[pLog-svn] r832 - in plugins/trunk/flickr: . class/action install install/css install/js install/js/annotation install/templates

mark at devel.plogworld.net mark at devel.plogworld.net
Tue Jan 25 16:55:53 GMT 2005

Author: mark
Date: 2005-01-25 16:55:52 +0000 (Tue, 25 Jan 2005)
New Revision: 832

Update the flickr plugin with FlickrShow Action. This action will render the flickr template without smarty cache.

Added: plugins/trunk/flickr/class/action/pluginflickrshowaction.class.php
--- plugins/trunk/flickr/class/action/pluginflickrshowaction.class.php	2005-01-25 14:19:58 UTC (rev 831)
+++ plugins/trunk/flickr/class/action/pluginflickrshowaction.class.php	2005-01-25 16:55:52 UTC (rev 832)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/action/blogaction.class.php" );
+    include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/view/blogview.class.php" );
+	/**
+	 * shows a flickr template without smarty cache
+	 */
+	class PluginFlickrShowAction extends BlogAction
+	{
+		function PluginFlickrShowAction( $actionInfo, $request )
+		{
+        	$this->BlogAction( $actionInfo, $request );
+		}
+		function perform()
+		{
+            $this->_view = new BlogView( $this->_blogInfo, "flickr", SMARTY_CACHED_DISABLED );
+            $this->_view->setValue( "request", $this->_request );
+            // add all the common information to the view
+            $this->setCommonData();
+            return true;
+		}
+	}
\ No newline at end of file

Added: plugins/trunk/flickr/install/css/annotation.css
--- plugins/trunk/flickr/install/css/annotation.css	2005-01-25 14:19:58 UTC (rev 831)
+++ plugins/trunk/flickr/install/css/annotation.css	2005-01-25 16:55:52 UTC (rev 832)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+a.annotation {
+	position: absolute;
+	border: 2px solid yellow;
+	padding: 0;
+	display: none;
+	opacity: 0.2;
+	-moz-opacity: 0.2;
+	filter: alpha(opacity=20);	
+a.annotation span {
+	display: block;
+	width: 100%;
+	height: 100%;
+	background: white;
+	opacity: 0.2;
+	-moz-opacity: 0.2;
+	filter: alpha(opacity=20);
+a.annotation:hover {
+	background: white;
+	opacity: 0.2;
+	-moz-opacity: 0.2;
+	filter: alpha(opacity=20);
+	border: 2px solid blue;
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: plugins/trunk/flickr/install/flickr.template
--- plugins/trunk/flickr/install/flickr.template	2005-01-25 14:19:58 UTC (rev 831)
+++ plugins/trunk/flickr/install/flickr.template	2005-01-25 16:55:52 UTC (rev 832)
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-{include file="$blogtemplate/header.template"} 
-{assign var=albumId value=$smarty.request.album}
-{assign var=photoId value=$smarty.request.photo}
-{assign var=secretId value=$smarty.request.secret}
-{if $albumId != NULL && $photoId != NULL && secretId != NULL}
-    {assign var=flickrPhotoInfo value=$flickr->getPhotoInfo($photoId,$secretId)}
-    <h3>{$flickrPhotoInfo.title}</h3>
-    <span class="date">{$flickrPhotoInfo.description} | {$flickrPhotoInfo.date}</span><br /><br />
-    <a href="{$flickrPhotoInfo.originalimageUrl}"><img class="annotated" src="{$flickrPhotoInfo.resizeimageUrl}" alt="" usemap="imgmap" /></a><br />
-    {assign var=flickrNotes value=$flickrPhotoInfo.notes}
-    <map id="imgmap">
-    {foreach item=flickrNote from=$flickrNotes}
-        <area alt="" title="{$flickrNote.noteDesc}" nohref="nohref" shape="rect" coords="{$flickrNote.noteX},{$flickrNote.noteY},{$flickrNote.noteX+$flickrNote.noteW-1},{$flickrNote.noteY+$flickrNote.noteH-1}" />
-    {/foreach}
-    </map> 
-    {assign var=flickrTags value=$flickrPhotoInfo.tags}
-    See Similar: {foreach item=flickrTag from=$flickrTags}<a href="{$flickrTag.tagUrl}">{$flickrTag.tagName}</a> {/foreach}<br />
-    Flickr URL: <a href="{$flickrPhotoInfo.flickrUrl}">See the photo in Flickr ({$flickrPhotoInfo.comments} Comments)</a><br />
-{elseif $albumId != NULL && ($photoId == NULL || secretId == NULL)}
-    {assign var=flickrPhotos value=$flickr->getPhotos($albumId)}
-    {foreach item=flickrPhoto from=$flickrPhotos}
-        <a href="{$flickrPhoto.photoUrl}"><img src="{$flickrPhoto.thumbnailUrl}" alt="" /></a>
-    {/foreach}
-    {assign var=flickrAlbums value=$flickr->getPhotoList()}
-    {foreach name=flickrAlbum item=flickrAlbum from=$flickrAlbums}
-         <a href="{$flickrAlbum.albumUrl}"><img src="{$flickrAlbum.thumbnailUrl}" alt="{$flickrAlbum.title}" /></a><br />
-         Title: {$flickrAlbum.title} <br />
-         Description: {$flickrAlbum.description} <br />
-         Photos: <a href="{$flickrAlbum.albumUrl}">{$flickrAlbum.photos}</a> <br />
-         Flickr URL: <a href="{$flickrAlbum.flickrUrl}">See the album in Flickr</a> <br /><br />
-    {/foreach}
-    {assign var=totalAlbums value=$smarty.foreach.flickrAlbum.total}
-{include file="$blogtemplate/footer.template"} 
\ No newline at end of file

