[pLog-svn] r744 - in plog/trunk/js: . ie7 ie7/src

oscar at devel.plogworld.net oscar at devel.plogworld.net
Sat Jan 15 16:33:56 GMT 2005

Author: oscar
Date: 2005-01-15 16:33:55 +0000 (Sat, 15 Jan 2005)
New Revision: 744

added IE7, to Reto's request

Added: plog/trunk/js/ie7/README.txt
--- plog/trunk/js/ie7/README.txt	2005-01-13 15:17:11 UTC (rev 743)
+++ plog/trunk/js/ie7/README.txt	2005-01-15 16:33:55 UTC (rev 744)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+Follow these simple instructions to get IE7 working immediately on your server:
+ * download the latest IE7 ZIP file (https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=109983&package_id=119707)
+ * extract the contents to a directory on your server (keep the folder names used in the ZIP)
+ * you will now have an IE7 directory on your server
+ * include the IE7 JavaScript library in the page you wish to test
+   <!-- compliance patch for microsoft browsers -->
+   <!--[if lt IE 7]><script src="/ie7/ie7-standard-p.js" type="text/javascript"></script><![endif]-->
+ * make sure this also points to the same directory
+ * open the page in your web browser
+ * the page should now be IE7 enabled.
+You may extract the contents of the ZIP file to your hard disk if you do not have access to a web server.
+Enjoy ;-)
+Dean Edwards, 17th August 2004

Added: plog/trunk/js/ie7/ie7-content.htm
--- plog/trunk/js/ie7/ie7-content.htm	2005-01-13 15:17:11 UTC (rev 743)
+++ plog/trunk/js/ie7/ie7-content.htm	2005-01-15 16:33:55 UTC (rev 744)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<!-- IE7 version 0.7.3 (alpha) 2004/09/18 -->
+<html><head><object id="dummy" width="0" height="0"></object><base id="base"/><style type="text/css">html,body,img{margin:0;}img{vertical-align:top}#dummy{display:inline}</style><script type="text/javascript">public_description=new function(){var loaded=false;this.ie7_anon=true;this.load=function(object,cssContent,cssText){if(loaded)return;loaded=true;base.href=object.document.URL;dummy.style.cssText=cssText;var parent=object.parentElement;var inline=Boolean(dummy.currentStyle.display=="inline");var isURL=/^url\(.*\)$/.test(cssContent);function resize(){object.runtimeStyle.width=(inline)?body.offsetWidth:"100%";object.runtimeStyle.height=body.offsetHeight};if(isURL){var match=cssContent.match(/url\(\s*(['"]?)([^\)]+)[\1]?\s*\)/);var content=document.createElement("img");var img=new Image;img.onreadystatechange=function(){if(this.readyState=="complete")applyStyle()};body.appendChild(content);img.src=content.src=match[2]}else{var content=document.createElement("span");body.appendChild(content);content.innerText=cssContent;applyStyle()}function applyStyle(){function copy(propertyName){try{body.style[propertyName]=parent.currentStyle[propertyName]}catch(ignore){}};for(var i in body.currentStyle)copy(i);body.style.width="";body.style.height="";body.style.padding="";body.style.textIndent="";body.style.position="static";while(parent&&parent.currentStyle.backgroundColor=="transparent"){parent=parent.parentElement}if(parent)document.body.style.backgroundColor=parent.currentStyle.backgroundColor;body.runtimeStyle.cssText=cssText;if(inline)body.runtimeStyle.width="";object.runtimeStyle.margin="0";resize()}}}();</script></head><body><span id="body"></span></body></html>

Added: plog/trunk/js/ie7/ie7-css-strict.js
--- plog/trunk/js/ie7/ie7-css-strict.js	2005-01-13 15:17:11 UTC (rev 743)
+++ plog/trunk/js/ie7/ie7-css-strict.js	2005-01-15 16:33:55 UTC (rev 744)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+/* IE7 version 0.7.3 (alpha) 2004/09/18 */
+if(window.IE7)IE7.addModule("ie7-strict",function(){if(!modules["ie7-css2"])return;var NONE=[],ID=/#/g,CLASS=/[:@\.]/g,TAG=/^\w|[\s>+~]\w/g;IE7.parser.parse=function(cssText){var DYNAMIC=new RegExp("(.*):("+dynamicPseudoClasses+")(.*)");function addRule(selector,cssText){var match=selector.match(DYNAMIC);if(match)new DynamicRule(selector,match[1],match[2],match[3],cssText);else new Rule(selector,cssText)};cssText=cssText.replace(IE7.PseudoElement.ALL,IE7.PseudoElement.ID);var RULE=/([^\{]+)\{(\d+)\}/g,match;while(match=RULE.exec(cssText)){addRule(match[1],match[2]);if(appVersion<5.5)cssText=cssText.slice(match.lastIndex)}IE7.classes.sort(Rule.compare);return IE7.classes.join("\n")};function Rule(selector,cssText){this.cssText=cssText;this.specificity=Rule.score(selector);this.inherit=IE7.Class;this.inherit(selector)};Rule.prototype=new IE7.Class.ancestor;Rule.prototype.toString=function(){return "."+this.name+"{"+this.cssText+"}"};Rule.score=function(selector){return(selector.match(ID)||NONE).length*10000+(selector.match(CLASS)||NONE).length*100+(selector.match(TAG)||NONE).length};Rule.compare=function(rule1,rule2){return rule1.specificity-rule2.specificity};function DynamicRule(selector,attach,dynamicPseudoClass,target,cssText){this.cssText=cssText;this.specificity=Rule.score(selector);this.inherit=IE7.DynamicStyle;this.inherit(selector,attach,dynamicPseudoClass,target)};DynamicRule.prototype=new IE7.DynamicStyle.ancestor;DynamicRule.prototype.toString=Rule.prototype.toString});

Added: plog/trunk/js/ie7/ie7-css3.js
--- plog/trunk/js/ie7/ie7-css3.js	2005-01-13 15:17:11 UTC (rev 743)
+++ plog/trunk/js/ie7/ie7-css3.js	2005-01-15 16:33:55 UTC (rev 744)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+/* IE7 version 0.7.3 (alpha) 2004/09/18 */
+if(window.IE7)IE7.addModule("ie7-css3",function(){if(!modules["ie7-css2"])return;selectors["~"]=function(filtered,from,filter,scopeName){for(var i=0;i<from.length;i++){var adjacent=from[i];while(adjacent=nextElement(adjacent)){if(adjacent&&compareTagName(adjacent,filter,scopeName))push(filtered,adjacent)}}};var documentElement=(isHTML)?document.documentElement:firstChildElement(document.body);pseudoClasses["root"]=function(element){return Boolean(element==documentElement||element==document.body)};pseudoClasses["empty"]=function(element){return!firstChildElement(element)&&!element.innerText};pseudoClasses["last-child"]=function(element){return!nextElement(element)};pseudoClasses["only-child"]=function(element){return(element.parentNode&&childElements(element.parentNode).length==1)};pseudoClasses["nth-child"]=function(element,filterArgs,step){return nthChild(element,filterArgs,previousElement)};pseudoClasses["nth-last-child"]=function(element,filterArgs){return nthChild(element,filterArgs,nextElement)};function nthChild(element,filterArgs,traverse){switch(filterArgs){case "n":return true;case "even":filterArgs="2n";break;case "odd":filterArgs="2n+1"}var children=childElements(element.parentNode);function checkIndex(index){index=(traverse==nextElement)?children.length-index:index-1;return children[index]==element};if(!isNaN(filterArgs))return checkIndex(filterArgs);filterArgs=filterArgs.split("n");var multiplier=parseInt(filterArgs[0]);var step=parseInt(filterArgs[1]);if(isNaN(multiplier)||(multiplier==1))return true;if(multiplier==0&&!isNaN(step))return checkIndex(step);if(isNaN(step))step=0;var count=1;while(element=traverse(element))count++;return((count%multiplier)==step)};function childElements(element){var childElements=[],i;for(i=0;i<element.childNodes.length;i++){if(isElement(element.childNodes[i]))push(childElements,element.childNodes[i])}return childElements};attributeTests["^="]=function(attribute,value){return "/^"+attributeTests.escape(value)+"/.test("+attribute+")"};attributeTests["$="]=function(attribute,value){return "/"+attributeTests.escape(value)+"$/.test("+attribute+")"};attributeTests["*="]=function(attribute,value){return "/"+attributeTests.escape(value)+"/.test("+attribute+")"}});

Added: plog/trunk/js/ie7/ie7-ie5.js
--- plog/trunk/js/ie7/ie7-ie5.js	2005-01-13 15:17:11 UTC (rev 743)
+++ plog/trunk/js/ie7/ie7-ie5.js	2005-01-15 16:33:55 UTC (rev 744)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+/* IE7 version 0.7.3 (alpha) 2004/09/18 */
+if(isHTML){HEADER+="address,blockquote,body,dd,div,dl,dt,fieldset,form,frame,"+"frameset,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,iframe,noframes,object,p,applet,center,"+"dir,hr,menu,pre{display:block;height:0cm}li,ol,ul{display:block}"}if(![].push)push=function(array,item){array[array.length]=item;return array.length};if(![].pop)pop=function(array){var item=array[array.length-1];array.length--;return item};if("i".replace(/i/,function(){return""})){var a=String.prototype.replace,b=function(r,w){var m,n="",s=this;while((m=r.exec(s))){n+=s.slice(0,m.index)+w(m[0],m[1],m[2],m[3],m[4]);s=s.slice(m.lastIndex)}return n+s};String.prototype.replace=function(r,w){this.replace=(typeof w=="function")?b:a;return this.replace(r,w)}}
\ No newline at end of file

Added: plog/trunk/js/ie7/ie7-lite.js
--- plog/trunk/js/ie7/ie7-lite.js	2005-01-13 15:17:11 UTC (rev 743)
+++ plog/trunk/js/ie7/ie7-lite.js	2005-01-15 16:33:55 UTC (rev 744)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
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instance=arguments;addEventHandler(element,"onmouseover",function(){IE7.Event.hover.register(instance)});addEventHandler(element,"onmouseout",function(){IE7.Event.hover.unregister(instance)})};dynamicPseudoClasses.active=function(element){var instance=arguments;addEventHandler(element,"onmousedown",function(){IE7.Event.active.register(instance)})};dynamicPseudoClasses.focus=function(element){var instance=arguments;addEventHandler(element,"onfocus",function(){IE7.Event.focus.register(instance)});addEventHandler(element,"onblur",function(){IE7.Event.focus.unregister(instance)});if(element==document.activeElement){IE7.Event.focus.register(instance)}};addEventHandler(document,"onmouseup",function(){var ie7Event=IE7.Event.active;var instances=ie7Event.instances,i;for(i in instances)ie7Event.unregister(instances[i]);ie7Event=IE7.Event.hover;instances=ie7Event.instances;for(i in instances)if(!instances[i][0].contains(event.srcElement))ie7Event.unregister(instances[i])});var attributeSelectors=[];var ESCAPE=/([\x2f()[\]?{}|*+])/g;function AttributeSelector(attribute,compare,value){value=getString(value);this.id=attributeSelectors.length;switch(attribute.toLowerCase()){case "id":attribute="element.id.replace(/ms_\x5cd+/g,'')";break;case "class":attribute="element.className.replace(/\x5cb\x5cs*ie7_\x5cd+/g,'')";break;default:attribute="element.getAttribute('"+attribute+"')"}compare=attributeTests[compare];push(attributeSelectors,new Function("element","return "+compare(attribute,value)))};AttributeSelector.ID=function(match,attribute,compare,value){return new AttributeSelector(attribute,compare,value)};AttributeSelector.prototype.toString=function(){return AttributeSelector.PREFIX+this.id};attributeTests={toString:function(){var toString=[];for(var i in this)if(i&&i!="escape")push(toString,i);return toString.join("").replace(/=/g,"")},escape:function(value){return value.replace(ESCAPE,"\x5c$1")},"":function(attribute){return attribute},"=":function(attribute,value){return attribute+"=="+quote(value)},"~=":function(attribute,value){return "/(^|\x5cs)"+attributeTests.escape(value)+"(\x5cs|$)/.test("+attribute+")"},"|=":function(attribute,value){return "/^"+attributeTests.escape(value)+"(-|$)/.test("+attribute+")"}};AttributeSelector.PREFIX="@";function _ie7Event(){this.register=function(instance){var element=instance[0];var target=instance[1];var Class=instance[2];for(var i=0;i<target.length;i++)Class.add(target[i]);this.instances[Class.id+element.uniqueID]=instance};this.unregister=function(instance){var element=instance[0];var target=instance[1];var Class=instance[2];for(var i=0;i<target.length;i++)Class.remove(target[i]);delete this.instances[Class.id+element.uniqueID]}};IE7.Event=function(type){this.type=type;this.instances={};IE7.Event[type]=this};IE7.Event.prototype=new _ie7Event;new IE7.Event("hover");new IE7.Event("active");new IE7.Event("focus");function simpleSelector(selector){return selector.replace(Class.COMPLEX,"").replace(CHILD," ")}},true);IE7.addModule("ie7-png",function(){if(appVersion<5.5)return;var FILTER="progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src=%1,sizingMethod='scale')";var NULL=(/\bSV1\b/.test(navigator.userAgent))?makePath("blank.gif",path):"javascript:'#define x_width 1\x5cn#define x_height 1\x5cnstatic char x_bits[]={0x00}'";var pngTest=new RegExp((window.IE7_PNG_SUFFIX||"-trans.png")+"$","i");function addFilter(element,src){element.runtimeStyle.filter=FILTER.replace(/%1/,src)};var MATCH=/background(-image)?\s*:([^(};]*)url\(([^\)]+)\)([^;}]*)/gi;CSSFixes.addFix(MATCH,function replace(match,image,prefix,url,suffix){url=getString(url);return pngTest.test(url)?"filter:"+FILTER.replace(/scale/,"crop").replace(/%1/,url)+";zoom:1;background"+(image||"")+":"+(prefix||"")+"none"+(suffix||""):match});if(HTMLFixes){function fixImg(element){if(pngTest.test(element.src)){var 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parseInt((viewport.clientWidth-ie7_tmp.offsetWidth)*parseFloat(position)/100)}ie7_tmp.style.left=position;return ie7_tmp.offsetLeft}};eval(topFunction(getOffsetLeft));function positionFixed(element){if(element.currentStyle.position!="fixed")return;fixBackground();positionFixed[positionFixed.count++]=element;element.style.position="fixed";element.runtimeStyle.position="absolute";foregroundPosition(element)};positionFixed.count=0;function foregroundPosition(element,recalc){positionLeft(element,recalc);positionTop(element,recalc);if(!recalc||element.runtimeStyle.autoTop){if(parseInt(element.currentStyle.bottom)==0)element.runtimeStyle.screenTop++}};function 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Added: plog/trunk/js/ie7/ie7.gif
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: plog/trunk/js/ie7/ie7.gif
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: plog/trunk/js/ie7/license
--- plog/trunk/js/ie7/license	2005-01-13 15:17:11 UTC (rev 743)
+++ plog/trunk/js/ie7/license	2005-01-15 16:33:55 UTC (rev 744)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+	This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
+	License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/
+	You are free:
+	to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work
+	to make derivative works
+	to make commercial use of the work
+	Under the following conditions:
+	Attribution. You must give the original author credit
+	Author:  Dean Edwards/2004
+	Web:     http://dean.edwards.name/

Added: plog/trunk/js/ie7/src/ie7-box-model.js
--- plog/trunk/js/ie7/src/ie7-box-model.js	2005-01-13 15:17:11 UTC (rev 743)
+++ plog/trunk/js/ie7/src/ie7-box-model.js	2005-01-15 16:33:55 UTC (rev 744)
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+	W3C compliance for Microsoft Internet Explorer
+	this module forms part of IE7
+	IE7 version 0.7.3 (alpha) 2004/09/18
+	by Dean Edwards, 2004
+if (window.IE7) IE7.addModule("ie7-box-model", function() {
+// big, ugly box-model hack + min/max stuff
+// #tantek > #erik > #dean { voice-family: hacker; }
+// constants
+var NUMERIC = "\\s*:\\s*\\d[\\w%]*", UNIT = /^\d\w*$/, PERCENT = /^\d+%$/, PIXEL = /^\d+(px)?$/;
+var MATCH = (appVersion < 6) ? /\b(min|max)-(width|height)\s*:\s*\d/gi : /\b(min|max)-width\s*:\s*\d/gi;
+var AUTO = (appVersion < 5.5) ? /^auto|0cm$/ : /^auto$/;
+// create a temporary element which is used to inherit styles
+//  from the target element. the temporary element can be resized
+//  to determine pixel widths/heights
+var ie7_tmp = tmpElement();
+push(IE7.recalcs, function removeTempElement() {
+	if (ie7_tmp.parentElement) ie7_tmp.parentElement.removeChild(ie7_tmp);
+CSSFixes.addFix(MATCH, function(match) {
+	return match.slice(0, 3) + match.charAt(4).toUpperCase() + match.slice(5);
+var viewport = (quirksMode) ? document.body : documentElement;
+function isFixed(element) {
+	return element.style.position == "fixed" || element.currentStyle.position == "fixed";
+function layoutParent(element) {
+	var layoutParent = element.offsetParent;
+	while (layoutParent && !hasLayout(layoutParent)) layoutParent = layoutParent.offsetParent;
+	if (!layoutParent || isFixed(element)) layoutParent = viewport;
+	return layoutParent;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// box-model
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+function fixWidth(HEIGHT) {
+	fixWidth = function(element, value) {
+		if (!element.runtimeStyle.fixedWidth && (!isHTML || element.tagName != "HR")) {
+			if (!value) value = element.currentStyle.width;
+			element.runtimeStyle.fixedWidth = (UNIT.test(value)) ? Math.max(0, getFixedWidth(element, value)) : value;
+			element.runtimeStyle.width = element.runtimeStyle.fixedWidth;
+			boxSizing(element);
+		}
+	};
+	if (quirksMode) CSSFixes.addRecalc("width\\s*:\\s*\\d\\w*[^%]", fixWidth);
+	var getFixedWidth = (quirksMode) ? function(element, value) {
+		return getPixelWidth(element, value) + getBorderWidth(element) + getPaddingWidth(element);
+	} : function(element, value) {
+		return getPixelWidth(element, value);
+	};
+	// easy way to get border thickness for elements with "layout"
+	function getBorderWidth(element) {
+		return element.offsetWidth - element.clientWidth;
+	};
+	// have to do some pixel conversion to get padding thickness :-(
+	function getPaddingWidth(element) {
+		return getPixelWidth(element, element.currentStyle.paddingLeft) +
+			getPixelWidth(element, element.currentStyle.paddingRight);
+	};
+	function getMarginWidth(element) { // kevin newman
+		return ((element.currentStyle.marginLeft == "auto") ? 0 : getPixelLeft(element, element.currentStyle.marginLeft)) +
+			((element.currentStyle.marginRight == "auto") ? 0 : getPixelLeft(element, element.currentStyle.marginRight));
+	};
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// min/max
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// handle min-width property
+	function minWidth(element) {
+		minWidth[minWidth.count++] = element;
+		// IE6 supports min-height so we frig it here
+		if (element.currentStyle.minHeight == "auto") element.runtimeStyle.minHeight = 0;
+		fixWidth(element);
+		boxSizing(element);
+		resizeWidth(element);
+	};
+	minWidth.count = 0;
+	CSSFixes.addRecalc("min-width" + NUMERIC, minWidth);
+	// clone the minWidth function to make a maxWidth function
+	eval(String(minWidth).replace(/min/g, "max"));
+	maxWidth.count = 0;
+	CSSFixes.addRecalc("max-width" + NUMERIC, maxWidth);
+	// apply min/max restrictions
+	function resizeWidth(element) {
+		// check boundaries
+		var rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
+		var width = rect.right - rect.left;
+		if (element.currentStyle.maxWidth && width >= getFixedWidth(element, element.currentStyle.maxWidth))
+			element.runtimeStyle.width = getFixedWidth(element, element.currentStyle.maxWidth);
+		else if (element.currentStyle.minWidth && width <= getFixedWidth(element, element.currentStyle.minWidth))
+			element.runtimeStyle.width = getFixedWidth(element, element.currentStyle.minWidth);
+		else
+			element.runtimeStyle.width = element.runtimeStyle.fixedWidth;
+	};
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// right/bottom
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	function fixRight(element) {
+		if ((element.currentStyle.position == "absolute" || element.currentStyle.position == "fixed") &&
+		    element.currentStyle.left != "auto" &&
+		    element.currentStyle.right != "auto" &&
+		    AUTO.test(element.currentStyle.width)) {
+		    	fixRight[fixRight.count++] = element;
+		    	boxSizing(element);
+		    	resizeRight(element);
+		}
+	};
+	fixRight.count = 0;
+	CSSFixes.addRecalc("right" + NUMERIC, fixRight);
+	function resizeRight(element) {
+		element.runtimeStyle.width = "";
+		var parentElement = layoutParent(element);
+		var left = (element.runtimeStyle.screenLeft) ? element.getBoundingClientRect().left - 2 : getPixelLeft(element, element.currentStyle.left);
+		var width = parentElement.clientWidth - getPixelLeft(element, element.currentStyle.right) -	left - getMarginWidth(element);
+	    if (!quirksMode) width -= getBorderWidth(element) + getPaddingWidth(element);
+		if (width < 0) width = 0;
+		if (isFixed(element) || HEIGHT || element.offsetWidth < width) {
+			element.runtimeStyle.fixedWidth = width;
+			element.runtimeStyle.width = width;
+		}
+	};
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// window.onresize
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// handle window resize
+	var clientWidth = documentElement.clientWidth;
+	addEventHandler(window, "onresize", function() {
+		var i, wider = (clientWidth < documentElement.clientWidth);
+		clientWidth = documentElement.clientWidth;
+		// resize elements with "min-width" set
+		for (i = 0; i < minWidth.count; i++) {
+			var element = minWidth[i];
+			var fixedWidth = (element.runtimeStyle.width == element.currentStyle.minWidth);
+			if (wider && fixedWidth) element.runtimeStyle.width = "";
+			if (wider == fixedWidth) resizeWidth(element);
+		}
+		// resize elements with "max-width" set
+		for (i = 0; i < maxWidth.count; i++) {
+			var element = maxWidth[i];
+			var fixedWidth = (element.runtimeStyle.width == element.currentStyle.maxWidth);
+			if (!wider && fixedWidth) element.runtimeStyle.width = "";
+			if (wider != fixedWidth) resizeWidth(element);
+		}
+		// resize elements with "right" set
+		for (i = 0; i < fixRight.count; i++) resizeRight(fixRight[i]);
+		// take the temporary element out of the DOM
+		removeTempElement();
+	});
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// pixel conversion
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// this is handy because it means that web developers can mix and match
+	//  measurement units in their style sheets. it is not uncommon to
+	//  express something like padding in "em" units whilst border thickness
+	//  is most often expressed in pixels.
+	function getPixelWidth(element, value) {
+		if (PIXEL.test(value)) return parseInt(value);
+		if (PERCENT.test(value)) return parseInt(parseFloat(value) / 100 * layoutParent(element).clientWidth);
+		// inherit style
+		var parentElement = (element.canHaveChildren) ? element : element.parentElement;
+		parentElement.appendChild(ie7_tmp);
+		// resize the temporary element
+		ie7_tmp.style.width = value;
+		// retrieve pixel width
+		return ie7_tmp.offsetWidth;
+	};
+	function getPixelLeft(element, value) {
+		if (parseInt(value) > 0) return getPixelWidth(element, value);
+		if (PIXEL.test(value)) return parseInt(value);
+		element.parentElement.appendChild(ie7_tmp);
+		// resize the temporary element
+		ie7_tmp.style.left = value;
+		// retrieve pixel width
+		return ie7_tmp.offsetLeft;
+	};
+// clone the fixWidth function to create a fixHeight function
+	.replace(/Width/g, "Height").replace(/width/g, "height")
+	.replace(/Left/g, "Top").replace(/left/g, "top")
+	.replace(/Right/g, "Bottom").replace(/right/g, "bottom"));
+// apply box-model + min/max fixes

