[pLog-svn] r816 - in plugins/trunk: . flickr flickr/class flickr/class/action flickr/class/xml flickr/install flickr/locale flickr/templates

mark at devel.plogworld.net mark at devel.plogworld.net
Mon Jan 24 10:18:46 GMT 2005

Author: mark
Date: 2005-01-24 10:18:46 +0000 (Mon, 24 Jan 2005)
New Revision: 816


Added: plugins/trunk/flickr/class/action/pluginflickrconfigaction.class.php
--- plugins/trunk/flickr/class/action/pluginflickrconfigaction.class.php	2005-01-24 08:57:44 UTC (rev 815)
+++ plugins/trunk/flickr/class/action/pluginflickrconfigaction.class.php	2005-01-24 10:18:46 UTC (rev 816)
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/action/admin/adminaction.class.php" );
+	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/view/admin/adminplugintemplatedview.class.php" );	
+	/**
+	 * shows a form with the current configuration
+	 */
+	class PluginFlickrConfigAction extends AdminAction
+	{
+		function PluginFlickrConfigAction( $actionInfo, $request )
+		{
+			$this->AdminAction( $actionInfo, $request );
+		}
+		function perform()
+		{
+			// load some configuration settings
+			$blogSettings = $this->_blogInfo->getSettings();
+			$pluginEnabled = $blogSettings->getValue( "plugin_flickr_enabled" );
+			$email = $blogSettings->getValue( "plugin_flickr_email" );
+            $password = $blogSettings->getValue( "plugin_flickr_password" );
+            $aliasName = $blogSettings->getValue( "plugin_flickr_aliasname" );
+            $albumThumbnailSize = $blogSettings->getValue( "plugin_flickr_albumthumbnailsize" );
+            if ( $albumThumbnailSize == "" ) $albumThumbnailSize = "s";
+            $photoThumbnailSize = $blogSettings->getValue( "plugin_flickr_photothumbnailsize" );
+            if ( $photoThumbnailSize == "" ) $photoThumbnailSize = "s";
+            $showPrivate = $blogSettings->getValue( "plugin_flickr_showprivate" );
+            if ( $showPrivate == "") $showPrivate = 1;
+            $showNote = $blogSettings->getValue( "plugin_flickr_shownote" );
+            if ( $showNote == "") $showNote = 1;
+            $expiredTime = $blogSettings->getValue( "plugin_flickr_expiredtime" );
+            if ( $expiredTime == "") $expiredTime = 3600;
+			// create a view and export the settings to the template
+			$this->_view = new AdminPluginTemplatedView( $this->_blogInfo, "flickr", "flickr", true );
+			$this->_view->setValue( "pluginEnabled", $pluginEnabled );
+			$this->_view->setValue( "email", $email );
+			$this->_view->setValue( "password", $password );
+			$this->_view->setValue( "aliasName", $aliasName );
+			$this->_view->setValue( "albumThumbnailSize", $albumThumbnailSize );
+			$this->_view->setValue( "photoThumbnailSize", $photoThumbnailSize );
+			$this->_view->setValue( "showPrivate", $showPrivate );
+			$this->_view->setValue( "showNote", $showNote );
+			$this->_view->setValue( "expiredTime", $expiredTime );
+			$this->setCommonData();
+			return true;
+		}
+	}
\ No newline at end of file

Added: plugins/trunk/flickr/class/action/pluginflickrupdateconfigaction.class.php
--- plugins/trunk/flickr/class/action/pluginflickrupdateconfigaction.class.php	2005-01-24 08:57:44 UTC (rev 815)
+++ plugins/trunk/flickr/class/action/pluginflickrupdateconfigaction.class.php	2005-01-24 10:18:46 UTC (rev 816)
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/action/admin/adminaction.class.php" );
+    include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/view/admin/adminerrorview.class.php" );
+	include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/view/admin/adminmessageview.class.php" );
+	/**
+	 * updates the plugin configuration
+	 */
+	class PluginFlickrUpdateConfigAction extends AdminAction
+	{
+		var $_pluginEnabled;
+		var $_email;
+		var $_password;
+		var $_aliasName;
+		var $_albumThumbnailSize;
+		var $_photoThumbnailSize;
+        var $_showPrivate;
+        var $_showNote;
+        var $_expiredTime;
+		function PluginFlickrUpdateConfigAction( $actionInfo, $request )
+		{
+			$this->AdminAction( $actionInfo, $request );
+		}
+		function validate()
+		{
+            $this->_pluginEnabled = $this->_request->getValue( "pluginEnabled" );
+            $this->_pluginEnabled = ($this->_pluginEnabled != "" );	
+            $this->_email = $this->_request->getValue( "email" );
+            if( $this->_email == "" ) {
+                $this->_view = new AdminErrorView( $this->_blogInfo );
+                $this->_view->setValue( "message", $this->_locale->tr("flickr_error_email"));
+                $this->setCommonData();  
+                return false;
+            }  
+            $this->_password = $this->_request->getValue( "password" );
+            if( $this->_password == "" ) {
+                $this->_view = new AdminErrorView( $this->_blogInfo );
+                $this->_view->setValue( "message", $this->_locale->tr("flickr_error_password"));
