden geselecteerd voor verwijdering.";
-$messages["error_deleting_comment"] = "Er trad een fout op bij het verwijderen van de commentaar ";
-$messages["comment_deleted_ok"] = "Commentaar met onderwerp \"%s\" werd succesvol verwijderd.";
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-// categories list
-$messages["category_name"] = "Naam";
-// removing posts
-$messages["post_cannot_be_deleted"] = "Bericht kan niet worden verwijderd";
-$messages["no_posts_selected"] = "There were no posts selected to delete.";
-// %s = subject of the post, %d = identifier of the post. feel free to change its order
-// but if you remove them there will be no information about which post was removed...
-$messages["error_deleting_post"] = "Error deleting post \"%s\" (id = %d)";
-$messages["post_deleted_ok"] = "Post \"%2\$s\" successfully deleted (id = %1\$d)";
-// delete categories
-$messages["no_categories_selected"] = "Er werden geen commentaren geselecteerd voor verwijdering.";
-$messages["error_category_has_articles"] = "Kon categorie \"%s\" niet verwijderen omdat het nog berichten bevat.";
-$messages["error_deleting_category"] = "Fout bij het verwijderen van categorie \"%s\" uit de database.";
-$messages["category_deleted_ok"] = "Categorie \"%s\" verwijderd.";
-// add category
-$messages["newArticleCategory"] = "Nieuwe categorie toevoegen";
-$messages["add_new_category_info"] = "Gelieve uw categorie een naam te geven.";
-$messages["category_added_ok"] = "Categorie toegevoegd.";
-$messages["error_adding_article_category"] = "Er trad een fout op bij het toevoegen van de categorie.";
-// edit categories
-$messages["edit_category"] = "Categorie aanpassen";
-$messages["please_provide_valid_category_name"] = "Gelieve uw categorie een naam te geven.";
-// edit category
-$messages["error_incorrect_category_id"] = "Onjuiste categorie id";
-// update the category
-$messages["error_fetching_category"] = "Er trad een fout op bij het ophalen van de categorie.";
-$messages["error_updating_category"] = "Er trad een fout op bij het aanpassen van de categorie.";
-$messages["error_empty_category_name"] = "U moet een geldige naam opgeven voor de categorie.";
-$messages["category_updated_ok"] = "Categorie aangepast.";
-// edit links
-$messages["link_name"] = "Naam";
-$messages["link_url"] = $messages["url"];
-$messages["link_category"] = $messages["category"];
-$messages["link_description"] = "Beschrijving";
-$messages["editLinks"] = "Links";
-// edit a link
-$messages["error_provide_name_and_url"] = "U moet minstens een naam en url opgeven voor de link.";
-$messages["error_invalid_link_id"] = "De link id is fout of ontbrekend.";
-$messages["error_fetching_link"] = "Er trad een fout op bij het ophalen van de link.";
-$messages["error_updating_link"] = "Er trad een fout op bij het aanpassen van de link.";
-$messages["link_updated_ok"] = "Link aangepast!";
-$messages["error_fetching_link_categories"] = "Er trad een fout op tijdens het ophalen van de link categorieën.";
-// add a link
-$messages["add_new_link"] = "Nieuwe link toevoegen";
-$messages["newLink"] = "Link toevoegen";
-$messages["error_adding_link"] = "Er trad een fout op bij het toevoegen van de link.";
-$messages["link_added_ok"] = "Link toegevoegd.";
-$messages["error_provide_name_and_url"] = "U dient minstens een geldige naam en url op te geven.";
-$messages["error_must_have_one_link_category"] = "U moet minstens één link categorie hebben voordat u een link kunt toevoegen.";
-// delete a link
-$messages["error_no_links_selected"] = "Geen links geselecteerd voor verwijdering.";
-$messages["error_removing_link"] = "Fout bij het verwijderen van link \"%s\" uit de database.";
-$messages["link_deleted_ok"] = "Link \"%s\" verwijderd uit de database.";
-// edit link categories
-$messages["newLinkCategory"] = "Nieuwe link categorie toevoegen";
-$messages["link_categories_help"] = "U moet minstens één link categorie hebben voordat u een link kunt toevoegen.";
-$messages["link_category_name"] = "Naam";
-$messages["link_category_links"] = "Links";
-// new link category
-$messages["new_link_category_info"] = "Link categorieën helpen bij het indelen van uw links. U kunt later de links ook
-gegroepeerd weergeven volgends categorie op de hoofdpagina.";
-$messages["newLinkCategory"] = "Link categorie toevoegen";
-$messages["error_provide_link_category_name"] = "U moet een juiste naam opgeven voor de categorie.";
-$messages["error_adding_link_category"] = "Er trad een fout op bij het toevoegen van de link categorie.";
-$messages["link_category_added_ok"] = "Link categorie toegevoegd.";
-// edit link category
-$messages["edit_link_category"] = "Link categorie aanpassen";
-$messages["error_updating_link_category"] = "Er trad een fout op bij het aanpassen van de link categorie.";
-$messages["link_category_updated_ok"] = "Link categorie aangepast.";
-$messages["error_fetching_link_category"] = "Fout bij het ophalen van de link categorie.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_link_category_id"] = "Foute link categorie id";
-// delete link categories
-$messages["error_no_link_category_selected"] = "Geen link categorieën geselecteerd voor verwijdering.";
-$messages["error_links_in_link_category"] = "Categorie \"%s\" kon niet worden verwijderd omdat deze categorie nog links bevat.";
-$messages["error_removing_link_category"] = "Fout bij het verwijderen van de link categorie \"%s\".";
-$messages["link_category_deleted_ok"] = "Link categorie \"%s\" verwijderd.";
-$messages["error_removing_link_category_2"] = "Fout bij het verwijderen van de link categorie met id = %d";
-// blog settings page
-$messages["blogSettings"] = "Site Instellingen";
-$messages["userSettings"] = "Gebruikersprofiel";
-$messages["pluginCenter"] = "Plugincentrum";
-$messages["Stats"] = "Statistieken";
-$messages["blog_name"] = "Blog naam";
-$messages["long_blog_name"] = "Langere, beschrijvende tekst over deze blog";
-$messages["language_used"] = "Taal gebruikt om tekst en data weer te geven";
-$messages["items_main_page"] = "Hoeveel items wilt u tonen op de hoofdpagina?";
-$messages["items_as_recent"] = "Hoeveel items wilt u tonen in \"Recentelijk\"?";
-$messages["template_used"] = "Kies een template die het uiterlijk van uw site zal definiëren";
-$messages["cut_posts"] = "Langere berichten inkorten en aanvullen met een \"Meer...\" link?";
-$messages["cut_posts_after_characters"] = "Hoeveel karakters laat u toe alvorens het bericht in te korten?";
-$messages["enable_wysiwyg_edition"] = "WYSIWYG bewerken van teksten inschakelen (Enkel Internet Explorer 5.5 of hoger en Mozilla 1.3b of hoger)?";
-$messages["enable_comments"] = "Commentaar inschakelen voor alle berichten?";
-$messages["yes"] = "Ja";
-$messages["no"] = "Nee";
-$messages["error_invalid_locale"] = "Onjuiste waarde voor taalinstelling";
-$messages["error_incorrect_max_recent_items"] = "U moet een geldige waarde geven voor het aantal berichten in 'Recentelijk'.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_number_of_posts"] = "U moet een geldige waarde geven voor het aantal berichten in de hoofdpagina.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_template"] = "De waarde voor het template.";
-$messages["error_no_blog_name"] = "U moet een geldige naam geven voor de Blog.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_show_more_threshold"] = "U moet een geldige waarde opgeven voor het aantal karakters om te tonen vooraleer een post in te korten met de \"Meer...\" link.";
-$messages["error_updating_settings"] = "Er trad een fout op bij het aanpassen van de instellingen voor de site.";
-$messages["blog_settings_updated_ok"] = "Blog instellingen aangepast!";
-$messages["permanent_blog_url"] = "Permanent URL voor deze blog (alleen-lezen)";
-// user profile page
-$messages["username"] = "Gebruikersnaam";
-$messages["password"] = "Wachtwoord";
-$messages["confirm_password"] = "Bevestig wachtwoord";
-$messages["email_address"] = "Emailadres";
-$messages["bio"] = "Bio";
-$messages["empty_no_change"] = "Leeglaten voor geen veranderingen";
-$messages["user_settings_updated_ok"] = "Gebruikersinstellingen aangepast.";
-$messages["error_updating_user_settings"] = "Fout bij het aanpassen gebruikersinstellingen.";
-$messages["error_passwords_dont_match"] = "Sorry, wachtwoorden komen niet overeen.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_password"] = "Sorry, wachtwoord onjuist.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_email_address"] = "Emailadres onjuist.";
-// plugin center page
-$messages["plugins_available"] = "Dit is een lijst van de plugins beschikbaar om te gebruiken in de templates";
-$messages["identifier"] = "ID";
-$messages["description"] = "Beschrijving";
-$messages["error_plugins_disabled"] = "Plugin-ondersteuning werd uitgeschakeld voor deze site.";
-// statistics page
-$messages["statistics_info"] = "Een artikelID van 0 betekent dat dit inkomende hits waren naar de hoofdpagina of een andere pagina dan een bericht.";
-$messages["article_id"] = "ArtikelID";
-$messages["last_hit_date"] = "Laatste Hit Datum";
-$messages["error_fetching_referers"] = "Fout bij het ophalen van de verwijzers voor deze site";
-// login screen
-$messages["login_page_title"] = "Site Administratieve Interface";
-$messages["login"] = "Login";
-$messages["welcome_message"] = "Welkom";
-$messages["error_incorrect_username_or_password"] = "Sorry, Onjuiste gebruikersnaam of wachtwoord.";
-$messages["error_dont_belong_to_any_blog"] = "Sorry, u behoort nog niet toe aan een site.";
-$messages["error_no_username_or_password"] = "Geleive een geldige gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord op te geven.";
-$messages["choose_one_blog"] = " U behoort toe aan volgende sites. Kies één om nu aan te passen";
-$messages["continue"] = "Verdergaan";
-$messages["logout_message"] = "U werd afgemeld.";
-$messages["logout_message_2"] = "<a href=\"admin.php\">Klik hier</a> om opnieuw in te loggen of
-<a href=\"%1\$s\">hier om naar %2\$s</a> te gaan.";
-$messages["logout_title"] = "Afgemeld";
-$messages["error_access_forbidden"] = "Toegang verboden. U moet eerst hier inloggen.";
-$messages["site_admin"] = "Site Admin";
-$messages["site_stats"] = "Site Statistieken";
-$messages["createUser"] = "Gebruiker toevoegen";
-$messages["siteUsers"] = "Gebruikers";
-$messages["createBlog"] = "Site toevoegen";
-$messages["editSiteBlogs"] = "Sites";
-$messages["siteLocales"] = "Taalinstellingen";
-$messages["newLocale"] = "Taal toevoegen";
-$messages["siteTemplates"] = "Templates";
-$messages["newTemplate"] = "Template toevoegen";
-$messages["editSiteSettings"] = "Globale Instellingen";
-$messages["adminSettings"] = "Site Instellingen";
-$messages["help_comments_enabled"] = "Schakelt commentaar voor de hele site in of uit.";
-$messages["help_beautify_comments_text"] = "Respecteert de gebruiker zijn opmaak bij het sturen van een bericht.";
-$messages["help_rdf_enabled"] = "Schakelt de generatie van een RDF toevoer met de laatste berichten in of uit.";
-$messages["help_temp_folder"] = "Map die zal worden gebruikt door de site om acties uit te voeren die een tijdelijke map nodig hebben.";
-$messages["help_base_url"] = "Deze url zal worden gebruikt om correcte urls te genereren, dus gelieve hier de juiste waarde in te vullen";
-$messages["help_show_posts_max"] = "Het aantal berichten dat standaard wordt getoond op de hoofdpagina.";
-$messages["help_recent_posts_max"] = "Het aantal berichten dat wordt getoond in 'Recentelijk'.";
-$messages["help_template_folder"] = "De plaats waar Sites templates staan.";
-$messages["help_default_template"] = "Het template dat standaard zal worden gebruikt bij nieuwe sites.";
-$messages["help_default_locale"] = "De standaard taalinstellingen die zal worden gebruikt voor nieuwe sites en in de loginpagina van de administratiemodule.";
-$messages["help_html_allowed_tags_in_comments"] = "HTML tags die niet zullen worden verwijderd in commentaren van gebruikers.";
-$messages["help_referer_tracker_enabled"] = "Voegt korte info toe over verwijzers aan de database, als de verwijzer beschikbaar is tijdens de aanvraag.";
-$messages["help_rss_parser_enabled"] = "Schakelt de RSS parser in of uit die beschikbaar is in de templates.";
-$messages["help_show_more_enabled"] = "Schakelt de \"Meer...\" link in of uit.";
-$messages["help_show_more_threshold"] = "Hoeveel karakters getoond moeten worden voor de 'Meer...' Link.";
-$messages["help_update_article_reads"] = "Als al dan niet de interne teller moet worden aangepast voor het aantal hits per pagina.";
-$messages["help_request_format_mode"] = "De \"Flat\" modus zal normale urls genereren, waar \"Zoekrobot Vriendelijk\" urls zal genereren die gemakkelijker leesbaar zijn en die zullen worden opgepikt door zoekrobots. Apache en de mogelijkheid om .htaccess bestanden te gebruiken vereist.";
-$messages["help_xmlrpc_ping_enabled"] = "Als al dan niet een XMLRPC notificatie moet worden gestuurd naar de hosts die geconfigureerd zijn om deze te ontvangen als een nieuw bericht werd toegevoegd.";
-$messages["help_xmlrpc_ping_hosts"] = "Lijst van hosts die XMLRPC notificaties ondersteunen. Gelieve de verschillende hosts op verschillende lijnen te zetten, zo veel als nodig.";
-$messages["help_trackback_server_enabled"] = "Als er al dan niet inkomende trackback pings moeten worden geaccepteerd.";
-$messages["help_htmlarea_enabled"] = "Schakelt de WYSIWYG editor van berichten in of uit.";
-$messages["help_plugin_manager_enabled"] = "Schakelt plugins in of uit.";
-$messages["help_check_email_address_validity"] = "Bij het registreren van een nieuwe site, worden gebruikers gevraagd om een geldig emailadres op te geven dat zal worden gecontroleerd indien deze optie aangezet is.";
-$messages["help_summary_page_show_max"] = "Het aantal items die moeten opduiken in de samenvattingspagina.";
-$messages["help_minimum_password_length"] = "Het aantal karakters dat een paswoord minimum moet bevatten.";
-$messages["help_users_can_add_templates"] = "Als gebruikers al dan niet site-specifieke templates mogen gebruiken in hun sites.";
-$messages["help_email_service_enabled"] = "Schakelt de email service in of uit, wordt bv. gebruikt om berichtnotificaties te sturen.";
-$messages["post_notification_source_address"] = "Adres dat zal worden gebruikt in het Van: veld wanneer er emails worden verstuurd.";
-$messages["help_email_service_type"] = "Methode die zal worden gebruikt om emails te versturen. Geleive er één te kiezen en onderstaande instellingen te controleren.";
-$messages["help_smtp_host"] = "Als SMTP wordt gebruikt als verstuurmethode, dan is dit de host waarnaar berichten te sturen (smart-host).";
-$messages["help_smtp_port"] = "Poort van de bovenstaande host waarop de SMTP-service draait.";
-$messages["help_smtp_use_authentication"] = "Als de SMTP-server authenticatie ondersteunt en u wilt dit gebruiken, schakel deze optie dan in en controleer de twee onderstaande instellingen.";
-$messages["help_smtp_username"] = "Gebruikersnaam die zal worden gebruikt om via geauthenticeerde SMTP berichten te versturen.";
-$messages["help_smtp_password"] = "Wachtwoord dat zal worden gebruikt om via geauthenticeerde SMTP berichten te versturen.";
-$messages["help_uploads_enabled"] = "Schakelt het opladen van bestanden in of uit. Deze optie zal effect hebben op het opladen van template sets en/of het toevoegen van bestanden aan nieuwe template sets.";
-$messages["help_maximum_file_upload_size"] = "Maximum grootte in bytes van bestanden, opgeladen door gebruikers.";
-$messages["help_upload_forbidden_files"] = "Lijst van bestandspatronen die niet mogen worden opgeladen. U kunt er zoveel specifiëren als nodig, allemaal gescheiden door een spatie.";
-$messages["help_path_to_tar"] = "Pad waar de 'tar' tool kan worden gevonden.";
-$messages["help_path_to_gzip"] = "Pad waar de 'gzip' tool kan worden gevonden.";
-$messages["help_path_to_bz2"] = "Pad waar de 'bzip2' tool kan worden gevonden.";
-$messages["help_path_to_unzip"] = "Pad waar de 'unzip' tool kan worden gevonden.";
-$messages["add_user_give_information"] = "Gelieve de volgende informatie op te geven om een nieuwe gebruiker aan te maken.";
-$messages["site_registered_users"] = "Dit zijn alle geregistreerde gebruikers op deze server.";
-$messages["add_blog_give_information"] = "Gelieve de volgende informatie op te geven om een nieuwe site aan te maken.";
-$messages["blog_title"] = "Site titel";
-$messages["blog_owner"] = "Site eigenaar";
-$messages["site_registered_blogs"] = "Dit zijn alle sites geregistreerd op deze server.";
-$messages["editSiteUsers"] = "Gebruikers aanpassen";
-$messages["upload_locale"] = "Taalinstellingen opladen";
-$messages["use_this_form_to_upload_locale"] = "  Gebruik dit formulier om een nieuwe taalinstelling op te laden naar de server. Als u niet in de mogelijkheid bent bestanden op te laden, gelieve dan onderstaand formulier te bekijken.";
-$messages["locale_file"] = "Bestand voor Taalinstellingen";
-$messages["manually_add_locale"] = "Taalinstelling manueel toevoegen";
-$messages["use_this_form_if_cant_upload_locale"] = "Gebruik dit tweede formulier als u niet in de mogelijkheid bent bestanden op te laden. Het bestand moet reeds in de juiste map zijn gekopieerd vooraleer dit uit te voeren. Anders zal deze actie resulteren in een fout.";
-$messages["locale_code"] = "Taalinstellings-code";
-$messages["locale_encoding"] = "Codering";
-$messages["template_will_be_available_for_all"] = "Het nieuwe template wordt automatisch beschikbaar aan alle sites op deze server.";
-$messages["use_this_form_to_upload_template"] = "  Gebruik dit formulier om een nieuwe template naar de server te kopiëren. Als u niet in de mogelijkheid bent bestanden op te laden, gelieve dat onderstaand formulier te bekijken. Template sets moeten verpakt zijn in zip, tar.gz or tar.bz2 bestanden om opgeladen te kunnen worden.";
-$messages["locale_file"] = "Bestand voor Taalinstelling";
-$messages["upload_template"] = "Template opladen";
-$messages["manually_add_template"] = "Manueel template toevoegen";
-$messages["use_this_form_if_cannot_upload_template"] = " Gebruik dit formulier om een nieuwe template naar de server te kopiëren. Als u niet in de mogelijkheid bent bestanden op te laden, het bestand moet reeds zijn gekopieerd naar de template map vooraleer dit uit te voeren. Anders zal deze actie resulteren in een fout.";
-$messages["template_id"] = "Template ID";
-$messages["templates_available_for_all"] = "Deze templates zijn beschikbaar voor alle sites op de server.";
-$messages["add_file"] = "Bestand toevoegen";
-$messages["setting_name"] = "Naam";
-$messages["setting_value"] = "Waarde";
-$messages["setting_description"] = "Beschrijving";
-$messages["plain"] = "Flat";
-$messages["search_engine_friendly"] = "Zoekrobot Vriendelijk";
-$messages["general_settings"] = "Algemene Settings";
-$messages["helper_tools_settings"] = "Helper Tools Instellingen";
-$messages["uploads_settings"] = "Uploads Instellingen";
-$messages["email_settings"] = "Email Instellingen";
-$messages["number_blogs"] = "Aantal sites";
-$messages["number_users"] = "Aantal gebruikers";
-$messages["number_posts"] = "Aantal berichten";
-$messages["number_posts_today"] = "Aantal berichten vandaag";
-$messages["number_posts_this_month"] = "Aantal berichten deze maand";
-$messages["date"] = "Datum";
-$messages["time"] = "Tijd";
-$messages["comments_order"] = "Volgorde waarin commentaar moet worden getoond:";
-$messages["oldest_first"] = "Oudste eerst";
-$messages["newest_first"] = "Nieuwste eerst";
-$messages["blog"] = "Site";
-$messages["blog_id"] = "Site Numeriek ID";
-$messages["showBlogUsers"] = "Site gebruikers";
-$messages["available_users"] = "Beschikbare gebruikers";
-$messages["add"] = "Toevoegen";
-$messages["remove"] = "Verwijderen";
-$messages["user_id"] = "Gebruiker Numeriek ID";
-$messages["new_password"] = "Nieuw wachtwoord";
-$messages["has_administrator_privileges"] = "Heeft administratieve privileges";
-$messages["related_to_the_following_blogs"] = "Gekoppeld aan volgende sites";
-$messages["add_user_to_blog_form"] = " Dit formulier laat u toe een gebruiker toe te voegen aan uw site. De gebruiker zal enkel berichten kunnen toevoegen en bewerken, maar hij/zij zal niet in de mogelijkheid zijn om de instellingen van de site te veranderen.";
-$messages["add_user_enter_username"] = " Gelieve de gebruikersnaam in te vullen van de gebruiker die u wil toevoegen. De gebruiker moet reeds geregistreerd zijn op deze server, anders zal deze actie resulteren in een fout.";
-$messages["add_user_send_notification"] = "Stuur een notificatie naar de gebruiker.";
-$messages["add_user_type_notification"] = "Typ wat tekst die moet worden verstuurd naar de gebruiker";
-$messages["following_users_have_permissions"] = " De volgende gebruikers maken deel uit van deze site. Ze kunnen berichten toevoegen, bewerken en verwijderen maar ze kunnen geen veranderingen doen aan de instellingen van de site.";
-$messages["revoke_permissions"] = "Privileges intrekken";
-$messages["newBlogTemplate"] = "Site template toevoegen";
-$messages["manually_newBlogTemplate"] = "Manueel site template toevoegen";
-$messages["template_available_only_for_this_blog"] = "Dit template zal enkel beschikbaar worden gemaakt voor deze site.";
-$messages["use_form_to_upload_blog_template"] = "Gebruik dit formulier om een nieuwe template naar de server te kopiëren. Als u niet in de mogelijkheid bent bestanden op te laden, gelieve dat onderstaand formulier te bekijken. Template sets moeten verpakt zijn in zip, tar.gz or tar.bz2 bestanden om opgeladen te kunnen worden.";
-$messages["use_form_if_cannot_upload_blog_template"] = "Gebruik dit formulier om een nieuwe template naar de server te kopiëren. Als u niet in de mogelijkheid bent bestanden op te laden, het bestand moet reeds zijn gekopieerd naar de template map vooraleer dit uit te voeren. Anders zal deze actie resulteren in een fout.";
-$messages["blogTemplates"] = "Site Templates";
-$messages["templates_only_available_for_this_blog"] = "De volgende templates zijn enkel beschikbaar voor deze site.";
-$messages["add_file_to_blog_template"] = "Bestand toevoegen aan Site Template";
-$messages["upload_file_to_blog_template"] = "Gelieve het bestand dat u wil toevoegen aan de template, op te laden.";
-$messages["error_user_id_incorrect"] = "Onjuiste gebruikersID.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_user_id"] = $messages["error_user_id_incorrect"];
-$messages["error_fetching_user_information"] = "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het ophalen van de gebruikersparameters.";
-$messages["error_password_incorrect"] = "Het wachtwoord is te kort of onjuist.";
-$messages["error_updating_user_settings"] = "Kon de instellingen voor de gegeven gebruiker niet aanpassen.";
-$messages["user_settings_updated_ok"] = "Instellingen voor de gebruiker \"%s\" aangepast.";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected_to_add"] = "Geen gebruikers geselecteerd voor toevoeging.";
-$messages["user_added_to_blog_ok"] = "De gebruiker \"%s\" werd toegevoegd aan de site.";
-$messages["error_adding_user_to_blog"] = "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het toevoegen van gebruiker \"%s\" aan de site.";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected_to_remove"] = "Geen gebruikers geselecteerd voor verwijdering.";
-$messages["user_removed_from_blog_ok"] = "De gebruiker \"%s\" werd verwijderd van de site.";
-$messages["error_removing_user_from_blog"] = "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het verwijderen van gebruiker \"%s\" van de site.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_plugin_id"] = "De plugin ID is onjuist.";
-$messages["error_configuring_plugin"] = "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het configureren van de plugin: ";
-$messages["site_config_saved_ok"] = "Site configuratie opgeslaan.";
-$messages["error_saving_site_config"] = "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het opslaan van de configuratie.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_blog_owner"] = "De gebruiker die u koos als site eigenaar, bestaat niet.";
-$messages["error_updating_blog_settings"] = "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het aanpassen van de instellingen voor site \"%s\"";
-$messages["blog_settings_updated_ok"] = "Site instellingen \"%s\" aangepast.";
-$messages["error_fetching_users"] = "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het ophalen van de gebruikers voor de site.";
-$messages["error_fetching_blogs"] = "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het ophalen van de sites op deze server.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_template_id"] = "De template ID is onjuist of bestaat niet.";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected"] = "Geen gebruikers werden geselecteerd voor verwijdering.";
-$messages["error_could_not_find_user"] = "Kon gebruiker \"%s\" niet vinden in deze site.";
-$messages["error_deleting_user"] = "Er is een fout opgetreden bij de verwijdering van gebruiker \"%s\"";
-$messages["user_deleted_ok"] = "Gebruiker \"%s\" verwijderd.";
-$messages["error_must_give_blog_name"] = "U moet een geldige naam opgeven voor de site.";
-$messages["error_adding_blog"] = "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het toevoegen van de site aan de database.";
-$messages["blog_added_ok"] = "De nieuwe site \"%s\" werd toegevoegd aan de database.";
-$messages["error_template_not_inside_folder"] = "De template bestanden moeten in een map zitten.";
-$messages["error_missing_base_files"] = "Enkele basisbestanden ontbreken in de template.";
-$messages["error_unpacking"] = "Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het uitpakken van het bestand.";
-$messages["error_forbidden_extensions"] = "Enkele bestanden in de template zijn verboden.";
-$messages["error_creating_working_folder"] = "Er is een fout opgetreden bij de controle van de template set";
-$messages["error_checking_template"] = "Er is een fout opgetreden met de template set (code = %s)";
-$messages["error_add_template_disabled"] = "Gebruikers hebben geen toelating om een site template toe te voegen.";
-$messages["error_must_upload_file"] = "U moet een bestand opladen.";
-$messages["error_no_template_name"] = "U moet een template naam opgeven.";
-$messages["error_uploads_disabled"] = "De opladen-optie werd uitgeschakeld voor deze site.";
-$messages["error_installing_template"] = "Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het installeren van de template set.";
-$messages["template_installed_ok"] = "Nieuwe template set geïnstalleerd als \"%s\".";
-$messages["error_adding_template_file"] = "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het toevoegen van het bestand aan de template set.";
-$messages["error_file_forbidden"] = "Bestanden van dit type zijn verboden op deze site.";
-$messages["error_file_too_big"] = "Het bestand is te groot. Maximaal toegelaten grootte is \"%s\" bytes.";
-$messages["template_file_added_ok"] = "Bestand toegevoegd aan template \"%s\".";
-$messages["error_plugin_cannot_be_configured"] = "De plugin kon niet worden geconfigureerd.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_username"] = "De gebruikersnaam is onjuist.";
-$messages["error_username_already_exists"] = "Er is reeds een gebruiker geregistreerd met dezelfde gebruikersnaam.";
-$messages["error_adding_user"] = "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het toevoegen van de gebruiker aan de database.";
-$messages["user_added_ok"] = "De nieuwe gebruiker \"%s\" werd toegevoegd.";
-$messages["error_no_blogs_selected"] = "U moet minstens een site selecteren voor verwijdering.";
-$messages["error_blog_is_default_blog"] = "\"%s\" kan niet worden verwijderd aangezien het de standaardsite is voor deze server.";
-$messages["blog_deleted_ok"] = "Site \"%s\" Verwijderd.";
-$messages["error_deleting_blog"] = "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het verwijderen van de site \"%s\".";
-$messages["error_no_templates_selected"] = "Geen templates geselecteerd voor verwijdering.";
-$messages["error_removing_template"] = "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het verwijderen van de template set \"%s\"";
-$messages["template_removed_ok"] = "Template \"%s\" verwijderd.";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected_to_remove_from_blog"] = "Geen gebruikers geselecteerd voor verwijdering uit deze site.";
-$messages["error_removing_user_from_blog"] = "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het verwijderen van de gebruiker \"%s\" van deze site.";
-$messages["user_removed_from_blog_ok"] = "Gebruiker \"%s\" werd verwijderd van deze site";
-$messages["error_incorrect_locale_code"] = "De opgegeven taalinstelling is niet geldig.";
-$messages["error_invalid_locale_file"] = "Het bestand heeft geen geldig taalbestand.";
-$messages["error_adding_locale_file"] = "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het toevoegen van de nieuwe taalinstelling. Let er op dat het bestand werd opgeladen naar de locale map en dat het de juiste rechten heeft.";
-$messages["locale_added_ok"] = "De nieuwe taal \"%s\" werd toegevoegd.";
-$messages["error_saving_locale"] = "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het kopieren van het taalbestand naar de 'locale' map. Gelieve te controleren of de map de juiste toegangsrechten heeft.";
-$messages["error_no_locales_selected"] = "Geen talen geselecteerd voor verwijdering.";
-$messages["error_deleting_only_locale"] = "Dit is de enige taal aanwezig in het systeem, daarom kan ze niet worden verwijderd.";
-$messages["locale_deleted_ok"] = "Taal \"%s\" verwijderd.";
-$messages["error_deleting_locale"] = "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het verwijderen van de taal \"%s\"";
-$messages["error_cant_delete_default_locale"] = "\"%s\" kan niet worden verwijderd omdat deze staat ingesteld als standaard taalinstelling.";
-$messages["plugin_config"] = "Pluginconfiguratie";
-$messages["use_read_more_feature"] = "Toon het hele bericht in de hoofdpagina of enkel het deel datin het 'Tekst'-veld werd ingegeven?";
-$messages["extended_text"] = "Deze tekst zal enkel verschijnen op de berichtenpagina, tenzij we deze instelling uitschakelen in de 'Instellingen' tab";
-$messages["error_must_give_post_intro"] = "U moet minstens een inleiding geven voor uw bericht.";
-///// new help messages ////
-// note to translators:
-// this is exactly the same as the previous version but an additional item
-// has been added to the list ("order in which comments appear")
-// and one has been removed (the threshold for the 'show more' setting)
-$messages["help_blogSettings"] = "<p>Van op deze pagina kunt u enkele isntellingen verandere die de
-gedragingen of het uiterlijk van dit journaal bepalen. Dit zijn de instellingen:<ul>
-<li><b>Permanente URL</b>: Dit is de url waar deze site draait en die kan worden gebruikt om naar te
-linken. Deze kan niet worden veranderd.</li>
-<li><b>Naam Site</b>: Dit is de tekst string met een beschrijvende naam voor de site. Als u de
-standaard templates gebruikt, wordt dit bovenaan iedere pagina weergegeven.</li>
-<li><b>Langere beschrijvende tekst over deze site</b>: Dit is een langere tekst di optioneel kan
-worden weergegeven in een soort pagina die meer gedetailleerde info over de pagina weergeeft.
-Dit kan leeg worden gelaten indien u dit niet nodig heeft.</li>
-<li><b>Taal gebruikt om de teksten weer te geven</b>: U kunt een van de beschikbare talen kiezen.
-Deze taal zal worden gebruikt om de teksten (niet uw eigen berichten) weer te geven zoals datums
-en nummers weer te geven met de correcte instellingen. Meer talen kunnen op ieder moment worden geïnstalleerd.</li>
-<li><b>Items op de hoofdpagina</b>: Zet dit op het aantal berichten die u wilt weergegeven zien op
-de hoofdpagina. Hoe meer berichten, hoe langer het zal duren voor uw bezoekers om de pagina te laden.
-Het minimum aantal berichten weergegeven is één.</li>
-<li><b>Items onder 'Recentelijk'</b>: Zet dit op het aantal berichten die je wil laten tonen als
-<b>'Recentelijk'</b>, dwz, de berichten die eerder werden verstuurd. Minimum aantal is één.</li>
-<li><b>Template gebruikt om uw inhoud op te maken.</b>: Het is mogelijk om meer dan één template te
-hebben die dezelfde inhoud weergeven. U kan hier de meest toepasselijke kiezen voor uw journaal, uit
-deze die werden geïnstalleerd door uw systeembeheerder.</li>
-<li><b>Toon het hele bericht in de hoofdpagina, of enkel hetgeen ingetikt in het 'Tekst'-veld?</b>:
-Zet dit op 'Ja' als u wil dat er automatisch een 'Meer...' Link wordt toegevoegd aan uw berichten
-op de hoofdpagina net na de tekst die u hebt ingetikt in het 'Tekst'-veld.  De tekst die u intypte in
-het tweede vak zal enkel verschijnen als de gebruiker klikt op de onderstaande instelling.
-Deze instelling is handig omdat het uw hoofdpagina minder chaotisch maakt en ook kleiner. Er zijn echter
-wel enkele problemen als er veel HTML-code in het bericht werd weergegeven.</li>
-<li><b>Inschakelen van WYSIWYG op teksten:  Zet deze optie aan als u wil de mogelijkheid hebben om
-te zien hoe uw berichten er uit zien in real-time.  Deze opties is enkel beschikbaar voor gebruikers met
-Internet Exploder 5.5 of hoger en Mozilla 1.3b of hoger.</li>
-<li><b>Commentaar inschakelen:  Zet deze optie aan als u zou willen dat al uw bezoekers commentaar kunnen
-nalaten op uw berichten.  Dit heeft een globale invloed op alle berichten en op al uw gebruikers.</li>
-<li><b>Volgorde waarin commentaar wordt getoond</b>: Zit dit op \"Oudste Eerst\" als u de oudste commentaren
-eerst wil laten ien in de lijst, of zet het op \"Nieuwste Eerst\" als u ze in omgekeerd-chronologische volgorde
-wil laten tonen.</li>
-// translators: this one has changed too since we now have two text boxes: one for the
-// text that we'd like to appear in the main page and another one for the text that
-// will only be shown in the 'post' page (that is, when the users clicks on the
-// permalink, for example)
-$messages["help_newPost"] = "<p>Gebruik deze pagina om een nieuw bericht aan uw journaal toe te voegen.
-U moet een onderwerp voor uw bericht opgeven, zoals u ook moet tekst opgeven voor het bericht.  Eenmaal klaar,
-klik op de <strong>'Toevoegen'</strong> knop en de post wordt automatisch toegevoegd aan uw site.
-Let er op dat u de status van het berucht op <strong>'Gepubliceerd'</strong> zet als u wil dat het bericht
-automatisch aan uw hoofdpagina wordt toegevoegd. Gebruik de <strong>'Klad'</strong> status als u het bericht
-wil opslaan voor latere revisie alvorens het te publiceren.</p>
-De tekst getypt in de eerste tekstbox zal altijd getoond worden op de hoofdpagina.
-U kunt de tweede tekstbox gebruiken als u meer tekst wil ingeven die niet op de hoofdpagina moet worden
-opgenomen maar die kan worden bekeken door de bezoekers van uw site als ze op de <strong>'Meer'</strong>
-link klikken bij het bericht. Deze link wordt automatisch weergegeven op het einde van de tekst.  Dit veld
-is niet verplicht en het gedrag kan worden gecontroleerd in de \"Instellingen\" tab, waar u kan forceren dat
-beide tekstboxes verscheinen op de hoofdpagina.</p>
-U kan de berichten ook classificeren onder eender welke categorie die u eerder hebt gemaakt.  Het is zo eenvouding
-als het <strong>'Categorie'</strong> veld te zetten op de instelling die u meest toepasselijk vindt voor het bericht.
-</p><p>Als u een email wil ontvangen bij het ontvangen van een nieuw bericht, gelieve dan het corresponderende vinkje
-aan te vinken.</p>
-<p>Vink de box aan waar staat </b>'Zoek links in het bericht...'</b> als u na het toevoegen van de posts trackback pings
-wil zenden naar de hosts die dit ondersteunen. Uw bericht zal worden geschand op links en u zal de mogelijkheid hebben om
-diegenen te kiezen die u wil trackback pings sturen.</p>";
-$messages["updatePost"] = $messages["help_newPost"];
-$messages["help_newBlogUser"] = "Deze optie laat u toe om op een gemakkelijke manier bewerktoegang te geven
-aan andere gebruikers op deze site. Om dit te doen, moet u enkel zijn/haar gebruikersnaam weten. Als u
-dit weet, typ deze dan gewoon in in het 'Gebruiker Toevoegen'-veld. Als u dat wenst, kan u ook een email
-laten versturen naar deze gebruiker (voor zover de gebruiker zijn/haar juiste emailadres heeft opgegeven
-bij hun registratie) die hen laat weten dat ze de mogelijkheid hebben om berichten toe te voegen, verwijderen
-en bewerken op deze site.";
-$messages["help_showBlogUsers"] = "Dit is een lijst van de gebruikers die bewerktoegang hebben op deze site.
-U kan hun profiel zien als u dat wenst en u kunt hun bewerkprivileges ook intrekken door heb te selecteren
-en te klikken op de 'Privileges intrekken'-knop.  Eenmaal u dit gedaan heeft, kan de gebruiker niets meer
-sturen naar deze site.";
-// note to translators:
-// added some additional text here to inform about the new "configure" feature
-$messages["help_pluginCenter"] = "<p>Van hier ut kunt u zien welke plugins werden geïnstalleerd.  Voor iedere
-plugin kunt u zijn ID zien (de ID die u moet gebruiken wanneer u templates programmeert en wil gebruik
-maken van de plugin-mogelijkheden), de auteur van de plugin en wat beschrijvende tekst die verschillende
-info geeft over de plugin, hoofdzakelijk hoe ze te gebruiken.</p>
-<p>Sommige plugins bieden ook hun eigen configuratie-painga van waar u enkele aspechten van het gedrag
-van de plugin kunt instellen.  Om een dergelijke pagina op te roepen, klik dan op de 'Configureer' link
-naast de plugin.</p>";
-$messages["configurePlugin"] = "Deze plugin geeft enkele instellingen die kunnen ingesteld worden door de
-$messages["help_newBlogTemplate"] = "<p>Het is mogelijk om gemakkelijk nieuwe templates te te voegen aan het systeem.
-Om dit te doen, zijn er twee mogelijkheiden: het template en ofwel worden opgeladen naar de server als een
-gecompresseerd bestand (enkel tar.gz, tar.bz2 en zip worden ondersteund) of het kan manueel worden opgeladen
-met eender welke methode.</p>
-<p>Indien u kiest voor de eerste methode, dan moet de inhoud van het bestand al zijn ingepakt onder een map
-die de naam zal zijn van het template.</p>
-<p>Als u kiest voor de tweede methode, laad dan de bestanden op in een map onder uw site-specifieke
-map en typ de naam van deze map in de onderstaande tekstbox.</p>
-<p>Plugins die hier worden toegevoegd zullen enkel beschikbaar zijn voor deze site en zult u niet kunnen gebruiken
-in uw andere sites.</p>";
-$messages["help_blogTemplates"] = "<p>Dit is een lijst met alle templates die zijn toegevoegd
-aan deze site. Als u er een wil verwijderen, gelieve ze dan te selecteren en te klikken op de
-'Verwijder geselecteerde' knop onder de lijst.  Eenmaal een template is verwijderd kan het niet
-worden teruggehaald, aangezien het werd verwijderd van de server.</p>";
-$messages["help_adminSettings"] = "<p>Dit zijn enkele basis-statistieken over uw site.</p>";
-$messages["help_createUser"] = "<p>Nieuwe gebruikers kunnen gemakkelijk worden geregistreerd door
-dit formulier te gebruiken. U moet enkel een geldige gebruikersnaam en een wachtwoord ingeven.
-Optioneel kunt u dit nog aanvullen met een emailadres. Gebruikers die werden geregistreerd zijn
-nog niet gekoppeld aan een site behalve als we dit expliciet doen in de 'Gebruikers' Sectie of
-vanaf het moment dat we een site maken speciaal voor deze nieuwe gebruiker.</p>";
-$messages["editUserProfile"] = "<p>Van hieruit kunnen we het gebruikersprofiel wijzigen van eender
-welke gebruiker op deze site. We kunnen ook de gebruiker administratieve privileges verlenen (of
-deze wegnemen). Een lijst van de sites waaraan de gebruiker gekoppeld is, wordt ook weergegeven.</p>";
-$messages["help_editSiteUsers"] = "<p>Dit zijn alle gebruikers die zijn geregistreerd in deze site.  U kan
-deze bekijken en hun gebruikersprofiel wijzigen door te klikken op het gebruikersnaam of u kunt ze
-verwijderen door ze te selecteren en onderaan de lijst te klikken op de knop 'Verwijder geselecteerde'.
-Eenmaal een gebruiker werd verwijderd, kan dit <b>niet</b> ongedaan worden gemaakt, dus gelieve hiermee zeer
-voorzichtig te zijn.</p>";
-$messages["help_createBlog"] = "<p>Er kan een ongelimiteerd aantal sites worden gemaakt met een
-enkele installatie van deze software. Gebruikers kunnen het registratiescript gebruiken die in het
-hoofdpakket zit, maar een beheerder kan ook nieuwe sites maken met dit formulier. Het enigste dat
-u dient in te vullen is de naam die aan de site wordt gegeven en de eigenaar van dezez nieuwe site.
-De eigenaar krijgt het maximum aan rechten over deze site.</p>";
- $messages["help_editSiteBlogs"] = "<p>Dit is een lijst met alle sites die zijn geregistreerd op
- deze server. Iedere site kan worden verwijderd door hem te selecteren en te klikken op
- de knop 'Verwijder geselecteerde'.  U kunt geen site verwijderen als die site staat ingesteld
- op de standaard.  (Zie 'Globale Instellingen' in 'Site Admin').</p>
- <p>We kunnen ook de instellingen van een site veranderen door erop te klikken.</p>
- <p>Als laatst, kunnen we ook de gebruikers bewerken die toegang tot een bepaalde site hebben,
- door te klikken op de 'Bewerk gebruikers' link</p>";
-$messages["editBlog"] = "<p>De instellingen van een site kunnen worden aangepast op dezelfde manier
-als een normale gebruiker dat kan. Alles is exacht hetzelfde behalve dat administratieve gebruikers
-ook kunnen instellen wie de eigenaar van de site is, ten allen tijde.</p>";
-$messages["editBlogUsers"] = "<p>Dit is een optie die toelaat om visueel gebruikers toe te
-voegen en te verwijderen van eender welke site. Aan de linkerzjde zien we een lijst die alle