Added: plugins/trunk/flickr/install/js/annotation/annotation.js
--- plugins/trunk/flickr/install/js/annotation/annotation.js	2005-01-25 14:19:58 UTC (rev 831)
+++ plugins/trunk/flickr/install/js/annotation/annotation.js	2005-01-25 16:55:52 UTC (rev 832)
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+var aI = {
+  init: function() {
+    if (!document.getElementById ||
+        !document.createElement ||
+        !document.getElementsByTagName) 
+        return;
+    var anni = document.getElementsByTagName('img');
+    for (var i=0;i<anni.length;i++) {
+      if ((anni[i].className.search(/\bannotated\b/) != -1) &&
+          (anni[i].getAttribute('usemap') != null)) {
+          aI.prepImage(anni[i]);
+      }
+    }
+  },
+  prepImage: function(img) {
+    var mapName = img.getAttribute('usemap');
+    var mapObj = document.getElementById(mapName);
+    var areas = mapObj.getElementsByTagName('area');
+    img.areas = [];
+    for (var j=areas.length-1;j>=0;j--) {
+      if (areas[j].getAttribute('shape').toLowerCase() == 'rect') {
+        var coo = areas[j].getAttribute('coords').split(',');
+        if (coo.length != 4) break;
+        var a = document.createElement('a');
+        a.associatedCoords = coo;
+        a.style.width = (parseInt(coo[2]) - parseInt(coo[0])) + 'px';
+        a.style.height = (parseInt(coo[3]) - parseInt(coo[1])) + 'px';
+        var thisAreaPosition = aI.__getAreaPosition(img,coo);
+        a.style.left = thisAreaPosition[0] + 'px';
+        a.style.top = thisAreaPosition[1] + 'px';
+        a.className = 'annotation';
+        var href = areas[j].getAttribute('href');
+        if (href) {
+          a.href = href;
+        } else {
+          // set an explicit href, otherwise it doesn't count as a link
+          // for IE
+          a.href = "#";
+        }
+        a.title = areas[j].getAttribute('title');
+        var s = document.createElement('span');
+        s.appendChild(document.createTextNode(''));
+        a.appendChild(s);
+        img.areas[img.areas.length] = a;
+        document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(a);
+        aI.addEvent(a,"mouseover",
+          function() {
+            clearTimeout(aI.hiderTimeout);
+          }
+          );
+        if ((typeof showNiceTitle == 'function') && 
+            (typeof hideNiceTitle == 'function')) {
+          a.setAttribute('nicetitle',a.title);
+          a.title = '';
+          aI.addEvent(a,"mouseover",showNiceTitle);
+          aI.addEvent(a,"mouseout",hideNiceTitle);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    aI.addEvent(img,"mouseover",aI.showAreas);
+    aI.addEvent(img,"mouseout",aI.hideAreas);
+  },
+  __getAreaPosition: function(img,coo) {
+    var aleft = (img.offsetLeft + parseInt(coo[0]));
+    var atop = (img.offsetTop + parseInt(coo[1]));
+    var oo = img;
+    while (oo.offsetParent) {
+      oo = oo.offsetParent;
+      aleft += oo.offsetLeft;
+      atop += oo.offsetTop;
+    }
+    return [aleft,atop];
+  },
+  __setAreas: function(t,disp) {
+    if (!t || !t.areas) return;
+    for (var i=0;i<t.areas.length;i++) {
+      t.areas[i].style.display = disp;
+    }
+  },
+  showAreas: function(e) {
+    var t = null;
+    if (e && e.target) t = e.target;
+    if (window.event && window.event.srcElement) t = window.event.srcElement;
+    // Recalculate area positions
+    for (var k=0;k<t.areas.length;k++) {
+      var thisAreaPosition = aI.__getAreaPosition(t,t.areas[k].associatedCoords);
+      t.areas[k].style.left = thisAreaPosition[0] + 'px';
+      t.areas[k].style.top = thisAreaPosition[1] + 'px';
+    }
+    aI.__setAreas(t,'block');
+  },
+  hideAreas: function(e) {
+    var t = null;
+    if (e && e.target) t = e.target;
+    if (window.event && window.event.srcElement) t = window.event.srcElement;
+    clearTimeout(aI.hiderTimeout);
+    aI.hiderTimeout = setTimeout(
+      function() { aI.__setAreas(t,'none') }, 300);
+  },
+    addEvent: function(elm, evType, fn, useCapture) {
+    // cross-browser event handling for IE5+, NS6 and Mozilla
+    // By Scott Andrew
+    if (elm.addEventListener){
+      elm.addEventListener(evType, fn, useCapture);
+      return true;
+    } else if (elm.attachEvent){
+      var r = elm.attachEvent("on"+evType, fn);
+      return r;
+    } else {
+      elm['on'+evType] = fn;
+    }
+  }