+                $this->setCommonData();  
+                return false;
+            }
+            $this->_aliasName = $this->_request->getValue( "aliasName" );
+            if( $this->_aliasName == "" ) {
+                $this->_view = new AdminErrorView( $this->_blogInfo );
+                $this->_view->setValue( "message", $this->_locale->tr("flickr_error_aliasname"));
+                $this->setCommonData();  
+                return false;
+            }             
+            $this->_albumThumbnailSize = $this->_request->getValue( "albumThumbnailSize" );
+            $this->_photoThumbnailSize = $this->_request->getValue( "photoThumbnailSize" );
+            $this->_showPrivate = $this->_request->getValue( "showPrivate" );
+            $this->_showNote = $this->_request->getValue( "showNote" );
+            $this->_expiredTime = $this->_request->getValue( "expiredTime" );
+            if( $this->_expiredTime < 3600 ) {
+                $this->_view = new AdminErrorView( $this->_blogInfo );
+                $this->_view->setValue( "message", $this->_locale->tr("flickr_error_expiredtime"));
+                $this->setCommonData();  
+                return false;
+            }        	                
+			return true;
+		}
+		function perform()
+		{
+            // update the plugin configurations to blog setting
+			$blogSettings = $this->_blogInfo->getSettings();
+            $blogSettings->setValue( "plugin_flickr_enabled", $this->_pluginEnabled );
+            $blogSettings->setValue( "plugin_flickr_email", $this->_email );
+            $blogSettings->setValue( "plugin_flickr_password", $this->_password );
+            $blogSettings->setValue( "plugin_flickr_aliasname", $this->_aliasName );
+            $blogSettings->setValue( "plugin_flickr_albumthumbnailsize", $this->_albumThumbnailSize );
+            $blogSettings->setValue( "plugin_flickr_photothumbnailsize", $this->_photoThumbnailSize );
+            $blogSettings->setValue( "plugin_flickr_showprivate", $this->_showPrivate );
+            $blogSettings->setValue( "plugin_flickr_shownote", $this->_showNote );
+            $blogSettings->setValue( "plugin_flickr_expiredtime", $this->_expiredTime );
+            $this->_blogInfo->setSettings( $blogSettings ); 
+			// save the blogs settings
+			$blogs = new Blogs();
+            if( !$blogs->updateBlog( $this->_blogInfo->getId(), $this->_blogInfo )) {
+                $this->_view = new AdminErrorView( $this->_blogInfo );
+                $this->_view->setValue( "message", $this->_locale->tr("error_updating_settings"));
+                $this->setCommonData();
+                return false;
+            }
+			// if everything went ok...
+            $this->_blogInfo->setSettings( $blogSettings );
+            $this->_session->setValue( "blogInfo", $this->_blogInfo );
+            $this->saveSession();
+			$this->_view = new AdminMessageView( $this->_blogInfo );
+			$this->_view->setMessage( $this->_locale->tr("flickr_settings_saved_ok"));
+			$this->setCommonData();
+            return true;		
+		}
+	}
\ No newline at end of file

Added: plugins/trunk/flickr/class/xml/XMLParser.class.php
--- plugins/trunk/flickr/class/xml/XMLParser.class.php	2005-01-24 08:57:44 UTC (rev 815)
+++ plugins/trunk/flickr/class/xml/XMLParser.class.php	2005-01-24 10:18:46 UTC (rev 816)
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+// Based on code found online at:
+// http://php.net/manual/en/function.xml-parse-into-struct.php
+// Author: Eric Pollmann
+// Released into public domain September 2003
+// http://eric.pollmann.net/work/public_domain/
+class XMLParser {
+	var $data;		// Input XML data buffer
+	var $vals;		// Struct created by xml_parse_into_struct
+	var $collapse_dups;	// If there is only one tag of a given name,
+				//   shall we store as scalar or array?
+	var $index_numeric;	// Index tags by numeric position, not name.
+				//   useful for ordered XML like CallXML.
+	// Read in XML on object creation.
+	// We can take raw XML data, a stream, a filename, or a url.
+	function XMLParser($data_source, $data_source_type='raw', $collapse_dups=0, $index_numeric=0) {
+		$this->collapse_dups = $collapse_dups;
+		$this->index_numeric = $index_numeric;
+		$this->data = '';
+		if ($data_source_type == 'raw')
+			$this->data = $data_source;
+		elseif ($data_source_type == 'stream') {
+			while (!feof($data_source))
+				$this->data .= fread($data_source, 1000);
+		// try filename, then if that fails...
+		} elseif (file_exists($data_source))
+			$this->data = implode('', file($data_source)); 
+		// try url
+		else {
+			$fp = fopen($data_source,'r');
+			while (!feof($fp))
+				$this->data .= fread($fp, 1000);
+			fclose($fp);
+		}
+	}
+	// Parse the XML file into a verbose, flat array struct.
+	// Then, coerce that into a simple nested array.