-gebruikers bevat die geen editeerprivileges hebben gekregen. Om een gebruiker (of meer dan één indien
-nodig) toe te voegen aan de gepriviligeerde gebruikers, moeten we ze enkel selecteren uit te lijst
-aan de linkerkant en te klikken op de knop 'Toevoegen'. Om het omgekeerde proces te doen, selecteren
-we de gebruikers aan de rechterkant en klikken we op de 'Verwijder' knop.</p>
-<p>Het is ook mogelijk om de eigenaar van de site te veranderen door hem/haar te selecteren in de
-keuzelijst bovenaan.</p>";
-$messages["help_newLocale"] = "<p>Nu kunnen talen zeer gemakkelijk worden toegevoegd aan de site
-met deze optie. Als we de mogelijkheid hebben om bestanden op te laden, dan kunnen we kit doen
-in het eerste formulier, 'Taal Opladen', simpelweg de browser wijzen naar het taalbestand dat
-we zouden willen opladen. Het systeem doet automatisch al de rest, inclusier het kopiëren van
-het bestand naar de map met de andere taalbestanden, maar let erop dat de map moet schrijfbaar
-zijn door de gebruiker waarmee de webserver draait voordat deze functie juist kan werken. Als het
-taalbestand reeds bestaat, zal het worden <b>overschreven en vervangen dor de nieuwe</b>.</p>
-<p>Als er geen bestanden kunnen worden opgeladen naar de server, dan moet het bestand handmatig
-worden opgeladen naar de server en in de juiste map geplaatst bij de andere taalbestanden.
-Eenmaal het bestand daar werd geplaatst, zal u moeten de code (bv nl_BE) moeten ingeven in
-het tweede tekstveld.</p>
-<p>Taalbestanden moeten de naamconventies volgen van locale_ll_CC, waar 'll' gelijk is aan de
-2-karakter ISO code voor de taal, terwijl CC, de 3-karakter ISO code voor het land is. Indien
-het formaat van de naamgeving onjuist is, zal het taalbestand worden geweigerd.</p>";
-$messages["help_siteLocales"] = "<p>Dit is een lijst met alle reed geïnstalleerde taalbestanden op deze site.
-Voor ieder van hen, kunt u de encodering en een korte beschrijving zien.  Ook kunnen taalbestanden worden
-verwijderd door ze te selecteren en onderaan de lijst te klikken op de knop 'Verwijder Geselecteerde'.</p>";
-$messages["help_newTemplate"] = "<p>Het is mogelijk om gemakkelijk niet templates toe te voegen aan het systeem
-Om dit te doen, zijn er twee mogelijkheden, u kunt het bestand opladen via het formlier in een gecompresseerd bestand
-(enkel tar.gz, tar.bz2 en zip) naar de server of u kunt het handmatig naar de server opladen op eender welke gewenste
-<p>Als de eerste methode werd gekozen, dan moet de inhoud van het bestand al ondergebracht zijn in een map die de naam
-draagt van het template. Deze naam zal worden gebruikt om het template een naam te geven.</p>
-<p>Al u koos voor de tweede methode, dan moet u simpelweg de bestanden opladen naar de server onder een de map templates
-in een map die de naam van het template draagt.  Na dit gedaan te hebben, dient u de naam van laatstgenoemde map in het
-tweede tekstveld in te vullen.</p>
-<p>Plugins die hier worden toegevoegd zullen beschikbaar zijn voor alle sites op deze server.</p>";
-$messages["help_siteTemplates"] = "<p>Dit is een lijst met alle templates die globaal beschikbaar zijn voor alle sites,
-als u er wilt verwjderen uit deze lijst, gelieve ze dan te selecteren en onderaan de lijst te klikken op de knop
-'Verwijder geselecteerde'. Eenmaal een template werd verwijderd, kan die niet meer worden gerecupereerd, aangezien
-het is verwijderd van de schijf.</p>";
-$messages["help_editSiteSettings"] = "Dit zijn alle globale instellingen van deze site die veel van de gedragingen van het pakket bepalen.";
-$messages["newBlogTemplateFile"] = "Enkele bestanden kunnen worden toegevoegd tot en reeds bestaand template zonder de
-hele set opnieuw te moeten oploaden.  Zoek het bestand dat u wil opladen op uw computer en klik op de knop 'Bestand Toevoegen'.";
-// text is the same, so we can save a few bytes
-$messages["newTemplateFile"] = $messages["newBlogTemplateFile"];
-$messages["show_category_in_main_page"] = "Toon deze categorie op de hoofdpagina";
-$messages["welcome_resource_center"] = "Welkom bij het bronnencentrum!";
-$messages["resourceCenter"] = "Bronnencentrum";
-$messages["resourceAlbums"] = "Bronnen Albums";
-$messages["resources"] = "Bronnen";
-$messages["newResource"] = "Bron toevoegen";
-$messages["newResourceAlbum"] = "Album toevoegen";
-$messages["album"] = "Album";
-$messages["album_name"] = "Album naam";
-$messages["parent_album"] = "Bovenliggend album";
-$messages["no_parent_album"] = "Geen bovenliggend album";
-$messages["resource_info"] = "Bron Informatie";
-$messages["size"] = "Grootte";
-$messages["format"] = "Formaat";
-$messages["dimensions"] = "Dimensies";
-$messages["bits_per_sample"] = "Bits per pixel";
-$messages["bytes"] = "bytes";
-$messages["pixels"] = "pixels";
-$messages["time_offset"] = "Tijdsverschil in uren tussen de server en u:";
-$messages["hours"] = "Uren";
-$messages["album_added_ok"] = "Het nieuwe album werd toegevoegd.";
-$messages["name"] = "Naam";
-$messages["children"] = "Kinderen";
-$messages["see"] = "Zie";
-$messages["view"] = "Bekijk";
-$messages["resource_info"] = "Broninformatie";
-$messages["number_of_channels"] = "Aantal kanalen";
-$messages["length"] = "Lengte";
-$messages["number_of_files"] = "Aantal bestanden";
-$messages["compressed_size"] = "Gecomprimeerde grootte";
-$messages["uncompressed_size"] = "Ongecomprimeerde grootte";
-$messages["resource_file"] = "Bestand dat u zou willen toevoegen";
-$messages["add_to_album"] = "Dit bestand toevoegen aan volgend album:";
-$messages["edit_resource_album"] = "Bron Album Bewerken";
-$messages["error_loading_resource_album"] = "Er trad een fout op bij het ophalen van het bronnenalbum.";
-$messages["error_album_id_parameter_missing"] = "Het album-id is onjuist.";
-$messages["error_album_parent_id_parameter_missing"] = "Bovenliggend album-id niet gevonden.";
-$messages["error_updating_resource_album"] = "Er trad een fout op bij het bewerken van het bronnenalbum.";
-$messages["resource_album_updated_ok"] = "Het bronnenalbum \"%s\" wer aangepast.";
-$messages["error_must_give_album_name"] = "U dient een naam op te geven voor het album.";
-$messages["error_adding_album"] = "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het toevoegen van het bronnenalbum.";
-$messages["album_added_ok"] = "Het nieuwe album \"%s\" werd goed toegevoegd.";
-$messages["resource_added_ok"] = "De nieuwe bron werd goed toegevoegd.";
-$messages["error_resource_forbidden_extension"] = "De bron kon niet worden toegevoegd omdat het een verboden extensie had.";
-$messages["error_resource_too_big"] = "De bron kon niet worden toegevoegd omdat het te groot was.";
-$messages["error_uploads_disabled"] = "De bron kon niet worden toegevoegd omdat uploads werden uitgeschakeld in deze site.";
-$messages["error_adding_resource"] = "Er trad een fout op bij het toevoegen van de bron.";
-$messages["error_loading_resource"] = "Er trad een fout op bij het ophalen van de bron.";
-$messages["error_updating_resource"] = "Er trad een fout op bij het aanpassen van de bron.";
-$messages["resource_updated_ok"] = "Bron \"%s\" werd succesvol toegevoegd.";
-$messages["error_no_resources_selected"] = "Er werden geen bronnen geselecteerd voor verwijdering.";
-$messages["resource_deleted_ok"] = "Bron \"%s\" werd succesvol verwijderd.";
-$messages["error_deleting_resource"] = "Er trad een fout op bij het verwijderen van bron \"%s\".";
-$messages["error_no_resource_uploaded"] = "Er werd geen bronbestand toegevoegd.";
-$messages["filteredContent"] = "Gefilterde inhoud";
-$messages["global_filtered_content"] = "Globaal Gefilterde Inhoud";
-$messages["newFilteredContent"] = "Filter Inhoud";
-$messages["blockedHosts"] = "Geblokkeerde Hosts";
-$messages["global_blocked_hosts"] = "Globaal Geblokkeerde Hosts";
-$messages["newBlockedHost"] = "Blokkeer Host";
-$messages["blogSecurity"] = "Beveiliging";
-$messages["security_welcome"] = "Welkom in het beveiligingscomponent!";
-$messages["filtered_content_intro"] = "De volgende inhoud/reguliere expressies werden geblokkeerd in deze blog.";
-$messages["global_filtered_content_intro"] = "De volgende inhoud/reguliere expressies werden globaal geblokkeerd.";
-$messages["content"] = "Inhoud";
-$messages["reason"] = "Reden";
-$messages["add_filtered_content"] = "Gefilterde Inhoud Toevoegen";
-$messages["add_filtered_content_intro"] = "Alles wat hier word toegevoegd, zal niet worden aanzien als geldige tekst in een commentaar en iedere poging door een gewone gebruiker om commentaar te posten met geblokkeerde inhoud, zal het commentaar blokkeren. Reguliere expressies of een simpele string kunnen worden gebruikt. Deze eerste zijn veel krachtiger maar ook veel complexer en moeten met voorzichtigheid worden gebruikt, omdat ze mogelijk alle inhoud kunnen blokkeren indien de reguliere expressie verkeerd werd opgesteld.";
-$messages["global_add_filtered_content_intro"] = "Alles wat hier word toegevoegd, zal niet worden aanzien als geldige tekst in een commentaar of eender welke blog en iedere poging door een gewone gebruiker om commentaar te posten met geblokkeerde inhoud, zal het commentaar blokkeren. Reguliere expressies of een simpele string kunnen worden gebruikt. Deze eerste zijn veel krachtiger maar ook veel complexer en moeten met voorzichtigheid worden gebruikt, omdat ze mogelijk alle inhoud kunnen blokkeren indien de reguliere expressie verkeerd werd opgesteld.";
-$messages["content_to_block"] = "Inhoud die u wil blokkeren";
-$messages["block_this"] = "Blokkeer Dit";
-$messages["mask"] = "Maskeer";
-$messages["access_blocked"] = "Toegang Geblokkeerd";
-$messages["posting_blocked"] = "Plaatsen Geblokkeerd";
-$messages["block_host_intro"] = "Hosts die hier worden toegevoegd zullen voor deze blog worden geblokkeerd. Gelieve <a href=\"javascript:help_window('admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost');\">de help-sectie</a> te bekijken voor een meer gedetailleerde beschrijving van deze optie.";
-$messages["global_block_host_intro"] = "Hosts die hier worden toegevoegd zullen voor alle blogs worden geblokkeerd. Zie de gerelateerde <a href=\"javascript:help_window('admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost');\">help item</a> voor meer informatie over deze optie.";
-$messages["block_type"] = "Type blokkering";
-$messages["error_invalid_ip_address"] = "Het IP-adres is niet geldig.";
-$messages["error_provide_content_to_block"] = "U moet minstens enige inhoud opgeving om te blokkeren.";
-$messages["error_must_create_album_first"] = "U dient eerst een album te maken vooraleer u bronnen kunt toevoegen.";
-$messages["error_resource_is_not_an_image"] = "De gekozen bron is geen beeldbestand.";
-$messages["error_generating_resource_preview"] = "Er trad een fout op bij de generatie van het voorbeeld voor deze bron.";
-$messages["resource_preview_generated_ok"] = "Het voorbeeld voor deze bron werd succesvol gegenereerd.";
-$messages["regenerate_preview"] = "Regenereer Voorbeeld";
-$messages["show_album"] = "Toon Album";
-$messages["show_album_when_browsing"] = "Toon dit album aan gebruikers";
-$messages["assigned_to_blog"] = "Gebruiker toewijzen aan de volgende blog";
-$messages["clean_up"] = "Opschonen";
-$messages["purge_info"] = "De optie zuiveren zal alle berichten effectief verwijderen die werden gemarkeerd als 'Verwijderd'. Anders
-worden deze berichten in de database opgeslaan (in geval dat een gebuiker later enkele van deze berichten wil herstellen)
- en deze kunnen na verloop van tijd een behoorlijke hoeveelheid worden, die de grootte van uw database zinloos vergroot.
- Als u er zeker van bent dat u dergelijke berichten wil verwijderen, klik dan op onderstaande knop.";
-$messages["spam_info"] = "Commentaar dat werd gemarkeerd als spam kan in de database gehouden worden om
-de spamfilter te trainen. Eenmaal deze functie werd voltooid, zijn ze waardeloos en kunnen ze verwijderd
-worden. Indien u dit wenst, gelieve op onderstaande knop te klikken.";
-$messages["no_spam"] = "Geen Spam";
-$messages["spam"] = "Spam";
-$messages["mark_as_spam"] = "Markeer als spam";
-$messages["mark_as_no_spam"] = "Markeer als geen spam";
-$messages["enable_comments_for_post"] = "Commentaar inschakelen voor dit bericht";
-$messages["close_window"] = "Sluit Venster";
-$messages["newResource"] = "Bron toevoegen";
-$messages["add_resource_preview"] = "Voorbeeld toevoegen";
-$messages["newResourceAlbum"] = "Album toevoegen";
-$messages["show_main_page"] = "Toon in hoofdpagina";
-$messages["purge_spam_comments"] = "Spamcommentaar Zuiveren";
-$messages["purge_posts"] = "Berichten Zuiveren";
-$messages["keep_spam_comments"] = "Spamcommentaar houden";
-$messages["throw_away_spam_comments"] = "Spamcommentaar weggooien";
-$messages["error_adding_blocked_host"] = "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het blokkeren van de opgegeven host.";
-$messages["blocked_host_added_ok"] = "Host %s toegevoegd aan de lijst van geblokkeerde hosts.";
-$messages["error_no_blocked_hosts_selected"] = "Er werden geen hosts geselecteerd voor verwijdering.";
-$messages["blocked_host_deleted_ok"] = "Host \"%s\" verwijderd.";
-$messages["error_deleting_blocked_host"] = "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het verwijderen van geblokkeerde host \"%s\"";
-$messages["edit_blocked_host"] = "Geblokkeerde host Aanpassen";
-$messages["error_fetching_blocked_host"] = "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het ophalen van de geblokkeerde host.";
-$messages["error_updating_blocked_host"] = "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het aanpassen van de geblokkeerde host.";
-$messages["thumbnail_format"] = "Verkleind format";
-$messages["same_as_image"] = "Zelfde als origineel beeld";
-$messages["same"] = $messages["same_as_image"];
-$messages["help_locale_folder"] = "Map waar taalbestanden staan.";
-$messages["help_default_locale"] = "Standaard taalinstelling zal worden gebruikt bij het aanmaken van nieuwe blogs.";
-$messages["help_xmlrpc_api_enabled"] = "de XMLRPC interface in of uitschakelen, om berichten te plaatsen vanaf uw desktop.";
-$messages["default_rss_profile"] = "RSS/RDF profiel dat standaard zal worden gebruikt bij het genereren van feeds, als er geen speciaal profiel werd geselecteerd";
-$messages["help_security_pipeline_enabled"] = "Schakelt de beveiligingsfuncties in. Deze uitschakelen zal alle beveiligingsfuncties desactiveren dus het is aangeraden om dit ingeschakeld te laten en enkel de opties uit te schakelen die u niet nodig heeft.";
-$messages["help_ip_address_filter_enabled"] = "Schakelt de IP-adresfilter in, om bepaalde hosts te verhinderen uw site te bezoeken.";
-$messages["help_content_filter_enabled"] = "Schakent een zeer eenvoudige, op reguliere expressies gebaseerde, inhoudsfilter in om commentaar met bepaalde woorden of inhoud te blokkeren. De Bayesian filter is mogelijk een betere oplossing.";
-$messages["help_maximum_comment_size"] = "Maximum toegelaten lengte van bytes voor commentaar.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_enabled"] = "Schakelt de bayesian filter in of uit.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_spam_probability_treshold"] = "Minimumwaarde wanneer een commentaar wordt aanzien als spam. Dit moet tussen 0.01 en 0.99 liggen.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_nonspam_probability_treshold"] = "Maximumwaarde wanneer een commentaar veilig kan worden aanzien als geen spam. Alles tussen deze twee waarden zal nog steeds worden aanzien als spam maar het zal nog aanvullende training nodig hebben";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_min_length_token"] = "Minimumlengte die een token kan hebben om door de parser aanzien te worden als een geldige token.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_max_length_token"] = "Maximumlengte die tokens kunnen hebben.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_number_significant_tokens"] = "Het aantal significante tokens dat een bericht moet hebben";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_spam_comments_action"] = "Wat er moet worden gedaan met commentaar gemarkeerd als spam. Ze kunnen ofwel worden geweigerd en weggegooid zodat ze nooit in de databank terecht komen of ze kunnen worden behouden en gemarkeerd worden als spam. De tweede optie is aangeraden wanneer uw filter nog niet veel werd getraind en nog af en toe fouten maakt.";
-$messages["help_path_to_convert"] = "De 'convert' tool van het pakket ImageMagick is nodig als u ImageMagick gebruikt als de backend om kleine voorbeelden te genereren.";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_height"] = "Maximumhoogte die voorbeelden kunnen hebben.";
-$messages["help_resources_folder"] = "Map waar de bronnen zullen worden opgeslagen. Dit pad dient niet in de webserver-boomstructuur te liggen, als u niet wil dat mensen uw bronnenmap kunnen doorbladeren. De bronnenserver zal ervoor zorgen dat de bestanden worden geleverd waar ze ook staan.";
-$messages["help_thumbnails_keep_aspect_ratio"] = "Als de verhoudingen voor voorbeelden dient worden behouden of niet.";
-$messages["help_resources_enabled"] = "Schakelt het 'Bronnencentrum' in of uit.";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_method"] = "Backend systeem dat zal worden gebruikt voor de generatie van voorbeeldfoto's. Als u ImageMagick wenst te gebruiken, gelieve onderaan te kijken, aangezien er een aantal externe tools nodig zijn.";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_width"] = "Maximumbreedte die  uw voorbeeldbestanden zullen hebben.";
-$messages["external_interfaces"] = "Externe Interfaces";
-$messages["security_settings"] = "Beveiligingsinstellingen";
-$messages["bayesian_filter_settings"] = "Bayesian Filter Instellingen";
-$messages["resources_settings"] = "Bronnen Instellingen";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_format"] = "Standaardformaat dat zal worden gebruikt bij de generatie van voorbeeldbestanden. Indien u dit instelt op 'Zelfde als origineel', dan zullen de voorbeelden worden opgeslaan in hetzelfde formaat als het origineel bestand waarvan ze werden gegenereerd.";
-$messages["edit"] = "Bewerken";
-$messages["blocked_content_added_ok"] = "Geblokkeerde inhoud succesvol toegevoegd.";
-$messages["blocked_content_updated_ok"] = "Geblokkeerde inhoud succesvol bewerkt.";
-$messages["help_disable_javascript_calendar"] ="
-Schakelt de javascript en DHTML-gebaseerde kalender uit om een
-datum te kiezen bij het bewerken of toevoegen van een bericht, moest de gebruiker zijn/haar
-browser deze functies niet ondersteunen.";
-$messages["edit_filtered_content"] = "Gefilterde Inhoud Bewerken";
-$messages["error_updating_blocked_content"] = "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het bewerken van de geblokkeerde inhoud.";
-$messages["audio_codec"] = "Audio Codec";
-$messages["video_codec"] = "Video Codec";
-$messages["sample_rate"] = "Sample rate";
-$messages["files"] = "Bestanden";
-$messages["created"] = "Gemaakt";
-$messages["generated"] = "Gegenereerd";
-$messages["about"] = "Over";
-$messages["menu"] = "Menu";
-$messages["albums"] = "Albums";
-$messages["template_file"] = "Template bestand";
-$messages["download"] = "Download";
-$messages["error_you_have_been_blocked"] = "U hebt niet de toelating om door te gaan met deze aanvraag.";
-$messages["error_base_storage_folder_missing_or_unreadable"] = "pLog konde nodig mappen niet aanmaken om bronnen in te installeren. Dit kan meerdere redenen hebben, zoals uw PHP installatie die in safe mode of veilige modus draait of uw gebruiker die niet voldoende rechten heeft omdit te doen. U kan nog steeds deze bewerking manueel uitvoeren, door de volgende mappen te maken: <br/><br/>%s<br/><br/>Als deze mappen bestaan, zorg er dan voor dat deze gelezen en beschreven kunnen worden door de gebruiker waarmee uw webserver draait.";
-// help messages //
-// translators: the following help messages have changed a little since last version, due to a few
-// new features built on top of previous features
-$messages["help_editArticleCategories"] = "<p>Dit is een lijst met alle berichtcategorieën die tot nu toe
-reeds werden gemaakt. Er moet minstens één categorie gemaakt zijn, vooraleer u een artikel kunt
-toevoegen, aangezien ieder bericht moet onderverdeeld zijn in een categorie.
-De <b>'Artikelen'</b> kolom toont het aantal berichten die werden gecategoriseerd onder een bepaalde
-categorie. Analoog, kunnen er geen categorieën worden verwijderd die artikelen hebben onder hen. U
-dient eerst alle artikelen te verwijderen onder die categorie vooraleer u zal de mogelijkheid krijgen
-om de categorie te verwijderen.</p>
-<p>U kunt een of meerdere categoriën terzelfdertijd verwijderen door hun <b>'Verwijder'</b> vinkje aan
-te zetten en daarna op de <b>'Verwijder Geselecteerde'</b> knop te klikken.</p>
-<p>De <b>'Toon in Hoofdpagina'</b> kolom toont als deze categorie getoond wordt op de hoofdpagina of
-als alternatief deze kan worden gezien als er op zijn link wordt geklikt. Bewerkt de categorie zelf door
-deze optie in of uit te schakelen.</p>";
-$messages["help_newArticleCategory"] = "<p>Hier kunt u een nieuwe berichtencategorie toevoegen aan het blog.
-Het enige dat u dient op te geven is een naam voor de nieuwe categorie. Eenmaal deze werd aangemaakt,
-zal deze beschikbaarzijn om berichten onder te categoriseren.</p>
-<p>U kunt de 'Toon categorie in hoofdpagina' optie uitschakelen als u niet wilt dat de categorie wordt
-getoond in de hoofdpagina van de site. Als dit uitgeschakeld is, kunnen berichten in deze categorie enkel
-getoond worden bij het bladeren door deze specifieke categorie, door op zijn link te klikken</p>";
-$messages["editArticleCategory"] = "<p>Gelieve een nieuwe naam te geven voor de categorie die u wenst
-aan te passen. Geef aanvullend ook op indien u wilt dat de berichten in deze categorie op de hoofdpagina
-worden getoond of niet.</p>";
-$messages["help_editPosts"] = "<p>Gebruik deze pagina om een bericht uit het journaal aan te passen. De
-informatie van het bericht werd reeds opgegeven en u kunt hier wijzigingen aanbrengen aan deze info.
-Eenmaal u het bericht hebt afgewerkt, klik dan op de knop <b>'Aanpassen'</b> en het bericht zal worden
-aangepast. Gelieve er ook rekening meet te houden dat u de status van het bericht zet op <b>'Gepubliceerd'</b>
-indien u deze pagina wil laten verschijnen op de hoofdpagina. Gebruik de <b>'Klad'</b> status als u
-het plaatsen van het bericht niet kunt afwerken en u wilt opslaan wat u tot dusver hebt ingegeven zodat
-u het bericht later kunt aanpassen.</p>
-<p>Als u een email wilt ontvangen over een nieuw bericht, klik dan het corresponderende vinkje aan.</p>
-<p>Meer informatie over de verschillende opties kunt u <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newPost\">hier</a> vinden.</p>";
-$messages["help_blogSettings"] = "<p>Op deze pagina kunt u een aantal instellingen veranderen die de
-gedragen en het uiterlijk van dit journaal bepalen. Dit zijn de instellingen: <ul>
-<li><b>Permanente URL</b>: Dit is de URL waar deze blog draait en die u kunt gebruiken om naartoe
-te verwijzen. Deze link kan niet veranderd worden.</li>
-<li><b>Blog Naam</b>: Dit is een tekst string met een beschrijvende naam van het blog. Als u de
-standaardsjablonen gebruikt, wordt deze tekst bovenaan iedere pagina getoond.</li>
-<li><b>Lange beschrijvende tekst over deze blog</b>: Dit is een langere tekst die u
-optioneel kunt weergeven in een soort van pagina om meer informatie weer te geven over deze site.
-Deze optie kan leeg gelaten worden.</li>
-<li><b>Taal voor teksten</b>: Hier kunt u één van de beschikbare talen kiezen. Deze taal zal
-worden gebruikt om de teksten weer te geven (niet uw eigen artikels!) en dingen zoals
-data en nummers opmaken, gebruik makend van de juiste instellingen. Meer talen kunnen altijd worden
-<li><b>Items in de hoofdpagina</b>: Stel dit in op het aantal berichten die u wilt weergeven
-op de hoofdpagina. Hoe meer berichten, hoe langer het zal duren voor gebruikers om uw pagina
-te downloaden. Het minimum is één.</li>
-<li><b>Items in Recent</b>: Stel dit in op het aantal berichten die verschijnen in 'Recent',
-dit zijn de berichten die u reeds eerder hebt geplaatst. Minimum aantal is één.</li>
-<li><b>Sjabloon gebruikt om de inhoud weer te geven</b>: pLog laat u toe om met meer dan één
-sjabloon uw inhoud weer te geven. U kan deze kiezen die het meest toepasselijk is voor uw journaal,
-van deze die werden geïnstalleerd door de administrator.</li>
-<li><b>Toon het hele bericht in de hoofdpagina of ekel een deel?</b>:
-Stel dit in op 'Ja' indien u wilt dat pLog automatisch een (meer...) link
-toevoegt aan het bericht op de hoofdpagina net na de tekst die u hebt ingetikt in de box
-'Tekst'. De tekst die in de tweede box werd ingetikt zal enkel worden getoond indien op deze
-link wordt geklikt. Deze optie kan nutting zijn aangezien deze u hoofdpagina minder 'druk' maakt
-en ook kleiner. Het kan echter problemen opleveren indien er veel HTML code wordt gebruikt in de pagina.</li>
-<li><b>WYSIWYG inschakelen bij het opstellen van teksten</b>: Stel deze optie in op ja indien u wil de
-mogelijkheid krijgen om onmiddellijk te zien hoe uw bericht er uitziet. Deze optie werkt enkel goed
-op browsers met Internet Explorer 5.5 of Mozilla 1.3b of hoger.</li>
-<li><b>Commentaar inschakelen</b>: Schakel deze optie in indien u uw bezoekers wil de mogelijkheid
-geven om commentaar te geven op de geplaatste artikelen. Deze optie wordt doorgevoerd voor alle berichten
-en voor alle gebruikers.</li>
-<li><b>Volgorde waarin commentaren worden weergegeven</b>: Stel dit in op \"Oudste eerst\" als u
-het oudste commentaar eerst wil zien in de lijst, of stel het in op \"Nieuwste eerst\" om ze in
-omgekeerd chronologische volgorde te tonen.</li>
-<li><b>Tijdsverschil in uren tussen de server en u</b>: U kunt deze instelling gebruiken om pLog automatisch
-een aantal uren te laten toevoegen of verwijderen aan iedere datum in de blog. Dit is voornamelijk handig
-indien het blog op een gehoste server staat in een andere tijdzone dan de persoon die de blog gebruikt. U kunt
-pLog vertellen dat er een een verschil is van +3 uur, zodat alle data dusdanig worden toegepast.</li>
-// translators: the ones below are already new
-$messages["help_resourceCenter"] = "Vanuit het bronnencentrum kunt u uw bestanden beheren, ze groeperen
-in albums, deze albums beheren en deze aanpassen.";
-$messages["help_newResourceAlbum"] = "<p> U dient minstens één alhum te hebben om hier uw bronnen in onder
-te verdelen. Van hieruit bent u in de mogeljkheid om een nieuw album aan te meken, gewoon door een naam
-en een beschrijving voor het album op te geven. Enkel het naam veld is verplicht, het veld beschrijving
-is optioneel.</p>
-<p>Gebruik het 'Bovenliggende Album' veld om in te stellen of dit een top-level album is op als het een
-subalbum is met een bovenliggend album.</p>";
-$messages["help_resourceAlbums"] = "<p>Dit is een lijst met alle bronnenalbums die u tot dusver heeft aangemaakt.
-Voor ieder album kunnen verschillende van zijn opties onmiddelijk kunnen worden getoond: zijn naam, een link
-naar eventuele onderliggende albums en het eventuele aantal daarvan, een link naar zijn bronnen en het aantal
-daarvan, of het album wel dan niet publiek toegankelijk is of privaal en een checkbox om er zoveel als nodig te
-<p> U kunt meer lezen over de 'Toon Album' optie <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=editResourceAlbum\">hier</a></p>";
-$messages["editResourceAlbum"] = "<p>Van hier kunt u de eigenschappen van een bronnenalbum aanpassen. Bijna
-alle velden zijn hetzelfde als <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newResourceAlbum\">hier</a> behalve het
-'Toon album aan gebruikers' vinkje. Indien dit is ingeschakeld, zal het album zichtbaar zijn aan de gebruikers
-die de collectie van albums en bronnen doorbladeren. Indien het is uitgeschakeld, zal hiet niet publiek
- toegankelijk is. Dit is waardevol in geval dat we albums hebben die privaat dienen te blijven.</p>";
-$messages["help_newResource"] = "<p>U zal over de mogelijkheid beschikken om nieuwe bronnen aan u blog toe
-te voegen in deze sectie. Alle soorten bestanden kunnen worden opgeladen maar pLog is in de mogelijkheid
-om waardevolle informatie over heb op te staan zoals bij foto's, video's, zip bestanden en muziekbestanden.</p>
-<p>Eerst en vooral, zoek het bestand dat u wil opladen. Daarna kunt u het een beschrijving geven (verplicht veld)
-en tot slot dient u te kiezen aan wel album deze bron dit toe te behoren. Het is niet mogelijk om een bronbestand
-te hebben die niet in een album is onderverdeeld. Eenmaal afgewerkt, klik op de knop 'Bron Toevoegen' zodat
-het bestand wordt toegevoegd aan uw blog.</p>
-<p>Gelieve te onthouden dat uploads dienen ingeschakeld te zijn opdat deze functie zou werken. Aanvullend is
-het ook mogelijk dat de blog adminstrator een aantal bestandstypes heeft gekozen die niet worden toegelaten in
-deze blog. Het raamwerk voor bronnen dient ook ingeschakeld te zijn. Al deze instellingen kunnen worden aangepast
-door een gebruiker met administratieve privileges in de 'Globale Instellingen' sectie.</p>
-<p>Deze optie vereist een map op de server die beschrijfbaar is.</p>";
-$messages["help_resources"] = "<p>Van hieruit kunt u aan alle bronbestanden die u hebt opgeladen. Bestanden
-zullen worden weergegeven onder het album waar ze aan toebehoren. Voor ieder bronbestand, zal het mogelijk
-zijn om zijn instellingen aan te passen, het te bekijken zoals een normale bezoeker dit zou doen en het markeren
-voor verwijdering. Als u klikt op de 'Verwijder Geselecteerde' knop onderaan het scherm, dan zullen de geselecteerde
-bronnen worden gemarkeerd als verwijderd.</p>
-<p>Klik op het map-icoon als u wil navigeren naar de inhoud van een album, of op de 'Aanpassen' knop om naar
-de instellingspagina van het album te geen. Gebruik de '..' link om een niveau naar boven te gaan. Klikken op een
-bronnaam of zijn voorbeeld (indien beschikbaar) zal u naar de broneigenschappen namen en zal u toelaten om instellinge
-aan te passen van de geselecteerde bron.</p>";
-$messages["help_blogSecurity"] = "Vanuit deze sectie hebt u de mogelijkheid om enkele basis beveiligingsmechanismen
-op te zetten die worden voorzien door pLog. De veranderingen die u hier maakt, gelden enkel voor uw blog en niet
-voor dat van iemand anders.";
-$messages["help_blogFilteredContent"] = "<p>Dit is een lijst van alle regels voor inhoudfiltering die u hebt
-toegevoegd voor deze blog. Op hen klikken zal u naar een pagina brengen waar u ze zal kunnen aanpassen.
-Gebruik het 'Verwijder' vinkje om ze te markeren voor verwijdering, en druk op de 'Verwijder Geselecteerde' knop
-eenmaal u zeker bent dat u deze wil verwijderen.</p>";
-$messages["help_newBlogFilteredContent"] = "<p>Hier kunt u een nieuwe regel toevoegen om ongewenste inhoud te voorkomen
-in commentaar. U kan hier enkele woorden of zinnen gebruiken indien u dat wenst, of u kunt de kracht van reguliere
-expressies gebruiken indien u weet hoe deze werken. U kunt ook een beschrijving toevoegen aan de regel zodat u kunt
-onthouden in de toekomst waar de regel voor dient, maar dit is geen verplict veld.</p>";
-$messages["help_blogBlockedHosts"] = "Dit is een lijst met alle hosts die tot dusver werden geblokkeerd van het blog.
-U kunt onmiddellijk zien welke hosts werden geblokkeerd en voor welke reden, de datum van blokkering en het type
-van de blokkering dat werd toegepast. Tot slot kunt u ook een van de blokkeringsregels selecteren en klikken
-op de 'Verwijder Geselecteerde' knop indien u deze regels wil verwijderen.";
-$messages["help_newBlogBlockedHost"] = "<p> Deze sectie laat u toe op een specifiek adres of een heel subnet te blokkeren van uw Blog. U kunt selecteren of u wil dat ze het kunnen zien, maar niet mogelijk zijn om berichten te plaatsen of u kunt kiezen om ze integraal te blokkeren. Kopieer het adres in de ruimtes die daarvoor voorzien zijn en kies het juiste subnet indien nodig. Voorbeeld: om enkel het adres te blokkeren dient u het 32 bits velt te kiezen om het hele adres te kiezen. Dit blokkeert enkel één adres en werkt goed om iemand met een statisch IP-adres te blokkeren. Indien u meerder IP-adressen ziet voor een zeker induvidu dan dient u dit subnetmasker te blokkeren.<br/>
- - 32 bits: Enkel dit adres<br/>
- - 24 bits: Alle adressen beginnend met 192.168.1<br/>
- - 16 bits: Alle adressen beginnend met 192.168<br/>
- - 8 bits: Alle adressen beginnend met 192<br/>
-<p>Het 'Blokkeringstype' geeft een lijst weer waaruit u kunt kiezen om deze host volledig te blokkeren
-van deze site (er wordt een foutpagina weergegeven aan de bezoeker) of enkel om he(n)(m) te blokkeren om
-commentaar te plaatsen. Indien u kiest voor het laatste, zal deze persoon nog steeds berichten kunnen lezen
-en het commentaar van anderen lezen.</p>
-<p>U kunt ook een reden/beschrijving toevoegen aan deze blokkeringsregel zodat u in de toekomst eraan kunt
-worden herinnerd waarom deze regel werd toegepast.</p>";
-$messages["editBlogBlockedHost"] = "U kunt een host blokkeren vanuit deze sectie. De aanwezige opties
-zijn exact dezelfde als <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost\">hier</a>.";
-$messages["editBlogFilteredContent"] = "Op deze pagina kunt u een inhoudsfilter aanpassen. De opties zijn
-exact dezelfde als <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogFilteredContent\">hier</a>.";
-$messages["help_filteredContent"] = "<p>Dit is een lijst met alle regels voor inhoudsfiltering die u reeds
-hebt toegevoegd aan de site. Deze regels zijn site-specifiek en nemen voorang om iedere blog-specifieke
-regel die kan worden aangemaakt door de blog gebruikers. De opties en hun bedoelingen zijn dezelfde als
-<a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=blogFilteredContent\">hier</a>.";
-$messages["help_newFilteredContent"] = "<p>Hier kunt u een nieuwe regel toevoegen om ongewenste inhoud
-te blokkeren in commentaren. Deze regen zal systeem-wijd worden gebruikt en heeft voorang op eventuele
-blog-specifieke regels. Zie <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogFilteredContent\">dit</a>
-voor meer informatie over de opties.";
-$messages["help_blockedHosts"] = "Dit is een lijst met alle hosts die werden geblokkeerd tot dusver op een systeem-wijde
-basis. Klikken op een regel zijn ip-adres laat u toe deze aan te passen. De instellingen nemen voorang op
-blog-specifieke regels, zodat, als een van deze globale regels een host kent, zullen alle volgende regels worden
-$messages["help_newBlockedHost"] = "Hier kunt u een globale host-blokkeringsregel toevoegen. Zie
-<a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost\">dit</a> voor meer informatie over de beschikbare opties.";
-$messages["editBlockedHost"] = "U kunt een host-blokkeringsregel aanpassen vanuit deze sectie. De opties zijn
-exact dezelfde als <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost\">hier</a>.";
-$messages["editFilteredContent"] = "Hier kunt u inhoudsfilters aanpassen. De opties zijn dezelfde
-als <a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogFilteredContent\">hier</a>.";
-$messages["blogFilteredContent"] = $messages["filteredContent"];
-$messages["newBlogFilteredContent"] = $messages["newFilteredContent"];
-$messages["blogBlockedHosts"] = $messages["blockedHosts"];
-$messages["newBlogBlockedHost"] = $messages["newBlockedHost"];
-$messages["newBlogUser"] = $messages["createUser"];
-// text of the post that will be added to each blog when they sign-up via the register.php script
-$messages["register_default_category"] = "General";
-$messages["register_default_article_text"] = "If you can read this, it means that your signup and registration was successful and that you can start blogging.";
-$messages["register_default_article_topic"] = "Congratulations, it worked!";
-// summary templates text
-$messages["summary_title"] = "Blogs Summary";
-$messages["summary_section_main"] = "Summary";
-$messages["summary_section_main_link_title"] = "Main Page";
-$messages["summary_section_register"] = "Register!";
-$messages["summary_section_register_link_title"] = "Register a new blog";
-$messages["summary_section_blog_list"] = "Blog list";
-$messages["summary_section_blog_list_link_title"] = "Blogs hosted in this site";
-$messages["summary_section_faq"] = "F.A.Q.";
-$messages["summary_section_faq_link_title"] = "Frequently Asked Questions";
-$messages["summary_welcome_title"] = "Welcome to pLog!";
-$messages["summary_most_active_blogs"] = "Most active blogs";
-$messages["summary_newest_blogs"] = "Newest blogs";
-$messages["summary_most_commented_articles"] = "Most commented articles";
-$messages["summary_most_read_articles"] = "Most read articles";
-$messages["summary_faq"] = "Frequently Asked Questions";
-$messages["summary_faq_question"] = "What is this?";
-$messages["summary_faq_description"] = "You could use this section to add some frequently asked questions about your service. It is all up to you and this is only a suggestion so feel free to make changes :) Edit the file templates/summary/faq.template to change the contents of this page.";
-$messages["summary_login"] = "Log-in";
-$messages["summary_other_stuff"] = "Other Stuff";
-$messages["summary_plog_logo"] = "How about a logo here?";
-$messages["summary_blog_list"] = "Blog List";
-$messages["summary_last_updated"] = "Last Updated";
-$messages["summary_author"] = "Author";
-$messages["summary_articles"] = "articles";
-$messages["summary_reads"] = "reads";
-$messages["summary_welcome_message"] = "<h4 class=\"question\">What is this site?</h4>
-                            <p>You could use this area to give some information about this site.</p>
-                            <ul>
-                                <li>See the following links for more information: <br />
-                                    <a href=\"summary.php?op=Faq\">FAQ</a></li>
-                                <li><a href=\"register.php\">Register a new blog here</a></li>
-                            </ul>";
-$messages["summary_latest_posts"] = "Latest Posts";
-$messages["summary_in"] = "in";
-$messages["summary_posted_by"] = "Posted by";
-// register templates text
-$messages["register_error"] = "Error";
-$messages["register_error_message"] = "There has been an error:";
-$messages["register_errors"] = "There were some errors during the process, please have a look:";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step1_title"] = "Register a new blog (1/3)";
-$messages["register_step1_fill_in_title"] = "Please fill in this form to create a new blog in this site.";
-$messages["register_step1_description"] = "<p>
-First of all, we need to create a user for you. Please choose a username (which should not exist in the system but if it does, we will let you know) This user will be considered as the owner of the blog and will have full powers over it.
-And please do not forget your password! There is no way it can be recovered once you have signed up.
-$messages["register_step1_legend"] = "Please fill in the following fields";
-$messages["register_username"] = "Username:";
-$messages["register_password"] = "Password:";
-$messages["register_password_confirmation"] = "Confirm password:";
-$messages["register_email"] = "Email address:";
-$messages["register_email_comment"] = "(user for notifications of new comments)";
-$messages["register_next"] = "Next &raquo;";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step2_title"] = "Register a new blog (2/3)";
-$messages["register_user_created"] = "Your new user has been successfully created! Now we can proceed and create your new personal blog.";
-$messages["register_step2_description"] = " <p>
-  The only thing we need to know is the name you would like to give to your diary. Later on once this
-  process is complete, you will be able to change things like its description, but now that is not needed.
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step2_blog_name"] = "Name of your new blog:";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step3_title"] = "Thank you! (3/3)";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step3_description"] = "
- <p>
-    Registration is complete. Your new user and diary have been registered successfully in this site,
-    and you can log in now into your blog and start blogging!
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step3_admin_link"] = "
-  <p>
-    Click here <a href=\"admin.php\">to go the admin interface</a>, if you want to start blogging.
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step3_blog_link1"] = "
- <p>
-    Or click <a href=\"";
-$messages["register_step3_blog_link2"] = "
-\">here to go and see your new blog</a>.
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step3_final_message"] = "
- <p>
-  Happy blogging!
- </p>";
-$messages["register_error_incorrect_username"] = "<li>Incorrect user name, please try again.<br/>";
-$messages["register_error_incorrect_email"] = "<li>Email address is invalid, please try again. <br/>";
-$messages["register_error_user_already_exist"] = "<li>There is already a user with that name, please try again.<br/>";
-$messages["register_error_incorrect_password"] = "<li>Password is invalid, please try again. <br/>";
-$messages["register_error_passwords_dont_match"] = "<li>Passwords do not match, please try again. <br/>";
-$messages["register_error_adding_user"] = "Error adding the user: ";
-$messages["register_error_creating_blog"] = "There was an error creating the new blog";
-$messages["register_error_blog_name"] = "<li>You should choose a better name for the blog.<br/>" ;