Added: plog/trunk/js/ie7/src/ie7-content.htm
--- plog/trunk/js/ie7/src/ie7-content.htm	2005-01-13 15:17:11 UTC (rev 743)
+++ plog/trunk/js/ie7/src/ie7-content.htm	2005-01-15 16:33:55 UTC (rev 744)
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+	W3C compliance for Microsoft Internet Explorer
+	this module forms part of IE7
+	IE7 version 0.7.3 (alpha) 2004/09/18
+	by Dean Edwards, 2004
+<object id="dummy" width="0" height="0"></object>
+<base id="base"/>
+<style type="text/css">html,body,img{margin:0;}img{vertical-align:top}#dummy{display:inline}</style>
+<script type="text/javascript">
+public_description = new function() {
+var loaded = false;
+this.ie7_anon = true;
+this.load = function(object, cssContent, cssText) {
+	// stop this method being called more than once
+	if (loaded) return;
+	loaded = true;
+	// paths are realtive to the containing page
+	base.href = object.document.URL;
+	// use IE's style object to format the cssText
+	dummy.style.cssText = cssText;
+	var parent = object.parentElement;
+	var inline = Boolean(dummy.currentStyle.display == "inline");
+	var isURL = /^url\(.*\)$/.test(cssContent);
+	// resize the parent <object> according to the size of content
+	function resize() {
+		object.runtimeStyle.width = (inline) ? body.offsetWidth : "100%";
+		object.runtimeStyle.height = body.offsetHeight;
+	};
+	// create the contents
+	if (isURL) {
+		// use the url(..) contents - currently only images are supported
+		var match = cssContent.match(/url\(\s*(['"]?)([^\)]+)[\1]?\s*\)/);
+		var content = document.createElement("img");
+		var img = new Image;
+		img.onreadystatechange = function(){
+			if (this.readyState == "complete") applyStyle();
+		};
+		body.appendChild(content);
+		img.src = content.src = match[2];
+	} else {
+		// create a text container
+		var content = document.createElement("span");
+		body.appendChild(content);
+		content.innerText = cssContent;
+		applyStyle();
+	}
+	function applyStyle() {
+		// copy css settings of the parent of <object>
+		function copy(propertyName) {
+		try {
+			body.style[propertyName] = parent.currentStyle[propertyName];
+		} catch (ignore) {}};
+		for (var i in body.currentStyle) copy(i);
+		body.style.width = "";
+		body.style.height = "";
+		body.style.padding = "";
+		body.style.textIndent = "";
+		body.style.position = "static";
+		// determine underlying background colour
+		while (parent && parent.currentStyle.backgroundColor == "transparent") {
+			parent = parent.parentElement;
+		}
+		if (parent) document.body.style.backgroundColor = parent.currentStyle.backgroundColor;
+		body.runtimeStyle.cssText = cssText;
+		if (inline) body.runtimeStyle.width = "";
+		object.runtimeStyle.margin = "0";
+		resize();
+	};
+<body><span id="body"></span></body>

Added: plog/trunk/js/ie7/src/ie7-core.js
--- plog/trunk/js/ie7/src/ie7-core.js	2005-01-13 15:17:11 UTC (rev 743)
+++ plog/trunk/js/ie7/src/ie7-core.js	2005-01-15 16:33:55 UTC (rev 744)
@@ -0,0 +1,635 @@
+	W3C compliance for Microsoft Internet Explorer
+	this module forms part of IE7
+	IE7 version 0.7.3 (alpha) 2004/09/18
+	by Dean Edwards, 2004
+/* credits/thanks:
+	Shaggy, Martijn Wargers, Jimmy Cerra, Mark D Anderson,
+	Lars Dieckow, Erik Arvidsson, Gellért Gyuris, James Denny,
+	Unknown W Brackets, Benjamin Westfarer, Rob Eberhardt,
+	Bill Edney, Kevin Newman
+if (!window.IE7) new function() {
+try {
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// globals
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+window.IE7 = this;
+// in case of error...
+var DUMMY = this.addModule = new Function;
+// if the document has been hidden for faster loading, unhide it
+function unHide(){if (document.body) document.body.style.visibility = "visible"};
+// IE7 version info
+this.toString = function(){return "IE7 version 0.7.3 (alpha)"};
+// error reporting
+var alert = (/ie7_debug/.test(location.search)) ? function(message) {
+	window.alert(IE7 + "\n\n" + message);
+} : DUMMY;
+var appVersion = navigator.appVersion.match(/MSIE (\d\.\d)/)[1];
+// IE7 can be turned "off"
+if (/ie7_off/.test(location.search) || appVersion < 5 ||
+	!/^ms_/.test(document.documentElement.uniqueID)) return unHide();
+// IE version info
+var quirksMode = Boolean(document.compatMode != "CSS1Compat");
+// assume html unless explicitly defined
+var isHTML = (typeof document.mimeType == "unknown") ?
+	!/\.xml$/i.test(location.pathname) :
+	Boolean(document.mimeType != "XML Document");
+// ie7 style sheet text
+var LINKS = ":link{ie7-link:link}:visited{ie7-link:visited}";
+if (!isHTML) HEADER += "*{margin:0}";
+// another global
+var HTMLFixes; // loaded separately
+var documentElement = document.documentElement;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// external
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// cache for the various modules that make up IE7.
+//  modules are stored as functions. these are executed
+//  after the style sheet text has been loaded.
+// storing the modules as functions means that we avoid
+//  name clashes with other modules.
+var modules = {};
+this.addModule = function(name, script, autoload) {
+	if (!modules) return;
+	// re-evelaute the script module in the scope of the main script
+	if (loaded) eval("script=" + String(script));
+	// this flag means execute immediately
+	if (autoload) {
+		script();
+		script = DUMMY;
+	}
+	// store the module
+	modules[name] = script;
+var RELATIVE = /^[\w\.]+[^:]*$/;
+function makePath(href, path) {
+	if (RELATIVE.test(href)) href = (path || "") + href;
+	return href;
+function getPath(href, path) {
+	href = makePath(href, path);
+	return href.slice(0, href.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
+// get the path to this script
+var path = getPath(document.scripts[document.scripts.length - 1].src);
+// we'll use microsoft's http request object to load external files
+var httpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
+function load(href, path) {
+try {
+	href = makePath(href, path);
+	// easy to load a file huh?
+	httpRequest.open("GET", href, false);
+	httpRequest.send();
+	return httpRequest.responseText;
+} catch (ignore) {
+	alert("Error [1]: could not load file " + href);
+	return "";
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// IE5.0 compatibility
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// annoying but necessary
+var push = function(array, item) {return array.push(item)};
+var pop = function(array) {return array.pop()};
+// load an external module to patch IE5.0 and override the functions above
+if (appVersion < 5.5) eval(load("ie7-ie5.js", path));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  IE7 style sheet
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// create the internal IE7 style sheet
+if (document.readyState == "complete" || !isHTML) document.createStyleSheet();
+// this fixes a bug to do with the <base> tag
+else document.write("<style></style>");
+// get the new style sheet
+this.styleSheet = document.styleSheets[document.styleSheets.length - 1];
+// initialise the text
+this.styleSheet.cssText = LINKS;
+// mark it as internal
+this.styleSheet.ie7 = true;
+// store loaded cssText URLs
+var cssText = {};
+// load an external style sheet
+function loadStyleSheet(styleSheet, path) {
+	var url = makePath(styleSheet.href, path);
+	if (cssText[url]) return "";
+	// load from source
+	cssText[url] = (styleSheet.disabled) ? "" : fixUrls(getCSSText(styleSheet, path), getPath(styleSheet.href, path));
+	return cssText[url];
+// retrieve the text of a style sheet
+var getCSSText = function(styleSheet) {
+	// without the CSS2 module we assume CSS1, so it is safe to get Microsoft's stored text
+	return styleSheet.cssText;
+// fix css paths
+var URL = /(url\(['"]?)([\w\.]+[^:\)]*['"]?\))/gi;
+// we're lumping all css text into one big style sheet so relative
+//  paths have to be fixed. this is necessary anyway because of other
+//  explorer bugs.
+function fixUrls(cssText, pathname) {
+	// hack & slash
+	return cssText.replace(URL, "$1" + pathname.slice(0, pathname.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) + "$2");
+// a store for functions that will be called when refreshing IE7
+this.recalcs = [];
+// be aware of the css modules (do nothing if it's not there)
+this.parse = DUMMY;
+var complete = false; // IE7 applied?
+function _load() {
+try {
+	// don't call this function again
+	complete = true; // IE7 applied!
+	var MEDIA = /\bscreen\b|\ball\b|^$/i; // valid media settings
+	// handy reference to the sytle sheets collection
+	var styleSheets = document.styleSheets;
+	var inlineStyles = [];
+	var styles = document.getElementsByTagName("style");
+	for (var i = styles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+		// don't include the ie7 style header
+		push(inlineStyles, /ie7-link/.test(styles[i].innerHTML)?"":styles[i].innerHTML);
+	}
+	// retrieve unparsed css text. inline style sheets have their
+	//  unparsed css text cached by ie7-style.htc.
+	function getCSSText(styleSheet, path) {
+		var cssText = "";
+		// loop through imported style sheets
+		if (MEDIA.test(styleSheet.media)) {
+			for (var i = 0; i < styleSheet.imports.length; i++) {
+				// call this function recursively to get all
+				//  imported style sheets
+				cssText += arguments.callee(styleSheet.imports[i], getPath(styleSheet.href, path));
+			}
+			// retrieve inline style or load an external style sheet
+			cssText += ((styleSheet.href) ? loadStyleSheet(styleSheet, path) : pop(inlineStyles));
+		}
+		return cssText;
+	};
+	// store for style sheet text
+	IE7.cssText = "";
+	// load all style sheets in the document
+	for (i = 0; i < styleSheets.length; i++) IE7.cssText += getCSSText(styleSheets[i], "");
+	// tidy the style sheet text (remove comments etc)
+	IE7.cssText = encode(IE7.cssText);
+	// load modules (ie7 components)
+	for (i in modules) modules[i]();
+	// prevent further loading
+	delete modules;
+	// fix html page elements (i.e. <abbr>)
+	if (HTMLFixes) HTMLFixes.apply();
+	// apply fixes to the style sheet text (text parse)
+	CSSFixes.apply();
+	// parse css text (ie7 classes and rules)
+	IE7.parse();
+	// load the new css text
+	IE7.styleSheet.cssText = HEADER + decode(IE7.cssText);
+	// trash the old style sheets
+	for (i = 0; i < styleSheets.length; i++) {
+		if (!styleSheets[i].disabled && !styleSheets[i].ie7) styleSheets[i].cssText = "";
+	}
+	// refresh the document
+	IE7.recalc();
+	alert("loaded successfully");
+} catch (error) {
+	alert("Error [2]: " + error.description);
+} finally {
+	unHide();
+// this will change some more later.
+//  but for the moment this is how i'm applying the various fixes
+//  (this and the huge constructor function preceding it..)
+this.recalc = function() {
+	// re-apply style sheet rules (re-calculate ie7 classes)
+	CSSFixes.recalc();
+	// apply global fixes to the document (and some tidying)
+	for (var i = 0; i < this.recalcs.length; i++) this.recalcs[i]();
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  fix css
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// two key methods of the CSSFixes object:
+// 1. addFix(pattern, replace)
+//  make a direct text replacement to style sheet text.
+//  pattern: a RegExp representing the text to replace
+//  replace: a String representing the replacement text
+// 2. addRecalc(pattern, fix)
+//  identify elements that match a piece of style sheet text
+//  pattern: a RegExp representing the text to replace
+//  fix: a Function that takes any matching element as it's only parameter
+var CSSFixes = new function() {
+	var fixes = []; // private
+	this.addFix = function() {
+		push(fixes, arguments);
+	};
+	var recalcs = []; // private
+	this.addRecalc = function(pattern, fix) {
+		var reg = new RegExp("([^{}]*)\\{([^}]*[^\\w-])?" + pattern, "gi");
+		var cssText = IE7.cssText;
+		pattern = [];
+		while (match = reg.exec(cssText)) {
+			push(pattern, match[1]);
+			// fix for IE5.0
+			if (appVersion < 5.5) cssText = cssText.slice(match.lastIndex);
+		}
+		if (pattern.length) {
+			pattern = pattern.toString();
+			push(recalcs, arguments);
+		}
+	};
+	this.apply = function() {
+		// loop through the fixes
+		// they consist of a pair of arguments passed to a String.replace
+		// function. the replacement is made to the entire style sheet text
+		for (var i = 0; i < fixes.length; i++) {
+			IE7.cssText = IE7.cssText.replace(fixes[i][0], fixes[i][1]);
+		}
+		// add recalcs here
+		this.addRecalc("box-sizing\\s*:\\s*content-box", boxSizing);
+		// fix "unscrollable content" bug (http://www.positioniseverything.net/explorer/unscrollable.html)
+		this.addRecalc("position\\s*:\\s*absolute", function(element) {
+			if (element.offsetParent.currentStyle.position == "relative") boxSizing(element.offsetParent);
+		});
+	};
+	// placeholder for the css module
+	this.recalc = function() {
+		// loop through the fixes
+		for (var i = 0; i < recalcs.length; i++) {
+			var elements = cssQuery(recalcs[i][0]);
+			for (var j = 0; j < elements.length; j++) recalcs[i][1](elements[j]);
+		}
+	};
+	// fix "double margin" bug (http://www.positioniseverything.net/explorer/doubled-margin.html)
+	this.addFix(/(float\s*:\s*(left|right))/gi, "display:inline;$1");
+	// display:list-item (IE5.x)
+	if (appVersion < 6) this.addFix(/display\s*:\s*list-item/gi, "display:block");
+	if (quirksMode) {
+		// named font-sizes are too small
+		var SIZES = "xx-small,x-small,small,medium,large,x-large,xx-large".split(",");
+		for (var i = 0; i < SIZES.length; i++) SIZES[SIZES[i]] = SIZES[i - 1] || "xx-small";
+		function replace($,$1,$2,$3){return $1+SIZES[$3]};
+		this.addFix(new RegExp("(font(-size)?\\s*:\\s*)(" + SIZES.join("|") + ")", "gi"), replace);
+	}
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  css query engine
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// optimised for speed not readability (sorry)
+// this is basically version 2 of cssQuery. it is a lot more complicated
+//  but *very* configurable..
+// the following functions allow querying of the DOM using CSS selectors
+var STANDARD_SELECT = /^[^>\+~\s]/;
+var STREAM = /[\s>\+~:@#\.\(\)]|[^\s>\+~:@#\.\(\)]+/g;
+var NAMESPACE = /\|/;
+var IMPLIED_SELECTOR = /([\s>~\,]|[^(]\+|^)([\.:#@])/g;
+var ASTERISK ="$1*$2";
+// cache results for faster processing
+var cssCache = {};
+// this is the main query function
+function cssQuery(selector, from) {
+	var useCache = !from;
+	var base = (from) ? (from.constructor == Array) ? from : [from] : [document];
+	// process comma separated selectors
+	var selectors = selector.replace(IMPLIED_SELECTOR, ASTERISK).split(",");
+	var match = [];
+	for (var i = 0; i < selectors.length; i++) {
+		// convert the selector to a stream
+		selector = toStream(selectors[i]);
+		// faster chop if it starts with id
+		if (selector.slice(0, 3).join("") == " *#") {
+			selector = selector.slice(2);
+			from = selectById(base, selector[1]);
+		} else from = base;
+		// process the stream
+		var j = 0, token, filter, filterArgs, cacheSelector = "";
+		while (j < selector.length) {
+			token = selector[j++];
+			filter = selector[j++];
+			cacheSelector += token + filter;
+			filterArgs = "";
+			if (selector[j] == "(") {
+				while (selector[j++] != ")") filterArgs += selector[j];
+				filterArgs = filterArgs.slice(0, -1);
+				cacheSelector += "(" + filterArgs + ")";
+			}
+			// process a token/filter pair
+			from = (useCache && cssCache[cacheSelector]) ?
+				cssCache[cacheSelector] : select(from, token, filter, filterArgs);
+			if (useCache) cssCache[cacheSelector] = from;
+		}
+		match = match.concat(from);
+	}
+	// return the filtered selection
+	return match;
+// convert css selectors to a stream of tokens and filters
+//  it's not a real stream. it's just an array of strings.
+function toStream(selector) {
+	if (STANDARD_SELECT.test(selector)) selector = " " + selector;
+	return selector.match(STREAM);
+// select a set of matching elements.
+// "from" is an array of elements.
+// "token" is a character representing the type of filter
+//  e.g. ">" means child selector
+// "filter" represents the tag name, id or class name that is being selected
+// the function returns an array of matching elements
+function select(from, token, filter, filterArgs) {
+	//alert("token="+token+",filter="+filter+",filterArgs="+filterArgs+",from="+from.length);
+	var scopeName = "";
+	if (NAMESPACE.test(filter)) {
+		filter = filter.split("|");
+		scopeName = filter[0];
+		filter = filter[1];
+	}
+	var filtered = [];
+	if (selectors[token]) selectors[token](filtered, from, filter, scopeName || filterArgs);
+	return filtered;
+function selectById(from, id) {
+	//alert("id="+id+",from="+from.length);
+	var filtered = [], i, j;
+	for (i = 0; i < from.length; i++) {
+		var match = from[i].all.item(id);
+		if (match) {
+			if (match.length == null) push(filtered, match);
+			else for (j = 0; j < match.length; j++) push(filtered, match[j]);
+		}
+	}
+	return filtered;
+var selectors = { // CSS1
+	// descendant selector
+	" ": function(filtered, from, filter, scopeName) {
+		// loop through current selection
+		for (var i = 0; i < from.length; i++) {
+			// get descendants
+			var subset = (filter == "*" && from[i].all) ? from[i].all : from[i].getElementsByTagName(filter);
+			// loop through descendants and add to filtered selection
+			for (var j = 0; j < subset.length; j++) {
+				if (isElement(subset[j]) && (!scopeName || subset[j].scopeName == scopeName))
+					push(filtered, subset[j]);
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	// ID selector
+	"#": function(filtered, from, filter) {
+		// loop through current selection and check ID
+		for (var i = 0; i < from.length; i++) if (from[i].id == filter) push(filtered, from[i]);
+	},
+	// class selector
+	".": function(filtered, from, filter) {
+		// create a RegExp version of the class
+		filter = new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + filter + "(\\s|$)");
+		// loop through current selection and check class
+		for (var i = 0; i < from.length; i++) if (filter.test(from[i].className)) push(filtered, from[i]);
+	},
+	// pseudo-class selector
+	":": function(filtered, from, filter, filterArgs) {
+		// retrieve the cssQuery pseudo-class function
+		filter = pseudoClasses[filter];
+		// loop through current selection and apply pseudo-class filter
+		if (filter) for (var i = 0; i < from.length; i++)
+			// if the cssQuery pseudo-class function returns "true" add the element
+			if (filter(from[i], filterArgs)) push(filtered, from[i]);
+	}
+var attributeTests = "";
+var pseudoClasses = { // static
+	toString: function() {
+		var toString = [];
+		for (var pseudoClass in this) {
+			if (pseudoClass != "link" && pseudoClass != "visited") {
+				if (this[pseudoClass].length > 1) pseudoClass += "\\([^)]*\\)";
+				push(toString, pseudoClass);
+			}
+		}
+		return toString.join("|");
+	},
+	// the "ie7-link" property is set by text contained in the IE7 generated style sheet.
+	// (the text is stored in the "LINKS" variable)
+	"link": function(element) {
+		return Boolean(element.currentStyle["ie7-link"] == "link");
+	},
+	"visited": function(element) {
+		return Boolean(element.currentStyle["ie7-link"] == "visited");
+	}
+// we'll let explorer handle CSS1 dynamic pseudo classes (hover, active)
+var dynamicPseudoClasses = {toString: pseudoClasses.toString};
+// other IE7 CSS modules can expand this object
+// how tedious..
+function compareTagName(element, tagName, scopeName) {
+	if (scopeName && element.scopeName != scopeName) return false;
+	return (tagName == "*") ? isElement(element) : (isHTML) ?
+		(element.tagName == tagName.toUpperCase()) : (element.tagName == tagName);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// encoding
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// a style sheet must be prepared for parsing.
+// this means stripping out comments etc
+// strings are encoded to avoid parsing bugs (are you reading this microsoft?)
+var strings = [];
+function getString(string) {
+	return QUOTED.test(string) ? strings[string.slice(1, -1)] : string;
+var encode = function(cssText) {
+	return cssText
+	// remove comments (gellért gyuris)
+	.replace(/(\/\*[^\*]*\*+([^\/][^\*]*\*+)*\/)|('[^']*')|("[^"]*")/g, function(match) {
+		return (match.charAt(0) == "/") ? "" : "'" + (push(strings, match.slice(1, -1)) - 1) + "'";
+	})
+	// parse out @namespace/@import (restating them crashes explorer!)
+	.replace(/@(namespace|import)[^;\n]+[;\n]|<!\-\-|\-\->/g, "")
+	// fix IE namespaces
+	.replace(/\\:/g, "|")
+	// trim whitespace
+	.replace(/^\s+|\s*([\{\}\+\,>~\s;])\s*|\s+$/g, "$1");
+function decode(cssText) {
+	// fix IE namespaces
+	return cssText.replace(/\|/g, "\\:").replace(/'(\d+)'/g, function(match, key) {
+		return strings[key];
+	});
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// event handling
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+var handlers = [];
+// add an event handler (function) to an element
+function addEventHandler(element, type, handler) {
+	element.attachEvent(type, handler);
+	// store the handler so it can be detached later
+	push(handlers, arguments);
+// remove an event handler assigned to an element by IE7
+function removeEventHandler(element, type, handler) {
+try {
+	element.detachEvent(type, handler);
+} catch (ignore) {
+	// write a letter of complaint to microsoft..
+// remove event handlers (they eat memory)
+window.attachEvent("onbeforeunload", function() {
+ 	while (handlers.length) {
+ 		var handler = pop(handlers);
+ 		removeEventHandler(handler[0], handler[1], handler[2]);
+ 	};
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// shared box-model support
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// does an element have "layout" ?
+var hasLayout = (appVersion < 6) ? function(element) {
+	return element.clientWidth;
+} : function(element) {
+	return element.currentStyle.hasLayout;
+// give an element "layout"
+function boxSizing(element) {
+	if (!hasLayout(element)) {
+		element.contentEditable = false; // jimmy cerra
+		fixMargins(firstChildElement(element));
+	}
+// stop margins collapsing when an element is given "layout"
+function fixMargins(element) {
+	while (element) {
+		element.runtimeStyle.marginTop = element.currentStyle.marginTop;
+		element = nextElement(element);
+	}
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// generic
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+var QUOTED = /('[^']*')|("[^"]*")/;
+function quote(value) {return (QUOTED.test(value)) ? value : "'" + value + "'"};
+function unquote(value) {return (QUOTED.test(value)) ? value.slice(1, -1) : value};
+// create a hidden element - used for testing pixel values
+function tmpElement(tagName) {
+	var element = document.createElement(tagName || "object");
+	element.style.cssText = "position:absolute;padding:0;display:block;border:none;clip:rect(0 0 0 0);left:-9999";
+	return element;
+// IE5.x includes comments (LOL) in it's element collections.
+// so we have to check for this. the test is tagName != "!". LOL (again).
+function isElement(node) {
+	return Boolean(node && node.nodeType == 1 && node.tagName != "!" && !node.ie7_anon);
+// return the previous element to the supplied element
+//  previousSibling is not good enough as it might return a text or comment node
+function previousElement(element) {
+	while (element && (element = element.previousSibling) && !isElement(element)) continue;
+	return element;
+// return the next element to the supplied element
+function nextElement(element) {
+	while (element && (element = element.nextSibling) && !isElement(element)) continue;
+	return element;
+// return the first child ELEMENT of an element
+//  NOT the first child node (though they may be the same thing)
+function firstChildElement(element) {
+	element = element.firstChild;
+	return (isElement(element)) ? element : nextElement(element);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  modules
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//## paste modules here when building IE7 libraries (gotta know what you are doing though!)
+var loaded = true;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  initialisation
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// this script may be inserted via a favelet so the page is already loaded
+if (document.readyState == "complete") _load();
+// apply IE7 when all markup has been parsed by the browser
+else addEventHandler(document, "onreadystatechange", function() {
+	if (!complete && document.readyState == "complete") setTimeout(_load, 0);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  error handling
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+} catch (error) {
+	unHide();
+	alert("Error [0]: " + error.description);
+} finally {
+	// have a beer...