+	function getTree() {
+		$parser = xml_parser_create('ISO-8859-1');
+		xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1);
+		xml_parse_into_struct($parser, $this->data, $vals, $index); 
+		xml_parser_free($parser);
+		$i = -1;
+		return $this->getchildren($vals, $i);
+	}
+	// internal function: build a node of the tree
+	function buildtag($thisvals, $vals, &$i, $type) {
+		if (isset($thisvals['attributes']))
+			$tag['ATTRIBUTES'] = $thisvals['attributes']; 
+		// complete tag, just return it for storage in array
+		if ($type === 'complete')
+			$tag['VALUE'] = $thisvals['value'];
+		// open tag, recurse
+		else
+			$tag = array_merge($tag, $this->getchildren($vals, $i));
+		return $tag;
+	}
+	// internal function: build an nested array representing children
+	function getchildren($vals, &$i) { 
+		$children = array();     // Contains node data
+		// Node has CDATA before it's children
+                if ($i > -1 && isset($vals[$i]['value']))
+			$children['VALUE'] = $vals[$i]['value'];
+		// Loop through children, until hit close tag or run out of tags
+		while (++$i < count($vals)) { 
+			$type = $vals[$i]['type'];
+			// 'cdata':	Node has CDATA after one of it's children
+			// 		(Add to cdata found before in this case)
+			if ($type === 'cdata')
+				$children['VALUE'] .= $vals[$i]['value'];
+			// 'complete':	At end of current branch
+			// 'open':	Node has children, recurse
+			elseif ($type === 'complete' || $type === 'open') {
+				$tag = $this->buildtag($vals[$i], $vals, $i, $type);
+				if ($this->index_numeric) {
+					$tag['TAG'] = $vals[$i]['tag'];
+					$children[] = $tag;
+				} else
+					$children[$vals[$i]['tag']][] = $tag;
+			}
+			// 'close:	End of node, return collected data
+			//		Do not increment $i or nodes disappear!
+			elseif ($type === 'close')
+				break;
+		} 
+		if ($this->collapse_dups)
+			foreach($children as $key => $value)
+				if (is_array($value) && (count($value) == 1))
+					$children[$key] = $value[0];
+		return $children;
+	} 

Added: plugins/trunk/flickr/install/flickr.template
--- plugins/trunk/flickr/install/flickr.template	2005-01-24 08:57:44 UTC (rev 815)
+++ plugins/trunk/flickr/install/flickr.template	2005-01-24 10:18:46 UTC (rev 816)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+{include file="$blogtemplate/header.template"} 
+{assign var=albumId value=$smarty.request.album}
+{assign var=photoId value=$smarty.request.photo}
+{assign var=secretId value=$smarty.request.secret}
+{if $albumId != NULL && $photoId != NULL && secretId != NULL}
+    {assign var=flickrPhotoInfo value=$flickr->getPhotoInfo($photoId,$secretId)}
+    <h3>{$flickrPhotoInfo.title}</h3>
+    <span class="date">{$flickrPhotoInfo.description} | {$flickrPhotoInfo.date}</span><br /><br />
+    <a href="{$flickrPhotoInfo.originalimageUrl}"><img class="annotated" src="{$flickrPhotoInfo.resizeimageUrl}" alt="" usemap="imgmap" /></a><br />
+    {assign var=flickrNotes value=$flickrPhotoInfo.notes}
+    <map id="imgmap">
+    {foreach item=flickrNote from=$flickrNotes}
+        <area alt="" title="{$flickrNote.noteDesc}" nohref="nohref" shape="rect" coords="{$flickrNote.noteX},{$flickrNote.noteY},{$flickrNote.noteX+$flickrNote.noteW-1},{$flickrNote.noteY+$flickrNote.noteH-1}" />
+    {/foreach}
+    </map> 
+    {assign var=flickrTags value=$flickrPhotoInfo.tags}
+    See Similar: {foreach item=flickrTag from=$flickrTags}<a href="{$flickrTag.tagUrl}">{$flickrTag.tagName}</a> {/foreach}<br />
+    Flickr URL: <a href="{$flickrPhotoInfo.flickrUrl}">See the photo in Flickr ({$flickrPhotoInfo.comments} Comments)</a><br />
+{elseif $albumId != NULL && ($photoId == NULL || secretId == NULL)}
+    {assign var=flickrPhotos value=$flickr->getPhotos($albumId)}
+    {foreach item=flickrPhoto from=$flickrPhotos}
+        <a href="{$flickrPhoto.photoUrl}"><img src="{$flickrPhoto.thumbnailUrl}" alt="" /></a>
+    {/foreach}
+    {assign var=flickrAlbums value=$flickr->getPhotoList()}
+    {foreach name=flickrAlbum item=flickrAlbum from=$flickrAlbums}
+         <a href="{$flickrAlbum.albumUrl}"><img src="{$flickrAlbum.thumbnailUrl}" alt="{$flickrAlbum.title}" /></a><br />
+         Title: {$flickrAlbum.title} <br />