Deleted: plog/trunk/locale/locale_ru_RU.php
--- plog/trunk/locale/locale_ru_RU.php	2005-01-29 15:29:38 UTC (rev 872)
+++ plog/trunk/locale/locale_ru_RU.php	2005-01-29 15:52:14 UTC (rev 873)
@@ -1,646 +0,0 @@
-// set this to the encoding that should be used to display the pages correctly
-$messages["encoding"] = "utf-8";
-$messages["locale_description"] = "Russian locale file for pLog";
-// days of the week
-$messages["days"] = Array( "воскресенье", "понедельник", "вторник", "среда", "четверг", "пятница", "суббота" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["Monday"] = $messages["days"][1];
-$messages["Tuesday"] = $messages["days"][2];
-$messages["Wednesday"] = $messages["days"][3];
-$messages["Thursday"] = $messages["days"][4];
-$messages["Friday"] = $messages["days"][5];
-$messages["Saturday"] = $messages["days"][6];
-$messages["Sunday"] = $messages["days"][0];
-// abbreviations
-$messages["daysshort"] = Array( "Вс", "Пн", "Вт", "Ср", "Чт", "Пт", "Сб" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["Mo"] = $messages["daysshort"][1];
-$messages["Tu"] = $messages["daysshort"][2];
-$messages["We"] = $messages["daysshort"][3];
-$messages["Th"] = $messages["daysshort"][4];
-$messages["Fr"] = $messages["daysshort"][5];
-$messages["Sa"] = $messages["daysshort"][6];
-$messages["Su"] = $messages["daysshort"][0];
-// months of the year
-$messages["months"] = Array( "Январь", "Февраль", "Март", "Апрель", "Май", "Июнь", "Июль", "Август", "Сентябрь", "Октябрь", "Ноябрь", "Декабрь" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["January"] = $messages["months"][0];
-$messages["February"] = $messages["months"][1];
-$messages["March"] = $messages["months"][2];
-$messages["April"] = $messages["months"][3];
-$messages["May"] = $messages["months"][4];
-$messages["June"] = $messages["months"][5];
-$messages["July"] = $messages["months"][6];
-$messages["August"] = $messages["months"][7];
-$messages["September"] = $messages["months"][8];
-$messages["October"] = $messages["months"][9];
-$messages["November"] = $messages["months"][10];
-$messages["December"] = $messages["months"][11];
-$messages["message"] = "Сообщение";
-$messages["error"] = "Ошибка";
-$messages["date"] = "Дата";
-// miscellaneous texts
-$messages["of"] = "";
-$messages["recently"] = "НЕДАВНИЕ...";
-$messages["comments"] = "комментарии";
-$messages["comment on this"] = "комментировать";
-$messages["my_links"] = "МОИ ССЫЛКИ";
-$messages["archives"] = "АРХИВЫ";
-$messages["search"] = "ПОИСК";
-$messages["calendar"] = "КАЛЕНДАРЬ";
-$messages["editLinkCategories"] = "КАТЕГОРИИ";
-$messages["search_s"] = "ПОИСК";
-$messages["link_tracker"] = "Link Tracker";
-$messages["search_this_blog"] = "ИСКАТЬ В ЭТОМ BLOG:";
-$messages["about_myself"] = "Кто я?";
-$messages["permalink_title"] = "Постоянная ссылка к архивам";
-$messages["permalink"] = "Постоянная ссылка";
-$messages["posted_by"] = "Написал(а)";
-$messages["on_the"] = "";
-$messages["page"] = "странице";
-$messages["posted"] = "Оставлено";
-$messages["reply"] = "Ответить";
-// add comment form
-$messages["add_comment"] = "Добавить комментарий";
-$messages["comment_topic"] = "Тема: ";
-$messages["comment_text"] = "Текст: ";
-$messages["comment_username"] = "Ваше имя: ";
-$messages["comment_email"] = "Ваш email: ";
-$messages["comment_url"] = "Ваш веб сайт: ";
-$messages["comment_send"] = "Послать";
-$messages["comment_added"] = "Комментарий добавлен!";
-$messages["comment_add_error"] = "Ошибка при добавлении комментария";
-$messages["article_does_not_exist"] = "Это сообщение не существует";
-$messages["no_posts_found"] = "Постинг не найден";
-$messages["user_has_no_posts_yet"] = "Данный пользователь еще не оставил сообщений";
-$messages["info_about_myself"] = "Информация обо мне...";
-$messages["back"] = "Назад";
-$messages["back_top"] = "Наверх";
-$messages["post"] = "Оставить";
-$messages["trackbacks_for_article"] = "Trackbacks для статьи";
-$messages["trackback_excerpt"] = "Выдержка";
-$messages["trackback_weblog"] = "Weblog";
-$messages["search_results"] = "Результаты поиска";
-$messages["search_matching_results"] = "Следующие статьи удоволетворяют вашим критериям: ";
-$messages["search_no_matching_posts"] = "Ничего не найдено";
-$messages["see_all_link"] = "Посмотреть все существующие статьи";
-$messages["read_more"] = "(Далее)";
-$messages["anonymous_poster"] = "Анонимный пользователь";
-$messages["syndicate"] = "SYNDICATE";
-$messages["main"] = "Главная";
-////// error messages /////
-$messages["error_fetching_article"] = "Запрошенная статься не найдена.";
-$messages["error_fetching_articles"] = "Невозможно извлечь запрошенные статьи.";
-$messages["error_trackback_no_trackback"] = "Для этой статьи trackbacks не найдены.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_article_id"] = "Идентификатор статьи не найден.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_blog_id"] = "Идентификатор блога не найден.";
-$messages["error_comment_without_text"] = "Необходимо оставить хоть какой-нибудь текст";
-$messages["error_comment_without_name"] = "Необходимо оставить хотя бы имя или ник.";
-$messages["error_adding_comment"] = "Ошибка при добавлении комментария к базе данных";
-$messages["error_incorrect_parameter"] = "Неправильный параметр.";
-$messages["error_parameter_missing"] = "В запросе недостает одного параметра.";
-$messages["error_comments_not_enabled"] = "Комментарии к статьям отключены на этом сайте.";
-/////////////////                                          //////////////////
-///////////////// STRINGS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION INTERFACE //////////////////
-/////////////////                                          //////////////////
-////// help messages for the administration interface /////
-$messages["help_newPost"] = "<p>Use this page to add a new post to your journal. You should provide a topic or subject
-for your post as well as some text for your post. Once you have finished, press the <b>'Add'</b> button and the post
-will automatically be included in your page. Please note that you have to set the status of the post
-to <b>'Published'</b> if you want it to appear in front page. Use the <b>'Draft'</b> status when you can't finish posting
-now but you would like to save what you have typed so far for later revision.</p>
-<p>You can also classify the post under any of the categories you have previously created. Simply set
-the <b>'Category'</b> field to the one you most like.</p>
-<p>If you would like to receive an email notifying about a new post, please check the corresponding
-<p>Check the box where it says </b>'Find links in the post...'</b> if after adding the post, you
-would like to send trackback pings to the hosts that support it. Your post will be scanned for
-links and you will have the possibility to choose which ones to send trackback pings to.</p>";
-$messages["addPost"] = "<p>Your post has been successfully added to the database. Now you can select
-to which hosts you would like to send a trackback ping, so that they know you have written about them
-and can <i>track you back</i>.</p>";
-$messages["help_editPosts"] = "<p>Click on the topic of the post to edit the post. You can also click on the
-category of the post to have access to all the posts of that category. Posts can also be filtered
-by author, status and category by using the drop down lists on top. Any combination of conditions
-can be made. Click on the number of comments (only
-available if the post has at least one comment) to have access to all the comments that have been
-received so far for the post. </p>
-<p>More than one post can be deleted at once by selecting the correct <b>'Delete'</b> checkbox and
-clicking on the <b>'Delete Selected'</b> button.
-<p>The <b>'Stats'</b> link will show some statistics about the posts, such as number of hits,
-trackback pings received and referers.</p>";
-$messages["editComments"] = "There are all the comments that have been posted for the given post. Comments
-can not be edited but they can be deleted. The only mandatory field when posting comments is the
-\"name\" field, so the E-mail and Url columns could be empty. The IP Address field is the
-original IP address where this comment was posted from. You can delete
-as many as you need by checking the corresponding <b>'Delete'</b> checkbox and pressing the
-<b>'Delete selected'</b> button.";
-$messages["postStats"] = "<p>These are the statistics about the selected post. The first one is how
-many times this article has been read, but please keep in mind that this statistic might be
-meaningless if you have disabled the <b>'Read more...'</b> feature in the <b>'Blog Settings'</b>
-<p>The referers are the urls of all the hosts that visited this post, and the trackbacks table represents
-how many trackback pings have been received for this post. They can't be deleted or modified.</p>";
-$messages["help_editArticleCategories"] = "<p>This is a listing with all the post categories that
-have been created so far. There must be at least one category before you can add an article, since
-every article has to be categorized under a category. The <b>'Articles'</b> column shows how many
-articles have been categorized under the given category. In the same way, a category can't be deleted
-if it has an article assigned it; you must first remove all the articles and then you will be allowed
-to remove the category.</p>
-<p>You can delete more than one category at the same time by cheching their <b>'Delete'</b> column
-and then clickin on the <b>'Delete Selected'</b> button.</p>";
-$messages["help_newArticleCategory"] = "<p>From here you can add a new post category to the blog. All
-what you need to provide is a name for the new category. Once it has been created, it will be available
-for posts to be categorized under.</p>";
-$messages["help_editLinks"] = "<p>This is a list with all the links that have been added. Like posts, every
-link can be sorted in different categories and then displayed in the main page for visitors to see.</p>
-<p>For every link, you will see here its name, the url where it is pointing to and under which category
-it has been sorted. Finally you can also delete any of the links.</p>";
-$messages["help_newLink"] = "<p>You can add a new link from here. You have to provide at least a valid
-url and a name for the link. The description field is optional but useful to have more information
-about the link. You need at least one link category before you can add any link.</p>";
-$messages["help_editLinkCategories"] = "<p>This is a list with all the link categories that have been
-created. Like with posts, you need at least one link category before you can add any link. Clicking
-on the <b>'Links'</b> column will show all the links that belong to the category.</p>";
-$messages["help_newLinkCategory"] = "<p>The only thing you need to provide in order to have a new
-link category is a descriptive name for the category. Once the link category has been created,
-it will be available for links to be categorized under.</p>";
-$messages["help_blogSettings"] = "<p>From this page you can change some of the settings that control the
-behaviour or appearance of this journal. These are the settings: <ul>
-<li><b>Name of the blog</b>: This is a text string with a descriptive name of the blog. If using the
-default templates, it is the text displayed on top of every page.</li>
-<li><b>Long descriptive text about this blog</b>: This is a longer text that can optionally be
-displayed in some kind of page giving more detailed information about the page. It can be left
-blank if not needed.</li>
-<li><b>Language used to display the texts</b>: You can select one of the available languages. This
-language will be used to display the texts (not your own articles!) and format things like dates
-and numbers using the correct settings. More languages can be installed at any time.</li>
-<li><b>Items in the main page</b>: Set this to the number of posts you would like to have
-in the main page. The more posts, the longer it will take for users to download your page. Minimum
-number of posts it one.</li>
-<li><b>Items shown as recent</b>: Set this to the number of posts you would like to be shown as
-<b>'Recent'</b>, that is, the posts that have been posted earlier. Minimun amount is one.</li>
-<li><b>Template used to render the contents</b>: pLog allows to have more than one template
-to show the same content. You can choose here the most appropiate one for you journal, from the ones
-that have been installed by the administrator.</li>
-<li><b>Cut long posts and add a 'More...' link</b>: Set this to <b>'Yes'</b> if you would like pLog
-to automatically add a 'More...' link to your posts on the main page if they are too long (see the
-setting below) This feature is useful since it makes your frontpage less cluttered and also
-smaller. However, it has some problems if there is a lot of HTML code in the page.</li>
-<li><b>Cut posts after how many characters</b>: Set this to the amount of characters you would like
-to allow before adding the 'More...' link. This setting is only meaningful if you enabled the
-feature above.</li>
-<li><b>Enable WYSIWYG edition of texts</b>: Set this to yes if you would like to have the possibility
-to see how your posts look in real time. This feature is only available for users using either
-Internet Explorer 5.5 or higer and Mozilla 1.3b or higher.</li>
-<li><b>Enable comments</b>: Set this to yes if you would like to allow your users to make comments to your
-posts. This will globally affect all your posts and all your users.</li>
-$messages["help_userSettings"] = "<p>Things related to your user profile can be changed from this
-page. Please note that your username cannot be changed.<ul>
-<li><b>Password, Confirm Password</b>: If you would like to change your password, please type it in
-the first text box. Do the same in the second box to confirm that you entered the same password.</li>
-<li><b>Email address</b>: Please set this to a valid email address if you would like to use features
-such as the notification when a comment is received to a post. It is used only for internal
-purposes and will not be publicly displayed.</li>
-<li><b>Bio</b>: You can type here some information about yourself. It can be left empty.</li>
-$messages["help_pluginCenter"] = "<p>From here you can see which plugins have been installed. For every
-plugin, you will see its identifier (the identifier you have to use when developing templates and
-want to make use of the plugin features), the author of the plugin, and some descriptive text with
-various information about the plugin, mainly how to use it.</p>";
-$messages["help_Stats"] = "<p>You can see from here all the referers that have hit this site in the past.
-The <b>'Article'</b> column reflects which article was visited by the referer or the value <b>'0'</b>
-if the referer visited the main page or any other page which was not an article. Finally, the
-<b>'Last hit date'</b> column is the time of the last hit received from that referer.</p>";
-$messages["editArticleCategory"] = "<p>Please provide a new name for the category you are updating.</p>";
-$messages["editLink"] = "<p>You have to provide at least a url and a name for the link. The link must also
-be categorized under a category.</p>";
-$messages["editLinkCategory"] = "Please provide a new name for the link category you are updating.</p>";
-$messages["blogSelect"] = "Please select one of the operations from the menu.";
-$messages["Error"] = "There was an error while executing the requested operation. Please see
-the main page for more information regarding the error.";
-$messages["Message"] = "Please see the main page for more information regarding the message.";
-//////// strings for the administration interface ///////
-$messages["admin_interface_title"] = "pLog Административный интерфейс ";
-$messages["administration"] = "Администрация ";
-$messages["help"] = "Помощь";
-$messages["plog_help"] = "pLog Помощь";
-$messages["newPost"] = "Новый постинг";
-$messages["editPosts"] = "Статьи";
-$messages["editArticleCategories"] = "Категории";
-$messages["admin_links"] = "Ссылки";
-$messages["editLinkCategories"] = "Link Categories";
-$messages["settings"] = "Установки";
-$messages["Logout"] = "Выйти";
-// new post page
-$messages["topic"] = "Тема";
-$messages["text"] = "Текст";
-$messages["category"]  = "Категория";
-$messages["status"] = "Статус";
-$messages["post_status_draft"] = "Черновик";
-$messages["post_status_published"] = "Опубликовано";
-$messages["post_status_deleted"] = "Удалено";
-$messages["post_status_all"] = "Все";
-$messages["send_notification"] = "Уведомлять при каждом новом сообщении.";
-$messages["send_trackback_pings"] = "Найти в статье ссылки и послать trackback pings тем из них которые это поддерживают.";
-$messages["add_post"] = "Blog это!";
-$messages["xmlrpc_ping_ok"] = "XML-RPC Ping был правильно послан к ";
-$messages["error_sending_xmlrpc_ping"] = "Ошибка при попытке послать XML-RPC Ping к ";
-$messages["error_sending_xmlrpc_ping_message"] = "Сообщение об ошибке: ";
-$messages["preview"] = "Предварительный просмотр";
-$messages["post_added"] = "Статья добавлена";
-$messages["you_will_be_notified"] = "Дополнительно, Вы будете уведомлены в случае, когда что то происходит с этой статьей.";
-$messages["post_added_not_published"] = "Статья добавлена, но не опубликована.";
-$messages["error_adding_post"] = "Ошибка при добавлении статьи!";
-$messages["error_must_fill_all_fields"] = "Заполните все поля!";
-$messages["error_must_have_one_category"] = "Необходимо иметь хотя бы одну категорию, прежде чем добавлять статью.";
-// send trackbacks page
-$messages["send_trackback_pings"] = "Послать Trackback Pings";
-$messages["links_found"] = "Следующие ссылки были найдены в Вашей статье. Выберете те, для которых хотите послать trackback ping (это может занять некоторое время)";
-$messages["trackbacks_no_urls_selected"] = "Не было выбрано ни одного адреса, следовательно, ни одного trackback ping не послано.";
-$messages["trackbacks_received_ok"] = "Следующие хосты успешно получили trackback ping:";
-$messages["trackbacks_no_trackback"] = "Следующие ссылки не имеют действующих trackback адресов: ";
-$messages["trackbacks_problems_sending"] = "Проблемы при попытке послать trackback pings следующим адресам. Если хотите можете попытаться послать pings снова.";
-$messages["trackbacks_received_all_hosts"] = "Все хосты успешно получили trackback ping.";
-$messages["ping_selected"] = "Ping выбранные сайты";
-// edit posts
-$messages["author"] = "Автор";
-$messages["category_all"] = "Все";
-$messages["author_all"] = "Все";
-$messages["update"] = "Обновить";
-$messages["date"] = "Дата";
-$messages["help_Stats"] = "Stats";
-$messages["delete"] = "Удалить";
-$messages["delete_selected"] = "Удалить выбранные";
-// edit post
-$messages["edit_post"] = "Редактировать статью";
-$messages["error_getting_post_to_update"] = "Ошибка при извлечении запрошенной статьи для редактирования.";
-$messages["error_updating_post_in_database"] = "Ошибка базы данных при обновлении статьи";
-$messages["post_successfully_updated"] = "Статья обновлена.";
-$messages["notification_removed"] = "Функция извещения, активизированная у Вас для этой статьи удалена.";
-// post statistics
-$messages["statistics_for_post"] = "Статистика поста";
-$messages["error_fetching_post"] = "Ошибка при извлечении запрошенной статьи.";
-$messages["times_post_has_been_read"] = "Количество раз пост был прочтен: ";
-$messages["referers"] = "Кто ссылался";
-$messages["id"] = "Id";
-$messages["url"] = "Url";
-$messages["hits"] = "Счетчик/Hits";
-$messages["trackbacks"] = "Trackbacks";
-// post comments
-$messages["error_fetching_comments"] = "Ошибка при извлечении комментариев к статье.";
-$messages["comments_for_post"] = "Комментарии к статье ";
-$messages["email"] = "E-Mail";
-$messages["ip_address"] = "IP Aдрес";
-// delete comments
-$messages["error_no_comments_selected"] = "Нет выбранных комментариев для удаления.";
-$messages["error_deleting_comment"] = "Ошибка при удалении комментария ";
-$messages["comment_deleted_ok"] = "Комментарий с заголовком \"%s\" удален.";
-// categories list
-$messages["category_name"] = "Название";
-// removing posts
-$messages["post_cannot_be_deleted"] = "Невозможно удалить статью.";
-$messages["no_posts_selected"] = "Для удаления ничего не выбрано.";
-// %s = subject of the post, %d = identifier of the post. feel free to change its order
-// but if you remove them there will be no information about which post was removed...
-$messages["error_deleting_post"] = "Ошибка при удалении статьи\"%s\" (id = %d)";
-$messages["post_deleted_ok"] = "Статья\"%2\$s\" удалена (id = %1\$d)";
-// delete categories
-$messages["no_categories_selected"] = "Для удаления не было выбрано ни одной категории.";
-$messages["error_category_has_articles"] = "Невозможно удалить категорию \"%s\" так как в категории содержться как минимум 1 статья. Сначала удалите статьи, затем попробуйте снова.";
-$messages["error_deleting_category"] = "Ошибка при удалении категории\"%s\" из базы данных.";
-$messages["category_deleted_ok"] = "Категория \"%s\" удалена.";
-// add category
-$messages["newArticleCategory"] = "Добавить новую категорию";
-$messages["add_new_category_info"] = "Предоставьте действущее название категории.";
-$messages["category_added_ok"] = "Категория добавлена.";
-$messages["error_adding_article_category"] = "Ошибка при добавлении категории.";
-// edit categories
-$messages["edit_category"] = "Редактировать категорию.";
-$messages["please_provide_valid_category_name"] = "Предоставьте действущее название категории.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_category_id"] = "Неправильный идентификатор категории";
-// update the category
-$messages["error_fetching_category"] = "Ошибка при извлечении категории.";
-$messages["error_updating_category"] = "Ошибка при обновлении категории.";
-$messages["error_empty_category_name"] = "Предоставте действительное имя категории";
-$messages["category_updated_ok"] = "Категория обновлена.";
-// edit links
-$messages["link_name"] = "Название";
-$messages["link_url"] = $messages["url"];
-$messages["link_category"] = $messages["category"];
-$messages["link_description"] = "Описание";
-$messages["editLinks"] = "Ссылки";
-// edit a link
-$messages["error_provide_name_and_url"] = "Необходимо оставить как минимум название и адрес ссылки.";
-$messages["error_invalid_link_id"] = "Идентификатор ссылки не действителен или не отсутствует.";
-$messages["error_fetching_link"] = "Ошибка при извлечении ссылки.";
-$messages["error_updating_link"] = "Ошибка при обновлении ссылки.";
-$messages["link_updated_ok"] = "Ссылка обновлена!";
-$messages["error_fetching_link_categories"] = "Ошибка приизвлечении категории ссылок.";
-// add a link
-$messages["add_new_link"] = "Добавить новую ссылку";
-$messages["newLink"] = "Добавить ссылку";
-$messages["error_adding_link"] = "Ошибка при добавлении ссылки.";
-$messages["link_added_ok"] = "Ссылка добавлена.";
-$messages["error_provide_name_and_url"] = "Необходимо оставить как минимум название и адрес ссылки.";
-$messages["error_must_have_one_link_category"] = "Необходимо иметь как минимум 1 категорию ссылок прежде чем добавить ссылку.";
-// delete a link
-$messages["error_no_links_selected"] = "Для удаления не было выбрано ни одной ссылки.";
-$messages["error_removing_link"] = "Ошибка при удалении ссылки\"%s\" из базы данных.";
-$messages["link_deleted_ok"] = "Ссылка \"%s\" удалена из базы данных.";
-// edit link categories
-$messages["newLinkCategory"] = "Добавить новую категорию ссылок";
-$messages["link_categories_help"] = "Необходимо иметь как минимум 1 категорию ссылок прежде чем добавить ссылку.";
-$messages["link_category_name"] = "Название";
-$messages["link_category_links"] = "Ссылки";
-// new link category
-$messages["newLinkCategory"] = "Добавить новую категорию ссылок";
-$messages["new_link_category_info"] = "Категории ссылок помогут Вам классифицировать различные ссылки. Позже, Вы сможете  вывести на главную страницу Ваши сгруппированые ссылки используя данные категории.";
-$messages["newLinkCategory"] = "Добавить категорию ссылок";
-$messages["error_provide_link_category_name"] = "Предоставьте действущее название категории ссылок.";
-$messages["error_adding_link_category"] = "Ошибка при добавлении категории ссылок.";
-$messages["link_category_added_ok"] = "Категория ссылок добавлена.";
-// edit link category
-$messages["edit_link_category"] = "Редактировать категорию ссылок.";
-$messages["error_updating_link_category"] = "Ошибка при обновлении категории ссылок.";
-$messages["link_category_updated_ok"] = "Категория ссылок обновлена.";
-$messages["error_fetching_link_category"] = "Ошибка при извлечении категории ссылок.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_link_category_id"] = "Неправильный идентификатор категории ссылок";
-// delete link categories
-$messages["error_no_link_category_selected"] = "Для удаления не было выбрано ни одной категории ссылок";
-$messages["error_links_in_link_category"] = "Невозможно удалить категорию \"%s\" так как в категории содержться как минимум 1 ссылка. Сначала удалите ссылки, затем попробуйте снова.";
-$messages["error_removing_link_category"] = "Ошибка при удалении категории\"%s\".";
-$messages["link_category_deleted_ok"] = "Категория ссылок \"%s\" удалена.";
-// this error is shown when for some reason the category could not be fetched from the database
-// and we can't show its name
-$messages["error_removing_link_category_2"] = "Ошибка при удалении категории ссылок с id = %d";
-// blog settings page
-$messages["blogSettings"] = "Установки Blog ";
-$messages["userSettings"] = "Профайл пользователя";
-$messages["pluginCenter"] = "Plugin Center";
-$messages["Stats"] = "Статистика";
-$messages["blog_name"] = "Название Blog(а)";
-$messages["long_blog_name"] = "Длинный текст для описания этого blog(а)";
-$messages["language_used"] = "Язык для показа текста и дат.";
-$messages["items_main_page"] = "Количество постов для показа на главной странице";
-$messages["items_as_recent"] = "Количество постов для показа как \"Недавние\"?";
-$messages["template_used"] = "Выберете шаблон, определяющий внешний вид blog(а)";
-$messages["cut_posts"] = "Сократить слишком длинные статьи и добавить \"Далее...\" ссылку?";
-$messages["cut_posts_after_characters"] = "Сколько знаков Вы хотите оставить в сокращеной статье?";
-$messages["enable_wysiwyg_edition"] = "Включть WYSIWYG редактирование текстов (доступно только для Internet Explorer 5.5 и выше и Mozilla 1.3b и выше )?";
-$messages["enable_comments"] = "Включить комментарии для всех постов?";
-$messages["yes"] = "Да";
-$messages["no"] = "Нет";
-$messages["error_invalid_locale"] = "Неправильное значение для местных установок.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_max_recent_items"] = "Предоставьте действительное число статей, которые хотите видеть в разделе Недавние.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_number_of_posts"] = "Предоставьте действительное число статей, которые хотите видеть на главной странице.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_template"] = "Неправильное значение шаблона.";
-$messages["error_no_blog_name"] = "Предоставьте действительное название для blog(а).";
-$messages["error_incorrect_show_more_threshold"] = "Предоставьте правильное количество знаков, которые хотите видеть в сокращеной статье перед линком \"Далее...\"";
-$messages["error_updating_settings"] = "Ошибка при обновлении устанок.";
-$messages["blog_settings_updated_ok"] = "Установки обновлены!";
-$messages["permanent_blog_url"] = "Постоянный адрес этого blog(а) (read only)";
-// user profile page
-$messages["username"] = "Имя пользователя";
-$messages["password"] = "Пароль";
-$messages["confirm_password"] = "Потвердить пароль!";
-$messages["email_address"] = "Email";
-$messages["bio"] = "Биография";
-$messages["empty_no_change"] = "Оставить пустым.";
-$messages["user_settings_updated_ok"] = "Установки пользователя обновлены.";
-$messages["error_updating_user_settings"] = "Ошибка при обновлении пользовательских установок.";
-$messages["error_passwords_dont_match"] = "Пароль не совпадает.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_password"] = "Неправильный пароль.";
-$messages["error_incorrect_email_address"] = "Email недействителен.";
-// plugin center page
-$messages["plugins_available"] = "Список plugins для использования в шаблонах";
-$messages["identifier"] = "Идентификатор";
-$messages["description"] = "Описание";
-$messages["error_plugins_disabled"] = "Поддержка plugins дляэтого сайта отключена.";
-// statistics page
-$messages["statistics_info"] = "Нулевой идентификатор статьи означает, что были посещения главной страницы, а не конкретной статьи";
-$messages["article_id"] = "Идентификатор статьи  ";
-$messages["last_hit_date"] = "Дата последнего прочтения";
-$messages["error_fetching_referers"] = "Ошибка при извлечении ссылок на этот сайт";
-// login screen
-$messages["login_page_title"] = "pLog Административный интерфэйс";
-$messages["login"] = "Войти";
-$messages["welcome_message"] = "Добро пожаловать в pLog";
-$messages["error_incorrect_username_or_password"] = "Неправильное имя пользователя или пароль.";
-$messages["error_dont_belong_to_any_blog"] = "Вы еще не принадлежите blog(у).";
-$messages["error_no_username_or_password"] = "Предоставьте действительное имя пользоватля или пароль.";
-$messages["choose_one_blog"] = " У Вас есть следующие blog(и). Выберете с каким работать";
-$messages["continue"] = "Продолжить";
-$messages["logout_message"] = "Вы успешно вышли";
-$messages["logout_message_2"] = "<a href=\"admin.php\">Нажмите сюда</a> что бы войти снова, или
-<a href=\"%1\$s\">сюда что бы перейти %2\$s</a>.";
-$messages["logout_title"] = "Logged out";
-$messages["error_access_forbidden"] = "Доступ запрещен. Сначала пройдите идентификацию здесь.";
-$messages["blogFilteredContent"] = $messages["filteredContent"];
-$messages["newBlogFilteredContent"] = $messages["newFilteredContent"];
-$messages["blogBlockedHosts"] = $messages["blockedHosts"];
-$messages["newBlogBlockedHost"] = $messages["newBlockedHost"];
-$messages["newBlogUser"] = $messages["createUser"];
-// text of the post that will be added to each blog when they sign-up via the register.php script
-$messages["register_default_category"] = "General";
-$messages["register_default_article_text"] = "If you can read this, it means that your signup and registration was successful and that you can start blogging.";
-$messages["register_default_article_topic"] = "Congratulations, it worked!";
-// summary templates text
-$messages["summary_title"] = "Blogs Summary";
-$messages["summary_section_main"] = "Summary";
-$messages["summary_section_main_link_title"] = "Main Page";
-$messages["summary_section_register"] = "Register!";
-$messages["summary_section_register_link_title"] = "Register a new blog";
-$messages["summary_section_blog_list"] = "Blog list";
-$messages["summary_section_blog_list_link_title"] = "Blogs hosted in this site";
-$messages["summary_section_faq"] = "F.A.Q.";
-$messages["summary_section_faq_link_title"] = "Frequently Asked Questions";
-$messages["summary_welcome_title"] = "Welcome to pLog!";
-$messages["summary_most_active_blogs"] = "Most active blogs";
-$messages["summary_newest_blogs"] = "Newest blogs";
-$messages["summary_most_commented_articles"] = "Most commented articles";
-$messages["summary_most_read_articles"] = "Most read articles";
-$messages["summary_faq"] = "Frequently Asked Questions";
-$messages["summary_faq_question"] = "What is this?";
-$messages["summary_faq_description"] = "You could use this section to add some frequently asked questions about your service. It is all up to you and this is only a suggestion so feel free to make changes :) Edit the file templates/summary/faq.template to change the contents of this page.";
-$messages["summary_login"] = "Log-in";
-$messages["summary_other_stuff"] = "Other Stuff";
-$messages["summary_plog_logo"] = "How about a logo here?";
-$messages["summary_blog_list"] = "Blog List";
-$messages["summary_last_updated"] = "Last Updated";
-$messages["summary_author"] = "Author";
-$messages["summary_articles"] = "articles";
-$messages["summary_reads"] = "reads";
-$messages["summary_welcome_message"] = "<h4 class=\"question\">What is this site?</h4>
-                            <p>You could use this area to give some information about this site.</p>
-                            <ul>
-                                <li>See the following links for more information: <br />
-                                    <a href=\"summary.php?op=Faq\">FAQ</a></li>
-                                <li><a href=\"register.php\">Register a new blog here</a></li>
-                            </ul>";
-$messages["summary_latest_posts"] = "Latest Posts";
-$messages["summary_in"] = "in";
-$messages["summary_posted_by"] = "Posted by";
-// register templates text
-$messages["register_error"] = "Error";
-$messages["register_error_message"] = "There has been an error:";
-$messages["register_errors"] = "There were some errors during the process, please have a look:";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step1_title"] = "Register a new blog (1/3)";
-$messages["register_step1_fill_in_title"] = "Please fill in this form to create a new blog in this site.";
-$messages["register_step1_description"] = "<p>
-First of all, we need to create a user for you. Please choose a username (which should not exist in the system but if it does, we will let you know) This user will be considered as the owner of the blog and will have full powers over it.
-And please do not forget your password! There is no way it can be recovered once you have signed up.
-$messages["register_step1_legend"] = "Please fill in the following fields";
-$messages["register_username"] = "Username:";
-$messages["register_password"] = "Password:";
-$messages["register_password_confirmation"] = "Confirm password:";
-$messages["register_email"] = "Email address:";
-$messages["register_email_comment"] = "(user for notifications of new comments)";
-$messages["register_next"] = "Next &raquo;";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step2_title"] = "Register a new blog (2/3)";
-$messages["register_user_created"] = "Your new user has been successfully created! Now we can proceed and create your new personal blog.";
-$messages["register_step2_description"] = " <p>
-  The only thing we need to know is the name you would like to give to your diary. Later on once this
-  process is complete, you will be able to change things like its description, but now that is not needed.
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step2_blog_name"] = "Name of your new blog:";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step4_title"] = "Thank you! (3/3)";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step3_description"] = "
- <p>
-    Registration is complete. Your new user and diary have been registered successfully in this site,
-    and you can log in now into your blog and start blogging!
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step4_admin_link"] = "
-  <p>
-    Click here <a href=\"admin.php\">to go the admin interface</a>, if you want to start blogging.
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step4_blog_link1"] = "
- <p>
-    Or click <a href=\"";
-$messages["register_step4_blog_link2"] = "
-\">here to go and see your new blog</a>.
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step4_final_message"] = "
- <p>
-  Happy blogging!
- </p>";
-$messages["register_error_incorrect_username"] = "<li>Incorrect user name, please try again.<br/>";
-$messages["register_error_incorrect_email"] = "<li>Email address is invalid, please try again. <br/>";
-$messages["register_error_user_already_exist"] = "<li>There is already a user with that name, please try again.<br/>";
-$messages["register_error_incorrect_password"] = "<li>Password is invalid, please try again. <br/>";
-$messages["register_error_passwords_dont_match"] = "<li>Passwords do not match, please try again. <br/>";
-$messages["register_error_adding_user"] = "Error adding the user: ";
-$messages["register_error_creating_blog"] = "There was an error creating the new blog";
-$messages["register_error_blog_name"] = "<li>You should choose a better name for the blog.<br/>" ;