Added: plog/trunk/js/ie7/src/ie7-css-strict.js
--- plog/trunk/js/ie7/src/ie7-css-strict.js	2005-01-13 15:17:11 UTC (rev 743)
+++ plog/trunk/js/ie7/src/ie7-css-strict.js	2005-01-15 16:33:55 UTC (rev 744)
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+	W3C compliance for Microsoft Internet Explorer
+	this module forms part of IE7
+	IE7 version 0.7.3 (alpha) 2004/09/18
+	by Dean Edwards, 2004
+if (window.IE7) IE7.addModule("ie7-strict", function() {
+// requires another module
+if (!modules["ie7-css2"]) return;
+// constants
+var NONE = [], ID = /#/g, CLASS = /[:@\.]/g, TAG = /^\w|[\s>+~]\w/g;
+IE7.parser.parse = function(cssText) {
+	var DYNAMIC = new RegExp("(.*):(" + dynamicPseudoClasses + ")(.*)");
+	function addRule(selector, cssText) {
+		var match = selector.match(DYNAMIC);
+		// dynamic style (hover/active/focus)
+		if (match) new DynamicRule(selector, match[1], match[2], match[3], cssText);
+		// static style
+		else new Rule(selector, cssText);
+	};
+	// anonymous content
+	cssText = cssText.replace(IE7.PseudoElement.ALL, IE7.PseudoElement.ID);
+	// convert all selectors to ie7 classes
+	var RULE = /([^\{]+)\{(\d+)\}/g, match;
+	while (match = RULE.exec(cssText)) {
+		addRule(match[1], match[2]);
+		// fix for IE5.0
+		if (appVersion < 5.5) cssText = cssText.slice(match.lastIndex);
+	}
+	// sort the classes by specificity
+	IE7.classes.sort(Rule.compare);
+	// return the new style sheet text
+	return IE7.classes.join("\n");
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// IE7 rules (strict)
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// constructor
+function Rule(selector, cssText) {
+	// initialise object properties
+	this.cssText = cssText;
+	this.specificity = Rule.score(selector);
+	// inheritance
+	this.inherit = IE7.Class;
+	this.inherit(selector);
+// inheritance
+Rule.prototype = new IE7.Class.ancestor;
+Rule.prototype.toString = function() {
+	return "." + this.name + "{" + this.cssText + "}";
+// class methods
+Rule.score = function(selector) {
+	return (selector.match(ID)||NONE).length * 10000 +
+	       (selector.match(CLASS)||NONE).length * 100 +
+	       (selector.match(TAG)||NONE).length;
+Rule.compare = function(rule1, rule2) {
+	return rule1.specificity - rule2.specificity;
+// constructor
+function DynamicRule(selector, attach, dynamicPseudoClass, target, cssText) {
+	// initialise object properties
+	this.cssText = cssText;
+	this.specificity = Rule.score(selector);
+	// inheritance
+	this.inherit = IE7.DynamicStyle;
+	this.inherit(selector, attach, dynamicPseudoClass, target);
+// inheritance
+DynamicRule.prototype = new IE7.DynamicStyle.ancestor;
+DynamicRule.prototype.toString = Rule.prototype.toString;

Added: plog/trunk/js/ie7/src/ie7-css2.js
--- plog/trunk/js/ie7/src/ie7-css2.js	2005-01-13 15:17:11 UTC (rev 743)
+++ plog/trunk/js/ie7/src/ie7-css2.js	2005-01-15 16:33:55 UTC (rev 744)
@@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
+	W3C compliance for Microsoft Internet Explorer
+	this module forms part of IE7
+	IE7 version 0.7.3 (alpha) 2004/09/18
+	by Dean Edwards, 2004
+if (window.IE7) IE7.addModule("ie7-css2", function() {
+// this has lost its oo shape due to IE5.0 inadequcies and
+//  the demands of multiple inheritance (sometimes it's just
+//  easier that way).
+// constants
+var CHILD = />/g, ANCHOR = /(\ba(\.[\w-]+)?)$/i;
+// cache ie7 classes
+IE7.classes = [];
+// override the previously defined dummy parser
+IE7.parser = new Parser;
+// constructors are stored on the IE7 interface
+//  this is in anticipation of ie7-css-strict.js
+IE7.Class = Class;
+IE7.DynamicStyle = DynamicStyle;
+IE7.PseudoElement = PseudoElement;
+// replace unknown css2/3 selectors with ie7 classes
+IE7.parse = function() {
+	// parse the style sheet
+	with (this.parser) this.cssText = decode(parse(encode(this.cssText)));
+	// execute underlying queries of IE7 classes
+	for (var i = 0; i < IE7.classes.length; i++) IE7.classes[i].exec();
+	// create pseudo elements
+	for (i = 0; i < pseudoElements.length; i++) pseudoElements[i].create();
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  parser
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// override getCSSText function defined in ie7-core.
+// explorer will trash unknown selectors (it converts them to "UNKNOWN").
+// so we must reload external style sheets (internal style sheets can have their text
+//  extracted through the innerHTML property).
+getCSSText = function(styleSheet, path) {
+	// load the style sheet text from an external file
+	return load(styleSheet.href, path);
+var encoded = []; // private
+function Parser() {
+	// public
+	this.parse = function(cssText) {
+		// create regular expressions
+		Class.ALL = new RegExp("[^},\\s]*([>+~][^:@,\\s{]+|:(" + pseudoClasses +
+			")|\\.[\\w-]+\\.[\\w-.]+|@[@\\d]+)", "g");
+		Class.COMPLEX = new RegExp("[^\\s(]+[+~]|@\\d+|:(link|visited|" + pseudoClasses + "|" +
+			dynamicPseudoClasses + ")|\\.[\\w-.]+", "g");
+		DynamicStyle.ALL = new RegExp("([^}]*):(" + dynamicPseudoClasses + ")([^{]*)", "g");
+		// parse out unknown CSS selectors
+		return cssText
+		.replace(PseudoElement.ALL, PseudoElement.ID)
+		.replace(DynamicStyle.ALL, DynamicStyle.ID)
+		.replace(Class.ALL, Class.ID);
+	};
+	this.encode = function(cssText) {
+		// create regular expressions
+		AttributeSelector.ALL = new RegExp("\\[([^" + attributeTests + "=\\]]+)([" +
+			attributeTests + "]?=?)([^\\]]+)?\\]", "g");
+		return cssText
+		// parse out attribute selectors
+		.replace(AttributeSelector.ALL, AttributeSelector.ID)
+		// encode style blocks
+		.replace(/\{[^\}]*\}/g, function($){return "{"+(push(encoded,$)-1)+"}"})
+		// remove double semi-colons (::before)
+		.replace(/::/g, ":")
+		// split comma separated selectors
+		.replace(/([^\}\s]*\,[^\{]*)(\{\d+\})/g, function(match, left, right) {
+			return left.split(",").join(right) + right;
+		});
+	};
+	// put style blocks back
+	this.decode = function(cssText) {
+		return cssText.replace(/\{(\d+)\}/g, function($, $1){return encoded[$1]});
+	};
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// IE7 style classes
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// virtual
+function _Class() {
+	// properties
+//- this.id = 0;
+//- this.name = "";
+//- this.selector = "";
+//- this.MATCH = null;
+	this.toString = function() {
+		return "." + this.name;
+	};
+	// methods
+	this.add = function(element) {
+		// allocate this class
+		element.className += " " + this.name;
+	};
+	this.remove = function(element) {
+		// deallocate this class
+		element.className = element.className.replace(this.MATCH, "");
+	};
+	this.exec = function() {
+		// execute the underlying css query for this class
+		var match = cssQuery(this.selector);
+		// add the class name for all matching elements
+		for (var i = 0; i < match.length; i++) this.add(match[i]);
+	};
+// constructor
+function Class(selector, cssText) {
+	this.id = IE7.classes.length;
+	this.name = Class.PREFIX + this.id;
+	this.selector = selector;
+	this.MATCH = new RegExp("\\s" + this.name + "\\b", "g");
+	push(IE7.classes, this);
+// inheritance
+Class.ancestor = _Class;
+Class.prototype = new _Class;
+// constants
+Class.PREFIX = "ie7_";
+// class methods
+Class.ID = function(match) {
+	return simpleSelector(match) + new Class(match);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// IE7 dynamic style
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// class properties:
+// attach: the element that an event handler will be attached to
+// target: the element that will have the IE7 class applied
+// virtual
+function _DynamicStyle() {
+//- this.attach = "";
+//- this.dynamicPseudoClass = null;
+//- this.target = "";
+	// execute the underlying css query for this class
+	this.exec = function() {
+		var match = cssQuery(this.attach);
+		// process results
+		for (var i = 0; i < match.length; i++) {
+			// retrieve the event handler's target element(s)
+			var target = (this.target) ? cssQuery(this.target, match[i]) : [match[i]];
+			// attach event handlers for dynamic pseudo-classes
+			if (target) this.dynamicPseudoClass(match[i], target, this);
+		}
+	};
+// inheritance
+_DynamicStyle.prototype = new _Class;
+// constructor
+function DynamicStyle(selector, attach, dynamicPseudoClass, target) {
+	// initialise object properties
+	this.attach = attach;
+	this.dynamicPseudoClass = dynamicPseudoClasses[dynamicPseudoClass];
+	this.target = target;
+	// inheritance
+	this.inherit = Class;
+	this.inherit(selector);
+// inheritance
+DynamicStyle.ancestor = _DynamicStyle;
+DynamicStyle.prototype = new _DynamicStyle;
+// class methods
+DynamicStyle.ID = function(match, attach, dynamicPseudoClass, target) {
+	// no need to capture anchor events
+	if (isHTML && dynamicPseudoClass != "focus" && ANCHOR.test(attach) && !/[+>~]/.test(target)) return match;
+	return simpleSelector(match) + new DynamicStyle(match, attach, dynamicPseudoClass, target);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// IE7 pseudo elements
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSS text required by the "content" property
+HEADER += ".ie7_anon{vertical-align:top;display:inline}";
+// convert unicode hexadecimal to javascript string
+var HEX = /\\([a-fA-F\d]+)/g;
+function unicode(match, code){return eval("'\\u" + "0000".slice(code.length) + code + "'")};
+var pseudoElements = [];
+// virtual
+function _PseudoElement() {
+//- this.position = "before";
+	this.content = null;
+	// this means that the style rule is represented by an empty string
+	//  in the IE7 style sheet (effectively deleting it)
+	this.toString = function(){return ""};
+	// specificity is not required for pseudo elements
+	this.specificity = 0;
+	// used to load <object type=x-scriptlet>
+	function addTimer(object, content, cssText) {
+		var timer = setInterval(function() {
+		try {
+			// wait until the object has loaded
+			if (!object.load) return;
+			object.load(object, content, cssText);
+			clearInterval(timer);
+		} catch (ignore) {
+			// remote scripting
+			clearInterval(timer);
+		}}, 10);
+	};
+	// execute the underlying css query for this class
+	this.create = function() {
+		if (this.content == null) return;
+		for (var i = 0; i < this.match.length; i++) {
+			var target = this.match[i];
+			var pseudoElement = target.runtimeStyle[this.position];
+			if (pseudoElement) {
+				// parent for new content
+				var parentElement = target.canHaveChildren ? target : target.parentElement;
+				// external data?
+				var isURL = /^url\(.*\)$/.test(this.content);
+				// create the pseudo element (<object> if external, <!> if internal)
+				var element = document.createElement(isURL?PseudoElement.OBJECT:"!");
+				// flag it as anonymous
+				element.ie7_anon = true;
+				// apply style
+				element.runtimeStyle.cssText = pseudoElement.cssText;
+				// use text content
+				if (!isURL) element.innerText = pseudoElement.content;
+				// insert the pseudo element
+				if (this.position == "before") {
+					parentElement.insertBefore(element, parentElement.firstChild);
+				} else {
+					parentElement.appendChild(element);
+				}
+				// give the <object> a chance to load
+				if (isURL) addTimer(element, pseudoElement.content, pseudoElement.cssText);
+				target.runtimeStyle[this.position] = null;
+			}
+		}
+	};
+	// execute the underlying css query for this class
+	this.exec = function() {
+		// execute the underlying css query for this class
+		this.match = cssQuery(this.selector);
+		// add the class name for all matching elements
+		for (var i = 0; i < this.match.length; i++) {
+			var runtimeStyle = this.match[i].runtimeStyle;
+			if (!runtimeStyle[this.position]) runtimeStyle[this.position] = {cssText:""};
+			runtimeStyle[this.position].cssText += ";" + this.cssText;
+			if (this.content != null) runtimeStyle[this.position].content = this.content;
+		}
+	};
+// inheritance
+_PseudoElement.prototype = new _Class;
+// constructor
+function PseudoElement(selector, position, cssText) {
+	// initialise object properties
+	this.position = position;
+	this.cssText = encoded[cssText].slice(1, -1);
+	var content = this.cssText.match(PseudoElement.CONTENT);
+	if (content) this.content = getString(content[1]).replace(HEX, unicode);
+	// inheritance
+	this.inherit = Class;
+	this.inherit(selector);
+	// store this class so we can execute it later
+	push(pseudoElements, this);
+// inheritance
+PseudoElement.ancestor = _PseudoElement;
+PseudoElement.prototype = new _PseudoElement;
+// class methods
+PseudoElement.ID = function(match, selector, position, cssText) {
+	return new PseudoElement(selector, position, cssText);
+PseudoElement.ALL = /([^}]*):(before|after)[^{]*\{([^}]*)\}/g;
+PseudoElement.CONTENT = /content\s*:\s*([^;]*)(;|$)/;
+PseudoElement.OBJECT = "<object class=ie7_anon data='" + makePath("ie7-content.htm", path) +
+"' width=100% height=0 type=text/x-scriptlet>";
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// selectors
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// child selector
+selectors[">"] = function(filtered, from, filter, scopeName) {
+	for (var i = 0; i < from.length; i++) {
+		var subset = from[i].children;
+		for (var j = 0; j < subset.length; j++)
+			if (compareTagName(subset[j], filter, scopeName)) push(filtered, subset[j]);
+	}
+// sibling selector
+selectors["+"] = function(filtered, from, filter, scopeName) {
+	for (var i = 0; i < from.length; i++) {
+		var adjacent = nextElement(from[i]);
+		if (adjacent && compareTagName(adjacent, filter, scopeName)) push(filtered, adjacent);
+	}
+// attribute selector
+selectors["@"] = function(filtered, from, filter) {
+	filter = attributeSelectors[filter];
+	for (var i = 0; i < from.length; i++) if (filter(from[i])) push(filtered, from[i]);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// pseudo-classes
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+pseudoClasses["first-child"] = function(element) {
+	return !previousElement(element);
+pseudoClasses["lang"] = function(element, filterArgs) {
+	filterArgs = new RegExp("^" + filterArgs, "i");
+	while (element && !element.getAttribute("lang")) element = element.parentNode;
+	return element && filterArgs.test(element.getAttribute("lang"));
+dynamicPseudoClasses.hover = function(element) {
+	var instance = arguments;
+	addEventHandler(element, "onmouseover", function() {
+		IE7.Event.hover.register(instance);
+	});
+	addEventHandler(element, "onmouseout", function() {
+		IE7.Event.hover.unregister(instance);
+	});
+dynamicPseudoClasses.active = function(element) {
+	var instance = arguments;
+	addEventHandler(element, "onmousedown", function() {
+		IE7.Event.active.register(instance);
+	});
+dynamicPseudoClasses.focus = function(element) {
+	var instance = arguments;
+	addEventHandler(element, "onfocus", function() {
+		IE7.Event.focus.register(instance);
+	});
+	addEventHandler(element, "onblur", function() {
+		IE7.Event.focus.unregister(instance);
+	});
+	// check focus of the active element
+	if (element == document.activeElement) {
+		IE7.Event.focus.register(instance)
+	}
+// globally trap the mouseup event (thanks Martijn!)
+addEventHandler(document, "onmouseup", function() {
+	var ie7Event = IE7.Event.active;
+	var instances = ie7Event.instances, i;
+	for (i in instances) ie7Event.unregister(instances[i]);
+	ie7Event = IE7.Event.hover;
+	instances = ie7Event.instances;
+	for (i in instances)
+		if (!instances[i][0].contains(event.srcElement))
+			ie7Event.unregister(instances[i]);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  attribute selectors
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+var attributeSelectors = [];
+var ESCAPE = /([/()[\]?{}|*+])/g;
+function AttributeSelector(attribute, compare, value) {
+	// properties
+	value = getString(value);
+	this.id = attributeSelectors.length;
+	// build the test expression
+	switch (attribute.toLowerCase()) {
+		case "id":
+			attribute = "element.id.replace(/ms_\\d+/g,'')";
+			break;
+		case "class":
+			attribute = "element.className.replace(/\\b\\s*ie7_\\d+/g,'')";
+			break;
+		default:
+			attribute = "element.getAttribute('" + attribute + "')";
+	}
+	// continue building the test expression
+	compare = attributeTests[compare];
+	push(attributeSelectors, new Function("element", "return " + compare(attribute, value)));
+AttributeSelector.ID = function(match, attribute, compare, value) {
+	return new AttributeSelector(attribute, compare, value);
+AttributeSelector.prototype.toString = function() {
+	return AttributeSelector.PREFIX + this.id;
+attributeTests = {
+	toString: function() {
+		var toString = [];
+		for (var i in this) if (i && i != "escape") push(toString, i);
+		return toString.join("").replace(/=/g, "");
+	},
+	escape: function(value) {
+		return value.replace(ESCAPE, "\\$1");
+	},
+	"": function(attribute) {
+		return attribute;
+	},
+	"=": function(attribute, value) {
+		return attribute + "==" + quote(value);
+	},
+	"~=": function(attribute, value) {
+		return "/(^|\\s)" + attributeTests.escape(value) + "(\\s|$)/.test(" + attribute + ")";
+	},
+	"|=": function(attribute, value) {
+		return "/^" + attributeTests.escape(value) + "(-|$)/.test(" + attribute + ")";
+	}
+// constants
+AttributeSelector.PREFIX = "@";
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  IE7 events
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// virtual
+function _ie7Event() {
+	// properties
+//- this.type = "";
+//- this.instances = null;
+	// methods
+	this.register = function(instance) {
+		// an "instance" is actually an Arguments object
+		var element = instance[0];
+		var target = instance[1];
+		var Class = instance[2];
+		for (var i = 0; i < target.length; i++) Class.add(target[i]);
+		this.instances[Class.id + element.uniqueID] = instance;
+	};
+	this.unregister = function(instance) {
+		var element = instance[0];
+		var target = instance[1];
+		var Class = instance[2];
+		for (var i = 0; i < target.length; i++) Class.remove(target[i]);
+		delete this.instances[Class.id + element.uniqueID];
+	};
+// constructor
+IE7.Event = function(type) {
+	this.type = type;
+	this.instances = {};
+	IE7.Event[type] = this;
+// inheritance
+IE7.Event.prototype = new _ie7Event;
+// ie7 events
+new IE7.Event("hover");
+new IE7.Event("active");
+new IE7.Event("focus");
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// generic functions
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+function simpleSelector(selector) {
+	// attempt to preserve specificity for "loose" parsing by
+	//  removing unknown tokens from a css selector but keep as
+	//  much as we can..
+	return selector.replace(Class.COMPLEX, "").replace(CHILD, " ");
+}, true);