Added: plugins/trunk/flickr/install/templates/flickr.template
--- plugins/trunk/flickr/install/templates/flickr.template	2005-01-25 14:19:58 UTC (rev 831)
+++ plugins/trunk/flickr/install/templates/flickr.template	2005-01-25 16:55:52 UTC (rev 832)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+{include file="$blogtemplate/header.template"} 
+{assign var=albumId value=$smarty.request.album}
+{assign var=photoId value=$smarty.request.photo}
+{assign var=secretId value=$smarty.request.secret}
+{if $albumId != NULL && $photoId != NULL && secretId != NULL}
+    {assign var=flickrPhotoInfo value=$flickr->getPhotoInfo($photoId,$secretId)}
+    <h3>{$flickrPhotoInfo.title}</h3>
+    <span class="date">{$flickrPhotoInfo.description} | {$flickrPhotoInfo.date}</span><br /><br />
+    <a href="{$flickrPhotoInfo.originalimageUrl}"><img class="annotated" src="{$flickrPhotoInfo.resizeimageUrl}" alt="" usemap="imgmap" /></a><br />
+    {assign var=flickrNotes value=$flickrPhotoInfo.notes}
+    <map id="imgmap">
+    {foreach item=flickrNote from=$flickrNotes}
+        <area alt="" title="{$flickrNote.noteDesc}" nohref="nohref" shape="rect" coords="{$flickrNote.noteX},{$flickrNote.noteY},{$flickrNote.noteX+$flickrNote.noteW-1},{$flickrNote.noteY+$flickrNote.noteH-1}" />
+    {/foreach}
+    </map> 
+    {assign var=flickrTags value=$flickrPhotoInfo.tags}
+    See Similar: {foreach item=flickrTag from=$flickrTags}<a href="{$flickrTag.tagUrl}">{$flickrTag.tagName}</a> {/foreach}<br />
+    Flickr URL: <a href="{$flickrPhotoInfo.flickrUrl}">See the photo in Flickr ({$flickrPhotoInfo.comments} Comments)</a><br />
+{elseif $albumId != NULL && ($photoId == NULL || secretId == NULL)}
+    {assign var=flickrPhotos value=$flickr->getPhotos($albumId)}
+    {foreach item=flickrPhoto from=$flickrPhotos}
+        <a href="{$flickrPhoto.photoUrl}"><img src="{$flickrPhoto.thumbnailUrl}" alt="" /></a>
+    {/foreach}
+    {assign var=flickrAlbums value=$flickr->getPhotoList()}
+    {foreach name=flickrAlbum item=flickrAlbum from=$flickrAlbums}
+         <a href="{$flickrAlbum.albumUrl}"><img src="{$flickrAlbum.thumbnailUrl}" alt="{$flickrAlbum.title}" /></a><br />
+         Title: {$flickrAlbum.title} <br />
+         Description: {$flickrAlbum.description} <br />
+         Photos: <a href="{$flickrAlbum.albumUrl}">{$flickrAlbum.photos}</a> <br />
+         Flickr URL: <a href="{$flickrAlbum.flickrUrl}">See the album in Flickr</a> <br /><br />
+    {/foreach}
+    {assign var=totalAlbums value=$smarty.foreach.flickrAlbum.total}
+{include file="$blogtemplate/footer.template"} 
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: plugins/trunk/flickr/pluginflickr.class.php
--- plugins/trunk/flickr/pluginflickr.class.php	2005-01-25 14:19:58 UTC (rev 831)
+++ plugins/trunk/flickr/pluginflickr.class.php	2005-01-25 16:55:52 UTC (rev 832)
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
             $this->registerAdminAction( "flickr", "PluginFlickrConfigAction" );
 			$this->registerAdminAction( "updateFlickrConfig", "PluginFlickrUpdateConfigAction" );
+			$this->registerBlogAction( "FlickrShow", "PluginFlickrShowAction" );
 			$menu =& Menu::getMenu();