+         Description: {$flickrAlbum.description} <br />
+         Photos: <a href="{$flickrAlbum.albumUrl}">{$flickrAlbum.photos}</a> <br />
+         Flickr URL: <a href="{$flickrAlbum.flickrUrl}">See the album in Flickr</a> <br /><br />
+    {/foreach}
+    {assign var=totalAlbums value=$smarty.foreach.flickrAlbum.total}
+{include file="$blogtemplate/footer.template"} 
\ No newline at end of file

Added: plugins/trunk/flickr/locale/locale_en_UK.php
--- plugins/trunk/flickr/locale/locale_en_UK.php	2005-01-24 08:57:44 UTC (rev 815)
+++ plugins/trunk/flickr/locale/locale_en_UK.php	2005-01-24 10:18:46 UTC (rev 816)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+$messages["flickr_email"] = "E-Mail";
+$messages["flickr_password"] = "Password";
+$messages["flickr_aliasname"] = "Alias Name";
+$messages["flickr_albumthumbnailsize"] = "Album Thumbnail Size";
+$messages["flickr_photothumbnailsize"] = "Photo Thumbnail Size";
+$messages["flickr_showprivate"] = "Show Private Photos";
+$messages["flickr_shownote"] = "Show Notes";
+$messages["flickr_expiredtime"] = "Cache Expired Time";
+$messages["flickr_yes"] = "Yes";
+$messages["flickr_no"] = "No";
+$messages["flickr_plugin_configuration"] = "Configuration this plugin";
+$messages["flickr_plugin_enabled"] = "Enable this plugin";
+$messages["flickr_plugin"] = "Flickr Integration Plugin";
+$messages["flickr_settings_saved_ok"] = "Flickr settings saved successfully!";
+$messages["flickr_error_email"] = "E-Mail can not be empty!";
+$messages["flickr_error_password"] = "Password can not be empty!";
+$messages["flickr_error_aliasname"] = "Alias Name can not be empty";
+$messages["flickr_error_expiredtime"] = "To reduce the loading of Flickr server, the expired time can not shorter then 3600 secs.";
\ No newline at end of file

Added: plugins/trunk/flickr/locale/locale_zh_TW.php
--- plugins/trunk/flickr/locale/locale_zh_TW.php	2005-01-24 08:57:44 UTC (rev 815)
+++ plugins/trunk/flickr/locale/locale_zh_TW.php	2005-01-24 10:18:46 UTC (rev 816)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+$messages["flickr_email"] = "帳號";
+$messages["flickr_password"] = "密碼";
+$messages["flickr_aliasname"] = "代名";
+$messages["flickr_albumthumbnailsize"] = "相簿縮圖大小";
+$messages["flickr_photothumbnailsize"] = "相片縮圖大小";
+$messages["flickr_showprivate"] = "顯示隱藏相片";
+$messages["flickr_shownote"] = "顯示相片註記";
+$messages["flickr_expiredtime"] = "暫存檔有效時間";
+$messages["flickr_yes"] = "是";
+$messages["flickr_no"] = "否";
+$messages["flickr_plugin_configuration"] = "外掛程式設定";
+$messages["flickr_plugin_enabled"] = "啟動外掛程式";
+$messages["flickr_plugin"] = "Flickr 整合外掛程式";
+$messages["flickr_settings_saved_ok"] = "Flickr 設定儲存成功。";
+$messages["flickr_error_email"] = "帳號錯誤!不可為空白。";
+$messages["flickr_error_password"] = "密碼錯誤!不可為空白。";
+$messages["flickr_error_aliasname"] = "代名錯誤!不可為空白。";
+$messages["flickr_error_expiredtime"] = "為防止 Flickr 伺服器負荷過重。最短的暫存檔有效期為 3600 秒。";
\ No newline at end of file

Added: plugins/trunk/flickr/pluginflickr.class.php
--- plugins/trunk/flickr/pluginflickr.class.php	2005-01-24 08:57:44 UTC (rev 815)
+++ plugins/trunk/flickr/pluginflickr.class.php	2005-01-24 10:18:46 UTC (rev 816)
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+    include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/plugin/pluginbase.class.php" );
+    include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/plugin/pluginmanager.class.php" );
+    include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/net/requestgenerator.class.php" );
+    include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."plugins/flickr/class/xml/XMLParser.class.php" );
+    //Used as the root for building the img URLs
+    define ('FLICKR_PHOTO_ROOT', 'http://www.flickr.com/photos/'); 
+    //Used as the root for Flickr API service URLs
+    define ('FLICKR_GET_PHOTOLIST', 'http://www.flickr.com/services/rest/?method=flickr.photosets.getList&api_key='); 
+    define ('FLICKR_GET_PHOTOS', 'http://www.flickr.com/services/rest/?method=flickr.photosets.getPhotos&api_key='); 
+    define ('FLICKR_GET_PHOTOINFO', 'http://www.flickr.com/services/rest/?method=flickr.photos.getInfo&api_key=');
+    //This is the API key that was assigned to this plog plugin by Flickr.  