Added: plog/trunk/js/ie7/src/ie7-css3.js
--- plog/trunk/js/ie7/src/ie7-css3.js	2005-01-13 15:17:11 UTC (rev 743)
+++ plog/trunk/js/ie7/src/ie7-css3.js	2005-01-15 16:33:55 UTC (rev 744)
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+	W3C compliance for Microsoft Internet Explorer
+	this module forms part of IE7
+	IE7 version 0.7.3 (alpha) 2004/09/18
+	by Dean Edwards, 2004
+if (window.IE7) IE7.addModule("ie7-css3", function() {
+// requires another module
+if (!modules["ie7-css2"]) return;
+selectors["~"] = function(filtered, from, filter, scopeName) {
+	for (var i = 0; i < from.length; i++) {
+		var adjacent = from[i];
+		while (adjacent = nextElement(adjacent)) {
+			if (adjacent && compareTagName(adjacent, filter, scopeName)) push(filtered, adjacent);
+		}
+	}
+var documentElement = (isHTML) ? document.documentElement : firstChildElement(document.body);
+pseudoClasses["root"] = function(element) {
+	return Boolean(element == documentElement || element == document.body);
+pseudoClasses["empty"] = function(element) {
+	return !firstChildElement(element) && !element.innerText;
+pseudoClasses["last-child"] = function(element) {
+	return !nextElement(element);
+pseudoClasses["only-child"] = function(element) { // bill edney
+	return (element.parentNode && childElements(element.parentNode).length == 1);
+pseudoClasses["nth-child"] = function(element, filterArgs, step) {
+	return nthChild(element, filterArgs, previousElement);
+pseudoClasses["nth-last-child"] = function(element, filterArgs) {
+	return nthChild(element, filterArgs, nextElement);
+function nthChild(element, filterArgs, traverse) { // thanks to bill edney
+	switch (filterArgs) {
+		case "n": return true;
+		case "even": filterArgs = "2n"; break;
+		case "odd": filterArgs = "2n+1";
+	}
+	var children = childElements(element.parentNode);
+	function checkIndex(index) {
+		index = (traverse == nextElement) ? children.length - index : index - 1;
+		return children[index] == element;
+	};
+	//	it was just a number (no "n")
+	if (!isNaN(filterArgs)) return checkIndex(filterArgs);
+	filterArgs = filterArgs.split("n");
+	var multiplier = parseInt(filterArgs[0]);
+	var step = parseInt(filterArgs[1]);
+	if (isNaN(multiplier) || (multiplier == 1)) return true;
+	if (multiplier == 0 && !isNaN(step)) return checkIndex(step);
+	if (isNaN(step)) step = 0;
+	var count = 1;
+	while (element = traverse(element)) count++;
+	return ((count % multiplier) == step);
+// return child elements of an element (not child nodes)
+function childElements(element) {
+	var childElements = [], i;
+	for (i = 0; i < element.childNodes.length; i++) {
+		if (isElement(element.childNodes[i])) push(childElements, element.childNodes[i]);
+	}
+	return childElements;
+attributeTests["^="] = function(attribute, value) {
+	return "/^" + attributeTests.escape(value) + "/.test(" + attribute + ")";
+attributeTests["$="] = function(attribute, value) {
+	return "/" + attributeTests.escape(value) + "$/.test(" + attribute + ")";
+attributeTests["*="] = function(attribute, value) {
+	return "/" + attributeTests.escape(value) + "/.test(" + attribute + ")";

Added: plog/trunk/js/ie7/src/ie7-fixed.js
--- plog/trunk/js/ie7/src/ie7-fixed.js	2005-01-13 15:17:11 UTC (rev 743)
+++ plog/trunk/js/ie7/src/ie7-fixed.js	2005-01-15 16:33:55 UTC (rev 744)
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+	W3C compliance for Microsoft Internet Explorer
+	this module forms part of IE7
+	IE7 version 0.7.3 (alpha) 2004/09/18
+	by Dean Edwards, 2004
+if (window.IE7) IE7.addModule("ie7-fixed", function() {
+	// some things to consider for this hack.
+	// the document body requires a fixed background. even if
+	//  it is just a blank image.
+	// you have to use setExpression instead of onscroll, this
+	//  together with a fixed body background help avoid the
+	//  annoying screen flicker of other solutions.
+	var PERCENT = /^\d+%$/;
+	CSSFixes.addRecalc("position\\s*:\\s*fixed", positionFixed);
+	CSSFixes.addRecalc("background[\\w\\s-]*:[^};]*fixed", backgroundFixed);
+	// scrolling is relative to the documentElement (HTML tag) when in
+	//  standards mode, otherwise it's relative to the document body
+	var body = document.body;
+	var viewport$ = (quirksMode) ? "body" : "documentElement";
+	var viewport = eval(viewport$);
+	function fixBackground() {
+		// this is requied by both position:fixed and background-attachment:fixed.
+		// it is necessary for the document to also have a fixed background image.
+		// we can fake this with a blank image if necessary
+		if (body.currentStyle.backgroundAttachment != "fixed") {
+			if (body.currentStyle.backgroundImage == "none") {
+				body.runtimeStyle.backgroundImage = "url(" + location.protocol + ")"; // dummy
+			}
+			body.runtimeStyle.backgroundAttachment = "fixed";
+		}
+		fixBackground = DUMMY;
+	};
+	var ie7_tmp = tmpElement("img");
+	// clone a "left" function to create a "top" function
+	function topFunction(leftFunction) {
+		return String(leftFunction)
+		.replace(/Left/g, "Top")
+		.replace(/left/g, "top")
+		.replace(/Width/g, "Height")
+		.replace(/X/g, "Y");
+	};
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  backgroundAttachment: fixed
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	function backgroundFixed(element) {
+		if (element.currentStyle.backgroundAttachment != "fixed") return;
+		if (!element.contains(body)) {
+			fixBackground();
+			backgroundFixed[backgroundFixed.count++] = element;
+			backgroundLeft(element);
+			backgroundTop(element);
+			backgroundPosition(element);
+		}
+	};
+	backgroundFixed.count = 0;
+	function backgroundPosition(element) {
+		ie7_tmp.src = element.currentStyle.backgroundImage.slice(5, -2);
+		var parentElement = (element.canHaveChildren) ? element : element.parentElement;
+		parentElement.appendChild(ie7_tmp);
+		setOffsetLeft(element);
+		setOffsetTop(element);
+		parentElement.removeChild(ie7_tmp);
+	};
+	function backgroundLeft(element) {
+		element.style.backgroundPositionX = element.currentStyle.backgroundPositionX;
+		if (!isFixed(element)) {
+			var expression = "(parseInt(runtimeStyle.offsetLeft)+document." + viewport$ + ".scrollLeft)||0";
+			element.runtimeStyle.setExpression("backgroundPositionX", expression);
+		}
+	};
+	eval(topFunction(backgroundLeft));
+	function setOffsetLeft(element) {
+		var propertyName = isFixed(element) ? "backgroundPositionX" : "offsetLeft";
+		element.runtimeStyle[propertyName] = getOffsetLeft(element, element.style.backgroundPositionX) -
+			element.getBoundingClientRect().left - element.clientLeft;
+	};
+	eval(topFunction(setOffsetLeft));
+	function isFixed(element) {
+		if (!element) return false;
+		if (element.style.position == "fixed" || element.currentStyle.position == "fixed") return true;
+		return arguments.callee(element.parentElement);
+	};
+	function getOffsetLeft(element, position) {
+		switch (position) {
+			case "left":
+			case "top":
+				return 0;
+			case "right":
+			case "bottom":
+				return viewport.clientWidth - ie7_tmp.offsetWidth;
+			case "center":
+				return (viewport.clientWidth - ie7_tmp.offsetWidth) / 2;
+			default:
+				if (PERCENT.test(position)) {
+					return parseInt((viewport.clientWidth - ie7_tmp.offsetWidth) * parseFloat(position) / 100);
+				}
+				ie7_tmp.style.left = position;
+				return ie7_tmp.offsetLeft;
+		}
+	};
+	eval(topFunction(getOffsetLeft));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  position: fixed
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	function positionFixed(element) {
+		if (element.currentStyle.position != "fixed") return;
+		fixBackground();
+		positionFixed[positionFixed.count++] = element;
+		// we'll move the element about ourselves
+		element.style.position = "fixed";
+		element.runtimeStyle.position = "absolute";
+		foregroundPosition(element);
+	};
+	positionFixed.count = 0;
+	function foregroundPosition(element, recalc) {
+		positionLeft(element, recalc);
+		positionTop(element, recalc);
+		if (!recalc || element.runtimeStyle.autoTop) {
+			// weird extra pixel!?
+			if (parseInt(element.currentStyle.bottom) == 0) element.runtimeStyle.screenTop++;
+		}
+	};
+	function positionLeft(element, recalc) {
+		// if the element's width is in % units then it must be recalculated
+		//  with respect to the viewport
+		if (!recalc && PERCENT.test(element.currentStyle.width))
+			element.runtimeStyle.fixWidth = element.currentStyle.width;
+		if (element.runtimeStyle.fixWidth)
+			element.runtimeStyle.width = parseInt(parseFloat(element.runtimeStyle.fixWidth) / 100 * viewport.clientWidth);
+		if (recalc) {
+			// if the element is fixed on the right then no need to recalculate
+			if (!element.runtimeStyle.autoLeft) return;
+		} else {
+			// is the element fixed on the right?
+			element.runtimeStyle.autoLeft = element.currentStyle.right != "auto" && element.currentStyle.left == "auto";
+		}
+		// reset the element's "left" value and get it's natural position
+		element.runtimeStyle.left = "";
+		element.runtimeStyle.screenLeft = getScreenLeft(element);
+		// accommodate margins
+		if (element.currentStyle.marginLeft != "auto") {
+			// use a temp element to get pixel equivalents
+			element.parentElement.appendChild(ie7_tmp);
+			ie7_tmp.style.left = element.currentStyle.marginLeft;
+			element.runtimeStyle.screenLeft -= ie7_tmp.offsetLeft;
+			// don't leave the temp element in the DOM
+			element.parentElement.removeChild(ie7_tmp);
+		}
+		// if the element is contained by another fixed element then there is no need to
+		//  continually recalculate it's left position
+		if (isFixed(element.offsetParent)) element.runtimeStyle.pixelLeft = element.runtimeStyle.screenLeft;
+		// onsrcoll produces jerky movement, so we use an expression
+		else if (!recalc) element.runtimeStyle.setExpression("pixelLeft", "runtimeStyle.screenLeft+document." + viewport$ + ".scrollLeft");
+	};
+	// clone this function so we can do "top"
+	eval(topFunction(positionLeft).replace(/right/g, "bottom").replace(/width/g, "height"));
+	// i've forgotten how this works...
+	function getScreenLeft(element) { // thanks to kevin newman (captainn)
+		var getScreenLeft = element.offsetLeft, nested = false;
+		var fixed = isFixed(element.offsetParent) && element.runtimeStyle.autoLeft;
+		while (element = element.offsetParent) {
+			if (!fixed && element.currentStyle.position != "static") nested = true;
+			getScreenLeft += element.offsetLeft * (nested?-1:1);
+		}
+		return getScreenLeft;
+	};
+	eval(topFunction(getScreenLeft));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  capture window resize
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	function resize() {
+		// if the window has been resized then some positions need to be
+		//  recalculated (especially those aligned to "right" or "top"
+		for (var i = 0; i < backgroundFixed.count; i++)
+			backgroundPosition(backgroundFixed[i]);
+		for (i = 0; i < positionFixed.count; i++)
+			foregroundPosition(positionFixed[i], true);
+		timer = 0;
+	};
+	// use a timer for some reason.
+	//  (sometimes this is a good way to prevent resize loops)
+	var timer;
+	addEventHandler(window, "onresize", function() {
+		if (!timer) timer = setTimeout(resize, 10);
+	});

Added: plog/trunk/js/ie7/src/ie7-html4.js
--- plog/trunk/js/ie7/src/ie7-html4.js	2005-01-13 15:17:11 UTC (rev 743)
+++ plog/trunk/js/ie7/src/ie7-html4.js	2005-01-15 16:33:55 UTC (rev 744)
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+	W3C compliance for Microsoft Internet Explorer
+	this module forms part of IE7
+	IE7 version 0.7.3 (alpha) 2004/09/18
+	by Dean Edwards, 2004
+/* other fixes may be loaded by external modules in the format:
+  if (HTMLFixes) HTMLFixes.add(selector, fix);
+  where:
+  selector: string used to match a set of elements
+  fix: function that receives the element to to be fixed as its only parameter
+if (window.IE7) IE7.addModule("ie7-html4", function() {
+	// fix broken HTML tags
+if (isHTML) HTMLFixes = new function() {
+	var fixes = []; // private
+	function fix(element) {
+		// remove the broken tags and replace with <HTML:tagName/>
+		var fixedElement = document.createElement("<HTML:" + element.outerHTML.slice(1));
+	//# fixedElement.mergeAttributes(element, false);
+		if (element.outerHTML.slice(-2) != "/>") {
+			// remove child nodes and copy them to the new element
+			var endTag = "</"+ element.tagName + ">", nextSibling;
+			while ((nextSibling = element.nextSibling) && nextSibling.outerHTML != endTag) {
+				element.parentNode.removeChild(nextSibling);
+				fixedElement.appendChild(nextSibling);
+			}
+			// remove the closing tag
+			if (nextSibling) element.parentNode.removeChild(nextSibling);
+		}
+		// replace the broken tag with the namespaced version
+		element.parentNode.replaceChild(fixedElement, element);
+		return fixedElement;
+	};
+	this.add = function() {
+		push(fixes, arguments);
+	};
+	this.apply = function() {
+	try {
+		// create the namespace used to declare our fixed <abbr/> tag.
+		//  strangely, this throws an error if there is no <abbr/> tag present!?
+		if (appVersion > 5) document.namespaces.add("HTML", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml");
+	} catch (ignore) {
+		// explorer confuses me.
+		// we can create a namespace when the <abbr/>
+		//  tag is present, otherwise error!
+		//  this kind of suits me but it's still weird.
+	} finally {
+		// apply all fixes
+		for (var i = 0; i < fixes.length; i++) {
+			var elements = cssQuery(fixes[i][0]);
+			for (var j = 0; j < elements.length; j++) fixes[i][1](elements[j]);
+		}
+	}};
+	// associate <label> elements with an input element
+	this.add("label", function(element) {
+		if (!element.htmlFor) {
+			var input = cssQuery("input,select,textarea", element)[0];
+			if (input) {
+				if (!input.id) input.id = input.uniqueID;
+				element.htmlFor = input.id;
+			}
+		}
+	});
+	// provide support for the <abbr> tag for html documents
+	//  this is a proper fix, it preserves the dom structure and
+	//  <abbr> elements report the correct tagName & namespace prefix
+	this.add("abbr", function(element) {
+		fix(element);
+		// don't cache broken <abbr> tags
+		delete cssCache[" abbr"];
+	});
+	// a couple of <button> fixes
+	this.add("button,input", function(element) {
+		if (element.tagName == "BUTTON") {
+			// IE bug means that innerText is submitted instead of "value"
+			var match = element.outerHTML.match(/ value="([^"]*)"/i);
+			element.runtimeStyle.value = (match) ? match[1] : "";
+		}
+		// flag the button/input that was used to submit the form
+		if (element.type == "submit") {
+			addEventHandler(element, "onclick", function() {
+				element.runtimeStyle.clicked = true;
+				setTimeout("document.all." + element.uniqueID + ".runtimeStyle.clicked=false", 1);
+			});
+		}
+	});
+	// only submit successful controls
+	this.add("form", function(element) {
+		var UNSUCCESSFUL = /^(submit|reset|button)$/;
+		addEventHandler(element, "onsubmit", function() {
+			for (var i = 0; i < element.length; i++) {
+				if (UNSUCCESSFUL.test(element[i].type) && !element[i].disabled && !element[i].runtimeStyle.clicked) {
+					element[i].disabled = true;
+					setTimeout("document.all." + element[i].uniqueID + ".disabled=false", 1);
+				} else if (element[i].tagName == "BUTTON" && element[i].type == "submit") {
+					setTimeout("document.all." + element[i].uniqueID + ".value='" + element[i].value + "'", 1);
+					element[i].value = element[i].runtimeStyle.value;
+				}
+			}
+		});
+	});
+}}, true);

Added: plog/trunk/js/ie7/src/ie7-ie5.js
--- plog/trunk/js/ie7/src/ie7-ie5.js	2005-01-13 15:17:11 UTC (rev 743)
+++ plog/trunk/js/ie7/src/ie7-ie5.js	2005-01-15 16:33:55 UTC (rev 744)
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+	W3C compliance for Microsoft Internet Explorer
+	this module forms part of IE7
+	IE7 version 0.7.3 (alpha) 2004/09/18
+	by Dean Edwards, 2004
+// block elements are "inline" according to IE5.0
+//  so we'll force "layout"
+if (isHTML) {
+	HEADER += "address,blockquote,body,dd,div,dl,dt,fieldset,form,frame,"+
+	"frameset,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,iframe,noframes,object,p,applet,center,"+
+	"dir,hr,menu,pre{display:block;height:0cm}li,ol,ul{display:block}";
+// array fixes
+if (![].push) push = function(array, item) {
+	array[array.length] = item;
+	return array.length;
+if (![].pop) pop = function(array) {
+	var item = array[array.length - 1];
+	array.length--;
+	return item;
+// fix String.replace
+if("i".replace(/i/,function(){return""})){var a=String.prototype.replace,b=function(r,w){var m,n="",s=this;
+while((m=r.exec(s))){n+=s.slice(0,m.index)+w(m[0],m[1],m[2],m[3],m[4]);s=s.slice(m.lastIndex)}return n+s};
+String.prototype.replace=function(r,w){this.replace=(typeof w=="function")?b:a;return this.replace(r,w)}}

