[pLog-general] Some help

Oscar Renalias phunkphorce at gmail.com
Mon Feb 28 07:23:23 GMT 2005

On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 00:19:53 -0500, michael <jackass at bestweb.net> wrote:
> I would like to try and make time to help you with promoting next phase
> of plog.
> This will be done a few weeks after final v1 testing, right?  Assuming
> after plogworld is redesigned and new content is ready and most to all
> things are debugged.

it could be done at the same time or it could be done after the
launch. If it depends on me, it will have to happen after the launch
since I do not have too much time at the moment... But with some help
we could have a 1.0 launch plus a new site all together :-)

> Let's make sure we all get on same page so we can make Oscar's project
> get well deserved attention.  Maybe also include case studies (example
> sites using plog 1.0).  I can press release to a batch of sites... and a
> second person could help with that.  I might also create some docs on
> benefits and usage of plog for various niches.

I am sure Mark Wu has a few success stories of pLog from Taiwan and
China. We can also ask via plogworld.net for success stories and case
studies from users...

Also some help writing a press release would be nice. I could
copy+paste one of the press releases from my company and replace
wherever necessary, but their style is usually a bit over the top for
my taste... Their ratio buzzword/line is usually too high :-), so  I
could use some help here!

> Are you planning to work on branding of plog?  New logo and all that?

I sort of designed a new logo, here:
http://devel.plogworld.net/imgs/top_admin.jpg, the bit on the right.
It's a very simple logo, inspired by the old one in plogoworld.net
(http://www.plogworld.net/templates/grey-sf/plog_top.gif) The three
big Webdings glyphs try to mean that people write to the world, or
something like that :-)

As a disclaimer, I'm not that good at design either in case you
haven't noticed...

> The recent designs of drupal and spreadfirefox have been successful.
> Maybe we can adopt that style.  In fact, the spreadfirefox template was
> recently released.. might be worth migrating to plog template.
> http://spreadfirefox.com/
> After really reviewing plog's latest status (after being away as a
> drupal user for several months) I really am excited about what has been
> achieved here and totally respect Oscar for his dedication to this
> project... and always always has taken the time to personally chat with
> anyone who crossed paths with plog...being open to new ideas and
> feedback.  I have never come across a better open source personality
> than Oscar, truly.

Thanks, not only me but we all try to do our best and to make plog
become the bestest blogging package in the world :-)

> So, what do we have... a month or 2 to get everything nice and ready for
> a new 1.0 Final launch?  Can we set a date...without too much rush ?

Ideally we've got a month or so. Would be nice to release something on
the 1st of April! :-)

> Oh yeah... what migration scripts exist, if any, for users of other well
> known blog engines?  Should we have some ready to go in case a very
> strong interest in these users exists and they want to port over their
> blogs?
> If we are going to spike interest in plog, we should consider this.
> Though, I wouldn't consider it a top priority necessarily.

Nope, nothing yet. There was a project to build some sort of generic
converter that would provide a framework to easily build new
converters but nothing has happened for a while. I am just waiting for
the community to do something about it...

> Also, does anyone suggest good hosting provider for plog?  Such as one
> that allows wildcards for subdomains and other features that plog can
> take advantage of?

No idea...


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