+    //If you need an API key for your own project 
+    //goto http://flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html
+    define ('FLICKR_API_KEY', '642d5965f8ecba92fb78ff5d83993a02'); 
+    /**
+     * Plugin that offers features to integrate the Flickr Photo Gallery Service
+     */
+    class PluginFlickr extends PluginBase
+    {
+        var $cacheFolder;            //pLog Temp Folder
+        var $email;                 //Your Flickr account logon (email address you registered with)
+        var $password;              //Your Flickr account password
+        var $aliasName;             //Your Flickr alias name
+        var $albumThumbnailSize;    //Size of the thumbnail you want to appear in the album thumbnail page
+        var $photoThumbnailSize;    //Size of the thumbnail you want to appear in the album thumbnail page
+        var $showPrivate;           //Whether or not to show your "private" Flickr photos
+        var $showNote;              //Whether or not to show your "notes" of photo
+        var $expiredTime;           //Duration for cache expired 
+        var $userRoot;              //Root for links in the output
+        function PluginFlickr()
+        {
+            $this->PluginBase();
+            $this->id = "flickr";
+            $this->author = "Mark Wu";
+            $this->desc = '<p>The pLog Flickr plugin is inspired by <a href="http://www.worrad.com/archives/2004/11/23/flickr-gallery-wp-plugin/">Flickr Gallery Plugin</a> written by Ray. </p><ol><li>Unzip the zip files into temp folder </li><li>Upload <strong>/class/*.*</strong> to <strong>/your-blog/class</strong> </li><li>Upload <strong>/js/*.*</strong> to <strong>/your-blog/js</strong> </li><li>Upload <strong>/plugins/*.*</strong> to <strong>/your-blog/plugins</strong> </li><li>Upload <strong>/templates/*.*</strong> to <strong>/your-blog/templates/grey</strong> (I assume you use grey template) </li><li>Add the follow CSS code to /styles/grey.css (I assume you use grey template)</li></ol><blockquote><p><strong>a.annotation {<br /> position: absolute;<br /> border: 1px solid white;<br /> padding: 0;<br /> display: none;<br />}<br />a.annotation span {<br /> display: block;<br /> width: 100%;<br /> height: 100%;<br /> /* Setup opaque background in notes box with browser specific opacity<br />  * properties (they are not valid CSS - sorry).  If having valid CSS is<br />  * so important to you just get rid of the next 4 lines after these<br />  * comments (you will sacrifice the opaque background in the notes<br />  * boxes though).<br /> */<br /> background: white;<br /> opacity: 0.2;<br /> -moz-opacity: 0.2;<br /> filter: alpha(opacity=20);<br />}</strong></p><p><strong>a.annotation:hover {<br /> border-color: yellow;<br />}</strong></p></blockquote><ol start="7"><li>Add the following template code to your header.template</li></ol><blockquote><p><strong>&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot; src=&quot;js/annimg/annimg.js&quot;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</strong> </p></blockquote><ol start="8"><li>Configure the Flickr Parameters through the configuration panel <ul><li>Your Flickr Account </li><li>Your Flickr Password </li><li>Alias Name </li><li>Thumbnail Size of Album </li><li>Thumbnail Size of Photo </li><li>Show Private Photos </li><li>Show Notes</li><li>Cache Expire (Secs)</li></ul></li></ol>';
+            $config =& Config::getConfig();
+            $this->cacheFolder = $config->getValue('temp_folder');
+            $this->locales = Array( "en_UK" , "zh_TW" );
+            $this->init();                     
+        }
+		function init()
+		{
+            $this->registerAdminAction( "flickr", "PluginFlickrConfigAction" );
+			$this->registerAdminAction( "updateFlickrConfig", "PluginFlickrUpdateConfigAction" );
+			$menu =& Menu::getMenu();
+			if( !$menu->entryExists( "/menu/controlCenter/manageIntegrationPlugins" ))						
+				$this->addMenuEntry( "/menu/controlCenter", "manageIntegrationPlugins", "", "", true, false );			
+            $this->addMenuEntry( "/menu/controlCenter/manageIntegrationPlugins", "Flickr", "?op=flickr", "" );            
+		}
+		function register()
+		{
+			$this->cacheFolder = $this->cacheFolder.'/'.$this->blogInfo->getId();
+			if( !File::exists( $this->cacheFolder )) {
+			    $this->log->debug( "creating temporary folder".$this->tempFolder );
+				File::createDir( $this->cacheFolder );
+			}
+		    $blogSettings = $this->blogInfo->getSettings();
+			$this->pluginEnabled = $blogSettings->getValue( "plugin_flickr_enabled" );
+			$this->email = $blogSettings->getValue( "plugin_flickr_email" );
+            $this->password = $blogSettings->getValue( "plugin_flickr_password" );
+            $this->aliasName = $blogSettings->getValue( "plugin_flickr_aliasname" );
+            $this->albumThumbnailSize = $blogSettings->getValue( "plugin_flickr_albumthumbnailsize" );
+            $this->photoThumbnailSize = $blogSettings->getValue( "plugin_flickr_photothumbnailsize" );
+            $this->showPrivate = $blogSettings->getValue( "plugin_flickr_showprivate" );
+            $this->showNote = $blogSettings->getValue( "plugin_flickr_shownote" );
+            $this->expiredTime = $blogSettings->getValue( "plugin_flickr_expiredtime" );
+		}
+        /**
+         * Get the photo albums from specific user
+         */
+        function getPhotoList()
+        {