Added: plog/trunk/js/ie7/src/ie7-lite.js
--- plog/trunk/js/ie7/src/ie7-lite.js	2005-01-13 15:17:11 UTC (rev 743)
+++ plog/trunk/js/ie7/src/ie7-lite.js	2005-01-15 16:33:55 UTC (rev 744)
@@ -0,0 +1,950 @@
+	W3C compliance for Microsoft Internet Explorer
+	this module forms part of IE7
+	IE7 version 0.7.3 (alpha) 2004/09/18
+	by Dean Edwards, 2004
+/* credits/thanks:
+	Shaggy, Martijn Wargers, Jimmy Cerra, Mark D Anderson,
+	Lars Dieckow, Erik Arvidsson, Gellért Gyuris, James Denny,
+	Unknown W Brackets, Benjamin Westfarer, Rob Eberhardt,
+	Bill Edney, Kevin Newman
+ ie-core.js, ie7-html4.js, ie7-box-model.js
+if (!window.IE7) new function() {
+try {
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// globals
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+window.IE7 = this;
+// in case of error...
+var DUMMY = this.addModule = new Function;
+// if the document has been hidden for faster loading, unhide it
+function unHide(){if (document.body) document.body.style.visibility = "visible"};
+// IE7 version info
+this.toString = function(){return "IE7 version 0.7.3 (alpha)"};
+// error reporting
+var alert = (/ie7_debug/.test(location.search)) ? function(message) {
+	window.alert(IE7 + "\n\n" + message);
+} : DUMMY;
+var appVersion = navigator.appVersion.match(/MSIE (\d\.\d)/)[1];
+// IE7 can be turned "off"
+if (/ie7_off/.test(location.search) || appVersion < 5 ||
+	!/^ms_/.test(document.documentElement.uniqueID)) return unHide();
+// IE version info
+var quirksMode = Boolean(document.compatMode != "CSS1Compat");
+// assume html unless explicitly defined
+var isHTML = (typeof document.mimeType == "unknown") ?
+	!/\.xml$/i.test(location.pathname) :
+	Boolean(document.mimeType != "XML Document");
+// ie7 style sheet text
+var LINKS = ":link{ie7-link:link}:visited{ie7-link:visited}";
+if (!isHTML) HEADER += "*{margin:0}";
+// another global
+var HTMLFixes; // loaded separately
+var documentElement = document.documentElement;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// external
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// cache for the various modules that make up IE7.
+//  modules are stored as functions. these are executed
+//  after the style sheet text has been loaded.
+// storing the modules as functions means that we avoid
+//  name clashes with other modules.
+var modules = {};
+this.addModule = function(name, script, autoload) {
+	if (!modules) return;
+	// re-evelaute the script module in the scope of the main script
+	if (loaded) eval("script=" + String(script));
+	// this flag means execute immediately
+	if (autoload) {
+		script();
+		script = DUMMY;
+	}
+	// store the module
+	modules[name] = script;
+var RELATIVE = /^[\w\.]+[^:]*$/;
+function makePath(href, path) {
+	if (RELATIVE.test(href)) href = (path || "") + href;
+	return href;
+function getPath(href, path) {
+	href = makePath(href, path);
+	return href.slice(0, href.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
+// get the path to this script
+var path = getPath(document.scripts[document.scripts.length - 1].src);
+// we'll use microsoft's http request object to load external files
+var httpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
+function load(href, path) {
+try {
+	href = makePath(href, path);
+	// easy to load a file huh?
+	httpRequest.open("GET", href, false);
+	httpRequest.send();
+	return httpRequest.responseText;
+} catch (ignore) {
+	alert("Error [1]: could not load file " + href);
+	return "";
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// IE5.0 compatibility
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// annoying but necessary
+var push = function(array, item) {return array.push(item)};
+var pop = function(array) {return array.pop()};
+// load an external module to patch IE5.0 and override the functions above
+if (appVersion < 5.5) eval(load("ie7-ie5.js", path));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  IE7 style sheet
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// create the internal IE7 style sheet
+if (document.readyState == "complete" || !isHTML) document.createStyleSheet();
+// this fixes a bug to do with the <base> tag
+else document.write("<style></style>");
+// get the new style sheet
+this.styleSheet = document.styleSheets[document.styleSheets.length - 1];
+// initialise the text
+this.styleSheet.cssText = LINKS;
+// mark it as internal
+this.styleSheet.ie7 = true;
+// store loaded cssText URLs
+var cssText = {};
+// load an external style sheet
+function loadStyleSheet(styleSheet, path) {
+	var url = makePath(styleSheet.href, path);
+	if (cssText[url]) return "";
+	// load from source
+	cssText[url] = (styleSheet.disabled) ? "" : fixUrls(getCSSText(styleSheet, path), getPath(styleSheet.href, path));
+	return cssText[url];
+// retrieve the text of a style sheet
+var getCSSText = function(styleSheet) {
+	// without the CSS2 module we assume CSS1, so it is safe to get Microsoft's stored text
+	return styleSheet.cssText;
+// fix css paths
+var URL = /(url\(['"]?)([\w\.]+[^:\)]*['"]?\))/gi;
+// we're lumping all css text into one big style sheet so relative
+//  paths have to be fixed. this is necessary anyway because of other
+//  explorer bugs.
+function fixUrls(cssText, pathname) {
+	// hack & slash
+	return cssText.replace(URL, "$1" + pathname.slice(0, pathname.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) + "$2");
+// a store for functions that will be called when refreshing IE7
+this.recalcs = [];
+// be aware of the css modules (do nothing if it's not there)
+this.parse = DUMMY;
+var complete = false; // IE7 applied?
+function _load() {
+try {
+	// don't call this function again
+	complete = true; // IE7 applied!
+	var MEDIA = /\bscreen\b|\ball\b|^$/i; // valid media settings
+	// handy reference to the sytle sheets collection
+	var styleSheets = document.styleSheets;
+	var inlineStyles = [];
+	var styles = document.getElementsByTagName("style");
+	for (var i = styles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+		// don't include the ie7 style header
+		push(inlineStyles, /ie7-link/.test(styles[i].innerHTML)?"":styles[i].innerHTML);
+	}
+	// retrieve unparsed css text. inline style sheets have their
+	//  unparsed css text cached by ie7-style.htc.
+	function getCSSText(styleSheet, path) {
+		var cssText = "";
+		// loop through imported style sheets
+		if (MEDIA.test(styleSheet.media)) {
+			for (var i = 0; i < styleSheet.imports.length; i++) {
+				// call this function recursively to get all
+				//  imported style sheets
+				cssText += arguments.callee(styleSheet.imports[i], getPath(styleSheet.href, path));
+			}
+			// retrieve inline style or load an external style sheet
+			cssText += ((styleSheet.href) ? loadStyleSheet(styleSheet, path) : pop(inlineStyles));
+		}
+		return cssText;
+	};
+	// store for style sheet text
+	IE7.cssText = "";
+	// load all style sheets in the document
+	for (i = 0; i < styleSheets.length; i++) IE7.cssText += getCSSText(styleSheets[i], "");
+	// tidy the style sheet text (remove comments etc)
+	IE7.cssText = encode(IE7.cssText);
+	// load modules (ie7 components)
+	for (i in modules) modules[i]();
+	// prevent further loading
+	delete modules;
+	// fix html page elements (i.e. <abbr>)
+	if (HTMLFixes) HTMLFixes.apply();
+	// apply fixes to the style sheet text (text parse)
+	CSSFixes.apply();
+	// parse css text (ie7 classes and rules)
+	IE7.parse();
+	// load the new css text
+	IE7.styleSheet.cssText = HEADER + decode(IE7.cssText);
+	// trash the old style sheets
+	for (i = 0; i < styleSheets.length; i++) {
+		if (!styleSheets[i].disabled && !styleSheets[i].ie7) styleSheets[i].cssText = "";
+	}
+	// refresh the document
+	IE7.recalc();
+	alert("loaded successfully");
+} catch (error) {
+	alert("Error [2]: " + error.description);
+} finally {
+	unHide();
+// this will change some more later.
+//  but for the moment this is how i'm applying the various fixes
+//  (this and the huge constructor function preceding it..)
+this.recalc = function() {
+	// re-apply style sheet rules (re-calculate ie7 classes)
+	CSSFixes.recalc();
+	// apply global fixes to the document (and some tidying)
+	for (var i = 0; i < this.recalcs.length; i++) this.recalcs[i]();
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  fix css
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// two key methods of the CSSFixes object:
+// 1. addFix(pattern, replace)
+//  make a direct text replacement to style sheet text.
+//  pattern: a RegExp representing the text to replace
+//  replace: a String representing the replacement text
+// 2. addRecalc(pattern, fix)
+//  identify elements that match a piece of style sheet text
+//  pattern: a RegExp representing the text to replace
+//  fix: a Function that takes any matching element as it's only parameter
+var CSSFixes = new function() {
+	var fixes = []; // private
+	this.addFix = function() {
+		push(fixes, arguments);
+	};
+	var recalcs = []; // private
+	this.addRecalc = function(pattern, fix) {
+		var reg = new RegExp("([^{}]*)\\{([^}]*[^\\w-])?" + pattern, "gi");
+		var cssText = IE7.cssText;
+		pattern = [];
+		while (match = reg.exec(cssText)) {
+			push(pattern, match[1]);
+			// fix for IE5.0
+			if (appVersion < 5.5) cssText = cssText.slice(match.lastIndex);
+		}
+		if (pattern.length) {
+			pattern = pattern.toString();
+			push(recalcs, arguments);
+		}
+	};
+	this.apply = function() {
+		// loop through the fixes
+		// they consist of a pair of arguments passed to a String.replace
+		// function. the replacement is made to the entire style sheet text
+		for (var i = 0; i < fixes.length; i++) {
+			IE7.cssText = IE7.cssText.replace(fixes[i][0], fixes[i][1]);
+		}
+		// add recalcs here
+		this.addRecalc("box-sizing\\s*:\\s*content-box", boxSizing);
+		// fix "unscrollable content" bug (http://www.positioniseverything.net/explorer/unscrollable.html)
+		this.addRecalc("position\\s*:\\s*absolute", function(element) {
+			if (element.offsetParent.currentStyle.position == "relative") boxSizing(element.offsetParent);
+		});
+	};
+	// placeholder for the css module
+	this.recalc = function() {
+		// loop through the fixes
+		for (var i = 0; i < recalcs.length; i++) {
+			var elements = cssQuery(recalcs[i][0]);
+			for (var j = 0; j < elements.length; j++) recalcs[i][1](elements[j]);
+		}
+	};
+	// fix "double margin" bug (http://www.positioniseverything.net/explorer/doubled-margin.html)
+	this.addFix(/(float\s*:\s*(left|right))/gi, "display:inline;$1");
+	// display:list-item (IE5.x)
+	if (appVersion < 6) this.addFix(/display\s*:\s*list-item/gi, "display:block");
+	if (quirksMode) {
+		// named font-sizes are too small
+		var SIZES = "xx-small,x-small,small,medium,large,x-large,xx-large".split(",");
+		for (var i = 0; i < SIZES.length; i++) SIZES[SIZES[i]] = SIZES[i - 1] || "xx-small";
+		function replace($,$1,$2,$3){return $1+SIZES[$3]};
+		this.addFix(new RegExp("(font(-size)?\\s*:\\s*)(" + SIZES.join("|") + ")", "gi"), replace);
+	}
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  css query engine
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// optimised for speed not readability (sorry)
+// this is basically version 2 of cssQuery. it is a lot more complicated
+//  but *very* configurable..
+// the following functions allow querying of the DOM using CSS selectors
+var STANDARD_SELECT = /^[^>\+~\s]/;
+var STREAM = /[\s>\+~:@#\.\(\)]|[^\s>\+~:@#\.\(\)]+/g;
+var NAMESPACE = /\|/;
+var IMPLIED_SELECTOR = /([\s>~\,]|[^(]\+|^)([\.:#@])/g;
+var ASTERISK ="$1*$2";
+// cache results for faster processing
+var cssCache = {};
+// this is the main query function
+function cssQuery(selector, from) {
+	var useCache = !from;
+	var base = (from) ? (from.constructor == Array) ? from : [from] : [document];
+	// process comma separated selectors
+	var selectors = selector.replace(IMPLIED_SELECTOR, ASTERISK).split(",");
+	var match = [];
+	for (var i = 0; i < selectors.length; i++) {
+		// convert the selector to a stream
+		selector = toStream(selectors[i]);
+		// faster chop if it starts with id
+		if (selector.slice(0, 3).join("") == " *#") {
+			selector = selector.slice(2);
+			from = selectById(base, selector[1]);
+		} else from = base;
+		// process the stream
+		var j = 0, token, filter, filterArgs, cacheSelector = "";
+		while (j < selector.length) {
+			token = selector[j++];
+			filter = selector[j++];
+			cacheSelector += token + filter;
+			filterArgs = "";
+			if (selector[j] == "(") {
+				while (selector[j++] != ")") filterArgs += selector[j];
+				filterArgs = filterArgs.slice(0, -1);
+				cacheSelector += "(" + filterArgs + ")";
+			}
+			// process a token/filter pair
+			from = (useCache && cssCache[cacheSelector]) ?
+				cssCache[cacheSelector] : select(from, token, filter, filterArgs);
+			if (useCache) cssCache[cacheSelector] = from;
+		}
+		match = match.concat(from);
+	}
+	// return the filtered selection
+	return match;
+// convert css selectors to a stream of tokens and filters
+//  it's not a real stream. it's just an array of strings.
+function toStream(selector) {
+	if (STANDARD_SELECT.test(selector)) selector = " " + selector;
+	return selector.match(STREAM);
+// select a set of matching elements.
+// "from" is an array of elements.
+// "token" is a character representing the type of filter
+//  e.g. ">" means child selector
+// "filter" represents the tag name, id or class name that is being selected
+// the function returns an array of matching elements
+function select(from, token, filter, filterArgs) {
+	//alert("token="+token+",filter="+filter+",filterArgs="+filterArgs+",from="+from.length);
+	var scopeName = "";
+	if (NAMESPACE.test(filter)) {
+		filter = filter.split("|");
+		scopeName = filter[0];
+		filter = filter[1];
+	}
+	var filtered = [];
+	if (selectors[token]) selectors[token](filtered, from, filter, scopeName || filterArgs);
+	return filtered;
+function selectById(from, id) {
+	//alert("id="+id+",from="+from.length);
+	var filtered = [], i, j;
+	for (i = 0; i < from.length; i++) {
+		var match = from[i].all.item(id);
+		if (match) {
+			if (match.length == null) push(filtered, match);
+			else for (j = 0; j < match.length; j++) push(filtered, match[j]);
+		}
+	}
+	return filtered;
+var selectors = { // CSS1
+	// descendant selector
+	" ": function(filtered, from, filter, scopeName) {
+		// loop through current selection
+		for (var i = 0; i < from.length; i++) {
+			// get descendants
+			var subset = (filter == "*" && from[i].all) ? from[i].all : from[i].getElementsByTagName(filter);
+			// loop through descendants and add to filtered selection
+			for (var j = 0; j < subset.length; j++) {
+				if (isElement(subset[j]) && (!scopeName || subset[j].scopeName == scopeName))
+					push(filtered, subset[j]);
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	// ID selector
+	"#": function(filtered, from, filter) {
+		// loop through current selection and check ID
+		for (var i = 0; i < from.length; i++) if (from[i].id == filter) push(filtered, from[i]);
+	},
+	// class selector
+	".": function(filtered, from, filter) {
+		// create a RegExp version of the class
+		filter = new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + filter + "(\\s|$)");
+		// loop through current selection and check class
+		for (var i = 0; i < from.length; i++) if (filter.test(from[i].className)) push(filtered, from[i]);
+	},
+	// pseudo-class selector
+	":": function(filtered, from, filter, filterArgs) {
+		// retrieve the cssQuery pseudo-class function
+		filter = pseudoClasses[filter];
+		// loop through current selection and apply pseudo-class filter
+		if (filter) for (var i = 0; i < from.length; i++)
+			// if the cssQuery pseudo-class function returns "true" add the element
+			if (filter(from[i], filterArgs)) push(filtered, from[i]);
+	}
+var attributeTests = "";
+var pseudoClasses = { // static
+	toString: function() {
+		var toString = [];
+		for (var pseudoClass in this) {
+			if (pseudoClass != "link" && pseudoClass != "visited") {
+				if (this[pseudoClass].length > 1) pseudoClass += "\\([^)]*\\)";
+				push(toString, pseudoClass);
+			}
+		}
+		return toString.join("|");
+	},
+	// the "ie7-link" property is set by text contained in the IE7 generated style sheet.
+	// (the text is stored in the "LINKS" variable)
+	"link": function(element) {
+		return Boolean(element.currentStyle["ie7-link"] == "link");
+	},
+	"visited": function(element) {
+		return Boolean(element.currentStyle["ie7-link"] == "visited");
+	}
+// we'll let explorer handle CSS1 dynamic pseudo classes (hover, active)
+var dynamicPseudoClasses = {toString: pseudoClasses.toString};
+// other IE7 CSS modules can expand this object
+// how tedious..
+function compareTagName(element, tagName, scopeName) {
+	if (scopeName && element.scopeName != scopeName) return false;
+	return (tagName == "*") ? isElement(element) : (isHTML) ?
+		(element.tagName == tagName.toUpperCase()) : (element.tagName == tagName);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// encoding
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// a style sheet must be prepared for parsing.
+// this means stripping out comments etc
+// strings are encoded to avoid parsing bugs (are you reading this microsoft?)
+var strings = [];
+function getString(string) {
+	return QUOTED.test(string) ? strings[string.slice(1, -1)] : string;
+var encode = function(cssText) {
+	return cssText
+	// remove comments (gellért gyuris)
+	.replace(/(\/\*[^\*]*\*+([^\/][^\*]*\*+)*\/)|('[^']*')|("[^"]*")/g, function(match) {
+		return (match.charAt(0) == "/") ? "" : "'" + (push(strings, match.slice(1, -1)) - 1) + "'";
+	})
+	// parse out @namespace/@import (restating them crashes explorer!)
+	.replace(/@(namespace|import)[^;\n]+[;\n]|<!\-\-|\-\->/g, "")
+	// fix IE namespaces
+	.replace(/\\:/g, "|")
+	// trim whitespace
+	.replace(/^\s+|\s*([\{\}\+\,>~\s;])\s*|\s+$/g, "$1");
+function decode(cssText) {
+	// fix IE namespaces
+	return cssText.replace(/\|/g, "\\:").replace(/'(\d+)'/g, function(match, key) {
+		return strings[key];
+	});
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// event handling
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+var handlers = [];
+// add an event handler (function) to an element
+function addEventHandler(element, type, handler) {
+	element.attachEvent(type, handler);
+	// store the handler so it can be detached later
+	push(handlers, arguments);
+// remove an event handler assigned to an element by IE7
+function removeEventHandler(element, type, handler) {
+try {
+	element.detachEvent(type, handler);
+} catch (ignore) {
+	// write a letter of complaint to microsoft..
+// remove event handlers (they eat memory)
+window.attachEvent("onbeforeunload", function() {
+ 	while (handlers.length) {
+ 		var handler = pop(handlers);
+ 		removeEventHandler(handler[0], handler[1], handler[2]);
+ 	};
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// shared box-model support
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// does an element have "layout" ?
+var hasLayout = (appVersion < 6) ? function(element) {
+	return element.clientWidth;
+} : function(element) {
+	return element.currentStyle.hasLayout;
+// give an element "layout"
+function boxSizing(element) {
+	if (!hasLayout(element)) {
+		element.contentEditable = false; // jimmy cerra
+		fixMargins(firstChildElement(element));
+	}
+// stop margins collapsing when an element is given "layout"
+function fixMargins(element) {
+	while (element) {
+		element.runtimeStyle.marginTop = element.currentStyle.marginTop;
+		element = nextElement(element);
+	}
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// generic
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+var QUOTED = /('[^']*')|("[^"]*")/;
+function quote(value) {return (QUOTED.test(value)) ? value : "'" + value + "'"};
+function unquote(value) {return (QUOTED.test(value)) ? value.slice(1, -1) : value};
+// create a hidden element - used for testing pixel values
+function tmpElement(tagName) {
+	var element = document.createElement(tagName || "object");
+	element.style.cssText = "position:absolute;padding:0;display:block;border:none;clip:rect(0 0 0 0);left:-9999";
+	return element;
+// IE5.x includes comments (LOL) in it's element collections.
+// so we have to check for this. the test is tagName != "!". LOL (again).
+function isElement(node) {
+	return Boolean(node && node.nodeType == 1 && node.tagName != "!" && !node.ie7_anon);
+// return the previous element to the supplied element
+//  previousSibling is not good enough as it might return a text or comment node
+function previousElement(element) {
+	while (element && (element = element.previousSibling) && !isElement(element)) continue;
+	return element;
+// return the next element to the supplied element
+function nextElement(element) {
+	while (element && (element = element.nextSibling) && !isElement(element)) continue;
+	return element;
+// return the first child ELEMENT of an element
+//  NOT the first child node (though they may be the same thing)
+function firstChildElement(element) {
+	element = element.firstChild;
+	return (isElement(element)) ? element : nextElement(element);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  modules
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//## paste modules here when building IE7 libraries (gotta know what you are doing though!)
+var loaded = false; // has the core loaded?
+IE7.addModule("ie7-html4", function() {
+	// fix broken HTML tags
+if (isHTML) HTMLFixes = new function() {
+	var fixes = []; // private
+	function fix(element) {
+		// remove the broken tags and replace with <HTML:tagName/>
+		var fixedElement = document.createElement("<HTML:" + element.outerHTML.slice(1));
+	//# fixedElement.mergeAttributes(element, false);
+		if (element.outerHTML.slice(-2) != "/>") {
+			// remove child nodes and copy them to the new element
+			var endTag = "</"+ element.tagName + ">", nextSibling;
+			while ((nextSibling = element.nextSibling) && nextSibling.outerHTML != endTag) {
+				element.parentNode.removeChild(nextSibling);
+				fixedElement.appendChild(nextSibling);
+			}
+			// remove the closing tag
+			if (nextSibling) element.parentNode.removeChild(nextSibling);
+		}
+		// replace the broken tag with the namespaced version
+		element.parentNode.replaceChild(fixedElement, element);
+		return fixedElement;
+	};
+	this.add = function() {
+		push(fixes, arguments);
+	};
+	this.apply = function() {
+	try {
+		// create the namespace used to declare our fixed <abbr/> tag.
+		//  strangely, this throws an error if there is no <abbr/> tag present!?
+		if (appVersion > 5) document.namespaces.add("HTML", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml");
+	} catch (ignore) {
+		// explorer confuses me.
+		// we can create a namespace when the <abbr/>
+		//  tag is present, otherwise error!
+		//  this kind of suits me but it's still weird.
+	} finally {
+		// apply all fixes
+		for (var i = 0; i < fixes.length; i++) {
+			var elements = cssQuery(fixes[i][0]);
+			for (var j = 0; j < elements.length; j++) fixes[i][1](elements[j]);
+		}
+	}};
+	// associate <label> elements with an input element
+	this.add("label", function(element) {
+		if (!element.htmlFor) {
+			var input = cssQuery("input,select,textarea", element)[0];
+			if (input) {
+				if (!input.id) input.id = input.uniqueID;
+				element.htmlFor = input.id;
+			}
+		}
+	});
+	// provide support for the <abbr> tag for html documents
+	//  this is a proper fix, it preserves the dom structure and
+	//  <abbr> elements report the correct tagName & namespace prefix
+	this.add("abbr", function(element) {
+		fix(element);
+		// don't cache broken <abbr> tags
+		delete cssCache[" abbr"];
+	});
+	// a couple of <button> fixes
+	this.add("button,input", function(element) {
+		if (element.tagName == "BUTTON") {
+			// IE bug means that innerText is submitted instead of "value"
+			var match = element.outerHTML.match(/ value="([^"]*)"/i);
+			element.runtimeStyle.value = (match) ? match[1] : "";
+		}
+		// flag the button/input that was used to submit the form
+		if (element.type == "submit") {
+			addEventHandler(element, "onclick", function() {
+				element.runtimeStyle.clicked = true;
+				setTimeout("document.all." + element.uniqueID + ".runtimeStyle.clicked=false", 1);
+			});
+		}
+	});
+	// only submit successful controls
+	this.add("form", function(element) {
+		var UNSUCCESSFUL = /^(submit|reset|button)$/;
+		addEventHandler(element, "onsubmit", function() {
+			for (var i = 0; i < element.length; i++) {
+				if (UNSUCCESSFUL.test(element[i].type) && !element[i].disabled && !element[i].runtimeStyle.clicked) {
+					element[i].disabled = true;
+					setTimeout("document.all." + element[i].uniqueID + ".disabled=false", 1);
+				} else if (element[i].tagName == "BUTTON" && element[i].type == "submit") {
+					setTimeout("document.all." + element[i].uniqueID + ".value='" + element[i].value + "'", 1);
+					element[i].value = element[i].runtimeStyle.value;
+				}
+			}
+		});
+	});
+}}, true);
+IE7.addModule("ie7-box-model", function() {
+// big, ugly box-model hack + min/max stuff
+// #tantek > #erik > #dean { voice-family: hacker; }
+// constants
+var NUMERIC = "\\s*:\\s*\\d[\\w%]*", UNIT = /^\d\w*$/, PERCENT = /^\d+%$/, PIXEL = /^\d+(px)?$/;
+var MATCH = (appVersion < 6) ? /\b(min|max)-(width|height)\s*:\s*\d/gi : /\b(min|max)-width\s*:\s*\d/gi;
+var AUTO = (appVersion < 5.5) ? /^auto|0cm$/ : /^auto$/;
+// create a temporary element which is used to inherit styles
+//  from the target element. the temporary element can be resized
+//  to determine pixel widths/heights
+var ie7_tmp = tmpElement();
+push(IE7.recalcs, function removeTempElement() {
+	if (ie7_tmp.parentElement) ie7_tmp.parentElement.removeChild(ie7_tmp);
+CSSFixes.addFix(MATCH, function(match) {
+	return match.slice(0, 3) + match.charAt(4).toUpperCase() + match.slice(5);
+var viewport = (quirksMode) ? document.body : documentElement;
+function isFixed(element) {
+	return element.style.position == "fixed" || element.currentStyle.position == "fixed";
+function layoutParent(element) {
+	var layoutParent = element.offsetParent;
+	while (layoutParent && !hasLayout(layoutParent)) layoutParent = layoutParent.offsetParent;
+	if (!layoutParent || isFixed(element)) layoutParent = viewport;
+	return layoutParent;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// box-model
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+function fixWidth(HEIGHT) {
+	fixWidth = function(element, value) {
+		if (!element.runtimeStyle.fixedWidth && (!isHTML || element.tagName != "HR")) {
+			if (!value) value = element.currentStyle.width;
+			element.runtimeStyle.fixedWidth = (UNIT.test(value)) ? Math.max(0, getFixedWidth(element, value)) : value;
+			element.runtimeStyle.width = element.runtimeStyle.fixedWidth;
+			boxSizing(element);
+		}
+	};
+	if (quirksMode) CSSFixes.addRecalc("width\\s*:\\s*\\d\\w*[^%]", fixWidth);
+	var getFixedWidth = (quirksMode) ? function(element, value) {
+		return getPixelWidth(element, value) + getBorderWidth(element) + getPaddingWidth(element);
+	} : function(element, value) {
+		return getPixelWidth(element, value);
+	};
+	// easy way to get border thickness for elements with "layout"
+	function getBorderWidth(element) {
+		return element.offsetWidth - element.clientWidth;
+	};
+	// have to do some pixel conversion to get padding thickness :-(
+	function getPaddingWidth(element) {
+		return getPixelWidth(element, element.currentStyle.paddingLeft) +
+			getPixelWidth(element, element.currentStyle.paddingRight);
+	};
+	function getMarginWidth(element) { // kevin newman
+		return ((element.currentStyle.marginLeft == "auto") ? 0 : getPixelLeft(element, element.currentStyle.marginLeft)) +
+			((element.currentStyle.marginRight == "auto") ? 0 : getPixelLeft(element, element.currentStyle.marginRight));
+	};
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// min/max
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// handle min-width property
+	function minWidth(element) {
+		minWidth[minWidth.count++] = element;
+		// IE6 supports min-height so we frig it here
+		if (element.currentStyle.minHeight == "auto") element.runtimeStyle.minHeight = 0;
+		fixWidth(element);
+		boxSizing(element);
+		resizeWidth(element);
+	};
+	minWidth.count = 0;
+	CSSFixes.addRecalc("min-width" + NUMERIC, minWidth);
+	// clone the minWidth function to make a maxWidth function
+	eval(String(minWidth).replace(/min/g, "max"));
+	maxWidth.count = 0;
+	CSSFixes.addRecalc("max-width" + NUMERIC, maxWidth);
+	// apply min/max restrictions
+	function resizeWidth(element) {
+		// check boundaries
+		var rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
+		var width = rect.right - rect.left;
+		if (element.currentStyle.maxWidth && width >= getFixedWidth(element, element.currentStyle.maxWidth))
+			element.runtimeStyle.width = getFixedWidth(element, element.currentStyle.maxWidth);
+		else if (element.currentStyle.minWidth && width <= getFixedWidth(element, element.currentStyle.minWidth))
+			element.runtimeStyle.width = getFixedWidth(element, element.currentStyle.minWidth);
+		else
+			element.runtimeStyle.width = element.runtimeStyle.fixedWidth;
+	};
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// right/bottom
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	function fixRight(element) {
+		if ((element.currentStyle.position == "absolute" || element.currentStyle.position == "fixed") &&
+		    element.currentStyle.left != "auto" &&
+		    element.currentStyle.right != "auto" &&
+		    AUTO.test(element.currentStyle.width)) {
+		    	fixRight[fixRight.count++] = element;
+		    	boxSizing(element);
+		    	resizeRight(element);
+		}
+	};
+	fixRight.count = 0;
+	CSSFixes.addRecalc("right" + NUMERIC, fixRight);
+	function resizeRight(element) {
+		element.runtimeStyle.width = "";
+		var parentElement = layoutParent(element);
+		var left = (element.runtimeStyle.screenLeft) ? element.getBoundingClientRect().left - 2 : getPixelLeft(element, element.currentStyle.left);
+		var width = parentElement.clientWidth - getPixelLeft(element, element.currentStyle.right) -	left - getMarginWidth(element);
+	    if (!quirksMode) width -= getBorderWidth(element) + getPaddingWidth(element);
+		if (width < 0) width = 0;
+		if (isFixed(element) || HEIGHT || element.offsetWidth < width) {
+			element.runtimeStyle.fixedWidth = width;
+			element.runtimeStyle.width = width;
+		}
+	};
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// window.onresize
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// handle window resize
+	var clientWidth = documentElement.clientWidth;
+	addEventHandler(window, "onresize", function() {
+		var i, wider = (clientWidth < documentElement.clientWidth);
+		clientWidth = documentElement.clientWidth;
+		// resize elements with "min-width" set
+		for (i = 0; i < minWidth.count; i++) {
+			var element = minWidth[i];
+			var fixedWidth = (element.runtimeStyle.width == element.currentStyle.minWidth);
+			if (wider && fixedWidth) element.runtimeStyle.width = "";
+			if (wider == fixedWidth) resizeWidth(element);
+		}
+		// resize elements with "max-width" set
+		for (i = 0; i < maxWidth.count; i++) {
+			var element = maxWidth[i];
+			var fixedWidth = (element.runtimeStyle.width == element.currentStyle.maxWidth);
+			if (!wider && fixedWidth) element.runtimeStyle.width = "";
+			if (wider != fixedWidth) resizeWidth(element);
+		}
+		// resize elements with "right" set
+		for (i = 0; i < fixRight.count; i++) resizeRight(fixRight[i]);
+		// take the temporary element out of the DOM
+		removeTempElement();
+	});
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// pixel conversion
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// this is handy because it means that web developers can mix and match
+	//  measurement units in their style sheets. it is not uncommon to
+	//  express something like padding in "em" units whilst border thickness
+	//  is most often expressed in pixels.
+	function getPixelWidth(element, value) {
+		if (PIXEL.test(value)) return parseInt(value);
+		if (PERCENT.test(value)) return parseInt(parseFloat(value) / 100 * layoutParent(element).clientWidth);
+		// inherit style
+		var parentElement = (element.canHaveChildren) ? element : element.parentElement;
+		parentElement.appendChild(ie7_tmp);
+		// resize the temporary element
+		ie7_tmp.style.width = value;
+		// retrieve pixel width
+		return ie7_tmp.offsetWidth;
+	};
+	function getPixelLeft(element, value) {
+		if (parseInt(value) > 0) return getPixelWidth(element, value);
+		if (PIXEL.test(value)) return parseInt(value);
+		element.parentElement.appendChild(ie7_tmp);
+		// resize the temporary element
+		ie7_tmp.style.left = value;
+		// retrieve pixel width
+		return ie7_tmp.offsetLeft;
+	};
+// clone the fixWidth function to create a fixHeight function
+	.replace(/Width/g, "Height").replace(/width/g, "height")
+	.replace(/Left/g, "Top").replace(/left/g, "top")
+	.replace(/Right/g, "Bottom").replace(/right/g, "bottom"));
+// apply box-model + min/max fixes
+loaded = true;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  initialisation
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// this script may be inserted via a favelet so the page is already loaded
+if (document.readyState == "complete") _load();
+// apply IE7 when all markup has been parsed by the browser
+else addEventHandler(document, "onreadystatechange", function() {
+	if (!complete && document.readyState == "complete") setTimeout(_load, 0);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  error handling
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+} catch (error) {
+	unHide();
+	alert("Error [0]: " + error.description);
+} finally {
+	// have a beer...