 			if( !$menu->entryExists( "/menu/controlCenter/manageIntegrationPlugins" ))						
@@ -82,6 +83,18 @@
             $this->expiredTime = $blogSettings->getValue( "plugin_flickr_expiredtime" );
+        function pluginTemplatePage( $template )
+        {
+ 			$rg = new RawRequestGenerator($this->blogInfo);
+        	$rg->addParameter( "op", "FlickrShow" );
+            $rg->addParameter( "blogId", $this->blogInfo->getId());
+            $templatePage = $rg->getIndexUrl().$rg->getRequest();
+            return $templatePage;
+        }
          * Get the photo albums from specific user
@@ -90,8 +103,7 @@
             $apiUrl .= '&email=' . $this->email . '&password=' . $this->password;    
- 			$rg = new RawRequestGenerator($this->blogInfo);
-            $this->userRoot = $rg->templatePage( "flickr" );
+            $this->userRoot = $this->pluginTemplatePage( "flickr" );
             $data = $this->cached_get_file_contents($apiUrl, 'r', $this->expiredTime, $this->cacheFolder);
             $parser = new XMLParser($data, 'raw', 1);
@@ -150,10 +162,9 @@
             $data = $this->cached_get_file_contents($apiUrl, 'r', $this->expiredTime, $this->cacheFolder);
             $parser = new XMLParser($data, 'raw', 1);
             $tree = $parser->getTree();
- 			$rg = new RawRequestGenerator($this->blogInfo);
-            $this->userRoot = $rg->templatePage( "flickr" );
+            $this->userRoot = $this->pluginTemplatePage( "flickr" );
             $totalPhotos = count($tree['RSP']['PHOTOSET']['PHOTO']);
             $photos = Array();
@@ -196,8 +207,7 @@
                 $apiUrl .= '&email=' . $this->email . '&password=' . $this->password . '&photo_id=' . $photoId;
- 			$rg = new RawRequestGenerator($this->blogInfo);
-            $this->userRoot = $rg->templatePage( "flickr" ); 
+            $this->userRoot = $this->pluginTemplatePage( "flickr" ); 
             $data = $this->cached_get_file_contents($apiUrl, 'r', $this->expiredTime, $this->cacheFolder);
             $parser = new XMLParser($data, 'raw', 1);
@@ -258,8 +268,10 @@
         	// Clear file stats so we get an accurate file creation time for cache files
+        	$encode_file = "%%Flickr%%".md5($file);
         	// Path to cached file
-        	$cache_filename = $cache_path .'/' . urlencode($file) . ".cached";
+        	$cache_filename = $cache_path .'/' . $encode_file . ".cached";
         	if ($debug)

Modified: plugins/trunk/flickr/readme.txt
--- plugins/trunk/flickr/readme.txt	2005-01-25 14:19:58 UTC (rev 831)
+++ plugins/trunk/flickr/readme.txt	2005-01-25 16:55:52 UTC (rev 832)
@@ -6,8 +6,13 @@
 This plugin offers you to integrate with Flickr service. 
 It is inspired by Wordpress Flickr Gallery Plugin written by Ray.
-Copy the install\flickr.template to your template folder.
+1. Copy the install/templates/flickr.template to your plog template folder.
+2. Copy the install/js/*.* to your plog installation /js folder.
+3. Add the content of install/css/annotation.css to your template style.css.
+4. Configurate your Flickr plugin in your pLog control center
-This plugin only works when smarty cache turned off.
\ No newline at end of file
+Use the following URL to call your pLog Flickr Plugin Page

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