Deleted: plog/trunk/locale/locale_zh_CN.php
--- plog/trunk/locale/locale_zh_CN.php	2005-01-29 15:29:38 UTC (rev 872)
+++ plog/trunk/locale/locale_zh_CN.php	2005-01-29 15:52:14 UTC (rev 873)
@@ -1,1059 +0,0 @@
-// Traditional Chinese pLog Locale File based upon utf-8 charset
-// 作者 :: Author: Warren Liu (warren at ishag.org)
-// 版本 :: Version: 0.5.1
-// pLog版本 :: pLog Version: plog-devel-20030805
-// feel free to send me changes to the text here.
-// 如有文字改进建议请联络作者
-// All text is a direct word for word translation from zh_TW. If you know the correct technical term used in China, please contact the author.
-// set this to the encoding that should be used to display the pages correctly
-$messages["encoding"] = "utf-8";
-$messages["locale_description"] = "简体中文";
-// days of the week
-$messages["days"] = Array( "星期日", "星期一", "星期二", "星期三", "星期四", "星期五", "星期六" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["Monday"] = $messages["days"][1];
-$messages["Tuesday"] = $messages["days"][2];
-$messages["Wednesday"] = $messages["days"][3];
-$messages["Thursday"] = $messages["days"][4];
-$messages["Friday"] = $messages["days"][5];
-$messages["Saturday"] = $messages["days"][6];
-$messages["Sunday"] = $messages["days"][0];
-// abbreviations
-$messages["daysshort"] = Array( "日", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["Mo"] = $messages["daysshort"][1];
-$messages["Tu"] = $messages["daysshort"][2];
-$messages["We"] = $messages["daysshort"][3];
-$messages["Th"] = $messages["daysshort"][4];
-$messages["Fr"] = $messages["daysshort"][5];
-$messages["Sa"] = $messages["daysshort"][6];
-$messages["Su"] = $messages["daysshort"][0];
-// months of the year
-$messages["months"] = Array( "一月", "二月", "三月", "四月", "五月", "六月", "七月", "八月", "九月", "十月", "十一月", "十二月" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["January"] = $messages["months"][0];
-$messages["February"] = $messages["months"][1];
-$messages["March"] = $messages["months"][2];
-$messages["April"] = $messages["months"][3];
-$messages["May"] = $messages["months"][4];
-$messages["June"] = $messages["months"][5];
-$messages["July"] = $messages["months"][6];
-$messages["August"] = $messages["months"][7];
-$messages["September"] = $messages["months"][8];
-$messages["October"] = $messages["months"][9];
-$messages["November"] = $messages["months"][10];
-$messages["December"] = $messages["months"][11];
-$messages["message"] = "系统信息";
-$messages["error"] = "错误信息";
-$messages["date"] = "日期";
-// miscellaneous texts
-$messages["of"] = "之"; // Changed this to another word that would make slightly more sense in default template, but still makes little sense cuz the language doesn't use it in this form
-$messages["recently"] = "最新文章...";
-$messages["comments"] = "评论";
-$messages["comment on this"] = "发表评论"; // made it a little clearer to diff from line 59
-$messages["my_links"] = "我的链接";
-$messages["archives"] = "文章归档";
-$messages["search"] = "搜索";
-$messages["calendar"] = "日历";
-$messages["editLinkCategories"] = "分类";
-$messages["search_s"] = "搜索";
-$messages["link_tracker"] = "引用链接";
-$messages["search_this_blog"] = "站内搜索:";
-$messages["about_myself"] = "自我介绍";
-$messages["permalink_title"] = "归档文章的静态链接网址";
-$messages["permalink"] = "静态链接网址";
-$messages["posted_by"] = "作者";
-$messages["on_the"] = "在";
-$messages["page"] = "页";
-$messages["posted"] = "已经发表";
-$messages["reply"] = "回应";
-$messages["of"] = "of";
-// add comment form
-$messages["add_comment"] = "发表评论";
-$messages["comment_topic"] = "标题";
-$messages["comment_text"] = "正文";
-$messages["comment_username"] = "您的姓名";
-$messages["comment_email"] = "您的电子邮件信箱";
-$messages["comment_url"] = "您的个人网页";
-$messages["comment_send"] = "发表";
-$messages["comment_added"] = "您的评论已经发表!";
-$messages["comment_add_error"] = "发表评论时出错";
-$messages["article_does_not_exist"] = "该文章不存在";
-$messages["no_posts_found"] = "找不到文章";
-$messages["user_has_no_posts_yet"] = "该作者尚未发表任何文章";
-$messages["info_about_myself"] = "有关我的一些介绍…";
-$messages["back"] = "返回上一页";
-$messages["back_top"] = "回到页面最上方"; // very shakey translation here
-$messages["post"] = "发表";
-$messages["trackbacks_for_article"] = "引用本文的文章标题:";
-$messages["trackback_excerpt"] = "摘要";
-$messages["trackback_weblog"] = "网志";
-$messages["search_results"] = "搜索结果";
-$messages["search_matching_results"] = "以下文章符合搜索需求: ";
-$messages["search_no_matching_posts"] = "无文章符合搜索需求";
-$messages["see_all_link"] = "所有文章档案库";
-$messages["read_more"] = "(深入阅读)";
-$messages["anonymous_poster"] = "匿名";
-$messages["syndicate"] = "文章联合发表"; // translated it as posts and web cooperative publishing. Seems like the actual chinese word used is a sound for sound translation that means jack in terms of the language itself
-$messages["main"] = "主页"; // assuming this is for the main page
-////// error messages /////
-$messages["error_fetching_article"] = "找不到您所指定的文章。";
-$messages["error_fetching_articles"] = "找不到您所指定的文章。";
-$messages["error_trackback_no_trackback"] = "尚未有人向本文发送引用通告";
-$messages["error_incorrect_article_id"] = "文章标识号错误。";
-$messages["error_incorrect_blog_id"] = "网站标识号错误。";
-$messages["error_comment_without_text"] = "您必须填写评论正文。";
-$messages["error_comment_without_name"] = "您必须填写姓名。";
-$messages["error_adding_comment"] = "添加评论时出错。";
-$messages["error_incorrect_parameter"] = "参数不正确。";
-$messages["error_parameter_missing"] = "参数不全。";
-$messages["error_comments_not_enabled"] = "该博客网站关闭了评论功能。";
-/////////////////                                          //////////////////
-///////////////// STRINGS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION INTERFACE //////////////////
-/////////////////                                          //////////////////
-////// help messages for the administration interface /////
-$messages["help_newPost"] = "
-<p>请使用此页添加新的文章,您必须输入文章标题,文章內容必须有文字. 完成后请按<b>'添加'</b>, 新文章就会发表. 请注意: 如要要在主页显示新文章, 您必须把新文章的状态设定为 <b>'定稿'</b>. 如果您不想在首页显示新文章,请把状态设定为 <b>'草稿'</b></p><p>如果您选择了「<b>发送引用通告</b>」,您可以对您文中所提到的博客发送通告,不过前提是对方主机也提供支持。系统会扫描您的文章中有提到哪些链接,然后您可以继续选择想要发送的链接,然后送出。</p>";
-$messages["addPost"] = "<p>您的文章已经成功新增到数据库中。您现在可以选择要发送引用通告(TrackBack)的主机,发送通告。这样,对方就会知道有人写了一篇与他们相关的文章,而前来察看。</p>";
-$messages["help_editPosts"] = "<p>点击文章的标题来编辑文章. 你也可以点击分类来查看属于分类的所有文章. 你也可以选择下拉框,根据作者,状态,分类来对文章进行过滤,支持条件组合查询。 点击回复数可以查看本文章的所有回复 (文章至少有1条回复的情况下). </p>
-<p>选中 <b>'删除'</b>选择框,然后点击<b>'删除所有'</b> 按钮可以删除一篇或多篇文章</p>. <p> <b>'状态'</b>链接可以显示文章的许多统计信息,比如点击数,引用数 .</p>";
-$messages["editComments"] = "文章的所有回复都会被显示,回复不能编辑但是可以删除。发表回复时姓名栏是必须填写的,电子邮件和主页栏可以为空。ip地址字段记录的是你从那儿发表的回复。你可以通过选择<b>'删除'</b>选择框,然后点击<b>'删除所有'</b>按钮删除回复。";
-$messages["postStats"] = "<p>选择相应的文章会显示其统计信息. 第一项是文章阅读数, 但是注意如果你在<b>'Blog设置'</b> 选项里禁止了<b>'阅读更多...'</b>特性的话,统计信息就会变的没有意义.</p>
-<p> 逆向链接是所有访问这篇文章的主机的url, 引用表表示这篇文章已经收到多少引用通告.它们不能被删除或者修改.</p>";
-$messages["help_editArticleCategories"] = "<p>这是所有已经创建的文章分类的列表,你添加文章时必须至少已经创建了一个文章分类,因为每篇文章都归属于一个分类。  <b>'文章'</b> 栏显示指定文章分类下的所有文章. 同样的,如果已经有一篇文章属于这个文章分类,这个文章分类也不能被删除。你必须先删除属于此分类的所有文章后才能删除文章分类 。</p>
-<p>通过选择 <b>'删除'</b>列,然后点击 <b>'删除所有'</b> 按钮你可以删除多个文章分类.</p>";
-$messages["help_newArticleCategory"] = "<p>在这里你可以为你的blog添加新的文章分类. 你需要设置的仅仅是文章分类的名称.一旦创建,就可以将文章放入到此分类中.</p>";
-$messages["help_editLinks"] = "<p>这里是所有已经添加的链接的一个列表, 每个链接根据不同的分类来排列,然后显示在首页让访客能够看到.</p><p>对于每个链接, 你会看到它的名称,它指向的链接,它的分类。你也可以删除任何链接.</p>";
-$messages["help_newLink"] = "<p>你可以增加新的链接. 你需要提供至少一个有效的url和链接名称. 链接描述是可选择的,但是对于了解更多链接的信息非常有用.在你添加链接前至少已经建立了一个链接分类.</p>";
-$messages["help_editLinkCategories"] = "<p>这里是所有链接分类的一个列表.就像文章一样,在添加一个链接前你至少已经建立了一个链接分类 .点击 <b>'链接'</b> 列会显示属于此链接分类的所有链接.</p>";
-$messages["help_newLinkCategory"] = "<p>添加链接分类时,你只需提供一个链接分类名即可.一旦链接分类创建,你就可以将任何链接加到此分类中 .</p>";
-$messages["help_blogSettings"] = "<p>通过本页面你可以改变你的日记的一些控制行为和外观. 下面是设置: <ul>
-<li><b> blog名称</b>: 这是一个描述你的blog的一个字符串.如果使用缺省模板的话,这个字符串会显示在所有页面的顶端.</li>
-<li><b> blog的描述</b>: 这是一个长的描述文本,可以在某些显示详细信息的页面中选择显示.如果不需要的话可以设置为空.</li>
-<li><b>显示文本使用的语言</b>: 你可以选择一个有效的语言.这个语言会用来显示文本  (不仅仅是你的文章!)并且根据当前的设置格式化日期和数字. 更多的语言可以在任何时候安装.</li>
-<li><b>首页中的条目</b>:设置首页显示的文章数. 文章越多,用户下载页面的时间就会越长. 最小数是1.</li>
-<li><b>最近的条目</b>: 设置 <b>'近期'</b>中显示的文章数, 也就是最近发表的文章.最小数是1.</li>
-<li><b>模板</b>: pLog 允许用不同的模板显示相同的内容. 你可以选择最适合你的模板,模板可以从管理员安装的模板中选择.</li>
-<li><b>分割长的文章并增加 '更多...'链接</b>: 如果文章太长 ,你想让pLog 在首页为你的文章自动增加'更多...' 链接的话请设置为 <b>'Yes'</b> 。这个特性非常有用,可以让你的前端页面减少混乱并且变小。但是, 如果有一大堆HTML代码在页面中也会有问题.</li>
-<li><b>在多少个字符后来分割文章</b>: 在增加 '更多...'链接前设置你允许的字符数量 . 只有你激活了上面特性后这个设置才有效.</li>
-<li><b>激活 WYSIWYG 文本编辑器</b>: 如果你想实时看到你写的文章效果的话设置这个为 yes. 只有你使用ie5。5或者mozilla1.3b以上版本时才有效.</li>
-<li><b>激活注释</b>:如果你允许访客回复你的文章的话设置这个为 yes. 这会全局影响你所有的文章和访客.</li>
-$messages["help_userSettings"] = "<p>可以在本页修改与你个人相关的信息. 注意你的用户名不能修改.<ul>
-<li><b>密码, 确认密码</b>: 如果你想修改你的密码的话,请在第一个文本框中输入,同时在第二个文本框中输入相同的密码来确认 .</li>
-<li><b>Email地址</b>: 如果你想使用一些特性,比如当你的文章有人回复时你想得到一个通知,请输入你的有效email地址. 这个地址仅用于系统内部使用并不会被公开.</li>
-<li><b>个人简历</b>: 你可以在这里输入你的个人信息. 可以为空.</li>
-$messages["help_pluginCenter"] = "<p>从这儿你可以看系统已经安装了那些外挂. 对于每个外挂,你可看到其标识符 (在开发模板和使用外挂特性的时候会用到标识符), 外挂的作者,关于外挂的许多描述性信息,主要是如何使用.</p>";
-$messages["help_Stats"] = "<p>从这里你可以看到浏览本站的所有逆向链接.  <b>'文章'</b> 列反映的是逆向链接访问的文章。 如果逆向链接访问首页或者其它不是文章的页面时值会为 <b>'0'</b>.  <b>'最近点击日期'</b>列显示的是逆向链接最近访问的日期.</p>";
-$messages["editArticleCategory"] = "<p>请输入您要更新的分类的新名称。</p>";
-$messages["editLink"] =  "<p>您必须输入链接的名称以及网址。同时网址也必须设置在适当的网址链接分类下。</p>";
-$messages["editLinkCategory"] = "请输入您所要更新的链接分类的名称。</p>";
-$messages["blogSelect"] = "请从选单中选择您所要进行操作的指令。";
-$messages["Error"] = "在执行您所下达的指令时发生错误。请至主页面取得跟本讯息相关的更多资讯。";
-$messages["Message"] = "请至主页面取得跟本消息相关的更多信息。";
-//////// strings for the administration interface ///////
-$messages["admin_interface_title"] = "pLog控制台";
-$messages["administration"] = "控制台";
-$messages["help"] = "帮助";
-$messages["plog_help"] = "pLog使用说明";
-$messages["newPost"] = "发表新文章";
-$messages["editPosts"] = "文章列表";
-$messages["editArticleCategories"] = "文章分类";
-$messages["admin_links"] = "网站链接";
-$messages["editLinkCategories"] = "链接分类";
-$messages["settings"] = "设定";
-$messages["Logout"] = "退出";
-$messages["newArticleCategory"] = "新建文章分类";
-$messages["editLinks"] = "编辑链接";
-$messages["newLink"] = "新建链接";
-// new post page
-$messages["xmlrpc_ping_ok"] = "XML-RPC确认已顺利传到 : ";
-$messages["error_sending_xmlrpc_ping"] = "XML-RPC确认传送错误 : ";
-$messages["error_sending_xmlrpc_ping_message"] = "XML-RPC确认错误讯息是 : ";
-$messages["preview"] = "预展";
-$messages["post_added"] = "文章已增";
-$messages["you_will_be_notified"] = "文章如有活动通知作者.";
-$messages["post_added_not_published"] = "文章已增但未出版.";
-$messages["error_adding_post"] = "新增文章错误";
-$messages["error_must_fill_all_fields"] = "您必须把所有资料输入";
-$messages["error_must_have_one_category"] = "新增文章前必须先新增至少一个类别";
-$messages["topic"] = "标题";
-$messages["text"] = "正文";
-$messages["category"]  = "分类";
-$messages["status"] = "状态";
-$messages["post_status_draft"] = "草稿";
-$messages["post_status_published"] = "定稿";
-$messages["post_status_deleted"] = "已删除";
-$messages["post_status_all"] = "全部";
-$messages["send_notification"] = "如果有人对本文发表评论,就发送电子邮件通知我。";
-$messages["send_trackback_pings"] = "检查文章中所使用的网址链接,并且向这些连接发送引用通告(TrackBack Pings)。";
-$messages["add_post"] = "发表文章!";
-$messages["xmlrpc_ping_ok"] = "XML-RPC 通告已经正确送出";
-$messages["error_sending_xmlrpc_ping"] = "以下XML-RPC通告发生错误";
-$messages["error_sending_xmlrpc_ping_message"] = "错误信息为:";
-$messages["preview"] = "预览";
-$messages["post_added"] = "文章已成功发表";
-$messages["you_will_be_notified"] = "另外,如果这篇文章有什么后续讨论,您都会收到电子邮件通知。";
-$messages["post_added_not_published"] = " 文章已成功加入网站数据库,但尚未正式发表。";
-$messages["error_adding_post"] = "发表文章时出错!";
-$messages["error_must_fill_all_fields"] = "您必须在所有的输入框中都填入内容!";
-$messages["error_must_have_one_category"] = "您必须先建立至少一个文章分类,才可以发表文章。";
-// send trackbacks page
-$messages["send_trackback_pings"] = "发送引用通告";
-$messages["links_found"] = "在您的文章中有以下链接,请选择您想发送引用通告的网址。(发送引用通告会花一点时间,请耐心等待)";
-$messages["trackbacks_no_urls_selected"] = "您未选择任何链接,所以不会送出任何引用通告。";
-$messages["trackbacks_received_ok"] = "以下主机已经成功接收到了您的引用通告:";
-$messages["trackbacks_no_trackback"] = "以下的链接没有提供引用网址: ";
-$messages["trackbacks_problems_sending"] = "往以下网站发送引用通告时出错,如果您愿意的话,可以重新试试看";
-$messages["trackbacks_received_all_hosts"] = "所有的网站都成功地收到了您的引用通告。";
-$messages["ping_selected"] = "向选择的网址发送引用通告";
-// edit posts
-$messages["author"] = "作者";
-$messages["category_all"] = "全部分类";
-$messages["author_all"] = "全部作者";
-$messages["update"] = "æ›´æ–°";
-$messages["date"] = "日期";
-$messages["stats"] = "统计";
-$messages["delete"] = "删除";
-$messages["delete_selected"] = "删除所选择的项目";
-// edit post
-$messages["edit_post"] = "编辑文章";
-$messages["error_getting_post_to_update"] = "更新文章时出错。";
-$messages["error_updating_post_in_database"] = "将更新的文章存入数据库时出错。";
-$messages["post_successfully_updated"] = "更新文章成功完成。";
-$messages["notification_removed"] = "关于这篇文章的电子邮件通知功能已被删除。";
-// post statistics
-$messages["statistics_for_post"] = "文章的相关统计: ";
-$messages["error_fetching_post"] = "读取文章时发生错误";
-$messages["times_post_has_been_read"] = "本文已被阅读的次数: ";
-$messages["referers"] = "逆向链接";
-$messages["id"] = "ID";
-$messages["url"] = "网址";
-$messages["hits"] = "点击数";
-$messages["trackbacks"] = "引用";
-// post comments
-$messages["error_fetching_comments"] = "读取评论时出错";
-$messages["comments_for_post"] = "察看文章的评论: ";
-$messages["email"] = "电子邮件";
-$messages["ip_address"] = "IP地址";
-// delete comments
-$messages["error_no_comments_selected"] = "您未选择任何评论。";
-$messages["error_deleting_comment"] = "删除评论时出错。 ";
-$messages["comment_deleted_ok"] = "「%s」评论已被成功删除。";
-// categories list
-$messages["category_name"] = "分类名称";
-// removing posts
-$messages["post_cannot_be_deleted"] = "文章无法删除,";
-$messages["no_posts_selected"] = "您没有选择要删除的文章。";
-// %s = subject of the post, %d = identifier of the post. feel free to change its order
-// but if you remove them there will be no information about which post was removed...
-$messages["error_deleting_post"] = "删除文章「%s」时出错 (id = %d)";
-$messages["post_deleted_ok"] = "文章「%2\$s」已被成功删除。 (id = %1\$d)";
-// delete categories
-$messages["no_categories_selected"] = "您没有选择任何要删除的分类。";
-$messages["error_category_has_articles"] = "无法删除「%s」这个分类,原因是该分类下还有文章。请将此分类下的所有文章删除后,再重试一次。";
-$messages["error_deleting_category"] = "在将分类「%s」从数据库中删除时出错。";
-$messages["category_deleted_ok"] = "文章分类「%s」已被成功删除。";
-// add category
-$messages["add_new_category"] = "新增文章分类";
-$messages["add_new_category_info"] = "请输入新的分类名称。";
-$messages["category_added_ok"] = "增加文章分类成功。";
-$messages["error_adding_article_category"] = "在新增文章分类时出错。";
-// edit categories
-$messages["edit_category"] = "编辑分类";
-$messages["please_provide_valid_category_name"] = "请输入分类名称。";
-$messages["error_incorrect_category_id"] = "分类标识号不正确。";
-// update the category
-$messages["error_fetching_category"] = "读取分类时出错。";
-$messages["error_updating_category"] = "更新分类时出错。";
-$messages["error_empty_category_name"] = "您必须填入适当的分类名称。";
-$messages["category_updated_ok"] = "文章分类更新成功!";
-// edit links
-$messages["link_name"] = "链接名称";
-$messages["link_url"] = $messages["url"];
-$messages["link_category"] = $messages["category"];
-$messages["link_description"] = "相关描述";
-$messages["links"] = "网站链接";
-// edit a link
-$messages["error_provide_name_and_url"] = "您必须输入链接网站的名称和网址。";
-$messages["error_invalid_link_id"] = "链接标识号无效或丢失。";
-$messages["error_fetching_link"] = "读取链接资料时出错。";
-$messages["error_updating_link"] = "更新链接时出错。";
-$messages["link_updated_ok"] = "链接更新成功!";
-$messages["error_fetching_link_categories"] = "读取链接分类时出错。";
-// add a link
-$messages["add_new_link"] = "新增网站链接";
-$messages["add_link"] = "加入链接";
-$messages["error_adding_link"] = "在新增链接时出错";
-$messages["link_added_ok"] = "新增链接成功。";
-$messages["error_provide_name_and_url"] = "您必须提供链接网站的名称和网址。";
-$messages["error_must_have_one_link_category"] = "在新增链接网站之前,您必须先建立一个网站链接的分类。";
-// delete a link
-$messages["error_no_links_selected"] = "您没有选择任何链接,无法删除。";
-$messages["error_removing_link"] = "从数据库中删除「%s」时出错。";
-$messages["link_deleted_ok"] = "链接「%s」 已成功删除。";
-// edit link categories
-$messages["newLinkCategory"] = "新增链接分类";
-$messages["link_categories_help"] = "新增网站链接之前,您必须先建立至少一个链接分类。";
-$messages["link_category_name"] = "链接分类名称";
-$messages["link_category_links"] = "链接";
-// new link category
-$messages["new_link_category_info"] = "链接分类可以帮助您将所有的链接分门别类。今后,当在网站主页上显示这些链接时,您便可以按链接分类有序地显示这些链接.";
-$messages["newLinkCategory"] = "新增链接分类";
-$messages["error_provide_category_name"] = "您必须提供链接的名称与网址.";
-$messages["error_adding_link_category"] = "新增链接分类时出现错误.";
-$messages["link_category_added_ok"] = "链接分类已增加.";
-// edit link category
-$messages["edit_link_category"] = "修改链接分类";
-$messages["error_updating_link_category"] = "在更新链接分类时出错。";
-$messages["link_category_updated_ok"] = "链接分类更新成功。";
-$messages["error_fetching_link_category"] = "读取链接分类资料时出错。";
-$messages["error_incorrect_link_category_id"] = "链接分类的标识号不正确。";
-// delete link categories
-$messages["error_no_link_category_selected"] = "您没有选择任何要删除的链接分类。";
-$messages["error_links_in_link_category"] = "无法删除「%s」这个分类,原因是这个分类下还有网站链接。请删除此分类下的所有网站链接后,再重试一次。";
-$messages["error_removing_link_category"] = "在删除链接分类「%s」时出错。";
-$messages["link_category_deleted_ok"] = "链接分类「%s」已成功删除。";
-// this error is shown when for some reason the category could not be fetched from the database
-// and we can't show its name
-$messages["error_removing_link_category_2"] = "在删除链接分类时出错,标识号 = %d";
-// blog settings page
-$messages["blogSettings"] = "网志设定";
-$messages["userSettings"] = "个人资料";
-$messages["pluginCenter"] = "外挂中心";
-$messages["Stats"] = "统计资料";
-$messages["blog_name"] = "网志名称";
-$messages["long_blog_name"] = "网志简介";
-$messages["language_used"] = "网志语言设定";
-$messages["items_main_page"] = "您想在主页上显示多少篇文章?";
-$messages["items_as_recent"] = "您想在「近期文章列表」中显示多少篇文章?";
-$messages["template_used"] = "请选择一个网站模板,该模板将定义您网站的外观。";
-$messages["cut_posts"] = "如果在首页显示的文章过长,您是否要将其在一定的长度截断,并加一个「阅读全文」链接?";
-$messages["cut_posts_after_characters"] = "您想将文章在多少个字符处截断?";
-$messages["enable_wysiwyg_edition"] = "启用所见即所得(WYSIWYG)文字编辑器?(您必须使用 Internet Explorer 5.5 以上或 Mozilla 1.3b 以上的浏览器)";
-$messages["enable_comments"] = "是否开放对所有文章的评论留言权限?";
-$messages["yes"] = "是";
-$messages["no"] = "否";
-$messages["error_invalid_locale"] = "语系设定参数无效";
-$messages["error_incorrect_max_recent_items"] = "您必须正确填写您想要在首页「近期文章」列表中显示的文章数。";
-$messages["error_incorrect_number_of_posts"] = "您必须正确填写您想在首页上显示的文章数。";
-$messages["error_incorrect_template"] = "网站模板的值不正确。";
-$messages["error_no_blog_name"] = "您必须为您的博客网站取个名字。";
-$messages["error_incorrect_show_more_threshold"] = "如果您使用了将过长的文章截断,并增加「阅读全文」链接的功能,您就必须设定一个字符数。";
-$messages["error_updating_settings"] = "更新网站设定时出错。";
-$messages["blog_settings_updated_ok"] = "网站设定更新成功!";
-$messages["permanent_blog_url"] = "该博客网站的永久地址(不能更改)";
-// user profile page
-$messages["username"] = "用户名称";
-$messages["password"] = "密码";
-$messages["confirm_password"] = "确认密码";
-$messages["email_address"] = "电子邮件地址";
-$messages["bio"] = "自我介绍";
-$messages["empty_no_change"] = "如果您不想修改密码,留白即可";
-$messages["user_settings_updated_ok"] = "用户设定更新成功。";
-$messages["error_updating_user_settings"] = "更新设定时出错。";
-$messages["error_passwords_dont_match"] = "抱歉,您输入的两个密码不相符。";
-$messages["error_incorrect_password"] = "抱歉,密码错误。";
-$messages["error_incorrect_email_address"] = "电子邮件地址格式错误。";
-// plugin center page
-$messages["plugins_available"] = "以下是模板中可以使用的外挂程序列表";
-$messages["identifier"] = "标识号";
-$messages["description"] = "相关说明";
-$messages["error_plugins_disabled"] = "本站已停用外挂程序功能。";
-// statistics page
-$messages["statistics_info"] = "文章标识号如果为0,其含义为主站的点击数,而不是针对某篇特定文章。";
-$messages["article_id"] = "文章标识号";
-$messages["last_hit_date"] = "最后点击日期";
-$messages["error_fetching_referers"] = "在读取本站referers资料时出错。";
-// login screen
-$messages["login_page_title"] = "pLog控制台";
-$messages["login"] = "登陆";
-$messages["welcome_message"] = "欢迎光临pLog";
-$messages["error_incorrect_username_or_password"] = "很抱歉,您输入的用户名或密码不正确。";
-$messages["error_dont_belong_to_any_blog"] = "很抱歉,您还没有使用本站博客的权限。";
-$messages["error_no_username_or_password"] = "请输入有效的用户名或密码。";
-$messages["choose_one_blog"] = "您可以使用下列博客网站,请选择一个您想要管理的,然后进入控制台。";
-$messages["continue"] = "继续";
-$messages["logout_message"] = "您已成功退出。";
-$messages["logout_message_2"] = "<a href=\"admin.php\">请按此处</a>重新登陆,或<a href=\"%1\$s\">前往%2\$s</a>.";
-$messages["logout_title"] = "已退出";
-$messages["error_access_forbidden"] = "您目前没有权限进入控制台。请先到<a href=\"admin.php\">这里</a>登陆。";
-$messages["blogFilteredContent"] = $messages["filteredContent"];
-$messages["newBlogFilteredContent"] = $messages["newFilteredContent"];
-$messages["blogBlockedHosts"] = $messages["blockedHosts"];
-$messages["newBlogBlockedHost"] = $messages["newBlockedHost"];
-$messages["newBlogUser"] = $messages["createUser"];
-// text of the post that will be added to each blog when they sign-up via the register.php script
-$messages["register_default_category"] = "一般分类";
-$messages["register_default_article_text"] = "如果您能够看到这条消息,说明您已经成功注册了本站会员和blog系统,开始blog吧:-)";
-$messages["register_default_article_topic"] = "祝贺!您的blog已经成功注册!";
-// summary templates text
-$messages["summary_title"] = "Blog汇总";
-$messages["summary_section_main"] = "汇总";
-$messages["summary_section_main_link_title"] = "主页";
-$messages["summary_section_register"] = "注册!";
-$messages["summary_section_register_link_title"] = "注册新的blog";
-$messages["summary_section_blog_list"] = "Blog列表";
-$messages["summary_section_blog_list_link_title"] = "本站所有的blog";
-$messages["summary_section_faq"] = "F.A.Q.";
-$messages["summary_section_faq_link_title"] = "常见问题";
-$messages["summary_welcome_title"] = "欢迎使用 pLog!";
-$messages["summary_most_active_blogs"] = "最活跃的blog";
-$messages["summary_newest_blogs"] = "最新的blog";
-$messages["summary_most_commented_articles"] = "回复最多的文章";
-$messages["summary_most_read_articles"] = "阅读最多的文章";
-$messages["summary_faq"] = "常见问题";
-$messages["summary_faq_question"] = "这是什么?";
-$messages["summary_faq_description"] = "你可以使用这部分为你的服务增加FAQ. 编辑文件 templates/summary/faq.template 来改变本页的内容.";
-$messages["summary_login"] = "登陆";
-$messages["summary_other_stuff"] = "Other Stuff";
-$messages["summary_plog_logo"] = "放置一个logo如何?";
-$messages["summary_blog_list"] = "Blog列表";
-$messages["summary_last_updated"] = "最近更新";
-$messages["summary_author"] = "作者";
-$messages["summary_articles"] = "文章";
-$messages["summary_reads"] = "阅读";
-$messages["summary_welcome_message"] = "<h4 class=\"question\">关于本站?</h4>
-                            <p>You could use this area to give some information about this site.</p>
-                            <ul>
-                                <li>See the following links for more information: <br />