Added: plog/trunk/js/ie7/src/ie7-png.js
--- plog/trunk/js/ie7/src/ie7-png.js	2005-01-13 15:17:11 UTC (rev 743)
+++ plog/trunk/js/ie7/src/ie7-png.js	2005-01-15 16:33:55 UTC (rev 744)
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+	W3C compliance for Microsoft Internet Explorer
+	this module forms part of IE7
+	IE7 version 0.7.3 (alpha) 2004/09/18
+	by Dean Edwards, 2004
+if (window.IE7) IE7.addModule("ie7-png", function() {
+// IE5.0 not supported
+if (appVersion < 5.5) return;
+// constants
+// this filter is used to replace a PNG image
+var FILTER = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src=%1,sizingMethod='scale')";
+// a small transparent image used as a placeholder
+var NULL = (/\bSV1\b/.test(navigator.userAgent)) ? makePath("blank.gif", path) :
+	"javascript:'#define x_width 1\\n#define x_height 1\\nstatic char x_bits[]={0x00}'";
+// e.g. only apply the hack to files ending in ".png"
+// IE7_PNG_SUFFIX = ".png";
+// regular expression version of the above
+var pngTest = new RegExp((window.IE7_PNG_SUFFIX || "-trans.png") + "$", "i");
+// apply a filter
+function addFilter(element, src) {
+	element.runtimeStyle.filter = FILTER.replace(/%1/, src);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  fix css
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// replace background(-image): url(..) ..  with background(-image): .. ;filter: ..;
+var MATCH = /background(-image)?\s*:([^(};]*)url\(([^\)]+)\)([^;}]*)/gi;
+CSSFixes.addFix(MATCH, function replace(match, image, prefix, url, suffix) {
+	url = getString(url);
+	return pngTest.test(url) ? "filter:" +
+		FILTER.replace(/scale/, "crop").replace(/%1/, url) + ";zoom:1;background" +
+		  (image||"") + ":" + (prefix||"") + "none" + (suffix||"") : match;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  fix html
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+if (HTMLFixes) {
+	function fixImg(element) {
+		if (pngTest.test(element.src)) {
+			// we have to preserve width and height
+			var width = element.width, height = element.height;
+			// add the AlphaImageLoader thingy
+			addFilter(element, element.src);
+			// remove the real image
+			element.src = NULL;
+			element.width = width;
+			element.height = height;
+		} else element.runtimeStyle.filter = "";
+	};
+	HTMLFixes.add("img,input", function(element) {
+		if (element.tagName == "INPUT" && element.type != "image") return;
+		fixImg(element);
+		addEventHandler(element, "onpropertychange", function() {
+			if (event.propertyName == "src") fixImg(element);
+		});
+	});
+/* ######
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  dhtml/javascript support
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+function fixBackgroundImage(element) { //DHTML
+//#	// ignore HTML IMG tags
+//#	if (isHTML && element.tagName == "IMG") return;
+	var src = element.currentStyle.backgroundImage.slice(5, -2);
+	if (pngTest.test(src)) {
+		addFilter(element, src);
+		element.runtimeStyle.backgroundImage = "none";
+	} else element.runtimeStyle.filter = "";
+###### */