+            $apiUrl .= '&email=' . $this->email . '&password=' . $this->password;    
+ 			$rg = new RawRequestGenerator($this->blogInfo);
+            $this->userRoot = $rg->templatePage( "flickr" );
+            $data = $this->cached_get_file_contents($apiUrl, 'r', $this->expiredTime, $this->cacheFolder);
+            $parser = new XMLParser($data, 'raw', 1);
+            $tree = $parser->getTree();
+            $total_albums = count($tree['RSP']['PHOTOSETS']['PHOTOSET']);
+            $albums = Array();
+            if ($tree['RSP']['PHOTOSETS']['PHOTOSET'][0] != NULL) {
+                for ($i = 0; $i < $total_albums; $i++) {
+                    $album = Array();
+                    $albumId = $tree['RSP']['PHOTOSETS']['PHOTOSET'][$i]['ATTRIBUTES']['ID'];
+                    $albumPrimary = $tree['RSP']['PHOTOSETS']['PHOTOSET'][$i]['ATTRIBUTES']['PRIMARY'];
+                    $albumSecret =$tree['RSP']['PHOTOSETS']['PHOTOSET'][$i]['ATTRIBUTES']['SECRET'];
+                    $album['title'] = $tree['RSP']['PHOTOSETS']['PHOTOSET'][$i]['TITLE']['VALUE'];
+                    $album['description'] = $tree['RSP']['PHOTOSETS']['PHOTOSET'][$i]['DESCRIPTION']['VALUE'];
+                    $album['photos'] =$tree['RSP']['PHOTOSETS']['PHOTOSET'][$i]['ATTRIBUTES']['PHOTOS'];
+                    $album['thumbnailUrl'] = FLICKR_PHOTO_ROOT.$albumPrimary."_".$albumSecret."_".$this->albumThumbnailSize.".jpg";
+                    $album['flickrUrl'] = FLICKR_PHOTO_ROOT.$this->aliasName."/sets/".$albumId;
+                    $album['albumUrl'] = $this->userRoot."&album=".$albumId;
+                    array_push( $albums, $album);
+                }
+            } else {
+                $album = Array();
+                $albumId = $tree['RSP']['PHOTOSETS']['PHOTOSET']['ATTRIBUTES']['ID'];
+                $albumPrimary = $tree['RSP']['PHOTOSETS']['PHOTOSET']['ATTRIBUTES']['PRIMARY'];
+                $albumSecret =$tree['RSP']['PHOTOSETS']['PHOTOSET']['ATTRIBUTES']['SECRET'];
+                $album['title'] = $tree['RSP']['PHOTOSETS']['PHOTOSET']['TITLE']['VALUE'];
+                $album['description'] = $tree['RSP']['PHOTOSETS']['PHOTOSET']['DESCRIPTION']['VALUE'];
+                $album['photos'] =$tree['RSP']['PHOTOSETS']['PHOTOSET']['ATTRIBUTES']['PHOTOS'];
+                $album['thumbnailUrl'] = FLICKR_PHOTO_ROOT.$albumPrimary."_".$albumSecret."_".$this->albumThumbnailSize.".jpg";
+                $album['flickrUrl'] = FLICKR_PHOTO_ROOT.$this->aliasName."/sets/".$albumId;
+                $album['albumUrl'] = $this->userRoot."&album=".$albumId;
+                array_push( $albums, $album);
+            }
+            return $albums;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Get the photos from specific photo album
+         */
+        function getPhotos($albumId)
+        {
+            $apiUrl = FLICKR_GET_PHOTOS.FLICKR_API_KEY;
+            if ($this->showPrivate == 1)
+                $apiUrl .= '&photoset_id=' . $albumId;
+            else
+                $apiUrl .= '&email=' . $this->email . '&password=' . $this->password . '&photoset_id=' . $albumId;
+            $data = $this->cached_get_file_contents($apiUrl, 'r', $this->expiredTime, $this->cacheFolder);
+            $parser = new XMLParser($data, 'raw', 1);
+            $tree = $parser->getTree();
+ 			$rg = new RawRequestGenerator($this->blogInfo);
+            $this->userRoot = $rg->templatePage( "flickr" );
+            $totalPhotos = count($tree['RSP']['PHOTOSET']['PHOTO']);
+            $photos = Array();
+            if ($tree['RSP']['PHOTOSET']['PHOTO'][0] != NULL) {
+                for ($i = 0; $i < $totalPhotos; $i++) {
+                    $photo = Array();
+                    $photoId = $tree['RSP']['PHOTOSET']['PHOTO'][$i]['ATTRIBUTES']['ID'];
+                    $photoSecret =$tree['RSP']['PHOTOSET']['PHOTO'][$i]['ATTRIBUTES']['SECRET'];
+                    $photo['thumbnailUrl'] = FLICKR_PHOTO_ROOT.$photoId."_".$photoSecret."_".$this->photoThumbnailSize.".jpg";
+                    $photo['flickrUrl'] = FLICKR_PHOTO_ROOT.$this->aliasName."/".$photoId."/in/set".$albumId;
+                    $photo['photoUrl'] = $this->userRoot."&album=".$albumId."&photo=".$photoId."&secret=".$photoSecret;
+                    array_push( $photos, $photo);
+                }
+            } else {
+                $photo = Array();
+                $photoId = $tree['RSP']['PHOTOSET']['PHOTO']['ATTRIBUTES']['ID'];
+                $photoSecret =$tree['RSP']['PHOTOSET']['PHOTO']['ATTRIBUTES']['SECRET'];
+                $photo['thumbnailUrl'] = FLICKR_PHOTO_ROOT.$photoId."_".$photoSecret."_".$this->photoThumbnailSize.".jpg";
+                $photo['flickrUrl'] = FLICKR_PHOTO_ROOT.$this->aliasName."/".$photoId."/in/set".$albumId;
+                $photo['photoUrl'] = $this->userRoot."&album=".$albumId."&photo=".$photoId."&secret=".$photoSecret;
+                array_push( $photos, $photo);
+            }
+            return $photos;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Get the photo info from specific photo
+         */
+        function getPhotoInfo($photoId, $photoSecret)
+        {
+            if ($this->showPrivate == 1)
+                $apiUrl .= '&photo_id=' . $photoId;
+            else
+                $apiUrl .= '&email=' . $this->email . '&password=' . $this->password . '&photo_id=' . $photoId;
+ 			$rg = new RawRequestGenerator($this->blogInfo);