-                                    <a href=\"summary.php?op=Faq\">FAQ</a></li>
-                                <li><a href=\"register.php\">Register a new blog here</a></li>
-                            </ul>";
-$messages["summary_latest_posts"] = "最新发表";
-$messages["summary_in"] = "in";
-$messages["summary_posted_by"] = "Posted by";
-// register templates text
-$messages["register_error"] = "错误";
-$messages["register_error_message"] = "发生了一个错误:";
-$messages["register_errors"] = "在处理时发生了错误,请查看:";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step1_title"] = "注册一个新的blog (1/4)";
-$messages["register_step1_fill_in_title"] = "请填充下面信息.";
-$messages["register_step1_description"] = "<p>
-首先我们为你创建一个用户,请选择一个用户名 (不能是系统中已经有的,我们会通知你用户名是否存在) ,这个用户被视为这个blog的主人,拥有这个blog所有的权限.
-$messages["register_step1_legend"] = "请填充下面信息";
-$messages["register_username"] = "用户名:";
-$messages["register_password"] = "密码:";
-$messages["register_password_confirmation"] = "确认密码:";
-$messages["register_email"] = "Email地址:";
-$messages["register_email_comment"] = "(有回复时通知用户的地址)";
-$messages["register_next"] = "下一步 &raquo;";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step2_title"] = "注册新的blog (2/4)";
-$messages["register_user_created"] = "用户通过检查, 现在我们将创建您的个人blog.";
-$messages["register_step2_description"] = " <p>
-  我们需要知道你的blog名,这个过程结束后,你可以在管理界面修改它.
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step2_blog_name"] = "你的blog名称:";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step4_title"] = "谢谢! (4/4)";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step4_description"] = "
- <p>
-   注册结束,你的用户和blog在本站已经注册成功,你现在可以登陆并开始你的blog!
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step4_admin_link"] = "
-  <p>
-    点击这儿 <a href=\"admin.php\">管理界面</a>开始经营属于你自己的blog.
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step4_blog_link1"] = "
- <p>
-    或者点击 <a href=\"";
-$messages["register_step4_blog_link2"] = "
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step4_final_message"] = "
- <p>
-  祝你愉快的书写你的blog!
- </p>";
-$messages["register_error_incorrect_username"] = "不正确的用户名,请重新输入.<br/>";
-$messages["register_error_incorrect_email"] = "Email 地址无效或者已经使用过了,请重试. <br/>";
-$messages["register_error_user_already_exist"] = "用户名已经存在,请尝试换一个.<br/>";
-$messages["register_error_incorrect_password"] = "密码无效,请重试. <br/>";
-$messages["register_error_passwords_dont_match"] = "密码不匹配,请重试. <br/>";
-$messages["register_error_adding_user"] = "添加用户错误r: ";
-$messages["register_error_creating_blog"] = "创建新的blog时出错";
-$messages["register_error_blog_name"] = "你应该为你的blog选一个更合适的名字.<br/>" ;
-$messages["recent_articles"] = "最新文章" ;
-$messages["recent_comments"] ="最新回复";
-$messages["recent_resources"] = "最新相片";
-$messages["Manage"] = "管理";
-$messages["resourceCenter"] = "相片中心";
-$messages["controlCenter"] = "控制中心";
-$messages["adminSettings"] = "管理员设置";
-$messages["dashboard"] = "控制面板";
-$messages["extended_text"] = "扩展文本";
-$messages["categories"] = "分类";
-$messages["show_posts_by"] = "根据条件显示文章";
-$messages["save_draft_and_continue"] = "存草稿并继续";
-$messages["enable_comments_for_post"] = "允许回复";
-$messages["search_terms"] = "搜索条件";
-$messages["show"] = "显示";
-$messages["posts"] = "文章数";
-$messages["show_main_page"] = "是否在首页显示";
-$messages["actions"] = "操作";
-$messages["show_category_in_main_page"] = "是否在首页显示";
-$messages["show_in_main_page_info"] = "在首页显示文章";
-$messages["reset"] = "重置";
-$messages["managePosts"] = "文章管理";
-$messages["manageLinks"] = "链接管理";
-$messages["show_links_by"] = "根据分类显示链接";
-$messages["name"] = "名称";
-$messages["link_category_name_info"] = "链接分类名称";
-$messages["add_link_category"] = "增加链接分类";
-$messages["resources"] = "相片";
-$messages["close_window"] = "关闭窗口";
-$messages["select_picture"] = "请选择图片";
-$messages["select"] = "选取";
-$messages["newResourceAlbum"] = "新建相册";
-$messages["newResource"] = "新建相片";
-$messages["welcome_resource_center"] = "欢迎来到相片中心";
-$messages["total_num_resources"] = "相片总数";
-$messages["total_size"] = "总使用空间";
-$messages["show_album"] = "显示相册";
-$messages["root_album"] = "根相册";
-$messages["album"] = "相册";
-$messages["parent_album"] = "上级相册";
-$messages["add_album"] = "增加相册";
-$messages["no_parent_album"] = "没有上级相册";
-$messages["error_must_create_album_first"] = "错误,必须先创建相册";
-$messages["add_resource"] = "增加相片";
-$messages["manageSettings"] = "管理设定";
-$messages["manageBlogUsers"] = "用户管理";
-$messages["newBlogUser"] = "新建用户";
-$messages["showBlogUsers"] = "用户列表";
-$messages["manageBlogTemplates"] = "模板管理";
-$messages["newBlogTemplate"] = "新建模板";
-$messages["blogTemplates"] = "模板列表";
- $messages["blog_link"] = "该博客网站的永久地址";
- $messages["language"] = "语言";
- $messages["max_main_page_items"] = "首页文章数量";
- $messages["max_recent_items"] = "近期文章数量";
- $messages["template"] = "模板";
- $messages["use_read_more"] = "使用延伸正文";
- $messages["use_read_more_feature"] = "使用延伸正文特性";
- $messages["enable_wysiwyg"] = "使用所见即所得编辑器";
- $messages["show_future_posts"] = "显示将来的文章";
- $messages["comments_order"] = "回复排列顺序";
- $messages["categories_order"] = "文章分类排列顺序";
- $messages["link_categories_order"] = "链接分类排列顺序";
- $messages["time_offset"] = "您的博客服务器与您所在地的时差";
-$messages["most_recent_updated_first"] = "最近更新最多的在前";
-$messages["oldest_first"] = "旧的在前";
-$messages["newest_first"] = "新的在前";
-$messages["alphabetical_order"] = "按字母顺序";
-$messages["reverse_alphabetical_order"] = "按字母逆序";
-$messages["most_articles_first"] = "文章最多的在前";
-$messages["most_links_first"] = "链接最多的在前";
-$messages["most_links_last"] = "链接最多的在后";
-$messages["full_name"] = "全名";
-$messages["user_picture"] = "用户图像";
-$messages["referrer"] = "逆向链接";
-$messages["Users"] = "用户管理";
-$messages["createUser"] = "创建用户";
-$messages["editSiteUsers"] = "编辑用户";
-$messages["Blogs"] = "blog管理";
-$messages["createBlog"] = "创建blog";
-$messages["editSiteBlogs"] = "编辑blog";
-$messages["Locales"] = "本地化管理";
-$messages["newLocale"] = "创建新的本地化";
-$messages["siteLocales"] = "站点本地化";
-$messages["Templates"] = "模板管理";
-$messages["newTemplate"] = "新建模板";
-$messages["siteTemplates"] = "站点模板";
-$messages["GlobalSettings"] = "全局设置";
-$messages["editSiteSettings"] = "站点设置";
-$messages["summarySettings"] = "汇总设置";
-$messages["templateSettings"] = "模板设置";
-$messages["urlSettings"] = "url设置";
-$messages["emailSettings"] = "电邮设置";
-$messages["uploadSettings"] = "上传设置";
-$messages["helpersSettings"] = "帮助设置";
-$messages["interfacesSettings"] = "接口设置";
-$messages["securitySettings"] = "安全设置";
-$messages["bayesianSettings"] = "bayesian设置";
-$messages["resourcesSettings"] = "相片设置"; 
-$messages["searchSettings"] = "搜索设置";
-$messages["site_stats"] = "站点统计";
-$messages["number_blogs"] = "blog数量";
-$messages["number_users"] = "用户数量";
-$messages["number_posts"] = "文章数量";
-$messages["number_posts_today"] = "今日文章数量";
-$messages["number_posts_this_month"] = "本月文章数量";
-$messages["clean_up"] = "清除";
-$messages["purge_info"] = "清除信息";
-$messages["spam_info"] = "垃圾信息";
-$messages["purge_posts"] = "清除文章"; 
-$messages["purge_spam_comments"] = "清除垃圾回复"; 
-$messages["assigned_to_blog"] = "指定所属blog"; 
-$messages["add_user"] = "增加用户";
-$messages["show_users_by"] = "根据条件显示用户";
-$messages["user_status_all"] = "所有用户状态";
-$messages["user_status_active"] = "激活";
-$messages["user_status_disabled"] = "禁止";
-$messages["blog_owner"] = "blog所有者";
-$messages["show_blogs_by"] = "根据条件显示blog";
-$messages["blog_title"] = "blog名称";
-$messages["quota"] = "配额";
-$messages["blog_status_all"] = "blog所有状态";
-$messages["blog_status_active"] = "激活";
-$messages["blog_status_disabled"] = "禁止";
-$messages["upload_locale"] = "上传本地化文件";
-$messages["use_this_form_to_upload_locale"] = "使用本表单上传本地化文件";
-$messages["locale_file"] = "本地化文件";
-$messages["manually_add_locale"] = "手工添加本地化文件";
-$messages["use_this_form_if_cant_upload_locale"] = "如果不能上传请使用本表单";
-$messages["scan_locales"] = "搜索本地化文件";
-$messages["locale_code"] = "本地化文件代码";
-$messages["locale_encoding"] = "本地化文件编码";
-$messages["use_this_form_to_upload_template"] = "使用本表单上传模板";
-$messages["template_file"] = "模板文件";
-$messages["manually_add_template"] = "手工添加模板文件";
-$messages["use_this_form_if_cannot_upload_template"] = "如果不能上传使用本表单";
-$messages["upload_template"] = "上传模板";
-$messages["scan_templates"] = "扫描模板";
-$messages["templates_available_for_all"] = "有效模板列表";
-$messages["error_no_new_templates_found"] = "没有新模板可供使用";
-$messages["site_admin"] = "全站系统管理";
-$messages["site_stats"] = "网站统计";
-$messages["add_user"] = "新增用户";
-$messages["users"] = "用户管理";
-$messages["add_blog"] = "新增博客";
-$messages["blogs"] = "博客管理";
-$messages["locales"] = "语系设定";
-$messages["add_locale"] = "新增语系";
-$messages["templates"] = "模板管理";
-$messages["add_template"] = "新增模板";
-$messages["global_settings"] = "全局设置";
-$messages["site_settings"] = "博客设置";
-$messages["help_comments_enabled"] = "是否启用全站的评论留言功能。";
-$messages["help_beautify_comments_text"] = "在用户发表评论留言时,不改变他所输入的文字格式。";
-$messages["help_rdf_enabled"] = "是否启用最新文章的RDF FEED(RDF网站摘要)功能。";
-$messages["help_temp_folder"] = "pLog系统执行某些操作时要用到的临时文件夹路径。";
-$messages["help_base_url"] = "网站的网址(URL),请认真核对。";
-$messages["help_show_posts_max"] = "在网站首页显示的文章数量(缺省值)。";
-$messages["help_recent_posts_max"] = "在首页「近期文章」列表中显示的文章数量(缺省值)。";
-$messages["help_template_folder"] = "网站模板文件的目录。";
-$messages["help_default_template"] = "新增博客网站的缺省模板。";
-$messages["help_defalut_locale"] = "新增博客网站所使用的缺省语言(控制台的登陆页面将使用相同的语言)";
-$messages["help_html_allowed_tags_in_comments"] = "用户发表评论时,可以使用的HTML标签。";
-$messages["help_referer_tracker_enabled"] = "如果网站接收到的REQUEST请求中含有REFERER信息,是否将基本的REFERER信息存入数据库。";
-$messages["help_rss_parser_enabled"] = "如果您的网站模板中有RSS PARSER(RSS解析器),便可在您的网站上显示来自其它站点的新闻。您是否要启用此功能?";
-$messages["help_show_more_enabled"] = "是否启用「阅读全文」链接功能。";
-$messages["help_show_more_threshold"] = "在加入「阅读全文」链接前,应该显示多少个字符的内容。";
-$messages["help_update_article_reads"] = "网站有内建的计数器,可以统计每篇文章的点击数。您是否想启用此功能。";
-$messages["help_request_format_mode"] = "如果您设定为「一般网址」,那么系统便会产生正常的网址。如果您选用「搜索引擎易于查找的网址」(Search Engine Friendly),则产生的网址便不会包含特殊字符,便于搜索引擎取得您网站上的内容。不过要支持此功能,您的主机空间必须使用Apache服务器,并且要能够使用.htaccess文件。";
-$messages["help_xmlrpc_ping_enabled"] = "当发表新文章时,是否要向以下站点发送XMLRPC通告。";
-$messages["help_xmlrpc_ping_hosts"] = "接受XMLRPC通告的网站列表,每个网址单独一行,数目不限。";
-$messages["help_trackback_server_enabled"] = "是否接受别的网站发出的引用通告(TrackBack)。";
-$messages["help_htmlarea_enabled"] = "是否启用所见即所得(WYSIWYG)文章编辑器。";
-$messages["help_plugin_manager_enabled"] = "是否启用外挂程序。";
-$messages["help_check_email_address_validity"] = "在用户申请注册新博客站点时,是否要认证他所填写的电子邮件地址。";
-$messages["help_summary_page_show_max"] = "在摘要(SUMMARY)页面中要显示多少项目。";
-$messages["help_minimum_password_length"] = "密码最少要有多少个字符。";
-$messages["help_users_can_add_templates"] = "是否允许用户加入自己的模板。";
-$messages["help_email_service_enabled"] = "是否启用用于寄送通知信函的电子邮件服务。";
-$messages["help_post_notification_source_address"] = "系统通知信函中的寄件人电子邮件地址。";
-$messages["help_email_service_type"] = "用来发送电子邮件的方法,请在以下各种方法中选择一个。并请记住检查下列设置";
-$messages["help_smtp_host"] = "如果选用SMTP寄送电子邮件,请输入您要用来发送邮件的主机。";
-$messages["help_smtp_port"] = "上面设定的SMTP服务器的端口(port)";
-$messages["help_smtp_use_authentication"] = "SMTP服务器是否需要授权认证。如果需要的话,请继续填写以下两项设置。";
-$messages["help_smtp_username"] = "如果SMTP服务器需要授权认证,请填写用户账号。";
-$messages["help_smtp_password"] = "如果SMTP服务器需要授权认证,请填写用户密码。";
-$messages["help_uploads_enabled"] = "是否启用上传文件功能。这个功能会影响到用户能否上传新的模板包,及能否向现存模板中添加文件。";
-$messages["help_maximum_file_upload_size"] = "允许用户上传文件的最大字节数。";
-$messages["help_upload_forbidden_files"] = "禁止用户上传的文件类型。你可以制定任意数量的文件类型,两个类型之间用空格分离。";
-$messages["help_path_to_tar"] = "「tar」命令所在目录。";
-$messages["help_path_to_gzip"] = "「gzip」命令所在目录。";
-$messages["help_path_to_bz2"] = "「bzip2」命令所在目录。";
-$messages["help_path_to_unzip"] = "「unzip」命令所在目录。";
-$messages["add_user_give_information"] = "要新增一个用户,请填写以下信息。";
-$messages["site_registered_users"] = "以下是所有的注册用户列表。";
-$messages["add_blog_give_information"] = "要新增一个博客,请填写以下信息。";
-$messages["blog_title"] = "博客网站的名称";
-$messages["blog_owner"] = "博客网站管理员";
-$messages["site_registered_blogs"] = "以下是所有博客的列表。";
-$messages["edit_users"] = "管理用户";
-$messages["upload_locale"] = "上传语言文件";
-$messages["use_this_form_to_upload_locale"] = "请使用以下表格上传一个语言文件到您的服务器,如果您不能上传文件的话,请使用下面的另一个表格。";
-$messages["locale_file"] = "文件";
-$messages["manually_add_locale"] = "手动方式增加语言文件";
-$messages["use_this_form_if_cant_upload_locale"] = "如果您无法通过浏览器将文件上传到您的服务器,请使用这个表格。注意,您必须先将语言文件复制到主机的locale目录下,否则会出错。";
-$messages["locale_code"] = "语言代码";
-$messages["locale_encoding"] = "编码方式";
-$messages["template_will_be_available_for_all"] = "系统中所有的博客网站今后都可以使用这个新模板。";
-$messages["use_this_form_to_upload_template"] = "您可以使用此表格将新模板上传到服务器。如果您无法用浏览器上传,请使用下面的表格。上传的模板文件必须是zip、tar.gz或tar.bz2格式的压缩文件。";
-$messages["locale_file"] = "文件";
-$messages["upload_template"] = "上传模板";
-$messages["manually_add_template"] = "手动方式增加模板";
-$messages["use_this_form_if_cannot_upload_template"] = "如果您无法通过浏览器将模板文件上传到您的服务器,请使用这个表格。注意,您必须先将模板文件复制到主机的template目录下,否则会出错。";
-$messages["template_id"] = "模板标识号(ID)";
-$messages["templates_available_for_all"] = "本模板可供系统中所有的博客网站使用。";
-$messages["add_file"] = "新增文件";
-$messages["setting_name"] = "名称";
-$messages["setting_value"] = "数值";
-$messages["setting_description"] = "相关说明";
-$messages["plain"] = "普通网址";
-$messages["search_engine_friendly"] = "搜索引擎易于搜寻的简洁网址";
-$messages["general_settings"] = "一般设置";
-$messages["helper_tools_settings"] = "帮助工具设置";
-$messages["uploads_settings"] = "上传文件设置";
-$messages["email_settings"] = "电子邮件设置";
-$messages["number_blogs"] = "博客网站数";
-$messages["number_users"] = "用户数";
-$messages["number_posts"] = "文章数";
-$messages["number_posts_today"] = "今日发表文章数";
-$messages["number_posts_this_month"] = "本月发表文章数";
-$messages["date"] = "日期";
-$messages["time"] = "时间";
-$messages["comments_order"] = "评论留言排序方式:";
-$messages["oldest_first"] = "旧的在前";
-$messages["newest_first"] = "新的在前";
-$messages["blog"] = "博客网站";
-$messages["blog_id"] = "博客网站标识符(ID)";
-$messages["blog_users"] = "博客网站用户";
-$messages["available_users"] = "Available Users";
-$messages["add"] = "新增";
-$messages["remove"] = "删除";
-$messages["user_id"] = "用户ID";
-$messages["new_password"] = "新密码";
-$messages["has_administrator_privileges"] = "拥有管理员权限";
-$messages["related_to_the_following_blogs"] = "该用户可以使用的博客网站";
-$messages["add_user_to_blog_form"] = "您可以用以下表格,将其他用户加入您的博客作者行列中。用户在加入之后,可以发表或编辑文章,但是不能够修改您的博客网站设定。";
-$messages["add_user_enter_username"] = "请输入这位用户的帐号。如果系统中没有这个帐号,便无法加入。";
-$messages["add_user_send_notification"] = "用电子邮件通知这名用户。";
-$messages["add_user_type_notification"] = "请输入信件的内容";
-$messages["following_users_have_permissions"] = "以下是博客网站中的作者名单。他们可以新增、编辑或删除博客内容,但是不能够修改这个博客网站的相关设定。";
-$messages["revoke_permissions"] = "取消使用权限";
-$messages["add_blog_template"] = "新增模板";
-$messages["manually_add_blog_template"] = "手动方式新增模板";
-$messages["template_available_only_for_this_blog"] = "这个模板仅供您目前所在的博客网站使用。";
-$messages["use_form_to_upload_blog_template"] = "您可以用这个表格,将模板安装包上传到服务器上。如果您没有办法用浏览器上传,请使用下方的另一个表格。上传文件必须是以zip、tar.gz或tar.bz2格式的压缩文件。";
-$messages["use_form_if_cannot_upload_blog_template"] = "如果您没有办法用浏览器上传模板安装包,请使用这个表格。您在此所输入的文件名必须与在模板目录中的文件相符,不然就会产生错误。";
-$messages["blog_templates"] = "博客模板";
-$messages["templates_only_available_for_this_blog"] = "以下是可供目前所在博客网站使用的模板。.";
-$messages["add_file_to_blog_template"] = "新增文件到博客模板中"; 
-$messages["upload_file_to_blog_template"] = "请上传您想要加入到模板中的文件。";
-$messages["error_user_id_incorrect"] = "用户ID不正确。";
-$messages["error_incorrect_user_id"] = $messages["error_user_id_incorrect"];
-$messages["error_fetching_user_information"] = "在读取用户资料时发生错误。";
-$messages["error_password_incorrect"] = "密码太短或密码错误。";
-$messages["error_updating_user_settings"] = "我没有办法更新这位用户的设定。";
-$messages["user_settings_updated_ok"] = "用户「%s」的设定成功更新。";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected_to_add"] = "您没有选择要新增的用户。";
-$messages["user_added_to_blog_ok"] = "用户「%s」已经成功加入作者行列。";
-$messages["error_adding_user_to_blog"] = "在加入用户「%s」时发生问题。";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected_to_remove"] = "您没有选择要删除的用户。";
-$messages["user_removed_from_blog_ok"] = "用户「%s」已经从作者行列中删除。";
-$messages["error_removing_user_from_blog"] = "在删除用户「%s」时发生问题。";
-$messages["error_incorrect_plugin_id"] = "外挂程序ID不正确。";
-$messages["error_configuring_plugin"] = "在设定外挂程序时发生问题:";
-$messages["site_config_saved_ok"] = "网站设定已成功储存。";
-$messages["error_saving_site_config"] = "在储存网站设置时发生问题。";
-$messages["error_incorrect_blog_owner"] = "要设定为博客网站管理员的用户不存在。";
-$messages["error_updating_blog_settings"] = "在更新「%s」这个博客网站的设定时发生问题。";
-$messages["blog_settings_updated_ok"] = "博客网站「%s」的设置已成功更新。";
-$messages["error_fetching_users"] = "在读取这个博客网站的用户资料时发生问题。";
-$messages["error_fetching_blogs"] = "在从系统中读取博客网站列表时发生问题。";
-$messages["error_incorrect_template_id"] = "模板ID不正确或不存在。";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected"] = "您没有选择要删除的用户。";
-$messages["error_could_not_find_user"] = "在系统中找不到「%s」这位用户。";
-$messages["error_deleting_user"] = "在删除用户「%s」时发生错误。";
-$messages["user_deleted_ok"] = "用户「%s」已成功删除。";
-$messages["error_must_give_blog_name"] = "您必须输入这个博客网站的正确名称。";
-$messages["error_adding_blog"] = "在将这个博客网站加入数据库时发生错误。";
-$messages["blog_added_ok"] = "新的博客网站「%s」已成功加入数据库中。";
-$messages["error_template_not_inside_folder"] = "模板文件必须放在某个目录中。";
-$messages["error_missing_base_files"] = "在这个模板设置中有些基本文件不见了。";
-$messages["error_unpacking"] = "在解压缩时发生错误。";
-$messages["error_forbidden_extensions"] = "在这个模板中有些文件被禁止访问。";
-$messages["error_creating_working_folder"] = "在检查模板时发生错误。";
-$messages["error_checking_template"] = "模板发生错误 (code = %s)";
-$messages["error_add_template_disabled"] = "本站不允许用户新增模板文件。";
-$messages["error_must_upload_file"] = "您必须上传文件。";
-$messages["error_no_template_name"] = "您必须输入模板名称。";
-$messages["error_uploads_disabled"] = "本站已关闭文件上传功能。";
-$messages["error_installing_template"] = "在安装模板时发生错误。";
-$messages["template_installed_ok"] = "新的模板「 %s」已经成功安装完成。";
-$messages["error_adding_template_file"] = "在将文件加入模板时发生错误。";
-$messages["error_file_forbidden"] = "系统不允许您上传这个类型的文件。";
-$messages["error_file_too_big"] = "文件太大,上传的文件不能超过 %s 字节。";
-$messages["template_file_added_ok"] = "文件已成功新增至「%s」模板中。";
-$messages["error_plugin_cannot_be_configured"] = "您不能够对这个外挂程序进行设定。";
-$messages["error_incorrect_username"] = "用户名称不正确。";
-$messages["error_username_already_exists"] = "已经有人注册了相同的名称了。";
-$messages["error_adding_user"] = "在将用户加入数据库时发生错误。";
-$messages["user_added_ok"] = "新增用户帐号「%s」成功。";
-$messages["error_no_blogs_selected"] = "您必须要选择您想要删除的博客网站。";
-$messages["error_blog_is_default_blog"] = "「%s」是系统缺省博客网站,无法删除。";
-$messages["blog_deleted_ok"] = "「%s」博客网站已成功删除。";
-$messages["error_deleting_blog"] = "在删除「%s」这个博客网站时发生错误。";
-$messages["error_no_templates_selected"] = "您没有选择任何模板,无法删除。";
-$messages["error_removing_template"] = "在删除模板「%s」时发生错误。";
-$messages["template_removed_ok"] = "「%s」模板已成功删除。";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected_to_remove_from_blog"] = "您没有选择任何要从这个博客网站删除的作者。";
-$messages["error_removing_user_from_blog"] = "在将用户「%s」从本博客网站作者行列中删除时发生错误。";
-$messages["user_removed_from_blog_ok"] = "用户「%s」已经成功从本站作者行列中删除。";
-$messages["error_incorrect_locale_code"] = "您所输入的语系代码不正确。";
-$messages["error_invalid_locale_file"] = "这个文件不是正确的语系文件。";
-$messages["error_adding_locale_file"] = "在新增语系文件时发生错误。请确定文件已经上传到语系文件目录中,并且检查文件权限是否正确。";
-$messages["locale_added_ok"] = "语系「%s」已经成功新增";
-$messages["error_saving_locale"] = "在将新的语系文件储存至语系文件目录时发生错误。请检查文件目录的写入权限是否正确。";
-$messages["error_no_locales_selected"] = "您没有选择要删除的语系。";
-$messages["error_deleting_only_locale"] = "您不可以删除这个语系文件,因为这是系统中目前唯一的语系文件。";
-$messages["locale_deleted_ok"] = "「%s」语系已成功删除。";
-$messages["error_deleting_locale"] = "在删除「%s」语系时发生错误。";
-$messages["error_cant_delete_default_locale"] = "您不可以删除「%s」语系,因为这是系统目前的缺省语系。";
-$messages["plugin_config"] = "外挂程序设定";
-$messages["use_read_more_feature"] = "您放在首页的文章只要显示「正文」部分,而不要显示「延伸正文」?";
-$messages["extended_text"] = "延伸正文:您在此输入的文字只会在显示单篇文章时显示,除非您在「设定」页面中修改了设定。";
-$messages["error_must_give_post_intro"] = "您必须要输入这篇文章的介绍文字。";
-$messages["error_no_albums_defined"] = "抱歉,这个博客还没有创建相册,请稍后访问。";
-$messages["error_fetching_album"] = "在读取指定相册时发生错误。";
-$messages["comment_marked_as_spam_ok"] = "您已经成功将本篇评论留言标示为垃圾留言。";
-$messages["comment_marked_as_nonspam_ok"] = "您已经成功将本篇评论留言标示为正常留言。";
-$messages["error_marking_comment_as_nonspam"] = "在将本篇评论留言标示为垃圾留言时发生错误。";
-$messages["error_marking_comment_as_spam"] = "在将本篇评论留言标示为正常留言时发生错误。";
-$messages["error_incorrect_comment_id"] = "留言评论ID不正确。";
-$messages["text_help"]=" ";
-$messages["topic_help"] = " ";
-$messages["extended_text_help"] = " ";
-$messages["post_categories_help"] = " ";
-$messages["date_help"] = " ";
-$messages["post_status_help"] = " ";
-$messages["post_slug_help"] = " ";
-$messages["album_name_help"] = " ";
-$messages["parent_album_help"] = " ";
-$messages["album_description_help"] = " ";
-$messages["album_name_help"] = " ";
-$messages["parent_album_help"] = " ";
-$messages["album_description_help"] = " ";
-$messages["username_help"] = " ";
-$messages["full_name_help"] = " ";
-$messages["password_help"] = " ";
-$messages["email_address_help"] = " ";
-$messages["assigned_to_blog_help"] = " ";
-$messages["blog_name_help"] = " ";
-$messages["blog_owner_help"] = " ";
-// register ui
-$messages["step1"] = "第一步";
-$messages["step2"] = "第二步";
-$messages["step3"] = "第三步";
-$messages["step4"] = "第四步";
-$messages["step5"] = "第五步";
-$messages["step6"] = "第六步";
-$messages["register_user"] = "注册用户";
-$messages["password_confirm"] = "确认密码*";
-$messages["user_email_info"] = "用户邮箱";
-$messages["blog_locale_help"] = "请选择您的blog将要使用的语系";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step3_title"] = "选择模板(3/4)";
-$messages["done"] = "完成注册";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step4_description"] = "我们已经收集了创建您的帐户和博客需要的所有信息,请点击\"完成注册\"按钮,完成整个注册过程。";
-$messages["welcome_to_plog"] = "首先欢迎您注册为本站会员! 为了防止有人冒充您的邮件地址注册帐户,您还需要点击以下链接以便激活您的帐号:";
-$messages["good_wish_and_good_bye"] = "预祝您blog愉快! \n plog team";
-$messages["register_need_confirm"] = "我们已经发送了一封Email给您,里面说明了如何激活您的帐户. 请过一小会检查您注册时使用的邮件帐号. 如果您一直没有收到激活信,请....";
-$messages["no_user_found"] = "用户不存在";
-$messages["wrong_active_code"] = "激活码错误";
-$messages["active_account_ok"] = "您的帐户已经激活了, 赶快去blog吧!";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step0_title"] = "用户协议";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step5_title"] = "激活您的帐号";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step5_description"] = "注册完成";
-$messages["register_finished"] = "注册完成";
-$messages["accept"] = "同意以上条款";
-$messages["decline"] = "不同意以上条款";
-$messages["confirm_result"] = "帐户激活状态";
-$messages["admin"] = "管理入口";
-$messages["albums"] = "我的相册";

