[pLog-svn] Branch plog-1.1-ben - callgraph 1.1-ben

Benjamin Krause ork at orkland.de
Thu Apr 7 11:50:12 GMT 2005

Oscar Renalias wrote:

> About putting our custom framework in a nice package and releasing it,
> I don't see any problem :) But keep in mind that this framework is
> mostly tailored to our needs, and it can still be improved in many
> ways (automatic generation of DAO classes based on templates? More
> configuration backends? better data validation framework?, etc...)
> Keep in mind that it fits our needs and that because of our
> requirements, we've been able to cut a few corners when developing it
> that would probably be seen as shortcomings, should the framework be
> used for other kind of apps.

you're right there would be a lot to do.. this is a great challenge, but 
currently the framework is to much pLog .. i think we would need at 
least a few weeks to make this framework generic enough to release it. 
and that's not including the necessary documentation. :)

> And in addition to that, there should be somebody maintaining the
> whole thing, managing releases, etc and I have no time for that... Any
> volunteers around? :)

*looking around* .. can't see anyone as of yet :) i guess we should 
bring 1.1 to an end.. and then take a look if such a task would be 
possible and if such a framework is needed by the community ..


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