+            $this->userRoot = $rg->templatePage( "flickr" ); 
+            $data = $this->cached_get_file_contents($apiUrl, 'r', $this->expiredTime, $this->cacheFolder);
+            $parser = new XMLParser($data, 'raw', 1);
+            $tree = $parser->getTree();
+            $photo = Array();
+            $photo['date'] = $tree['RSP']['PHOTO']['ATTRIBUTES']['DATEUPLOADED'];
+            $photo['title'] = $tree['RSP']['PHOTO']['TITLE']['VALUE'];
+            $photo['description'] = $tree['RSP']['PHOTO']['DESCRIPTION']['VALUE'];
+            $photo['comments'] = $tree['RSP']['PHOTO']['COMMENTS']['VALUE'];
+            $photo['resizeimageUrl'] = FLICKR_PHOTO_ROOT.$photoId."_".$photoSecret.".jpg";
+            $photo['originalimageUrl'] = FLICKR_PHOTO_ROOT.$photoId."_".$photoSecret."_o.jpg";
+            $photo['flickrUrl'] = FLICKR_PHOTO_ROOT.$this->aliasName."/".$photoId;
+            $tagCount = count($tree['RSP']['PHOTO']['TAGS']['TAG']);
+            if ($tree['RSP']['PHOTO']['TAGS']['TAG'][0] != NULL) {
+                for ($i = 0; $i < $tagCount; $i=$i+1) {
+                    $photo['tags'][$i]['tagName'] = $tree['RSP']['PHOTO']['TAGS']['TAG'][$i]['VALUE'];
+                    $photo['tags'][$i]['tagUrl'] = FLICKR_PHOTO_ROOT."tags/".$tree['RSP']['PHOTO']['TAGS']['TAG'][$i]['VALUE'];
+                }
+            } else {
+                $photo['tags'][0]['tagName'] = $tree['RSP']['PHOTO']['TAGS']['TAG']['VALUE'];
+                $photo['tags'][0]['tagUrl'] = FLICKR_PHOTO_ROOT."tags/".$tree['RSP']['PHOTO']['TAGS']['TAG']['VALUE'];
+            }
+            $noteCount = count($tree['RSP']['PHOTO']['NOTES']['NOTE']);
+            if ($this->showNote) {
+                if ($tree['RSP']['PHOTO']['NOTES']['NOTE'][0] != NULL) {
+                    for ($i = 0; $i < $noteCount; $i=$i+1) {
+                        $photo['notes'][$i]['noteDesc'] = $tree['RSP']['PHOTO']['NOTES']['NOTE'][$i]['VALUE'];
+                        $photo['notes'][$i]['noteX'] = $tree['RSP']['PHOTO']['NOTES']['NOTE'][$i]['ATTRIBUTES']['X'];
+                        $photo['notes'][$i]['noteY'] = $tree['RSP']['PHOTO']['NOTES']['NOTE'][$i]['ATTRIBUTES']['Y'];
+                        $photo['notes'][$i]['noteW'] = $tree['RSP']['PHOTO']['NOTES']['NOTE'][$i]['ATTRIBUTES']['W'];
+                        $photo['notes'][$i]['noteH'] = $tree['RSP']['PHOTO']['NOTES']['NOTE'][$i]['ATTRIBUTES']['H'];
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    $photo['notes'][0]['noteDesc'] = $tree['RSP']['PHOTO']['NOTES']['NOTE']['VALUE'];
+                    $photo['notes'][0]['noteX'] = $tree['RSP']['PHOTO']['NOTES']['NOTE']['ATTRIBUTES']['X'];
+                    $photo['notes'][0]['noteY'] = $tree['RSP']['PHOTO']['NOTES']['NOTE']['ATTRIBUTES']['Y'];
+                    $photo['notes'][0]['noteW'] = $tree['RSP']['PHOTO']['NOTES']['NOTE']['ATTRIBUTES']['W'];
+                    $photo['notes'][0]['noteH'] = $tree['RSP']['PHOTO']['NOTES']['NOTE']['ATTRIBUTES']['H'];
+                }
+            }
+            return $photo;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Function that reads file from the cache if it is younger than a certain age 
+         * and otherwise grabs a fresh copy of it from remote source 
+         */
+        function cached_get_file_contents ($file, $file_mode, $cache_timeout = 3600, $cache_path = '../', $debug = false)
+        {
+        	// Clear file stats so we get an accurate file creation time for cache files
+        	clearstatcache();
+        	// Path to cached file
+        	$cache_filename = $cache_path .'/' . urlencode($file) . ".cached";
+        	if ($debug)
+        	{
+        		print "local_cache creation_time =" . @filemtime($cache_filename) . " actual time = " . time() . " timeout = " . $timeout_seconds ."\n";
+        	}
+        	if (( @file_exists($cache_filename) && (( @filemtime($cache_filename) + $cache_timeout) > ( time())))) // If file exists and is young enough then do nothing because it will return file contents of cache
+        	{
+        		if ($debug)
+        		{
+        			print "using cached file ($cache_filename)\n";
+        		}
+        	} 
+        	else // If file doesn't exist or is too old get a fresh copy from remote source
+        	{
+        		if ($debug)
+        		{
+        			print "cacheing file ($file) to local ($cache_filename)\n";
+        		}
+        		$f = @fopen($file,"r"); // Open remote source file
+        		if (!$f) // Remote file couldn't be opened
+        		{
+        			return @file_get_contents ($cache_filename); // Return the file contents from the cache
+        		}
+        		$f2 = @fopen($cache_filename,"w+"); // Open local cache file
+        		while ($r = @fread($f,8192)) // Loop through remote source file
+        		{
+        			@fwrite($f2,$r); // Write to the local cache
+        		}
+        		@fclose($f2);
+        		@fclose($f);
+        	}
+        	return file_get_contents ($cache_filename); // Return the file contents from the cache
+        }
+    }

Added: plugins/trunk/flickr/readme.txt
--- plugins/trunk/flickr/readme.txt	2005-01-24 08:57:44 UTC (rev 815)
+++ plugins/trunk/flickr/readme.txt	2005-01-24 10:18:46 UTC (rev 816)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Plugin: Flickr
+Author: Mark Wu
+Release Date: 2005/01/24
+Version: 1.0
+This plugin offers you to integrate with Flickr service. 
