[pLog-svn] Best way to create incremental releases/patches?

Benjamin Krause ork at orkland.de
Wed Aug 31 10:46:25 GMT 2005

Oscar Renalias wrote:
> Now that plog 1.0.2 is near, many people requested in previous
> versions to release an incremental update which only included the
> files that changed from plog 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 (which would make the
> package much smaller) Before I attempt to create a script to automate
> this, does anybody know if there is any tool out there to do it? Is it
> even remotely possible to do it?
> I am thinking that the only way is to check out the current release as
> well as the last one, compare all the files and then get only those
> ones that changed. But if you know a better way to do that, I'd like
> to know :)

Hey Oscar,

i dont think there is any other fast way to do it .. compare each files
checksum and build a tar file containing the changed and the new files.
doesn't sound like a lot of fun :)
how about implementing some sort of auto-update in pLog, where the admin
can checkout files directly in the admin interface if svn is installed?

might be not that much more work then to build a checkout and compare
script, but would add a nice feature :)
on the other hand, not a lot of hosters will have a svn client installed
on their machines..


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