Deleted: plog/trunk/locale/locale_zh_TW.php
--- plog/trunk/locale/locale_zh_TW.php	2005-01-29 15:29:38 UTC (rev 872)
+++ plog/trunk/locale/locale_zh_TW.php	2005-01-29 15:52:14 UTC (rev 873)
@@ -1,1069 +0,0 @@
-// set this to the encoding that should be used to display the pages correctly
-$messages["encoding"] = "utf-8";
-$messages["locale_description"] = "Traditional Chinese translation";
-// days of the week
-$messages["days"] = Array( "星期日", "星期一", "星期二", "星期三", "星期四", "星期五", "星期六" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["Monday"] = $messages["days"][1];
-$messages["Tuesday"] = $messages["days"][2];
-$messages["Wednesday"] = $messages["days"][3];
-$messages["Thursday"] = $messages["days"][4];
-$messages["Friday"] = $messages["days"][5];
-$messages["Saturday"] = $messages["days"][6];
-$messages["Sunday"] = $messages["days"][0];
-// abbreviations
-$messages["daysshort"] = Array( "日", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["Mo"] = $messages["daysshort"][1];
-$messages["Tu"] = $messages["daysshort"][2];
-$messages["We"] = $messages["daysshort"][3];
-$messages["Th"] = $messages["daysshort"][4];
-$messages["Fr"] = $messages["daysshort"][5];
-$messages["Sa"] = $messages["daysshort"][6];
-$messages["Su"] = $messages["daysshort"][0];
-// months of the year
-$messages["months"] = Array( "元月", "二月", "三月", "四月", "五月", "六月", "七月", "八月", "九月", "十月", "十一月", "十二月" );
-// -- compatibility, do not touch -- //
-$messages["January"] = $messages["months"][0];
-$messages["February"] = $messages["months"][1];
-$messages["March"] = $messages["months"][2];
-$messages["April"] = $messages["months"][3];
-$messages["May"] = $messages["months"][4];
-$messages["June"] = $messages["months"][5];
-$messages["July"] = $messages["months"][6];
-$messages["August"] = $messages["months"][7];
-$messages["September"] = $messages["months"][8];
-$messages["October"] = $messages["months"][9];
-$messages["November"] = $messages["months"][10];
-$messages["December"] = $messages["months"][11];
-$messages["message"] = "訊息";
-$messages["error"] = "錯誤";
-$messages["date"] = "日期";
-// miscellaneous texts
-$messages["of"] = "of";
-$messages["recently"] = "近期文章";
-$messages["comments"] = "迴響";
-$messages["comment on this"] = "迴響";
-$messages["my_links"] = "我的連結";
-$messages["archives"] = "文章彙整";
-$messages["search"] = "搜尋";
-$messages["calendar"] = "日曆";
-$messages["editLinkCategories"] = "分類";
-$messages["search_s"] = "搜尋";
-$messages["link_tracker"] = "引用連結";
-$messages["search_this_blog"] = "搜尋網誌內容:";
-$messages["about_myself"] = "自我介紹";
-$messages["permalink_title"] = "文章彙整靜態連結網址";
-$messages["permalink"] = "靜態連結網址";
-$messages["posted_by"] = "作者";
-$messages["on_the"] = "在";
-$messages["page"] = "頁";
-$messages["posted"] = "作者";
-$messages["reply"] = "回覆";
-// add comment form
-$messages["add_comment"] = "發表迴響";
-$messages["comment_topic"] = "標題";
-$messages["comment_text"] = "內文";
-$messages["comment_username"] = "您的姓名";
-$messages["comment_email"] = "您的電子郵件信箱";
-$messages["comment_url"] = "您的個人網頁";
-$messages["comment_send"] = "發表";
-$messages["comment_added"] = "您的迴響已經順利發表!";
-$messages["comment_add_error"] = "發表迴響發生錯誤";
-$messages["article_does_not_exist"] = "本文章不存在";
-$messages["no_posts_found"] = "找不到文章";
-$messages["user_has_no_posts_yet"] = "該使用者還沒有發表過任何文章";
-$messages["info_about_myself"] = "這裡是關於我的一些介紹…";
-$messages["back"] = "回到上一頁";
-$messages["back_top"] = "回到畫面最上方";
-$messages["post"] = "post";
-$messages["trackbacks_for_article"] = "引用本文的文章標題:";
-$messages["trackback_excerpt"] = "摘要";
-$messages["trackback_weblog"] = "網誌";
-$messages["search_results"] = "搜尋結果";
-$messages["search_matching_results"] = "以下文章符合您的搜尋關鍵字: ";
-$messages["search_no_matching_posts"] = "找不到符合的文章";
-$messages["see_all_link"] = "請按此察看所有的文章";
-$messages["read_more"] = "(閱讀全文)";
-$messages["anonymous_poster"] = "匿名張貼";
-$messages["syndicate"] = "新聞交換";
-$messages["main"] = "主頁面";
-////// error messages /////
-$messages["error_fetching_article"] = "找不到您所指定的文章。";
-$messages["error_fetching_articles"] = "找不到您所指定的文章。";
-$messages["error_trackback_no_trackback"] = "尚未有人向本文發送引用通告";
-$messages["error_incorrect_article_id"] = "文章代號不正確。";
-$messages["error_incorrect_blog_id"] = "網誌站台代號不正確。";
-$messages["error_comment_without_text"] = "無迴響留言內容。";
-$messages["error_comment_without_name"] = "您必須要填寫姓名或暱稱。";
-$messages["error_adding_comment"] = "在將留言新增至資料庫時發生問題。";
-$messages["error_incorrect_parameter"] = "參數不正確。";
-$messages["error_parameter_missing"] = "您少傳遞了一項參數。";
-$messages["error_comments_not_enabled"] = "這個網誌站台關閉了迴響功能。";
-/////////////////                                          //////////////////
-///////////////// STRINGS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION INTERFACE //////////////////
-/////////////////                                          //////////////////
-////// help messages for the administration interface /////
-$messages["help_newPost"] = "<p>您如果要新增文章內容,便是使用這個頁面所提供的功能。您必須要填寫文章的標題以及內文部分,而當您完成的時候,請按下「<b>發表!</b>」按鈕,然後文章便會自動張貼在您的網誌站台中。請注意您的文章的出版狀態,如果您希望文章出現在首頁上,文章的狀態必須是<b>定稿</b>。而如果您的文章尚未完成,您希望先儲存起來,之後稍作修改再發表的話,請將文章儲存成「<b>草稿</b>」。</p><p>您也可以將文章設定到您先前所設定的分類中,只要使用「<b>分類</b>」下拉選單即可。</p><p>如果您想要在有人對這篇文章發表迴響留言時收到電子郵件通知信,請勾選下方的勾選方塊。</p><p>如果您勾選了「<b>發送引用通告</b>」方塊,您可以對您文中所提到的網誌發送通告,不過前提是對方主機也提供支援。系統會掃瞄您的文章中有提到哪些連結,然後您可以繼續勾選想要發送的連結,然後送出。</p>";
-$messages["addPost"] = "<p>您的文章已經順利新增到資料庫中。您現在可以選擇要發送引用通告(TrackBack)的主機,發送通告,如此一來,對方就會知道有人寫了一篇與他們相關的文章,而前來察看。</p>";
-$messages["editComments"] = "這裡是這篇文章得到的所以迴響留言。您不可以修改留言,但是可以刪除留言。在發表留言的時候,唯一一定要填寫的項目是「<b>作者名稱</b>」,網址以及電子郵件信箱可以留白。IP位置則是使用者在發表這篇迴響時所用的電腦的IP位置。您可以同時刪除多篇迴響留言,請在勾選之後,按下「<b>刪除所選擇的項目</b>」。";
-$messages["postStats"] = "<p>這裡是您所選擇的文章的相關統計資料。首先是這篇文章被閱讀過的次數,不過請注意,如果您「<b>設定</b>」中關閉了「<b>閱讀全文</b>」連結功能的話,那麼這個統計數字就沒有什麼意義了。</p><p>「逆向連結」是別人從其他網站的哪些網頁連到了您這篇文章,而「引用」則是哪些人曾經在他們的網誌當中提過您的文章。這些統計都是不可以刪除或修改的。</p>";
-$messages["help_editLinks"] = "<p>這裡是您所增加的網站連結列表。就跟文章一樣,您可以將網站連結放在首頁上,供人瀏覽點選。</p><p>每個連結都有名稱以及網址兩個欄位,還有就是這個連結是屬於那個分類之下,您也可以刪除這些連結。</p>";
-$messages["help_newLink"] = "<p>您可以在這邊新增新的網站連結。您必須輸入連結的網址以及名稱。相關敘述欄位您可以不填,不過如果有愈多詳盡的說明,應該是愈好的。您也必須將連結設定到某個連結分類當中。</p>";
-$messages["help_editLinkCategories"] = "<p>這裡是您所設置的連結分類列表。就像文章一樣,您必須要設定一個新的連結分類,您才可以新增網站連結。點選「<b>網站連結</b>」欄位,您可以察看這個分類下的網站連結列表。</p>";
-$messages["help_newLinkCategory"] = "<p>您在這邊只需要輸入新的連結分類的名稱即可。當您新增了新的連結分類,您便可以把網站連結設定到這個分類當中。</p>";
-$messages["help_userSettings"] = "<p>您可以在本頁修改您的基本資料。請注意,您不可以修改使用者名稱。<ul><li><b>密碼,以及確認密碼</b>:如果您想要修改您的密碼,請將密碼輸入在第一個文字輸入方塊中,同時在第二個文字輸入方塊中輸入相同的內容,以確認您的密碼是否正確。</li><li><b>電子郵件信箱</b>:如果您想要使用電子郵件通知信功能,請填寫正確的信箱。電子郵件信箱只會在內部使用,而不會顯示在在公開場合。</li><li><b>自我介紹</b>:您可以在此填寫一些您的自我介紹,或是不填也可以。</li></ul></p>";
-$messages["help_Stats"] = "<p>您在此可以察看過去連到這個站台的逆向連結。在「<b>文章ID</b>」的部分是這些連結所連到的文章,如果顯示為<b>0</b>,代表的是連到站台首頁或其他頁面,而沒有連到特定的文章。「<b>最後點擊日期</b>」的部分則是最近一次有人從這個逆向連結網址連到這個網頁的時間。</p>";
-$messages["editLink"] = "<p>您必須輸入連結的名稱以及網址。同時網址也必須設置在適當的網址連結分類下。</p>";
-$messages["editLinkCategory"] = "請輸入您所要更新的連結分類的名稱。</p>";
-$messages["blogSelect"] = "請從選單中選擇您所要操作的指令。";
-$messages["Error"] = "在執行您所下達的指令時發生錯誤。請請至主頁面取得跟本訊息相關的更多資訊。";
-$messages["Message"] = "請至主頁面取得跟本訊息相關的更多資訊。";
-//////// strings for the administration interface ///////
-$messages["admin_interface_title"] = "pLog管理介面";
-$messages["administration"] = "管理介面";
-$messages["help"] = "相關說明";
-$messages["plog_help"] = "pLog使用說明";
-$messages["newPost"] = "發表新文章";
-$messages["editPosts"] = "文章列表";
-$messages["editArticleCategories"] = "文章分類";
-$messages["admin_links"] = "網站連結";
-$messages["editLinkCategories"] = "連結分類";
-$messages["settings"] = "設定";
-$messages["Logout"] = "登出";
-// new post page
-$messages["topic"] = "標題";
-$messages["text"] = "內文";
-$messages["category"]  = "分類";
-$messages["status"] = "狀態";
-$messages["post_status_draft"] = "草稿";
-$messages["post_status_published"] = "定稿";
-$messages["post_status_deleted"] = "已刪除";
-$messages["post_status_all"] = "全部";
-$messages["send_notification"] = "如果有人對本文發表迴響,便向我發送電子郵件通知。";
-$messages["send_trackback_pings"] = "檢查文章中所使用的網址連結,並且向這些連接發送引用通告(TrackBack Pings)。";
-$messages["add_post"] = "發表!";
-$messages["xmlrpc_ping_ok"] = "XML-RPC 通告已經正確送往";
-$messages["error_sending_xmlrpc_ping"] = "以下XML-RPC通告發生錯誤";
-$messages["error_sending_xmlrpc_ping_message"] = "錯誤訊息為:";
-$messages["preview"] = "預覽";
-$messages["post_added"] = "文章已順利新增";
-$messages["you_will_be_notified"] = "另外,如果這篇文章有什麼後續討論,您都會收到電子郵件通知。";
-$messages["post_added_not_published"] = " 文章已順利新增,但尚未正式發表。";
-$messages["error_adding_post"] = "發表文章發生錯誤!";
-$messages["error_must_fill_all_fields"] = "您必須在所有的輸入框當中都輸入內容!";
-$messages["error_must_have_one_category"] = "您必須先至少建立一個文章分類,才可以發表文章。";
-// send trackbacks page
-$messages["send_trackback_pings"] = "發送引用通告";
-$messages["links_found"] = "在您的文章中包含了以下的超連結,請勾選您所要發送引用通告的網址。(發送通告會花一點時間,請保持耐心)";
-$messages["trackbacks_no_urls_selected"] = "您沒有勾選任何連結,所以不會送出任何引用通告。";
-$messages["trackbacks_received_ok"] = "以下主機已經成功收到了引用通告:";
-$messages["trackbacks_no_trackback"] = "以下的連結並沒有提供引用網址: ";
-$messages["trackbacks_problems_sending"] = "在往以下站台發送通告的時候出了一些問題,如果您願意的話,您可以重新試試看";
-$messages["trackbacks_received_all_hosts"] = "所有的站台都成功的收到了您的引用通告。";
-$messages["ping_selected"] = "向勾選的網址發送通告";
-// edit posts
-$messages["author"] = "作者";
-$messages["category_all"] = "全部分類";
-$messages["author_all"] = "全部作者";
-$messages["update"] = "æ›´æ–°";
-$messages["date"] = "日期";
-$messages["help_Stats"] = "統計";
-$messages["delete"] = "刪除";
-$messages["delete_selected"] = "刪除選擇的項目";
-// edit post
-$messages["edit_post"] = "編輯文章";
-$messages["error_getting_post_to_update"] = "在讀取您所選擇要更新的文章時發生錯誤。";
-$messages["error_updating_post_in_database"] = "在將文章更新至資料庫時發生錯誤。";
-$messages["post_successfully_updated"] = "文章已成功更新。";
-$messages["notification_removed"] = "這篇文章的電子郵件通知信已經刪除。";
-// post statistics
-$messages["statistics_for_post"] = "文章相關統計: ";
-$messages["error_fetching_post"] = "讀取文章資料時發生錯誤";
-$messages["times_post_has_been_read"] = "本文已經被閱讀過的次數: ";
-$messages["referers"] = "逆向連結";
-$messages["id"] = "ID";
-$messages["url"] = "網址";
-$messages["hits"] = "點擊數";
-$messages["trackbacks"] = "引用";
-// post comments
-$messages["error_fetching_comments"] = "讀取迴響資料時發生錯誤";
-$messages["comments_for_post"] = "檢視文章迴響: ";
-$messages["email"] = "電子郵件";
-$messages["ip_address"] = "IP位置";
-// delete comments
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-$messages["error_no_comments_selected"] = "您沒有勾選任何要刪除的迴響。";
-$messages["error_deleting_comment"] = "在刪除迴響時發生錯誤。 ";
-$messages["comment_deleted_ok"] = "「%s」這篇文章的迴響已順利刪除。";
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-// categories list
-$messages["category_name"] = "分類名稱";
-// removing posts
-$messages["post_cannot_be_deleted"] = "文章無法刪除";
-$messages["no_posts_selected"] = "您沒有勾選任何要刪除的文章。";
-// %s = subject of the post, %d = identifier of the post. feel free to change its order
-// but if you remove them there will be no information about which post was removed...
-$messages["error_deleting_post"] = "刪除文章「%s」時發生錯誤 (id = %d)";
-$messages["post_deleted_ok"] = "文章「%2\$s」已順利刪除。 (id = %1\$d)";
-// delete categories
-$messages["no_categories_selected"] = "您沒有勾選任何要刪除的分類。";
-$messages["error_category_has_articles"] = "無法刪除「%s」這個分類,原因是這個分類下還有文章。請將這個分類的文章刪除後,再重試一次。";
-$messages["error_deleting_category"] = "在將分類「%s」從資料庫刪除時發生錯誤。";
-$messages["category_deleted_ok"] = "文章分類「%s」已順利刪除。";
-// add category
-$messages["newArticleCategory"] = "新增文章分類";
-$messages["add_new_category_info"] = "請輸入新的分類名稱。";
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-$messages["category_added_ok"] = "文章分類順利新增。";
-$messages["error_adding_article_category"] = "在新增文章分類時發生錯誤。";
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-// edit categories
-$messages["edit_category"] = "編輯分類";
-$messages["please_provide_valid_category_name"] = "請輸入分類名稱。";
-// edit category
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-$messages["error_incorrect_category_id"] = "文章分類代號錯誤。";
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-// update the category
-$messages["error_fetching_category"] = "讀取分類資料時發生錯誤。";
-$messages["error_updating_category"] = "更新分類資料時發生錯誤。";
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-$messages["error_empty_category_name"] = "您必須輸入正確的文章分類名稱。";
-//*** NEW ***//
-// please remove these comments after translating these lines
-$messages["category_updated_ok"] = "文章分類順利更新!";
-// edit links
-$messages["link_name"] = "連結名稱";
-$messages["link_url"] = $messages["url"];
-$messages["link_category"] = $messages["category"];
-$messages["link_description"] = "相關敘述";
-$messages["editLinks"] = "網站連結";
-// edit a link
-$messages["error_provide_name_and_url"] = "您必須輸入網站連結的名稱以及網址。";
-$messages["error_invalid_link_id"] = "連結ID錯誤,或系統中沒有符合這個ID的資料。";
-$messages["error_fetching_link"] = "讀取連結資料時發生錯誤。";
-$messages["error_updating_link"] = "更新連結資料時發生錯誤。";
-$messages["link_updated_ok"] = "網站連結順利更新!";
-$messages["error_fetching_link_categories"] = "讀取連結資料時發生錯誤。";
-// add a link
-$messages["add_new_link"] = "新增網站連結";
-$messages["newLink"] = "新增網站連結";
-$messages["error_adding_link"] = "在新增連結時發生錯誤";
-$messages["link_added_ok"] = "連結順利新增。";
-$messages["error_provide_name_and_url"] = "您必須要輸入正確的名稱以及網址。";
-$messages["error_must_have_one_link_category"] = "您至少要有一個網站連結分類,才可以加入網站連結。";
-// delete a link
-$messages["error_no_links_selected"] = "您沒有選擇任何連結,無法刪除。";
-$messages["error_removing_link"] = "從資料庫中刪除「%s」時發生錯誤。";
-$messages["link_deleted_ok"] = "連結「%s」 已順利刪除。";
-// edit link categories
-$messages["newLinkCategory"] = "新增文章分類";
-$messages["link_categories_help"] = "您至少要有一個網站連結分類,才可以加入網站連結。";
-$messages["link_category_name"] = "連結分類名稱";
-$messages["link_category_links"] = "網站連結";
-// new link category
-$messages["new_link_category_info"] = "連結分類功能可以幫助您將頁面上的各個網站連結分門別類。在分完類別之後,也可以讓這些網站連結以群組的方式在首頁上呈現。";
-$messages["newLinkCategory"] = "新增連結分類";
-$messages["error_provide_link_category_name"] = "您必須要輸入連結分類名稱。";
-$messages["error_adding_link_category"] = "在刪除連結分類時發生錯誤。";
-$messages["link_category_added_ok"] = "連結分類已順利新增。";
-// edit link category
-$messages["edit_link_category"] = "修改連結分類";
-$messages["error_updating_link_category"] = "在更新連結分類時發生錯誤。";
-$messages["link_category_updated_ok"] = "連結分類資料已順利更新。";
-$messages["error_fetching_link_category"] = "在讀取連結分類時發生錯誤。";
-$messages["error_incorrect_link_category_id"] = "連結分類ID不正確。";
-// delete link categories
-$messages["error_no_link_category_selected"] = "您沒有選擇要刪除的連結分類。";
-$messages["error_links_in_link_category"] = "無法刪除「%s」這個分類,原因是這個分類下還有網站連結。請將這個分類的網站連結刪除後,再重試一次。";
-$messages["error_removing_link_category"] = "在刪除連結分類「%s」時發生錯誤。";
-$messages["link_category_deleted_ok"] = "連結分類「%s」已順利刪除。";
-// this error is shown when for some reason the category could not be fetched from the database
-// and we can't show its name
-$messages["error_removing_link_category_2"] = "在刪除連結分類時發生錯誤,id = %d";
-// blog settings page
-$messages["blogSettings"] = "網誌站台設定";
-$messages["userSettings"] = "個人資料";
-$messages["pluginCenter"] = "外掛程式中心";
-$messages["Stats"] = "統計資料";
-$messages["blog_name"] = "站台名稱";
-$messages["long_blog_name"] = "站台相關說明";
-$messages["language_used"] = "系統文字以及日期所使用的語言";
-$messages["items_main_page"] = "您要在首頁顯示幾篇文章?";
-$messages["items_as_recent"] = "您要在「近期文章列表」顯示幾篇文章?";
-$messages["template_used"] = "請選擇您的網誌站台所要使用的外觀樣式模版";
-$messages["cut_posts"] = "您是否要將在首頁出現的文章,在一定長度時截斷,然後出現「閱讀全文」連結?";
-$messages["cut_posts_after_characters"] = "您想要將文章在出現多少字元時截斷?";
-$messages["enable_wysiwyg_edition"] = "使用即視即所得(WYSIWYG)文字編輯?(您必須使用 Internet Explorer 5.5 以上或 Mozilla 1.3b 以上的瀏覽器)";
-$messages["enable_comments"] = "開放所有文章的迴響留言權限?";
-$messages["yes"] = "是";
-$messages["no"] = "否";
-$messages["error_invalid_locale"] = "語系設定參數錯誤";
-$messages["error_incorrect_max_recent_items"] = "您必須正確輸入您想要在首頁「近期文章」列表中顯示的文章數。";
-$messages["error_incorrect_number_of_posts"] = "您必須正確輸入您想要在首頁顯示的文章數。";
-$messages["error_incorrect_template"] = "模版的數值不正確。";
-$messages["error_no_blog_name"] = "您必須為您的網誌站台取一個正確的名稱。";
-$messages["error_incorrect_show_more_threshold"] = "如果您使用了將文章截斷,並出現「閱讀全文」連結時,您必須設定正確的字元數。";
-$messages["error_updating_settings"] = "在更新網誌站台設定時發生錯誤。";
-$messages["blog_settings_updated_ok"] = "網誌站台設定順利更新!";
-$messages["permanent_blog_url"] = "網誌站台網址(不能修改)";
-// user profile page
-$messages["username"] = "使用者名稱";
-$messages["password"] = "密碼";
-$messages["confirm_password"] = "確認密碼";
-$messages["email_address"] = "電子郵件信箱";
-$messages["bio"] = "自我介紹";
-$messages["empty_no_change"] = "如果您不想修改密碼,留白便可";
-$messages["user_settings_updated_ok"] = "使用者資料成功更新。";
-$messages["error_updating_user_settings"] = "在更新使用者資料時發生錯誤。";
-$messages["error_passwords_dont_match"] = "很抱歉,您輸入的兩次密碼不相符。";
-$messages["error_incorrect_password"] = "很抱歉,密碼錯誤。";
-$messages["error_incorrect_email_address"] = "電子郵件信箱格式錯誤。";
-// plugin center page
-$messages["plugins_available"] = "以下是模版當中所使用的外掛程式列表";
-$messages["identifier"] = "代號";
-$messages["description"] = "相關說明";
-$messages["error_plugins_disabled"] = "此外掛程式已停用。";
-// statistics page
-$messages["statistics_info"] = "文章ID為0代表的意思是首頁的點閱率,不是指某篇特定文章。";
-$messages["article_id"] = "文章ID";
-$messages["last_hit_date"] = "最後點擊日期";
-$messages["error_fetching_referers"] = "在讀取本站逆向連結資料時發生錯誤。";
-// login screen
-$messages["login_page_title"] = "pLog管理介面";
-$messages["login"] = "登入";
-$messages["welcome_message"] = "歡迎來到pLog";
-$messages["error_incorrect_username_or_password"] = "很抱歉,您輸入的帳號或密碼錯誤。";
-$messages["error_dont_belong_to_any_blog"] = "很抱歉,您沒有使用系統中任何一個網誌站台的權限。";
-$messages["error_no_username_or_password"] = "請輸入正確的帳號或密碼。";
-$messages["choose_one_blog"] = "您可以使用下列網誌站台,請從中選擇一個您要管理的站台,進入管理。";
-$messages["continue"] = "繼續";
-$messages["logout_message"] = "您已經順利登出系統。";
-$messages["logout_message_2"] = "<a href=\"admin.php\">按此</a>重新登入,或<a href=\"%1\$s\">前往%2\$s</a>.";
-$messages["logout_title"] = "已登出";
-$messages["error_access_forbidden"] = "您目前沒有權限進入管理介面。請到這裡登入。";
-// new strings added for 0.2
-$messages["site_admin"] = "全站系統管理";
-$messages["site_stats"] = "站台統計";
-$messages["createUser"] = "新增使用者";
-$messages["siteUsers"] = "使用者管理";
-$messages["createBlog"] = "新增網誌站台";
-$messages["editSiteBlogs"] = "網誌站台管理";
-$messages["siteLocales"] = "語系設定";
-$messages["newLocale"] = "新增語系";
-$messages["siteTemplates"] = "模版管理";
-$messages["newTemplate"] = "新增模版";
-$messages["editSiteSettings"] = "全域設定";
-$messages["adminSettings"] = "站台設定";
-$messages["help_comments_enabled"] = "啟用或停用全站的迴響留言功能。";
-$messages["help_beautify_comments_text"] = "在使用者發表迴響留言時,使用他所輸入的文字格式。";
-$messages["help_rdf_enabled"] = "啟用或停用產生RSS新聞交換檔案功能。";
-$messages["help_temp_folder"] = "pLog系統用來儲存暫存檔案用的目錄。";
-$messages["help_base_url"] = "系統的網址(UR),這個項目務必要正確,請小心輸入。";
-$messages["help_show_posts_max"] = "在首頁顯示文章數的預設值。";
-$messages["help_recent_posts_max"] = "在首頁「近期文章」列表中顯示文章數的預設值。";
-$messages["help_template_folder"] = "模版檔案的所在目錄路徑。";
-$messages["help_default_template"] = "在新建網誌站台時,預設使用的模版。";
-$messages["help_default_locale"] = "在系統登入畫面使用,以及在網誌站台時所使用的預設語系。";
-$messages["help_html_allowed_tags_in_comments"] = "在發表迴響評論時可以使用的HTML語法標籤。";
-$messages["help_referer_tracker_enabled"] = "是否使用文章逆向連結功能。";
-$messages["help_rss_parser_enabled"] = "啟用或停用在頁面中顯示從他站透過 RSS 交換而來的新聞。(必須在模版當中提供RSS功能,方可使用)。";
-$messages["help_show_more_enabled"] = "啟用或停用「閱讀全文」連結功能。";
-$messages["help_show_more_threshold"] = "在「閱讀全文」連結前應該要有多少字元的內容。";
-$messages["help_update_article_reads"] = "是否使用內建的點閱率統計工具計算每篇文章的點閱次數。";
-$messages["help_request_format_mode"] = "如果您設定為「一般網址」,那麼系統所呈現的網址,就會使用將參數以get方式傳入的一般方式。如果您選用「讓搜尋引擎易於搜尋的簡潔網址」,那麼就會讓網址變得簡潔,搜尋引擎也容易取得您網站上的內容,不過您的Apache伺服器必須要能夠接受.htaccess檔案中的覆寫設定。";
-$messages["help_xmlrpc_ping_enabled"] = "在系統中有人發表新文章時,是否送出 XMLRPC 通告。";
-$messages["help_xmlrpc_ping_hosts"] = "XMLRPC 通告列表,如果您要向多處發送通告,請在文字框下面加入通告發送網址,每個網址一行。";
-$messages["help_trackback_server_enabled"] = "是否接受從站外傳來的引用通告(TrackBack)。";
-$messages["help_htmlarea_enabled"] = "啟用或停用即視即所得(WYSIWYG)文章編輯。";
-$messages["help_plugin_manager_enabled"] = "啟用或停用外掛程式。";
-$messages["help_check_email_address_validity"] = "在使用者註冊申請新的網誌站台時,是否要認證他所填寫的電子郵件信箱是否正確。";
-$messages["help_summary_page_show_max"] = "在摘要頁面中要顯示多少項目。";
-$messages["help_minimum_password_length"] = "密碼最短需要多少字元。";
-$messages["help_users_can_add_templates"] = "使用者是否可以在模版設置當中,加入屬於自己專屬需求的檔案。";
-$messages["help_email_service_enabled"] = "使用或停用用來寄送通知信函的電子郵件服務。";
-$messages["help_post_notification_source_address"] = "系統通知信函的寄件人電子郵件信箱。";
-$messages["help_email_service_type"] = "用來寄送電子郵件的方式,請在各種方法選擇其中之一。";
-$messages["help_smtp_host"] = "如果您選用SMTP寄送電子郵件,請輸入您要用來發送郵件的主機。";
-$messages["help_smtp_port"] = "前項設定的SMTP主機連接埠(port)";
-$messages["help_smtp_use_authentication"] = "SMTP主機是否需要授權認證。如果需要的話,請繼續填寫下面兩項設定。";
-$messages["help_smtp_username"] = "如果SMTP主機需要授權認證,請填寫使用者帳號。";
-$messages["help_smtp_password"] = "如果SMTP主機需要授權認證,請填寫使用者密碼。";
-$messages["help_uploads_enabled"] = "啟用或停用上傳檔案功能。這個功能會影響到使用者能否上傳新的模版安裝包,以及在模版中添加新的檔案。";
-$messages["help_maximum_file_upload_size"] = "使用者上傳檔案大小的上限。";
-$messages["help_upload_forbidden_files"] = "禁止使用者上傳的檔案類型。如果有多個不同的檔案類型,請在不同的類型間用空白區隔。";
-$messages["help_path_to_tar"] = "「tar」指令所在目錄。";
-$messages["help_path_to_gzip"] = "「gzip」指令所在目錄。";
-$messages["help_path_to_bz2"] = "「bzip2」指令所在目錄。";
-$messages["help_path_to_unzip"] = "「unzip」指令所在目錄。";
-$messages["add_user_give_information"] = "請在以下表單輸入相關資訊,便可新增使用者。";
-$messages["site_registered_users"] = "以下表列是所有在系統中註冊的使用者。";
-$messages["add_blog_give_information"] = "請在以下表單填寫相關資訊以新建新的網誌站台。";
-$messages["blog_title"] = "網誌站台名稱";
-$messages["blog_owner"] = "網誌站台管理員";
-$messages["site_registered_blogs"] = "以下表列是系統當中所有的網誌站台。";
-$messages["editSiteUsers"] = "管理使用者";
-$messages["upload_locale"] = "上傳語系檔案";
-$messages["use_this_form_to_upload_locale"] = "您可以用以下表單上傳語系檔到伺服器上,如果您沒有辦法上傳檔案的話,那麼請使用下面另外一個表單。";
-$messages["locale_file"] = "檔案";
-$messages["manually_add_locale"] = "手動新增語系";
-$messages["use_this_form_if_cant_upload_locale"] = "當您無法用瀏覽器將語系檔上傳到伺服器上時,請使用這個U表單。請注意,您必須先將語系檔複製到主機的語系目錄下,不然便會發生錯誤。";
-$messages["locale_code"] = "語系代碼";
-$messages["locale_encoding"] = "編碼方式";
-$messages["template_will_be_available_for_all"] = "所有的網誌站台接下來都可以使用這個新模版。";
-$messages["use_this_form_to_upload_template"] = "您可以用這個表單,將模版安裝包上傳到伺服器上。如果您沒有辦法用瀏覽器上傳,請使用下方的另一個表單。上傳檔案必須是以zip、tar.gz或tar.bz2格式的壓縮檔。";
-$messages["locale_file"] = "檔案";
-$messages["upload_template"] = "上傳模版";
-$messages["manually_add_template"] = "手動新增模版";
-$messages["use_this_form_if_cannot_upload_template"] = "如果您沒有辦法用瀏覽器上傳模版安裝包,請使用這個在這個表單。您在此所輸入的檔名必須與在模版目錄中的檔案相符,不然就會產生錯誤。";
-$messages["template_id"] = "模版ID";
-$messages["templates_available_for_all"] = "本模版可供系統中所有的網誌站台使用。";
-$messages["add_file"] = "新增檔案";
-$messages["setting_name"] = "名稱";
-$messages["setting_value"] = "數值";
-$messages["setting_description"] = "相關敘述";
-$messages["plain"] = "一般網址";
-$messages["search_engine_friendly"] = "讓搜尋引擎易於搜尋的簡潔網址";
-$messages["general_settings"] = "一般設定";
-$messages["helper_tools_settings"] = "說明工具設定";
-$messages["uploads_settings"] = "上傳設定";
-$messages["email_settings"] = "電子郵件設定";
-$messages["number_blogs"] = "網誌站台數";
-$messages["number_users"] = "使用者數";
-$messages["number_posts"] = "文章數";
-$messages["number_posts_today"] = "今日發表文章數";
-$messages["number_posts_this_month"] = "本月發表文章數";
-$messages["date"] = "日期";
-$messages["time"] = "時間";
-$messages["comments_order"] = "迴響留言排序方式:";
-$messages["oldest_first"] = "舊的在前";
-$messages["newest_first"] = "新的在前";
-$messages["blog"] = "網誌站台";
-$messages["blog_id"] = "網誌站台ID";
-$messages["showBlogUsers"] = "網誌站台使用者";
-$messages["available_users"] = "Available Users";
-$messages["add"] = "新增";
-$messages["remove"] = "刪除";
-$messages["user_id"] = "使用者ID";
-$messages["new_password"] = "新密碼";
-$messages["has_administrator_privileges"] = "擁有管理者權限";
-$messages["related_to_the_following_blogs"] = "該使用者可以使用的網誌站台";
-$messages["add_user_to_blog_form"] = "您可以用以下表單,將其他使用者加入您的網誌作者行列中。使用者在加入之後,可以發表或編輯文章,但是不能夠修改您的網誌站台設定。";
-$messages["add_user_enter_username"] = "請輸入這位使用者的帳號。如果系統中沒有這個帳號,便無法加入。";
-$messages["add_user_send_notification"] = "用電子郵件通知這名使用者。";
-$messages["add_user_type_notification"] = "請輸入您要通知這位使用者的信件內容";
-$messages["following_users_have_permissions"] = "以下是網誌站台中的作者名單。他們可以新增、編輯或刪除網誌內容,但是不能夠修改這個網誌站台的相關設定。";
-$messages["revoke_permissions"] = "取消使用權限";
-$messages["newBlogTemplate"] = "新增網誌模版";
-$messages["manually_newBlogTemplate"] = "手動新增網誌模版";
-$messages["template_available_only_for_this_blog"] = "這個模版僅供目前所在的網誌站台使用。";
-$messages["use_form_to_upload_blog_template"] = "您可以用這個表單,將模版安裝包上傳到伺服器上。如果您沒有辦法用瀏覽器上傳,請使用下方的另一個表單。上傳檔案必須是以zip、tar.gz或tar.bz2格式的壓縮檔。";
-$messages["use_form_if_cannot_upload_blog_template"] = "如果您沒有辦法用瀏覽器上傳模版安裝包,請使用這個在這個表單。您在此所輸入的檔名必須與在模版目錄中的檔案相符,不然就會產生錯誤。";
-$messages["blogTemplates"] = "網誌模版";
-$messages["templates_only_available_for_this_blog"] = "以下是可供目前所在網誌站台使用的模版。.";
-$messages["add_file_to_blog_template"] = "新增檔案到網誌模版中"; 
-$messages["upload_file_to_blog_template"] = "請上傳您想要加入到模版設置當中的檔案。";
-$messages["error_user_id_incorrect"] = "使用者ID不正確。";
-$messages["error_incorrect_user_id"] = $messages["error_user_id_incorrect"];
-$messages["error_fetching_user_information"] = "在讀取使用者資料時發生錯誤。";
-$messages["error_password_incorrect"] = "密碼太短或密碼錯誤。";
-$messages["error_updating_user_settings"] = "我沒有辦法更新這位使用者的設定。";
-$messages["user_settings_updated_ok"] = "使用者「%s」的設定順利更新。";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected_to_add"] = "您沒有選擇要新增的使用者。";
-$messages["user_added_to_blog_ok"] = "使用者「%s」已經順利加入作者行列。";
-$messages["error_adding_user_to_blog"] = "在加入使用者「%s」時發生問題。";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected_to_remove"] = "您沒有選擇要移除的使用者。";
-$messages["user_removed_from_blog_ok"] = "使用者「%s」已經從作者行列中移除。";
-$messages["error_removing_user_from_blog"] = "在移除使用者「%s」時發生問題。";
-$messages["error_incorrect_plugin_id"] = "外掛程式ID不正確。";
-$messages["error_configuring_plugin"] = "在設定外掛程式時發生問題:";
-$messages["site_config_saved_ok"] = "站台設定已順利儲存。";
-$messages["error_saving_site_config"] = "在儲存站台設置時發生問題。";
-$messages["error_incorrect_blog_owner"] = "要設定為網誌站台管理員的使用者不存在。";
-$messages["error_updating_blog_settings"] = "在更新「%s」這個網誌站台的設定時發生問題。";
-$messages["blog_settings_updated_ok"] = "網誌站台「%s」的設置已順利更新。";
-$messages["error_fetching_users"] = "在讀取這個網誌站台的使用者資料時發生問題。";
-$messages["error_fetching_blogs"] = "在從系統中讀取網誌站台列表時發生問題。";
-$messages["error_incorrect_template_id"] = "模版ID不正確或不存在。";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected"] = "您沒有選擇要刪除的使用者。";
-$messages["error_could_not_find_user"] = "在系統中找不到「%s」這位使用者。";
-$messages["error_deleting_user"] = "在刪除使用者「%s」時發生錯誤。";
-$messages["user_deleted_ok"] = "使用者「%s」已順利刪除。";
-$messages["error_must_give_blog_name"] = "您必須輸入這個網誌站台的正確名稱。";
-$messages["error_adding_blog"] = "在將這個網誌站台加入資料庫時發生錯誤。";
-$messages["blog_added_ok"] = "新的網誌站台「%s」已成功加入資料庫中。";
-$messages["error_template_not_inside_folder"] = "模版檔案必須放在某個目錄當中。";
-$messages["error_missing_base_files"] = "在這個模版設置中有些基本檔案不見了。";
-$messages["error_unpacking"] = "在解壓縮時發生錯誤。";
-$messages["error_forbidden_extensions"] = "在這個模版設置中有些檔案禁止存取。";
-$messages["error_creating_working_folder"] = "在檢查模版設置時發生錯誤。";
-$messages["error_checking_template"] = "模版設置發生錯誤 (code = %s)";
-$messages["error_add_template_disabled"] = "本站不允許使用者新增模版檔案。";
-$messages["error_must_upload_file"] = "您必須上傳檔案。";
-$messages["error_no_template_name"] = "您必須輸入模版名稱。";
-$messages["error_uploads_disabled"] = "本站已關閉檔案上傳功能。";