+The plugin is inspired by Wordpress Flickr Gallery Plugin written by Ray.
+Copy the install\flickr.template to your template folder.
\ No newline at end of file

Added: plugins/trunk/flickr/templates/flickr.template
--- plugins/trunk/flickr/templates/flickr.template	2005-01-24 08:57:44 UTC (rev 815)
+++ plugins/trunk/flickr/templates/flickr.template	2005-01-24 10:18:46 UTC (rev 816)
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+{include file="$admintemplatepath/header.template"}
+{include file="$admintemplatepath/navigation.template" showOpt=Flickr title=$locale->tr("flickr_plugin")}
+<form name="flickrPluginConfig" method="post">
+ <fieldset class="inputField">
+ <legend>{$locale->tr("flickr_plugin_configuration")}</legend> 
+  <div class="field">
+   <label for="pluginEnabled">{$locale->tr("flickr_plugin_enabled")}</label>
+   <input class="checkbox" type="checkbox" name="pluginEnabled" id="pluginEnabled" {if $pluginEnabled} checked="checked" {/if} value="1" /><br/>
+  </div>
+  <div class="field">
+   <label for="email">{$locale->tr("flickr_email")}</label>
+   <span class="required">*</span>
+   <input class="text" type="text" name="email" id="email" value="{$email}" width="10" />
+  </div>
+  <div class="field">
+   <label for="password">{$locale->tr("flickr_password")}</label>
+   <span class="required">*</span>
+   <input class="password" type="password" name="password" id="password" value="{$password}" width="10" />
+  </div>
+  <div class="field">
+   <label for="aliasName">{$locale->tr("flickr_aliasname")}</label>
+   <span class="required">*</span>
+   <input class="text" type="text" name="aliasName" id="aliasName" value="{$aliasName}" width="10" />
+  </div>
+  <div class="field">
+   <label for="albumThumbnailSize">{$locale->tr("flickr_albumthumbnailsize")}</label>
+   <select name="albumThumbnailSize" id="albumThumbnailSize">
+    <option value="s" {if $albumThumbnailSize=="s"}selected="selected"{/if}>75x75</option>
+    <option value="t" {if $albumThumbnailSize=="t"}selected="selected"{/if}>100x75</option>
+    <option value="m" {if $albumThumbnailSize=="m"}selected="selected"{/if}>240x180</option>
+   </select><br/>
+  </div>  
+  <div class="field">
+   <label for="photoThumbnailSize">{$locale->tr("flickr_photothumbnailsize")}</label>
+   <select name="photoThumbnailSize" id="photoThumbnailSize">
+    <option value="s" {if $photoThumbnailSize=="s"}selected="selected"{/if}>75x75</option>
+    <option value="t" {if $photoThumbnailSize=="t"}selected="selected"{/if}>100x75</option>
+    <option value="m" {if $photoThumbnailSize=="m"}selected="selected"{/if}>240x180</option>
+   </select><br/>
+  </div>
+  <div class="field">
+   <label for="showPrivate">{$locale->tr("flickr_showprivate")}</label>
+   <select name="showPrivate" id="showPrivate">
+    <option value="0" {if $showPrivate==0}selected="selected"{/if}>{$locale->tr("flickr_no")}</option>
+    <option value="1" {if $showPrivate==1}selected="selected"{/if}>{$locale->tr("flickr_yes")}</option>
+   </select><br/>
+  </div>
+  <div class="field">
+   <label for="showNote">{$locale->tr("flickr_shownote")}</label>
+   <select name="showNote" id="showPrivate">
+    <option value="0" {if $showNote==0}selected="selected"{/if}>{$locale->tr("flickr_no")}</option>
+    <option value="1" {if $showNote==1}selected="selected"{/if}>{$locale->tr("flickr_yes")}</option>
+   </select><br/>
+  </div>      
+  <div class="field">
+   <label for="expiredTime">{$locale->tr("flickr_expiredtime")}</label>
+   <span class="required">*</span>
+   <input class="text" type="text" name="expiredTime" id="expiredTime" value="{$expiredTime}" width="10" />
+  </div>
+ </fieldset>
+ <br/>
+ <div class="buttons"> 
+  <input type="hidden" name="op" value="updateFlickrConfig" />
+  <input type="submit" name="{$locale->tr("update_settings")}" value="{$locale->tr("update")}" />
+ </div>
+{include file="$admintemplatepath/footernavigation.template"}
+{include file="$admintemplatepath/footer.template"}
\ No newline at end of file

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