[pLog-svn] TinyButStrong!

Reto Hugi plog at hugi.to
Thu Aug 4 16:29:54 GMT 2005

On 04.08.2005 16:31, Matt wrote:
> Mark Wu wrote:
>> Hi Nick:
>> I think we won't change smarty to another  template in short time. Because
>> we already spent too much effort on it (Although , I love this idea) 
>> If you want to do this, just go ahead .. :D
> Perhaps a different branch? pLog is Object Oriented enough... why not
> let our users chooses between the templating systems as well? This is
> the whole reason behind OO...

First of all, there are many many alternative templating engines out
there and although TBS looks really nice I'm sure it has as many cons as
pros. Not having {foreach} but [blk2.val][blk2;block=tr] isn't always
the most intuitive way (IMO).

But of course it's always nice to have alternatives to choose from (as
long as those who don't need/look for an alternative don't have to
bother about it (e.g. don't let the newbie make a decision he cannot
make, but try to _advice_ what you think is suitable.)

My suggestions:
If we do a branch we shouldn't replace smarty with TBS, but let them
co-exist. Else templates and admin interfaces need to be rewritten for
TBS. Take the URL handlers as an example. We didn't remove mod_rewrite
or Search Engine Friendly URLs when we introduced Custom URLs
If we branch to integrate TBS we should do this with the aim to merge it
with the trunk sometime in the future. As it's happening with ben's branch.


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