-$messages["error_installing_template"] = "在安裝模版設置時發生錯誤。";
-$messages["template_installed_ok"] = "新的模版設置「 %s」已經順利安裝完成。";
-$messages["error_adding_template_file"] = "在將檔案加入模版設置時發生錯誤。";
-$messages["error_file_forbidden"] = "系統不允許您上傳這個檔案類型的檔案。";
-$messages["error_file_too_big"] = "檔案太大,上傳檔案的大小上限是 %s bytes。";
-$messages["template_file_added_ok"] = "檔案以成功新增至「%s」模版設置中。";
-$messages["error_plugin_cannot_be_configured"] = "您不能夠對這個外掛程式進行設定。";
-$messages["error_incorrect_username"] = "使用者名稱不正確。";
-$messages["error_username_already_exists"] = "已經有人註冊了相同的名稱了。";
-$messages["error_adding_user"] = "在將使用者新增至資料庫時發生錯誤。";
-$messages["user_added_ok"] = "新使用者帳號「%s」已順利新增。";
-$messages["error_no_blogs_selected"] = "您必須要選擇您所想要刪除的網誌站台。";
-$messages["error_blog_is_default_blog"] = "「%s」是系統預設網誌站台,無法刪除。";
-$messages["blog_deleted_ok"] = "「%s」網誌站台已順利刪除。";
-$messages["error_deleting_blog"] = "在刪除「%s」這個網誌站台時發生錯誤。";
-$messages["error_no_templates_selected"] = "您沒有選擇任何模版,無法刪除。";
-$messages["error_removing_template"] = "在刪除模版「%s」時發生錯誤。";
-$messages["template_removed_ok"] = "「%s」模版已順利刪除。";
-$messages["error_no_users_selected_to_remove_from_blog"] = "您沒有選擇任何要從這個網誌站台移除的作者。";
-$messages["error_removing_user_from_blog"] = "在將使用者「%s」從本網誌站台作者行列中移除時發生錯誤。";
-$messages["user_removed_from_blog_ok"] = "使用者「%s」已經順利從本站作者行列中刪除。";
-$messages["error_incorrect_locale_code"] = "您所輸入的語系代碼不正確。";
-$messages["error_invalid_locale_file"] = "這個檔案並不是正確的語系檔案。";
-$messages["error_adding_locale_file"] = "在新增語系檔案時發生錯誤。請確定檔案已經上傳到語系檔案目錄中,並且檢查檔案權限是否正確。";
-$messages["locale_added_ok"] = "語系「%s」已經順利新增";
-$messages["error_saving_locale"] = "在將新的語系檔案儲存至語系檔案目錄時發生錯誤。請檢查檔案目錄的寫入權限是否正確。";
-$messages["error_no_locales_selected"] = "您沒有選擇要刪除的語系。";
-$messages["error_deleting_only_locale"] = "您不可以刪除這個語系檔案,因為這是系統中目前唯一的語系檔案。";
-$messages["locale_deleted_ok"] = "「%s」語系已順利刪除。";
-$messages["error_deleting_locale"] = "在刪除「%s」語系時發生錯誤。";
-$messages["error_cant_delete_default_locale"] = "您不可以刪除「%s」語系,因為這是系統目前的預設語系。";
-$messages["plugin_config"] = "外掛程式設定";
-$messages["use_read_more_feature"] = "您放在首頁文章只要顯示「內文」部分,而不要顯示「延伸內文」?";
-$messages["extended_text"] = "延伸內文:您在此輸入的文字只會在單篇彙整狀態下顯示,除非您在「設定」頁面中修改了設定。";
-$messages["error_must_give_post_intro"] = "您必須要輸入這篇文章的介紹文字。";
-$messages["error_no_albums_defined"] = "本網誌站台中還沒有資料夾。";
-$messages["error_fetching_album"] = "在讀取指定資料夾時發生錯誤。";
-$messages["comment_marked_as_spam_ok"] = "您已經順利將本篇迴響留言標示為垃圾留言。";
-$messages["comment_marked_as_nonspam_ok"] = "您已經順利將本篇迴響留言標示為正常留言。";
-$messages["error_marking_comment_as_nonspam"] = "在將本篇迴響留言標示為垃圾留言時發生錯誤。";
-$messages["error_marking_comment_as_spam"] = "在將本篇迴響留言標示為正常留言時發生錯誤。";
-$messages["error_incorrect_comment_id"] = "留言迴響ID不正確。";
-///// new help messages ////
-// translators: this one has changed too since we now have two text boxes: one for the
-// text that we'd like to appear in the main page and another one for the text that
-// will only be shown in the 'post' page (that is, when the users clicks on the
-// permalink, for example)
-$messages["help_newPost"] = "<p>如果您要發表新文章,請使用這個頁面所提供的功能。您必須要填寫文章的標題以及內文,當您完成的時候,請按下「<b>發表!</b>」按鈕,這篇文章就會儲存到系統中。請注意,如果您希望這篇文章出現在首頁上,您必須將 這篇文章的狀態設定為「<b>定稿</b>」。而如果您還沒有完成這篇文章,您又希望將這篇文章先暫存起來,稍後再做修改完成,請將文章設定為「<b>草稿</b>」狀態。</p><p>在上方的內文輸入框所輸入的內容,會出現在首頁上。如果您希望輸入一些在首頁上不會顯示、但是在使用者用點下「閱讀全文」連結,點入文章頁面時才顯示的文字,您可以用第二個文字輸入框輸入,輸入的文字會自動加入到文件的最末處。您也可以用「設定」頁面調整是否要讓延伸內文出現在首頁上,在首頁可以顯示全部的內文。</p><p>您也可以將文章歸類到您先前所設定的分類中,只要在「<b>分類</b>」下拉選單中選取即可。</p><p>如果您想要在有人對這篇文章發表迴響時,收到電子郵件通知,請勾選下方的勾選方塊。</p><p>如果您勾選了「<b>發送引用通告</b>」方塊,您可以對您文中所提到的網誌發送通告,不過前提是對方主機也提供支援。系統會掃瞄您的文章中有提到哪些連結,然後您可以繼續勾選想要發送的連結,然後送出。</p>";
-$messages["updatePost"] = $messages["help_newPost"];
-$messages["help_newBlogUser"] = "「新增使用者」這個功能可以讓您簡單的編輯這個網誌站台其他使用者的權限。首先,您必須知道對方的帳號名稱,如果您已經知道了,那麼,請把帳號名稱鍵入文字框,然後按下「新增使用者」按鈕。您也可以同時寄送一封電子郵件通知對方,告訴他已經擁有參與您的網誌站台的權限。";
-$messages["help_showBlogUsers"] = "頁面中出現的是具有編輯您網誌站台上文章權限的使用者列表。您可以檢視他們的個人基本資料。如果您想要取消他們的權限,請在名單上勾選後,按下「取消使用權限」按鈕。只要您取消了他們的權限,他們就再也不能在您的網誌站台上發表文章了。";
-// note to translators:
-// added some additional text here to inform about the new "configure" feature
-$messages["help_pluginCenter"] = "<p>您可以在這裡察看所有已安裝的外掛程式。您可以看到,每一個外掛程式都會有一個ID(當您在設計模版並且需要用到這個外掛程式功能的時候,就會用到這個ID)、作者名稱、以及一些簡單的相關敘述,以及主要用途。</p><p>有些外掛程式同時提供管理頁面,讓您可以調整一些設定,您只需要按下「configure」即可。</p>";
-$messages["configurePlugin"] = "這個外掛程式不提供設定功能。";
-$messages["help_newBlogTemplate"] = "<p>的確,要新增要新增新的模版到系統中,可能不是那麼容易。如果您要新增新的模版,有兩種方法,其一是將模版設置壓縮成一個壓縮檔(包括tar.gz、tar.bz2以及zip檔案)後上傳,其二是在手動上傳後,在將模版加入系統資料庫當中。</p><p>如果您選用第一種發訪,那麼您所填入的資料就是您要上傳的檔案的檔名。</p><p>如果您選用第二種方法,那麼就是請先將模版上傳到模版目錄當中的某個目錄,然後輸入這個目錄的名稱。</p><p>如果您在這裡加入了某些外掛程式功能,那麼其他的網誌站台是不能使用這些外掛程式的。</p>";
-$messages["help_blogTemplates"] = "<p>以下是所有增加至您目前所在網誌站台使用的模版列表。如果您想要刪除當中的某些迷版,請在勾選後,按下「刪除選擇的項目」按鈕。模版在刪除之後,便無法還原。</p>";
-$messages["help_adminSettings"] = "<p>這裡是一些站台的基本統計。</p>";
-$messages["help_createUser"] = "<p>我們可以用這個表單,輕易的在系統中加入新的使用者。我們只需要輸入使用者的名稱以及密碼,或是額外輸入使用者的電子郵件信箱。新增的使用者無法使用任何的網誌站台,除非您將使用者加到某個網誌站台的作者名單,或是為他建立新的網誌站台。</p>";
-$messages["editUserProfile"] = "<p>在這裡我們可以修改使用者的個人基本資料。我們可以設定讓使用者是否擁有管理員權限。本頁也同時顯示了該使用者可以使用的網誌站台名單。</p>";
-$messages["help_editSiteUsers"] = "<p>以下是系統中所有的已註冊使用者名單。您可以察看或編輯他們的使用者個人資料,您也可以刪除使用者。如果您要刪除使用者,請在勾選所要刪除的項目之後,按下「<b>刪除選擇的項目</b>」按鈕。請注意,使用者在被刪除之後,便無法還原,請務必小心。</p>";
-$messages["help_createBlog"] = "<p>在您架設了一個pLog系統後,您可以在系統中建立許多的網誌站台。使用者可以用註冊的方式建立自己的站台,不過系統管理者也可以用這邊提供的表單建立新的網誌站台。您唯一需要輸入的就是新的網誌站台的名稱,還有設定誰是這個擁有這個網誌站台管理權限的管理者。</p>";
- $messages["help_editSiteBlogs"] = "<p>這裡是系統中的所有網誌站台列表。您可以在勾選之後,按下「<b>刪除選擇的項目</b>」按鈕刪除表中的網誌站台,不過如果您要刪除系統預設的網誌站台(請見「<b>全站系統管理</b>」當中的「<b>全域設定</b>」頁面),那麼便會出現錯誤。</p><p>我們也可以在點選網誌站台名稱後,修改個別網誌站台的設定。</p><p>最後,我們可以「<b>管理使用者</b>」,修改可以使用這個網誌站台的授權名單。</p>";
-$messages["editBlog"] = "<p>在這邊您可以像一般使用者一樣修改網誌站台的相關設定。不過有一點比較不一樣,那就是,系統管理員也可以隨時修改網誌站台的管理者換成別人。</p>";
-$messages["editBlogUsers"] = "<p>在這個頁面中,您可以用視覺化的方式,新增或刪除使用者使用您所指定的網誌站台的權限。在畫面的左方,是還沒有使用這個網誌站台權限使用者的名單,而右方則是擁有使用這個網誌站台的使用者名單。要新增(一個或多個)使用者,請先在左方選定後,按下「<b>新增</b>」按鈕,反之,就是在右方選定好使用者後,按下「<b>刪除</b>」按鈕。</p><p>您也可以用上方的下拉選單,切換網誌站台的管理者。</p>";
-$messages["help_newLocale"] = "<p>您可以在這裡新增語系檔案。如果您可以用瀏覽器上傳檔案,請用第一個表單。請選擇好您存放在您自己硬碟中的檔案後,按下「<b>上傳語系檔案</b>」按鈕即可。不過請注意,在上傳的時候,伺服器上的語系檔案目錄的寫入權限必須是打開的。如果伺服器上已經有了一個相同的語系檔案,那麼就會換成新的。</p><p>如果您無法使用瀏覽器上傳檔案,那麼您必須另外手動上傳語系檔到伺服器語系檔案目錄中,如果您已經上傳好的檔案,那麼請用第二個表單填入語系檔案檔名在「locale_」後的語系代碼。</p><p>語系檔案的命名規則必須是「locale_ll_CC」,「11」代表的是兩個字元的語言代號,而「CC」也是兩個字元的國家或地區名稱。如果檔案不是按照這個規則命名,那麼就會被視為是無效的語系檔案。</p>";
-$messages["help_siteLocales"] = "<p>以下是所有系統中已經安裝好的語系檔案列表。您可以看到語系的名稱以及所使用的文字編碼方式。另外,您也可以在勾選語系檔案之後,按下「刪除選擇的項目」按鈕,刪除語系檔案</p>";
-$messages["help_newTemplate"] = "<p>您可以輕易的上傳新的模版。如果您要上傳新的模版,有兩種方法,其一是將整個模版壓縮檔上傳到伺服器上(壓縮檔必須是tar.gz、tar.bz2或zip格式),其二是上傳後手動新增。</p><p>如果您選擇第一種方式,壓縮檔案當中的各個檔案必須放置在一個目錄之下,這個目錄的名稱就是模版的名稱。</p><p>如果您選擇第二種發誓,那麼請在將檔案上傳到pLog系統中的模版目錄下,然後在表單中的文字輸入方塊輸入模版的名稱。</p><p>在模版當中的外掛程式將會供<b>所有的</b>網誌站台使用。</p>";
-$messages["help_siteTemplates"] = "<p>這裡提供可以讓所有網誌站台使用的全部模版。如果您要刪除模版,請先勾選模版,然後按下「刪除所選擇的項目」按鈕。在模版刪除後,便無法還原。</p>";
-$messages["help_editSiteSettings"] = "這裡是pLog的全域設定,用以控制、調整整個站台的操作方式。";
-$messages["newBlogTemplateFile"] = "您可以將某個單獨的檔案加入到模版設置中,而不需要將整個模版設置全部重新上傳。請輸入您的檔案名稱,然後按下「加入檔案」按鈕。";
-// text is the same, so we can save a few bytes
-$messages["newTemplateFile"] = $messages["newBlogTemplateFile"];
-$messages["show_category_in_main_page"] = "在首頁顯示本分類";
-$messages["welcome_resource_center"] = "歡迎來到檔案中心!";
-$messages["resourceCenter"] = "檔案中心";
-$messages["resourceAlbums"] = "資料夾列表";
-$messages["resources"] = "檔案列表";
-$messages["newResource"] = "新增檔案";
-$messages["newResourceAlbum"] = "新增資料夾";
-$messages["album"] = "資料夾";
-$messages["album_name"] = "資料夾名稱";
-$messages["parent_album"] = "上層資料夾目錄";
-$messages["no_parent_album"] = "置於最頂層";
-$messages["resource_info"] = "檔案資訊";
-$messages["size"] = "檔案大小";
-$messages["format"] = "檔案格式";
-$messages["dimensions"] = "Dimensions";
-$messages["bits_per_sample"] = "Bits per pixel";
-$messages["bytes"] = "bytes";
-$messages["pixels"] = "pixels";
-$messages["time_offset"] = "您的網誌伺服器與您所在地的時間差:";
-$messages["hours"] = "小時";
-$messages["album_added_ok"] = "新的資料夾已經順利新增。";
-$messages["name"] = "名稱";
-$messages["children"] = "子目錄";
-$messages["see"] = "See";
-$messages["view"] = "察看";
-$messages["resource_info"] = "檔案資訊";
-$messages["number_of_channels"] = "頻道數";
-$messages["length"] = "長度";
-$messages["number_of_files"] = "檔案數";
-$messages["compressed_size"] = "壓縮後的檔案大小";
-$messages["uncompressed_size"] = "未壓縮的檔案大小";
-$messages["resource_file"] = "您想要上傳的檔案";
-$messages["add_to_album"] = "將檔案加入到這個資料夾";
-$messages["edit_resource_album"] = "編輯檔案資料夾";
-$messages["error_loading_resource_album"] = "在讀取檔案資料夾資料時發生錯誤。";
-$messages["error_album_id_parameter_missing"] = "資料夾ID不正確。";
-$messages["error_album_parent_id_parameter_missing"] = "找不到上層資料夾目錄的ID。";
-$messages["error_updating_resource_album"] = "在更新檔案資料夾時發生錯誤。";
-$messages["resource_album_updated_ok"] = "檔案資料夾「%s」已順利更新。";
-$messages["error_must_give_album_name"] = "您必須輸入資料夾的名稱。";
-$messages["error_adding_album"] = "在新增檔案資料夾時發生錯誤。";
-$messages["album_added_ok"] = "新資料夾「%s」已經順利新增。";
-$messages["resource_added_ok"] = "檔案已經順利新增。";
-$messages["error_resource_forbidden_extension"] = "無法新增檔案,因為用了系統不允許的副檔名。";
-$messages["error_resource_too_big"] = "無法新增檔案,因為檔案太大了。";
-$messages["error_uploads_disabled"] = "無法新增檔案,因為伺服器管理員關閉了這項功能。";
-$messages["error_adding_resource"] = "在新增檔案時發生錯誤。";
-$messages["error_loading_resource"] = "在讀取檔案列表時發生錯誤。";
-$messages["error_updating_resource"] = "在上傳檔案時發生錯誤。";
-$messages["resource_updated_ok"] = "檔案「%s」已順利新增。";
-$messages["error_no_resources_selected"] = "您沒有選擇任何要刪除的檔案。";
-$messages["resource_deleted_ok"] = "檔案「%s」已順利刪除。";
-$messages["error_deleting_resource"] = "在刪除檔案「%s」時發生錯誤。";
-$messages["error_no_resource_uploaded"] = "您沒有上傳任何檔案。";
-$messages["blockedHosts"] = "阻擋主機列表";
-$messages["global_blocked_hosts"] = "全域阻擋主機列表";
-$messages["newBlockedHost"] = "阻擋主機";
-$messages["blogSecurity"] = "系統安全";
-$messages["security_welcome"] = "歡迎來到系統安全設定頁面!";
-$messages["reason"] = "原因";
-$messages["mask"] = "Mask";
-$messages["access_blocked"] = "禁止瀏覽";
-$messages["posting_blocked"] = "禁止發表";
-$messages["block_host_intro"] = "以下是您目前所在網誌站台的主機阻擋列表。如果您想知道更多相關資訊,請察看<a href=\"javascript:help_window('admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost');\">說明</a>。";
-$messages["global_block_host_intro"] = "以下是全站共用的主機阻擋列表。如果您想知道更多相關資訊,請察看<a href=\"javascript:help_window('admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost');\">說明</a>。";
-$messages["block_type"] = "阻擋類別";
-$messages["error_invalid_ip_address"] = "IP位置不正確。";
-$messages["error_must_create_album_first"] = "您必須在新增檔案前建立至少一個資料夾。";
-$messages["error_resource_is_not_an_image"] = "您所選擇的檔案不是圖片。";
-$messages["error_generating_resource_preview"] = "在重新產生這個檔案的預覽縮圖時發生錯誤。";
-$messages["resource_preview_generated_ok"] = "這個檔案的預覽縮圖已經順利產生。";
-$messages["regenerate_preview"] = "重新產生預覽縮圖";
-$messages["show_album"] = "顯示資料夾";
-$messages["show_album_when_browsing"] = "向使用者顯示資料夾";
-$messages["assigned_to_blog"] = "將使用者加入使用以下站台的權限";
-$messages["clean_up"] = "清理垃圾";
-$messages["purge_info"] = "「清理垃圾」功能會將系統中標示為「已刪除」的文章徹底刪除。不然的話,這些文章還是儲存在資料庫當中(使用者可以隨時救回這些文章),並且使得您的資料庫當中的內容愈來愈多,多到您可能必須要擴充資料庫的容量。如果您確定要刪除這些文章,請按下下方按鈕。";
-$messages["spam_info"] = "將某篇迴響留言標示為垃圾留言的用意是,您可以藉此產生過濾垃圾迴響的規則,不過在建立好過濾規則之後,這些垃圾留言自然就一點用處都沒有了。如果您想要刪除所有標示為垃圾留言的迴響留言,請按下下方按鈕。";
-$messages["no_spam"] = "No Spam";
-$messages["spam"] = "Spam";
-$messages["mark_as_spam"] = "Mark as spam";
-$messages["mark_as_no_spam"] = "Mark as no spam";
-$messages["enable_comments_for_post"] = "開放這篇文章的迴響留言功能";
-$messages["close_window"] = "關閉視窗 ";
-$messages["newResource"] = "新增檔案";
-$messages["add_resource_preview"] = "新增預覽縮圖";
-$messages["newResourceAlbum"] = "新增資料夾";
-$messages["show_main_page"] = "在首頁顯示";
-$messages["purge_spam_comments"] = "清理垃圾迴響";
-$messages["purge_posts"] = "清理文章";
-$messages["keep_spam_comments"] = "保存垃圾迴響";
-$messages["throw_away_spam_comments"] = "清理垃圾迴響";
-$messages["error_adding_blocked_host"] = "在設定阻擋主機時發生錯誤。";
-$messages["blocked_host_added_ok"] = "「%s」主機已經順利加入到阻擋主機列表中。";
-$messages["error_no_blocked_hosts_selected"] = "您沒有選擇任何要刪除的主機名稱。";
-$messages["blocked_host_deleted_ok"] = "「%s」主機已經順利從阻擋主機列表中刪除。";
-$messages["error_deleting_blocked_host"] = "在從阻擋主機列表中刪除主機「%s」時發生錯誤";
-$messages["edit_blocked_host"] = "修改阻擋主機列表";
-$messages["error_fetching_blocked_host"] = "在讀取阻擋主機列表時發生錯誤。";
-$messages["error_updating_blocked_host"] = "在更新阻擋主機列表時發生錯誤。";
-$messages["thumbnail_format"] = "縮圖格式";
-$messages["same_as_image"] = "與原始影像相同";
-$messages["same"] = $messages["same_as_image"];
-$messages["help_locale_folder"] = "語系檔案所在目錄。";
-$messages["help_default_locale"] = "在建立新網誌站台時預設使用的語文。";
-$messages["help_xmlrpc_api_enabled"] = "啟用或停用XMLRPC介面。XMLRPC介面的用途是可以讓您使用桌面網誌寫作工具出版網誌文章。";
-$messages["default_rss_profile"] = "預設的RSS/RDF新聞交換格式。";
-$messages["help_security_pipeline_enabled"] = "啟用系統安全功能。如果您關閉了這個選項,那麼所有的系統安全功能都會停用,如果您想要關閉一些系統安全功能,建議您將這個設定設為開啟,然後在以下的選項中,逐一停用我們不需要的系統安全功能項目。.";
-$messages["help_ip_address_filter_enabled"] = "啟用IP位置過濾。您可以用這個功能阻擋某些主機瀏覽本站。";
-$messages["help_content_filter_enabled"] = "使用以正規表示式為基礎的簡單內容過濾機制,用簡單的關鍵字過濾不當內容。不過建議您,採用貝氏過濾會是比較好的方案。";
-$messages["help_maximum_comment_size"] = "迴響留言的內文字元數上限。";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_enabled"] = "啟用或停用貝氏過濾機制。";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_spam_probability_treshold"] = "被認定為是垃圾迴響留言的數值下限。設定範圍在0.01到0.99之間。";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_nonspam_probability_treshold"] = "設定迴響留言是正常留言的數值上限。任何符合在前一設定與本設定之間數值的留言迴響,都會被認定是正常而非垃圾留言。";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_min_length_token"] = "在多少字元數以上才會啟動貝氏過濾機制。";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_max_length_token"] = "貝氏過濾機制可以處理的最多字元數上限。.";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_number_significant_tokens"] = "在訊息中必須要有多少顯著有意義的文字。";
-$messages["help_bayesian_filter_spam_comments_action"] = "處理垃圾留言的方法。您可以直接清理這些垃圾留言(不會存進資料庫中),或是保存這些垃圾留言,但是加上垃圾留言標示標示。建議當您的過濾機制在還沒有妥善建立阻擋規則時,先用後者。";
-$messages["help_path_to_convert"] = "如果您選用ImageMagick產生縮圖,您必須指定「convert」這個工具程式的路徑。";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_height"] = "縮圖的最大長度。";
-$messages["help_resources_folder"] = "用來存放檔案中心的目錄。這個目錄不一定要在網頁目錄下。如果您不希望別人直接瀏覽您的檔案目錄,您大可可以把這個目錄設定到其他地方。";
-$messages["help_thumbnails_keep_aspect_ratio"] = "縮圖是否保持原始比例。";
-$messages["help_resources_enabled"] = "啟用或關閉檔案中心功能。";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_method"] = "您用來產生縮圖的後端系統。如果您要使用ImageMagick,那麼您必須接著填寫ImageMagick的工具程式路徑。";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_width"] = "縮圖的最大寬度。";
-$messages["external_interfaces"] = "外部介面";
-$messages["security_settings"] = "系統安全設定";
-$messages["bayesian_filter_settings"] = "貝氏過濾(Bayesian Filter)設定";
-$messages["resources_settings"] = "檔案中心設定";
-$messages["help_thumbnail_format"] = "在產生預覽縮圖時所使用的預設格式。如果您選擇「與原始影像相同」,那麼預覽縮圖就會儲存成與原始影像相同的格式。";
-$messages["edit"] = "編輯";
-$messages["help_disable_javascript_calendar"] ="關閉以Javascript以及以DHTML為基礎,可以讓使用者在發表文章時挑顯發表時間的月曆功能。使用者的瀏覽器必須也要有對應支援。";
-$messages["audio_codec"] = "Audio Codec";
-$messages["video_codec"] = "Video Codec";
-$messages["sample_rate"] = "取樣率";
-$messages["files"] = "檔案";
-$messages["created"] = "建立於";
-$messages["generated"] = "產生於";
-$messages["about"] = "關於";
-$messages["menu"] = "選單";
-$messages["albums"] = "資料夾";
-$messages["template_file"] = "模版檔案";
-$messages["download"] = "下載";
-$messages["error_you_have_been_blocked"] = "系統無法允許您使用您所下的命令。";
-// help messages //
-// translators: the following help messages have changed a little since last version, due to a few
-// new features built on top of previous features
-$messages["help_editArticleCategories"] = "<p>您可以在這裡看到您已經建立好的文章分類列表。在您要新增文章之前,您必須要先設定好一個文章分類,每一篇文章都必須設定在某一個分類之下。在「<b>文章列表</b>」的部分是在這個分類下有多少篇文章的文章數。同樣的,在分類下還有文章的時候,您不可以刪除這個分類。您必須要先將文章分類底下的所有文章刪除後,才可以刪除文章分類。</p><p>您可以同時刪除多個文章分類,只要先勾選您要刪除的分類,然後按下「<b>刪除所選擇的項目</b>」按鈕即可。</p><p>「<b>在首頁顯示</b>」欄位會告訴您這個文章分類是否會在首頁出現,如果設定為是,那麼這個分類就會在首頁上變成一個可以點選的連結。若您要修改分類是否可以在首頁顯上,請在點選分類名稱後修改。</p>";
-$messages["help_newArticleCategory"] = "<p>您可以在這裡建立新的文章分類。您必須要輸入新的分類的名稱,在文章分類建立後,您可以將您的文章加到這個分類當中</p><p>您可以用「<b>在首頁顯示本分類</b>」決定要不要讓這個分類出現在首頁上,如果設定為否,那麼當有人要察看這個分類的全部文章時,必須要從該篇文章的分類連結點選進入。</p>";
-$messages["editArticleCategory"] = "<p>請輸入您所要更新的分類的新名稱。或著,您可以在此調整是否要讓這個分類出現在首頁上。</p>";
-$messages["help_editPosts"] = "<p>如果您要編輯已發表的文章,請使用本頁面所提供的功能,您可以在此修改您已經儲存在資料庫當中的內容。當您完成的時候,請按下「<b>更新</b>」按鈕,那麼文章就會立即更新。請注意您必須要將文章的發表狀態設定為「<b>定稿</b>」,文章才會出現在首頁上。如果您還是沒有完成這篇文章,請將文章的出版狀態設定為「<b>草稿</b>」,然後改天可以繼續修改。</p><p>如果在有人對這篇文章發表迴響留言時,您想要收到電子郵件通知信,請勾選下方的選項。</p>您可以在<a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newPost\">這裡</a>察看另一個類似功能「發表新文章」的說明。";
-$messages["help_blogSettings"] = "<p>您可以在這裡修改您的網誌站台的基本相關設定。您可以設定的選項如下:<ul><li><b>網誌站台網址</b>:別人可以透過這個網址連到您的網誌站台,您不可以修改這個選項。</li><li><b>網誌站台名稱</b>:您的網誌站台的基本說明。如果您使用預設模版,那麼您的網誌站台名稱就會出現在每一頁的最頂端。</li><li><b>站台相關說明</b>:關於這個網站的更詳盡說明,可以留白。</li><li><b>系統文字以及日期所使用的語言</b>:您可以從系統當中存在的語系檔案中選擇其一。這個語系設定可以用來切換網誌站台的顯示文字以及日期等項目(不過不會改變您的文章內容所使用的語言) ,您可以隨時安裝新的語系檔。</li><li><b>您要在首頁顯示幾篇文章</b>:您可以設定要在首頁放多少篇文章。您設定的愈多,那麼別人就要花愈多的時間下載您的首頁瀏覽。設定值最小為一。</li><li><b>您要在「近期文章列表」顯示幾篇文章</b>:您可以設置在首頁的「<b>近期文章列表</b>」中放置多少篇之前發表文章的連結。 設定值最小為一。</li><li><b>您的網誌站台所要使用的外觀樣式模版</b>:pLog系統可以讓您用許多種不同的模版,呈現相同的內容。您可以在這些系統管理員安裝好的模版中,選用您最喜歡的樣式模版。</li><li><b>您放在首頁文章只要顯示「內文」部分,而不要顯示「延伸內文」</b>:如果設定為「<b>是</b>」,那麼您在首頁的文章就會自動產生「閱讀全文」連結,這個連結會連到單篇文章的靜態固定網址,再顯示全文的「延伸內文部分」。這個功能可以讓您的首頁看起來更簡潔,不過,如果您的文章中有許多的HTML語法,那可能會產生問題。</li><li><b>使用即視即所得(WYSIWYG)文字編輯</b>:如果您想要立刻看到您的編輯結果,請設定為「是」。這個功能只有在使用者使用Internet Explorer 5.5或Mozilla 1.3b以上的版本才有效果。</li><li><b>開放所有文章的迴響留言權限</b>:如果設定為「是」,那麼您便可以讓其他使用者針對您的文章發表迴響留言。這個設定會套用到您的全部文章上。</li><li><b>迴響留言排序方式</b>:如果您設定成「舊的在前」,那麼留言就會從舊到新排序,如果設定成「新的在前」,則反之,留言從新到舊排序出現。</li><li><b>您的網誌伺服器與您所在地的時間差</b>:您可以用這個設定,調整您所發表的文章的時間。這個功能在伺服器主機與您分別在不同時區時相當有用。如果您將時間差設定為「+3 小時」,那麼系統就會將文章的發表時間調整成您所設定的時間。</li>
-// translators: the ones below are already new
-$messages["help_resourceCenter"] = "在檔案中心中,您可以管理您的檔案,以及將檔案變成群組放置在資料夾當中,您也可以管理資料夾,並且修改資料夾與檔案的相關屬性。";
-$messages["help_newResourceAlbum"] = "<p>您至少要在檔案中心中建立一個資料夾,才可以上傳檔案。您可以在這裡新增資料夾,然後輸入資料夾的名稱以及相關說明。您一定要輸入資料夾的名稱,相關說明的部分則可以留白。</p><p>您可以使用「<b>上層資料夾</b>」下拉選單設定這個資料夾是位在最頂層,或是放在另一個目前已經建立好的資料夾當中。</p>";
-$messages["help_resourceAlbums"] = "<p>這裡是所有的檔案資料夾列表。您可以看到每個資料夾都有一些基本屬性,包括資料夾名稱,下層資料夾數目,可以連到檔案列表的連結,以及您也可以看到這個資料夾是否對外公開。</p><p>在「<b>顯示資料夾</b>」這個部分的功能,您可以察看這邊的<a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=editResourceAlbum\">說明</a>。</p>";
-$messages["editResourceAlbum"] = "<p>您可以在這裡設定檔案資料夾的屬性。大部分的選項都與<a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newResourceAlbum\">這裡</a>的說明相同,除了多了一個 「 <b>向使用者顯示資料夾</b>」項目。如果您勾選了這個項目,那麼瀏覽者瀏覽到您的網誌站台時,便可以看到這個資料夾,如果不勾選,那麼便不會公開。這個功能在某些使用者希望保持檔案隱密時相當有用。</p>";
-$messages["help_newResource"] = "<p>您可以在這裡新增檔案到您的網誌站台中。您可以上傳各式各樣的檔案,而pLog對某些特殊格式的檔案—例如照片、影片、壓縮檔或音樂檔案—會自動產生一些檔案屬性說明。</p>	<p>首先,您必須從硬碟中,選擇您要上傳的檔案,然後,您可以加上關於這個檔案的相關說明文字。接著請選擇您要將這個檔案在上傳後放置在哪一個資料夾中,當一切就緒,請按下「<b>新增檔案</b>」上傳。</p><p>請注意,如果您要使用這個功能,那麼系統管理員必須要開放檔案上傳功能,而系統管理員也會設定某些檔案類型禁止上傳,而這些設定都會出現在只有系統管理員可以看到的「<b>全站系統管理</b>」當中。</p><p>檔案上傳功能同時也需要伺服器上有一個寫入權限開放的目錄。</p>";
-$messages["help_resources"] = "<p>您可以在這裡看到所有已經上傳到檔案中心的檔案,所有的檔案都會放置在不同的資料夾當中,您可以察看檔案、修改每個檔案的屬性、或是刪除檔案。只要在勾選之後,按下「<b>刪除選擇的項目</b>」按鈕,便可以將勾選的檔案刪除。</p><p>點選資料夾便可以瀏覽資料夾下的項目,或是按下「<b>編輯</b>」,便可進入資料夾的屬性頁面。點選「..」便可以回到上一層目錄。點選檔案名稱或是預覽縮圖(如果有的話),您便會進入檔案的屬性頁面,修改檔案的相關屬性。";
-$messages["help_blogSecurity"] = "您可以在這邊使用pLog所提供的系統安全機制。不過您在這邊所做的設定只會影響到您目前所在的網誌站台,不會影響到其他站台的設定。";
-$messages["help_blogBlockedHosts"] = "您可以在這裡看到您的網誌站台所設定的阻擋主機列表。您可以看到為什麼這些主機被阻擋的理由,還有設定阻擋規則的日期以及類別。您可以在勾選項目後,按下「刪除選擇的項目」按鈕,刪除您先前所設定的主機阻擋規則。";
-$messages["help_newBlogBlockedHost"] = "<p>您可以在這裡阻擋某個特定的網路位置,或是某個網路區段,不讓從這個位置來的使用者瀏覽您的網誌站台。您也可以設定成讓他們可以瀏覽,但是不可以發表文章。請輸入網路位置,並且做適當的設定。比方說,如果您要阻擋192.168.1.123這個位置,您便必須在填入IP位置後,並設定為「32 bits」,這麼一來便可以阻擋從某個固定IP連線的使用者。如果您想要阻擋多個位置,而不只是要阻擋單一位置,例如您同時想要阻擋192.168.1.123、、以及192.168.1.67的話,您可以檔掉整個網路區段。請在輸入IP位置後,選擇「24 bits」、「16 bits」或「8 bits」,阻擋不同範圍的區段。<br/><br/><b>舉例如下</b>:<br/><br/> - 32 bits:阻擋192.168.1.123這個IP<br/> - 24 bits:阻擋192.168.1下的所有IP<br/> - 16 bits:阻擋192.168下的所有IP<br/> - 8 bits:阻擋192下的所有IP<br/></p><p>「<b>阻擋類別</b>」這個下拉選單,可以讓您決定被阻擋的使用者會遇到的狀況,您可以讓他無法瀏覽您的網誌站台(系統會送出一個錯誤訊息),或是讓他不能夠發表文章。如果您選擇後者,那麼他還是可以閱讀站上的文章以及迴響留言。</p><p>您也可以對阻擋主機的理由稍作說明,方便您日後可以知道您當初為什麼把對方檔掉了。</p>";
-$messages["editBlogBlockedHost"] = "您可以在這裡修改主機阻擋規則。在這裡可以調整的項目與<a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost\">這裡</a>相同。";
-$messages["editBlogFilteredContent"] = "您可以在這裡修改內容過濾規則。在這裡可以調整的項目與<a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogFilteredContent\">這裡</a>相同。";
-$messages["help_blockedHosts"] = "您可以在這裡看到所有的系統阻擋主機列表。您可以在點選IP位置後,對阻擋規則進行相關設定。這些設定會套用到系統中的所有網誌站台上,如果個別的網誌站台又做了相同的主機阻擋設定,系統會忽略這些個別的設定。";
-$messages["help_newBlockedHost"] = "您可以在此建立本站的<b>全域</b>主機阻擋規則。在
-<a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost\">這裡</a>您可以看到更詳盡的說明。";
-$messages["editBlockedHost"] = "本頁用以顯示您的阻擋主機規則列表。詳細說明請見<a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogBlockedHost\">這裡</a>.";
-$messages["editFilteredContent"] = "本頁用以顯示您的內容過濾規則列表。詳細說明請見<a href=\"admin.php?op=Help&amp;helpId=newBlogFilteredContent\">這裡</a>。";
-$messages["blogBlockedHosts"] = $messages["blockedHosts"];
-$messages["newBlogBlockedHost"] = $messages["newBlockedHost"];
-$messages["newBlogUser"] = $messages["createUser"];
-// text of the post that will be added to each blog when they sign-up via the register.php script
-$messages["register_default_category"] = "General";
-$messages["register_default_article_text"] = "If you can read this, it means that your signup and registration was successful and that you can start blogging.";
-$messages["register_default_article_topic"] = "Congratulations, it worked!";
-// summary templates text
-$messages["summary_title"] = "Blogs Summary";
-$messages["summary_section_main"] = "Summary";
-$messages["summary_section_main_link_title"] = "Main Page";
-$messages["summary_section_register"] = "Register!";
-$messages["summary_section_register_link_title"] = "Register a new blog";
-$messages["summary_section_blog_list"] = "Blog list";
-$messages["summary_section_blog_list_link_title"] = "Blogs hosted in this site";
-$messages["summary_section_faq"] = "F.A.Q.";
-$messages["summary_section_faq_link_title"] = "Frequently Asked Questions";
-$messages["summary_welcome_title"] = "Welcome to pLog!";
-$messages["summary_most_active_blogs"] = "Most active blogs";
-$messages["summary_newest_blogs"] = "Newest blogs";
-$messages["summary_most_commented_articles"] = "Most commented articles";
-$messages["summary_most_read_articles"] = "Most read articles";
-$messages["summary_faq"] = "Frequently Asked Questions";
-$messages["summary_faq_question"] = "What is this?";
-$messages["summary_faq_description"] = "You could use this section to add some frequently asked questions about your service. It is all up to you and this is only a suggestion so feel free to make changes :) Edit the file templates/summary/faq.template to change the contents of this page.";
-$messages["summary_login"] = "Log-in";
-$messages["summary_other_stuff"] = "Other Stuff";
-$messages["summary_plog_logo"] = "How about a logo here?";
-$messages["summary_blog_list"] = "Blog List";
-$messages["summary_last_updated"] = "Last Updated";
-$messages["summary_author"] = "Author";
-$messages["summary_articles"] = "articles";
-$messages["summary_reads"] = "reads";
-$messages["summary_welcome_message"] = "<h4 class=\"question\">What is this site?</h4>
-                            <p>You could use this area to give some information about this site.</p>
-                            <ul>
-                                <li>See the following links for more information: <br />
-                                    <a href=\"summary.php?op=Faq\">FAQ</a></li>
-                                <li><a href=\"register.php\">Register a new blog here</a></li>
-                            </ul>";
-$messages["summary_latest_posts"] = "Latest Posts";
-$messages["summary_in"] = "in";
-$messages["summary_posted_by"] = "Posted by";
-// register templates text
-$messages["register_error"] = "Error";
-$messages["register_error_message"] = "There has been an error:";
-$messages["register_errors"] = "There were some errors during the process, please have a look:";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step1_title"] = "Register a new blog (1/3)";
-$messages["register_step1_fill_in_title"] = "Please fill in this form to create a new blog in this site.";
-$messages["register_step1_description"] = "<p>
-First of all, we need to create a user for you. Please choose a username (which should not exist in the system but if it does, we will let you know) This user will be considered as the owner of the blog and will have full powers over it.
-And please do not forget your password! There is no way it can be recovered once you have signed up.
-$messages["register_step1_legend"] = "Please fill in the following fields";
-$messages["register_username"] = "Username:";
-$messages["register_password"] = "Password:";
-$messages["register_password_confirmation"] = "Confirm password:";
-$messages["register_email"] = "Email address:";
-$messages["register_email_comment"] = "(user for notifications of new comments)";
-$messages["register_next"] = "Next &raquo;";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step2_title"] = "Register a new blog (2/3)";
-$messages["register_user_created"] = "Your new user has been successfully created! Now we can proceed and create your new personal blog.";
-$messages["register_step2_description"] = " <p>
-  The only thing we need to know is the name you would like to give to your diary. Later on once this
-  process is complete, you will be able to change things like its description, but now that is not needed.
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step2_blog_name"] = "Name of your new blog:";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step3_title"] = "Thank you! (3/3)";
-$messages["register_new_blog_step3_description"] = "
- <p>
-    Registration is complete. Your new user and diary have been registered successfully in this site,
-    and you can log in now into your blog and start blogging!
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step3_admin_link"] = "
-  <p>
-    Click here <a href=\"admin.php\">to go the admin interface</a>, if you want to start blogging.
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step3_blog_link1"] = "
- <p>
-    Or click <a href=\"";
-$messages["register_step3_blog_link2"] = "
-\">here to go and see your new blog</a>.
- </p>";
-$messages["register_step3_final_message"] = "
- <p>
-  Happy blogging!
- </p>";
-$messages["register_error_incorrect_username"] = "<li>Incorrect user name, please try again.<br/>";
-$messages["register_error_incorrect_email"] = "<li>Email address is invalid, please try again. <br/>";
-$messages["register_error_user_already_exist"] = "<li>There is already a user with that name, please try again.<br/>";
-$messages["register_error_incorrect_password"] = "<li>Password is invalid, please try again. <br/>";
-$messages["register_error_passwords_dont_match"] = "<li>Passwords do not match, please try again. <br/>";
-$messages["register_error_adding_user"] = "Error adding the user: ";
-$messages["register_error_creating_blog"] = "There was an error creating the new blog";
-$messages["register_error_blog_name"] = "<li>You should choose a better name for the blog.<br/>" ;