Added: plog/trunk/js/ie7/src/ie7-standard.js
--- plog/trunk/js/ie7/src/ie7-standard.js	2005-01-13 15:17:11 UTC (rev 743)
+++ plog/trunk/js/ie7/src/ie7-standard.js	2005-01-15 16:33:55 UTC (rev 744)
@@ -0,0 +1,1721 @@
+	W3C compliance for Microsoft Internet Explorer
+	this module forms part of IE7
+	IE7 version 0.7.3 (alpha) 2004/09/18
+	by Dean Edwards, 2004
+/* credits/thanks:
+	Shaggy, Martijn Wargers, Jimmy Cerra, Mark D Anderson,
+	Lars Dieckow, Erik Arvidsson, Gellért Gyuris, James Denny,
+	Unknown W Brackets, Benjamin Westfarer, Rob Eberhardt,
+	Bill Edney, Kevin Newman
+ ie-core.js, ie7-html4.js, ie7-box-model.js,
+ ie7-css2.js, ie7-png.js, ie7-fixed.js
+if (!window.IE7) new function() {
+try {
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// globals
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+window.IE7 = this;
+// in case of error...
+var DUMMY = this.addModule = new Function;
+// if the document has been hidden for faster loading, unhide it
+function unHide(){if (document.body) document.body.style.visibility = "visible"};
+// IE7 version info
+this.toString = function(){return "IE7 version 0.7.3 (alpha)"};
+// error reporting
+var alert = (/ie7_debug/.test(location.search)) ? function(message) {
+	window.alert(IE7 + "\n\n" + message);
+} : DUMMY;
+var appVersion = navigator.appVersion.match(/MSIE (\d\.\d)/)[1];
+// IE7 can be turned "off"
+if (/ie7_off/.test(location.search) || appVersion < 5 ||
+	!/^ms_/.test(document.documentElement.uniqueID)) return unHide();
+// IE version info
+var quirksMode = Boolean(document.compatMode != "CSS1Compat");
+// assume html unless explicitly defined
+var isHTML = (typeof document.mimeType == "unknown") ?
+	!/\.xml$/i.test(location.pathname) :
+	Boolean(document.mimeType != "XML Document");
+// ie7 style sheet text
+var LINKS = ":link{ie7-link:link}:visited{ie7-link:visited}";
+if (!isHTML) HEADER += "*{margin:0}";
+// another global
+var HTMLFixes; // loaded separately
+var documentElement = document.documentElement;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// external
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// cache for the various modules that make up IE7.
+//  modules are stored as functions. these are executed
+//  after the style sheet text has been loaded.
+// storing the modules as functions means that we avoid
+//  name clashes with other modules.
+var modules = {};
+this.addModule = function(name, script, autoload) {
+	if (!modules) return;
+	// re-evelaute the script module in the scope of the main script
+	if (loaded) eval("script=" + String(script));
+	// this flag means execute immediately
+	if (autoload) {
+		script();
+		script = DUMMY;
+	}
+	// store the module
+	modules[name] = script;
+var RELATIVE = /^[\w\.]+[^:]*$/;
+function makePath(href, path) {
+	if (RELATIVE.test(href)) href = (path || "") + href;
+	return href;
+function getPath(href, path) {
+	href = makePath(href, path);
+	return href.slice(0, href.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
+// get the path to this script
+var path = getPath(document.scripts[document.scripts.length - 1].src);
+// we'll use microsoft's http request object to load external files
+var httpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
+function load(href, path) {
+try {
+	href = makePath(href, path);
+	// easy to load a file huh?
+	httpRequest.open("GET", href, false);
+	httpRequest.send();
+	return httpRequest.responseText;
+} catch (ignore) {
+	alert("Error [1]: could not load file " + href);
+	return "";
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// IE5.0 compatibility
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// annoying but necessary
+var push = function(array, item) {return array.push(item)};
+var pop = function(array) {return array.pop()};
+// load an external module to patch IE5.0 and override the functions above
+if (appVersion < 5.5) eval(load("ie7-ie5.js", path));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  IE7 style sheet
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// create the internal IE7 style sheet
+if (document.readyState == "complete" || !isHTML) document.createStyleSheet();
+// this fixes a bug to do with the <base> tag
+else document.write("<style></style>");
+// get the new style sheet
+this.styleSheet = document.styleSheets[document.styleSheets.length - 1];
+// initialise the text
+this.styleSheet.cssText = LINKS;
+// mark it as internal
+this.styleSheet.ie7 = true;
+// store loaded cssText URLs
+var cssText = {};
+// load an external style sheet
+function loadStyleSheet(styleSheet, path) {
+	var url = makePath(styleSheet.href, path);
+	if (cssText[url]) return "";
+	// load from source
+	cssText[url] = (styleSheet.disabled) ? "" : fixUrls(getCSSText(styleSheet, path), getPath(styleSheet.href, path));
+	return cssText[url];
+// retrieve the text of a style sheet
+var getCSSText = function(styleSheet) {
+	// without the CSS2 module we assume CSS1, so it is safe to get Microsoft's stored text
+	return styleSheet.cssText;
+// fix css paths
+var URL = /(url\(['"]?)([\w\.]+[^:\)]*['"]?\))/gi;
+// we're lumping all css text into one big style sheet so relative
+//  paths have to be fixed. this is necessary anyway because of other
+//  explorer bugs.
+function fixUrls(cssText, pathname) {
+	// hack & slash
+	return cssText.replace(URL, "$1" + pathname.slice(0, pathname.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) + "$2");
+// a store for functions that will be called when refreshing IE7
+this.recalcs = [];
+// be aware of the css modules (do nothing if it's not there)
+this.parse = DUMMY;
+var complete = false; // IE7 applied?
+function _load() {
+try {
+	// don't call this function again
+	complete = true; // IE7 applied!
+	var MEDIA = /\bscreen\b|\ball\b|^$/i; // valid media settings
+	// handy reference to the sytle sheets collection
+	var styleSheets = document.styleSheets;
+	var inlineStyles = [];
+	var styles = document.getElementsByTagName("style");
+	for (var i = styles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+		// don't include the ie7 style header
+		push(inlineStyles, /ie7-link/.test(styles[i].innerHTML)?"":styles[i].innerHTML);
+	}
+	// retrieve unparsed css text. inline style sheets have their
+	//  unparsed css text cached by ie7-style.htc.
+	function getCSSText(styleSheet, path) {
+		var cssText = "";
+		// loop through imported style sheets
+		if (MEDIA.test(styleSheet.media)) {
+			for (var i = 0; i < styleSheet.imports.length; i++) {
+				// call this function recursively to get all
+				//  imported style sheets
+				cssText += arguments.callee(styleSheet.imports[i], getPath(styleSheet.href, path));
+			}
+			// retrieve inline style or load an external style sheet
+			cssText += ((styleSheet.href) ? loadStyleSheet(styleSheet, path) : pop(inlineStyles));
+		}
+		return cssText;
+	};
+	// store for style sheet text
+	IE7.cssText = "";
+	// load all style sheets in the document
+	for (i = 0; i < styleSheets.length; i++) IE7.cssText += getCSSText(styleSheets[i], "");
+	// tidy the style sheet text (remove comments etc)
+	IE7.cssText = encode(IE7.cssText);
+	// load modules (ie7 components)
+	for (i in modules) modules[i]();
+	// prevent further loading
+	delete modules;
+	// fix html page elements (i.e. <abbr>)
+	if (HTMLFixes) HTMLFixes.apply();
+	// apply fixes to the style sheet text (text parse)
+	CSSFixes.apply();
+	// parse css text (ie7 classes and rules)
+	IE7.parse();
+	// load the new css text
+	IE7.styleSheet.cssText = HEADER + decode(IE7.cssText);
+	// trash the old style sheets
+	for (i = 0; i < styleSheets.length; i++) {
+		if (!styleSheets[i].disabled && !styleSheets[i].ie7) styleSheets[i].cssText = "";
+	}
+	// refresh the document
+	IE7.recalc();
+	alert("loaded successfully");
+} catch (error) {
+	alert("Error [2]: " + error.description);
+} finally {
+	unHide();
+// this will change some more later.
+//  but for the moment this is how i'm applying the various fixes
+//  (this and the huge constructor function preceding it..)
+this.recalc = function() {
+	// re-apply style sheet rules (re-calculate ie7 classes)
+	CSSFixes.recalc();
+	// apply global fixes to the document (and some tidying)
+	for (var i = 0; i < this.recalcs.length; i++) this.recalcs[i]();
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  fix css
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// two key methods of the CSSFixes object:
+// 1. addFix(pattern, replace)
+//  make a direct text replacement to style sheet text.
+//  pattern: a RegExp representing the text to replace
+//  replace: a String representing the replacement text
+// 2. addRecalc(pattern, fix)
+//  identify elements that match a piece of style sheet text
+//  pattern: a RegExp representing the text to replace
+//  fix: a Function that takes any matching element as it's only parameter
+var CSSFixes = new function() {
+	var fixes = []; // private
+	this.addFix = function() {
+		push(fixes, arguments);
+	};
+	var recalcs = []; // private
+	this.addRecalc = function(pattern, fix) {
+		var reg = new RegExp("([^{}]*)\\{([^}]*[^\\w-])?" + pattern, "gi");
+		var cssText = IE7.cssText;
+		pattern = [];
+		while (match = reg.exec(cssText)) {
+			push(pattern, match[1]);
+			// fix for IE5.0
+			if (appVersion < 5.5) cssText = cssText.slice(match.lastIndex);
+		}
+		if (pattern.length) {
+			pattern = pattern.toString();
+			push(recalcs, arguments);
+		}
+	};
+	this.apply = function() {
+		// loop through the fixes
+		// they consist of a pair of arguments passed to a String.replace
+		// function. the replacement is made to the entire style sheet text
+		for (var i = 0; i < fixes.length; i++) {
+			IE7.cssText = IE7.cssText.replace(fixes[i][0], fixes[i][1]);
+		}
+		// add recalcs here
+		this.addRecalc("box-sizing\\s*:\\s*content-box", boxSizing);
+		// fix "unscrollable content" bug (http://www.positioniseverything.net/explorer/unscrollable.html)
+		this.addRecalc("position\\s*:\\s*absolute", function(element) {
+			if (element.offsetParent.currentStyle.position == "relative") boxSizing(element.offsetParent);
+		});
+	};
+	// placeholder for the css module
+	this.recalc = function() {
+		// loop through the fixes
+		for (var i = 0; i < recalcs.length; i++) {
+			var elements = cssQuery(recalcs[i][0]);
+			for (var j = 0; j < elements.length; j++) recalcs[i][1](elements[j]);
+		}
+	};
+	// fix "double margin" bug (http://www.positioniseverything.net/explorer/doubled-margin.html)
+	this.addFix(/(float\s*:\s*(left|right))/gi, "display:inline;$1");
+	// display:list-item (IE5.x)
+	if (appVersion < 6) this.addFix(/display\s*:\s*list-item/gi, "display:block");
+	if (quirksMode) {
+		// named font-sizes are too small
+		var SIZES = "xx-small,x-small,small,medium,large,x-large,xx-large".split(",");
+		for (var i = 0; i < SIZES.length; i++) SIZES[SIZES[i]] = SIZES[i - 1] || "xx-small";
+		function replace($,$1,$2,$3){return $1+SIZES[$3]};
+		this.addFix(new RegExp("(font(-size)?\\s*:\\s*)(" + SIZES.join("|") + ")", "gi"), replace);
+	}
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  css query engine
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// optimised for speed not readability (sorry)
+// this is basically version 2 of cssQuery. it is a lot more complicated
+//  but *very* configurable..
+// the following functions allow querying of the DOM using CSS selectors
+var STANDARD_SELECT = /^[^>\+~\s]/;
+var STREAM = /[\s>\+~:@#\.\(\)]|[^\s>\+~:@#\.\(\)]+/g;
+var NAMESPACE = /\|/;
+var IMPLIED_SELECTOR = /([\s>~\,]|[^(]\+|^)([\.:#@])/g;
+var ASTERISK ="$1*$2";
+// cache results for faster processing
+var cssCache = {};
+// this is the main query function
+function cssQuery(selector, from) {
+	var useCache = !from;
+	var base = (from) ? (from.constructor == Array) ? from : [from] : [document];
+	// process comma separated selectors
+	var selectors = selector.replace(IMPLIED_SELECTOR, ASTERISK).split(",");
+	var match = [];
+	for (var i = 0; i < selectors.length; i++) {
+		// convert the selector to a stream
+		selector = toStream(selectors[i]);
+		// faster chop if it starts with id
+		if (selector.slice(0, 3).join("") == " *#") {
+			selector = selector.slice(2);
+			from = selectById(base, selector[1]);
+		} else from = base;
+		// process the stream
+		var j = 0, token, filter, filterArgs, cacheSelector = "";
+		while (j < selector.length) {
+			token = selector[j++];
+			filter = selector[j++];
+			cacheSelector += token + filter;
+			filterArgs = "";
+			if (selector[j] == "(") {
+				while (selector[j++] != ")") filterArgs += selector[j];
+				filterArgs = filterArgs.slice(0, -1);
+				cacheSelector += "(" + filterArgs + ")";
+			}
+			// process a token/filter pair
+			from = (useCache && cssCache[cacheSelector]) ?
+				cssCache[cacheSelector] : select(from, token, filter, filterArgs);
+			if (useCache) cssCache[cacheSelector] = from;
+		}
+		match = match.concat(from);
+	}
+	// return the filtered selection
+	return match;
+// convert css selectors to a stream of tokens and filters
+//  it's not a real stream. it's just an array of strings.
+function toStream(selector) {
+	if (STANDARD_SELECT.test(selector)) selector = " " + selector;
+	return selector.match(STREAM);
+// select a set of matching elements.
+// "from" is an array of elements.
+// "token" is a character representing the type of filter
+//  e.g. ">" means child selector
+// "filter" represents the tag name, id or class name that is being selected
+// the function returns an array of matching elements
+function select(from, token, filter, filterArgs) {
+	//alert("token="+token+",filter="+filter+",filterArgs="+filterArgs+",from="+from.length);
+	var scopeName = "";
+	if (NAMESPACE.test(filter)) {
+		filter = filter.split("|");
+		scopeName = filter[0];
+		filter = filter[1];
+	}
+	var filtered = [];
+	if (selectors[token]) selectors[token](filtered, from, filter, scopeName || filterArgs);
+	return filtered;
+function selectById(from, id) {
+	//alert("id="+id+",from="+from.length);
+	var filtered = [], i, j;
+	for (i = 0; i < from.length; i++) {
+		var match = from[i].all.item(id);
+		if (match) {
+			if (match.length == null) push(filtered, match);
+			else for (j = 0; j < match.length; j++) push(filtered, match[j]);
+		}
+	}
+	return filtered;
+var selectors = { // CSS1
+	// descendant selector
+	" ": function(filtered, from, filter, scopeName) {
+		// loop through current selection
+		for (var i = 0; i < from.length; i++) {
+			// get descendants
+			var subset = (filter == "*" && from[i].all) ? from[i].all : from[i].getElementsByTagName(filter);
+			// loop through descendants and add to filtered selection
+			for (var j = 0; j < subset.length; j++) {
+				if (isElement(subset[j]) && (!scopeName || subset[j].scopeName == scopeName))
+					push(filtered, subset[j]);
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	// ID selector
+	"#": function(filtered, from, filter) {
+		// loop through current selection and check ID
+		for (var i = 0; i < from.length; i++) if (from[i].id == filter) push(filtered, from[i]);
+	},
+	// class selector
+	".": function(filtered, from, filter) {
+		// create a RegExp version of the class
+		filter = new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + filter + "(\\s|$)");
+		// loop through current selection and check class
+		for (var i = 0; i < from.length; i++) if (filter.test(from[i].className)) push(filtered, from[i]);
+	},
+	// pseudo-class selector
+	":": function(filtered, from, filter, filterArgs) {
+		// retrieve the cssQuery pseudo-class function
+		filter = pseudoClasses[filter];
+		// loop through current selection and apply pseudo-class filter
+		if (filter) for (var i = 0; i < from.length; i++)
+			// if the cssQuery pseudo-class function returns "true" add the element
+			if (filter(from[i], filterArgs)) push(filtered, from[i]);
+	}
+var attributeTests = "";
+var pseudoClasses = { // static
+	toString: function() {
+		var toString = [];
+		for (var pseudoClass in this) {
+			if (pseudoClass != "link" && pseudoClass != "visited") {
+				if (this[pseudoClass].length > 1) pseudoClass += "\\([^)]*\\)";
+				push(toString, pseudoClass);
+			}
+		}
+		return toString.join("|");
+	},
+	// the "ie7-link" property is set by text contained in the IE7 generated style sheet.
+	// (the text is stored in the "LINKS" variable)
+	"link": function(element) {
+		return Boolean(element.currentStyle["ie7-link"] == "link");
+	},
+	"visited": function(element) {
+		return Boolean(element.currentStyle["ie7-link"] == "visited");
+	}
+// we'll let explorer handle CSS1 dynamic pseudo classes (hover, active)
+var dynamicPseudoClasses = {toString: pseudoClasses.toString};
+// other IE7 CSS modules can expand this object
+// how tedious..
+function compareTagName(element, tagName, scopeName) {
+	if (scopeName && element.scopeName != scopeName) return false;
+	return (tagName == "*") ? isElement(element) : (isHTML) ?
+		(element.tagName == tagName.toUpperCase()) : (element.tagName == tagName);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// encoding
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// a style sheet must be prepared for parsing.
+// this means stripping out comments etc
+// strings are encoded to avoid parsing bugs (are you reading this microsoft?)
+var strings = [];
+function getString(string) {
+	return QUOTED.test(string) ? strings[string.slice(1, -1)] : string;
+var encode = function(cssText) {
+	return cssText
+	// remove comments (gellért gyuris)
+	.replace(/(\/\*[^\*]*\*+([^\/][^\*]*\*+)*\/)|('[^']*')|("[^"]*")/g, function(match) {
+		return (match.charAt(0) == "/") ? "" : "'" + (push(strings, match.slice(1, -1)) - 1) + "'";
+	})
+	// parse out @namespace/@import (restating them crashes explorer!)
+	.replace(/@(namespace|import)[^;\n]+[;\n]|<!\-\-|\-\->/g, "")
+	// fix IE namespaces
+	.replace(/\\:/g, "|")
+	// trim whitespace
+	.replace(/^\s+|\s*([\{\}\+\,>~\s;])\s*|\s+$/g, "$1");
+function decode(cssText) {
+	// fix IE namespaces
+	return cssText.replace(/\|/g, "\\:").replace(/'(\d+)'/g, function(match, key) {
+		return strings[key];
+	});
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// event handling
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+var handlers = [];
+// add an event handler (function) to an element
+function addEventHandler(element, type, handler) {
+	element.attachEvent(type, handler);
+	// store the handler so it can be detached later
+	push(handlers, arguments);
+// remove an event handler assigned to an element by IE7
+function removeEventHandler(element, type, handler) {
+try {
+	element.detachEvent(type, handler);
+} catch (ignore) {
+	// write a letter of complaint to microsoft..
+// remove event handlers (they eat memory)
+window.attachEvent("onbeforeunload", function() {
+ 	while (handlers.length) {
+ 		var handler = pop(handlers);
+ 		removeEventHandler(handler[0], handler[1], handler[2]);
+ 	};
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// shared box-model support
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// does an element have "layout" ?
+var hasLayout = (appVersion < 6) ? function(element) {
+	return element.clientWidth;
+} : function(element) {
+	return element.currentStyle.hasLayout;
+// give an element "layout"
+function boxSizing(element) {
+	if (!hasLayout(element)) {
+		element.contentEditable = false; // jimmy cerra
+		fixMargins(firstChildElement(element));
+	}
+// stop margins collapsing when an element is given "layout"
+function fixMargins(element) {
+	while (element) {
+		element.runtimeStyle.marginTop = element.currentStyle.marginTop;
+		element = nextElement(element);
+	}
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// generic
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+var QUOTED = /('[^']*')|("[^"]*")/;
+function quote(value) {return (QUOTED.test(value)) ? value : "'" + value + "'"};
+function unquote(value) {return (QUOTED.test(value)) ? value.slice(1, -1) : value};
+// create a hidden element - used for testing pixel values
+function tmpElement(tagName) {
+	var element = document.createElement(tagName || "object");
+	element.style.cssText = "position:absolute;padding:0;display:block;border:none;clip:rect(0 0 0 0);left:-9999";
+	return element;
+// IE5.x includes comments (LOL) in it's element collections.
+// so we have to check for this. the test is tagName != "!". LOL (again).
+function isElement(node) {
+	return Boolean(node && node.nodeType == 1 && node.tagName != "!" && !node.ie7_anon);
+// return the previous element to the supplied element
+//  previousSibling is not good enough as it might return a text or comment node
+function previousElement(element) {
+	while (element && (element = element.previousSibling) && !isElement(element)) continue;
+	return element;
+// return the next element to the supplied element
+function nextElement(element) {
+	while (element && (element = element.nextSibling) && !isElement(element)) continue;
+	return element;
+// return the first child ELEMENT of an element
+//  NOT the first child node (though they may be the same thing)
+function firstChildElement(element) {
+	element = element.firstChild;
+	return (isElement(element)) ? element : nextElement(element);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  modules
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//## paste modules here when building IE7 libraries (gotta know what you are doing though!)
+var loaded = false; // has the core loaded?
+IE7.addModule("ie7-html4", function() {
+	// fix broken HTML tags
+if (isHTML) HTMLFixes = new function() {
+	var fixes = []; // private
+	function fix(element) {
+		// remove the broken tags and replace with <HTML:tagName/>
+		var fixedElement = document.createElement("<HTML:" + element.outerHTML.slice(1));
+	//# fixedElement.mergeAttributes(element, false);
+		if (element.outerHTML.slice(-2) != "/>") {
+			// remove child nodes and copy them to the new element
+			var endTag = "</"+ element.tagName + ">", nextSibling;
+			while ((nextSibling = element.nextSibling) && nextSibling.outerHTML != endTag) {
+				element.parentNode.removeChild(nextSibling);
+				fixedElement.appendChild(nextSibling);
+			}
+			// remove the closing tag
+			if (nextSibling) element.parentNode.removeChild(nextSibling);
+		}
+		// replace the broken tag with the namespaced version
+		element.parentNode.replaceChild(fixedElement, element);
+		return fixedElement;
+	};
+	this.add = function() {
+		push(fixes, arguments);
+	};
+	this.apply = function() {
+	try {
+		// create the namespace used to declare our fixed <abbr/> tag.
+		//  strangely, this throws an error if there is no <abbr/> tag present!?
+		if (appVersion > 5) document.namespaces.add("HTML", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml");
+	} catch (ignore) {
+		// explorer confuses me.
+		// we can create a namespace when the <abbr/>
+		//  tag is present, otherwise error!
+		//  this kind of suits me but it's still weird.
+	} finally {
+		// apply all fixes
+		for (var i = 0; i < fixes.length; i++) {
+			var elements = cssQuery(fixes[i][0]);
+			for (var j = 0; j < elements.length; j++) fixes[i][1](elements[j]);
+		}
+	}};
+	// associate <label> elements with an input element
+	this.add("label", function(element) {
+		if (!element.htmlFor) {
+			var input = cssQuery("input,select,textarea", element)[0];
+			if (input) {
+				if (!input.id) input.id = input.uniqueID;
+				element.htmlFor = input.id;
+			}
+		}
+	});
+	// provide support for the <abbr> tag for html documents
+	//  this is a proper fix, it preserves the dom structure and
+	//  <abbr> elements report the correct tagName & namespace prefix
+	this.add("abbr", function(element) {
+		fix(element);
+		// don't cache broken <abbr> tags
+		delete cssCache[" abbr"];
+	});
+	// a couple of <button> fixes
+	this.add("button,input", function(element) {
+		if (element.tagName == "BUTTON") {
+			// IE bug means that innerText is submitted instead of "value"
+			var match = element.outerHTML.match(/ value="([^"]*)"/i);
+			element.runtimeStyle.value = (match) ? match[1] : "";
+		}
+		// flag the button/input that was used to submit the form
+		if (element.type == "submit") {
+			addEventHandler(element, "onclick", function() {
+				element.runtimeStyle.clicked = true;
+				setTimeout("document.all." + element.uniqueID + ".runtimeStyle.clicked=false", 1);
+			});
+		}
+	});
+	// only submit successful controls
+	this.add("form", function(element) {
+		var UNSUCCESSFUL = /^(submit|reset|button)$/;
+		addEventHandler(element, "onsubmit", function() {
+			for (var i = 0; i < element.length; i++) {
+				if (UNSUCCESSFUL.test(element[i].type) && !element[i].disabled && !element[i].runtimeStyle.clicked) {
+					element[i].disabled = true;
+					setTimeout("document.all." + element[i].uniqueID + ".disabled=false", 1);
+				} else if (element[i].tagName == "BUTTON" && element[i].type == "submit") {
+					setTimeout("document.all." + element[i].uniqueID + ".value='" + element[i].value + "'", 1);
+					element[i].value = element[i].runtimeStyle.value;
+				}
+			}
+		});
+	});
+}}, true);
+IE7.addModule("ie7-box-model", function() {
+// big, ugly box-model hack + min/max stuff
+// #tantek > #erik > #dean { voice-family: hacker; }
+// constants
+var NUMERIC = "\\s*:\\s*\\d[\\w%]*", UNIT = /^\d\w*$/, PERCENT = /^\d+%$/, PIXEL = /^\d+(px)?$/;
+var MATCH = (appVersion < 6) ? /\b(min|max)-(width|height)\s*:\s*\d/gi : /\b(min|max)-width\s*:\s*\d/gi;
+var AUTO = (appVersion < 5.5) ? /^auto|0cm$/ : /^auto$/;
+// create a temporary element which is used to inherit styles
+//  from the target element. the temporary element can be resized
+//  to determine pixel widths/heights
+var ie7_tmp = tmpElement();
+push(IE7.recalcs, function removeTempElement() {
+	if (ie7_tmp.parentElement) ie7_tmp.parentElement.removeChild(ie7_tmp);
+CSSFixes.addFix(MATCH, function(match) {
+	return match.slice(0, 3) + match.charAt(4).toUpperCase() + match.slice(5);
+var viewport = (quirksMode) ? document.body : documentElement;
+function isFixed(element) {
+	return element.style.position == "fixed" || element.currentStyle.position == "fixed";
+function layoutParent(element) {
+	var layoutParent = element.offsetParent;
+	while (layoutParent && !hasLayout(layoutParent)) layoutParent = layoutParent.offsetParent;
+	if (!layoutParent || isFixed(element)) layoutParent = viewport;
+	return layoutParent;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// box-model
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+function fixWidth(HEIGHT) {
+	fixWidth = function(element, value) {
+		if (!element.runtimeStyle.fixedWidth && (!isHTML || element.tagName != "HR")) {
+			if (!value) value = element.currentStyle.width;
+			element.runtimeStyle.fixedWidth = (UNIT.test(value)) ? Math.max(0, getFixedWidth(element, value)) : value;
+			element.runtimeStyle.width = element.runtimeStyle.fixedWidth;
+			boxSizing(element);
+		}
+	};
+	if (quirksMode) CSSFixes.addRecalc("width\\s*:\\s*\\d\\w*[^%]", fixWidth);
+	var getFixedWidth = (quirksMode) ? function(element, value) {
+		return getPixelWidth(element, value) + getBorderWidth(element) + getPaddingWidth(element);
+	} : function(element, value) {
+		return getPixelWidth(element, value);
+	};
+	// easy way to get border thickness for elements with "layout"
+	function getBorderWidth(element) {
+		return element.offsetWidth - element.clientWidth;
+	};
+	// have to do some pixel conversion to get padding thickness :-(
+	function getPaddingWidth(element) {
+		return getPixelWidth(element, element.currentStyle.paddingLeft) +
+			getPixelWidth(element, element.currentStyle.paddingRight);
+	};
+	function getMarginWidth(element) { // kevin newman
+		return ((element.currentStyle.marginLeft == "auto") ? 0 : getPixelLeft(element, element.currentStyle.marginLeft)) +
+			((element.currentStyle.marginRight == "auto") ? 0 : getPixelLeft(element, element.currentStyle.marginRight));
+	};
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// min/max
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// handle min-width property
+	function minWidth(element) {
+		minWidth[minWidth.count++] = element;
+		// IE6 supports min-height so we frig it here
+		if (element.currentStyle.minHeight == "auto") element.runtimeStyle.minHeight = 0;
+		fixWidth(element);
+		boxSizing(element);
+		resizeWidth(element);
+	};
+	minWidth.count = 0;
+	CSSFixes.addRecalc("min-width" + NUMERIC, minWidth);
+	// clone the minWidth function to make a maxWidth function
+	eval(String(minWidth).replace(/min/g, "max"));
+	maxWidth.count = 0;
+	CSSFixes.addRecalc("max-width" + NUMERIC, maxWidth);
+	// apply min/max restrictions
+	function resizeWidth(element) {
+		// check boundaries
+		var rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
+		var width = rect.right - rect.left;
+		if (element.currentStyle.maxWidth && width >= getFixedWidth(element, element.currentStyle.maxWidth))
+			element.runtimeStyle.width = getFixedWidth(element, element.currentStyle.maxWidth);
+		else if (element.currentStyle.minWidth && width <= getFixedWidth(element, element.currentStyle.minWidth))
+			element.runtimeStyle.width = getFixedWidth(element, element.currentStyle.minWidth);
+		else
+			element.runtimeStyle.width = element.runtimeStyle.fixedWidth;
+	};
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// right/bottom
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	function fixRight(element) {
+		if ((element.currentStyle.position == "absolute" || element.currentStyle.position == "fixed") &&
+		    element.currentStyle.left != "auto" &&
+		    element.currentStyle.right != "auto" &&
+		    AUTO.test(element.currentStyle.width)) {
+		    	fixRight[fixRight.count++] = element;
+		    	boxSizing(element);
+		    	resizeRight(element);
+		}
+	};
+	fixRight.count = 0;
+	CSSFixes.addRecalc("right" + NUMERIC, fixRight);
+	function resizeRight(element) {