Copied: plog/trunk/locale/old/locale_ca_ES.php (from rev 821, plog/trunk/locale/locale_ca_ES.php)

Copied: plog/trunk/locale/old/locale_de_DE.php (from rev 821, plog/trunk/locale/locale_de_DE.php)

Copied: plog/trunk/locale/old/locale_en_UK.php (from rev 849, plog/trunk/locale/locale_en_UK.php)

Copied: plog/trunk/locale/old/locale_es_ES.php (from rev 821, plog/trunk/locale/locale_es_ES.php)

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Copied: plog/trunk/locale/old/locale_fr_FR.php (from rev 821, plog/trunk/locale/locale_fr_FR.php)

Copied: plog/trunk/locale/old/locale_hu_HU.php (from rev 821, plog/trunk/locale/locale_hu_HU.php)

Copied: plog/trunk/locale/old/locale_it_IT.php (from rev 821, plog/trunk/locale/locale_it_IT.php)

Copied: plog/trunk/locale/old/locale_ja_JP.php (from rev 821, plog/trunk/locale/locale_ja_JP.php)

Copied: plog/trunk/locale/old/locale_ko_KR.php (from rev 821, plog/trunk/locale/locale_ko_KR.php)

Copied: plog/trunk/locale/old/locale_nl_BE.php (from rev 821, plog/trunk/locale/locale_nl_BE.php)

Copied: plog/trunk/locale/old/locale_ru_RU.php (from rev 821, plog/trunk/locale/locale_ru_RU.php)

Copied: plog/trunk/locale/old/locale_zh_CN.php (from rev 821, plog/trunk/locale/locale_zh_CN.php)

Copied: plog/trunk/locale/old/locale_zh_TW.php (from rev 821, plog/trunk/locale/locale_zh_TW.php)

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