+		element.runtimeStyle.width = "";
+		var parentElement = layoutParent(element);
+		var left = (element.runtimeStyle.screenLeft) ? element.getBoundingClientRect().left - 2 : getPixelLeft(element, element.currentStyle.left);
+		var width = parentElement.clientWidth - getPixelLeft(element, element.currentStyle.right) -	left - getMarginWidth(element);
+	    if (!quirksMode) width -= getBorderWidth(element) + getPaddingWidth(element);
+		if (width < 0) width = 0;
+		if (isFixed(element) || HEIGHT || element.offsetWidth < width) {
+			element.runtimeStyle.fixedWidth = width;
+			element.runtimeStyle.width = width;
+		}
+	};
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// window.onresize
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// handle window resize
+	var clientWidth = documentElement.clientWidth;
+	addEventHandler(window, "onresize", function() {
+		var i, wider = (clientWidth < documentElement.clientWidth);
+		clientWidth = documentElement.clientWidth;
+		// resize elements with "min-width" set
+		for (i = 0; i < minWidth.count; i++) {
+			var element = minWidth[i];
+			var fixedWidth = (element.runtimeStyle.width == element.currentStyle.minWidth);
+			if (wider && fixedWidth) element.runtimeStyle.width = "";
+			if (wider == fixedWidth) resizeWidth(element);
+		}
+		// resize elements with "max-width" set
+		for (i = 0; i < maxWidth.count; i++) {
+			var element = maxWidth[i];
+			var fixedWidth = (element.runtimeStyle.width == element.currentStyle.maxWidth);
+			if (!wider && fixedWidth) element.runtimeStyle.width = "";
+			if (wider != fixedWidth) resizeWidth(element);
+		}
+		// resize elements with "right" set
+		for (i = 0; i < fixRight.count; i++) resizeRight(fixRight[i]);
+		// take the temporary element out of the DOM
+		removeTempElement();
+	});
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// pixel conversion
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// this is handy because it means that web developers can mix and match
+	//  measurement units in their style sheets. it is not uncommon to
+	//  express something like padding in "em" units whilst border thickness
+	//  is most often expressed in pixels.
+	function getPixelWidth(element, value) {
+		if (PIXEL.test(value)) return parseInt(value);
+		if (PERCENT.test(value)) return parseInt(parseFloat(value) / 100 * layoutParent(element).clientWidth);
+		// inherit style
+		var parentElement = (element.canHaveChildren) ? element : element.parentElement;
+		parentElement.appendChild(ie7_tmp);
+		// resize the temporary element
+		ie7_tmp.style.width = value;
+		// retrieve pixel width
+		return ie7_tmp.offsetWidth;
+	};
+	function getPixelLeft(element, value) {
+		if (parseInt(value) > 0) return getPixelWidth(element, value);
+		if (PIXEL.test(value)) return parseInt(value);
+		element.parentElement.appendChild(ie7_tmp);
+		// resize the temporary element
+		ie7_tmp.style.left = value;
+		// retrieve pixel width
+		return ie7_tmp.offsetLeft;
+	};
+// clone the fixWidth function to create a fixHeight function
+	.replace(/Width/g, "Height").replace(/width/g, "height")
+	.replace(/Left/g, "Top").replace(/left/g, "top")
+	.replace(/Right/g, "Bottom").replace(/right/g, "bottom"));
+// apply box-model + min/max fixes
+IE7.addModule("ie7-css2", function() {
+// this has lost its oo shape due to IE5.0 inadequcies and
+//  the demands of multiple inheritance (sometimes it's just
+//  easier that way).
+// constants
+var CHILD = />/g, ANCHOR = /(\ba(\.[\w-]+)?)$/i;
+// cache ie7 classes
+IE7.classes = [];
+// override the previously defined dummy parser
+IE7.parser = new Parser;
+// constructors are stored on the IE7 interface
+//  this is in anticipation of ie7-css-strict.js
+IE7.Class = Class;
+IE7.DynamicStyle = DynamicStyle;
+IE7.PseudoElement = PseudoElement;
+// replace unknown css2/3 selectors with ie7 classes
+IE7.parse = function() {
+	// parse the style sheet
+	with (this.parser) this.cssText = decode(parse(encode(this.cssText)));
+	// execute underlying queries of IE7 classes
+	for (var i = 0; i < IE7.classes.length; i++) IE7.classes[i].exec();
+	// create pseudo elements
+	for (i = 0; i < pseudoElements.length; i++) pseudoElements[i].create();
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  parser
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// override getCSSText function defined in ie7-core.
+// explorer will trash unknown selectors (it converts them to "UNKNOWN").
+// so we must reload external style sheets (internal style sheets can have their text
+//  extracted through the innerHTML property).
+getCSSText = function(styleSheet, path) {
+	// load the style sheet text from an external file
+	return load(styleSheet.href, path);
+var encoded = []; // private
+function Parser() {
+	// public
+	this.parse = function(cssText) {
+		// create regular expressions
+		Class.ALL = new RegExp("[^},\\s]*([>+~][^:@,\\s{]+|:(" + pseudoClasses +
+			")|\\.[\\w-]+\\.[\\w-.]+|@[@\\d]+)", "g");
+		Class.COMPLEX = new RegExp("[^\\s(]+[+~]|@\\d+|:(link|visited|" + pseudoClasses + "|" +
+			dynamicPseudoClasses + ")|\\.[\\w-.]+", "g");
+		DynamicStyle.ALL = new RegExp("([^}]*):(" + dynamicPseudoClasses + ")([^{]*)", "g");
+		// parse out unknown CSS selectors
+		return cssText
+		.replace(PseudoElement.ALL, PseudoElement.ID)
+		.replace(DynamicStyle.ALL, DynamicStyle.ID)
+		.replace(Class.ALL, Class.ID);
+	};
+	this.encode = function(cssText) {
+		// create regular expressions
+		AttributeSelector.ALL = new RegExp("\\[([^" + attributeTests + "=\\]]+)([" +
+			attributeTests + "]?=?)([^\\]]+)?\\]", "g");
+		return cssText
+		// parse out attribute selectors
+		.replace(AttributeSelector.ALL, AttributeSelector.ID)
+		// encode style blocks
+		.replace(/\{[^\}]*\}/g, function($){return "{"+(push(encoded,$)-1)+"}"})
+		// remove double semi-colons (::before)
+		.replace(/::/g, ":")
+		// split comma separated selectors
+		.replace(/([^\}\s]*\,[^\{]*)(\{\d+\})/g, function(match, left, right) {
+			return left.split(",").join(right) + right;
+		});
+	};
+	// put style blocks back
+	this.decode = function(cssText) {
+		return cssText.replace(/\{(\d+)\}/g, function($, $1){return encoded[$1]});
+	};
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// IE7 style classes
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// virtual
+function _Class() {
+	// properties
+//- this.id = 0;
+//- this.name = "";
+//- this.selector = "";
+//- this.MATCH = null;
+	this.toString = function() {
+		return "." + this.name;
+	};
+	// methods
+	this.add = function(element) {
+		// allocate this class
+		element.className += " " + this.name;
+	};
+	this.remove = function(element) {
+		// deallocate this class
+		element.className = element.className.replace(this.MATCH, "");
+	};
+	this.exec = function() {
+		// execute the underlying css query for this class
+		var match = cssQuery(this.selector);
+		// add the class name for all matching elements
+		for (var i = 0; i < match.length; i++) this.add(match[i]);
+	};
+// constructor
+function Class(selector, cssText) {
+	this.id = IE7.classes.length;
+	this.name = Class.PREFIX + this.id;
+	this.selector = selector;
+	this.MATCH = new RegExp("\\s" + this.name + "\\b", "g");
+	push(IE7.classes, this);
+// inheritance
+Class.ancestor = _Class;
+Class.prototype = new _Class;
+// constants
+Class.PREFIX = "ie7_";
+// class methods
+Class.ID = function(match) {
+	return simpleSelector(match) + new Class(match);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// IE7 dynamic style
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// class properties:
+// attach: the element that an event handler will be attached to
+// target: the element that will have the IE7 class applied
+// virtual
+function _DynamicStyle() {
+//- this.attach = "";
+//- this.dynamicPseudoClass = null;
+//- this.target = "";
+	// execute the underlying css query for this class
+	this.exec = function() {
+		var match = cssQuery(this.attach);
+		// process results
+		for (var i = 0; i < match.length; i++) {
+			// retrieve the event handler's target element(s)
+			var target = (this.target) ? cssQuery(this.target, match[i]) : [match[i]];
+			// attach event handlers for dynamic pseudo-classes
+			if (target) this.dynamicPseudoClass(match[i], target, this);
+		}
+	};
+// inheritance
+_DynamicStyle.prototype = new _Class;
+// constructor
+function DynamicStyle(selector, attach, dynamicPseudoClass, target) {
+	// initialise object properties
+	this.attach = attach;
+	this.dynamicPseudoClass = dynamicPseudoClasses[dynamicPseudoClass];
+	this.target = target;
+	// inheritance
+	this.inherit = Class;
+	this.inherit(selector);
+// inheritance
+DynamicStyle.ancestor = _DynamicStyle;
+DynamicStyle.prototype = new _DynamicStyle;
+// class methods
+DynamicStyle.ID = function(match, attach, dynamicPseudoClass, target) {
+	// no need to capture anchor events
+	if (isHTML && dynamicPseudoClass != "focus" && ANCHOR.test(attach) && !/[+>~]/.test(target)) return match;
+	return simpleSelector(match) + new DynamicStyle(match, attach, dynamicPseudoClass, target);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// IE7 pseudo elements
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSS text required by the "content" property
+HEADER += ".ie7_anon{vertical-align:top;display:inline}";
+// convert unicode hexadecimal to javascript string
+var HEX = /\\([a-fA-F\d]+)/g;
+function unicode(match, code){return eval("'\\u" + "0000".slice(code.length) + code + "'")};
+var pseudoElements = [];
+// virtual
+function _PseudoElement() {
+//- this.position = "before";
+	this.content = null;
+	// this means that the style rule is represented by an empty string
+	//  in the IE7 style sheet (effectively deleting it)
+	this.toString = function(){return ""};
+	// specificity is not required for pseudo elements
+	this.specificity = 0;
+	// used to load <object type=x-scriptlet>
+	function addTimer(object, content, cssText) {
+		var timer = setInterval(function() {
+		try {
+			// wait until the object has loaded
+			if (!object.load) return;
+			object.load(object, content, cssText);
+			clearInterval(timer);
+		} catch (ignore) {
+			// remote scripting
+			clearInterval(timer);
+		}}, 10);
+	};
+	// execute the underlying css query for this class
+	this.create = function() {
+		if (this.content == null) return;
+		for (var i = 0; i < this.match.length; i++) {
+			var target = this.match[i];
+			var pseudoElement = target.runtimeStyle[this.position];
+			if (pseudoElement) {
+				// parent for new content
+				var parentElement = target.canHaveChildren ? target : target.parentElement;
+				// external data?
+				var isURL = /^url\(.*\)$/.test(this.content);
+				// create the pseudo element (<object> if external, <!> if internal)
+				var element = document.createElement(isURL?PseudoElement.OBJECT:"!");
+				// flag it as anonymous
+				element.ie7_anon = true;
+				// apply style
+				element.runtimeStyle.cssText = pseudoElement.cssText;
+				// use text content
+				if (!isURL) element.innerText = pseudoElement.content;
+				// insert the pseudo element
+				if (this.position == "before") {
+					parentElement.insertBefore(element, parentElement.firstChild);
+				} else {
+					parentElement.appendChild(element);
+				}
+				// give the <object> a chance to load
+				if (isURL) addTimer(element, pseudoElement.content, pseudoElement.cssText);
+				target.runtimeStyle[this.position] = null;
+			}
+		}
+	};
+	// execute the underlying css query for this class
+	this.exec = function() {
+		// execute the underlying css query for this class
+		this.match = cssQuery(this.selector);
+		// add the class name for all matching elements
+		for (var i = 0; i < this.match.length; i++) {
+			var runtimeStyle = this.match[i].runtimeStyle;
+			if (!runtimeStyle[this.position]) runtimeStyle[this.position] = {cssText:""};
+			runtimeStyle[this.position].cssText += ";" + this.cssText;
+			if (this.content != null) runtimeStyle[this.position].content = this.content;
+		}
+	};
+// inheritance
+_PseudoElement.prototype = new _Class;
+// constructor
+function PseudoElement(selector, position, cssText) {
+	// initialise object properties
+	this.position = position;
+	this.cssText = encoded[cssText].slice(1, -1);
+	var content = this.cssText.match(PseudoElement.CONTENT);
+	if (content) this.content = getString(content[1]).replace(HEX, unicode);
+	// inheritance
+	this.inherit = Class;
+	this.inherit(selector);
+	// store this class so we can execute it later
+	push(pseudoElements, this);
+// inheritance
+PseudoElement.ancestor = _PseudoElement;
+PseudoElement.prototype = new _PseudoElement;
+// class methods
+PseudoElement.ID = function(match, selector, position, cssText) {
+	return new PseudoElement(selector, position, cssText);
+PseudoElement.ALL = /([^}]*):(before|after)[^{]*\{([^}]*)\}/g;
+PseudoElement.CONTENT = /content\s*:\s*([^;]*)(;|$)/;
+PseudoElement.OBJECT = "<object class=ie7_anon data='" + makePath("ie7-content.htm", path) +
+"' width=100% height=0 type=text/x-scriptlet>";
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// selectors
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// child selector
+selectors[">"] = function(filtered, from, filter, scopeName) {
+	for (var i = 0; i < from.length; i++) {
+		var subset = from[i].children;
+		for (var j = 0; j < subset.length; j++)
+			if (compareTagName(subset[j], filter, scopeName)) push(filtered, subset[j]);
+	}
+// sibling selector
+selectors["+"] = function(filtered, from, filter, scopeName) {
+	for (var i = 0; i < from.length; i++) {
+		var adjacent = nextElement(from[i]);
+		if (adjacent && compareTagName(adjacent, filter, scopeName)) push(filtered, adjacent);
+	}
+// attribute selector
+selectors["@"] = function(filtered, from, filter) {
+	filter = attributeSelectors[filter];
+	for (var i = 0; i < from.length; i++) if (filter(from[i])) push(filtered, from[i]);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// pseudo-classes
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+pseudoClasses["first-child"] = function(element) {
+	return !previousElement(element);
+pseudoClasses["lang"] = function(element, filterArgs) {
+	filterArgs = new RegExp("^" + filterArgs, "i");
+	while (element && !element.getAttribute("lang")) element = element.parentNode;
+	return element && filterArgs.test(element.getAttribute("lang"));
+dynamicPseudoClasses.hover = function(element) {
+	var instance = arguments;
+	addEventHandler(element, "onmouseover", function() {
+		IE7.Event.hover.register(instance);
+	});
+	addEventHandler(element, "onmouseout", function() {
+		IE7.Event.hover.unregister(instance);
+	});
+dynamicPseudoClasses.active = function(element) {
+	var instance = arguments;
+	addEventHandler(element, "onmousedown", function() {
+		IE7.Event.active.register(instance);
+	});
+dynamicPseudoClasses.focus = function(element) {
+	var instance = arguments;
+	addEventHandler(element, "onfocus", function() {
+		IE7.Event.focus.register(instance);
+	});
+	addEventHandler(element, "onblur", function() {
+		IE7.Event.focus.unregister(instance);
+	});
+	// check focus of the active element
+	if (element == document.activeElement) {
+		IE7.Event.focus.register(instance)
+	}
+// globally trap the mouseup event (thanks Martijn!)
+addEventHandler(document, "onmouseup", function() {
+	var ie7Event = IE7.Event.active;
+	var instances = ie7Event.instances, i;
+	for (i in instances) ie7Event.unregister(instances[i]);
+	ie7Event = IE7.Event.hover;
+	instances = ie7Event.instances;
+	for (i in instances)
+		if (!instances[i][0].contains(event.srcElement))
+			ie7Event.unregister(instances[i]);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  attribute selectors
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+var attributeSelectors = [];
+var ESCAPE = /([\/()[\]?{}|*+])/g;
+function AttributeSelector(attribute, compare, value) {
+	// properties
+	value = getString(value);
+	this.id = attributeSelectors.length;
+	// build the test expression
+	switch (attribute.toLowerCase()) {
+		case "id":
+			attribute = "element.id.replace(/ms_\\d+/g,'')";
+			break;
+		case "class":
+			attribute = "element.className.replace(/\\b\\s*ie7_\\d+/g,'')";
+			break;
+		default:
+			attribute = "element.getAttribute('" + attribute + "')";
+	}
+	// continue building the test expression
+	compare = attributeTests[compare];
+	push(attributeSelectors, new Function("element", "return " + compare(attribute, value)));
+AttributeSelector.ID = function(match, attribute, compare, value) {
+	return new AttributeSelector(attribute, compare, value);
+AttributeSelector.prototype.toString = function() {
+	return AttributeSelector.PREFIX + this.id;
+attributeTests = {
+	toString: function() {
+		var toString = [];
+		for (var i in this) if (i && i != "escape") push(toString, i);
+		return toString.join("").replace(/=/g, "");
+	},
+	escape: function(value) {
+		return value.replace(ESCAPE, "\\$1");
+	},
+	"": function(attribute) {
+		return attribute;
+	},
+	"=": function(attribute, value) {
+		return attribute + "==" + quote(value);
+	},
+	"~=": function(attribute, value) {
+		return "/(^|\\s)" + attributeTests.escape(value) + "(\\s|$)/.test(" + attribute + ")";
+	},
+	"|=": function(attribute, value) {
+		return "/^" + attributeTests.escape(value) + "(-|$)/.test(" + attribute + ")";
+	}
+// constants
+AttributeSelector.PREFIX = "@";
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  IE7 events
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// virtual
+function _ie7Event() {
+	// properties
+//- this.type = "";
+//- this.instances = null;
+	// methods
+	this.register = function(instance) {
+		// an "instance" is actually an Arguments object
+		var element = instance[0];
+		var target = instance[1];
+		var Class = instance[2];
+		for (var i = 0; i < target.length; i++) Class.add(target[i]);
+		this.instances[Class.id + element.uniqueID] = instance;
+	};
+	this.unregister = function(instance) {
+		var element = instance[0];
+		var target = instance[1];
+		var Class = instance[2];
+		for (var i = 0; i < target.length; i++) Class.remove(target[i]);
+		delete this.instances[Class.id + element.uniqueID];
+	};
+// constructor
+IE7.Event = function(type) {
+	this.type = type;
+	this.instances = {};
+	IE7.Event[type] = this;
+// inheritance
+IE7.Event.prototype = new _ie7Event;
+// ie7 events
+new IE7.Event("hover");
+new IE7.Event("active");
+new IE7.Event("focus");
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// generic functions
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+function simpleSelector(selector) {
+	// attempt to preserve specificity for "loose" parsing by
+	//  removing unknown tokens from a css selector but keep as
+	//  much as we can..
+	return selector.replace(Class.COMPLEX, "").replace(CHILD, " ");
+}, true);
+IE7.addModule("ie7-png", function() {
+// IE5.0 not supported
+if (appVersion < 5.5) return;
+// constants
+// this filter is used to replace a PNG image
+var FILTER = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src=%1,sizingMethod='scale')";
+// a small transparent image used as a placeholder
+var NULL = (/\bSV1\b/.test(navigator.userAgent)) ? makePath("blank.gif", path) :
+	"javascript:'#define x_width 1\\n#define x_height 1\\nstatic char x_bits[]={0x00}'";
+// e.g. only apply the hack to files ending in ".png"
+// IE7_PNG_SUFFIX = ".png";
+// regular expression version of the above
+var pngTest = new RegExp((window.IE7_PNG_SUFFIX || "-trans.png") + "$", "i");
+// apply a filter
+function addFilter(element, src) {
+	element.runtimeStyle.filter = FILTER.replace(/%1/, src);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  fix css
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// replace background(-image): url(..) ..  with background(-image): .. ;filter: ..;
+var MATCH = /background(-image)?\s*:([^(};]*)url\(([^\)]+)\)([^;}]*)/gi;
+CSSFixes.addFix(MATCH, function replace(match, image, prefix, url, suffix) {
+	url = getString(url);
+	return pngTest.test(url) ? "filter:" +
+		FILTER.replace(/scale/, "crop").replace(/%1/, url) + ";zoom:1;background" +
+		  (image||"") + ":" + (prefix||"") + "none" + (suffix||"") : match;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  fix html
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+if (HTMLFixes) {
+	function fixImg(element) {
+		if (pngTest.test(element.src)) {
+			// we have to preserve width and height
+			var width = element.width, height = element.height;
+			// add the AlphaImageLoader thingy
+			addFilter(element, element.src);
+			// remove the real image
+			element.src = NULL;
+			element.width = width;
+			element.height = height;
+		} else element.runtimeStyle.filter = "";
+	};
+	HTMLFixes.add("img,input", function(element) {
+		if (element.tagName == "INPUT" && element.type != "image") return;
+		fixImg(element);
+		addEventHandler(element, "onpropertychange", function() {
+			if (event.propertyName == "src") fixImg(element);
+		});
+	});
+/* ######
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  dhtml/javascript support
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+function fixBackgroundImage(element) { //DHTML
+//#	// ignore HTML IMG tags
+//#	if (isHTML && element.tagName == "IMG") return;
+	var src = element.currentStyle.backgroundImage.slice(5, -2);
+	if (pngTest.test(src)) {
+		addFilter(element, src);
+		element.runtimeStyle.backgroundImage = "none";
+	} else element.runtimeStyle.filter = "";
+###### */
+IE7.addModule("ie7-fixed", function() {
+	// some things to consider for this hack.
+	// the document body requires a fixed background. even if
+	//  it is just a blank image.
+	// you have to use setExpression instead of onscroll, this
+	//  together with a fixed body background help avoid the
+	//  annoying screen flicker of other solutions.
+	var PERCENT = /^\d+%$/;
+	CSSFixes.addRecalc("position\\s*:\\s*fixed", positionFixed);
+	CSSFixes.addRecalc("background[\\w\\s-]*:[^};]*fixed", backgroundFixed);
+	// scrolling is relative to the documentElement (HTML tag) when in
+	//  standards mode, otherwise it's relative to the document body
+	var body = document.body;
+	var viewport$ = (quirksMode) ? "body" : "documentElement";
+	var viewport = eval(viewport$);
+	function fixBackground() {
+		// this is requied by both position:fixed and background-attachment:fixed.
+		// it is necessary for the document to also have a fixed background image.
+		// we can fake this with a blank image if necessary
+		if (body.currentStyle.backgroundAttachment != "fixed") {
+			if (body.currentStyle.backgroundImage == "none") {
+				body.runtimeStyle.backgroundImage = "url(" + location.protocol + ")"; // dummy
+			}
+			body.runtimeStyle.backgroundAttachment = "fixed";
+		}
+		fixBackground = DUMMY;
+	};
+	var ie7_tmp = tmpElement("img");
+	// clone a "left" function to create a "top" function
+	function topFunction(leftFunction) {
+		return String(leftFunction)
+		.replace(/Left/g, "Top")
+		.replace(/left/g, "top")
+		.replace(/Width/g, "Height")
+		.replace(/X/g, "Y");
+	};
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  backgroundAttachment: fixed
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	function backgroundFixed(element) {
+		if (element.currentStyle.backgroundAttachment != "fixed") return;
+		if (!element.contains(body)) {
+			fixBackground();
+			backgroundFixed[backgroundFixed.count++] = element;
+			backgroundLeft(element);
+			backgroundTop(element);
+			backgroundPosition(element);
+		}
+	};
+	backgroundFixed.count = 0;
+	function backgroundPosition(element) {
+		ie7_tmp.src = element.currentStyle.backgroundImage.slice(5, -2);
+		var parentElement = (element.canHaveChildren) ? element : element.parentElement;
+		parentElement.appendChild(ie7_tmp);
+		setOffsetLeft(element);
+		setOffsetTop(element);
+		parentElement.removeChild(ie7_tmp);
+	};
+	function backgroundLeft(element) {
+		element.style.backgroundPositionX = element.currentStyle.backgroundPositionX;
+		if (!isFixed(element)) {
+			var expression = "(parseInt(runtimeStyle.offsetLeft)+document." + viewport$ + ".scrollLeft)||0";
+			element.runtimeStyle.setExpression("backgroundPositionX", expression);
+		}
+	};
+	eval(topFunction(backgroundLeft));
+	function setOffsetLeft(element) {
+		var propertyName = isFixed(element) ? "backgroundPositionX" : "offsetLeft";
+		element.runtimeStyle[propertyName] = getOffsetLeft(element, element.style.backgroundPositionX) -
+			element.getBoundingClientRect().left - element.clientLeft;
+	};
+	eval(topFunction(setOffsetLeft));
+	function isFixed(element) {
+		if (!element) return false;
+		if (element.style.position == "fixed" || element.currentStyle.position == "fixed") return true;
+		return arguments.callee(element.parentElement);
+	};
+	function getOffsetLeft(element, position) {
+		switch (position) {
+			case "left":
+			case "top":
+				return 0;
+			case "right":
+			case "bottom":
+				return viewport.clientWidth - ie7_tmp.offsetWidth;
+			case "center":
+				return (viewport.clientWidth - ie7_tmp.offsetWidth) / 2;
+			default:
+				if (PERCENT.test(position)) {
+					return parseInt((viewport.clientWidth - ie7_tmp.offsetWidth) * parseFloat(position) / 100);
+				}
+				ie7_tmp.style.left = position;
+				return ie7_tmp.offsetLeft;
+		}
+	};
+	eval(topFunction(getOffsetLeft));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  position: fixed
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	function positionFixed(element) {
+		if (element.currentStyle.position != "fixed") return;
+		fixBackground();
+		positionFixed[positionFixed.count++] = element;
+		// we'll move the element about ourselves
+		element.style.position = "fixed";
+		element.runtimeStyle.position = "absolute";
+		foregroundPosition(element);
+	};
+	positionFixed.count = 0;
+	function foregroundPosition(element, recalc) {
+		positionLeft(element, recalc);
+		positionTop(element, recalc);
+		if (!recalc || element.runtimeStyle.autoTop) {
+			// weird extra pixel!?
+			if (parseInt(element.currentStyle.bottom) == 0) element.runtimeStyle.screenTop++;
+		}
+	};
+	function positionLeft(element, recalc) {
+		// if the element's width is in % units then it must be recalculated
+		//  with respect to the viewport
+		if (!recalc && PERCENT.test(element.currentStyle.width))
+			element.runtimeStyle.fixWidth = element.currentStyle.width;
+		if (element.runtimeStyle.fixWidth)
+			element.runtimeStyle.width = parseInt(parseFloat(element.runtimeStyle.fixWidth) / 100 * viewport.clientWidth);
+		if (recalc) {
+			// if the element is fixed on the right then no need to recalculate
+			if (!element.runtimeStyle.autoLeft) return;
+		} else {
+			// is the element fixed on the right?
+			element.runtimeStyle.autoLeft = element.currentStyle.right != "auto" && element.currentStyle.left == "auto";
+		}
+		// reset the element's "left" value and get it's natural position
+		element.runtimeStyle.left = "";
+		element.runtimeStyle.screenLeft = getScreenLeft(element);
+		// accommodate margins
+		if (element.currentStyle.marginLeft != "auto") {
+			// use a temp element to get pixel equivalents
+			element.parentElement.appendChild(ie7_tmp);
+			ie7_tmp.style.left = element.currentStyle.marginLeft;
+			element.runtimeStyle.screenLeft -= ie7_tmp.offsetLeft;
+			// don't leave the temp element in the DOM
+			element.parentElement.removeChild(ie7_tmp);
+		}
+		// if the element is contained by another fixed element then there is no need to
+		//  continually recalculate it's left position
+		if (isFixed(element.offsetParent)) element.runtimeStyle.pixelLeft = element.runtimeStyle.screenLeft;
+		// onsrcoll produces jerky movement, so we use an expression
+		else if (!recalc) element.runtimeStyle.setExpression("pixelLeft", "runtimeStyle.screenLeft+document." + viewport$ + ".scrollLeft");
+	};
+	// clone this function so we can do "top"
+	eval(topFunction(positionLeft).replace(/right/g, "bottom").replace(/width/g, "height"));
+	// i've forgotten how this works...
+	function getScreenLeft(element) { // thanks to kevin newman (captainn)
+		var getScreenLeft = element.offsetLeft, nested = false;
+		var fixed = isFixed(element.offsetParent) && element.runtimeStyle.autoLeft;
+		while (element = element.offsetParent) {
+			if (!fixed && element.currentStyle.position != "static") nested = true;
+			getScreenLeft += element.offsetLeft * (nested?-1:1);
+		}
+		return getScreenLeft;
+	};
+	eval(topFunction(getScreenLeft));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  capture window resize
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	function resize() {
+		// if the window has been resized then some positions need to be
+		//  recalculated (especially those aligned to "right" or "top"
+		for (var i = 0; i < backgroundFixed.count; i++)
+			backgroundPosition(backgroundFixed[i]);
+		for (i = 0; i < positionFixed.count; i++)
+			foregroundPosition(positionFixed[i], true);
+		timer = 0;
+	};
+	// use a timer for some reason.
+	//  (sometimes this is a good way to prevent resize loops)
+	var timer;
+	addEventHandler(window, "onresize", function() {
+		if (!timer) timer = setTimeout(resize, 10);
+	});
+loaded = true;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  initialisation
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// this script may be inserted via a favelet so the page is already loaded
+if (document.readyState == "complete") _load();
+// apply IE7 when all markup has been parsed by the browser
+else addEventHandler(document, "onreadystatechange", function() {
+	if (!complete && document.readyState == "complete") setTimeout(_load, 0);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  error handling
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+} catch (error) {
+	unHide();
+	alert("Error [0]: " + error.description);
+} finally {
+	// have a beer...

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